#the level of sexiness here is unmatched
lazywonderlvnd · 2 years
happy birthday to harry james potter here’s some reasons why he always has been and always will be one of my favorite characters in all of fiction:
was treated like garbage his entire childhood and still has an inexhaustible capacity for love and forgiveness
u can talk shit abt him but if u talk shit abt his friends he’ll launch a brutal verbal tirade against u
god tier sense of humor. sarcasm level 100 never misses
bravest boy on earth??? this kid found out he had to DIE to get rid of some crazy ass evil dictator and literally walked stone cold to his own death to save everyone else??
let’s not forget he liked his lightning scar at first before he found out what it rly was :( he thought it was cool :(
unheard of emotional maturity for a teenager. instantly understood that ron was insecure abt being the youngest boy in his family and not having a lot of money and always tried to find ways to make him feel better abt it
had cute lil daydreams abt being the triwizard champion before he got forced into it for real
UNmatched bisexual energy, literally always sizing everyone up and declaring them attractive or monstrous, no in between
so so humble abt his talents and abilities yes but also SO arrogant abt his moral code. he said my moral compass is the correct one and i will follow that and ur rules and laws can truly eat my ass and honestly that’s so sexy of him
animals always like him 😔
literally BORN to wield power and not abuse it. boy destroyed the elder wand bc he liked his old one better
drinks his respect women juice every morning and every night before bed rmr when he got so righteously offended that hermione suggested he thought the prince couldn’t be a woman bc he didn’t think a woman could be that smart
also rmr when he choked out mundungus for stealing shit from grimmauld djebfjnwbfne
literally so stubborn that the imperius curse barely works on him lmaoooo
successfully used crucio to defend mcgonagall’s honor like?? ok king go off!!
just the best boy in the whole world. that’s all
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aethon-recs · 1 year
30 Tomarrymort Recs for February 2023
I keep telling myself that I won't do month-by-month recs and that they're too much of a commitment, but then a month like February hits where there were so many knock-out Tomarrymort fics published that I couldn’t resist celebrating all the incredible works posted in the last month, including for two Tomarrymort-themed fests. Apologies that this is coming a bit late in the month — it took me quite some time to write up thoughts on each due to the huge influx of unforgettable fic in February!
Criteria for this list: one-shot, complete, published in February 2023, in alphabetical order by title. It’s quite an extensive list, but every single one of these is worth reading.
Tomarrymort Recs (February 2023)
A Lesson Learned Well by @ellionne (M, 2k)
A very creepy take on a captive Harry and how he slowly starts to lose his mind until Voldemort can get him to do anything. ‘Anything’ includes some pretty gruesome cannibalism and other horrors!
Amensalism by @cindle-writes (E, 6k)
Tentacle sex! Inspired by the Venom movie! Harry/Scarcrux based off Eddie/Venom! Need I say more?
Anchor the Moon by Xenjn (M, 8k)
A very cool spin on genderswapped Tom and Harry who attend Hogwarts together! No matter the setting or era, Harry is obsessed with stalking Tom and proving she’s up to no good.
Anniversary by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
The last place that Harry would want to have sex is back in his cupboard at 4 Privet Drive. Yet Voldemort still takes him there for their anniversary. The mind games in here are absolutely top-tier!
Because it is his by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (E, 2k)
An experiment in polyjuice leads Harry to discover that Tom is extremely attracted to… Tom. A truly hilarious take on Tom Riddle’s unhinged and unparalleled levels of narcissism!
Cynosure by @wolfantlersinspace (E, 3k)
When Voldemort steps out of the cauldron, he is the hottest man in existence. We've all seen that scene in the 4th movie! Harry can’t help but feel the same way, despite how much he tries to resist it...
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k)
A brooding, pensive glimpse into a day in the life of Harry who’s been raised by Voldemort. How Harry yearns for him, yet never quite gets the emotional fulfillment he so craves is heartbreaking! I gasped at the ending!
Frigid by @mrviran (E, 3k)
I don’t know if the world is ready yet for Puritanical Voldemort, but if you think you might be, this fic does it BEST. The way Voldemort fixes Harry is so… chilling (pun intended — it'll all be clear once you read the fic!)
Honeyguide by @cannibalinc (E, 7k)
Tom, an unmatched Omega, is determined to have Harry as his Alpha, no matter the costs. The rut scene is so intense, with Harry completely losing control in a very sexy (and dangerous!) way.
Identity by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Harry and Tom go on a road trip together to celebrate their anniversary. The reveals in this fic were SO GOOD, I didn’t see any of them coming — crowthing skillfully delivers intricately layered tangled plots-within-plots in just 5k words.
In the library by @chiocchi (G, Art)
Harry and Tom studying in the library — with an adorable depiction of Tom letting his guard down around Harry. Both the scene and the coloring are so very soft!
Insatiate by @vdoshu (E, 2k)
A very bleak and dark take on an AU where Voldemort wins and Harry lives a very empty life, only to be filled by Voldemort’s cocks and some magical immortality juice.
it's kind of tripping me up babe, i've got it bad for you by @limonium-anemos (E, 3k)
Harry and Voldemort get isekai'ed into a cursed romance-novel AU. I love how all the long-standing love and trust between Harry and Voldemort shines through in this fic, as they make the best of their time in this very wacky erotica setting by fucking each other's brains out.
Keepsake by IceLynx (M, 5k)
Harry suffering from amnesia wakes up with Voldemort telling him that they're in a relationship. But when the pieces don’t quite add up, Harry discovers the horrifying truth. A very creative twist at the end!
アンバランスなKissをして by vash (E, 2k)
A show-stopping alternate ending to the Final Battle, with Harry asking for a final kiss from Voldemort. 
Matriphagy by @being-luminous (M, 2k)
This fic takes the whole “Voldemort hunting Harry because of a prophecy” origin story, and adds a vampire twist to it. The floaty and detached vibe is a really nice contrast to the visceral horrors of what’s happening on-page — very skillfully done!
Phalanx by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
There’s a reason why Voldemort doesn’t wear shoes, which Harry, to his horror (and our delight), finds out firsthand. The foot worship in here is magnificently over-the-top in very satisfying detail.
Quiet as the Moon by @itsevanffs (M, 2k)
A Beauty and the Beast AU that’s a sequel to @duplicitywrites’ Certain as the Sun. I thought what was a really nice touch is how we see the state of their (unhappy) relationship through flashbacks interspersing the main action — in just a few sentences, itsevanffs manages to paint a picture of a very wretched existence for Harry, before he takes matters into his own hands. 
Research and Development by @cannibalinc (E, 6k)
Voldemort captures Harry and proceeds to experiment on him. And by ‘experiment’, I mean, carve Harry up and fuck him with his hemipenes in delightfully gratuitous, violent and unrestrained, and gushingly hot fashion.
Right in Front of My Salad? by IceLynx (T, 2k)
Draco Malfoy dies right in the middle of Harry and Tom’s kitchen (rude). A hilarious sequence of misunderstandings ensues, which leave you with no doubt that Harry and Tom are absolutely perfect for each other.
Run Boy Run by @youknowmevj (E, 6k)
The ultimate chase & capture fic. The anticipation builds with every one of Harry’s steps as he's trying to run away, and we’re left with some delicious emotional manipulation and a very hot wall sex scene at the end. 
silk of midnight and dawn by @ilya-zzz (E, 3k)
Such a cool concept! Harry and Tom decide to become animagi, and when Tom transforms into his animagus form, his animal instincts kick in... and Harry is right there unable to defend himself...
Tantrums by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Featuring the brattiest Tom I’ve ever come across, and an incredibly impulsive Harry who can’t resist Tom’s allures. You'd think this combination would automatically spell destruction and disaster, but they actually work out really well together in a surprisingly compatible way!
Tearing me apart (like a new emotion) by @rudehellion (E, 2k)
As this fic progresses, the horror of what’s happening to Harry in his forced marriage to Voldemort continues to build and build. Not only is Harry getting taken part physically, he’s also getting taken apart mentally ("Every night, there’s a little more trust to break.") I loved what the ending implies for Voldemort’s favorite hobby.
That's Your Boyfriend by @solavonn (G, Art)
This artwork is so cute!! Depicting Harry who's overwhelmed by how hot his Quidditch boyfriend Tom is. Harry's not the only one — Solavonn's Tom Riddle art is always so good-looking that we all feel the same way, Harry!
The Green Herring by @duplicitywrites (G, 1k)
A hilarious cracky take on what exactly Tom Riddle thinks of his boyfriend Harry’s very special, very extraordinary, very memorable eye colour. 
The sweet burn of venom by @loneamaryllis (E, 4k)
SMOKIN’ HOT ABO! Harrie goes through her first heat, and Voldemort provides relief, but is he really there, or is it a (very hot) dream?
thrice-bound, twice-filled by @cindle-writes (E, 4k)
Voldemort. Hemipenes. Double-stuffing Harry. A perfect setup for a very hot pwp!
We're (Not) Together by @vdoshu (E, 3k)
This fic is the EPITOME of gaslighting and manipulation. An extremely controlling Tom refuses to accept that he and Harry aren’t still together… or are they?
you alone of all creatures by @duplicitywrites (E, 3k)
I love the concept of Tom having an illicit affair with his very sexy and married Professor Potter. All the sneaking around is SO HOT as he seduces Harry and cracks open his defenses bit-by-bit.
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missgryffin · 14 days
Okay so I rewatched the new Bridgerton episodes 1-4, and while everything I said in this post is still true for me, I also kept another bullet-point list this time of all the things I did like now that I'm past the initial shock of the storyline 😂
The queen’s hair pieces are more extra and amazing than ever!!! Huge props to their costume and wardrobe department because they all majorly served.
