#the jetty filming
oswincoleman · 10 months
The Jetty filming news!
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emotionalcadaver · 2 months
Literally begging casting directors to cast Tom Glynn-Carney in more things so I don't have to just rely on HOTD in order to see him.
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art444jan · 1 year
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a morning in long branch, 2021, film
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joembpro · 2 years
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It's now 2023, and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Everyone else here is still in bed, and I was using the time to watch some YouTube videos on #squareformat composition, #tlr shooting, and camera care. I haven't shot #film since before digital point and click cameras were called that. Now, I abhor the early cell phone photos. The early Canon PowerShot images aren't loads better. I have never shot film with artistic intent, and now I have ownership of five #mediumformat cameras. One even shoots 6 x 9. That's cm, not inches. I shot my first rolls in #blackandwhite because I felt the call of history and tradition. But I will always be a color photographer. Though, an idol of mine, Walker Evans called it "vulgar ", which it is, in one sense, as in "of the people", "common". This newly found affinity for film and the cameras that use them tie into the thoughts of new year's and the aspirations we have. New opportunity, new reality, new skills and how to apply them may all be part of our thoughts today. Now, mid-way through my #MFA, I have to consider the impact of these recent purchases. Will I use them at all? Is the inclusion of #monochrome or square format going to help provide greater strength to the narrative or just distract viewers. Should I abandon digital altogether? What is the best way to depict slowly losing #CapeCod's to the modern age of architecture and to the increasing power of the sea? Film processing by @panopticonimaging #smugglersbeach #bassriver #yarmouth #massachusetts #beach #dune #sandfence #jetty #beacon #nantucketsound #morning #coast #coastal #coastalphotography #coastalphotographer #capecodpotography #capecodphotographer #fineartphotography #fineartphotographer #yashica #yashicamatem (at Yarmouth, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4D_IiuMUz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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la-muerta · 1 month
Three Random Facts About Yourself
Rules: if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3 I was tagged by @bbcphile! <3
I was kinda reckless and crazy as a teenager, and once someone dared me to jump off a jetty into the ocean so I did (I don't think it was that high... like 6–7m?). Anyway it was fine, except that when I reached the shore I realised that my legs were all stung up by jellyfish — must have landed on or kicked one (or several??) while swimming and didn't even notice it lol.
When I started out as a journalist, I used to volunteer for all the assignments in conflict zones (see above re: crazy and reckless). So I've been in a jeep that got shot at and narrowly avoided being blown up in a bomb attack. In the second case, that's how I realised that my translator must have been part of the insurgent movement because he suddenly told me that we had to leave and 10mins later the bomb went off.
I have one (1) IMDB credit as Assistant Director lol. It's for an indie film with quite a limited run, mostly aired at a few festivals I think.
No pressure tagging: @howdaretrashships @lynne-monstr @greentealycheejelly @exitvelocities @omgpurplefattie @quicklymybasement @difeisheng
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anotheruserwithnoname · 3 months
What Jenna did next (baby edition)
(I couldn't resist doing an update to my recurring feature given what was revealed recently!)
Of course it's fantastic news that Jenna Coleman is now expecting. This is something she's talked about doing for some years now and as I'm sure she's joked about and will again, she certainly got in some practice playing Queen Victoria! (We'll ignore that other show she did where she played a new mum! LOL).
It's safe to assume she'll probably take a break from filming for a while, but we have a few things to look forward to while she takes care of more important business:
The Jetty of course must be not far away as they're screening it. I agree with speculation that it's likely only weeks away. Remembering the BBC tends to go in for last-minute promotions and broadcast scheduling, especially with shows not being shared with others (for example, promos for The Serpent came out months in advance because of Netflix having it).
We know we filmed something for Sandman Season 2, though with the lead time on that show her child may be about to enter primary school before we finally see it!
There's also the film Control that she just completed.
And for all we know, she might have other stuff in the pipeline like another audio book (and of course she could just continue recording those! We know she did at least one - the "Pressures, Residential" short story - from home during lockdown, so if she's looking for something to do at 3 a.m.... (new parents I'm sure know what I mean)
And there's still some "unfinished business" for us North American fans. Klokkenluider and Jackdaw have still yet to get a proper release over here (streaming or otherwise) so that'll be new once we finally get to see them.
