#guess my character has just been shitting in the woods up till now
hassianlovebot · 11 months
does anyone know if there's a way to add doors inside the house? ik you can buy doors but i'm pretty sure they only work for the outside. and ik i can change the doorway but like specifically can i add an actual Door
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iworshipsappho · 5 months
1) what's her backstory?? 2) how is she with animals?/ any familiars? (i'm guessing there's some aquatic stuff involved?) 3) do they trust easily or are they cautious?? 4) are they comfortable with hugs and hair ruffles and physical touch in general? 5) are there any similarities between you and him???? 6) why did you chose the name ceres, which is very pretty and awesome btw? 😭🫶🏼🫶🏼
ok so here we goooo
hmm her backstory is what ive been working on for a while now, and yet i only have a few titbits here and there. one really cool thing i figured out a few weeks back is that he is ex-nobility, as in either she left nobility or was kicked out. this lil piece of information is evident in the way they absolutely loooove gold decor and jewellery. im still not sure why exactly they left, but i wanna get that sorted by this week >:)
they fucking loooove animals, to ceres, animals > human or like person interaction. her favourite animals are foxes :33 they've befriended a lot of foxes and she probably has names for each of them bc even tho he looks really stoic on the outside, he's a big softie on the inside but is just too scared to show it out. mmm also since they're an earth genasi, they live in the his world equivalent of a merge between a minecraft spruce biome and an oak biome, wait i think i have a picture lemme just check
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^^^ they live on this island !!!!
3. mmm they used to be verrryyy trusting in their teens, but something happened that made her put up a hard exterior and protecc the guy inside :((
4. again, they used to be, but etc etc happened and he hasnt really had any intereaction with people in years almost, the closest he's come to that is with the gnome village nearby who view her as a deity (i just thought of this might not be canon in the future aka in 10 mins lmfao)
5. !!!!! MMM SO we used to be the exact same person but then ceres became more ceres than me, so while yes there are a lotta similarities, he's also become a character who isnt entirely me lmao. mmm. our similarities are probably that we both find comfort in our hobbies, writing for me and wood carving for her, and sometimes would prefer to not have any human interaction, yers in their case, also they used to be like reallllyyyy talkative in her teens but then Shit Happened
6. I LOVE TALKING ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME SO HELL YEAH THANKS FOR ASKING ME HEHE SO i always wanted ceres to be associated with the earth, so immediately i thought of like greek gods who were related to earthy shit, and my first thought was demeter right, but i didnt want it to be demeter bc demeter didnt fit the vibes i was going for sooooo i went hmm whats the roman version, guess what. it was ceres!!!!! AND THE COOL PART IS ceres is also the name of a dwarf planet, its my favourite one now sorry make-make, but like its so cool bc the name ceres combines 2 of my oldest obsessions, greek mythology from when i was 10 and space shit, which i was obsessed with till i was like 7 and still retain some of the knowledge i got from like boring through 3 encyclopedias on space lmao
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raesnovelsblog · 1 year
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Synopsis from IMDB:
It's been eight years since the opening night tragedy of Hell House, LLC and still many unanswered questions remain. Thanks to an anonymous tip, investigative journalist Jessica Fox is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel-evidence that will shed light on the hotel's mysteries. She assembles a team equally hungry for answers with one goal: break into the hotel and discover the truth.
My review
Solid sequel. Follows the formula of the first one, but deviates slightly. Love the additional information about the crew from the first Hell House movie. The acting was weaker in this one for me. Not horrible, but a noticeable difference. Still a solid found footage movie with creepy clowns.  Clowns will never not be terrifying.
Rating : 7/10
How does it treat…
Women? Pretty well. They have agency and aren’t there just to be tortured or saved.
Does it pass the Bechdel test? Yes. No relationships are discussed. 
How long till a women speaks? 33 seconds
Relationships? Treated fairly.
Sex? N/A
Minorities? N/A
Older People? Seen, but not demonized because they’re old.
Mental Health? Mentioned, but not a plot point.
Kids? N/A
Animals? N/A
Was it fun? Kind of.  
Was it worth it? Yes, but only so much as to complete a trilogy.
Rewatchability? Not as much as the first one.
Gore level? Minor. The blood budget is less than the first one.
Appropriate? Yes
Spoilerly thought beyond this. You have been warned.
That dude is way too old to be playing the character the mom is describing.
The ghosts are better at new technologies than I am.
They mastered text messages faster than my parents.
That piano tune is still creepy.
I’ve watched too many true crime shows because that reporters' intro shots are spot on.
Brock Davies!? Perfect douchie name for a medium.
Woman in the blue is not great at first. She kept looking at the camera. Her character knows she’s being filmed, but it still.
That’s a lot of police resources to keep a police car out front everyday. 
“Not a trained professional paranormal investigator.”  How does one go about becoming a professional paranormal investigator? Do you have to take classes?  Is there a test?  A certificate at the end?
Putting a rock against the door to keep it open is one of the smartest things in all of these movies.
Seeing a random person standing on the stairs and then not immediately leaving, is not smart. Although I think it was supposed to be a ghost thing.
Random latin on the wall trope, check.
Heard a noise and went to investigate, check.  The door was open. It could be an animal or a homeless person.
Do not stop to pick up a hitchhiker.  Just don’t.
What are the ghost rules?  They were just in the house. Now they’re on the side of the road luring people in? Well, I guess Sarah did lure them back to the hotel in the first movie. At least they’re consistent. 
Don’t go after her.  The place is creepy and that woman isn’t right.  If you’re that worried, call for help. You don’t follow her into the abandoned haunted place.
The teen in the booth next to the weird dancing couple is staring directly at the camera.
Don’t give Molly shit about not wanting to go inside. 
They’re searching for a way in, but every other person has just sauntered in through a wide open door.
Don’t trust that wood piece in the door. Looks like it would slip out.
Why did Brock need to go to Abaddon with the film crew? He could have gone whenever?
Old timey portraits of children are inherently unnerving.
Random nooses equal get the fuck out.
The evil clown mannequins are back.
“Grab a box and start digging.” - Nope.  You take those boxes outside and read them out in the daylight like smart people.
The pan to the woman staring at them is a great example of simple scares being highly efficient.
You’ve put a time limit on your excursion into the basement. Why waste time reading the menu?
Creepy clown walking around - world of nope.
Sending the guy by himself? These people don’t watch horror movies and it shows.
Ghosts can impersonate people now?  These technological ghosts are impressive.
She’s fighting him on leaving. He warned you multiple times that they might all have to leave at a moment’s notice. Why are they acting surprised when he insists you leave?
Fuck Brock. He’s a grown man that you didn’t even want to come along.
Fuck that clown. He’s creepy AF. Just that slow movement was all I needed to send chills down my spine.
Mitchell, you've been smart up till now. Don’t stop now.
All that ghost women did was blink.  I would have run away too.
Theorizing the ghosts were compelling Alex to stay in the hotel fits. 
Are they in a room with no windows? Why not go out the window? If there isn’t a window, that’s a major safety violation.
Ghosts fucking with them on the walkie talkie, chef kiss.
So who supposedly is filming the meeting with Alex? Maybe the ghosts are trying to start their own reality show.
Why is he writing on those tapes with a dry erase marker?
That thing at the door looks like an off brand Leather Face.
Now the ghosts are leaving notes? But you were doing so well with the tech.
Molly’s with the clowns now.  Her sacrifice was worthy.  You move the fuck along.
The wall breaking open to show the lake of fire was okay. CGI is not their friend.
But that clown slowly moving towards them is.
Mentioned Russell Wynn. Set up the 3rd movie in the 2nd one. Good for them.
So did the ghosts cause the accident involving the real Arnold?
Arnold being Andrew Tulley was great.
“Pick up the camera.” They really want their own show.
Anytime you bring religion into it, the fright factor goes up.
Should have let the clown have Molly.  Now she dies slowly from a stab to the abdomen. 
So was Tulley trolling the internet looking for gullible people to send Hell House information too? How many other people have they contacted?
Killing her off camera is more effective than showing the murder.
Were the ghosts true to their word? Did they let Mitchell leave after he made his choice?
Anytime someone in a horror movie says “Do you trust me?” the automatic answer should be no.
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katberk · 2 years
Fanfic Ideas #1
I have so many ideas for fanfic stories and I don’t know how to write for shit so have my ideas for Stranger Things/actors and all that shit lol
Anyone can write about these so if you see someone who’s already wrote about it don’t worry :) different authors write different stories ❤️
I’m also a very big person on fluff and hurt to comfort so the majority or all will probably just be that lol
More to be added so look out for those
x = Romantic
& = Platonic
🌸 = Someone wrote/read story
If you find any like these/write them please tag me in it 🥰
List 2
List 3
List 4 (coming soon)
Bonus - Have some soulmate prompts/ideas
~1st one~
Dacre Montgomery x reader (high school sweethearts) 🌸
Dacre and the reader are costars with their characters being love interests. They’re both in an interview talking about season 3 and Y/C/N and billy’s death scene. The reader talks about how they got the idea to kill off their character because they wanted more time with Dacre and to not stress out. So the scene goes the reader’s character (Y/C/N) tries to save Billy but sadly dies from his hands by strangulation. It was super emotional because the last words that were spoken were “I just want my sunshine back” (which reader calls Dacre) so they basically talk about that scene and how memorable it was to go that way!
“When they yelled cut all I felt were Dacre’s arms around me.”
(If someone writes this one PLEASE TAG ME!!!)
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~2nd one~
Billy Hargrove x reader
Where reader just tries to make Billy jealous for pay back cause he makes them jealous like everyday at the pool.
“Just let me have this for today. Let me have the attention”
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~3rd one~
Eddie Munson x reader
Reader is full on just female version of Eddie but loves the sweet cliché shit. (Ex: cheesy rom coms, holding hands, picnics in the woods) (P.S. Tiefling fairy! That’s a me)
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~4th one~
Ghost face Steddie x reader
Anything that tbh
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~5th one~
Steve x Eddie x reader x Billy
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~6th one~
Billy Hargrove x reader 🌸
You’re having dinner with his family minus Neil till he comes home and things escalate. He’s about to hit Billy until the reader pulls him back and puts a knife to his throat.
“If you lay a finger on him I’ll slit your throat right in front of your family you got that?!”
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~7th one~
Eddie Munson x Henderson reader, (Dustin Henderson & reader)
Reader and Dustin have the best sibling relationship in Hawkins. He’s the little adorable nerd while she’s the mother always making sure he’s okay and well. (Ex: Makes sure he eats at lunch aka packs stuff for him/shares her food, Ruffles his hair/gives kisses to his head/forehead, makes sure he’s doing good physically and emotionally, always picks him and his friends up from dnd) Eddie finds this sweet and slowly falls for her.
“Hey Dusty guess what I got!” *pulls out two Hostess Cupcake packages*
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~8th one~
Steve Harrington x Buckley reader, (Robin Buckley & reader)
Reader is Robin’s older sister who has the sweetest sweet tooth known to Hawkins. Steve figures this out after a week of visits from the sister everyday sometimes twice a day. How will Steve win her over and how will Robin react?!
“She’d start crying if you gave her a giant cake or something!”
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~9th one~
Billy Hargrove x Pyromaniac reader
Billy dropped his lighter and now it’s gone! Angry he’s been ignoring everyone all day trying to figure out where it went. The next day he makes eye contact with the reader who… HAS HIS LIGHTER!!! Running after them he finds the reader and oh wow… their really hot!
“I-I’m sorry! I just really like collecting empty lighters and I thought this one was forgotten… and I was gonna set this trash bin on fire.”
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~10th one~
Eddie Munson x Guitarist/Artist reader
Every week Eddie finds a drawing of him and every month he finds a cassette in his locker. These gifts make him wonder who’s spending their time of day on the “freak” of Hawkins? With the Hellfire club on his side will he figure out who this lovely person is?
“It has all of my favorite songs on it… and look! The art is so realistic!”
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~11th one~
(Talked about this in a previous post)
Steve Harrington x reader x Billy Hargrove
When reader and Billy are on a date they decide to go see Steve “The Hair” Harrington at Scoops Ahoy (Because they missed him and were gonna pick him up after his shift ended). When the party sees Billy and reader having a good time together half of them try to protect the reader while the other half panic because they know that Steve and reader are dating! The party get a big surprise!
“Wait! Robin you knew?!”
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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lovemeleo · 3 years
O’knutzy hurt/comfort please!
Hey anon! Just a lil bit o'knutzy hurt/comfort for ya. I'm not the best at the hurt part, but I hope you enjoy it! These characters and their amazing world belong to the lovely @lumosinlove!
It's also on AO3!
cw: hospitals and hockey injury
Finn was out until further notice.
Until further notice.
It was only their second game and now he was out because of a wrong move on the ice. He tried to dodge one guy and instead ended up slammed into the boards by another one that he didn’t see coming.
He probably should be more worried about the fact that his arm was broken but like… until further notice is a very long time to not play hockey. This was supposed to be their season. They’re coming off a cup win (knock on wood) and this was going to be their year.
Finn couldn’t help but pout as he watched his boys finish the game. They won which was great, but he wanted to be out there! He should be out there. Guess he should get used to watching from the sidelines. He had been taken to the local hospital so he could get the cast put on, but he insisted on having the TV in his room playing the rest of the game while they did so.
The game had finished around 15 minutes ago and his eyes were on the door. The pain meds they had given him made him feel a bit loopy and now he just wanted his boys to be with him.
After letting out his third or fourth heavy sigh, his nurse, Allie, glanced over at him, raising an eyebrow, “You alright there, Finn? Arm still bothering you?”
His lower lip pushed out farther as he looked over at her, “My boys are s’posed to be picking me up and they aren’t here yet,” He said, his head falling back on the stiff cotton of the hospital bed. “I think they forgot bout me.”
Maybe he was a bit loopier than he thought.
Allie chuckled, writing down the last of his vitals on his chart for the discharge papers, “I don’t think they forgot about you. They were still finishing up the game when we called your PT’s office, so I’m sure they’ll be here as soon as they can.”
He may or may not have let out another sigh, his head rolling back to look down the hall. Just as he was about to lose all hope of them coming, which was probably only another 45 seconds, Logan and Leo appeared at the end of the hall. They stopped at the front desk before their gazes finally landed on Finn. Part of him wanted to reach out to them because oh my god it felt like forever since he’d seen them and he’d been waiting and they were finally here! But the extremely heavy thing on his arm prevented him from doing anything of the sort.
So he settled for a pout as they walked into the room.
“Aw Harz, we turn away for a couple seconds and you go and get yourself broken.” Logan said, Finn’s bag thrown over his shoulder.
He had probably expected Finn to laugh or something similar. What Logan had not expected was for him to burst into tears causing the other two men to quickly move next to him, Leo’s hand running gently through red curls as they attempted to soothe him.
“Finn, sweetheart, he was just kidding. It’s not your fault, it was an accident.” Leo murmured, as Logan sat on the bed next to him.
Getting his discharge papers together as well as his medication, Allie handed it all to Logan, “Finn may be a bit out of it for a couple hours. He was at around an 8 out of 10 on the pain scale when he came in, so we did give him some pain medication after getting the cast on him.”
Finn’s head slowly slid over to rest on Leo’s side, his eyes falling closed, “Just wanna go home. Please,” He said, enjoying the feeling of Leo's fingers scratching over his scalp. They let him doze as the nurse explained the medications and upcoming appointments before he was officially released. Allie said her good-byes before leaving the two to help Finn get dressed.
“Alright, mon petit rouge. Time to get out of here,” Logan said, pressing a gentle kiss to Finn’s nose as he carefully helped him sit up without jostling his arm.
The pout came out in full force as they helped him out of the hospital gown, “‘m so tired,” Finn mumbled through the material of the hoodie (probably Leo’s) that they pulled over his head.
Leo glanced at Logan, both of them not able to help the fond smile as they helped their sleepy boy get dressed and into the wheelchair, “As soon as we get back to ours, you can sleep all you want, mon coeur.”
It took them a bit to get him into the car because he may be loopy on drugs but he’s still strong as hell, and trying to pull the both of them into the backseat, and “No, Finn, we can’t just lay here. One of us has to drive.” So Finn ended up in Logan’s lap in the backseat with Leo driving while reaching back to hold Finn’s good hand. It’s an experience to say the least.
When they finally make it back, Logan gives Finn a piggyback ride inside and they quickly get him set up in their bed. Finn watches them change into their comfy clothes, his eyelids drooping then quickly snapping open again as if he didn’t want to miss a thing.
“Do you need anything, Harzy?” Leo asks, setting the pain meds next to their bed for Finn to take in a couple hours before a stray hand grabbed at his sweats.
Finn had sprawled as much as he could to grab him from the middle of the bed, his puppy dog eyes blinking up at Leo from his pillow, “Cuddles?”
The other two boys crawled under the covers next to their injured boyfriend, being careful of the large cast that covered his right arm. “You scared the shit out of us, mon rouge,” Logan whispered, his head resting on Finn’s chest.
“‘M sorry. Didn’t even see that guy coming. I tried to dodge that one guy and BAM! I was down. Now I gotta be out till further notice,” Finn murmured, his voice slurring a bit.
Leo pressed a kiss to the top of his head, “You’ll be back out there before you know it, babe. We’re just glad you’re okay.”
Humming softly, Finn curled up between his boys, “And I’m gonna heal up super quick! ‘Cause I got my boys and that’s all I need.. Got my back. And my arm. Love you both. Lots and lots,” His voice faded out as he fell asleep.
Leo and Logan’s eyes met over the head of their sleeping boyfriend.
Finn was right. They had each other, and that’s all they needed.
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Call of Duty Cold War Characters As Things My Creative Writing Prof Said
Because even though he hasn’t taught me in two years I still have the list of all the weird shit he has said and I just found it again
“When I was an undergrad, I used to call this my old man coat. Now I just call it my coat.”
“I’m always surprised when I get sick because I always have alcohol in my system”
“I guess you haven’t experienced all the pain life has in store”
“I’m trying to figure out the energy level in the room but I don’t think there is one”
“It’s not stealing if I told you where I got it from so now you know the security code for the national library of Ireland, in case you ever find yourself stuck”
“I feel really good! *lowers voice* that won’t last long”
“It’s my job to do the egghead stuff”
(I swear I’m not making these up this one just fit so well-)
“I can press a couple of buttons and crash the computer. You all know I can do that”
“I’m exiting brexit. I’m brexitexing”
“If I feel like doing my job I’ll do it. Till then we’ll watch TV”
“It’s not the first time I’ve been reduced to hiring vandals”
“You can make fun of pigeons all you want. They’re assholes.”
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 12/?
Word Count: 4.4k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best friend’s name)
God idk what i’m doing with this but i’m liking it lmao
next one might honestly be smut idk
Warnings: Violence, Swearing, Description of Blood, Gets heated, hints at trauma, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Y/N walked through the streets of Gotham, which were once bustling with people, but now were quiet with the occasional hooker, she had caught the city as an unlively hour, where it seemed to sleep the night away while the vigilantes of the area watched it like their lives depended on it. In some ways it did, the stories they would tell when being interviewed were horrific sometimes, but Y/N figured a decent amount of it was for dramatization, to keep the people of Gotham off of the streets to protect them all from it.
The question was always protect them from what, and they never answered. So, it never kept the people of Gotham at bay from the streets at night, and had Y/N’s car not been towed, she would have been driving home in the safe, secluded area of her car, not the vast wilderness of the streets of Gotham.
She looked up at the sky to see one of the virgate boys using a grappling hook to fly to the other building, which was such a sight to behold for someone who never witnessed a superhero beyond Superman at home. She wished and longed to know more about the vigilante, but didn’t dwell or dote on that man, because she didn’t need to.
Something told her that he was watching though, tracing every step she made to make sure she got home in one piece. She thought she was crazy, her life didnt matter more than anyone else in Gotham. He’s not following me, why would he? she thought, Even though I’m dating Jason Todd, they probably don’t know Jason, so my life doesn’t mean much more to them than any one of the hookers along this street. I’m overthinking it.
The walk home took two hours, she left Jason’s at 4am just to find herself back home at 6am, bright and early as the sun rose, ready to greet the day and all it had in store for everyone. But the things it had in store for Y/N was a class and if she was lucky, cuddling with Jason. Nothing more, nothing less.
She would open her front door, unscathed from the journey home, except maybe for a few callouses on her feet, it was the last time she wouldn't pay for more than a day of parking, that’s for sure. Heels were not the shoes you wanted for a two-hour walk home in the Autumn cold, but they were what she had.
She thought about what she was going to do next, and the first thought she had was to shower. Not because she needed to, but because she wanted to nurse the terrible headache she had and to think some things through. What she normally did in the shower.
She wanted so much more from so much of her life. the main offender of seemingly not being enough for her was Jason. Not because she didn’t want more, but because she craved more from him. He was injured, so she wouldn’t get much more rom him for the time being, and it stung a little for her. She just wanted him, maybe sexually, maybe in a more romantic setting or maybe just on her couch on a Thursday afternoon. It was all three of those options and she knew it.
She pulled out of the shower and looked at the time, 6:50am. Okay, she thought, little more time than I wanted to spend in the shower, but I guess the universe had different plans for me today. What else do you have for me, universe? And how much of you plan involves Jason?
