#the main thing that makes me prefer my dad's side is they don’t make me feel judged or patronized
whatevertheywant · 1 year
If I had like any survival skills and more than like 30 bucks to my name,I would go off the grid so fuckin fast
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
Weekend Trip
WandaNat x Female Reader
You’re set to marry Wanda, but when you meet Natasha things begin to change. One weekend away makes the three of you face your feelings for each other
Warnings: Smut! 18+ please! Kissing, cursing, oral (W, N, R receiving), fingering, flirting, and smoking
Note: So, I watched match point today and got obsessed with Scarlett’s character. This Nat is loosely based on her. Enjoy this!
WandaNat Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You take one last glance in the mirror and walk out of the room. Down the stairs, you can hear the bustle of the party.
Another one of your friend’s ritzy parties that you don’t want to attend, but you do so anyway. After all, the woman you are set to marry is waiting amongst the crowd.
Before you enter the party, you hear people chatting in the game room. It piques your curiosity, so you step into the room. Standing across from a man at the table tennis game is the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. The man moves out of the room, and you see all of her. She’s wearing a white dress and an updo that leaves her neck exposed.  
“You up for a game?” she asks, her voice velvety.
“Sure,” you reply.
She looks you over as she picks up the paddle again. Two hits back and forth and you blast the ball past her.
“I’m impressed,” she says.
“May I?” you ask, walking to her side of the table.
She nods and smirks at you. You take her paddle and place it in her hands. Your front brushes against her back as you help her hit the ball.
“You play a good game,” she says.
The blonde turns to you and your shoulders now brush. She is close enough that you can smell her perfume.
“And you have perfect lips,” the words fall out of your mouth easily.
She seemingly pulls a cigarette and lighter out of thin air. It shouldn’t be as alluring as it is as she takes a few drags of the cigarette.
You gaze into each other’s eyes but are interrupted by someone walking into the room.
“Natasha, there you are,” your friend, Carol says.
“Hey babe,” Natasha, you know her name as now, says.
Natasha pulls away from you a bit and Carol kisses her.
“This is my fiancée, Natasha. Nat this is my friend y/n,” Carol introduces the two of you.
“Nice to meet you,” you say.
“Likewise,” she returns.
Carol and Nat slip into their own world briefly and you feel out of place. You excuse yourself to the party where you find your girlfriend.
“Hey Wanda,” you approach the woman. She smiles and throws her arms around your neck in excitement.
“I missed you,” Wanda says.
“I missed you too.”
You kiss the woman and when you pull away, you’re met with the eyes of Natasha. You shake off her gaze and direct your attention back to Wanda. The rest of the party goes by without much of any issues.
It’s not until the next week when you see Natasha on the street that things get complicated. You walked with her and waited outside for her to finish her audition. She comes out after and asks if you want to get a drink.
A few drinks in, you both get lost in conversation with each other.
“So, you’ve got it made with Wanda,” Natasha comments.
“Do I?”
“Yeah, I’d say so. You know Carol also works with Wanda’s dad’s company. Quite the set up. If you play it right, you’ll be good for life,” Nat says.
“And how could I play it wrong?”
Natasha chuckles and takes another sip of her drink. She leans over the table a bit and her breasts spill out of her shirt. She doesn’t miss the way your eyes follow her movements.
“You could make a pass at me,” Natasha says.
“What makes you think I’d do that?”
“I’m aware of the affect I have on women and men. But I prefer the women.” Natasha practically giggles at her words. “I’ve had too much to drink.”
“Right,” you say. “Let’s get you a cab.”
You go home to Wanda. She is listening to music and cooking when you get there.
“Hey baby,” Wanda greets you. “Good day?”
“Interesting one. Glad to be home,” you say.
You drop a kiss on her cheek and pour wine for both of you. After dinner, Wanda settles on the couch and opens her arms for you. You fall into them and start a movie together.
Wanda turns down the volume at a boring part and turns to you.
“So, Carol invited us on a trip with her and Natasha,” Wanda says.
“Yeah. My papa offered us the house upstate. Do you want to go?”
You mull it over. A weekend trip with your girlfriend and the woman you’ve been feeling attracted to lately probably isn’t the best idea. But when Wanda wants to do something, you must say yes. That much you know.
“Yeah, let’s do it,” you agree.
“Perfect. We leave tomorrow,” Wanda says. Her voice is cheery, and you know she really wanted to go.
The next day comes quickly and you and Wanda drive upstate. When you arrive, Natasha is there on the porch. She is wearing a purple button up shirt and smoking a cigarette as per usual.
“Hello Natasha!” Wanda greets her. Nat shares the greeting and hugs her.
“Where’s Carol?” You ask.
Nat winces at the name. “She’s not coming. We- um- we broke up.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Wanda jumps in first.
“Yeah, I’m sorry Nat.”
“It’s okay. We probably should’ve canceled this weekend, but Carol insisted I still come,” Natasha says.
“We’re glad you did. I’ll take our stuff to the bedroom. Y/n, can you and Nat get dinner going?” Wanda asks.
You both agree and head inside. Nat cuts vegetables as you get started on the meat. Wanda joins and you all settle at the dinner table once the cooking is finished.
Dinner is entertaining as you jump from topic to topic. You learn a lot more about Natasha and even about Wanda. Under the table, you take any chance you get to touch Wanda. By the time it’s over, Wanda is practically desperate for you.
But you hold fast. You turn on a movie as you sit on the couch with Natasha on one side and Wanda on the other. The blonde tries not to notice the way your hand is under the blanket and Wanda is randomly letting out soft moans.
“Maybe we should go to our room,” Wanda suggests after she realizes she’s moaning particularly loudly.
“And leave Natasha out?” You ask the question loud enough for both women to hear it.
Wanda gasps but she leans over to see how Natasha reacts. She sees fire in her eyes.
“That would be rude of us. Natasha, would you like to join us in the bedroom?” Wanda asks.
You slip the blanket off her lap to reveal your hand brushing over Wanda. Standing up, you offer Wanda your hand and you walk towards the bedroom.
Natasha doesn’t say anything, for once rendered speechless. But she follows you and Wanda.
“You can just watch for a minute,” you say to her.
Not waiting for a response, you pull Wanda in for a deep kiss. Her tongue brushes against yours. You waste no time slipping her panties down her legs and pulling her dress over her head.
Natasha watches as you devour Wanda. You lay down and bury your face between Wanda’s legs. Nat scoots closer to you and when you lift your head from Wanda’s pussy, Natasha takes her chance to kiss you.
Those perfect lips of hers dance with yours as she tastes you and the woman that’s on your tongue. You run a hand through her blonde hair as you kiss her deeper.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Wanda moans out.
“Yeah baby?” You ask. You keep your hand in Natasha’s hair and pull her down in between Wanda’s legs with you.
Your tongues mingle as they move through Wanda’s folds. Natasha takes Wanda’s clit between her fingers as you continue to use your mouth to please the woman.
“I’m gonna come,” Wanda mumbles.
“Come for us, Wanda,” Natasha says, her voice is deep with sensuality.
Wanda comes against your tongue and Natasha’s fingers. You lick her clean and Natasha kisses you quickly, wanting the taste of Wanda on her tongue again.
The blonde also leans up and kisses Wanda. Wanda groans and starts to open Natasha’s shirt. You reach up the back and unhook her bra as Wanda undoes the buttons.
“You’re so beautiful,” you say, kissing the exposed skin of her back and neck.
“I need you,” Natasha says. She turns her head for you to capture her lips in a kiss.
Wanda slips off Natasha’s pants and buries her face between her legs. Natasha gasps into the kiss and leans back further into you.
“Ride my face,” Natasha instructs.
You slip out from behind her and take off your pants and underwear. Straddling her, you place your pussy right over her lips. You face Wanda so you can see as your girlfriend expertly eats Natasha out.
Nat lets out soft moans of pleasure from Wanda’s ministrations and from the taste of you on her tongue. You pick up the pace and she hangs right with you.
“Just like that, Natasha. Fuck!” you moan out.
Natasha’s own hips begin to shake and the woman comes hard against Wanda’s tongue. The sight is enough to make you come as well. Natasha hums and the vibrations feel so good that you’re close to coming again. When Wanda kisses Nat’s hips up to her breasts, you come for a second time at the sight.
“She’s so good for us,” Wanda says. She kisses you and helps you off Natasha’s face.
You lay between the women and catch your breath. Wanda kisses your cheek softly and snuggles into your side. You turn to Natasha and reach out your other arm for her.
“Feeling better?” You ask her.
“Very much,” she replies.
Natasha leans in and kisses you softly. It feels so soft, so domestic.
You all fall asleep together peacefully. You don’t know what the future holds, but you’re focused on this weekend alone. Wanda and Natasha here with you is everything you need.
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sturniozo · 5 months
In The Shadows II
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“But why do you have to leave the country?” My boyfriend, Luke asks. He’s been my boyfriend for two years. I haven’t told him about what I do, how could I?
“I told you, it’s a work thing.” I say as I continue to pack my suitcase.
“What does a planner at a stock company need to do in Switzerland?” Luke sits in the bed next to my suitcase.
“It’s not really something I can discuss.” I put the last few things in my suitcase.
“You’re not doing something illegal, are you?” Luke asks as he looks me in the eyes.
I take a breath. “No, of course not.” I say as I close my suitcase.
“You don’t tell me anything!” He groans and lays on the bed.
“You’re acting like a child.” I set the suitcase down on the floor.
“Why Switzerland? Why so far? How long will you be gone?”
“It’s for an important client, and it might be a while.”
“Give me your best guess.”
“Three months?” I shrug. That’s the average amount of time it takes for something like this.
“What kind of stock has clients that need you to go across the world for them for three months?” Luke asks, starting to raise his voice.
“It’s not something I can discuss, Luke.” I sit down next to him on the bed.
“What about me? How am I gonna live?”