So, much like Elvis left a cache of recordings for the Colonel to play with before he went into the army for a while, Jenna's made sure we'll be entertained while she gets busy on a little production of her own.
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cinemablind · 3 months
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redprotons · 7 months
'Let's get you out of those wet clothes'
A little one-shot fic for the DoctorRose bingo!
Doctor ends up in icy water pushing Rose out of harms way, leaving her to care for him.
Warnings: swearing, nakedness, lewd comments (but no porn light or otherwise - sorry), medical procedures.
Full story under the cut, it's also up on AO3
He knocked into her with force. She went skidding on wobbly knees across, what she thought, was thick ice. A second later, she heard the bone-shaking, rumbling crack. Looking behind her, her eyes met his in terror before he plummeted into the sub-zero water.
“DOCTOR!” she screamed, scrambling towards the gap in the ice. The ice shifted and gave way under her, and with a glance back towards where she last saw the Doctor, she was forced to scurry to her feet and run in the opposite direction,  slipping and sliding back towards the lake's shore before the water swallowed her too.
Jumping to make it to the shabby wooden jetty before she fell, as soon as she was on solid ground, she spun back to the water. “DOCTOR!” she yelled into the snowy abyss, frantically scanning for any sign of movement. “DOCTOR!” Her throat was sore, the bitter cold caught her voice and made her cough, but she kept yelling anyway. She could see nothing but white and the deep blue of the water underneath. “DOCTOR! PLEASE!”
“R- rose.” he spluttered.
She whipped around. He was behind her, half his body in the water, the other clinging to the frozen muddy bank. She hadn’t heard him surface. Immediately, she raced around to where he was, losing her footing as she slipped on the ice. “Hold on.” she said. “I’m coming.”
His was so cold her skin numbed even through her thick, waterproof, future-built gear. Still, she grabbed him, dragging him out of the water. His coat was like heavy chains around his shoulders. She grunted with the effort to get it off and away from him, leaving it on the solid mud. Planting her feet so she wouldn’t fall, she wrapped her arms around his middle and pulled him up the bank to flatter ground. He was soaking and barely taking his own weight.
“I’m fine.” he muttered.
“Bull shit!” she snipped.
He shut up.
Despite the bitter cold, she was sweating as they finally, finally reached the Tardis. It was less than a mile away, parked close to the edge of a bend in the s-shaped lake, but she was having to take all his weight, feeling him shiver in bursts through her thick coat.
The doors opened on their own, and Rose didn’t stop to look on in awe, instead the twist of her gut got worse. It showed her just how serious this was.
The infirmary was right next to the console room. Straining with his weight she dragged him over to the closest chair and sat him down.
His eyes were closed, his skin white, and his lips drained of colour. But he was breathing – breathing was good. She lightly patted his face. “Doctor. DOCTOR!”
He groaned, turning his head to the side. Groggily blinking his eyes open, another wave of shivering coursed through him and Rose's heart broke at the sight.
Her medical knowledge from that film she saw and the clues from the Tardis would have to do. He needed help right now.
“Okay.” she said quickly. “Let’s get you out of those clothes, yeah?”
Cheeks absolutely pink, she unbuttoned his jacket, struggling with the gloves she was wearing. She bit them off, chucking them away, and undid his tie, removing his shoes and socks. He chuckled, ticklish from her touching his feet, but otherwise he stayed quiet. Her mind was only on getting him better and warming him up. She struggled with the layers of undershirts he wore, reminding her of a game of pass the parcel.
“God, how many of these do you wear.” she complained, huffing what she hoped was the last vest over his head.
He didn’t respond, but thankfully that was the last top. Right, now for...
Her hands hovered over the fastening of his trousers. Biting her lip, she pushed down the uncomfortableness and undid the buttons. “Sorry.” she mumbled, pulling off his trousers which clung to his legs. The soaking clothes were so cold her hands stung. She kept going, moving to take off his underwear. Dripping wet, they left nothing to the imagination. She paused, changing her mind. She’d get him in the bed first, get some pyjamas for him, then take off his pants.
