#the housing rp goes crazy
hassianlovebot · 11 months
does anyone know if there's a way to add doors inside the house? ik you can buy doors but i'm pretty sure they only work for the outside. and ik i can change the doorway but like specifically can i add an actual Door
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inkyvendingmachine · 9 months
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T'was The Night Before Crisis... Season 4, Episode 1
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 Call of Cthulhu Season Four Masterpost (Coming Soon)
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of  a Call of Cthulhu scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
WE'RE BACK. After over a whole heckin year of 10000 RP logs, we have returned with our final season of Cthulhu! It's been not just a year out of game, but a little over a year worth of in game time has passed too, and they boys are indulging in a chill, at home seasonal celebration... for now! Surely nothing weird will happen, nothing ever does around holidays for these boys obviously.
Happy Holidays!
Art Credit: @inkdemonapologist : sketching + inking @inkyvendingmachine : concept + colouring
A week. Two weeks. A month. A season. A year.
A whole year and a couple of months go by without any crazy outside force trying to rid the boys of… anything really. The time isn't exactly calm or empty… but compared to recent events, for a while, things were… kinda normal?
Well, except for when Joey got Peter to help him meet with Y secretly to prevent the gang from continuing to mess with JDS, or when Sammy and Henry realized mid tennis match that a version of Henry had slashed him right through the center. Or how the Prophet can just pop out now without ink. And how Susie has been brought in on all this, and perhaps brought in on even more than just the supernatural content as her bonds with Sammy and Joey grow tighter. And how Peter is actually moving to New York City now and ends up visiting Jack just as Beans goes missing and now there’s many little Beans kittens. And the summoning spell to ask the spirit that helped them in Haiti what will become of Sammy and Prophet. And the other summoning spell for Prophet to get his instructions from the Masked Messenger. And Sammy still can't tell where he's going half the time after uncovering some of Prophet’s memories. And Joey is still a bit hesitant to leave the studio if not being actively distracted. But other than that! It's been normal!!
And the boys have made it all the way to Christmas. Joey's received some parcels in the mail, from the Fowlers and Nicole. The Fowlers actually sent each of the helpful boys uh… 1000$?? That's a thousand. EACH. IN THE 1930s. For helping out… which I guess if stuck eternally in soul lake hell, wouldn't have that money anyways. But still, that's quite a lot for the time.
Meanwhile, Nicole has had time to move on from her heartbreak, and is ready to start a new chapter in her life, and as thanks, leaves Joey both the keys to her old apartment (the lease being paid up for a few years already) and to her previous car, with a guarantee she's giving these things up for better, not to worry about her. And totally not because maybe all the occult scratches and bullet marks in the wall makes the apartment hard to rent, or the fact that her car is an extremely recognized Mercedes, or that both of these assets were hounded by gangs for a bit after her magical mistakes…
It probably is actually all out of good will and appreciation, and these things will come in useful, especially if they do need to deal with more mafia or what have you. Joey doesn't need them tracking Henry's car home to his family or back to Jack's house.
With those gifts out of the way, the actual holiday is spent in Jack's house, with a big potluck meal. This holiday celebration includes a small group of friends and their families, namely, all the people Jack has befriended and also would be okay with the Lurker partying with em. The event goes well, Sammy gets to play through the night, Henry’s children get to hang out with a real Bendy and also a buncha newly grown-up cats, Henry gets to eat as many cookies as he wants… 
That… slows down when Henry sees a yellow sign in a ribbon. But as soon as he tries to not lose his entire cool and freak out, it disappears… the ribbon was just a ribbon the entire time. Perhaps golden ribbons shouldn't be their normal holiday decor… 
Meanwhile, Peter feels eyes on him and decides to move away from the window maybe, especially because it feels like he suddenly knew exactly which star in the sky holds Carcosa at the same time… surely a fine coincidence to have happened at almost the same time. But nobody else is acting weirdly, sooooo.
The night wraps up, with Susie and Norman heading out first, followed by Henry and his family. Sammy also heads home after being socially exhausted and desperately needing his alone time, and Peter helps Jack clean up some before heading out too. Jack heads to bed, only to find an already asleep Joey with a Spark sprawled on top of him, probably after he “closed his eyes for a moment” a little earlier. 
The next day, there's technically work, but it's a short day because what's actually happening is a charity auction and party. A collection of “originals, signed by the creators” has been donated to help raise money for relief efforts in a few warring European countries, as well as the “entertainment” for the evening (Bendy cartoons, of course), courtesy of JDS, which means of course all the stars who signed the auctioned items were invited to the party as well.
Yes, even Sammy. 
(And also Jack, Henry, Susie, and Joey of course.)
The event is being held at a yacht club, advertised to the wealthies of the city midst the great depression, with live music playing and glittering evening wear, and uh. Denis.
Y'know, Denis?? That rich guy from NOLA who invited us to the masquerade?? That Joey casually name dropped his legal name to in order to keep him from tracing himself and Sammy back to JDS, when they didn't know who or how dangerous their initial information gathering was.
Anyways, a quick little talking him in circles by Joey corrects that past mistake, as well as gets him the information that Denis is actually related to one of the people who put the entire event together. Ha. Good to know.
Of course it's difficult to shake him afterwards, since Joey is one of the few people Denis knows all the way up in New York. At least Joey actually has a fancy car to talk about now.
Meanwhile, in the quietest, emptiest corner he could find, Sammy notices something odd about the song that's currently being played live. It sounds familiar, and while surely there's been some Bendy music played this evening…. This particular song is not that. But it WAS composed by Sammy.
When he was improvising with some random music on the street while hanging out on the balcony of his and Joey's hotel room. Properly freaked out by having a song from a very scary time literally come back to haunt him, Sammy runs to find someone, (Joey is still busy with Denis), and comes across Jack first. But before he can fully explain, the entire party is interrupted.
Chatter turns into hushed confusion as some pale man up near the front starts speaking in tongues. It's hard to tell if he's trying to perform some ritual or just incoherently rambling, but it doesn't matter! Because very quickly there’s a gunshot!!
And the Prophet? He's awake. He knows what that gunshot was. He's been waiting for this.
