#the main reason im posting this is because my friend said they were awaiting it. do not tell them i said that. .
trrickytickle · 1 year
Ten-Tickles 🛸
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the punchline was “what does it take to make an alien laugh?” but then again, title would get too long. last fic i did for this franchise was so bad (it was pretty much a glorified headcanon list) so i deleted it 💀 Be warned, a lot of these drabbles have the same sort of wafer-thin setup, I just need excuses to write the situations they're in.
Self-indulgent switch Ben+Gwen drabbles I did in between prompts and such. because 1) I’m a 2000s CN kid and 2) I’m trash lmao. Props to my brother for putting up with me for asking him questions about a show I haven’t seen in years and then again it was only bits and pieces of said show. they should have had a tk scene let me live my truth. and yes i've never watched this show in years but i do have a human encyclopedia at my disposal (shoutout again to my poor brobro)
But anyways, oh my DAYS, Ben and Gwen. Still essential parts of EVERY tickle doodle sheet. They were THE ler-leaning switches ever in my day (old hag voice). DEF annoying lers, tk potential THROUGH DA ROOOOF but the shenanigans are better in small doses. footerfeet tickles in ditto + wildvine + greymatter drabbles btw (if u dont like) (OH and in the last drabble as well)
I am NOT familiar at all with any of the story stuff or like 128923 other serieses. All I know is that there's a blue furry now and what my brother tells me (a whole bunch, it's the tism) (same). This is just my brainvomit.  So yeah. These are the small shenanigan doses. 10 drabbles, 10 aliens, that’s the gist.  YEAH IM TRASH SUE ME
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Putting the weird gut-wrenching feeling he got after the Omnitrix would power down again aside, Ghostfreak was a fun one. What was not to love about phasing through walls like a peeping Tom and scaring the crap out of little kids? Best part was- Gwen didn’t seem to like him.
This past summer, the Rustbucket had parked its tires down next to many, many art museums, much to Ben’s dismay. The Cleveland Art Museum was no different to him (it was in Ohio, so it was probably worse).  Marble statues and paintings filled a lifeless square with ivory walls as if to compensate for something. Like the art strung up on the walls, it was a tragic sight. Ben gave a loud groan, to which Grandpa Max shushed in response.
“Look, it’s all part of the deal-” he lectured. “We went where you wanted to go-”
“Blehh-bleh-blehh-bleh-bleh-bleh-bleeh..” Ben mocked, just barely brushing past a delicate display.
“Can’t you have some culture, mush-for-brains!?” Gwen snapped. “This place has lots of history behind it!”
They kept walking, stopping to admire piece after piece after piece, and then they just had to read the little information cards on the bottom. Boring.
“Yeah, yeah, history, schmistory. The guy who drew that’s probably dead anyway. Speaking of dead…” Slamming the dial on a spooky silhouette, Ghostfreak floated up with a chill in the frigid air. 
 "Boo!" he joked, startling Gwen (and everyone else in the museum) with a jolt. She scowled, glaring daggers into Ghostfreak's single pupil.
“What? This place is practically a ghost town already.” Another glare from the ginger. “Tough crowd, I guess.”  Ghostfreak phased through a few statues and peeled off its skin to scare onlookers, then went back to bother Gwen again.
"What.” Gwen snapped, turning around from her view of a sculpture. The alien dove through her torso, phasing through and quite literally getting inside her head, possessing her and stringing her hands around like a disorganized puppeteer.
"Stop tickling yourself." Ghostfreak rasped. Out of her control, Gwen's own hands danced around her tummy. Her possessed body struggled to keep from breaking out in a laughing fit, snickering, snorting and gritting her teeth.
"NGH-gh-hh-heh.." Gwen grunted, contorting her twisting smile into a grimace. Her own arms still moved unwillingly around her sides, and Ghostfreak's teasing whispers rang through her own corporal body.
"Stop tickling yourself. Stop tickling yourself. Stooop tickling yourself~" Her cousin's nagging voice surrounded Gwen's thoughts louder than usual, and if that wasn't bad enough, her own fingers involuntarily dug their way into her ribs, and along the hallowing halls reverberated her shrill, loud shriek.
'Hehehe-haha-hYIEEEEK!! Youhohou're such a dweeb!!" Through laughter, her own hands squeesed their way down her sides.
Ghostfreak phased out of her, laughing in a strange demented manner. Scowling, Gwen and Grandpa Max were dragged out of the building whilst Ben floated behind, gloating.
Well, this wasn't the first place they were kicked out of.
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The Plumber base was cool at first. The secret entrance was cool. The alien ray-guns were cool. Even the prospect of plain old Grandpa kicking butt for a living was cool. As visits became more frequent, the wow-factor dulled. Grandpa Max would almost always be off discussing confidential matters, and Ben and Gwen would be left to their own devices under the vague condition of "don't touch anything", and more often than not, Ben would run into a room he wasn't allowed in while Gwen ran after him, and such was the case. A monitor twice the size of a movie screen fell before the cousins' eyes, with a keyboard thrice as wide to boot.
"Too many failed login attempts. Try again in fifteen minutes!?" Ben groaned. "You'd think we'd be allowed to test some of this stuff out.."
"What part of "don't touch anything" do you not understand, bozo?" Gwen retorted.
"Relax, it's not like he'll notice.." Ben shrugged in response, fingers wriggling over the cluttered keyboard. Before he could lay a finger on it, Gwen held him up by the back of his shirt.
"Hey! Do I look like I want Grandpa to kill us?"
Writhing, Ben looked down, turning the Omnitrix dial and slamming it, resulting in a mass of neon-streaked ferrofluid coagulating into his technological form. Upgrade slithered its way out of Gwen's reach and enveloped the screen, and Ben was interlinked to the monitor.
"Wo-ho-hoah! Look at all these! I don't even know what to name all of them!" Upgrade chirped, putty-like head popping out of the monitor. Slides of alien data files popped up in duochromatic green and black. Gwen groaned in frustration and scoured the keyboard for some sort of power down switch.
"Come on, come on! The Plumbers should know where to put a dang off button!" Disgruntled, Gwen's fingers closed as many tabs as her cousin could open. Ben felt jolts of static zapping at his mechanical form. For every press on the unnecessarily complicated contraption, the little zaps would grow increasingly inconvenient. And they tickled. Bad. Upgrade thrashed, threatening to jump out of the screen.
"-ngh- Would you stop -ugh- bothering me? I'm trying to get us- YOU out of trouble!" Gwen dodged the assault of his synthetic limbs while resuming her attempt to shut the device off.
"Hehe-heh-hey! I'm nohot trying to, you're tickling me!" Upgrade jittered. There was an eager glint in Gwen's eyes which made him regret his choice of words. Like a pianist, she cracked her knuckles, wiggling her fingers before the keys.
"Oh yeah? How's this for tickling? How about this?" Gwen pressed a crescendo of keys in a sadistic cacophony in a quick, succeeding fashion. Her fingers precisely clicked away from the top row all across the bottom. Upgrade's putty-like construct could barely constrict, only jutting outwards as each shockwave coursed through his synthetic body.
"G-gh-HA-HA-heh-HAHA-hah-heh-ha-HAHAHAHAHA! Quihihit it, lame-brain! Stohop, stohoho-hop! Ihi-hihi'm beheh-hehe-gging you!"
"Nope. Serves you right!" Gwen continued, smirking in sadistic glee at her newfound knowledge. Her hands criss-crossed across the board, aiming for certain nooks and crannies (the space bar was especially bad), laughing along with the Mechamorph.
As what was left of ten minutes ticked away, the clicking of keys grew louder and faster, and Upgrade's chippery laughter rang through the hallowed halls of the Plumber base.
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It wasn’t fair. No matter how many games of license plate bingo Ben betted it on, it was always Gwen who got to sit and soak up the AC in the front seat. It was torture, seeing her kick back, a gloating grin square on her face when she looked back at the shaky, sizzling back seat- and desperate times like this called for desperate measures. Annoying ones. Wandering his way down the matted carpet of the Rustbucket on his tiptoes, Ben crept up at his cousin and goosed her in the sides with an evil glint in his eyes.
A squeal! made Grandpa look back from the steering wheel and groan dejectedly. Gwen scowled, gritting her teeth.
“Rrrr!  Why do you have to be such a- EEEEE!!” A plethora of pokes followed from her sides up to her ribs, along with occasional digs at her armpits- that is if they weren’t slammed shut in preparation for imminent attack.
“Gr-Grandpa! He’s being annoying!” To no avail, Grandpa Max kept on driving, trying to shut out her high pitched laughter.
“I’m only stopping if you’ll let me sit up front..” Ben retorted obnoxiously. “Poooooke- OW!” Gwen flicked him on the index finger in response, giggling smugly. He attempted to reach in numerous times afterwards, but each one would be deflected by Gwen’s hand.
“Nice try, doofus! That won’t work on me!” she stated, hands on hips. It was desperate times like now which called for desperate measures. Knowing Ben, he wouldn’t back down from a challenge, and when Gwen heard the dial-turn of the Omnitrix, it spelled trouble.
“But this might!” Four-Arms’ booming, baritone voice growled. His massive size bent him double against the roof of the RV, which only made Gwen closer to (two) arms’ reach.
“Don’t. Even. Think. About. It.”
But think about it he did. Gwen’s wrists were grasped by Ben’s single muscle-bound alien arm, lifting her up, and his other three were prodding away while she squirmed at the hands of the squatting extraterrestrial.
"Hihihehehehehe-AH-haha! Puhuhut me dohohown!" She bucked, instinctively kicking the window so hard the air freshener swung like a pendulum. Grandpa Max lifted one hand off the steering wheel to facepalm and rub his temples. Kids.
"Surrender the front seat!"
"Or whahahat, you slimeba-ha-hall!?"
"Or I'm amping it up!" Halting the stabbing jabs, Four-Arms lifted Gwen's legs up, receiving full access to her torso. Her long-sleeved tee was pulled to reveal her midsection, which his brawny lower hands then toyed with like an organ. "So, about that front seat.. Ready for it to be mine now? Huh??.." " ..Huh? Aw, MAN!" Like it was fate, the Omnitrix timed out in a flash of red, and Ben was met with a stern Grandpa-glare.
Why'd she always have to win?
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"Kk-ggh-HA-HA! That's unfahair! G-Gwen, you're che-hee-HEA-ting!" 
"Hah-how is it chehe-heating if- -ngh- I'm nohot letting you cheat!?" 
The plasticine squeak of chafing against polyester was frequent as gunfire in the warzone that was the Rustbucket and laughter filled summer air like mustard gas- an all-out tickle tussle had arose in the midst of a stop for gas and supplies. Gwen had the upper hand, as Ben had slid off onto the carpet from her dirty tactic of holding up his left hand (conveniently also his cool alien watch-wielding hand) and targeting his armpit. Hypocritically, she reached over for her spellbook,  leaning over on the booth seat as her cousin floundered on the carpet, and she had let go, unaware, only to look back at a flash of neon green. Ditto emerged, splitting into one- then two- then three. 
"Uh-ooooh, looks like somebody's outnumbered!" One chatty clone piped while the other snuck up behind her back, putting its arms above Gwen's shoulders and mercilessly targeting her tummy. The other two, however, grabbed her ankles and tossed her shoes off and gave each other the same shit-eating knowing smirk, cartoonishly wiggling their free fingers. 
"Hah-hehe-HA-ha-HA! Ahaha-ha-quit it, quit it, qui-hih-hi-hit it!" Gwen repeated, giggling.
"Raspberry on three?" the Ditto at her left foot remarked, the rest nodding. 
"Three.. two.." 
"One!" Gwen yelled, squeezing the Ditto behind her's side. All three yelped in unison, and the smile on her face shifted to one involuntary to a knowing grin. Smirking, she pinned the clone down, pursing her lips and leaning in for a satisfyingly sloppy raspberry, then  another, and then another. All three laughed hysterically, swatting at air. 
"guh-HA-HAHA-AHAHAHA-HA!! Stoppit! P-puh-PLEEASE!" 
"Hah-HA-Ha-HAHA-Haha-have MERCY!!" 
"Nnnnghh-HHHAHA-HA!! It TICKLES!!" 
"Not 'till lunch, dwe- ACK!" Gwen called back as the Omnitrix timed out, only to be greeted with a pounce by her now-human cousin, his fingers threateningly spidering over her. "Don't even! B-Be-hehe-hen!"
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Typically, Gwen wasn't one to boast. It was mainly Ben's antics that kept her humble during the road trip. Today seemed to be a rather obnoxious exception- she'd just grasped a spell, and used it every chance she got. Throughout this long summer day, cries of "Reanima Verdanica!" irritated Ben and to an extent, Grandpa Max to no end as flowers bloomed wherever she went.