“It’s not like my bank account goes with me. You can still use your card to my account.” Luke has no job. He got fired from his job at a computer store for playing video games on the new ministers instead of doing his job. It’s been 16 months since he was fired. It’s the main reason he moved in with me, since he lost his apartment. Now I solely take care of everything while he plays video games all day.
Not that I mind, I make more than enough for the both of us. Although, he doesn’t exactly know that. He thinks I make a regular salary, because that’s what I put into the bank account I created just to get him off my back about having a card for my bank account. Every two weeks I add a regular amount to the account to make him think I got paid.
At first I thought it was a mistake. Every time I “got paid” he’d spend all the money on something stupid. It didn’t actually matter, but I had to make him think it did or else he’d get suspicious about what I really do for a living.
“Yeah but isn’t there inflation difference between America and Switzerland? What if you spend all the money on a coffee or something and I’m left broke?” Luke asks.
I sigh. “It’s all paid for by the client, you don’t have to worry about that.”
A private jet. I stare at the plane as the worker load suitcases and boxes of items onto the plane. I don’t even know what’s in the boxes, just things my father decided I needed for my cover.
I look through the folder my father gave me, exposing my contract and my cover. I’m to pose as a newlywed woman with my husband, Matt. I roll my eyes just at the thought.
My dad bought a house in Switzerland under our fake identities, so the things in the boxes must be what we’re moving into the house. Our cover is art. We need to go to Finley Wilson for art to decorate our new home with. We need to befriend him, and find who he’s closest to, who he loves the most, and report back to dad.
I put the folder back into my purse and board the plane. Matt’s already there, drinking the scotch, I didn’t expect any different. I set my purse down in a seat and sit down.
“How was the drive?” Matt asks while pouring another glass of scotch. He hands it to me and I only set it to the side, ignoring it completely.
“We’re only fake married, I’d prefer it if we didn’t talk outside of what we have to keep our cover, thank you.” I pull out the folder to read up on Finley Wilson.
“The best assassins keep up their cover even in private.” Matt says before taking a drink of his scotch.
“We haven’t even officially started our cover, so I don’t need to speak to you at all. As far as I’m concerned, until we leave American soil, we’re still just y/n l/n and Matthew Sturniolo.”
Matt stays silent for a moment. He shifts in his seat and looks over at me. “You’re very interested in the case file.” He says, breaking the silence.
“The best assassins study up on their cover and their hit before going in.” I say without looking up from the file.
Matt rolls his eyes. “It’s a long flight, we should go over the specifics of our relationship.”
“We’re a newlywed couple, just bought a house in Switzerland and we were looking to decorate it with art when we heard about Mr. Wilson’s collection.”
“Yeah, but how did we meet? What made you fall for me?” Matt smirks and leans back in his seat.
“What’s not to fall for? The lack of empathy or the inevitable betrayal?” I glare at him for a moment before looking back at the file.
“Is this about Montana? Y/n, that was five years ago!”
“Oh, was it? And what’s your excuse for never calling? For never explaining? Maybe it was because you knew there was nothing to explain. You’re just an ass who only cares about himself.” I snap at him.
Matt closes his mouth and leans back in his seat. He twirls the scotch around in his glass before looking at mine, still full from when he poured it. “Still not a drinker, huh?” He asks with a light laugh.
“Nope.” I say sternly, still reading over the case file.
The sound of the intercom goes off and the pilot says “This is your pilot, captain Jones, telling you to prepare for take off in five minutes.”
Matt smiles at me. “Well, Mrs. Sturniolo.” He moves to the seat next to mine. “Let’s see our new home, shall we?”
“We haven’t left American soil yet, Matt.” I set down the file. “Besides, I have a boyfriend.”
“Oh you do? I thought you were scared of commitment. Who’s the lucky guy?” Matt asks with a laugh.
“You’ve met him, actually.”
“I have?” Matt looks at me confused before it dawns on him. “Oh, god. Don’t tell me it’s Luke Pelton.”
“What’s wrong with Luke?” I ask.
“He’s a fucking moocher. He got fired from what, two jobs before the computer store job he had when I knew him. Does he even still have that job?”
“Well, no-“
“Jesus, how many jobs has he had since then?” Matt laughs.
“None, he lives with me and I got everything.” I shrug.
“Yeah, seriously, and what’s wrong with that? For years women did the housework while men were the breadwinners, I don’t see anything wrong with the roles being reversed.”
“Does he do the housework, though? Because that would be a surprise!” Matt laughs again.
I roll my eyes and look out the window, clenching my jaw to keep quiet. He’s right, Luke doesn’t do the housework. He doesn’t do anything. But I don’t mind it.
“What does he think you do anyway?” Matt asks while taking a drink of his scotch.
“He thinks I’m a planner is stocks.” I shrug.
“And he’s dumb enough to believe that? Where did you say you were going?”
Matt’s jaw drops. “You told him the truth?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? I didn’t tell him what I was really doing.”
“And if someone wanted information out of him?”
I laugh. “It’s fine.”
“I suppose you’re right. Anyone who does any research on that man will figure out that he’s got a pea brain.”
I throw the scotch glass Matt had given me at him and it breaks against the wall. “Hey!” Matt yells. “That’s $8k scotch!”
“Don’t fucking talk about Luke like that.” I spit at Matt.
He raises his hands in surrender and sits back in his seat. The plane starts moving and Matt just smirks at me. “Now, now you’re Mrs. Sturniolo.”
TAGS: @sturniolopookie @savageking3 @tastesousweet @jko3005 @sturniolo0ntop @cheesesoda @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer
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klausysworld · 1 year
Can you make a smut like just pure smut klaus x reader (preferably black/mixed reader)reader is hope Mikealson’s best friend and reader is finally meeting hopes family and she is all hot and bothered by klaus and klaus can tell
“Hii how are you could you maybe make a smut klaus x fem reader hopes best friend (reader)finally meet hope’s family and reader is drawn to klaus and can’t take her eyes off of him and he notices and something happens between them :)”
this was also requested and i wasn’t sure if you could respond to two at once??
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Hope and i had been best friends for a while now and i was so nervous about meeting her family. I’ve seen pictures and been told all about them so hopefully everything will be fine but i sort of already have crush on her dad even though i haven’t actually met him?
Hope knows i find him attractive and always makes jokes about it, thankfully she finds it funny instead of making it weird
“i know they’re all gonna love you! You, y/n y/l/n, are gonna become an honorary Mikaelson… or maybe an actual Mikaelson if you marry my dad… will that make me your daughter? should i start calling you Mommy?” i shoved her as we laughed and got out of her car to start walking to to her house, i ended up chasing her most of the way to the door as she fake screamed and ran
“i call maid of honour!” she called as we got to the entrance
“who’s getting married?” was said from behind me making me jump forward towards Hope, she had a big smile on her face as she grabbed my arm
“Dad!! this is y/n remember i told you all about her!?” my face heated up as i ran a hand down my face and glanced at Klaus who looked somehow even better in person than in the photos
“oh god what did you say?” i mumbled shaking my head and both she and her father laughed
“nothing bad love, in fact she said many wonderful things, you enjoy art?” i side eyed a very smiley Hope who was practically buzzing
“she does, she paints too, she’s really good, i think you should show her your art room cuz i know for a fact that she would just looove it, i showed her some of your pieces and her mouth was hanging open like a fish she looked adorable” she rambled but i don’t think Klaus was listening much, he was looking straight into my eyes as his pupil dilated as he licked his bottom lip and hummed
“well them we’ll take her up yes?” he cut hopes rant off and she nodded excitedly
“sure well im gonna see aunt Bex so if you take her to see that- the art! i’ll see you both in a moment” she literally slid out of the room as she slipped and skidded round the corner
“you don’t have to, i think Hopes in a…funny mood” i explained and began walking after her but his large hand took ahold of mine and he spun me back to his chest
“we should go see the art, if she thinks we should see the art then it’s what we should do” i whispered an “okay” in response and he led me up the stairs.
He showed me many paintings and sketches letting me touch the different textures and flip through his books. All the way through he kept a hand on my waist, his face was practically sat in the crook of my neck and he whispered stories of why painted different things. One sketch book had paintings of naked women, or hands touching intimate parts of someone, i felt my panties dampen at the thought of him painting my body, his hands cupping my breasts. He inhaled deeply through his nose and let out a little grunt
“which is your favourite?” he muttered as he bushed himself against me letting me feel his hard on against my ass
“probably that one…” i said quietly pointing to the painting of the women lead on the bed with her back arched and her head thrown back
“mm that was actually a very interesting person, she had very lovely hands you see?” he moved my hand to where hers were, she was squeezing her own breasts, i realised that was the main focus of his drawing, her hands
“you’re very talented Mr Mikaelson” he smirked and rubbed my hip with his thumb
“1000 years of practice can do that, perhaps…you’ll let me do you?” i gulped and slowly turned around so our chests were touching, i was breathing pretty heavily and could feel my breasts brushed against him, i locked eyes with his sapphire ones as i tilted my head up. He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine which i immediately reciprocated, they were plump and soft making me push my tongue through them and taste his. He tasted rich and intoxicating making me moan into his mouth and moved my hands to hold the back of his head while his held onto my waist pulling me tightly against him. He moved a hand down and lightly squeezed my ass under my skirt. He pushed his leg in between my thighs and moved me along his jeans, the fabric quickly darkened with my wetness as it went through my underwear onto him. I panted when he moved his mouth down to suck along my jaw and then down and back up my neck finding my sweet spot just below my ear and paying it extra attention. I moaned again louder and i began grinding against him harder. He brought his hands down to lift me up by my thighs, i wrapped my legs around him as he connected our mouths again.
