#lemme know what you think!!
ohblimeygeorge · 5 months
I saw an anon ask to @russilton about pregnant George learning to crochet and this just instantly came to me and I had to get it down.
I’ve never written gewis before so this was fun!
George is nothing if not an over thinker. Lewis knows that much.
So it’s not a total surprise to find an empty spot next to him in bed at 2:36am.
George does this sometimes, when his mind is working overtime and he has so many thoughts going through his brain that he finds himself getting restless and feeling smothered by the rumpled bedsheets and another warm body snoring next to him, so takes himself off to make a cuppa in the kitchen where he can take a moment to breathe and focus his mind into the night sky past the kitchen window and on the life still bustling about below. He’ll spend half an hour or so there before feeling calmer and able to slip back in beside Lewis, no longer feeling overwhelmed and instead snuggling back under Lewis’ arm to cuddle in close. Lewis panicked the first few times it happened, demanding to know what was wrong and wanting to help but now he realises that sometimes George just needs that space and he’ll come back when he’s ready.
So he dozes off again, fully expecting the next time he wakes to find his missing boyfriend back where belongs.
It’s 4:24am and George is still missing.
This starts setting alarms bells ringing in Lewis’ head because this is unusual. It’s been almost 2 hours and he’s still not come back. Lewis knows George has been doing his disappearing act a little more lately, knows the kind of thoughts he’s having and knows now more than ever George has been feeling especially claustrophobic when he gets like this.. but Lewis can’t help but worry. Even if George waves him off to go back to bed, he needs to find him.
So he shoves his slippers on and stumbles into the kitchen, expecting to find him there sipping on his camomile tea, sleep creases on his face, hair wild. But he’s not.
He checks the living room - not there. Bathroom? George has been known to spend quite a bit of time in there as of late so it’s not unreasonable Lewis thinks. Not in there either.
Then he realises there’s only one room really left to check.
Walking back down the hall, he notices the door slightly ajar so knows he’s right. Pushing it open more, he’s immediately hit with the soft glow of the lamp on the dresser and the comfy armchair in the corner is filled with George’s lanky limbs and rounded belly. And he’s - knitting?
Jumping at the voice, George looks up and freezes mid stitch, cheeks blushing red at being caught. “Hi.”
“Hey.” Lewis replies dumbly, moving into the room and leaning up against the changing table. “You’ve been gone ages.”
“Oh, sorry..” George apologises, just now spotting what the time is by the clock on the dresser, “lost track of time.”
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?”
“Ok… why are you knitting at four in the morning?”
With an exasperated sigh, George lays his craft on his belly, “it’s not knitting, Lew, I’ve told you, it’s crochet.” He explains, as if Lewis is the dumbest guy ever to not know the difference no matter how many times George has told him now, “and I just thought I should carry on making some cute things for her.”
After not being allowed to race anymore, George had to find something else to occupy his time. Lewis genuinely thought he’d just stay at the pit wall or hang around the garage, not being able to stay away but no. He went into full on nesting mode and decided he wanted to learn a new hobby that would benefit the baby so crochet it was. He was actually pretty good - although Lewis knew George was great at anything he put his mind to - and had already made a few hats and a blanket for her and made Lewis a scarf which he wore at the very next race, showing off George’s accomplishments.
“Right…” Lewis is still confused at the explanation but thinks there’s a little something more to it. “And you thought this time of morning was the ideal time to start?”
Lewis watches him for a moment, his concentration fixed as he methodically follows the YouTube tutorial which he’s only just now noticed George has up on his phone perched on the arm. It’s suppose to be a cardigan apparently, looks like it’ll turn out super cute with the colour matching the already made blanket and Lewis would be lying if he said he couldn’t imagine how adorable their daughter would look in it. But so far George had only made the back and half an arm so there was still some way to go. He’s impressed with how good it looks already. He watches him a little while longer, noting the characteristic crease between his brows and knows he’s trying his hardest to quiet his brain. Bending down to be level with him and earning a quiet snort from George as his knees creak with the effort, Lewis places his hand on George’s knee, gaining his full attention once more. “Babe, talk to me.”