“Okay, stand up.” she said, putting his arm across her shoulder and dragging him towards the cot with the covers already pulled back – thank you Tardis.
The mattress was heated, and Rose allowed for a little relief. She wrapped him up tight, like her mum used to do, hoping the Tardis would know the temperature he needed to recover. “Just rest, I’ll be back with some clothes.”
“My bum’s all wet.” he said pathetically.
She stroked his hair. “I know, I know. I’m fixing it, yeah? Just hold on a few minutes.”
She sprinted out of the room, not wanting to leave him alone for a second. She stopped, searching the corridors, bouncing on her feet. The wardrobe room was ages away past the bins. Why hadn’t the Tardis moved it closer?
A light flickered on further down the corridor and Rose charged.
If the circumstances weren’t so dire, she’d be so much nosier. She was in his room – he actually had one. Grand and almost militarily organised with the bed pristinely made, the only mess the piles of books stacked around. The pyjamas lay neatly folded on top of an ottoman at the foot of the bed. She grabbed them in a hurry and ran back the way she came.
He was asleep when she entered, curled up in the blankets.
“Doctor?” She stroked his hair. He leaned into her touch but didn’t open his eyes. “Listen.” she said softly. “I’m going to change you into your pyjamas… okay?”
He moaned weakly. “But it’s cold.”
“I know, it’s cos your bum’s wet, yeah? I got you some dry clothes.”
He whined like a toddler as she pulled the covers off him, fighting her for them, his brow creased in dopey frustration.
“Doctor, please. Come on. Let go.”
He did, pouting at her.
As she pulled the blankets back, he folded his arms across his chest, curling up into a ball, shivering from the stolen warmth.
Rose took a deep, fortifying breath and reached for the seam of his underwear, looked away, and pulled them carefully down his bum.
“Oi! That’s very naughty, Rose.” he complained, jolting up and trying to pull his pants back up.
“Doctor!” she yelled, scandalised and glowing a glorious red. She fumbled over her next words. He was ill, she reminded herself. He was ill. “J – just sit back down. And don’t move.”
He smirked mischievously at her. “Oh, so you’re one of those, are you?” He sat back down. “I like it.”
Rose pushed his comment, way, way back in her brain for further pondering and unpicking later. It required a lot of effort, but she managed it, slipping his underwear down his legs and through his feet, leaving the Doctor nude on the bed. She turned to grab his pyjamas just behind her.
“Rose.” he asked weakly.
“I’m cold.”
“I know.” she said, her expression softening. “I’m working on it, don’t worry.”
She rolled the legs of the pyjama trousers up, so she could slip them easily through his legs. But unlike her mum, who could do it in seconds, she struggled coordinating the whole affair. Why were his legs so lanky? He was still damp so the material stuck to him. She sighed in frustration, giving up. “Doctor, you’re going to have to lift your bum up off the bed.”
“You’re a dirty girl, Rose Tyler.” He giggled like a schoolgirl.
“Doctor, please.”
“No!” he said, like a toddler.
She tried not to scream at him. “Please.” she begged.
“No.” he said, curling up into more of a ball, leaving her no opening at all to manoeuvre the trousers.
His expression told her he was not going to budge.
She huffed. Changing approach, she softened her voice and stroked his hair. “For me.”
He considered it with great concentration. “Anything for Rose.” he said after a few seconds, lifting his weight so he was supporting himself on his elbows and feet.
"Yes!" she cried in delight. “That's it.”
He smiled to himself at the praise, giving her time to, finally, get him dressed. She was careful to pull back the seem of the elastic when she got to his nether region. It was impossible not to see given what she had to do and the angle he was at; yet, she remained professional, pulling the trousers up to his waist and tying the string around his hips.
“You’re not going to give it a kiss?” he said cheekily, having watched her every move.
She was flabbergasted, it took her a few seconds of open-mouthed gaping to come to her senses. “Oi! Now who’s being naughty! What was that out of your mouth just now?”
He blinked at her. His face scrunched up. Tears pricked his eyes. “I’m sorry.” he spluttered, bursting into sobs.