The queen and Lady Danbury's friendship is so much more meaningful now having watched Queen Charlotte 🥹
Seeing a very socially awkward Bridgerton is actually so refreshing!! I didn't expect to love Fran this much.
I also loved the early camaraderie between Fran and Pen in ep 1. I wish we would have seen more of that in subsequent eps.
El’s summer muffs 😂
I do like Colin’s acquired wisdom and perspective. I like that he's gotten out of the little London bubble he's in and broadened his mind, and I think it's important to show he has matured and is no longer the boy about to get baby-trapped by Miss Thompson 😳 I just wish he wouldn't be so flat in the delivery of all that!!
Okay the lemonade lesson scene is some of the best chemistry out of them???? The looks they give each other?!?!?!?! WE NEEDED MORE AND MORE OF THIS!!!
At the next ball, on the right track. Playing the game of sending her to talk to suitors. Complimenting her. Laughing together!!! This is the direction!!!
El making friends by being herself!! “You are a most entertaining speaker” she is! She's so funny and personable. I just love Eloise. I'm really happy that she's coming into her own more.
“Your arrogance does not count as two people” 💀 This is such a Lily to James line and I love it so much 🤣 Also the whole side-plot of the Featherington sisters made me giggle every time. It was a bit cliché and tacky, but that's also their narrative purpose? And I appreciated the little glimpses of authenticity despite that, like when Prudence admits she doesn't like sex. Also, did everyone else know that Prudence's real-life mum is Imelda Staunton aka Dolores Umbridge bc I did not!!!
Then they did the leak and it all went downhill….☹️
Okay but the kiss is actually a great first kiss!! All the hesitation, then letting go a little bit, then the hasty "oh shit" retreat 🤌
Nicola’s an incredible actress. The range of emotions she conveys as Penelope is unmatched.
The post-kiss talk under the tree is the perfect level of awkwardness, doesn’t even need the Whistledown component. 
The cupcake moment is great!! WE NEED MORE OF THIS KIND OF TENSION!!!!
So I found the balloon scene in general to be kind of stupid and pointless BUT upon rewatch I must say Colin looks great in this scene. The boots!!! His outfit is really sexy. I mean this scene was obviously an excuse to show him looking athletic, but I think it worked??
The Mondriches! I love them. I’ve been reading mixed opinions online on Bridgerton’s handling of race within the social stratification of everything, so I’m still absorbing information as to that layer of things. But I do sense that narratively, bringing them into the ton was the writers’ easy way to keep them in the main cast, and I do have to say I’m very glad they’re still around even without the duke, and I love their friendship with the Bridgertons! Also they have such a healthy marriage and sweet relationship. 
Violet flirting!!!!!!!! And her dress in ep 3 is stunning, she looks incredible 🪭
Lady Featherington’s “No.” to the lamp guy is the epitome of “no is a complete sentence” and I'm here for it!!! 🤣 Someone find me a self-important man I can so "No" to like that, it looks like it would feel so satisfying.
Feeling more invested in Ben and Lady Tilly than Polin at this point lmao. Their banter and tension is so good!! 
So I do like the function of Debling’s genuine attention being a big confidence boost for Penelope and helping show her that the problem isn’t with her but with the ton and baked-in mean girl dynamics. I just wish this could have been worked differently to ultimately feed more Polin development. 
Colin being interrupted!! And watching her dance with someone else!! Yes yes yes. BUT!!! BUTTTTT!!! This is the kind of scene that needs to not end on the dance, but on more Polin post-dance. Like Colin growing a pair and asking for the next dance, and people being like 👀 and/or Pen following up with Colin about what he had been about to say before they were interrupted. Like a hot dance conversation? And suddenly Pen's the unexpected center of attention because two men are seemingly "competing" for her and one of them is Colin. (Which, imo, is scandalous all on its own — they didn't need the Whistledown leak storyline to create Whistledown drama, the "scandal" of Colin pursuing her publicly while she's excited about his developing feelings would have sufficed for that!)
I adored Fran’s silent moments with John. The way he saw her and they connected on such a deep soul level right away was so sweet and touching. And the scene of all the family watching them 😂 I was grinning!! 
The little moments between the Queen and Brimsley!! 😭😭
“Past lives are dangerous places to revisit.” Ugh chills. Such a good line.
I actually really like Lord Samadani. He seems like a great guy, just not the right match for Fran. But he’s better than Colin’s smarmy friends, all of whom I want to punch in the face!
SNOW ON THE BEACH!! 😭 Ugh this is GORGEOUS on strings!! And this should have been used for a good Polin scene!! Not Pen getting told Debling won’t love her and then dumping her!!!! 😩
Colin chasing her into the carriage, yes, we love to see it. Even his speech, there was a lot of good stuff in there. I just think we needed more build-up and different circumstances surrounding this, because the Debling proposal-not proposal was unnecessary imo.
Also I wanted to see more of Colin defending Pen to others instead of always deflecting. That really stood out to me on rewatch.
I'm still bitter about Pitbull. Pitbull is for clubs, not carriages!! 😒
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pinkandpurple360 · 7 months
OMG THEY REMOVED THE PILOT EPISODE!? like wow vize is really trying hard to get everyone forget about stolas being a fucking creep like this is some low level of favoritism right here next you know they gonna removed Ozzie’s and act like that episode never existed
I know right and the funniest part is Stolas in the pilot is a fucking saint compared to what we have now.
Pilot stolas: Calls Blitz about a job he wants him to do, then forgets about it, because he gets a bit carried away and starts talking sexy—he gets hung up on. He crosses a line by not reading the room, and is met with a boundary. His affair on his wife isn’t excused as him being the real victim.
New stolas: (maybe 66% of his abuse I’ll explain here? Let’s not even include Ozzies!!)
Abusive - mentally, sexually, emotionally, psychologically, physically, racist-coded, condescending, elitist, exploitative, manipulative need I go on.
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A Wolf in sheep’s clothing. Pretends to be helpless. For sex. Exposes a minor, his daughter, to his sex life against her will, brings the (coerced and exploited) home wrecker with him to the day meant to be about comforting her about his cheating on her mom and exposing her to the resulting domestic violence.
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Accurately racist coded and elitist towards the coded working class
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The series has ‘recontextualised’ him to be an even bigger bastard than ever. And his manipulation and gaslighting skill is so unmatched, it is escaping the fabric of YouTube itself and brainwashing the thousands of viewers it has into accepting abuse as sexy.
All Viv can do now is give him several scenes with pathetic running mascara, a mean lady yelling at him, give him glass bones and paper skin, then kill him off in a self sacrificial gesture probably so he’s remembered as a tragic victim. FUCKING LOL
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The events of the pilot have gone nowhere, the events of the affair are all the same, the dynamics are the same. Actually they’re worse now. You’ve just told us classist sexual exploitation and abuse is bad. You’ve shown us you can write a healthy mlm relationship without fanfiction garbage and abuse. It’s too late to go back now. Is this ok or not. Are abusers really abusers or are they just victims of circumstance? You have to answer now.
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rainbowdaisy13 · 11 months
WHEW runnin on 4 hours of sleep so I’m struggling with being eloquent. I’m gonna do a list to help my brain—thoughts as I remember them
*Stage is set up wonderfully—most stadiums you aren’t gonna have a bad seat
*If you have ever been to MN, you know that MN Nice isn’t what it means other places. Most here come from sullen Nordic stock so talking to strangers requires a shitton of alcohol. Nary a bracelet was exchanged around me, no complimenting of others outfits. The vibes were very much 👀 staring at others and being too scared to interact 😆
*Openers are perfect—MAATHP followed by CS really gets the crowd amped
*Her opening speech was interesting—she made a point of saying how she appreciates that we are so accepting of people in MN which felt like her acknowledging Pride
*She is so adorable and sexy live, very multifaceted —her stage presence is unmatched. She owns the entire stadium and she knows it. Was super powerful to witness
*Over the top long winded Het-splained Betty which was 🙄 because I thought she was transitioning away from that in previous shows—also my BFF turned to me and goes “she just said it’s a fictional album but then literally writes a song about a House she actually owns” and I died 😆 I had never thought of that before
*Which leads into the fact that Rebekah’s hair was in a ponytail flip thing—hairpin theory may be a bust
*The stage, lighting, bracelets light coordination, pyrotechnics are all top tier. Just next level—I don’t wanna ruin it because it was a shock and super cool, but I’ll say there was a point when we were blasted with volcano level heat being in the upper bowl and everyone went wild
*I sobbed the entire time through Marjorie which was expected
*Dear John was the only song I sat for—I absolutely freaked out that she said be nice online kids don’t go after anyone—turned to my friends and was like omfg she’s never addressed that before!! I do think she needs to be more forceful and real though in her language choice. It very much gave Kindergarten teacher talking to her class—which as we see, did nothing given the amount of posts I’m seeing of swifties being like nope don’t care. I wish she could’ve been like “hey stop being assholes online!! I don’t like it! It doesn’t help me!!”
*Daylight was a shock to me—very beautiful acoustically
*Her dancers are so talented, love all the diversity—also size inclusion, I love a bigger dancer that can do a fucking 3 hour set—break the stereotypes!!
*Seeing the screen during Anti-Hero live was heavy. I do not get what Swifties think is happening during that song. I didn’t realize it till last night, but they juxtaposed live Taylor singing on the left of the screen next to giant angry Taylor screaming and begging to be seen. It’s a crazy feeling to see that and be like damn I participate in this dichotomy by even being here
*I took a pee break during tolerate it and the line was nonexistent
*Shes so quick at costume changes!!
*Rainbow stage and rainbow bracelet lights for August which makes no sense unless it makes sense. Why wouldn’t it be a beach seen/waves?