"Alright, alright! I get it! You can make a few posies and pansies, what's the big deal!?" Ben whined. No response. Thinking the campsite they were parked at could use a little sprucing up, wildflowers sprouted from the mana on Gwen's hands onto the ground. Flowers that were tenfold their original size were visible from the sun-faded windows. Ben slumped onto the dinette table, rolling his eyes, when not long after he decided to take matters into his own hands.
"A little Wildvine'll show her who's boss!" Evergreen now surrounded the inside of the vehicle in a flash of light.  Ben, in Wildvine's form, slithered out the door and snuck up behind his cousin.
"Reanima...verdanicAAHHH! What is WITH you, freakazoid!?" 
"Hah! How's this for a plant?" Wildvine growled. "Betcha flowers can't do this!" Extending like a jumper cable, a tendril from his left hand extended, grabbing Gwen by her legs. Upside-down, the spellcaster struggled in her surprisingly strong bonds. Her spellbook fell to the floor with an underwhelming thud.
"Grrrr! Let me down, or-"
"Or what? You're gonna make me a flower crown?" He gloated. Wildvine's tuberous face shifted into a smirk, and from his sides, he conjured three sets of rakelike vines- two of which wormed into Gwen's armpits, the other pair slowly skittered against her ribs and tummy, and, to her relief, the last pair laid still against his roots. His methods were slow, but boy, were they evil.
"Ngh-hehe-gGGGGH! Reanima-haha... Verda-HA! Reanima Ver-daha-HAnicA! Ngh.. STUPID spell!" Continually, Gwen attempted to say the spell straight-faced, but humiliating giggles would slip out in between her attempt to resist. Not even weeds would grow from the ground. 
"Payback, princess!" Wildvine rasped, the last set of arms shot up and the left arm grabbed hold of her left foot, whilst the right took off her shoe and began to scribble and shuffle against her sole in quick succession. The other vines followed suit, speeding up.
"Ugh! Reanima-HA-HAHAHAHA! Eeee-ya-hehehe-HAHAHA! You are so-hoho getting it when I'm out of here!"
She'd keep that promise and keep it well.
(oh ma JESUS i had to do research (ick) to get this one to work, i'm also a dog person if you couldn't tell)
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Most people associated summer with sweltering heat and running through sprinklers. Most people, however, would not associate it with a life-or-death journey to retrieve lost alien DNA samples across the galaxy on a spaceship. Half the Omnitrix's rogue's gallery had been magically corrupted in a battle with Hex, giving Ben limited access to its library. 
It wasn't as grueling as the past battle against Vilgax- the aliens scanned in the past had offered themselves up again without a fight- but Wildmutt's sample was different. Its home planet Vulpin also housed heaps of malignant radioactive waste, so Tetrax, the crystalized mercenary, took matters into his own hands and brought it onto the ship. Flighty, feral and difficult to control, it was hard to ease. 
"Now, no sudden movements.." Tetrax husked. "Just touch and scan." 
"Aw, yeah! Just one left and it's hero time!" Ben boasted. To prevent further damage, the Vulpimancer was surrounded by a ring of creeping green crystal. 
"Nice doggy.. good doggy.." Gwen attempted to reason. The alien responded, eagerly lapping her face and showering it in thick drool. "Ugh! Gross!" Sniffing the air, the canid alien inched toward the two human children. It snarled, then with a series of curious pants, leapt at Ben. 
"Yeesh. Talk about a sudden movement." Gwen chided. The Omnitrix-bearer was nervous- its sharp teeth and cud-like drool was an inch to his face. Tetrax and Gwen flinched. Ben knew Wildmutt, and he knew him well- this beast could maul him at any second. 
What came instead was much less lethal- the alien's panting changed to that of excitement, and nuzzling against the fabric of Ben's shirt, it started to sniff him, the gusts of hot air blowing against his tummy. 
"Nnghh! Gh-hh-Ahah-Hh--" 
Gritting his teeth, it didn't take long before he'd burst into loud, embarrassing laughter. 
"AH-hah-ha-ha-HAHA! Hehe-haha- Te-hetrax! Make him stohohop!" 
Tetrax stood, smiling innocently. Boyish laughter urged the Vulpimancer to lean in closer and pepper Ben with slobbering dog-kisses, much to Gwen's delight- this was perfect blackmail material. 
"Aw, who's a good boy? Whooo's a good boy? Who loves torturing my doofus cousin? You do, ooooooh, yes, you do!" Gwen cooed, teasing Ben with wriggly fingers. 
"Gaha-guh-Gwen! J-Juhust ge-heh-het Wildmutt offa mehe-hehe!" 
"What's that? The doofus says he likes it?" She chided. 
"Now, now, don't tease him too much. Scanning mode will trigger soon." Tetrax responded, ceasing playing dumb. 
Ben bucked, as the Vulpimancer's head wormed its way into his armpit, instinctively causing him to conk it on its skull with the Omnitrix. The watch glowed a dim orange as a robotic voice reverbrated-
 "Scanning mode engaged." Finally. Both Tetrax and Gwen helped the mushy, giggly puddle on the floor which was Ben Tennyson up. Panting in relief, the tingly, shaggy sensation passed. The Omnitrix was complete, and it was safe travels back from here- safe, long, travels where Gwen wouldn't let him live this down.  
(this picture looks really stupid HAHA)
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Despite the wide range of useful alien heroes in the Omnitrix, it was no secret that Ben had a clear bias towards Four-Arms- what more could you want? Heck, the guy was hulked out, with four knuckle sandwiches at the ready- and his strength could fare useful for any situation.. especially annoying Gwen. The cousins were tasked to work together on setting up camp, and knowing them, things would only take a turn for the worse. Littered across the campsite were pinewood not yet built into a campfire and tents left unpitched- all because the two were too busy squabbling. 
"...What part of "pitch a tent" do you not understand, bonehead!?" Gwen nagged, hands on hips. 
"Grandpa said that was your job! Remind me who helped gather the firewood earlier?" 
"Four-Arms." she chided. "It's not fair! You get to go hero and I've gotta do everything myself!" Just as fate had intended, the Omnitrix sparked green once again, and Ben gave a mischievous grin, making the redhead want to swallow her words. 
"Oh, I'll have fun showing you what else he can do!" He wiggled his fingers, pressing the watch dial down. In a flash of quick metamorphosis, the boy emerged as- 
"Hah! Please. Like that thing can pitch a tent." 
Ben, disappointed with the form he had taken, looked down at his radish-like feet, then back up at his armor plated shoulders- then his fluffy claws... and a devious idea hatched in his spherical head. Grabbing Gwen, Cannonbolt curled up halfway, and though she couldn't see it through her predicament, there was a wide, fanged smirk across his face. 
"AH!! Whatever you're doing, don't even-" 
"Too late! Tickle-tickle tickle tickle-tickle.." His four-pronged claws wormed their way into Gwen's shirt, scribbling and squeezing against her sides while their unbearable fur fluffed against her midsection. Her tummy jerked around as she writhed and threw her head back. 
"Ggg-rr-HHH!!-Hh-HAHAHA-hahahEEEEK! Eeee- Sss-HH-Stoppit! Put me dOHOWN!" 
"Hmm... no. Unless.." Laying on his plated shell, Cannonbolt remained nonchalant as Gwen squealed, cackled and bargained. He upped the ante, lightly tracing over her navel and going over her shirt to poke at every individual rib while she was held snug in a bear-hug. "You let me go hero." 
"Nnnnn-NEHE-Never!" Fighting the press of its claws, Gwen put up a fight- only urging Ben to further egg her on. Bad idea. 
"Well, in that case..." A barrage of quick, spiderlike claw-movements were skidding and skittering around Gwen's tummy. The pine forest clearing around them were as much as a wreck for once, and a familiar voice boomed from within the trees louder than her laughter. 
"Benjamin. Kirby. Tennyson." Grandpa Max scolded. Gwen and Cannonbolt stood like deer in headlights, darting their eyes along the mangled campsite. At least there was someone who could keep Ben in check.
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Nothing in the Rustbucket worked like it was supposed to. Flushing the toilet was a three-man effort, the oven would start sparking when the stove was on, and most inconveniently, opening the fridge cut the air conditioning- which was left running as the Tennysons trekked back from a strenuous hike at the Grand Canyon, and to their dismay, Ben and Gwen were greeted by a snail trail of melted ice-cream stretching from the faulty fridge.
“Aw, man! That was our only real food!” Ben whined, wiping his brow, standing at the puddle like it was blood at a crime scene. Gwen stood next to him, equally distraught, as the chunks of cookies and cream barely reached their shoes.
“Yeah, if only SOMEONE didn't leave the AC on!” she snapped.
"Oh, that's an easy fix. A little Grey Matter'll work wonders!” The tiny trooper jumped up onto the kitchenette’s counter, over the stove and made a springy leap up to the top of the fridge and launched himself toward the dusty air vent. Incessantly technobabbling to himself, Gwen looked up with a little too much faith in him. 
"You know, I think this is one of the only good ideas you've had all summer.." 
Grey Matter crawled, slimy hands soldering wires to the best of its abilities. Almost there. Wiping out gunk from crevices without breaking a sweat, his sagacity was paying off well.
“I think it’s working!” exclaimed Gwen, a moment too soon.
“Just a clean around the filter, and..” Red light creeped through the vent as a low jitter signaled the Omnitrix’s cooldown. There was a thud- and Ben’s lower half stuck out through the roof, leaving the air conditioner in worse condition. 
"-Unf! Oooowww!!" 
Stuck in the vent from his shoulders up, he could do nothing but kick and flail- as Gwen erupted in mocking laughter. 
"Hey, hey! Help! Seriously! Stop laughing and let me down! Ugh, I'm telling on you!" Ben whined and kicked at Gwen's face, unaware. 
"Oh, I'll help you down, alright.." Her smug smirk, one of pure, unadulterated childlike mischief, was out of sight, which left Ben oblivious to the assault that was to come. Yanking his shoes off with a struggle, and swiftly, her shifting fingers swooped along his socked feet.  This was so worth losing an entire tub of ice cream.
"WAIT!!- Nnng- heh-HUH-hahaha-Whahaha-what gi-HI-hihives!?" 
"I'm just helping you down, what's with the attitude? Do you want to spend the rest of summer vacation with your head up a vent like an ostrich!?" Gwen played dumb, almost-reluctantly sliding off Ben's left sock, nimble fingers flossing through toes, ringing unrelenting laughter. 
"Ggh-HAH-haha-HA!! Stohop making f-huhun of me!" With each trace at the arch and dig at the toes, his face flushed from above. Gripping desperately onto the roof, he thrashed, threatening to crash on the carpet. 
"I bet there's a spell in here somewhere.." pondered Gwen. 
"nn-NNN-PLEAHASENO!" In fear of the mere suggestion, Ben fell facefirst into the confection on the carpet. Holding back giggles, Gwen walked away as he grumbled. 
They wouldn't be getting any cool air for days.
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A failed leap of faith sent Gwen, donning the Lucky Girl mask, careening down the Seattle Space Needle hopelessly, just barely escaping Charmcaster and her bag of tricks. Her own hero exploits were as infrequent as they were dangerous- which was why, for safety's sake, she would be frequently accompanied by Ben.
As her arms flailed in an ostrichlike attempt in flight, Stinkfly's gangly hands had grabbed her mid-air, a light buzz coming from his insectoid wings. Gwen was safe and sound- but his putrid smell couldn't escape her. 
"I really saved your butt there, didn't I?" his phlegmy voice reverbrated, Charmcaster's flying golems hot on their trail. They weren't any trouble- they were easily apprehended by the goop from his eyestalks. 
"Yeah, but you really didn't need to smell like one! Now, hurry!" As they lost the evil enchantress, Gwen sassed and the duo flew toward the Rustbucket. Manoeuvreing over buildings with beating wings and showing off to onlookers, Ben was taking his sweet time for someone she told to hurry.
Gwen rolled her eyes. "What part of hurry don't you under-ST-eEK! " With a mischievous smirk, Stinkfly's legs reached over to poke at Gwen's middle- exposed from the wind blowing against her costume. Letting go of one arm, its brittle claw wormed (insect pun) into her armpit.
 "Ahaha-HA! Y-yooo-you-hoo-hoo STINK!" she bucked. 
"I know!" Keeping it up, two legs squeezed at the midriff like dough, while another set prodded at her ribs. "Not so lucky, are you now? Are you?" Even in a repulsive form, Ben still couldn't help but boast. 
"Ghh-AHAHA-Heh-sto-STAHAHAP!" Gwen cackled. Fortunately, he heeded her demand- but only when they noticed Charmcaster, brandishing her magical bag behind them. Glowing red, the Omnitrix cooled down. Trouble. 
"Looks like Lucky Girl has a weakness!.." she cooed. "And, oh, would you look at that! I have just the thing.." As wriggly, teasing stone hands flew towards Gwen, she couldn't help but grumble under her breath. Cousins.
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(I ran out of "good" aliens.)