She would open her phone after quickly getting dressed. While she still cared for her appearance, she didn’t want to dress like she owned a law firm every day, so she didn’t. Just black jeans and a black top and she felt like a million bucks. 
Just some quick outfit inspo. I like doing these a lot. I think fashion is funky :))
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Artemis had sent her a message asking where she was at around 4am, she wondered why the time, but she then remembered that Artemis’ boyfriend worked with Dick Grayson, who was Jason’s brother, who worked most nights until radical hours of the night. The chances that he saw her on her two-hour walk home was high, but the chances that that had also made it back to Jason was higher. She knew she was in for it.
Hey sorry, I was at Jason’s. Fell asleep in his arms the whole shebang. And yeah, that was me who screamed the yo momma joke at the press. It was super childish, I know, but I don’t care. Those fucks are sucking my life force out of me and harassing my boyfriend, even your boyfriend.
She would then look at the articles calling her a gold digger and worth-nothing childish insulter of the press. She laughed. If the press wanted a fight from her, she was more than willing to oblige and load the canons. 
She didn’t know how to fight back that well, since it was a mainly verbal fight, and she barely even knew how to  fight physically, hence all the running and non-confrontational arguments she had had to the press.
And like fucking clockwork, Jason texted her.
Did you walk home alone or are my brothers lying bastards?
I walked. I knew someone saw me, fuck.
Why did you walk home? I thought you drove here?
I did, but we spent more than 12 hours together Jason. I didn’t buy enough hours, suddenly my car was being towed.
You could have asked for a ride home from Alfred! He would have in a heartbeat.
I was going to! But  I got distracted and it all became a blur and suddenly I was part of the way home in the dark by myself!
What if you had gotten hurt?
Well, I saw one of the vigilantes of the city on the rooftops, I’m sure if I screamed they would have seen me. They always do see that stuff.
So, your car got towed huh?
Yeah, I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay it off. It’s not exactly like money my parents give me should go to my car getting towed because I got fucked over by seeing my boyfriend. 
You’ll figure it out. Sorry about the car, that’s got to suck fucking ass.
You think? I’m stuck taking the fuckin’ subway till I get my car back. I hate the subway, too many people. Far too many people. Too many eyes. It gets stressful really quickly. Might just walk every where honestly, I can’t deal with the eyes of strangers.
But you’re a C-list celebrity.
Internet is different. I can just block the bad eyes and move on with my life, you should see my block list now that some people are connecting my name to the girl who flipped off the press, thank god Twitter has a fuckin block feature.
You should really just meet my family so you don’t have to run away before they get home, would probably cause you a lot less financial stress, Y/N.
I’ll think about it.
You should think a little harder about it. I don’t want you to get your car impounded ‘cause you’re seeing me, why did you even park in pay-to-park?
Did you not see the massive mob trying to get to you? It was impossible for me to even try to pull into the driveway. Hence why I’m being insulted, you know, ‘cause I yelled at the press to get them to leave me alone. I fucking hate the press, you’re stabbed, severely injured last time they got information, and they’re harassing me, asking me what I like to do on the weekends.
Fucking vultures. Yeah, I’ve seen that. I’ve read the articles. But that’s the press for you, absolute trash and spitting bullshit in everyway.
Fucking hate the press, that’s for damn sure. Despise them. I won’t ever change that, even if, knock on wood, we break up.
Praying we don’t break up so I can see you lose your shit at the press when you’re bored.
She would get up to go make some coffee, since it was closer to 7:20am and if her roommate woke up, she could just tell her to get up anyway.
The press can suck my dick. she said.
You have a dick?
Oh yeah. Massive. 20ft long. It probably won’t even fit all the vultures.
Oh my god, that’s not as big as mine.
lmfao is it now?
Oh yeah.
Anyway, my brothers are staying home from school today,  I think they’re making me play Resident Evil 8 with them? You know that game?
Of course. Everyone in that game is infinitely hot.
Are you bi? 
I don’t know. Haven't thought that far ahead to actually label myself. I just like people. Sometimes it’s men, sometimes it’s women. But you have to agree when you see them all. That game came out when I was still in  high school, so I’ve played the entire thing. My phone background is actually one of the characters.
Which one?
I’ll show you if I come over tonight.
My brothers might be in my room, though.
Okay, but, RE8 is an amazing game. So, worth it.
You won’t meet them normally but I pull out a game you love and you’re down?
I’m very easy to convince.
You still have notes to write when you come over though.
Oh yeah, I was probably going to have to come over both ways, just because I need those notes and you do too.
Do you not own a printer?
I barely even own a laptop, I’m waiting for my old one to come in the mail. 
How do you even manage?
With a whole lot of will and spite, anything is possible.
And that’s when her discord group chat @’ed her. She was on Do Not Disturb because she was Jason, and apparently they missed her.
Y/N! C’mere. One said.
Yes? Whatduhya want nerds?
We’ve decided to hold a fake internet wedding between you and Christopher. Another said.
A what.
We’re getting married!
Sometimes I wish I never left Metropolis and then I remember you fucks live there. Why are we doing this? You do know I have a boyfriend right? She asked them.
I don’t know, we’re bored and we miss you. We can have a bachelorette party in Gotham, if you want.
I’m this close to going back on DND.
The group chat was made way back when they had all first met in grade 9 and had been active ever since. They all had stayed in the city when they graduated though, but since Y/N received a scholarship, fully paid for, she took the opportunity and jumped.
They were some of her closest friends, even if they lived in a different city to her now, even if they were all busy with school, even if she was busy with school and a boyfriend, A lot of her life wouldn’t be complete without her crack friends in her hometown.
They had all ben partying like crazy while she was gone, and if she wasn’t so hung up in her own life, she’d probably be down there with them. 
Before you do, can you please explain why you’re screaming at the press, lmao.
Because fuck the press, dude. Why else? 
What did they do to you?
Have you seen the recent articles?
That’s true.
She laughed and finished her coffee. Jason had not responded yet, she assumed his brothers were either checking on him or they had started the game. It was around 8am when A/N finally left her room.
“I thought you were staying with Jason?”
“I was, but then I remembered he has like 9 siblings and I’m not about to meet them all. Then I walked home.”
“You walked?”
“Car got towed.”
“Fuck, can you afford the bill? I can’t.”
“Guess we’re going to take the subway for a while, huh.”
She sighed and put her cup in the sink, “At least you don’t have school to go to and your lover comes to meet you, I have shit to do and places to be,” she frowned, “Inconvenient.”
“Could you borrow money from Jason’s dad?”
“I don’t borrow money from family, it’s hard enough for me to accept the money my parents send me.”
“I know it is, when’s your class?”
“3pm, I’ll be leaving at 12pm though, because the subway is unreliable.”
“This is going to be a hard hit for us.”
“Well, it’s not like it’s fucking your credit. Mine’s tanking.”
“You’ll pull through it.”
She got onto the subway at 12:30pm. She really hated the way it was running. The people, the faces, the staring eyes of unwanted attention. People knew who she was and she hated it. She didn’t like the attention, she just liked the fucking with people. She wanted to get off the subway the minute she got on.
She eventually couldn’t take it and got off a few stops away, there was still a substantial walk towards the college, but she knew it would be. She even brought a leather jacket with her so that she could walk if she couldn’t take it anymore.
And there she was, in the busy streets of Gotham, walking to her college. Barely aware of the people who did stare at her, because she just kept walking, lost in her thought but aware of the people in her trail, the cross walks and the lights she was waiting for occasionally. She just kept walking until Artemis met up with her,
“Hey! I didn’t know you were walking to school today,” Artemis said.
“Oh! I didn’t want to, my car got towed though.”
“Your car got towed? That sucks so much. Well, we’re going the same way, so I’ve decided I’m going to walk with you, you get no say.”
“Of course. I was going to ask if you wanted to,” she laughed, “It’s more fun with a friend anyway, Art.”
“So, how are things with you and Jason, I’m legally obliged to ask as one of his friends.”
“Well, we made it official if that’s the kind of thing you want to hear,” she laughed again, “I’m sure it’s the answer Dick will eat up.”
“You’re right about that one. Dick’s a sucker for a romantic story, you should write one, since you write. He’d probably read it all.”
“Well, that would be fun, but I still don’t have my laptop.”
“You could use Jason’s?” Artemis suggested..
“Nah. It’ll be fine,” she said, “I’ll manage.”
“Aren’t you collecting notes for him for your psychology class?”
“I am, it’s not like he can go anywhere. I actually told him he’d need to walk eventually so that it’s not a learning curve when he’s healed.”
“That’s what all of us are telling him too, he’s a stubborn man, good luck with that one,” Artemis laughed, “He’s always been the stubborn friend. Worse than Will, actually, and Will is really bad with being stubborn.”
“It’s fine,” she laughed, “If you asked any of my Metropolis friends they’d say the same about me.”
“I bet you were quite the wild child in your heyday back in your city,” Artemis laughed, “I hate Metropolis.”
“Who doesn’t? It’s so crowded.”
“Uh, Clark doesn’t. He thrives there, no idea why, he grew up in Smallville. If anyone should be uncomfortable with Metropolis it should be the small-city country boy, but I guess it’s his thing.”
“I forget you know everyone.”
“We know a lot of people, are you’re slowly being let into our massive circle of very well-known people. Welcome to the group, I guess,” she laughed, “You'll either hate or love the fame that comes from this.”
“Well, if its paparazzi and press, I think I’ll hate it.”
“I can promise you right now that it’s not all paparazzi and press, we haven’t been bothered today, probably because we are on the move.”
“You shouldn’t say that, you’ll jinx it.”
“I know a lot about not jinxing it, but that’s a story for another time,” Y/N noticed that when Artemis said this her eyes glazed over and she looked upset.
“You don’t ever have to talk to me about something you’re not ready to talk about,” Y/N reassured her.
“Hey, the trauma makes me funny.”
“Two can play that game.”
They would ramble on for the rest of the walk to their college. Nothing really of substance, just getting to know each other further. She was glad she found a friend in Artemis, it would have sucked if the two of them didn’t get along, but with each word they exchanged, they had so much fun.
She even told Artemis about that time she played Katherine Howard in her school’s budget play of Six - The Musical. She was proud of the riffs she was able to do, but she didn’t talk about it often. She was never the type of brag about her achievements, no matter how amazing they were.
But Artemis and Y/N parted ways and Y/N went to her class and wrote the same, boring, scribbly and barely legible notes. She figured eventually she’d need nicer handwriting, but did she want to work on it? No.
When she finished, she saw Artemis and who she could only assume to be Wally, at Artemis’ class doors. She waved to Artemis, before Artemis called her over.
“Y/N! Hey, I would ask how class is, but this is Wally,” she gestured to the red-head boy beside her, and Y/N held out her hand to shake Wally’s.
“Hi, Wally.”
“Y/N. It’s nice to meet you since Jason can’t shut up about you and my girlfriend likes you a lot.”
“Well that's sweet of you Artemis. You’re just so in love with me,” Y/N joked.
“Girl. You know it,” Artemis joked back.
“You two already have a close bond? That’s impressive,” Wally said, “Never seen anyone win over any of my friends this quickly,” he muttered.
They joked for a little while longer, just getting to know Wally before she had to go, she had to get to Jason’s.
The walk was a while away, so she went and sat on a park bench for a minute to check her phone, Jason had texted her.
Hey baby, are you coming over?
I am, yes. I actually just met Wally.
You met Wally and I wasn’t there to see it? C’mon.
Artemis introduced us! Go yell at her.
Oh. Never mind. I won’t do that.
Ha! Scared of her?
Maybe a little, she can be scary, okay?
You can’t tell but I’m laughing at you.
That’s fine, I’ll just go hang out with Alfred and not you. He seems like he would be spiteful like me.
That’s unfair.
I thought you said don’t hit me up?
I am upset.
No you’re not.
No I’m not.
She would walk down the street further, maybe within a couple steps to reach the Manor, when a man dragged her into an alleyway. She yelped.
“Uh, hello? Can I help you?” she asked, pretending she wasn’t terrified.
“How much would Bruce give me for you?” the attacker mumbled before he tried to knock her to the ground, but she had another plan.
He grabbed her, put his face close to hers, and she head-butted him, he would stumble back, and she started running to the Manor.
“Come here you fucking bitch!” he screamed. She could feel her nose bleeding as she ran and ran, the security saw her and pulled her into the gateway before drawing their guns and urging her to run to the steps of the Manor.
And she ran. The security at the door saw her and let her in, and yelled for Alfred.
“What is this nonsense, oh,” Alfred paused when he saw the blood running out of Y/N’s nose, “Miss Y/N, what happened to you?” he asked before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the entry-way bathroom and opening a first-aid kit.
“Okay so, what happened was I was walking to the Manor because my car got towed right? And this fucking bastard dude pops out from an alleyway and pulls me into it, asks some bullshit about how much Bruce would pay for me, when he grabbed me and tried to knock me down, when I head-butted him and started running,” she said, completely unphased.
Alfred didn’t respond to her and started to stop the bleeding when Bruce called for him, “In the entry-way bathroom, Master Wayne!” he answered.
Bruce came around the corner and saw Alfred was already tending to Y/N, “Well, this is the event where I meet my son’s girlfriend, when she is bleeding and running from a strange man in an alleyway.”
“Heh, sorry,” she said and outstretched her hand to shake his, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Bruce.”
“I can tell you’re going to be quite the addition to this household,” he said as he took her hand and shook it, “As long as you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.”
“That’s good. I guess you can’t get mad at Jase for being a reckless man now.”
“I really can’t.”
“Alright, you should be good, Miss Y/N.”
“Thank you, Alfred. But you really didn’t have to.”
“I’ve been taking care of 5 boys and 3 girls since most of them were little, Miss Y/N. A little blood is really no big deal for me to handle.”
“That’s obvious.”
“You can go see the boys now, they’re going to ask you though,” Bruce said.
“I know.”
She walked to Jason’s room, hoping that he wouldn’t have all of his siblings in the room, he did though.
“Hey, Y/N- what the fuck happened to you?” Jason exclaimed when she opened the door.
“Oh great, all your siblings are here. Anyway, I guess,” she paused, taking in a big breath so she could run through the events quickly, “So I was walking here ‘cause my car got towed, right? When some fucking bastard man grabs me and yanks me into an alleyway and starts going off about how much Bruce will pay him to get me back or something,” she paused again, “And when he tried to knock me down by getting really close and personal to my face, like an idiot I should add, I head-butted him.”
“You did what?’
“I’m not done yet, met your dad when I actually had blood running out of my nose because that's just my fucking luck. Okay, now you can be disappointed in me,” she joked.
“I will say again, you did what?”
“Something stupid?” she said.
“You could say that again, my god, what went through your head?”
“Uh, nothing. Just survival. Fight or flight but I head-butted a man, and hi, everyone.”
“Hi, Y/N, I’m Dick,” Dick said, “You clearly are meant for Jason,” he joked, “That's something he would do.”
“Don’t encourage her, Dick!”
Stephanie got up and greeted her, “You know, Y/N, I always wanted a crazy sister,” she joked, “I’m Stephanie, the black-haired girl is Cass, and the red-head is Barbara.”
“Me too,” Cass hopped onto the joke.
“It’s something else when you meet the girl your brother is dating after she head-butted a man, apparently,” Y/N laughed, “I know it’s far-fetched-”
“Not really,” Tim cut her off, “You know Jason protected Will when they were attacked?”
“That’s Tim, by the way,” Dick said.
“So you can’t yell at me for head-butting a man!” Y/N joked at Jason while going to sit beside him, he slinged an arm around her shoulder and leant his head into her head.
“Well, you seem like a nice enough girl,” Barbara said, “Take away the reckless behavior, and you are lovely.”
“That is valid, to be honest. Not exactly the way you want to meet your brother’s girlfriend.”
“You think?” Jason asked, sarcastically.
“Ha ha.”
“See, she thinks I’m funny, why can’t you fucks?”
Y/N laughed and then asked Dick, who was playing RE8 at the time, staring at the photo of Donna Bentiveno, “She’s cute, isn’t she, Dick?”
“Have I been staring?”
“Let’s just say Angie is probably very pissed at you.”
“Oh! Whoops. There’s a point to this, I forgot.”
“I don’t blame you, I remember forgetting there was a point and the little bitch devil doll would attack you.”
“Oh no, you’re lame. Gross.”
“Excuse me?” Dick asked as the rest of the room erupted in laughter.
“Do you guys see why I like her now?” Jason asked.
“Uh no, she’s mean,” Dick said.
“You’re going to die if you don’t start paying attention, Dick,” Y/N said.
“Oh!” and he died.
“And that kids, is why we listen to the person who’s 100%’ed the game.”
Y/N and Jason would spend hours with his brothers and sisters until the sun started to set and they all scattered to their own rooms to  do their own things. you can’t keep a lot of kids in one room for so long.
Once everyone left, Y/N placed her hands on Jason and kissed him, she was actually able to be laid on his pillow, he was able to pin her to the bed. And they did just that. He was on top of her, using his one arm to prop himself up and using his other hand to touch her face.
Her hands found their way into his hair like they always did, she found a lot of joy in playing with his hair. Their tongues danced together, they never fought or anything, they just enjoyed each other when Jason let out a small moan and she let out a small laugh.
“Keep it in your pants, Tiger,” she joked, “You’re not fully healed.”
“You literally smashed your face into another man but I can’t moan when I kiss you?”
“Because I know you want more.”
“Hell yeah I do,” he said as he went back for more, actually using his strength to keep her to the bed, but she didn’t protest this time.
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spooderboyandtincan · 4 years
The Friendly Neighborhood Exchange
By @spooderboyandtincan for @iloveirondad
Rating: Not Rated
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, May Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Tony Stark & The Avengers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Harley Keener, May Parker, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), The Avengers, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Summary: Unbeknownst to Tony, Harley is bullying his kid. 
Ao2 Link: Here
A/N: @iloveirondad Thank you so much for the prompt! It was so fun to write!
Peter couldn’t remember when he started referring to Tony as “Dad” in his head. But he could count on one hand the times he had actually called Tony that.
The first three times they had brushed it off, Peter blushing a dark red, Tony smiling into his palm and tears blooming in the corners of his eyes.
The fourth time, Peter lay in the medbay with a white bandage wrapped around his head and Mr. Stark clutching his hand tightly, and he had called him Dad. Tony had teared up (and began to cry) and said he would love it if Peter called him dad.
Peter had it all planned out. It was all he could think about the entire day, even in science when he was reprimanded for not paying attention. He’d jump into the car, grin, and say “Hi, Dad! Guess what score I got on the science quiz!”
He felt a warm rush every time he thought of it. 
Peter rushed out of the school, shouting a quick goodbye to Ned. He flung the car door open. “Hi, D- oh. Happy? Umm, h-hi.”
“Don’t sound so disappointed, kid,” said the driver. Peter shut the passenger door, sighing, and opened the back door. 
“Where’s Mr. Stark?” he asked. 
Happy met his eyes in the mirror. “Boss is at the penthouse. He has somebody he wants you to meet.”
Well, that sure cleared things up, Peter thought. Was it a doctor? A therapist? A scientist? His evil clone?
When he arrived at the penthouse, he wasn’t met with an insane doctor trying to kill his mentor with a bludgeon, just Tony and a kid sitting at the kitchen island, drinking strong coffee.
A kid.
A young man, he corrected himself. He was tall, far taller than Tony and much taller than Peter, with his hair wavy and styled with what must have been copious amounts of hair gel. He wore a red flannel shirt with sleeves he’d buttoned at the elbow, and ragged, torn up jeans with gray sneakers.
“Pete!” Tony exclaimed, jumping up to giving him a quick side hug and ruffling his hair. “Hey, buddy. How was school?”
“Fine. Who’s that?”
At his dreary response, Tony’s eyes glinted with worry. “This is Harley, kiddo. He’s staying here while he looks at colleges. And Harley, this is Peter.” 
The young man, Harley, stepped forward, extending his hand. “Hey, Peter. Nice to finally meet you.”
Peter shook his hand and smiled, joining him at the kitchen island. “Nice to meet you too!” 
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” said Harley. “And I mean a lot.” He glanced towards Tony, who was bustling around, making hot chocolate and cider and getting snacks, oblivious. “It’s all he ever talks about. ‘Peter did this, Peter did that, guess what Peter’s doing right now.’” Harley rolled his eyes. “It gets pretty annoying, to be honest.”
“O-oh. Sorry?” Ouch. 
“Eh. I can tolerate him,” he shrugged. Peter glanced down at the table, running his finger across the lines in the wood. They sat together, the only sounds coming from the clinking of a spoon against a pan as Tony made hot chocolate.
“So what are you?” Harley whispered suddenly, leaning forward. “His secret kid?”
He blinked. “No, no, um… I’m just his intern. Personal intern.” The lie sounded forced, even to him. He was Tony’s kid, biological or not.
“Right,” the young man said skeptically. Peter looked at the table awkwardly, before a plate of cookies was placed in front of him. 
“Thanks, Mr. Stark.” Peter grinned.
