#the joys of homeownership
doyoueverwonderwhy · 4 months
Anyone want to help me troubleshoot the noise my kitchen wall is making? 🙃 I just have no idea where to even start identifying it.
It's kind of similar to the creaking noise the tile floor makes, but more of a meep or meow note - not the beep of an alarm.
And its difficult to figure out because it meeps once and then it's hours/days before I hear it again.
No sounds of movement or anything, pretty sure it's not animal.
It seems to be coming from the wall between the kitchen and bathroom, possibly the space above the laundry chute?
It's new, within the last couple of weeks.
It's sporadic - sometimes it'll go a couple days between times I notice it, and then there was three times today.
It's fairly loud - I can hear it across the main floor, like loud conversation level?
@fatmaninalittlesuit @any other homeowners?
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lamajaoscura · 7 months
Perfection is the enemy of progress, you hear from self-help coaches and corporate muckity mucks. But never do you feel it quite as intensely as when you realize that, by attempting to clean the kitchen blinds for the first time in their life, since the renovation two decades ago, that you have now created a distinction between the dirt that you were able to remove and the dirt that you weren't. It is definitely cleaner than it used to be, but it doesn't look like it.
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unable2sitstill · 7 months
Email from after my home insurance made me pay $280 to reinstate my coverage and let my new loan servicer pay the fucking bill:
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gleefully-macabre · 7 months
I’ve been waiting over 90 minutes for a vendor who called to confirm I was available for the appointment “now”. I took “now” to mean “in 15-30 minutes given travel time”.
That was 11am. It’s nearly 1pm. I didn’t have lunch because I expected them to show up and didn’t want my cooking food to need attention while trying to explain the issue to the vendor, and also I am super uncomfortable eating while vendors are around (it feels rude!).
I know if I start trying to make something or do something they will pull up. I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt because there may have just been a lot of traffic due to the holiday. I probably should have asked for an ETA.
But I’m still hungry.
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non-state-actor · 1 year
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TIL how to replace the kitchen faucet.
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joebustillos · 1 month
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lemongrad · 4 months
The good news: I now know why I've had significantly less of a mouse problem so far this winter.
The bad news:
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haliasjane · 2 months
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gnomeskillet · 4 months
Guess who just noticed the "Clean Filter Monthly" label on their vacuum for the first time in the last YEAR AND A HALF of owning it.
Sweet mother of all that is unholy, I was NOT prepared for what I found when I cracked that baby open. Thank gosh I just ordered a set of replacement filters. I dumped all the loose dust out for now, but I'm gonna give it a thorough cleaning once I have something nice to stick in there instead.
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mybrainproblems · 8 months
You would think that hardware stores would keep test kits for things like lead, asbestos and mold actually in stock in stores... But no. If I order today it will not arrive until the middle/end of next week!
Extremely toxic things! That are a huge issue due to older housing stock in MA! But no. You gotta wait for your kit to arrive while continuing to be exposed to potentially dangerous materials.
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superaquafishy · 4 months
If you want to be a homeowner before your 30 it's actually really easy! I managed to do it just follow these 3 simple steps.
1. Have a household income of over 100k a year. Otherwise you will never be able to afford a mortgage or the upkeep and maintenance the house will need. People think finding a high paying job can be done through hard work or education but actually it's easiest to get it through white male privilege or nepotism.
2. Have no debt. Student loans, car loans, and other debts could hold you back from getting a mortgage. Try paying them off by cutting unnecessary expenses out of your life like Starbucks, medical bills, and your family.
3. Somehow get at least $50,000. The easiest way is to inherit this money so if you have any old rich relatives butter them up now, and don't forget to cough on them while you do it. You could try saving this money but rent prices that will be near impossible. If you are really dedicated and you're willing to sacrifice things like food, pets, and anything else that brings you joy or happiness it can be done.
Once you have this homeownership should come easy. You will have to act fast though because any property worth owning in your city is being purchased by investment corporations and landlords. If you wait too long even the really shitty homes will be forever out of your budget. Hope this helps!
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jambos6 · 2 years
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Today’s my birthday, so I guess y’all can have a pic of me in my birthday suit 😘
45 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
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Power was out for almost 6 hours today, and we got about another inch of snow (on top of the foot we got on Tuesday). I managed to get enough snow shoveled to unbury my car and navigate a path on the back deck, but now it’s time for a bubble bath and some relaxation.
48 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
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It’s supposed to get over 95*F/35*C later this week, so I trimmed off a decent amount of my beard and I’m doing my best to enjoy my deck before it becomes too unbearably hot
49 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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I just spent 4 hours boiling water and climbing ladders to melt and remove the ice from my gutters (the joys of homeownership!), so now for a nice warm bath with a bath bomb I’ve been meaning to use for months!
90 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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With all the recent Twitter refugees it’s more important now than ever to keep our tumblr traditions alive. Todays not just Tuesday- it’s #tummytuesday
104 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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redhead-reporter · 6 months
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"There wasn't exactly a lot of extra cash laying around this year for gifts. What we DID have went towards trying to catch up on the mortgage and ... you know, patching the giant hole I made when I tossed Pete into that bus." MJ explained, gesturing vaguely towards the blue TARP that still served as their front windows until at least next week. Thank god it had been a MILD winter in New York so far, otherwise the two of them might've been residents of the F.E.A.S.T. center until the contractor they'd hired got his act together. Peter had managed to tackle most of the damage to the KITCHEN himself with the help of a few DIY YouTube videos and his spidey toolkit, but she'd drawn the line at STRUCTURAL concerns. He was a biophysicist, a genius one at that, but not a CARPENTER.
Ah, the JOYS of homeownership.
"Let me live VICARIOUSLY through you? I bet you were literally dripping in diamonds or something equally OSTENTATIOUS ..."
º ✧ 。@feleshero gets a SHORT STARTER so i can remember how to write !
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mappingthemoon · 11 months
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June 28, 2023: when the a/c dies just in time for the first heatwave of summer
well, in a big win for hoarders, the window a/c unit that's been sitting on our porch for years still works, so p. cleaned that off and installed it in the bedroom. then while i was absolutely tunnelvision panicking about how tf i'm gonna be able to borrow money to get the central a/c repaired/replaced, he had the brilliant idea to buy another window unit for the living room. we also have several box fans, thick curtains blocking out the front windows, and are shutting the windows in the daytime & opening in the night. so, it's not the worst. i lived without a/c for most of my life anyway. more importantly, the animals are doing okay (although only 1 out of 3 cats seems to realize that the floor is a much cooler place to be than their window platforms)
i'm extremely insolvent -- like, i get paid monthly and typically have only a couple hundred bucks left once i've paid all the bills for the month. i'm hoping we'll be able to put this expense off for another year. if i can continue to avoid large expensive emergencies for just one more year, 5 out of 6 of my (non-student, har har) debts will be paid in full! then i should have a bit of breathing room to, heh, borrow another large chunk of money, i guess. ah, the joys of homeownership...
anyway, this is not exactly an emergency, but if anyone is inclined to throw cash my way to put in the a/c fund, i have zines available for sale on ko-fi, photo prints available for sale via dropbox, and paypal / venmo donations are always welcome (@SMPiotrowski for both). thaaanks! STAY COOL OUT THERE :p
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suvidhafincorp · 10 months
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Hurry, this offer is valid only until 30st -Aug - 2023
Spread the joy of homeownership this Rakhi! 🛋️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
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