#the height difference response is based on a comic by oliver
faustzomby · 2 years
I locked them in my attic and didn't let them out until they filled out this sheet. Enjoy
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78 notes · View notes
thedcdunce · 6 years
Green Arrow
“At my core, I wasn't a hero. I was a hunter.” - Green Arrow
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Real Name: Oliver Jonas “Ollie” Queen
Chief Magic Bow
Gender: Male
Height: 5′ 11″
Weight: 195 lbs (88 kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Martial Arts
Peak Human Condition
Stick Fighting
Custom Bow
Trick Arrows
New Earth
Base of Operations: 
Star City
Citizenship: American
Robert Queen; father
Moira Queen; mother
Marital Status: Divorced (Dinah Lance; wife)
Education: College Graduate
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #250 (July, 1958)
Last Appearance: Green Arrow Vol 4 #15 (October, 2011)
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Acrobatics: He has displayed on many occasions that he is an expert in acrobatics, and often uses this skill while evading enemy fire.
Archery: Oliver Queen is perhaps the finest archer ever known. He claims to be able to shoot 29 arrows per minute. He has a wide-variety of trick arrows, ranging from bola arrows to time-bomb arrows to his infamous boxing-glove arrow. In recent years he has used these arrows sparingly, preferring the time-tested simple arrow. Green Arrow has shown the ability to shoot an arrow down the barrel of a gun, pierce a drop of water as it leaves a tap, and shoot almost any part of the human body; although he aims only to wound and not kill when he shoots. He once shot two arrows down two different gun barrels while upside down, in mid-flip while somersaulting off a building.
Aviation: He has some skill in flying different types of planes.
Cooking: Green Arrow's Chili is one of the hottest foods on the planet.
Firearms: Although not his preferred weapon, Oliver is very skilled in the use of firearms. He has displayed great accuracy with handguns and machine guns.
Hunting: Archery is by far Oliver's preferred method of hunting, however, the ability to hunt comes from years of training, patience and survival.
Martial Arts: He is proficient in several forms of hand-to-hand combat including Judo, Kickboxing and Karate. Proclaimed as a martial arts master, he has shown the ability to take on seven people at once. He spent several months dedicated to making himself a better fighter and trained with many of the world's finest martial arts teachers.
Peak Human Condition: Oliver spent a fortune to hire the world's foremost martial arts masters to train him until he was in peak physical condition.
Politics: Ollie ran for office and became the mayor of Star City for a significant amount of time. He has since resigned from being the mayor and has continued to lean on political issues from time to time.
Stick Fighting: Oliver has shown to be a highly skilled stick fighter.
Swordsmanship: Ollie is also very proficient with a sword, though it is not his preferred weapon of choice.
Throwing: Oliver is a master marksman and possesses great aim with projectile objects such as darts, in addition to his skill in archery.
Weaponry: Oliver is proficient in the use of an array of weaponry, including archery, sticks, and various bladed weapons.
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Custom Bow
Trick Arrows: Ollie wore three quivers holding thirty arrows each.
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Oliver Queen has a very dynamic personality. His passion and intensity make him strong, although he has always had difficulty finding direction in life. Born into wealth, he didn't need to work for most of what he had and was raised with very little responsibility. His experience on Starfish Island taught him self-reliance and showed him there was more to existence, giving him an outlet. In the beginning of his career he has been portrayed as a thrill-seeker, fighting crime not for moral reasons but the sense of adventure. It wasn't until he lost his fortune that he developed his strong social conscience, and outspoken left-wing political viewpoints. This character development has made him much less egotistical in the way he deals with problems.
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Romantic Relationships
His attitude towards women has been shown to vary over the years, although he is consistently more attracted to dangerous types. Oliver was originally shown to be a very faithful and enduring partner to his long-time love interest Black Canary, although he has committed infidelity, and retcons to his personality have made him more womanizing. This is something he has worked hard to overcome and eventually proves himself when he becomes engaged to Black Canary.
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Green Arrow is a vigilante superhero who fights crime using archery, martial arts and technology. In his secret identity, he is Oliver Queen, living in Star City as a wealthy playboy and billionaire industrialist turned outspoken socially-progressive politician. He is the leader of Team Arrow; he has also been a member of the Justice League and the Outsiders.
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As a young child, Oliver idolized his hero Robin Hood and was said to be a natural archer, frequently practicing with his bow and arrows. He was mildly traumatized the first time he accidentally killed an animal, but when his mother and father were mauled by lions in a tragic safari accident his hesitation to shoot cost them their lives. Afterwards he was raised by his uncle and eventually inherited the family fortune and business. Queen grew into a rich, thrill-seeking, and drunken playboy with no real sense of responsibility or direction in his life. Everything changed when he fell off his boat in the middle of the ocean and washed ashore on the remote isolated Starfish Island, clutching a bow – a memento from a Robin Hood movie – which he had used to keep himself afloat, where he was completely stranded. During this time spent without food or shelter, Queen developed his skills as a hunter to survive and gained mastery over his bow. Having previously taken everything in his life for granted, this experience taught him self-reliance and made him into a man. His second test of new character was the discovery of drug smugglers on the island run by the ruthless international crime lord China White. Using his new skills, he attacked and destroyed their heroin operation, then delivered them to the authorities before returning home. Realizing that he had found his destiny, he chose to use his abilities and resources as a crime-fighter. With a nickname coined by the press, he made it his mission to protect Star City. He took his cue from Batman and built his own "Arrow Cave," complete with an "Arrowcar" and allegedly a yellow submarine. He and Speedy fought with trick arrows that were designed to be non-lethal.
