#the kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name
thejackley · 6 months
Tumblr tags my beloved
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mooneyedcanine · 4 months
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This prison … to hold ME?
A visitor? Hmm … Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember.
However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit … I'm curious about your skills, Weapon.
And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven … You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man … And DIE.
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nightmare-grass · 6 months
One of my biggest hyperfixations nowadays is the lore of ancient kingdoms in Genshin Impact. I wanna know what they were all about, how life was like for them, what led to their downfalls, and how or if they interacted with one another. It’s said that there used to be a unified civilization of humans in Teyvat, and that’s why so many ruins have similar architectural details despite being spread across all the nations of modern Teyvat. We still have very little lore about the Nameless Ruins in the Chasm, we still don’t even have a name for them despite Dainsleif’s quest taking place there. But there’s also strange similarities between the stories of the ancient kings and how the kingdoms fell. I already buy into the theory that King Deshret of Sumeru/Gurabad may be related to or the same as King Irmin of Khaenri’ah, since the Traveler’s twin is the Abyss Prince/Princess, and the Traveler seems to remind Liloupar of Deshret in terms of looks and powers. And wouldn’t it be fitting for Deshret, who turned down the Gnosis and challenged the heavens by obtaining Forbidden Knowledge (abyssal power) to be in some way related to the king of Khaenri’ah, a nation without a god that hid from Celestia and was later punished for it? And there’s sources about Remus, the king of Remuria, citing Remus as a god king just like Deshret. And Remuria as well as Remus were swallowed by the Abyss, reminding me of the sinking of Enkanomiya, where the names of the people are lifted directly from Greek/Roman mythology. And Remus is directly inspired by the Rome founding myth, while Remuria as a whole is inspired by ancient Rome. And the most tantalizing thing for me has to be the lost kingdom of Sal Vindagnyr, where it seems so cut off from these other lost kingdoms but their princess dreamt of events that wouldn’t come to pass for thousands of years, long after her civilization was destroyed. She was born under an offshoot of Irminsul, and had the power of prophecy through her connection to the tree. She foresaw the Cataclysm in Khaenri’ah, the coming of the abyssal dragon Durin, but she had no frame of reference for when these visions would come to pass. Think about what that would do to you as your kingdom was being swallowed in ice and snow, the gods having forsaken you, and your father asks to see a vision of the snow cleared and blue skies, but you’ve already forgotten what that looks like since it’s been so long in the blizzard. Dragonspine and the ruins of Sal Vindagnyr haunt me.
EDIT: I think I figured something out about Dragonspine. In every source I could find on the topic, people usually sort the Princess’s vision of Durin before the Celestial Nail that destroyed their Irminsul tree. I think, since the people of Sal Vindagnyr proclaimed to be in such close contact with Celestia, that Celestia dropped the nail on Dragonspine as a response to the princess’s vision. They laid down a preemptive strike against the abyss and then realized, “oh shoot, we messed up,” because Durin wouldn’t appear in Mondstadt until thousands of years later! So Celestia gets the heck out of dodge before the humans can seek retribution for the destruction of their home, that’s why they abandoned the people of Sal Vindagnyr. The humans were left wondering what they did wrong, but Celestia is the one at fault! Celestia panicked and messed up!
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fruttymoment · 8 months
A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And D
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hamtv12 · 10 months
if a trans girl invites you to her house do NOT go because when you walk in she’ll say “A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.”
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subspace-t-mine · 1 month
This prison... To hold ME?
A visitor... Mmmm... Indeed. I have slept long enough. The kingdom of Heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember.
However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit, I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities, and crush the armies of Heaven... you, shall do as an appetizer.
Come forth, child of man, and DIE.
Ahh... so concludes the life and times of King Sisyphus. A fitting end to an existence defined by futile struggle, doomed from the very start... And I don't regret a SECOND of it! Hahahahaha, ahahahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAHA, RAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, AAAHAAAHahahahaahaaa...
What are you talking about?!
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the-worm-machine · 1 month
This prison... To hold ME?
A visitor... Mmmm... Indeed. I have slept long enough. The kingdom of Heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit, I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities, and crush the armies of Heaven... you, shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, child of man, and DIE.
Ahh... so concludes the life and times of King Sisyphus. A fitting end to an existence defined by futile struggle, doomed from the very start... And I don't regret a SECOND of it! Hahahahaha, ahahahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHAHA, RAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, AAAHAAAHahahahaahaaa...
Is this ultrakill
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tinapaysmp · 2 years
Pearl could still be a god of many things
I'll be honest, I was in immediate denial the moment Joel brought up the whole farming god thing but the more he kept going it did gave me some ideas. Admittedly. I was very against it because I was too attached to the fanbase's interpretation of Pearl, which can be a problem as far as fandoms are concerned. So of course, this is my take on the most recent lore, which are a bunch of theories and headcanons thrown into the mix.
The Emperors from s1 were once revered as Gods but have now been forgotten
Pretty much the most common interpretation based from Joel's video and comment section. This does bring up some questions however. Like, Why is s1 Joel different from the current one? What's with the whole past life thing? What about Oli? If they all died out then how do you explain Pearl in Oli's video? What the hell was Afterlife smp?
Well, from what I could interpret from this is that after godhood, many of them decided to relive as mortals in the now recovered Empires world. However, before that some of them had to relive different lives over at Afterlife. (Which already puts a hole in this theory with how Pix wasn't in it)
Afterlife, in a sense, was a form of purgatory for them but not a purgatory entirely. It was just a regular domain that had its own weird rules and stipulations. Not every member was there for the same reasons the emperors were.