It has begun.
Of course the entire party breaks out in panic once the gun goes off. Joey doesn't know what sort of Eldritch nonsense was happening up front, but upon scanning the crowd and noticing Jack and Sammy together, beelines for the snack table to grab Henry and search for Susie.
As everyone is being rushed out, some of the boys manage to notice that not all of the panic is simply from the mad ramblings and sudden bullet, but also we've got some people in the crowd bleeding from their eyes. How festive!
Upon getting outside, the Yacht club is of course already being surrounded by security and the police, as the sudden gun shots quickly alerted locals to the nonsense going on. Nobody is allowed to bolt until an investigation is conducted and people are questioned, but of course Joey managed to sweet talk his way over to a telephone to make a very important quick phone call.
To one Peter Sunstram! 
Turns out, between all their arguments, there are a few things they can agree on, which includes quietly spying on suspicious parties even though they should probably not be doing that if they actually wanna be safe but surely everyone will understand when they find out IT'S FINE.
Anyways Peter’s been keeping an eye on Y, and earlier in the day Y seemed to be performing some ritual before having some kind of … breakthrough? Revelation? Peter had told Joey of it, and in good faith Joey agreed to keep an eye out for WEIRDNESS, hoping that Y was upholding his promise to not be interfering with JDS anymore. But now this episode seems to have specifically happened, right at their exact event for the evening, so Joey does his best to pass along as much info as he can in that moment to Peter. As well as set up a backup plan in case anything else happens to them before they can escape the Yacht Club.
After some interviews with the police though, they’re allowed to go free. Listening to other partygoers' recollections they’re able to pick up a few more names here and there – the one who fired the gun up front by the bandstand is said to be another local gangster by the name of Johnny Nero, and the band playing on that bandstand one Red Leverett and the Jumps – but no evidence that really points the crew in any sort of serious lead. (including more commentary by Denis wHY ARE YOU STILL HERE UR NOT PART OF THE GROUP)
So having managed to collect everyone together, including Prophet returning Sammy to the front for the interview thank the lord (not that one)(not that one either)(maybe that one) the JDS crew head over to their very safe and secure hide away to talk about what just happened: that’s right, they’re going to Peter’s apartment.
And staying there through midnight! Listen, the last time weird shit started happening like this, everything popped off at midnight and there were panics all around. It’d be nice to know where people were this evening. And while they’re all sitting around waiting for that to pass, Henry and Peter can even talk about the really weird things that happened last night! Yknow, where Henry saw the yellow sign for a moment and Peter felt something watching him from space? Those very normal Christmas activities?
The group also gets informed about how Peter maybe has been keeping an eye on the Y that still hangs out in the city, and how Y was excited over some weird ritual. While he goes over that and also Joey and Peter guiltily kinda admit to their secret spying tendencies, Henry gets info from Linda when he calls to explain why he’s not home yet and how he won’t be home for a little while still. She’s remembered some research that crosses over with the prophecies they had gotten a month or so after the last big event like this. And Jack and Sammy bring up how they had been theorizing over who’s and what’s in the prophecies… for instance, that which the Phantom seeks, who bears already the scars of following the Mender’s lead….
Is it Peter? He followed Jack into the weird ghosty world. Is it Joey? He’s followed the Mender in other ways, and also literally bears scars caused from Jack’s healing. Or is it somehow Y?? Who seems… involved in this somehow, despite promising he wouldn’t be fucking around with stuff that might step on JDS’s toes again.
With no real conclusions, but midnight having come and past, people start to head home. Joey has someone drop him off at the studio, as after weirdness happened with any sort of occult stuff he’s interested in checking in on Bendy and the Stone. Since, those tend to be targets for this kinda creepy thing. Bendy is perfectly fine though, and hardly even noticed anything going on… So Joey picks up some of his notes and… finds himself unable to leave the studio. For some reason it just seems like the wrong idea… so he spends all night up researching, unsettled by how many non-leads he has into what will possibly happen next. It’s starting to feel like Haiti again, knowing that something bad is coming but really having no idea where to fortify with this information.
But he does have something new… 
He has plenty of things new now, including his dream spell. 
Peter’s not the only one who can spy, and while Joey is sure he’d hit some kind of barrier trying to peek in on Y’s dreams… just knowing whether the man was still alive, or possessed by some eldritch nonsense seemed like a good place to start. Maybe his excitement at the ritual earlier was coincidental…
The thing is, defying all reason, Joey’s able to step into Y’s dream just fine somehow.
This is probably not something he’ll regret doing later, surely.
[Next Episode] (not yet released)
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beetlevvings · 2 months
I LOVE YOUR MATTMELLO DESIGNS!!!! (Hiiii fellow taller Matt truther!) Do you have any headcanons for them :3
Omg thank you so so much!!! Love to hear it!
I have SO many headcanons for them (including lanky ass, bow-legged Matt), so if you want to know anything specific feel free to send more asks. I’ll just toss out whatever comes to mind first :3 (Pretty Matt-centric)
• Matt and Mello have been impulsively visiting the tattoo parlor in our RP.
- Mello currently has: A gothic cross tattoo between his shoulder blades + pierced nipples, pierced ears and pierced tongue.
- Matt currently has: A tribal half-sleeve, a tribal tramp stamp, the Triforce symbol, the Umbrella Corp. symbol + 1/2” gauges, pierced ears, pierced nipples, lip piercing and a belly button piercing.
• Matt has GREAT memory. Dates/numbers/sequences in video games/lines of code, he rarely forgets things (even if he occasionally overlooks things out of carelessness).
• Matt has sensory issues, but they fluctuate. Sometimes he can be out all day without his gloves, sometimes he wears them to bed.
• When Matt’s not wearing goggles, he’s usually wearing sunglasses. His eyes are sensitive, but also he just doesn’t like eye contact.
• Matt got the eye contact avoidant autism, Mello got the eye contact seeking autism.
• Matt came to Wammy’s around age 8 (he’d already been in the system for most of his life). His second day there, Mello approached him, mad that they both had names starting with ‘M’.
• It took them a while to get along. Mello was really annoying and had no concept of personal space, but Matt admired how honest and expressive he was.