Our tongues entwined and the sound of pages scattering the floor filled the room, i was put into the now empty table, i was pushed flat on my back and my legs were pulled to the edge
“you look so bloody beautiful spread our like this, suck a lovely dress” he told me and kissed down my neck to my cleavage, he ran his tongue along the swell of my breasts. I arched my back and moved my hands up to undo some of the buttons going down so he had better access to them. Klaus gently cupped them both and then attached his lips to my left one making me gasp. He tugged on it and swirled his tongue around it before giving the same affection to the other one. He undid the rest of the buttons and pushed it off my arms leaving me completely bare for him.
Nervousness flooded through me and i brought my knees up to my chest so i was covered
“i want to see you y/n, all of you” he whispered and pulled my knees apart to look at my most private area. The vulnerability of being so open for him while he was still fully clothed had me avoiding any eye contact as he studied me.
“you are magnificent you know that? absolutely divine” he announced moved so he was off the table and pulling me to the edge, he went down onto his knees and held my legs open
“do you want this, love?” he whispered locking eyes with me
“i- i do” he smirked in response and his tongue darted out. His hot tongue kitten licked at my clit, my hands flew to his hair and pulled him towards me breathing out his name as though it were a prayer
“lay back love” he instructed before his actions became more. He was now sucking harshly at my clit and his tongue teased my entrance making me gasp a moan. I opened my legs as wide as they would go when his skilful tongue entered me, he expertly plunged it within me and i called out for him desperately. The dreams i had were no where near as brilliant as the real thing. I could feel myself fluttering around his tongue, his thumb went to my clit and drew figures of eight upon it, he gradually got faster and i pulled at his sandy locks. The burning sensation pulsed through me, my nails scratched his scalp, his groan adding to the pure pleasure coursing inside while my toes curled and i came into his mouth. His thumb slowed and gently tapped my clit as he licked up every last drop that escaped me.
“You taste fantastic y/n” he whispered and kissed me again letting me see how sweet i was in his mouth.
“can you take your clothes off now” i asked shyly still playing with his curls. He smirked and kissed my lips again
“i suppose it’s only fair” he said while removing his shirt. I gaped at his toned body and couldn’t help but run my fingertips down his torso as he undid his belt, when i glanced down to his underwear i audibly swallowed
“i know you’re going to be so good for me” he uttered stroking my cheek with his palm while palming himself
“how…how do you want me?” i hesitated before asking still eyeing his thickness, almost drooling when he twitched
“Let’s get you on the floor” he pulled me down from the table and onto the floor
“hands and knees love” he whispered and i did as told. He disappeared for a second before returning with a pillow, he stretch my arms and and told me to rest my head on the pillow. I arched my back for him and shivered at the thoughts running through my mind
“you’re sure?”
“i’m positive” i replied
A moment later his tongue was in my folds again gathering my juices and sliding into my centre before exiting again and shifting himself forward, his hands rubbed my ass and down my back, he gripped onto my hips and guided me onto his dick. My tight walls swallowed him as soon as he entered his thick length and we both moaned.
“oh god” i mumbled and stretched myself further
“not god love, just me” he slowly removed himself until just is tip remained inside me before thrusting back in forcefully and building a rhythm from there
“i don’t think ‘just me’ is a fair answer there, you’re basically a god” he gave a breathy laugh and continued moving, i had never felt so full in my life, his cock buried far inside me hitting my g-spot just right making me cry out for him to continue. He gave guttural moans from behind me. His hands moved up my back and got ahold of the area between my neck and shoulders, he pulled me back into him to meet his forceful jolts. I tightened around him and i could feel my clit screaming to be touched, almost as if he could read my mind one hand left my shoulder and went to his mouth before down against my bundle of nerves.
“you going to cum for me sweet y/n?” he asked as he twitched inside me and his thrusts became slightly sloppy. I nodded rapidly and my body shook with the force he used to fuck me. i squeezed the pillow between my hands and cried out a moan of his name as i clamped around him and let him fill me with his hot fluid.
He rocked into me for a while longer before slipping out of me and letting out a sigh of contentment. My body relaxed and my face pressed into the pillow, my ass was still propped in the air and i groaned at the ache in my core pushed myself up on my arms and then my hands and rolled over to sit down
“did i do okay?”
“you did perfectly, come here” i crawled over to him and he tilted my head to kiss my lips slowly and softly
“Hope’s waiting for us and you need to meet everyone else but next time i’ll take you out for a romantic dinner, i’ll get you another pretty dress, your favourite flowers which i already know because Hope has told me everything i could need to know and then if you want something like this again ill have you in my bed” i blushed dark and nodded smiling
“i’d like that very much”
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cheiyunn · 3 months
Kimisute main story [3部 ] Part 6
[Dreadnought Music office]
Kenta: Thank you for your work. What is it you called us in for today
Kenta: To ask for everyone to come means that this is an important discussion…
Mashu: I’d like to have you all participate in this
Kenta: 「Special project to celebrate Iryuu Koga’s return」..!?
Nayuta: …!
Miyuki: So, you want us to also participate in this sales ranking game thing…?
Kenta: (...usually I’d immediately say yes to this but at the same time I’d like to not corner Nayuta any more than already done… what to do…?)
Nayuta: …got it
Reon: You sure?
Nayuta: I’ll pummel him to the ground since at least now he’s thinking that there isn’t any out there that can best him
Mashu: …It’s good to hear you have motivation
Mashu: The release of the new songs related to the tie-ups will be aligned with this sales ranking project then
Nayuta: yeah
Kenta: I understand. Then, once we finalize the demo we’ll contact you again
Mashu: Do so. That is all.
Ryo: See ya later, president-san
--[A few days later]--
--[Door knocks]--
Kenta: Nayuta, how long do you intend to be holed up like that. Please, could you come out for a bit
--[Door opens]--
Nayuta: Don’t bother me
Kenta: Saying that, do you know how long you’ve been in there. I know its normal for you to do that, but do take some breaks in between
Nayuta: …you don’t need to tell me. I’ll rest when I need to
Kenta: You’re lying. Day and night, there’s a constant sign of you working
Kenta: It’s not just me, everyone else is just as worried
Nayuta: Tsk… shut up
--[Nayuta walks away]--
Kenta: Where do you intend to go?
Nayuta: Cause you’re so noisy, I’m going out for a walk 
Nayuta: ….Don’t tail me
Kenta: …I understand. At least just make it so you’re able to be contacted
Nayuta: yeah…
--[Nayuta leaves]--
Ryo: …Kenken, how was Nayuta?
Kenta: Somehow got him to leave his room. He said he’d go out for a bit of a walk
Ryo: It’s normal for him to stay in his room but.. Nayuta seemed like he was more troubled than normal…
Ryo: Maybe, the thing about his dad is really bothering him
Kenta: I’d assume so. To add on that he’s already someone who pushes himself to the limit, I just wish he’d take care of himself a little more…
Ryo: Should we make something for when he comes home?
Kenta: Yeah. Preferably something easy to take in and filling… we need to factor in nutrition too…
Ryo: If there's anything I can do, just tell me okay. I want to help you too, Kenken
Kenta: …thank you, Ryo
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[Park  /  In front of clinic]
Nayuta: ( Tsk… it’ll be a pain if they see the medicine. ….better hide it)
Nayuta: ( 「If you don’t take the medication properly and not rest enough, there’s a high chance that your condition could worsen」huh… Why now of all times…)
Reon: Welcome back. Were you able to catch a breather
Nayuta: That doesn’t concern you. Leave me be
Reon: If we do, you’ll just completely stop living like a human being 
Reon: You know that Kenta-san was super worried about you right?
Nayuta: One after another, all of you just butting in with your two cents…
Reon: If that really bothers you, then at least do the bare minimum for living activities
--[Door opens]--
Kenta: Nayuta, you’re back
Miyuki: You fi–nally left your room. For starters, it's a relief that you're alive and kicking
Nayuta: …I’m going back to my room. Don’t bother me
Kenta: At the very least eat a bit before you go back. You haven’t ate anything right, here, we made some
Nayuta: Don’t need it. Just hand me the water
Miyuki: Hah… could you cut the stoic-act in half? I’ll give you my jelly supplements so at least just take that and eat in your room
Nayuta: …hmph
--[Nayuta enters his room]--
Reon: Kenta-san….
Kenta: It’s the usual thing. If we just leave it in the fridge, he’ll take it out when he feels like it
Kenta: At least he took Miyuki’s jelly supplements, so there’s one good thing
Miyuki: But still, how long does he intend to hole up like that? If he keeps exerting himself at that rate, he’ll really pass out no?
Kenta: I’d assume until the song is done but still… Perhaps I really should be more forceful towards him…
Miyuki: Doesn’t he get that if he really does fall it’ll all be for nothing…
Reon: The Nayuta from the past few days feels more and more like he’s running through and it’s hard to watch…
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
Hurt (Robby Keene x GN!Reader)
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Requested by @skyel0ve: Hey, if you are doing a Cobra Kai fic at the moment could you do a seriously hurt Robby one? Where either Miguel or Johnny hurts him at the school/dojo? It's been on my mind a lot, especially with all the apologies going around.
Author's Note: I've never really written for Robby (I prefer his dad any day) but I hope that this is good and that you enjoy it! Thank you for the request!!!!!
Warnings: SPOILERS for Cobra Kai season 5, blood, dislocated shoulder, cuts, bruises
Main Master List Cobra Kai Master List
Robby thought that he and Miguel had buried the hatch. He thought that he and Miguel could get along again, but no matter how hard either tried, the slightest thing would light the short fuse that held their tentative relationship together. Robby had considered going to his dad’s apartment, but with Johnny living next door to Miguel and having a new born baby, Robby decided to go to the only place where he would feel safe.
A single knock of the door alerts you to a newcomer as you eye the wooden frame in speculation. It’s 5 pm and you really aren’t expecting any visitors, but nevertheless, you tiptoe to the door, reaching up to look through the peephole only to find a familiar mop of dirty blonde hair. “Robby?” You swing the door open as your eyes widen. It is indeed Robby, but it’s not the Robby you remember. No, this Robby is broken and beaten. Blood stains in different areas of his shirt and pants, a fresh bruise making home on his chin, his eye swollen shut, his lip split, and most notably, his arm in a weird position.  “Robby? What the hell happened to you?” He smiles softly, attempting to raise his arm to wave at you but flinches instead as he looks past you and into your apartment.