He doesn’t expect it, but George suddenly tears up and it’s like once he’s started, he can’t stop. Startled, Lewis pauses his video for him and gently takes the half made cardigan and crochet hooks out of George’s hands and places it down on the floor carefully before pulling him in for a hug. He lets George cry it out before he feels ready to talk, running a soothing hand up and down his back, letting his nails lightly scratch at the same time the way he knows George likes. It’s a little awkward of an angle especially with the bump but Lewis doesn’t care. “Talk to me.” He repeats softly.
Letting out a choked breath as he stems his tears, George sits back and places his hands around his bump protectively, rubbing his thumbs on the skin where he can feel her wiggling about. “I just.. I just want things to go right.”
“What do you mean?” Lewis asks
“Well, like, what if something goes wrong with the birth? What if I do something wrong and it hurts her? I haven’t even packed a bag yet and there’s only a few weeks left to go and there’s so much to do in here still! And what if when she is here we don’t know what to do with her? Like how will we know what her cries mean? Or what time to put her to bed and wake her up? How will we know when to start helping her to roll over or crawl or walk? Or what if she doesn’t like us? Doesn’t like me?” He finished his ramble with a big stuttering inhale, blue eyes wide and watery.
Lewis knew George was a pretty emotional person anyway but pregnancy hormones had amplified that. So he knew not to react unkindly despite how silly some of the things he was worried over sounded. “George, babe, listen to me okay? You have nothing to be worried about. The bag thing, we’ll sort tomorrow yeah? Get it sorted, no problem. The room can wait because she’ll be sleeping in with us for at least the next 6 months anyway.” He soothed, “You won’t do anything to hurt her because I know you would do anything to make sure she’s safe. And no parent knows what they’re doing first time round yeah? It’s all learning and trial and error and learning what works for us as a family. And things like walking, we really don’t need to worry about that just yet.” He chuckled, “and of course she’ll like you. She’ll adore you. Just like I do.”
George just gave a pathetic little sniffle as he listened to what his boyfriend had to say. “I’m sorry for being so stupid.” He mumbled, looking down at his hands still rubbing patterns on his skin.
Lewis looked personally offended at that and placed his hands on George’s cheeks getting him to focus fully on him. “Don’t ever apologise for being worried ok? And you are not stupid. This whole becoming a parent thing is really scary for me too, so I’m right there with you but all we need to focus on is not things going right but just doing this together and loving her. That’s all we can do and the rest will follow, yeah?”
George nodded as best he could with his face being held in the protective grip of Lewis.
Feeling satisfied that he understood, Lewis let go and bent down to pick up the forgotten item on the floor. “Now, why don’t you carry on with this for a bit longer? Then we can come back to bed and get some sleep.” Lewis suggested, handing back the little pink half-cardigan.
“We?” George asked, confused, “Lew, it’s okay, you can go back to bed. It’ll be boring just watching me.”
“Nah, I want to.” Lewis answered, sitting back on the floor to lean his back against the dresser and getting comfy. “Besides, I can watch you and maybe pick up a few tips and then we can make a whole wardrobe for her!”
George just let out a snort as he saw Lewis’ cheeky smirk, settling himself to get cosy in the chair again before pressing play on his phone to resume the video.
After half an hour of comfortable, peaceful silence, both men were asleep, letting out soft snores in their soon-to-be daughter’s room.
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feveredreams · 2 years
fixing season two
so warrior nun season two, huh?
preface: i love this show to pieces and this is a critique/edit made out of love for the characters, do not get me wrong!!
my biggest complaints: 
Mary’s death + Lilith’s “corruption” arc. I refuse to believe that the sisters would simply forget about Lilith like that, and the way the writers glossed over Mary’s death? Nope. Bad. Mary’s death should have been the driving factor in this entire season.
anticlimactic Tarask killing of Adriel. The whole season is about how the OCS can take him down, and suddenly the Tarasks just deal with the problem? What a letdown of tension.