“Of course, bud.” Tony pulled up a stool next to him, and Peter felt a warm hand on his back. He grabbed a cookie (double chocolate-chip) and sipped his mug of hot chocolate.
“It’s September,” Harley said suddenly. 
“Indeed it is,” Tony replied, not looking up from the plate of cookies, hand hovering above them while he tried to decide which one he would take.
“So why are you drinking hot chocolate?” He looked at Peter, frowning and perplexed, like Peter had performed some unspeakable offense.
He blushed and took a large drink from his mug. “It-it’s just cold out. Y’know.” 
Plus, he couldn’t thermoregulate. Most days he would do anything to get warm. Besides stealing Tony and Ned’s sweatshirts, he could (and would) down ten cups of hot chocolate in a single sitting.
Tony immediately jumped to his defense, sensing Peter’s discomfort at Harley’s not-so-kind words. He stood up and poured another cup for himself, looking Harley directly in the eye. “Cheers.” 
Tony hid his smile behind the mug when Harley looked at him like You too?
“So, Tony, what have you been doing?” asked Harley. “I haven’t heard much about you, just Peter.”
The older man chuckled, twisting spaghetti between his fork and spoon. “Superhero duties keep me pretty busy, kid. Not much else to talk about.” 
Harley scoffed. “Yeah, right. All those ‘superhero duties,’ and you have the time to… you can spend time with your personal intern?” He gestured to Peter. 
Peter knew without looking that there was a tension in Tony’s shoulders, knew that every single instinct in him was screaming ‘protect Peter.’
I don’t need protecting.
But before Peter could say anything, Tony spoke up. “Maybe you can tell us?” he joked, keeping his tone light. “You seem pretty interested in my personal life.”
Harley pursed his lips and frowned. “I was just curious.”
Tony nodded but stayed silent, though he reached out to pat Peter’s back gently. Harley did seem oddly fascinated with Tony’s personal life and his relationship with Peter.
But who would blame him for being curious? 
“Maybe that’s enough about me,” Tony said, trying to keep the air light. “Harley, how have you been?”
The other man snorted. “Boring. My sis just started high school, Mom got a new job, and I have a month till graduation.”
“That’s so cool!” Peter exclaimed, eyes lighting up. “What college do you wanna go to?”
“Anywhere away from Tennessee. Can’t wait to get out of that shit-hole.”
“Watch your language, there’s a kid.” Tony was only half-teasing. He covered Peter’s ears. “You may proceed, young sir.”
Peter shook Tony’s hands off his ears, though he could still hear perfectly fine. “I’ve always wanted to go to MIT! Do you think you might go there?”
“I told ya, kid, anywhere away from my house.”
Peter held back a gasp as thunder and rain pounded in his ears. Ow ow ow.
His attempts were useless, however, as Harley snorted and rolled his eyes, “Aww, you scared?” 
Peter frowned at Harley’s sudden change in mood. “N-no.” He winced, both at the thunder and the way his voice cracked. “No. I’m not scared.”
It just hurts.
Peter listened carefully for Tony’s heartbeat, hoping the man would come to calm his nerves, but the storm had completely drowned him out. Even with his super-hearing he could only hear the pounding rain.
Tony had been dragged to a meeting by Pepper, who claimed his presence was absolutely necessary. He had hoped Peter and Harley could spend some “bonding time” together, but that wasn’t going too well. 
It wasn’t going well at all. 
Peter would give anything for Mr. Stark to realize that he needed him. 
“Christ, what are you, a baby?” Harley snapped as Peter flinched. “Does Tony have to deal with this shit?”
Peter hid his face in his knees. You’re stronger than this. Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry. He squeezed his eyes shut, but one pearly tear slipped out. 
Tony had seen him cry, more times to count, and always he was soft and gentle and kissed his temple, and wouldn’t let go of Peter.
“You crying, sweetheart?” Harley mocked, his voice high pitched and false. “Shit, you’re such a disappointment.”
Stop it stop it stop it. Harley’s words tore at his heart. Stop talking.
“Actual question, though,” he smirked. “Does Tony even care? It has to be a charity event, right?”
Tears leaked from Peter’s eyes. “No.”
Tony loved him, and had told him countless times how much. Tony loved him more than anything.
But Harley’s words drummed into his mind. He couldn’t help the tiny, almost unnoticeable sliver of doubt creep into his head.
Tony loved him. 
“Lemme break it to you Parker.” Suddenly Harley’s hand was squeezing his shoulder almost unbearably tight. “He doesn’t care.  He doesn’t care. Trust me, it’s for publicity, and I know it. I know him.”
Tony would never, ever lie to him.
“Don’t touch me,” Peter whispered weakly. “You’re lying.”
“I’m doing you a favor, Parker you know that? You’re just a naïve little kid.” He squeezed his shoulder again. Peter was sure he had finger-print shaped bruises forming on his skin. “You don’t know anything.”
No no no Tony-
With that, Harley flopped back on the couch, winking maliciously at the other boy, and turning on the tv. Peter buried his head between his knees, trying to hide himself in the cushions. 
Tony loved him. Peter was going to call him Dad.
“Hey, bud, what’s up?” 
Peter jumped when Mr. Stark’s figure suddenly appeared in the doorway. Though he glanced down the moment Tony’s eyes met his, he could see the flash of worry and parental panic on his face at his tears.
“Hey, hey, oh no,” Tony murmured, rushing to his side. He squeezed next to him in the armchair and cupped his cheek with warm, gentle fingers, wiping his tears away. “No, honey, what’s wrong? Shh. Are you hurt? Do you feel bad?”
Peter shook his head frantically, not wanting to cause anymore heat between Harley and himself. Tony smiled warmly, though his eyes were worried and he was desperate to help his kid. “Really, bud? ‘Cause it sure doesn’t look like that.”
He glanced nervously at Harley, who sent him a warning glare.
“I’m fine.”
Tony sighed. Peter held back a gasp when he turned to Harley. “Kid, do you know what happened?” 
The young man stood, faux worry crossing his face. “No. I have no idea. Is he okay?”
Another sigh rustled Peter’s curls. He blinked back tears, sensing how distraught Tony would be seeing him cry. 
He slipped out of his hold and ran.
Tony’s day, which had been going surprisingly well, upended the moment he got an alert from his AI.
The alert filled the screen of his phone when he picked it up, not that he wouldn’t have noticed anything that read ‘Peter’s emotional distress rate at 7/10 and rising.’
Of course, how could he have been so stupid? Peter’s senses must have been going insane while the storm pounded outside. Tony ran for the door, his chair falling back in the process.
Ignoring the exclamations of the old geezers behind him (“Stark, where do you think you’re going?”) he rushed up the stairs, knowing the elevator would take far too long. 
“Hey, bud, what’s up?” he asked, attempting to hide his concern as he glanced at his kid, who was curled in an armchair with his head between his knees. 
When Peter looked up, Tony had just enough time to see his red eyes and the shiny tear tracks on his face.
“Hey, hey, oh no,” he cooed, hugging Peter tightly with one hand and wiping his tears away with the other. “No, honey, what’s wrong? Shh. Are you hurt? Do you feel bad?”
Tony’s worry was only slightly assuaged when Peter shook his head, because it was obvious his kid wasn’t okay.
“Really, bud? ‘Cause it sure doesn’t look like that.” Please, baby, tell me what’s wrong.
“I’m fine.” 
Tony sighed. Oh, buddy. Hoping to retrieve some information to why his kid was so riled up, because sensory overloads always left him clinging to Tony, not shying away.
Something must have happened, and it terrified him.
“Kid, do you know what happened?” 
“No. I have no idea. Is he okay?” Harley stood up, biting his lip and looking worried.  
He glanced back to the boy, and was shocked when he flinched, and then broke from his hold and ran.
“Peter!” Tony jumped up to follow his kid. 
“Pete, open the door, please,” he begged, knocking on the wood. “Let me help you, buddy, c’mon. Please.”
He tested the doorknob and was surprised to find it wasn’t locked. “Petey, I’m gonna come in, just to check on you, okay?”
The door swung open and Tony stepped inside and-
The room was empty.
The window was wide open, curtains whipping back and forth in the wind, raindrops falling on the window sill.
He dashed to the window and leaned out, shielding his eyes from the rain. “Peter?!” He squinted, desperately trying to find the form of his precious spider-kid. 
“Already on it, boss,” said the AI. “Tracking Peter.”
Tony barely noticed when the suit formed around him, too distracted by FRIDAY’s voice. 
“Boss, I am unable to find Peter’s location.”
“Try again, call him,” he ordered, blasting straight through the window, glass shattering around him. 
The phone rang.
And rang.
And rang.
“Boss, he didn’t answer-”
“Try again.” He searched the tops of the buildings and the alleyways frantically, his suit focusing on every heat signature and determining it wasn't his kid.
Please, please, please be okay, Peter
The call rang. Peter didn’t pick up.
I’m coming Petey, I’ll find you
A small figure with a bright blue hoodie.
Peter wiped his tears away angrily and yanked on his mask. He didn’t bother to get the suit, just snapped on his webshooters, opened the window, and jumped.
He let himself fall for just a little too long, the wind screaming and whistling in his ears as he dropped.
He caught himself in barely enough time, his curls brushing the cement before he went shooting upwards.
Peter swung from building to building, gliding through alleys, jumping over gaps in apartments. He jumped down to the pavement and rubbed his eyes under the mask, then started walking in a feverish haze.
Mr. Stark loved him, right?
Of course he did!
It was so clear. When he looked in the man’s eyes they were filled with love and fondness and it was so obvious how much he cared- and when Tony cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead and spoke softly to him, like he was the only thing in the universe that mattered.
But Harley’s words had drilled doubt into his mind.
He gulped and tried to shake his thoughts away. Shut it, Parker. It’s not true. Shut up.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t silence his own thoughts that simply. 
Does he love you? Does he? 
Are you sure?
Stop it it’s not true-
“Hey! Put your hands up.”
The hairs on his neck and arms prickled. He turned slowly, raising his arms.
He was met with the muzzle of a pistol.
“Dude,” he mumbled, sniffing and hoping his tears hadn’t leaked through his mask. “Not cool.”
“Spider-Man!” the woman gasped, the gun shaking slightly. “I-I didn’t…” she took a deep breath and steeled herself. Shaking away her ponytail and adjusting the ski mask on her head, she snapped, “I need money and you’re gonna give it to me.” She clicked the safety off the gun. “Isn’t that right, spidey?”
“Ummm, I don’t have a wallet- I mean I have one, I just didn’t bring it with me because… um… stuff like this happens,” Peter rambled. “I mean, no offense! I just like to plan ahead- actually I didn’t plan ahead, I kinda just jumped out of the window, but I mean, you get it, right?”
“What?” she snarled. “No excuses, Spider-Man. Give me the fucking money.”
“I’m telling the truth, lady. I don’t have any money! So if you could just put the gun down maybe we can hug it out?”
Normally he would have been faster, his reflexes quick and blinding, but when he had said “hug it out” he remembered how much he wanted a hug.
A hug from Tony.
And then there was a loud bang that nearly shattered his eardrums and bullet pierced through his side. And then another bang. And one more.
White hot pain radiated through his torso and Peter had to hold back a sharp cry. He doubled over in pain, clutching the bullet wounds. He could tell from experience that all three bullets were stuck in his flesh. Peter collapsed to the ground, blood already soaking the thick material of his sweatshirt.
It must have hit something important, he thought hazily.
The woman knelt next to him and turned his body over roughly. Peter whimpered as she elbowed his wound. She dug through the pockets on his hoodie and gave a disgusted curse when her now bloody hands found no money. 
“Told ya,” he mumbled, gazing up at the night sky.
He’d forgotten it was raining. Had it been raining this whole time? 
Peter liked the rain but he didn’t like thunder. It was too loud.
The villain stood up, cured again, and kicked his body in displeasure. He groaned. “Damn you, Spidey.” And then she ran.
At least she didn’t take off my mask, he thought. Peter blinked slowly and moved his hand to rest on his face.
It was getting hard to breathe, which probably wasn’t good. With his last ounce of strength, he peeled off his mask. Panting heavily, he realized too late that now he couldn’t call Tony.
(Shouldn’t have disabled that tracker)
“Tony,” he gasped. “Dad. D-Dad.” 
He glanced up. Were those repulsors he heard in the distance? Or was it just his imagination?
Iron Man sped towards the ground at breakneck speed, so fast that a warning alert popped up on his screen.
“Pete,” he whispered, landing with such force that he cracked the pavement. “Petey.”
He sprinted forward and collapsed to his knees and for a moment his hands hovered over Peter’s body, not sure what to do. “Baby.”
He dug his fingers into the boy’s pulse point. The beat was there, to his overwhelming relief, but weak and staggered. 
Tony sobbed quietly, blood covering his fingers. “Petey- Petey, wake up,” he begged “I’m right here, kiddie, you just gotta wake up, okay?” Tony pulled Peter to his lap and cradled him against his chest with a gentle touch. “Please, baby. Wake up.”
He smoothed Peter’s bangs from his sweaty brow and kissed his forehead tenderly, trying to coax him awake, to let his kid know that he was right there. 
The child’s eyes fluttered and Tony gasped. “Petey. Wake up, honey, you’re doing great. Open your eyes, bambino.”
“D-dad?” Peter rasped, blinking up at him. 
“Oh, baby, I’m here, Dad’s right here,” Tony cooed, cupping his cheek and rubbing his thumb against the soft skin. He struggled to pull off his jacket and pressed it against Peter’s wound.
Peter gave a sharp cry. “Dad… it hurts. Stop! H-hurts!”
“I know it hurts, baby, I’m so sorry, I’m gonna help you, okay? You’re gonna be okay, honey,” he assured him with a gasp. God, he was hurting his kid. “We’re gonna go visit Helen, she’ll fix you right up. I just need you to hold on, okay? Hold on for me, please, Petey. I need you.”
Peter took a shuddering breath and whimpered. “Hur’s… hur’s, Dad.” 
Tony nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, kissing the top of Peter’s head, wishing the horror of his baby, lying limp and bleeding out in his arms, wasn’t true. God, he wished this was just a horrible nightmare, wished he could wake up and find Peter safe and warm in bed. 
“P-Pete, oh baby, I’m so sorry. I’m supposed to protect you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby.”
“No… ‘ony, don’ c-cry,” Peter slurred, reaching up a trembling hand. Tony grasped it like a lifeline and pressed his lips to the knuckles.
“Dad,” he mumbled. “Dad. D-do you… do you l-love me?
Tony stared at him for a moment, eyes wide, trying to grasp how his precious kid could think he, who loved him with his entire heart and soul, didn’t love him. His kid, who was his life, his entire universe. 
“Peter,” he choked. “Petey, I love you so much, so so much. I love you more than anything, baby, I love you so much. I love you.”
Peter grinned hazily up at him. “K-knew it.”
And he exhaled shakily and his eyes slipped shut. 
“N-no,” Tony whispered. “No. No, no no no, no! Peter! Peter, wake up! Peter! Wake up right now!”
Tony sobbed and dropped his forehead against Peter’s rocking him back and forth gently. “No, no no no, please, please no,” he moaned. 
Tony ran shaking fingers across Peter’s clammy brow, then kissed his forehead firmly. “Goddammit, Petey, hold on.” Tears trickled down his cheeks. 
He lay Peter on the ground, heart aching every second he wasn’t holding his child, and let the suit form around him, then scooped up his kid, adjusting him gently in his arms, and shot into the sky, thrusters at full speed. 
Peter’s vitals appeared on the screen in front of him. Tony’s eyes flitted from Peter’s baby face to his steadily weakening pulse on the screen.
Oh god, stay with me sweetheart
His heart beat so fast he doubted it could be detected. He urged the suit to go faster, faster, speeding to the tower medbay. 
“FRI-” he began shakily.
“I’ve contacted Dr. Cho and Dr. Banner, boss,” the AI assured. “They’ve prepared the medbay and are ready to help Peter.”
“Okay. Okay. Good.” 
Peter would be okay
He had to
Tony needed him 
Tony mumbled to himself, hysteria setting in as he sped to the tower. The time passed in a blur of fear and worry, and Tony just wanted to hold Peter in his arms, safe and warm and alive.
Just let him be okay.
Suddenly Tony was thudding against the landing pad and was met with the med team. They were prepared with a cot and various medical equipment that Tony couldn’t bother to name. 
“Tony!” Helen Cho rushed towards him. 
“H-Helen, help him,” he begged. “Help him!”
“I will, Tony, breathe. You need to give Peter to us.” She reached out to take the boy from Iron Man’s arms. Tony pulled away protectively, shielding Peter, before the rational part of his mind realized to help Peter he would need to let go.
He could only watch in terror as the med team swarmed over the boy, wires and tubes and monitors slapped to his chest and face. Peter was rolled away on the cot, before something in his brain snapped into place. 
God, he had to protect Peter, he had to be with his baby he had to protect him, he couldn’t let Peter go he couldn’t let go-
Tony sprinted after his kid. “Peter!”
 May, Rhodey, and Natasha rushed into the medbay at the same time, Rhodey’s braces echoing in the bare hallways. 
There they found Tony, sitting against the wall of Peter’s surgery room, wringing his hands and staring off into space. His eyes were red and silvery tear tracks stained his face. 
“Tony! What happened? Is Peter okay?! Where is he?” May yelled. Tony flinched in surprise. 
“May,” he said, his voice gravelly. “May, I-I…” Tony massaged his face. The three knelt next to him, Rhodey’s arm around his back, May’s hand on his shoulder, and Nat’s hand on his foot.
“What happened, Tony?” Rhodey said softly, obviously worried for his (kind of) nephew. And his best friend, who was clearly devastated. 
Tony sniffed. “H-he was shot. Three times, I think. I-I…” He held up his shaking hands, which were covered in blood. Peter’s blood.
May gasped. Nat’s composure slipped for just a second. Rhodey squeezed his eyes shut, then stood up and came back carrying a warm, wet cloth. 
Gently he took Tony’s hand and began to work the blood off them. Tony normally would have teared up at his best friend’s kind gesture, but he could only think of his beloved kid, in the room right next to him, having strangers poke and prod and cut him. His kid, who was alone and bleeding and hurt-
Oh god. His baby.
Rhodey caught Tony in his arms as he began to sob. 
He just wanted to hold his kid. Make sure he’s safe. Protect him so he is safe. Please.
May patted Tony’s back, lost in her own thoughts. Nat stood up and paced the length of the hallway and back again, her black boots clicking against the tiles. 
Peter’s surgery lasted three more hours, full of anguish and crying, with Natasha and Rhodey trying to comfort the frantic parents (and themselves). 
Tony remembered how close his kid had been to fading away, to never wake up again.
(If Peter died, he would too. He knew it deep down. He couldn’t live without his kid.)
He sniffed, and nearly missed the sound of the surgery door swinging open. 
Helen walked out, sighing wearily. “Gang’s all here?” she joked. 
Tony bolted to his feet, the rest following. 
“Peter?!” he gasped.
She nodded. “He’s okay, Tony. We’ll be moving him to his normal room in about ten minutes, and you can see him after that.”
Tony’s legs felt weak as a rush of relief  nearly caused him to pass out. He crumpled into Rhodey’s chest, bursting into tears once again. May hugged Natasha, who looked a bit surprised but smiled and wrapped her arms around the other woman.
The ten minutes passed achingly slow. They hovered around Peter’s room in a swarm of worry. And when the door opened, Tony was the first to run in.
Peter was pale and limp under the layers of blankets, numerous wires attached to his skin under his hospital gown. The room was dark, with only only one lamp casting golden light on Peter’s face, with the shades to the window closed. 
Tony rushed to his kid, bending over his still body and cupping his face, pressing his forehead to Peter’s. Tears trickled down his cheeks and landed on the boy’s face. He sobbed and pressed kiss after kiss to his forehead and ran his fingers through his delicate curls.
May appeared on Peter’s other side, clutching one of his small hands. She took a damp, warm rag and, not unlike Rhodey had done for Tony, began tenderly wiping at the cuts that he must have earned when he collapsed to the alley floor. She paused for a moment and kissed his cheek, gazing at him as if taking in every detail of his face. 
Tony reached out to take the cloth from her and dabbed at his baby’s face gently, eager to do anything that would help his kid, no matter how small. Natasha appeared behind them and held out a box of Spider-Man bandaids, smiling. 
“For моего ребенка паука,” she said, then retreated to the corner of the room where she hovered silently, watching Tony and May coo and fuss over their kid.
Tony took the bandaids and gently stuck them on Peter’s minor wounds. May chuckled quietly and plastered a bandaid to Peter’s chin. 
Tony carefully sat on the side of the hospital bed, playing with the boy’s soft curls. May pulled up her usual plaid armchair and continued to hold his hand tightly. The inventor murmured a few words in Italian to the boy, quiet enough so that if Peter was awake he would be the only one who could hear.
And then they both flinched violently, Tony leaping up to stand in front of Peter, when the door slammed open with such force it made a small dent in the wall.
Tony cursed angrily, glancing down to his kid to see if he had woken up prematurely. Peter’s face stayed lax.
He sat back down and took Peter’s small hand. “Harley, what are you doing here?”
“What happened to him?” Harley asked, ignoring the other man. “Like what, he’s dying now?”