“Hey (Y/N). Anybody home?”
“No? I live by myse-” before you could finish, he pushes past you and all but collapses on your couch, blood dripping down from his arm and onto your rug. “Robby, you look hurt. We need to get you to the hospital,” you move to grab your keys and purse but a groan stops you as you look over to where he lays.
“No! Don’t. They’ll call my dad. I don’t need him,” he comments, clutching onto his dislocated arm while you reluctantly set your bag down and kneel at his side. 
“Don’t you think we should probably call him? Or even your mom? Let them know what’s going on?”
“Not like either would care. Mom is too busy with rehab, dad is too busy with his stupid baby,” Robby comments causing your eyes to widen in shock.
“Johnny has a baby now? He can’t even take care of you, let alone a newborn? What the hell? I haven’t seen you in over a year and here you are seriously hurt and on my couch.” Robby looks up at you, green eyes meeting yours before letting his head rest against the arm of the couch. 
“Look, I know it’s been a while, but you are the only person I can trust right now. I didn’t know where else to go,” he admits as you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, absorbing the last 6 minutes. Nodding your head, you disappear out of the room only to reemerge with a first aid kit and some ibuprofen.
“Ok, I don’t know how to fix a dislocated shoulder, but I can put it in a sling. I can also fix up your cuts, but you owe me an explanation as to what happened.” Robby hisses when you pour peroxide onto his wound as he takes the medicine with his good hand, well his better hand despite it still being bruised.
“Miguel and I got into another fight. I thought we hashed it out, but I guess some things can just never die,” he muses as you look at him through your lashes, applying some ointment to his wounds. “I honestly don’t even know what set it off. I didn’t say anything to him before he just started swinging.”
“Is the baby his sibling? If so maybe he’s just frustrated and taking it out on whoever,” Robby rolls his eyes, nodding his head in agreement.
“Yeah, it's probably that. I just think he’s jealous that he’s not the apple of dad’s eye anymore,” you hum in agreement, placing the last bandaid on his skin before sitting back. 
“Maybe. I mean you know they’re super close,” the comment brings a look of disdain to Robby’s eyes before they flutter shut, almost as if releasing the anger from his body. A quietness stills over the two of you before you lean back, gathering the mess and throwing it away. “Either way, you need to go see a doctor, get your shoulder put back into place, and soon or else it’ll make recovery time worse. So how about I take you?” Robby sighs but swings his aching legs off the couch and stands up, using you as a crutch as you guys walk out the door.  “Robby?”
“Next time, make sure to kick Miguel’s ass because I do not wanna have to do this again.” He offers you a small smile as he leans into you.
“I’ll remember that.”
Author's note: Thanks again for the request. I hope you enjoy!!!
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie @11thstreetvigilante
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romeo and...cullen? | part 4.
Summary: Y/N Cullen, youngest in both actual age and last to be turned in the Cullen clan. Her world is turned upside down when Bella Swan enters her family’s life, because Bella doesn’t bring just herself but drags some of her friends into the Cullen’s life as well.
Warnings for the Series: light violence, light angst, light smut
Pairing: Jacob Black x reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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You shook the empty cup of your milkshake, frowning a little. You removed your head from Jacob’s shoulder.
“Did I mention how I came to the Cullens?” you asked, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
“No, I don’t think you did.”
“My parents died in a car crash… my whole family actually. There were five of us. Two brothers, one older one younger.”
“Oh my God, (Y/N). I’m so sorry.”
“It’s, it’s fine. We were visiting family in Maine and some drunk trucker was on my dad’s tail and wouldn’t ease up, next thing I know our whole car’s flipped upside and then I’m suddenly in the care of Dr. Carlisle Cullen. Um, Edward was saving me and Bella from some douches and his driving was just a little too fast… I still get trauma from time to time. It’s nothing really, it’s stupid.”
“No, I don’t think that. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“How are you?” Your family asked when you walked in the house.
Jacob had dropped you off at the edge of the woods and you kept all thoughts of him dropping you off away so Edward couldn’t hear you and alert the family. You weren’t one to go hunting, preferring the blood bags Carlisle made but catching a couple squirrels before entering the house helped push thoughts of Jake and his family out of your head and brought in nothing but hunting instincts.
“Exhausted and I wish I could sleep.”
“Sorry sis, perks of being a vamp.”
Emmett patted the empty spot in between him and Edward. You sat down before completely flopping, resting your head in Edward’s lap and your feet in Emmett’s. Rosalie sat on the floor in front of you and you played with her hair with your free hand.
“What are we watching tonight?”
“Bollywood movie marathon. My choice,” Rosalie said.
Coven nights like this were the only fun ones to you as a vampire. You didn’t like to be alone. What you really wished was that you could drift off to sleep and dream instead. But at least you had some sort of family around.
You jumped back quickly as Bella’s truck suddenly backed up in her driveway. You were catching a ride with her at her insistence. Your friend stuck her head out the window at breakneck speed.
“Woah, woah, Bells. Is this revenge for not pushing you out of the way from Tyler’s van.”
“Sorry! I thought I had the brake on.”
“No harm, no damage done,” You joked as you walked around to the passenger’s side.
“Aren’t you cold?” Bella looked down at your choice of dress, just a sweater and some shorts.  
“Eh, not really. Forks’ usually worse than this. Ugh, school is going to be so boring today.” You said as you looked in her sideview mirror to apply your mascara.
“All my sophomore classes today, some grade training stuff I’m required to attend. Started to forget I wasn’t in your grade.”
“Think of it as a rest day, they only need you to take the subject tests to boost the sophomore classes average. Everyone knows your grade is the dumbest.”
“Unh-unh, girl, don’t associate me with the rest of them.”
The two of you laughed.
“At least the school’s making you guys pizza for lunch as compensation for your struggles, even if it kinda tastes like cardboard. Grab me a slice, will you.”
“No can do, Bells.”
“Jacob’s picking me up for lunch. We’re getting real pizza.”
“You two have been hanging out a lot recently.”
“Have we?”
“Yeah, you have. Is something going on between the two of you?”
“Between Jacob and I? I don’t know, we’re just friends. I don’t know, I just like hanging out with Jacob, kinda chill to have someone not from school you know… what?”
Bella had a smug smile on her face. “The fact that you’ve said his name multiple times definitely means something’s going on. Whether you see it or not.”
“Whatever, Bells. Anyway, lunch off campus so no pizza for you.”
“Hey um… are your siblings going to be at lunch today. Jess said when it’s nice out your dad…”
“Only if it’s really sunny.” You cut her off. “Weather’s alright today, so they should be there. Why?”
Bella’s thumbs drummed against the steering wheel and you watched her gulp as she pulled into the parking lot. Bella put the car in park and slumped back in her seat.
“I, I…I know something’s going on with your family. And don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Edward doesn’t say anything either. What’s going on?”
“Oh no, this is between you and my brother, Bella. Let me know how it goes. I’ve got some subject exams to take.”
You swung your backpack over your shoulder and hopped out the truck. The subject exams bored you out of your mind. You finished along with the other smart kids in your grade, the small group of you guys headed out of homeroom way earlier than how long you knew the other kids would be staying. Your phone vibrated in your back pocket, you didn’t look as you answered with a bored “hello” while making your way to the front office to sign out.
“You sound a little worn out, Loca. Seems like you need some energy. And your pizza delivery boy is waiting right outside one Forks High School.”
“I swear you are honestly a life saver right now,” you cheerily greeted the boy holding a large to-go box of pizza.
“Freshly made by Max with an extra fluffy crust I heard you liked.”
“This is exactly what I needed, Jacob.”
“You can just call me Jake you know… Is that your brother and Bella?” Jake looked past you.
You followed his gaze to see Bella following Edward up a hill into the forest. “Yeah, there’s something going on I guess. I don’t get Edward sometimes.”
Jacob nodded absentmindedly. “Well let’s eat before the pizza gets cold.”
Jacob pulled his car off to the side of the main road that led into Forks. He parked far enough that half the car was on the edge of the forest line so any random cars could pass with no problem. The two of you got out of the car and sat on the front hood, the pizza box in between you.
Jacob took off his jean jacket and placed it over your bare legs like a blanket, assuming you were cold which if you were human would probably be correct. You watched as he took your spare scrunchie from around his wrist and pulled his hair back before digging in, the action making you smile to yourself a bit.
“Wait wait so it’s you, Jared, Quil, Embry, and baby Seth.”
“Yeah, those are the boys,” Jacob said taking a bite of pizza.
“And you idiots really dared Quil to enter into the Little Miss Washington Pageant?”
“What? His cousin was sick, couldn’t let all that hard work on her dress go to waste. Quil loved it, the costumes not the performing for other people. Never forgave us for forcing him on stage.” Jacob couldn’t stop laughing.
“I wouldn’t either, you guys are mean!” you tried to scold but were also laughing.
“How were we supposed to know about the stage fright?”
“You’re friends sound crazy.”
“I’ll have to introduce you to the rest at some point. And Seth’s been nagging my ear off to hang out again when you aren’t so sad.”
You two heard the quick whoop of a siren and then a car stopped in front of you.
“Hi Chief Swan,” you greeted the officer as he stepped out the cruiser.
“(Y/N). Jake. Don’t you two kids have class?”
You waved a pink slip from your back pocket. “Sophomores had subject tests today. Finished early. I’m off-duty, Chief.”
“Right, you take a lot of advanced classes don’t you. Alright, Miss Cullen you’re off the hook. What about you, son?”
“Res lunch runs long, Charlie. Just taking the lady out for a bite.”
“Hope she’s not being a bad influence.” You rolled your eyes at Charlie’s joke.
