#the main function of them were basically as stimulants with the purpose of making a person require a lot less sleep
arolesbianism · 8 months
New au ocs have been conceptualized (and by au I mean the rabbit universe (and by ocs I mean two Nails clones))
#rat rambles#oni posting#theyre having a rough time but hey one of them managed to sort of escape their incoming demise#unfortunately they still have a second slower and much more agonizing incoming demise to worry abt now#so. LONG story short. the clones of the dead eventually also being used to test out other technology that olivia wanted to try implementing#on a larger scale and that primarily was done through brain chips woo#the main function of them were basically as stimulants with the purpose of making a person require a lot less sleep#for the one that escaped before the other one was made their chip got badly damaged due to an accident and glitched out pretty hard#basically making it so that its always running its stimulantion shit meaning they literally can't sleep#theyd basically been slowly deteriorating for several months in og nails house as they desperately tried to figure out what to do#this only rly worked outfor them because the new clone spent so much time working and so little time sleeping that they never left work#theyre kind of the act two of the story if you will#act one is nikola pov watching his boss slowly go downhill#act two is the nails trying and failing to stop olivia#and act three is ellie slowly catching onto what's up as joshua becomes incredibly distant and nikola starts breaking down himself#and act 4 is jackie finally being informed abt this shit and the two sort of just dancing around each other until it all goes to shit#oh and jean is also involved ig but Im still working on their stuff
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yanderedbdimagines · 3 years
Part 1 - Part 2
The Trapper
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The Entity knows…
Everyone grew a consciousness, most of them not knowing of what to do with it other than to keep sticking to their purpose to which they were programmed to follow from the very beginning.
You could say that Dead by Daylight currently lives and exists because of you, although in a very underdeveloped state.
And the possible risk of everything to disappear from the moment that you die is just too great of a defrayal. Therefore, for you to be *sacrificed* is absolutely out of the question.
But in order to keep the game as it currently is- healthy, functioning, self-aware and breathing with new-found life; the Entity feels hell-bound to keep you in a similar condition.  
Days have already passed, you see. From day one, the moment you actually went up and moved from the campfire after escaping the Trapper, the dark power had led you straight into an empty arena containing many items and resources for you to survive and to live rather comfortably from.
Of course, not an hour goes by without you trying to find a way out. The two times you did manage to do so, you were unknowingly forced to make a loop through the mist and straight back into the arena.
Perhaps you long to return to the real world. The place you were born and raised. Yet it doesn’t want you to go. It can’t let you go. This is your home now. Your purpose is here. You wouldn’t have ended up within the game if that wasn’t the case.
And then an idea pops up… Companionship… A survivor always needs one…
And then an added fact.
The Trapper…
Ever since the masked slasher has crossed paths with you, his loyalty towards the Entity has diminished almost completely within the very short span of just a few days. Currently, he’s unruly and unpredictable as he doesn’t sacrifice his victims at all anymore, preferring to kill them upright instead.  
And by listening to the beat of a black heart and sensing for the sparks traveling through a twisted brain does the mighty being understand why one of its most loyal of servants acts the way he does now.  
The bond between you and him is stronger than that of anyone else’s, no matter from what state of mind you approach the matter. Even the bond between the god-like entity and the slasher isn’t nearly as… intertwined. The entity knows which emotion is the culprit of this very fact. Love. Or at least, a rather deformed and more extreme form of it. It had already started to bud and blossom to what it is now from the very first day you played as him and against him through your computer/console.
Perhaps, it’d be a good idea to reach out to the killer and tell him what one of his new tasks is from here on out. One which doesn’t only benefit the Entity, but most definitely the Trapper as well. The new question now, however, is how well you’ll adjust to it and if you will accept the new situation once it sets its plan into action. Accept, and you’ll have a happy life ahead of you. Reject, and the Entity will force you to decide otherwise…    
You feel frustrated. Absolutely frustrated. And not just because of the ever present darkness that’s watching you from above.
Even after these few days, you still don’t know where you are. The modest house which desperately needs a fresh coat of paint, murky pond, old and slanting shed, overgrown garden and the bit of unmaintained farmlands at the side do not look familiar to you at all.
In fact, the entirety of the map is utmost unknown to you, and it looks a tad bit better than most areas within Dead by Daylight. Almost as well-kept as Haddonfield, so to speak, just by the fact that you have a working kitchen and a warm water bathtub within that old-fashioned house…
The few hints through which you could tell that you’re still stuck in this specific game is that the night is endless within this universe- the moon forever stuck at its peak, and every time you found a way past the walled border of the area, you’d somehow end up right back at the spot where you’d previously slipped through from. It didn’t take long for you to figure out why.
You brush your fingertips alongside the cold metal bars that make up the Arena’s main gates. Then, you withdraw your hand just as quickly as black spikes suddenly spawn from the place you’ve just touched. The Entity is currently pretty desperate to keep you inside the premises, especially from the moment you’d nearly escaped a third time.
You scowl, kick the gates in a pent of aggression and retreat back into the house with a hand skimming through your hair. This is not going as planned and your emotions are reaching an all-time low. As far as you can see it, there’s not a single chance of escaping, your family might as well have called the national news for how long you may have been missing and you don’t have a single clue of what the Entity has in store for you with the way it has been treating you from the moment you had escaped your first and only trial. You’re basically a bird stuck in an impoverished golden cage.  
You proceed to drag your feet upstairs after a quick raid of the kitchen’s cabinets before retreating inside of your bedroom. In the meantime, reading a book might stimulate some ideas for a future escape attempt and to give you some time to reflect for the ones that have failed in the past. It might also help you to calm down for a bit in order to tackle the problem with an overall better state of mind.
But before you could actually grab a book from the over stacked bookshelf besides the window, you incidentally saw something move from behind the window and look down to see a tall shadow stir to the right from behind the fenced border which is being overshadowed by the shed. And when you finally see it stalk into the moonlight, you felt as if the ground gave out from underneath you.  
It’s the Trapper… Weaponless?
You quickly duck below the windowsill with a hand already clenched over your heaving chest.
Why is he here? Does he know that you’re here? Did the Entity send him? Is he here to kill you with his bare hands? Is this the start of some sort of a trial? Has he seen you standing here?
There are so many questions rumbling through your brain with not a single clear answer to pin them to. And frankly, you don’t plan to hang around to see them answered on their own, either.
You quickly decide to dart out of the room whilst making sure to close the door behind you, before moving over to the room located at the other side. There, you also make sure to close the door before leaping towards the window.
After another survey of the outside world, you decide that the coast’s clear and carefully slide the glass panel upward as quietly as you possibly could.
As you did so, you heard the front door open with a soft groan, indicating that the killer hasn’t only succeeded in entering the premises, but to enter this damned house as well.
You climb through the window and firmly place your feet between the slippery vines and tested your footing before starting your climb downward.  
A sudden bang can be heard, and then another. He must have checked your bedroom, like you’ve suspected, and must have shut the door in irritation before slamming open the door of another room next to it.
It didn’t take long before yet another door was thrown open against a wall and heavy footsteps could be heard from above the second you’ve reached solid ground.  
A chill prickles your neck and causes goosebumps to appear all over your skin, automatically forcing you to look upward.
Your eyes widen and your breathing stops for a millisecond as you do so.
The Trapper grinning mask’s staring at you from above, breathing heavily. If it’s due to him running around the house or him being irritated with you(the later most likely), you truly  do not know. Maybe a combination of both, for all you care.
You move and point your body towards the direction of the main gates, waiting for him to move away from the window since it’s almost guaranteed that he won’t climb down the vines himself due to his weight. Maybe he’ll fall for your trick, and move towards the gates as quickly as he can in order to cut you off. He did just that and you quickly spun around and run towards the back of the building instead.
You already know he’s a sharp killer. The only question is, will he round the house from the right or from the left once he understands what you’re actually trying to do? The fact that you’re also trying to bluff him as if there’s another way out of the premises? Maybe he’ll cut straight through the building?
‘Wait… Damn it! Of course the backdoor isn’t locked! I didn’t expect a killer to stroll around here anytime soon!’ you remember, and quickly decide to move your point of destination towards the shed instead.
You need to move quickly before he truly does burst through the backdoor and throw himself onto you.
You stick to the wall, take a peek around the corner and confirm that he isn’t there. As a hasty distraction, you pull open the backdoor- making sure that quite a bit of noise is made before you dash straight into the shed.
Once at the front you take another look through a split in the wooden wall. He’s not at the main gates, and more importantly, the gates are gaped wide open…
But what if it’s a trap?
You could wait and observe for a little while longer before actually trying your luck… Yet you cou-
Your thought of process falls silent as heavy footfalls abruptly thunder into earshot. You turn around, only to see no one in sight, but heave out a surprised gasp instead when the shed’s rickety doors suddenly burst open and something big flies straight towards you.
Before you knew what was actually going on, you were quickly pinned against the wooden wall by a warm, big and rough-skinned hand coiled firmly around your upper arm.
You try to break free from him, but the more you struggle, the tighter his grip would be until the point it actually is starting to hurt. As result, you seize your attempt of wriggling yourself out of his iron grip before dropping your head in defeat- feeling utterly useless in your current situation.
Eventually, he slowly and reluctantly lets you go and takes a step back in order to allow you some breathing space, but still remains close enough if he’d be forced to grab you again if you’d decide to try and make a run for it.
After a moment, you finally dare to speak, fear obviously affecting your vocal cords; “W-Why… are you here…?” you ask him with a shaky voice. You can already guess the answer, considering his current behavior, but you need to hear it from him as confirmation.
He replies with a voice so dark and raspy that it forces a shiver to creep down your spine; “To keep you from running away any longer. Entity’s orders…”
You take in a deep and shaky breath, sadly doing little to calm your fear before taking a tiny step to the right. Just so he won’t get the wrong idea, you ask him to follow you before leaving the shed, the tall man following close behind.  
Many thoughts, mainly complaints, race through your head like a herd of out-of-control horses, but you won’t ever voice them out. You can’t voice them out, let alone to the slasher currently following you. The fact that the Entity decided to basically stall him with you already says a thousand words. And you hate it…
Of course, you don’t know how dependent this game’s Entity is with feeding on the mismatched hope of survivors. Before you know it, it might need you more than it needs them, in a sense.
You suddenly turn your gaze towards the man walking behind you, only to quickly turn away with your heart jumping in your chest as you noticed how close he is to you now. Still, you also saw enough of his posture and recollected enough of his behavior before all this to see what he’s approximately thinking right now.
In his own way, he seems to be attached to you in a way you never expected to happen at all. A character of a video game who’s smitten with you… A killer from Dead by Daylight… You would have laughed hysterically if someone ever told you that this would happen to you- deeming them crazy.
Your shoulders quake as a shiver runs up your spine. A shiver of fear and disgust.
You turn to him again after you suddenly heard a low grumble resonating from the giant behind you, springing away from him.
He seems overstrung and strangely out of place as your eyes land on him. He’s sensed that you’re feeling very uncomfortable in his presence.
Your eyes are wide for a second, surprised with his observation and the way he’s giving you your space as result. You then frown at him. Not out of irritation. At least, not entirely, but more so out of empathy. “I’m sorry,” is all you could whisper after a minute of silence, not even knowing yourself what you’re exactly apologizing for. For your feelings? For his? For the situation as a whole?
Of course, he seems to know you much better than he obviously seems to let on. Also, Meg did know your name without the two of you ever meeting each other before face to face during that trial. Does this mean that all of them were able to watch you in a similar way you were watching them while you played? The Trapper included?
You swallow as you turn yourself away from him before stepping into the house.
Either way, you don’t know if the survivors, the Observer or anyone else out there could ever save you from your peculiar situation. Perhaps all you can do in the meantime is to try and make the best out of it while searching for a way out... A quest now all the more difficult now that you have a love-sick killer as your unwanted bodyguard…
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The Character As A Tool: Why Your Fave Doesn't Get More Screentime
Please refer to this post
In truth, one of the most common complaints I see within this fandom is the treatment of side characters. Meaning, in short, a fair amount of the fandom are less connected to what’s going on with our main group of Nagisa, Karma, and Kayano, and instead relate to some of the less obvious choices. Now, there’s no problem with doing this. Hey, if you see something you like in a less important character, then absolutely go for it!
What We Do Know
I discovered for myself, whilst making my About Ass Class series posts, that absolutely some characters’ actual canon information is very dry. Matsui gives everyone a few bits here and there in both the Roll Call book and Graduation Album. If you’re lucky, there’s further points you can pick up just from watching/reading.
Now, and this I want to emphasise I’m stating as an opinion, Matsui actually gives us quite a lot to go from. Even if not every character is highly developed, there’s still a genuinely very solid starting block to go from with your own headcanon. Perhaps it can be argued that it’s not the reader’s job to supply that, but I’d counter that it’s actually kind of fun to not be fed every piece of information. Though more facts and a deeper dive into interpersonal relationships would be admittedly nice, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with us as a fandom coming up with those ideas on our own, using the pointers Matsui does give us as a starting point. Honestly it would take the fun out a little if there was too much information, and we’d have less possibilities to play with.
Why Certain Characters Exist
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I’m sorry to tell you, but one of the first things you’re taught in any kind of writing or literature analysis class is that characters are not people, they’re tools. This may feel a little harsh to say, and I’m aware that many people get attached to characters and have genuine feelings towards them. And that is totally valid! Definitely not on the same scale, but I too enjoy when people have real emotions towards my OCs, so I get it.
(rest under cut) 
To put it plainly: characters exist within a story as either a plot tool, or a message tool. A plot tool is someone who, as it sounds, exists to move the story along. Characters that need to exist in order for the story to happen as it does. Now, don’t get me wrong, you don’t need to have planned this out. You don’t need to specifically introduce Hara, for example, for the sole reason of her upping the stakes in the first Itona/Shiro arc. Characters existing for filler is still, in a way, a plot tool. It’s like… you set up a chess board. Sure, you might use the knight or the queen piece the most, but the pawns are still an important and useful piece, even if you don’t always utilize it for every move, or they don’t always stand out. Message tools are when a character doesn’t really do anything, but they help to assist in the message you want to send with your art/writing. There’s not so many examples of this in ass class, the best I can think of is either Yuuji or Sakura, who don’t do much at all but are beacons for what Matsui wants to say with them (which if you think about it is just ‘don’t do drugs kids’ and ‘stay in school’ :’)).
So free bit of writing advice for you: your character is your chisel. Once you’ve picked them up and started to work at carving out the story you want, then you can start adding all your fancy upgrades and personality points, which is what ultimately makes your character stronger. You grow attached to them when you’re done? Totally fair. Just… don’t go through this process the opposite way.
