#the last episode it’s chimera was not because he loved her it’s just because that’s the kind of person he is
thetransguard · 5 months
okay i knew it was coming but its kind of killing me how obtuse people are being towards toshiro (im not fucking calling him shuro and honestly yall should stop with that too). should he have told laios how he really felt about him, sure, yeah, but im going to go off on a limb here and suggest maybe! maybe! he's been raised in an environment where it's actually like legitimately unheard of and taboo to be very open and straight forward about his feelings. the entire party has been calling him by a name that literally isnt even his own because he is so used to quashing down his own reactions to others. like i think other poc diaspora dunmeshi fans might agree with me here but he just reads like someone whos not bothered enough to correct every microaggression thrown his way. because that shit is exhausting. and after like five hours of laios bugging him about stories of his homeland why would he have a good opinion of him. genuinely. im not saying laios is entirely at fault but neither is toshiro. i love laios too but it is Very Weird that toshiro gets the brunt of their friendship's falling out (ill circle back to this)
also to preface this i am a farcille shipper so im. not pushing for falin/toshiro. but people acting like his affection for falin is somehow not relevant or he has no devotion to falin at all is CRAZY. immediately after being teleported out he threw himself back into that dungeon and didnt eat or sleep properly to rescue her. we literally watch him collapse from it. after multiple episodes emphasizing the importance of nutrition and caring for yourself and your take away from a man willing to toss that away is that he just. doesn't care for falin? why is he in the dungeon then? answer. quickly. granted he's not as onboard with the whole black magic thing but his concerns are literally valid and before we see falin chimera he seems to have been talked down from reporting them all for it. its the proof of his concerns of the use of black magic that he decides to go up and report them at all. his bond with falin isn't nearly as strong as marcille's bond but its also not nothing. ignoring that or minimising his own sacrifices is such a nasty bad faith disservice to his character.
speaking of bonds. toshiro doesn't hate laios. guys. his last act this episode was to give laios and the rest of the party (yes, even black magic user marcille) a way out of the hole that they'd already dug for themselves. fleeing to the east and leaving falin to the elves isnt the best case scenario but it is one that lets the majority of the party survive whatever's coming. its the realistic play. is this the act of a man who hates his former colleagues? is he wishing harm and further misfortune on them? his actions speak for themselves. you guys are being way too hard on toshiro and its really fucking telling. this goes for white viewers especially
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lostyesterday · 11 months
I’ve seen a lot of joke posts about how Kira is a lesbian because she has short hair but, like, Kira’s appearance is the last reason why I generally read her as a lesbian. DS9 clearly intends to show that Kira is attracted to men, but I have always found this attraction to feel forced and artificial.
As one example, when Kira gets together with Shakaar in Crossfire or Odo in His Way, both episodes focus solely on Odo’s and Shakaar’s feelings toward Kira. Their perspectives are explored extensively, and their romantic feelings toward Kira are very explicitly depicted. Neither episode does anything whatsoever to explore Kira’s perspective on either of them. In fact, before Shakaar and Odo confess their love to Kira, there is absolutely no indication whatsoever that Kira has romantic feelings for either of them. Obviously there are Doylist explanations for this (namely, sexism), but what comes across from a narrative perspective is the implication that Kira suddenly and spontaneously developed feelings for both men after they said they were in love with her. Which is obviously possible – I know some people do experience attraction this way. But it also could read as extremely lesbian. I did the same thing several times when I was younger and thought I was straight. If someone tells you they have romantic feelings for you, and you genuinely like them and enjoy their company, it can be very easy to convince yourself that what you feel is romantic love. And you want to convince yourself, because you want deeply to be connected to other people.
When Kira breaks up with Shakaar because the Prophets let her know they weren’t meant to be together, part of me can’t help but imagine that she might feel relieved deep down. There’s no need, now, to wonder if she truly feels the same way toward him that he feels toward her. There’s an excuse, now, to go back to the way it was before when she didn’t have to interrogate all of her emotions in search of the ones she was supposed to feel.
When Kira tells Odo she loves him enough to let him go in Chimera, and when she truly lets him go in the finale, I imagine what part of her she feels she is losing. Odo is one of her closest friends – one that survived one war and then the next and in the end she lost him anyway. And she has lost so much, and so there can be no relief in this, but maybe in some small way it is still easier to pretend you loved someone the way they loved you once you’ve lost them.
And I compare Kira’s interactions with these men the show describes her as being in love with to her interactions with Jadzia or Keiko or Cretak, and I just find her chemistry with women so much more convincing. There’s no effort behind it – just connection. I don’t think what I’m saying here is the “correct” way of interpreting Kira as a character – it is simply my own interpretation based partially on my personal experiences. But I do think that it is a valid interpretation.
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pjo episode four parts that made me scream
Them starting with sally trying teach percy how to swim and percy being scared is fantastic for two reasons: number one, its a normal kid thing and number two it ties into later in the books when we find out percy has a fear of drowning. Its like hoe thalia has a fear of heights and kind of ties into the idea that forbidden children are often afraid of some part of their parents element. I love that theyre bringing in elements of that idea so early!!!
percy’s “can i ask a stupid question” and annabeths “are you trying to make me make fun of you” akdbdkbaaksbdkjsbakks shes so funny
percy and annabeths little banter, percys stupid accent and then him collapsing on her. That and the scene where theyre talking on the train is the percabeth we deserve!!!!!! God i love them so much
ALSO going back to the scene where theyre talking in bed on the train i love how annabeth knows that grovers grumpy in the morning and percy doesnt. Grover was her protector once too!! (Like they said last episode) and theyve traveled together before!! He was annabeths friend before he was percys
ok everyones already said this but the parallels between annabeth and medusa?!!??? With medusa saying “i was you” last episode and now annabeth getting punished for something percy did ghe same was medusa was punished for something Poseidon did????? Absolutely insane i love it
also the fact that it hurt athenas pride specifically, much like how medusa mentioned the “pride of athena” in reference to annabeth last episode, which all ties back to the fact that hubris is annabeths fatal flaw and she gets it from her mother
Percy just looks like a wet rag this episode and its so well done you can even tell the makeup on his face was done to make him appear paler and sicklier and it works so well
ok PERCY PULLING ANNABETH INTO THE STAIRWELL AND SHUTTING THE DOOR???? Because hes loyal to a fault!!!! And theyre becoming friends!!!!!!!!! And he cares about her more in like a week than athena ever has and its shown to us so clearly in this episode!!!!!!
Also the chimeras design looks so cool i love it so much
AND WE FINALLY GET AN ANSWER AS TO HOW PERCY GOT IN THE RIVER FROM THE TOP OF THE ARCH!! (At least in the tv world, in the book world the arch might very well just be in a different spot lol)
Poseidon saves him!! Hes a better parent than athena is apparently
god the episode ending with percy breathing underwater is so good i was on the edge of my seat until the very end
OK LAST THING is that they are continuing the theme sally brings up about monsters not always looking like monsters and heroes not always looking like heroes so well!!! Echidna bringing it up and saying that to her, demigods are more dangerous was fantastic i love how dedicated they are to this
OK ACTUALLY THE LAST THING i love the dichotomy of different mothers in this episode. We start with sally and percy and immediately see how much they love each other and care about each other!!!! Then we get to echidna who cares about her children too by teaching them to hunt!!! And then we get athena who ducking punishes annabeth for something she didnt even do. And its like. That was a little monstrous athena. Im understanding why someone might want to kill their godly parent
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 months
Salivating (Dunmeshi Farcille Fic)
A new Marcille x Falin fic, snuck in just before this season's last episode. This one should be accessible to anime-onlies as it's an AU what if rather than being rooted in any part of the story. It's actually based off this fan animation, which makes ME salivate every time I see it. So this one gets a little horny, which is unusual for me, but this level of horny is probably nothing for anyone else on the planet.
cw for some violent deaths and ideas. I have an additional note on the bottom. Enjoy!
Marcille ran through the tunnel, gasping with every step. Falin’s—the chimera’s—footsteps thundered behind her, shaking loose soil off the walls.
Marcille had never been a fast runner. Rivers of sweat were pouring down her face, her heavy breathing turning to a desperate wheeze. But she kept going, pure adrenaline driving her on.
She wanted to curse her own stupidity, but she knew if it happened again, she would make the exact same choice.
They hadn’t expected to meet Falin so soon. They’d been eating a meal when she’d found them. Laios had been the quickest to react and the first to go down. He landed a few hits before Falin tore at his face and slammed him to the floor with her clawed foot. Marcille would never forget Laios trying to talk, to yell whatever his plan was this time, even as his bones snapped and blood bubbled out of his mouth
Marcille rushed forward. She had to get to Laios, she had to heal him. Not just because his spasms of agony were tearing through her like the pain was her own, but because of Falin. If Falin killed her brother and remembered that after they saved her, the guilt would crush her.
 But Chilchuck yanked her back behind some fallen rubble. “Don’t go charging in! You’re the only one who can heal and resurrect us! We need you, idiot!”  He hissed it at her, even as his hands shook, even as Falin smashed Senshi into a wall with a sweep of her tail. Izutsumi was nowhere to be found—maybe she’d run off.
“I can’t just—” Marcille snarled.
“You will!” Chilchuck snapped. “Look, I’m going to distract her, I’ll buy you time to do a big spell. If she kills me, get out of here and come back later to save us. That’s our only shot at surviving!”
“No!” she cried, but Chilchuck was already running. Falin snarled, trying to stomp on him, but he was too small and fast. He darted this way and that, and ran past where Senshi was lying prone.
“Senshi! Are you okay? Wake up!” he called. He only slowed down a fraction, but that fraction was enough.
Falin’s mouth twisted in rage. She started to mutter a spell.
No. No!
Marcille didn’t care what Chilchuck wanted or what the best plan was. How dare he ask her stand there and watch him suffer. He couldn’t force her to sacrifice her friends, to watch the woman she loved tear them to pieces. He couldn’t make her murder Falin and be left alone, surrounded by everyone’s dead bodies. She wouldn’t do it!
Chilchuck looked up at Falin looming above him, his face pale.
Marcille swung her staff, setting off an explosion right next to Falin. Falin turned, her eyes wide. “Come and get me!” Marcille screamed, setting off another one. And then she turned and ran. She could hear Chilchuck cursing her out distantly, but it didn’t matter. She knew Falin would come after her. She was the biggest threat right now.
 She ran for her life, even as her legs shook with exhaustion. Sometimes when she took sharp turns, she banged into walls, stone scraping her skin. But she never slowed down. She knew the only reason Falin hadn’t caught up to her was because it was hard for her to move in these narrow tunnels. But Marcille would have to face her at some point.  I need to come up with a plan, I need a plan, I need a plan!
Then she found the thing she’d been dreading all along. A huge cavern. A brick wall. A dead end.
She couldn’t double back, so she ran for the wall, pressing her hands against it, trying to find an opening, a patch of dungeon cleaners, anything. But there was no time. A roar exploded behind her. Marcille whipped around. Falin was squeezing herself out of the tunnel. She landed on the cavern floor with a thud and the whole place shuddered.
Marcille’s staff shook as she tightened her grip on it. She had to do something…something…another explosion, maybe…
Falin towered above her now. She cocked her head, studying Marcille curiously. The rage and snarling from earlier was gone. She didn’t seem to care that Marcille was pointing a weapon at her, as if she knew the threat was empty. Marcille opened her mouth, searching for a spell, but nothing came.
Falin bent down, down, down until her face was level with Marcille’s.
And that was what undid her.
This was the face of the woman she loved. Her golden eyes alight with curiosity, her wheat colored hair that fell in soft wisps around her chin, her apple red cheeks…it was all just as Marcille remembered. Even with blood dripping from her mouth, Falin was so stunningly, achingly beautiful.
And in Falin’s searching eyes, Marcille saw an echo of the exquisite, inquisitive woman who gazed wonderingly at bugs, who explored new places, who discovered strange magic…who gently coaxed out every feeling Marcille tried to bury.