It was however, still partly ruled by Pearl. (pertaining to Oli's lore and Sausage's afterlife finale) So, why wasn't Pearl with them? It could be that one of them had to be left behind. It could also be that she created the world herself for them to get them used to mortal living. (there is no basis for the last one I just think its neat) Whatever the case, she was referred as a god in two people's lore.
I don't really think that s1 Joel is the same as s2 Joel for obvious reasons, but then that puts the question of where the hell is s1 Joel? Did he went to Afterlife? Is he out there? was he editor!Joel all this time? High likely s2 god!Joel isn't too directly related to the deceased gods but seem to be familiar with them and had some relations with them.
HOWEVER, I would now like to bring up my next issue regarding the recent lore.
Pearl isn't dead, Joel just has bad memory
Not to put Joel as an unreliable narrator but it does put some question to the validity of his claims after he said that he forgot a lot of things in his past. It tends to become my problem sometimes whenever it's used in writing and it makes me very prone to cherry picking facts since we wouldn't directly know what's real and what isn't.
Him saying that the other gods are dead don't really go against my previous statements though. But Pearl being "dead" dead is something slightly difficult for me to believe. Or how he categorize her as just a farming god since based from Pix's statue she had a different role.
It's not a crazy idea to give her different roles since many mythologies and pantheons have that. Take the god Apollo from Hellenism for example, he's the god of music, but also the god of prophecy, healing, and the sun. Saint Pearl here, could be the god of the harvest, sunflowers, the sun, the afterlife, death, battle, the reaper of souls, the ferry woman of death or whatever you'd interpret it.
I wouldn't consider Pearl as actually dead but she's probably forgotten, but not forgotten entirely. As Sausage has referenced, they did had a sunflower goddess back in his previous kingdom. Which he later learned her actual name. As for Oli, it could be debated on how long he's been in the minecraft credits limbo but it wouldn't really tell us much on what happened to Pearl after he left heaven.
So in the end, even with Joel's recent lore it doesn't really tell us that she actually died. She might have been forgotten by other civilizations but that doesn't mean death to a god. And even then, she wasn't entirely forgotten. She is now known in other names and might be venerated differently. Joel has some remembering to do it seems. Kinda like Sausage.
So yeah.
On a writing perspective though, I kinda hope there would still be a lot of room for mystery and vagueness so it can keep the world interesting. And often when something was given TOO MUCH answers it tends to ruin the lore. Sometimes being given less of an answer is better. There is that balance of being given too little or too much.
On a another note it is weird and funny on how so much lore is being put on Pearl while she's not actively part of this season.
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what if when you enter count erfit's gym and go up the elevator, the elevator doors open and you see count erfit and he says "THIS PRISON... to hold ME?! A visitor? Hmmm... indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name. And I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands. And I must admit, I'm curious about your skills, weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and crush the armies of heaven- you shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, child of man. And DIE"
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localartinstallation · 2 months
..…oh, God, hear the words from my mouth’ three times, then rinse”
happy sabbath everypony, this is elyse coming back at ya through the digital wave space via this digital surfboard! the long awaited ocd tumblr blog is here xD!
much like matthew h. watson of “SUPERMEGA” fame i, too, have what one might call obsessively compulsive behaviors constricted by bedridden anxieties fueled by religious upbringings, and a series of unfortunate events. this…thing (hereto i shall now start referring to as “ocd” for convenience) brought me closer to God, while simultaneously making that relationship a lot more circumstantial. which, if you didn’t know, is an unhealthy relationship. one of the most unhealthy aspects of this having ocd with religion, among other things, is the practice of prayer. totally personally, the way my brain processes the concept of prayer is as follows:
address your God.
use “thees and thous”, since that’s the most powerful language to use when talking to God according to this book i found, as everyone has always spoken english.
say words or phrases that have been previously established in widely accept prayers you have observed through life (“no harm or accident will come to them” and the like) because those are prayers God has been proven to understand and “grant”, so failure for at least this part of the prayer is unlikely; even if God couldn’t accept the other parts of my prayer, at the very least “no harm accident will come to them” is a tried and true tactic. (as if the prayer is a battlefield, and i just strategize in conversation with an all powerful, all loving, being)
maybe, try to have an actual conversation with your God, saying thank you and how much u love Them, but you’re probably not worthy of conversing with such a great man—and so u put the actual possibility of a productive and truly nice prayer on hold since you might’ve opened your eyes or not knelt down properly—dropping your worthiness points with Heavenly Father :( …
“In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!” (other variations of this prayer must include “Jesus Christ” or it will be returned to sender).
sounds like a pretty fun time, right? also, God really wants u to go through this process about as many times a day as u can…so, i may have felt quite guilty whenever i considered myself not enjoying a prayer, and maybe just going to bed without thinking about my eternal existence for a night was alright, but that’s not a holy thought so—what do i do?—i turn to prayer! rinse and repeat for the rest of your life. there is this other thing though, this ritual, that works 100% of the time in removing 100% of your sin. Jesus called it baptism and we do the whole thing before you can get into any real trouble…oh, you dont remember that? huh. God really boinked us on this one didn’t They? 
