#the last faith
alpha-beta-gamer · 10 months
The Last Faith is a gothic pixel art metroidvania soulslike inspired by Bloodborne & Castlevania, set in a cursed land of ancient divinities!
Out Now on Steam
Gameplay Video:
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evilwvergil · 1 year
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The Last Faith ↳ : A dark, gothic alliance of soulslike and metroidvania. This game looks awesome, reminds of Castlevania and Blasphemous.
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fukutomichi · 1 year
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Summer Game Fest 2023 Favorite Upcoming Game Announcements - Part 2
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rosechaos22 · 1 month
The last faith headcanon
This one is a bit more niche because not many people know the last faith and its lore. One of my favorite characters lore wise is Manfredd Orden. I believe that before he consumed the heart of nycrux he had some form of disease that rendered him almost like a vampire but without the use of nycrux, almost like an ice vampire. I also believe he was more tall and slender with hair similar to his current hair, and although he was slender he was still strong being able to perfectly wield the winges axe. I believe he was a good leader as he only consumed the heart in order to protect his people from laddox. Overall I think he would've been a good leader to his people.
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williamjokela · 10 months
The last faith have 4 classes for fighting styles.
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gamesline · 10 months
Rose's Routine - Fourth Week of November 2023
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We’ve got a new regular column! Rose has jotted down some quick thoughts about a few games she’s been playing recently, and they’re gathered here for your enjoyment. Come check out the first entry in Rose’s Routine here. Read the full article
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kkeessttiiss · 4 months
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okamoxar · 10 months
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syvisvt · 9 months
TheLastFaith time!
Today we slay Manfred and progress even further!
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ebakthecat · 10 months
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This sequence of events displays one of my key dislikes of The Last Faith, it's inconsistent enemy introductions.
Unfortunately, because the game has no in game bestiary, I do not know the official name of the enemies despite them introducing them with a name whenever you defeat one for the past time. It's not their name that's a problem, but what they do and how they are introduced.
First, I will call the enemy in the first picture the 'Flame Whipper'. He is an enemy that will throw a chain weapon at you in front of you before leaping back. The area between the chain and his new position now becomes engulfed in a fiery floor of flames. This enemy is annoying to deal with but it at least introduces it to you in an are where you have space to see what he does and learn his pattern.
In a later room, you can se one of these enemies below (picture 2) and I decided that I would merely jump over the platforms to avoid a confrontation. I would have to be fast though, as the platforms were crumble platforms. It wasn't until I was making my last jump that I realised that...no I had fucked up, the game designers have deliberately and callously fucked me over.
This was my first ever introduction to the canon enemy, and he is set up in such a way that if you jump across the platforms normally, his canon shot will send you spiralling into the depths to face friendly Mr Flame Whipper.
By doing this, the game breaks a fundamental rule of game design: introduce enemies in an environment where you can see what they can do and how they effect you, the player, and the world around you in no so much as a safe environment, but separate from other challenges.
Let's take Super Mario Bros world 1-1 as a key example; the first enemy you encounter is the iconic Goomba. You encounter one as you are passing under the starting blocks for the level. This forces you so that if you jump you likely hit the blocks and rebound onto the Goomba showing that you can defeat a Goomba by stomping on it, if the jump is mistimed, then you learn to not let the Goomba touch you or you die.
A few pipes over you encounter a Goomba between pipes, showing you that they move until hitting an obstacle and reversing direction. You also have the high ground on the Goomba making it easy prey for you, Obi-Wan would be proud.
Next you encounter not one but two Goomba's, this is the game escalating things because you now know everything you need to know about the Goomba as an enemy. To the point that you next encounter them on floating platforms, and then they are used to introduce the next enemy, the Koopa by showing the the Koopa's shell can be used to defeat the Goombas.
The Last Faith does not introduce some of its more frustrating enemies in a fair way that allows players to get to grips with that enemies mechanics before dropping them into complex situations. If the Last Faith were a racing game it would be telling you "Why are we bothering with speeds 1 to 6 when we can just shove you immediately up to speed 7 from the get go." Or if it was a particularly pushy parent it would be like teaching a child to ride a bike, by bringing them to the BMX championships, you don't need training wheels, you don't even need lessons, you're going to suffer failure, humiliation and suffering and if you've not learned to ride a bike by the end of it, then it's your fault, the fact I am a shitty parent has nothing to do with it.
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wobinofylisse · 10 months
I've been thinking of getting last faith cause I love thw bloodborne vibes and I absolutely LOVE blasphemous 1 and 2 (god I hope we get DLC for 2 like we did 1).
Anyways what issues are you referring to so I'll know
So when you look at the game it's very important to note that it's essentially a castlevania game but with some souls stuff thrown in. Kinda in a way that it feels like it was added for marketing purposes.
I'll start with a subjective issue which is the music kinda sucks. It's sad piano music throughout almost the entire game and my brained tuned it out so much that sometimes I'd eventually notice that at some point the music had stopped in entirely in the area I entered.