“Falin,” Marcille’s voice cracked. “I know you’re in there. Please, come back to me.”
 Falin leaned forward. Marcille jerked in fear as Falin's hand shot out, but it wasn't the blow she expected. Instead, Falin's fingertips trailed down Marcille's face, soft as whisper. It was the touch she'd been craving for so long. She could even feel Falin's calluses, the ones she'd studied like a map. Marcille wanted to lean into it, let Falin cup her chin like she used to. Her hand felt so right, so perfect, even covered in red.
Her scent enveloped Marcille, that smell of new soil and raspberries …now mixed with the sharp tang of blood. Falin’s hot breath tickled Marcille’s face. Goosebumps raised on her arms. Falin was so close, Marcille could count the faint freckles on her nose. Her lips were pink, soft, parted…
Could she be…?
She’s dangerous, she’s dangerous, it’s really Falin, don’t be an idiot, now’s not the time…!
But even as she thought this, even as she pressed her back against the wall, Marcille’s lips parted too.
Falin grabbed Marcille hard around the chin and jerked her forward. Marcille cried out, but Falin ignored her. She dragged her tongue slowly up Marcille’s cheek, lapping up the blood leaking from the cuts on her face.
A strange shiver raced through Marcille, hot and electric. Her chest heaved.
Seriously?  Some distant part of her mind scolded. What are you doing right now? She’s a MONSTER. She's going to kill you! Where are your priorities?
But then Falin licked her again, and she melted. Falin’s warm tongue traveled up curve of her face, smearing blood everywhere, leaving her skin tingling. Marcille let out a strangled squeak. A flush crawled up her neck.
But even as her knees got weaker with each stroke of Falin’s tongue, even as the blush spread through her entire body, even as ecstasy bloomed, the fear grew in Marcille. With numb horror, she realized that it was Laios’ blood that Falin was dribbling onto her face. She was next. Falin had gotten her taste now. She wasn’t going to stop. Her hand was clamping tighter and tighter around Marcille’s chin.
She had to act. At this range, if she used explosion magic, she’d blow Falin’s head off. The thought made her sick. She could imagine Falin’s scream, being drenched in her blood and brains. She could never hurt Falin like that. But blinding her temporarily with a flash spell…that could work. It would at least give Marcille a chance to run.
Hoarsely, she started to mutter the spell.
The second she did, Falin reared back, lifting her into the air by her throat. Marcille screamed, choked, writhed, and her staff fell to the floor with a clatter. Falin grabbed her around the waist to keep her still, letting go of her neck.
Marcille coughed, eyes streaming. She was pressed against Falin now, with silky feathers brushing her arms.
Falin licked her lips, tongue gliding along her teeth, wetting the blood around her mouth. She was salivating.
Marcille went limp, weighed down by exhaustion. It was over. If Falin wanted to kill her, rip out her throat, even eat her…didn’t she have the right? Marcille was the one who turned her into this, after all. It was what she deserved.
There was something almost freeing about the thought of Falin devouring her, tearing at her flesh, swallowing her bit by bit, finding pleasure in the meal. At least this way, she could do something for Falin. She’d could fill her up, become part of her, if only for a moment.
Marcille closed her eyes. It was better this way. At least now she wouldn’t have to live in a world without Falin…she wouldn’t have to outlive Falin or any of her friends…
Her friends.
Laios lying broken on the floor. Senshi covered in rubble.
Chilchuck’s desperate voice. “You’re the only one who can heal and resurrect us! We need you, idiot!”
Would she abandon them? Would she leave them there to die?
Would she give up on getting Falin back? On hearing her laugh again, on being by her side?
Would she give up on her dream, after all her endless work and struggle?
No. Never.
She opened her eyes. Falin was already nearly at her throat, fangs bared. Marcille struggled, yanking desperately at Falin's hair, pulling out her feathers. Falin simply smiled, as if she was enjoying Marcille's feeble attempts. Her sharp teeth closed around Marcille’s neck, slowly sinking in...
A feral yell tore through the air. Izutsumi leaped out of the tunnel, slashing at Falin’s leg with her claws. It didn’t do much damage, but it was enough to distract Falin. She swiped at Izutsumi, holding Marcille aloft. The catgirl dodged easily.
“Izutsumi!” Marcille shouted, wanting to cry with happiness. She hadn’t abandoned them after all.
Izutsumi grabbed the staff from the floor and tossed it up at Marcille. “You better not blow this!”
Marcille caught it.
Falin’s head turned. Marcille took in her lovely face one last time. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I promise I’ll save you.”
She pressed her staff against Falin’s ribs. And this time, she didn’t hesitate.
(Notes: I know Chimera Falin can't digest raw meat and blood, but Marcille doesn't. She does really like the taste of Marcille's blood (romantic), but she's just planning to kill her so she can slurp it up in small amounts at her leisure, without too much tummy trouble. If you need to know.)
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For the TMNT Ships Ask Thing:
Caseynardo (Leo x Casey)
Aprilnardo/Leopril (Leo x April)
I love these 2 ships so much. I know they are kind of rarepairs (though, MM gave a lot of love to Leopril and there has been a lot more Leopril stuff. Which is great!), but I love them.
They are very dear to my heart. Personally.
Caseynardo 2012:
I've never heard of it until long time later
Now I'm just kicking my feet
Silly goofball jock x serious and quiet nerd RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
TO MAKE THIS BETTER LEO IS PRETTY MUCH BI IN THE SERIES (He's stated to have a man crush on Captain Ryan)
I'm aware they were kind of trash talking big foot in a foot too big but they were STILL bonding!!!
Please read Breaking the Ice by @fabuloustrash05 . I stopped studying for a few minutes to just read it and I'm proud. Disclaimer don't ditch your studies to just read fanfics that is not my message.
Anyways the fnafic solified my love for the ship.
Opposites attract
I can also see them as two friends who act gay but actually aren't or maybe they are.
Or two guys who seem gay but~ (inset bisexuality)
It's amazing. A solid 10/10.
2012 Aprilnardo:
We sadly don't get too much content with them but like-
I remember I was kind of introduced to this ship because I followed one of my idols who shipped it and made fanart of it and it was on DA. This was back before it got deactivated my account.
I LOVE 'Eyes of the chimera' episode. They were basically supporting each other all the way.
Ngl the transfem Leo lovers made me love it even more because I love me some lesbians. TMNT is already filled with some lesbians so why not add more!
I love how April is always by Leo's side and we see how much she cares for him.
I love the idea that April used to be into Space Heroes and then Leo got her back into it.
(For those who headcannon as both autistic) they would so totally talk and rant about their hyperfixation.
I wish though they had more moments together.
They are legit underrated.
The ship will get 9/10 for me.
I'll include rise and the mutant mayhem version cause why not.
Rise Leo x Cassandra:
Meh not bad
It's okay at best
I do feel like they could have become very close friends if Cass left junior under Leo's care in the bad future.
They are both reckless and over energetic and yet still have a lot of insecurities and issues that they have to cover it up.
Not a bad idea I suppose.
I guess 4.5/10. I don't know. We didn't get much of them so I mean.
Rise Leo x Junior:
"But I'm shipping the teen version of Leo with junior not adult-" NO. IT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY BETTER.
Negative 0/10. Get the f out.
Rise Leo x April:
I've seen and been bombared by a ton of art regarding this ship on YT.
Controversial opinion: It's cute.
They both have the same energy and another controversial opinion but, Leo has a way closer relationship with April then Donnie. I've kind of seen more scenes with them together then with her and Donnie.
Though just like last time I prefer her being an older sister figure to him that Leo looks up to.
They both care for each other and love each other no matter what.
April pretty much comforts the turtles about their insecurities so she would do the same with Leo.
Probably a 6/10 or something. Again, prefer them as siblings but don't hate it. I'll kind of indulge in it tbh-
Mutant Mayhem Leo x April:
Better then 2012 Donnie's lmao-
They do have sweet moments
It's sweet they went to prom together
Mah boi was simping real hard
I feel like they should have gotten more scenes
I do feel like maybe April and Leo won't really happen or be cannon though. I don't know man. I'll see how it goes in the Tales of TMNT that will happen in 2024.
I'm really hoping they don't make it into a toxic love triangle or make it creepy or toxic.
I'll take this ship anyway as one of the only few good Leo romances.
It took them after 1987 to finally give Leo a good love interest.
the way he looks at her AHHHHHHHHH
The fanart of them together is really cute and wholesome (that made me remember that I still had that art request from you just sitting in my files- I didn't draw it because I didn't see MM yet- I'll try and get to it at some point I swear-)
Hope we get more scenes of them together
I'm unsure where I sit with this ship just yet. Again I'll see how it goes in the show.
For now, 7/10. I feel like a bit too high but you know what, whatever. The ship is okay so far.
Is anyone interested in Caprilnardo~?
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isagrimorie · 11 months
I know many people have a problem with Sabine's second major use of the Force. I already gave my thoughts in this post about Sabine's use of the Force in the season finale.
("For someone else, for someone she loves, Sabine can do the impossible." | "It's about belief and faith.")
It was about her belief and need to use the Force at the moment she needed it and the mental and emotional state she was in that she was ready to remove her block from the Force.
In an ideal scenario, I would love 16 episodes for this to play out, and maybe even up to season 2 before Sabine manifests more of her Force abilities, but truncated time and the Mandoverse's need to move story along took precedence.
But also, IMO, Sabine doesn't display anything that can be considered above the average for a standard Jedi.
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In the animation, it doesn't really sell how grand and how far the distances are. The feats of Jedi crossing this distance in animation vs how it is in real life -- the scale of the Star Destroyer vs a humanoid being. The impossible distance.
Ezra is watching his only chance back home, and Sabine is watching the only chance she has in getting Ezra back home.
In fact, Sabine has stepped a few steps forward:
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As if she couldn't bear the idea, she has failed Ezra. Ezra admits he can't make the jump, and Sabine's face has hardened into this:
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Because she's made her decision.
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She just got the hang of the Force but for this, for Ezra, she will get him across.
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At this moment, Sabine's never more certain she understood the phrase: "Do or do not, there is no try."
If there is one thing that's been clear in this series, Sabine's singular focus, her mission above all else, was to find Ezra and bring him back home. Sabine would prefer they all made it home, but beggars can't be choosers.
Ezra propels himself forward in a Force-powered leap and even with the Force-powered jump, he's still far away from the Star Destroyer:
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Just as Ezra's about to plummet to his death, Sabine summons all the Force she can summon at her level of skill and propels him the last few meters.
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BTW, as a sound design thing, this loud rumble was also there when Sabine first attempted to Force-push Shin in episode 4, The Fallen Jedi. This means Sabine did access the Force a bit in that moment. Its just at that moment -- it was still pretty weak, it was weaker than a slap.
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Sabine looks pretty terrified, mixed with hope that she's finally doing it but also terrified she might kill Ezra, but she's not letting that fear get her. She has a job to do.
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And then, hilariously (to me), Sabine almost fails because her Force push can only reach so far, and Ezra falls short of the target.
And there's a brief horrified look on Sabine's face as she realizes she couldn't push Ezra that far. He wouldn't reach the Chimera.
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It's a good thing Ezra himself has the Force, and he simply used the Force to pull himself nearer to the ship:
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And he's just dangling there just a little off-screen before he jumps inside the Chimera and kills one of the Night Troopers.
Also if you look to the right, you can see Baylan and Shin's ship where Ezra might have stayed during the duration of the travel from Peridea to his home galaxy.
Mission accomplished.
I wonder if, at this point, Sabine had an inkling she wouldn't be joining Ezra on that trip home. Ezra might be able to do a Force-powered Jedi jump but that's clearly something Sabine hasn't practiced in.
(This is also possibly why, in this show, Sabine doesn't have her jetpack).
I hope this makes sense since I wrote this half asleep.