“Not at all sir,” Jacob joked.
“Okay, kids. Have a good lunch. And Jacob? Get back to school after lunch. I’ll hold you accountable (Y/N) if he doesn’t.”
You gave Charlie a mini salute as the police chief got back in his car and drove off. Jake jogged over to the back of his car and brought back a small bag that you hadn’t noticed before.
“Seth’s mom, Sue, made cake for Harry’s birthday yesterday. Saved you a slice after you texted about lunch.”
Jacob stood with his back to the car and untied the bag to reveal a small Tupperware container of strawberry cake with a fork. You dug into the cake practically moaning as you tasted it.
“This is so good.”
You had eaten a significant portion of the slice. Jacob moved from where he was leaning against his car to being right in front of you, placing his hands on either side of you on the car hood. Placing most of his weight one one hand, Jacob used the other to grab the fork from you and take a bite of the cake. He told you more stories about his childhood in La Push while you finished the cake.
“I take it you liked the cake.” Jacob watched you gently place the Tupperware container next to you.
“Tell Seth’s mom, I pay so many compliments to the chef. Man, I’m so much about the Res.”
“Maybe I could see about them making an exception for you. I think my dad’s slowly opening up.”
“My family, Jake… maybe,” you trailed off.
You didn’t want to shoot Jacob down because you wanted to go into La Push yourself but you also didn’t want to give him any false hope. You honestly could never see the elders giving a Cullen any exception, even one that had never touched a drop of human blood in your entire time of being undead.
“Well we won’t know until I try right. Hey, (Y/N)…” Jacob pulled back slightly before shifting his weight completely back to his hands.
“Yeah, Jake?”
“I wanna try something.” Jacob leaned in until his lips were almost brushed against yours. “Stop me if you’re uncomfortable.”
Jacob waited a beat. When you didn’t make a move to stop him, he pressed his lips gently against yours before pulling away.
(Part 5)...
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st0rmyskies · 1 year
I’m new to the LU fandom, I really love the series but I’m kinda confused about the whole link/link shippings. It’s not something I have a real issue with as long as the links in question aren’t related by blood or anything, but I’m really confused how the ships came to be????
Wildlight especially because yes, there’s definitely chemistry and a deep bond between them, but I’ve never thought about their relationship going beyond that and into sexual????
I always kinda felt like they’d be queer-platonic, like, they’re so close their relationship can’t be defined as purely platonic but it’s not sexual. There’s a lot of love and affection but it doesn’t fall neatly into romantic either?
They’re just. Two people who really care about each other and want to enjoy their time together while it lasts to the fullest and just. Experience life with the other by their side.
Mostly I just feel really confused and like I’m lacking a lot of information. I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense or seems rude, I just don’t understand in general, and thought maybe you could provide some insight???
So I, for example, don't like mango. Some people love mango but and think apples are boring, and I would clutch my pearls about that and go on a 40 minute tirade about how apples are the shit. The same can be said for shipping. When it comes to ships, both with regard to types of ships and pairings, a lot of it comes down to personal preference. It's as simple as that.
That's the main idea here, anon. There's not any information you're missing. The rest is under the cut for specifics about Wildlight and other Linkships.
No matter how you ship Wild and Twilight, with even the various flavors of queerplatonic or simple friendship being considered "shipping" of sorts for the purposes of this conversation, as you said: it's obvious that the two of them have chemistry. They have history together. They look to one another when Time says cryptic shit like two siblings wondering if that lore drop from dad was true or not. Twilight scolds Wild for getting himself injured in defense of Wind and Wild doesn't hesitate to give it back to him a bit. In the most recent arc, while everyone on the team is affected by Twilight's injury in one way or another, Wild is the one who loses his mind a bit over the whole thing. Their bond runs deep.
Like you, there is a huge group of fans who look at that relationship and enjoy that flavor of queerplatonic rep. They choose to ship Wild and Twilight in that way, and that's cool. But some of us look at the same relationship and prefer to explore the spicier side of things under the same context, and that's cool too. There was recently a text post I reblogged that went something long the lines of fic writers "using preestablished relationships to give sex [in their works] emotional context." Without having to write thousands of words of backstory to get two people together, sometimes we as fic writers lean on the source material to establish the soft stuff so we can get right into the more hardcore fare. It's a fun little thought experiment to consider how two characters like Twi and Wild who have such obvious caring for one another in canon might engage with one another behind the scenes.
The same can be said for characters who don't seem to have a whole ton of on-screen chemistry, as it were. Sky is very obviously in love with his Zelda, and that's part of the reason why he was the focus of the poly!Sky series. Because yes, SS Zelink is adorable, but what if Sky wasn't limited to that relationship alone? How would his relationships look like with Twilight, with Warriors, with Time? For me, it's a fun exploration and skill-development exercise to write believable romantic and/or sexual relationships that you wouldn't expect in-universe, especially since they firmly aren't established in the source material.
I, for one, also enjoy exploring both healthy and unhealthy sexual relationships through fiction. By far, my favorite kind of couple to write has to be the train wreck: those who bring out the worst in one another and have incendiary chemistry in the bedroom. HSH WarrTime falls into this category, and Twilight/Dark does too in a different sense. It's that journey from "Omg this would NEVER work" to "Dark has one person and one person only he will behave for" that never fails to hook me.
In the end, it boils down to the same reason why most restaurants have such a diverse menu. Some people prefer one flavor of cooked-up relationships, others may prefer another. Some of us change tastes depending on the day. And maybe in relationships that you personally don't see romance or a sexual connection, to someone else it looks plain as day.
And that's all totally okay.
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starlitmark · 2 years
𝐍𝐂𝐓 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐬
◈ Warnings: none
◈ Note 1: this is meant to cause no harm (aka if any of the gods are watching me do this I mean no offense to you or your powers)
◈ Note 2: thank you to my lovely darling @raibebe for helping me through assigning everything and giving me the idea to start with 💕
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐞
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◈ Son of Athena
◈ He’s always known in a sense that he wasn’t a normal human he always knew he was different
◈ Then he met his mom and realized “oh fuck? Yooo, I’m a god”
◈ It was totally unintentional too he was just vibing one day and Athena’s owl paid him a visit and boom he met mom
◈ He’s the oldest one in their group of them and often spends a lot of his time in the archives and library learning pretty random and useless facts
◈ Spends a lot of his free time annoying Jeno (unintentionally)
◈ Very good at strategizing everything and uses it to his advantage when they play games (even though he claims he’s not very competitive)
◈ Please don’t fuck with him though… he weighs heavy on the knowledge side of his mother’s ruling but never forget, she also rules war too… Mark can be a nightmare if you make him angry enough
𝐇𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧
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◈ He’s actually a god
◈ His parents are Hades and Persephone
◈ He just prefers to hang out in the mortal realm cause he clicked well with a “rather annoying demigod” (aka Haechan)
◈ He of course has his godly duties but more often than not he’s just relaxing with the others
◈ Very broody and grumpy like his dad but also so sweet and gentle like his mom at the same time
◈ He has the ability to manipulate seasons (not as much as his mother) and also has complete invisibility at his will like his dad
◈ PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT COMPARE HIM TO HIS SIBLINGS he’s really nothing like his sister, Melinoë goddess of nightmares and madness, or his brother, Dionysus god of wine and religious pleasure… he just wants to vibe being his own self with no real power over important things like his other siblings (his main thing is small parts of nature with a strong association to pomegranates)
◈ Gives this odd combination of cold and welcoming vibes at the same time
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐨
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◈ Son of Ares
◈ Comes off very cold and angry at first
◈ He can’t help it though he genuinely wants to be approachable but having that fiery side to him makes him seem otherwise
◈ Very gifted in cartography and is always the designated map reader no matter how long or short the trip is
◈ He’s the only one who knew his dad was a god from the start (Ares would always pop in from time to time to check on the boy and said he was his favorite)
◈ He’s kinda destructive but he doesn’t mean it most of the time… he always blames it on his dad being the god of war leaning on the side of destruction rather than strategic war
◈ Many want to avoid him at all costs due to his father’s reputation and all he wants is to prove that he’s not like him
◈ Has always stayed by Jaemin’s side and finds his presence calming to the simmering rage that seems to always exist inside him
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧
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◈ Son of Apollo
◈ A bit of a shit head but in the most endearing way possible
◈ Literally a ray of sunshine in human form and he knows it
◈ His smile could heal any wounds of any form
◈ He’s always had an affinity for poetry and sunshine but never knew the root of his love until his mom finally told him why his dad was never around… then it all clicked
◈ As much as he is the one causing issues he’s also the one to remedy the issues thanks to the gift of healing that his father bestowed upon him
◈ He has the cutest relationship with Jisung too since they were raised side by side
𝐍𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧
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◈ Son of Aphrodite
◈ Literally the most gorgeous boy you’ll ever see even though he has lots and lots of siblings
◈ He’s so humble about his beauty too he never boasts about it
◈ Has soooo much love to give and normally either Jeno or Jisung are the recipients of that love (and Jeno grumbles about it but deep deep down really loves it)
◈ As a child he always collected scalloped sea shells and kept them on his dad’s dresser and his dad told him that they were always his mom’s favorite (Jaemin had always assumed she passed when he was still young)
◈ Thennnnn one day a gorgeous woman popped up on the doorstep of his home and his dad broke down in tears and Jaemin just went “mom?” and the rest is history
◈ He is always the one to go to for relationship advice romantic or platonic (for familial you should probably see Renjun or Mark)
𝐙𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐞
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◈ Son of Poseidon
◈ Just as dramatic as his father maybe even more… he loses a game? Suddenly there’s a huge sea storm or an earthquake… he feels a little sad? The whole room is flooded with seawater
◈ The first person in the group he clicked with was Mark which is really ironic considering the long-standing feud between their parents
◈ Chenle was always a water baby and would always find the coolest things in the water but never made a connection between it until some man walked out of the ocean one day and said he was his dad (Chenle laughed in his face for a few minutes thinking he was having a heat-induced hallucination or something)
◈ All of the others know not to get on Chenle’s bad side though… you never want to be on his bad side with how powerful the kid is (Haechan learned that the hard way)
◈ Sometimes he just feels like being a shit starter though and douses his friends in water just for the hell of it
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠
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◈ Son of Artemis
◈ Just like his cousin Haechan he’s always had an affinity for nature. Specifically the moon and deer and he later came to find that his mother was the goddess of the hunt and the moon
◈ He and Haechan were actually raised more like siblings than cousins. His dad and Haechan’s mom ended up getting to be very close friends and only saw it to be right to raise the two boys together
◈ Jisung is just as caring as his mom too, he would risk anything to care for his friends and his dad (he is well aware that his mom can handle herself)
◈ He has a strong sense of nature and you can often find him (and Haechan) sitting in a garden or a forest somewhere. The practice actually helps them feel more connected to his mom and Haechan’s dad… it’s rare any of them get communication but it’s even more so for them with their parent being the god of the moon and sun respectively
◈ Always means well even if he accidentally misinterprets a situation or question which he’s rather prone to doing
COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
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luuthebrute · 6 months
I feel bored so I’m gonna post abt my silly ideas for my Blue Samurai Insert oc, Hana.