Tony’s face went pale, his eyes wide. He swayed where he sat, and May darted forward to support him. “It’s okay, Tony. It’s okay. He’s okay,” she comforted. 
Natasha stepped from the shadows and put her hand on Harley’s shoulder, forcefully leading him out of the room. They could hear the young man protesting as they walked down the hallway.
“Tony?” May asked. “Are you okay?”
Tony took a deep breath and exhaled shakily. “No.” He forced a laugh.
“He’ll be okay.”
“I know,” he muttered. “I-I just hate it. I hate seeing him so-so hurt and scared and I’m scared, then he tries to reassure me when I should be doing that for him- God.” He had his hand in his hair and looked seconds away from pulling it out. “I just wish I could keep him safe,” he whispered, tears prickling in his eyes.
“I know,” said May. “Believe me, I know.”
“Rhodey,” May laughed. “Guys, this is too much.” She looked at the basket of round, oreo shaped Spider-Man pillows, to the four flower vases on the table, to the clusters of balloons tied to the end of the bed, to the various collections of cards by the flowers. 
Steve sighed. “Yeah, we know. We’ll give some to Clint’s kids.”
“No, you won’t,” Clint retorted. “I’ve tripped on three skateboards today! Three different skateboards!” 
“You can’t trip on a plushie,” Sam muttered.
“Try me! I’m the master of breaking my back!”
Bucky handed a packet of Spider-Man stickers to May. “He loves to stick these on my arm. Thought he might like these.” He leaned back into Steve’s chest and gazed up. The other man squeezed his shoulder and kissed his lips as if in some strange limbo/ twister game. 
Rhodey shrugged. “Least we can do is take care of this human disaster.” He poked Tony’s forehead and observed his disheveled appearance. Tony blinked and rubbed at his tired eyes. “Tony, you have to take care of yourself.”
“I appreciate it, everyone, thank you,” May assured. “I know Peter will love these.”
Tony picked up one of the Spider-Man plushies and tucked it under Peter’s blankets. He was squeezed next to the boy on the hospital bed, leaning against a pillow which must have been decimating his back. “There you go, bud. It’s a mini-you.” He smiled and gently ruffled his curls.
The room went quiet when the Avengers reluctantly left, forced out by Dr. Cho, who had come to refill Peter’s IV bag. Tony kissed Peter’s forehead and gently moved his head to the side when she drew out a needle, knowing that even though he was asleep, his kid hated needles.
They sat in silence once the doctor left, silently wishing for their kid to wake up.
“Pete,” he choked out suddenly. “Come on, baby, you’ve had enough time to sleep. Wake up for us, buddy, please.”
He hadn’t expected his kid to wake up, but maybe his hope was enough, because Peter’s eyelids fluttered. The two parents gasped.
Tony leaned forward, rubbing Peter’s cheekbone with his thumb and trying to coax him awake. “Come on baby, you can do it. You can do it, wake up, Petey. Wake up, there you go, that’s it.”
Peter’s eyes opened slowly. He moaned and blinked, then managed to get his eyes halfway open. 
“There he is!” the man exclaimed. “Oh baby.”
May waved from his other side. “Hi, sweetie.”
“D-d… Dad? Aun’ May?”
“Right here, honey,” Tony cooed, his heart exploding with love. Dad. Peter had called him Dad! His voice was lost in emotion for a second. 
“Hi,” the boy mumbled, grinning lazily.
“Hi there, Spider-Baby.” He bent to kiss his forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“Mmmmm… feel good. Like ‘m floatin’.” He turned his head. “Hi Aun’ May.” 
“Hey, sweetie,” she murmured. 
“Wassup, bros?” he slurred loopily. They both laughed.
“Not much, bud. You slept through the night, the team came over, and… oh, I’m missing something, let me see… oh, right you got shot.” He raised one eyebrow which made Peter laugh. 
“‘M s’rry. Got distracted.”
“It’s okay, buddy. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.” Tony desperately wanted to let his kid know that he didn’t have to apologize every time he almost died.
Peter hummed and squeezed Tony’s hand weakly, who squeezed back with considerably more gentle force. “Can I ask you something, kiddo?”
Tony smiled. “Buddy, a few nights ago, you asked me if I loved you. Remember that?” He continued when the boy nodded in confirmation. “What did you mean? I love you so much, Petey. Did I do something wrong? Did I… did I say something bad?”
He held his breath. Had he accidentally hurt his kid? What had happened to make Peter doubt his love?
“N-no, no! I said that because… because I-I…” he took a deep breath. “Few days ago I was talkin’ t’ Harley… an’ he said you didn’ love me an’ that I was jus’ for main’ you look good. But I knew that wasn’ true.” He smiled. “Knew it.”
The ice cold shock that had hit Tony soon dissolved from anger to pure, unbridled fury.
“Harley,” he repeated, almost snarling. “Harley told you that?”
“Mm-hmm.” Peter was oblivious to Tony’s anger. “Knew he was wrong.”
“Petey- yes, he’s wrong, he’s so so wrong, baby. You know that right? You know I love you so much, so damn much?”
“I-I know, Dad. I love you too. More than… than… all the letters i-in the universe! P-plus all the stars, an’ the bugs, an’ all the little pieces of yarn in the c-carpet!”
Tony grinned fondly, kissing the boy’s forehead. God, he loved this sweet kid. “I bet I love you even more than that, buddy.”
He pushed his anger down, down, until all that was left was his never-ending love for his kid.
“Even more?” Peter gasped, eyes sparkling. “No way!”
“Yeah way,” he teased, running his fingers through his hair. Ma smothered her laughter with a hand.
“W-well, then I love you more than a-all the pixels on my computer. On all of the computers!”
“Wow, bud, that’s a lot, huh?”
Peter smiled proudly and nodded. He turned his head to his aunt. “Love you t-too May.”
“I love you too, sweetie.” She smiled and adjusted one of the little Spider-Man plushies by his side, letting him grab onto it. 
“G’night,” he said, eyes drooping. 
“Goodnight, baby,” Tony whispered, pressing a long kiss to his forehead. “I love you.”
“Nap time already?” asked May gently, smiling. “Goodnight, Pete. We’ll be here when you wake up.”
Peter’s eyes closed and his breathing slowed. His hand went limp in Tony’s, who gave it a tight squeeze.
When they knew he was deeply asleep, the pair shared a glance. 
“Who,” May asked, “is Harley?”
Tony strolled down the hallway casually, composure cool and collected.
On the outside.
On the inside he was a turmoil of rage and anguish and a familiar aching to get back to his kid.
But first he had to find another kid. A certain young adult. 
That kid.
The kid who had fed lies and seeds of doubt into his own kid’s mind. Doubts about a father’s love. Saying the unspeakable. 
Who caused his kid to get shot. Three fucking times.
“Hey, kid,” he greeted calmly, sauntering into the living room where Harley lounged on the couch, swiping away on his phone.
“Hey, Tony. Geez, what happened to that kid? He get shot or somethin’?” Harley barely glanced up, not concerned it slightest.
In fact, he looked satisfied.
Stay calm, Tones. Stay calm.
“As a matter of fact, he did.”
“Fuck, man. That sucks.”
Yeah, it sure fucking does. My kid, my baby almost fucking died and it was your fault, and all you say is “that sucks?”
“Sure does. He’s doing better, though,” Tony continued. “What I wanna know is, why was he out there? Any ideas?”
Harley shrugged, not willing to share much more. “Maybe he likes the rain?”
“Maybe that’s it,” Tony considered. The icy anger flooded through him again. “Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because you told him I didn’t fucking love him. Think that’s it?”
Harley glared. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really? ‘Cause I saw the footage, Harley. ‘It must be a charity event, right?’ ‘He doesn’t care?’” Tony’s eyes must have been red, he was so angry. “Kid, I really don’t think you know me as much as you think you do. You don’t know me at all.”
“Save it,” he snapped when the other man tried to protest. “He almost fucking died because of you. He could have been killed. You could have killed my kid.” 
“He- I-I-”
“I don’t want to hear your excuses. I want you to get out.”
“W-what? What do you mean?” Harley blinked up at him, his sneakers still getting dirt on the couch.
Tony’s face grew deadly serious. He physically had to grab his hand to restrain from calling the suit. “He. Almost. Died. You need to get out of my house and away from my kid.”
“I-I didn’t-” he began to protest. 
“Out, or I’ll call security. You need to leave,” Tony snarled.
Harley blinked, then jumped up and ran, tripping over his shoelaces as he rushed to the elevator. Tony watched, glaring, as the door closed. 
A few minutes later, FRIDAY announced, “Harley has left the building, boss.”
He would have loved to talk to that kid for hours, about how much he hurt his precious kid, how much he hurt him.
But he had a kid to get to.
Tony hurried back to the medbay, not bothering to knock on the wooden door and making May jump.
“Is he gone?” she asked.
“Yeah. I don’t think we’ll be seeing much of him again.” He grinned.
May nodded. “Good.” She smiled to herself, patting Peter’s foot.
(It was obvious she had a strong hatred for the man who had almost killed her nephew.)
Tony sat on the bed, making sure not to disturb the child with his sudden weight, and kissed Peter’s temple tenderly, his gaze filled with love as he memorized every detail of his kid’s face, then smoothed his hand over his curls. “Don’t worry, buddy. He won’t be bothering you ever again.” 
Taglist: @imissyoutoo @aj-that-person @tonystark-deserves-better @nathaly-ab @skeeter-110 @peter-and-tony-vlogs @teammightypen @joyful-soul-collector @loveliestdisappointment @depuella @scwene-qween @honeythepooh @pixiethefirecat7 @spider-man-lover @bringitonvoldie @queen-of-sarcasm-25 @roxy3457 @memilon @iron-loyalty @gralaca @bitchingpretty @pillowspace @thatminecraftgal @clockworkteacup @hatakehikari @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @friendly-neighborhood-exchange
If you want to be added/ removed let me know!
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3pirouette · 3 years
Fic: Of All the People... (1/1)
Title: Of All The People… By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette Spoilers: FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER EPISODE 2 “The Star-Spangled Man” Rating: Teen for language Disclaimer: They're not mine. Word Count: 1278 Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :)
Story Summary: Bucky didn’t often hallucinate Peggy Carter, but when he did, he knew he was in for it.
A/N: Look. I KNOW that FATWS is about more than just Bucky, but that line broke my heart, ok? YOU KNOW WHAT LINE. This happens post episode, it assumes they separate for the night between the end of episode two and wherever episode three picks up since that’s isn’t out yet. Also, I’m trying to get better at writing Bucky. This is my first step. Steggy is implied. Steggy Bingo Bash Sentence Prompt C: “Why are you in my apartment?”
“Why are you in my apartment?”
He knew he asked it out loud, and had no expectation that the answering voice was anywhere but his head as he tossed his keys on the floor, turning away to avoid the cold eyes staring at him.
Especially because she still looked all of 20 years old, hair done up in Victory Rolls, red lipstick, and all.
Bucky didn’t often hallucinate Peggy Carter, but when he did, he knew he was in for it.
He must have been more tired than he thought, or that jump from the plane knocked a synapse loose, or something, because he hadn’t had one of these since before Wakanda.
She didn’t fidget, didn’t flinch, just watched him as he moved past her to the kitchen, filling a glass of water for himself and gulping it down. “Shit,” he mumbled, wiping his mouth and refilling the glass again. “I guess Sam has a point about the staring.”
“It is quite unnerving,” she finally said, her annoyingly perfect accent clipping the t’s.
She was always harsher in his head than she was in real life, but only by a little.
Bucky leaned back against the counter, looking her over. Just like on base, in a middle of a damned war, every little thing was in place. It always infuriated him that this was what his brain decided to use to reprimand him. Phillips he could take, one of his Handlers from Hydra maybe… but no, his damn fucked up brain decided that Peggy Fucking Carter was the way to get him to straighten up and fly right. “I repeat, why are you here?”
She looked around the room, her mouth tight and disapproving. It made his stomach clench. “You could get a couch, you know. Even if you continue to sleep on the floor, no reason to constantly punish yourself. Or guests. If you one day have them.”
He rolled his eyes, looking away. “That’s not what this is about.”
The apparition took a step closer. She always had to show up in that damned perfect pressed SSR outfit. Never in the business suits with the grey hair like he’d seen when he survailed her as the Winter Soldier. And sure as fuck never in that red dress she’d only ever put on for Steve.
Even his own brain wouldn’t let him think about his best friend’s girl like that.
No, it was always prim and proper and pressed and ready to dress him down until he felt like the smallest thing there ever was. She only ever did it once in real life, when he made a mistake that almost cost a whole platoon their lives, and he never, ever wanted to make Peggy Carter upset after that. Even Phillips’ yelling hadn’t made him feel as bad and as upset as Peggy’s had.
Steve had good taste, that much was true.
“No,” she continued, moving closer still. “What this is about is how you’ve been behaving.”
He laughed out loud, knowing he would have sounded insane if anyone had been listening to his single sided conversation. “You can’t possibly be talking about—”
“I am.”
He wanted to smack those red lips right off her. He wanted to punch her and fight her and take out all the rage he’d built up for decades on her. Instead, he just shook his head. “That piece of shit isn’t Steve and he has to stop trying to be.”
Sometimes… just sometimes… he thought maybe this wasn’t his head, but that it was the real, honest to god ghost of Peggy Carter because the way she sighed and smiled just at the corner of her mouth and tipped her head… well, he didn’t think he could have imagined quite that expression of love and frustration and loss if he tried. “No, Barnes. He isn’t. And he never will be.” Her lips pressed together tight and she stared him down, arms crossed over her chest, “But you and I both know that’s not what I’m talking about.”
He didn’t blink. “You know, if Doctor Raynor knew about you…” he laughed, rubbing his eyes. “I mean, she’d fucking commit me is what would happen. But she could learn a thing or two.”
Peggy sighed, and he swore he could feel the breath move past him. “This isn’t what he wanted for you.”
“He should tell me that himself,” Bucky bit out.
She cocked her head. “How can he when you ignore his calls?”
He turned away, anger flaring up within him.
“You won’t talk to him, you won’t talk to Sam, you won’t talk to your therapist and then—”
She stopped when his metal hand crushed the glass he was holding, the sounds of the glass shattering around him hidden as he roared in frustration. “Then what?” He punched the counter with his flesh hand, red pinpricks starting as glass embedded itself in his skin, but he didn’t even acknowledge it. He spun and looked at her. “Then what? Say it.”
She started him down, just the way she would on base when she disapproved of an off-color joke he spouted and it stoked the fires more.
“Fucking say it, Peg!” he roared.
She just blinked at him as the blood ran down his hand and the anger left him as suddenly as it came. He felt empty and hollow and broken, just like he did so very, very often.
She uncrossed her arms as he slumped down the counter to the floor, cradling his injured hand against his body, the skin pressing out the slivers of glass and healing as quickly as it had been injured. She bent, following his descent to the floor. He couldn’t even say for sure she was a hallucination when he watched her kneel in the broken glass because fucking Peggy Carter never flinched when she was injured or shot or hurt and he knew the damn woman would kneel in glass just to make a point.
“He wasn’t wrong about you, James.”
Her voice was soft, and calming, and fuck if he didn’t wish she was actually there right now because of all the people, all the fucking people who might have a chance, a chance at making him understand this… she was it.
Steve chose her, too.
Steve didn’t just choose anyone to care about. He didn’t just make friends and have a huge circle.
Steve picked and chose.
Steve had many, many acquaintances. Many people he liked and who liked him back.
But friends?
Those were few and far between, and when Steve said ‘till the end of the line he really, really fucking meant it.
He didn’t even pretend to not feel the tears. Real or not, Peggy Carter knew.
He hated his fucking brain. He hated it so fucking much.
He squeezed his eyes shut, and he didn’t want to open them when he thought he felt her hand on his cheek. He didn’t want to know that he was losing it even more because he thought he could feel her now.
“Steve wasn’t wrong, Barnes. Not about you, and not about Sam.”
When he opened his eyes, she was gone. He was alone, covered in tears and blood and sitting in a circle of broken glass.
“Fuck!” He howled, throwing his left arm out to the side, shattering the wood of the cabinet door next to him.
She was right.
He hated when that happened.
He needed to get his shit together and figure out what the hell they were going to do. It needed to be fixed, and he and Sam were the only people who could do that.
Post A/N: 1. I am ALL IN that Steve is still alive somewhere. 2. I love FATWS and I love what they’re doing for both of these amazing characters. 3. I’m hoping to work on both my Bucky and my Sam. 4. I am in no way a mental health professional or trying to make any kind of commentary on mental health. What I do know is that it has been implied if not outright stated that Bucky couldn’t trust his own mind at some points, and this is just an idea for a fic. 5. Hallucination or angel or multi-verse Peggy… you decide.
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I was wondering if you could write a story or dabble you choose. About Chris Evans and female reader decided to go for a walk in the woods in the snow. They have been teasing each other all morning so there's a lot of sexual tension between them.
Where it goes I will leave it to you.
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Cinnabuns and Hot Showers
Warning- soft fluffy and smut. All the warnings I got for you all. Also, it is what it is, so swearing somewhere because that's how I roll. Plus all errors are mine. 
A/N- @mravens-corner I hope you feel better soon Babes. Much Love Always. 
You were downstairs sitting at the island with a cup of coffee, scrolling through your phone when you heard Chris come down the stairs, scrambling behind him was the pitter-patter of Dodgers feet, barking excitedly at Chris to be let out. “Gimmie a second Bubba.” You heard Chris say as he turned the corner into the kitchen, his nose tilted up while grinning. 
“Are those...” He trailed off and you gave a wiggle of your brows at him, smirking against the lip of your cup before setting it down. 
“Cinnamon Buns? The maple ones I made last Christmas for your mom's house? It is.” you confirmed and he came into the room, to tug you off the stool with a grin. 
“You are the best, you know that Honey?” His hands slid along the curve of your ass, and grasped lightly against the curve, letting his fingers dig in and his palms fill with the curve. His head dipped and he caught your lips with a teasing swipe of his tongue along your bottom lip before he pulled back. Looking over your shoulder to see a bowl of premade frosting that he dipped his fingers into, and placed to his lips to taste. “Mmmh” 
“Good? I wanna taste.” You grinned while pulling him down again, this time the kiss was heavier, more playful in manner as tongues teased and slipped between parting lips. Chris groaned into the kiss and you felt flushed against him, your hands fisting in the patriot's sweater he wore. 
When his head lifted, he let his thumb swipe against your bottom lip and lifted to his mouth the suck off the sweetness from the tip. “I could just eat you and the frosting.” 
You chuckled while looking up at him, tilting your head slightly in a cocky way. “Oh, I know Chris. Now you better go let Dodger out. He's prancing, and I have to check those buns.” 
“The ones I got feel just fine to me.” His hand still resting on your ass tightened in a teasing squeeze and you roll your eyes, pushing him back playfully and sidestepped him. 
“Keep that up, you get none of my buns or my cinnabuns.” Sticking your tongue out at him, you went to check on your dessert while Chris gave a sing-song whistle to Dodger. 
“Come on boy, we better get outside before Momma kicks us out of the house.” He ruffled Dodger's ears and opened the door for Dodger to burst out into the powder. Surprised, Chris hollered over his shoulder. “Babe, it snowed last night.” Retreating back to grab his jacket and shrug it on, also grabbing a pair of boots instead of sneakers, you checked the buns with a fork. 
“Hence why I was in a baking mood.” You took your frosting and started to drizzle it over, using a butter knife to help spread it around when Chris held up his jacket, wiggling his brows at you. 
“Come on, let's go out with Dodger, and when we come back, we can have breakfast together. They need to cool off anyways.” Dodger came back in, his bushy tail giving a wag as if saying ‘Let's go, mom, we don't got all day.’ 
Placing the bowl in the sink and letting the water run to soak it, you narrowed your eyes at your two boys, both as eager as the other one. “Okay, I will be right there.” 
Once you were dressed, equipped with gloves hat, and a scarf to finish the ensemble, you and Chris walk along the driveway, watching as Dodger is sprinting ahead to push up the snow and dive into his piles. 
Chris sweeps down to scoop up a palmful of snow, tossing it for Dodger to take off and chase, confused when there is no ball for him to return, so he came loping back good-natured, looking for another chase, anything. This time you sweep down and grab a handful of snow to toss for him which sent him flying to catch. 
It was also this time you flicked some at Chris, catching in his hair, and it dripped down to catch in his lashes as he protested, sweeping his arm against his face, and catching you to shake the remaining snow on you, making you squeal in protest. 
“Chhriss!” you try pulling away, but he's much stronger than you, and has you wrapped in tight. Dodger heard you both and came sprinting back to see what was going on. “you weren't supposed to get me!” 
“Oh? All’s fair in love and war.” He snickered at you, and you two stumbled under heavily laden trees, their branches hanging lower than usual. 
You twist into his arms, and curl up against him, huffing a bit. “When you say that you sound just like Hugh, Chris.” 
He gave a laugh and reached up to slick back his hair and put on the signature Drysdale smirk. “Like this Darling? You know, you will never have anything better than a Thrombey. Also, call me Ransom. Hugh’s for the help.” 