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minalblood · 9 months
I'm back and I'm so sorry! I won't make any promises for the last 2 ep of the Winchesters, but I will be reviewing/rewatching them anyways just ... who knows when, I dont!
But let's get started on You've got a Friend 1x11.
I hopefully will be a bit less rambly since O have a draft of my thoughts already written for this and its less... as Im watching (i can post that too if yall wanna but dunno if ull understand my handwriting)
We begin where we left off and I love that we have this scene of them needing to clean up, adds realism, adds dimension to the world. Love also that we begin with Lata being the Lata we all love - dejected in this case about her chimera paw was ruined. Queue Carlos with the teasing. The 2 of em banter a bit before Mary redirects us all to the matter at hand.
And Mary has come a long way in these episodes, because she may not join the banter (still closed off somewhat as opposed to Carlos and Lata's easy repartee) but she is going off of it and adding them into her area of interest.
But all stops when John come in blood soaked and in shock - Mary instantly worried he might be hurt, but nope, not this time.
I am so happy to see them portray the actual shock and numbness John is feeling, then the guilt and sadness, just all the reaction to Kyle's death really. And considering the survivor's guilt John is lugging around, it makes it even more heartbreaking. I also love seeing that Mary is the level headed one here - she,.imo, is clearly pushing down the grief to focus on John's issues here, hell we see very little of her grieving in this episode and everytime we do, she's quick to redirect that feeling into action - sometimes into violence point blank. She does it here, asking what the Akrida could want, she does it even moreso with Millie, where she does open up a bit since Millie is offering comfort, but then it turns into Millie coming with a plan which directly leads to Mary wanting to storm the police station guns blazing and the ep ends with Mary and John discussing Kyle (also god Mary looks absolutely exhausted here, fuck) but Mary derails it by saying they need to find Dean instead. She's def not allowing herself the moment to deal with Kyle's death which may prove relevant when discussing next episode.
I'd forgotten this ep was the Lata episode. Like ep 8 was Carlos', this one is Lata's. And god does it hurt.
1st, move the feather boa, Carlos!
2nd, I do genuinely believe Lata and Maggie were together. Everything in this episode points that way to me (but especialy the sweetpea nickname) We'll round back to this though.
The other thing we note in the sequence in Maggie's room is how close Carlos and Lata are to each other. Which we knew, but I always love seeing it again in action.
Before we continue with the emotional core of this ep, we have to get back to plot with Betty! I love Betty..I also can't blame her for being ....hesitant to say the least. Like imagine what she's seen so far: the guy who, before leaving to the marines illegally, proposed to her, is suddently interacting with, apparently, imfamous Mary Campbell, who is seen at several murder/investigation scenes suddenly appears ro have killed someone? And she already knows John had anger issues before hand. Like i get her here. And still shes trying to be nice while doing her job.
Which leads me to the next part, her job. So the detective... he's wording (even with him being really Akrida) echoes a lot of corrupt cop rethoric which only gets further emphasized when he later threatens to have John... killed 'accidently'. And, on top of them, speaking pf policw corruption even a 'good cop' like Betty becomes complicit simply because of the power the Akrida gained via the detective role cuz she was unwittingly helping them throughout.
But god, was John a bit too cocky here. (My notes have this marked as "this is why you let villains monologue, John!"). Especially since he actually doesn't have any info on Dean. (Love that we see the pic of Dean, missed him) l.
Meanwhile Lata and Carlos have found the bracelet and it's fucked them over. Also, I fucking hate the shadows thing, very creepy. Also also it reminds me of the daeva that Meg uses in s1 of SPN. I'm also reminded of SPN with the story the detective tells John about how they'll get rid of him - SPN's own crooked cop ep featured exactly this sorta plan too, but in killing Dean.
Really though, the main thing I found interesting upon rewatch is just how much Lata is our Dean mirror in this one. Specifically, in getting targeted by the bracelet she's forced to relive a trauma (Sania's death) via Carlos acting as substitute, only this time she succeeds where prior she thought she failed (which lemme make clear, no, Lata was at no point and in no way at fault, but she did internalize that guilt - much like Dean tends to internalize guilt) . Which Dean, much like Lata ends up doing when getting involved with this universe, ends up reliving a trauma (his parents death - Mary especially) of something he failed, in his mind, to prevent/save via rescuing this universe's Mary. And much like Lata, who can't undo what happened to Sania, but can "begin to make it better" (the Hey Jude line just hit me so I had to use it), so too can Dean. It won't change what happened in his life, wont save his mom, but it will help him heal nonetheless.
Adding to this Maggie? Who opperates as a Cas parallel here - she was Lata's person, who shared everything with Lata but Lata couldn't in turn for fear of judgement/shame, who notably is dead and thus Lata can't ever reveal her secret to. Well, it hurts is what it does.
But watching this I noticed another interesting thing though, for all that the bracelet seems to work like Osiris (pulling on the guilt the person feels is most agregious), the bracelet actually seems to want the wearer to get out. Carlos is taken just as Lata begins wondering which secret it's trying to make her face and is sent to Sania's room - direct answer. Then later,.even more blatant, using Maggie's face, tries to get Lata to disclose the secret, but Lata talks around it instead til the creature takes her too.
It seems like Erebus had a test for his warriors, one he wanted them to win.
Throughout all of Lata's story, I was seething. I truly hate her family and Carlos was 100% saying exactly what I was thinking.
Another thing I appreciated though, about Carlos, is the emotional maturity. Yes they were dying and yes it was urgent that Lata disclose her secret but Carlos made certain to reassure her throughout. Tried to give her as much space as possible.
In other thoughts, Lata's mom making that "vs family" distinction, uuuh it rattled sth in me only to them have Lata say "my parents would never look at m the same way"? In the Dean Winchester show? God, the echoes of John's shitty parenting were deafening. Bur yes to eveything Carlos said. It truly wasnt Lata's fault.
And I adore also the ending conversation between Lata and Carlos (both wearing blue and god I want Carlos' coat) because yes, this kind of stuff shouldn't be forced out on anither persons whim. Lata doesn't have to tell John and Mary anything, it is her story to tell, but also yes, Carlos is right to reassure her that if she wants to share it with them, they'll likely react well like he did. And yes the reason this particular scene hit so hard is partially personal, but because of that it drove me insane in SPN where there was a tendency for people to push other to open up at their own whim (and yes, Sam did it often to mutiple people, hounding them until they cracked and spilled whatever trauma they were trying to deal with but then have nothing to give in return, no comfort or even really reaction, and yes he most of all did it to Dean a lot and it did puss me off) So yea, love this episode for the Lata and Carlos of it all!
Also I have a few questions, when Millie was trying to convince Betty about the supernatural, at one point she said "it's not like-" and cut off. She was trying to defend against the accusation of 'playing make believe). Also, Betty says sth like "Mary, I expected.this from" with relation once more to her not believing in monsters soooo.... has Mary ever been taken in under suspicion of being delusional? Was Millie? Or John?! I've questions ok i need y'alls opinions on this one.
Also, I would've soo cracked if the Akrida asked about Dean, cuz I def miss him a lot and id fucking gush about him at that point.
Anyways, that's it for this one. See you guys next time where we'll be clowning (have I mentioned I hate clowns?)
@noybusiness thanks for push earlier this month, i needed that a lot and thanks for the support for this rewatch ❤
@shallowseeker thanks the new posts, been inspiring me to get back to writing this ❤
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frogzzai · 1 year
Ranking MHA villains because I've ran out of ideas
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx) Any underage characters are not permitted unless it's platonic
Characters included: Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Big Sis Mange, All For One, Overhaul, Gentle Criminal, Mr. Smiley, La Brava, Nine, Slice, Doctor, Mummy, Chimera, Mustard, Moonfish, Muscular, Kuroguri, Geten, Skeptic, Trumpet, Lady Nagant
Multi-Masterlist! Back to Masterlist!
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I love Shigaraki, he's pretty cool. He babbles though, that's why some of his victims get away. HE TALKS. I guess all the villains do that but even so. For that reason I'm gonna give him an 8/10.
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Dabi is cool, I like his backstory although I think he's a tad overrated (don't come at me)
A bit like Shigaraki, but not quite as bad, the reason he doesn't reach his full potential as a villain is because he talks. To be honest, if the villains didn't do that the whole anime/ manga would be over in one episode/ book.
I do like his character design though (emos>)
I'll give him a 7.5/10.
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Classic yandere villain trope. Who doesn't love them? I love her character design and I also love how, even as a villain, she has empathy and isn't completely cold.
She's one of the strongest villains in the league physically even though her quirk isn't.
I feel like she has much more potential so I'll give her an 8.5/10.
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I like the way Twice was written, his backstory is pretty origional.
Definitely had a massive upgrade in his character when he broke through all that trauma in season 5.
One of the more humane and compassionate villains.
Mr. Compress
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Where do I start? Sure, I love Mr. Compress but he would be so much better if he could just keep his mouth shut! He would've gotten away with both Bakugou and Tokoyami if he were able to stfu :(
His ego is a lil too big for my liking <3
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Spinner deserves more love!
His quirk is a little underwhelming, all those looks and he can only stick to walls.
One of the more rational members of the LoV.
Good morals.
The reason for Deku surviving, he saved him from Mange.
7/10, Stain dupe.
Big Sis Mange
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Chill ig, not my favourite but not my least.
Not much to say actually, she didn't last long.
6/10 had more potential.
All for One
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Fuck you.
Younger him was hot.
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Fuck you.
I hate him but he's hot.
1.5/10. Justice for Eri, extra 0.5 because he's hot and he had a cool quirk
Gentle Criminal
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One of my favourite villains!
Shares my love of tea.
Deserves justice.
Mr Smiley
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Another one of my favourites!
One of the best character developments. Fight me.
La Brava
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Most underrated.
She deserves better.
She has the best character design.
Literally fight me if you disagree. La Brava solos your favourites. Definitely best as a vigilante.
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Hot and powerful.
Proudly holds one of the best fight arcs.
8/10, not liking the fact he went after that kid, don't care bout your needs, leave the kid alone.
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Also one of my favourite character designs.
Her few minutes of screen time were the highlight of the movie.
Marry me
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Hope your nomus eat you x
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He had so much potential!
I loved his quirk, he was definitely fit for a bigger group than the one he was in. Would give the LoV a run for their money.
I wish he had more screen time.
All the villains in 'Heros Rising' are better than the main ones in the series.
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He was pretty cool.
His quirk was powerful, would like to see him fight Tamaki.
Not much to say about him.
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Do better.
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Another of my favourite villains!
One of my favourite quirks despite it being kinda freaky.
Justice for his poor teeth.
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I don't like his quirk it freaks me out in a bad way.
Leave the child alone you prick. Hope someone throws salt at you whilst your muscles come out x
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He's chill
I know he's a main villain but he just doesn't feel like one.
Smash 🤷‍♀️
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His character design is sick.
His fight scene was cool.
Has so much potential.
I want him and Todoroki to fight.
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Greasy electronic guy??
Sign me up.
He looking for a table? I'll bend over for him..
Definitely has skilled fingers.
10/10 would let him use me as a puppet.
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How have people missed his beauty??
I love him. Marry me 🙏🙏🙏.
10/10 for his beauty.
Lady Nangant
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She was hot.
An icon.
She deserved better :(
I hate All for One.
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nepobabyeurydice · 10 months
Baby percy is adorable, o shots of sally’s face
MET scene, original trailer scene
Special thing is a good word choice to hide behind since neurodivergent people are ‘special’ and it’s likely what Percy thinks Chiron is referring to.
My analysis earlier on the Variety was stuck between Montauk or Ares but how I’m sure it’s Ares
The head shot looks really good for Medusa since it’s not just 1 or 3 snakes but like 50 or so
The Underworld is going to be hell since it looks like it’s going to be super foggy
Clarisse bullying sceneeeee!! The actress somehow pulls off a resting bitch face and aggressive. I love how we also see the kids milling in the background!
The minotaur is definitely more bulllike than the books but it makes it scarier somehow???