Also TW in the third paragraph for physical abuse if you don’t like that stuff, also brief mention of murder
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Hana is a half breed like Mizu. So she has very dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. Plus freckles. She often wears a beat up mask and a kimono as a way to cover her imperfections. She is also very curvy.
She is a very reserved and sweet girl, and prefers to be alone. She also is very self conscious about her face. She used to wear makeup, but it never worked well. So she gave up quickly and wore the mask as a way to cover herself. She quite likes the ocean and nature in general. She also draws and paints sometimes.
Her father was Japanese and her mother was white. The dad basically just fucked the mom out of pure adrenaline and then out popped little Hana. Hana was named “Rose” by her mother, but her father quickly changed it to Hana. Her mom was disabled and couldn’t walk. And basically didn’t leave purely for Hana’s sake. She didn’t want to leave her child with her abusive husband. This abusive husband still managed to harm her and such, which is why she has the ugly scar. She has more, but she covers them over her clothes. Her father used to take her to a shrine and made her pray for several hours to “get rid of the demon” as he put it. Eventually, Hana broke and murdered her father, but she can’t remember it. Her mom then sold her to a priestess to avoid her daughter being killed for the crime, where she lives in a shine/inn thing
. The priestess, whose name is Tenshi, is very controlling. You see, Hana when she was younger got along with Tenshi very well sense she was at the shrine so much. Because of this, Tenshi often sees herself as her mother and feels a sense of entitlement to her sense she saved her from her father. So she is very controlling and manipulative. Tenshi did used to somewhat work for lord Tokunobu Daichi. So Hana and Akemi were friends. But it ended quickly cause the dad didn’t like Hana’s existence as a half breed. Tenshi of course, doesn’t work for him anymore and is now a simple priestess.
(Side note, she actually does have really intense lore outside of this. I do wanna talk about my characters lore so if this is well liked enough I’ll talk abt it more)
Now Hana’s brother, named Kotaro, is Tenshi’s child. He is a 18 year old boy with anger issues and is just a mad teenager. He wants to be a Samurai, but Tenshi doesn’t like them a lot due to her one personal trauma. Hana does practice Archery, so she will often take her brother with her and they both will practice for awhile in the woods. They are quite close but Kotaro often makes fun of her for a few reasons. He doesn’t really make fun of her race but he does think it’s funny to make fun of Hana being a hopeless romantic
I forgot to mention that, I made Hana a hopeless romantic. Through her life she reads really romantic and graphic poetry about love and adoration. She loves it so so much. Her main goal is to find someone to love her and to hopefully marry them and become a wife.
Hana is also bisexual with a pref for women (not like she will ever admit it) and autistic. But of course she doesn’t know about it. Maybe the gay part.
I think that’s it, I do wanna write abt her with Mizu or Akemi but idk if you guys wanna see me rant about the idea of my insert being a homosexual with other characters.
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darkstarofchaos · 1 year
Opinion: Optimus is at his best when his narrative role is mentor, not hero.
Like. From the beginning, Optimus was meant to be this wise, noble leader. G1 is full of moments where he imparts some nugget of wisdom on the other characters, even if said nuggets are... not always context-appropriate (telling someone not to give up on their dreams is fine, but maybe not when they’re lamenting the failure of a mind control plot?). And of course, this was the 80′s, so the good guys always won in the end. Which meant that Optimus' decisions were always right - or at least, there weren’t lasting consequences if he was wrong.
There isn’t anything inherently wrong with having a character like that. The problem is that, if they’re already the wisest and most capable member of the cast, they have nothing to learn. And usually, when a character has nothing left to learn, they aren’t the protagonist. And, okay. It was an episodic cartoon without any real overarching plot. None of the characters grew or changed in any lasting way. But you still had lessons put in there for the kids watching: Spike and Sparkplug both had “you don’t give up on people you love” episodes, Bumblebee had a similar moment with Optimus, the Dinobots and the Aerialbots both had rebellious phases that resulted in their decisively siding with the Autobots, and more. As long as the kids were getting positive messages, it didn’t matter if the characters changed.
Again, nothing inherently wrong with that. But Optimus never has one of those moments where he learns from his team. Because he has nothing to learn (well, he does, but we never see it happen). And that makes him... not very interesting, except as a power fantasy with a side of dad jokes. Which is fine if you like that sort of thing, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most fanfiction portrayals of Optimus don’t have the dad jokes and trash talking during battle. Which brings me back to my main point: Optimus is at his best when his narrative role is mentor.
I know I have a something of a reputation for not liking Optimus, but that’s not a blanket statement. There are several Optimuses I don’t like, and at least as many that I haven’t met, but I do like two of them: Armada and TFP. Armada Optimus was very much a mentor character. He had no major plotlines of his own, save for his obligatory phoenix moment (and even that served more to advance the character arcs of Hot Shot and Starscream - our main protagonists by that point in the series). Most of the time, especially as the Autobot cast grew, Optimus was just there in the background. He fought battles and said wise things, and that was pretty much it. I can understand why one might say he had no personality, because his character didn’t change much over the course of the story.
But honestly, he didn’t need to. His purpose in the story was to help others grow, and he did just that. A plot-reliant story doesn’t benefit from having the character who already knows everything hogging the spotlight (and whether you liked Armada’s early episodes or not, most of the series did have a plot). TFP Optimus was the same. The only real change in his character - not counting the woefully brief Orion Pax arc - is when he accepts that the war is never going to end while Megatron is alive. The rest of the time, he’s in the background, and outside of battles, his main role is to provide wisdom for the other characters (though, again, it’s not always context-appropriate. “Revenge isn’t worth it” is a good lesson, but I still think Arcee should have killed Airachnid).
And yes. I know TFP Optimus is what some might consider boring. As an introvert, I don’t care. Let me have the Optimus I relate to and go watch G1 if you prefer basketball and jokes.
As a final note, I’m not saying Optimus can only be good when he’s a mentor character. Fans can write whatever they want, and even in canon, Optimus isn’t always the Wise One. TFA took a very different approach to his character, and while I’ve only seen a few episodes, it was an interesting approach. That version of Optimus could absolutely fill the role of a protagonist with much to learn, and he might not even be too annoying while he’s at it (his voice, sadly, is not as pleasing to listen to as Peter Cullen’s Optimus, or David Kaye’s Megatron. Which is sad, because I love David Kaye as Megatron). TL;DR: if Optimus is going to be wise and infallible, he’s better suited to a mentor role. Also, the Optimuses I like are probably the ones no one else does, which means I have gained exactly no ground with Optimus’ fans, and may have actually lost points for liking Armada (don’t care, it was my first Transformers series and I love it).
Opinion concluded.
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jade-eclipse-li · 1 year
Carmen Sandiego, the greatest on earth, present you a blog filled with Carmen Sandiego content!
I am Carlos Valdez, Jade, Eclipse, Carman Sandiego’s twin. Child of Dexter Wolfe and Carlotta Valdez. Adoptive child of Shadowsan-sama and formerly all VILE faculty.
Isabella and Carlos were brought to the Isle of VILE, as babies by Shadowsan, raised among thieves as Black Sheep and Jade.
Doctor Bellum always had her crazy plans so she took a baby and weaponized it, filled it with deadly science.
Black Sheep and Eclipse, Lambkins, one joined the academy naively, one was already on the dark side.
The squad at school include Graham, Antonio, our big brothers figures, me and my twin, Lambkins, lastly Ginger who didn’t graduate from last year.
He isn’t really Ginger but nobody knows his name and he is cool with the nickname i gave him.
While Black Sheep hangs around the campus, i go to assassinations or assistant missions. A more active Cleaner.
Back to narrative:
After escaping from VILE, they steal from them as the same person, Carmen Sandiego. When apart is “A” instead of “E”, Carman Sandiego.
By Eclipse who was a faculty-in-training, Cleaner-in-training, he knew all the dirty things he needed to know.
The Twin still sees Shadowsan as their father, Carlotta Valdez who was dragged into this madness as their mother, Hideo who was also dragged into this madness as their Uncle.
Narration done:
I’m not actually he/him. Biologically i am non-binary but someone gotta man up be-twin.
Also VILE has too many girlbosses i mean there’s a coach that could snap you in half and two lesbians.
I haven’t even count Tigress, Paper Star specially my sis, not to mention Lady Dokuso who dad “had a toxic relationship with”.
I’m pretty sure that was a joke about she uses poisons too much and it got on dad’s nerve.
Also, quote Professor “Shadowsan don’t really wanna get laid”
Main reason i prefer addressed as a boy:
That would make me gay but not in a way. I could hang with the gang at the bay. Hang with the girls and slay.