• Mello had some mangled form of cuteness/friendship aggression back then. One time he put a rock in a snowball and nailed Matt in the head with it. They remember this fondly.
• Matt left the House not long before his 17th birthday. Wammy’s helped him get established and found him an apartment in New York.
• When Mello and Matt reunited, they met up at a Waffle House in the middle of the night.
• Matt does freelance tech-work, ranging from website design to cyber security. Under the table, he also steals + sells identities/sensitive information and offers his services for hacking, etc.
• Over text, Matt is very crude and obnoxious. In person, he’s pretty quiet, easy-going, soft-spoken and patient. He recognizes the contrast, but thinks it’s funny.
• Mello likes to journal in his free time. It helps him sort his thoughts.
• Also, he has a growing plush collection. Matt goes crazy on claw machine games, and he thinks the fact that Mello keeps the prizes is cute, so then he wins even more. Vicious cycle.
• Mello is partially-deaf and has tinnitus. He could definitely use an aid of some kind, but he’s too stubborn to go and get one. It’s self-punishment for his failures. (Matt will have to drag him to a doctor eventually)
• He’s also mostly-blind in one eye and had some nerve damage on the left side of his face. His depth-perception is a little wonky, so he practices shooting regularly.
• Matt has a stutter and a slight speech delay that he’s mostly grown out of, but it flares up when he’s upset or stressed out.
• Matt’s not overly-fond of sweet stuff. He likes savory, spicy, or salty foods. His favorite safe food is pizza. :3
• Matt likes cars and he extra likes fast cars. He dabbles in a bit of street racing for fun.
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bxd-kxrma · 9 months
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“Hey, what’s up! I know this is a bit late but I had some things to say to all of you.”
“2023 was probably the worst year for the mun and I. Without going into details, it was just rough. But over the last five months or so, I’ve been truly blessed with all the friends I’ve made to make the all the bad go away. Thank you all for your participation, friendship and kindness. I couldn’t be happier. This one goes out to all of you, a little tribute to the small community we made here. Now, without further ado!!”
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“Wake me up!”
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“Wake me up inside!” (@rising-superstars)
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“I can’t wake up!” (@gravity-wall)
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“Wake me up inside!” (@the-lytenye-realms)
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“Save me!!” (@retour)
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“Call my name and save me from the dark!” (@veiledfox) (@allelitemuses)
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“Wake me up!” (@musekaiplex)
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“Bid my blood to run!” (@soulsbetrayed)
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"I can't wake up!" (@digitalfcte)
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"Before I come undone!" (@narvvhal)
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"Save me!" (@exaltatuss) (@wxndswept)
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"Save me from the nothing I've become!" (@ancicntforged) (@femdeku-rp)
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"Bring me too life~" (@xenia-rp)
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"I've been living a lie!" (@prettyboywarrior) (@starredvisions)
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"There's nothing inside!" (@tricoloredillusion) (@grayfxce)
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"Bring! me! to! life!!!!" (@hxroic-wxlls)
Thank you all for a wonderful end of 2023, you all mean the world to me. It has been a crazy year and while this post is... 9 days late, I'd like for everyone to know that I love and appreciate all your characters, ideas and constant stream of fun and creativity. Here's to a better 2024!
Special shout outs to those I didn't get icons from but still take up space in my brain factory/Who I'd like to get to know better this year. @pinklocksoflove @lawain-dimensional-heroes @vixlenxe @boomermania @alchemistdetective @house-of-tales @witness-of-fear @nobuverse @midnightactual and many many others!
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the-ravening · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @zsparz and @six-demon-bag for tagging me! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on ao3? Only 12, because I am a baby writer.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 86k
3. What fandoms do you write for? Winterbaron, or more accurately, Zemo/everyone
4. Top five fics by kudos: Let's do a top 3, since top 5 would just be like half my fics.
Something Sweet to Eat (142 kudos) Extremely underage Halloween fic, bunny boy Zemo shows up trick or treating at Bucky's house Adopt, Don’t Shop (123 kudos) Omegaverse, bratty teen Zemo is for sale at an Omega kennel and Alpha Bucky goes shopping Gift-Wrapped (113 kudos) This was the first fic I ever posted (just a few years ago) and I'm still pretty proud of it. Just a silly Winterbaron rimming PWP, but it's hot
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to, I always mean to, but I think I'm a bit behind right now. I know there are some amazing comments on Home to Me from last year that I still haven't replied to and I feel bad about it all the time.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Under Lock and Key (what a mess we’ve made), the Heinrich/Helmut Zemo dadcest fic I wrote for @ex0rin where I followed her hurt/no comfort philosophy of leaving him on the floor crying.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I don't know if I really do happy endings? I have PWPs where the happy ending is they both come, if that counts. 😅 Let's say... Ink Kissed (with violent precision) where tattoo artist Bucky gives his client Zemo a dick tattoo, and Zemo ends up quite happy with the tattoo as well as the rest of the service.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I've only gotten one or two of the world's mildest hate comments. I guess my ships are sufficiently niche that no one cares about them.
9. Do you write smut? Yeah! Do I write anything other than smut? No.
10. Craziest crossover: I've only written one crossover, A Suitable Course of Treatment, Bucky Barnes/Laszlo Kreizler from The Alienist, which isn't crazy at all because as we all know, Laszlo has Zemo's face. (If it counts, I once started a Dir en grey x Sailormoon fic where the band members magically turned into Sailor Scouts, but I did not ever get far on it.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, the aforementioned Adopt, Don’t Shop was co-written with @violenciorp and @tales-from-a-maphia-don, because Vio lovingly bullied us into it, despite me and Mel ostensibly not being into Omegaverse.
14. All time favorite ship? I've jumped ship a lot over the years, but it's gotta be Winterbaron, since this is the ship that finally got me writing and posting and getting really involved in a fandom.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The first serious attempt I made at writing in this fandom was this teen Zemo necrophilia thing, and I wrote the necro part but none of the plotty stuff leading up to it. I still dream of finishing it, in an abstract way where I have no motivation to ever work on it.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm pretty good at rhythm and flow and making my prose sound musical? That's something I focus a lot on and I tend to read aloud while editing to make sure it sounds good to my ear.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Probably plot and dialogue, and figuring out how to include technical details of things I know nothing about. But most of all procrastination, my arch-nemesis.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I personally avoid it, because I find it annoying to have to look up the translations in the middle of reading. I prefer to just say they're speaking in whatever language but write the dialogue in English.