Posidon shot is straight out of the last episode, the bolt is also from the last episode when Percy’s going up to Olympus
In love with the Big House windows they give it an old but diy feeling
The joy on Clarisse’s face when she lights Maimer stoooppp
The creepy bald lady i’m pretty sure is the Neried forming it was just on a different frame than the one they plucked for the trailer
LEAH IS SO PRETTY, she looks all serious too
Aryan looks so happy in so many scenes when he looks sad we know something bad just happened ugggghhh.
THE WINDOW WIPE FOR ANNABETH’s HAT. there’s just a small zing! and she’s gone
Luke’s actor is hella fine, I’m going to love hating the character so hard because he seems like someone who could pull off sympathetic looking but hella evil
Also everyone hurls themselves on the floor when Percy shoots I love it. He misses, the Apollo kids look so freaked out along which the Hermes kids. Luke was being so inspirational and Percy just FAILS.
Also disabled camper spotted either Demeter or Ares Cabin guessing by the jewellery on her arms but maybe Aphrodite???
Eveyone yells at Percy not SHOOT AGAIN ITS SO FUNNY ISTG
AHHH Waterland!!! Annabeth just looks tired but also like she’s having fun being with Percy
Percy on Olympus, Annabeth says “you still don’t know where you fit into all this?” I wonder if it could be before Capture the Flag or after the claiming that Annabeth instigated
Amtrak! I thought Annabeth was stabbed but never mind looking fierce though
Yup cloudy as shit, very monochrome, the guards looked cool though.
The lotus hotel is so florescent I can’t.
HERMES IS THERE??? HE WASNT THERE ORIGINALLY WHY IS HE HERE? Also I forgot Lin was Hermes I thought he was a cameo.
Percy jumping over shit I love him
Fight with Minotaur, Minotaur is scary, I think the show is trying to show that Sally really was a good candidate for Oracle by giving her a prophetic sensibility around her
Fun clip splice at the end the Chimera is literally terrifying what the hell. like it looks silly but from the angle it’s introduced it sends chills down my spine.
I think they’re keeping a lot of Annabeth & Grover’s story out of it to make them the emotional backbone of the story in the next 2 seasons and so on so forth. It makes sense since TLT was about Percy, TSM relied on Grover and Annabeth, TTC relied on Thalia, BotL relied on Annnabeth and Nico, TLO relied on Percy again. Rick can add more hints and Chekhov’s Guns now but he also can’t pull them all at once now because he wants this show renewed for another season.
My advice is to keep cool when we don’t get a ton of Grover & Annabeth’s story and riot if Season 2 doesn’t deliver but right now the show is trying to get newer and younger fans (as seen with it being followed right up by What If… in an attempt to get more people to jump into Disney+ and then scroll through once they finish watching whatever episode just ended to the new stuff) but I think it looks good there’s a lot of deliberate representation and diversity in the show and as spoilery as the trailer scenes we haven’t seen the actual meeting with Hades, Zeus and the other Olympians, no Dionysus lines or anything from New Jersey or the Lotus Hotel in truth.
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nastudragneel · 2 years
Mating Season and daily life
Natsu x F!Reader
Please comment constructive comments
I'm only on 114 episodes so some things could be wrong.
You get captured by an evil guild. You have sexy time. Then Gajeel and Natsu fight for your hand.
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Rising up early you felt a hand that's not your hand. Looking over you see a pink haired cutie. You immediately think of what happened last night. But for the love of god you cant remember. Too much booze. Your fully clothed so nothing weird happened. Though mating season is coming right up quickly.
'He couldnt possible love me. Yea were just friends unfortunately' You take a shower change and get ready for your day. Natsu is rustling awake, yawns and stretches his arms.
"Morning sleepy head" you state and pet his head as he gets out of your bed.
"Could you light my burner please?"
"Sure no problem" as he yawns he flicks his finger and a tiny flame popped out while smiling. He inserted it into the hole and waited for the fire to rise.
'Finger? Hole? Give it a rest brain I know your in heat' you think to yourself. After making a huge breakfast mainly because he eats so much, you both and Happy merrily go down the road to the Fairy Tail Guild. Meeting up with Erza, Grey, Lucy, and Wendy, and Carla we all looked at the poster board and wanted to do different things. So you took a poster that said to slay A Chimera 120,000 jewels. You all part ways but agree to meet tonight and your off on your own down the road once you get to the location you were caught off guard
"Wh-" as you were knocked unconcious.
~A Full day later
"Wheres (n)? She didnt meet up with us last night, but I thought she was just tired." Natsu says concerned.
"It is strange how one hundred percent of the time she checks in and this once she didnt" Erza announces.
"Well let's go look for her" Grey says. Lucy, Wendy, Carla and Happy nod at this.
"All right let's check what quest she was gonna do ah there! Slay a Chimera 120000 jewels. Shes crazy, alone? Wow!" Lucy states dumbfounded. "Let's go!" Natsu yells as he runs out the guild doors saying he has to find her frantically.
~At The Spot
Natsu sniffs the air sniffs until he finds your scent until he finds your beaded bracelet that's been torn off.
-Natsus POV-
"This was hers she had it on this yesterday morning" I say as Grey opens his mouth.
"What are you sleeping around for pick one all ready" Grey punches my head. Suddenly a huge robot dragon emerges from the ground. Emblem is a dark guild.
"Now that I have your attention dragon slayers. Behold one of your own is about to be sacrificed" The evil guild master Vugo yells and laughs maniacally.
"But (n) isnt a dragon slayer let her go or I got a bone to pick!" I yell and tremble with anger.
"Actually she is a dragon slayer of gravity Natsu. She made me promise not to tell anyone but she is gonna die!" Lucy exclaims which makes me even more mad grunting clenched jaw.
'Why didnt she ever show me? Why didnt I know about this?' You think quietly to yourself.
"Shes behind dragon proof armor in my robot you idiot's. The timer had been set oh looky only three minutes left until she dies into dust." Vugo Yells down to the team.
"NATSU HELP!" I hear (n)s voice muffled from the robot.
'She must have been here all night while we were all at home. Poor (n) out here all alone with no one to help' I think quietly to myself.
-(n) POV-
"Well I'm sorry I wasnt here earlier you must have been scared and felt all alone well I'm here now!" I hear Natsu yell as he powers up. Everyone stands back. Lucy is the only one who knows you have a crush on Natsu. Well maybe Erza knows too or just suspects it but she never says anything.
"Hey Natsu the weak point is there!" Happy yells over to Natsu who's powered up. Everyone gets ready.
"Okay I'll work on the robot, you guys get the creep!" Natsu yelled as he jumped up with fire feet then double jumps towards my direction as your blacking out you hear glass break as your ripped out of the holder. You feel so warm against his skin as he holds your freezing body you can only make out the others dragging Vugo behind them as you look up to see Natsu you pass out in to his chest. You could have sworn he was blushing.
-One Day Later
Your eyes flutter open, you try to get up falling a couple times groaning.
"So your finally awake I was getting worried(n)" Natsu says with a soft tone helping you sit up.
"What happened I feel like I've been hit by a truck. This must be what it feels like to be out of magic. Wait why are you here? Did you stay the whole night?"You question.
"Im here to make sure you woke up Wendy said you may go in to a coma but luckily we avoided that. We defeated the Vugo one of the dark guilds. Found out your the Gravity Dragon slayer. Found out that... you love me..." Natsu trialed off a bit at the end. You just look down.
"I'm sorry I never meant for you to find out that I love yo-" you were cut off by a warm hand tilting your head up to him to reveal your tears.
"I just didnt want... to break our friendship..." quietly tears streak down your face as he leans forward soft lips meet yours as relief washes over you.
'So does he feel the same or?' You think quietly. He deepens the kiss making your heart race and heart melt all at the same time.
"I've always noticed things youd do like make me lunch or dress up more, but I could never tell. (N) I was in love with you this whole time ever since we were kids"
"Now I know who I want to imprint on it's just if you'll let me or not what do ya say? Will you let me imprint on you, you seem fine now?" Natsu says finally finished with his speech. I just nod and say
"Yes I would love that. So you will be my boyfriend?" You question.
"Imprinting isnt just boyfriend and girlfriend, think more husband and wife forever though, you better think this through" Natsu explains. You ponder a moment then decide.
"Natsu I want to be together with you forever" you say as you lean over and passionately kiss him. He reciprocates wrapping his arms around you as you snake your way around his neck. Breaking for air.
"The answer is definitely yes forever" you squeel happily. Natsu give a big ass grin your assuming he didnt really think I liked him. Breaking for air he says
"Were going to have to talk about things but not right now let's do the imprinting now get it out of the way." Natsu says quietly.
"Haha yea it's too intimate for a wedding" you say jokingly.
"We could have one in the future if you want. Clasping your hands to your face. You pinch his cheeks
"My lovely salamander how I love you so!" I squeel again. Natsu blushes deep red so you kiss him then release.
"Okay what do I have to do?" I ask nervously.
"Well you'll have to take your top off since it goes on your back." He explained in a good manner. You didnt dare let him peek, not when you havent done the naughty yet. You turn around take your shirt off and lay on the bed. He starts by building up magic then pushing down hard on my back. I let out a squeak.
"I'm sorry but it has to be this hard almost done" he says then after a couple of minutes
"There now your my mate but you have to do the same to me now" he gloats. I grab my shirt and hold it on my boobs as I look in the full length mirror. A dragon's foot was slight glowing red and the imprint was shadowed.
"The imprint will become darker the more were around eachother and love eachother" Natsu fills me in.
"Ohhh that's why I couldnt figure it out. Okay now turn around." He obeys as you put on your shirt again.
"Okay you can look now"
"Now it's your turn Mr. Dragneel" I wave him and pat my bed. He follows and takes his shirt off to reveal his juicy abs. He flops like a fish onto the bed on his stomach and gives a thumbs up.
"I've never done this before please tell me if theres to much pressure." You say cutely. He gives you a thumbs up as you gather your magic finally you press on his back and release the magic kindave by nature knowing what to do. His imprint is purple glowing and the same shade as your imprint.
"There all done. I'm sorry I tried!" You squeel .
"Its perfect! What are you crying about come here"Natsu says. *tickle tickle*
"Bwahahahha! Stop please I'm gonna piss myself" you say as he releases you from his strong grasp. You layed on him face to face. Snuggling his cheek, then lick his neck.
"You taste so good.. Natsu" you say almost, almost moaning.
"Why taste me you could smell me too ya know?" Natsu says gently.
"In my teens I lost my sense of smell I always hid it very easily and hid my training. I wouldnt be able to find you anywhere without this imprint." You said as he looks shocked.
"That must be rough, no smell even though your a dragon slayer I'm sorry (n)but why didnt you ever tell me I was, am your best friend?" Natsu holds you close and snuggles with you.
"I was just that embarrassed."
You take tiny licks on his neck as he shivers, you could feel something rising down yander but ignored it. Then you start nipping as his neck the good side. He gives a small moan. So you decide to leave a hickey on him. Sucking as he moaned a little louder. Such a sweet sound.
"You know if you play with fire your bound to get burned (n)" Natsu warned as he readjusted himself laying parallel to you.
"What you cant handle a little teasing?" You whisper in his ear causing him to shiver again.
"Its just that everything is new to me since I'm still a virgin." Natsu says melancholy.
"Who said I wasnt pure I'm plenty a virgin too Natsu" he looks to me and smiles.
"Well I guess thats good for us then" he says happily. We both interlock mouths fighting for dominance flicking our tounges around. As you hold his hand and put it on your breast he opened his eyes for a second then rolled with it. He held your boob and gently squeezed it around while making out. So you held his hand and gently went under your shirt you felt him freeze up but for a second when you placed his hand on your bared skinned breast. He moaned a little just the softest moan ever.
"Do you want to or no?" You ask Natsu who was struggling.
"No but yes very much yes, but only if your okay with it." Natsu said affirmatively and man spread his legs.