Immediately she pulled him into a hug, unable to see him hurt no matter what he’d just said. He was ill, she reminded herself again. She stroked his back, and he hugged her tight. His body was still so, so cold. “There, there, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” She needed to get him warm and dry, back in the bed where the Tardis wanted him. She pulled back but he clung on to her. She pried herself out of his arms, only for him to cry at the loss.
Oh, how that broke her.
“I’m coming back, promise. You just have to put this on first.” Since he was acting so much like a child - well, more like one than he’d ever been - she decided the best approach was to treat him like one. “Be good for me, yeah? Then we can hug again. Sit up, and stick your arms out.”
He sniffed through his tears, his bottom lip stuck out, but did as she asked, sitting up in the bed and holding his arms out like a scarecrow.
She beamed at him, and for a moment understood the relief her mum must’ve felt when she was a kid. “That’s it. Well done.”
“I’m being a good boy?” he asked. Was he teasing her or being utterly genuine? Rose couldn’t tell from his voice.
She decided not to take any risks. “You’re being a very good boy.” she agreed dramatically, weaving his hands through the sleeves and pulling the front together to fasten the buttons on Howard’s pyjamas that he still hadn’t returned. “You can put your arms down now.”
He did, thankfully, letting them flop down by his sides.
“Alright now get into bed and I’ll tuck you in, nice and snug.”
His face dropped. “You’re not going to stay with me?”
There were so many ways that could be interpreted – in the Tardis, in the room, or with him in general.
“You only tuck someone in when you’re about to leave.” he added.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here. But you’re cold, remember? So, I need to tuck you in so you get warm.”
He grabbed her in a hug. “Oh, Rose, you are brilliant! That’s why I love you soooo much.” Before she could react further, he pulled back and messily crashed his lips to hers, sloppily sticking his tongue in her mouth.
Grimacing, she pushed him off.
The Doctor just beamed at her, very pleased with himself. And as she gaped at him, his face fell, as if trying to remember something. He started laughing. “Uh-oh. I said it out loud. Naughty Doctor.” He slapped himself on the palm.
He was getting worse. “Alright, alright, bed, Mr.” She held the covers up for him to lie down. “Come on.”
He watched her. “Are you my mummy?” he asked in a child-like voice.
“Shut up.” she said, failing to hide her smile.
The Doctor smirked in victory. “You laughed!”
A computer close to the entrance turned itself on, the light catching her attention. Really, she didn’t know if he should be sleeping. But the Tardis seemed to know what to do, and she trusted the ship would protect her pilot.
“Come on.” she said. The computer was important. “Stop messing about.”
He pouted at her, and looked like he was going to rebel, but she conjured up her sternest most Jackie-like glare and he conceded. “You’re scary when you’re angry, Rose.” he said flatly, shuffling back into bed and resting his head on the pillows.
“Yeah, I am scary, so go to sleep.” she said, tucking him in as tight as she could. He exhaled, happily snug and cocooned.
She stepped back from the bed.
“You’re not going to stroke my head again?” the Doctor whined, lifting his head up, his wet hair sticking in all directions.
Rose sighed in frustration. glancing back at the computer. The old girl wanted her to do something else now, time could be of the essence… but she just could not say no to those big sad eyes of his. “Were you always this spoilt.” she complained, stepping back towards him and stroking his hair.
The Doctor smiled in victory, resting his head back on the pillow. She ran her fingers through his hair, and his eyes closed in delight. He hummed. “Koschei used to say so, but he was just jealous my dad was nice while his was a right meanie-bo-beanie.”
Rose stuttered. He’d never mentioned anyone so far back in his past before. Again, she pushed down the hundreds of questions in her brain. Right now, he needed to sleep, so she could go to the computer and do whatever she needed to do.
After a couple of minutes, he was snoring softly. Tentatively she removed her hand, her shoulders slumping in relief when he didn’t stir. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. She couldn’t help it, leaning in and giving him a gentle kiss on the head. “I’ll just be over there. Promise.” she whispered to him, checking the covers were closed around him.
