#lord dannyl
hornlessbread · 1 year
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merrymedley · 11 months
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Keeping up appearances in the ballroom, longing glances exchange in the distance.
(Tayend drinking his fourth glass of wine🍷)
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mintmentos · 2 years
Warring with being mad that dannyl and tayend never even kissed on page and loving the fact that they are one of only 2 couples to say they loved each other
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cptablovegood · 6 years
Hot take: Lord Osen is also queer. He knew the rumours about Dannyl and his relationship with Tayend were true and encouraged him to ‘cherish and enjoy’ their ‘friendship’. He also gave Dannyl the perfect excuse to leave Kyralia and live in Elyne permanently where his gayness wouldn’t be used against him.
This only a week after Lorlen died. Lorlen who he was obviously in love with. If this isn’t queers supporting queers idk what is.
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shuxel · 7 years
okay but why is there like no content for lord dannyl and tayend on here
please i love them and they need more attention
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Just to let any Black Magician Trilogy fans out there know that I just uploaded the next chapter to my alternate ending! 
It’s up on Archive of our own, Wattpad, and fanfiction.net, all under the username ChemistBee
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semper-legens · 3 years
182. The Novice, by Trudi Canavan
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Owned?: Yes Page count: 577 My summary: Sonea is a magician now - or training to be one, at least. Her studies, however, are hampered by many new problems. One of her fellow novices seems to have it out for her. But that’s going to be the least of her problems. She saw the High Lord doing black magic, and that’s going to have consequences. And not just for her... My rating: 4/5 My commentary:
Part two of this series! I continue to enjoy it deeply. And it continues to surprise me, mostly because my terrible memory only has a vague impression of what happens in these books and the order these events occur in. I’m always partial to magicians and ceremony, as well as the mechanics of magic in a certain universe, and this book most definitely scratches that particular itch.
Sonea continues to be a great protagonist. I don’t know what specifically it is about her - I think it’s partially because she’s a reasonably regular person? Other than having a huge amount of natural power, I mean. But even with that advantage, we see her working her ass off to match her strength with skill and knowledge. She’s a hard worker, she’s cunning, she’s so stubbornly decent and honourable, and that makes her so bloody likeable. I also appreciate the realism this book goes for with her relationships with the other novices. She never really fits in and makes friends, because all of the others are prejudiced against her due to her background - she’s lowborn, they’re all highborn. Even the single friend she does make doesn’t stick around for too long. Eventually, one particular novice, Regin, ends up making her life hell. I gotta say, Regin’s not the most developed of characters - his motivations don’t have a lot of nuance beyond him being posh and a prick, especially given his dogged pursuit of Sonea to the advanced class. Still, it’s in service to Sonea’s character development and growing into her powers, and I’m certainly not gonna say no to that.
The other reason I love this series is my dear Dannyl. He’s Rothen’s friend, and appointed Ambassador. He’s also gay, and that’s a part of his story. When he was a novice, rumours were spread about his relationship with another male novice - in Kyralia, where the novel is set, such relationships are frowned upon. And so, Dannyl has spend his life denying being a ‘lad’, the in-universe term for it in the country he visits. But his assistant Tayend is a known lad, though he hides it at first, and Dannyl ends up growing closer to him and realising that, oh shit, he’s been gay the whole time, and magically Healing himself subconsciously whenever those feelings would arise, taking them away. It’s an interesting take on being closeted and in denial - and Dannyl and Tayend are cute together, I gotta say. Though it is notable that, unlike the straight couples we see, they don’t even get an on-page kiss. We’re told they got together, but we don’t see them in intimate moments, where we do see this for straight couples.
I’m less keen on some of the worldbuilding revealed through Dannyl’s trip. It’s just some of that Standard Fantasy Setting stuff - Kyralia is European-coded, with the characters from there being described as white. Other nations, like Lonmar or Sachaka, are coded as being Middle-Eastern or African, with the people described as brown and black. And those are the less tolerant or outwardly hostile places. It’s sadly common in fantasy, but I’d feel remiss if I didn’t point out how they are contrasted with Kyralia as Bad Places with Bad Ideas or Bad People, building on harmful stereotypes.
And then there’s Akkarin. See, Dannyl is following the High Lord Akkarin’s footsteps, retracing a trip he took many years ago, in which he learned black magic. And when Akkarin’s friend and Guild Administrator Lorlen accidentally lets slip that he, Rothen, and Sonea all know about him doing black magic, Akkarin takes Sonea’s guardianship away from Rothen, using her as a hostage to buy their silence. We don’t see much of Akkarin here - he hints that he has good reasons and intentions for doing what he does, and it turns out that he isn’t behind the murders happening in the city that look like black magic. Still, a lot of questions about him are left unanswered. I like that, there’s a real tension building around him and his motivations, and the dawning sense of horror from the corner Sonea, Rothen, and Lorlen are all backed into is very effective. You can almost feel the trap closing around them, and seeing Sonea being gradually taken away from Rothen, the only character who’s been unequivocally good to her, is heartbreaking.