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A young man named Roy Harper idolized him. Harper was an incredible archer, having grown up on a Native American reservation. His mentor Brave Bow was dying and he needed someone to take care of him, so he wanted to become Green Arrow's sidekick. Proving his mettle by taking down several thugs faster than he could while they were both on the scene, Oliver adopted Roy as his legal ward. He would go on to fight crime taking the name Speedy. Speedy would later team up with a number of other costumed youths to form the Teen Titans, including Aqualad, Kid Flash, Robin and Wonder Girl.
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Justice League
Green Arrow would go on to become a member of the Justice League of America, although there are multiple versions of this story. Originally the Silver Age showed him joining after he rescued the League from an evil alien named Xandor. Post-Crisis stories retconned Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman out of this story, making several other changes. Queen Enterprises secretly funded the early League, never revealing his identity and speaking to them through Simon Carr. Eventually the team voted him in as their sixth member. Infinite Crisis brought back the League's original founders and beginnings. Green Arrow is shown to have joined at the same time as Black Canary, proving their value in combat against the League of Assassins. He would go on to have many further adventures with them.
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Social Conscience
Green Arrow began developing a personal crisis about which of his identities was more important and doing more good, the crime-fighter or the politician. Giving himself a new look, he had a more modern costume designed. His entire fortune and control of Queen Industries was lost to a corrupt employee named John Deleon who stole everything from him through corporate fraud. The League fights manifestations of their inner darkness and he is confronted by his character failures in combat. Part of him has only chosen to be a hero for the thrill and glory, but he realizes that he defines himself by his ability to control those instincts for the greater good. Queen begins to reevaluate his priorities, and learns to focus more on the everyday problems of regular people.
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Hard Traveling Heroes
In the ensuing year after losing his fortune, Ollie traveled the country with Green Lantern Hal Jordan while his left-behind ward dabbled with drugs that caused the two to go their separate ways.
Late one night while fighting an ambush under duress, Green Arrow's arm slipped an inch and he accidentally shot a criminal in the chest, killing him instantly. The experience was so traumatizing for him that he ripped up his costume, destroyed his equipment and decided to end his heroic career entirely. After destroying the Arrowplane, he went to live in a monastery to seek redemption and get back in touch with his roots for several months. A wise man named Master Jansen taught him the secrets of zen archery and encouraged him not to abandon his destiny, sending him home with renewed confidence in himself.
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Longbow Hunters
Green Arrow and Black Canary relocated to Seattle, Washington where they set up a flower shop called Sherwood Florist. Having decided that years of reliance on Trick Arrows had made him weak, he returned to his basic roots as an archer and began using exclusively regular arrows again. He asked Dinah to marry him, but she believed that the strength of their relationship was in the independence they allowed each other. Although Oliver wanted children of his own, she did not want to bring children into the dangers of their world. Black Canary makes a new suit for Green Arrow and the first criminal he takes down is a serial killer known as the Seattle Slasher. There is an assassin named Shado targeting men for personal reasons that Oliver tracks down, fights with, and loses to. James Cameron is the police officer he chooses to work alongside and develops a relationship with. Black Canary went undercover to expose a drug ring, but was captured and interrogated. By the time he got to her she had been brutally tortured and they were planning to rape her, although he stopped them by shooting her assailant in the chest without hesitation. Shado appeared mysteriously and took down the other men in the building to assist him. They would go on to take down a conspiracy involving C.I.A. cocaine shipments to fund foreign wars, ran by men Shado had sworn vengeance against for her father Tomonaga.
Dinah's injuries were extensive; she lost her "canary cry" and was subsequently found to be unable to bear children. This marked a major turning point in Ollie's life. When Ollie was injured and being cared for by Shado, she proceeded to rape him while he was unconscious, conceiving a son she would name Robert. When Ollie found out about the son, Shado made it clear that he would have nothing to do with the child. It also caused a rift between Ollie and Dinah, since she despaired at not being able to give Ollie the one thing he had always truly wanted.
After many adventures around the globe, Ollie and Dinah began to grow more distant, resulting in her breaking up with him after she caught him kissing their assistant Marianne.
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Cross Roads
Seattle had its first super-human conflict when Nuklon fought Shrapnel. Realizing there was nothing there for him anymore, Oliver decided to take a road trip alone to find himself again. A fighter named Rival fought him and forced him to truly take ownership of his bow again. Huntress teamed up with him to solve a series of murders. Mistaken for the mercenary Deathstroke in Las Vegas, Queen became a massive target and was on the run from dozens of hitmen after him. Losing his bow, he picked up firearms and killed bad men repeatedly for his own survival. Then he teamed up with Deathstroke to take down the syndicate responsible, learning from his style and attitude. This continued and he killed several thugs while on a mission with Catwoman. Oliver started killing criminals even when he didn't need to, and murdered a child molester in cold blood. A visit to see his old friends in the Justice League reminded him of his past as one of the world's greatest heroes; now, as a street-level vigilante, he didn't feel like he belonged anymore. Depressed and angry, he had a meeting with Anarky that changed his perspective and made him realize again the political reasons he had for becoming a hero. At the beginning of Zero Hour, he chased and took down a thug then witnessed an alternate timeline where he had missed a step in the fight and been shot to death. Oliver Queen was left standing over his own corpse. Looking at his own mortality, he realized that in his position he cannot hesitate at what he does, then Batman says they need him and he answers the call.
