#the hollow fanfic
valarioncy · 3 months
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Activity increasing in the Hollow fandom? Amazing! Time to keep up that trend and post something. :0
This art is from 2021 and was an illustration I did for Chapter 18 of my fic "What Lies Beyond". With the recent stresses of life I have not had the motivation to do full pieces like this, but I'm getting back into art and writing, slowly but surely. :>
(You know I really am amazed at how much of a pivotal role this single cartoon series with 20 episodes has played in my life, once I really start thinking about it...) -Cy
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Casually posts art of 35-year-old Mira in that one new The Hollow fanfic I’m writing.
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reeve-in-a-suit · 2 years
Update on “Hollowed Out”
Hi. I just wanted to apologize for the unexplained hiatus (after a semi-cliffhanger). To be honest, I don't really have an excuse except for the fact that I wrote myself into a corner. This was mainly the result of lazy writing and bad planning lol. Anyways, I will be doing a rewrite (this time better planned and, hopefully, better written). So yeah. I'll update on here and on my Tumblr once the story's been posted. Cya!
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xylo-art · 3 months
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I just read @dooblebugss latest chapter for their fic The Lost Kingdom of Hallownest and I just HAD to draw this...
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malk-with-tea · 6 months
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@queruloustea's fanfic that makes two of us, then recently hit 100k words and I had to make a piece for such an occasion :) also chapter 26 is SO good and it makes me SCREAM
either way, please read the fic if you haven't- it's the best :}
(text-less version of this piece under the cut)
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I love them
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hollypies · 2 months
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Finally drew something cult of the lamb related!!!
Got hit with a bit of artblock, which sucks :,(
Anyway I looove the fervor fleece it's so cute :)
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frankencanon · 2 years
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the icons!!
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stardew valley!!! hollow knight!!!! hades!!!!!
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edit: alt text has been added
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yup-thats-me · 1 year
all for you • Gabimaru.
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pairing: Gabimaru x wife!reader
synopsis: his wife has given him the best gift of all. a baby ; the reader is pregnant.
warning: pregnancy.
"y/n, let's take you to the village doctor, yeah?" Gabimaru said, stroking the back of his wife lovingly as she threw up.
this was the fourth time this week and it was making Gabi worry about his wife. obviously she's his the only reason to stay alive. it was for her that he made it out alive from Shinsenkyo alive, no matter the dangerous situations he faced. it was all for her. now that she's unwell made his insides churn in fear. if anything happens to her, maybe he'll burn down the entire country.
however, y/n partially knew what the problem was, just a little uncertain.
"Okay...", she spoke slowly, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. she slowly drank the water Gabi gave her. by the help of her husband, she stood up slowly, walking back inside the house to get dressed to visit the doctor.
"do you want me to help you change, y/n?" Gabimaru offered.
it won't be the first time that he'd help his wife get dressed. he had done it a number of times, but this time, y/n turned down his offer.
she smiled at him softly, "I'm quite alright. just be outside ill come in a bit, okay?" She kissed him on the cheek.
Gabi nodded, waiting outside the room, pacing I'm anticipation.
inside the room on the other hand, y/n was already dressed. she stood in front of the mirror, caressing her stomach deliberately. "can it really be true?" She wishpered.
when she came out, Gabi put his hand around her waist, walking slowly. y/n felt weak. every now and then, she held Gabi more tighter as the two walked. finally, the two reached the doctor's place.
"how many days has it been?" the doctor, an elderly woman asked the couple.
the two looked at each other for a second. "this has been going on for more than a week," Gabi replied for y/n.
the woman nodded. "can I talk to y/n alone for a moment?"
Gabimaru shot the woman a suspicious look but nevertheless agreed when y/n squeezed his hand, silently telling him that its alright. again, Gabi stepped out from the room and sat outside.
so many thoughts ran amok his head. what if y/n is terminally ill? or some incurable disease that will take her from him? no. he won't let that happen. even if it was an incurable disease, he'll die with her. no questions asked. and if the disease was curable, he'll do everything in his power to cure back his y/n. he made so many assumptions about y/n's hypothetical diseases, never for once did he think she might be pregnant. he's that thick skinned when it comes to y/n. he forgets to think anything logical when it comes to her.
few minutes later, the two women stepped out the house. Gabi ran to y/n. seeing her smiling made him relax just a bit.