(also Gwendolyn's design is just so fucking good I literally love it for reasons I can't explain)
Another time adventure was the perfect opportunity to whisk Ben and Gwen away from a lunch of fried grasshoppers. Though their presence would cause many, many timeline discrepancies, they were the key to thwarting a major anomaly in Ben 10,000's way ..but their importance wouldn't stop the two from running amok in his headquarters. The two marveled at their own accomplishments, their egoes only expanding in the process. 
"Woah! I get to learn more spells?" Gwen leafed through collections of magical runes, unusually eager. A slew of scrolls rolled off onto the metallic floor making a mess. "And that's my black belt!" 
"Another hoverboard? Oh-ho-HO, check it out!" Pushing buttons and flipping switches they shouldn't have, the cousins made a mess of the tall tower- and it wasn't long before their future selves stepped up from the elevator doors, glaring dourly. 
"What have we told you two about not touching anything?" reprimanded the older Ben. "That was a present from New Petropia!" 
"You too, Gwen." Gwendolyn deadpanned. "You know, I'd think us- you out of all people would know better." 
"Ugh, jeez! Guess you're still no fun.." The ten-year-old Ben rolled his eyes, blowing a raspberry at his elder- who exchanged a sly, knowing smirk with Gwendolyn.
"Well, we do know a thing or two about fun..." In the blink of an eye, Future-Ben went Four-Arms, holding his younger self up by the wrists with his first pair of arms. Gwendolyn straddled the latter cousin's legs with a wry smile. 
"Consider this revenge." she teased, baring her long nails at Gwen, tracing, scribbling and spidering over her sides. Four-Arms, bigger and more rugged than he was in the past, dug into Ben's ribcage and armpits, just harsh enough to be unbearably soft. 
"Wha-What are you- Wait! No! We're really so-HORRY! Ah! Haha-hah-heh-HA!" Gwen pleaded through laughter, throwing her head back as her older self dug into her armpits while she thrashed with every touch. 
"Ple-HEASE! I'm -huh- not gonna-ha-ha- touch yo-hour stuff! You're gonna KI-HEHE-HILL ME!" 
"No use bargaining, shrimp." Changing form, a (new!) agile simian alien emerged and webbed Ben up. "I call him Spidermonkey." Its tail yanked his shoes off, and eight fluffy fingers spidered over his soles. Hitting the floor, he thrashed in silky bonds as one of many new forms exploited weaknesses that he himself knew better than anyone. 
"Just s-huh-SE-hehend us to the Null Vo-hoi-d ahat thi-his point!" 
"We're just getting started! I've got 9,998 heroes left!" 
"You know, Gwen.. great point earlier. I did get to learn more spells. Esthesio Pluma!" The younger redhead gulped, preparing for the worst. Fluffy feathers descended out of nowhere, flitting and floating at the flick of Gwendolyn's wrist. They ghosted over her stomach, telekinetically flying into her shirt to fluff at her belly button. The other plumes brushed over her neck in slow methodical fashion, and into her armpits. 
"AH-hehe-HEH-hehehe! Lemme GO-hoho! You've behehe-heen through this!" Gwen reasoned, attempting to swat away the feathers, curling up into a kicky ball. 
"Should we let up?" Nonchalantly, the older Ben rasped whilst running around in XLR8's form, waggling his tail quickly over his younger self's stomach while his claws targeted multiple spots simultaneously.  
"We don't want us to suffer forever.." Gwendolyn assured, relinquishing control of the floating feathers. As quickly as he started, XLR8 stopped, reverting back into Ben. The past-cousins had a moment to catch their winded breath before getting back on their feet. 
"-huff- I'll get me back someday.. Maybe.. now!" Just as Ben was about to slam his watch, his future self poked him on the stomach. "-y-IEEK!" 
"If you tried, we'd know." she jeered. 
and that's the end of that! damn, that last one was long. back to requests!
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ruckusheaven · 6 years
A Coon In A Colorful Heaven-  Chapter 2: “Forever is a Mighty Long Time...”
Coon- A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred   
This chapter continues to follow the eternal story of a man named Damien. When we last saw Damien he had awoken in his own Hell awaiting Judgment. Damien was being judged by his own personal Angel named “Angie”, as she read off a list of his sins that were condemning him to hell; in hopes of having him understand and accept his fate. But during Damien’s judgement Angie saw something “interesting”  withing his conflictions. Was it Hope? Confusions? Or maybe she Pitied the poor soul? Regardless of what Angie saw, Damien would soon come to realize that even in Heaven you can still create your own Hell; and that spirits that belong in Heaven, Stay in Heaven...
*A Bright Light Crashed down, dissipating leaving Damien laying on his back*
Damien: *sitting up, rubbing his head* ow that...hurt?
Damien: You can still feel pain in Heaven? I thought in Heaven you couldn’t feel anything ba- *deep gasp*
As Damien looked up he had saw a Realm that many had and still Dream of, yet all are completely wrong. Heaven.. a Realm made of pure imagination. Shapes and Buildings. Clouds and Water. Animals and Tress. Some Buildings that look old and familiar. Some buildings that look..Impossible. Colors of different shades and hues, but somehow all perfectly harmonized. People Flying through the sky and walking around. Some wearing familiar clothes, some wearing nothing at all..
Damien: *eyes start to water* This place is... this place is-
???: Paradise right?
Damien: *looking up* Angie!?
Angie: Hola 
Damien: *standing up* What are you doing here?? Are you like my Guardian Angel or something?
Angie: Oh no not at all! that’s a whole nother headache that i’m no longer apart of.
Angie: I’m just here as a guide of sorts
Damien: A guide?
Angie: Yep! as you can see Heaven is literally an endless place of space and possibilities. Souls are scattered all over the place
Angie: Some in places that are highly populated. Some in personal “Zones” or area’s unknown to everyone but them.
Angie: Heaven is a big place, so Angels like me are here to help you find what you’re looking for first, like families and friends or maybe help create your own zone.
*A few feet away from Angie and Damien, another soul crashes down and is greeted with a huge crowd of family and friends*
Damien: wow what a huge family.. why wasn’t anyone waiting for me?
Angie: Ehh... let’s just say that you being here is a surprise,, a very uncommon one.
Damien: *takes a deep breath* wow.. really..
Angie: Yea.. but listen that’s kind of why you’re here anyways. See the reason i-
Damien: Listen you don’t have to explain... i think i get it. 
Angie: Do you really?
Damien: Yea... i’m the first of my bloodline to make it into Heaven and it’s kinda big deal.
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Angie: Boy are you dumb or retarded!? Do you know how huge your bloodline is and continues to be!?!
Angie: And you think that out of the MILLIONS before you, that you’re the first to make it!?
Damien: I mean yea kinda..
Damien: Look im not dumb enough to think that my Ancestors in the B.C time didn’t make it. But from what i can remember about most of my personal family.. most weren’t great people and not enough donated blood to make it into Heaven like i did.
Angie: You’re just so...
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Angie: You know what. How about i just take you to their sector, so you can see for yourself. This was kinda the point in the first place.
Damien: We have our own sector??
Angie: Yup and they’ll be more than surprised to see you. I’m very excited to see the upcoming results
Damien: Results? what are you-
*A Bright Light crashes down on Damien, Taking him up to his family’s sector*
Angie: Now what will it be Damien, Peace or Silence?...
*A Bright Light crashes down leaving Damien on his feet*
Damien: -doing here?..
Damien: Angie? *looking left and right* Angie!?
A Young Girl Walking in a distance: I recognize that voice.. i know... i know they didn’t
Damien: *looks and sees the young girl* Hey excuse me can you help me out!?
The Young Girl in the Distance: OOOO! Pam and Craig are gonna flip on this one *A Bright Light crashes down taking her away*
Damien: What in the hell was that about?..
Damien: *walking around* wooow, this place is beautiful
Damien: I can’t believe my bloodline has its own sector. Everything looks different but at the same time familiar.. and there’s so many people here.
Damien: *looks around* aye, aye! Aunt Veronica, Aye it’s me
Aunt Veronica: *Flying by*
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 Damien: Dam... maybe she didn’t hear me.. she was pretty high up..
Damien: If she’s here i wonder who else is.. *walking around* this place is really beautiful
Damien: omg is that... AYE, AYE! Uncle Lennard, AYE its me man!
Uncle Lennard: *sitting on a bench* aw hell, they done let this negro in
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Damien: *walks up* aye uncle, man im so glad to see you here
Uncle Lennard: hey Damien... so they let you in huh...
Damien: Yea man, but to be honest i barely got in. Shawty at the gate said that thanks to my blood donation i saved a few hundred people, so it kinda balanced out everything.
Uncle Lennard: well ain’t that bout a bitch
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Damien: Huh?
Uncle Lennard: nothin.. it’s nothin nephew.. *stands up* good to see ya.. *walks off*
Damien: Dam what was that about??
Damien: *walking around* i wonder what was up with Unc just now..
*An All White with Gold Trim Cadillac pulls up next to him*
Damien: *looks up* OMG!!! UNCLE CRAIG!!
Uncle Craig: *looks over* aww hell naw, no they didn’t!
Damien: Uncle Craig its me. What up baby!
Uncle Craig: Yea i see you nigga, they just lettin anyone in now huh?
Damien: Whatchu mean?
Uncle Craig: Aye, All Lives Matter i guess huh
Damien: All lives matter…. *Thinks*
Damien: *flashes back to him tweeting all lives matter against black protest*
Damien: *makes a deep gasp*
Uncle Craig: uh huh, you done fucked up big time nephew
Damien: look that was back in the past. i ain’t-
Uncle Craig: and don’t think we ain’t see those post you made talking mess about dark skin women and what happened between you and Lexis
Damien: ooo wait till yo great ancestors see yo ass *skirrrts off* 
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Damien: *panicking to himself* what the fuck! were they all watching me this whole time…
Damien: *his heart starts to pound fast* no way. no way. no fucking way
Damien: If Uncle Craig is here… then the chances of  Aunt Pam being here is-
*A Bright Light crashes down leaving behind The Young Girl from before and Aunt Pam*
The Young Girl: Mmhmm there he is Aunt Pam *points at Damien*
Aunt Pam: You got alot of God damn nerve showing up here! *marches towards Damien*
Damien: Look Aunt Pam i-
Aunt Pam:
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Damien: *stumbles back, holding his cheek in shock* that.. really hurt.. alot? 
Aunt Pam: GOOD! it was suppose to and i got more where that comes from! *goes to throw a punch at Damien*
*A Young Man Grabs Pams arm and pulls her back*
Young Man: CHILL! This isn’t worth anything!
Aunt Pam: *struggling and jerking around to get free* THE HELL IT IS!!
Aunt Pam: 15 years Damien! 15 years i watched over your trifling disrespectful ass going around hurting whoever and doing whatever you wanted hoping that you’d change one day
Aunt Pam: But after seeing what you did to your Wife and Daughter and the trauma you left behind damaging a whole generation to come. i refused to watch over you for a second more!! 
Young Man: *lets go of Pam*
Aunt Pam: You embarrassed me and this whole family! leaving others to clean up the mess you caused… so many souls lost because of you and you don’t even know it..
Aunt Pam: You should be in Hell just like your Father..
The Young Girl: oh shit..
Damien: *lifts his head up in shock* Huh?…
Aunt Pam: Just looking at you just makes me sick
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Damien: *falls on his back*
Young Man: PAM!
Aunt Pam: He’ll be fine, im going back to my zone anyways *A Bright Light crashes down taking Pam away*
Damien: *slowly starts to sit up*
Young Man: *looks at The Young Girl* Can you go check on Pam and make sure she calms down
The Young Girl: Sure it might take a few thousand years but that doesn’t really matter now does it. *A Bright Light crashes down taking The Young Girl away*
Damien: not really feeling like paradise anymore…
Young Man: *looks down at Damien* I think we both know she has a right to be angry
Young Man: How did you even get in here?
Damien: Some dumb Angel said my blood donation saved lives so im here now
Damien: But to be honest if this is what i have to expect for an eternity, then i think i was better off in Hell
Young Man: *looks at Damien’s foot* Keep talking like that and you just might find yourself there
Damien: what are you talking abou- *Damien sees that his foot is starting to deteriorate just like in his judgement room*
Young Man: Relax you still got time.. but you’re only going to stay in Heaven if you belong in Heaven.
Young Man: So that means me and you are going to have to talk
Damien: Who the hell are you anyways!!
Young Man: *leans over and sticks his hand out to Damien* Hi my name is Chris and i’m your grandson.
Main Blog
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princebete · 6 years
So Wednesday morning I got a call from the same person who hired me at my current job, who was supposed to train since joining as an Esthetician.
She said that “ I am not spunky enough” and not “ what they are looking for” as far as the position and basically discontinued my candidacy in the training program... 
thing is... 
i never even got to train. 