You couldn't resist yourself and leaned up to nip at his lips. “Well I did bake for you this morning, doesn't that make me part of the ‘Help’?” 
Chris tilted his head, pondering your point a moment, and his blue eyes sparkled in a teasing manner back at you, his lips overly pink as well as the tops of his cheeks. At this moment he looked exactly like his Knives Out character. “That’s right you did.” He pulled in closer, sliding a chilled hand along the back of your neck, and cupped it so you couldn't move away. “Guess that means you have to serve me, Kitten. Still got that little outfit?” 
You hum as you grin. “Maybe, but Harlan doesn't require outfits, Hugh.” 
Chris opens his mouth, just about to say something when the branches above the two of you let loose, dumping a whole mess of snow over the both of you, which surprises both of you, simultaneously yelling. “holy shit!” “Son of a Bitch!” Both of you running out from the snow and brushing it off, making you shiver as it went down the back of your jacket and Chris shaking his out to scatter the snow out from his.
Dodger, who was safe from the falling snow just sat there watching his people shake out their clothing and clasp their arms around themselves. “Back home Chris? Cause I'm freezing.” 
“Yes! we can warm each other up.” He took your hand and started sprinting back to the house with Dodger chasing after them, and you laugh as you both raced up the stairs, bursting into the house to shed out of the cold wet clothes. Soon a pile of wet clothes stood at the door, and Chris chased you running away up the stairs. You sprang into the bedroom, shedding your bra while running into the bathroom, Chris was right behind you, pausing to yank off socks. 
In the bathroom you are quick to turn on the hot water, trying to find that happy hot and cold mix. Chris is behind you pulling off his socks, while you slip out of your panties, wriggling your ass back and forth at him in a tease, making him stumble slightly. “Fucking christ Y/N” He just about growls out while your jumping in the shower. He is right behind you, backing you up to the wall, and kissing you hungrily, pressing his chest into your breasts. Your shivers quickly turn to ones of lust and your panting against his mouth as his hands grasp the back of your thighs, easily lifting you to press his cock against your entrance, making you hiss with satisfaction at the burn. 
“Fuck just like that.” You moan, and you arch to sink further on him, grinding your clit against his pelvis when he gives a thrust, groaning himself feeling you so welcoming warm and fluttering around him. He moves faster, burying himself into your welcoming warmth and your mouth cant stay off his neck, his ear that you bite wickedly before your whimpering his name. 
“That's right Pretty Girl, say it again.” He grunts while leaving his mark on your neck, just behind your ear that has you clenching around him, your thighs quivering while you're tightening around him, and your head tips back, saying his name again with more urgency while his thrusts speed up. His hands dig into your hips to keep them pinned against the wall, and his hard kisses are flowing down till he is lapping water off the top of your breasts, burying his face in them while you're bouncing up and down when you felt your orgasm wash over your in prickling stinging pleasure locking you around him and the air being punched from your lungs, leaving spots sparking behind closed eyelids.
Chris didn't slow down, he pushed you through your orgasm, your nails scratching down his back to dig into hold on, and his movements became a demand for you to be ready for him. He came with a shudder, pumping himself slower into you to push his release into the brink, fill you up with nothing but him to dampen your thighs. He reached over to turn off the water, your forehead pressed to his shoulder to try and catch your breath. 
Steady hands rubbed along your hips and along your thighs wrapped around his waist. “Ready for me to set you down?” He asked and which you nodded, hissing as you felt his softening cock ease from you, and the balls of your feet touch down on the shower floor. Once he was sure you were steady on your feet, Chris stepped out to grab the towels and handed one to you while drying himself off in the process. 
You wrung out your hair and stepped out to grab a robe, slipping it on. Chris went into the bedroom and slipped on grey sweats and a tee shirt this time, when you made your way out of the bathroom, picking up the wet clothing and place it into the basket. “I cant wait to see what we left downstairs.” You laugh and Chris winks. 
“How about I get those into the dryer and you can heat us up some coffee to go with those cinnamon buns?” 
“Deal!” You are quick to take it, he grabbed a laundry basket and you both went back down the stairs to find Dodger sound asleep in his bed, and a scattering of your clothes leading from the front door to the stairs. 
“We didnt have any other plans today, did we?” You ask while Chris is busy gathering stuff to put into the basket. 
“Mmhh, I have a video conference later this morning, but rest of the day is free.” He shrugs while setting the now full basket on the counter while your busy at the coffee pot. 
“Good, because we should do that again this afternoon.” Your teeth tug at your lip, adding for good measure. “Because I do still have that outfit you were asking about before.” 
Hearing that made Chris groan. 
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Not According to Plan
George Weasley x Reader
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Prompts: 4 & 11
"Hi I'm [Y/N or Character] I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable."
"Ah, Humour based on my pain. Aha-ha-ha."
Warnings: Swearing
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If you thought about it, had the teachers really cared about students roaming the castle at night, they'd certainly have worked harder to ensure breaking curfew wasn't so easy.
Night was when the castle was most fun, after all.
Running from Filch. Stealing food from the kitchens. Star gazing from the balcony of the North Tower. All far too tantalising to resist.
For [Y/N] in particular.
Exploring the ancient building in the late hours of the night had become somewhat of a habit for her. Sneaking out of her dormitory while her room-mates slept peacefully in their beds she relished in the feeling of freedom which enveloped her every sense in the cool night air.
Her favourite activity by far had to be antagonising Peeves in the Dungeons before stargazing with a hot chocolate held firm between her freezing palms.
Tonight however didn't quite go to plan.
Screwing with the prankster Poltergeist took an unforeseen turn resulting in her currently hauling ass from the doom and gloom of the Dungeons.
Apparently her weekly routine had become far too predictable as Peeves had been waiting for her tonight. Hell bent on revenge he was accompanied by none other than one Severus Snape. Not what she was expecting as she casually rounded the corner, safe to say her feet had never changed direction so fast. Nearly falling over herself as she ran.
"THERE!" Peeves bellowed seeing her sprinting form disappear from the corridor.
The sound of Snape shouting, hot on her heels willed her legs to carry her faster. To pump her arms harder as she bounded up a flight of stairs in a hidden passage which led directly to the third floor.
She fell against a large stone pillar, hand on her side trying to dull the aching cramp that'd formed in her ribs and swallowing thickly to ease the burning of her now dry throat.
Content that she had put enough distance between herself and the fuming Head of Slytherin House, [Y/N] composed herself. Strolling leisurely down the hall with a relieved chuckle coming from her throbbing throat, heading toward the kitchens, she could really use that drink now.
But tonights surprises didn't end there.
Mind too fixed on her narrow escape [Y/N] failed to register the rapidly approaching sound of footsteps barrelling down the adjoining hallway. Next thing she knew she had collided with someone and fell hard to the floor.
"Ah, fuck" a pained voice groaned near her.
[Y/N]s body had never felt as heavy as it did in that moment. Laying face down on the ground her arms moved to lift herself. Shaking her head to clear her blurred vision and dull the ringing in her ears that echoed in her mind from the sudden collision.
[Y/N] squinted toward the source of her injury but could only just make out a figure.
A boy laid sprawled on his back, one knee in the air with an arm slung across his abdomen. Given the difficulty in which he tried to pull himself upright and the way his other hand massaged the back of his head [Y/N] gathered he was in an equal amount of pain.
The flaming red hair was a dead give away, although she already had her suspicions in who the likely culprit was. Only two other people in this school seemed to share her affinity for breaking curfew. The Weasley Twins. Until now however she never had the pleasure of making either pranksters acquaintance. She was, after all, a year below the pair and from another House.
"Are you alright?" The boy asked. He had managed to roll himself onto his side propped up by his elbow he eyed the girl concernedly. She was now resting on her knees, hands supporting her while her body hung heavy like dead weight making her arms quake under the pressure.
"Peachy" her voice sounded as if she'd been winded during the fall, "I've always wondered what the Castle floors taste like. Now I know...they taste like shit."
The redhead laughed at her sarcasm, "Glad I could help clear that up for you then." With a groan he rose to his feet, quickly peering back around the corner from which he came before holding his hand out for the stranger to take. Accepting gladly she used his strength to pull herself from the cold ground.
"Talk about ways to take a girls breath away." She muttered to herself but given the cocked expression on his face the boy had heard. She wasn't sure if he were amused or not.
Taking her hand from his [Y/N] placed both of hers on her lower back and stretched her aching muscles while the joints in her spine cracked in several places. Moaning lightly at the tension it relieved.
"If I were to hazzard a guess, I'd say you were running from Filch."
"That'd be a pretty good guess" he smiled shyly as if unsure how she were about to react.
Lifting her gaze to meet his she found the expression to be one of unease and awkwardness. It looked out of place on the face of one half of the notorious Weasley Twins.
"The rumours are true, Weasley's really do know how to knock a girl off their feet."
His face contorted into a mixture of confusion and amusement. Given the circumstances he'd been awaiting a lecture or to be scolded for his recklessness which ended up rather painful for the both of them. Humour was not something he expected to come from her. An impressed grin snuck it's way onto his lips, the Twins always admired a person who could make light of a tense situation.
The silence and look on his face spoke differently to [Y/N], she felt she must have said the wrong thing. The whole encounter was far too awkward for her liking. Bouncing on the balls of her feet she let out a long breath through mostly closed lips as she gently punched her palm contemplating her next words. She had to think of something...anything to say that could recover.
"Hi, I'm [Y/N] I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable." She reached her hand out to shake his. To her great relief he laughed while taking it. "George" he answered simply.
"What's a girl like you doing out at a time like this?" Raising his brow with a cheeky grin he placed his hands in his pockets.
"Same as you it'd appear."
"Running from Filch?"
"Snape actually." George's eyes went wide at the words.
"You dare tempt to best the Devil?" Silent laughter radiated through his body as he smiled in shock.
"Well to be totally honest, he wasn't in my plans. But Peeves got the better of me."
"Annoying him has become somewhat of a hobby of mine", [Y/N] shrugged, "guess he finally had enough. He had Snape waiting for me."
"The little snitch." The two laughed.
For two people who had just met, in a rather abrupt and unpleasant manner, they were surprised at how easily conversation flowed between them.
Leaning casually against the corridor wall they spoke a little back and forth while George relayed his evenings events and how he suddenly found himself unaccompanied by his brother. It wouldn't have stopped there, had it not been for the arrival of Mrs Norris and the sound of Filchs voice carrying down the hall putting a stopper in their laughter.
Staring wide eyes from the cat back to one another they took off in a sprint. George made to turn down the passage [Y/N] ascended previously before she grabbed his hand "Not there. That's where I ditched Snape he'll be down there for sure!"
Thinking quickly George took the lead, hand still clasped firmly in hers. Dragging [Y/N] close behind him they ran through the courtyard to the Trophy room.
Hiding beside an old cabinet [Y/N] and George fought hard to recapture their breaths dropping each others hand, [Y/N]s clutched her chest as George steadied himself against the wall.
"That's...the second time" [Y/N] strained to speak through burning breaths, "second time you've left me breathless tonight." She chuckled swallowing hard afterwards. "That's so corny" George coughed feeling like his lungs were full of sand.
When their ability to speak without pain finally returned the two soon found they had a lot in common. George was in awe of how [Y/N] could make light of any situation. She seemed to ooze positively and, much like he and his brother, always tried to make people laugh because, in her words, "What's life without laughter? Fucking boring." He could feel himself falling as he hung from her every word. Every giggle. Every smile. He couldn't take his eyes off her, till a blinding light from over her shoulder appeared pulling his attention. A teacher. He couldn't stand to see her end up in detention so, panicking, he did the only thing he could think of. Cutting [Y/N] off mid sentence he shoved her into the hidden compartment he knew lay behind the cabinet. He and Fred had used it many times before, though it wasn't exactly spacious it served it's purpose as a temporary refuge from angry teachers or prefects.
Eliciting a sudden squeal from [Y/N] as she had remained blissfully unaware of the approaching punishment he closed the cabinet behind her, leaning against it in a casual way just as the teacher turned into the hall.
"WEASLEY!" They yelled. Snape. Of course it'd be Snape he thought.
"PROFESSOR!" he mockingly yelled back with an innocent smile he straightened himself off the cabinet.
"Mind explaining as to why you are roaming the castle well past curfew?"
"Just fancied paying the trophies a visit sir." The familiar creak of wood sounded through the space as [Y/N] had obviously pressed against the other size of the cupboard, turning both men's attention. Georges eyes were wide as Snapes brows furrowed in confusion.
"Haven't seen them in so long you see. Thought they must have been missing me." He shouted slightly leaning all his weight back against the wood to stop it moving and to draw Snapes attention back to him.
"Mhmm. Where's your brother?" The Slytherin asked with a stern expression.
"Bed I imagine." a light tapping noise began to sound coming from the direction of the cabinet once again. George shifted his position so as to strum his fingertips against the old wood to compensate.
"A likely story."
"Sir, it is quite late you realise?"
"I'm aware." Snape was growing tired of the redheads cheek "50 points will be taken from Gryffindor and, seeing as you're so taken by them, detention this weekend shall be served polishing every last trophy in this room. Should give you plenty of time to be...reacquainted." the greasy haired man smirked triumphantly.
"You're too kind, sir" George forced a smile.
"Return to your house immediately and, should you run into him, before I do, drag your dimwitted other half with you." With a nod and two finger saltue George glared at his potions teacher, watching him stride away dramatically.
He was still glaring when he heard a loud knock come from the hiding place.
"Oh right" he fumbled upright opening the way slowly. He peered in to see [Y/N] leant back against the wall with arms folded and a much more playful glare than the one George was sporting moments ago. "Ah, come to let me out have you?" She jested.
"I'm sorry, Severus came waltzing by and-"
"Oh, I know."
"You know?"
"He always patrols the trophy room at 12pm Thursday nights."
"Well why the bloody hell didn't you tell me!?"
"Same reason I kept tapping on the back of the cabinet...I wanted to make things difficult for you." The girl grinned wickedly.
Georges mouth fell open. "To think, I was trying to save you from detention." He laughed.
"Yes I did hear that part actually. Be sure to put your elbows into it, some of these old cups are quite tarnished." She ran her finger over the glass of the neighbour display as she walked out past him.
"Ah, humour based on my pain. Aha-ha-ha."
[Y/N]s head dropped as she laughed at his sarcasm before turning to him while he leant back against the cabinet to close it's hiding place. Looking down at her [Y/N] blushed under the weight of his stare, biting her lip to restrain the giddy smile trying to break through.
"Want to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?"
The question took her by surprise. The butterflies in her stomach making her uncomfortable.
"Ah, You have detention." She reminded him.
"How do you plan on getting out of the Castle?"
"I have my ways." He shrugged with a smug look on his face.
[Y/N]s tongues traced her lips before pulling her bottom one through her teeth, the experience was calling to her like breaking curfew. She did love to break the rules.
"Okay?" He seemed astonished by her answer, and brought himself off the cabinet.
"Yeah, okay. I'd love too." [Y/N] was smiling brightly now at the prospect of spending more time with George.
"Great! Meet me here at 10 on Saturday?"
She nodded the only reply she seemed capable of giving as the butterflies in her stomach took over her whole body.
"Great. Well I better go find my 'dimwitted other half' let him know that Snapes after us." He joked "I'll see you then." He placed a quick kiss to her cheek.
Her hand came to the place where his lips had met her skin as the familiar warmth of a blush spread over her face. She turned to watch him leave, he must have expected her to as he looked over his shoulder shooting her a wink before leaving around the corner.
Tonight was surprising to say the least. And not a thing had gone to plan. But [Y/N] wouldn't have changed a second of it for the world.
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wordofrecall · 4 years
character playlists: ori
so. let’s do this. my playlists are long and scattered, but they make me happy, so i might as well share them and the thoughts behind song choices. so. here’s some songs for runaway knights & wannabe witches, and what have you.
something holy - childhood & riches & wonders
pearl diver - mitski - oh hunter, if you didn’t want the beautiful so badly, perhaps you would’ve found it in your spirit singing softly - look. it's on the nose, considering that her title is "the pearl hunter," but also, like, that rules. this is a song for wren, i think; ori in the present reflecting on her mother and the similarities between them.
icicles - the scary jokes - i can only be forgiven if i’m giving myself up to you on a silver serving tray / must i bare myself to the stabbing of your knife & gnashing teeth while our lovely company appears so entertained? - aaand a song for childhood. 99% of ori's socialization came from her parents having important guests over, so. uh. yeah. show off your reclusive child prodigy like a pageant whenever you have the opportunity. she probably won't grow to loathe you.
life: the cruel interlude (on god) - kilo kish - why do i dare believe in me when i bleed? - questioning was. always a big thing for ori. i don't think she ever believed that the mirzha was god, and i known that she never truster her father's patron, but. in her studies, in her passions, there's always this tiny sense of desperation for something to have faith in something. not herself.
bluejays & cardinals - the mountain goats - the stars come out of hiding for you, & i would too - there is. a lot, in ori's relationship with her brother. she was the favorite child, yeah, the one destined for great things in spite of her... troubles. but he never had those troubles! she didn't, doesn't understand how he went through life so unafraid. there's envy there. i also think that the line i quoted is terribly true, like, canonically. because. she sure did do that stupid shit.
be calm - fun. - take it from me, i’ve been there a thousand times--you hate your pulse because it thinks you’re still alive! - sometimes you have intense social phobia. and that's okay!
country death song - violent femmes - kiss your mother goodnight & remember that God saves, kiss your mother goodnight & remember that God saves - i think andrei is a much less pitiable or even sympathetic man than the narrator of this song, but. like. it's a country song about a father killing his daughter while preaching godliness. i had to.
i’m all bloody inside - liam lynch - inside me, well, it’s dark & gross as hell, i’m not a pretty sight - the family business!
the hazards of love 3 (revenge!) - the decemberists - but father, don’t you fear, your children are all here - fantasies. part of the fantasy is imagining a world where she doesn't feel terrible about the thought.
shankill butchers - sarah jarosz - they used to be just like me & you, they used to be sweet little boys - "blood hunters are ghost stories." "and also, they're fucking terrible. violent, cruel, zealous. the worst."
sparrow - st. vincent - & no eyes are on the sparrow, eyes are on the sparrow, how could that be the case? the lark keeps whistling his number, silly little number, as if he isn't prey - pity for the boy. sort of retrospective, but it's a thought that's been there since she was a child.
something burning - rituals & fire & running
starchild - ghost quartet - but i will transcend & vomit this loser out of me; i will become the next big thing, i will light myself on fire - maybe she is some kind of angel? bursting with radiance and terrifying to look upon.
arsonist’s lullabye - hozier - don’t you ever tame your demons, always keep them on a leash / when i was sixteen, my senses fooled me - oooor maybe she is a sixteen year-old who is having a panic attack and setting everything in sight on fire by accident.
blood - my chemical romance - i’m the kind of human wreckage that you love! - so she's broken.
girl anachronism - the dresden dolls - it’s not the way i’m meant to be, it’s just the way the operation made me - so she's failed and she's broken and she's sick, and there's no time to fucking think.
when the chips are down - anais mitchell - cast your eyes to heaven, you’ll get a knife in the back. - so she does what her mother did before her, and she runs from that which she has always known.
body terror song - ajj - i’m so sorry that you have to have a body / one that will hurt you, & be the subject of so much of your fear - feelings on being built Wrong; feelings on your mind's undue control upon your body.
in corolla - the mountain goats - & no one was gonna come & get me, there wasn't anybody gonna know, even though i leave a trail of burnt things in my wake every single place i go - very good as an ori song in general but this is her justification to herself in the water. under the docks, she says this to herself.
the harrowed & the haunted - the decemberists - will i be so brave? - just to get that oceanic vibe up.
luna - the mountain goats - rise through the flames & end again in flames at last - an inexplicable feeling.
unwhere - reeder - a song for leaving what you've always known.
something lonely - years & woods & dreaming
runs in the family - amanda palmer - run from their pity, from responsibility, run from the country & run from the city, i can run from the law, i can run from myself, i can run for my life, i can run into debt, i can run from it all, i can run 'till I'm gone - she is broken and all she can think to do is get as far away as possible
panic attack - liza anne - i hate that i can be seen like this
black eyes - david wirsig - my hammering heart hears the voices of spirits that tempt us, the scorn that they’ve spoken
for the departed - shayfer james - they will bury me alive, but i’m not inclined to care; i am too far gone now
hurt - johnny cash - everyone i know goes away in the end; you can have it all, my empire of dirt
my body’s made of crushed little stars - mitski - i work better under a deadline! i work better under a deadline!
