#the magicians guild
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somebogwitch · 1 year
The Magicians' Guild Audiobook Review
Watch on TikTok
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Alucard Emery- Shades of Magic series by VE Schwab
Pacer Wicks- Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
Ballister Blackheart- Nimona by N.D. Stevenson
Tayend of Tremmelin- Magician’s Guild series by Trudi Canavan
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winding-maze · 11 months
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━━━✥◈ Mylae the Magician ◈✥━━━
Commission for a dear guildmate, from 2020! Mylae discovers that Astralaria can amplify his magic powers and decides to perform a magic trick...
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hornlessbread · 1 year
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cute-angi · 2 months
Just a question in the round. Are there people here who know the black magician guild trilogy? Because I'm about to write a story about Dannyl and Tayend.
Oh...being in a dead fandom.
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angies-writing-blog · 1 month
Title: Warm Embrace Fandom: Black Magician Trilogy Pair: Lorlen / Sonea Summary: It was only when Sonea came into view that he found it easier to breathe—yet at the same time, the strain of his worry seemed to intensify. She halted before one of the staircases, struggling more to stay upright than to actually stand. Her breathing was labored, and she swayed on her feet as though she might collapse from exhaustion at any moment. Then, sensing his approach, she lifted her head, and her eyes, glassy with fatigue and pain, softened into a weary yet gentle smile at the sight of him.
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witch-of-the-creek · 1 year
Correspondences for thieves-
Pyrite, malachite, and cinnamon for attracting money
Sunstone, basil, and citrine for good luck and looking confident
Peppercorns, mint, and tourmaline to ward bad luck
Sodalite, cordierite, thyme, mussel shell, and dandelion seeds to be invisible in the shadows or hide in plain sight
Sand in your pocket to throw at pursuers make your footsteps silent.
Rope for enhancing climbing proficiency
Tigers eye for quick hands and sharp senses
A lookout to warn of guards
Goldstone, fire opal, rosemary, or cilantro to draw attention where you want or misdirect.
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waitafrikk · 2 years
one of my biggest fears is that "booktok" gets its grubby little hands on any books written by trudi canavan. i know its very pretentious blah blah blah but if a book has the word tiktok anywhere near it i wont touch it.
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I took my niece to AR Comic Con to meet Felicia Day! She was incredibly sweet and exceeded expectations. We tried to give her room in the photo op to respect her boundaries and she was like “COME IN, ENVELOP ME!” And pulled us in close. This is my face being pulled in close by a woman I’ve had a crush on since 2012. No big. At the meet and greet she was complimenting our hair, outfits, and smiles. She just sat there and told us how beautiful we were and I was like “ma’am with all due respect, I love you.” Felicia Day called me a model, I can die happy now.
Also got a pic w Scott Steiner for the new family Christmas card - my brothers request.
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
The Black Magician trilogy, by Trudi Canavan (January 2023)
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sorry you're getting the kinda ugly French covers because the other covers are worse
This year, like every other, the magicians of Imardin gather to purge the city of undesirables. Cloaked in the protection of their sorcery, they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work-—until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders...and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield. What the Magicians' Guild has long dreaded has finally come to pass. There is someone outside their ranks who possesses a raw power beyond imagining, an untrained mage who must be found and schooled before she destroys herself and her city with a force she cannot yet control.
Would I recommend it to anyone? I've already had two of my friends read it, hehe. So yes, it's a good ol' fantasy series like we like them.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? It was a reread, this series is one I grew up with so it's one of my favorites. Since it had been a while since I'd last read it, I wanted to see if it stood the test of time in a way.
My thoughts on it? Some elements have aged and I think some of the romances we see are pretty awkward. But I'm still in love with the world and the story as a whole.
French version under the cut
Comme chaque année, les magiciens d'Imardin se réunissent pour nettoyer la ville des indésirables. Protégés par un bouclier magique, ils avancent sans crainte au milieu des vagabonds, des orphelins et autres malandrins qui les haïssent. Soudain, une jeune fille ivre de colère leur jette une pierre... qui traverse sans effort le bouclier magique dans un éclair bleu et assomme l'un des mages.
Ce que la Guilde des magiciens redoutait depuis si longtemps est arrivé : une magicienne inexpérimentée est en liberté dans les rues ! Il faut la retrouver avant que son pouvoir incontrôlé la détruise elle-même, et toute la ville avec elle. La traque commence...
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? J'ai déjà fait lire la série à deux amis, héhé. Du coup oui, c'est une bonne série de fantasy comme on les aime.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? C’était une relecture, cette série fait partie de celles qui ont bercé mon adolescence et c’est donc une de mes préférées. Comme ça faisait des années que je l’avais pas lue, je voulais voir si elle était à l’épreuve du temps en quelque sorte.
Avis sans spoiler ? Certains éléments ont vieilli et je trouve que les différentes romances qu’on a au fil des tomes sont assez maladroites. Mais je suis toujours aussi fan de l’univers et de l’histoire de manière générale.
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
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hello I just dug out the OG concept sketch sheet from back when I thought I was gonna build Idri as a halfling and when I found it I said out loud 'SHE HAD AUBREE HAIR'
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audiovisualrecall · 1 year
Gd, The Martian is such a good book and the movie is such a good movie I fucking love both, I've reread the book like 5 times at least, this is my third(?) time watching the movie, I could easily read and/or watch it again immediately without being bored, I think I could not get tired of this story and the humor and the just. Aaaaa
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raventhekittycat · 2 years
Officially diagnosing Akkarin with Blorbo from my shows (books) disease. He's had it forever but being forcefully reminded of it as I reread them.
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Yush, your blog is still rad!
As for books, well, I'm not exactly reading those genres but here you go anyways:
Lockwood & Co is really nice
Codex Alera
Anything Brandon Sanderson
The Name of the Wind
Department 19
The Legend of Drizzt
The Dark Magicians Guild
The Moontide Quartet
Ravens Shadow
A Dark and Hollow Star
Yeah. Those are some that I personally really like :3
🥹🥹💗💗 thank you friend 💗💗
Ooohhh so many!! I’ll have to check these out 🤗🤗🤗
(Also fun fact, the last person I dated was reading name of the wind and when I saw that in the list, immediately thought of him 😅😅🫣)
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vagueiish · 5 months
for no apparent reason, steps away from sleep, my brain hit me with a ‘hey, remember that fantasy world you started building years ago and then did nothing with? you remember that???’
partially? bits and pieces. because i don’t write things down. why are you bringing it up now, brain?
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