The language had switched to English, and was set up like Mickey’s PC in his flat – the Tardis’s doing she was sure. There was an icon with the words, ‘patient diagnostic’ under it and she double clicked.
What appeared looked like an internet ad ‘run’ in big flashing letters. Rose tried not to be too offended at the ship’s view of her intelligence – it was better too obvious than too complicated. She clicked, and the cursor morphed into an hourglass. Behind her, the underneath of the Doctor’s bed glowed from one end to the other, like the bed frame was a giant scanner, data loading on the screen.
He remained sound asleep, but as she jabbed the needle into his neck, he whimpered and tried to hide before succumbing fully to deep sleep. She felt absolutely awful. Like she was scum. “I’m sorry, Doctor.” she said, tears in her eyes.
The computer had told her what to do and how to do it, and the Tardis had let her know where everything was. He needed this one injection, just the one – thank God, because actually hurting him… it was not something she wanted to repeat any time soon – to trigger him into something called a healing coma. She stroked his hair and held his hand, telling him that everything would be alright, that she was here, that she wasn’t going to leave, and eventually he settled.
According to the computer, he’d be out for anything from two to four days. She thought of the hospital visits for her gran, but the Tardis didn’t tell her to set up water drips or leave a bedpan close by,  so she assumed he’d be alright sleeping that long without any food or drink or needing to use the loo.
She guessed she'd just have to wait. Sighing, she slung off her thick coat, her hoodie underneath drenched in sweat. Stripping down to her t-shirt and taking off her ski-trousers, she heard something flop down behind her. A set of her favourite pyjamas were draped over a comfy-looking chair which had suddenly appeared by his bedside.
She reached out to the wall of the infirmary. "Thanks girl."
She woke up to someone shaking her shoulder. “Rose.”
She blinked, feeling the dried drool on her chin. It’d been a long forty-eight hours of watching over him out of pure dread something would happen while he was asleep. It took her a few slow blinks to register he was awake. Her eyes popped open. “Doctor! Are you alright!?”
Something was wrong, he wasn’t looking at her. “I’m fine.” he said, letting go of her hand. “I’m sorry about… you know, what I did… kissing you like that and everything I said.”
Ah, so he did remember... well as least that part. The computer programme had told her there was a 72% chance of memory loss on waking, with a 42% chance of some memories returning within seventy-two hours. It also told her some other things too, like he was suffering from C-PTSD, sleep deprivation due to nightmares and resulting sleep anxiety,  and an unidentified genetic condition… but she decided to keep that information to herself.
Her expression softened. “It’s okay, really.” She retook his hand. “You were sick, Doctor. And you didn’t hurt me, I promise. Surprised me maybe,” With his very adorable drunk-like confession of love - that, and the fact he thought about sex after all. “But not hurt me.”
“Yes.” she said with certainty.
He smirked at her, gratitude in his eyes. “You’re brilliant, you know that?”
Something flickered across his face, and Rose knew he, just at that moment, the other,very important, very cute thing he also said last night caught up to him. He adverted his gaze, staring at his hands. “But… you know, what I said… after that stuff about my… anyway – that other thing I said, I meant…. you – you do know that, right?”
She brightened, lighting the whole room. He wasn’t denying it. Wasn’t pretending it didn’t happen. And for him, that was huge. This was as close to a confession as she was going to get, and she’d take it with both hands and never let go. “Well, it was nice to hear how you 'love me soo much' out loud.” she teased, joyous over how his cheeks got a little pink. Her voice softened. “But that’s why we’re together, yeah? Rose and the Doctor, in the Tardis, as it should be.”
He gave her that look reserved only for her, that one where his eyes lit up. “Yeah.” he said. “Thanks for looking out for me.”
She sat up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for looking out for me.”
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Crew for Stan series Scrublands: Silver reflect on ideal coastal destination for TV production
written by Warren Hately | Augusta Margaret River Times
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Producer Martha Coleman with actors Luke Arnold and Bella Heathcote alongside director Ben Young. Credit: David Dare Parker/Photograph by David Dare Parker
The cast and crew of Stan crime drama Scrublands have reported mixed feelings about their pending wrap on their season two shoot in Augusta.