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Zero Hour
Cyborg Superman destroyed Coast City, hometown of Green Lantern, and killed thousands of its citizens. This drove Hal Jordan temporarily insane and he dismantled the Green Lantern Corps, murdered the Guardians and absorbed the cosmic energy inside the Central Power Battery. At the time, he had been possessed by the evil Parallax entity. Seeing imperfections in the universe, Parallax decided to rebuild it in his own image, but first he had to destroy all of existence through the entire timestream, everything there ever was or would be. In the last pocket of reality at Vanishing Point before everything was consumed by entropy, Waverider of the Linear Men gathered the only heroes who hadn't been erased. Ollie refused to believe that Green Lantern, his oldest and closest friend, had indeed become the murderous Parallax. Ollie initially refused to fight against Hal, until the full depth of the former Green Lantern's madness became all too clear. In the final battle, Ollie shot Hal in the chest, being the crucial attack that stopped Parallax and saved the universe. Ollie was distraught, however, at the thought of having killed one of his best friends.
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Connor Hawke
Distraught with grief at having killed his best friend, Oliver returned to the ashram he had visited after his last murder. Master Jansen counselled him again in finding inner peace after he swears off super-heroics. The National Security Agency had determined that they must eliminate him after the things he had seen in their employ, and assassins are sent after him. A young archer and martial artist named Connor Hawke who idolizes him helps fight them off, and the two leave together in search of answers about who set him up. Connor has his own costume and becomes the second Green Arrow, which Oliver is supportive of. They quickly find themselves entangled in a government conspiracy and Eddie Fyers is enlisted to help solve their problems. Hal Jordan reappears again at one point still alive, and wishes to rekindle their friendship although he is still clearly insane and obsessed with his cosmic energies. Before parting he accidentally lets Oliver know that Connor is actually his son by an old girlfriend named Moonday Hawke. Furious that the young man didn't tell him about their relation, Oliver has an argument with Connor and Eddie then leaves to be on his own again.
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The NSA was under new management and they offered Oliver a job as an agent. They needed him to go undercover and infiltrate the Eden Corps, an extremist eco-terrorist organization. On his first mission with them he was forced to fight his closest friends and allies; gaining their confidence he also started a romantic relationship with their leader Hyrax. He fought off Connor, Eddie Fyers, Arsenal and even the Force of July. Hyrax had a bomb named the Mutajek 9-9 and planned to destroy Metropolis with it. On the plane ride there was a massive firefight with another deep-cover agent, and most of the terrorists were killed. Green Arrow's arm was inside the detonation chamber for the bomb, which would activate if he released his hand. Superman tried to help but had no way of saving him other than tearing off his arm. Rather than allow himself to be crippled Queen let the plane explode, sacrificing himself to save thousands of people. Having been completely vaporized in the blast, there was no body. A small funeral gathering of his closest friends was held in Warriors. There was nothing to bury, so his son fired an arrow into the air and marked its landing as his final resting place, as in the legend of Robin Hood. Connor Hawke then decided to continue on his legacy.
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This wasn't Oliver's end, however, as Hal Jordan returned to save the earth during the Final Night and used his godlike powers to bring his old friend back from the dead. Unfortunately, the reanimated hero was an empty vessel with no soul, whose memories were replicated from his earlier days when he had a stronger liberal conscience. Ollie's more experienced soul remained in a Heaven-like place for a time, until it was reunited with his body in order to defeat an evil warlock named Stanley Dover. Now, the original Green Arrow was back in action with a rare second chance at life to make up for previous mistakes with his loved ones, all while renewing his vows to be a defender of the downtrodden.
With the death of Stanley Dover, Ollie inherited Dover's estate. He renovated it, and established it as the Star City Youth Center. During this time, Ollie rescued fifteen-year-old Mia Dearden from a life of drugs and prostitution. He took her into his confidence, and into his home. Mia developed a crush on Oliver, and began emulating his actions. She even began training with a bow and arrow. Eventually, her extensive training paid off, and she became the new Speedy.
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Identity Crisis
The superhero community was thrown into chaos when Elongated Man's wife Sue Dibny was murdered. Green Arrow had been part of a conspiracy that covered up a mind-wipe performed by Zatanna on Doctor Light, altering his personality after he had raped Sue on the Justice League Satellite many years before. They hunted Light down and were forced to fight unprepared against Deathstroke as his bodyguard, who decimated them until Oliver leaped onto his back and stabbed an arrow into his empty eye socket. His memory triggered again, Light was able to escape. Having gotten into many compromising situations over the years, his was not the only memory erased, but altering his personality was the furthest they ever went. This is justified on the grounds that they did what needed to be done, despite what the opinions of others would've been. The shocking revelation is that Batman discovered what they were doing and tried to stop them, forcing the group to wipe his mind as well.
Deathstroke blew up his house as revenge for their earlier fight. Realizing that someone has discovered his secret identity, Oliver puts his family on lock-down and relocates to an underground bunker before teaming up with Black Lightning to take on Doctor Light again.