19. First fandom you wrote in? J-rock RPF in the early 2000s, but I mostly just did a bit of RP and never got far with any fics I started.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Sometimes it feels like every new thing I post is my new favourite, haha. But I thiiiink my fave has been Something Sweet to Eat since I wrote it (the Halloween fic mentioned earlier), because it's probably the most self-indulgent thing I've written to date. I am truly the main audience for that fic and I'm very happy with it.
No pressure tagging: @violenciorp, @tales-from-a-maphia-don, @thepiper0fhameln, @ex0rin, @unlikelymilliner, @evenmyhivemindisempty, and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in!
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belong2human-kind · 1 year
Hi sweet guys 🌻 Clara here! Here's some lil updates!
I've been off tumblr for this whole week and I'll probably be a little busy and offline for quite some time. I'm having trouble with reoccurring sinus inflammation, so I'll be making exames to make sure everything is working fine within my body. I'm sure it's nothing worrying because, like I like to say, my white cells are just as anxious as I am, so they over react to allergens and there it goes my body having bad allergies 🥲 my skin can even react to water! So anything ends up triggering my rhinitis and then sinusitis comes all the way to me too. Also, not many people know, but I was ran over by an irresponsible motorcycle driver in April (I promise I'm all fine!! Nothing serious!) And he ran over my foot, so since then I have been having lots of troubles to walk around 🥲 but I'm doing all the exames and I know things will be just fine!
I think I'll just need to take a rest for some weeks because stuff has been crazy lately. I foster stray pets that I rescue from the streets, and with the foster dog I'm sheltering I have with me now 6 animals on my house! They can be very messy, so most of my day I'll be cleaning up their trails off my couch and living room 🐾
I will try to keep my main account and my rp account @lothal-cat-jedi at least a little active, but I really need a rest! I hope you all are doing great 🌻❤
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revnah1406 · 8 months
Questions for the BAMFs! ♥️☀️
7, 10, 17, and 24 for my sweet girl Abby.
1, 5, 6, and 17 for the lovely Hannah!
That's a lot of questions! Let's start!
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
MMMHH I would say her appearance a little bit and Oh! Of course her personality! In the beginning she was a shy scared kid, that would develop a braver personality with time. But I thought that maybe it was too... Meh. And Knowing how much potential Abby could have, I gave her that brave and reckless personality from the very beginning. She was raised by Woods after all. She learnt from him hahaha!
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Time traveling! She was born in 2012 and currently her story is developing in 2030, so she doesn't interact much with the most iconic character of black ops (like her grandfather Mason, a younger Woods, Adler, Hudson...). But this is funny because I'm currently doing an AU! RP with @efingart and @alypink with their black Ops ocs and it's super interesting! We are thinking of turning it into a fic once we finish it! I love this RP with all my heart 💖
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Currently? What happened in chapter 4. The torture and the events in the river Potomac. But sadly worse things are coming for her, I won't tell when or what. But yeah... Sorry baby...
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Mmmmh the first one would be, not visiting Woods that afternoon when she was 13. She wouldn't have had to witness Menéndez killing Woods and getting shot. But the biggest one would be staying with David when the White House was under attack in chapter 3. If she would insist and stay with her father that night, she wouldn't get kidnapped by the Hyenas, and probably she would have travelled to Alaska with her father and started a new life.
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
The accident in the mountain K2 in Pakistan in 2020. Those three days she spent there, after being hit by an avalanche in a try to save her brother, freezing to death, bleeding out, with broken bones, literally going fucking crazy due to the lack of oxygen in that altitude. That memory haunts her after all those years.
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
It depends. If it's a whim like trying to convince Amara to go dinner somewhere specific, she can be very persistent, but she knows when to stop insisting if it would piss her girlfriend off.
If it's a moral thing, like "I do this because I think it's the right thing". She wouldn't disobey even god itself. She really has strong morals and it's hard to change her mind. You have to convince her and give her a really good reason to not do what she's thinking.
If it's protecting someone, especially someone that she cares about, she's willing to die for them if it's needed. She doesn't care if it breaks that person's heart, she must keep them safe, no matter the cost. Literally.
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Hard. Really hard. Impossible I'd say. But if there's a person who has the tiniest possibility of doing that, it should be someone that she really cares about. REALLY close friends, family and lover, and they should have a REALLY good fucking reason for doing that. But after that don't expect Sparrow to treat you like before.
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
The K2 accident. I think that's the worst thing that happened to Sparrow, or at least the one that affected her the most. I should write a fic with all the details about that Accident. It could be interesting. 🤔
Aaaannd I think that's all! Thank you so much for the asks love!
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
c3e54 thoughts and musings/liveblog
who are we going to see today? i’m hoping for laudna, ashton, and orym so we can get a good look at what’s going on closer to the blast site, see the guests, and follow up with some of the npcs that we don’t yet know about. team wildemount bells has had a fun time and they’re at a relatively same and comfortable place right now--having released umudara, they don’t have any super pressing commitments. that being said, based on matt’s tweet, whichever team is present is working with sketchy history--that could hit chetney, but also ashton. this is the big backstory arc for both of them.
wherever they are, whichever half of bell’s hells is present, it’s going to be tricky to navigate.
okay it’s team wildemount bells. anyway. missing team mom friend hells. i’m feeling more of an rp episode, maybe shopping?
edit: i was wrong.
yay for cool parades. royal recognition like i expected--this is their luxon-bright queen moment.
sending still isn’t working--maybe message instead? it’s transmutation, but maybe the distance aspect is really what’s being regulated.
deanna’s house! i love it! deanna & imogen bonding! the room arrangements and little character interactions. it’s lovely. the completion of the tonal change of being away from the solstice planning.