Michael dying for absolutely no reason. What was the point of you? Perhaps this drives home how mortal humans are just pawns for divine beings, but it felt so utterly pointless to create this character and plan and have it all be useless. Let’s fix that.
very long post under the cut!
All right, let's go. The first few episodes focus on Michael and the Samaritans; Lilith also discovers that Mary did not survive and that she's changing even further. These are the keys to fixing this season: Lilith and the Samaritans.
E1-2: Ava blows their cover in Switzerland and they're summoned back to the OCS, but Michael manages to find them as they're leaving. He says that one of the founding ideals of the Samaritans revolves around Ava herself–the falling angel with a halo at her back, their last hope (gives more weight to the graffiti we see near the end, too). It's a legend, a tale spread of the angel with the halo fighting the imposter angel at the Vatican. If the OCS is gathering, then surely they need Samaritan help? Meanwhile, they learn that Mary is dead and instead of just ignoring what that means for everybody, they reach out to Lilith and they mourn together because that's what they deserve at the very least! Then, the OCS and the Samaritans team up and go after the Crown.
E3-4: Things still go to shit in the museum, Vincent grabs Ava and the crown, and there's still a cool fight scene in a church. Lilith gets further injured in the fight and begins to transform even further; they reach out to Jillian for help. At first she refuses, then Michael reveals his secret and there's a reunion. This way, instead of being driven by her desire to find Michael, Jillian actually helps Lilith and she doesn't go to the dark side. Plus, we get more science-y stuff and more Michael/Jillian happy times. They deserve some happy times :'(
E5: They regroup at the Salvius manor. Mother Superion and Yasmine go to the conclave while Jillian, Lilith, and Michael work together to figure out what's going on with her. Why does Reya not want her in that realm? What does Michael know that could be helpful in this case? They find out she's some kind of chimera, a combination of both human and tarask (or angel/demon?) genes, a being of both the mortal realm and the divine realm. There's emotional scenes where Lilith loses her temper at becoming a monster and the sisters reassure her and reaffirm their care for each other. They also reminisce about Mary; Ava comes up with a pledge to destroy Adriel for her. "For Mary," they all agree.
E6: The conclave fuckery still happens. Lilith stays behind with Jillian because her wings are coming in and it hurts like a bitch. They also send her back into the divine realm and learn more about this "holy war" that's about to happen, so that there's more foreshadowing rather than a brief mention in the last episode. They get everybody back and then come up with the canon plan: sneak into the live broadcast, have the pope denounce Adriel (assuming that they get the information to him somehow, despite him being in a birdcage at the Vatican), crown Adriel, box him up and ship him one-way back to the divine realm. We also add a fun Samaritan twist: they're going to stage demonstrations and riots at other cross locations across Europe to disrupt the prayer energy that he's getting from his other followers. After all, we see them building a cross in Switzerland–surely destroying only the one cross at the cathedral wouldn't be enough? So we get the Samaritans to take care of the others, and get a cool cross-continent montage, too. It still doesn't go well, though, because the plague-hacking doesn't work, Vincent steals the Crown, and the Arc gets stolen, Mother Superion mortally wounded in the process.
E7: controversial idea time: instead of Ava saving Mother Superion (damn I do love that scene, but consider this instead), Lilith does. She cauterizes the wound with hellfire, preventing Mother Superion from bleeding out–then when Ava gets back, she uses the healing power of the Halo to fully heal her. Combined, they're unstoppable! Also, Lilith needs a morale boost. She's not made only for killing, she can save people, too!
Even though the first attack didn't work, many crosses across the continent did get destroyed. So Adriel organizes a mass prayer event the next day, to regenerate the energy he needs to power the Arc. Ava finds Vincent and gets the Crown back. She puts it on and finally agrees with Michael to execute the bomb plan without telling anyone. She does, however, have a revealing conversation with Lilith where she asks Lilith to protect the others (specifically Bea) if Ava dies. Lilith goes 👀 but agrees. Camila and Yasmine, trapped inside the cathedral, continue causing havoc and they come up with canon plan two: destroy the cross, destroy the arc, ta-da, we win!
