#the lost road
ardafanonarch · 5 months
Does Nerdanel have red hair?
Nerdanel and Celegorm's Hair Colour
Hi Anon! Dawn Felagund has already done an excellent job discussing and assembling all the evidence on this in her Character Biography of Nerdanel (in the section "And the Requisite Discussion of Hair Color").
For the Anon who asked about Celegorm's hair colour, Dawn also covers that at length in the Celegorm Bio (section "A Digression on Hair"). I'll get to the other characters you requested later.
I highly recommend giving both bios a read, but here's the tl;dr:
The published Silmarillion says nothing about either character's hair colours.
A quotation from Tolkien published in the linguistic journal Vinyar Tengwar (Issue 41, pg. 9) reveals that Nerdanel "had brown hair"*.
In the Quenta Silmarillion published in The History of Middle-earth Vol. 5: The Lost Road, in the section "Of Beren and Tinúviel", Christopher reveals that he removed from the published Silmarillion a clause applying to Celegorm: "golden was his long hair"*.
*These citations are from Dawn's bios but I double-checked both.
There are your quotes! Brunette Nerdanel, blond Celegorm. But as always -- happy imagining and transforming.
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myrtaceaae · 2 months
I'm so excited!! I'm making a recording of myself reading The Lost Road (vol. 5 of The History of Middle-earth), and it's so much fun to read aloud, and I'm so excited to be able to listen to it no matter what I'm doing!!!!!
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He looked down on the white body before him. It was dear to him, and beautiful. Herendil was naked, for he had been diving from the high point, being a daring diver and proud of his skill. It seemed suddenly to Elendil that the lad had grown over night, almost out of knowledge. 'How thou dost grow!' he said. 'Thou hast the makings of a mighty man, and have nearly finished the making.' 'Why dost thou mock me?' said the boy. 'Thou knowest I am dark, and smaller than most others of my year. And that is a trouble to me. I stand barely to the shoulder of Almariel, whose hair is of shining gold, and she is a maiden, and of my own age. We hold that we are of the blood of kings, but I tell thee thy friends' sons make a jest of me and call me Terendul - slender and dark; and they say I have Eressëan blood, or that I am half-Noldo. And that is not said with love in these days. It is but a step from being called half a Gnome to being called Godfearing; and that is dangerous.'
– Elendil and his son Herendil in "The Lost Road" by J.R.R. Tolkien
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celebregol · 2 years
‘Why then may not the king do as Earendel from whom he is come? They say that he should follow him, and complete his work.’
‘What dost thou think that they mean? Whither should he go, and fulfil what work?’
‘Thou knowest. Did not Earendel voyage to the uttermost West, and set foot in that land that is forbidden to us? He doth not die, or so songs say.’
‘What callest thou Death? He did not return. He forsook all whom he loved, ere he stepped on that shore. He saved his kindred by losing them.’ (The Lost Road and Other Writings, pg 60. Bold is my own, accents not carried over).
i’m normal, i’m fine---
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brynnmclean · 2 years
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but if I hear Isildur call Elendil "atarinya" at some point, I'll expire. My heart will crack in two.
The way Herendil said it though in The Lost Road: "And I love thee. I love thee. Atarinya, tye-meláne."
I really would just burst into tears.
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kernelscorner · 6 months
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cultfaction · 6 months
Preview- The History of Middle-Earth (Boxed Set 2): The Lays of Beleriand, The Shaping of Middle-Earth & The Lost Road
Second in a series of hardback boxed sets celebrating the literary achievement of Christopher Tolkien, featuring double-sided dustjackets. Includes THE LAYS OF BELERIAND, THE SHAPING OF MIDDLE-EARTH and THE LOST ROAD, which contain the early myths and legends that led to the writings of THE SILMARILLION. The Lays of Beleriand gives us a privileged insight into the creation of the mythology of…
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invoke-parlay · 10 months
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healthpipe · 3 months
Hey so surprise Im now homeless in San Diego on the street because I mistakenly moved in with people who refuse to talk to me about me being clearly disordered and memory lapsed (theyve known this for months/years.) and called me a lazy ass for being unable to work due to not even being able to walk to the bathroom without crying in pain before I had my disability diagnosis last year specifically for some reason so um if anyone has any suggestions or a place I can stay even for a few days that would be ideal lest I kick my own chair here. I was affectionately gaslit about it and had been lied to about this until I snapped from the paranoia and found out. I dont have anyone here and I do not have family or a place to live.
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southern--downpour · 9 months
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deer in headlights
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oksurethisismyname · 5 months
Zosan coffee shop AU where zoro works at Namis coffee shop to pay off a debt (he broke her tv or some shit)
From Zoros perspective: every time Sanji comes in, he orders a new drink and zoro thinks he’s just being a dick by changing it up so often but jokes on Sanji because he has a little binder with the different recipes. Curly is always smirking when he gets his drink so Zoro KNOWS he’s doing good.