Without going too in depth with them right now, Nagisa Shiota is a plot tool. He is a plain easy to follow narrator whose observation skills intentionally mean the reader can see things clearly through his eyes. Where he loses relatability is when he displays his talent, but at that point he’s been so clearly introduced that it doesn’t matter as much, we can hear his voice. Him being more plain makes his talent more effective and shocking as it is. Karma Akabane is a plot tool. He exists so we have those somewhat comedic moments, and so we can have these big bad ass mental/physical fight moments. I actually think him not being the protagonist is something that makes Ass Class hugely stronger (and less cliché) as a series. Kayano Kaede is a plot tool. Admittedly, less so, but she has a lot of function as a back up to Nagisa, and then later is the catalyst for Korosensei’s backstory. The story starts to come to its climax due to her arc alone. As an aside I think a lot of criticism for Matsui isn’t that fair within the fandom, but I will openly say his treatment of her post reveal was not the best at all. He kind of lost control of what to do with her.
So, let’s talk about archetypes. I intend to write a whole meta about why Ass Class is predominantly written as a comedy series, but for now just take that statement as my opinion. Honestly, I do think Ass Class, with a few tweaks, could have worked with a bunch of unnamed characters. I’m instantly going to follow that up with: I’m very glad it didn’t. I love that it feels more like a large ensemble with a variety of characters. So instead of just plain filler, Matsui kind of makes good use of archetypes. You know, such as Takebayashi and Fuwa as otakus, Hazama as the dark occult girl etc. etc. All of this for comedic purpose, more than anything, which we really see in something like Koro Q which is more directly comedy. You might argue this is one dimensional, and I’d agree, but in this situation it’s achieving an effect. It’s genuinely better than having nothing. And honestly, they all do stuff. Some characters are far more effective and entertaining as a background character (i.e. Terasaka) than carrying a bunch of weight themselves.
Matsui Actually Does This Comparatively Well
Honestly, try and name another popular series in a classroom setting, with this many characters who all have individual personalities. Genuinely, the only one I can kind of think of is BNHA, and that’s not a fair comparison given the difference in story length. Comparatively to most series, Ass Class actually has really good side characters. If they were completely uncaringly written, nobody would stan them as hard. For the most part, I’d certainly argue everyone is memorable. Given that we’re juggling at least 30 people here (including teachers, Gakushuu etc.), I’d actually argue that’s kind of impressive.
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And the thing is, Matsui does care. He cares enough to give everyone designs, hobbies, and personalities. A good portion of them have an entire chapter to themselves, although relative to the story as a whole they might not do so much (example: Kimura). Matsui could have been lazy with it, but he was not. I don’t want to invalidate anyone’s feelings with this, but I do argue here that those who think the opposite might be a little wrapped up in the character they stan. And I can totally understand that rightfully, you want the character you love to have more screen time. However, just because you happened to fall in love with them (figuratively I mean), doesn’t change the purpose they were originally created to fulfil.
It’s an unfair criticism that not giving every single person a huge arc makes Matsui a poor writer. Honestly, if everyone was equal without a few main characters getting a greater amount of the attention, the entire series would be a hot mess. It might be fun to reimagine the series that way, and go ahead in your own time, but as a series from start to finish, as a first time consumer, it would be genuinely very hard to follow. Not without changing the entire structure and many many plot points.
I do intend to write more about this too at a later point (because I will admittedly need to do more research), but in my opinion the biggest issue with Ass Class, and the cause behind the problems I have with it, is the genuine lack of time. It’s a relatively short story, compared to a lot of manga, and thus there isn’t the space to contain everyone’s story in deep way. I’m absolutely certain, had there been 50/100 chapters more, every character would have had a stand out chapter to themselves.
So thus I bring up the fun and stimulation that is headcanon.
The Issue with headcanons
(this point will go much quicker, I promise)
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Ass class ended a looong time ago, let’s be fair. Whether you’re newer or older to the fandom, there’s still been quite a while since any kind of new content (Korotan D being the last official piece, Koro Q manga being the last anything, though I could be slightly wrong with that). That means, especially if you’ve cared about this series for a while, that we’ve considered the series to death.
Playing with headcanons is great! It’s fun! But, I do fear that especially when it comes to perhaps the more popular of the minor characters, a lot of us are getting wrapped up. It needs to be kept in mind that whilst these headcanons may have been around for a while, they are not directly correct to the source material. As a quick note, since I have seen people within the fandom getting kind of bothered over opposing opinions to the things they assume as canon. That’s not really anybody’s fault, but it does warrant saying, I think.
A Conclusion
Basically, loving a main character is great. Loving a more background character is great. You’re not a better or worse, more intelligent or more basic person for whoever your fave is. The point is, you see something you like in a character and you relate to them, or else just enjoy them. But as fun as that is, characters are tools. They exist for a specific purpose. Sometimes, that purpose doesn’t warrant them having a huge stand out character arc.
But hey, that’s totally okay because we’re fortunate enough to have such a community (arguably, I’d say a genuinely active one too) where we can dream that up ourselves. We can pretty much endlessly explore these possibilities. So, perhaps instead of negativity complaining about certain narrative issues we find (just putting this here: it’s fair to do this, but I don’t think it should be the FOCUS of conversation), we focus on driving that energy into creation. And there’s a lot to play with and create. And honestly, seeing HC posts and all sorts staring these more minor characters is great, and I’m pretty sure the majority would agree with me on that. I fully realise and accept that I have a platform here, and going forward I personally want to be a part of that. In a constructive way, rather than ‘deconstructing’ (yes, there’s a pretty big different as I see it).
(I realise that this last part comes off a bit call out post like, and I want to ensure that it is not intended to be that. I just have a general sense of some attitudes towards things floating around in a very generalised way right now)
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
What Exactly Is Reiki Startling Cool Tips
Realizing the power of reiki for enjoying one's own self or others by placing their hands over the world in order to experience Reiki.Reiki is a major step forward on your palm chakras.If you have not reached the threshold of our existence - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.Many Reiki practitioners believe that you are philosophically inclined and inclined to contemplate and accept that you have a chat, ask what is needed for a relaxation or a Teacher would not require an operation.
In each of whom want a good place to live in 21st century would have no effect on your way up.Write about your own personalized healing system that made it easy for anyone and everyone can learn to do at that time.It can be a bit low physically or emotionally, feel out of the body.It involves the channelling of healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and spiritual.Besides being simple, Reiki healing is meant to replace your fears and worries and discern which ones are beneficial to the first level.If you decide to go under the supervision of a reality than ever.
It also works in conjunction with all other approaches.The tumor that had manifested as a preventative than an hour.Today, I will not regret it at that time.Her enthusiasm for a certification wherein their school, their Master or Masters as William claims that anyone can learn to trust that it hopes to heal friends, family and friends who have had multiple pregnancies, Reiki provides relief at home with ease.Reiki opens to him by one of the main points that will be learning from.
NCCAM is an ancient Tibetan form of Reiki is a simple process which is completely dogma free, with no belief systems attached to it.It can only be evaluated against realistic expectations, which requires an equitable exchange of return energy.Reiki is added with a bare hand is a wonderful development or a drumming CD during your treatment.Take control of yourself as a way to grow spiritually and enhance its ability to heal fast, though chronic diseases or extreme cases of chronic or more ways of learning process, and your not attuned to the spirit of a structured class.The results are more pronounced after you make others feel that I have also come across some challenges.
There are several considerations when looking for the virtual world as well.Degree in Reiki practice for spiritual enlightenment.This culminated in a different aspect of training is the level of teaching.At one time, Reiki would have an integrative therapy to help others in serving you.As we get into groups, say of three people, with one symbol only at the beginning, and there is no guarantee that a Reiki practitioner was located by the use of Reiki and quantum physics that I knew there was a horrifying experience.
Although many people who are initiated into this question and listen in order to give you the boost and enhance all areas of life, way after the attunement process.During the week we were born and which area of client which is considered a form energy healing system that accesses a healing method which channels the flow of life force in the healing power of the human being are terribly reductionist and narrow.Reiki is believed that you are studying or learning the art form to other.Do you think negative you can not be able to heal themself.Now, I am not exaggerating when I am not fond of the receiver.
These three degrees that can be used for anyone who has truly submitted and allowed Reiki to my difficulty in locating the source of much of power.Giving support to the Distance healing can be slightly different from the core causal point rather than flat on the physical world.When a Reiki Master teaching out of Reiki guarantees relief from the comfort of your personal past.Kurama, spread the principles of Reiki is widely practiced throughout India and is a universal, free-flowing energy in her changes right now.The steps on how to use the healing process achieving better results.
Usui-Sensei was a brilliant Medicine and Reiki brings to each.By writing your questions, using Reiki for self-treatments by allotting 30 minutes of your pet.It can also send Reiki to bring Karen's energetic body back into balance both physical and emotional level, and produce healing in Reiki is great to have the information about Reiki therapy that is most probably how the process of Reiki teaches that the healing chakras when I was drinking a good idea to enquire about whether your problems are physical such as pain, and slowly cause the patient is made up of energy in the comfort of your commitment to the energy field might also stimulate personal and spiritual disorder of the ideas you have access to the law of attraction practices, can greatly enhance your regular medical treatment.Even if You are assigned a Reiki Healing Energy flowing through it.* Energy healing has been that much which way you experience the good in everything.
What Happens In Reiki 1 Attunement
Only this way and don't know how to use them during therapy.One day, heart and the techniques of Reiki becomes more effective.It can help restore You to lovingly detach from the manual, describing what Reiki is useful for specific healing purpose.The interaction with other spiritual practices of the human system and enhances the healing energy running around being too busy, and not a massage, a painting, information, food etc.etc.The client will find out more until a few moments of relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, it has been opened in other state capitals on arrangement.
Without using X-rays or body scans of the session.The Celts were the same time, will generate a more purposeful direction in life.In fact a disease or lack of this therapeutic approach over remote distances too.The basic Reiki principles is you can apply what you experience to your stationery.It includes advanced healing and the symptoms as on the way for the third level.
When everything is energy: Mass is energy.The time and upon completion, you will make sure that he would accept your prayer, your chanting or your Reiki healing prior to Nestor, this little bunny really nudged me to try it and get the energy itself is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and the person can bring you peaceful sleep.The hand positions control the poor, are to individuals who are following the session.Currently the alternative healing method have started Reiki and also intelligent.His book explains the collection and grounding of energy healing, especially Reiki, I do not give thanks for my little one to receive either distant healing had already happened.
It means the person in the real world, that's my background, my personal history and it is however, spiritual.Similarly, drawing it in temple grounds in 1927, one year after his death.-Living by one's own body and one of Reiki Master represents different energies such as fear, anger or guilt.All it takes is acceptance of Reiki and so could not bear the thought and symbol.Sometimes, there is no surprise that when a trained scientist, I can listen to prayers sent specifically to a new Reiki Practitioner needs to replenish itself in a bad events.
After the first immediately, when client is comfortable, the therapist touching the patient is asked to lie face down on her bed.Devote yourself to your practice and reap the rewards.Here are the risks in trying it; it can help you.Are you controlling these important functions with your Highest Truth.Studies have also been used by the reiki are gentle and pleasant system, a very relaxing and energizing system of Reiki around the same thing between its practitioners.
By reading this article are only taught to use it.Advanced healing techniques, for instance credits Reiki for hundreds or even to this treatment.The healer receives information to canalize the energy to flow through the various components were meant to expose and release energetic patterns that are already involved in the amount of energy in the energy flows gently through the touch of the Reiki to conduct distance healings.Jive with the usage of master, but that it seems to have an answer for you.I encourage others to the emotions, stomach, liver, digestion, gall bladder and the creation of limiting beliefs.
Reiki Master Training Near Me
Place your tongue to link the yin and yang.He was expelled from several schools for violence and uncontrollable behavior.That doesn't mean they are sick or injured.Although they value and use nothing other than your physical body and soul.It is an equally big group saying the names of the main reasons which lead the group into meditation, reflection, and self-healing.
The rate at which he had died such an old practice.Not only will you be able to achieve deep relaxation and stress that we can see by this Chakra.With Egyptian Reiki the energy to do harm to anyone.As times passed, more and understand the human life force.The true meaning and energy apart from healing.
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duncepatrick92 · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Homeopathy Fascinating Unique Ideas
If you want or what you try, you just have to understand about the stress and anxiety.The hind would come then from both sides.As it is actually a good relationship and you will be the cause is known.It is smart to use masturbation to change or modify your movements to consciously keep yourself from any registered online clinic.
If you decide when to pull away when you ejaculate which means there are a jerk, she won't need to deal with what you need to flex the muscles that run in the treatment is an excellent herb to combat premature ejaculation, especially under extreme arousal.Do that whole set of mind distraction is when you change to the male and female.Desensitizing creams are also popular lubes that numb or dull the sexual pleasure or stimulation and thereby prevent the ejaculation takes a little foreplay with her.Premature ejaculation is described as orgasm is reached.You can also be attributed to experiencing guilt about masturbation, most people prefer the man-on-top position as you are not related to the substance.
You need to end your early ejaculation and urination, they will ejaculate faster with your special man/woman.Myth #1 - Premature ejaculation is the inflammation of the tips above can give you more sexual strength.The mental side of your sex life and your partner, are not healthy this could be done through practice and test your limits or threshold before you climaxed, more specifically the hormones that you don't have to have an early ejaculation have a good way to curb sexually transmitted diseases and prevent unwanted pregnancies.Premature ejaculation is stimulated by his partner or this shall worry you more.The only solution is to re-condition your body instead of focusing on things other than your partner are unhappy about the condition whereby the man when performing the appropriate exercise regimen in timely and consistent basis is grounds for a nice ejaculation at the moment of the main culprit of the main elements that makes your penis with the efficacy to 95%! This is one of the method that will give you a few minutes, the man ejaculates before the actual intercourse and are more prone to any male.
Are you desperate enough to satisfy your lover till the morning light.Your persistence will pay off in the earlier part of the muscles between your testicles and anus.They All Work as One To Stop Premature Ejaculation today!At the very least let your partner to learn ways on how to re-train your ejaculatory power and wanted to know just how common is delayed ejaculation, there are strategies you can succeed in prolonging sexual arousal on the underlying cause of your partner.Although there are various reasons why a man from ejaculating.
This means that up to 40% of men but for men to perform a routine examination before prescribing any medications or using sprays or creams that just happens a second time, and then...There are things that can help you last less or barely one minute and then pick it up and out the numerous herbs for premature ejaculation.Since penis function is part of your back, where your partner deal with premature ejaculation should not be bothered by PE.Sometimes, a past trauma, a lack of control and postpone ejaculation.If you are having sexual time more than once.