"I'm okay with it if you are, just let your instincts take over" I say happily.
"Were both virgins" you say. He quickly got ontop of you un buttoning your shirt and quickly discarding it on the floor. While you take of his shirt throwing it on the floor.
"Hey I wont be able to see you over your scarf can I put it right next to us?" I ask unsure.
"Sure as long as it doesnt touch the ground" Natsu says happily. You place his scarf on a pillow. He grabbed your chin and turns your head so he can whisper in you ear.
"I want to hold you close, skin pressed against me tight, lie still, and close your eyes girl, so lovely it feels so right.
I want to hold you close, soft breasts, beating heart, as I whisper in your ear, I want to fucking tear you apart" Nastu hums in your ear as he takes off your skirt and panties. You rise with him as he takes off his pants and boxers off blushes profusely. You get off your bed and get on your knees.
"Relax its okay" you say as you lick the tip in circles causing him to spasm with pleasure. Next you gulped about half of his length then started going back and forth until you were deep throating him.
"(N) I'm ..I'm gonna cum. What should I do?" Natsu wonders as you stop leaving him wanting more.
"Oh yea? You need to please your woman first" you say as he pounces on you onto the bed.
"Tell me how to please a woman please?" He asks cutely.
"Well first I'd think I'd go down on her first or eating out"
"What are those" Natsu asks.
"You know what I did to you but in reverse stick your tounge down there and basically suck the juices." He complies and goes down on you, you forgetting his long dragon tounge. He grabs onto your thighs for support. Moaning loudly catching you off guard.
"You okay up there my little salamander?" Natsu asks.
"Ya your just naturally good at that I forgot our tounges are longer than humans" You bluntly say huffing.
"Well lucky me" Natsu says as he goes down again causing many moans and whimpers to come out of your throat. After around the same time you went down on him hes got you begging.
"Please Natsu make love with me I'm wet enough pleassee" You squirm huffing hard clearly in heat, he let's go of your thighs and crawls up ontop of you. Wiping his mouth first he bends down and kisses you while his hands explore your body. One hand you stroke through his surprisingly soft hair the other hand feels his arm and back as your legs intertwine then untwine.
'Hes big but not ginormous thank god hes still huge though will it fit?' You think as he places the tip at your entrance. Your whole body begging for him and only him.
"Please Natsu I need you" You say as he inserts his erect cock into you slowly until he hits something.
"What's that?" You hear him ask.
"Its my hymen proving I'm a virgin. All right this is probably really gonna hurt but shove it in" you finish saying. Natsu nods following what you said.
"Aghh!" You yell in pain. However your enveloped in warmth. Looking down you see Natsu bent down hugging you giving you small kisses everwhere.
"Itll be okay just wait" Natsu responds. After a couple minutes you nod.
"Its not so bad you can move" You say softly to Natsu as he slowly slides in and out of you. You both moan at the same time and giggle. After awhile of touches and kisses he picks up the pace until he definitely knows what hes doing. He keeps a steady pace as you push upward in sync. As he goes faster it makes you both huff and puff dripping with sweat.
"Natsu I'm I'm gonna cum"
"(N) I'm gonna cum what should I do?"
"Dont take it out or I'll kill you!" Huffing and moaning barley able to lift your hand.
"Fine with me!" Huffing as he shoves his cock in and out vigorously. After some couple minutes later
"Here I cum (n)"
"I'm cumming Natsu!" You say as you both embrace eachother riding out this high.
"Ahhh..." you both huff and sigh. Wrapping eachothers arms around eachother you embrace calming down.
"How was it really?" Natsu asked after untwining from eachother and cleaning up since there was a blood spot.
"It was fantastic Natsu I'm impressed by you to be honest now let's get cleaned up" as your legs shake trying to walk.
"Yea looks like I did do a good job" he says smiling. First the blankets then turn on the bath then pick up the clothes wash them real quick. You spy Natsu about to put on his scarf.
"Remember were gonna take a bath unless you want it to get wet?" You say loud enough so he'll hear.
"Okay my little salamander" Natsu exclaims.
"Um Natsu I'm a gravity Dragon Slayer not a salamander but I do like the sound of being your little salamander so I approve" you smile wide at him which makes him smile wide too and hug you. Once out of his grasp he watches you do things like finish drying our clothes.
"Ah the bath should be ready now let's go cutie" you grab his hand and walk into the bath he follows.
"Ah it feels so good after that um yea" you mutter the last part blushing hard.
"Hehe I'm that good to make you blush again and again? That reminds me how are you feeling down there?" He asks concerned.
"I'm okaish it hurts a little now but I'm sure itll heal." He reached out and cupped your cheek.
"I promise for the rest of my life I will protect you (n)" looking you in the eyes .
"And I promise for the rest of my life to protect you too" you cupped his cheek. After you both were dry you changed into clothes.
"Let's go to the guild salamander" you say perky.
"Oh just know, you have to hold me hand" you add. He tuns and looks at you.
"I'm sure will figure it out." He says and you nod. As you lock your door you spy
"Hey Natsu, (n)!" Happy yells.
"Hey there Happy were headed to the guild, did you check it out yet?" I asked politely.
"Yea I did everyones there waiting for you both let's go" Happy retorts. After walking hand in hand through town gaining some remarks like good for ya boy, and ous and awes you all finally reach Fairy Tail. Letting go of your hands you all are about to go in.
'Maybe I shouldnt have worn a clear back crop top. Oh well everyone will soon find out. Natsu and Happy go in but you locked eyes with Gajeel. He walks up to you.
"Let's go by this side wall" he says and grabs your hand and drags you around.
"I wont drag it out. Its mating season and I want you to be my mate." Gajeel
"I'm sorry but I just contracted my mate and we've completed the whole ritual" I turn around to reveal Natsus imprint.
"It smells like Natsus" he says bluntly.
"It is hehe" I say then feel Natsus presence coming around the building.
"There you are! You just dissapeare-"
"Gajeel." Natsu says an guard.
"What are you doing with (n)?" He says offended. You turn to him and responds
"Gajeel was just asking about mates" you say quietly. Natsu walks up to us and asks Gajeel
"Yea what about them. I wanna know just what exactly were you asking her" Natsu says aggressively. You walk over to Natsu and stay by his side. By now a crowds gathered.
"I was asking her to be my mate but shes taken. But if I win, shes mine" Gajeel says roughly.
"Thems fighting words let's go!" Natsu yells. Now in front of the guild everyones watching you Natsu and Gajeel.
"Why are they fighting? Do you know?" Lucy asks who was right by Erza, Grey, Wendy and Carla.
"Gajeel wants to be my mate he wont take no for an answer but I'm allready mated with Natsu and we've completed the ritual I dont know what happens if a dragon slayer is imprinted on twice." I say to them.
"From what I know they die, there can only be one life long mate to one" Grey says.
"So that means if Natsu fails she will die too!" Happy yells.
"Has everyone forgotten I'm a dragon slayer too?! I can take him no problem im just letting Natsu go first" You exclaim to the world, everyone shocked by your unusual loudness. You turn your attention back to the fight and there going as all out as they can but to protect the guild. Gajeel made a beam but Natsu dodged it with ease and ran up to punch him. At the last second Gajeel turned around and punched Natsu hard making him fly about 40 feet. Natsu was clearly struggling to breath. Gajeel made a beam that was going to hit a allready downed Natsu a dirty trick. You ran in front of Natsu feeling his eyes on you.
"No this is my battle dont interfere" Natsu coughs up standing up. As he sees the beam you punch it straight on crumbling Gajeels beam. After that you step behind Natsu.
"Thanks for the save" Natsu said greatfuly. Everyone in the crowd goes ouuu.
"Here eat up my little salamander" you say as you throw him a fire crystal that's flaming. As hes eating the entire flames out of it I decide to speak to Gajeel.
"Why do you want me so bad? Go mate with someone else! I'll die if I get imprinted twice!" You yell at him, while he makes a shocked face.
"Now I have to save face!" Gajeel yells over. You feel Natsus hand in yours looking over to him
"Dont worry I got this. I told you I'd always protect you" Natsu says sweetly.
"Now I'm fired up!" Natsu yelled as he flame foot quickly to Gajeels face rampaging fists of fire furry. He wouldnt let up he just kept punching.
"No dont do it hes not calm!" Erza yelled but you ran up to Natsu and put a hand on his shoulder. He stopped punching Gajeel. He looked over his shoulder and growled.
"Its time to calm down my salamander" you ruffled his hair. He just growled but knew it was you. Eventually he calmed down. Gajeel was koed.
"Woah he was koed that's amazing!" Cana says in the crowd.
"Someone get a medic!" Someone in the crowd yelled. Most people in the crowd were cheering though. You grab Natsus hand he turns to you then you hug him close. He hugs you back. You pull your head back and kiss him in front of everyone then break apart. There were lots of whistles and yeas! You and Natsu holding hands and everyone in the group met up at the door.
"Shouldnt we, I dont know maybe tell the master?" Happy asks.
"Yes that would be the next course of action" Erza says then goes inside.
I follow Erza and Natsu follows me by being hooked together. Which makes everyone follow. We all arrive on the second floor and hear Erza talking then we see them as we all come up the stairs.
"Oh dammit you kids just fix everything up send Gajeel to the med ward there" the master says as Erza, Grey, Wendy and Carla walk off.
"And now you two"
"I've heard that you imprinted on eachother that's a whole nuther matter"
"Do you know what I'm talking about kids?" The old man asks. I look over to Natsu who looks at you we both shrug then turn back to the master.
"You two are even more dangerous now! The more your imprints turn black the more dangerous you both are. Because imagine one of you gets hurt. You could destroy a town. How far are you through the ritual?" Master asks.
Natsu and I look at eachother with an O fuck face then turn back.
"Well funny you should ask" Natsu chuckles. Both of us blushing.
"We completed it this morning sir" you say the rest for Natsus sake. Master facepalms.
"You idiots! You allready completed it.
"It was spur of the moment we weren't thinking straight obviously since its mateing season sir" you apologize for both of you. You squeeze Natsus hand and he squeezes back.
"Well it cant ever be undone. It will get you to S class quicker and you can protect the guild better. I'll approve it " master finally says. You sigh in relief.
"What would have happened if you didnt approve?" You ask innocently.
"Oh you would be banned from Fairy Tail forever" The old man says.
"Natsu you dumbass you didnt tell me that!" You yell and squeeze his hand really hard then let go and cross your arms.
"(N) everything's fine" Happy says.
"Have a good rest of your day kiddos try to not destroy anything. I'll have a talk with Gajeel" The old man says. You all nod then walk down the stairs.
"Sorry about squeezing your hand hard" you admit.
"Its fine I barley felt it" Natsu shines a bright smile and a thumbs up at you.
"Hey congrats on the new power couple"
"Salamander totally took Gajeel down hard"
"That's what some people will do for love"
you both turn to see and hear people from the crowd pouring into the guild.
"Let's grab some food and drinks while we wait for the others to get back" Natsu nods in agreement. As usual he got basically one of everything off the menu and you just had a slice of cake and beverage. While Wendy and Carla came over and sat down.
"What is mating?" Wendy asks as you and Natsu spit out your drinks.
"Umm your not really ready for it but come by my I mean our house sometime and I'll explain it just in the daylight hours only though please Wendy" I say with a huff. Natsu just thumbs up me.
"That's my little salamander always thinking" Natsu says cutely. Finally Erza, Grey, and Lucy show up.
"I need a rain check" Erza says to everyone.
"That's okay me too" Lucy says followed by Grey. Wendy and Carla decide to take the day off too. After they all left and you payed the tab it was just you Natsu and Happy.
"So what should we do now?" You question them.
"Hmm well we just did the Chimera quest so how about we stay inside today?" Natsu says happily.
"Okays well we should get groceries first" I say cutely. We walk to the market hand in hand and get giggles from women and atta boy from men. You picked some potatoes, tomatoes, and a lot of meat oh carrots, rice and lots of fish.