E8: Of course things don't go to plan, but we still get dramatic Avatrice kiss and goodbye. Lilith is the one to tell Beatrice where she's gone and why. Ava and Michael get fucked up (but Michael doesn't die ASAP) by Adriel but sort of hold their own until Adriel opens the Arc and nabs the Crown back. Beatrice fights her way through a dozen men to the best soundtrack ever and exchanges half-hearted blows with Lilith, who refuses to let her follow Ava into trouble because "I promised to protect you, Bea. I'm not going to break that promise." But who can say no to a tearful Beatrice? Not me, certainly not Lilith, who finally huffs, "Fine. But I'm coming with you."
Meanwhile Ava realizes mid-battle that the semantics of "Adriel can't be killed by anything of this realm" applies to Lilith as well, and she doesn't blow up Michael for no reason. Reya still gets pulled through the portal, but Camila (iconique) blasts the most annoying TikTok songs into Adriel's head, forcing him to drop the crown. Lilith and Bea arrive just in time. There's a complex phasing/teleportation battle in which Ava and Lilith exchange the Crown to keep it from Adriel's hands, Michael running interference the entire time.
Adriel spots Bea and goes for her, seeing that this is Ava's weakness–Ava blows out the Halo to prevent him from hurting her, rendering Ava helpless. Adriel has her by the throat and monologues briefly about his success and how "You can't stop me, Warrior Nun. You're just one useless, vulnerable human." Just as he's about to rip the Halo out, Ava grins weakly and says, "But I'm not alone." (or something to that effect, add more Ava snark). Lilith teleports the Crown into her hand and she places it on Adriel's head, rendering him powerless. As he collapses to the ground, Lilith looks up at Reya, who gives a slight nod.
Claws extended, grief and anger burning in her eyes, Lilith screams "For Mary!" and decapitates Adriel.
Yet Ava, Lilith, and Michael are all grievously wounded, and Tarasks called by Ava's last Halo blast have them surrounded. Reya tells them that they have a choice: remain, and die, or join her in her realm for a time and live. There is a tearful goodbye between Bea and Ava, and Ava promises to return. Beatrice is left alone at the Arc, with only words and promises to keep her company.
*roll credits*
Thoughts?? I still dislike all the back-and-forth to the cathedral in the last few episodes, but I didn't want to wholly redo the whole ending. Let me know if I missed anything (I probably did) and what you liked and disliked about the canon episodes. I wrote this because I did not have the time nor energy to write a full fix-it fic, but wanted to share these ideas. finally: Warrior Nun season 3 when????
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ghost-booy · 2 years
I made the Fenton Lab out of legos!!!
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bittsandpieces · 12 days
thinking about all the potential for finding your sibling's porn online. is it your older sibling? the one you always looked up to, the one who protected you and bullied you in equal, loving measure? or is it your younger sibling? the one you still think of as a kid, who's suddenly so obviously grown up. do you recognize them right away, shocked and "horrified" but still looking? or does it take a minute? maybe it takes a while. maybe you've been a fan, actually, this whole time not knowing who's pretty body you were jerking off to.
because let's be honest. you're absolutely jerking off to it
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chxrrylungs · 4 months
hi can i ask what deans cutie mark means in the my little hunter thing? :)))))
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absolutely!! figured i'd give all three of them an explanation to the best of my abilities
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valeriapryanikova · 11 months
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goretober 23 : decapitation | hermithorrorweek 1 : game mechanics
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ganondoodle · 4 months
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(totk rewritten WIP)
been tinkering on raurus design-
mostly taking the general idea i had previously, with these 'tentacles' with lighfern like bulbs at the end (bc the sonau originate from the underground here) in their hair and tails
one is more hyrulean, perhaps hes trying to imitate whatever he found out about the era of myth (old titles) which doesnt align perfectly with the traditional sonau style (but still mixed with it, as with the golden designs mostly designed after the lightfern thignies in the underground)
the other is one more designed after the barbarian set from botw, but kinda .. reverse engineered(?), like what it might have looked like originally .. also more royal
last one is a mix
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sin-simps · 4 months
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“Welcome to everlasting fun!”