The true reason?
I walk on my father, Dexter Wolfe’s path.
The very first name i was given, simple birth name from my father, Dexter Wolfe
VILE gave me this name because i have beautiful green eyes and i like the shiny jades
When i am with Black Sheep, we are one as “Lambkins” but not at the same time for the “s”
Codename when i was recruited as Doctor Bellum’s bioweapon, VILE’s finest soon-to-be Cleaner+Faculty
Carman Sandiego
When i am on caper alone, i refer myself as Carman Sandiego and dress as Fedora the Explorer
Carmen Sandiego
When me and my sister are together, it is hilarious to see the look on people faces when they see two Carmen Sandiego.
When i am with Shadowsan, my dad and idol 5ever since we use shadows as our cover and we both have shadows in our names
The Cleaners
When i am working with the other two Cleaners, Vlad and Boris to clean up messes, or to assist on missions, capers, or simply when we mess around
Moose Boy, Otter Man, Neal The Eel, Dash Haber, my babysitter when i was younger call me because i hold grudges.
Identical twin with Carman Sandiego, so basically the same
Can adjust height due to adjustment of metal bones
Can change the colours of my skin and eyes due to i am a cyborg
Normally 🟢, strong emotions/kill mode/trigger words 🔴, sad 🔵
Six fingers, so double thumbs up, double finger guns and double middle fingers with just one hand
Fangs that can tear metal off
Anything can be if you try hard enough
Trigger words, lose control of myself
Highly functional sociopath, put the hot in psychotic
Dolls, they are TERRIFYING
Nap, eat too much, it’s a bad habit
“Vile” and wide issues that can’t be called “issues” cuz they can’t be fixed
Here We Ship
Jean Paul/ Le Chevre 🏳️‍🌈 Antonio/ El Topo
🏳️‍🌈 Jeantonio 🏳️‍🌈
“Some French guy” and “dear boy”
Carman Sandiego ❤️ Ms. Julia Argent
“Jules” and “my head is in the game but my heart isn’t”
❤️ Carulia ❤️
Countess Cleo 💚 Saira Doctor Bellum
“Saira” and “Keeping the crown warm”
💚 Cleobellum 💚
Jade/ Eclipse ❤️‍🩹 Mime Bomb/ Ginger
❤️‍🩹 Ginade ❤️‍🩹
“Snitched on my sister” and “heart fingers”
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theodore-lasso · 1 year
Okay I’m just gonna do a little Ted Lasso vent under a cut feel free to keep scrolling this is just so I don’t ruin someone’s day in DM’s by being salty as hell
TLDR this season has just been: go girl give us nothing for me. 
I’ll start with overall vibes, I just think they’re doing too much. Maybe this is personal preference re: ensemble shows but there are so many plotlines and while I disagree that Shandy and Zava and Anastacia are useless and time fillers (they’re side characters to advance main characters personal arcs.... that’s how side characters work) I do agree that they feel flat and one note, but I think that’s just because there’s too many characters and too many plots, and they’re not able to go deeply into any of them anymore. Like we’re not often sitting with characters, it’s like a quick scene then moving onto the next person and issue. 
Unfortunately I’m feeling that with Henry and Ted now, which sucks, because it’s one of the most meaningful relationships on the show. But Henry had an issue this ep, and by the time Ted spoke to him it had already been solved by parenting he’d done in the past. Which... I feel like we as an audience don’t need more reminders that Ted is a good dad, we already know that. Also I don’t feel as if “count to ten until you don’t feel angry even if that’s infinite” is the lesson that Ted has been learning this season? Hasn’t he been learning to occasionally be assertive and stand up for himself? I think this plot line could have been a bit deeper - Henry being insecure because his dad isn’t there and taking it out on other kids instead of... undisclosed being mean for no apparent reason and immediately apologising. Anyway that’s just one moment in the entire episode that fell flat for me. 
Rebecca, bro idk. She feels like 2 different characters to me at the moment. Like she’ll yell at Ted to make them win a match and then literally isn’t doing a single thing about it outside of that and will just be like hi :) to him in the hallway. Loved the moment where Higgins said maybe they needed to find another manager so much, I love his growth from S1 and actually saying brave things now, but I hate that it was brushed aside especially if she’s yelling at Ted on the regular now about losing. I’m glad she got her fertility tested because I feel like otherwise there’d be this huge “what if” for her. As a single person I was rolling my eyes at the emergency contact thing but yeah I get it she wants to find love. I think this is where my main criticism of the season comes in, and that is the reliance on the psychic, things that have been “set up” in previous seasons rather than characters actively doing things. Like as someone who has been watching closely for years now, I haven’t really been surprised by any of the directions they’ve taken s3. 
Rebecca is walking around looking for signs related to the psychic, which is all well and good especially if it leads her to getting her fertility tested and stuff, but same with Ted, not currently doing anything about the teams losses, not doing anything about the team & Zava when he was still there. He hasn’t spoken to Colin about benching him and then playing him when like... S1 Ted would be all over that. He hasn’t spoken to Beard about Jane. Idk I think there’s so much reliance on “it will all work out in the end” that they’ve forgotten you need to make active strides in the middle. We haven’t yet seen Roy working on himself to figure out what he wants with Keeley, Jamie has had no arc this season so far other than being suddenly a genius (like nothing has come from the 4am training sessions yet?)
Literally shocked that the writers can’t seem to think of a meet-cute that isn’t with someone’s boss, like I do think it’s odd that it’s happened 3 times now (Sam and Simi, Keeley and Jack, Sam and Rebecca) but I am here for seeing sapphics kiss onscreen even though I’m slightly concerned about the long-term of that for Keeley (but tbf I was about Sam too and that ended fine) 
Shandy Keeley stuff, I know it was a mirror with Sam Edwin but fml, I thought Keeley was going to learn to be a good manager and grow Shandy as an employee but... no. 
Final note even though I could probably rant for longer: I miss Phoebe SO MUCH
Anyway highlights of the season are: NATE!!!!, BeardRoy, Trent although I wish he’d say more, Higgins, and Colin has potential 
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
i really don’t want to read the seven husband of eleanor hugo but i want to know what happens. why is it so bad like i assumed it would be but i need to hear the exact specific shitty details!!! (if you don’t mind sharing)
*Evelyn Hugo, not Eleanor
(Scroll down to my TLDR section if this is too much)
But... to start off, I need to stay that it's written by a straight, white woman and it is about... a lot of women of color. And the "soulmate" relationship in the book is about a lesbian and a bisexual woman and the bisexual woman is best friends with a gay man.
So, the author is writing about a lot of things she doesn't... really have experience with. I've given my complicated opinion on "Own Voices" which is that it CAN be okay to write outside of your own identity but the onus is on you to get it very, very right. This book... doesn't.
But beyond it just handling race and sexuality HORRIBLY, including a weird line where a gay man admits to always ~a little bit~ wanting to sleep with the bisexual lead and the biracial interviewer admitting she preferred her white husband because he never made her feel like she wasn't black enough (which is VERY odd for a white author to throw in, it made me viscerally uncomfortable).
The book is just... not good. It is EVERY SINGLE "Old hollywood wasn't glamorous, you have to sleep your way to the top and sell your soul" cliche but like... updated to include gay people. The main character's first marriage has domestic violence and her "soulmate' relationship with teh lesbian has the EXACT same patterns of abuse except it's emotional abuse and not physical abuse nad it's just... excused as like? Oh, you know how she can get sometimes...
There's a weird plot where the lesbian is UPSET that her bisexual gf won't be out (WHILE THE LESBIAN GF IS ALSO CLOSETED) IN THE 60S. She's like "Okay, so we might be jailed or forcibly institutionalized and lose our careers, but if you REALLY LOVE ME, you won't be closeted" WHICH IS INSANE. ANd part of the patterns of abuse in the relationship.
The book is fucking boring. It's slog of cliches just mixed in with "But I love this woman so much" even though their love is never really established, just stated. And what we see is the abuse.
There's a VERY weird plot twist where the main character reveals the interviewer's (black) father didn't die from driving drunk. Instead, the black father wa sin a relationship with Evelyn's white gay best friend and the white gay best friend drove drunk, KILLED the dad, and Evelyn moved his dead body to make it seem liek her dad killed himself.
And she knew it was her dad because... he VERY conveniently wrote out a letter saying "I'm a dad, I love my kid, I am also gay for you, but my wife is my platonic soulmate. My name ___. I love you" and the white guy (WHO WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED HER DAD) had the ltter in his pocket?
A VERY weird contrivance.
More weirdness: the book stops, COMPLETELY, to go on SEVERAL like basic diatribes about how like bi erasure is bad, the word whore is used by men to control women, and other like... baby's first feminism lectures. And it feels SOOO proud of itself.
It also stops to be like "You know every historical event between the 50s and present day? Yeah, Evelyn was on the right side of hsitory EVERY time despite being money hungry, dehumanizing to other people, fairly fucking awful to her (Latina) staff, and never once mentioned her politics until the author remembered she was alive during stonewall and the AIDS crisis and that she needed to maek sure you knew Evelyn cared."
The injection of real world events kinda curdled my stomach. Also, the author made sure to say that it was MEN at the frontlines of Stonewall and it's like ???????????????????? Okay, work. Also, die maybe?
The characters are all horrible people but not evne in interesting ways. There's no like complex politics to it. There's not even real nuance to it. It's just like "Evelyn likes to use people but she had to, so it's okay." Which I could get with if she wasn't so otherwise FLAT.
Also, I know this isn't a well organized complaint list, but can I say it is INSANE that the ENTIRE book is about how Evelyn has HUUUGE honkers and htat's why everyone gravitates towards her or forgives her or wants to use her. And then she gets breast cancer and the interviewer thinks "Isn't it funny that the things that got her so far are killing her" and I knooow it's meant to be some like ironic twist of fate thing but idk... it really feels like misogyny. It feels like comeuppance or some weird shit and it made me UNCOMFORTABLE.