Production has taken over the seaside town and brought a welcome boost to the economy at the outset of winter, before filming concludes on July 12.
Rhetoric aside, co-producer Martha Coleman from Third Act Stories and the Australian show’s leading stars expressed a deep fondness for the coastal hamlet.
Coleman told the Times the visiting film crew quickly felt at home in Augusta after residents embraced the production and opened their doors and businesses to the cast, which included lead actors Bella Heathcote and Luke Arnold.
But Coleman said many genuinely felt there was something “incredibly special” about Augusta and its surrounds and she urged local authorities to protect its existing character against future over-development.
“It’s like a coastal town from my childhood in that it hasn’t been ruined,” Coleman said.
“It’s not become something it’s not.
“It’s like the gift that keeps giving. We’ve got all of our locations there.”
Operating under the code name Silver, the Stan series sees Arnold’s journalist character return to his WA home town with his girlfriend, played by Heathcote.
As is typical of crime dramas, things soon turn pear-shaped.
Arnold said he appreciated the warm welcome from the Augusta community.
“It didn’t take long for people to start talking about wanting to move here,” he said.
“We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful location both on-screen and off.
“Everybody is filling their weekends with incredible food, wine, and adventure.”
Coleman and Heathcote also talked up the region’s scenic beauty.
“Augusta is so stunningly beautiful and the people here have been nothing but warm and welcoming,” Heathcote said.
“The best thing about shooting in pre-existing locations is that it feels like I’ve been taken on this weeks-long tour of the town: from the lighthouse to Ellis Street Jetty and everything around and between.
“I’ll be sad to say goodbye.”
Coleman said scoping for the series was undertaken during a magical summer, but when wintry conditions set in on day one of shooting at the Ellis Street Jetty, the directors chose to lean into the powerful natural feel of the region.
That included long days shooting at Flinders and Hamelin Bay, which had transformed since summer from a pristine white-sand beach to a wild and seaweed-wracked locale.
“We shifted our focus on the location not being pristine, but powerful,” the co-producer said.
“We wanted a coastal town that hasn’t yet been gone over by the developers.”
Coleman herself had moved her company back to Perth during the pandemic and the partnership with east coast company Easy Tiger — rumoured to be shooting some additional scenes in Augusta for their separate production The Twelve — mean idyllic places like the town and other parts of the Margaret River region are likely to appear in future shows.
Coleman said despite the stiff drive from Perth, the region was relatively well set-up to support a burgeoning film industry and local and State authorities had “bent over backwards” to smooth out any problems.
The biggest challenge faced was with telecommunications.
The region’s woeful broadband and phone system have raised the ire of South West creatives for years, and while the Stan production had its own unit van to help when in dead zones like Hamelin Bay, greater investment was needed on that front if authorities wanted to get serious about supporting local creative industries, she said.
Source: The West Australia
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oswincoleman · 9 months
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Jenna Coleman on Instagram stories. The Jetty has wrapped filming!
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typhlonectes · 11 months
Sticky & Spike - A Pufferfish & Cuttlefish Buddy Movie?
Sticky and Spike! A buddy movie? A love story? What do you think is going on here? I have no idea! Watch it all, I found them together, I left them together, Sticky tried to “hug” Spike at least 3 times. So strange! This is a globefish and a young male Giant Australian Cuttlefish. Filmed at Rapid Bay Jetty, 5 Nov 2023.
via: crabecam | youtube.com
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
To Be Continued: Bridges
I've just rewatched To Be Continued as part of my Pride Month (here's my Pride Month Watch List if you're curious about what I planned on watching going into June), and I really enjoyed watching this series again.
I personally love rewatching stuff (especially shows I like) because I always notice new things.
Something new I noticed this time around was the use of bridges in this series. (Well, to be fair, they used the same bridge but they used it in different scenes that had different significance.)
Bridges are meant to connect one place to another, as we all know. In visual media, however, it can be a symbol of connecting ideas, lives, people, etc.
In To Be Continued, they used scenes with bridges to bring Ji and Achi closer to each other and to develop their relationship.