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Infinite Crisis
During the Infinite Crisis, Ollie was engaging in a duel with Merlyn when Doctor Light triggered massive explosions. Critically injured by the attack, Ollie relocated to the Marshall Islands where they remained in convalescence for several months. Once healed from his injuries, Oliver spent a fortune to hire the world's foremost martial arts masters to come to the island. Over the course of many weeks, Ollie trained under the masters' tutelage until he was in peak physical condition. He further hired an assassin named Natas to mentor him in the killing arts – a decision met with great enmity by his son, Connor. During this period, Ollie met a political campaign adviser named Frederick Tuckman. As Tuckman detailed the state of affairs in Star City, Ollie decided to take his fight in an entirely new direction.
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Mayor of Star City
One Year Later, Oliver Queen is the newly elected mayor of Star City, continuing his fight on the streets and through the system. He also has a new costume, which appears to be a combination of the classic Neal Adams costume and the Mike Grell Longbow Hunters costume. At the onset, it seems Mayor Queen is most interested in the "shock value" of his office, although his controversial decisions and statements are actually meant to draw attention to and benefit the devastated Star City. He uses an open interpretation of the town charter to perform same-sex marriages in Star City as both a political statement and a way to boost the local tourist economy. He also exercises the power of his office to do things such as blackmail corrupt businessmen, or have the Star City SWAT unit back up his actions as Green Arrow while publicly condemning his alter ego.
During the year-long hiatus, Queen also amassed a quite large personal fortune by manipulating stocks of companies he sees as unscrupulous. While never stated outright, it appears Oliver Queen is now worth billions. The former gangster Brick now fights crime in Star City and allies himself with Green Arrow, although he evidently still traffics in drugs and prostitution.
Before long however, Ollie faced problems from opponents who wore business suits as well as costumes. Deathstroke the Terminator, having been incarcerated at Alcatraz Island after a fight with Green Arrow, conspired with fellow inmate Constantine Drakon and Star City police commissioner Brian Nudocerdo to ruin Ollie politically.
Following the battle with Deathstroke and his subsequent imprisonment, Green Arrow began a battle with Red Hood that lead him to ally himself with Batman. Brick's friendship with Queen was short-lived as well, as it appeared that he had sided with Todd. The Green Arrow defeated Jason in a sword fight, however Jason escaped and kidnapped Speedy.
Brian Nudocerdo publicly revealed that Queen had been secretly financing the Outsiders – a team whose actions at the time were ethically questionable and tantamount to terrorism. In light of these facts, Nudocerdo demanded a recall election and cast his hat into the ring as Ollie's mayoral replacement. Queen had little defense against the charges. It was true that he had been financing the Outsiders, but his motives were so that the group would be financially stable enough to enable his former protégé, Roy Harper, to leave the team and join the Justice League.
In a private conversation with Hal Jordan, Oliver admitted that he missed the League "every damn day", but that he understood that Roy needed to be a member more than he did.
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In the midst of political scandal, Oliver Queen reignited his love affair with longtime paramour, Dinah Laurel Lance. After successfully fending off an attack by Deathstroke and Constantine Drakon, Ollie asked Dinah to marry him, but she was not prepared to give him an immediate answer.
Shortly thereafter, Ollie and Speedy helped Black Canary when Merlyn abducted Canary's "daughter" Sin. To save Sin's life, Ollie was forced to fake the young girl's death, keeping the knowledge of the plan between himself and Mia, even at the risk of losing Dinah forever. After Sin was placed into safekeeping, Ollie told Dinah what he had done. Recognizing that he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness to save a life, Dinah finally agreed to marry him.
After a great deal of compromise and strife, Ollie and Dinah agreed to get married inside the Secret Sanctuary, the original cave headquarters of the Justice League of America. Wedding guests included nearly everyone within the super-hero community who were asked to attend the ceremony in-costume. The wedding was interrupted by a phalanx of super-villains who attempted to take out as many heroes as possible in one fell swoop. Nearly all of the villains were apprehended except for Deathstroke who managed to escape. Despite the interruption, the ceremony concluded and Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance were married.
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Oliver joined a new incarnation of the Outsiders under Batman's guidance. However, when Batman disappeared leaving no trace behind, Oliver went to Wayne Manor to investigate and discovered the place empty and the Batcave utterly destroyed. Oliver then took some of Bruce's liquor and started drinking for his missing partner. Superman went to investigate as well and he found Oliver, who showed him the same scenario he just discovered and they come to the realization that Bruce might be gone for good. A few hours later at the Outsiders' headquarters, Oliver questioned the purpose of the team now that Batman was gone.
At that moment, the Outsiders received a video message from Batman giving them instructions. After the message ended, Green Arrow told the others that it was not the real Batman and he tried to block further contact with that enemy, but his judgement was challenged by Batgirl, who wanted to use the enemy's contact to locate the real Batman. This resulted in the death of REMAC, the destruction of the Outsiders HQ and Thunder's coma. Knowing that his experience and judgement are worthless inside the team, Green Arrow departed from the Outsiders.
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Final Crisis
The prophet Libra and his Secret Society of Super-Villains execute Martian Manhunter, and Oliver goes on television to announce that whoever is responsible will suffer. Green Lantern has a conversation with him about how they wouldn't lose sleep torturing the bastards responsible. He is drafted into the new All-Star Squadron along with many other heroes to fight the increasing threat. Darkseid begins spreading his influence on Earth and enslaving humanity's minds using the Anti-Life Equation. Green Arrow is one of the last surviving heroes resisting the forces of evil and holding the Hall of Justice. As their defenses are breached he sends everyone else including Black Canary through the teleporters and makes a valiant last stand. He is captured by the mind-controlled Black Lightning and subjected to the equation, turning him into one of the Justifiers. His wife is also captured and he tries to turn her as well, but she rips the helmet off his head and helps him resist again. They've bought enough time for the Ray to mask the world with the life equation and fight off evil's influences and barely survived the conflict. Superman destroys the last of Darkseid's power.
