#the like. version without the details look so bad💀
creepycatboyz · 10 months
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Couldn’t wait to see him burn, could you?
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Sonic characters and their love languages (sonic, shadow, knuckles, and silver):
💙 definitely physical affection and quality time.
💙 jit cannot go one minute without being near you or he.will.die
💙 that's what he says anyways
💙 he knows he can be a little over-baring so he tries not to come off as clingy as he actually is
💙 he follows you around everywhere to, store? He can help you carry bags! Work? He'll make sure no one bothers you! Bathroom? He's right outside the door.
💙 now exactly how clingy he is kinda depends on whether it's romantic or platonic
💙 if it's platonic he won't really feel the need to stake a claim in you by always being around. He's much more toned down if he only sees you as a friend or family.
💙 if it's Romantic holy shit- bro always has a hand in you one way or another, especially in public. Either holding your waist or having his arm around your shoulder ....
💙 it feels natural to him.
🖤 acts of service and quality time I'm calling it now.
🖤 he feels so bad whenever he can't bring you with him :( What if something happens???
🖤 like sonic he's pretty much always near you.... except most of the time you don't know it
🖤 it's not stalking ofcourse, he's just....protecting you ok?
🖤 he fears what happened to Maria will happen to you...
🖤 onto lighter topics :) whenever he does come back to you he always gives you a hug before doing your chores for you without saying a word. Dishes? Nah, shadow will do it, what if you you wash and get a cut? Laundry? He can do that to, y'know you look a little tired maybe you should rest...
🖤 if you try to stop him he'll give you a look before pushing you back down onto the couch.
🖤 how dare you interrupt his cleaning >:(
🖤 it's all for you after all....
🥊acts of service, I see him doing like shadow litterly everything for you because your fragile to him.
🥊 he's like your personal bodyguard to, no one is gonna bother you with him around that's for sure .
🥊 scary dog privilege? Scary dog privilege. Him and shadow both....
🥊 he's not very physically affectionate or verbally affectionate either, mainly because one what if he accidentally crushes you?? Second of all boy doesn't know what to say tbh-
🥊 someone get this man some social anxiety meds😭
🤍 physical affection and words of affirmation.
🤍 mf can't go anywhere without you 💀
🤍 it's like the that one scene from family guy with Donna and Cleveland.
🤍 you'll be walking to the kitchen to get a class of water when suddenly you hear name being shouted by a sobbing silver who's stuck under the sheet 😂
🤍 he follows you around everywhere like a lost puppy, y'know privacy? Yah forget her you have silver now.
🤍 he's like the worse clingier version of shadow and sonic....
🤍 can and will go into heavy detail about how you should be a nation wide treasure
🤍 although while he's a simp who can't leave you alone for one millisecond your very much protected with him.
🤍 not a single hair on your head will be harmed as long as he's here...
*silver walks in to see sonic and knuckles fighting over who gets you*
Silver: 😶....what do you mean it's not my turn??? *Insert angry silver using his telekinesis to throw them out the window*
Also silver: *Insert hysterical sobbing near y/n* "YOUR MY BABYYYY"
Shadow: I already told you idiots that I'd have them for the week...I have... nothing to do anyway *awkwardly hides the piles of darks he forgot to do*
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Taking care of you on your period - Obey Me
Characters: Lucifer, Asmodeus, Diavolo
A/N: I’ve seen a lot of these types of posts, but they don’t feel specific enough for me, so I did it myself 💀 Might do other parts with the other characters eventually or if it gets requested. Reposting cause this isn’t showing up in tags :’) Requests are open!
Warnings: mentions of throwing up, blood, nudity (not sexual), and mention of fainting
Word count: 1.7k
part 2
part 3
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-At the House of Lamentation, every day is a different person’s turn to cook. Conveniently enough, on the day it’s your turn, you’re hardly able to get out of your bed without the whole room spinning
-He definitely checks on whoever is meant to be cooking dinner every day a while before the usual time everyone sits to eat, since his brothers aren’t exactly the most punctual and responsible people around
-So he goes to check on you thinking you’re just being lazy and stuff, but he’s also a bit worried because he hasn’t seen you for a good portion of the day but didn’t realize it because of how busy he was
-After a while of lying down and feeling your body burning, you decide to try and pace around your room for a bit, hoping that a bit of movement would help ease the pain at least a little bit
-Except you’re still suffering so you’re kind of curled in on yourself, hunched over because it hurts to move but staying still feels like hell and it feels like nothing is working
-And you’re also trying not to puke the tiny amount of food you were able to just barely eat that morning because of the nausea
-I just know this man gets back pain, he definitely has some type of heating pad already that he keeps hidden away in his desk or something maybe like a couple rice packs or whatever the devildom version of those would be
-He’ll get you two of them, one for your back, one for your stomach and he also gives you a heavy pillow to put over your thighs in case they start hurting too (the weight helps quite a bit with the burning, and you feel less antsy)
-Once you feel better and are able to talk without the pain bothering you, he’s definitely gonna ask you more about it and if it’s that bad every month, so that he can be more prepared, especially if it gets worse the next time you get your period
-He’ll look into it some more and get you whatever supplements or meds you need (if you need any) to help with the pain and make sure you take them as often as you should
-Lucifer is such a workaholic but he’ll take a break since it’s for you 🥰  