That aside, the dark souls stuff holds the game back.
The game doesn't ever pause despite there not being any online and you can't even use items from your inventory and have to manually set things to your hot bar so it's not like you could gain an advantage through it.
You lose currency in death but there's no physical currency you can use and health items are a limited consumable. So every time you lose a fight and want to level a different weapon or just get more health items, you gotta grind for it.
Difficulty can be all over the place so it's very hard to tell if you shouldn't be somewhere or it's just a stupid difficulty spike.
While the ds leveling system is a cool addition to the castlevania style of game, pretty much all dex weapons have actually garbage damage output and guns are so bad that the instinct stat can just be ignored altogether unless you want to use the few spells that scale with it.
Status effects are so detrimental that especially early game, getting inflicted with a status is pretty much just a death sentence.
Moving on to the more actual gameplay design.
Movement is done in such a weird way where it feels kinda clunky and a lot of moves don't properly flow together as smooth as they should.
Double jump is like 60-70% into the game which wouldn't be an issue but almost all ledges are meant to be grabbed and your jump height will only take you to the ledge, so you're constantly watching the climbing animation everytime you make a jump. It's small but it's frustrating.
Early game gives you almost nothing to work with unless you go str, which if you do play it you should. Otherwise not only is the early game gonna be a lot harder but the late game is filled with enemies that deal frost damage which your frost res scales with strength making the late game that much worse.
Guns suck especially when compared to magic as an alternative for your off hand slot. Magic doesn't need to be upgraded like guns and will scale with mind well enough and occasionally instinct. Guns only scale with instinct and with the exception of one gun they all scale very poorly. Guns need to be upgraded the same as your primary weapon but upgrading weapons is very very expensive. Guns use a limited bullet resource that when depleted requires you to scavenge from enemies when depleted meaning that they're very inconsistent in terms of use unlike magic where you can use items to restore fp. Neither guns or magic can be used in the air but some magic has anti-air potential at least. Guns don't do enough damage to bypass any of its flaws and outside of a few niche situations, it's almost always better to just walk over and hit whatever you would shoot at.
Again with the guns and magic can't be used in the air. This means that anything flying requires you to poke it to death. Some of the endgame bosses only fly around. No this is not fun to deal with.
Lots and lots of projectile spam from enemies. Your roll only gives i-frames against projectiles but it neither tells you this nor is it consistent in what you can roll through.
The parry requires you to hold r1 and press y which for some people is a really big deal, I don't really see it as an issue tho. The issue with the parry tho is that it is extremely inconsistent and you can't tell what attacks you can actually parry.
While it is encouraged for you to use elemental buffs on your weapon, it's not very well communicated what will be effective against what and at some point I think bosses stop getting status effects all together.
Side quests seem very basic and are pretty much all just find the 1 thing that the character asked you for then you get no reward and they might just leave the game forever. There's a point of no return at the end of the game that you aren't told about and it makes it impossible to finish any side quests.
Story is kinda eh. Lot of it is characters vagueing about stuff or talking in jargon and I stopped feeling invested in the world building because it felt is need to watch some randos video essay just to understand anything. Especially with how little it explains towards the end.
I say all this and I still think it has the bones of a good game and with the proper work it could be made much better.
I'm hopeful.
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phenakistoskope · 10 months
early days into the last faith, but one visible difference between this and blasphemous is that the latter does not ascribe any particular value to beauty and goes so far as to complicate the category. perhaps this is a matter of setting, blasphemous is set in the medieval, while the sequel strays into the early modern; values assigned to beauty and ugliness in these times were at the very least, different. the last faith is decidedly located in the modern, somewhere around the 18th and 19th century by my estimate, and i very much doubt it will have a subplot anything like that of our lady of the charred visage which directly problematizes beauty.
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bigboobshaunt · 1 year
Omg I didn't realize The Last Faith was like, done!! I need it.
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hamletthedane · 4 months
Thinking about him (the soldier in Poynter’s Faithful Until Death painting watching an apocalypse unfold around him with horror in his eyes as he tries to keep himself standing beneath a doorway, based on an actual 19th century archeological find of a man in full soldier’s garb under a doorway at Pompeii)
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watchmakermori · 3 months
manifesting the worst tory election result in history tomorrow. like to charge reblog to cast and reply to send the tories to a shadow dimension for 3000 years
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gamesline · 10 months
The Gamesline Podcast Episode 27: Peter Has Arrived
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We spend far too much time talking about Peter Griffin on this episode. John and Rose did speak on other topics, however. The controversy over Street Fighter 6's costume DLC's cost, Destiny's patronizing microtransaction, the reveal of Wapeach, and the continued creation of Resident Evil remakes. Plus, John is obsessed with his Analogue Pocket still, and Rose has plenty to say about Alan Wake 2, Spider-Man 2, Like a Dragon Gaiden, and The Last Faith. Read the full article
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