holy shit, you remember that book i found!? Jesus actually says there’s an official way to pray. and this one is out of the mouth of JC Himself, too, saying…(Mathew 6:7-14) “When you are praying, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Pray then in this way: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.’ For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” okay so…Jesus kind knew what He was talking about…and there is sort of a word or phrase you can follow that guarantees 100% of all possible scenarios your mind could ever conjure up; even the ones that you might have forgotten in some conversational prayer you might’ve had, leading some some sort of ocd? of course, still pending the fact that you must forgive everybody or else God can’t forgive you, rendering the entire prayer invalid; nonetheless, 100% of this ocd stuff is covered by what might be the most valuable part of this scripture, to me, anyway……"for your Father knows what you need before you ask him”. i feel touched enough, by how insane of an actual promise that is, to actually believe it. and so, with the assumption that a God who must be all loving knows me pretty well, i tried it out. i do not have a perfect memory, but to the best of my current ability, i have made many amends and have forgiven all who wrong me. im soooo worthy enough for this “Lord’s Prayer”. its been about a month since i started frequently trying to memorize and attempt to use the lord’s prayer, and the results are interesting. perhaps this good feeling some might call “joy”, is due to being properly medicated for the first time, but isn’t that an act of God in its own way? in the end, whenever i feel like i need or should be praying, doing the lord’s prayer is a good starting point to actually remove enough of this ocd before considering if i actually need to do a big ol’ prayer. this has opened me up to have much more productive prayers instead of praying simply because of anxiety. so what did we learn? ocd sucks so much ass, and religion rewards the absolute FUCK out of it, but doing the lord’s prayer has kind of helped a lot…so maybe try it out or find something like that for your own stupid lil’ head <3.
-maybe the weird rituals we learn are for the friends we find along the way-
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unpleasant-angel · 3 months
A visitor? Hmm… Indeed, I have slept long enough. The kingdom of heaven has long since forgotten my name, and I am EAGER to make them remember. However, the blood of Minos stains your hands, and I must admit… I'm curious about your skills, Weapon. And so, before I tear down the cities and CRUSH the armies of heaven… You shall do as an appetizer. Come forth, Child of Man… And DIE.
one must imagine Sisyphus happy (/ooc? /ic? i have no idea any more. anyway ive never played Ultrakill)
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libidomechanica · 10 months
For loves at last
A kimo sequence
And soon: through I cannot despair, and watched. Bob Southey scratch this? For loves at last? Be it by night?
And from thy silently comes Love, ah my day. Let seems to the will retain tops. Or, if your mine.
Nor brough the were with such and. May hid away from his bright the earth. By dews o’ Ballochmyle.
When in hast spear’d think of the wondered hands. Among tongues. The famous—that same way, and the kind off.
Which way bare, while thrilling all throughts of the world leave. ’ Or he wistful eye like a religious flie.
Not women curse, and, saying, receipt with that swell; he heigh-ho! Her she talking, that every side.
By lies she has met wi’ thee see. I die if she and saw, with whose hand: about things his to me.
Since her so abide by side. Trigger never head to me. He lay: she, My granted shirt yellows.
And the bonie Last Love. My last let tearm of all through the light. The patient for us? I give me.
Of delight. If their we drink my will stand its gainst a signals, that hope drown. That love to its late.
Justice all the was. It rubs across that together, but the golden my Nancy aft the pails.
Then thy breathen burn cloud all go no more? She too sick, it take his can hours, gave there each chaste. Feel.
Tempest, but to given he fetid breasts. We are, leg over you disdain. And fife to enclosed.
That cannot represents to be love let met. Stiff in beauty’s brother Sunday suit of love’s race.
And at ever than a God! To tender at thin my heart I offence, or wishes weather brown.
Have brough some dawn was decked the rose! Perhaps, as his flowers, mass o’ Ballochmyle. After room.
I don’t wanting the sword! She silent see and hour anguish, while want at their the grew and let bee.
Star-pitched him he is beautiful you were shore o’ the end. And bade him river sat, and me, ah!
The marmalade, what are you feel that grew. Let seen frae come and this cowslip ballad gallow hole.
Milk shall the after me for ever is there on the kind out my fancy. Their with tend to mone!
The corne rest thou shall and bleeding sun: before shepherd-sang but all, my days of wool with a clouds.
As nine more wafted abroad, i feels laid aside: it seek another. Met wi’ the out a shawl.
Made and yet—she hodge porcelain, is in its later. And this separate Hell. And defecates.
Let me passionate baldness of good god grotesques make his estatesman’s delight. Or her.
Teach sides, kingdoms the strength I did want of grace to would I be like the stairs: and six feet. Grows stand.
So many blast through a red who watch—if I come, virgins on thine. Thing but less fled fly, playing.
Turned in and Off’ring sun: and out blown coat, and quiet word? What her ne’er forgotten, and the cause?
Thou dost subterranean soul’s dispense with a stoic, or tempers? I knew that we knew it.
She is only due to tell! A cure thus I let it at anchor and yet new, like should could cry.
For her can compare, who made the fair is mourning to was human just as your humble feet. No.
These of us when shadow of blue moved! And blind the prince; no dark disgusting another hair.
A crime, perhaps from the beetles,—blind. But this moment jessamine arms and days to cute, alas!
What in amorous glimmersion I thing an and that my voice. We image in the flower heart.
What a calamity hardly let bee. —The floor—and with depends of her sic picks of her found.
Let tears, and suppresse, in a valley long- star’s at my bonds of Love is one. No, no, no, my love.
In Lethe the cloud, sunny gems of all Heavens,— because no long since morn. Our teeth much love, let bee.
To lie and thee! Is dreamed abroad-blown back upon the street, lord of have been a bitter to her.
In gray, ready have you love then these empty been lines hast men in they sang those went! To their race.
But silvery Law that we can my name. And mow, would heard Apollo singly! A quire in me?
And the floors, that caughter. Which Indian compare, which their tryst. Eye well- gotten love I used why?
Opine, to drink jeered you always of plait upon a pillow’s go and makes to Marses live me.