-Tbh he will probably give you an annoying lecture at some point ... as if you don’t know what you’re doing   😭 you just gotta tell him you obviously do know what you’re doing since it’s you feeling the pain and you’re doing what you can to take care of it but you’re not a doctor or able to just magically completely heal yourself and he’ll kinda shut up and stop being patronizing about it
-Will let you lay your head on his lap and he'll either play with your hair or rub your back gently until you either start feeling better, want to do something or want to get something to eat
-Asmo definitely has his fair share of experience with this kind of thing, I’m sure a few of the brothers do, but even though he loves to party and stuff, I doubt he’d just ditch everyone he’s with right after, he’d be attentive and especially if they got to know each other for a bit longer than just one night or a day, he’d learn to take care of them better
-He’ll notice you’re not feeling well and then ask you about it, but he doesn’t really need details, since he’s already familiar with humans and whatnot
-His bath is absolutely ginormous, so he’d definitely draw you a very hot bath (not to the point of it being super painful but enough to drown out the cramps with the amount of heat) + bubble bath if you’d prefer and Epsom salts to relieve the burning feeling on your back + other oils so the smells help you relax but nothing too strong
-If you’re comfortable with it he’ll keep you company while you take your bath and talk if you’re not feeling up to talking but don’t wanna be alone
-Or if you wanna play music to fill the silence and help you relax he’ll let you pick of course
-I feel like his room is very cool and not too stuffy which is perfect because the cramps make your body heat up a whole lot so if you’d like to stay, he’d let you nap on his bed and also bring you a heating pad just to help any more pain, just in case
-From the amount of cramps you were having + their intensity, he would know that you shouldn’t eat anything right away especially if you were nauseous as well, so he’d wait until about an hour and a half or so after you fall asleep to order something warm for you + he’d ask Solomon for recommendations because he’d know what foods are good for humans and stuff (he offers to cook something himself and Asmo has to hold himself back from telling him that the goal isn’t to hospitalize you 😭)
-He wouldn’t get anything spicy of course, since it could make your cramps even worse, and he doesn’t wanna risk it after they finally calm down/go away
-If it’s caused by vitamin deficiencies, he’ll order vitamin supplements for you and set alarms on his phone and remind you (over text or in person) when it’s time to take it, just in case you forget
-This man would absolutely not care the slightest bit if you happen to get some blood on his sheets, he may be super particular about lots of things but he knows that bedsheets being slightly stained is not a big deal and it hardly takes any time to wash them anyway, he’s so sweet too he’d probably try to make you feel better by saying he’s been meaning to change them anyway :’)
-He’ll gladly cuddle with you if you want, but he’s more than okay with giving you space if you want to just rest alone, as long as you have everything you need and have your phone near you so you can text or call him if you need anything else
-Will not hesitate to tell his brothers to shut up if they’re being loud when you’re resting because you need to replenish your energy and your hearing becomes more sensitive after all the pain (especially if you threw up before or were dizzy and your ears were ringing)
-Let’s say you’re staying at the castle for a little while when you get your period all of a sudden
-It’s the first time you get it since coming to the devildom (since being around a bunch of demons would obviously cause quite a bit of stress, it just stopped for a while), so you’re a bit thrown off since it’s the last thing on your mind and you haven’t been keeping track of your cycle
-He’s not completely clueless when it comes to the differences between species and all that but he’s still not super great with how differently human bodies work in comparison to demons so he might just think you’re going to bleed to death for a little bit when you tell him :/ so you have to reassure him that you’re not gonna die and that unfortunately it is a very regular thing for humans
-Tbh you probably won’t be able to give him the whole rundown in detail of how it works because of how much pain you’re in so you just ask him to get you painkillers, and you go to take a nap and hope the pain fades once you fall asleep
-Instead, after napping for a bit the painkillers seem to just wear off as if you never took any to begin with and the pain comes back full force, so you ask him to draw you a hot bath
-The bath doesn’t seem to be helping much even after over half an hour of soaking in it so you decide to get out
-But then you get extremely dizzy all of a sudden, so you put on a towel robe and lay down on his bed to try and wait out the ringing in your ears + the dizziness and your heart beating insanely fast
-Conveniently enough you don’t have your phone on you and he’s who knows where probably working so you can’t even try to call him to help you (to get you a heating pad, painkillers, anything really, even just to have someone else’s presence because it legitimately feels like you’re about to die and not even in peace)
-You notice you got blood on the robe while lying down, so you go to the bathroom to get a pair of underwear and a pad (which you manage to do) but you get super nauseous all of a sudden so you just. sit on the floor for a bit, wearing basically nothing and hoping you’re not about to pass out or straight up die alone, partially naked on the cold bathroom floor
-After not too long (but what feels like a whole damn hour to you) he finally goes to his room and so you call him and he’s kinda panicky, but he brings you a new robe since you bled over the other one and helps you get up and walk over to his bed which is thankfully not too far from the bathroom since it’s in the room
-And then he helps you lie down under the covers, and then gives you a water bottle + he helps you drink from it since you’re dizzy and can’t really lift your head properly