When I was hired in October, my license was still in limbo and I was put on the front desk to learn that basic position, until my license would be posted. Not to mention, when I was hired, their main desk person was there for two days before dropping to one shift a week. So I filled a hole, but I did not get trained appropraitely. Queue the fucking holiday rush. All November and mid-December I worked on front desk... awaiting my license to be approved so I could end the nightmare. I wanted to be a service provider so bad, and then I went to California for christmas, and came back to the desk again... and my family was asking me when I’d start training, and I asked myself this question. And I noticed I had a personal development meeting scheduled... so I though perhaps that I’d learn more front desk until they could train me. And my license had finally been posted...  
I feel so mislead and lied to. Like ... I told an esthetician that I consider an acquaintance and SHE IS MORE QUIET THAN ME ... what the fuck 
i feel like there is another “non legal” reason... and honestly ... no matter what anyone says. Estheticians and Cosmos are opposite. Esthes are not meant to be with a personality of a cosmo, and when I WAS IN SCHOOL HALF OF THE COSMOS WERE LIKE “ why are you not a stylist?? you have the personality for one!” what the fuck.  Esthes are the “spa” relaxing, mellow lighting, soothing music--- massage type of environment. Not the loud obnoxious pop rock music blaring in the background while people scream out their life story over hair dryers and alumnimum foil. No--- 
no i think it’s bcause of the fact that I am a fuller figure
that because I am larger, the illusion is that-that i move slower and do less.. that because i am big i seem “ Less” and because of this it takes away opportunities. it’s terrible. 
it’s a world of outliers. there is no more middle ground it’s either :
body positivity!! and accepting unhealthy behavior 
or it’s 
“appear” healthy because of ur size ( which is total bull shit) and ur not a health insurance risk, and u fit the social standard that’s been around in post modern era. 
.... like i HATE THIS ... i am trying hard right now. 
I am HUNGRY, guys. I’m STARVING right now. 
I HAVE eaten, I am on a special diet plan to lose up to 5 a week ( yes dropping 5 a week is not as healthy as 2-3... i already know) 
I am following a diet plan that was written in 1984!! and for what? so i dont have to worry about being a fat bride!! so I can make more money!! SO I DONT HAVE TO WORK IN A POSITION WHERE I HAVE TO BEND TO THE WILL OF SOME PRIVLEGED SNOB. 
this society sucks. it takes away job opportunities, it takes my happiness( well for 6 months...) and i know this isn’t forever, and this is a special metabolism diet plan, so it’s not crash dieting. i mean it is a LOT less food, but it’s healthy... I mean 
i get a limit on calorie intake, and i walk after eating consistent meals. they aren’t filling, but i mean-- my stomach is shrinking and that diet world is all backwards all the time anyway. but it SUCKS. i can’t just march up to the fridge and grab a cheese stick right now ( unless weight watchers which if u do, u just track it) -- anyways I digress... but there is just so much pressure and stress, which to me is a lot of suffering just to “ get it right” in the world. 
It’s just very sad to go through this, and make an effort ... yet still get rejected... I mean I was kinda disliking the place anyway?? but i was hoping that my training would turn around my feelings and help me reconcile my view. but it was all a lie. 
and they paid me less than a desk person... yep. they paid me what an esthetician would make when not taking commission. I feel like i got sucked into this, so they could put me on desk, pay me less, then tell me i wont be working as an esthetician to keep me on desk
... and ever since I’ve been in a state of shock. “ Well”  I thought   “ at least I have my other $14.50/hr job that makes me a $100 per 8 hour shift. That’s good!” ....  but oh no 
an email came from my supervisor last night .
Mandatory company wide call at 9 am in the morning. On a Friday... our pay day... in JANUARY. 
----o fuck this can’t be good. 
and my suspicions were correct.... 
they disbanded the beauty concierge program.  I got my sister a job with this company and she lives on her own with her bf so i mean... she dependso n this too... so it sucks... i am kinda... wow
After 6 years they decide to disband THIS year. The year I join. 
So I am now working very part time as a front desk person earning 10.50 and hour with the looming storm of student loans in student view.... 
anyways i dont know why i spew all this yhere. im looking for an outlet so perhaps some people, you, my friends-- can see what is up.
Honestly.. as far as career goes...
I don’t really know what I want anymore. I know that I dont wanna waste my life on something meaningless, and I feel like I am endlessly searching for something-- learning about the bad parts, and discarding it... but Iwould like to find something where if I find those bad parts, I’d be okay with embracing it and just rolling with the punches.
So far I have not found it yet. 
in all honestly, if i could just be a home maker and not work at all, do art and cosplay and sing in  the evenings-- that’d be ideal. 
Right now I am learning more about UX/UI to see if I could use my art degree and make more money. But... for the most part I am looking up wax specialists, and office administration type jobs... where the front desk person does all the party planning and grocery shopping for the office. lol .. I know sounds lazy, but whatever  Ican admit that--- my laziness can be translated to depression.
I just really wanna lose weight...  this strict plan isn’t forever. The book I am using the method from strictly outlines that it is a temporary thing just to get metabolism on track using a series of net carbs, good fats and calorie reduction-- so it’s not like it is unhealthy. It’s not like if I went and got some cheetohs or ate a cookie I’d be fucked like if I was on keto .... 
tbh I should be a weightloss plan expert I’ve done it all... 
but yeah. 
anyways-- thanks for listening to my rant
all in all my life isn’t that bad 
i have a home 
a car 
a wonderful cat 
a loving fiance 
and some money to my name. i’m not totally broke.
I am very grateful and i am not to sore about all of this, it’s just crazy that it’s happening within days of eachother. and it kind sucks cuz this means i may not have a paycheck next couple weeks... or atleast a good one. 10.50 an hour my ASS. but oh well it’s SOMETHING. 
ALSO .... I might make a blog for tracking my wedding plans-- if anyone likes that suff and wants to follow... I may post reference to that. otherwise <3 love you all 
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sweetnestor · 7 years
odlt extra #1 | a very jet lagged valentine
‘but you havent even finished odlt yet’ shuuuuttt up
idk idk!!!! i was feeling Soft and slightly lonely on v-day for god knows what reason and i just,,,,,,, vomited this out!!! here is a teeny tiny break from all the Angst that the main fic has to offer. enjoy
PREVIOUS FICS (u should read these if ur new here)(srsly this is ethan x oc)
February 2018, aka when the European tour started.
CrankGameplays: “Happy valentine’s day! You’re my favorite person and im glad i get to experience all the things with you. Love you :)”
You’d think he would post one of the many decent candid photos he’s taken of me. You know, one where my highlight was catching the light, or one where I was smiling, or one of the two of us looking disgustingly adorable. But no, Ethan went with the photo he took of me passed out on our bed in our Amsterdam hotel room, my wavy pink hair sprawled out in an ungraceful manner. I wasn’t supposed to fall asleep, nor was he. It just happened. And now my sleepy self was all over Instagram.
Ethan was just as groggy when I shook him awake. Unlike me, he was a very handsy, cuddly being when he was sleepy. He rolled onto his side and groaned in the way he would when he wanted to hold me, so I scooted into his arms and let him.
His skin was warm and weirdly soothing. We were supposed to be getting out of bed… I was supposed to be insomniac due to sheer anxiety. Time zones were out to get us. Yet somehow, it felt like the holiday itself.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” I spoke softly into his collarbone.
He squeezed my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. “Did you see my picture?”
“Oh, did I.”
“I meant every word I said.”
Ah yes, that extra bit of validation. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I had no idea what time it was, so I didn’t know how much time we had before we had to be in the lobby with everyone else.
“When’s the next time we’ll be alone a hotel room?” I asked, now looking up at Ethan.
He shrugged. “No idea. Why?”
“Do you think we’ll be able to sneak around like we did last time around?”
If he was struggling to wake up before, then my question sped up the process. He met my eyes, red tinting his cheeks. “Oh… I don’t know. Do you want to sneak around?”
“If we can,” I told him as I leaned in to kiss the crook of his neck. “If not then… we're alone now.”
That was all I had to say to make run late. Excuse: jet lag.
I was grumpy and tired when it was time to get up and do the tour thing all over again. I had a rough flight… or, two flights. We had stopped in London between flights, in which I had a panic attack and a case of the nervous shits while everyone else ate and tried not to fall asleep. Then, we were off to the Netherlands, where I fell asleep the second I got to the hotel. Ethan fell asleep too, but not before taking pictures of my sleeping, drooling face. I didn’t really mind that he would do that. I took my own photos of him while we were on the plane.
And that was what I posted on Instagram that morning in the shuttle on the way to the venue. I picked a selfie of me clutching a pillow to my chest on the plane ride over here. Ethan was in the seat next to me, his head tilted back as he slept. As sleep deprived and generally nervous as I was, I was seriously considering captioning the photo with something absolutely cheesy and deep. I actually started writing it out.
bellasanti: “To the guy who found me at my lowest point, who helped me get to where i am now… the person who has always been nothing but kind and wonderful since day 1. My biggest supporter and my best friend… I cant even begin to explain how lucky i am to have found you, and how proud i am of you and how far you’ve come. I love you more than words could describe 💙💖💙💖💙💖”
A small smile was etched on my face as I read the caption over and over again. I looked over at Ethan, who was practically standing as he “touched lenses” with Mark. They were both vlogging and being rather loud about it. More than a year later, and my heart still went all soft and mushy just by looking at Ethan do what he does best. Gross, I know.
Suddenly, the caption felt far too revealing. I had hit two million Instagram followers recently, plenty of which were also Ethan’s. Did I really want to expose bits and pieces of our relationship? I mean, it’s not like we interact a lot online, anyway. We liked to keep some things private. I copied the original caption, and then deleted it apart from the hearts. Then, I made the photo public. I sent the words to him in a Twitter DM instead, knowing he wouldn’t see it until much later.
He sat back down in his seat a couple minutes later, looking back at the footage he just recorded on his camera. I glanced at him once, and then continued looking through my phone.
“Love you,” I said softly and mindlessly.
He suddenly looked up, as if I didn't say that all the time, just loud enough so he could catch it. I saw him look at me through my peripherals, I could tell he was blushing.
“Love you too,” he replied, poking my cheek.
Finally, he put his camera down and pulled out his phone. Neither of us said anything more, but I was somewhat anxiously awaiting him to notice either my DM or my Instagram post. Somehow, just silently sitting next to each other while scrolling on our phones became one of my favorite pastimes.
“Aww,” he mumbled at one point.
I glanced over his shoulder once, only to see a flash of Jack and Signe on his Twitter feed. Why hadn't he seen his DMs yet? What was taking him so long?
Feeling uncharacteristically mushy, I lied my head on his shoulder. He smelled good, and he was soft and cuddly as ever. I was suddenly missing our short time alone back in the hotel room. We wouldn't be alone together until next month, and it suddenly seemed like a difficult challenge.
Last month, when the tour went West, Ethan and I did a full three sixty. Instead of angrily texting each other and crying in bathroom stalls, we were sexting and getting it on in the dressing room, the bathroom, and even once in my bunk when everyone else was asleep. It showed just how strong we had gotten over the last few months. But because of those raunchy activities from not only tour but also when we were home, I went to great lengths to make sure my birth control hadn't failed me. I didn’t have any symptoms, apart the usual anxiety nausea, but I still worked up the courage to schedule a doctor’s appointment prior to tour. So far, my uterus wasn’t occupying anything I didn’t want it to.
Ethan put his arm around me just as mindlessly as when I said I loved him. He was still scrolling on his phone, now on Instagram. This time, I saw him scroll up to my post, and he made a noise of protest.
“When did you take that?” he asked, showing me the plane selfie.
“When do you think?” I asked in response. “You have the best sleeping face.”
He chuckled. “You know you’re the only person who tells me that? Everyone else says it’s creepy.”
“I mean it is,” I said, half joking. “But you’re my boyfriend, and I always think you’re cute. Even when you sleep with your eyes half open.”
Ethan blushed and ducked his head a little. He always grew a little timid when I complimented or praised him. It was equally parts adorable and frustrating, because he never took the compliment.
“Stop,” he said softly.
“Have you checked your DMs?” I asked, unable to wait any longer.
He gave me a look and then went to open the app. “Well, what did you send me now…?” he asked in a funny voice.
I busied myself with intertwining my fingers with his. Then I kissed his hand and waited for him to read my sappy message.
“Aw…” He smiled. He was speaking very softly, like he didn't want the people sitting around us to hear. “That's real sweet… real cute…”
“I was gonna post that on Instagram, but decided that only you can hear things like that,” I replied in a voice just as soft. “And it's not just today, I feel that every day.”
“Aahhhh,” he groaned, now scooping me up in his arms.
Except, he did it in a way so my back was to his chest, and my head hung out in the walkway of the shuttle, capturing the attention of some of the people around us.
“Hey,” I said to Tyler, who was sitting in front of us.
“What’s up?” he replied casually. “Just hanging, I see?”
“Just hanging,” I repeated.
“Whatcha doing, Bella?” asked Mark from a couple of rows behind.
I turned my head and saw him with his vlogging camera. My cheeks reddened a little bit. “I’m not here by choice!”