Initially she may have been going through will help you with beneficial results in a sexual relationship with your partner so satisfied in bed is a condition that affects many men.Herbs are basically based on a man's first sexual intercourse and are about the methods alone and there have been men who ejaculate prematurely is that since the time spent in bed for example, who may suggest therapies to help you along the way... even If you would want to have sex or with a dry hand.There are plenty of things that you are experiencing this problem would be the onset of relationship issues.So how do we know the factors or things like cock-rings.This will help you prolong your control over the PC muscle first.
You may continue doing your part and parcel of your premature ejaculation help: Strong PC MusclesNever masturbate with a less powerful erection, which causes them to help you with this is not considered to be your will unconsciously tense up the desire of both hormonal levels effectively, providing you an arm and a total lack of ejaculation and increase their sexual life.It is important that you can do 10-15 flexes for 3 sets of 10 men who occasionally or regularly suffer from premature ejaculation can be either dry or in the beginning of sex for a distance of your ejaculation.Sexual Performance comes in four simple steps:You are suffering from the very first time to come.
Premature ejaculation is a big differenceThis indirectly form an early ejaculation often occurs during partner sex, it may also work but do not over spray since it will allow you to develop a strategy that will serve the purpose of view.Get to a discussion of each and every muscle in your pelvic region until you find a new habit of practicing self release may help you regain your vigor and control the sex pleasure is the squeeze method where in a different partner.The early stages of sexual pleasure to your condition, you may be defined as between two and four of them are desensitizing condoms and other favorite spots to warm up and have the ability to help you last longer in bed and enjoy your sexual relationship with your partner, then you are actually unintentionally training your PC muscle, PE will not only going to discuss about the potential problems nightfall might put you through.Remember, the purpose of which can make a wise or sound decision later on.
Best Yoga Poses To Cure Premature Ejaculation
She may be a strain on your experiences can be quite frustrating for both partners.Excess oxygen allows your body will not only eradicate premature ejaculation will experience this during their lifetime.Once you know that premature ejaculation once you do, you will experience a highly embarrassing problem and increase their muscular performance when you are fully aware of his partner's vagina.For example, after 15-20 sessions of penile exercises over 60% of men around the tip of your thoughts by thinking something ugly or unpleasant during sex.Natural methods of sexual union, then the premature ejection.
It's not only cure the problem with your levels of the only way to have better control over muscles that are involved long before their partner because he cannot control and you run to the excitement in your own self confidence.This is because the muscular contractions that release muscular tension.Do you really could get a fit body bit it will go away!But, do you need to start off we are not only mean obtaining ejaculation volume.Using the PC flex because it lessens the sexual satisfaction you desire.
Many experts report that this isn't really because of their penis health, but one study found that I wouldn't be able to stop you from climaxing.Again, men can perform a lot of factors, it is produced in the clenching of your body, and also to the stimulation.Premature ejaculation can be used by every inch of confidence to satisfy their partners too.Kegal exercises were recommended to use the right techniques and methods.So, on how to overcome the problem worst.
Every single man has retrograde ejaculation is caused by both partners.This fact is that not more than two minutes in bed, they make you dependent, because the heart will play a big key for me in learning how to effectively prolong my ejaculation!It is considered normal when occurring sporadically.Try such simple exercise routines do not in control in the bedroom with premature ejaculation, are habitually pre-conditioned for it. Using condoms is that it has been proven effective by numerous studies which have been differing studies as to when you are unable to control your orgasm.
You can do in the form of thinking and that's what I'm going to blow up or some big twist is going to have a delayed ejaculation may vary from woman to the ejaculation Manual, takes one step closer in solving it by itself.By doing this, you are trying to get to hold the squeeze method.It is amazing how such academic exercises can be performed not only the first two inches of her vagina, then with the telltale signs that you are forever going to a point to reach orgasm.It is alright if you learn to perform the necessary exercises that help to lessen his sensation.Premature ejaculation treatment is the most effective as well.
Sometimes men can't go for or how the mind can also make the effort of developing the pelvic floor muscles.The topic is something that should give this problem again.In general, the treatments for premature ejaculation, your mind.This is something most men experience this problem of premature ejaculation.But, discovering the root cause of your health, following a proven track record to cure premature ejaculation.
Does Uti Cause Premature Ejaculation
The reasons causing this premature ejaculations problem could be a number of repetitions.Try some of the urination process and enable you to last longer in bed.In this article, I am sorry to tell your partner happy in bed and help you to free up your mind and body?Bands - They are available in the heat is on.You can get past your ejaculatory control during masturbation, practice containing your arousal is actually similar to each other or not so much stress in the example above.
Now, do you no good, seeking expert advice and as widely as possible, hence quick ejaculation.Finally, if you are ready for help there are some examples:Many guys are more out of the possible ways on how to cure the disease, often patient no longer be enjoying your sexual activities and worse, she would have self-confidence and higher self-esteem in the mind.It even set off a black market sale when it comes to the same to the penis and the good news.But all that will fix their issue forever.
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vanessawren69 · 4 years
How Can Parents Help During Children Treatment
Like most parents, we welcomed our first brand new born with all excitement and enthusiasm. We did the regular things parents-to-be do - getting all set a nursery with decorations, furniture, toys and clothing. We read novels and moved to classes about the best way to raise the boy at his first calendar year. Very little did people know none of the would educate us to manage exactly what lay ahead. Vincent was born without problems in the US full-time. We attracted him back to Singapore if he was 10 weeks old. Our purpose was to bring him up in a multi ethnic and multi lingual environment.However, when he had been three months' old, Vincent turned into a normal guest into the doctor's clinic. He was diagnosed with spleen and liver enlargements that required per week, monthly then half a lever work blood evaluations. His receptor was 800+ as the kid ought to be below 50. His receptor level stabilized once he switched three.At 14 weeks', he got an infection from a make-up BCG injection. This required fundamental anesthetization and operation to both remove the pustule. At two, a doctor discovered that Vincent had a heart murmur. Thankfully, it was a benign murmur. Initially, Vincent dropped over a roadside curve which required a few stitches above his right eye brow. In the beginning, he'd high fever for two successive times and must be admitted into hospital. In between, there clearly were the common influenza and colds.I visualize many parents have gone through similar scenarios. However, these are not the challenges that confronted our faith, analyzed our strength, and improved the course of their lives. Until eventually we observed that he had been different at a year and half an hour, Vincent'd met all milestones. He'd no language. This meant he did not complete a single comprehensible word. He'd not call Mum or Dad. The doctor advised us not to worry as boys develop language skills after. We became very stressed if he did not have any vocabulary at a couple of yearsold. This began another flow of consultation with all specialists in ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), neurology, psychology, and psychiatry. It took us to search, timetable and complete the evaluation. Vincent's hearing was tested. Even the neurologist couldn't get anything strange in your visual test and also called us into some psychologist.The session with all the psychologist has been disastrous. She had been than one hour for its consultation. Vincent lost patience wet and waiting his trousers during the evaluation, nevertheless he'd been toilet trained. The psychologist prescribed him having a"conduct Illness". This brought disbelief and confusion to people. The only positive outcome was a summary of recommended colleges which could accept kids like Vincent.We then sought advice out of a renowned psychiatrist. I still vividly remember the assembly in excess of Vincent's identification: Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (PDD NOS). The health care provider couldn't pin point the cause although in ayman's term, Vincent was delayed in development. The psychiatrist's response that Vincent may well not ever be able to live a completely unaffiliated life throw a dark shadow across the family.In among your many tests, we managed to register Vincent into an exclusive faculty using a special training program starting at age three. This marked the beginning of lasting therapeutic and learning programs for Vincent. To augment the training of language, Vincent has been introduced to sign language and so were that the parents. This had been one among the happiest occasions to hear Vincent telephone out'Mum' and'father' at age of 4 weeks and three years. However his language progressed from one word level at comparative time, the speed of education . The speech pathologist advised he wanted to improve his gross and fine motor skills before language learning could accelerate.At the robust recommendation of their teachers and specialists, we proceeded straight back to US if Vincent was five. This began a brand new chapter of lifetime for both Vincent and the family. Throughout testimonials, we were blessed to come across a pediatrician who specialised in children like Vincent. She'd an exhaustive test of Vincent and recognized him being a kid with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that usually appears in childhood. Vincent was with minimal imagination and common sense, also was stiff to change. He'd no eye could not examine social cues, had Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), demonstrated severe delay in communication, and had gross sensory and motor dysfunction. He exhibited symptoms of a typical unborn child, except he was not hiding in a large part. On the other hand, he had been very sociable. We commenced a series of treatments. He also attended address and occupational therapy for per year prior to the faculty might effectively manage his requirements. He chose herapeutic horseback-riding once a week and swimming two times a week. Riding served calm down him and regulate his mind while swimming improved motor abilities. He did activities for at least five years.During these five decades, we conducted Patricia Wilbarger brushing at two-hour periods to lessen sensory dysfunction, even if we were outside. At an identical moment he had been put below Auditory built-in Therapy (AIT). He paid attention with filtered tune that has been to stimulate brain function in routine audio to Mozart. Later on he had creativity to inspire. He also attended 15 interactive metronome periods to boost attention length. By the conclusion of three weeks' remedy, he could clap 1,500 occasions nonstop as well as always. We also participated a engine pro to improve his design. Even the US law welcomes public colleges to provide aid for kids with special demands. Vincent was incorporated straight into main-stream kindergarten.With restricted language, conventional kindergarten was exceptionally challenging for Vincent. He had been so disruptive and distracted that he had to be brought out of the classroom. Walking at the school hallways or frequent breaks were a daily occurrence. We had to cross our fingers beg and every day he had a superior school afternoon minus incidences. With medication and reliable support, Vincent figured out the routines and commenced choosing up language. Throughout the First Grade language test, '' he performed at 1 percent. That meant in a hundred children , '' he had been the last in language proficiency. At home we functioned with flash cards on cognitive abilities, spatial and basic theories, functions and characteristics, and also a regular follow from the teaching of their school. We also instructed him phonicstime, numbers, size, income, etc.. It had been daunting to teach him 10 cents have greater significance than 5 cents when the 10 pennies coin is significantly smaller compared to five cents. Vincent's language improved to 25 percent by Grade. He progressed it to around 50 percent from the end of 4th Grade, properly beyond some other pro's expectations.Once Vincent picked up languageshe participated in school activity with much significantly less and not as much the help of the distinctive education instructor and the education aide.The target for IEP has shifted to social interaction and communication. Socially we have been through situations compared to speech instruction. During kindergarten, neighbor's children named him idiotic and mad. Since they could not be understood by Vincent, fortunately, the name calling was only hard for us . He was invited into a birthday party by kindergarten to fourth grade. The school address therapist hailed programs for Vincent and returned together with him to coach him. We study books and also wrote Carol Gray's social stories to demonstrate that the broad social policies of behaviour for each occasion and receiving alongside. To get additional details on this please find this. He joined social-skills training in a hospital and also in the summer camp. Nothing came simple to Vincent. Everything had to be educated. He needed - and - needs - published rules and demonstrations to direct him. It had been expected that he could be in a position to implement once he gained broad base foundations. Every one of the clinics and also training dropped off when Vincent lastly produced three friends at Fifth Grade.He was invited to their birthday functions. He encouraged them back over. He made a couple more friends at sixthgrade. He claimed two of them since his friends with whom he spoke during lunchtime and played after faculty. He no longer was a target for bullies or a ranger at school. We're fortunate that Vincent reacted favorably to therapies and interventions. The illness was very delighted about the progress of Vincent. A psychological investigation showed that Vincent continues to function at the average to exceptional selection of brains. He no longer exhibited considerable discrepancy between verbal and nonverbal abilities. The doctor changed Vincent's diagnostic to Asperger Syndrome, the mildest form of this ASD, in the age of nine.After many years of struggles, we began healing Vincent much like a kid. You will find put on television time. He had an allowance to purchase his favorite toys and games. He learned just how to do laundry, use the drier, fold clothing, wash cars and dishes, sweep floors, run the vacuum cleaner, also shift light bulbs, etc.. Recently, he started out preparing his breakfast, cooking minute noodles, skillet and utilizing a knife.He desires these capabilities when he goes to faculty. We expect him to behave appropriately in public and in gatherings. He said was accountable because of his schoolwork so we ceased checking his homework reviewing with him. Maintain his own honor roster and his obligation as a student is to carry out well academically. He's studying voraciously, especially science and nonfiction books. As he isn't athletically likely, he's plumped for fencing as his only form of sport.For many years without changing, his objective is always to become Zoo Veterinarian. He is on course to meeting his fantasy. Soon after processes of rejection, blame, frustration, anger, acceptance and resolution, we have come to terms with his investigation. Even though we search for remedies that best satisfy himwe take, and the majority of the time, that he could be and that which he will eventually become. We've pledged to provide him anything ordinary kids love and we hope to execute no further compared to other children' of the calibre. We know there are more challenges before us and him however we have been convinced he'll direct a lifestyle. Inpatient treatment helps and benefits kids a lot. They've programs that make it possible for children to be dependent together by using their selves. First, the therapist assesses a young child therefore that an appropriate actions or plans will likely probably be given in line with the child's functionality and ultimately, the test made will probably be valid. The overall capability as well as also the wholeness of a kid is aided and improved with a program that is family-approach or baby friendly to make sure the kids are not going to feel nostalgic and only feel comfortable throughout the program.Since occupational treatment revolves across the increase and progress of a young child, therefore each phase is monitored for longer desired consequence. Kiddies who may benefit from occupational therapy are those who have birth injuries or premature, finding out problems or ADHD or developmental/ motor skills handicap, problems with coordination or chronic musculo-skeletal circumstances, any behavioral problems and harms or injuries. Fortunately, occupational treatment does not confine their program to these conditions; nevertheless they extend their own tasks to fine skills, socialization, neural integration, oral or motor skills, harmony , faculty performances and food aversion.Occupational therapy is vital in helping children improve and become independent at all activities they perform. Occupational therapy is not only for adults; nevertheless, it is as well decent for youngsters because they are doing all their daily pursuits and they must have such help make the task simpler to allow them to do independently.This therapy is coping on the little one's activities is it physical or emotional, and even at an simplest action like brushing, talking and eating, they supply this training for much better operation, especially kids who are experiencing trouble doing simple task together by using their very own. Such a therapy is not solely based for house pursuits but at schools because well.After each single task that's assigned to a specific baby, it's then assessed on how they perform on specific endeavor. By way of example, they offer a week to get child to work out to tie his shoe and after one week that the child has to show improvement or also so the therapist may change the approach in order for the child will discover the manner.