From Sanjis perspective: the first day he ordered a latte but zoro made a mocha. The next time he comes in he orders a mocha but zoro makes a macchiato. It’s so different that it HAS to be intentional. Every time he orders, zoro makes the wrong drink and sanji just orders that the next time. He thinks they’re playing some sort of game / flirting.
2 weeks in zoro realizes he’s been making the wrong drinks the whole time because Nami finally sees him make a cappuccino when Sanji ordered a drip coffee (literally how did he fuck it up this bad) and zoro is just more confused as to why Sanjis been smiling when he gets the wrong drink
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poppies-from-oz · 1 year
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Now seems as good a time as any to remind everyone that all of the original fifteen Oz books are public domain and up for free online.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 
The Marvelous Land of Oz
Ozma of Oz
Dorothy & The Wizard in Oz
The Road to Oz
The Emerald City of Oz
The Patchwork Girl of Oz
Little Wizard Stories of Oz
Tik-Tok of Oz
The Scarecrow of Oz
Rinkitink in Oz
The Lost Princess of Oz
The Tin Woodman of Oz
The Magic of Oz
Glinda of Oz
Happy reading! 
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My Own Private Idaho (Gus Van Sant, 1991)
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'Thou art mad,' said his son, turning at last upon his side and facing Elendil, with dread and fear in his eyes. 'Do not say such things to me! They might, they might. . .' 'Who are they, and what might they do?' said Elendil, but a chill fear passed from his son's eyes to his own heart. 'Do not ask! And do not speak - so loud!' Herendil turned away, and lay prone with his face buried in his hands. 'Thou knowest it is dangerous - to us all. Whatever he be, Sauron is mighty, and hath ears. I fear the dungeons. And I love thee, I love thee. Atarinya tye-melane.'
– Elendil and Herendil in "The Lost Road" by J.R.R. Tolkien
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recycledraccoon · 15 days
Senior Year Au
Former Rat Grinders all spend the rest of Junior year and all of summer break in therapy, both individually and as a group. It's a lot of work, but they're coming back together in the aftermath in a healthier more sustainable way. (The empty places among them leave them feeling a mix of complicated emotions.)
Mary Ann still maintains her relationship (???) with Gorgug. (They're not asking many questions because Mary Ann gives few answers.) Lucy is good friends now with The Bad Kids, but Kristen especially. Even Ruben is on decent terms for the most part.
Ivy and Oisin had it much harder. They don't remember everything, but they remember enough to make the weight of it heavy on their shoulders, Oisin especially for the large part he and his magic had played.
Ivy had never been one to blatantly apologize. She's always been a bit catty, though never like that before. Still, before the school year ends she (very politely) asks Mazey for a moment of her time.
Mazey, a much kinder person, agrees and they step aside somewhere a little more private. (For however brief a time it was, Mazey did feel what the rage from that shatter star felt like. It's a large factor in her giving Ivy this chance.)
Ivy, as much as it visibly pained her to say the actual word sorry initially, does genuinely apologize. She's blut about it, and doesn't shy away in the least from the acknowledgement of how fucked up the things she said were.
They talk for a bit, and while it's hard to imagine they may ever be friends, both girls leave the conversation feeling closure on the topic.
Mazey ends up talking to Fabian about it, so of course the Bad Kids know.
Oisin talks briefly with Fabian Seacaster one day, extending an apology for the damages to him home, and passes along information so Oisin can ensure financial compensation is had.
The apology to Fabian is appreciated, but talking about it later the Bad Kids hone in on the fact that Oisin hasn't spoken to Adaine even once, to apologize for the taunt he's sent her or for-
Adaine abruptly says she doesn't want to talk about it, and ignores the fact that he exists entirely.
Oisin doesn't talk to them once the rest of Junior Year, even tho the rest of his team does. The Bad Kids think him a coward, and while Oisin would agree with them, the Rat Grinders look at each other with tight lips.
Oisin struggles greatly with his actions. He had been, essentially, Kipperlily's right hand. His magic had allowed Kipperlily access into, and away from, the Bad Kids Last Stand where she had killed Buddy. (They do not know where he is, but they've sworn to each other to find him.) His magic had laid the trap in Seacaster Manor, his summoning calling the Nightmare King Storm and his relatives who swarmed a house-boat filled with innocents.
Jawbone does help them get an actual accredited therapist, which is something Oisin feels great relief about, as it makes it easier to talk about some aspects of his time under the shatter-star.
Like the fact that prior to all this, he did have a very genuine crush on Adaine Abernant.
How couldn't he? She was beautiful yes, stunningly so, but more importantly she was smarter than a whip and a phenomenal wizard, unafraid to get her hands dirty. Even as short, scrawny dragonborn with glasses that felt too big for his snout at the time, he'd held the girl in very high esteem.
Oh he'd never ever dare to talk to her, for all that his friends may have once tried to encourage it during freshman year. He'd known even then that the elven girl was far out of his league.
While he wasn't a true dragon, Oisin's family had strong blood ties still, and the bleed over was still strong. Strength was important to them, and fighting the other was the first step in courtships between Dragons for a large variety of reasons. He'd been so scrawny, and a untested young wizard to boot, that he couldn't fathom ever being strong enough to match up to a girl like her. He's certainly endured enough scrutiny for his lack of battle prowess at home.