*I don’t get how she sounds so good second night and doesn’t lose her voice. Doesn’t make sense to me—she must not talk day of the concert at all
*Shit I can’t remember which song it was for, but the screen visuals are naked Taylor in a bed. We get a brief glimpse of her holding someone’s hand, and the hand is of a Black person. This is significant IMO for 2 reasons—we are seeing continuity that she’s using anyone *but* a CIS white man as her love interest over and over and over again. Why?? If she’s only ever officially dated CIS white men?? Make it make sense. Also using a Black man as the Love interest in Lover and then having a Black male dancer do the Karlie grab hands stare at each other walk during Style seems like she’s trying to get across this is about the same person IMO
*The show is planned so well that it never fully loses momentum. And the 3 hours goes by way faster than I thought it was going to
*If you go to a show please stay and cheer for her band, dancers, etc. So many people left while she was asking for us to acknowledge them which is rude AF. She’s always known and acknowledged she couldn’t do these shows without 100s of mostly unseen talented people
Overall, I feel very fortunate I got to see her perform Eras. It is a once in a lifetime show. I don’t know what’s next for her, but it feels like she’s stepping away from this version of herself and evolving. I can’t wait to see what’s next 🫶🏼
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no-where-new-hero · 6 months
✣ Blake Wrapped: KDrama Edition 📹
Almost exactly a year ago, I watched Goblin for the first time and loved it, as I knew I would (I am so very much the target audience for that show it’s not even funny). And when I started retagging the gifs and stuff I had reposted from that time, I saw that I tagged something with “I’m not in a kdrama phase per se, but…” Reader, I lied. The kdrama phase was just waiting dormant for its moment to overtake my life. Here’s my rough ranking of what I saw this year.
#1: Coffee Prince (2007)
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It’s a little dated, but it also has worn tremendously well considering its contemporaries, and the bones are flawless: great writing with well-rounded characters, a gorgeously evocative soundtrack, a lovable cast. It has recognizable tropes (rich boy/poor girl, second leads, deceptions, etc) but never feels cliche. Also, it’s incredibly queer. Yes, the endgame of the main pair is happily heterosexual but the male lead works through a gay awakening and the female lead is basically non-binary. Even the second couple challenge gender roles in a refreshing way. I’ve only seen it twice because of platform difficulties, but it has compelling rewatch value.
#1’ : Goblin/Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016)
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This show is a masterpiece. It has its weak moments here and there (one dreepy song in the OST, the female leads could be fleshed out more, some of the mythology is spit and string), but it’s such a stunning production in the whole that you don’t really get stuck on that. The cinematography is some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen in any piece of film ever, the instrumental music is unmatched, it engages with deep themes, and the interpersonal dynamics are gorgeous (I love the three-of-us-in-this-marriage feel among the mains). It’s also incredibly moving, especially in parts that you don’t expect. I’ve seen this five times and I’m still not bored of it.
#1.5: Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020)
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Considering how much I’ve yelled about this, you’d think it would be higher, and I think my overall complaint about it is that, on a craft level, it’s telling two stories: the overt story is an immortal romance, but the underneath story is about family and redemption, and that’s the story that’s the compelling one. Unfortunately, unlike the first two I listed, the theme and plot don’t always cohere as well as they could. That being said, the characters are top-notch, the cinematography and effects are great, and the atmosphere always feels just a little bit off to be properly otherworldly. It gave me my OTP and set off an obsession. I need to rewatch it and suffer all over again.
#2: Hidden Identity (2015)
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Of course, this drama is flawed, as viewers always seem to like pointing out, but I also did watch all sixteen episodes in less than 48 hours during a school week, which tells you something about its gripping pacing and structure. The episodes are, well, episodic, but the cliffhangers are fantastic, the various threads build well to the final boss, and It was also just a really well-produced show? The cinematography and fight choreography were masterfully executed, the cast really made the most of their roles, and the theme music was addictive. I was also, of course, watching it for the Plot (Kim Beom).
#2.5: Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 (2023)
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It’s hard for me to evaluate this objectively because so much of it was fan-service, but since I was the fan being serviced, how could I not like it? It lacked the chic sexiness of the first season, but it was full of sincerity and incredible characters making heart-breaking and meaningful connections with each other—the writing improved, thank goodness—and the mix of fantasy, historical drama, and western made for a really fun setting. I enjoyed the shortened structure of having only 12 episodes instead of the standard 16 since it seemed to hold the pacing to a tighter rhythm.
#3: Special Labor Inspector Mr. Jo (2019)
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Would I rewatch this? Probably not. Did I enjoy the heck out of it the first time? Absolutely. It’s a sharp, smart satire whose virtue lies in its breezy ability to entertain as a tall tale while keeping the themes and social commentary incredibly grounded. It’s amazing how a show with such cynicism could also be such fun. The cast was excellent and the plot deliberately uses familiar tropes of rich families, hired gangs, and love struggles to push through its message: Power destroys. Heroism is kindness. Sometimes all you need is one very angry and very tired gym teacher turned bureaucrat to make life better.
#4: Boys Over Flowers (2008)
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This should not be as high as it is, but there were moments I still haven’t stopped thinking about and want to see again, which means it must have had something going on, even though I’m not sure what it was. I could never tell whether it was being ridiculous and outlandish on purpose or the show runners really thought they were making serious television. Exactly two songs in the soundtrack were good, and you also had that theme song as proper paratextual warning, and the outfits were what conservative people probably thing Queer Eye is. I do see why people like it. It’s just the kind of liking you have to do while mildly intoxicated.
#5: That Winter, the Wind Blows (2013)
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This one was melodramatic to the hilt, but somehow weirdly compelling, both through the elaborate ruse that sets up the plot and through the outrageous beauty of the two leads. This is the kind of overdramatic and indulgent nonsense you sometimes want in fiction, especially when its gorgeous to look at. The male lead goes around in suspenders and nice pants looking like a 1930s gangster. His sidekick’s hair and outfit anticipates David Tennant’s Crowley by six years. The female lead’s disability was pretty sensitively portrayed. Sometimes that’s all you can ask for.
Bonus (movies): You all know my thoughts about Flight. Also going to mention Hellcats, which was absurd but also deserves full points for having a main character come out as gay for her best friend).
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camstarzme · 2 years
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ploffline · 2 years
Sonic 3 style sonic mugen
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it's OpenGL only, and works with 1280x720 Res the best. Old Class Lifebar - MUGEN 1.0/ 1.1 - Download Page Osu!! Karate Bu Lifebar - MUGEN 1.0/ 1.1 - Download Page / Edit: Hi I'm back, I'm balancing between Sonic Boll, and MUGEN, so here's an update Q: What the hell is this? A: a Used to be April Fools Screenpack, created by Devon. Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 Lifebar - MUGEN 1.0/ 1.1. athena xi athena asamiya (and 6 more) Tagged with: athena xi athena asamiya kof king of fighters sexy cute 18+ compatible rape Athena Asamiya 18+ by ahuron and edit by choiyer 1,042 downloads. I have added a White summoning seal option, patch is located in the lifebar section.įnaf 7 unblocked mugen edits (0 reviews) 0 comments Submitted January 15, 2020. Thanks to my boy Yang once again for hooking me up with sprites. My lifebars have been update to now include the effects from MBAA. Type Moon Unlimited lifebars graphics update. With the new interface, the program follows the same pattern. The new version Ultimate offers advanced editing options, and offers much more performance to your users. Using it, you can create and edit characters, stages, fonts, and everything you want. The Fighter Factory Ultimate is a full featured M.U.G.E.N. Fielding funeral home chariton ia Fighter Factory Ultimate. IMPORTANT: This character was designed for MUGEN 1.0! If you use him in 1.1, his vore moves may not function properly in team battles! (Though he should be fine in single battles regardless.) (Unlike my previous submissions, I can't seem to locate a download link for the original. ****Mugen Multiverse Public Release!!!****.įull Games, Full Games Mugen Characters, Full Games Mugen Stages, Full Games Game Download M.U.G.E.N.: Scyther Vore Edit v1.0 + DOWNLOAD. SUPPORT ME ON PATREON TO CONTINUE CONVERTING-UPDATING MUGEN CHARACTERS FOR PUBLIC RELEASES AND EARLY ACCESS ON MUGEN CONTENT!!! Subject: Re: MUGEN 2018 Character Edits & Fixes!!! September 15th 2021, 5:39 am.Edits de Orochi & Mizuchi Para Mugen 2015 Parte 1 + links de descargalink of download - Mediafire - Disfrútenlos :DCHARS EN FACEBOOK.DarkLuigi's Character AI Patches/Edits.Includes also new Portraits,New RRDA Sprite and New Hyper combo Sound An Edit i made of An very Oldest Daniel with an file named daniel2,This edit Has sprite Changes which were taken from Daniel_CvS and Dark Paparazzi's Daniel_CvS Edit.If you have forgotten your username or password, you can request to have your username emailed to you and to reset your password. also i made a silly edit to the nones scary giygas. Hes disliked because of his poor quality and ego. here ya go! anybody who doesn't know about josh geary or in short. >w> i made edits, i was bored again.:3 meant for anyone who plays mugen and wants better collision boxes for josh geary so hes easier to kill.Super Luigi Edit (Nerfing and fixing SM853's edit of SuperLuigi) Edits and Add-ons: Tylor's MUGEN Domain - MUGEN - A site on my MUGEN stuff.This version takes influence from Sonic Battle, but seems to be custom, with the creator drawing parallels between this game and Tatsunoko vs Capcom. That being said, this version manages to counterbalance that with unmatched comboability, with most moves smoothly comboing into each other. He also has the ability to fly, like in the source games, though he can't fly for too long.īeing a fox cub, Tails isn't quite known for being powerful. His damage output is low, but his Hypers hit very hard. Like all of MUGENHunter's characters, Tails uses custom sprites and The King of Fighters-styled gameplay. His second version has been edited by Shiruzato. The most known versions are MUGENHunter's versions. In M.U.G.E.N, Tails has been made by various creators, with varying sprites and gameplay depending on the creator. He was originally very timid, but after meeting Sonic, he has become brave and independent. He is also an aerial pilot and he often uses Sonic's plane, called the Tornado. Tails has a genius-level intellect and is a natural prodigy when it comes to mechanics. He started following Sonic on his adventures and became his best friend and sidekick ever since. However, one day, he met Sonic the Hedgehog and was inspired by him running like the wind. He has also starred in his own games including Tails' Adventure, Tails' Skypatrol and Tails and the Music Maker.ĭuring his youth, Tails was frequently bullied because of his two tails. Miles Prower (nicknamed Tails by Sonic) is an 8 year-old twin-tailed fox that first appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and reappeared in almost every Sonic game since. There are versions of this character available that don't have their own branch articles!