do aeormatons dream of electric sheep? christian created this character to be in platonic love with deanna and tell fcg the world is round. Humanoid legs???? a child??? embedded in their body??? spiritual hug? the eyes glow? i was meant to protect this boy! omg frida i love you. finding the old programming and using it as a source of hope and something to tie back to.
fcg’s power of friendship. aeormaton bonding. i’m excited to see where sam and christian go with this from here--the mortifying ordeal of being known in your dreams and sharing in the experience of finding someone who you identify with uniquely is so cool to explore.
deanna’s breakfast. all of the time they spent in her home. this is shaping up to be fun and very silly, with lots of shenanigans coming--i can feel it. good ol’ drixlitch (dick licks) & oltgar (old fart), and macaroni retconned to parmesan
we found santa! he’s sad! he’s lost the meaning of winter’s crest! he’s oltgar dredagon! All of the petty nonsense is so good. i feel for oltgar, and i do hope that this works out for chetney. D&O’s seems like a predatory business relationship, and i hope that they have a chance at getting rid of drixlitch. also, the ‘war wound’ & brand of castigation combination is so funny.
battling again! a few things to consider: swarm tactics from the bugs, and the objective of keeping the worm in its larval stage. really highlights the guy’s idiocy--anyone could have popped a dispel in the store at some point and then where would you be. i’m assuming the bug is guaranteed to die before the enchantment goes up, unless they’re just releasing the firebugs on the populace when the enchantment fades.
lots of fun tactical moves: imogen with telekinesis, deanna’s blindness & dawn, all of the snares, the flyswatter, good uses of feats and mechanics from christian, and that crucial polymorph from fearne that turned into just a hilarious slaughter. that’s the second beast bell’s hells has released based on something fearne did.
meanwhile all of them are looting. by my count they have a bunch of the toys, lots of quality wood, the paperwork, enchanters’ gloves, and two boxes of extremely angry firebugs, as well as 400 platinum in payment.
edit: i somehow forgot that frida straight up walked out with a chair. just right out onto the street. i have to assume they’re still carrying the chair as team bells heads to the citadel.
they came into uthodurn, immediately started their time there with the procession and of a divine bull. then proceed to have some crazy aeormaton interactions in dreams. the next day, as they are on their way to a noon appointment with the diarchy, they just casually walk up to chetney’s old place of work, defeat a bunch of released bugs and a transformed baby worm, find out about the child labor scheme the owner was running as well as other general bad guy nonsense, and then loot the place for supplies. chetney then reconciles with oltgar, a guy he’s held a grudge against for the entire campaign so far, and successfully intimidates him into leaving uthodurn and becoming exandrian or at least wildemount’s santa, who has a shithead and okay list instead of naughty and nice.
all in all, lots of shenanigans, very funny episode, and some real callbacks to the origins of chetney. my prediction for next episode is that they meet with the diarchy and generally finish their pressing business in uthodurn. the episode after that, i think we’re looking at a return to laudna ashton and orym. maybe. it depends on how they want to apportion their episodes based on the break week and guest availability.
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bruiisedpetals-a · 1 year
long NON RP RANT — about work bc the audacity!?!??!   tldr: a girl who had applied and interviewed and confirmed her trial shift to be a barista last week and was V EXCITED so we cancelled another person for her trial .... showed up, said hi, chatted a bit, had a look inside, then said she was going for a walk to look around the area bc she isnt a local, and within 5 MINUTES (literally. five) ghosted, disappeared, text my boss and said “yeah nah bye”, and left me alone handling the whole place.  cue endless work for me w double the usual customers, and a shift that lasted three hours longer that it should have bc of the ghosting.
rel context: i work in a small coffee & bagel place, two people on one shift: one on coffee & point of sale and another to be the cook, we also have two online food delivery providers so we take orders in person and from two apps + i’m a barista and have line cook kitchen prac & experience so am actually a ‘cook’ ig?
so i mentioned in my post when i was half asleep yesterday that i had a new person coming into my workplace for a trial today, so i stayed late to prep for weekend trade + restock stuff, and came in early to set up everything just in case. we were v busy yesterday with food as it was so i had a lot to restock, and w mothers day tomorrow everything needs to be topped up more-so. that a lot of work by itself to be honest but manageable in between cooking, esp when you have an extra set of hands when its quiet to help.   look if you have seen any cooking show you might see that set up, prep and pack down take THE LONGEST ok.
 — our permanent staff consists of me and K, we have two other locations so we get help from Z and J, and they can usually cover the shifts that K and i can’t  (eg. K can’t do saturdays, i cant do every 3rd tuesday)  but they manage other locations so they are not available without prior notice.       so basically the only person who was available to work today was me, even my boss was busy moving house w his wife, 4mo and two under 8yo’s. —
this morning i’m at work at 7am, turn on things etc, set up my cooking stuff, open the coffee machine, nothing crazy. at abt 7:45am im chillin outside having a coffee and a smoke and someone walks up and it turns out to be the trial girl. we chat a bit etc, i show her inside and the machine    (she’s a barista and i’m the cook on shift)     —   i say that i just heard from my boss myself, bc she had spoken w him earlier that morning, and he’s on the way and should be here within 5-7 mins   ***technically we open at 8am but i was waiting for my boss but had checked the time to keep track & i had just text my boss back so i saw the timestamp***
so at 7:59am i head inside after i finish my smoke and she’s going to have a look where i told her there is free close parking for next time bc she took the train, at 8:04am my boss walks in and goes “WOW IT’S 8:04AM AND SHE’S NOT HERE lmao” (he did not yell it he’s a g - that’s just how i knew what the time was alksjfhg)     and i go “no she’s just having a look down [street] bc of the parking i literally saw her a few mins ago” and proceed to open the doors etc.  meanwhile i see my boss on the phone calling her, after a moment he comes over with a Whole “i cant fkn believe this” Face on while he’s on the phone.  i’m thinking “??? i hope trial girl didn’t get lost in these lil crossover streets damn”
(it’s 8:07am, from now the customers start. they DO NOT STOP until at least 11am, it was at least double the normal turnover of profits during that time so thats ur ref for how BUSY it got)
boss goes “ur not gonna believe this” and show me the mssg from trial girl who basically has said “hi i went to ur shop, and i had a wander around the area and its just not good enough for me so i’m on my way home”. she’s GONE. in those five minutes. she got up, lied to me, and was at the nearby train station leaving. boss is floored and i’m like !>?!??!?!@#!#?who IN THE FK does this?!?!? but the customers so *professional me is present rn*
between her and boss there’s a little back and forth (text, she wont answer any calls) where he literally pleads with her bc there is NO ONE who can come in an assist me and she confirmed yesterday and she WAS HERE, she continues to be like “mmmm well ik that we discussed this and i said that i would be here and its been set for days and i applied LAST WEEK etc. but... no sorry im going back to bed” and then blocks him.