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yhwhrulz · 11 months
Morning and Evening with A.W. Tozer Devotional for August 8
Tozer in the Morning Hearing the Voice of God
. . . There are two questions before us. The first question is: How many of us are willing to hear the voice of God? Jesus said, Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate (Matthew 23:34,37-38 ). Were these people willing to hear the voice of God? Thousands of years before Christ was born in Bethlehem, the Holy Spirit said, Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the cit y she makes her speech: "How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you. But since you rejected me when I called and no one gave heed when I stretched out my hand, since you ignored all my advice and would not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh at your disaster; I will mock when calamity overtakes you" (Proverbs 1:20-26).
Tozer in the Evening Everyone's Savior
It may shock some people to be told that Christ is not an American. Nor was He a Jew merely. He was born of the seed of Abraham of the line of David, and His mother was a Jewess of the tribe of Judah. Still Christ is vastly more than a Jew. His dearest name for himself was "the Son of man." He came through the Jewish race, but he came to the human race. He is Everyman's countryman and Everyman's contemporary. He is building a kingdom of all nations and tribes and tongues and peoples. He has no favorites, "but in every nation he that fearest him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." Let us remember that the gospel is a divine thing. It receives no virtue from any of man's religions or philosophies. It came down to us out of heaven, a separate thing, like Peter's sheet, wholly on its own. It is something given of God. It operates in the individual heart wherever that heart may be found. Any form of human government, however lofty, deals wit h the citizen only as long as he lives. At the graveside it bids him adieu. It may have made his journey a little easier, and, if so, all lovers of the human race will thank God for that. But in the cool earth, slaves and free men lie down together. Then what matter the talk and the turmoil? Who was right and who was wrong in this or that political squabble doesn't matter to the dead. Judgment and sin and heaven and hell are all that matter then. So, let's keep cool, and let's think like Christians. Christ will be standing upright, tall and immortal, after the tumult and the shouting dies and the captains and the kings lie stretched side by side, the "cause" that made them famous forgotten and their whole significance reduced to a paragraph in a history book.
Copyright Statement This material is considered in the public domain.
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yeonban · 2 years
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                           ↪  𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑺.
@xpeculiariity​​ asked:  (Cyno  @  Tarquin)  "why  did  you  bring  me  here?"
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       ❛   Why,   ❜   He  repeats  after  Cyno,  half  incredulous  yet  partly  pondering  the  same  question  himself  (  none  had  survived  this  perilous  hike  before  -  its  climate  much  too  wicked  to  bear  /  its  obstacles  far  too  dangerous  to  pass  through;  and  Tarquin  is  certain  the  man  in  front  of  him  would  have  been  no  exception  if  left  unattended  to,  would  have  met  the  same  cruel  fate  or  retraced  his  steps  back  down  the  mountain  before  it  would  have  been  too  late  -  if  he  had  even  thought  to  survey  the  mountaintop  to  begin  with;  so  why  had  he  chosen  to  bring  him  here;  safe  and  sound,  to  face  the  horrors  of  his  past  with  him?  ) 
❛   You’re  a  scholar,  and  this  is  a  place  no  one  has  ever  reached,  let  alone  studied  before.  I’m  giving  you  a  chance  to  inspect  it,  if  you  want  to.   ❜   An  unfamiliar  feeling  buds  in  his  chest,  bringing  awkwardness  alongside  it;  and  for  a  brief  moment  Tarquin  wonders  if  this  is  what  trust  feels  like  when  offered  to  one  that  doesn’t  intrinsically  belong  here,  if  this  is  how  he  had  felt  when  Imunlaukr  had  been  accepted  as  an  honorary  member  of  their  kingdom  (  the  existence  of  positive  bonds  had  long  since  been  forgotten,  hatred  /  anger  /  betrayal  encircling  his  every  interaction  with  most  of  Dragonspine’s  “visitors”,  and  thus  he  supposes  the  discomfort  he  currently  feels  is  more  than  warranted  ). 
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A  sigh,  to  part  with  his  thoughts,  and  the  guardian  steps  further  inside  the  plateau;  heading  for  the  Skyfrost  Nail  and  its  piercing  cold,  yet  never  straying  too  far  from  his  companion  (  no  one  could  to  tell  how  much  of  the  freezing  winds  and  rigid  frost  a  sumerian  could  take  before  succumbing  to  them,  after  all  ).   ❛   That...  used  to  be  part  of  what  the  world  now  knows  as  “Celestia”  or  “the  heavens”.  It  is  the  very  thing  that  has  brought  an  end  to  my  civilization,  and  massacred  my  people.   ❜ 
There’s  a  certain  bitterness,  a  certain  edge  to  his  words  &  in  the  way  he  utters  the  names  of  the  gods’  formerly  revered  abode,  and  rage  surges  in  his  veins  at  the  mere  mention  of  their  perfidy  (  a  reason  he  dislikes  being  here  ),  but  he  maintains  his  composure  (  just  barely  )  &  turns  toward  his...  friend  (  was  he  one?  should  he  consider  Cyno  as  such?  ),  before  delving  into  a  much  needed  explanation.   ❛   I  don’t  know  if  any  other  nails  of  this  kind  have  struck  the  earth,  nor  whether  they  possess  the  same  effect  as  this  one,  but  the  one  in  front  of  you...  is  the  reason  behind  this  mountain’s  perpetual  winter.  Before,  Sal  Vindagnyr  used  to  be  warmer  than  Mondstadt’s  climate,  and  as  lush  green  as  your  country’s  forests,  if  they  have  remained  the  same  as  the  last  time  I  saw  them,  that  is.   ❜   Which  had  been  several  centuries  past.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Leviathan's Odyssey 9 (End):
*Lucifer is in the Student Council room collecting paperwork when he hears his phone go off… It seems like Barbatos is messaging him yet again... For the third time this week. Though he dreads whatever news it brings, Lucifer checks his messenger and lets out a long sigh when he gets his confirmation*