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the-one-teapot · 6 months
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BOO Haven't been active for a good while. Oopsie BUT I return after great news from my favourite game Have a wet cat, spicy banana and chunky green bean Ok buh byyyeee
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zimthandmade · 7 months
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----- My other socials Commission Info Let's drink some Ko-Fi! 🍵
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ive described my culinary diet like raccoons that live in a michelin starred restaurants' dumpster before but its just legit Like That.
Like for breakfast I ate baloney sandwiches with baloney and mayo I found on sale.... and bread that's a pullman's loaf recipe I modified to be both made from sourdough starter and half whole wheat that takes a full day to go from cold starter to piping fresh bread
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chefbeepo · 3 months
Me thinking abt the other lost light: wow scary they all died lol
Me thinking abt the other lost light for .1 second more: Brainstorms suitcase was open when Nautica and Night beat found it. He must've tried to use it to undo the horrific fate he accidentally created but clearly didn't make it in time, leaving him to die watching all his friends and crew mates die by his hand. All of which proven by his horrified expression on his dead body.
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paintpanic · 2 months
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fruittt-punchhh · 3 months
Pop My Cherry!
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all parts
Synopsis: your dad’s best friend is none other than Toji Fushiguro, and you can’t help but wonder what he could do with his hands.
Characters: Toji Fushiguro x reader. Choso Kamo is mentioned, not a major part of the story.
Content: Minors Do Not Interact! afab! reader, fem! reader, dad’s best friend! Toji, suggestiveness, cursing, inexperienced (ish) reader, reader is a virgin but has done things ya know, reader smokes weed, alcohol usage, pet/affectionate names, no smut yet 🫶
Word Count: 2.2k-ish
Notes: friends!!! This is my first ever smut! Pls be nice🫶 if you have any suggestions, comments, advice, PLEASE feel free to let me know!! I hope you enjoy hehe. (filthy smut if you’re down for that in pt. 2 trust) excuse any typos, proofread a bunch but I’m also human. 💖
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It had been a terribly long week already, and it was only Thursday. You were on spring break from university, and you had spent most of the week catching up on overdue assignments.
You were staying with your father, as well as your brother, and your father’s best friend. He had a condo at the beach that wasn’t too far from your university, so it worked out well.
You had just finished your final essay for philosophy 200, closing your laptop with a snap! as you rub your eyes. It was nearing 3:30 a.m. but you still felt so much residual stress from the paper. You had a joint ready and waiting for you, and a hit or two couldn’t hurt, right? Enough so you could relax, maybe grab a snack, and hit the hay. You open your bedroom window, creeping out onto the balcony to let your worries fade away.
You throw your leg over the window sill, trying to keep your balance. You lowkey had the munchies so you head to the kitchen before you retire for the night. Until you are met with a surprise.
Your father’s friend (you think his last name was Fushiguro?) has been gone all week for “work”. You noticed him coming in at odd hours of the night, looking worse for wear.
“What are you starin’ at, doll?” Toji says as he looks for a shirt in the laundry room.
You feel your cheeks turn red as you try to quickly avert your eyes. You wore nothing but a large t-shirt as you crept into the kitchen, hoping you wouldn’t wake your father.
You thought you heard Toji come in maybe an hour earlier, but you couldn’t know for sure. Here he stood, fresh out of the shower with nothing but a small towel wrapped around his waist. His dark hair was dripping down his back and he still looked as if he was radiating heat from the shower he just took (or was that you?) It was all of a sudden much too warm in the kitchen for your liking.
“S-sorry, I was just grabbing a snack. I’ll be quick,” you stammer. You had only ever seen Toji a few times, and you didn’t remember him to be this… attractive? You didn’t know if that was even the right word. In this moment, you felt attracted to him, sure. But you also felt small and helpless. As if he could pierce through you with his gaze alone. You truly didn’t mean to stare, but you also didn’t expect anyone else to be in the kitchen at 4 a.m., either.