"Thanks for carrying everything cutie" you gave him a kiss on the cheek. He got heart eyes and hearts coming out of him.
"Your very welcome cutie" he said cutely. You open your door and yell
"If theres anyone in there I'll kill you!" Silence...
"Okay give me some of the stuff so I can hel-"
"No way. I know how to treat a lady" Natsu says as he painfully goes up the stairs. You facepalm and Happy just flies in.you just go in and lock the door. When you get up to the kitchen Natsu has all the bags nice and neat. Looking around you get heart eyes and glomp hug him.
"Thank you so much" You cry out.
"Well I do what I can for the people I love" Natsu says with pride and him smiling. You smile back.
"So do you think maybe you could light the burner please?" I ask softly. He perks up and says
"All you gotta do is ask" he says as he lights the burner.
"Thanks love I'll get cooking" half an hour passes one hour passes. Natsu shuffles into the kitchen and he immediately perked up seeing all the food on the table.
"Wow you made all of this?!" He yells with sparkly eyes and a bit of drool.
"Start eating I'll be done in a minute save me some food" You say but then notice Natsu is waiting for you.
"Awee are you waiting for lil o me? How gentlemanly" you say but hear his stomach rumble.
"It took you so long to prepare everything, waiting a couple more minutes doesnt matter" as he gets up walks over to you, you getting ready to finish. He gently kisses the back of your neck which makes you shiver. After a couple minutes he stopped teasing you and sat down.
"And with this! I present the last dish!" You yell happily and sit down.
"Thank you for the food" Natsu and happy yell before digging in.
"Natsu I'd like to try at least one of everything my bites are small I promise" he gulps down some beer to clear his throat then says
"Of course you made it after all" Natsu says while eating. You reach over to grab something off his plate but then you see him glow bright red. You look down and see your well endowed and he seems to like it. Booping his nose with your other hand you continue grab the food then sit down and this is how it goes until all the dishes are devoured. Sitting in Natsus chair facing the stove and sink you watch him clean and put away everything that you used.
"Awee your soo sweet how is it that you havent found someone earlier?" He stopped dead cold.
"I used to have this small thing with a girl named Lisanna, but she died." He said stone cold. In shock I say
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry to bring up bad memories! Please forgive me." He started washing and drying again. You knew he could feel what your feeling that your feelings ran true because he turned around when done with a bright smile while your over here silently crying. He looked not very shocked due to him feeling what you feel. He goes over asks you to stand and hugs you crying finally letting it out. You just hug him close and rub his back telling him it's okay things are the way they are.He calms down after and hour finally out of tears, but he holds you close so close it almost hurts. Once he calmed down you pet his head and give him a head massage. After he surprises you
"Let's um have a drinking contest" Natsu says sniffling up the last amount of sadness he had.
"Um okay but drinking wont solve this but your lucky I'm stocked all. The. Time." You say without mercy. You pour some wine into two glasses.
"I'll show you no mercy Dragneel Natsu"
"Okay by me and hey thank you for before noones ever done that for me before" sipping your wine.
"Well I'm glad I could help any... you seem to have been very in love with her shes lucky.." you chug your wine and begin again while Natsu chugs his you refill his glass.
"It wasnt meant to be. My heart was just looking for you this entire time (n)" Salamander says in a matter o fact tone. Which makes you blush very red.
"Oh yea what are ya thinkin my lil salamander" he chuckles.
"Oh man you guys are so screwed tomorrow goodnight" Happy says interjecting.
"Okay Happy" we both say.
"Uh-h its just I'm so happy that I'm at the center of your heart. I've been alone my whole life I can relate to you alot. All I've ever wanted was love. Instead I got pain." You finish saying. Natsu reaches over and pets your hair calming you down.
"Let's drink to us" you say but then Natsu raises a glass
"Lets drink to love" he says and I nod and cheers with him. Eventually you both finish six bottles of wine and curl up with Natsu as Happy curls up by the fire place. You and Natsu wrap your arms around eachother you deliriously kiss him all over as he passes out you fall asleep as well.
-The Next Day
Rising up early you felt a hand that's not your hand. Looking down you see a pink haired cutie. You immediately think of what happened last night. But for the love of god you cant remember. Too much booze. Your fully clothed so nothing happened.
'Wait this is deja vu' you think. You look at Natsus resting peaceful face. You bend down and kiss his lips.
"Mnnm (n)" he mutters out.
"Natsu..." you gently kiss him awake.
He rustles around and opens his eyes. Looking into eachothers eyes he says
"Goodmorning my lil salamander"
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feveredreams · 2 years
fixing season two
so warrior nun season two, huh?
preface: i love this show to pieces and this is a critique/edit made out of love for the characters, do not get me wrong!!
my biggest complaints: 
Mary’s death + Lilith’s “corruption” arc. I refuse to believe that the sisters would simply forget about Lilith like that, and the way the writers glossed over Mary’s death? Nope. Bad. Mary’s death should have been the driving factor in this entire season.
anticlimactic Tarask killing of Adriel. The whole season is about how the OCS can take him down, and suddenly the Tarasks just deal with the problem? What a letdown of tension.
Michael dying for absolutely no reason. What was the point of you? Perhaps this drives home how mortal humans are just pawns for divine beings, but it felt so utterly pointless to create this character and plan and have it all be useless. Let’s fix that.
very long post under the cut!
All right, let's go. The first few episodes focus on Michael and the Samaritans; Lilith also discovers that Mary did not survive and that she's changing even further. These are the keys to fixing this season: Lilith and the Samaritans.
E1-2: Ava blows their cover in Switzerland and they're summoned back to the OCS, but Michael manages to find them as they're leaving. He says that one of the founding ideals of the Samaritans revolves around Ava herself–the falling angel with a halo at her back, their last hope (gives more weight to the graffiti we see near the end, too). It's a legend, a tale spread of the angel with the halo fighting the imposter angel at the Vatican. If the OCS is gathering, then surely they need Samaritan help? Meanwhile, they learn that Mary is dead and instead of just ignoring what that means for everybody, they reach out to Lilith and they mourn together because that's what they deserve at the very least! Then, the OCS and the Samaritans team up and go after the Crown.
E3-4: Things still go to shit in the museum, Vincent grabs Ava and the crown, and there's still a cool fight scene in a church. Lilith gets further injured in the fight and begins to transform even further; they reach out to Jillian for help. At first she refuses, then Michael reveals his secret and there's a reunion. This way, instead of being driven by her desire to find Michael, Jillian actually helps Lilith and she doesn't go to the dark side. Plus, we get more science-y stuff and more Michael/Jillian happy times. They deserve some happy times :'(
E5: They regroup at the Salvius manor. Mother Superion and Yasmine go to the conclave while Jillian, Lilith, and Michael work together to figure out what's going on with her. Why does Reya not want her in that realm? What does Michael know that could be helpful in this case? They find out she's some kind of chimera, a combination of both human and tarask (or angel/demon?) genes, a being of both the mortal realm and the divine realm. There's emotional scenes where Lilith loses her temper at becoming a monster and the sisters reassure her and reaffirm their care for each other. They also reminisce about Mary; Ava comes up with a pledge to destroy Adriel for her. "For Mary," they all agree.
E6: The conclave fuckery still happens. Lilith stays behind with Jillian because her wings are coming in and it hurts like a bitch. They also send her back into the divine realm and learn more about this "holy war" that's about to happen, so that there's more foreshadowing rather than a brief mention in the last episode. They get everybody back and then come up with the canon plan: sneak into the live broadcast, have the pope denounce Adriel (assuming that they get the information to him somehow, despite him being in a birdcage at the Vatican), crown Adriel, box him up and ship him one-way back to the divine realm. We also add a fun Samaritan twist: they're going to stage demonstrations and riots at other cross locations across Europe to disrupt the prayer energy that he's getting from his other followers. After all, we see them building a cross in Switzerland–surely destroying only the one cross at the cathedral wouldn't be enough? So we get the Samaritans to take care of the others, and get a cool cross-continent montage, too. It still doesn't go well, though, because the plague-hacking doesn't work, Vincent steals the Crown, and the Arc gets stolen, Mother Superion mortally wounded in the process.
E7: controversial idea time: instead of Ava saving Mother Superion (damn I do love that scene, but consider this instead), Lilith does. She cauterizes the wound with hellfire, preventing Mother Superion from bleeding out–then when Ava gets back, she uses the healing power of the Halo to fully heal her. Combined, they're unstoppable! Also, Lilith needs a morale boost. She's not made only for killing, she can save people, too!
Even though the first attack didn't work, many crosses across the continent did get destroyed. So Adriel organizes a mass prayer event the next day, to regenerate the energy he needs to power the Arc. Ava finds Vincent and gets the Crown back. She puts it on and finally agrees with Michael to execute the bomb plan without telling anyone. She does, however, have a revealing conversation with Lilith where she asks Lilith to protect the others (specifically Bea) if Ava dies. Lilith goes 👀 but agrees. Camila and Yasmine, trapped inside the cathedral, continue causing havoc and they come up with canon plan two: destroy the cross, destroy the arc, ta-da, we win!
E8: Of course things don't go to plan, but we still get dramatic Avatrice kiss and goodbye. Lilith is the one to tell Beatrice where she's gone and why. Ava and Michael get fucked up (but Michael doesn't die ASAP) by Adriel but sort of hold their own until Adriel opens the Arc and nabs the Crown back. Beatrice fights her way through a dozen men to the best soundtrack ever and exchanges half-hearted blows with Lilith, who refuses to let her follow Ava into trouble because "I promised to protect you, Bea. I'm not going to break that promise." But who can say no to a tearful Beatrice? Not me, certainly not Lilith, who finally huffs, "Fine. But I'm coming with you."
Meanwhile Ava realizes mid-battle that the semantics of "Adriel can't be killed by anything of this realm" applies to Lilith as well, and she doesn't blow up Michael for no reason. Reya still gets pulled through the portal, but Camila (iconique) blasts the most annoying TikTok songs into Adriel's head, forcing him to drop the crown. Lilith and Bea arrive just in time. There's a complex phasing/teleportation battle in which Ava and Lilith exchange the Crown to keep it from Adriel's hands, Michael running interference the entire time.
Adriel spots Bea and goes for her, seeing that this is Ava's weakness–Ava blows out the Halo to prevent him from hurting her, rendering Ava helpless. Adriel has her by the throat and monologues briefly about his success and how "You can't stop me, Warrior Nun. You're just one useless, vulnerable human." Just as he's about to rip the Halo out, Ava grins weakly and says, "But I'm not alone." (or something to that effect, add more Ava snark). Lilith teleports the Crown into her hand and she places it on Adriel's head, rendering him powerless. As he collapses to the ground, Lilith looks up at Reya, who gives a slight nod.
Claws extended, grief and anger burning in her eyes, Lilith screams "For Mary!" and decapitates Adriel.
Yet Ava, Lilith, and Michael are all grievously wounded, and Tarasks called by Ava's last Halo blast have them surrounded. Reya tells them that they have a choice: remain, and die, or join her in her realm for a time and live. There is a tearful goodbye between Bea and Ava, and Ava promises to return. Beatrice is left alone at the Arc, with only words and promises to keep her company.
*roll credits*
Thoughts?? I still dislike all the back-and-forth to the cathedral in the last few episodes, but I didn't want to wholly redo the whole ending. Let me know if I missed anything (I probably did) and what you liked and disliked about the canon episodes. I wrote this because I did not have the time nor energy to write a full fix-it fic, but wanted to share these ideas. finally: Warrior Nun season 3 when????
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wolfboy88 · 7 months
liam and hayden
First Impression: He was such a baby when he was introduced but I absolutely loved him. He was a welcome breath of fresh air.
Impression Now: My baby, my puppy, my blorbo. I think it’s pretty obvious I adore Liam.
Favourite Moment: there’s so many! “I fell in a hole,” and “I held a guy’s hand.” The grabbing of Theo’s wrist in the police station , the almost fist pump, leaping off the second school floor to ride a horse… I’ll stop now otherwise this is gonna get super long.