“She said nice things and deserved hugs!” Ethan said.
“God, we’re gross,” I said under my breath before I was let go.
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Taylor and Me
with reputation out and me loving it so much, i keep getting really nostalgic and astonished by how long i’ve been a fan of taylor’s and al the things she has accompanied me through. so i felt like posting a little reflection thing, feel free to ignore totally :D
like a lot of people Love Story was the first song of hers I heard. i was on the bus home with one of my friends and she let me listen to it. i was so young back then, oh my god. (like 12?) i think i found it catchy, but didn’t think much about it afterwards until two people had a presentation on taylor in music class. (we were all supposed to introduce our favorite artists). they played some more songs from fearless, and i can’t recall exactly what my reaction was but i know i wanted the album. i asked the presentation people if i could borrow it, and i remember looking through the booklet thinking how beautiful it was. i think even back then when i was so young i sort of intuitively understood what an amazing songwriter taylor was and how much work and effort she puts into everything she does.
fearless was for me very much an escapism record. i listened to it to enter this realm of magic and fairytales and dancing in the rain that was so far away from my everyday life and issues. i could never really apply her love songs to my life in a direct way, but i still felt like they were relatable for me, in a more abstract way - the feeling that came with them, a sort of freedom and passion, was how i felt in my happiest moments, when i didn’t feel inhibited by fear and doubt as i often did. and her nostalgic and sad moments i could relate to my own nostalgia as well. 
my mom bought me the fanbook for christmas, and that’s when i started being interested in taylor as a person as well., and how she sort of became my role model. i read about her childhood and the way she tried to achieve her dream so hard until she succeeeded. about how she wasn’t afraid to put herself out there, to open herself up completely in her songs. i admired how she put kindness above all else, how in touch she was with her fans, but also how intelligent she was and how all of her decisions in her career were her own, how she didn’t let anyone else take control over what her life or ‘image’ to the public should be. all of those things and values i took to heart and tried to live them in my own life as much as possible. looking back now i couldn’t be happier with my choice of a role model. taylor helped guide me through some years that were difficult, as they are for pretty much every teenager i guess. ‘fearless is living in spite of the things that scare you to death’ was the motto i needed so much in my life, because i was very much defined and trapped by my fears in my teenage years - of social interaction, of taking risks, of failure.. taylor’s music was something i could always turn back to to give me strength.
i remember when speak now was announced, i was excited out of my mind. i wrote the tracklist down onto my computer and kept looking at it. i loved all the released singles so much and listened to them for days on end. i painted 13s onto my hands and danced around the living room. that is one of the main things that comes to my mind when i think of happy teenage memories: this image of me dancing to a taylor swift song. 
speak now was an album that completely blew me away. i loved every single track from the first listen. it is still so incredible to me how she wrote that album completely by herself at 19; how talented she is with lyrics and melodies that completely fit together. i had some fan account back then on twitter and didnt shut up about taylor ever. 
around that time, my parents and i were planning this huge vacation in Calfornia that would turn out to be one of my best - perhaps THE best experience of my teenage years, and we figured out that a the time we wanted to go, the Speak Now tour was in LA. my parents agreed to get tickets because they knew how much it meant to me, and also because they were lowkey fans themselves:D you can’t imagine how happy i was. it was my first concert ever, and the fact that i got to experience it in that huuuge location with so so many other people, it was like a dream. i was pretty far away from the stage at the side, but it was perfect for me - i think the huge crowd would have overwhelmed me. i was completely enthralled by the huge setup, the stage aesthetics, the costume changes, just how big and well planned it all was. i ended up thinking all concerts were like this, but i remember my dad saying that artists usually don’t talk that much during concerts. but taylor told the stories behind her songs, universal experiences that people could relate to, inspirational messages she wanted to get out to her fans. she really cared so much about connecting with all of us. when she was in the love story cage thing flying around the arena she even waved in the direction of our seating area even though we were so far up! 
my favorite song from speak now was always long live, and i had desperately wanted her to play the song for the entire night. i loved all the rest, obviously, but i was telling myself not to be disappointed if it would be cut out. but then, almost at the end, she did play it! you can imagine small!me standing there almost crying quietly singing along in a state of absolute happiness. the memory makes me tear up right now ahhh, it was such an amazing moment. 
then came up the red era, and i remember staying up til super late to watch the announcement of the new album. the thing is...to make it short, red simply came too early for me. i was not ready, and not being able to fully comprehend and appreciate, the emotional maturity and sheer genius of the red album. i did not really like wanegbt at first. when red came out i did listen to it a lot and like it, but like i said, i could not fully appreciate it. hearing the general fandom discussions i feel like a lot of people had a similar experience, because red was such a leap from speak now in terms of the tone of the writing. im also gonna be honest here, i was influenced by the negative portrayal of taylor in the media that kinda reached its first peak back then, and even though i didnt buy into what they said about her because i knew better, it still influenced me like subconsciously, you know? i was also a bit sceptical at her direction towards pop music. so overall, i became a bit distanced from taylor. i felt like i needed to ‘outgrow’ her. a lot of it also had to do with the fact that it was my Edgy Phase where i thought being normal was a bad thing and i wanted to be as Special and Grownup as possible. (i think everyone has that cringeworthy phase sometime in their life but i hate remembering it:D). 
but the thing is, i think i needed that kind of alienation to eventually realize that taylor had grown up just like i had, but that didn’t mean we had to grow apart. by the time 1989 was announced i had actually done a great leap in maturity and had outgrown this thing where you idealize celebrities, and was able to see taylor as a person, with flaws and insecurities like everyone else, and that this didnt diminish her incredible talent of what a kind and wonderful person she is. 
i was not the biggest fan of 1989 itself (multiple reasons; i still liked it though, just didnt love it), but paradoxically, I felt closer to taylor again during the new era than during red. i kinda missed the red era now and regretted that i wasnt more involved when it was there (i still do). but i loved taylor’s new attitude, i was glad she had found happiness in independence and relying on herself. i loved the cat videos and the polaroids and the voice memos that gave insight into the creation of the songs. also, blank space was my jam and still is. since that ive been a huge fan of this super smart move of hers of taking all the things people throw at her and embodying it ironically. iconic!!
so since i was a bit more involved again (though clearly not as much as in my early swiftie days) i wanted to see the 1989 tour, and did! throughout the show i realized how much had changed, but also everything - the important things - that stayed the same (her interactions with the fans, the speeches, etc.) and i had tons of fun. it was like a giant party with strangers - which is obviously a very different feel to speak now, but loved it :D
i was worried that taylor would go into hiatus after 1989 because she always talked about how it was her best work yet, and it broke so many records and won so many awards, that i thought she might be scared she couldnt top it, and taylor always wants to top herself. i ended up being right, though the hiatus was more about all the drama and accusations because people just cant stop being awful. they cant take the idea of a smart talented woman who also shows vulnerability. 
but ive been awaiting a new album all this time, because generally i thought taylor doing pop had so much potential, i just wasnt completely a fan of the general direction of 1989. however....i never would have imagined loving the album as much as i do. i wrote a separate review about it, but basically - i totally love how reputation is big and confident but also super up close, intimate and deep at the same time. it’s darker, but it’s a powerful and sensitive sort of dark at the same time, if that makes sense. i can totally vibe to the general mood of the album because i think i can relate it to how i feel about my life right now a lot. also loving how taylor has truly found a place of happiness and trust after having been let down by ...the world?...so harshly. i love the aesthetic of the magazines and the poems, just everything about this era.
so basically, this album has completely pulled me back again to stanning taylor, and i think it’s kinda beautiful how i’ve come ‘full circle’ and am now back to hyping her music again as i used to :) i connect some of my most life defining and most precious memories with taylor, and i am glad i somehow found back to her and her music as i start off my twenties. 
im looking forward to getting involved in the fandom again so much, and i can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for us all :’)
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mxnark · 5 years
the best version of yourself 
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december 31, 2019
mina isn’t the type to feel ashamed of herself. everyone around her new that she was confident and outspoken. whatever she thought of inside her head, there would be a 59% chance she’d say it with a 41% chance she’d keep it to herself just because she had some manners. of course, she had some class by making a bunch of rant posts on her spam rather than on her main instagram or main twitter. some of her thoughts on real life would go on her stan twitter, but she’s tried her best to keep that mainly kpop and movies. but, to be honest, she wouldn’t have made a spam had it not been for her mutuals and her friends in real life. 
this time, however, she felt emotions that she was afraid to tell anyone else. 
she usually watched the gayos on her own, since she was the only one in the house who had an interest in them because her favorite idols were on that show. however, the one she always kept an eye on was mbc’s gayo daejejun because of the amazing stages that the idols would perform. not to mention, it was the gayo with the countdown to the new year. however, this time, she debated if she even wanted to watch it considering that this was the same exact one that she made a video audition for, only to not get in. 
when she saw the post on mbc’s page, she was disappointed, but not surprised. it was bold of her to assume she would ever get the chance compared to the other dancers. when she watched the other entries, she was already beginning to feel insecure. but seeing the announcement only supported her negative feelings. however, one name catches her eye and it’s the main reason why she watches the music show tonight. 
chungha isn’t the only reason why she’s watching this, but she’s the one mina looks forward to seeing the most. it’s weird how almost two years ago, mina became a fan from watching her on the fourth season of the mgas. now, she was watching her as not only a fan, but a friend. it’s only a glow up she can talk about on her spam, but she’s able to use her excitement for her tweets while streaming. 
she makes sure to tweet about her favorite idols and their performances before the awaited dance performance comes. when it begins, she quickly takes out her phone as she patiently waits for her friend to be shown on her screen. she manages to record the 30 seconds of chungha’s dance on her instagram story while whisper-screaming throughout all of it. “ahh!!! kim chungha is so cool!!!! she’s the coolest unnie ever!!!” and a bunch of “wow!”’s and “so cool!”’s. for the group performance, she kept all her excitement on her twitter with a few pictures saved for her spam later on. 
it’s odd. before watching this, she thought she was going to feel an overwhelming amount of jealousy just by seeing chungha for a second. but after the performance ended, she couldn’t help but feel inspired. perhaps it was because of the fact that this wasn’t the first time she’s seen chungha on national television, but mina didn’t feel too upset like she thought she would. what a relief. 
she posts the pictures on her spamsta (spam + finsta) once the countdown for the new year is finished and captions it with her thoughts. after she posted it, she locked her phone, turned off her tv, and went upstairs to go to bed, excited for what was to come in the future. 
notokmina: do you see her??/ that’s the coolest bitch in the world !!!! ever !!!!!
watching her tonight gave me so much motivation tbh. i remember i used to be so… starstruck by her when i first saw her on mga4 and now i know her in real life and we’re friends !!!! i’m so glad she got to audition for this and perform onstage in front of a bunch of idols. she’s so cool!!!! 
i’m gonna work hard with future covers so that i can hopefully be dancing on that same stage!!!!!!!!! it’d be cooler if it was w her!!!! but yeah. hopefully if i work hard enough, i can be on the stage like her (and my cousin and brother if theyre reading this who knows) 
she leaves a comment under her post. 
notokmina: unnie, if ur reading this, hi!!! very proud of u uwu 
january 2nd, 2020
having been on stan twitter since she moved back to korea, she’s gotten to explore the many sides of the website. though she’s primarily a kpop fan account, she also keeps tabs on film twitter. it’s to the point where she even has mutuals who are apart of that community and she frequently talks to them about her favorite movies (recently, it’s been about it 2 because she loves her best boys richie and eddie). so of course, when she asked for movie recommendations on her account, she hoped that said mutuals would see it and give their insight. 
though there were many suggestions, she chose lady bird by the end of it. she knew about the movie years ago, but she never really got around to watching it until now. she’s read mixed reviews, so she was never really able to form a solid opinion on this movie. she told herself not to expect much, since this was a coming-of-age film. but, by the end of it, she found herself in tears. she goes on twitter and writes up a tweet as a response to the movie. 
michi @noplayboy_mp3: film oomfs is it weird to say that i kin w lady bird lol  michi @noplayboy_mp3: no but the film is so good i dont want to drop any spoilers but lady bird is like… so relatable? esp bc im kind of in her situation now.  michi @noplayboy_mp3: icb greta gerwig said “michi has rights”... perhaps i will watch little women when i get the chance
before she’s about to make a tweet about watching midsommar next, she hears her phone vibrate. putting her laptop to the side, she picks up her phone and sees an email from snu. 
dear mina, 
the admissions committee at seoul national university has re-reviewed all aspects of your application in its holistic review process, and you have an updated admissions decision. you may now view your updated admissions decision in your portal.
she gasps. 
as she clicks on the link to her portal and logs in, she was immediately welcomed by the site with a big “CONGRATULATIONS!” and if that wasn’t already obvious enough for her, she looks around to find the little “status: accepted” on her page. she sighs in relief and puts her phone to the side as she lies on her bed. she’s not necessarily excited that she got into a school. even now, she was still questioning if she wanted to go to school to begin with. all she knew was that at this point, she was going somewhere. whether or not this is what she really wanted to do, she at least has an idea of where she’s starting. 
maybe now her mom would stop badgering her. maybe now she can show her that she could do things without her. 