He interrupts you with a smirk, “What’s the rush? It’s y/n, right? Grab me a beer out of the fridge while you’re at it, girl”
If you thought your cheeks couldn’t be any redder, you were wrong. You felt the crimson blush cover your ears as you turned around to look for a beer in the fridge. There was a (beer brand here) in the back on the bottom shelf. You tried to bend at your knees as to be discreet, but you could have sworn you heard Toji clearing his throat as you did so.
Toji slipped on a pair of black boxer briefs as you grabbed him a beer like the sweet girl you are. He felt as if the wind was knocked out of him when he saw you bend down, searching the fridge for his drink. Call him crazy, but he could’ve sworn you weren’t wearing any panties. He quickly ran the towel through his hair, trying to ignore the rush of blood he felt surging to his dick.
You grabbed the beer, as well as an apple for yourself. You walked over to Toji, and he took the beer from you with a ‘thanks’. He popped off the cap with his molars and took a big swig. You watched as the beer dripped down his chin and over his adam’s apple. You also noticed the scar covering his pretty lips.
Your eyes wandered as he finished his beer surprisingly quickly. He would usually come home covered in a mixture of dirt, sweat, and sometimes blood. Apparently, underneath the dirt and grime was a body that was sculpted by the gods. Everything about him was so big. His huge tits pecs and his ripped abdomen. His biceps were bigger than your head and his hands, oh god, his hands. They were riddled with callouses and he had short, bitten nails. His fingers were so thick and you started to imagine what it would be like to feel them on your body.
Your temperature rose as the lewd thoughts entered your mind. This is your father’s best friend! Although he was a a few years younger than your dad, he was still much too old for you. Not only that, but you were still (unfortunately) a virgin. And not for a lack of trying! You were double majoring in psychology and philosophy, so most of your limited leisure time was spent smoking to relax, or hanging out with your small group of friends on the weekends. Sure, you had masturbated plenty of times, and you’ve given the occasional blowjob. But you’ve never quite found the right person at the right time to go all the way with. You never cared much about the label ‘virgin’ until now, feeling like you might have been missing out.
Now, you were standing in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning thinking about what this man could do to you with just his fingers. The thought alone had you squeezing your thighs together, trying to give yourself any relief from the problem you’ve created.
“You know it’s rude to stare, right y/n? Especially after I asked you a question, doll”
Yet again, he’s caught you off guard. I mean seriously, how old were you? You felt like a teenage boy who had just seen his first pair of tits. You need to pull yourself together so you can get out of here as soon as possible. You didn’t know how long you would be able to hold it together without making it quite obvious that internally, you were aching.
“Shit, I’m sorry! I was lost in a train of thought, I-I guess. What was the question?” Hopefully he doesn’t catch on to your half-lie.
Toji pulls a black compression tee over his torso, giving you a moment to collect yourself finally. He throws the beer in the trash and steps into the light of the kitchen alongside you.
He flashes a toothy smile at you, “You should watch that language. Pretty girls don’t go around saying things like that. And I asked you what the hell you were doing up so late.”
Pretty girls? Did you hear him correctly? He could just be saying things to get you to squirm, and if that was his goal, it was working all too well. You hope his smile was out of politeness, but you knew enough about Toji from your father to know that this man did not have a polite bone in his body. It seemed almost as if he was teasing you?
“S-Sorry about the language, I’m just tired. I’ve been working on my philosophy paper for the last few hours and I just wanted a snack before I went to bed,” you admitted truthfully.
Toji rolled his eyes, smirking at your statement, “God, that sounds so fucking boring. I’m surprised you finished it, I woulda given up hours ago.”
You smiled at his honesty. You knew that your paper topic ‘the perception of personal space’ and your other assignments on morals and judgement were not everyone’s cup of tea. “It’s actually quite interesting, it’s about the concept of how one perceives personal space, but I definitely wanted to call it quits a few times. I’m just glad I can sleep in tomorrow.” You admit with a grin. Despite his blasé attitude, a part of you thought he might actually be listening (at least a little bit).