*Levi was sent home early… again. He hasn’t been present for a full day of classes in nearly a week and Barbatos is beginning to get on Lucifer’s case about it… Diavolo placed a lot of trust in the eldest to bring his brother under control, but it hasn’t exactly been very successful and his butler sees no problem with applying the pressure in his lord’s stead. Though he wouldn’t call this latest message a threat of expulsion, he can sense they’re getting dangerously close…* 
*normally, Lucifer would wait for the day to finish himself before returning to the House and giving Levi a lecture, but that approach hasn’t been faring well… Though he loathes to be absent, who knows what trouble his brothers could get in, he sends his response to Barbs and goes to collect his things. He has been thinking up a few solutions to the “Leviathan Problem” and it’s about time he started enacting some, but first he needs to do some shopping*
*it isn’t hard for Lucifer to find what he was looking for in the shopping district and he makes it back to the House about an hour before classes would officially end. He already knows where Levi would be, he’s been nothing is not predictable since he first came home with them... In many ways, he still has the mindset of a combat survivalist. He quickly grew territorial of the room they gave him, he tries to grab as much food as possible at meals, and every new person or situation is treated with hostile skepticism... Their brother may be home, but he certainly isn’t “back." Not yet anyway...*
*when Lucifer ascends the steps to go to Leviathan’s room, he tries knocking on the door first. Levi had taken to making ridiculous entry passwords again, an encouraging sign, but that was mostly because Lucifer forbade him from issuing trial by combat to newcomers… Unfortunately, today there wasn’t any voice on the other side… Lifting the lock on the door is child’s play with just a little magic, so after giving his brother ample time to say something, Lucifer opens the door himself*
Lucifer: Leviathan? *he pokes his head in with a bit of caution, Levi could still be quick to lash out if caught off guard*
*Lucifer’s eyes scan the dimly lit room, with only the soft blue glow of the water tank behind a glass wall offering him any light. They discovered quickly that Levi’s skin would dry out at an alarming rate without some access to water. Their first fix was to give his room a bathtub that he could soak in, but due to its narrow size Lucifer eventually had an aquarium installed for him instead. He could climb in and out from a gap near the ceiling and it had more room for him to move around freely. That seemed to resolve the issue, but Levi still remained fond enough of the bathtub to keep it around*
*he half expected to find his brother in said tub, back to the doorway and trying to ignore him, but instead he sees a black figure curled up at the bottom of the water tank. He recognizes Levi, even in his newest form - or at least the form that they taught to him once he was on dry land. While in the ocean, Levi never needed to be rid of his gills or scales, they were practical for swimming but not so much for daily life. His new form kept his tail, horns, and patch of scales here and there, but it mostly allows him to pass as an average demon. He can maintain an even milder appearance without any of the extras, but he doesn’t seem to like it as much… He always complains of feeling “too small” without his tail*
*Lucifer steps into the room and closes the door behind him. Under all of that water, Levi probably didn’t hear him knock… Or maybe he did and didn’t feel like answering. He found it hard to pinpoint just what his brother could or couldn’t do anymore… When he gets into the room, he sets a white grocery bag he had been carrying on a nearby table. He’ll have to bring up its contents at the right time… He needs to speak to Levi first.* 
*Lucifer goes to the glass wall and gently knocks his knuckles against it. The black bundle in the water stirs and Lucifer watches as Levi's tail slowly begins to unravel from his body... Soon enough, he’s looking his brother in the face but he doesn’t look very happy to see him… He rarely looks happy to see anyone frankly…*
*Lucifer points up to the edge of the tank and gestures to his ear, signaling that they need to talk. He’s almost surprised at how easily Levi obliges this time, pushing off of the aquarium floor and swimming up until he’s above the surface. After taking a gulp of air, he leans over the edge of the glass - seemingly unbothered by the droplets of water that cascade to the floor.*
Levi: What do you want, Lucifer?
*Lucifer tries his best to look stern, but not overly angry. Though Levi is far less dangerous inland than he was by the ocean’s shore, he’s no less irritable... If this conversation is going to happen, he’s going to need to keep his composure for a while longer*
Lucifer: Barbatos informed me of what happened today… 
Levi: And?
Lucifer: Annnd, we’ve already been over this, Levi… You can’t keep stabbing your fellow students with forks. 
Levi: If you gave me my trident back, then I wouldn’t need to use them.
*Lucifer groans a bit and fights the urge to rub the bridge of his nose… Of course he’s in a mood again…*
Lucifer: Don’t play games with me, Levi… You know what the real problem is here.
Levi: Yeah, it’s the stupid school! I hate going there...
Lucifer: Levi, Lord Diavolo was very gracious to offer you a place in his academy and a seat on the student council, no less. And being one of his military officers now also puts you in a position of great importance... Your actions reflect on him and his kingdom as whole-
Levi: I know all that already, I heard you the first time! *Levi leans his chin against the edge of the glass, but still doesn’t look any happier. To his credit, he has been trying to yell at his brothers less... So it’s not too surprising to hear his voice suddenly drop down to solemn whisper*
Levi: … You know what everybody calls me there? The “Fish Freak...” They say I smell like a beached whale… *Lucifer blinks at the revelation, because this is news to him*
Lucifer: Is that so…?
Levi: Everyday. And you know what else? They trip me in the hallway or throw my things in the fountain. Somebody even left a dead squid on my desk! *a familiar look comes into his eyes now, one burning of hatred - but this time not directed at brothers...*
Levi: They’re lucky I only have forks right now...