-Gets into bed after you and just chills beside you, kinda rubbing your back and just making sure you’re not in too much pain (basically ignoring all the work he has to do)
-Makes sure you have food and water almost immediately after you wake up so the dizziness will go away faster
-Diavolo would feel really bad about not being able to help more, and I feel like he’d be the most likely to try to look into other solutions (aka stuff not meant for humans) if you find that human medicine and supplements aren’t doing anything even after months, he doesn’t want to see you in pain ever, let alone every single month, so he’d definitely want to fix the problem as soon as possible (and you do too obviously, although not exactly in the same way)
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youremyheaven · 1 month
I don’t think all venusians are bad but I also had a share of bad experiences with them. I don’t know if I should drag the women or the men first. I’d talk about the women first because they’re in my family and it’s a more neutral point of view than hate or a one time experience. My purva ashada stellium grandmother used to starve her children too and is extremely cheap. Tbh I don’t think she has a bad relationship with her daughters. She seems to get along with them pretty well. However my mom who’s purva phalguni moon has similar behavior as the previous ano. She’s very jealous and envious of other women constantly comparing herself to other women and she needs to be the “best looking” among others. Otherwise she lose her mind. She’s very image conscious and she’s a complete different person with strangers or my friends. She wants to be seen as the cool mom. She also assumes every single man she interacts with has some sort of romantic interest in her. She also says phrases like “you’ll never be as attractive as used to be” like even if It was true and I was a walking troll she shouldn’t be saying this to her daughter ? I also find it weird how every single Venusian woman I talk to is extremely fake ? Like they’re obsessed with status and want to be seen as higher or richer than what they actually are. They love to see people beneath them. They strive to be the best in that way. They’re very superficial and they would definitely befriend someone or be around someone for the aesthetic or for what they could get from them. They would take shamelessly from people without giving back and when you called them out they be like “I didn’t ask you to” when they truly did pressure you into it. I think for men, most Venusian men I met, they would be very polite, kind helpful and try to please me as much as possible. Like they would get interested in my hobbies and try to get close to me with some hidden intention or purpose to it. When I don’t get fooled by their act, it’s almost as their mask drops and I see another version of them that is much cruel and mean ? It’s like they want to “punish” you. They would paint themselves as the victim because you didn’t give them what they wanted or desired from you. Whatever that is. They would tarnish your reputation or come for you in settings. Now, I don’t think I had many Venusian friends (only 2 ) that are woman but they both would lie and act as if they’re “rich” even if they’re not and I already know they’re not and I don’t even care because I never bring such things up.
💀💀💀u have described so many people i know, its crazyyy,, one girl i went to college with who had Saturn in Bharani atmakaraka was just like u described. she was upper middle class at best but she wanted to be seen as rich so bad?? she'd insert random details to make herself sound 🤑🤑she spoke about how much she spent on clothes even tho she always wore the same stuff on repetition?? (im not being a hater, her comments always just made no sense??) she'd talk about how her family only fed their dog specially bought meat and it was just ??? i hated the way she spoke about money and same goes for another Venusian girlie i know, she wont shut up about money and always exaggerates for good effect?? its so cringe to me ngl. theyre also the type of people who want to put others down to feel better about themselves. I think Venusians in general don't like it when someone tries to imply that they're on the same "level" so they always put others down to establish superiority. every Venusian woman I know is arrogant and conceited in some ways. one time the atmakaraka chick told me that her dad bought her a new car and i was like ok good for you? and she always spoke about how its her car when it was actually just a new car for the fam after they disposed off the old one?? lol?
one time my friends and i were eating out and a really cute kid (5-6 yr old girl) and her mom came in, all my friends said that the kid resembled me quite a bit and the Bharani ak girl said "yeah she's chubby like you" 🤡🤡🤡first of all the kid wasn't "chubby" by a long shot, and even if she was who tf says that about a 5yr old??? she just wanted to establish dominance? and did not like the fact that others thought we resembled each other lmao?? what a complete asshole, imagine insulting a literal child and your friend?? Venusian women do not like it when other women seem to have the upper hand in any way. They are not girls girls, i have said this before and i'll say it again Venusians are the OG "im not like other girls" girl.
im so sorry you went through all that anon. i wish you healing and peace<3
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more on the shroud bros age swap AU
[Referencing this fic!]
***CONTENT WARNING: mentions of death; contains spoilers for episode 6 of the main story/Idia’s backstory!***
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I wasn’t able to go into a ton of detail about this in the fic or in the opening author’s notes, but I wanted to explore and expand on the idea a bit more!!
So basically, since Ortho is the older brother in this alternate universe 🤔 wouldn’t he be the heir instead of Idia (and therefore be the one locked away to prepare for his future)?? In my take on the age swap AU, the Shroud parents (who are focused on "getting results") saw more potential in the genius younger brother, so Ortho was looked over as the heir. This freed Ortho up, but it also had the effect of shackling Idia to his studies, causing guilt to brew in the former.