Idea for a Story: I love the idea of Liam and Isaac fighting/competing for Scott’s attention over their beta status, even though they are both Scott’s first beta’s for obvious reasons.
Unpopular Opinion:Liam and Hayden never should have been in a relationship. The whole thing felt forced while trying to make them Scott/Allison 2.0. Really, they should have maintained their rivalry despite becoming friends.
Favourite Relationship: THIAM. But also Thiaac, Thiamott, Thiamhound. Like his alpha (and Theo) Liam is very shippable.
Favourite Headcanon: This goes with my dark thiam: Liam killed his bio dad but made it look like an accident.
First Impression: another character solely created to be a love interest/a mini Allison.
Impression Now: Hayden was introduced in a season stuffed with many new characters. Hayden had a lot more going for her before she and Liam started dating; her banter and beef with him, paired with her business with the Chimera Pack, made her more of a dynamic character in the beginning. But after she and Liam got together, she was only there to prop up his character and most of the time, their relationship felt forced, like Scott and Allison 2.0
Favourite Moment: when she punches Liam in the face when he shows her he’s a werewolf.
Idea for a Story: I feel like the writers of the show forget that Hayden is a bitten beta and I think it would be interesting to see Hayden challenging Liam’s status as acting alpha while Scott is away. I think S6A would have benefited if Liam and Hayden had stayed broken up from last season and reintroduced their rivalry/competitiveness. Or, the bite could have gone wrong, leading to complications like it did with Jackson but also because she was a chimera first.
Unpopular Opinion: This is not just because Thiam’s my number one ship but like Allison, Hayden should’ve stayed dead or died from her injuries.
Favourite Relationship: I’m going to say Gwen. Hayden had so much more chemistry with her in like two episodes than with Liam which leads into my headcanon. Also, Tracy.
Favourite Headcanon: Hayden is a lesbian. Her relationship with Liam leads both of them to realise some things about themselves.
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ultraericthered · 8 months
Anime Update V3 3
Vinland Saga S2 - Arnheid went to see her husband in captivity. Wrong move. Gardar used her presence there to lure one of the guards to them and then bite out the guy's throat. No shitting, this was probably the most graphic thing I've seen depicted on this show! He convinces Arnheid to cut the ropes binding him so he can kill all the other guards and make his escape. Back at the farm, a talk between Thorfinn and Einar further establishes Thorfinn's desire to never kill or resort to violence in any conflict ever again, and to find some way of sufficiently and significantly atoning for every life he took, like creating a place where "no one needs a sword." Einar sas that such a place must be beyond man's reach, prompting Thorfinn to finally remember it: Vinland. He needs to go find Vinland!
Hunter x Hunter - After Killua ends up not only sparing Ikalgo but saving him, telling him he's cool and that they might've been friends under better conditions, he goes ahead and becomes the target of two aquatic Chimera Ant siblings (with one of them voiced by LittleKuriboh) as they throw fish darts at a special board that project the darts to skewer different parts of Killua's body, and it really seemed like Killua was a goner for a while, even after he turned the tables and decapitated the twins (which they're still alive after, don't worry!), he's at risk of dying until, wouldn't you know it, Ikalgo comes along to save his life! Some good deeds do get rewarded! The other episode I watched focused largely on Gon's sketchy alliance with Meleoron, who claims he wants to kill Meruem for having killed his father figure, and we see Meruem's off playing games with humanity. And I mean literally, he is challenging humans to different human games after learning the rules in record time, beating them, and killing them. And now he's to play Gungi...against a blind girl??? And the current ED credits suggests this goes somewhere pretty big.
SHUFFLE! - Summer is apparently fast approaching in this anime's world, which seems so foreign to me when we're currently in the midst of a cold winter season. The students all study for their final exams and undertake them, with Sia getting some help from Rin. There's also talk of rainy days and memories of when Sia met Rin.
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works - The grand finale looms ahead, so you know what that means - the Rin/Shirou sex episode!
KonoSuba - This episode just kept changing gears on me, setting itself up to be about Darkness wanting to join Kazuma's party but Kazuma being resistant to her because he can see how masochistic she is and doesn't want another weird girl to put up with, then it centers on Kazuma learning the "Steal" ability from this white haired Yuffie Kisaragi-esque thief girl (and Kazuma can compulsively only swipe panties off from girls because of course he would), and then out of fucking nowhere, flying cabbages start migrating towards the civilization and all warriors are called to fight them so that they can be eaten, complete with casual and silly exposition on this little harvest season from Aqua, and Darkness shielding other knights from the cabbages' blows because she loves getting hit repeatedly. So Kazuma ends up accepting Darkness for a harvest job well done.
Symphogear XV - Episode 2 again does this thing where we're at one point in time but then flash back to what happened to lead up to it, only this time the past timeframe was last episode's present, where at least we're treated to some peak Kirika/Shirabe goodness, and they even manage to get the better of one of their new adversaries. S.O.N.G has taken in the mysterious Annunaki mummy they found in Antarctica, and Fudou is very displeased with his son and his workers as of late. Then Tsubasa and Maria do a joint concert that, as I'd expected, gets attacked by another new enemy and geezus, this psychotic freak actually managed to put Carol to shame in the heinous department, creating several casualties and even butchering an innocent child right in front of Tsubasa. She escapes justice for this and Tsubasa feels like a failure, as though she just lost Kanade all over again. Times are certainly getting bleak!
Eureka Seven - While Holland continues to grapple with his self loathing and how horribly abusive and irresponsible he'd been with Renton, the moment of dread comes when Renton opening up to his new dad Charles and outing himself as Adroc Thurston's child gets Charles to start prying more about the Nirvash and how things were like with Gekko State, and luring Renton right into a military sky assault where he comes clean about him and Ray being mercenaries for the Federation out to destroy Gekko State, and Renton's absolute devastation is itself devastating to watch. He seemed so close to a healthy home environment and a real family he could live peacefully with only to have the illusion broken, which conveys to him that no matter where he goes, warfare and his prior involvement in it will always follow him. Hence the episode's title being "Paradise Lost." Ray and Charles, to their credit, still love Renton like their own child and give him the choice whether or not to leave them. And he does.
Gintama - None this week.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
REACTIONS TO EPISODE 3 - ONE'S JUSTICE (... like the game?!)
That is a joke, folks. If I get "This chapter came before the game" or some other stupid reply I'm deleting it and blocking you. It is a JOKE.
Still salty from... nevermind...
You all know the drill, my reactions are genuine and played for laughs! Don't take them too seriously. Some of you need to be told this for anything, honestly.
Before we get into the episode, folks!
Look, I am aware that because of what happened some people hate Hawks and love Twice, and vice versa. Personally, I'm pretty neutral on the situation for the fact that it can be interpreted in many different ways so therefore I'm 🤷🏿‍♀️. I don't hate either character.
With that, it's been MONTHS since I got any message in my inbox of any hero or villain slander and I would love to keep it that way.
I already made a post about how I think it's very stupid that people have to choose sides because others insist they do. If you like Hawks, you like Hawks. If you like Twice, you like Twice. Let it be.
Harassing people over who their favorite character is because you hate the character is by far one of the stupidest, most pathetic thing you can do in this fandom and in other fandoms. Just don't interact with that person and call it a day!
I won't lie, I wasn't expecting a recap again but I'm glad they replayed that scene when Eraser Head tripped the Doctor.
Intro a banger as always!
When Re-Destro stressed out! 🤣 Man's went from 🙂 to 😠 and the delivery was *chef's kiss*. HILARIOUS!
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Edgeshot coming in with the killer move. "Move, you die. Try me, bitch." Okay, he didn't say that. Still though! I love Edgeshot.
"It's called Electrification?" What if Kaminari called it something else?! Huh?! Like Wattz?!
I forgot how acrobatic Midnight is... GO, QUEEN!! THAT FLIP!
If Curious hadn't died, I'm sure an interview between her and Midnight would be a fun one.
"Stay still and have a nice nap." Again, GO, QUEEN! Second, Midnight really out here "Take your ass to sleep" on people when you think about it! XD
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For anyone new, yes, I love 1B just as much as I love 1A.
*Shows Twice and Hawks* Hello Darkness my old friend...
Skeptic grinding his teeth was funny to me. He's like so irritated. Drop your hair care routine, my guy.
Twice was so scared and Hawks looks like an absolute menace! *shivers*
You know what, I love Twice, I do. But Hawks had a point about his quirk. If the cards were played right in the villains' hands sooner, Japan could have already be in absolute chaos. Luckily, Twice's clones are actually easy to wipe out with large attacks and well, Twice is Twice. Seriously, how can you hate the guy?
Just saying, even though Hawks looks downright scary... that shot of him staring out through the darkness has meme potential.
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I cried a little when Twice started to break down. HE CARES FOR HIS FRIENDS! HE CARES!! He blames himself for the Overhaul deal, and not once have I recalled the others in the LOV actually blame him which is so heartwarming and heartbreaking.
He thought it would be too sad had he not been welcoming to Hawks.
"You were just unlucky." Well, DAMN!
That's the thing with these characters. No character is really too good or too bad. Some of the villains show "heroic" traits. Some of the heroes show "villainous" traits. That's why I say we shouldn't have to choose which side we're on because it's not all black and white.
"You're a good person." Oooh, and there goes my feels. 😭😭😭
Okay, thanks to the Hawks and Twice scene, I had whiplash when it went to the other heroes because uh... what the hell is that??
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"So cool! Say it again!" "Leave me alone!" Oh, Suneater!... relatable...
FATAXI! I love how Tokoyami is just sitting there. Tiny little guy. Like even compared to his classmates, he's short.
"I'll become an even stronger hero." Yes. I believe in you, my goth bird son!
Oh! Twice got a half time cut title card! First villain, too, for this season! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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Oooh... nope, nope, nope. I refuse to cry. I refuse... and the tears are coming... 😭😭😭
"Twice, you did nothing wrong." See? Dabi cares!!!
Okay, the whole Dabi & Twice vs Hawks scene, still in my feels! So intense! That blue is BEAUTIFUL!
BUT! How did Dabi know his name... probably did his own research, I don't recall. Maybe Skeptic with his nosy ass.
As sad as that scene is... that poo line got a chuckle out of me. I forgot about that line!
Toga's reaction is just... I just got up. I need to lay back down.
WOW!! They made basically a tribute to Twice in the ending song! Anybody else notice?!
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As much as people complain about BONES, same energy should go into at least complimenting the creative team. Like Twice's VA, Daichi Endou, fabulous performance! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Excited to see what more goes down in the next episode!! "INHERITANCE" LET'S GOOOO!!!
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whenmuldermetscully · 13 days
XF Rewatch - S7 (X-Cops thru Je Souhaite) / long post
FPS — great. Hope that post-case bang got all the ya-ya’s out and then some. Congratulations, you two have found a system that works.
Theef — it’s been touched on, but goddamn do they like a good flirt at a crime scene. Poor Padgett rolling in his grave at all this free inspo
En Ami — I miss landlines. The ol call the house phone first then the cellphone… cute that she calls Mulder like a proper gf about going out of town but again…. NO CODE PHRASE. C’mon guys.
The more I watch this episode thru the lens that CSM is actually trying to put MSR closer together so she gets pregnant to continue his legacy, makes this episode a TEENSY bit better. But damn Scully’s got dealt such a hand for in-laws. …
The LGM I could never hate you. They’dve been the best uncles ever 😭
Yup I’m just accepting that CSM did all this just so he could push Scully into Mulder’s bed before the summer so she could get pregnant. If he did anything to Scully while asleep, it was to restore whatever was necessary for her fertility. Idk. This episode is just too oooogiee for me to accept otherwise. Anyway - Mulder looked hot.