So no, Oisin hadn't thought that he would ever be a good match for such a girl, but he could hoard tender feelings about her in his chest, and nobody could do or say anything about it. At most he would endure some playful teasing at the time but he'd always reassure his friends it was alright.
"Not every unrequited love is bitter." Oisin told them once, smiling softly as he pulled his eyes away from where Adaine was walking to join her friends for lunch further out in the quad. "Statistically, high school romances don't work out. This is just...an equation that doesn't result in a positive answer. No use being angry at the numbers, the math won't change." He says.
Lucy had frowned, "Life isn't a math question Oisin."
"Yes it is," Oisin's responded, "it's just one of the unsolvable ones." His grin turned into a yelp when Ivy had dragged him down to try to noogie him, and they had all laughed and left the topic alone.
When he had first been raged out, he hadn't felt bitter. He felt strong and powerful and didn't need the distractions. But when Adaine had spotted him at the party to talk, after he'd grown tall and bulked out from the hours pumping iron to burn off the excess anger-
She only noticed him when he'd already been on his way to hell. That's when he started feeling bitter.
Oisin has so many complicated emotions and guilts eating away at him. He desperately wants to apologize to Adaine Abernant, to lay his heart bare so she may deliver his due judgement and strike true.
But more than anything, he needs to sort himself out first. He would not risk apologizing, not when his heart still ached, not when anyone could possibly notice and decide his apology was motivated by selfish wants instead of true remorse.
So Oisin does not speak to any of them the rest of that year or over the summer, even as the others will tag along with Lucy and Mary Ann sometimes to join the Bad Kids for an afternoon. He goes to therapy, reads self books, and painstakingly does his best to bleed the love for Adaine Abernant out of his heart. He knew the statistics when he fell in love, he'd have to do this one day or another.
Finally, first day of Senior Year, Oisin follows his party to where the remaining Bad Kids are.
He's spotted immediately, he knows because Riz Gukgak goes tense and starts furiously whispering, the Bad Kids exchange hushed words Oisin is too far to hear, but Adaine Abernant meets his gaze for a long moment.
Then she turns and leaves.
Oisin isn't surprised, but he does watch her leave for perhaps longer than he should have, before quickening his steps to catch up with the others.
The Bad Kids, as alright as they are with the others, glare at Oisin. Ivy beside him is tense, but bumping his tail against the back of her calves is his way of telling her this is alright.
He gives brief apologies, for the storm and those of his family who had attacked them all on his request.
Then, he quietly asks them to pass on a message to Adaine.
"I would like to apologize to her but-" He clears his throat under the pressure of the glares he's receiving. "If she doesn't want to hear it I understand completely."
Oisin doesn't give much time for a response, dipping his head and giving a quick goodbye as he prepared to go find his locker before classes.
"Oisin-" Lucy calls as he starts stepping away from the group.
"It's alright," Oisin murmers, thinking back to a warm fall day in the quad during freshman year. "I already knew the outcome of this equation."
"Life's not a fucking math problem, love." Ivy says, arms crossed defensively. Nobody else talks, and Oisin can feel the glares of the Bad Kids burning into his scales.
"Yes it is," he reminds them. "It's just a messy, unsolvable one." Oisin's smile is soft and tired. It is the smile of a man who's been resigned to his fate his whole life.
He'd always knew he'd never been or would ever be worth even a moment of the beautiful, amazing Elven Oracle's time.
He'd run the math, and it was no use being mad at numbers that wouldn't change.
Oisin turned and left.
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icecry · 11 months
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👤 NEW YORK 🎵 1990'S ⏪ ▶️ ⏩ Come spend a summer in New York. The sun sets a little differently over the Empire State. 
「 Bruno's always been the odd one on his block. He works as a drywaller but has hopes of making a living writing for Broadway. His family is pretty well known around town, but he's always preferred to keep a low profile. Bruno's best friend, Luigi (Super Mario Bros.), runs a plumbing business with his older brother in Brooklyn. They've known each other since they were kids, always being picked last for basketball or bonding over the color green.
Their other best friend is Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove), a rich kid from Upper Manhattan and up-and-coming heir to his family's billion-dollar empire. However, due to his lack of maturity and wild party-boy behavior, Kuzco has been temporarily cut off financially, forcing him to take a job as a Taxi driver.
Despite being cut off, Kuzco still has access to some perks, like the rooftop basketball court of the Sports Club his Dad owns. But Kuzco's not the only one with a hookup.
Audrey Ramirez (Atlantis: The Lost Empire), a chief mechanic engineer, can come and go as she pleases thanks to this being the gym where her Boxing Champion sister trains. She's always with her best friend and roommate, Chel (The Road to El Dorado), who is originally from Colombia and works at The Met.」 For @wdtajn crossover week!
(All backgrounds are photos taken by me in New York from my last visit with my family.) Insta- @icecry1
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