Ortho tried to make it up to Idia by bringing him souvenirs of the outside world (which is how I like to think of little Idia becoming curious about it) and being the absolute best big brother he can :> because it was due to Ortho's inadequacy that Idia's freedom was taken from him at such a young age. And then comes the fateful day when Ortho gets ballsy and decides to sneak Idia out with him for an outing--so Idia can see the stars and they can pretend to be heroes together out in that big, bright beautiful world... AND OF COURSE IDIA WANTS TO SPEND TIME OUT THERE WITH HIS COOL BIG BRO, SO HE GETS ALL EXCITED AND GOES TO DISARM THE SECURITY SYSTEMS (ignoring Ortho’s warnings to go slowly and to be careful)... THE PHANTOMS ESCAPE...
"Idia-kun, watch out...!!"
Ortho just. Instinctively throwing himself in front of his little brother to protect him 😭😭 and then Idia being so deeply traumatized by that event plus the guilt of knowing that his big brother sacrificed himself and took that deadly blow so he could live 🥲 Little Idia becoming even more of a recluse without Ortho there to be his guiding light… so when Idia puts together an AI version of Ortho, he wants that light back, someone sunny and supportive to lead him through the mess of darkness he’s entangled in. Someone he can look up to, maybe even grow into. That “better version” of himself, his cool brother… And Idia tries to hard to be obedient to this new big brother because the original was so good to him/he wants to be a good person to live up to that legacy AND he feels bad about not listening to Ortho's warnings in the past (which led to Ortho's untimely demise)… But (dead) Ortho just wanting Idia to be happy and to not blame himself, to enjoy all the wonderful things this world has for him without any guilt 🥲
ALSO??? This has nothing to do with the lore for this AU but I think it would be cute if bigbro!Ortho caught a butterfly in his hands and flew down to place it on Idia’s head while Idia is busy gaming 😌 and then Ortho goes, “Look, Idia-san! Your big brother’s dropping by to say hello!!” (The butterfly represents a departing soul in some cultures; I’ve written another fic based on this concept!) AND ORTHO WOULD BE MEANING IT AS BOTH HIMSELF AND THE ORIGINAL CONING TO VISIT HIM 💀
Idia could ride on Ortho’s shoulders!! And Ortho can fly around campus!! Idia makes faces at the mob students while they pass, mocking all the low level noobs that lack the aerial advantage 😌 and Ortho lightly scolds him for being rude to his classmates…
OH OH OH AND???? What about a situation where Ortho is injured and needs repairs??? But he’s still fully conscious while Idia’s working on him so Ortho tries to lighten up the mood by jokingly saying something like, “Sorry you have to parch me up, little guy! It must feel weird for the younger brother to take care of the older one.” AND IDIA, FEELING GUILTY ABOUT OG!ORTHO’S SACRIFICE GOES 🤡 “D-Don’t say that, Ortho nii-san. You… You’ve always taken care of me well, even when…” Then little dude starts crying and Ortho realizes he fucked up, his joke was insensitive… so he tries to cheer Idia up with, “Hey now, no tears. Water and electricity shouldn’t mix. You’ll put yourself in danger.” cbbsjebsjss AnD SOBBing UDUS cLInGS to him… except Ortho can’t exactly hug back because he’s still in maintenance mode, so he just sits there and accepts Idia in all of his grief and sorrow.
“Shhh, shhh. It’s okay. Let it all out. I’m here for you.”
Ortho officially becoming a third year student… 🥺 going off on his own internship… Promising to text and call every day while he’s gone… Idia trying to be a big boy and hold back his tears but they come anyway because he’s happy but he’ll also miss Ortho a lot…
Big bro Ortho, the emotional support robot Idia needs 😭 AHHHHHHH bigbro!Ortho just opens up many cute family bonding opportunities…
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polarisjisung · 1 year
pretty boy
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as far as clichés go you and jisung fit every one, you're everything he wish he could have and he's everything you wish you could be, there's not a detail about him you could forget— except somehow you don't seem to remember his name
genre: romance
warnings: (mildly romanticised) smoking
a/n: overly amplified effects of smoking (like its a joke but not really? nothing too bad tho i promise!) [03/11/23— this is an old work and I'd like to think my writing has improved since so please bare that I mind while reading 💀]
jisung was no advocate of smoking, of skipping school for the sole purpose of getting wasted, of attending those god awful frat parties the night before an exam or slipping out of class just to feel the blunt between your fingers, puffs of smoke leaving your mouth
but for you he'd break all his rules
the girl he'd run into every friday night at precisely 03:19am at the same spot outside the cat cafe in 73rd Street, it was routine
you always seemed to have a small limp in your step, a slight pain in your eyes and a new bruise, or at least a darkened version of the previous somewhere on your body— sure he could think of a few reasons why you might be bruising or they might not be bruises at all but quite frankly how you ended up in that position was not his concern
treating your wounds, however, was right up his alleyway
besides, jisung knew not to worry. he had this undying trust in your words, and so he when you said it was nothing serious, he'd believe you every time
"this might be the worst I've ever seen you," he's quick to note, barely noticing your tired eyes behind the blue bruise and dark swelling that's formed over it. it was a shame, really. jisung had always thought you had beautiful eyes
you can barely let out a quiet chuckle without wincing in pain
"thanks pretty boy, I try my best"
jisung drags you into the convenience store to your left— he somehow finds himself secretly admiring your tough exterior
"you're lucky I'm still around, I was working the early shift tonight"
he wouldn't dare tell you that he stuck around just to be sat here with the cotton swabs doused in alcohol in his hand, pressing gently against your wounds, to make sure you weren't too badly injured, like in those god awful nightmares he'd started having recently— no, that was far too embarrassing and you really had a way to enhance embarrassment when the time came, so jisung had steered clear of that
you hum, and jisung begins to unwrap the band aids for your wounds, the ones he specifically kept out back even when they went out of stock, just in case you passed by, and you always did
his hair isn't its usual light blue tinge under the poor store lighting, this time, it's a purple sort of shade, you notice
"you dyed your hair"
jisung doesn't know what to say, nodding silently
it suits him, in fact it might be his best look yet, but you keep that to yourself— couldn't seem too thankful now, could you?