& this whole thing takes place between
7:59AM — 8:07AM.
i was there from 7am - 4:35pm  / my usual saturday is 7:45am - 2:30pm
WHO DOES THAT. WHO IS THAT UNPROFESSIONAL. WHO??? WHOMST??? SHE WAS SO FKN RUDE I WAS liVID. LIKE. why LEAD us ALL ON. we all need to make a living do U THINk he can afford to lose a whole day of trade?? he’s got a whole FAmILY and his wife cant work rn bc she’s just had their 3rd child.   i live PaYCHECK to PAYcheck.  like this is life this isnt a game????   you are 29YRS OLD why cant u act grown 
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whosxafraid · 19 days
little-earthquakes-rp : (in regards to whosxafraids tags on reply) I did love the reply. boden had it coming and Luka was perfect.
Whosxafraid : YAY! I was just ' omg LUKA why? now is NOT the time to act your age."
Luka: -in time with dead decking demon- "Oi...be...ta...old...for...d'is...SHOI'TE!" Whosxafraid : and suddenly I'm glad u live in a warehouse turned apartment ... pad ... loft ... library...thing--and NOT a wee house in suburbia...you'd be that old crazy yelling at the kids to get off ur lawn. Luka : -one hand delivering one more punch that goes THROUGH the demon's skull as the other flips whosxaraid off- Whosxafraid : sometimes I can't decide who really puts up with who lol
little-earthquakes-rp : Can you imagine the folklore those suburban kids (if he did live there) would conjure up about him? He'd be 'the hosue' everyone was too afraid of at Halloween. whosxafraid : LMAO OMG HE SO WOULD. like the old guy from home alone. SALTING HIS DRIVEWAY WITH HIS VICTIMS little-earthquakes-rp : ::rofl::
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Welcome to my TARDIS
Hello, my name's The Tinkerer! I'm a crazy and wild renegade Time Lord that's just going about in Time and Space.
I'm always well, tinkering! Always with different things or doing something crazy to see what happens. :)
Also don't worry about my TARDIS... It's uh... Not in the best of shape. But hay, it gets me any and every where I need to go!
Sorry I'm back, something just blew up. Anyways here's some things about me.
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For a bit more too, I'm from the Patrex Chapter. I was also loomed in The House of Wetrix, and I'm on my fifth regeneration.
a Red Phone Booth?
... (Ooc: Will add more when the posts come.)
Ooc: Hello everyone, this is my first ask/rp blog thing or whatever... Anyway I'm the only mod here, and I go by Star and this @starlightdust-dreamergalaxy is my main blog. (It's wild over there. Lol) Anyways, I'm still working things out and this intro post may get reworked in the future.
Same goes for the pfp for this blog, but for now the I made it with THIS picrew. It's the closest I can get to how I imagine The Tinkerer to look like, but I am trying some other picrews to see if any are better. :P
I will say now I'm sorry if this blog seems to move slow, I am very good at procrastinating and get distracted. Sorry lol. (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ \ Also I'll say I'm not the best at RPing and I'm sorry about that to anyone I my RP with, but hay you can't get better if you don't at least try right! :⁠-⁠D
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making-a-killing · 9 months
"The K in hippocratic oath stands for Kimiko, now please stop questioning the syringe of fluid in ny hand. I promise it's good for you."
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Character details:
Letter: K
Code name: Kimura
True name: Kimiko Kujo
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 17
Birthdate: March 21
Orientation: Bisexual
Home country: Japan
Likes: lizards, microbiology, helping people she deems "worthy"
Dislikes: horror films, minimalist decor, "difficult persons"
Extra: K arrived at Wammys fairly young and had been pursuing a medical career prior to the L program. Her parents were both doctors and died in a lab accident while working on a top secret infectious disease program. K had been given extensive private schooling and was far above any other child her age. Subsequently, Mr. Wammy, who had been good friends with her parents, brought her to Wammys House so she could continue her studies. K genuinely believes in the Wammys House system and L program, even though she is not at all considered a proper successor. Brilliant and loyal as she may be she is headstrong in her sense of justice and should never be left alone in a lab.
Hair color: Light brown, long and straight, often kept in a tight bun or pony tail but occasionally let down
Eye color: Black
Skin tone: Warm beige
Height: 5'7 (170cm)
Weight: 120-130lbs (54-59kg)
Fashion sense: Extremely formal. Usually wears black or white and rarely dresses in color but typically wears muted blues or greens. Often wears her lab coat around during busy weeks.
Extra: Sometimes wears a small peice of jewelry, but nothing to flashy. Her appearance is fairly sterile overall.
(=Rules under cut=)
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The man behind the muse is @artificial-ascension
That's my main personal blog and everything about me is in the pinned post. If you don't feel like going there:
My other rp blog is @fairweather-fangs I made a separate blog for my other muse because I like theming my blogs
I am very active on Tumblr and try to be here
If I have alot of asks or RPs going on at once it may take a while to get to all of them, but trust me I do see everything.
I may get writers block for some things but I will try to get around to everything.
I'm very open about what I'm working on so if you have questions or concerns feel free to message me. If for whatever reason I will not be responding to your ask/response I will inform you
I'm in the Eastern U.S. but may be active anywhere from 5am (my time) at the earliest to 3am at th latest. (I have a terrible sleep schedule) However I am mich less likely to be writing or responding super late or super early. I may also be late to things if I'm away from my phone because I do that sometimes
I don't mind most things, if you feel like you need permission to do something to K I almost certainly don't care
K often goes by Kimiko and her full name is probably available if you dig enough. If you're character is willing to find it they're free to use her real name.