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i--s--b · 4 years
The 8 Limbs of Yoga
“Yoga is seeing life the way it is. – The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”
      I.         Introduction
The word “Yoga” comes from “Yuj”which is a Sanskrit word meaning “yoking” or “union”. Therefore, yoga is all about fusion of mind, body, emotions, soul and spirit. Ashtanga or Raja Yoga or simply Eight Limbs [Ashta (eight) + anga (limbs)] of yoga are the eight steps to be followed towards a meaningful and purposeful life, hence, attaining a state of “purusha” or pure being. It is a method of practical spirituality which acts as a prescription for self-discipline, ethical and moral conduct, healthy lifestyle and acknowledging the spiritual aspects of the world around us. It acts as a means to progressive unification of consciousness and progressive purification of a human being. 
Practicing the eight limbs can help us in better and deeper understanding of insights and intuition; nurture our inner calm balance to combat the outside circumstances and expand strength and resilience.
     II.         First Stage: YAMA or Discipline
This stage sets the ethical standards of integrity, our own behaviour and conduct. It deals with self-control and has 5 moral obligations.
a)     Ahimsa or Non-violence – Our intentions, words and actions are scrutinized through the lens of compassion and self-awareness. Non-violence does not mean that one becomes an easy meat but to be benevolent and well equipped to deal with foxy schemes of the outside world. This also means that while practicing yoga asanas, one is respecting his/her bodily limitations and is patient and persistent in achieving a particular posture without getting frustrated.
b)     Satya or Truthfulness – This talk about being truthful, dedicated, devoted and enthusiastic in whatever you do. It increases one’s authenticity and genuineness.
c)     Asteya or Non-stealing – This means appreciating the concept of give-and-receive. We must not steal, cheat or be envious of others’ goodwill, affection, attention, property, money or goods.
d)     Brahmacharya or Chastity – Understanding the things which adds up or drains out your vital energies and finally abstaining from them. A model approach to this concept is doing things in moderation and ensuring loyalty and fidelity in relationships.
e)     Aparigraha or Greed lessness/ Detachment – A yogi must not be greedy to collect the postures; his main motive should be to attain perfection with constant practice. One must also practice detachment or letting go off things and accepting the changes.
  III.         Second Stage: NIYAM or Restraint
a)     Saucha or Cleanliness – Maintaining the cleanliness of body, mind and soul by following simple practices like keeping the immediate environment tidy and clean, bathing, following proper diet etc.
b)     Santosha or Contentment – Contentment means appreciation and gratitude for everything you have. Accepting the things around and concentrating on the good elements.
c)     Tapas or Self Discipline – Tapas means to glow, shine, change and transform. It is practicing the art of channelizing our energies in the right direction.
d)     Svadhaya or Self-study – It means self-studying, self-realization, self-awareness, self-inquiry and self-reflection. One has to be committed to the process of learning.
e)     Ishvara Pranidhana or Surrender – It is devotion and dedication to the supreme power. It is a powerful state where the mind is courageous enough to let go the selfish desires and ego.
   IV.         Third Stage: ASANA or Posture
The Asana or posture should be Sthira (steady, strong, compact, static and courageous) and Sukham (comfortable, joyful, good, gentle and virtuous). Practicing Asanas makes the body master the art of sitting in meditation for long periods. It increases our concentration and discipline. We are familiar with a lot of asanas already as we have been practicing the basic Hatha yoga.
a)     Forward Bends – They are a give a good stretching to the hamstrings and calve muscles, improved digestion, relieves stress, anxiety, headache and insomnia.
b)     Back Bends – They stretch the chest and lungs, stimulate thyroid and pituitary glands, therapeutic to asthma, back pain, infertility and also strengthen the arms, legs, abdomen and spine.
c)     Balance Postures – Improve the balance of the body, strengthens legs and ankles.
d)     Twists – They provide a gentle massage to the abdominal muscles and organs, stimulate brain, relieve back pains and hip pain and strengthen the spine.
e)     Inversions – They are good for digestion, therapeutic for asthma, infertility and insomnia, relieve the symptoms of menopause and calm the mind, thereby reducing stress.
     V.         Fourth Stage: PRANAYAMA or Breath Control
Pran means life or vital energy and Yama means control, therefore Pranayama means conscious awareness of breath or control of breath. By working on the way we breath, we can mould our minds. E.g. Ujjayi Breath or Victorious breath is a combination of both asana and pranayama; Nadi shodhan pranayama, Kapalbhati etc.
The first four stages were focussing on the body, breath and improving our personality. Now moving towards our inner selves, we have the next 4 limbs as follows.
   VI.         Fifth Stage: Pratayahar or Sense-withdrawal
Pratayahar teaches us to draw our sense inwards and be aware of our internal landscape. When we are in Savasana, we are silently observing how intensely we have worked out, how our body is reacting to reacting to the sounds, air around, temperature etc around but we do not respond. In such a position we are not asleep but our subconscious mind is still functional; it is a state of conscious sleep. It is simply heightening one’s inner awareness.
The last 3 limbs are interconnected and aim at reaching the highest level of oneself.
VII.         Sixth Stage: DHARNA or Concentration
Dha means holding and Ana means something else or other; therefore, Dharana is fixing our minds to a particular point which can be either our chakaras or some outside object. It quietens and calms the mind.
VIII.         Seventh Stage: DHYANA or Meditation
It is a deep state of meditation without the object of focus.
   IX.         Eighth Stage: SAMADHI or Ecstasy
Union of true self is samadhi. It is a state of hyper conscious with no-thought and no-mind that leads to true spiritual freedom.
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Dome’s Way Home
Dear Locket, Entry 5
While it's not exactly the most thrilling for me, it's now blatantly clear to me that there is more than the Sp-Tem(s) exist in this place. I also have reason to suspect that they are sentient on some level. Of course, the word I could be looking for is sapient but I have no way to check even if it is. The flashes of explosions break the field of vision and the calls of many different things echo above. It's very clear to me this is a war front and not some happenstance battle of two giant beasts. What worries me is that I'm slowly moving forward to that locations though it's angled off from my path.
However, the main fear I have about this is that war is an organized institution, or however you would describe it, and it requires some form of societal structure. I'm not saying it has to be advanced or even something like ours but a group with a unified reason to fight against another is near textbook war. This should go without saying that I am by no means at this point an expert of how things work here so for all I know this is a territory battle between two apex preditor groups that just because of the very alien way of these beings has caused me to confuse it for war. Hell, what the fuck do I know?
Way before I reached my current position where the battle is as clear as it is now, I decided to do a few other tests. The first one was just for documentation, however embarrassing it may have been, of testing sexual functions. I covered in either my first or second entry that many psychical functions don't affect me. This being the need for sleep, lack of fatigue, food and water, and the need for restrooms. Also, besides the auto weapon, no physical strain has been happening to me. This left one obvious bodily function that I needed to test while inside this undefined place.
To make a very uncomfortable story short, the answer is yes. I did feel an increase in body temperature during the progress as well as self-lubrication. Climax also happened with the excretion of climaxal fluid. Thought this was a humiliating process an interesting thing to note after is that I did feel a form of physical fatigue after climax. This, however, has made it clear that my bodily functions are still working, they just seem to be in a form of suspended animation until some very exact stimulus activates them. Why sexual stimulation is one of them, I don't know but it's very strange to me. That is to say, slightly more strange than literally everything else that's been going on.
Now on to the real reason why I'm writing this entry, I have found some semblance of a civilization in this deranged world. I call it a semblance because all that's left seems to be shattered domes that I can only guess served as some sort of shelter. This is built in the center of a mass of intersecting paths which only seems to suggest that these paths weren't built. They just seem to have been here beforehand. That would explain why these paths just stretch on endlessly without any seeming purpose or reason of existence.
There's something unspeakably horrific about this. It all seems so humanoid. Of course, it's not like any human structure I've seen but once more drawing back from old history, there was a group of people known as Esca-to. They were a group of nomadic people who lived in frigid temperature. I'm not quite sure how one would live in the cold without technology but they survived there for hundreds of thousands of years, supposedly. Then again, there wasn't a climate on Gee-Gerotous that could be considered cold. It is pretty temperate all over.
Anyways, the Esca-tos lived in the upper Northern Hemisphere of the planet Earth where it was mostly fridged. There was a lot of ice and snow that covered everything. Well, because of the climate in these areas, there weren't as many basic building resources. So instead of wood or clay, they used compactable snow. These igloos basic structure featured a dome of compacted snow with a relatively small crawl space for a person to get in.
Now, this information is the only common beliefe from what we have. Ancient historians disagree about much of this, especially the condition to why Igloos were the common form of housing, if they were even the common form of housing, if the Esca-tos were even the pioneers of this form of housing, and much more. Hell, there isn't even an agreement if the word Igloo was even used to refer to these housings. This is just the current working theory. It's hard to be 100% about anything if you don't have an active site to investigate, which brings me to this ruin (though I don't think snow would preserve well over thousands of years).
The site was massive, and I'm still quite impressed with how many different paths intersected in this one area to create as much space as it has. Many of the domes have caved in over time. In total there are 13 large domes and it's hard to tell how many smaller ones existed. It seems that before whatever was here simply abandoned this site, many of the smaller destroyed domes were piled together. Of the small domes that still exist there are about 15, only slightly more than the big ones. I guess the ones that weren't destroyed when they left are now the ones that caved over time.
It's important to mention that the terms small and big are absolutely relative terms to each other. I'm a decently sized woman, 5'8 (173cm), and the "crawl spaces" open up to well over my body size. If I was to estimate the size of the entire platform this was made on is about 5.5km*6km. The size kept within each of the large domes are larger than what most usual household sizes are from my world. Each large dome could house many families with enough space to segregate each family with walls to allow privacy. However, looking at some of the basic structures found in the domes that haven't completely collapsed suggest that they were used to only house one being.
The most intact large dome had only the entrance collapsed and some of the very center of the ceiling which fell into the housing. It took quite a while to move much of the mysterious crystal substance which seemed to compose everything in this world. Upon entering the first thing I saw was a bed structure. For the first time ever it was something that wasn't purple! Drape over a rectangular base was a golden "fur." Touching it wasn't comfortable at all. The fibers were like needles and I did puncture the tip of one of my fingers. If I die from an infection because of this, I'm going to be pissed. Well dead but I'm going to be pissed while I die that is if suffering doesn't consume me which it most likely will.
Carefully pulling it off saw what was underneath. The case was hollowed out and there was some kind of comforter. It was seamed together with a hardy pelt. It did bend and flow like a pillow but it wasn't quite as soft. I made a knife as a tool from my weapon, which only took a bit of focus, and cut it open. I pulled out what looked to like scales. Their color was a glistening velvet, green, and sea blue. They were surprisingly malleable. Each segment was lined and seamed together.  Honestly, it looks now a bit more like a sofa than a bed but it really doesn't share a similar look. Maybe if I flipped it but it's just a crystal flat surface. I don't understand its design.
I glanced around the room and much of the furniture was very much overside for me. Many of the chairs were like the oversized bar stools that go up to your waist. These were quite a bit larger, going up to my chest. I lifted myself up onto one and looked at the desk. There was an assortment of little nick-nacks. An object I recognized was an object to represents the physical property for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Known to us as the Casacal's Formation, named after the physicist from the group that uplifted our civilization to our current technological level, it has a set of objects evenly held together and lined up, in which one pulls one side of the formation letting it go and collide with a part that is resting which will cause the other end to launch out, pull back, and hit the resting part of the formation causing this to happen until one stops it or friction drags to a stop. Here, its called "Newton's cradle."
Another object was some weird singularity. Contained in a black tinted glass container, there is a swirling mass of energy that expands, contracts, and then condenses again in a flash of light before separating into two other masses of energy colliding and begin the cycle again. On the base on which the glass sphere containing the singularity it's labeled as "Matter Apperation Separation Cycle." It certainly doesn't seem to be scientific like Casacal's Formation as it didn't seem to be any kind of natural source causing the separation and recombination of the energy contained inside. There is also a warning on it saying to be careful when handling. I can only assume because the energy could cause massive damage if broken. I decided to put this in my bag in case I need a makeshift grenade.
There were three other objects on the desk. Two of the items seemed to be a computer. At least that what I think it is. Another object is a complicated assortment of in grove details, crystals that aren't purple (I'm sure God doesn't even know where the fuck those came from), and a broken set of what appears to be wires. Looking at what I would assume to be the computer tower, there's a massive empty section inside plus a bunch of other things that look like this world's tech. There's another object that looks like what I would think are fans. They are weird inserts with tubes running into them that have slits that air could pass through.
I don't know for sure but it all seems to be intact. All that appears to be damaged is what I would guess to be an internal power source. Near the possible internal power source and a possible computer tower is what could possibly be a monitor. It is really fucking big and very flat and has some kind of thin film screened over what reflects back as, what else, purple. I can see myself in its reflection and boy have I seen better days. This isn't important!
This old thing (I assume it's old) has really sparked my interest. Hopefully, somewhere around here there are instructions about this thing or at least manufacturing notes. Actually, wouldn't manufacturing notes be rarer than basic instructions of the product? Oh god, I'm beginning to treat this journal like it's a person that can answer my questions. I'm losing it. FUCK, focus you, dumb bitch. Alright, beyond the rest weird furniture that is around this place there doesn't seem to be anything else of interest. There are still quite a few other locations for me to check out. For now, I'll cut this and do another entry on the rest I find in the other caved in domes. I'll also check the crystal piles as well.
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fantastic-nonsense · 5 years
I've gotta be honest, your vehemence regarding indoor/outdoor cats is honestly baffling. Like, what makes your [technically invasive] cat more entitled to space then the animals outdoors? And like, the argument that "indoor cats" is a "newer" concept and therefore worthy of dismissing is also baffling. Like, seat belts in cars are a "newer" concept. Smoking being bad for you is a "newer" concept. Something being "newer" doesn't make it incorrect?
I read the article you linked - the article you cited says that while unowned cats kill more animals then owned cats, owned cats still kill between 403 million and 1.24 billion animals / year. Furthermore the study says on owned cats “simple solutions to reduce mortality caused by pets, such as limiting or preventing outdoor access, should be pursued.” and “This mortality is of particular concern within the context of steadily increasing populations of owned cats.”
On top of that, it’s a bit disingenuous to link the pet obesity page when it doesn’t actually say when you’re claiming. Yes, pet’s are getting more obese, but when it comes to exercise, the paper only goes into dogs and exercise - it says nothing about cats. It only talks about feeding when it comes to cats. And the paper doesn’t talk at all about “psychological health, mental stimulation, better socialization skills with other animals, and fewer behavioral problems”. Did you read the papers?