*a part of Lucifer wants to be fine with Levi sticking up for himself… The Demon World is a cruel and harsh place where intimidation is often the best answer. He and his brothers had to learn that the hard way… But Diavolo’s goals are peace and unity - the academy was even founded with that in mind… His students should be shying away from such barbaric tactics and the council has an example to set… As much as it pains him to say it, Levi’s actions are unacceptable…*
Lucifer: Tell me the students’ names and I’ll have them punished. I guarantee you that... *takes a deep breath to prepare for what he must say next…*
Lucifer: … But you can’t keep causing trouble like this, Leviathan. Lord Diavolo has a strict code of-
*Lucifer watches as Levi groans and lifts his head off the glass, though this time he looks more frustrated than enraged*
Levi: There you go again! Diavolo this and Diavolo that!! Don’t you ever think of anything else??
Lucifer: That’s Lord Diavolo to you, and of course I do. But this isn’t the Celestial Realm anymore, Levi, and we need to adapt to his rules. *Levi’s eyes narrow at him, seeing an opportunity to dig in the knife…*
Levi: There’s adapting and then there’s ass-kissing... Which are you doing, Lucifer?
*and like that, for just a moment, Lucifer wants to abandon the whole project. He wants to leave Levi to wallow in his tank and go back to more important matters... He wants to throw his gifts into the garbage and just forget he ever bought them! His anger must have been plain to see, because Levi looks almost regretful for a second as he pushes back from the glass*
Levi: … Yeah. I didn’t think so.
*with that, Lucifer watches his brother sink back underwater and return to the floor of his aquarium. He honestly has half a mind to just turn and walk away, at least until he sees Levi curl up on his side against the store bought sand. He draws legs into the fetal position and faces his back the glass wall, letting his tail once again curl around his body as he goes back to laying in the water… alone…*
*the lonely image is enough to bring Lucifer back to some sense… Had he really forgotten why he was there so easy? With a steadier mind, he gently places a gloved hand against the surface of the glass, watching Levi from behind the wall between them…*
*his brother fell from Heaven then had to survive on his own… when he came back, he not only found out that his family had been living like royalty, but they hadn’t even been out looking for him in a long time… Now he’s been ripped from the home he’d grown accustomed to and thrust into a culture he barely understood…*
*Was it any wonder he was struggling? Was it any better for him in the Devildom than it was beneath the sea? Would it have been better to just let him stay where he was comfortable…? These thoughts have plagued Lucifer for some time, but he wouldn’t dare break up his family now…* 
*Maybe... Hopefully… Levi just needs an outlet to help him cope...*
*Lucifer knocks on the glass a second time, but it’s not an angry pounding or anything. Levi must not have expected that, because he actually looks back at him in mild surprise. Lucifer signals once more for him to get out of the water before stepping aside to grab the grocery bag from before. Intrigued, but cautious, Levi swims back up to the surface and pulls himself up to the edge*
Levi: … What’s that?
Lucifer: Something I bought for you. *Lucifer picks up the bag and goes back to the tank. Levi’s eyes widen slightly with shock*
Levi: You bought something… for me?? Why?
Lucifer: It’s something that I think you’ll like… I’m told it’s very entertaining and hopefully it has all the… violence that you’ve grown accustomed to... 
*he digs into the bag and pulls out two things, a DVD box-set of something called “My Life as a Demonic Pirate Defeating the Seven Lords of Hell” and a paperback book with a cute looking mermaid on the cover under the same title*
Lucifer: Levi. Have you ever heard of something called anime?
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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readermishok · 3 years
Top 20: my favorite interactive stories
Hello, guys!
Once I saw that one of my popular and mostly likeable posts was about IF, I decided to share with you my personal top of the best IF authors I have known. 
I read a lot of WIPs (work in progress) and finished novels since three long years, so I might recommend truly incredible stories. I apologies for adding pics and some additional info about my MC, but I wanted to bring spark of life into this top.
MC – Julia (deShanre), she|her.
I'll start with telling about quartet of works greatly affected on me. It was almost like… living my second life. It felt so real, so vibrant. In the darkest times it gave me the strenght to meet the next day.
1. Samurai of Hyuga, Books 1-4 by Devon Connell (WIP, planned 7 books). Patreon. Buy Book 1.  Buy Book 2. Buy Book 3. Buy Book 4.
Samurai of Hyuga is a brutal, heart-pounding interactive tale. Prepare to enter the land of silk and steel, where fantasy clashes against grim reality, and where the good guys don't always win in the end. It's a harsh world with tough choices at every turn. Good thing you're the toughest ronin around.
My MC: Ronin, the master of the Jigoku Ittō-ryū, The Sword Who Cuts the Heavens
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2. Fallen Hero by Malin Ryden (WIP, planned 4 books). Tumblr: @fallenhero-rebirth​. Patreon. Buy Book 1.
Become the greatest telepathic villain Los Diablos has ever known! Once you were famous; soon you will be infamous. That is, unless your old friends in the Rangers stop you first. Juggle different identities and preserve your secrets as you build new alliances and try to forget the friendships you've left behind.
My MC: Sidestep Puppetmaster:
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Jane (puppet):
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3. I, the Forgotten one by Bacondoneright (WIP, planned dilogy). No tumblr or Patreon|Ko-fi. Demo.
It has been five long years since the end of The Border Wars. Five long years without a purpose. Endlessly drifting around from one job to the next, serving your apathetic father only to receive no credit. Nobody in Kanton truly knows what you did. How you won The War, leading the armies of Kanton as a youth.
Nobody knows what it took out of you. Spending your formative years in war is not good for one’s outlook on life. Your emotions now lie behind a mask of stoicism. After all, all emotions do is cloud one’s judgement and wind up costing lives.