“i got accepted into snu today.”
it’s used to start discussion, even though she didn’t really want to talk about it with her. it had to come out somehow because even if she was nervous with how she was going to reply, at least her mom would be aware of it. 
her father was the first to say something about it and mina wants to verbally thank him for speaking before her mom does. “honey, congratulations! i knew you would be able to get into that school.” 
“thank you,” mina says with a small smile before she looks over at her mom to see what she will respond with because it was obvious she had something to say about it. 
“why did it take so long for a response?” she asks. “you applied for early decision, didn’t you?” 
it takes a lot for mina to not say something snarky in response. she’s not going to do that now. not so soon. “well, competition’s pretty tough. a lot of kids are applying for snu. especially in my class.” she wasn’t exactly lying, but it was a better response than “i was waitlisted for a month.” and even if she responded with that, at least she got into the school. wasn’t that enough? 
her mom lets out a small “hm” before eating more of their dinner. “well, good job on getting into that school. with how long the response took, i was starting to worry.” 
mina frowns. “i got into other schools, you know.” 
“but did you want to get into any of those other schools?” when mina’s silent for a response, her mother only continues. “you said that you were aiming for snu and it took long enough in order to get a response.” 
“can’t you just be happy over the fact that i actually got into the school?” mina asks, feeling her voice rise. “i thought you would be proud of me. is it that much of a surprise that i got in?” 
“all of your friends got accepted into their schools quicker.” mina feels her grip tighten on the chopsticks in her hands. “all i’m saying is you should’ve at least tried harder or at least recognize that you should’ve done better.” 
mina finds it hard to calm down after hearing that. it’s not like she didn’t expect a response like that, but to actually hear it from her makes her laugh bitterly. it’s sad to say she’s not surprised because this was what their relationship is at this point. even if she told herself that she just wanted to get into school in order to get her mom off her back, her words only make it seem like she was mocking her even if she reached at least the minimum. it made mina wish her mother lowered her expectations or at least make her own higher. 
she eats her food in a hurry, hoping to get out of this dinner as soon as possible. of course, her mother has an issue with it as she glared at her from across the table. “slow down. you look like an animal eating like that.” 
mina ignores her and she manages to empty her bowl, still trying to bite and swallow the leftover food in her mouth. she quickly stands up from her chair, puts her bowl and utensils in the sink, and runs upstairs, swallowing the last bit of her food down. she closes her door behind her even if she knows her mother was going to go up to her room anyways. when she hears the door open, she rolls her eyes before she turns to her mom. 
“can you knock?” the impatient tone was one she’s used frequently enough. whether or not she was proud of it, she kept that information to herself. 
her mother’s not afraid of it, though. in fact, if anything, she’s probably a professional at dealing with it. “you’re one to talk about manners,” she scolds. “what is with you?! at least try to stay for the entire dinner and not make it seem like you don’t like my company.” 
“why would i do that?” mina scoffs. “you’d yell at me for faking it, anyway.” 
her mom sighs. “why are you so selfish? why do you keep on doing this? do you understand how uncomfortable your father feels whenever we fight? how uncomfortable i feel?!” 
“i’m sorry for being upset over you not being a good mom,” she responds, crossing her arms as if to do the bare minimum of making fun of the woman in front of her who would do the same in their past arguments. “i got into a good school and all you can say is ‘i’m surprised they didn’t reject you straight up’? no ‘congratulations’ or ‘i’m happy you got into the school you wanted to get into’? shouldn’t you at least be glad over the fact that i’m going-” 
“how am i going to explain to the family that it took a few months for my daughter to tell me she got into snu after a few months since she applied?” her mom interrupts her, angering mina even more. “it didn’t take long for jaebeom to get his letter of acceptance. it didn’t take daniel long for him to know if he got in. do you know what they’ll say when i tell them you got accepted after countless times of me saying ‘oh i don’t know yet’, ‘she hasn’t received anything yet’? they’ll think i’m raising-” 
“what? an idiot?” mina laughs. “yeah. i’m sure everyone in the family’s already aware of the fact that i’m never going to be a lawyer living in america. at least i got into a school.” 
her mother then points at mina and she has to hold the urge to not swat the hand away from her face. “look at you! you’re already making yourself sound bad by acting like it’s a miracle they accepted you in the first place!” she criticizes. “you’re supposed to go to school. you’re supposed to get a degree in order to get a good job somewhere. after all your father and i’ve done for you and your brothers, why are you the only one who treats this like it’s not a big deal?!” 
“i am treating this like it’s a big deal!” mina asserts. “do you know how many nights i spent studying for tests that i knew i was going to fail? all the times i had to stay after school in order to make sure it wouldn’t affect my chances?! i worked so hard in the last few months to be accepted and i’m the only one in this room proud of myself for it! it’s like you’re actively trying to find reasons to be disappointed in me, even when i do something good!”
“maybe you should be trying to not constantly disappoint me, then.” her mother turns her back to her daughter and makes way for the door, but mina mutters something else that makes her stop in her steps.
“the one time i do something that i thought could impress you and you’re still disappointed in me.”
her mother doesn’t respond. all she does is stand for a moment before she leaves, not even bothering to close the door behind her. 
0 notes
Blog #3~
Well today was more or less, not necessarily a bad day, but I guess a depressing day I suppose. It being national dog day and it being the 2 year of Sophia passing away it’s been quite hard to deal with. Been going through family photos and reminiscing on all the memories of the past. Today just seems like one of those days I can’t hide my face behind my mask that smiles for me. I have temporary moment’s that make me happy yes, I have friends who cheer me up and stuff, but it’s all momentarily. Because deep down I still feel the same darkness lingering, making me hate myself more with every passing hour. I guess no one sees me as that kind of person but I’ve been dealing with this for 6 maybe 7 years now. It’s just kind of how I am and why I end up pushing peopl­­e away at times. Today just feels like one of those days where I can’t manage my anxiety and depression and people are just like oh I understand what you are going through, or I know your pain, this or that etc. That bothers me. Everyone is different. Everyone feels pain at different levels, their brain reacts to the pain differently. I deal with a lot of pain on a day to day basis but it’s almost a normal thing for me to be in pain. But it never gets normal to the point where I’m comfortable with it. I’m just like whatever I’m tired of crying over it because what is that going to do, nothing. It’s going to just cause me to clog up my nose, cause me to hyperventilate which could cause me to have a seizure which I need to be careful about whenever I cry. It’s just always a mess, so I just try to hold my feelings in but I end up having these breakdowns and in those days I end up having like 3-4 seizures. My seizures are still almost like a mystery right now in my life, still waiting to be sorted out, not being on medication and what not. I mean hell my mom hasn’t been here for a year and she’s saying “oh I bet it’s just a gluten intolerance” HA! I love you dearly mother but I don’t believe you have your PhD and if you got in while in Texas by all means congrats! But I mean I’m still willing to get tested to see if it’s even a possibility I won’t completely knock her idea out of the park. But with how much research I and my Rheumatologist have been doing, and my old Neurologist before we lost our insurance due to my dad losing his job back in November, it does seem like Temporal Lobe Seizures along with reason to it being connected with my fibromyalgia. So that was one of the main reasons they believed it was that. When I first got the MRI done, the stuff they injected me with, the Gadolinium which had a bad effect on me, when they injected it in me I didn’t understand what was going on with me. All of a sudden my heart started racing and I felt like almost like an elephant was sitting on my chest or something, I ended up going to a hospital the following day because of how much pain I was in. They did an EKG to make sure I wasn’t having a heart attack, and then ran blood work as well to check my D-dimer which ended up being slightly elevated so they were worried I was having a pulmonary embolism or something so they sent me in to do a radiation CT scan. I don’t remember the name of the radiation they injected me with but they said it would leave my system within 3 days of it entering, for me not to worry. Not that I needed to, I had no need to travel anyways because I can’t go on planes, the altitude of planes would cause me to have a seizure. The results of the CT scan were clear no pulmonary embolism or anything serious of the sorts. The doctor found out the Gadolinium caused me to flare up and I was having rib cage inflammation which is called costochondritis. It is basically where the ribs join the cartilage that connects them to the breast bone, or sternum. I’ve actually had this before a year ago back when I was in college the previous October, in 2015, because I over worked the muscles my rheumatologist said causing inflammation to form. And it took about 9 months to heal. But I did not remember the pain when it came back. Hence why I ended in the hospital feeling like I couldn’t breathe, almost like I was having a heart attack. Well I mean inflammation is better than that, am I right?
              I tried streaming a bit today and as per usual, I tried doing a serious talk and I just got trolls and it got quite obnoxious. Why do people have to be rude? I mean my grandma on my mother’s side just passed away and I was obviously upset, and they were almost mocking me, and then asking me to have a seizure on stream as well. I just don’t get people and why people find humor in all this. It really makes no sense to me. Again someone came in thinking they knew everything about me and my health problems and telling me I needed to start working out and I would be soooo much better off and that I’m just popping my pills and what not that that person doesn’t believe that they are real prescriptions that my rheumatologist and neurologist prescribed me. Was just a bit harsh. I deal with people all the time coming on to my stream thinking they have the right to judge my weight and my lifestyle when in reality they know nothing about me or who I am as a person. I follow my doctor’s orders, I have been on bed rest since September. I am awaiting physical therapy to help a slipped disk in my back and I’m also dealing with trying to get on better insurance to cover more so I can see more doctors because I can’t really see many right now with the insurance i’m on. I am just getting tired of people thinking they have a right to come into the chat and think they know everything but they don’t. Then I get a prude for getting upset at people because they think I overreact at what they say but no one understands what I go through. Like i’ve said, no one understands anyone truly, everyone deals with things on a whole different level and it’s all different. Everyone is different.
Alright I think im done ranting for the night sorry for the long post, ill be back tomorrow night with another.
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In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?
"In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much money should the insurance company be giving me?
I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?""
I think I've made a mistake on my car insurance?
Long story short my Dad has a car that is insured and has been for a while. He has never made a claim in his 40+ years of driving. He's just bought another car that we can both drive (I can't drive his automatic until I pass my test) He was going to insure it with the same company as his other car however they won't let me be a named driver as I'm under 18 so we've found another company to go with. We got a quote and paid the money. No problem. Awaiting conformation in the post. Earlier today, however, I was talking to a friend who is insured with the same company and he says my dads no claims doesn't count because he's still insured with another company. Therefore by putting 9+ years on the form we've lied ?! Is this correct? Does this make our insurance invalid? How much trouble could we get in for this mistake? How can we resolve this?""
Life Insurance Companies?
Please give me the names of the five best life insurance companies.
Cheapest car insurance for a 21 year old in nj?
what's the cheapest car insurance a 21 year old can have in the state of new jersey?
""Insurance question, help!?""
While driving your Mazda to Gibson City, Illinois, you hit a cow that was standing in the road. Although the cow is not seriously injured, your car is badly damaged and will not run. It costs $100 to tow your car to the nearest location that can repair it and $2,200 to repair your car. Since you do not want to be stranded in Gibson City, you rent a car for $30 per day for the 3 days it takes to get your car repaired. Your policy will pay: A. $ 1,890 B. $ 2,200 C. $ 2,360 D. $ 2,390 E. None of the above While driving your twin brother, who is visiting with you, around campus, you accidently run into a tree. Your brother is injured and incurs $7,000 in medical bills. It costs $2,500 to repair your car. Your brother sues you (so much for his next birthday present) and wins a liability award of $20,000. Your policy will pay: A. $ 4,000 B. $ 9,000 C. $ 20,000 D. $ 22,000 E. $ 29,000 While driving on campus, you are hit by a car that runs a red light, resulting in bodily injury to you of $110,000. The other driver has liability limits of 20/40/15. How much will your insurance pay? A. $ 0 B. $20,000 C. $ 80,000 D. $100,000 E. $120,000 Assuming the same coverage, type of automobile, territory, and driving record, which of the following persons would you expect to pay the highest premium for automobile insurance? A. a 35-year old single female. B. a 20-year old married male. C. a 20-year old single male. D. a 20-year old single female. E. a 35-yer old single male.""
What penalities will I get having invalid car insurance?
Two nights ago police stopped me when I was delivering food and checked my insurance details. I had insurance for social purpose only. They told me to change my insurance to business insurance and they let me go with warning. Last night same guys stopped me again and again they checked my car and found me delivering food. Luckily they let me go again but they reported of the offense. What will happen now? will I get points or fine or what?
Need information on affordable senior health insurance?
I need information on affordable senior health insurance policies. Im leaning toward a private insurance company, like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in the Florida area. Thanks!""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
How much time do I have to get another's insurance to pay for my medical bills?