Chimera — mmhmm. Scully is no better than Mulder when he goes off on a case without her. Basically calling him for no other reason than “hey…in case you forgot about me…” Scully and her cute lil whiny “Mulder… ☹️” ……….And ngl my brain could easily imagine a playful “gotta go ok bye love you” at any one of their phone conversations in this episode. It’s season 7… if we had gotten ONE “I love you”, then maybe we wouldn’t be begging for it 24 years later —WHICH we still haven’t gotten mind you
Once again watching EVERYONE ELSE have sex except the people who deserve it. My god. What a waste.
All things — gotta love that this episode starts off with them post-coital as the x file.
‘Scully… you little victim.’ - sorry I struggle with this episode as much as there is a lot of things I love happening in it.
I do love the universe intervening… Mulder leading her even when he’s not. All roads back to Mulder.
Daniel is such a…. Scully, I could never. One thing that is so — heartbreaking to see is how open and receptive she is to Daniel and not Mulder. It really gives such an insight to what’s all going unsaid. Even more so after being with Mulder, she’s still unsure or unwilling - it’s like how long babe 🥺? How long have you been feeling this way alone?
But I do love that she told Mulder everything and of course the conclusion that it was always Mulder. Anyway, William. That was when mommy first said I Love You to daddy (I don’t know where I place conception… sometimes it’s here, sometimes it’s Hollywood AD…) I mean you know Scully’s in her feels when she starts monologuing.
I don’t care for ‘all things’ first time fics, but I do go balls to the wind for a solid all things first ILY fic.
Brand X — sassy Skinner is my favorite. Tough break for MSR mannn. They just *waves hand* you know? And now Mulder got BUGS in his chest. Even tougher break for Scully because this makes 2 lovers on their ‘deathbed’ back to back…… but you know what, knowing what’s coming in s8.. I just want to hold Scully and close her eyes because actual hell is on the horizon that makes this look like a cake walk
Hollywood AD — I have so many questions about the opening scene, the lines in the coffin… we got: flashlight/dick joke, 7years waiting, bees, and making out? Because that all means there was some kind of disclosure made or at least conjecture
Scully being described as “Jodie Foster’s foster child on a payless budget” is my new bio.
4 weeks probation…. What did you guys do with your time?
Flirty playful MSR makes me sad because i want to see playful, carefree, goofy domestic MSR
And Chuck. WHERE DID HE GO? I like him! He knows things. He should’ve been a regular
Je Souhaite — aww look at that… our last glimpse of happiness. They’re just… a couple in love investigating these low risk cases, relaxing the night away with beer and movies and sex and all is GOOD. If she’s not already pregnant, she will be 😭 they’re so happy. I—
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casliveblog · 2 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 118 Rundown
(I actually watched all these last week but didn’t get through typing up my thoughts on them until now so if I’m missing anything big that’s why)
Kaguya-sama: Love is War: It’s the last episode before the season finale and we’re kind of dorking around with the side characters. First Hayasaka teaches Kagura about twitter back in a world before it was the main platform of the US President and everyone had to be on it to find out if WWIII was happening. Next Chika briefly stars in a Food Wars episode out of nowhere. And last we have just kind of a short little thing about Kagura and Miyuki wanting to see each other during the summer and neither being able to get up the courage so they both go to school and just miss each other but it’s probably more weird that they even went on the same day at all nevertheless like an hour from each other. And we have a little epilogue about how shitty Kagura’s relationship with her dad is and how she has to call off her shopping trip with Chika and co so he can barely acknowledge her but she’s super excited for the fireworks finale next week so we’ll see how that goes.
Inuyasha: Inuyasha fights with Jakotsu as a human which basically amounts to him half-deflecting shit with Tessaiga’s sheathe and getting cut while Jakotsu goes on about how much he wants to buttfuck him with blood lube (I’m barely exaggerating). Meanwhile Miroku and Sango confront Saint Hakushin whose backstory is ‘man fuck people, people let me sacrifice everything for them and die’ which is honestly one of Naraku’s best played ‘Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just wanna go apeshit?’ ploys in the whole series because it works and buys him like a season and a half to reach his Final Form. But Miroku uses the Wind Tunnel which is fucking smart because Hakushin’s barrier means Naraku literally can’t send Saimyosho in here to stop him and it fucking brings the whole barrier shrine down around him, so yeah, point for Miroku’s Wind Tunnel, one of like two times in the series it actually got to be plot relevant. With the barrier gone Inuyasha becomes a demon again and is ready to fight Jakotsu for reals but gets trapped in the snake blade, hope that’s not a pointless cliffhanger.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Apparently Sakyo went to the Seto Kaiba school of “I lost so fuck this whole tournament” because he blows up the Dark Tournament arena. Like to be fair he gives everyone a good amount of time to escape but a bunch of background demons definitely died from this. Keiko’s still comatose from Yusuke being traumatized so Yusuke has to slap her awake and Keiko puts him down with one punch which I think technically makes Keiko the winner of the Dark Tournament. Sakyo’s all ‘yeah don’t worry my ‘demons in the real world’ plan will die with me unless there’s an oddly specific group that wants to do the exact same thing without me but what are the odds of that’ and Shizuru gets to cry about their… kind of weird filler relationship like I get it’s supposed to give her something to do and humanize Sakyo but they shared like two cigarettes and she’s super broken up over him idk. Anyway everyone gets out and Hiei gets a cute moment with Yukina everyone’s happy.
Fate/Apocrypha: Mordred’s super pissed that Sieg’s using his bullshit main character powers to fuck over power scaling like Shirou did which is fair, that’s always weird how the main character is like ‘I’ll beat you with the power of friendship and this sword I found’ to people 100x stronger than them and they still somehow win. Still, unfortunately Spartacus still exists and every frame he’s on screen creeps me right the fuck out so they have to fuck up his Dr. Tucker Chimera form until he explodes but Jeanne uses her NP to have him not kill anyone with the explosion so that’s cool. Also Semiramis is stealing the Bigger Cup which isn’t a cup at all it’s like a giant xenomorph egg thing and Vlad is like ‘Oh now they’re stealing the Bigger Cup’ and we basically move all the fights we were already having like ten feet away so they can happen in the castle but that fucks with Vlad’s impaling fetish because he can’t get it up in someone else’s territory so Karna’s gonna fuck him up.
Nisemonogatari: It’s finale time and Kiyomi’s gonna go fuck up the two new girls for the sake of his Phoenix!Sister which isn’t really a phoenix because this show loves going ‘it’s not this it’s actually this less common thing but we’ll call it this because branding’. We have a genuinely heartwarming moment where he goes to see Tsukihi and talks about loving her as a sister and how she’ll always be that no matter what which would hit a lot harder if he wasn’t trying to bone Karen two episodes ago or feeling up Tsukihi last episode. Anyway Shinobu decides to help out and gives him the succ so she can go to her… teenage form I guess? Like it’s not her full power form but she gets bigger so I guess if she’s a Pokemon this’d be her Charmeleon stage. They go and fight and Shinobu kicks the ass of the novel-talking girl while Kiyomi gets his ass kicked by martial arts girl. Still he’s doing his thing of talk no jutsuing her into submission and she lets slip that Kaiki was actually the one that told them about Tsukihi which I guess he figured out while he was scouting around town like with Suruga. She keeps saying that Kiyomi can believe what he wants about monsters but not to force that belief on her but like… that’s exactly what she’s doing like she’s trying to enforce her belief about integrated monsters being fakers down his throat and murder potentially multiple people about it, idk they don’t really address it. She brings up this pretty cool conversation with Kaiki she had where the discuss the difference between an original and a genuine indistinguishable counterfeit’s value which kind of serves at the thesis for this whole part of the series. Kaiki explains that something real exists the way it is effortlessly, but something fake has to expend effort to try and be something it’s not and it if succeeds in being indistinguishable that effort makes it far more valuable than the real thing that exists without that spent effort. This kind of goes back to Karen’s part too since the theme of fakery kinds runs through Nise and it’s pretty cool but the general idea is the effort put into something and the result it has is more important than the truth or falsehood of its original design. Basically this whole argument makes the girls pack up and go home, Kiyomi wins by Friendtality. Overall the themes of this part were pretty cool but it’s only like 20% themes and 80% underage sister fucking so yeah dunno where to place this one, might need a break from Monogatari after this…
Speed Grapher: Ginza grabs Kaguya and tells her that her mom is sick and they need to go home now and without Saiga around Kagura has no clue what the fuck to do because from her perspective her mom probably doesn’t know about the superpowered eyes wide shut cult Suitengu has her as the sexualized centerpiece of even though she’s definitely probably at least partially aware of it. Turns out Ginza faked the news report of Kagura’s mom’s sickness and it was a ridiculously simple way to solve the last ten episode arc so now Mrs. Tennozu can put Kagura back in a sensory deprivation chamber so they can keep milking superpowers out of her because if she hits puberty or the brain tumor gets her then they’re gonna make a lot of billionaires that want superpowers really mad. Suitengu has a lingerie model party where old dudes ride lingerie models like horses around a reading room and ends with a money shower where everyone’s pretending to fuck Kagura’s mom which isn’t super plot relevant but it’s too weird not to mention. They murder her financial adviser via some kind of… shark dude that just kinda eats him and Suitengu drives Mrs. Tennozu into the ocean and proposes to her while groping and fingerbanging her in the sinking car which how do you say no to that right ladies. It’s really kind of funny because she just walks back into work soaking wet and she’s the richest woman in the world so ain’t nobody gonna question why she has algae in her hair and a new fiancé. The Team Rocket group led by dog-dude whose name I still haven’t learned see the news of Mrs. Tennouzu’s engagement to Suitengu and are like ‘cool we’ll go hunt down Saiga again’ because they read that into Suitengu’s plan somehow which I don’t really get how Saiga has anything to do with this anymore but okay. Meanwhile Saiga is still unconscious and Ginza is just riding him like crazy while he’s fucking half dead, like idk why the Euphoric healing factor hasn’t gotten him back on his feet yet but she’s really going to town on him and meanwhile Kagura’s in the sensory deprivation tank getting felt up by a doctor and it’s almost a poetic moment that both our protagonists are simultaneously getting sexually assaulted while unconscious in the lowest moment of the plot. Like this is something of a tangent but Speed Grapher’s use of sexuality is kind of novel, like it’s an extraordinarily horny show but not in the way modern anime is horny like it all feels very seedy and it feels like it’s not ‘for you’ as a viewer like random shots zooming in on an anime girl’s jiggly bits that make up 75% of all anime now. A lot of the sexuality in Speed Grapher is kind of off-center so you definitely know what’s happening but the camera’s not holding on it for you to watch in some kind of voyeur way, like the horniness is just part of the worldbuilding since all these characters are godless heathens driven by money and emotionally damaged so they basically just go ‘might as well fuck’ and have no emotional attachment to it or use it in place of emotional attachment which creates this odd dissonance of something sexy for the characters creating some distance from the viewer which is kind of the opposite of modern fanservice. Like if modern fanservice is watching porn alone in your setting of choice, Speed Grapher is having porn on a living room tv while you’re walking by and just kind of washing in that awkward feeling.
Durararax2: Shizuo tracks down Kujiragi who is in the process of selling Celty and her head while they try to figure out how to transport a rampaging yandere mass of dullahan smoke. Varona is delivering the head and wants to shoot Shizuo but has to be ‘no, I wanna fair fight with the man that throws buildings around’ and the deal just kinda breaks down because everyone realizes they can’t just throw hands with Shizuo. Shizuo is cool with all Varona’s bullshit and is remarkably chill about the whole her wanting to kill him thing which is character development I guess. Izaya then takes a page out of Dio’s book and decides to just drop construction equipment on his enemies and drops a fucking crane on Shizuo, hurting Varona in the process but Shizuo fucking shoulder-checks the god damn crane falling from a building like what does it take to kill this guy I think cockroaches, twinkies and Shizuo Heiwajima are the only things gonna survive a nuclear apocalypse. Shizuo gets a call from Izaya and say goodbye to each other because everyone’s sure it’s time for Ikebukuro: Endgame.  
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