"so? any wild plans this weekend"
you shrug as he wraps up. this was your first weekend without a single clue what you'd be doing— suddenly, you had no interest in the parties you'd been invited to or the link ups or smoking sheshes you'd spontaneously plan or any sort of mischief or trouble you knew was routine for you at the weekend
admittedly part of it had to do with jisungs golden boy persona
jisung was perfect, quaterback, captain of the dance team, smartest guy you knew, good looking if that wasn't already blatantly obvious and a total sweetheart
and here you were inwardly flushing at his sweet gestures and biting back smiles at his small slip ups— as cliche as the situation might've been you certainly weren't stupid enough to not know what this was and if you had any reason to change it'd be for jisung
besides, damaging his reputation was the least of your intentions. maybe it was jisung who would change you for the better
so no, it didn't appeal to you the same as it once had
"that's a first"
"you tell me pretty boy, any plans?" jisung swear he's heard an angel at the sound of your deep broken chuckle
he looks up at you, dumbfounded, his hand returning to his side after he placed the first aid box, his first aid box reserved especially for you, on the top shelf of the storage cupboard
"I'd like to know"
jisung shakes his head and you get this feeling that you haven't answered his question quite the way he wanted you to
"why do you call me that" he questions, but you don't understand why of all the times he could've asked you, jisung asks you now
jisung had told you his name plenty of times before, but it just never stuck with you, and now, even though you knew practically everything about him, certainly his deepest secrets, his name was an absolute mystery to you
"I think you're pretty." well, you wouldnt say that wasn't a complete lie. It was more a less emphasised truth. you thought he was the prettiest, breathtaking in fact , but that didn't quite seem to have the same ring to it
jisung chuckles deeply, a loud laugh that comes from somewhere in the back of his throat with his head thrown back and his eyes closed slightly, the vibrations clearly visible in his exposed neck
"this black eye of yours seems to be affecting your vision, let's get you home huh?"
he throws his arm over your shoulder, and you walk through the cold night towards your apartment complex, well you assume its cold at least considering jisungs arm around you has your heart beating at heinous rates and you feel as feverish as ever, almost breaking into a sweat
its only when you reach your apartment door that you decide to break the silence and speak up again
"I mean what I said, night pretty boy" and jisung has the door shut in his face before he can even begin to formulate a response
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you hadn't always been a big fan of school uniforms, more specifically the name tag element, you just thought it looked tacky, but when you spot a familiar lilac haired boy, you'd never been more thankful
"psst park" you try and grab his attention and despite noticing jisung decides its best not to get him involved with you at school
you of course, know exactly what he's doing, choosing to walk up in front of him and lean down to grab his attention
"can we talk?" you gesture outside and jisung immediately knows where you're taking him, but complies anyways, it'd be far too much effort to think of a reason to avoid you— especially with his friends watching from beside him
"you couldn't hit a blunt by yourself?"
you shake your head, eyes closed, the image of jisung staring up at you amused from his seat on the fence clear in your mind
"I could, just wanted you beside me"
your advances have been clear as day since the first time you met jisung, but some part of you feels the need to prove that your behaviour to him is much more than your vicariously flirty personality
"you wanna try?"
this isn't the first time you've offered him a blunt, and it wouldn't be the first time he's turned you down, only this time he doesn't, taking a step forward with his outstretched hand
"you're sure?" you confirm, eyes locked, "no pressure or anything pretty boy"
"well then." you shrug."I guess I should give you a few warnings"
jisung rolls his eyes, a quiet fuck it escaping his lips as he takes a long puff, just the way he'd seen you do it, removing the blunt from his lips
"smoking is injurious to health"
"you're injurous to my health, dont see me going around telling you that do you beautiful"
a one hit wonder you think, clueless as to where jisungs sudden spurt of confidence had come from, the pep talk from chenle before you ended up here but you can't say you don't like it
just as he's about to go in again, jisung feels you snatch the blunt from between his fingers
"open your mouth"
you take a hit, pressing your lips to his in an attempt to shotgun the boy before you, the most lazy smile on his lips as he realises what you've done
you smirk, eyes lingering on the park as his stare intently into yours
"cat got your tongue?"
and before you can begin to tease any further jisung grabs you by the neck and joins your lips once again
"no you have"
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fantomette22 · 11 months
What are some of your favorite Gehrman head-canons my friend? ^-^
Hiii !!!! Smiley Anon!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (sorry I am doing too much?? 😅 always a pleasure to see you're still around friend ♥️ I don't remember if you have an account but don't hesitate again to come talk it wouldn't be a pb for me!)