The book is insanely boring and cliche. It is every "Hollywood is SCARY" cliche ever but thinks it's differentiating itself by involving LGB people and people of color but, because it is written by a straight, white woman, it cannot do that well. Every time it tries to smugly diatribe about sexuality, gender, race, class it gets it wrong and makes you feel like you're slowly going insane.
No one cahracter is interesting. The main romance is abusive but doesn't know it's abusive, despite spending entire chapters on how ANOTHER relationship is abusive.
The book is soulless. Isn't particularly well written. Thinks it's smarter and more charming than it is. No one is likeable. No one is funny or sweet.
It runs on shock value but nothing is shocking. IT's the same stupid mistakes over and over again withou tanyone EVER realizing what the REAL mistakes are.
It's bad.
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chalterdh22 · 10 months
Chapter 25: Can I Walk You Home?
I hardly don’t drink anymore, so after two, I cut myself off.  I loved our conversations.  We danced a little, him showing me some crazy moves.  I could tell he liked to dance.  I awkwardly moved around him attempting to keep up with no prevail.  We eventually walked out together after paying.  The night air was cool and felt great after it being stuffy in there.
“I should probably go.”  I said to him stopping.
“Can I walk you home at least?”  he asked, giving me sad eyes.
“I’m actually staying at the station compound.  I know a lot of people there.”  I really didn’t want him to have to follow me back.  I did, but didn’t want to give that impression.
“Well, I had a nice time.  Thanks for hanging out with me.”  He leaned in and kissed me softly on my forehead.  He smelled of ivory soap, sweat and vanilla.  I just breathed it all in.
“You’re welcome.  Goodnight.”  We started to walk away from one another, and I quickly turned back around on my heels.  “Say, if you don’t have any plans tomorrow and want to hang out again, I’d be ok with that.”
He turned to look at me.  “I’d love that.  I’ll meet you right here at 9 am sharp.  Goodnight Suri.”  To state my heart was racing was an understatement.  As I walked back to the compound, Din flashed in my head though.  Not like a vision, but just about him.  How would he feel about this?  Was it rude to just make plans without asking him.  I know he’s not my boyfriend, dad, whatever, but still, I am his guest.  Well, too late now, I thought.
I approached the big doors and walked into the side room where travelers were allowed.  There was an attendant droid working.  “Can I have a bed for a night please?”
“Yes, we have several accommodations for travelers such as yourself.  We have windows with a view, no windows, and suites available.  Which do you prefer?”
“One with a window, please.”
“Follow me.”  It scooted to a door and opened it. “Is this to your liking?”
“Perfect!  Thank you.”  I walked in.
“Have a nice night.”
I sat down on the cot in the room, kicked my boots off and laid my head down.  I fell asleep quickly and had the most restful night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.
I woke up to suns shining in my face.  It was a nice cool breeze, but the warmth felt amazing on my skin.  I looked at my watch, it said 8 am.  Good, I didn’t oversleep.  I sat up, stretched with a big yawn and a bigger grin.  I felt so giddy. 
Getting dressed, brushing my teeth, so many things were going through my mind. Trevo, Din, Grogu, my mom even popped in there!  Shoot, my mom!  I should probably touch base with her soon!  She’s going crazy I bet.  I told her I’d only be gone a week tops, and it’s been way longer! 
My stomach was growling, so I took out a bar I had stashed from yesterday and ate it before leaving. 
Walking out into the main hall, I saw way more people than last night, most checking out.  I went up to the droid attendant and said I was checking out. 
“Five credits please.”
“We told you your money is no good here!”  I wheeled around and saw Greef walking towards me, smiling.  “How are you doing Suri?  Taking some ‘you’ time away from Mando?  Not that I can blame you!”  He said laughing.
“Yeah, just needed some me time I guess.”  He looked at the droid and gave him a code to cash me out.  “Thanks.”  I told him.
“Anytime.  Say, do you have a minute to chat?”
“Um, I’m actually meeting a friend in about 15 minutes.”
“It’ll be quick.”  He led me into his office.  “I’ve been thinking.  Now that you have been here for a few weeks and getting to know the lay of the land, I want to offer you a job, if you’re still interested in staying that is.”
“Yes!”  I said a little too eagerly.  “I love it here.  What’s the job?”
“Just some overnight patrol, so nothing you can’t handle.  But you will have the city all to yourself and help keep riff rat out, break up fights, that sort of thing.  You seem to be able to hold your own from what Din has told me.”
“He said that?”  Wow I thought.
“Yes, he did!  So, what do you say?”
“Yes, of course!  When do you want me to start?”
“Come back here at 9 pm sharp tonight, if that’s ok.”
“Awesome!  But wait, I don’t have any way of getting here.  It’s about an hour walk one way.  I can make it, but it does cut into my time is all.”
“Well, we have a few extra speeders out back.  Nothing fancy, but they will get you there and back.  And hey, maybe eventually you’ll get your own little place here, so you’ll be closer to town!”  I smiled at that thought.  Then the kid and Din popped into my head.  It would be hard to depart from them.  But I don’t have to make that decision now.
“Thanks!  I will be here at 9 pm sharp!  I have to go now.  Thanks again!”  I turned and walked out quickly with a little hop in my step.
By the time I made it back to the center, Trevo was already there, leaning against a pole waiting.  He smiled when he saw me, leaned in, and gave me a kiss on the cheek.  “Guess what?”  I asked, excitedly.
“I just literally got a job doing night patrol!  Which is perfect for me!  So, I guess I’ll be staying for a while.”
“That’s great!  Congratulations!”
“Thanks!”  I said as we started to take a walk.  “So, what do you want to do?”
“I just rented an evo bike.  I thought maybe we could cruise through the woods, go see some waterfalls and other land.  Is that ok?”
“That sounds perfect, actually!” We continued to walk over to the station to get our bike.  It was a side by side, with controls in the middle and pedals for each person.  It was covered with a canopy and had a little cooler behind the seats, where he put a small bag. 
He paid the droid, took the key and we started to go.  There were two modes.  One was manual, where you did all the pedaling as it hovered off the ground.  Another was automatic, where you didn’t really need to pedal but a little, just to get it going, and you just steered.
It was sunny, warm, nice breeze, overall, a perfect day!  “I don’t think we could have picked a better day for this!”
“You’re right!”  He agreed.  “And to have a beautiful woman to spend it with is even better!”  Ok, now I know I blushed.  I hated hearing compliments about me physically unless they were about my fighting skills.
“Thanks.”  I said quietly. 
“Boy, you don’t take compliments well.  We’ll have to work on that.”
I smiled softly at him as we pedaled away.
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thelovelybitten · 11 months
vera talks mlb: the movie — thoughts and drabbles
I cant even breathe rn, I watched the movie 4 hours ago and here’s my (now) settled thoughts about it.
picture of how I felt in that moment:
Tumblr media
warning: spoilers for the MLB movie :DDD
so I have been a fan of this show since it came out, god I was FUCKING 16 then and now I’m 24 jfc…. it’s so wild how much time has passed.
now, the main show was SO good until season 4. I stopped watching the show all together because of how messy the plot was, Gabriel being the biggest pos known to man & how stalkerish they made Marinette (not to mention totally delulu and borderline insane (though, with all due respect, its a lot for a 15? 16 year old ???) but they could have written it better imo.)
not only Marinette but Adrien still being a small minor role (it’s always ladybug doing the damn thing but chat noir is left doing nothing it’s fucking sad he deserves so much better) and him just being shit on the last 3 seasons. he deserves more screentime and character development.
I also couldn’t handle adrien being a senti-monster, but we ain’t gonna talk abt that.
so I left the fandom all together.
but this movie. this. god. damn. movie.
this is HOW THE SHOW SHOULD HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN THE FIRST PLACE. the character development with Marinette and Adrien is AMAZING and feels more realistic to me— they really drive on how unlucky Marinette is and how lucky adrien is (to an extent for adrien, but I digress). and the whole library scene made me giggle it was so cute. Marinette being infatuated but not a stalker was nice to see.
movie ladybug & chat noir sparked my feelings for the fandom all together. how cocky chat noir is, ladybug being anxious to fail but finding solace with chat made my heart all warm. every scene they had together I was kicking my feet and screaming like a child. (they own me, lol)
their chemistry in the film just. made me feel things. they have an amazing dynamic and it was utilized. i wish it was more prevalent in the show series—the banter was everything.
I definitely was caught off guard when cristina wasn’t singing, but I got used to it
master fu was also super good too !! I defo prefer him in the show but movie fu slayed
chloe being chloe but not overdoing it made me :)))).
even alya and nino were written exceptionally.
tikki was written well, loved her, but plagg made me give him the side eye… where is his annoying ass. he can make fart jokes but please keep his sly demeanour.
gabriel was extremely well written, might just be the best character that was re-vamped imo. his storyline made sense and it wasn’t completely heartless…. using the miraculous and him slowly getting weaker and weaker made so much sense. (the musical number tho, SO FUNNY)—but god, when he found out chat noir was adrien he stopped. stopped everything. he loves his son so much, just as much as he loves emilie. we’ll see where the potential next movie goes with him, but lord his character is what I wish show gabriel was like.
the end scene at the ball made my jaw DROP. marinette looked amazing in her dress oh my god— and then the almost kiss I was MAD but also happy bc after that it opened the door for a sequel so ILL TAKE IT.
also when marinette takes off adrien’s mask and puts it on was so fucking cute 😭 the atmosphere was all warm and wholesome.
also giving props to chloe because her gold dress ate down.
sabine gave me helen parr vibes and i don’t know why.
tom being the overprotective dad 😭
anyways, i probably missed some things
but this movie, in my opinion, ate the show for breakfast and became the meal i’ve wanted for several years. MOVIE IS 1000x better than the show series and i stand by that statement forever.
if you haven’t seen it, watch it immediately.
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