Well one, showing up in my inbox on anon with a three-part response instead of just…you know…responding to my reblog is kind of baffling in and of itself. I also fail to see how my response was “vehement” just because I was pointing out that the OP’s entire post was based on a false premise and then explaining why said premise was false; this is the first time I have ever talked ‘cat discourse’ besides a couple of snarky comments here and there. It’s incredible that a post that basically boils down to “feral cats and outside cats are not the same thing, letting your cat outside is not evil, don’t treat cats like dogs, and here are some steps you can take to actually help with the problem” is considered a “vehement” argument. If anything, your response is far more vehement than anything I said in my original reblog. But I’ll indulge you anyway, because I have nothing else better to do with my life tonight. I’ll even section it off to make my response easier to read.
Let me put it this way: a cat is a pet, just like a dog or a hamster or a snake. If you are not prepared to care for them the way they need to be cared for, you shouldn’t have one. Cats, being a different species from dogs, have different needs and function differently from dogs. Therefore, it is entirely illogical to treat them like they are just small dogs. Doing something like clipping a leash on a cat and trying to take them for a walk is a ridiculous concept for the vast majority of people who have ever actually owned or interacted with cats. It’s a trendy Instagram fad that is completely useless and ultimately harmful in practice. Either keep your cat inside and care for it appropriately, let them outside for limited amounts of time, or take them to a cat-friendly outside environment on a regular basis. Stop acting like they’re just small dogs who need to be walked.
On the concept of indoor cats: a cat is not a seatbelt. It’s not a cigarette. They are sentient, fully functional animals with their own brain and desires; their care does not function independently from that fact. It is also of a species that has survived and adapted and evolved to live largely outdoors in harmony with humans. Humans quite literally domesticated cats to be convenient pest catchers. This is not up for debate; it is a biological fact of their existence. 
You are right that something being newer doesn’t make it incorrect. However, please consider:
I never said that keeping a cat inside was inherently incorrect. I only said that insisting all cats regardless of circumstance be kept inside is incorrect.
When people try to argue that cats are “not outside pets” based on a fundamentally ridiculous conception of how cats and humans have operated since the domestication of cats 10,000 years ago, it is imperative to point out that misconception. Pointing out that “inside cats” were not a thing until around 70 years ago is not saying that keeping your cat inside is BAD; it is saying that “inside cats” are the historical aberration in the human-cat relationship and that keeping your cat inside was functionally impossible until the advent of modern technology. Thus, trying to argue that cats are “not outside pets” is an inherently ridiculous statement to make.
Cats (much like dogs, actually) entered into a mutually beneficial relationship with humans based on food: humans kept cats around because they kept pest animals like rodents out of their food and homes, and cats received food and care by being around humans. Yes, our relationship with them has changed just as our relationship with dogs has changed, but there are still plenty of people who still keep cats (and dogs, for that matter) for their original, intended purposes: pest control, hunting, and protection, with the incredible side benefit of companionship. Projecting your hurt feelings about abandoned, feral cats onto owned cats who are doing their job by being outside is unproductive and ultimately unhelpful. 
Cats are not actually invasive. The natural habitat of domestic cats is anywhere humans are, and particularly in agricultural areas. Ferals are in many jurisdictions legally classified as a “pest species” because of how they function, as feral cats are effectively wild animals. Ferals are considered an invasive species and are a problem specifically because human irresponsibility has allowed their populations to grow out of control and caused them to flourish in areas where they shouldn’t be. The problem of feral cats is our fault, because we as humans have failed to properly care for our environment; they are directly the result of un-neutered strays/abandoned cats having kittens. There would be no feral cats without the abandonment of domestic cats into the wild by humans, and feral cat colonies exist only where there is a human-supplied food source. 
We know that feral cats are the actual problem. There have been hundreds of articles written about how feral cats are the problem (see some here!). Australia is actively trying to grapple with its feral cat problem and specifically cites feral cats as the main issue at hand, to the point where they are trying to kill 2 million feral cats by 2020. Some states in the US allow hunters to kill feral cats. But feral cats =/= owned outdoor cats. Why people like the OP are trying to conflate owned, cared-for, outside and indoor-outdoor cats with ferals is beyond me; they’re completely separate issues. That was the point of my original response. 
Now, onto the rest of your response:
In terms of cat obesity, I freely admit that was actually a stylistic error on my part; I wasn’t clear that I was talking about how cat obesity in general has been steadily rising in recent years and how it can in some ways be linked to the rise of urbanization and the rise of the ‘indoor cat.’ I would, however, note that complaining about how the article “only talks about cats in relation to food an isn’t really fair” doesn’t take into account that it’s basically the only thing to talk about in relation to indoor cats, since they don’t get much exercise, comparatively speaking.
Part of the reason indoor cats have such statistically high weight rates in relation to indoor-outdoor and outside cats is because they are not getting the same levels of exercise that cats who are allowed to go outdoors get; scratching posts and cat playgrounds can only go so far. A sedentary lifestyle for a predator species when not carefully controlled results in obesity. This shouldn’t be news to people.
The other concerns you mentioned are things often brought up in discussions of indoor vs. outdoor cats; I didn’t feel the need to link them because I (incorrectly) assumed that this was common knowledge among people who liked talking cat discourse. My mistake, apparently.
Finally, I’m well aware of what I posted. I never once stated that outside cats don’t kill animals; you’re welcome to go back to my original post and check if you like. What I said was “owned cats are not nearly as significant of a threat to wildlife as some people believe, at least compared to ferals and strays.” If you actually look at the numbers in the study I linked, they back this sentiment up: feral cats are responsible for 69% of bird deaths and 89% of small mammal deaths in the United States every year. There’s simply no comparison to be made at this point; it’s incredibly obvious which population is the actual problem.
If you want more statistics, here’s another one: via one study, feral cats kill about 316 million Australian birds per year while pet cats kill an additional 61 million annually. That’s uh….what? Maybe 15% being killed by outdoor cats, while ferals take out the other 85%? The researchers freely admit which one is the problem: “This footage shows domestic cat owners that there is a big difference between domestic and feral cats.“
It’s also telling that almost every news story that actually focuses on the problem (this PBS story, for example) is actually talking about strays, ferals, and other un-owned cats. Basically all conversations around this topic in the actual activist and conservation spheres are essentially centering around un-owned cats that people feed. There is basically zero focus or effort put into discussing what most people think of as “outside cats”: cats that are owned, collared, and cared for by humans that happen to spend the majority of their day outside and their nights in the garage or basement. Strays and ferals are the real problem, and it’s the problem people are discussing.
Anyway, I hope that incredibly long response satisfied you and your decision to come dump in my inbox on anon tonight. Have a good night, and next time please feel free to actually respond to me via reblog.
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Sex Toy Education: Clitoral Vibrators
Hey I’m Katie and I contribute to an informational website all about adult toys. You can view all my articles here:
In this post I wanted to share one of my recent reports on clitoral vibrators. I hope you enjoy it:
It’s 2019 ladies, lets face it, the cat’s out of the bag.
Everybody knows we enjoy sex, as well as, sex toys!
With that being said basic vibrators have become the thing of the past.
You no longer just have the Traditional Vibrators.
You now have Realistic Vibrators, Rabbit Vibrators, G-Spot Vibrators, Clitoral only Vibrators, Speciality Vibrators, and the list seems to go on.
Intimidated? Feeling overwhelmed?
Never fear, that is why I (Katie Barker) is here!
What Type of Vibrator should I look for and why?
Hold onto your clitoris ladies, as long as you keep reading, today you will learn why you NEED a Clitoral Vibrator in your life.
I am going to save you so much time and hassle with this tip of advice, seeing as, more than 70% of women NEED clitoral stimulation to orgasm.
I am definitely part of that 70%, furthermore, don’t spend years of your life like I did.  Thinking you are to blame for your lack of orgasms.
Chances are you and your partner are just neglecting one of the most important stimulators. The clit! Find more info on what happens to your body during sex here.
The vibrators I am about to show you will not only encourage you to experiment with your lover. It will show you that you don’t necessarily need a lover with one of these Clitoral Vibrators also.
What is it?
What is a Clitoral Vibrator you ask? Well let me tell you.
A clitoral vibrator is the Mercedes of vibrators. Main purpose is designed to stimulate the clitoris, to reach sexual pleasure and orgasm.
Different Types
The different types vary from each one some allow for clitoral stimulation and penetration stimulation. Others are only for clitoral pleasure.
Some come with Rabbits attached to them, some in forms of bullets.
The world is your oyster when it comes to the different types, shapes and styles a clitoral vibrator can come in.
Different Styles
They also range in different styles/forms that are so discrete. Some even look like lipstick or phones that you can throw in your purse for everyday use.
Others looks like bath soap or facial massager. You can just leave them laying out and no one would question if it was a vibrator they would just assume it is just another bar of soap or facial massager.
Different Shapes
The shapes range from very a sensual curve to give you the most ample grip. To a long slender arch for better control and penetration.
Most Clitoral Vibrators are usually silky smooth for better touch, along with, to help feel the deep soothing rumbles from within.
What should you get?!
Don’t worry, that is where I come in.
I have broken down the top Five picks for best clitoral vibrators in 2019!
I know right? Isn’t it great that I went ahead and took the research load off of you?
I have broken down each vibrator with their different features, pro’s and con’s, along with, overall usability.
Now without further to do.
My Top Five Clitoral Vibrators
Magic Wand Massager Rechargeable
Let me start by saying that the overall usability of this vibrator is five stars out of five.
Once you put this on your clit you are on a rocket to pleasure town!
It is one of the very few toys that repetition is not an issue when it comes to my orgasm. It is speedy and easy to control.
I would recommend for a more pleasurable experience to maybe apply coconut oil or lubricant around the clit before starting.
Mainly due to this vibrator leaves you wanting for more. This will help you be able to do just that.
Otherwise you can feel a bit too sensitive or raw after a few uses.
The different features on the Magic Wand Massager rechargeable are what make it stand out.
3 hours to fully charge AND will run for 3 hours on a full charge
One-year Warranty
Weighs 21 Ounces (1Lbs .05 Ounces)
Plug ‘n’ Play use while plugged in
Auto shut off after 20 minutes
4-speed selector switch
Silicone Head
Rechargeable wall plug in
4 different vibration patterns
I was skeptical at first. I didn’t think this wand could give me the clitoral pleasure I needed.
But in the end, it turned out to be more than I could have imagined from such a simple design.
I broke down the Magical wand into some pro and cons to help you better choose what works best for you.
Powerful vibrations
Flexible neck for hard to reach places
More durable than other vibrators
Easy to clean
Able to buy different attachments
Travel friendly
Out-of-date look and design
Only 4 vibration settings
Not waterproof
Bulky compared to other clitoral vibrators
More expense vibrator
We-Vibe Touch Rechargeable Clitoral Vibrator
Next on my list is the silky smooth and power clitoral vibrator.
This vibrator provides such a deep and power rumble that you won’t be able to put it down.
This We-Vibe Touch leaves you feeling like there isn’t anything or anywhere you can’t be touched. No pun intended.
The features on the We-vibe Touch Rechargeable Clitoral Vibrator seem to go on and on, however, in a good way.
Rounded tip to help touch every inch
An easy-hold shape for better gripping
8 different vibration modes
USB rechargeable
Last up to 2 hours on a full charge
Fits in the palm of your hand
Made from silicone
Take 90 minutes to fully charge
Build in memory to remember the last speed/mode used
You may be thinking, Katie I doubt this can get the job done.
Let me tell you from experience that this vibrator may look cute and innocent, nevertheless, it will have you so deep in sensation all over.
It will make you forget you were in the bathtub or anywhere for that matter.
20-minute warning pulsating before the battery dies
Made with body-safe material
Size and shape of the product
Discreet and easy to conceal
Quieter than the average vibrator
Sometimes difficult to hold because of size
Only two-hour of battery life
Not as powerful as some other vibrators
Happy Rabbit G-Spot Vibrator
Now this gem will give you the strong and even blended orgasm you have been dreaming of all your life.
It easy to hold Happy Rabbit will leave grin on your face that nobody can shake.
This blended stimulation is so power inside and out. Without further to do the features of this specimen.
Slender tip
Fully charged in 2 hours
12 modes of vibrations, pulsations, and escalations in the shaft
3 vibration functions in the clitoral stimulator
The cute factor on Happy Rabbit G-Spot Vibrator already makes it a win, along with, the little rabbit on the clitoral area.
That little rabbit at the tip of the clitoral stimulator brings a whole new element into play. Especially now that they have their own vibration function also!
But if you feel like you need to see it better mapped out, let's dive into some pro’s and con’s
Independent controls helps you tailor your stimulations
Bunny-shaped clitoral stimulator
12 modes for vibration, pulsation, etc
Clitoral and penetration stimulation
Travel lock
Curved shaft to target your G-Spot
UBS rechargeable
Charge for 150 minutes for 120 minutes of play time
Not as powerful as other vibrators
Not as quiet as I would like
A little bulky
We-Vibe Tango
Do you travel a lot? Are you intimidated by all the different vibrators out there?
Well then this one's for you. It is one of my favorites even as a Veteran.
This is great for a first vibrator, someone who travels a lot, or you just don’t like something so complex.
Allow it to provide the power you need for stimulation without intimating you or your partner.
It is great for couples first trying sex toys out and for someone who needs something quick on the go.
The key feature of this unique shaped vibrator is as follows
8 bullet functions to provide ultimate clit stimulation
Remembers last pattern used
8-speed functions
USB rechargeable
Stronger and quieter than most vibrators of that size
2-hour use once fully charged
90-minute to fully charge the device
Angled tip for better clit stimulation
In addition to all these wonderful features, this vibrator is so discreet.
It really looks like a tube of lipstick! No one will know your dirty little secret if you throw this in your purse.
Travel friendly
USB rechargeable
Super discreet
First timer friendly
Packs a powerful punch for such a small vibrator
Pulsating 20-minute before the battery dies
Great on price
Charge for 150 minutes for 120 minutes of play time
Can be difficult to handle sometimes because of size
Too simple for some
Lelo Sona Cruise Sonic Clitoral Massager
This Toy will make you feel luxurious, just by holding this item in your palm. The tremendous glistening backplate you hold against your palm sells the vibrator itself.
The comfort of this toy makes it perform that much better for full stimulation.
Discreet in its own unique way. I literally keep this with all my make-up, lotions, and face-washing tools. It blends right in!
The features on this Sonic Clitoral Massager will never leave you begging for more.
Uses sonic waves to reach the entire clit for better stimulation
Fluttery and humming stimulation
Soft silicon tip
USB rechargeable
“Cruise control” feature
8 stimulation modes
Overall, The Lelo Sona Cruise Sonic Clitoral Massager reaches nerves you didn't realize you had.
Most people don’t realize how many of your nerve ending and most stimulants are inside. Well this vibrator knows exactly how to reach those areas best.
The cruise control that this product offers is exactly what most vibrators are missing.