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Cry for Justice
Green Lantern decided it was time for an era of change in the Justice League, believing they had lost sight of their goals and the true meaning of justice. He set out to form his own League alongside Green Arrow as his partner, taking a less reactionary and more aggressive stance on crime-fighting. They spent weeks together hunting and tracking down super-villains. The team they assembled included the Atom, Captain Marvel, Congorilla, Starman and Supergirl. Prometheus, one of the world's most dangerous villains with a violent hatred for everything heroic, is revealed to be orchestrating a world-wide conspiracy with the intention of causing as much pain for the forces of goodness as he possibly can. There is an argument about how far they're willing to go to protect innocent lives, and whether or not the ends justify the means while they're torturing villains for information. Black Canary was mad at Oliver when they returned to ask the rest of the League for help, because he had ignored his responsibilities and turned his back on her. Prometheus gained access to the Justice League Watchtower and severed Roy Harper's right arm. Prometheus fights the entire League and defeats most of them until he is blindsided by Donna Troy, who beats him within an inch of his life. In the interrogation, he explains that he is going to destroy each of the heroes' cities, and his plans are already in motion, starting with Green Arrow's. A massive bomb is detonated and most of Star City is completely annihilated, killing thousands in the process. Speedy goes after the trigger-man, Electrocutioner, and Lian Harper is shown to be one of the many who died in the blast. Prometheus promises to detonate bombs in every other major civic area unless they release him, and reluctantly they are forced to when Oliver reminds them it's the only way to save millions of people. Green Arrow then hunts Prometheus down to his lair and shoots him right between the eyes with an arrow, murdering him in cold blood.
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Blackest Night
Nekron attacks the universe using his Black Lantern Corps, an army of resurrected zombie heroes turned evil wielding power rings. Coast City is ground zero for his arrival on Earth, and many heroes are called in to wage war against the death constructs. Every person who's been brought back from the dead is zombified including Green Arrow, Animal Man, Donna Troy, Ice, Kid Flash, Superboy, Superman and Wonder Woman. Possessed by the death entity, he is forced to watch from inside his body as it attacks Black Canary, Connor Hawke and Speedy. He fights his loved ones and nearly kills them, taunting repeatedly about their deepest fears and insecurities, provoking an emotional response to feed upon. Determined not to sit back while his family is murdered, Oliver has enough willpower to make himself miss a kill shot and fires instead at a liquid nitrogen tank. Connor then grabs a hose from it and uses it to freeze him, stopping the Black Lantern in its tracks. Hal Jordan brings everyone back to life when he taps into the power of the Entity and brings them into the White Lantern Corps, then defeats Nekron.
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Fall of Green Arrow
Following his murder of Prometheus, Green Arrow sets out to kill the Electrocutioner. Green Lantern and the Flash are the first to discover the corpse he left behind, and attempt to take him in. Black Canary tries to get him to listen to reason, but he pushes her aside. Now with his own community after him, he continues his personal vendetta for revenge. Connor Hawke gets into a heated argument with him about the troubles in their past with Oliver's fatherhood and how much of a bastard he's been, not sure if he can ever forgive him again. Mia Dearden is the only one of his allies in agreement with him, and she captures the Electrocutioner with the intention of murdering him in cold blood. Realizing that he can't drag a child into this, Green Arrow begins to regret his crimes and turns himself in. Finally, he's arrested by Brian Nudocerdo and publicly unmasked, revealing to the world that he's former Mayor Oliver Queen. Black Canary visits him in prison and returns her wedding ring, telling him their marriage is over. On trial, the jury finds him not guilty, but the judge overrules this and sentences him to a complete exile from Star City.
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Brightest Day
Deadman uses his new power ring's connection to life energy and creates a massive forest in the ruins of Star City. Green Arrow now lives in this forest, helping his city wherever he can while staying underneath the radar. His company is bought out by a defense contractor named Isabel Rochev with a connection to his father, who supplies Mayor Altman with a specially trained police force ordered to attack him on sight. Fighting the corruption of a society that has turned its backs on the refugees, ignoring the tremendous human suffering, he robs from the rich and gives to the poor. Brian Nudocerdo is murdered by a mysterious assassin.
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Fun Facts
Green Arrow's struggle with the usage of lethal force has led him to kill a total of 17 people on panel, although it is implied there have been several more. 14 of these deaths happened during the brutal Cross Roads storyline.
Nicknames for Green Arrow include Emerald Archer, Ace Archer and the Battling Bowman.
There is a running gag that Green Arrow bears a strong physical resemblance to Warlord. The two men actually team up when Warlord arrives in Seattle, and half the criminal population try to murder him under mistaken identity. Aquaman mistakes Warlord for Oliver when he travels to the mythical land of Skartaris. Deadman also makes fun of this during Quiver.
Oliver Queen's powers, if any, remain unknown. It has been rumored that Green Arrow may in fact be a metahuman. The Department of Extranormal Operations has a classified dossier on Queen, wherein they indicate such a possibility, but as of yet, this information has not been confirmed nor denied.
Ollie has a rare Rh-negative blood type, the same as his former lover, Black Canary.
Ollie's left arm can sometimes cause him pain due to an old injury. He once took an arrow to his left side, chipping his bone which never healed properly.