Well, that’s all I got here - next time, the conclusion!
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no-stamina-draws · 6 years
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An old piece portraying Lord Dannyl and Tayend, my two favourite characters from "Black Magician Trilogy"
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nazarethfonseca · 3 years
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📚O lorde supremo: a Trilogia do Mago Negro - Livro 3 ☹Cheguei ao fim. A aventura ao longo dos três volumes da trilogia O Clã dos Magos, foi cheia de conhecimento, segredos, magia e crescimento. Sonea é uma personagem inteligente, corajosa, esforçada e bondosa. Seu nascimento e origem humilde não a tornaram uma pessoa rancoroso, ou de caráter duvidoso. Muito pelo contrário a fez melhor como ser humano. Apesar de toda perseguição que sofreu sempre se mostrou leal a promessa que fez ao clã, ao jura cumprir as regras. Os mistérios de Akkarin o lorde supremo são revelados e a verdade nos aparece ainda duvidosa, mas ao longo da narrativa compreendemos tudo e ficamos divididos. . 😊A história compre o que prometeu e amarra todas as pontas. A luta entre os magos mostra a realidade de muitos magos cheio de orgulho, mas fracos em poderes. . 💔O final tem seu clímax. Mas me feriu e passei alguns dias de ressaca. Tanto que só fiz a resenha agora. Mas o epílogo me consolou em parte. . 🙂Fiquei muitos dias e horas com todos os personagens. Naveguei com Dannyl por mares perigosos e fiquei horas na universidade estudando com Sonea. Sentindo falta de tudo e de todos finalizei a última página. A autora criou um mundo rico e original e defendeu causas justas e nos mostrou o que existe por trás do preconceito. Minha nota? 5 beijos mordidos 💋💋💋💋💋 . . 🌠O Lorde Supremo . Na cidade de Imardin, onde aqueles que têm magia têm poder, uma jovem garota de rua, adotada pelo Clã dos Magos, se encontra no centro de uma terrível trama que pode destruir o mundo todo. Sonea aprendeu muito no Clã, e os outros aprendizes agora a tratam com um respeito relutante. No entanto, ela não pode esquecer o que viu na sala subterrânea do Lorde Supremo ― ou seu aviso de que o antigo inimigo do reino está crescendo em poder novamente. Conforme Sonea evolui no aprendizado, começa a duvidar da palavra do mestre de seu clã. Poderia a verdade ser tão aterrorizante quanto Akkarin afirma? Ou ele está tentando enganá-la para que Sonea o ajude em algum terrível esquema sombrio? . . #book #cladosmagos #instagram #magia #sonea #akkarim #magosnegros #romance #aventura https://www.instagram.com/p/CQTIEixjEwb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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merrymedley · 5 years
I reached 500+ subscriptions in my webcomic "El vaiven de los secretos" (a Black magician trilogy fancomic about this cute gay couple ahead ❤) I want more people to join this fandom!!
Lint to the webcomic (on webtoons and tapas, choose yours):
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sizekitap · 7 years
Çırak Trudi Canavan Pegasus Yayınları
Olağanüstü büyü kabiliyetleriğne haiz kimsesiz bir kiz. Şeytani fakatçlarin peşindeki güçlü bir büyücü. Savaşilmasi ihtiyaç duyulan ölümcül bir düzen.
Sonea, Büyücü Loncası’ndaki diğer tüm çırakların asil ailelerden geldiğini ve eski bir kenar mahalle çocuğu olarak dışlanacağını bilmesine rağmen sınıf arkadaşlarının ona ne kadar düşmanca davranabileceğini öngörememiştir. Dannyl ile Rothen Sonea’ya ellerinden geldiğince yardımcı olmaya çalışırken genç kız hakkında yayılmaya başlayan dedikoduları durdurmak için Yüksek Lord Akkarin devreye girer.
Genç kız bu kararının karşılığında büyük bir karşılık ödemek zorundadır. Akkarin’in sırrını öğrenen Sonea bu gizeme ortak olacak fakat karanlık bir geleceğe doğru sürüklenecektir. Ya Lonca liderine sadakatini ispatlayacak ya da korkunç bir hata yapacaktır…     “Özgün biçimı ve olağanüstü karakterleriyle merak uyandırıcı bir serüven.” 