"well? what is it?"
the woman giggled. "I'll leave you two to it. Best of luck", she said going back inside the room leaving the couple alone.
y/n seemed to be avoiding any eye contact with Gabi. "y/n you're making me nervous again. tell me what the problem is!"
"Gabi...you're going to be a father", Y/n replied slowly. she laughed internally as the look on Gabi's face changed from anxious to a confused one. "...huh?"
y/n blushed. "Gabimaru, I am pregnant, woth your child." She spoke nervously. she knew Gabi won't be angry at the news but still she was hesitant.
Gabi stood in his spot not miving even an inch. "Oh my god," He said sitting on the ground. He was too happy to speak. Y/n smiled, kneeling down beside him. "shh...its okay." She hugged her husband as her husband broke down in her hold.
she made Gabi face her, wiping his tears away. "are you okay?"
Gabi smiled at her, hugging her close. "Okay? I'm far more than okay! you've made me the happiest man alive, Y/n!" He laughed, kissing her shortly.
the two also went to the market on their way back,buying sweets and Y/n watched with a smile as her husband gave the sweets tk everyone for the good news. he even fed the stray dogs. he was happy, he wanted the world to celebrate too!
when the two reached home, Y/n was about to enter the kitchen to prepare the dinner, when Gabi stopped her. "And what do you think you're doing?"
Y/n looked at him confused. "We have to have dinner too. you know," She giggled, making Gabi's face tinted with bright red. "Of course I know. but I won't allow you to cook. I'll do it." He said.
"Why, darling? you want to eat something different? tell me and I'll make it. why should you make dinner?"
"No. from now onwards, you can't cook, clean, or do any work. I'll do it all. You and our baby need rest," He said, scratching the back of his head. his statement made y/n giggle. "But anat, I'm just two weeks in. I can still work."
Gabimaru shook his head. "No. I said I'll do all the work. all you have to do is rest. I can't have you working in this condition. I want both my baby and my wife to be healthy," He said caressing your belly. You smiled at him, knowing there's no way of changing his mind now. so you gave up.
as Gabimaru prepared the dinner, so many thoughts came to his mind. family. a family. it was always had been just a word for Gabimaru. he believed he'd never be able to have a family, not a person like him. he was a monster. how can a monster have a family? but then you came along. you healed his scars, made him look at the world differently. it was yiu who taught him that this world is a beautiful place if one knew how to look at it. he is forever greatful to you. he always will be. he prays now, something he'd never ever done. he prays to the Almighty that you'll always stay with him. he promises to love you endlessly, and now that he's soon going to have a baby, he wishes to become the best father that there ever is. he wants to become perfect for you. all for you.
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reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated!!
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nevermindigotthis · 7 months
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Oooookay, so in my quest to find a Drarry fic I like I came up with my own idea. Basically, instead of Harry, Ron and Hermione all being captured (during the war), Harry manages to draw attention so only he is captured and manages to hide his face (similarly to what Hermione does). He gets taken to the manor and Draco is asked to identify him. Harry is absolutely sure Draco knows it’s him, but Draco hesitates to say so. In that moment, Harry gets a Voldemort vision: Voldemort has found the Elderwand. However, Voldemort also sees what Harry sees, which is Draco, with the absolute certainty that Draco knows it‘s him and isn‘t saying anything.
So Voldemort returns to Malfoy manor absolutely PISSED and accuses Draco of treason and starts torturing him while Narcissa tries to reason with him. Voldemort demands all Malfoys prove their loyalty by torturing Draco with Cruciatus. Bellatrix does not hesitate. Lucius is reluctant, but too afraid to resist, so he complies. Narcissa begs that he‘s her son and she just can‘t. Haven’t decided if he kills her for it.
Then Voldemort turns to Harry, who doesn‘t want to die and tells Voldmort that he‘s a horcrux so he won‘t be killed (Hermione figured it out earlier). Voldemort tortures him a bit too and then throws the both of them in the cellars of the Manor. Which is where this picture comes in (with a lot more humor than the fic would have).