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mmorggoto · 2 years
Hostel the movie nude actress
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Excerpts a clip Barbara Nedeljakova nude, Jana Kaderabkova Naked and Lovemaking from the video Hostel and best nudity and sex moments. Best and hottest Indian Girls Hostel Nude Dance With Dirty Songs hd indian porn videos can be found here, but if you are so nasty and want to see even more Indian Girls Hostel Nude Dance With Dirty Songs desi porn clips or some other. You are watching Barbara Nedeljakova nude, Jana Kaderabkova Naked and Lovemaking from the video Hostel video with naked nude video from taboo sex scenes.
Hi Jana….hope you love what i wrote about you….you are the coolest and thanks for having me as your fan and friend! Pls feel free to leave comments about my blog…. Tribute To Jana Kaderabkova from the movie Hostel I was extremely lucky to have met the blonde sexpot Jana Kaderabkova from the tortureporn that is Hostel. Desi nude Sexy Dance With A boy & Boy Fingering Her Pussy par2. I’m doing this article for Jana, a special friend indeed in my heart and i hope more people will realise how remarkable she is not just as an actor/model but as a person as well…….i’ve included a video tribute for her which includes pics of me and Jana! She’s got my undeniable vote for Euro Hottie. Here are the leak nude photos of actress Barbara Nedeljakova that were among. Rose Is Getting Male Talent Sean Hard With A Blowjob And A Titty Fuck While The Director Takes Stills Of Starlet Mia. The one thing that i won’t soon forget is being kissed by her not once but 3 times in one night…hehe….score! What i love about her is despite being a statuesque blonde bombshell she was so gracious, level-headed and funny when i was chatting with her right here in Singapore….:) She spilled the beans on the making of “Hostel”, being nude for her role, her co-stars and even the fun she had on set. Barbara Nedeljakova icloud leak fappening nude picture Barbara Nedeljakova is one of the hottest women on the planet. Unmatched porn actress develops sex skills with the old guy 10:12. Swiss actress Vera Bommer fully nude at Seitentriebe. Jordan Ladd nude photos are a treasure for everyone's eyes. This nude horror movie kill was groundbreaking for many reasons. This site does not store any files on its server. This Czech beauty will always be remembered for the hot spa scene in the gory movie but even though that’s her only starring role, she’s actually a famous model in Europe and has been modelling for more than 10 years! Evelina Oboza nude Hostel Part 3 (2011) Doutzen Kroes sexy Nova Zembla (2011). Here are the leak nude photos of actress Jordan Ladd that were among the second wave of leaks from the celebrity iCloud hacking scandal. Hostel nudity, Hostel sex scene, Hostel nude scene, Hostel actress nude, Hostel sexy scene ALL CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL POSTERS. I was extremely lucky to have met the blonde sexpot Jana Kaderabkova from the tortureporn that is “Hostel”.
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darkshrimpemotions · 3 years
What is my opinion on Lisa Braeden?
I don't hate Lisa. Lisa did nothing wrong. But I don't think she ever could have, because Lisa--and by extension Ben--only exists for Dean within the narrative of SPN.
We know nothing about her that isn't somehow relevant to Dean. She has a job Dean finds sexy. She has a son so Dean can imagine having a son. She lives in the kind of house, neigborhood, town Dean considers "the apple pie life."
We only meet her friends so they can comment on Dean's sexual prowess. We only meet her neighbor so Dean has male bonding time. We meet her next boyfriend to give Dean some angst. We know she has a type because Dean fits into it. We never learn Ben's father's name, because it doesn't matter, because Dean is his father whether he is or not.
We don't know Lisa's favorite color, middle name, or anything about her family, her other interests, her life before Dean or in the near-decade between their weekend of sex and her introduction in season three... because none of that is relevant to Dean. She exists outside of any context of her own, to be Dean's idea of the perfect girl. She has less character and depth than Mary got in season one, ffs. And in some ways, she's just a reflection of what Dean thought Mary was.
Because she also has no boundaries, limits, or expectations except those Dean already puts on himself. He shows up on her doorstep looking shattered and she lets him stay without a pause. He drinks too much and she doesn't kick him to the curb. He lies to her and she knows it, and she lets him off the hook. He starts acting paranoid and snapping at her and Ben and she calmly talks him down. He goes back to hunting and she's fine with playing house part-time.
She is always perfectly calm, perfectly understanding, perfectly willing to play whatever part in Dean's life suits him. In fact Lisa doesn't ever have a problem with Dean just doing whatever he wants until Dean does something he finds unforgivable.
She just...doesn't exist. To a level unmatched by any other character except maybe Jess. But Jess only appears (as herself and not a ghost or deception) in one single episode. Lisa is in multiple episodes across three different seasons. The way she was written is chillingly flat and caricaturelike if you stop and think about it, especially given the way season 15 reframes the whole show as a story told for a sadistic god's amusement.
I didn't intend for this to turn into a wholeass metapost, but here we are.
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Okay soooo I know that Oberyn is your fave, so I'm going to request our sex god of a Prince. "You'll have to make me." "Oh, is that so?" *evil laugh here* Can't wait to see what my bestie boo comes up with
A/N: I’m in love with Oberyn Martell so thank you for indulging me. :D ILY 
Thank you for every reblog, comment, and like. 
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x F! Reader (Little Sparrow) x Ellaria Sand 
Warnings: 18 + Only (Language, domesticity, oral F! receiving, mentions of sexy times) 
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Lemon Tarts 
You stood across from the three little girls, their hands on their hips, just like their father. “Obella, Dorea, Loreza,” you stern your expression, “which of you did it?” 
“What do you mean, Mama?” Dorea asks with a grin; oh, the sly viper had taught his daughters well. Ellaria giggles behind, and you turn to stick your tongue out at her. “Mommy, is she well?” 
“Your Mama is quite well, my love, but she wants to know which of you naughty girls took the lemon tarts from the kitchen?” They look conspiratorially between each other, and you bite your lip to stop the smile that threatens to show. “Come now,” she demands, “Which one of you did it?” 
“It’s a secret,” Loreza whispers giggling, and you drop to your knees, seeing the weak link in the chain with the youngest. 
“What’s the secret, my sweet Dove?” You twirl her dark curls behind her ear, and she leans into your hold, reaching out to hug you. 
“Papa, said we couldn’t tell,” she whispers in your ear, and the smile breaks out across your face. “We caught him in the kitchen eating the tarts, and he shared one with us. He made us promise not to tell.” You giggle and hold her tighter to your chest, standing with her in your arms, her legs wrapping around you like a monkey. 
“Loreza! Papa told us not to tell!” Obella scolds, and you look over at Ellaria with a grin. 
“It seems like Papa has been getting into my sweets; what shall we do to him? I think he will need to be punished for getting into things he shouldn’t be.” You let Loreza down with a kiss on her head, and Ellaria giggles and winks at you. 
“Yes, I think a punishment is in order; why don’t you go find him? He is in the training yards with the girls.” You nod and go over to grab your shawl and wrap it around your shoulders, the rain outside sending a slight chill through the palace. Obella holds your dress and pulls you down to her level, “what’s wrong, my darling?” 
“Please, don’t tell Papa we said anything. We don’t want him to be angry with us,” her tiny voice shakes and she looks close to tears. 
You wrap her in a big hug, “Don’t worry, my darling, your secret is safe with me.” She nods, hugging your neck tighter, which you eagerly return. Each day the girls get older, and one day, they won’t want hugs and cuddles; you must take advantage of it as long as you can. You let go and rise, leaning down to kiss Ellaria gently, smiling when she takes your bottom lip between her teeth and pulls. 
“Make him pay Little Sparrow, he must know how angry you are with him. Don’t let him persuade you away with his flowery words and gentle touch.” You give her another quick kiss and a smile walking over to the training fields. 
You follow the sounds of grunts and groans, watching from the upper deck at the fighters below. Nym and Obara spar in the center a deadly and delicate dance of quick footwork and fists. “Dive Nym!” Oberyn shouts from the corner, “you must be ready to anticipate her every move. Don’t let the fact that she is your sister distract you from your goal.”
Nym watches Obara closely as she circles her like a predator viewing its prey. “Now,” Oberyn coaches, “strike!” You hold your breath as Nym gets a grip on her sister and swings her to the ground, her hands coming out to brace on either side of her head, wrists pinned down. “GOOD! Well done!” he claps his hands together and walks over to the table to drink a sip of wine and pops a few berries into his mouth. 
You clap your hands together, and all three pairs of eyes slowly look up to watch you leaning over the railing. “Well done, girls! You have become such fearsome warriors; you bring such glory to your family, my loves.” They smile at you and mumble, “Thank you, mama”, under their breath, both shy with the praise. 