All he heard was bla bla bla. It seems interesting enough, if you have absolutely nothing else going on in your life. How could you even write two sentences on personal space, let alone an essay? “If it’s that fucking interesting, then why are you in here looking like a walking corpse? Have you seen those bags under your eyes? You need the sleep more than I do, hun.”
Well damn. You didn’t think it was that bad, especially not enough for some old man to point out. You had been staying up most nights trying to catch up on your work, and you could sleep in anyways. But each morning you found yourself awake at 7 a.m. on the dot, still cursed by the rigidity of your usual school routine.
“I’ve just been behind, so I’m trying to catch up while I have the free time.”
Toji peers at you and scratches his head, “Why the fuck are you doing school work on spring break, anyway? Aren’t ya’ supposed to be at the beach getting wasted with your girlfriends?”
While you admit that would be fun, there was just no time for it this year. You were in the last semester of your senior year, and you were graduating with top honors. You had to keep up the good work so you could hopefully be accepted into graduate school in the fall.
“I mean it’d be fun sure, but smoking is more my thing anyways. I like relaxing after all my work is done, so I’d rather stay here and get caught up while I can, ya’know?”
How cute. Look at you trying to be a good little student. It would almost be admirable if it didn’t make his stomach churn at how sickly sweet it was.
“That’s good, doll. Keep it up and you’ll be making big bucks just like me, yeah? What are you wanting to go to school for anyways, to be a fuckin’ therapist or some shit?”
Everyone thought you wanted to be a therapist, but truth be told, that profession couldn’t be more off your radar. You had enough problems of your own to deal with, and you certainly didn’t need to hear other people’s on top of that.
“I’m not going to school to be a therapist actually; I really want to be a professor one day. What do you do for work anyways? You always look like you just came home from war or some-“
He cuts you off before you can land a joke at his expense. Toji’s profession wasn’t the best topic for conversation, given that his line of work was very hush-hush.
“You’re cute. Next question.”
Cute?? At this point you felt like he was toying with you. But you did have another question for him.
“How come I can’t say ‘shit’ but you can say whatever you want? I’m grown, aren’t I?”
Toji shifted towards you. You stood in the door frame between the kitchen and the hallway, your apple untouched. You were too busy thinking of what to say next to the large, burly man that was suddenly peering over you. He came to the doorframe, throwing one hand on top of it. At this point, he was towering over you. His shadow cascading over you as you felt yourself shrink into the background. Toji glared at you with his velvet green eyes and a smug grin was plastered across his face. You felt his hand grasp your chin, forcing you to look up at him. Your neck was strained as you attempted to make eye contact with the taller man.
“Can’t you hear woman? I said pretty girls don’t go around saying shit like that. Do I look like a pretty girl to you?” He says as he inches closer to your face. You could smell the beer wafting from his mouth. But the smell was quickly overrun by the rest of him. He smelled like pine, cheap liquor, and…cinnamon? Suddenly, the grip on your chin tightens. His hands are so large, he’s even starting to squish your cheeks, making you look like an absolute fool underneath him.
“I asked you a question, princess.”
The name throws you off guard, but for some reason, you’re not upset.
“S-sorry, no y-you don’t look like a pretty girl. Of course not, m-my bad.”
“That’s what I thought, y/n.”
Toji spits as he releases his grasp on you, standing straight and stretching his arms as he lets out a yawn. He smelled the weed all over you and could tell how flustered you got from your little interaction. He grabs the apple from your hand, taking a huge bite which in turn means you only have about half an apple left. He hands you back your snack, pats your head then saunters over to the couch, plopping down with a grunt. He grabs the remote and turns it to some wrestling show he always watched.
You look at him, confused. You weren’t even staring this time. You were simply dumbfounded at the interaction you two just had. Surely that can’t be it, right? He’s just going to watch tv after he had you literally in the palm of his hand? (and he ate half of my fucking apple)
You move to turn the lights off, and you put your apple in the trash. Your appetite for food was long gone. You quietly walk out of the kitchen into the dim hallway. Toji calls your name, startling you.
“Sleep tight, doll.”