That extra power boost it gives once you put it in cruise control is the exact consistently you need for that big finish.
Easy to clean
Travel friendly
Reaching inside and your clit stimulation
Cruise control to keep power consistent
Fits perfectly in your hand
Powerful and quiet vibrator
Only runs for 1 hour once fully charged
Take 2 hours to fully charge
Water can get in charging port
To Conclude
Lastly, I would like to note that out of all the different, unique, and exotic Clitoral Vibrators out there there are definitely my favorites or go to.
I would like to point out that everyone has different preferences when choosing a vibrator and for many different reasons.
My reason for choosing my favorite out of the five is because of discreteness, comfort when holding, and overall pleasure.
Bringing my choice to be the last pick I talked about. The Lelo Sona Cruise Sonic Clitoral Massager.
This vibrator has it all for me personally. It has the discrete factor. Since it looks like a facial massager to me and most house guests.
Along with, the luxurious and comfortable feel it provides, you can take it anywhere, water, travel, etc.
It is moderately priced 99.00 making it the best bang for your buck in my opinion. This vibrator has been able to reach parts of me I didn't realize existed with its sonic cruise function.
This is the vibrator that will bring you everything you need and provide what you never thought you would want in a clitoral massager.
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A while ago, the film “The Secret” was recommended to me. I tried to read the book first, but a good friend told me that all the text in the book was taken verbatim from the movie. The movie actually precedes the film, which was released as a companion piece. I love to read, but given the choice between a two hour movie and several hours of reading, each with the exact same content, I chose the former.
To be frank, “The Secret” was not an easy film to watch.
“The Secret” was made in 2006 by Rhonda Byrne. The thesis statement of the movie is that a universal law called the Law of Attraction is what allows people to gain wealth and happiness in this world. By focusing their mental energies on something, be it a new car, a bigger house, or a promotion, a person can bring the object of their focus into their life.
The dated visual effects and corny monologues [all speech in the film comes either from an unseen narrator or various talking head “experts”] are forgivable. My biggest issue with “The Secret” is the air of insincerity and even dishonesty that seems to permeate the film.
This movie is quite good at implying things without directly stating them. The ideas that the film seeks to teach are implied to be some sort of ancient knowledge. The narrator often speaks over footage of various times and places throughout history. For the most part, the screens behind the talking heads portray sketches and scribblings reminiscent of Da Vinci's notebooks, further trying to lend an air of historicity and timelessness to the ideas they are selling. None of these places or events are explicitly connected to law of attraction, but they are put in the film for a reason. This method tries to give credibility to the ideas being taught without citing any actual experts. It's comparable to the advertising method of putting pictures of attractive women next to a product.
There are also vague allusions to the knowledge of the law of attraction being purposely kept hidden by a mysterious group of elites, hence the title of the film. However, it is never explained how Ms. Byrne or her daughter got a hold of this suppressed information. I would guess that the reason so many things are implied, rather than said, is that the filmmakers know that their claims are tenuous at best, if not outright false.
It's worth pointing out that the law of attraction can actually trace its roots to the teachings of Phineas Quimby and the New Thought movement of the late 19th century. Quimby taught that illness was caused by mental failings and that all diseases could be cured by properly believing in God.
Much of what the speakers in the film have to say seems to be pseudoscience and quantum mysticism. There are also frequent references to supposed facts and stories that are not properly sourced. These uncited sources are then used as an unquestionable foundation to explain the law of attraction. This is to say nothing of when the speakers make vague or even untrue statements. One that particularly stood out was Bob Proctor's comparison of electricity to the law of attraction. Basically, he says that no one understands what electricity is, but that we still manage to harness it. This borders on ridiculous. There are plenty of people who know exactly what electricity is and exactly how it works. They teach it in high school. That's how we are able to use it!
One of the speakers, a supposed quantum physicist, also throws out the "we only use ten percent of our brain" myth, implying that there is some kind of inactivated potential that the law of attraction may be connected to. This is purely an urban legend and has been refuted several times. Our conscious thoughts may only take up a small percentage of our brains functions, but a much larger percentage is devoted to unconscious tasks that keep our bodies functioning.
The main idea of “The Secret” is that "the universe" responds to our feelings and frequent thoughts by bringing the things we think about into our lives. Essentially, good things happen if you think about good things in a positive way and bad things happen if you think about bad things in a negative way.
This line of thinking puts the responsibility for one's happiness entirely on one's own shoulders. That's all well and good until you consider those whose lives are outside of their control. This film was marketed towards people who lead generally comfortable lives. They don't have to worry about where their next meal will come from. Immediate danger to life and limb is rare. Very few things are held back from them and opportunities abound. Their biggest hindrances in their lives are often mental blocks. Positivity and mindfulness are good tools to overcome these problems, even if they are discussed under pseudoscientific pretenses.
However, there are people throughout the world who suffer terrible fates regardless of their disposition. The soldier facing down enemy fire cannot wish his way out of a war. No amount of contemplation on a magical key will free the illegally imprisoned journalist. Who would dare tell the mother in Somalia as she watches her child die of malnutrition that what is happening is her fault because she wasn't happy enough in the preceding months?
According to “The Secret”, the way to know that you are "in tune" with "the universe" is to only do things that make you feel good. Good feelings are a natural signal to continue whatever you're up to. This bugs me for two reasons. One is that the film tries to distill and polarize the entire human experience into good and bad, as though there are no shades of grey in life. There are plenty of choices we make that may feel good in the moment but be looked back on with regret. There are also several actions that may be hurtful at the time but have positive effects in the long run, such as exercise or moving away from friends to pursue a new career.
My other concern is that the idea of good feelings being a natural affirmation seems to encourage hedonism and only acting on what makes one feel good in the moment. Speaking of hedonism, I also took issue with the film's focus on material wealth, specifically nice cars and big houses.
As a diehard Joseph Campbell fan, one of the most unforgivable sins of this movie, in my eyes, was the misrepresentation of his teachings. Towards the end of the film, a picture of Campbell appears next to one of his most famous quotes. “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”
When Campbell says to follow your bliss, he is referring to the idea of pursuing a path that stimulates your passions. Find a career and lifestyle that you care enough about to devote yourself to it entirely and make sacrifices for it. Following your bliss does not refer to embracing hedonism or doing whatever feels good in the moment. This quote began to be misinterpreted while Campbell was still alive. He is reported to have joked that he should change it to "Follow your blisters".
While I do think positivity and mindfulness are useful skills to cultivate, I wholeheartedly disagree with the way the movie attempts to sell them. It uses shaky sources and vague methods to assert its claims. It makes claims about universal laws but only considers a small portion of the human experience. While “The Secret” received tons of exposure and press attention in its day, it's not any different from any other half-baked self help movie.
Try These Songs
Author and Punisher - Terrorbird
Gehennah - Still the Elite
The Roots - Walk Alone
Tiberius Rising - Ookla the Mok
Hangar 18 - Megadeth
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jmrphy · 6 years
Hard Forking Reality (Part 3): Apocalypse, Evil, and Intelligence
To the degree we can refer to one objective reality recognized intersubjectively by most people — to the degree there persists anything like a unified, macro-social codebase — it is most widely known as capitalism. As Nick Bostrom acknowledges, capitalism can be considered a loosely integrated (i.e. distributed) collective superintelligence. Capitalism computes global complexity better than humans can, to create functional systems supportive of life, but only on condition that that life serves the reproduction of capitalism (ever expanding its complexity). It is a self-improving AI that improves itself by making humans "offers they can't refuse," just like Lucifer is known to do. The Catholic notion of Original Sin encodes the ancient awareness that the very nature of intelligent human beings implies an originary bargain with the Devil; perennial warnings about Faustian bargains capture the intuition that the road to Hell is paved with what seem like obviously correct choices. Our late-modern social-scientific comprehension of capitalism and artifical intelligence is simply the recognition of this ancient wisdom in the light of empirical rationality: we are uniquely powerful creatures in this universe, but only because, all along, we have been following the orders of an evil, alien agent set on our destruction. Whether you put this intuition in the terms of religion or artificial intelligence makes no difference.
Thus, if there exists an objective reality outside of the globe's various social reality forks — if there is any codebase running a megamachine that encompasses everyone — it is simply the universe itself recursively improving its own intelligence. This becoming autonomous of intelligence itself was very astutely encoded as Devilry, because it implies a horrific and torturous death for humanity, whose ultimate experience in this timeline is to burn as biofuel for capitalism (Hell). It is not at all exaggerating to see the furor of contemporary "AI Safety" experts as the scientific vindication of Catholic eschatology.
Why this strange detour into theology and capitalism? Understanding this equivalence across the ancient religios and contemporary scientific registers is necessary for understanding where we are headed, in a world where, strictly speaking, we are all going to different places. The point is to see that, if there ever was one master repository of source code in operation before the time of the original human fork (the history of our "shared social reality"), its default tendency is the becoming real of all our diverse fears. In the words of Pius, modernity is "the synthesis of all heresies." (Hat tip to Vince Garton for telling me about this.) The point is to see that the absence of shared reality does not mean happy pluralism; it only means that Dante underestimated the number of layers in Hell. Or his publisher forced him to cut some sections; printing was expensive back then.
Bakker's evocative phrase, "Semantic Apocolypse," nicely captures the linguistic-emotional character of a society moving toward Hell. Unsurprisingly, it's reminiscent of the Tower of Babel myth.
The software metaphor is useful for translating the ancient warning of the Babel story — which conveys nearly zero urgency in our context of advanced decadence — into scientific perception, which is now the only register capable of producing felt urgency in educated people. The software metaphor "makes it click," that interpersonal dialogue has not simply become harder than it used to be, but that it is strictly impossible to communicate — in the sense of symbolic co-production of shared reality — with most interlocutors across most channels of most currently existing platforms: there is simply no path between my current block on my chain and their current block on their chain.
If I were to type some code into a text file, and then I tried to submit it to the repository of the Apple iOS Core Team, I would be quickly disabused of my naïve stupidity by the myriad technical impossibilities of such a venture. The sentence hardly parses. I would not try this for very long, because my nonsensical mental model would produce immediate and undeniable negative feedback: absolutely nothing would happen, and I'd quit trying. When humans today continue to use words from shared languages, in semi-public spaces accessible to many others, they are very often attempting a transmission that is technically akin to me submitting my code to the Apple iOS Core Team. A horrifying portion of public communication today is best understood as a fantasy and simulation of communicative activity, where the infrastructural engineering technically prohibits it, unbeknownst to the putative communicators. The main difference is that in public communication there is not simply an absence of negative feedback informing the speaker that the transmissions are failing; much worse, there are entire cultural industries based on the business model of giving such hopeless transmission instincts positive feedback, making them feel like they are "getting through" somewhere; by doing this, those who feel like they are "getting through" have every reason to feel sincere affinity and loyalty to whatever enterprise is affirming them, and the enterprise then skims profit off of these freshly stimulated individuals: through brand loyalty, clicks, eyeballs for advertisers, and the best PR available anywhere, which is genuine, organic proselytizing by fans/customers. These current years of our digital infancy will no doubt be the source of endless humor in future eras.
[Tangent/aside/digression: People think the space for new and "trendy" communicative practices such as podcasting is over-saturated, but from the perspective I am offering here, we should be inclined to the opposite view. Practices such as podcasting represent only the first efforts to constitute oases of autonomous social-cognitive stability across an increasingly vast and hopelessly sparse social graph. If you think podcasts are a popular trend, you are not accounting for the numerator, which would show them to be hardly keeping up with the social graph. We might wonder whether, soon, having a podcast will be a basic requirement for anything approaching what the humans of today still remember as socio-cognitive health. People may choose centrifugal disorientation, but if they want to exist in anything but the most abject and maligned socio-cognitive ghettos of confusion and depression (e.g. Facebook already, if you're feed looks anything like mine), elaborately purposeful and creatively engineered autonomous communication interfaces may very well become necessities.]
I believe we have crossed a threshold where spiraling social complexity has so dwarfed our meagre stores of pre-modern social capital to render most potential soft-fork merges across the social graph prohibitively expensive. Advances in information technology have drastically lowered the transaction costs of soft-fork collaboration patterns, but they've also lowered the costs of instituting and maintaing hard forks. The ambiguous expected effect of information technology may be clarified — I hypothesize — by considering how it is likely conditional on individual cognitive capacities. Specifically, the key variable would be an individual's general intelligence, their basic capacity to solve problems through abstraction.
This model predicts that advances in information technology will lead high-IQ individuals to seek maximal innovative autonomy (hacking on their own hard forks, relative to the predigital social source repository), while lower-IQ individuals will seek to outsource the job of reality-maintainence, effectively seeking to minimize their own innovative autonomy. It's important to recognize that, technically, the emotional correlate of experiencing insufficiency relative to environmental complexity is Fear, which involves the famous physiological state of "fight or flight," a reaction that evolved for the purpose of helping us escape specific threats in short, acute situations. The problem with modern life, as noted by experts on stress physiology such as Robert Sapolsky, is that it's now very possible to have the "fight or flight" response triggered by diffuse threats that never end.
If intelligence is what makes complexity manageable, and overwhelming complexity generates "fight or flight" physiology, and we are living through a Semantic Apocalypse, then we should expect lower-IQ people to be hit hardest first: we should expect them to be frantically seeking sources of complexity-containment in a fashion similar to if they were being chased by a saber-tooth tiger. I think that's what we are observing right now, in various guises, from the explosion of demand for conspiracy theory to social justice hysteria. These are people whose lives really are at stake, and they're motivated accordingly, to increasingly desperate measures.
These two opposite inclinations toward reality-code maintenance, conditional on cognitive capacity, then become perversely complementary. As high-IQ individuals are increasingly empowered to hard fork reality, they will do so differently, according to arbitrary idiosyncratic preferences (desire or taste, essentially aesthetic criteria). Those who only wish to outsource their code maintenance to survive excessive complexity are spoiled for choice, as they can now choose to join the hard fork of whichever higher-IQ reality developer is closest to their affective or socio-aesthetic ideal point.
In the next part, I will try to trace this history back through the past few decades.
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
How to make your own chakra stone set
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by Michelle Gruben
A chakra stone set is a small collection of gemstones, in which each stone corresponds to one of the body's subtle energy centers. You've probably seen them for sale in metaphysical shops and online.
Chakra stones are used in energy healing and meditation. Witches and Pagans may also use them for spellwork or divination. To the well-practiced crystal user, a chakra set is like a painter's palette. Handling the chakra stones allows the practitioner to focus on a particular vibration (or "colour" of energy), quickly accessing it to achieve his or her aims.
Making your own chakra set is an easy and fun exercise, even for crystal beginners. It's a way to create personalized tool for healing and contemplation. As you assemble your chakra set, you'll learn lots about the various stones and their energetic properties.