“What about me, Little Sparrow?” Oberyn shouts up at you with a smile, “no compliments for the one who trains them? You glare down at him, and his smile drops, a worried expression growing on his face. 
“You are in trouble, Oberyn Martell,” he freezes, his eyes widening; you only used his name when you were cross with him. “I know your secret, and I am here to make you pay.” 
“And what pray tell, is this indiscretion I’ve committed, my love?” The girls look between the two of you and quickly realize this is something they don’t want to miss. It takes everything you have not to giggle when they walk over to the table and grab a glass of wine and watch between the two of you like a drama at the theater. 
“It would seem that the lemon tarts I’ve spent hours baking are all gone. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” To his credit, he does look concerned for a moment before he slips on that charming smile, the one you can’t possibly resist. 
He gives a nervous chuckle and rubs the back of his head, “I wouldn’t know anything about that Little Sparrow; maybe some snakes got into the kitchen and took off with your treats. Come down here, and we can talk about it further.” He flicks his wrist down to the spot in front of him, and you scoff. 
“You’ll have to make me.” 
“Oh, is that so?” You nod, and he sighs, removing his outer coat and leaving him shirtless; the golden chain around his neck glistens, his sun-kissed skin making you weak. The girls quickly stand, taking their cups and leave out the side door. “If you won’t come to me, then I guess I will need to come to you.” He walks over to the large column and begins to scale the wall, hands intertwined in the wild ivy growing around the stone. 
“Are you out of your mind?!” you step closer to the column, reaching a hand out for him. 
He stops before your outstretched hand and puts a hand to his chest with a dramatic sigh, “my Little Sparrow, love of my life, please forgive me for eating your delicious lemon tarts. They were positively perfect; I couldn’t resist.” 
You put your hands on your hips knowing precisely what he’s doing. “Are you doing something rather dangerous so that I won’t be cross with you anymore?” He grins, and you scoff, “you’re insane; I should have married the baker’s son. Then I could have had lemon tarts, and a sane man warm my bed every night!” You yelp as he swings a leg over the banister and turn, running down the hall, Oberyn hot on your heels. 
You turn the corner and barrel past servents who giggle as you make your way back in the direction of Ellaria and the girls. The youngest giggle when you scream around the corner, coming to stand behind Ellaria. Oberyn grasps the table and fakes left and right, trying to anticipate your every move. “Papa!” Loreza shouts, watching, “what are you doing?” 
He laughs, reaching for you as you move out from behind Ellaria and try to sneak past him. “It doesn’t seem like your quest has been successful, Sparrow,” Ellaria teases, looking up at you from her book. “It seems like our Prince has the upper hand right now.” You try to run past him, but he grabs you with a shriek and tosses you over his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry little ones, but Mama thought it was a good idea to tease Papa.” You hit his back, and he slaps your ass. 
“What did Mama tease you about?” Ellaria smiles behind the hand covering her mouth, and you try to look around him to flip her the bird. 
“She said she wished she’d married someone else besides Papa. Can you believe that, my little Princesses?” You can’t see the girls, but their shrieks of laughter make you smile. 
“That’s silly!” Dorea jumps up and down, “Papa is the best man there is!” 
You can hear the smile in his voice, “thank you, Princess Dorea, now Papa has to go and remind Mama why she married him, and not,” his voice drops an octave, “some baker’s son.” He turns and you lift your head, reaching a hand out to Ellaria, who shakes her head with a laugh. 
“See you later, my love,” she shouts with a wave, the little girls waving goodbye as they jump around and giggle. 
There is not much dignity when you’re carried over your lover’s shoulder to be punished, and you try to avoid eye contact with everyone you pass—sighing in relief when the doors to your chamber close behind him, yelping as he tosses you on the bed. Oberyn stands above you, still shirtless, still handsome, but with a darkened glint in his eyes. 
He reaches out for you and quickly undresses you, peering down at you with a hunger that no lemon tart would satisfy. He spreads your legs, his big hands sliding up your thighs. “What was it you said, Little Sparrow?” your breath catches as he settles himself before your juicy cunt, “you should have married the baker’s son, so you could have all the lemon tarts you wanted an a-” he draws one thick finger through your folds. “-a sane man warm your bed? Let me remind you what that baker’s son could not do for you, my love.” 
He spends the next several hours reminding you why you chose to be with him over all others. His devotion to your body is unmatched as he makes you cum with his tongue, fingers, cock, and all over your chambers. There’s a pleasant ache between your legs, and the perspiration glows on your skin. The moonlight streams through the open window. Oberyn’s weight is comfortable as his arm is slung across your waist, lips kissing a trail down your shoulder and back up to your ear. “I think we broke our record,” he teases, sucking your ear lobe into his warm mouth. 
You turn and smile, giving him a languid kiss, “yes, you seemed to be quite motivated.” 
“Can you blame me?” he kisses the end of your nose, “you told me you wished to marry another. You’re mine; I needed to prove it.” You giggle and kiss him again, both of you turning when the door swings open. Ellaria walks inside, and you are struck with how gorgeous she is, her breasts spilling over the edges of her dress like a delicious wrapped present. 
“I have a gift for you,” she smiles, presenting a plate from behind her back, a single lemon tart in the center. “The girls and I have been working for hours, trying to get it just right.” 
You clap your hands, not caring that the sheet slips down your body as you coo in delight. “I can’t wait to taste it!” She grins and hands you the dish, your mouth watering as she strips out of her clothes and pulls the sheet away. Her necklace and bracelets click as she spreads your legs and settles between them, Oberyn reaching a hand out to palm your breast. You take a bite of the tart and moan at the perfect combination of tart and sweet, but the moans quickly turn to something else as Ellaria licks your pussy. 
“Wh-what are you d-doing?” you stutter the crumbs from the tart sprinkling down your chest, Oberyn eagerly surging forward to lick and suck them from your skin. 
“Our Prince got to remind you why you chose him, but I wanted to make sure you truly know what you would be missing if you married that Baker’s son. See, I even made you lemon tarts,” she smiles before resuming her kitten licks on your clit, her nails trailing over your hips. 
And fuck, do you never forget. 
Taglist: @chicken-ona-stick @agirllovespancakes @ghostwiththemostbitch @the-purity-pen @paintballkid711 @wasicskosgirl @fantasticcopeaglepasta @sarahjkl82-blog @boxdyeblonde @rosiefridayrogersunday @yeah-seems-legit  @mimimi-stuff  @ladyblogger-margie @memyselfandellasworld @peterhollandkait @itspdameronthings @emmy626 @luv-nd-serenity @randomness501  @littlebopper96 @alexmarie29 @hell-is-my-second-home666 @thisshipwillsail316 @madslorian @no-droids-on-sunday @glixxr @sfr99 @pedro-pastel @we-can-be-himbos  @sleep-tight1 @sarhabee @its--fandom--darling @im-an-adult-ish @princess76179 @demoncrypt1066 @jedi-mando @idreamofboobear @aerolanya @rebelliouscat @veracruz-djarin @marvelprincess1994 @thirstworldproblemss @spacelatinoss  @martellthemandalor @kesskirata @waatermelon-sugaar @jitterbugs927 @helga1031  @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @lunarthoughts
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @lycheemi @purplepascal042 @poubxlle @dreamer-101 @thewayofthemandalorian @omlwhatamidoinghere @linkpk88 @josepedropascal @mrschiltoncat @mrsparknuts @zannemes @xjaywritesx @mandocrest @petersunderoos96 @notabotiswear @mando-amando @lv7867 @mudhorn-djarin19 @ka-x-in @sleep-tight1 @freeshavocadoooo @dinner-djarin @mssbridgerton @prideandpascal @theflightytemptressadventure @notabotiswear @Pintsizemama @pascal-rascal424 @allmahfeels @the-ginger-hedge-witch @soyelfuegoquearde @northernpunk @clydesducktape @a-skov @darnitdraco @spideysimpossiblegirl @jediknight122
Oberyn Martell Taglist: @theatricalbride @meshlamando  @seasonschange-butpeopledont @blufanfictionthings  @queenbbarnes @talesfromtheguild @rpcvliz @evyiione @browneyes-djarin @lips-for-you @midnightzonzz
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puthyflapps · 2 years
I just started exploring the Shoni tag on ao3 for some possible good post-s2 angst and haven’t had much luck so far. You were right…we’ve been truly spoiled with the Clexa content and fic.
I’m telling you!!! Going from clexa to another fandom is such a weird feeling. I could write a post about Lexa’s big toe being sexy and it’s gonna do numbers pewiod the energy is unmatched. I need the shoni girls to get on that level
In terms of ao3, they’ve got some good stuff in there but it’s not enough. I need more 👁👄👁And ya know I like to write a little headcanon here and idk if that’s just not a thing TW fandom does but I feel like I’m writing into the abyss. I think the majority of the fandom is on Twitter and I refuse to involve myself in all of that
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nyancatkuroo · 3 years
Smoke Sesh Blues Pt.1
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Pt.1 Terushima/Kunimi/Kenma x Reader ll Weed 
Pt.2 Saeko x Reader ll Molly + Alcohol 
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INTOXICATED a  Miki Mouse Whorehouse collab.    
A/N: Here is my second collab fic for the whorehouse and I couldn’t be more excited! This is a Dark Content fic, so 18+ please dot not interact or you will be blocked.  (This one doesn’t have any NSFW in it but it doesn’t mean I want a bunch of minors interacting with my content).
TW: mentions of alcohol, weed smoking, mentions of shrooms.