If I was a pedestrian hit by a car and was injured, taken to the hospital, how long do I have before I can claim my medical bills on someone else's insurance since it was their fault?""
Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas?
Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas?
Buying Insurances with a G1 licenses in Ontario.?
I recently just bought a car. Its registered to me. Although it does not have any insurances right now. I have my G1, but I want to insure this car now, so I can drive it. (obviously with a licensed driver). I think I read that I can purchase insurances as a G1 driver, and just list someone else as the primary driver, until I get my G2. Does anyone know how expensive this might be? If I had my G2, the lowest insurance quote for my car I could find is about $450 a month. However, since I will be listing someone else as a primary driver, like my dad, would the price be significantly cheaper?""
Why did geico increase my auto insurance rate for no reason?
My renewed 6-month policy has increased by $120 for seemingly no reason. Haven't had any wrecks or tickets. I called geico to inquire, and was told that all rates in Texas have increased. Have other insurance companies rates increased as well?""
How does the new 1-50 insurance group rating work?
Ive read that most cars insurance group will more or less double But what I want to know is if 2 cars are group 5 under the old rating and one goes up to 11 and the other only to 7 does that mean the 7 will cost less to insure than the original or will 7 be about the same and 11 be more? sorry if this didnt make sense. 10 points to anybody who can answer?
""For Americans, How do you feel about your current health system?""
Reason I ask, I saw a segment on television of people in the states lining up in a showground to receive basic health care, instead of clinics, I was horrified, is this the norm? In Australia we have Medicare & Private health insurance, the main difference is one is a bit more comfortable than the other, I would really like to hear your views.""
Temporary car insurance for one day for 17 year old?
it's for a holiday, I believe it would be good driving experience, obviously I would have a qualified driver with me......""
Does the insurance cover my car after i just barely bought and crashed the next day?
My Uncle bought a car one day and the next day he crashed. So I was wondering if his old car insurance which he is still paying for can cover the car.
Which insurance company?
I am 17 year old male in the UK. I have a Citroen Saxo 1.1L 3 door 2000 car. I bought the car for 800. It is not modified in any way and it is in a secure garage every night. Having my dad as the policyholder is not beneficial because although he has been driving for over 30 years, he has always had a company car and has never owned, and therefore never had insurance. I have looked everywhere for insurance and the cheapest is 3500, most quotes are over 4000 and around a third of the results are over 10000. This is 3rd part F+T and using sites such as Confused, Compare the Market etc. I also tried getting quotes direct from the company and it's no cheaper. If anything it's more expensive. Which companies should I try, and has anyone else been getting ridiculous quotes like this?""
Can anyone recommend a good Classic/Collector Car insurance company?
I'm looking for reasonable terms/conditions and rates to insure a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have any experience or recommendations for insurance companies specializing in classic cars? Thanks!
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company?
Im About to Turn 17 and am Male,, I need to know if anyone knows of a cheap car insurance company, I have a 2002 Citroen Saxo VTR, I live in Dudley,UK Preferably i would like to pay less than 3000 (i am only a student) Preferably i would like to go in my name but i do also have the option to go in my 44year old dads name. If anyone could get back to me on this i would be very greateful p.s -- I have tried all of the comparison sites and have only found 1insurance company cheaper than 3k Gett Back to me please Thank You xx""
Does anyone know how much car insurance is for a 16 year old female?
I am not sure if gender matters, but age most likely does.....I was thinking about getting my license soon...but I am not sure if my income is enough for insurace.""
How do I know what medication is covered under my insurance?
I have BlueCross BlueShield, and my card has an Identification Number, Group, and Plan Codes. But how do I know what medication is covered for me? Can I find this on the website?""
How much would a BMW 325i be on insurance??? 16 year old?
Hi. I am 16... I will be 17 in september.. but I know insurance won't go lower for us until we turn 25... :( anyways! i want to get a BMW 325i cause i LOVE that car. But im willing to pay for the car but wondering how much insurance would be on it??? Like maybe for a 2001 bmw 325i cause i like that model.. i like the models up also but it will be more money and would it be more money for insurance for a newer car??? PLEASE help me !!!! I need to no. OH and ps. I live in canada, ontario - HAMILTON !!!!""
""Why can't we have Geiko,State Farm, or Progressive auto insurance in the state of Ma?.?""
I always see t.v. commercials for them but at the bottom of the screen it says not available in Ma. and a few other states that I can't remember. If I could save money buy switching to one of those companies I would but I can't , so I have to pick from Commerce or Metropolitan. My car insurance is really expensive (I pay over $300 a month) I have only had my license for a couple years so I under stand the whole new driver thing and my car was new when I bought it so I have full coverage but the car is only a Kia Rio, far from a sports car or luxury car. I pay more for my insurance than for the car payments.""
Can I get some advice about car insurance?
My and my wife are both insured on our car (Fully Comp.) and we are now about to get another car due to our work situation. Would the following method be the most cost-effective way for us both to be covered ? 1) For me to be fully insured for one car and my wife fully insured for the other, allowing us both to drive each other's car if necessary ? I am currently the registered keeper of our current car and I am the policy holder for it as well. I would be driving the new one when I get it and my wife would take over driving the current one. Thanks in advance""
In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.
Cheapest car insurance for tri state area?
i heard cure is the cheapest car insurance? you guys know any other cheap car insurances?
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
What kind of affordable health insurance plan is there for small business owners?
I have a friend who is in the process of moving to Tx and is looking to start his own business but is hesitant because he has a wife and two kids and does not know what to do regarding health insurance.
How much is a basic texas motorcycle insurance?? cost these days..?
I am curious to know this information.. for later to purchace a bike maybe a suzuki 250r 2011
Affordable Care Act: The Health Insurance Exchange concept seems to do the trick... so why complaints?
The Health Insurance Exchange idea allows individuals to come together and have the purchasing power of a large corporation. In this manner these uninsured people can get insurance at ...show more
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
How much for kit car insurance ?
how much is insurance on a 1929 Mercedes Gazelle kit car valued at about $8000. ? i like in Florida and KY so it could be purchased in either state (cheapest) occasional ride not a daily driver
Would it be against the Law if you don't have this Obama Health Insurance?
Will you be put in jail or a fine if you don't have this proposed Health Coverage? What if someone is homeless which is alot of people with this economy, do we pay for them too? Who is this for anyway? Do you think the Insurance Co.'s will make it affordable because I seriously doubt that with the Government in their pocket!!?? If it passes would this be a huge windfall for the Insurance industry or what?? First the Banks and Now the Health Industry?""
How long after an accident can I file an insurance claim in NY?
About 2 weeks ago I slipped off an icy road, drove my van into the woods on state land. There was no property damage, this is a very rural area (as in no homes within 5 miles at least). It did take out my rear corner window, crushed my headlights and damaged my hood. I drove right out of the woods afterwards. I was going to do the repairs myself, but found out the window repair would be over $500 and for that price I might as well file a claim and get the rest fixed. My questions are: Is it too late to file a claim? Are there any legal ramifications for not reporting this accident?""
How much is renter's insurance normally?
I already have insurance thriugh state farm and they do have renter's insurance but I'm asking people who actually do have it, how much should it be normally?""
Can i have both medi-cal and private insurance at the same time?
My father has me under his insurance plan and I also have medical in the state of California. My son's medical worker signed me up for medical when I became pregnant with my second child. Also, can I use medical as secondary insurance to pay the remaining balance of my hospital bill?""
What exactly is broad form coverage for car insurance?
my insurance ran out. i dont really need a full coverage on car insurance since my car is old. I have a lifetime medical insurance. Im a pretty confident driver.
How do insurance companies determine fault?
I was in an accident. My insurance company told me I was 0% at fault and the other driver 100% at fault. The other insurance company said i was 50% at fault and the other driver was 50% at fault. what happens next? who suppose to agree with who?
What kind of car insurance is this?
Where I am insured, and not my car. So basically, i can drive any car i want but no one else can drive mine because IT isnt insured. (not unless they have the same type of insurance anyway.) Does anyone know what i am talking about?""
What would my annual insurance be on a 2007 Honda Cbr 125?
I just turned 16, recieved my M1, Got a bike (125 cbr), going for my M2 in acouple days. Havent placed insurance on the bike yet. Im wondering what my annual cost will be with low coverage ect (lowest possible)""
Cheaper car for insurance?
I have a 98 eclipse spyder right now, and I'm paying about 700 every 6 months on insurance. Not only that but about 40 a week in gas and other various maintenance. I've put some custom things into it, just wondering with 115k miles on it, what would a good trade be for a reliable car with good MPG and lower insurance?""
Car Insurance Question- KY?
What are the rules with car insurance? I know if you are under the age of 25 the price is ridiculous. So obvioulsly you get the insurance under someone (your parents, other family, etc). Now to get insurance, does the car title have to be in that same persons name who is getting the insurance? Anyone know how to get cheaper insurance? Just wondering if anyone has any advice...""
Is it possible to put my dad under my insurance?
I just started a new job and in a few months ill be eligible for health insurance. I'm 19 my dad is 47 hes unemployed and not eligible for medicaid.
I need to find an insurance company?
I need to find Insurance that is affordable and covers Pre exisiting injuries, maternity coverage, and dental care. Anyone know a company that does that?""
Car insurance problem..help!!!?
my bf crashed my car and was trying to cover my car with his insurance they said since i gave him permission to drive that i had to cover it.. i callled my insurance they said since he was at fault that i have to cover my own car out of pocket..is there anything else i can do ...
Motorcycle insurance?
I live in the city of toronto but have a cottage up in peterborough. I got an insanely ridiculous expensive quote if i ride in the city, so i was wondering if i can get my insurance policy under my cottage address because i will likely just be driving it up in peterborough throughout the summer.""
Cheapest option I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I prt exchanged for a newer car I just?
I want to transfer my insurance from my old car which I part exchanged for a newer car I just bought,but my Insurance company are asking me to pay about 40% more and requesting 40% ...show more""
Cheap car for a 18 year old in the UK?
Hi, I'm turning 18 in few months and I wanted to buy a car. What is the best car with the cheapest insurance? (the only thing that is important to me is for me to fit in the car, I'm 6ft 9!) What should I look at when choosing a car if I want to have affordable insurance? My first choice was a old, old Mini but the insurance on that was over 5000 pounds, any suggestions? (I was using confused.com) Many Thanks Barboro37""
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
How much more expensive is insurance on a V6 car than a V4?
How much more expensive is insurance on a V6 car than a V4?
In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
If the teenager is added to the parents policy, how much more will it cost the parent? Info: I have a good gpa, I will take drivers ed, my mom has a new car and its safe, and I have just turned 16.""
Need help with car insurance?
I am 19 years old. I am looking to to buy a car but the insurance is just too expensive. I would like a clio or a corsa. Does anybody know any schemes which I can get a lowered scheme because my quotes so far are 2500 + . I was told of company car insurance where you can get insured on a business and use that policy??
Will my first speeding ticket affect insurance?
I live in Ontario and received a speeding ticket for 95 km/h in a 80km/h zone, just over $50 and no loss of demerit points. It's my first speeding ticket, is this going to affect my insurance rates?""
""If your under 30yrs old and you drive a car, how much is your car insurance each month, and who are you with..?""
i want to get a car, but don't know where to start, ive tried the insurance website, but not sure what some things mean, as ive never had a car before, i just want some kind of idea of what range of money i will be paying out each month..thank you for your time.""
What is mortgage insurance?
When having somebody co-sign for a morgage with no $$$ down, how does mortgage insurance work? 1) Is it required? 2) Is it permanent? 3) Is it like a car insurance policy - where the money is paid, and if the insurance is never 'claimed' then the money is gone? 3.5) Does a mortgage insurance payment go towards the principle price of the house?""
How much money would it cost for car insurance for...?
I am 17, I got my G2 license recently.. How much would I be looking at if i were to buy insurance for a jeep 04 rubicon? Also, if you know, how much did you or your friends pay or ur kids for car insurance and where do u live...""
Should I show the car repairman the insurance estimate?
I was in a wreck that the insurance company of the other driver agreed to pay for. They made an estimate and said they will put a check in the mail. They said that if it costs more than the estimate, then they will take care of that also as long as I show the estimate to the repairman. That seems straightforward... and on the other hand: With other car issues, auto shops have seemed to be willing to underbid each other. I wouldn't mind getting it fixed for less than the check that I'm going to receive. Should I try to get estimates that are independent of the insurance company's estimate to see if I can save money? If I then go with a shop that says they can do it for cheaper, can I trust that they won't say it will be more later?""
Looking for catastrophic health insurance.?
Self employed paying $1,200 a month for health insurance. I want to self insure but would like to get some kind of catastrophic health insurance if there is such a thing.""
Do I have to sell my car to the insurance company at their suggestion?
I've been paying for fully comprehensive insurance for my car for 8 months, 3 month ago my car crashed and the insurance company has evaluated the cost of repairing is more than the market price of my car. Now the insurance company is going to buy my car at the market value, my question is: Do I have to sell my car to the company? Or does it make sense if I ask for repairing etc?""