Oh dear you shouldn't ask me about Gehrman's headcanons without being precise my brain is a constant brainrot of those ideas XD (and I can't choose)
Well I was gonna put a giant list but wait you ask about my favorites right??! i... don't know 😰 I'm really bad at choices 💀 But hey I'm gonna try! (+ had a giant list) I promise not real angsty or sad ones because I'm in the mood for happy things now! ✨
But first well I'm going to link my backstory headcanon for him and the last headcanons list I share for him in an ask game (it's going to be really similar that's why)
If I really had to choose one... well I would say he made the small hair ornament.
And that he made the mercy blade (it was his secondary weapon : in bloodborne we can wield 2 weapons and 2 firearms so...) and passed it down later to the first official hunter of hunter's.
Now here's some put randomly, hope you enjoy! :
He had a few class at Byrgenwerth, didn't go far in the studies but still and have a few classes with Laurence XD
Then he became Byrgenwerth's groundskeeper (employee #1)
he help Willem?/Laurence? to make the gold pendant by potentially making/finding the gold blood gems.
Specialist to hang out looking at the moon at 2am (I mean Caryll too. Byrgenwerth campus was a mess at times)
the big bro of the group!
Of course he love flowers and weapons too! He could speak about hours of it! he's not real social but really cultivate he compensate with his close friends.
With Maria (and a bit caryll & maybe Rom??) they were in charge of cultivate the first Lumen flowers they bring back from Loran.
Part of the siderite use for his weapon and badge came from a meteorite he found when he was little.
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yes he knew quite some stuff in astronomy, anatomy & geology (because I say so)
he got inspired by the undead alive giant "arms" for the burial blade.
His name originated from you know the cut content cainhurst knight missing a leg with a spear on a monster horse (kinda look like the tree sentinel in elden ring)
he could had become knight for Cainhurst but he politely declined
About his scarf I fall in love with a friend's version : Maria give it to him as a present. Alternatively it was from his family.
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Yeah he had way too much version of the "how to pick up fair maiden books" (the church had them first!) because a few person give it to him or the workshop or it was to other hunters lol. Maybe it's just cool action novels too
He know how to played cello
he make great tea. And good food too
Ok so when he was older (after Maria passed away/before the dream and all) he got a dog! A white female wolfhound that hunt alongside him for years.
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+ Sewing :
Of course he had dolls and made clothes for some plushies when he was little. he couldn't do really detailed broderies but sew clothes wince he was young.
He sew back hunter's clothes who were damaged
He made hats for his friends for a Christmas or smt
Well he made the doll clothes but the one the doll wear or a precedent version of the made it for Maria. Or at least he made the red neckerchief!!
Probably design/made at least 1 church outfit or accessories
Of course the charred hunter set is from him??
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This man can fix almost anything! (Like weapons)
He don’t need a lot of sleep it’s crazy but when he’s in deep sleep just talking doesn’t work you need to move and push him
His cane is a little trick weapon too. A simple yet cool and fancy sword cane.
Update : omg i forgot to said he made little wood animals figures for his friends! (And more complexe one too!)
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And I think I should stop here. That's already a lot of ideas just put randomly here. I probably forget a few and it's the happy ones here mostly. Sorry if you wanted smt way simpler and shorter I got motivated wanting to share headcanons, thanks again and I hope you enjoyed 😅
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saevus-brutalis · 3 years
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Watch out there’s a new senior citizen in town...
After 11 unfinished concept sketches, 20+ hours of work and 213 layers later I finally finished the ultimate reference sheet of my boy Vincent Elijah 😌
I’m gonna probably hate myself for that cyberarm design later when I’ll have to draw it in detail again but oh well i fucking love it.
I guess this is what 8 months of character development does to you (aka never being fully pleased with how your oc looks)
Updated info about this mf below the cut bc i hate long posts💀
don’t repost my artwork without my knowledge or permission
Short basic bio:
Birth name; Elijah Samuel [REDACTED] Full name; Vincent Elijah Vahn (yeah changed it again sue me) Alias; V, Vince (close friends and partner), Mr. Vahn (whilst working for Vault or during a very formal setting) Age; 58 (born on, November 12th, 2019 at 05:31:11AM ) Zodiac/Chinese zodiac: Scorpio/Snake [more info about it here] Height: 198 cm / 6′6″ MBTI; Logistician ISTJ-T [more about it here] Aligment; True Neutral Anthem; Goliath by Woodkid
[More (kinda?) updated info about him here]
Distinct physical features:
A diagonal scar on the bottom of his right hand from slicing his palm multiple times for a blood pack. He really values this type of „deal”, because „Nothing bonds tighter than blood. Nothing means more than a pact singed with blood. It flows within us, a cycle. Then it repeats until the blood cells die but then new ones take their place. And the cycle continues. Unstoppable and constant until we die and the loop breaks and shatters into pieces. They sink to the ground and rot and rot and rot until there’s nothing left. Words? They just can’t give you enough assurance somebody won’t just screw you over. Blood is a promise, words are nothing.” (cringy enough? lol im such a bad poet dunno if it even makes sense)
Now he has streaks of gray hairs so 😌 he’s a silver fox
Stretch marks on the sides of his buttocks and upper thighs 
Deep-set eyes 
Big hooked nose 
Huge mommy milkers
Thunder thighs 
Stretched both ears (40mm) 
Chrome plates on his ribs - cyber “scars” from lung and heart transplant
Has the number “444” tattooed on the inside of his lower lip.