WC: 1.5k
Sitting across the room was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen, well, beautiful might not be the best word to describe her.  Ethereal, and transcendent might’ve been the words you’d use to describe a really, really attractive woman, but Tanaka Saeko was not just any attractive woman.  
Where beautiful meets savagely charismatic, ethereal simply wasn’t enough to describe the sheer magnetism that the young blond woman exuded, simply sitting there, grinning from ear to ear.  Her sharp, dark eyes and toothy grin hit you straight in the guts, and that’s when you fell, hard and fast, and painfully.  
Next to the blonde was a young woman equally as attractive as Saeko herself, and if Saeko wasn’t the definition of ethereal, the raven-haired girl sure was.  With a pale and delicate face that screamed of poise and grace, a criminally sexy mole on the left side of her chin, and blue eyes that made a chill of pleasure run down your spine, Shimizu Kiyoko was the epitome of everything you weren’t.  
Saeko had her right arm around the younger girl, hugging her close, as if afraid she’d run off.  “I’d take precautions too, if that was me,” you thought.  Kiyoko was one of the smartest and prettiest girls in campus after all, and despite not knowing her personally, having talked to her only once or twice because of mutual classes, it wasn’t hard to understand why she was one of the most sought after girls. 
Well, that and the very amusing reputation preceding her since she entered university two years ago.  The thing was, the dark-haired girl wasn’t Saeko’s girlfriend, but she was definitely intertwined with a Tanaka. Saeko’s younger brother to be exact, Tanaka Ryuunosuke.  
The two were rumored to have been going out since Kiyoko’s high school graduation.  Despite having let it be known pretty early on in her academic life that she had a boyfriend, with a younger partner still in high school, all the hungry frat boys up for a challenge and every business major in a radius mile who thought she “deserved better”, apparently made it their mission to woo her.  It made for pretty good entertaining drama to watch, but your heart went out for her. 
Based on what Saeko told you, keeping you updated on the family drama, the first year was really rough on the young couple.  With her younger brother finally on campus this year, though, overcoming all the annoying dudes was easier done a job at two.  Especially with a barking protective idiot and Kiyoko’s punching one-liners, which you wouldn’t expect coming from someone so calm and collected.  Perhaps it wasn’t that surprising, apparently, from what you’d heard from Saeko, Kiyoko’s comedic timing was unmatched.
And okay, you obviously knew Saeko, and if Kiyoko wasn’t her girlfriend, what was the big fuss all about?  Jealousy, simple as that. It was 10 pm on a Friday night, which meant parties around campus were raging from one hard to get in-club to home parties and make-shift park dancefloors. Fridays were made for debauchery and every single student who didn’t work a night shift was accounted for, every student except one, Ryu.  
Saeko’s younger brother, a baldy with a lively personality, was running late because of his group of friends.  Something about “Noya wrecking havoc once again” and “the trio trying to fix things, again”.  You didn’t know what the issue was but it was a problem for you because that meant that Saeko had to act as guard dog for the younger girl, which meant less time spent making you feel all sorts of sinful little pleasures.  
Saeko wasn’t your girlfriend either, which is why you didn’t have that close connection to Kiyoko.   You guys were simply friends with benefits, lots and lots of benefits that included midday brunches, and late-night movie and make-out seshs, but still, only friends with the hall pass.  
You were making eyes at the blond, desperately trying to make her notice you, amongst the hordes of horny 20-somethings year old guys trying to get at Kiyoko, but without luck. Tired of waiting and wanting to actually start enjoying yourself, you decided to go explore the rest of the house the party you currently were in was hosted. Leaving the living room, you ventured into a surprisingly big kitchen where you spotted Terushima Yuuji running his little side hustle. With a hum and an easy smile plastered on your face, you made your way towards the young man.  
You knew Terushima from years ago. When you and your friend Issei started venturing into the wondrous world of drugs and alcohol, he mentioned how he knew this guy from a rival volleyball team who was supposedly the best plug in the area, which Terushima was.  The shrooms you bought off of him never disappointed and the weed he provided really was that good fucking kush. Tonight though, you felt needy and wanted to let loose, so molly it was.  
You put your hand on Terushima’s shoulder, making him aware of your presence, and he turned around, a slight frown on his face before he recognized you and greeted you with the sickest bro shoulder-bump-hand combo. You loved this dude so damn much. 
“So, what’s it gonna be this time my little pogchamp?”
With a grimace you pushed the young man’s face with your hand and laughed.
“You’ve got to stop watching your Tiktoks on Instagram, you’re like two months late to that trend my guy.”
“Ain’t no problem, when a king does right by his subjects the peasants don’t have a choice but to laugh along”, he grinned.
At that, you bursted out laughing, holding your belly because of how ridiculously funny that statement was. “Out of pocket, Teru, out of fucking pocket.”
With a whatever, and a roll of his eyes, Terushima asked what you wanted and gave you a few little pills that fit just right inside your jean pocket.  
“You know you’re the best.” Sending finger guns his way, you were about to leave, on a quest to find another interesting adventure, when Terushima called your name.
“Hey if you wait a couple minutes until I’m done here we can go smoke a few. Kunimi just bought this new bong and it’s pretty fucking sick, you’ll love it.”
With nothing better to do, you agreed and after a while, Terushima was done and the both of you left the kitchen and made your way to the second-floor, towards Kunimi’s room. When you arrived, the door to the room was closed but you could see the smoke filtering out of the red lit room, the people around too busy in their own affairs, or simply not caring enough, to notice the very obvious hot-box going on behind the closed room.  
When you got in, Doja Cat’s Kiss Me More was playing on loop, and you unsurprisingly found Kunimi and Kenma sharing the bong. The pair could outsmoke you any day, but you genuinely enjoyed their company.  
There was no one better than those two to have a chill yet feel-good smoke sesh with, cuddles and an infinite supply of munchies present every time. You sat next to Kenma and he immefiatley started nuzzling you, passing you the bong.  On the back, you could hear Kunimi telling Terushima he was being too loud and that he’d kick him out if his voice reached higher levels than Toad’s. Terushima was right, paired with the right weed, this bong was way too powerful and it only took you a couple of hits to start feeling.  
You laid down, Kenma still close to you, and started singing along, while playing with Kenma’s hair.  Yeah, this was definitely your definition of a good time, but despite how good you were feeling, and how warm the little guy you were cuddling with felt, you thought something was missing.  The pills in your pocket started feeling heavier, unease growing  inside of you.  Lost in your worry, you apparently started petting Kenma too roughly, if the kick in the knee he gave you was anything to go by.
“Sorry”, you mumbled, only to receive a small groan for an answer.  
You don’t know how long you stayed like that, cozied up on the floor with your friends, listening to Doja’s newest collab, but the moment was disturbed when a foreign source of light appeared.  Someone had opened the door and when you saw who it was, your heart nearly skipped a beat.  Fucking feelings.
With a gentle smile on her face, Saeko was looking at you with what, for a split second, you thought was fondness, but a moment later her eyes went back to their usual playful glee, and her toothy grin returned.  
“Ryu got here like an hour ago, I’ve been looking for you, but I see you don’t really need me to have a good time, hm?”
By that point, you felt more sleepy than high, but seeing the woman occupying your every thoughts appear out of nowhere, with what looked like heavenly light all around her, which was just some crusty hallway lighting, woke you up faster than you cared to admit. You kissed Kenma on the cheek, patted Kunimi on the head, and slapped Terushima on the shoulder as a goodbye, and before they could complain about the disturbance, you were out of the door.
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bakatenshii · 4 years
𝖗𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖕𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖍𝖖 𝖇𝖔𝖞𝖘
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⇢ a tag game! choose 4 (or less) schools and describe what type of relationship (platonic or romantic) you’d have with 1-2 characters from those schools!
tagged by resident Asahi fucker miss Alli (〃∀〃)ゞ @watermelonsugawara
ps this was discussed con mis amigas porque I don’t think I have a good gauge on what I’m actually like to interact with cos my perception of myself is wonky
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Aoba Johsai ♡︎ Oikawa Tooru
Alexa, play Man in the Mirror. I have been nominated, appointed, and crowned Oikawa kin by all my friends and the more the days go on the more I see it. A W or an L? You decide. Either way our levels of pettiness and vanity is simply unmatched. Charcuterie boards on sunny afternoons, champagne bars to get that bubbly type bitchy, we’d be on that twin flame type beat. Oikawa and I will fight for the title of the Worst God Complex holder, and I’ll let him win (only because he let me win the Biggest Brat Award.)
Oikawa and I wouldn’t date, but we might fuck for bants, and if we fuck we’re definitely setting up a camera with some good professional lights and an over the top setting because why waste the energy if we don’t create art to admire afterwards?
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Inarizaki ♡︎ Miya Atsumu
Truly a case of Cunt vs. Cunt— place your bets now, a fiver a ticket. This whole friendship is just a running gag of who can make the other cry first; it consists purely and only of us being absolutely foul to each other in every way imaginable. Deep down we’re both glad there’s someone there to match out disgusting toxic energy, and even deeper down you might find a hint of appreciation for each other. But you won’t find that until about six feet under.
Absolutely would not date this man, but definitely the one that friends beg us to fuck because they’re sick of our constant fighting and thinks it’ll ease the tension. It doesn’t and it won’t; may fuck drunk on accident and it’s always better than we’d like to admit.
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Johzenji ♡︎ Terushima Yuuji
Here we are lads; the Disaster Duo, the Chaos Cunts— Yuuji and I get on like a house on fire, and by that I mean, quite literally we may set a house on fire. God forbid we meet; his fearless cocky attitude meets my obnoxious enabler ass topped off with his balls of steel? A global red alarm, the earth as we know it will implode. Fuck Jesus turning water into wine, Yuuji and I’ll be turning the Pacific, Atlantic, and whatever other oceans into pure moonshine. (don’t ask us to name them, neither of us took an Academic Major) It’s sexy, and truly the best way to Apocalypse Now.