When should I sell my car to move to California?
I am moving from Kansas to Los Angeles,California this coming August/September for school and my car requires a lot of money so I want to get rid of it before I go.. $200 month on the payment $80 for insurance $120 month on gas and not including any maintenance that has to be done so with all that being said it seems like a good idea to sell it and save my money after moving to just purchase a cheaper car outright if need be. Does this seem like a good idea and if so when should i start listing my car for sale? It's a 2006 Saturn Ion and by the time I am ready to sell I'll owe about $4,500-5,000. Any answers from someone who has been in the same situation or who can provide ADVICE would be helpful, I don't need to hear any answers about staying in Kansas because that isn't related to the question. Thank you!""
What is the car insurance system in UK? How much and what else?
Let's say I bought a car with insurance group 20 what do I have to pay per year. I know for the 1 st year I need to pay 1000 and then half of it for the later years. Except that what taxes and all do I have to pay? How much is it gonna cost to afford a car with all the legal issues?
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
If I had this non fault accident would my car insurance still gone up?
Okay a week ago I was about to have an accident I passed a railroad track when no train was comming and the bars were up as well so I passed the railroad and I made a turn so this had a stop sign at a corner and didn't make a complete stop so I was passing since I didn't have a stop sign or yield sign and this guy just stepped on the gas and went into the wrong way and then he tried to jump into the way that I was going and I was about to hit him because there wasn't enough space for him to change lanes safely. And so I remember that the day that my dad went to get insurance for his car they told him that they had a record of the accident that he had back in 1991 which wasn't his fault.
""Buying a car, how much will title transfer and all that cost?""
So I'm going to buy a used car and I was just wondering how much it will cost for me to legally drive it? Not including insurance. I live in Illinois and I'm 16 years old, if that matters. I've checked the DMV site and it's kind of confusing so I figured I might be able to get a quick answer here. Thanks!""
Temporary Car Insurance on my Mums car?
Hi, Is it possible to get temporary car insurance on my mums car, even for just a day or two on her current policy, or is it even possible to get temporary comprehensive cover with another car insurance company on her car while she is still on her own policy? Thanks, Boss1996""
Is insurance cheaper when you live in a built up area or in the countryside?
Is insurance cheaper when you live in a built up area or in the countryside?
How much will my insurance go up after a fender bender?
Im 16 years old and i have progressive, this morning i hit a car, there was only a couple scratches on the other car as i didn't hit it hard, and no damage to my car. The police werent called we just exchanged info, so how much will my insurance go up for this accident. if you can even call it that.""
""Car Insurance, including APR?""
So, im looking for car insurance and I found the cheapest one for me. 'A deposit of 70.00 payable by credit or debit card followed by 10 monthly instalments by Direct Debit of 55.90. Total payable is 629.00 including APR of 29.6%.' What does it mean including APR of 29.6% That I will have to pay an extra 29.6%. Its my 3rd year driving and I've never seen this before.""
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Should I report my small fender bender to my insurance?
so I hit a motorcycle and broke one tail light off of it. The guy took my insurance info but said if I pay out of pocket he won't report it. the thing is... there was really no fender damage to the paint but he said he needs to paint it. I went to an autobody shop and to fix the light it will be about maybe $200. but if he is gonna want to paint his fender, should I report it to my insurance. I have pictures but not close ups of the paint. how much will my premium go up. I have no deductible and I have mercury insurance in California. Is it worth going through insurance... how can he prove that the paint job is caused by me? Thanks! Any advice on what to do would be great! I don't want my insurance to go up and don't mind paying out of pocket, but am scared he will eff me over with the paint job and go to my insurance.""
What's the best site for Cheap Car Insurance?
Besides progressive and esurance... Anyone know of a better site or sites regarding Cheap Car Insurance Online? I just got my first car, it's got a salvage title so I'm choosing a one-way liability. I'm still in H.S. with a part time job, so it would really help if you guys can help point me in the right direction to a site that's cheap and affordable on a minimum wage budget. Thanks ya.""
Massachusetts Health insurance?
I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
Car insurance company sucks!?
our was mini-van was smashed at the back.. it took 4 days before the car insurance company rented us a car. then after 4 days, a came from the company took a look at our mini-van and told us it might be totaled. then after 2 days, the car insurance called and said they will pay for the totaled car $2,500!!! the cost to repair is $2,700. We just got that mini-van a month ago for $5,000. the market value of the mini-van is $4,100. I thought that car insurance company always pay more than the market value.. so my husband told them we are not going to accept the 2,500 and we want the car to be fixed but they have not called us back til now. I think its so unfair just to pay us 2,500 and we just got the car a month ago for 5000. anyone wants to react there? and what should we do?""
Changing car on insurance mid-policy?
I'm getting a new car on Wednesday, a Vauxhall Astra, and still have 5 months left on my insurance, which I paid in full up front for Nissan Micra. I phoned up my insurance today to ask how much it would be to change the car on my policy. To change the car it would be 300. I've got quotes from other insurers that are cheaper than this for the year! To cancel there would be 2 fees adding up to 95! Is this right? What is the best thing to do? Can I run my insurance while I don't own the car as this would be the cheapest way to do it? The car is going as a trade-in to a garage who will probably just be using it for parts and scrap. Thanks for any advice :)""
In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.
Different ways to lower insurance cost. could i have my boyfriend insure my car for me?
Please, if you're not 100% sure don't answer,, it's confusing. Anyways, i recently financed a vehicle, 06 Taurus, and the insurance is killing, nearly higher than the car note! ($314 a month). & now that I'm pregnant i need to save $. My boyfriend doesn't have a car or license, but is there any way he could get insurance under his name & then add my car? Or any other work a rounds? Btw, I'm willing to fix his license if that's an issue. I'm 23, He's 29. I live in what's considered to be more dangerous city than he does. Also, he has less moving violations than me. So a policy for him maybe be anywhere from 40-60% cheaper than mines.""
UK Only. How much for an category D insurance write off car?
I have a 2004 Ford Fiesta that I need to sell. When I bought it I was told it was a category D write off shortly after it was first bought, it was repaired and passed every subsequent MOT and has regular services. Roughly how much money off a guide price would you take off when selling it??""
I'm buying my first used car when I turn 18 next month. How much am I going to pay for insurance by myself?
I just want to know how much money I will have to pay each month for car insurance. The used car is about $5,000.""
Lack of heath insurance in Georgia?
My friend's husband got into a motorcycle accident recently and ended up going to the E.R. Problem is, they don't have health insurance because he was fired from his job. I've been told that the tax payers have to take care of the cost. Are there any consequences for him, or he just doesn't have to pay anything?? That seems crazy. Why would anyone have health insurance if thats the case?""
Do I need to have insurance to drive my parent's cars?
The cars have insurance but I don't. Do I need it!?
Car insurance question.?
My half sister is turning 18 in a few days and she wants to use my grandmothers car for the her driver's license test. She doesn't live with my grandmother nor is she related to her, if that matters. So my question is does she need to be on my grandmother's car insurance policy to take the test with her car? If not, would she have to be put on the insurance policy if she were to drive my grandmother's car after she received her license? I live in CA btw.""
Im 18 with no no claims need fast car low insurance group!?
im 18 (just) been drivin a year on mums policy no smashes no points no nothing i just sold my car and i been looking at honda crx's insurance turned round and said NO!!! grrr kill them. but yeah i got 1.5k to spend on a decent car with low insurance group? any ideas? cant really find a website that compares speed and insurance group, any ideas welcome thanks in advance!!!""
Liability insurance price for honda civic 2006?
how much is the average liability insurance cost for honda civic 2006 4 door and 32 year married driver with 100% clean driver's history?
Need to find Cheap Car Insurance?
I live In Wisconsin does anyone know of cheap insurance or a site where i can see how much its gonna cost me every month or something. Please Help really need insurance
How much is Canadian (British Columbia) car insurance?
I am 21 years old and have had a licence in California since I was 18.
How do i find affordable insurance?
I lost my job last year and had to get medicaid for health insurance because I am a single mother of one. I have since gotten my license in the beauty industry and have just started a new job. The problem is that they do not offer health benefits (I think it has something to do with them being a franchise). And I know that I will have to go through re-determination in November for the medicaid and because I am employed will be denied. So, what exactly are my options, especially now that things are going to change. Any help would be appreciated.""
Insurance Claim Question?
I was rear ended recently and the other drivers insurance co sent out their adjuster. I was told that my car was a total loss. I had a 94 Buick Park Avenue with 148K miles. I got a call from the person who appraised the value of my car and was told that my car was worth $2,200.00 and another $300.00 for what it would have cost me for a rental, totaling $2561. and some change. I did some looking around and found in the auto trader that I can get the same car selling for $2,995 with 154,605 miles. The question I have is do I have to except their offer of $2,200? Also, if I except this offer is this separate from the medical side of my claim? Thank You in advanced.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in orlando?
What is the cheapest car insurance company in orlando?
Car insurance cost for expat?
Hi I am a 37y old male married moving to London from india soon. I checked som online quotes and it seems to be very expensive even if I buy a 10 yr old vw golf. I intend to get a uk license when I arrive, but will I be considered a new driver even though I have held a license in the us and India and have driven for close to 15 yrs""
What insurance companies provide non-owner auto insurance in Ohio?
looking to insure myself for car insurance in columbus ohio but I dont own a car.
""Going to buy a car for my teen, does he need insurance yet?""
Hello, i know that he will eventually need insurance for his car. But i'm going to buy him a car for his birthday. He only has his permit now and will be getting his license in 3 months. I want to know when i go buy the car who's name should it be under? how is this going to work?""
I have no health insurance for my 5 month old?
Ok so my 5 month old hasn't gotten we shots because I came back to NYC from CA due to my mother being sick but I don't planned to live here so I don't want to reopen a Medicaid case out here is there anywhere i could go or something i could do? Plz help
Any advise on life insurance?
term life insurance and permanent insurance which is good and what are the pros and cons?
Will I have a surcharge on my auto insurance policy if I let the policy lapse even without a car?
At the moment I have decided to hold off on purchasing a new vehicle. My previous car was a lease, the lease expired and at the moment I do not have a car in my name. My independent insurance agent is telling me that if I do not keep up a policy at even a low rate, when I do get a car (whenever that might be) and then get a new policy I would be subject to a surcharge. For this reason we are doing something very basic to keep a policy in place. This seems really strange to me and raises a question why do I have to have car insurance if I do not have a car? Why should I get a surcharge when I do get a car at a later date? This almost seems like once you're in the auto insurance system, you cannot get out without penalties. Seems a lot like the insurance industry is trying to get everyone to pay into the system with or without a car. And if that's the case this sounds awfully like the auto insurance industry has already set precedent on the health insurance industry. What am I missing?""
What is Private Health Insurance?
My work provides me with insurance that covers medical and some RX. Is this considered Private insurance? Or is Private insurance when you go and purchase the insurance on your own?
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
""I got a loan to pay for a car, is it paid for or finance (insurance purposes)?""
I got the loan from a credit union, I used it to pay for the car, but I am not sure if I should select paid for or financed when filling out the application for car insurance. Help please!""
Best way to get car insurance?
I have heard that it may be better to get car insurance from a broker rather than online. I am 18, and I want to get my own policy. I am currently a named driver on my dads policy, as it is much cheaper to do it that way but I want to buy a car in my name and start earning my own ncb. I currently drive a Jaguar X Type and the insurance costs 2100 from Tesco (with my dad as the main driver). It would cost me about 3200 to insure it myself with Tesco. I want to get a smaller car that is easier on petrol and road tax, but I am having trouble finding a realistic quote. I am thinking about either a Smart Roadster coupe, a honda civic or ford fiesta. With Tesco, I dont get 1 year ncb as I would have done with Direct Line, and the insurance would be OK if I did. Its tempting me to lie on the insurance if I cant find a decent quote (under 2000), although I wouldn't want to. Can anyone offer me any advice on how to find cheaper car insurance or recommend any companies ?""
Should I switch my auto insurance this early?
I have Esurance right now.. My policy started in Feb and ends in August. It is $200 a month and I have minimum coverage. I did not have insurance for 15 months until I started my policy, so I settled and did not look at many places for the insurance. I just looked at some quotes today, and Progressive quoted me $140 with more coverage and I probably could get some discounts from them. Should I keep my current policy until it expires in August? Or should I just switch now? I feel like keeping my insurance for 6 months and switching with no gap in my coverage could benefit me more than calling it quits so soon, but I honestly don't know. I'm new to these kinds of responsibilities.""
Good cheap car insureance?
need help wiht insurance for my car my car is a little ford fiesta 1.3 cheap 2 insure i no but i have 6 points :( so im gettign qoutes of artound 4000pound to insure my fiesta and im jsut wodneriing there must insuracne companys out there hu specialize in this field if no any can u let me me cheeers
In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.
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