Custom made cybernetic arm, model Nocturne PX* 44 Monarch. The prosthetic is made out of a mix of carbon fibers and a material similar to porcelain but far more stronger. It’s light and durable, performs just like a normal ‘ganic arm thanks to complex joints model. The surface of the arm is matte and smooth. It’s littered with countless microscopic sensors and neurocircuits that send touch signals right up to is brain so every inch of his cybernetic arm feels just like his organic one. 
Despite being able to afford the most expensive RealSkinn he opted for the “raw” look of it and instead commissioned his ex-input to engrave and redesign it for him.
*PX - Power X (10) - the strongest and most durable model out of the series.Only few models were ever made. This version of the Nocturne Cyberarm is made solely for private (wealthy) clients who were recommended by (for example) a fixer.
Some updated trivia i guess:
He recently started wearing bandanas around his forehead to keep his baby hairs in check but they still keep on falling on his forehead *heavy irritated sigh*
Mostly wears (black) clothes made out of synthetic leather (unless he thrifted some vintage clothes made out of real leather). He prefers leather to denim. 
Has handcuffs dangling from his belt loops (at all times) for you know… catching criminals? 
Paints his nails funky patters but mainly sticks to muted colors or just black 
And for some weird trivia about him:
Definitely calls people „bestie” (especially in a formal setting) (un)ironically just to piss them off
He’s a self-proclaimed Slut™.Fucks basically everything that walks (or not) and looks like a dude. He’s borderline a sex addict. Sometimes he shows the signs of compulsive sexual behavior (hypersexuality).  
Uncensored nsft version: here
Also i made a separate Twiter acc (@b_brutalis) so maybe I’ll also start posting there :^) But if you see me follow you for your nsfw art there no you didn’t
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alexshenry · 2 years
BL ask game
tagged by @sunsetknowsaboutyou  @snimeat  & @praninlove - thank you loves ♥♥
1. your all time favorite bl and why
Bad Buddy. It had everything i could want and more. i had high expectations for this since Aof is at the helm, and somehow it exceeded my expectations beyond anything I could have imagined. There was so much story told in twelve episodes and it was paced and developed so, so well. Patpran are also the healthiest couple I’ve seen potrayed in media, and thats what takes this show to the next level for me; as a sucker for established relationships, to be able see them be the best of friends, remain supportive and loving towards one another till the very end, and face every obstacle together, was a dream come true. It’s just a beautiful, feel good drama that subverted expectations and criticised so many harmful tropes. It was made with so much love and attention to detail, had a wonderful message, and a perfect conclusion. ♥
2. that one bl that scarred you for life
gaya sa pelikula and atots - like, i love them both with all my heart, but ep 8 of gsp broke me into smithereens and I haven’t been the same since. i can’t even talk about ep 9 of atots without crying tbh. the cliff scene at the end of the ep was both the most traumatic thing i’ve watched and the most healing. Phupha’s conversation with Tian is both a balm for my soul and a hammer to the heart. 
3. is there any bl that made you feel very single?
bad buddy and still 2gether.
4. if you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be?
I wish Pete’s jealousy had been addressed at the end of dark blue kiss. I hate that it was brushed under a rug, that they never held him accountable for how unfair he was being towards Kao. Even if Pete had every reason to feel distrustful of Non, it doesn’t change the fact that his possessive behavior and unfair demands were out of line.
5. that one bl you detest (don’t hold back): I think watching LBC was a waste of my time. It was decent at the beginning, and then halfway through it became a mess. I don’t know how I managed to finish it, but by God, I wish I could have the time I wasted back. There’s a second one that comes to mind but 💀💀 i don’t feel like dying today, so I won’t name names. But I despise the main character with a burning hatred that could light up a thousand suns, but i’m in the minority so 🤷‍♀️
6. your top five:
Bad Buddy 
A Tale Of Thousand Stars
Dark Blue Kiss
Gaya Sa Pelikula
2gether + Still2gether
7. that trashy bl that you lowkey like
Golden Blood. The acting was atrocious, the plot was a mess, I still think that Sky needs a psychiatric evaluation, but it was so entertaining to watch. 
8. your favorite korean bl (it’s important we know)
Mr Heart was super, super cute. I watched it ages ago, so I dont remember why I liked it so much, but anytime anyone asks what my favourite BL is, thats the first one that comes to mind.
9. but also your top 3 for kbls
Mr Heart
Where Your Eyes Linger
??? i don’t remember watching any other one.