– Locus Online   “Muhteşem detaylarla ince ince işlenmiş bir dünya ve fantastik edebiyat severlerin okuması ihtiyaç duyulan, coşku dolu bir hikâye.”
– Jennifer Fallon
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devamı burada => https://goo.gl/BrDp2R
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aceracemace · 8 years
tagged by the fab @derpings Rules: Answers the questions and tag blogs you want to get to know better. Nickname: Oli, Ollo
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 5 ft 5
Time right now: 22:01
Last thing you googled: Tea
Favorite music artist: John Newman
Song stuck in my head: City of Stars
Last movie I watched: Moana
Last show I watched: Peaky Blinders
What I’m wearing right now: Pyjamas
When I created this blog: January
The kind of stuff I post: Not sure
Do I get asks regularly: No
Why did I choose my URL: ‘cause I’m questioning myself
Gender: Male
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff!!
Pokémon team: Mystic
Favorite color: Greeeeen
Average hours of sleep: When I don’t have to wake up… 10ish?
Lucky number: 8
Favorite characters: Lord Dannyl, Cery (Black Magician trilogy), book Ginny (HP)
Dream job: Head Gardener
Number of blankets I sleep with: A duvet and a blanket if it’s cold
I tag: @galavantmedic @thatsthat24 @leidineht
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nazarethfonseca · 3 years
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A aprendiz -Trudi Canavan 📚Esse livro me deixou tensa a cada página. Sonea se tornou uma aprendiz e teve de encarar sua nova vida.Ela agora é uma aprendiz, tem aulas incríveis de magia e precisa ser forte para enfrentar o preconceito, a perseguição dos seus colegas de turma. . ☹Todas as vezes que os outros aprendizes a pegavam em uma armadilha, eu tinha vontade de gritar. Eu sofri bulling é muito ruim. Deixa marcas. Sonea conseguiu vencer usando sua inteligência e até bondade. . 🤔Akkarim, o lorde supremo sem dúvida é um personagem intrigante, misterioso. Eu queria que a autora tivesse explorado mais essa questão. Me senti roubada pois ela nos engana a cada página e as revelações são expostas de um modo que chegamos a duvidar. Ela me enganou muito nesse livro. Parabéns para ela. . 🙂O livro é perfeito e as coisas ficam melhores quando Akkarim mostra sua face de mago negro. . Dannyl e Tayend são a cereja do bolo. A autora soube como ninguém falar de bulling, homossexualidade, preconceito de forma magistral. . 📚😊Amei cada página. E acho que teria ficado doida se tivesse de esperar pelo livro 3. Felizmente já estavam todos lançados. Todos os personagens são cativantes e tem histórias envolventes, dignas de serem conhecidas. Minha nota? Cinco beijos mordidos 💋💋💋💋💋 📃Sinopse: Sozinha entre todos os aprendizes do Clã dos Magos, somente Sonea vem de uma classe menos privilegiada. No entanto, ela ganhou aliados poderosos, como Lorde Dannyl, recentemente promovido a Embaixador. Ele terá, agora, de partir para a corte de Elyne, deixando Sonea à mercê dos boatos maliciosos e mentirosos que seus inimigos continuam espalhando... até o Lorde Supremo entrar em cena. Entretanto, o preço do apoio de Akkarin é alto porque, em troca, Sonea deve proteger seus mistérios mais sombrios. Enquanto isso, a ordem que Dannyl está obedecendo, de buscar fatos sobre a longa pesquisa abandonada de Akkarin sobre o conhecimento mágico antigo, o está levando a uma extraordinária jornada, chegando cada vez mais perto de um futuro surpreendente e perigoso. . . #magos #book #magianegra #trudicanavan #livros #amor #aprendiz #sonea #akkarin #trilogia #resenha #Dannyl https://www.instagram.com/p/CQIm-MND6m9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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neckraisin · 8 years
ok, so would anyone be interested if i wrote black magician trilogy fanfic? i’m planning to write a smutfic (of course) with the main pairing being dannyl/tayend.
and it’s probably gonna be hella kinky
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merrymedley · 5 years
Black magician trilogy fancomic!
Hey! I've been working on a comic based on a beautiful BMT fanfic. I'm posting it here on tapas (upper link). Give it a chance if you love BL or if you're a BMT fan (specially of the Dannyl/Tayend couple❤)
I'll post two or three new pages every week. Hope you like it!!
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Magicians are reminded that there is a Meet next week. Open discussion is welcome, as long as everybody (and by everybody we mean Lord Dannyl) remembers that it is not appropriate to lodge a formal complaint against Lord Fergun for "merely existing".
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