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totesmccoats · 7 years
Batman #36
Batman and Superman avoid calling each-other to talk about the recent engagement, each making their own excuses to their better halves, and placing the responsibility on the other to avoid making the first move.
It shouldn’t be surprising in retrospect, but who knew Tom King could be this adorable? King makes it obvious how much each man respects and adores the other by how intimidated each is to start this conversation despite knowing that they should. Besides, they’re busy with superheroing – the other’ll call if it’s that important. Meanwhile, Catwoman starts to feel like Bruce might be ashamed of her; and Lois just really wants to meet her!
Clay Mann draws the two heroes in a way that fits each’s opinion of the other. Both are imposing figures, larger than life, mythic. Superman swoops into action, catching trains before they fall off cliffs, as Batman poses dramatically on Gotham’s gargoyles, leaping through skylights to kick criminals. Even in the same room, Superman glows and Batman seems to carry shadows with him.
  Batman: White Knight #3
New Harley can’t accept that Jack no longer wants to be Joker, and decides to take up the mantle for herself. Meanwhile, Jack moves forward with his plan to discredit Batman and the Gotham establishment, using the mind-controlled supervillains as both a distraction and a cudgel. While Batman chases them through Blackport, causing untold damages to people and property; Jack raids the city records office to look for exactly how much those damages cost Gotham, and finds his answer.
The next day, Jack reveals that Batman costs the city three billion dollars a year in taxpayer money, and is still completely unaccountable for it, or the priceless emotional damage he costs the city, further widening the divide between Batman and Gotham, including close allies like Gordon, Dick, and Barbara. Continuing with his plan, Jack and Harley head to Blackport where they find an ally in Duke Thomas – in this universe, ex-military, ex-police, and Blackport native who organized a grassroots police-force for the part of the city Gotham forgot.
This issue further reveals that Jack may not be as squeaky clean as he presents himself to Gotham, but he still makes a heckuva strong argument against Batman’s continued existence; especially as Batman’s methods become more and more reckless. SGM also adds another stir to the pot with new Harley, who becomes an element that neither Jack nor Batman have figured into their equations, and could become a spanner in either or both of their designs.
As of now, turning Duke into Luke Cage-lite could go either way, but the big-black guy stereotype is a fine-line to walk. SGM’s other big diversion from canon in this issue, however, really changes who this Batman is and what his relationship to the rest of the Bat-family and the Joker is compared to the norm.
  Superman #36
A not-great conclusion to a not-great arc. The war on Apokolips is ended by deus ex machina, and Superman sits on Darkseid’s throne just long enough to abdicate it to the people. Gleason gives a bland version of a “truth, justice, and the american way” speech for Superman to say, then booms things to Metropolis. The last couple of pages are a cliffhanger for a much more interesting story development than the past four issues.
Also, I’ll be skipping the next two issues that will be part of a crossover – so hopefully #39 gets things back on track!
  Green Arrow #35
Aww yeah, Ferrerya’s back! And he’s illustrating Oliver’s adventure to the bottom of a trench in the Pacific Ocean to raid the vaults of the sunken Ninth Circle base, the Inferno, with his used-to-be-evil-and-also-dead mother, Moira. Meanwhile, detective Shuffleton follows the dirty detective Ros when he tails Oliver’s lawyer, and the two discover that Wendy Poole – whom Oliver is charged with murdering – is still alive. One of them can’t say the same for themselves much longer. And when Moira inevitably betrays her son, Black Canary and Henry team up and follow him into the trench to save him.
This issue is a little all over the place, including one flashback that I think turned into two different flashbacks without much to signal the transition, and an abrupt – even for comics – ending. Also, for the amount of space it’s given, there just isn’t much going on below the surface. The opening helpfully provides enough exposition to catch-up any new readers, but the amount of plot actually going on leaves a lot of room to be filled by Oliver’s self-flaggilating over his wealth; which, while appreciated in a way, disappoints compared to what’s going on above the waves, where people are uncovering secrets and blowing each-other up.
Still, a book of new Ferrerya art is never a completely bad thing, even when he isn’t allowed to really play to his strong suits and deliver high-octane action sequences. Also, I guess Moira Queen just looks like a woman in her late 30’s forever now?
  Justice League #34
Bruce hasn’t had a full rest in three days, and still insists on being the brains of the Justice League. He sends Superman, Flash, and Jessica Cruz to help people trapped in an earthquake, while he, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman rescue some kidnapped nuns. Meanwhile. Simon Baz monitors what appears to be a massive alien invasion. But in delegating these tasks, an underslept and overworked Batman may have made a tactical error – one that could cost lives.
This is Priest’s first issue on Justice League, and he immediately makes it a distinctly “Priest” book, with parallel storytelling, stakes that matter, and sharp dialogue. Appropriately, his Justice League run starts off lighter than his time with Deathstroke, with a lot of that credit going towards artist Pete Woods, who draws with bold lines and saturates his colors to heroic proportions. We even get some daytime Batman action!
  Black Bolt #8
Black Bolt finally returns to Earth, but isn’t given exactly the warm welcome he expected. A lot has happened during his absence, including an attempted holocaust under Hydra, and the disappearance of much of the royal family; and his people that once looked to him as a father now regard him as a deadbeat. And, before he can tend to the needs of his people, he has a promise to keep.