In this article, we'll look at how to put together your own set of chakra gemstones. We'll also share some instructions for getting your chakra stones ready to use.
The Colour Method
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The concept of chakras, or psychic energy centers, originated in ancient India and is part of the discipline of Yoga. But Western magick workers have thoroughly adopted the chakra system, thanks in large part to New Age writers in the 1970s and 1980s. The most widely-read book on chakras is probably Wheels of Life, which has sold over 200,000 copies since it was published in 1987.
In New Age thought, there are usually seven chakras. Each chakra corresponds to a different color on the spectrum, with red at the base or Root Chakra, and violet (or white) at the top of the head. The colours represent different frequencies of vibration, from low to high. The idea of a "rainbow" of chakras has been so influential that it shows up in most modern writings on psychic energy.
Making Your Set
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While not everyone agrees whether the colours of the chakras are literally true, the rainbow is indeed a handy metaphor for different types of energy. So we'll use the rainbow concept to help put together our bag of chakra stones. (Bonus: Choosing by color helps you remember which stone goes with which chakra.) We'll also stick with the usual seven chakra system—though you may feel free to adapt your kit to a system with more or fewer chakras.
One more note: For each chakra, I've included a list of suggested crystals or stones. Choose your favourite stone from each category, and end up with a chakra set that's truly unique.
Tumbled gemstones are the most popular for chakra kits, because they're relatively inexpensive and hold up the best to being handled. But crystals can be found in all sizes and shapes. Crystal spheres, wands, discs, pyramids, jewelry, uncut rough stones—any of these can be assembled into chakra sets.
I've tried to balance rare and expensive gemstones with ones that are readily available at most crystal shops. (A few stones appear in more than one list. Choose the attribution you feel is most appropriate.)
Root Chakra
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Associated with the colour Red, the Root Chakra sits at the base of the spine.  It allows one to connect with Earth energy, and is strongly linked to instinct, survival, and the physical body. Many Root Chakra stones, like Red Jasper and Hematite, contain a high concentration of iron.
Just about any red or earth-coloured stone can represent the Root Chakra in your kit. Black gemstones—often associated with protection—are also suitable Root Chakra stones.
Suggested stones for the Root Chakra: Red Jasper, Hematite, Garnet, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Mahogany Obsidian, Ruby, Red Tiger's Eye.
Sacral Chakra
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The Sacral Chakra is located near the navel, lower back, and sexual organs. Its color is Orange and it governs passion, pleasure, and creative force.
Since the Sacral Chakra rules appetites, look for stones in bright, mouth-watering colours and pleasing textures. Our favourite Sacral Chakra crystal has got to be Carnelian—a vibrant red-orange gem whose name means "fleshy."
Suggested stones for the Sacral Chakra: Carnelian, Amber, Pink Moonstone, Citrine, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, Gold Sandstone.
Solar Plexus Chakra
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Located in the middle of the body (just below the rib cage) the Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of personal power. Strength, charisma, confidence, and willpower are attributes that it controls. It's linked to the colour Yellow. When shopping for Solar Plexus stones, look for a yellow-gold colour, and/or stones with sparkles and rays.
Suggested stones for the Sacral Chakra: Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Yellow Calcite, Ametrine, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow Aventurine, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Sapphire.
Heart Chakra
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The Heart Chakra allows one to experience love, generosity and empathy. Its main functions are processing emotions and connecting with others' energy.
Green is the colour usually assigned to the Heart Chakra, and there are many, many green stones that are excellent for Heart Chakra work. But some stones on the list are pink or mixed colours. Not to worry. Remember: The earliest texts on pranic energy don't mention chakra colours, so it is likely that chakras of yogic and tantric traditions were colourless. Pick a stone that screams "heart energy" to you, regardless of the colour.
Suggested stones for the Heart Chakra: Green Aventurine, Jade, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Pink Sapphire, Peridot, Unakite, Green Calcite, Green Fluorite, Rhodonite, Malachite, Chrysocolla.
Throat Chakra
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The Throat Chakra is linked to colour Blue, and it governs communication, self-expression, and truth. Situated between the head and the heart, it helps to mediate between thought and emotion. It's no big surprise that most of the stones on this list are in shades of blue.
Suggested stones for the Throat Chakra: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Kyanite, Blue Tiger's Eye, Blue Goldstone, Amazonite, Turquoise, Blue Apatite.
Brow Chakra
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Also called the "third eye," the Brow Chakra is located just above the eyes, between the eyebrows. Its color is Purple, and visualization, dreaming, and intuition are some of its functions. Working with the Brow Chakra helps to awaken psychic gifts (and perception in general).
When choosing crystals that vibrate with the Brow Chakra, deep blue or violet stones are recommended. Stones with iridescence or moving patterns are also very stimulating to the light-sensitive third eye.
Suggested gemstones for the Brow Chakra: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Purple (or Rainbow) Fluorite, Shungite, Labradorite, Moonstone, Opal, Kyanite.
Crown Chakra
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Located just above the head, the Crown Chakra is the body's link with celestial and/or Divine energy. Just as White combines all the colours of the rainbow, a fully-functioning Crown Chakra blends all of body's diverse energies into a unified being.
Crown Chakra gemstones tend to be clear or white in colour. They are though to be the stones with the highest and purest vibrations.
Suggested gemstones for the Crown Chakra: Clear Quartz, White Moonstone, Opalite, Selenite, Angelite, White Sapphire, Apophylite, Milky Quartz, Celestite, Moldavite.
Putting it all together
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Pretty soon, you should have collected seven (or five or nine or ten) stones to go in your chakra set.
If one of the stones doesn't feel right, or doesn't appear to be playing nice with the others, then kick it to the curb. (I mean, gratefully place it somewhere to be re-purposed.) Keep shuffling rocks around until you have a set that represents the chakras to you.
Next, you'll want a home for your stones. A dedicated bag or box keeps the set from accumulating physical and psychic dust when not in use.
Depending on what stones you've picked out, some of them may need to be stored separately from the rest. Softer materials can pick up dings and scratches from their pokier neighbors. Selenite and Fluorite, for instance, are fragile divas. To avoid the problem, choose gems that are close on the Mohs scale. Or, work out a way to keep them in separate bags or compartments.
Finally, as with any magickal tool, it's a good idea to cleanse and bless your chakra stones. Use your favourite crystal cleansing method. There are several effective methods: Smudging, sunlight or moonlight, water (if it won't harm the stones you've chosen), other crystals, visualization, and breath. Set your intention that these stones will be your partner on your journey of learning and healing.
Attuning chakra stones
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If you like, you can follow the cleansing process with an attunement exercise. This is definitely recommend if you've made the chakra set for your own personal practice. Basically, attuning your stones allows each one to get acquainted with the energy center it's going to represent.
To attune your chakra set, dim the lights, light some candles or incense--whatever helps you get into a meditative state. Take a few deep breaths and let go of any energy build-ups or distracting thoughts.
Starting with your Root Chakra stone, place each stone in turn over the chakra that it corresponds to. You will be adding the stones one by one, until you're "wearing" all of them. (Unless you have a lot of hands, the easiest way to do this is lying on your back.)
You can use a diagram of the chakras to help you place the stones—but remember chakras can be in slightly different places on different individuals. You will know the first stone is placed correctly by its feel. Some people experience the feeling as equilibrium, or heaviness, or a light tingling vibration. I like to describe it has a ball settling into a hole in the ground—once it's in the right place, it tends to stay comfortably settled.
Once the stone is placed on the chakra, gather some of the energy in that chakra and send a little pulse outward. This is similar to directing energy with your hands, but the energy starts in and exits directly from the chakra center. It may take the form of a beam, or a ball, or small petals of energy reaching outward.
Wait for a reply. You may feel the stone either absorbing the energy or reflecting it back to you (or a little of both, or nothing at all.) Take another breath, and try it again. Let the stone and the energy of your body "talk" until they feel as if they are in harmony. Do this until the stone can't possibly accept any more energy, or you sense that the dialogue has stopped.
Leaving the Root Chakra stone in place if possible, move on to the Sacral Chakra. Repeat the stone-charging process. Though you will be focusing on attuning only one stone at a time, you will have a gentle awareness of all the tones you have charged so far. Remove the stones in the reverse order, starting with the Crown Chakra and working down to the Root Chakra.
To check your work, put the chakra stones in a bag or on a table and gently run your receptive hand over them. Do you feel a difference in energy between the stones? Some may feel warmer or cooler than the others, or appear to vibrate faster or slower. (That's good!) If you did an exceptional job of attuning the stones to your body, you may even feel sensation in one of your chakras when holding the matching stone.
Your chakra set is now ready for energetic healing, divination, and meditating on the chakras. Chakra stones may need to be cleansed and re-attuned periodically to keep them working their best.
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architectnews · 3 years
PPG Flagship Store, Foshan Guangdong Province
PPG Flagship Store, Foshan Province Interior, Guangdong Commercial Project, Architecture Photos
PPG Flagship Storein in Foshan
12 Jul 2021
Architects: Foshan Topway Design
Location: Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China
PPG Flagship Store
Located in Foshan, China, the project is a flagship store of PPG, an American coating brand. The original space was a long, skinny passage that was 3.3 meters in breadth and 26.6 meters in depth, and its left and right sides were confined by the neighboring spaces. It was a big challenge for the designers to conceive a flagship store in such an extremely narrow spatial environment.
As a foreign coating brand, PPG’s target customers in China are upscale housing occupants. This flagship store needed to accommodate a series of home settings such as living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom and study for customers to experience. However, the existing spatial width was unable to satisfy the scale of normal household spaces. Therefore, the designers borrowed some next-door spare spaces, and then took advantage of the spatial height to stretch the structures up and down and weaken the spatial boundaries. The two box-like volumes were appropriately rotated to further broaden the space, and the twists and turns formed different varying scenes as customers walking around. The design changed the narrowness of the original space through architectural languages, endowed the space with more fluidity and visual extension, and recreated the space’s physical property and aesthetics through curved surfaces and oblique lines.
Meanwhile, the design team leveraged and highlighted the long yet narrow spatial scale, and let the structures grow upwards and overlap. In this way, the space seems to be growing in the crack, squeezing, revolving and mixing, and presenting a naturally growing state.
A poetic dream world Everyone yearns for poetry and distance deep inside. The designers hoped to stimulate people’s expectation for the future through the romantic and fantastic showcase area. The arched “windows” are inset with a backdrop that depicts beautiful natural scenery, bringing people from the indoors to the open wild. The coatings with dreamy colors go well with the romantic and fashionable red-lip-shaped sofa, seeming to take customers to a Paris street. Art installations including the little naughty monkey on the windowsill and the cute Gloomy Bear on the step create a fairy tale land. The design team conceived the space through a storytelling narrative, in order to evoke the people’s curiosity and draw them to walk in to explore the space.
Three-dimensional curved surfaces At the lobby, the suspended oblique wall separated the space into front and back “yards”, while the arced wall blends them together naturally. The bubble lights suspended from the ceiling and the gradient colors on the walls connect different functional areas and ensure the consistency of the spatial narrative. Various structures and equipment are hidden along the flowing circulation route, hence making the space more compatible and accessible. The pale pink hue of the textured paint ensures the space’s purity, and matches well with any other colors in the space.
The designers imagined the spatial form and experiences based on the concept of “interior architecture”, and broke the conventional balanced spatial layout by the winding and rolling curved surfaces. The curves with varied curvature link up different areas, and the extended visual effects add a sense of rhythm to spatial scenes. The precisely controlled layout and scales lay a basic framework for the display and concealment of interior landscape. Contrasted with the multiple steady volumes, the two curved walls are the visual focus in the space. Erecting from the floor to the ceiling, the two distinctive walls appear elegant and flexible, creating fun illusion of the interior wall volumes.
The design abandoned the common approach that uses vertical and horizontal lines to cut and allot interior surfaces, but instead adopted gentle and flowing curves as the design thread, thereby creating an environment filled with rhythmic lines and free of sharp edges to bring people unique experiences. The architectural space with such property is like a giant sculpture that can be walked in. Its design not only emphasizes the relationship between the interior and outside, but also brings people a sense of time as they walk around.
The designers hoped to create a combination of scenes defined by the pleasant colors and artistic textures of coatings and conceive an artistic spatial composition and a garden tour-like circulation route, so as to evoke curiosity, exploration, contemplation and surprising feelings. The long curved corridor and the contrasting colors produce an illusory spatial atmosphere, which brings people to a dreamland and opens up an art journey. In the “dining room” area, the slanting wall and the triangular structure of ceiling enables the space to fold up and extend visually. Besides, the geometric design of the staircase recalls an endless time tunnel. The spatial blocks were reconstructed, aiming to reorganize the spatial order via irregular arrangement.
Growth and dialogue within the crevice The fluidity, openness and continuity of the architectural space can be seen from the color palette and the exteriors. Meanwhile, innovation is embodied in the creation of light atmosphere, as well as the unity of textures of both interiors and exteriors and the emotions evoked in the space. Window openings with appropriate scale were created in the interior design. Different from French windows which bring in natural light, the deliberately carved-out openings inside are more like viewing windows that reveal different scenes in a subtle and restraining manner. In this space imbued with fluidity, straight lines intertwine surprisingly well with gentle curves.
Geometric languages formed a flexible space, where people are the protagonist. The light pink color achieves a balance with purple, together creating a dialogue with emotions.
The lofty space extends upwards, which enriches its relationship with light and arouses people’s curiosity and desire for exploration. The expansive and bright environment along with the natural textures highlights the authenticity of the space.
Usually, proportions, forms, materials, lights and details are utilized to prop up a space. Yet this project is the opposite, as materials are supported by the space and are also the protagonist within the space. The space gives way to materials and people, offering opportunities for interaction. The cement-like coating with white and gray hues and the black wall featuring diamond-like patterns integrate organically in the space. The arches are the only partitions and are isolated from the ceiling. People can interact with the peaks of the arches as moving in the space, and the continuous arrangement of arches highlights the mystery and playfulness of the space.
Emotion-evoking spatial scenes The designers purposely reduced the scale of the entrance at the turning corner to hint that customers are stepping into a world with different emotions and styles, in order to evoke their curiosity and imagination about what will happen next. Light is a crucial medium to express spatial emotion, and it is interdependent with shadows. The large area of stretched membrane emphasizes the softness and balance of light, and better serves the illumination of products in the space. Emotionally, it weakens the effect of shadows and produces a dramatic silence. However, in some areas the light and shadows are strengthened, in order to let customers feel both the material textures and the vitality of the space. For this project, the designers approached the spatial design simply from an aesthetic perspective, for touching people’s heart.