FWB galore, but also I am his best wingwoman. The amount of texts and sexts I’ve ghost-written for him puts Drake’s ghost-writer to shame. This is 100% based off of real experience and I apologize for all the girls I’ve hurt for my friends.
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Nekoma ♡︎ Kozume Kenma
This isn’t purely delusional, I promise. I may be a walking hazard for everyone around me when I’m out and about, but that applies only when I leave the house. Don’t let this list fool you, if I had a dick I’d probably be an incel, and that’s on my record-breaking levels of laziness. I don’t do mornings, don’t do exercising, don’t practice self love in the sense of eating my 5 a day or sommat. I stay curled up in bed binging manga for 8 hours straight then proceed to take out my pent-up energy on shitty teammates in game.
I just think Kenma and I could have a very domestic, peaceful lazy relationship lounging round together. Also we’d share clothes; look me in the eye and tell me this effortlessly stylish manchild owns anything smaller than an XL. RT that Kenma baby, me too.
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tags: @blahkugo , @theygottheircages , @sugardaddykenma , @bokutobabie , @sadwentz , @undermattsun , @lookslikeleese , @rat-suki , @pomsuki , @joyousandverywarlike , @pomsuki , @pleasantanathema , @obscureamor , @lovingsuna , @closetdegen
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anime-alyssa · 4 years
baby girl (max lord x reader)
hey hey guess who’s a max lord fucker??
smut below cut. buy me a ko-fi if you can spare it - pls i ran out of money i dont get paid for another week
also on ao3.
He worked so hard, day in and day out he was working nonstop. There were many nights when you would go to bed alone and wake up alone, the only sign of him being around the crumpled up sheets in the bed next to you, the faint smell of his cologne lingering in the air of the bedroom. The closet would be askew and clothes would be out of place in his wake after getting dressed that morning. His breakfast plate would be in the sink, half a pot of coffee still left just for you. These were all signs that he had actually made it home to you even though you didn’t see him.
That was becoming your norm. You’d get up after him, clean up what he left after you got yourself ready in the prettiest of designer outfits Max bought for you. Designer dresses, shirts, skirts, jumpers, rompers, shoes, bags, and sunglasses. Gucci, Hermes, Louis, you had it all from Max. If you saw it in a store or in a catalog and you looked at it or mentioned that you liked it, it was on your doorstep the next day. You dripped in diamonds every day - the finest of cuts and the largest of rocks. You slept on silk sheets every night, the finest of colors. He bought you anything you wanted and made your life look picture perfect - made you look like the epitome of happiness. And for the most part, you were.
But you wanted to see him more. And he knew that. So, today he promised he would work from home and that at around 7:00 pm, he would spend the rest of his night with you. Making up for lost time. You went out and got yourself a special little black bra, put it on under the white semi-see-through sundress you wore today and decided to opt out of anything down under, thankful that the skirt of the dress was not see through but did have a slit up the side that went up to your hip. Anyone can see it through the dress up top, so you weren’t planning on leaving the house today.
Max would get jealous; he didn’t like it when other people looked at you when you dressed sexy. He said it was for his eyes only - that only he got to see you dripping in the laces and silks that he bought for you, all the diamonds and the pearls to go with it. You had no problem accepting these gifts - at first you did, insisting you could work for your own. But he was very insistent, said you deserved to be showered with all the luxury that money could buy.
He was insistent on locking you down as his, dating you for a total of 2 months before marrying you. It was the wedding of your dreams, a custom Versace gown that you designed in the loviest, most lavish villa Max found in the French countryside. It was perfect. You built your home from the ground up, letting you take the reins on the designing and just singing the check at the end of it all. Truly, you were given whatever you wanted from Max Lord.
Fluffing your hair in the mirror, you sighed as you finished applying your bright red lipstick to complete your look. It was just about lunch time, he would be coming out soon to eat. You hoped. Your diamond earrings glistened in the light as you tightened the cloth belt around your waist, cinching your dress tighter to your body. The material flowed around you as you walked away, light and airy as your bare feet padded on the marble flooring.
Approaching the office you noticed the door was open, and the room was silent. Was he even in there? Usually he was on the phone with at least someone, yelling about something that you didn’t know nor ask about. You glanced in as you were walking by and saw him sitting at his desk, hunched over some paperwork busy. Deciding to not bother him you walked by him -
“Come back here.” he called for you just as you passed by the last opened double door. You turned on your heel, walking into the doorway. He had just been looking down - but he didn’t miss you walking by. His eyes roamed over you as you approached his desk, soaking in your appearance, memorizing it. Rounding the side of his desk, going behind it to stand next to him, his gaze followed you.
“Yes?” you asked, innocence dripping off your tongue as you spoke. Max gave you a smirk as his hands planted themselves on your hips, dragging you closer to him. He let one hand roam free, trailing it up your ribcage, thumb sliding over your breast as he hit it, leaving it there.
“Stunning, baby girl.” he said, nestling his head into your hair, breathing in your scent as he held you close. You could hear his staggered breathing on your ear and decided to take one of your hands, laying it flat on his chest. He dressed ‘down’ today, opting for just a dress shirt and a pair of dress pants. He still looked his normal self, hair slicked back and put together to perfection. Presentable as a boss, even though the only one seeing him would be you.
“Just for you.” you said back to him with a smile. He hummed in response, lips drifting over your cheek as his thumb started circling your breast again over your dress. “Brand new.” you breathed out, feeling your body start to slowly heat up.
“I thought I was the one who did the spoiling here?” he said lowly, pulling his face out of your hair to look back at you. You recognized that look in his eyes - one you hadn’t seem in weeks. Lust. He wanted you, making you blush seeing that your little see-through trick worked.
“Even you need a surprise, sometimes.” you said to him, pressing a kiss against his lips.
“I’m the luckiest man in the world, baby girl. Buying beautiful lace just for me…” Max leaned you back against his desk, back flat against all his papers and wrapped your legs around his waist, leaning over your body as he brought his lips down to your throat, kissing up it and finally reaching your lips. “I think I’m hungry for lunch…” he said against your lips, causing you to moan and your cunt to clench in between your legs.
With that one of his hands traveled to your exposed thigh from the slit of your dress, traveling inward to your thigh, breath catching when he realized you were bare under the dress. He said nothing but let out a soft grunt as he quickly flung your legs over his shoulders, moving your dress out of his way as his mouth found your heat. Moaning as you felt his breath along your core, you grabbed onto the fabric of your dress as he placed kissed just above your nub on the skin around it, teasing you.
In a split second he decided to forego the teasing and sank his tongue into your dripping pussy. You cried out, his tongue working fast on your cunt, eating you up for his lunch as his fingers started to come into play and started to pump into you. Moaning again your body started to feel like flames were burning against your skin, sweat forming on your body as he ate you out on his desk. He made quick work of you, fingers furiously pounding into you and mouth sucking on your nub enough to make you scream out his name as you came around him. Your body trembled and you arched against the desk, thighs tightening around his head that kept going down on you, dragging every last inch of your orgasm out of you and lapping up every ounce of your juices that came out of you.
Eventually he pulled away from you, licking his fingers clean and wiping his mouth off with lips tongue. Max helped you sit back up again, coming face to face with you and planting a tender kiss onto your lips.
“Delicious, my love.” he said to you tenderly, pushing your hair out of your face as he kissed you again. “I’ll be done in a few hours. We’ll go to dinner and then come back when I’m done.” he said to you. Nodding, he kissed you again as he walked you to the door of his office, giving you one last peck before shutting the door. You walked back to the master, going into the bathroom to clean yourself up and figure out what to do until after dinner.
True to his word, Max only worked until about 5 and then took you out to dinner. Rooftop reservations, private look of the city lit up and your favorite wine, as much as you wanted. He was a pull out all the stops kind of guy and tonight, it showed. The food was delicious, the view was incredible, and the time with your husband was unmatched. He drove you both there and back in his Porsche convertible, and the moment you were back in the privacy of your home, the intimate space of your bedroom, he was all over you.
Max’s hands were sliding up your ribcage again, pulling you flesh to him. Snaking your arms around his neck, you brought his lips to meet yours, causing him to grunt when his erection bumped into your thigh. Smirking on his lips, one of your hands travelled down to his waist, unclasping his belt and undoing his pants. He took the liberty of taking his cock out of his pants, your hand gently grabbing it after it was freed. A dark look took over his face, lust back in his eyes as one his hands cupped your cheek.
“Go down and suck Daddy’s cock, baby girl.” he said to you. You nodded as you sank to your knees slowly, not breaking eye contact with him until you were level with his cock. Still having him in your hand, you placed the tip into your mouth, precum dripping out of it and drifting your tongue over it. Max let out a grunt above you, hand tangling into your hair as you started to bob on his cock, taking as much of him in as you could with every movement. “Y-yes, that’s it, baby girl. Fuck - suck Daddy’s cock…” he moaned.
His hips started to buck after a few minutes, eager to get himself off. You let him start to slowly fuck into your mouth and before you knew it he was holding you steady as he fucked into your mouth. Curses were dripping from his mouth and he was almost going in too deep and hitting your gag reflex, but he never did. One of your hands steadied itself on your thigh as the other went and gently started fondling at his balls.
“Fuck - keep doing that - baby girl, I’m gonna - shit -” Max scrambled, moaning your name as he came, spitting ropes down the back of your throat as your tongue swirled his tip, hand squeezing at his tightened balls as his high overtook his body, trembling as his back hit the post of your bed, dragging you with him still on his cock. He panted above you as you popped off him, standing in front of him as he regained his composure.