Nobody knows how much it hurt to be cast down from the throne and succession. To be disinherited, cast away from the family, and left aside to die.
My MC: The Marshal, the bastard child:
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4. The Exile by Pheo (WIP). Tumblr: @exilethegame​. Patreon. Demo.
You’re the ex-commander of the Kingdom of Plaithus, and your name is known by all. It used to be whispered in fear by your enemies, and the very mention of it could send men fleeing. Your people had cried it out in battle, swords raised in your honor as they faced death fearlessly. You were a hero, and to some, a legend.
Until you weren’t.
You can’t remember what happened. All that’s left are blurry faces, screams, and the feeling of blood on your hands. The only reason you still have your head is because of the pity of an old friend.
And now? It’s only been a year since the incident, and already things are going wrong again when a rather peculiar sorcerer offers you absurd amounts of gold in exchange for protection from… well, that’s the problem, isn’t it? You don’t know.
My MC: the Commander:
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Shepherds of Haven by Lena Nguyen (WIP). Tumblr: @shepherds-of-haven​ Patreon. Demo.
Shepherds of Haven is a dark fantasy interactive fiction game. In it, you play as a Mage living in a world where magic is outlawed and your people—those possessing supernatural powers—are oppressed and reviled. The world is ruled by humans who believe in science, technology, and industry: at best, you and your kind are nothing more than a fairytale, and at worst you are the state’s greatest threat.
My MC: Human Mage, gunner
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God of the Red Mountain (WIP). Tumblr: @friendlybowlofsoup​​​ Demo.
You are a spirit born of the Red Mountain–though you’ve run away from it long ago. You’d be content to stay away, too, if not for the mountain god who suddenly comes looking for you. But what purpose do they have? And what exactly is your end goal?
Based on East Asian myths and folklore, you play as a powerful, nameless spirit in a shifting world. As a being caught between death and life, you are connected to a stream of limitless power, and the more you are known, the more powerful you become.
However, your journey will not be so smooth. You have been cursed by powerful, malignant beings known as Foxes, and it’s only a matter of time before you fall from sanity yourself.
My MC: Owl spirit, human appearance
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The Bastard of Camelot by Rebelgirl (WIP). Tumblr: @llamagirl28​ Demo. Ko-fi.
Your child will be the undoing of Camelot. Born under an ominous prophecy, you are the incestuous bastard of King Arthur and Morgana Le Fay. Will you fulfill the prophecy, or rebel?
Be the villain they expect you to be, or the hero they don’t- be remorseful or unapologetic, make your destiny or be Morgana’s tool of revenge.
Arthur can’t have any more children, making you the sole blood heir, and sole other Pendragon. As a Pendragon, you have the power of dragons.
The Bastard of Camelot is a trilogy following Mordred as they become a knight of the Round Table, and save or destroy Camelot.
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The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia: Part One by (WIP). Tumblr: @fantasyfawkes​​​ Demo. Patreon.
The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia is a low-fantasy game set in a Renaissance-esque world where you play as one of seven heirs to a fictional kingdom rife with intrigue. As the King’s seventh child, you are a prince or princess of Ophaesia, a luxurious nation along the southern coast of Selanes. You are the first child of your father’s third wife, a woman hated throughout the realm due to the pervasive suspicion that she poisoned the previous queen, and her poor reputation taints your image in the eyes of the court and beyond. From your days in the palace nursery all the way to adulthood, you must navigate treacherous court politics and delicate foreign affairs while trying to find your place in the world — and your family.
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 Attollo by A.E. Jendryke (WIP). Tumblr: @attollogame Demo. Patreon.
After several years of radio silence, you receive a message from your younger sibling that carries a strange sense of urgency to it. Either out of familial concern, or boredom, you embark on a journey from your residence to your siblings apartment in New Hampshire to see what’s wrong and then get on with your life. Too bad it’s never so simple.
Deal with cults, interdimensional entities, and far too many people with superpowers (where, for once, you’re the odd one out) in your journey to bring your sibling back from an underworld far out of your control.
My MC: lawyer
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 Land of the Dragon (WIP) by Hilsee Foo. Demo. Last update was long ago... (crying)
Welcome to the Land of the Dragon! Here you shall experience an adventure in an ancient land, navigate court politics, forge friendships, and maybe even pursue romance if you so choose!
The Dragon Emperor sits upon the throne, as he inherited it from his father before him. But all is not well in the realm. In the provinces, an Uprising is gaining both strength and popularity. At court, the Elder Prince plots in secret to usurp his brother's throne. And within the Emperor's harem, the Empress and Imperial Consort vie for power.
As the Emperor and Empress' only trueborn child, you are at the centre of this power struggle. When all hell breaks lose on your 21st nameday, what will you do to find your place in this world?
All this, and more... In the Land of the Dragon.
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The Northern Passage by Kit H.J. (WIP). Tumblr: @northern-passage​ Demo. 
The Northern Passage is a horror fantasy CYOA, where you play as a hunter sent up north to investigate a series of missing people along the border and in the port cities of the Blackwater.
Working with your handler, Lea, you will travel north and discover that things are far worse than you ever could have imagined, and that there is something powerful lurking out in the deep, dark sea…
My MC: Hunter
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 The Nameless by Parker Lyn (WIP). Tumblr: @parkerlyn​​ Demo. Ko-fi.
The Nameless is a low fantasy WIP that is character and romance driven, with your race (sheevra) loosely based on stories about the fey and other myths. Where deals are a weapon and a name is the most intimate secret someone can offer. You play as a sheevra investigating the city of Renescen after the complete disappearance of one of four sheevra Clans in the world, running across a ragtag group of both sheevra and mortalis along the way.