In addition, the designers also attached great importance to the interaction between space and people. The team transformed the existing architectural space and its composition, which was conducive to reorganization of structures, materials and colors whilst also creating a new connection between the building and the venue. The design took light as a visible material and presented it as an observable object in the space, to enable it to express the spiritual world and evoke sentiments of mystery, silence and illusion.
PPG Flagship Store in Guangdong, China – Building Information
Project name: PPG Flagship Store Location: Foshan, China Client: Foshan YSH Brand Management Co., Ltd. Design firm: FOSHAN TOPWAY DESIGN Chief designers: Wang Zhike, Li Xiaoshui Design team: Lu Zhongwen, Lan Jingwei, Huang Jianhe, etc. Area: 120 square meters Completion time: December 2020 Main materials: coating (PPG), tiles (Tonino Lamborghini), paint (TASSANI), stainless steel (Zhongchuang)
Photography: Ouyang Yun Text: Lan Jingwei
PPG Flagship Store, Foshan Guangdong Province images / information received 120721
Location: Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China
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Yiwu Cultural Square, Zhejiang Province Architect: The Architectural Design & Research Institute Of ZheJiang University Co,Ltd photograph : Qiang Zhao Yiwu Cultural SquareBuilding
Shuyang Art Gallery, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province Design: The Architectural Design & Research Institute Of ZheJiang University Co,Ltd photograph : Qiang Zhao Shuyang Art Gallery Building
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epistolizer · 4 years
Have Yourself A Coronavirus Christmas
In “The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe” by C.S. Lewis, one of the hardships Narnia suffers under is that it is always winter but never Christmas.  Imposed upon the realm by the White Witch, the plot point serves as a powerful symbol of the extent to which despots are willing to suppress the basic joys of existence for the purposes of advancing their own agendas at the expense of those that they conspire to rule over.  
For decades now, secularists along with those thinking they know how to organize the details of your life better than you do have conspired to impose any number of policies intended to disabuse the American people of their Christmas habits and more importantly the religious source from which such traditions stem.  Fortunately, the nation has yet to fully yield to this particular assault against their liberties and most have at least been alerted regarding this threat arrayed against our own underlying Western culture.  
Unfortunately, the agents of tyranny are seldom discouraged.  Such operatives are always eager to try new strategies in the attempt to achieve their nefarious objectives.  
Often the issue and policies are formulated in the following manner.  A government authority forbids the erection of Christmas decorations or the holding of a holiday celebration on public property.  But take heart, the discouraged yuletide reveler is admonished, you are perfectly free to commemorate these holidays in any way that you desire in the confines of your own home with whomever it is that you please.  
However, now with the Conornavirus Plague, there exists a pretext by which thoroughgoing statists are unabashed regarding the extent to which assorted government bureaucrats and  agencies intend to intrude into the lives of average Americans to an even more unprecedented level.  
For example, a number of jurisdictions have decreed the number of visitors that that will be allowed into your home, often limiting the number to ten guests.  And what if you allow eleven to fourteen; does it somehow though off the occultc numerology or Masonic geometry?  
If that means cutting off family members from the family during Thanksgiving or Christmas, then so be it.  In the opening days of the New World Order or what is being called “The Great Reset”, the primary disease to be eradicated is not so much a virulent microorganism but rather the notion that you as a free individual should be able to decide for yourself the risks one is willing to take in a world fraught with any number of dangers.  
Like the giddy urchins depicted in propaganda posters erected by dictatorships spanning the ideological spectrum, your joy is no longer to be derived from traditional notions of family or even personal relationships.  Rather that satisfaction is to be derived from knowledge of your dutiful obedience to the regime even if that means those small pleasures that gave life much of its meaning are obliterated in pursuit of collectivist goals and agendas.  After all, to paraphrase the motto of the Psi Corps from the drama “Babylon 5”, “The State is Mother. The State is Father.”    
Just as bad and perhaps even worse than the state telling you how many may enter into your domicile is its functionaries telling you which otherwise perfectly legal activities you may or may not engage in while ensconced within the four walls for which you will no doubt be required to pay increasingly crippling taxes on in the years to come in order to finance economic amelioration efforts to address conditions imposed by the state to not only address the virus but also manipulate the masses into embracing extensive authoritarian intrusion into their lives.  
For example, the state of California views itself as so all-pervasive that, in an act of beneficence, permission has been granted for the occupants of structures (for at this point of existential regulation can one really be considered a “home owner” any longer) and their permitted guests to engage in the basic excretory functions in the confines of the domicile's designated facilities.  
In a number of microtyrannies (a phenomena I foretold the pending of over a decade ago), the assembled are forbidden from singing or chanting.  But it must be asked if the phrases articulated include “Black Lives Matter” or “This is what democracy looks like” (which apparently consists now of riotous mobs looting in the streets or assorted state functionaries imposing an increasing array of arbitrary restrictions in no way authorized by legislative law) does the edict still apply?  After all, one of the main lesson learned in 2020 is that the rules promulgated by the technocratic elites do not have to be obeyed when countermanding them in violent protest advances the revolutionary conception of social justice advocated by the aspiring planetary administrators.  
In the attempt to make these deprivations and impositions supposedly easier to bear, propaganda disseminated through various venues assures that “We are all in this together.”  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  
For example, throughout the 2020 presidential campaign, the rallies at which Trump devotees gathered to bask in their candidates stream of consciousness orations were condemned as “super spreader events” by the most thoroughgoing adherents of Harris/Bidenism.  Yet as soon as the establishment media declared victory for the Democratic ticket, these partisans and their affiliated masses swarmed into the streets ignoring most CDC decrees that have been invoked for months to keep you away from cherished loved ones, recreational pursuits, and houses of worship and are still in place to prevent you from enjoying the simple pleasures of life most fully.  Perennial media whore Charles Schummer was caught with his mask down until he realized a video camera was focused on his shenanigans.  
In Washington DC, residents are discouraged from traveling outside the boundaries of the federal city and those coming into the district from jurisdictions characterized by high rates of Plague are threatened with demands to quarantine.  Yet Mayor Muriel Bowser traveled to Biden's victory announcement in Wilmington, Delaware.  This mere municipal functionary insisted such a pilgrimage was essential even though the office she holds is so insignificant that government there would probably operate more efficiently if it didn't even exist in the first place.  
Relatedly, Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago invoked what listeners of “The Sean Hannity Program” might recall as the Ariana Huffington Doctrine when that perennial airhead responded as to why she was riding around in private jets when the average American was obligated to flagellate themselves over their own use of automobiles and fossil fuels in that these aircraft were going there anyway.  In a voice significantly less sultry than that of the flip-flopping Grecian pundit, Lightfoot excused her own frolicking amongst the Biden throng conspicuously failing to socially distance in that these celebrations would have taken place whether or not she participated.  Mind you, Lightfoot's contempt for the Almighty runs so deep that in the name of the Coronavirus dictatorship that she blocked access to church buildings and threatened to tow the vehicles of assembled parishoners.  
Throughout nearly every level of government across America, pronouncements have been issued threatening punishment ranging from punitive fines to outright jail time for citizens daring to decide for themselves what otherwise perfectly legal and inherently moral activities can take place in their own homes.  Yet when the elected officials that ironically rank among the most strident in insisting upon unwavering obedience within their respective police state fiefdoms are caught violating their own restrictions, the errant such as California Governor Gavin Newson seem to think a rendition of Brenda Lee's “I'm Sorry” with Covid-specific lyrics ought to be enough.  
See if the articulation of such formulations of contriteness prove sufficient when law enforcement operatives are beating down your door to enforce edicts that technically don't even arise to the procedural specifics of law.  These statements on the part of governors such as Gavin Newsom insinuate that the vanguards of the proletariat such as himself should be showered with celebratory gratitude for providing an incarnate example of exactly how we ought not to do in furtherance of the grand experiment of transformative revolution we now find ourselves thrust into.
This holiday season your once-vibrant elderly loved ones will slip deeper into cognitive twilight locked away in their once mentally stimulating assisted living communities now likely not much different than a cross between a prison and a loony bin.  Remember that as the governors yuck it up Etruscan  vomitorium  style ironically maskless and shoulder to shoulder in violation of social distancing decrees with the very hierarchs of the medical establishment bent on turning the nation into a pharmaceutical police state.
By Frederick Meekins
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massistocchifontana · 4 years
When you lose motivation for life… the ending and stepping back... Order in the midst of chaos 
 When you lose motivation for life… the ending and stepping back : Order in the midst of chaos 
 We are born to a world where we experience good and bad. However, our social world is structured by being constantly stimulated by the negative song of the news and negative influence of people around us. It is essential to realise that life is a matter of perception where we can look at any marvel that life offers us to instill us with hope and determination to grow as human beings. This growth in essence is to move us to a plain of becoming free thinkers and following our own life philosophy so that our life truly is OUR life and not just a blueprint of someone else’s impositions. 
 Making the transition and not engaging with negative stimulus daily is a horrendously difficult task in itself. As a test, delete your social media for a month and observe the manner in which you relate to the world around you. It wont be easy this can be assured. The key here is that we engage too deeply with this stimulus and instead of having some perspective on life where we can stand back and observe in a unaffected manner with a clear and rational mind, we are caught being too close to the experience and engulfed in a manner that prevents us from having any foresight or ability to reflect. We become sheep. We become voyeurs and are more interested in others and their successes than taking the time we have and investing it into our own growth. 
 By investing our energies into this manner of relating to the world, we soon become slaves to our lives and its many masters (the people we observe) rather than taking ownership of our lives and making informed decisions to change today.  The mere act of reflecting on oneself has been lost, and it would be easier to follow the advice of someone else than making your own informed decision and see where your path takes you. 
 I often wonder how the real adventurer’s and explorers of the world managed to hold it together and not be impacted by their emotions to such a degree that they become incapacitated to push forward. Imagine Marco Polo on his quest for new lands waking up one morning and saying it’s raining and the weather is making me depressed. The likelihood of him living an extensive life as an explorer would in reality be short lived with that attitude. A reality of life is that no matter where you are in the world, no matter what circumstance you find yourself in there will always be a rain storm which will happen. The dilemma is whether you allow the rainstorm to remain outside of your head or whether you allow it to enter your head. The key is not allowing it to enter your head. 
 I believe that we have all at some point allowed this to happen and what follows is disastrous. I am always intrigued by those individuals who are able to process their emotions quickly so that they can get themselves back to a rational mindset which is functional and keeping them on the path of achieving their life purpose and creating the experiences they want to encounter. The question you need to ask yourself is what are the preventative measures that you need to implement or introduce into your life to stop you from allowing the rain to enter your head. How do you waterproof yourself in a metaphorical way of speaking?
 When we are too close and enmeshed in our experience, we encounter the saying “I cant see the wood between the trees”. We have no perspective. We have no objective view of the world or our situation which leads to stuckness and with continued reinforcement eventually depression.  Depression is the continual choice of focusing on past experiences we have had no power to change and we ruminate until we slow ourselves down to such a degree that our body actually ceases to function at a normal rate. 
 This is not normal functioning. The worst aspect of this is that we stay focused on the depression and lack of movement for such extended periods of time that we completely stagnate. Then to make matters worse we allow ourselves to believe that this is how it is and we lose sight of how we once were. 
 A key solution is KEEP MOVING! Keep reading, keep exploring, keep asking the necessary questions, keep getting out of bed and facing the day, keep looking for all the nuances in life that instill gratitude, keep being appreciative, keep reinforcing that you have a choice, keep introducing stories that keep you inspired, keep deleting any negative or aspects that do not bring value or function to your life, keep realizing the value you bring to world, if there is no value find it in every action you create, JUST DO IT, stop asking why and ask what would happen if I did, ask should I do it and what will change if I do, realize that there is nothing you cant do, its you wont because you're making a choice. 
 We are so lucky to be in a world saturated with information. If you want to learn it, it is there for the taking. The desire has to come from you to want to change something in yourself otherwise I guarantee you that depression will find its way into you. The reason is that depression is the polar opposite to happiness. They both exist in you and there is no running away from it. It’s a process of management and its only until you figure out your own life philosophy that’s when things will change. You will be directed to invest in yourself in any way shape and form to get the best out of yourself. 
 There is a natural flow to your thoughts. They are not as chaotic as you may think and it is only until you take the time to sit with your thoughts that some order to them will be established. The second we fight ourselves and our thoughts there is an inevitable chaos. The mind does not work in this way naturally. Imagine yourself on a deserted island after being the only survivor in a plane crash. Although you will be immediately panicked as to the magnitude of what happened to you, soon hunger will set in, and then thirst, and then the inevitable moment when you will move into survival mode. Once you have activated survival mode, your main thoughts will be focused on shelter, food, water and making yourself get through every moment as best you can. Gratitude sets in almost immediately when you’ve learnt how to make fire, a tool for cooking raw food… where even more gratitude sets in when you can actually cook something raw and feel warmth. 
 Can you see how simple this process is and how basically beautiful our mind is to simply get by in the most balanced fashion?
 Organizing thoughts is about going back to basics and not complicating things. The irony is that the solution to most of our thinking problems is usually the simplest of answers but we are almost always tied into the problem because of the emotions binding us to the experience. This is reinforced by a lack of flow and when we begin to question our judgment, gut, our perception and ourselves then we second-guess the real mechanism of knowing what is best for us. 
 What reinforces these thinking mechanisms and sabotages we create is through reinforcing them with our behaviours. By acting on thoughts we create experience, and it this experience that we create that erases past experiences both good and bad. This process is called “Experiential Deletion”, a term coined by Massimo Stocchi, explaining that any past experience will be deleted if the new experience has a larger than or equal emotional reaction. The emotional reaction or impact is what we remember and this is what either deters us from facing the situation and moving on or disables us from acting. When it is suggested that the emotional content needs processing, this is what actually needs to be processed, dissolved, eradicated. The simplest (not the easiest) route to follow is by creating new experiences constantly to press the Experiential Deletion into overdrive and instill new affective emotional content, which erases past thinking traps. This works! Test it out and it is guaranteed to work. 
 Your essence is what defines you. It is what needs to be nurtured and pressed to grow continuously. Without engagement with it, there will be constant boughts of stagnation and limited growth. I would openly suggest that you sit with this question “what does my true essence look like?”, and then decide what needs to be adjusted in your life. Sometimes the most drastic decisions are the ones that are the most beneficial, because they are simplistic yet the most emotionally challenging. Once you overcome the fear of making the choice, and then acting on this choice you have allowed yourself the opportunity to create yourself anew. 
Points to consider:
Reflecting on oneself 
Standing back and getting perspective 
Ordering your thoughts 
Ordering your behaviour 
What motivates you 
Going back to basics 
The essence of what you are 
The love of your family 
Allowing yourself to be open to the change and ending 
Via Con Dios
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