Your hands went to your dress. You had changed from earlier into something different - a red, flowy sleeveless dress, made out of the same material from earlier, but less see through which allowed you to completely go commando underneath. Slowly you discarded it, revealing your nakedness to him, the cool air hitting you all at once. You heard Max let slip ‘fuck’ under his breath as you stepped out of your shoes next, glancing to see his cock getting hard again at the sight of you naked in front of him.
Max’s mind caught up to his dick, and he threw himself on you yet again, mouth immediately taking one of your nipples into it as you tried to get your hands on his shirt, fumbling with the buttons until eventually it was off. He shrugged the shirt off quickly, putting his hands on your breasts as his mouth moved to your neck. You continued to try and remove his clothes, yanking his pants off his body. He stepped out of them as he picked you up and threw you back down onto the mattress, cock rubbing against your entrance as he adjusted his positioning above you.
“What do you want Daddy to do to you, baby girl?” he rumbled in your ear, voice sending shivers down your spine as his cock teased your dripping folds, a low moan coming out of his mouth.
“Fuck me, Daddy - please.” you pleaded him, feeling a heat in between your legs that only he could extinguish. He smirked as he turned you around, stomach now on the bed as he brought your hips up to meet his. Without any warning after that, he thrust into you, making you cry out his name.
He moaned at first contact, the tightness of your cunt against him erotic. With every thrust he sunk into you more and more until he was inside of you completely, filling you to the brim. Once he was there, there was no holding back - he began to destroy you from behind, pounding into you at a pace he’s never thrusted before.
“Pussy so fucking tight for Daddy, baby. Best pussy a man could ask for - fuck.” he moaned out behind you, grabbing your hair and yanking your head back to be in control of you. You cried out as his grip on your hip tightened, only leaving you to give a hard smack on your ass, making you clench up at the sensation.
“F-f-fuck - more Daddy - harder-r…” you spilled out of your mouth, causing him to groan as he picked up his pace, cock hitting your g-spot with every thrust, heat beginning to encompass your body again as an orgasm threatened to take over all too soon. He gave your ass another smack, cunt clenching around his cock again as your body began to tremble. Pleased with the reaction he smacked you again, again and again until you were a crying mess below him, moaning loud enough to satisfy him and trembling enough where he was satisfied, cock beginning to twitch inside of you as he neared a release.
“Make that pussy cream on my cock, baby. Come on - fuck - I’m gonna - gonna come soon.” he moaned to you, bringing your body up to meet his a little bit so he could started tugging on your breasts and playing with your nipples, trying to stimulate you extra towards your release. You cried as you felt it creeping up on you, your body shaking and sweating against Max in preparation to be sent over. He pounded into you harder, balls hitting the back of your ass as he dragged you against his hips, hitting you deeper than ever before. He brought one hand back up to your ass. “Come for daddy.” he demanded, slapping your ass again.
“M-more Max - fuck!” you cried, as he swatted you one last time to send you over, screaming and crying his name as your cunt clenched around his cock still pounding into you, hand still swatting at your ass making sounds spill out of your mouth that were euphoric. “M-m-max, fuck, don’t s-s-to - ugh!” you tried to form sentences but your orgasm was taking over you completely, body shaking as he held you up, fucking into you trying to chase his own high.
“Gon-gonna come - fuck baby girl…” he moaned as you felt his cock twitch inside of you, cunt still convulsing around him as he spilled his seed in you, high taking over his body as he fought to keep you both up. His fingers found their way to your nub, fucking your nub to keep you screaming, cunt beginning cream around him and drip onto the sheets below as his mouth found your neck, beginning to suck on the skin as he moaned, riding out his high as he kept bucking his hips into you.
You both rode out your highs together for a while before he slid out of you, a mixture of both your cum spilling out of you as he flopped next to you on the bed. You were still panting, legs sore, cunt sore, when he pulled you under the sheets. He got up and walked away, heading into the bathroom. You heard the water running and he came back out, wet wash cloth in hand to clean you up. He left it on the table next to him as he crawled under the sheets with you, draping his arm around your stomach.
“I think I’m going to work from home more often.” he said to you, hand tracing lines over your cheekbone. You hummed in response, looking at him and searching his eyes. He was serious - he was looking at you with a softness that you hadn’t seen in a while. Maybe since your wedding day half a year ago? You were unsure the last time you had seen him grow soft for you.
“I’d like that.” you said to him quietly.
“And back to going out on Friday nights. Like we used to. I’m sorry I haven’t been here. We’ll change that.” he said, crawling on top of you slowly to kiss you before laying back down, bringing your back into his chest. “I love you, baby girl.”
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lokvadnod · 5 years
Okay so I fucked around and came up with Engineer x f!reader headcanons, here we go:
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• So picture it: You get taken in by the engineers. One of them saw something in you that made you more tolerable than most humans, and he couldn’t just leave you stranded in that escape pod in dead space.
• He was initially going to drop you off on the first inhabited planet he could find but your kindness, intelligence, moral compass, and interesting way of thinking kept making him prolong it. Eventually, he just decides to keep you as long as you want to stay.
• That’s not to say that he’s sweet though, bc he’s not, at least not at first. He’s in denial about his budding crush on you and he’s trying really hard not to fall for an inferior human. He’s just... curious, that’s it (he’s lying to himself big time lmao).
• don’t let his tough, cold façade turn you off of him though, just be sweet and crack as many jokes as you can and you’ll eventually break through.
• He can’t fit into some small part of the ship to do repairs because he’s a fucking tank? He begrudgingly asks for your help. “Oh so the little human isn’t so inferior now, huh?” You give him a sly look from halfway underneath the low control panel. He shoots you a death stare from where he’s standing. “Just finish repairing those wires, human.” He says in that impossibly deep voice. You snicker and get back to it but not before you catch a small smirk on his lips out of the corner of your eye.
• Slowly starts being nicer to you, and starts looking at you for longer than is strictly necessary. He decides that you are very beautiful, not even just “for a human” but in general. You’re beautiful.
• When his buddies take jabs at you for being human, he puts them in their place. You’re different. He’d never tell that to your face though. He just takes up for you behind your back.
• In fact, he doesn’t outright let you know how he feels for a good while. Not until he can’t stand it anymore. When he does finally let it out, you see a side of him you’ve never seen.
• “I find you captivating. Truly and wholly good, beyond that which I’ve seen in any other human.” Dude has a way with words. He’s unexpectedly slick but in like a Shakespeare type way. “You are beauty unmatched, and I would be honored if you would allow me to court you.”
• yup, I hc that courting is definitely a thing for the Engineers because why not? They be like that
• Being courted by an Engineer is beyond anything you’d experience with another human. You will never want for anything. You are 110% spoiled. You also get the best gifts ever because your boyfriend is literally a member of the most advanced species in the galaxy (possibly the universe?)
• He treats you like a QUEEN bc that’s how he was raised. You will experience a level of love and respect you never thought possible.
• Y’all never argue. He can get snarky and cold but he is very good at not getting worked up and seeing your side of things. He appreciates it very much if you do the same.
• The first time he tells you he loves you is magical. He takes you to some beautiful planet that no other human has ever even laid eyes on and he spills his heart out to you. It will make you cry, I guarantee it.
Nsfw below because I’m a sucker for big sexy humanoids:
• Okay so my hc for the engineers is that they’re literally the type to wait for sex until marriage. Take it or leave it. If you can get the guy to bed you before you tie the knot, good for you, but that will be HARD. The waiting just increases the tension though, so eventually you’ll be testing each other’s limits like teenagers, always going just far enough to feel both wrong and right at the same time.
• When you do finally get at each other, he’s dominant af because of his slight superiority complex and his size
• Despite being dominant, he’s very vanilla at first. If you want something more, you’ll have to open him up to it. And believe me, he’ll eat that shit up because all he’s ever known is being prim and proper and advanced, and he would be so into getting a taste of the more raunchy side of things.
• The kind of dom that takes care of you and pampers you. After he gets used to the less “clean” side of things, he’s also the kind of dom to punish you if you misbehave during the act (it all just depends on his mood and stress level)
• VERY good at foreplay. He’s huge, he has to be.
• would never hurt you but he likes to show off his strength. You’ll be manhandled into positions you didn’t even know were possible.
• Likes to see you ride him, but he’s still in control. His hands will be on your hips pulling you down onto him at a pace that he chooses.
• seems to have a thing for your hair? He likes to pull on it, play with it, run his big ass hands through it, etc.
• Isn’t rough with you but isn’t exactly not rough either? He’s at least double your size and 1000 times stronger than you so his “gentle” isn’t exactly your standard of gentle but it’s not as bruising as it could be. The best way to describe it is strong and steady.
• The engineers have the best, most effective methods of birth control in the galaxy so ofc he’s gonna cum inside you if you are down with it. You will not get pregnant until you wish to be, if you ever do wish to be. Also, there’s no need to worry about STDs because engineers are too advanced for those too so *finger guns* ((side note: I do totally hc that engineers and humans can have viable offspring bc canon says they made humans with their genes. I don’t think it would be too hard for a human to get knocked up by an engineer, the most it may probably take is a little tinkering from the Engineer doctors or whatever. Like I said, whatever you want, your engineer will provide, even if what you want is a little baby with him))
• Leave some marks on this dude in places that will be covered up by his bodysuit thing (?) the next day and he’ll love it. It’s like evidence of some taboo secret you two share, even though it’s not taboo because you’re married. He’s just never heard of a sex life like the two of you share, so primitive and passionate, and it turns him on to have reminders of it on his skin, just underneath his clothes. He’s also really prideful about it, what other Mala’kak has a spouse like his? The new swagger in his step is almost comical but still so hot at the same time.
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