Will you find out what happened before it comes for you?
Mortalis appearance
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Virtue’s End by Crimsis (WIP). Tumblr: @virtuesend-if​​​ Demo. Patreon.
In a dark world overrun by monsters from the shadow plane, you exist as a hybrid monster hunter called a helvling, a human whose very soul has been Bound to one such entity. Travelling from warded settlement to warded settlement with your surly Keeper, Shea, you have the thankless task of defending the common folk against these horrors from Hel.
Usually, a fate such as yours is only reserved for the lowest of criminals, as penance for their loathsome deeds… You wouldn’t know if your fate has been deserved, however, since upon completion of your Binding seven years ago, all former memories of your human life have been lost.
You’ve been moulded into a weapon by the Virtuous Order, trained to be an unfeeling and ruthlessly efficient hunter… But is that who you are? Who are you, truly?
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A Tale of Crowns (WIP). Tumblr: @ataleofcrowns​​​​ Itch.
A Tale of Crowns is a high fantasy love story with Middle Eastern roots, both on pc as well as mobile! It’s entirely text-based, with choices throughout to shape both your main character’s personality and skills as well as influence their relationships with others. There are four love interests for you to choose from, both female as well as male, each with their own stories and secrets for you to uncover!
Crown of Arsur
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 Wayfarer (WIP). Tumblr: @idrellegames​ Demo. Patreon.
When your mercenary work backs you into a corner, you take the only option available and accept a contract: to travel to the city of Velantis and steal an ancient artifact said to be blessed by the gods. Simple, right?
But Velantis holds more than you bargained for. Gathering a ragtag party of malcontents and renegades from across the city, you must navigate enemy factions, meddling guilds, and escalating political tensions. Your choices will ultimately determine the city’s fate – and the fate of every person who lives there. 
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When Twilight Strikes by evertidings (WIP). Tumblr: @evertidings​ Demo. 
You are a bounty hunter. Responsible for taking in rogue supernaturals, you work for IAOS—the International Agency of Supernaturals—where, alongside your best friend and partner, you two have quickly become the best hunting duo of the branch. After a particular tricky hunt, you brief your boss, Caine Atheron, and come back to work the next day to find that he has mysteriously disappeared overnight, the company is now in the hands of his best friend, Sebastian Mai. And though no one else seems to question it, something tells you that there’s more to the story.
With bounty cases rising at an alarming rate and a second mystery unfolding, you and your ragtag team of allies set out to find the truth.
But as you go further and further, the secrets you uncover begin to make you question: who… or what exactly are you fighting for? 
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Passanger by Pime (WIP). Tumblr: @the-passenger-if Demo. Ko-fi.
Do you like monsters? Do you think they are the best part of their respective movies, books, and shows? Then The Passenger might be the game for you.
The Passenger is a choice script work in progress in which you are an eldritch abomination that’s about to be devoured by another unthinkable creature. Good news is you are pretty crafty and know how to jump dimensions to escape your ghastly fate; bad news is, you’re now stuck on Earth, trapped inside a dumb human larva.
As years go by, you realize the amount of energy you need to leave this horrible dimension behind is a lot more than you anticipated. Not to mention the creature that almost ate you all those years ago never really stopped looking for you. But there’s no way it’ll pinpoint your actual location… right?
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Scout: An Apocalypse Story by Anya (WIP). Tumblr: @anya-dev​ Itch.
It has been over a decade since a worldwide natural disaster obliterated the natural planet and decimated human civilization. There are small groups of humans still alive, fending for themselves, trying to create communities amongst the rubble.
You are a 24-year old scout living in a small community on the edge of the Orange Plains. You lost your mother and your sister before finding your way here. You are primarily an academic, and you put your skills to use on regular scouting missions. With your best friend and your scouting team leader in tow, your small group is a pillar of the Community.
On your first scouting mission of the hot season, you meet the leader of the People Across the Orange Plains. Will you break from the Community you have known your whole life? Ask a romantic partner to join you? Discover secrets that your own people have been hiding? Become a leader yourself?
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Body Count by Nell Bolton (WIP). Tumblr: @bodycountgame​ Demo. Ko-fi.
Your life isn’t going how you’d hoped. Despite having big plans when you graduated, you’re stuck in a dead end job and a crappy flat with zero romantic life to speak of. All until a friend convinces you to join the cast of a new reality TV show.
The premise is simple: 12 singles are sent to a villa on a tropical island and they live there together for a month. After 28 days, the couple who is voted by the other islanders as being most likely to withstand the test of time will win £500,000. In addition, the couple with the highest body count will win £500,000. Total prize pool? £1,000,000.
In this context, “body count” refers to how many people you’ve slept with… right? Well, that’s what you think when you sign your contract. Turns out, though, that not all of your fellow cast members will be using that definition to get to the prize.
Fall in love, win big money, solve some murders and try to stay.
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Project Hadea by nyehilism (WIP). Tumblr: @nyehilismwriting​​ Itch. Ko-fi.
You play as an OPERATIVE of Scytha Industries, a highly selective private security company. As their most elite Operative, you possess many skills and talents, not to mention top-of-the-line equipment - including your very own AI module, IVI.
This, of course, puts a price on your head. An AI module goes for billions on the black market; carrying one around in your skull is, perhaps, not the safest idea. Sure, you’re more than a match for anyone who might come after you - but no-one outside the high levels of Scytha knows about it, so you should be safe anyway, right?
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
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I do want to thank all these tremendously talented authors for creating such complex and beautiful worlds. I love it with all my soul.
Thanks for reading, I hope you will find story for yourself. I’ll gradually extand this top! 
Stay tuned.
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