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pt. 2
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magnapanther · 8 months
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finally got a working tablet again!!! :D
anyways, back from my several-month-long nap (which will not be addressed further) with a lil fog canyon warmup. now with more scribbles! perhaps too many. entirely too many, in fact. anyways, hopefully the quality does not get obliterated (it will) :')
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kopivie · 11 months
hades!wriothesley who, at times, appears more like an apparition to you when you first get to know him. his footfalls are nearly imperceptible and he's quick to change positions. how a big man like him is able to move around undetected, you'll never know. (you'll also never know that he's doing that on purpose because he loves when you jump. he ghosts his cryo-tipped fingers across your nape when you least expect him to, bursting into a fit of laughter when you yelp and scurry to warm yourself up.)
hades!wriothesley who leaves little pieces of himself in the little nooks and crannies of your shop and your heart. it becomes a mutual exchange; you give him dendro-enhanced flowers to last while he's in the underworld, and he leaves folded up notes tucked underneath flower pots for you to read during his absence. he treasures the fragrance of the petals while you treasure the parchment that just so happens to smell of his rich cologne.
hades!wriothesley who catches you reading one of his notes when he returns to visit you. you don't notice him -- you're too engrossed in reading. you're holding the paper close to your chest with the most smitten smile on your lips, and wriothesley has to count to 50 before he enters the shop, lest he come in and do something he might regret. (you're biting your bottom lip to stop from smiling. oh, how he wants to brush that lip with his thumb.. how badly he wants to kiss you stupid..)
hades!wriothesley who never kisses the back of just one of your hands, oh no – he always insists on kissing the backs of both of your hands at the same time. you once joked about him being extra gentlemanly. he bit your finger in retaliation. (you also noticed that his canines are particularly sharp.)
hades!wriothesley who stays with you on the night before he has to return to his domain. cerberus will likely act out if he's gone for too long, but he doesn't wish to leave you just yet. so he sits at your beside stroking your cheek with the back of his icy fingers. cold as he may be, you feel nothing but warmth emanating from him. it's you who kisses the back of his hand this time, a gesture that gives him pause. once he's recovered, he cups your warm cheek in his palm. moonlit grey eyes soften as they drink you in.
"may i be frank with you?" wriothesley asks softly.
"you may."
"i want you." you feel his hand stiffen as he realizes what he said. "not-- not in that way. not yet, anyhow. and certainly not before you're ready. but i... i want you. all of you."
you want to reply. you so badly want to return his feelings. you can feel it in your heart, your very soul calls out to him even when he's near. and yet something chains you in place, makes you unable to verbalize it. you open and close your mouth a few times as you struggle for words.
hades shakes his head. he's smiling, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "you don't need to say anything. if you wish to take it slow, then i will do as you please. i just wanted to let you know."
"...i'm sorry." you close your eyes and lean into his touch. you feel the bed shift as he leans down to touch his forehead to yours. your heart stutters and your breathing hitches. "i'm so, so sorry."
"it's okay."
"i want you too. really, i do."
"i know." the two of you breathe in tandem for a moment. the unspoken confession lingers in the night air. then, after a long silence: "i have to leave."
it's your turn to sigh. "i know."
wriothesley pecks your nose. "wait for me."
and you shiver. not because of the cold, but rather because he was not asking. he knows that you will wait for him. he knows that his place in your heart is assured. "wait for me," he murmurs again.
"i will." you hum when you feel his lips ghosting over yours. you hold your breath in anticipation. "please," you practically beg. "just do it."
wriothesley's breath fans over yours. you can feel his words being spoken against your mouth. even in whisper, you can hear his voice tremble. "you're tempting me."
"just... give me something to remember you by."
and that's all it takes for him to kiss you. you become drunk on the moonlight coating his lips.
so this was just a little ramble and test of my ability to write a scene! it's been so long since i've written like this, and i just figured that this was a good au to test it on!
i do wanna dedicate this little thing to @catcze though! i know timezones are super fucky but! it's still your birthday where i am, so!!! happy birthday!!! i hope you have dreams of wrio in the future 💕💗💕
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