blood in the cut - k. flay - guess i’m contagious; it’d be safest if you ran--fuck, that’s what they all just end up doing in the end
little pistol - mother mother - i think i might be scared of the world & the way it makes you feel afraid & how it gets in the way
villains pt. 1 - emma blackery - built to create, designed to destroy
the beer - kimya dawson - & the christians gave me comic books as if i would be scared of burning in hell while i was already there [...] i tried to scream fuck you but blood was pouring out my mouth
something safe - family & finding it & fighting together
haunted house - sir babygirl - i’m running just to hide & i’m hiding just to breathe & around every corner is the same night on repeat
your heart is a muscle the size of your fist - ramshackle glory - i love you & you make me glad to be alive; i promise that i’m gonna pay you back / you always know how funny everything is, even when i’m so serious that it’s gonna be the death of me
medicines - the taxpayers - o, but our rotting corpses lying there soon began to leak & grow these lesions that all smelled just like a rose / & all the blood & guts inside us germinated into timeless pages stained with lines of lovely prose
autoclave - the mountain goats - i am this great unstable mass of blood & foam
alligator skin boots - mccafferty - i’m cool to the touch, leap to my death, i’ll die for you all, i’ll die for my friends, it goes like this
100 years - florence + the machine - lord, don’t let me break this, let me hold it lightly, give me arms to pray with instead of ones that hold too tightly
tomorrow will be kinder - the secret sisters - but i feel warmth on my skin, the stars have all aligned
armour - rae spoon - you know i placed was to build a life for you
amy aka spent gladiator 1 - the mountain goats - play with matches if you think you need to play with matches; seek out the hidden places where the fire burns hot & bright / find where the heat’s unbearable & stay there if you have to--don’t hurt anybody on your way up to the light, and stay alive
curses - the crane wives - won’t you stay with me, my darling, when my walls start burning down?
something daring - islands & visions & loss
jane’s dream - janelle monáe
beekeeper - keaton henson - hear me, o woman that has gone astray, gone astray
fire - kimya dawson - i’m reading books about how they’re corrupt [...] as long as i’m burning, i’ll keep on yearning to save the world, not sure how, but i’m learning
cosmic hero - car seat headrest - i love you, but i can’t stand the touch, & of course i’m alright with death
turn the lights off - tally hall - everbody likes to get taken for turns to see how bright the fire inside of us burns [...] should be stronger, books abandoned
eat you alive - the oh hellos - child, i’m afraid for your soul; these things that you’re after, they can’t be controlled
cry for judas - the mountain goats - hallucinate a shady grove where judas went to die
o death - monica martin - no wealth, no land, no silver, no gold, nothing satisfies me but your soul
blood of angels - brown bird - and i would wage my soul to bet that there ain’t no one throwing lightning anyhow
the universe is going to catch you - the antlers - the arms of the universe kept you from falling [...] those arms did not come back
a burning hill - mitski - i am the fire & i am the forest & i am the witness watching it / i stand in the valley watching it
something terrifying - conversations & selfhood & divination
the lamb - dessa - but blood is blood, & what’s done is done; blood is blood, & its burden is a beast
going invisible 2 - the mountain goats - i’m gonna burn it all down today & sweep all the ashes away
the lion’s roar - first aid kit - she plays a tune for those who wish to overlook the fact that they’ve been blindly deceived by those who preach & pray & teach, but she falls short & the night explodes in laughter
the villain i appear to be - connor spiotto - even if you can’t see the good inside me, i don’t have the time to tell you why i do the things that i do, just please hold on & soon you’ll seem
up the wolves - the mountain goats - there’s bound to be a ghost at the back of closet, no matter where you live; there’ll be a few things, maybe several things that you’re gonna find really difficult to forgive
thursday girl - mitski - glory, glory, glory to the night that shows me what i am
at the bottom of everything - bright eyes - we must take all of the medicines to expensive now to sel; set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell
everybody does - julien baker - i know i’m a pile of filthy wreckage you will wish you’d never touched, but you’re gonna run when you find out who i am
tongues & teeth - the crane wives - i know that you mean so well, but i am not a vessel for your good intent 
a pearl - mitski - you’re growing tired of me and all the things i don’t talk about / sorry, i don’t want your touch--it’s not that i don’t want you
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mariahthelioness29 · 4 years
pairing: Sam x Bucky 
words: 3.5k (how did I write this ?, I don’t know) 
Warning; pinning, fluff, a smidge of smut, cursing (a little), alcohol consumption and 2 idiots in love, slow burn
A look of Sam and Bucky in New Orleans, A party, and maybe feelings being resolved. A conclusion (I guess) of No Plan and Going Back. 
I was listening to Differences by Ginuwine and the tracks that follow on Youtube and I got inspired. 
A special THANK YOU to @avintagekiss24​ and @siancore​. Your comments, suggestions are gold to me. I am so grateful.
@siancore​ @xbuchananbarnes​ @avintagekiss24​ @helahades​  @euh-say-what-now​ @here-for-your-bullshit​ @rasberrylemon​ @blackmissfrizzle​ @sapphirescrolls​ @babiiface95​ @27dis​ @captainsamwlsn​
Face claim for new characters:
Nelsan Ellis- Lafayette
Rutina Wesley-Leyla 
Miroslava Morales-Miriam
Mood board for the party:
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The humidity and the temperature were unbearable. Today is his no-shirt- shorts on-day. It is so hot, that his insecurities about his scars are taking a day off.
It is so peaceful, he does not want to think about the mission they just had. Missions are always blocked from his mind. They are a heat in the moment thing. He thanks his mind for blocking them, otherwise he will be a nervous wreck.
This heat reminds him of Wakanda. That paradise on earth. He goes through his bag and takes a colorful notebook with patterns. His photo album.
Looking at the polaroid pictures of him in Wakanda. Shuri had some vintage items. She loves polaroid’s pictures so she gifted him a Polaroid camera.
One of him and Shuri in the lab.
One of him with the village kids and the goats.
G’cobisa, Tabo, Tinashe, Buhle, Khanyiswa, Kholiwe, M’tobheli, Anathi, Bonghani, Fikile Gugulethu. Those children are angels on Earth. Bucky ‘s not religious but whoever is up there, be it Bast or Jesus, he will ask them this:
“Please take care of those children, the people of Wakanda, allow them to be happy and let nothing bad happen to them”
Sam, I wish I had the courage to tell you how I feel, I really love you and I want you so bad, he thought while remembering last night's dream. He bites his lip and sighs.
Last night dream and his early-morning wood were: Sam giving him a show, having the best sex ever all while he takes pictures of him with the polaroid. Him going down on Sam, while Sam records him.
“FUUUUCK !!” Sam groaned.
“Keep goin’ like that, you’re so good at that, look at me baby boy”, he said out of breath in between moans, grabbing his hair with one hand. He looks up to him, teary eyed. Sam was recording him.
He shakes those thoughts away with a chill on his spine. He does not want to go to eat with a tent on his pants so he focuses on the other pictures.
One of the rivers and one of Birnin Zana. The Royal Palace. The market. Him eating at the market. Him drinking a gallon of milk cause his mouth was on fire due to the hot sauce on his food. That hot sauce is a torture device.
One of him in all white fur, when he was in Jabari Tribe land as Shuri and T’challa’s bodyguard.
When the days were like this pure sun and barely wind, he just bathed in the river for hours. He stayed under the trees and the kids playing with his hair. He was the children's favorite pastime. Asked him all types of questions. Used him as a biology example, for the older children, when they needed to take their biology exams about genetics. As a doll, the village children and teenagers were always experimenting on his hair. They quickly realized that his hair could not withstand some of their hair-dos.  He looks at the picture of him with Bantu knots and the other with braids in rows. He guffawed with tears in his eyes.  
He remembers the Bantu knots fiasco. How hard the kid’s moms needed to detangle his hair with all types of combs and products, because the children literally caked his hair so that the knots stayed intact. He stayed with the knots because it was refreshing not having his hair loose during that heat wave until wash time arrived. It became a nightmare. Their moms taught them that Bucky’s hair is not apt for African hairstyles. The kids learned their lesson and did hairstyles that were suitable for his hair.
He was looking through the pictures until he saw his old pictures of him in the 40s. Those pictures were always weird to see . He fixated on those pictures till they became a little blurry. He closes the album
He wanted the confidence of James Buchanan Barnes. The Barnes that would steal girl’s and guy’s breath away. The same Barnes that rocked Steve’s world after they left that bar but he knew he and Steve  could never be. He chose Peggy. He does not blame him in the slightest. It was the best way. What they were was a crime back then. He and Steve could’ve end up in a psych ward or with sodomy and indecency charges and dishonorably discharged from the military. He probably would’ve settled with a woman he loved too. Living satisfied but within a lie. Hiding half of himself. Would that have been a better life than the Hydra ordeal he went through? Who knows?
One thing he is sure of is that he will be proud and loud to be Sam’s man. He will live his truth. He got a second chance so he will not waste it. Anyone who does not like it, can get fucked.
He went out of his room and went to the dining room.
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“Morning”, he said.
“Morning”, Sam and Sarah answered in unison.
Sam and Sarah were busy in the kitchen.
Bucky inhales the various smells coming from the kitchen, his mouth waters.
“How did you sleep?”, Sam asked
“Like a baby”, Bucky answered him with a smile.
Sam looked at him impressed and responded: “that’s wonderful, nightmares are appearing less”.
“Yeah, they are appearing less'',Bucky answered trying not to wander to last night’s dream.“Hey guys, can I help with preparing the food?”, Bucky asked. He always wants to be of service.
“Buck, no offence, but you are a white man raised in the Depression era, I don’t trust you with the kitchen but you can set the table though”, Sam answered.  Bucky rolled his eyes at that.
Sarah was pressing her lips together to stifle a laugh.
He lifted his hands in surrender and answered: “Alright, I set the table”.
Sam pointed where the kitchenware and plates were. Bucky began to set the table.
Sarah looked at Sam with wide eyes and they both looked at Bucky up and down discreetly.  Bucky was shirtless and with shorts. His shorts hang low. His v-line was showing. His abs all out and that vibranium arm shining a little.
Breakfast was a quiet thing, with Bucky’s story here and there about Depression era food and how they used to boil everything. Sam & Sarah gagged at the thought of boiling everything. Bucky laughed at them.
Bucky offered to wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, Bucky said he was going to meditate and do breathing exercises outside.
After they checked that Bucky was far enough that he could not hear their conversation.
Sarah exclaimed: “WHEW, CHILE!!”
“pipe the fuck down”, Sam whisper yelled. “He is a super soldier, he has enhanced hearing!”, Sam whispered with worry
“No wonder why you got the hots for him, shiiiiiiit if you don’t tap that ass, I will ‘cause HOT Damn,” Sarah answered in a lower voice. “He might be the first white man to get this work”.
Sam glared at her and frowned at her with a faux offence.
“Were you not with Ricardo, Ricardo was white?” Sam inquires
Sarah scoffs. “Boy Ricardo was Latino. I mean he white. But not WHITE, you know what I mean”.
Sam shoved her gently and said, “Not you, wanting my future man. Get your own shit why you riding mine”. They both snickered and had Cheshire cat grins.
“Hey, but seriously, when are you going to tell him how you feel?” Sarah asked softly, putting her hand on top of Sam’s.
Sam sucked in a breath and exhaled, dropping his head down. Sarah’s heart softens, looking at her brother.
“It is hard Sarah; I want to but what if he is repulsed by that. I know Steve and him used to be something. But there is the chance, he does not like Black guys for that. He is still a 40s guy, so I am weary.”, Sam answered. Sarah cocked her head and nodded in understanding.
“The guy was literally tortured and brainwashed for decades. He is now getting to live his second chance at a normal life. I don’t want to put more weight on him because I really, really like him a whole fucking lot.” Sam continued with a defeated tone.
“Sammy, wake your ass up, that man looks at your ugly ass mug like you hung the moon”, Sarah said with confidence. “He likes you too and a lot, just explore that feeling and let it be one step at the time”. Sarah offered. “You don’t have to marry his ass. Just give him support, like you are doing but extend that support more on the physical side of it. God knows when was the last time, you and that man were laid”. Sarah laughed and ran away from the kitchen before Sam pushed her.
Sam chuckled in disbelief at what Sarah said.
It could all be so simple, then why is it so difficult.
He has always had this predicament when it came to liking men. He is who he is.  After years of hiding his sexuality in the military, it cost him to shake that state of being. He sighs and thinks of what getting with Bucky can mean to him as a man but also as Captain America.
Since the Accords fiasco, the Captain America mantle depends a whole lot about public perception.
He can hear Fox News, already. #handtheshieldback. That was a real hashtag and it could be revived this time by him being more openly Bi. Second, not only just being with a man, but THEE world’s deadliest ex-assassin and longest POW in US history. Bucky will get outed. Then Bucky will get dragged. Though Bucky has always said he doesn’t care about the views of the people, they can all get fucked (Bucky’s words). He saves lives and calls it a day.
As a man, he would be over the moon to have Bucky as his man, however he is still weary. Interracial relationships are hard. Imagine it now with a person from the Silent Generation, whew.
“Chile, I can hear the gears grinding from across the room”, Gideon disrupts his thoughts as he sits next to him on the couch.  
“You thinking about the white boy, aren’t you?”, Gideon asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“UGHHH STOP IT”, Sam exclaimed, putting his hand on his face. “Where he at?”, Sam asked, scared that Bucky might hear.
“Chill, he outside with Sarah, Miriam and the kids”, Gideon responded. “You know what you need? A nice party with the fam and friends, some BBQ, some booze and music”.
“Hell no, I am in no party mood”, Sam responded exasperated  while laying on the couch.  
“Well too late, Sarah, Miriam and I have already made the list and we are going to go shopping, food, snacks and booze for normal folks”, Gideon responded with a Cheshire grin. “Don’t worry, I got our homeboy covered, aged Absinthe, special brewed Moonshine, Asgardian mead, y’ know, some liquid courage so that he can finally tell you how he feels and put you out of your misery”, Gideon said while rubbing his hands together.
Sam rolled his eyes and kicked Gideon. Gideon laughed at that.
Gideon stood up from the couch and went to the table, where there was a box on top. “I’m serious, I already went to the Asgardian shop for some Asgardian unleaded and some booze”. Gideon shows him the box with fancy bottles filled with an Amber liquid, fluorescent green liquid, and the other with a clear liquid.  
“Asgardian shop? Asgardians in Nola?”, Sam questioned.
“Yeah, he met Aaliyah, married her, came to live here, and put an Asgardian liquor store, ain’t that some shit”, Gideon responded.  Sam's eyes blinked in surprise at knowing Aaliyah is married, not only that but with an Asgardian. Aaliyah was Gideon’s high school sweetheart and Gideon’s heaviest heartbreak when they split because they went to different colleges. 
“See? You are thinking too hard. If ol’ girl is married with literally an alien and they fine what about you with the metal armed white boy, ya’ll gonna be okay, ai’ght”, Gideon pats Sam’s shoulder with force.
Sam smiles at his brother, “you’re right, if he will not tell me how he feels, I will.”
“That’s what the fuck I’m talkin ’bout, my brother ain’t no punk”.
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It turns out that Gideon was right. What he needed was a party.
He was greeting everyone; he was the life of the party. He was dapping everyone, hugging everyone.
Sam was feeling himself with his white tank top and yellow open up shirt with white shorts. Cuban cigar on his lips and Hennessey on his hand. He took the cigar off his lips and began to sing out loud;” It’s getting’ hot in here (So hot) so take off all your clothes, I am getting so hot, I wanna take my clothes off”. He was dancing with a woman in a suggestive manner. The woman was grinding her ass against his crotch to the rhythm of the music. They were gyrating their hips in sync with each other and the music. Sam turned the woman around and talked to her ear. He was smiling. They look at each other briefly. Bucky lifts his drink up at him with a forced smile. Sam and Leyla decided to dance like this, since he saw Bucky getting cozy with Lafayette after playing domino, when Bucky won a couple of times. Needless to say, Sam’s mood sours after seeing that so he asks Leyla to dance with him to make Bucky jealous, giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Bucky was wearing tight black jeans and a blue Henley, hair in a half up and half down hair do, feeling uneasy to say the least, nursing a shot of aged absinthe.
He was feeling a myriad of emotions. He did not know if he wanted to be the girl so he can cop a feel of Sam or be Sam so that he can cop a feel of a woman. Either way it has been so long since he felt someone’s skin against his.  He thinks about having Sam that close in the privacy of his room. Moving into him like he is moving with that woman. There was a feeling eating him piece by piece. If it was a man, he'd definitely use his Winter Soldier face to scare him off. He realizes it is jealousy, he is jealous. He just stares at the tree next to them till it blurs along with the image of Sam and the woman he is dancing with. He feels his heart tight against his chest.
“You think is working?”, Sam whispered to Leyla, his high school friend
“Oh, yes, it is, the man a wreck, he was boring holes into us”, Leyla laughed and put her arms around his neck. “Believe me, you will have him in your hand, he needs to get a preview of what he is missing, otherwise he will never tell you how he feels.’ Leyla turned around and put her hands on his knees. They were about to give Bucky a heart attack with the next song.
Bucky got up and went to the table with all the liquor, wanting more absinthe.
He saw everybody rushed to the center of the makeshift dance space, as violins began to play. Bucky was confused and he concluded that the song must be quite popular.
Gideon was the DJ, he screamed: “Cash Money Records, taking over for the 99 and the 2000!!!”
Everyone either cheered or repeated that sentence in response, Bucky turned to see Sam and his eyes could not believe what he was seeing.
The woman was bent over wiggling her ass rapidly against Sam to the beat of the music. Sarah was doing the same to a guy.
He did not understand the dance or the music. He asks the Kimoyo beads to tell him what this music and this dancing are about.  The beads started explaining  what twerking was: “ twerking is a type of dance that came out of the bounce music scene of New Orleans. It originated in the 1980s. Individually-performed, chiefly but not exclusively by women, dancers move by throwing or thrusting their hips back or shaking their buttocks, often in a low squatting stance. Twerking is part of a larger set of characteristic moves that were unique to the New Orleans style of hip-hop known as "bounce". This dance move has roots in African culture and has spread to all scenes of hip-hop, current popular music and in Latin American music such as reggaetón. This is what you are seeing and hearing, Bucky”.
“God, I am such an old man”, he contemplated in defeat.
He could never be this jovial, he feels like he would hold Sam down.  In order to drown his jealousy, he began to drink that Asgardian mead, mixed with the absinthe like it was water.
He was feeling a little better with the alcohol in his system. It is refreshing to have the buzz of alcohol in him for the first time in 70 years.
He started to sway to the rhythm of the music too not knowing how to dance but he likes the music. The violins and piano remind him a little of the music back then.  
“I like this song”, “What is the name of the song and the genre?” he said to the beads.
“You don’t need to ask the beads”, he hears Sam’s voice.
Bucky stopped the bead’s explanation. Bucky chuckled at the sound of Sam’s voice and turned around.
“Who was I supposed to ask? You practically ditched me after dominos and spades” Bucky responded.
“Well, you could’ve asked your lil’ new friend Lafayette”. Where he at by the way?” Sam asked with a taunting tone looking around.
“You were pretty boo’d up with him”, Sam responded with a mean glint in his eyes.
Bucky smirked at him and said; “Ditch me too after I told him, I was interested in someone else”, looking at him while drinking the special brewed Moonshine.
“But turns out the person I like has someone to be “cozy “with, I guess.” Bucky said, while getting into Sam’s space and tracing his finger on Sam's shirt. “He even got a dance on him called ``twerk'', by the way I had to ask the beads what that was.”, Bucky responded a little hurt.
Sam’s breath hitched, feeling Bucky that close.
“So, I think, I need to mingle more, see you around Sam”, Bucky said while stepping out of Sam's space.  
He needs to act, and fast. 
Before Bucky could go, Sam grabbed Bucky’s forearm harshly and brought Bucky up to him. They look at each other with defiance for what seem ages. He then tilted his head and his lips were ghosting over Bucky.
You make the first move, I won’t, Bucky thought with Sam’s lips ghosting over his.
Sam gives him a bruising kiss.
Bucky was not prepared for that; he found support by putting his hands on his forearms. He matched Sam’s pace and brought Sam closer.
He feels so good, his lips feel so nice, Bucky thought while kissing Sam with force, all tongue.
After that kiss, they both needed to take a breath. He can see Sam not looking at him.
“Hey, let’s not”, Bucky said sternly while tilting Sam’s face up with delicacy. “If you want to regret something do it in the morning, not tonight, please”. Bucky whispered.
“I regret nothing”, Sam stated.
“That’s the spirit”, Bucky said, caressing Sam’s face, smiling and blushing.
“Ayee, this is one of my favorites, dance with me”, Sam said, taking Bucky’s hand in his and began walking with him to the dance space.
They saw Gideon and his wife, Miriam kissing and dancing to the song. Sarah and the guy she was twerking on earlier, also swayed with the song.
The song was pretty, light. They did not need to talk cause the song was doing all the talking.
“My whole life has changed
Since you came in, I knew back then
You were that special one
I'm so in love, so deep in love
You made my life complete
You are so sweet, no one competes
Glad you came into my life
You blind me with your love
With you I have no sight”, boomed through to speakers.
Sam and Bucky swayed to the rhythm, pressed against each other, Sam’s head resting against Bucky’s shoulder, both of their eyes closed savoring the moment.
They were surrounded by other couples dancing.
But no one else matters, only them exist.
Bucky’s eyes open for a moment. He saw Leyla and Lafayette lifting their glasses at him and smiling, nodding in support, then clicking their glasses together. He smiles at them back and closes his eyes continuing to savor the moment.
“They have a lot to go through if they want a relationship, but he will learn and go through it cause it is not only about him, it is about Sam and him.” Bucky contemplated. That does not matter right now, he feels fulfilled, at peace hugging Sam like this. 