NSFW is very much allowed but I require you to be 18+ for sexual material. Otherwise go crazy.
I don't like writing much... you wouldn't be able to tell because I'm quite long winded...
Really just try and not speak for K. That's my job, also I may do so on my other rp blog, but most K will go here.
And also don't be a dick. I try to be friendly but I don't fuck with any sort of bigotry in or out of character. And don't be rude to me I'll block you. I came here to have fun.
Trigger warnings: Comically absurd medical malpractice?? There's not alot here, pretty much just the average edgy wammys rp here.
Rules and warnings to be expanded upon as things come up. I'm new here.
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angel-milano · 10 months
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November 30 – SwynRP Character Wishlist (Scad Edition)
There are characters that I've had ideas about picking up in the future. If there are any that you'd like to see more than others, feel free to react with their emoji! (You can vote for more than one lmao)
☠️Bones (Chef Remy Bones from Vampirina)
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So I've been wanting to use Con as a grumpy character for aaaages now, and reading through the Hauntley Inn characters, this one clicked! I have a story brewing for him and I think he'd make a good "straight man" to all the crazy supernatural shenanigans that goes on around him. He just wants to die and God won't let him.
🧪Cornelius Lucy Robinson (Cornelius Robinson from Meet the Robinsons)
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I would not be Scad if I wasn't on my trans bs 24/7. A bit of a different perspective, Lucy transitioned rather late in life and very much in the public eye. She's still working out the changes in her relationships, her career, and her reputation, while also trying to be a better spouse/parent than she has been. There's a lot of growth to be had, and I think it would be fun to play someone established in the Swynlake community.
💃Morgan (Morph from Treasure Planet)
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So this is actually a character I have from other rps, but definitely one of my favorite to play. They are a drag queen, and in Swynverse they'd be a shapeshifting MAFIA member working at the local salon to help others transform into their true selves. I've always wanted to play them working off another villain (John Silver ideally) but I think there's a ton of fun connections they'd be able to make. Definitely the most social of any of my characters.
🔔Quasimodo (Quasimodo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
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MY BOY!!! Quasi was actually my first character in Swynlake when I was here years ago, and is the character I've taken with me across every Disney rp I've been in. The reason I haven't brought him back immediately is because his story was tied around some characters who aren't here anymore and I've been brainstorming how to re-adapt everything. I have some ideas, but you'll have to wait for the wanted connections edition...
I've been messing around with the idea of having a glamour fc (canonically he looks like his movie self) and am looking at Alfredo Minea.
💎Devyn Morey (Dopey from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves)
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I love rping family dynamics and I think it would be a lot of fun to complete a set. I have a gift idea in mind, I'd want to play him as deaf, and I have a general personality, but if I did go this direction, I ofc would be checking in with a lot of people first!
🩺Barry Makaguchi (Baymax from Big Hero 6)
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Robot characters not getting enough love!! Transhumanism themes are so much fun and I'd love to be able to explore them with this character. I think it would be really interesting watching them play off others, Magick and Mundus alike, and develop their view of the world as their AI continues to learn.
🐭Bernard Newhart (Bernard from The Rescuers)
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In terms of groups I'd like to wriggle my way into, RAS is up there. Rescuers has a special place in my heart and Bernard has always been a favorite for me. Ofc I'd want to play him with his partner (whoever that might be, see wanted connections) but I think he also could be interesting on his own. What is his mission? How can he connect with other RAS members in Swynlake? Can he not blow his own cover??
🌺Tala Wailiki (Gramma Tala from Moana)
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I have wanted to use Rena Owen to play Tala for soooooooo long, but haven't had the right opportunity yet. But when I saw Moana's bio meeting with her estranged grandma, I was like, huh! What's going on with that! So I have a story cooking--the idea that Tala is a revenant in Swynlake, looking for Answers to Something, while generally just being the village crazy lady. That's her job.
👻Terry House (Terry from Soul)
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Listen, as a certified Annoying Virgo(tm), I love playing other Annoying Virgo types. Terry was my favorite part of Soul and I think it would be a hoot-and-a-half to play them. We got some undead types around that they could bother, but they're also an accountant at InterPride so there are those connections too. They'd be fun BECAUSE they're so boring!
🌊Ponyo (Ponyo from Ponyo)
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And ofc, you can't forget about the mers! I was actually planning on picking up Ponyo in my original Swynlake run, (before my life fell apart lol) and the muse is still there. She'd be excitable and silly, which isn't a character type I get to play all too often.
💘Bebe Proud (Bebe Proud from the Proud Family + Erato)
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So looking at the muses, Erato definitely stood out to me. I was wondering if I should just make an original OC or try to connect them to another Disney character, and then thought about the idea of Bebe and Cece as twin muses. Cece could be anyone, and it would open up for wider Proud Family shenanigans! The joke with Erato is instead of writing love poetry, they're a prolific multi-fandom Ao3 fic author.
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
🥝 - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
🍊 - What are your favourite genres of threads? Fluff? Angst? Etc
Already answered here! ^_^
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
Wanda is really loud about mental health, especially women’s health. I’ll be watching a movie and a frightened woman will be called hysterical, or her fear/anger will be blamed on “that time of the month,” or a panicking woman will be told to “just calm down,” or in horror movies no one believes what someone says about ghosts and things and calls them crazy... and Wanda’s just like excuse yourself, no. Like... she weirdly pops into my head sometimes when I watch things like that and just gets defensive like no, this isn’t constructive, this isn’t healthy, and how dare you treat women this way. She understandably is very sensitive about women not being heard or getting help when they need it.
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
Honestly, hearing that Lizzie played Wanda and Paul played Vision. I was huge fans of theirs already and Wanda and Vision were almost the only characters I was interested in when I used to read the comics as a child, so when I found out two actors I really liked were played two characters I loved, I was like... *sigh* Okay, I guess I’ll give it a try. I don’t overly like action movies and superhero movies are really not my thing, so I had no desire to get involved in the MCU fandom, heh. But I watched to see Paul and Lizzie, jumped in the fandom in 2018, binged a bunch of movies, and now here I am, writing seven MCU muses. XD
🍓 - What’s your sweetest rp experience so far?