I haven‘t decided how this would end (apart from Drarry, lol), but the glorious escape would entail Harry realizing Draco is the master of the Elderwand and them using that fact to escape. Now that I think about it though, Voldemort torturing Draco would probably make him the master… eh, I haven‘t figured it out yet.
But enjoy the image, because writing is hard and I probably will never actually write this fic.
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
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been thinking abt my 2012 au recently
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valarioncy · 12 days
Let's Talk About the Hollow Fandom (and dead fandoms in general)
Hello, The Hollow fandom. This is Cyrokin. I'm sure you all don't need to be told that our fandom is kinda lowkey dead. Activity is hard to come by. I'm one of the senior members of the fandom myself, but I don't get any more activity on my posts than anyone else does.
Look, we can #save the hollow and tell Netflix all day how much we want our show back. But we don't exactly have the fandom to back our wishes. If we want more the Hollow, we've gotta make it ourselves. Fan art, fanfiction, fan animations, fan comics. There are SO MANY fanworks in this fandom left unfinished. Unstarted, even. And it's a crying shame because you guuuuys we have so much potential!
We're a creative bunch! We're an odd bunch! We love what has been broadly cast aside as average! We are a fandom with untapped potential, loving a show full of similar untapped potential! Let's explore that! It'll be fun!
How do fandoms become dead? Fandoms die when fans stop creating, yes. But more importantly, they die when fans stop engaging with what is created. Fans can do their own thing and create stuff all day. But when nobody seems to care, it's discouraging. Eventually some people just give up.
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Fandoms aren't corporate machines that pump out products and content to be consumed. Fandoms are made of people sharing love for their favorite characters and stories. Fandom is built on community. When the community dies, the fandom and any interest in it dies too.
So, Hollowers, I implore you all. Those of us who remain. PLEASE, support rather than tear down your fellow fans. Engage with them when they ask for engagement. Like their posts, reblog their posts, share your own creative works. Hell, the fanworks you like the most? Make fanworks for that too.
Please, for the love of fandom, NORMALIZE making fanworks for fanworks. Draw fanart of AUs you like. Write stories set in someone else's AU. If it inspires you, make something with it! This should not be a taboo!
Support your dead fandom, because the few of us that are here, we are all we've got. The Hollow can live, but it's gotta live through us. Netflix failed us. We can't fail us. We've gotta build the world we wanna live in. And if we want a thriving fandom, we've gotta make it ourselves.
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Experimental Art for a The Hollow “Realm of The Forgotten” Spotify Playlist I made!
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Hehe, it’s the silly little death god of amber: Malakai! Look at him!
This isn’t his final design. God no. But this is going to be a pretty good reference for if I do draw a full-body of him.
I’m planning on eventually drawing RTF Reeve and Skeet’s design, and then I’m waiting on @valarioncy ‘s design of Kendall and perhaps Mitsumi. I may also draw the designs for the four main gods of this universe; I think people are probably gonna like Jackawock (The Moon Rabbit of Madness) the most, knowing the type of sillies Tumblr attracts. His wife, Sagastel (The Sun and Star Angel) and Berenda (The Tree of Knowledgee) might be favored as well.
I may share the Spotify playlist if enough people ask. I don’t think the song choices will spoil things too much. We’ll see if enough people bite.
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skzhua · 7 months
'down into the hollow' series (coming soon)
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synopsis: pixie hollow has never been better. each fairy fulfills their responsibility as they should. all of them? some may be distracted with a certain visitor called love.
genre: fairies!stray kids, fantasy!au, tinkerbell universe, fluff mostly, slow burn, genre depends on each story.
warnings: swearing, suggestive for some of them, all are female reader.
note: they can be read individually, but they are all interrelated. (i used the same names as my 'your eyes' series because i have no inspiration when it comes to names)
note 2: click on the hearts to read!
status: coming soon...
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♡ "Follow the melody in your heart."
pairing: music fairy!bang chan x dust keeper!reader.
genre: strangers-to-lovers, fluff, angst.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, lots of complaining, chan is clueless as hell.
summary: unlike your friend, jisung, you adore being a dust keeper. getting to participate in the magic of the fairies makes you ecstatic. or maybe, it has something to do with the musician who practices near the pixie hollow tree almost every day.