Sam is still weary about how they can bond. They are such different people with different experiences, but that does not matter right now. He feels loved and protected with the way Bucky’s warmth is enveloping him.
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emiisanxious · 4 years
A Weird Kidnap - Chapter 1
Archive of Our Own Link
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Anxiety | Virgil Sanders
Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders
Deceit | Janus Sanders
Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders
Morality | Patton Sanders
Logic | Logan Sanders
Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags:
Past Abuse
Alternate Universe - Medieval
Sympathetic Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders
Sympathetic Deceit | Janus Sanders
but for a good reason
Cursed Character
Panic Attacks
Please read chapter 3 notes for this mentions:
Eating Disorders
Implied/Referenced Torture
Taggin as the chapters goes...
Summary: “Virgil is a Prince who has no idea what a Prince is, kidnapped by Remus who is a mess, he is everything but at the same time nothing with the help of Janus. Because they were asked from Prince Roman. The question is, why?
Also: I'm bad at summary.”
Note: Small note: Yes, it's a fantasy AU, but does have modern things in there because I can. I'm not sure where this idea came from, I just... wanted to do this I guess.
"Shit! He got skinnier since I met him!" Remus was running away, holding on to his shoulder an unconscious male, around 30 years old no more than 1,66m. As a mercenary, he did mind kidnapping people, but it was a valid reason. "Dee you had the stupidest but brightest idea ever in accept that!"
The person called Dee, was around 1,72m, and his 25 years old, half of his face has scales, but he didn't mind as he kept running shooting magic to distracting whatever who was following them. "Shut up! I can't focus if you keep yelling!" They soon found out what they were looking for, a forest. No one dared to enter there during the night as it was dangerous.
"We are almost there, stop shooting." The kidnapper was starting to jump on the threes and obviously disappearing, soon he was followed by the mage, it took almost half of the night, till they are free from the guards. Setting a camp, and rest from all the chase. Remus was 23 years old, but he was taller in his 1,94m, he was also the strongest physically.
"I can't believe he is still a prince?" Remus said in disbelieve, now looking at the guy in question, his clothes weren't fancy, he was using well-used jeans, and a hoodie that was larger than him. Sure his clothes weren't easy to create and were done just for the prince so it was expensive but other than that? "This guy is... more skinny is that even possible?!"
Janus turned his eyes for the Prince who they just kidnaped, honestly? If he didn't know better, he would be confused as the mercenary. "Yes, he is." Brushing the fringe from the sleepy man he could see dark circles that meant that he didn't sleep in ages or at least wasn't well-rested. "I think now I know why your brother wanted to kidnap him."
"Heh, who knows what percussion it will have? I don't care, just need to return the favor." Although he said that, he was concerned, it wasn't like he didn't have a heart or didn't care for others, but he could shut up those thoughts as he puts more wood on the fire. "Rest a bit, I will take the first turn."
The mage nodded, liking or not he sure does need to rest to restore his magic, as he lays on the ground. Falling asleep quickly, he already knows Remus for a long time, so he could trust enough for that.
The mercenary stayed there quietly, looking at the night sky sometime later, he heard moving at his side, looking for the confused man who was just waking up.
Virgil was confused, his legs were tied together and his hands behind his back, panic started to rise quickly as he started to remember what happened. He curled on himself, as he tried to make himself thinner than he already was. His breath was getting chaotic and he couldn't keep calm.
"Hey dude, calm down!" He heard a voice, although he didn't have the strength to open his eyes to figure out who. "P-Please... D-Don't hurt me..." He whispered, he knew better than anyone that pleas won't work, but he couldn't help but do it, even though he was cursing under himself for how weak and raspy his voice sounded.
"I won't hurt you." The voice has a slight confusion but for the most part, was trying to keep calm and nonchalant.
"Please don't hurt me... I will be good just... Don't please. I won't run away again! Just please don't..." Virgil's voice was more steady than previous, and obviously, by the glassy green eyes, he wasn't talking with Remus, as he started to sob and cry. Murmuring pleas for not be hurt.
The mercenary was at a loss what he should do he wasn't good at comforting, so he moved to shake the sleeping male. "Dee, wake up." He kept moving the other, as finally, his partner was awake. "Don't look at me like that, but I can't... I don't know what to do... So help me?" It was sincere as he opens space for Janus to look around and soon returning where he was sitting in silence.
The mage finally understood why he was awakened as he looks to the Prince who was still murmuring pleas for not be hurt, again. "Tsc..." He tried to touch the smaller but was met with a flinch, so he just sits there in front of the other. "Hey, Virgil?" He tried to sound calm, but the other flinched more when he heard his name. "Vee?" That time the Prince didn't flinch. "Can I touch you?" A shake, well at least he was meeting with responses than just pleas.
"Intru, be alert okay? I will untie his hands" He didn't give the mercenary time to think, he was already untieing the other's hand. "Vee, look to me." Janus could see the clear fear behind glassy eyes. "I'm going to pick up your hands okay?" He moved the other slightly so both of the Prince's hands were over his chest. "Now, follow my breath." The mage wasn't sure if it was going to work or not, but he stayed there, with both hands around each of Virgil's wrist, breathing calmly as he locks his eyes with the other.
It was more than 20 minutes or so when the Prince calmed down. When he finally did, he looked more tired than before, Janus thought for a bit before untieing the Prince's feet. "Are you more calm?" Deceit asked as he looked at the Prince.
"Yeah..." Virgil wasn't sure at all if he should feel relief or anxious for what would happen next, but, at least for now, he was calm enough. Biting his lower lip as he locks his eye on the campfire. "So... What will happen to me now...?" He wanted to say how his father wasn't going to pay anything for him, and how useless it was to kidnap him but, he felt scared that they would kill him.
"Now? We are going to bring you to my brother." Remus said in disgust, nothing against Roman, but he was more butterfly, good and selfish, something the mercenary couldn't handle.
"Your... Brother?" That wasn't at all what he was expecting, he thought in tortures, or blackmail, or slavery. "What your brother wants with me?" Curiosity was winning against him, as Virgil dared to look to Remus, but it wasn't him who answered, it was the other male, who funny enough now that Virgil was looking at him, he had a nagging feeling that he already knew this guy.
"Who knows?" He wasn't going to lie to the guy, not after the panic attack the other just had, but that was obviously the worse thing to say as he could see Virgil starting to panic. "Okay, okay, stop, his brother asked for us to kidnap you, make them believe you died, or something. And bring you back to him." Janus looked to the Prince waiting for him to say something but as he didn't he kept talking. "People call me Deceit, he is called Remus, sometimes Intrusive. Remus's brother is called Roman. Do you know? Prince Roman?"
"Roman?" He had to wreck his head to remember from where this name was so... Familiar. It took him a couple of minutes till he was able to remember. "Oh... Oh! I do. He was a Prince that came once... And he never said he had a brother..." Virgil finally was starting to loosen up, although not so much, and was still scared. But for now, he was calming down his anxiety. "Why he would want me...?"
"That is something you need to ask him not me. Now I recommend you sleep, we are going as soon the sun is out." Janus said as he lays down again.
"As if..." Was all the Prince could answer as he at least tried to feel comfortable on the ground, it was more soft than the floor honestly, but it was still a bit weird, as he stares at the sky. "I did miss been able to do this..." His voice was quieter as he just enjoys the stars.
"What?" Remus finally said, as Janus was sleeping he tried to keep his tone quiet to not wake him up.
"Look at the sky? I do love seeing the stars... It calms me down..." He was uncertain as he kept his eyes open looking at the sky. "And sorry... But for more, you guys want to walk fast tomorrow I will be a dead weight... Literally."
"Okay, you're confusing me on so many levels, that is weird for me to say it. Just spit out and all." Remus didn't have the same calm or patient as Janus, but definitely was trying there.
"I'm useless and worthless and dead weight, I can't do anything on my own, and for more that I do know all the royal things, my father just... I'm a Prince just because my father needed one. But we are far away from that... I was called a slave, was treated like one, or even worse than that... I can barely walk around the castle without feeling tired. My point is... I'm sorry but... it would be more... Wiser. To just tie me up in a tree and let me die." It was a lot of self-hate, but he couldn't help, those two were gentler than anyone he had contact in the past 20 years.
Remus fall silently, he can't help in a panic attack, but he does can help with self-hate, he just didn't know if he wanted to. A long sigh as he just turns his eyes to Virgil. "Stop, those are the things that your father wants you to believe, so he can keep abusing you and treating you like shit. So you're tamed and won't lash out. So stop."
"How can----"
"I can say that because... You helped me. The day when I run away from my home, I found you... 8 years ago... When I was 15, I left my home, tired of being my brother's shadow I got into this realm and got in as a slave. You were the one who helped me to flee. I should have tried to bring you with me at that time but... I couldn't. The small-time I was here I was the slave who brought you food and water... Helped to wash your body... One day..." Remus lost himself as he closes his eyes looking at the sky again. "Dee found me, Dee was the mage of the realm where I came from, he came to make company for me and keep me safe. That is when I run away for the second time, you helped me to flee successfully."
Virgil was at loss, was it just 8 years? Sure it felt more like 20 years, was he so lost in that situation, that he lost the ability to count? He had to wreck his mind again to try to remember a 15 years old kid helping. "Oh..."
"You weren't useless or worthless, if you didn't help, I couldn't flee with Dee. The reason why I didn't argue too much about kidnapping you was because... I knew. I knew who you were, what you passed. My brother rarely goes to find me but... He did... He found me, after those 8 years, to ask me to bring you. So... Look, I'm the worse in comfort someone just... Things will change, for good Virgil. I promise. And even if my stupid brother can't help you, at least you can join me and Dee if you want." Remus smiled slightly as he moves to look at Virgil's eyes. "Just, hang in there."
This time, the Prince did start crying, but it was from relief than anything else, he could feel Remus moving to hold him on his laps and so resting Virgil's head on his shoulders, turning soothing circles on his back. "I'm sorry... For leaving you there... But... I'm back." Remus's voice was soft as he tries to calm the smaller.
Where he didn't wait to hug the kidnapper. Although he wasn't sure about what would happen when he found Roman again, he at least could trust Remus for now, soon he was sleeping on the youngest lap.
The next day, as the Prince warned, he wasn't able to walk that much, he forced himself to at least go out of the forest, but as soon they were out, he would fall on the ground. Shivering as the pain passed by all his body, all the time he didn't try to flee, instead he was holding Remus's hand with his life.
"Remus carries him, it will easier." Deceit said in a sigh, like Remus, he does know the Prince, most by the time that Roman was visiting that kingdom.
"I---Idontwannabeabother..." Virgil said way too quickly to anyone understand, yet Remus didn't care as he just piggy-back him. "Calm down, relax." With that, it was easier to travel. As they do small talks between them.
"So... Remus went from Prince to Slave to Mercenary to Kidnapper?" Deceit was mocking the other.
"What I can say, I'm unpredictable like that." It was lunchtime, so they stopped in a mountain where Remus was resting from carrying Virgil all the way there. "Virgil?"
The prince looked for Remus, tilting his head. "Hm?"
"Aren't you going to eat?" Deceit was the one to ask.
"I was supposed to?" It wasn't an answer but clearly expressed what he was feeling right now.
Remus looked to Deceit, and they both sighed. Although Remus was trying very hard to not show rage. "I should have killed that king." Was all that the mercenary said, before getting up and going outside the hole they were.
Deceit sighed again as he picked the food and brought it near the Prince. "Yes, why shouldn't you?"
"Because... Normally I would only eat when I was good? And definitely, I wasn't. I did Remus carry me all day."
It was easy to see the shock on Deceit's face, opening and closing his mouth a couple of times till he could found the words. "Virgil. I will do a series of questions and I want you to answer, whatever you feel like and if you feel like."
"Do you know what is take care of yourself?"
"Do you know what is love?"
"No. Well... Father said that what he did was for love, but... I remember that the gardener said it wasn't. But then said gardener was dead in the next day..."
"Did someone said bad things about you? For example: You're worthless, useless, or something like that?"
"... Yes..."
"Did your father abused you?"
"Define abuse..."
"Treated you like he treats a slave?"
"Oh sure. He told me that was normal... Isn't it normal?"
"No. No! You're a Prince!"
"What the difference between one and another?"
"Can you tell me, what your father told you?"
"Father said I would learn it when he passed away. He also told me that till there I would be his slave and do whatever he wanted. Sure he taught me how to portray in parties and what I should or not speak, to keep some sort of image, but he also told me that it was normal. For princes be slaves till the king passes away."
Virgil could see Deceit passing a hand over his head super annoyed. "For whatever is more sacred in this world. Your father is a dick, asshole, an opportunist, he is worse than the seven demons. REMUS!"
Soon he could see the mercenary back, where he was kinda surprised to see Deceit so... Angry. "Yes?"
"I'm going to hunt our dinner, can you stay here?"
"Yes...?" He looked confused as he looks at Virgil. "Dude, you still didn't eat?!" Although he could see the Prince flinch with the question and move back on the rock. "It's not... Calm down. I'm not..."
"Remus, he lived till now as a slave... Abused by his own father, he doesn't even know what abuse was! Or worse what a Prince is. I... Just make him eat okay? I will be back." Deceit said moving away and disappearing from there.
"Hey, how about... I start to call you Vee? Is that okay?"
"Yes..." His tone was lower as he hugs himself, scared.
"So Vee... Can I help you eat?"
"But I... Don't deserve... I did you carry... And I wasn't good..."
That broke his heart, yet Remus did move slowly closer, to sit next to Virgil, placing his hand where the other could see. "Here, look to me." With a bit of time, the other did so. "I want you to eat okay?"
"I... can't..."
"Why not?
"Because... I wasn't good, I don't deserve it. I did you carry me all the way here, and I can't stop thinking that I did something wrong, because you two seemed to be upset and angry..."
He took a deep breath as he looks at the Prince. "So... Didn't you answer Dee's questions truthfully?"
"Then that is enough for your reward. I just carried you because it would be a bother to stop all the time and... You did nothing wrong, we are upset and angry about something else. So can you eat at least something?"
Virgil took a moment to think about it, sure enough, he would receive food when he was good physically but he would also receive it when he gives good answers or just doesn't talk something wrong. "Yes..." As he moved to pick up the dry ration, although he would break it in half, giving Remus the other.
The mercenary didn't like it, half of the dry ration wasn't enough till dinner, but he supposed that at least it was something. Well, it was better than the dry bread and half of the water glass that Remus remember to bring to the Prince.
It wouldn't take too much for Virgil to finish it, although the sun was moving and it was already half of the afternoon by the sun. "Deceit right? Isn't he taking too long?"
"Yeah..." Remus needed to agree as he sighs. "But I believe in him, he will be back soon."
"Can I... Sleep? Till he is back?"
"Sure." The silence was soon back, turning his eyes at Virgil he felt bad, honestly, bad... He hated that king, he hated what he did with his own son! How he did that?! Why?! Honestly, he was glad that Roman asked for that. Hell, he was glad that his father wasn't that bad, sure he always did point how Roman was better, but at least he didn't abuse them!
When the sun was gone, Janus was back, with a horse. Holding the animal's leash and so bringing inside the cavern they were. "Let's pass the night here and tomorrow we can move."
"Did you..." Remus wasn't sure what he wanted to ask right now.
"I exploded some trees, I also picked up some apples, and then I went to pick up a horse because it's nicer than been carried around."
"Well... You will need to find an excuse for that." Remus said sighing as he shows up the half of the dry ration and explains what happened.
"They... Messed up so much... Shit." Deceit was furious and angry if he could he would kill that king himself. "Fine, luck for everyone I can think about excuses like that."
"You know... Well... How about we relax? Chess?"
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kayteewritessteve · 5 years
Love and War - 9/16
Description: In a harsh medieval world, you set out on a perilous quest that will lead you onto a forbidden land. A land ruled and controlled by a ruthless Warlord King, one who does not look favourably upon trespassers of any kind, and punishes all with an iron fist. You may not know exactly where this quest will end, but what you do know is you will forever be altered by it. And that knowledge alone is what truly terrifies you the most.
Catch up HERE.
Word Count: 5,900 ish.
Pairing: Medieval!Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: PG for now. May become 18+ later.
Warnings: Violence. Curse words. Mentions of fears and potentially brutal medieval tactics. Most likely more to come down the road. Please don’t let these warnings scare you too much, give the story a try before you judge it.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader either, so I do proudly own all these errors and this story, so there’s that.
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You, Thor and Sam reach the door to the holding cells, the very same ones you occupied not even a week prior. You shiver slightly, both from the memory and the cold air in the dark underground tunnel. Thor knocks and the door hatch opens, revealing another set of eyes. And this all is beginning to feel like deja vu.
After no words are spoken again, the hatch slams shut and the door creaks open. Thor enters first, holding the torch, with Sam and you following behind. He walks down the dark corridor until be reaches a cell door and stops, gesturing to it. “They are in this one, I can only give you a couple of minutes with them, at most. Loki will not be pleased that I brought you down here without consulting him first.”
“Thank you so much, Thor.”
“You’re welcome,” he smiles, “Sam and I will be just outside, in the tunnel. The guard at the door will tell you when your time is up.”
You nod and then Thor hands you the torch before him and Sam head back to the tunnel. Leaving you alone, and the second the large wood door shuts you speak, “Wanda? Pietro?”
“Y/N?!” They both say in unison, and then they appear, just on the other side of the cell door. The light from your torch illuminating just enough to make out their faces.
“Oh Gods, it’s really you,” you say quickly, rushing to the door and trying as best you can to touch their hands. “You both shouldn’t have come back for me! What were you thinking!?”
“Like hell we wouldn’t have back come for you,” Pietro scoffs, “you’re family, Y/N. Family looks out for each other.”
“But you could have gotten yourselves killed,” you sigh. “I never would have forgiven myself if that happened.”
“But we didn’t,” Wanda points out. “And we found you. But,” she frowns, “not that I’m not happy you are safe and walking free. But why are you not in a cell yourself? And where did that beautiful dress come from?! Oh Gods, it’s stunning!”
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You glance down at the lovely black dress, giggling at your sisters ridiculous love for clothes, even at a time like this. But then reality sinks in and you all of a sudden become nervous. Worried about what they will say, what they will think of you, once these words leave your lips. “I’m a uh,” you shift anxiously from foot to foot, “I’m a guest here.”
“What?!” They both gasp at the same time. “How?” Wanda asks. “Why?” Pietro questions.
“I honestly have no idea,” you shake your head. “But the good thing is that since I’m a guest here, I can speak to the King about getting you both out of these horrible cells.”
“You’ve met the King?!” Pietro’s eyes widen comically.
“What is he like?” Wanda quickly asks, sounding slightly excited. “Are any of the stories true? Is he how we imagined? How old is he? What does he—“
“Woah, woah. One question at a time, Wands,” you giggle. Happy to be talking to your siblings again, even if it is through a cell door. “I have met him, I’m actually his guest here. He is,” you pause thinking about how to explain him, “intense, but surprisingly sweet, and ridiculously kind. Not at all what we’d imagined him to be. And as for the stories,” you pause. You want to tell them about how everyone here are Lycan’s, but you aren’t sure if you are even allowed to tell anyone. Best to just keep that to yourself for now, just in case. “I haven’t learned too much about which are true or not, yet. But I’m working on it, slowly. And I have no idea how old he is, but he doesn’t look that old. Maybe a few years older than us.”
“You’re his guest here?” Pietro asks.
“Yeah, he was the one who caught me in the woods that night. I actually fainted and then woke up in a huge bedroom. And I have just sort of been here ever since,” you shrug.
“Then why didn’t you come home, if you weren’t actually a prisoner here?” Pietro then asks, quietly. Sounding utterly confused.
“I wanted to, trust me, Piet. I did. But I had to wait till I could ask the King for his permission to leave. I knew if I tried to without it, they’d just catch me again. I may not be a prisoner in a cell, but I am not free to come and go from the castle as I please. I always have a guard with me, I can’t leave my room without one. There are two just outside this door currently waiting on me in the tunnel. They call me a guest, but I’m not allowed to actually leave,” you sigh deeply. The true reality of your situation sinking in.
“The King won’t let you?” Pietro asks, sounding angry now.
“No,” you shake your head, “when I was finally able to ask him, he told me I couldn’t. That he wouldn’t allow me to. But they are good to me here, they treat me well. The only reason I was upset about being here was because the two of you weren’t. I need to get you both out of here,” you pause that add more firmly, “I will get you both out of here. And maybe he will allow you both to stay here with me. He seems rather intent on keeping me happy here, so I’m sure he’d be okay with it.” You hope he would at least, but you keep that to yourself.
“Well I’m glad they have been good to you, Y/N,” Pietro says softly, “we are both just so happy to know you are okay. We were so worried about you, we’ve been planning this—coming to find you, since we got home that night.” He sighs and glances around the cell, “this wasn’t exactly the plan, but we did end up finding you. So that’s what truly matters.”
“Yes,” Wanda agrees, “though I do hope you can work whatever pull you clearly have with the King and get us the heck out of here. And fast. These cells aren’t exactly one of my more favourite places to be,” she cringes playfully then giggles.