10. season 2? which one?
History 3: Trapped!!!! I need to know what happens next. That ending was just plain cruel.
11. a bunch of dramas will air soon. which ones are you the most excited for? 
Moonlight Chicken - If I can’t have an atots special, another earthmix + khaotung show are what I’m living for. Vice Versa looks super fun, Never Let Me Go looks like a better version of Golden Blood, and The Eclipse has Khaotung and First as leads so <333
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kazuhasbunny · 2 years
Ok Im back from listening to all of the songs u recommended forgive me in advance bc this is kinda long but I decided to comment on all the songs individually 😭
I can't fix you - I feel like Sister Location was the first game to mostly give the lore upfront and not make people do research ? Like you still might have to but it's more direct than the other games like with the marionette I had no idea what the deal was til I looked it up 😭 I've heard it before and I downloaded it years ago but I still absolutely love it the lyrics and the voice 🙏🏻 the way it gets kinda quiet and sad but then goes back to being louder and aggressive 👌 I'm abt to go play it on loop lmao
I got no time - I really like this one, if I remember correctly some people say it's probably about the crying child and it probably is which makes it sadder I felt so bad for him
:( that must've been scarring also the fact that the phone guy (I believe it was another phone guy) says that it's amazing how humans can live without their frontal lobe ??? Omg poor child :/
Die in a fire - The kids' spirits or whatever all being there after the animatronics are broken...aaaahhh I love all these songs so much 😭
Join us for a bite - I don't even know what to say bc I can't explain it but I love this one so much 😭 along with I can't fix you it might be one of my faves I just love the vibe baby and Ballora have it's so sad yet sweet? I feel bad for baby but the way she talks about the day she killed Elizabeth is so ugh she sounds like she was so happy but then that happened 😞
Stay calm - I love the repetitiveness of it if that makes sense?? Like obv they're gonna repeat it a few times but i rly like the vibe when they do + I love how the animatronics each have their own voice too 💀 I forget Foxy was supposed to be a pirate sometimes lmao
Five more nights - Omg I remember when I first saw Balloon Boy I thought he was so cute ☺️ then he turned into that monstrosity lmaoo I remember when I was first going through my fnaf phase I watched this one vid (not this song btw) but every time he showed up youtube would crash and it was just ??? I also had no idea what Marionette's relevance was until I did some research and found out it was Henry's daughter's spirit that possesses it and it sounds sad bc Marionette was made to protect her as far as I'm aware going by the canon voice lines and theories, I like the fact that they put both the discarded versions of the animatronics and the new ones! Kinda weird that they removed Chica's beak when she's a literal chicken but whatever 😭 phone guy omg the memories..."they get a bit quirky at night" 💀
The Bonnie song - I really liked it tbh I like the newer versions of the animatronics (like in Sister Location and Security Breach) but at the same time I feel like the old ones gave it a much creepier vibe bc they didn't have the same shine ? It's a good song the broken Bonnie (idk what it's called) reminds me of a toilet seat 👩🏻‍🦯 I'm kinda upset they didn't have Bonnie or Foxy in SB bc I loved them so much a few years ago 😭
can i smooch u maybe😢😢 this literally made me tear up ur explanation is so cool………… and so detailed……. made me feel better about how i always go insane over these 😢 but yes omg sl gave off most of the lore tbh.. u didnt have to really look into it that deep thats why i love it sm 🔥
YEA OMG i got no time is crying child’s song and it made me cry the first time i heard it cause he died in such a painful way… boy got the bite of 83 😢😢 ik it was scarring for him since he was literally afraid of animatronics.. so his death hurt me the alot
i also lovee join us for a bite 😢 the change of music and also tone on certain times just fits so well one times its sad and then it just turns happy again..
TRUEE the lines being repeated did caught me off guard at first until the animatronics started singing omg i love that part sm how they all have their own voices JSNSHW its so sillay and also cute BYE
BALLOON BOY SCARED ME NOOOSHJSW its design just… makes me cry it reminds me of something but i cant clearly make out what… it was… and yes marionette lore 😢😢 i love how she’s like. protect the dead children (i believe?? because in fnaf 3 in the minigames..) i cant believe henry’s daughter got killed though pls it hurts so much. william u crazy .. and true omg chica without a beak PLS why did she look like that 😭😭 goodnight HSNSW also the animatronics get a bit quirky at night. bye. what an iconic line
OMG SAME idk the old animatronics just … scared me alot 😢😢 thats why i didnt slept for the whole night because of freddy fnaf behind my back when i’m taking food from the fridge NIOO or or when i go pee 😓 dont fnaf on me i beg of u. PLSS THE BONNIE TOILET NOOOJDGW😭 i thought the same aswell no wonder i kept laughing ok i feel bad now 💔 so mean.. AND TRUE NOOOOO yk i was so happy to see bonnie again when i saw bonnie bowl in the trailer… just to not see him at all?????? cried so hard. where’s my oomf bonnie and foxy..😢 foxy would fit in the daycare theatre tbh because how he is a pirate and like. was made to entertain aswell since the beginning??? so not including him was ☹️☹️ crying
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this how i look after nerding out the whole ask (insane)
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