To use a cliché, you can take the Black Bolt out of prison, but you can’t take the prison out of Black Bolt. He is still trapped by the effects of his brother, by the loss of his voice, the trauma of his imprisonment, and the suffering of his people in his absence. Though Black Bolt has changed, he still isn’t whole.
Blinky adjusts better, wide eyed and slightly overwhelmed by her new home. Though she’s experienced the same trauma as Black Bolt, her advantage is in being better able to communicate her emotions – being a telepath helps with that.
And Ward’s art doesn’t suffer at all for being contained to Earth. He trades the neon blues and pinks for golden yellows and browns, bathing the issue in sunshine for the first time in the series. And Lockjaw is as floppy and adorable as ever.
  Hawkeye #13
Like all great Hawkeye stories involving Clint Barton, this one starts off with Hawkeye(s) falling from a great height. But before they were falling, Clint and Kate had just reunited, and were discussing whose problem to solve first when Clint’s problem popped up to try to kill the two with arrows. So, Clint’s problem takes priority. After Clint fills Kate in on who might be trying to kill him this time, Kate deduces that it’s Eden, the Swordsman’s apprentice from the Generations: The Archers issue. Unfortunately, she’s able to find them again before they can find her, and her teleportation powers make her an extra tricky baddie to nab.
If you’ve liked how Thompson wrote one Hawkeye, then you’re really going to enjoy how she writes two. She writes Kate and Clint with a familiar rapport, but still manages to give each their own character, Clint being looser and chiller despite being hunted, while Kate continues to be the more sarcastic one.
This even translates to their body language, and is immediately clear on the first page we see them falling together. Even while falling, Kate is poised and ready to shoot, while Clint is still grabbing at his quiver and is falling freely. And her style, with Bellaires’ colors, continue to give Hawkeye a distinct sunkissed tone regardless of how dark the book may go, but never to its detriment.
  Paper Girls #18
The Girls are able to escape Charlotte while the giant mech fight still roars invisibly around them, and Tiff admits to Chris – her future husband – that she’s his wife, or will be in 12 years. On their way to Tiff’s house, Mac tells Erin that she suspects KJ might be a clone or something of the real KJ, mostly because of the shock of her coming out of the closet last issue. And, in the mechs above the town, the Old Timers suffer a blow that may prompt them to forfeit what already passed for proper rules of engagement.
Despite the very fast-feeling issue (it’s amazing how the pace of a comic can vary so much considering they’re all about the same length!), each of the Girls get a moment, from KJ trying to talk down Charlotte, Erin ninja-throwing a newspaper, Mac’s newfound skepticism, and Tiff negotiating the politics of time travel with her Goth husband. Tiff actually seems to be the focus of this issue, which is a welcome shifting of the spotlight. BKV’s dialogue continues to be some of the best in comics, with everyone but the Old Timers reading as completely natural, and Chiang can draw the heck out of girls wandering through the woods and giant robot fights equally.
  Uber: Invasion #10
For better or worse, things are gearing up in Uber: Invasion. The Nazis recover Siegfried’s body, and the burning corpse of the Zephyr that killed him, and plan their counter-attack for before the United States can create enough Zephyrs to win the war. In Boston, while the US army celebrates Siegfried’s death, Stephanie wonders if they have the time to make enough Zephyrs and complete the Colossus II before the inevitable Nazi response. As a stalling tactic, she suggests that the army set up ghost-armies to make the Nazis think that the US already has the numbers. In San Francisco, a small team hunts the Japanese Battleship Yamato, and discuss whether they should search a Japanese Internment Camp for him.
Like many great war stories, some of the most dramatic moments of this issue involve people looking at maps and trying to outbluff the other. And, for the first time in Invasion, instead of sticking with one army for the entire issue, we get multiple concurrent threads, ratcheting up the tension even further.
Comic Reviews 12/5/17 Batman #36 Batman and Superman avoid calling each-other to talk about the recent engagement, each making their own excuses to their better halves, and placing the responsibility on the other to avoid making the first move.
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Daysign workshop at TwixtLab within the context of ENTERart. 22, 23 & 29 November, 2014, Athens, Greece.
Participants: Io Chaviara, Sophia Grigoriadou, Elia Kalogianni, Dimitra Kondylatou, Afroditi Koutrouditsou, Stefania Latsi, Antrianna Moutoula, Stefanos Papadakis, Eleni Papagaroufali, Maroula Papanastasi, Erikos Petrou, Dimitris Poulakis, Simon Prasinos, Panagiotis Skalkotos, Walklamp.
Dimitra Kondylatou
Initial plan: A day staring at the sea. In situ redesigned. Chosen spot: Akti Vouliagmenis – entrance fee: 4€. A public good that has been decided and turned into a private-for payment luxury resource. In return for the money I gave at the entrance I decide to “buy” some sea water. I decide to transport it to another place, with a similar type of property --> A' Cemetery of Athens. I clean a grave with the collected sea water. Chosen grave: HENRY MARDEN, MISSIONARY OF THE AMERICAN BOARD IN TURKEY BORN NEW BOSTON NH DEC. 9. 1837, DIED ATHENS MAY. 18. 1890 HE GAVE HIS ALL FOR CHRIST. In return for the water I brought, I “steal/get” a stone from Henry's grave.
A flow of change from public to private, a constant exchange of natural resources-free goods, a transaction with live and dead, minor rituals addressed to “mute and unactioned” receivers.