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♡ "Can you keep up?"
pairing: fast-flying fairy!lee minho x fast-flying fairy!reader.
genre: enemies-to-lovers (everyone's fav trope), fluff, angst.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, insults, talks of depression.
summary: as much as minho loves the simplicity of his life, a new fairy arriving in pixie hollow comes in to ruin his perfectly quiet routine. not only that, but she dares to steal the show as one of their fastest fairies they've ever had.
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♡ "I'd build a house for you."
pairing: tinker fairy!seo changbin x animal fairy!reader.
genre: slice of life, friends-to-lovers, lots of fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing.
summary: as one of the best tinker fairies, changbin is the fairy to go to when in need. when a squirrel accident occurs, the only person you think of is him. only, this wouldn't be the first time you'd visit the kind fairy.
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♡ "I followed the current until I reached a waterfall that made me fall for you."
pairing: water fairy!hwang hyunjin x light fairy!reader.
genre: fluff, angst.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, hyunjin is a romanticist, talks of loneliness.
summary: you and your brother have a specific routine. in charge of the sunrise and the sunset, you are used to watching them. when you are tasked with rainbows making one day, the water fairy you are paired with takes your breath away.
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♡ "Sometimes, you only need a little bit of dust."
pairing: dust keeper!han jisung x music fairy!reaader.
genre: fluff, fluff, fluff!
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, jisung stares a lot.
summary: jisung never liked being a dust keeper. while the others get to play and fly around all day, he stares at the golden flakes for hours on end. on one of his many staring sessions at the other fairies, the music crew begins to play what can only be described as the most magical melody he has the chance to hear. their singer? you.
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♡ "I never thought I'd see something shinier than the light."
pairing: light fairy!lee felix x garden fairy!reader.
genre: best friend's brother, fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing.
summary: befriending someone who is a twin means two things. one; you are blessed with all the family secrets. two; you might ask about the other twin's a little too much.
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♡ "They say swans find their forever partner."
pairing: animal fairy!kim seungmin x music fairy!reader.
genre: forced proximity, fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing, suggestive.
summary: as you fly over to the daily rehearsal with the music fairies, birds coming your way changes your path and leads you to a dark cavern where the clumsy animal fairy misguided the flying beasts. it might take a while before the both of you get out, might as well make the most of it.
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♡ "Growing flowers is kind of my thing."
pairing: garden fairy!yang jeongin x dust keeper!reader.
genre: strangers-to-lovers, fluff.
word count: tba.
warnings: swearing.
summary: he comes every day at the pixie hollow tree, and you observe him every time. you don't know him, he doesn't know you. somehow, the pink flowers he brings every now and then begin to grab your curiosity.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard | @jihanlovic | @soobin-chois | @jinxwhore28 | @purplelandsworld | @yeojoongiee | @smugrogerina | @jaehyunicecream | @urmomlikeslinotoo | @syprosight | @thesassy-mia | @chaotic-world-of-the-j | @heartsforlevi | @miyakoa | @seungincore | @skzsilentcryy | @kpopsstuffs | @tinyelfperson | @chrizzztopherbang | @yukichan67 | @realrintaro | @nujeskz | @cookiemonstermusic258
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Copyright © 2024 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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devilcatdarling · 1 year
"You're safe..."
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Chapter 36 of @mostlydeadallday 's fic "Lost Kin" broke me in so many ways.
So here's a doodle for it. I love these sad bug siblings so much <3
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faulty-vessel · 7 months
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iz-nomerants · 4 months
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I challenge you to draw Buddy in this outfit. Headband, cheap dress and all 😈
Either that or any disney princess/villainess of your choice! 🤩🤩
tag under “#cinderella boy may art challenge”
(note: not mandatory but it’s fun 😃)
Also, heres the DC server link 🙂
@aioliravioli-69 @blareviridi @screechingart @strwbrrylou @tmkalp @nocontextsock @toonietoonstian @secretlyasimpforbuddy @frosting-pudding @peculiarpeace @tea-132 @kazul-101 @p4n1cl0v3r @xiaomao-ai-wo @cookiekat-blogz @silvermoon617 @nevernovember @stinkypeanutbutter @buttons-f0r-eyes @eglanasy @niekanarcotics @blobfishuu @starsnowcone @those-rainbow-ninjas @cloud-pug @pinkshampooedcows
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