“I just missed you both so much,” you say as you giggle at your sisters playfulness. Something you have truly missed the last few days. “But I’m so sorry I worried you, I wanted to tell you somehow that I was okay, but I just didn’t know how to reach either of you.”
“We know, Y/N. And we get it, we aren’t mad at you, at all,” Wanda says sweetly, pushing her fingers through the bars towards you. “We are just so happy your okay.”
You gently grip them with your hand, but before you can say anything else a loud voice rings out. “Times up!”
“I have to go now, but I’m going to go hunt down the King and I’ll get him to release you both. I promise.” You squeeze Wanda’s fingers once more. “I love you both, and I’ll see you soon.”
“We love you too,” they say in unison.
And with that you leave, the guard letting you back out into the tunnel, where you find Thor and Sam. Both just standing quietly in the dark corridor, waiting for you to be done.
“Thank you, Thor,” you say when you reach them both. Genuinely thankful he allowed you some time with them, especially because it meant going behind his brothers back to do it. You turn to Sam, “I need to speak to the King, do you know where he is at the moment?”
Sam nods, “I believe he is in his office. I’ll take you there.”
“Thank you,” you nod and then Sam begins to lead you back towards the entrance to the castle, Thor following along.
After a short walk through the tunnels, you find yourself at the door that leads back into the castle. You enter back into a hallway, through the hidden panel in the wall. Clearly the tunnels aren’t just a way to the holding cells, they are also an escape route should the castle ever be attacked. Not that anyone would ever be foolish enough to even attempt attacking Winterbourne, you assume. They would not get very far at all of they did, what with everyone here being Lycans and all.
Once the hidden wall panel is clicked back into place, Thor bows to you, “I hope your visit with the King goes well, My Lady.”
“As do I,” you nod, “but thank you again, Thor.” He smiles in return then says goodbye to Sam before he turns and walks away down the long hallway. You turn to face Sam now, “alright, lead the way.”
He nods and then begins to walk in the opposite direction of Thor, “this way.” You quickly fall into step with him as he leads you both through the halls.
“I know it wasn’t under the best circumstances,” he glances at you as you walk. “But how was seeing your siblings again?”
“It was good, I guess. I missed them both so much. But I just feel so bad that they are locked down there like criminals, just because they came to make sure I was still alive.” You sigh, “be honest, what do you think my odds are that the King will actually let them go free?”
“For you?” Sam asks and you nod. “Pretty damn high,” he chuckles. “He’d do just about anything for you.”
“Why is that, though?” You ask furrowing your brows, “why me? I just don’t get it, I don’t get why I’m so special. It just doesn’t make any sense,” you shake your head.
“There is always a true reason behind everything that he does. He doesn’t just wing anything, everything is strategic with him. Everything has a purpose. A plan.” Sam smiles down at you, “he has a real reason for keeping you here, you just have to be patient. He will tell you soon enough, when he is ready.”
You nod, and are just rounding a corner when—
“Shit, Y/N, wait!” Sam says and you feel his hand grip your upper arm, but he isn’t fast enough and you’ve already turned the corner. Seeing a man coming down the hallway, a large guard on either side of him and Peter walking in front of him.
Sam goes to quickly pull you out of their way and back into the other corridor, but it’s too late. They have all seen you now. The man they are escorting glances up and as his eyes lock on yours, he looks like he has just seen a ghost, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. He quickly shakes his head and then a huge, smug grin breaks out on his lips.
You are pinned in place, unable to move as an unpleasant shutter rips down your spin. You feel like you’ve met this man before, like you knew him before. But the memories were not good ones, not that you could actually remember him or them. But something in you associated this man with something bad. Something awful. You wish you could remember, you wish you could just get your damned memories back already.
Sam moving protectively in front of you, snaps you out of the trance you were in. You shake your head and then glance slightly around Sam’s large form to look at the man again. As all 4 people pass you both, the man looks directly in your eyes. “Lady Y/N. It’s so wonderful to finally have fou—“
“That’s enough!” Sam growls out at him, cutting the man’s words off. And the deep menacing tone of Sam’s voice, is like nothing you’ve ever heard from him before.
Your eyes widen and snap to the back of Sam’s head, as you take a tentative step back from him. You know deep down that Sam would never hurt you, but something else deep within you doesn’t have the same calm, safe feeling when Sam is angry, as when Steve is. With Steve, his wolf could be growling directly at you, and yet you wouldn’t be afraid of him, not at all. But with Sam, it’s not the same feeling, not even close.
One of the 2 guards nudges the man forward, attempting to get him to walk faster and after a minute they turn a corner and you can no longer see the 4 of them. But the look the man gave you over his shoulder, as he walked away, left knots in your stomach. “W-who was that man?” You whisper to Sam, still keeping a little distance between you both.
“Sir Brock,” he growls spinning to face you now. You take another quick step back at his fast movement, your eyes wide once again. While his narrow in on you for a second and then they soften instantly. And luckily for you, he doesn’t even attempt to move towards you, instead choosing to stay planted exactly where he stands. “Y/N, I’d never hurt you,” he frowns, looking like you’ve just kicked him. “You have nothing to fear from me, or any of us here. No one within this entire realm would ever hurt you,” he shakes his head. “We wouldn’t live long enough to see another day, if we did. You are entirely safe here, with all of us, I promise you that.”
“I know you’d never hurt me, truly I do. It’s just that I am so small compared to all of you,” you sigh, glancing down at yourself. “And you can all turn into these insanely large wolves, whenever you so please. Which can be rather unnerving to someone who doesn’t have that ability.”
He nods slowly, the frown still on his lips, “I guess I can understand that.”
“Sam,” you make the first move and step towards him, placing your hand on his forearm. “I know you’d never hurt me. This is just all still so new to me, I’m not used to it yet. It will just take me some time, and then you can growl all you’d like and I won’t instantly have a flight or fight reaction. I’m just not quite there yet, but I will be soon.” You smile reassuringly at him, just wanting to comfort him and cheer him up. Sam is the one person here you are closest with, you consider him a good friend and the thought that you had upset him or hurt his feelings, crushes you. He has always trusted you, and been so good to you, he deserves that much in return.
He nods and gives you a small smile, “thank you for saying all of that, Y/N.”
You nod, “well, it’s the truth. Now, let’s go find that King of ours,” you giggle.
“Oh shit, the King!” Sam smacks a hand to his forehead. “Oh no. I totally screwed up. This is not good. Not good at all. He is going to be so angry with me,” he mumbles quickly. So quickly you almost didn’t catch it all. Almost.
“The King?” You ask and he nods, glancing around the hall as if to find an escape route, muttering words under his breath that you can’t quite make out. “Sam, Sam, calm down,” you say softly. “Why would he be mad at you, you haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I messed up,” he mumbles and shakes his head. “We have to go speak to him at once. He needs to know,” he gently grabs your hand and abruptly begins to pull you down the hall, you trying desperately to keep up with his large, fast steps. You can’t even begin to put thought into what Sam is even going on about, as you are too worried about falling flat on your face in this moment.
“Sam, slow down,” you quickly plead, “my legs aren’t as long as yours.”
“Shit, I’m sorry, Y/N,” he says as he instantly slows down, but slow to him is still a very hasty pace to you. You sigh and just focus on not tripping on your feet, as he continues to pull you down the hall.
You both abruptly stop in front of a large, red door, but you don’t hear any noises on the other side of it. Sam quickly knocks and a moment later the door opens to reveal Nat behind it. She glances between you both, one of her brows raised in question, but then her eyes snap to Sam’s, widening instantly. Yet, just like all the other times, not a single word has been said.
She quickly opens the door all the way, ushering you both inside before she closes it again. Your eyes land on Steve sitting at a large desk, Bucky standing beside it. You don’t even glance around the room, as your eyes are stuck on the ridiculously handsome blonde, who you haven’t seen in days. Gods, how you’ve missed the sight of him. How can one man be that damned handsome?! It wouldn’t fair, at all. He locks eyes with you, a smirk on his lips, as if he could read your mind just now.
But then his eyes snap to Sam, you glance to your right to see Sam still beside you, with his head bowed submissively to Steve.
“What!?” Steve growls, and your eyes instantly flick back to him, seeing as he abruptly stands up from his chair, slamming his fists on the top of his large desk. His eyes narrow on the General for a moment then flick to Nat, you look to your left, where Nat is currently standing, and see her nod to nothing.
She then turns to you, “come, Y/N. Let’s go into the hall for a moment,” she says sweetly, attempting to usher you towards the door.
“What?” You furrow your brows, then look back to Steve, “but I need to speak with you.”
He gives you a small reassuring smile, “I know, little one. I just need to talk to Sam for a moment, and then I will be all yours. I promise.”
“Sam better not be in trouble,” you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at the large blonde. “He didn’t do anything wrong. And if you are going to scold him for nothing, then I will happily stay right where I am, to defend him. I refuse to leave this room if that is the case.”
Bucky snorts, dropping his eyes instantly to the floor in front of him, but you don’t miss the large grin on his lips. And as for Steve, he just smirks, shaking his head. And for a second the smirk on his face almost looked elated? Impressed? Proud, even? But that can’t be the emotion you just saw, could it? Why would he be proud of you for speaking out of turn? For questioning him, for defying his orders? “He isn’t in any trouble, Y/N, I promise. Bucky and I just have a few questions for him, that’s all.”
You glance to Sam, who gives you a small nod, as if to say he will be okay, as if to promise it. “Fine,” you huff, looking back to Steve. “I will leave. But I’ll be just outside this door,” you point to it, “waiting for you to be finished.”
He nods, the corners of his lips twitching up just slightly, “of course. We won’t be long.”
You shoot him a stern look, as if to say that you’d hold him to that. And then you allow Nat to usher you out into the hall, and once she has closed the door, she turns to you. “Well, that was a first,” she chuckles then gives you a once over, sizing you up. As if she is just taking you in for the first time now, like she never expected you to be something more than she’d originally thought.
“What was?” You cross your arms, feeling slightly defensive now.
“Seeing someone not only talk back to him, but also question his authority at the same time.” She shakes her head, “and he didn’t even say a word about it. He just instantly accepted it and actually tried to reason with you, tried to calm you down. If anyone else ever spoke to him like that, he’d rip our heads off before we could even finish the first sentence. And yet you,” she gestures to your whole form, “this small little firecracker, talks back to him, and he damn near almost bows submissively to you.” She grins widely, “it was just a sight to see, that’s for sure. But I knew there was a reason why I liked you so damned much.”
“No one,” you pause, your arms unfolding and falling to your sides. “No one has ever talked back to him before?”
“Oh no, they have,” she nods, “they just didn’t live long enough to even get the chance to regret that mistake.”
“Oh,” you glance down at your hands, fiddling with your dress. “He actually killed them?”
“Mhmm,” she hums, unfazed. “Talking back is a complete disregard of authority. If you can disrespect your,” she pauses, looking apprehensive and you cut in.
“I know about Lycans and Alphas.”
She nods, and continues, “if you can so easily disrespect your Alpha like that, then you are a threat to them. You aren’t submissive to them anymore, and therefore, if they allow you to live after that, you could end up costing them everything. Their control over the pack, their respect within it, their life even. It also doesn’t help matters that Alphas are highly dominant, and very territorial.” She shrugs, “just the way they are wired. Survival of the fittest, and all that.”
You nod, but just as you are about to speak the door opens, Bucky and Sam exiting the office. You glance passed them to see Steve sitting at his desk, looking truly exhausted, and a little worried even. But then his eyes flick up and lock with yours and the look disappears, instantly.
Sam gestures for you to enter the room, “you’re turn.”
You look up at him questioningly, and he nods and smiles reassuringly at you. As if to say he is completely fine, all in one piece. You nod back and then enter Steve’s office, someone closing the door softly behind you. You glance over your shoulder at it, as it clicks shut and then turn to look back at Steve.
Your eyes connect with his beautiful blues, and then he slowly stands from his chair, and makes his way around the desk towards you, his eyes never once leaving yours. And all of a sudden, you start taking involuntarily steps towards him, meeting him in the middle of the large room. Your body is humming, your mind a delicious haze once again. Every upset or worry within you, is now gone.
You now feel entirely happy, content, whole, just standing here mere inches from the ridiculously large blonde. Tingles shoot through your right cheek, and down your whole body, instantly realizing that his warm hand now rests upon it.
“I have missed you, little one,” he says softly as his eyes finally break from yours to glance around your face. As if to just take every feature in, like he’s a man lost in the desert and you are the first water he’s seen in days. “More than you know.”
You lean your face more into his large hand, closing your eyes and sighing contently. “I have missed you just as much.”
He sweetly kisses your forehead, as you keep your eyes closed, just basking in the pleasant sensations that are currently thrumming through you, at his lips upon your skin. Before you can even think better of it, and as if your body is possessed, you reach up on your tiptoes and softly press your lips to his.
You aren’t sure if that was your first kiss or not, but you wouldn’t regret it one bit if it was. He seems to freeze for just a second, long enough for you to notice, but not long enough for you to become nervous and remove your lips from his. He kisses you back, as your hands grab onto the material of his shirt.
His large hand slips smoothly from your cheek to the back of your head, resting at the base of your skull as he deepens the kiss, immensely. Everything in you feels on fire, yet you also feel like you are drowning, you aren’t sure how it’s even possible to feel both of those things at the same time. But you aren’t complaining. Not one bit.
All of a sudden his free arm wraps around your waist, effortlessly lifting you up so you are chest to chest with him. You abruptly release his shirt from your grasp and fling your arms around his neck, one hand instantly finding the hair at the back of his head. Your head is spinning, your heart is pumping, and every part of you is warm and tingling. You’ve never felt anything like this before, not even close.
You don’t really know what to do with your legs, you want to wrap them around his narrow waist, but your dress sort of hinders that. So you settle with them just dangling there, as the rest of your body is wrapped up in his large, strong arms.
He breaks the kiss finally to allow you both to breathe, but his mouth doesn’t leave you. His large hand in your hair gently grabs and tilts your head to the side as he slowly peppers little kisses and light nips along your jaw, and down your neck. Slowly, agonizingly so, he comes to the spot where your shoulder meets your neck.
And the moment his lips touch that place you moan softly, the feeling is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It’s this instant pleasure that sings through you, every nerve in your body is alight and pulsing upon his gentle touch. You feel as if you will melt, melt into nothing, like you will just cease to exist all of a sudden.
You think that you should feel embarrassed in this moment, you should think this very improper and wrong. But you don’t feel any of those things currently. To the contrary actually. This all feels so right, so normal, so wonderful. And Steve doesn’t seem to think it feels wrong in any way either. Your quiet moans actually seem to have spurred him on even more. As his arm begins to tighten a little more around you, and his teeth graze the skin of that tantalizing spot.
And then you gasp as he gently bites you, not breaking the skin or causing any pain but you feel it, intensely. He has now attached himself to you, to that exquisite part of you. The place that feels like it’s longed for his touch, for his appreciation, for his teeth. You can’t explain these feelings rushing through you, but in this moment, you don’t even care to explain them. You don’t want to waste a single moment thinking, you just want to allow yourself to be lost in him, in his touch, his lips.
But before you know it, he releases your neck, and drops his forehead to your shoulder. It’s in this moment that you notice how hard he is breathing. His chest rising and falling with such force, you honestly can’t believe you hadn’t noticed earlier. And then you feel your own moving just as forcefully, your breathing laboured and erratic. Which you also hadn’t noticed till now.
The room is both silent and still, aside from the sounds of both of your breaths, and your heart pounding in your own ears. It’s so loud that you are sure Steve can also hear it now as well. He sighs deeply and then slowly lowers you back to your feet, raising his head, and removing his arm from around you. And once again you almost want to demand he put it back. Demand he hold you and never let you go again.
His hand, that was behind your head, releases its hold on you and comes back around to your cheek. Before leaving your skin as he tucks a strand of your now loose, and probably disheveled, hair back behind your ear. He locks eyes with you once again, so many unreadable emotions running through them at the moment. Too many for you to even attempt to decipher.
He shakes his head gently, as if he needs to clear the haze and then he steps back. Putting far too much wide open space between you both, in your opinion. Much more than you are currently pleased with, you almost want to step forward, just to remove some of that distance but his voice halts you. “I believe you had something you needed to speak with me about?”
And instantly it comes crashing back. Wanda and Pietro. Gods, how could you have completely forgotten about them. About how they currently sit in those horrid cells, while you are up here making out with the King. Some sister you are. You shake your head, and take a reluctant step back, he might have actually had the right idea with the whole distance thing. It definitely helps clear the haze.
You glance down at your fingers, watching as they fiddle with each other. “Yes, you see, my um, my brother and sister were just so worried, that they came to find me. Your guards caught them, of course, and took them to the holding cells and I,” you falter slightly, nervous about what he’ll say to all of this.
“And you wanted to ask if I’d release them,” he fills in, “if they could stay here?”
You nod your answer, refusing to look up at him as you are afraid of what you’ll see. Afraid you’ll be able to tell what his verdict is before he even says it, terrified it will be the one you may not like. The answer you don’t want.
But then the room goes completely silent, not a word is spoken. You furrow your brows and raise your eyes, curious why he hasn’t responded yet. You go to open your mouth but the words get trapped in your throat, noticing that he now has that strange out of body look in his beautiful blue eyes.
You furrow your brows and just like that he snaps out of it, looking at you curiously now. “What’s that look for?”
“Why do you all keep doing that?”
He raises a brow at you, “doing what?”
You gesture to his ridiculously attractive face, “that. That your body is present but your mind is not, thing.”
He chuckles and the sound is glorious, “it’s called mind-linking. It’s a thing our kind can do, we are all linked through our wolves, so we can talk to anyone in the pack, within our heads.”
“Really?” Your eyes grow wide, “you could speak to Sam right now, if you wanted?”
He nods, “I could. Just as anyone could speak to me, so long as I have the link open. We can shut it off when we don’t want to be disturbed. Though Bucky or Nat can always reach me, even if I have it shut off.”
You nod, “who were you linking? Just now, I mean.”
“Sam and Loki,” he says with a smirk on his lips, but doesn’t offer anything else.
You raise a brow at him. “Okay,” you prompt for him to continue on.
Then a knock sounds on the large door, startling you, you glance towards it as it opens revealing Sam. You furrow your brows and turn to look back up at Steve, questioningly.
“Sam will return you to your room, and Loki will be retrieving your siblings from the cells and bringing them there.” He smiles down at you, “they will stay with you tonight, and then I’ll have rooms made up for them in the morning. As it is getting late and none of the guest rooms are ready at the moment.”
You smile up at him, utterly enraptured but this giant, sweet man in front of you. “Truly?”
He nods, “truly.”
You surge towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist, burying your face in his chest. “Thank you, Steve. Thank you so, so much,” you mutter into the fabric of his shirt, as he wraps his arms around your shoulders.
He drops his head down, kissing the top of yours. “You are so, so welcome, little one,” he says into your hair as he chuckles softly. “Now go, I know how excited you are to see them,” he stands tall, removing his arms from around you.
You release him from your embrace, and take a step back. Normally you’d want to whine, or stomp your foot at the lost of his warmth around you, but you are far too elated. Far too ecstatic that you finally get your siblings back. You give Steve a giant grin, then turn to walk towards Sam but pause near the door. You glance over your shoulder at him, “I’ll see you again soon, won’t I?”
He nods, “you will, very soon.”
“Okay,” you smile even wider now and nod, “then I will look forward to that.”
“As will I,” he nods back. And with that you exit the office with Sam, heading back to your rooms, so you can wait eagerly for your siblings to be brought up. To say you were a little relieved to finally, actually have them back was an understatement. You were over the moon with relief.
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Somewhere far, but also too close.
“Sir, I have news of Lady Y/N,” Brock says eagerly as he rushes into the dark cave. Getting right to the point of why he is here. “I know where she is.”
“You know?” The large man booms, his voice reverberating off the uneven rock walls. “Have you seen her!?”
Brock nods quickly, “I have, Sir. I have laid my very own eyes upon her.”
“Wonderful. So where is she now?”
Brock’s joyfulness falters, his eyes drop to the ground, mumbling out, “I’m afraid the Lycan King has her, at the moment.”
“What?” The large man yells, raising a hand to his ear. “Speak up you imbecile, I can’t hear you when you mumble like an insolent child! You know how much that angers me!”
Brock takes a deep, shutter breath, “I’m afraid the Lycan King has her, Sir.”
The large man scowls at Brock. He spits the name like a curse, “Steven, you mean?”
“Yes, Sir,” Brock nods once. “That is correct.”
“Damnit!” The large man bellows, glaring at Brock, “that makes things much more difficult now.” He takes a moment to think, just glancing around the cave. “I need you to get word to her, somehow. Figure that out for yourself. Meet with her, tell her everything,” he pauses, his eyes narrowing on Brock. “You know what I mean by everything, correct?”
“I do, Sir,” Brock nods again. “I will tell her everything.”
“Good, go now,” he waves him off. “You’ve done well so far, Brock. But do not fail me now.”
“I won’t, Sir,” Brock nods a final time and then quickly exits the cave, heading back towards Winterbourne, towards the castle. And towards Y/N.
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