I already answered this here, but besides what I said in that post, I think some of my sweetest rp experiences have been with Vision very soon after he’s “born.” Meeting kittens. Talking to plants as if they understand and can talk back. Learning to do various things. He’s just so innocent and cute in how he goes about things and at that age he’s wowed by everything. I need more “baby” Vis in my life heh, he’s so pure to write.
🥝 - If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Already answered here, but I’d also like to go to Ireland. I’m a large part Irish, so I grew up with the stories, food, music, and decorations/sayings around the house. I’d love to visit there, see the countryside, see interesting landmarks, have a pint in a pub, learn a lot, do some shopping, etc. I’d be a shameless tourist, probably, but I’d enjoy it, haha.
🥜 - What’s the nuttiest thread you’ve ever had?
Oh gosh, I have no idea. I’ve written some pretty strange threads, but nutty? I’m thinking funny/crazy in a goofy way? That kind of nutty? I don’t know, I don’t tend to write goofy threads, heh. Uhm... hmm. Well, some of the nuttiest setups for threads have been Luther in the middle ages, Jix in a zombie apocalypse, and Nemesis giddily freaking out because he found a bunch of chocolate chip cookies. I think those all count as pretty nutty.
I forget what happened to Luther in his thread, it was a long time ago, heh. I think he served a king as a soldier or something and the other muse was there as a servant or princess or something. I really forget, it’s been years. But it was so weird to take him from his canon modern setting and plop him into medieval times, haha.
Jix climbed into a vending machine to get a can of soda to bring back to the other muse in the thread, and he ran into a zombie along the way. The zombie didn’t recognize him as food, so Jix stood there trying to have a conversation with it for a while before he just took the soda and ran. The zombie didn’t talk and was like, you know, rotting, so Jix called him rude and stinky. XD The muse he was paired with in that thread was very stoic and grumpy, heh, so Jix was the polar opposite. Unfortunately I think the other mun got bored and dropped the thread, but it was a really fun and wacky thread, I thought.
And Nemmy... well he got super happy about the cookies and gave some to Alice, who asked him if he was, in fact, five years old due to his adorable and childlike behavior. Undaunted, Nemesis then devoured said cookies and an entire thread followed from there. So really only the start was nutty, but close enough, heh.
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idanwyn-et-al · 3 years
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The Nixie: A Curious Galleon and her Oddly Lush pirate playground Dockhouse. 
When she sails into her home slip in Vylbrand, the Free Trader Nixie turns a fair many beachgoer’s head. She seems too light in the water for her ponderous size: her mainmast encased entirely in crystal; her wooden decks threaded with cermet and darksteel; billowing, well-tended sails above and Garlean-inspired ceruleum engines below.  Rumor has it that the ship is haunted, though each retelling’s specifics vary, different hues of the same leaded-glass window. Some say the old Captain never really died, and her niece is merely covering for her, communing with her in secret. Others say that the ghosts of hundreds of namazu fill the decks at all hours with the squeaking candor of their fins. Still others claim the ship has captured a sea monster of eld, using it to power the peculiar vessel.
Whatever the truth may be, the Nixie’s crew isn’t too forthcoming to many about it, leaving passengers and visitors alike to draw their own conclusions. All are welcome to visit the ship when she’s in her home port, whether it’s to seek passage, to have a shipment delivered, or to enroll with the crew for adventures into uncharted territory. 
|| The Nixie is located on Mateus at Mist, Ward 14, Plot 6, and is the home of the Uncharted Territory FC. The house’s exterior is our dockhouse, gardens, and cafe, while the interior, unsurprisingly, is the ship’s interior. The Nixie’s current IC location can be seen in the Message from the Owner section of our guestbook; we always update it during FC events! || Some more info, including RP and recruitment info, under the cut!
Though the carrd and some restructuring are still in the works (though very close to completion), we are looking to recruit, and will begin doing so in earnest fairly soon (probably May, 2022). The goal will still be to have a smaller FC (50 people at the absolute max), so we’re also looking for other FCs or individuals who might want to RP with us who might not necessarily want to join a crazy haunted ship’s crew.
As far as FC recruitment goes, we are looking for roleplayers that are: 30+; that have an interest in running events as well as participating at least once every other Sunday; that enjoy the PvE aspect of this game to stay current on the story and locations, which we very much use IC; and are generally sociable people who also don’t mind people being quiet and doing their own things. 
IC-wise, we are a motley crew indeed, and can work pretty much any story into our crew’s. We do definitely need a dedicated medic, though. We even have a clinic for you! Not that we get into a lot of trouble out there or anything...
I didn’t plan for this to become RP recruitment post junior, but here we are. If you’re at all interested, please feel free to reply here, send me a DM, or contact me on discord at esper#3592. Thanks for looking!
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the-quiet-void · 3 years
I’ve been catching up with the BearSMP on YouTube (definitely go do it if you haven’t! it’s so cool) and after Niki arrives, every moment she mentions the dsmp I just cry
It really puts into perspective just how fucked that world is for the people living in it like Niki is constantly on guard and keeps trying to isolate herself from others after her time in the dsmp
The Dream SMP has been ravaged and there isn’t a single part of it that isn’t so undeniably sad like
L’Manburg -> Destroyed
Community House -> Blown up constantly
Las Nevadas -> Lonely with lights a little too bright
Kinoko Kingdom -> Quiet and full of secrets
Eret’s Castle -> Huge, silent, and unused
Niki’s Underground Kingdom -> Abandoned and much too cold
The Prison -> Everyone that has spent too much time there goes crazy and is tortured in some way
All of it -> a giant egg spreads it’s red vines and leaves throughout the smp and has caused irreversible damage
There are a bunch of ghosts that existed at some point or another, most characters have heaps of trauma, and the builds get demolished time and time again
Now this doesn’t mean I don’t love the dsmp or the stories in it. In fact, I like the seriousness and angst quite a lot. It’s just easy to see the smp as abandoned when so few people regularly stream on it especially when big lore events like The Red Banquet have all but disappeared
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