Examples from the past:
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Both of them are having fun and being silly (the image above), and then there's this one when they promise each other to go back there:
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It's a promise that means that they will keep seeing each other even though they've graduated. It doesn't last for long, but it brings them closer in this moment, and in this following moment where Achi is literally moving closer to Ji:
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Let's not forget that this scene on the bridge in the pictures above is directly followed by the scene where they watch a movie at Achi's place and have sex for the first time.
Examples from the present:
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Achi is trying to get closer to Ji by bringing up the past (that everything is the same), which is something he often does throughout the series.
His goal for coming back into Ji's life is to clear up past misunderstandings and to get closer to Ji again. It's not surprising they're standing on that same bridge when Achi keeps bringing up the past (that everything is still the same).
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There's even a parallel between the past and the present, where Achi is using the lip balm to bring up past memories in the present and get closer to Ji, while being on that bridge (both in the past and the present):
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The pier/jetty:
All of the above is in contrast to their scene on the pier/jetty.
A pier/jetty is a construction that goes into the water without crossing over to the other side. There is no solid ground on the other side, which is a great metaphor for this scene:
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In this scene, Ji tries to get closer to Achi by tentatively trying to say that he likes Achi. But the pier/jetty doesn't cross over to the other side, and Achi ends up removing himself from the situation rather than getting on the same page (or side) as Ji:
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I loved this contrast between the scenes with the bridge versus this scene on the pier/jetty.
I might've noticed the use of bridges in my first watch as well (though, my memory is fucked so I don't remember it, lol), but it solidified for me during this second viewing. And I loved that I got another viewer experience from my rewatch considering I knew what would happen this time around.
I definitely recommend rewatching films/shows because you can get a whole other perspective of it and notice new layers and details. Plus, it's fun.
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myelynn · 1 month
found out ab The Jetty bc my mum is a big detective/thriller genre fanatic and bc of TGC but wow... it had Jenna Coleman and i love her acting, so i was like, sure, why not give it a watch..
.. i binged it. My oh my, it was so GOOD! Thought-provoking and imo quite beautifully filmed. The acting was great and the plot wasn't dull, all in all amazing, apart from iffy editing just a couple of times.
def recommend 8/10 ★
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House of the Dragon Season 2 - Aegon Targaryen II - Filming begins @ March 2023 Release Date: Summer 2024
The Book of Clarence  - A down on his luck Jerusalemite embarks on a misguided attempt to capitalize on the rise of celebrity and influence the Messiah for his own personal gain. The journey leads him on an exploration of faith and an unexpected path. - Starring along side James McAvoy & Benedict Cumberbatch  - Release Date: Jan 12th 2024 (US)
The Jetty  - 4 Part Series - Plot: Follows Det. Ember Manning as she must figure out how a fire at a vacation home is connected to a podcast journalist investigating a missing person's cold case and an illicit love triangle between a man in his 20s and two underage girls. - Release Date: 2024 (UK)
Tom Glynn-Carney is also the lead singer of the indie band, Sleep Walking Animals.
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jeannereames · 4 months
Don't recommend a lot of films, in part just because I don't watch many. But every once in a while, I come across one that's well worth it. This is, technically, a documentary, but it was lovingly thought-out and has a storyline like the best fictional dramas. (This is what the best of documentaries ought to be.)
If you've been feeling a bit beaten up by the news cycle, and wonder sometimes about this old world, I recommend sitting down with Billy and Molly (and Susan and Jade, the dog), plus a nice warm cup of tea. You'll sleep better that night.
The fact I adore otters made me give it a try, but even if you're not a big otter fan, this is an excellent piece.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 6 months
Kind of random for CBR to suddenly do a ranking article on Jenna (her new show The Jetty isn't due out till later in the year and if we see her rumoured return in The Sandman it might be even later than that). But who's complaining?
The ranking is a bit odd though for a couple of these. Her guest appearance in Inside No. 9 (which I bet a lot of people have forgotten she was even in) was little more than a cameo, and Dancing on the Edge wasn't much better. But it shows she makes an impact, no matter the size of role.
Clara, no surprise, is #1. But I was surprised to see Constantine ranked higher than Victoria, based on a single episode plus a couple of scenes.
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