Maroula Papanastasi, Eleni Papagaroufali
Pretending to be homeless and horrified by the idea to find myself sleeping in the street, I went downtown Athens and asked pedestrians for information about some place offering hospitality to the homeless. In this painful effort I was accompanied by Eleni, who played the role of a woman willing to help me find someone who could give me this information. People’s responses ranged from ‘I don’t want to know what happens’ to ‘go to the church’ or ‘the municipality of Athens’ to ‘come to my parents’ home’ – as a young woman, Martha, said.
Antrianna Moutoula
-Saturday 22nd November 2014, Amsterdam -three people around -ask them to write five words each -spend the whole Sunday, 23rd November 2014 using only these 15 words. -take the tram 2 times, do 4 hours of theater, buy turkish pizza, buy filters in Albert Heijn, meet a friend.
dialogue 1.
her: hello me: hello her: can I help you? me: her: this one? me: yes her: 2 euros please me: her: thank you, goodbye me: hello
dialogue 2.
her: hello me: hello her: how are you? me: sun.
dialogue 3.
her 1: bla bla her 2: bla him: bla bla bla me: yes her 3: bla all together: bla blaa bla bla me:
Stefanos Papadakis
I went to a random school and threw a big rock through a glass.Then i went to a playground and burnt four swings and a seesaw. I just wanted to do something that i would never do in any other occasion, something noticeably violent. We all do this kind of stuff...
Simon Prasinos (with Stefania Latsi)
Our day began in Porto-Rafti with us making our box-like suit. We drove all the way to Athens, parked at Thiseio,wore our boxlike outfits and started walking towards Syntagma square. In the meantime we where asking from random people who encountered to share with us one thought of theirs. We had drawn everyone's attention, but only a few people agreed to share with us. We reached Syntagma square and made a stop at the Mac Donald's. The girl who served us got scared when she saw us, and asked in English "what are you?" and " what do you want?". We told her that we are taking part in an artistic project and wanted her to share with us one thought of hers, and also a milkshake. We only got the milkshake from her. Finally, we spent some time in Syntagma and then returned to Thiseio through Plaka and Acropoli. I decided that in my next "daysign", I'd like to ask from people to tell me "what I do?" and "what am I doing?" , But this time without wearing my boxlike suit.
Panagiotis Skalkotos
How to plan ahead one day in order to make it unique? How do you understand this uniqueness and which are its limits? My parents got divorced before i was born. I grew up in an adjacent building of the villa Levidi at Pallini with my mother and my grandparents. My father lives at Gerakas. I chose as the place of my unique day the pool of the abandoned villa Levidi, which after I cleaned, I put a table and three chairs. One for each of my parents and one for me. The access to the inside of the pool is made via a ladder, which I put to the place. The goal is for all of us to be at the same place, to talk and, lastly, to leave them there, alone, simply by exiting the pool and taking the ladder with me.
Elia Kalogianni, Afroditi Koutrouditsou
We wanted to take each tram from the Central Station and go to the last stop of each line. This effort failed not only due to our financial difficulty- which at first we ignored- but also because we faced other problems such as the lack of cooperation by the others. People immediately started treating us like tourists based on our clothes and the fact we carried cameras. After that we decided we wanted to leave our mark in the city by visiting places we don’t visit often and leave some basic traits of ourselves such as our height, our zodiac signs and also phrases we use in our daily lives.
Elia Kalogianni
“Do something extraordinary”. Everything that I came up with did not seem special enough. So I decided to spend my Sunday hurting myself. The truth is that as a person I am an introvert meaning that I don’t really express myself verbally when I am in a bad mood. I wondered how it would be if I willingly hurt my own body, since my desire to experience certain emotion which I wouldn’t be able to do without the motive “I can do something crazy and unusual today.” This led me to step barefeet onto broken glass, to scratch my arm with my nails ‘till it bled, to bang my head on a wall etc. It is not part of my interests to continue this in the form it has right now but it makes me want to deepen in the future in subjects as “my body”, “projecting emotions”, “communication”, “solitude”, “woman”.
Dimitris Poulakis
I draw the phrase 'potheads suck' in a 50x70 paper, i cut and glued it in my neighbourhood's square, where guys who smoke weed hang out. Right after i poured pure alcohol on it and let it on fire. It was a symbolic attack on my 'enemies', a memontary violation of their space.
Erikos Petrou
I started the day, having decided to apply my daysign, the planning of the extraordinary day which I had thought off, the previous day at the workshop. I got a small grill, coall, a couple of pencils, papers, sketchbooks and I got off at the metro station of Thisseio. At that street every Sunday all the street is full of people that hustle ,putting on their tables and selling their handmade stuff, and all kind of street art and antiques. These people wake up from five am to fint the best spot at the street. I had called a friend of mine to bring his guitar. I approached a group of these street traders and propose them the idea of setting up the grill putting coall and throwing meat to cook and having a feast. They were excited when they saw the grill but they started teasing me and they couldn’t stop laughing. They said that could get them in trouble so they gave a different idea of feast instead. I went to a corner shop and bought two litres of Raki, feta cheese, olives , spinach pie, and bread from the bakery. At once a table was set up, and everyone started eating and drinking and as soon as my friend with the guitar came everyone started singing non stop. The feast was ready. I had the chance to sketch everyone as different characters, as I was asking them the following question. If you were a comic character what would you like to be. After many hours of singing and drinking, after I hade a couple of good sketches, and while the traders were taking their goods of their tables and call it a day, we said goodnight, and they responded: See you next sunday.
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