#the man is truly just an icon
petekaos · 2 years
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Let me do it. I will arrest him.
BEYOND EVIL (괴물) 2021, dir. Shim Na Yeon
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haomnyangz · 3 years
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edmund, the entirety of prince caspian:
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saladbroth · 2 years
out of all the pathetic little men (affectionate) in kinnporsche, tawan is somehow the most pathetic of all (derogatory)
mans really had his death faked, did a whole haunting his ex's new boyfriend act, badly cut all his shirts to show his tits and drank his half empty glasses of warm milk like the loser he is only for his ex to be like lol nah i have a boyfriend and then the guy he thinks is his future husband basically all but calls him a stupid bitch for kidnapping his ex's new boyfriend's little brother, shoots him and runs off, not giving a shit about his survival. like.
what a slimey little rat of a man, truly, but I gotta respect his grind he just kept getting more pathetic as it went on
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realkilljoyhoursnow · 2 years
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cuts down to the bone, as sharp as a knife. here walks the famous living dead.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
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Kendall Schmidt + the ‘stache™
#just. don't ask. i have no answer except for this is how u know i truly love him. happy april fools???#but the only fool here is me bc i amn't fooling around with my insane anorak for this man. jkjk does a gay liddle#silly jester jig that makes the king order for my immediate ɛxɛcutıon booo hisss tomato tomato#btr#big time rush#kendall schmidt#heffron drive#gifs#gifset#photoset#edit#mine#rusher#kendork#stop it forever#ngl me having to even look at some of these while editing felt like a blatant human rıghts vıɵlatıɵn. /tw moustache#i hate this. i hate having to look at it but i keep looking. it's like a wreck and i'm disgusted but also entirely riveted#it might just from me spending hours to make this but it kinda suits ken??? it's like the worst look but maybe i'm starting to like it????#it's been my constant 2022 icon so dare i even say......i actually really miss the 'stache a lot??!?!1 what monster have i become#well at least it's not as terrible as james' gɵdawful 2020 moustache YEAH I SAID WHAT I SAID COME @ ME HIMBO STANS I AM ONE TOO AND YET!!!#even though shirtless kendall squicks me tf out and that lipbite while rolling up his sleeves makes me wanna d*e#actually that entire vid makes me wanna squeeze into a wee ball and collapse into a black hole singularity. i can make a gifset out of it-#that first gross gif is redeemed only by his adorable cheeky grin like he knows what's he's doing the lilshit#this is my silly meow meow grampa. he sells computer parts and secondhand cars and looks for bass pro shops discounts in his downtime <3#this might just be my Most Cursed Post and that's saying a lot. sorry to those who have been burdened but i have my caveat emptor so#brb starting a cɥlʈ for kendall's moustache praise be to the hirsute gods and heed their hairy doomsday predictions#i'm miffed he actually grew a stache b4 i even got to post my stache crackfic so now it's just >:(( dang apollo and his prophecy dodgeball#allen really needs to go out and get a life sometime soon.txt#shoutout to liz for inspiring me to make this bc of our lengthy chats discussing our fave Mans weird stache :'>#intended to be comfort post so don't tag this with names if u see this bit. or just fuckin do idc i'm not ur mom
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mazojo · 3 years
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Who to be clumsy with me during ping pong 😩
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jacobglaser · 4 years
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“Sam, drop!”
1x07 Hook Man
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bastardpacs · 2 years
Oh my gosh AMY!!!!!!!!! I love you so, SO MUCH 😩💞 You’re the one who is the best, more so than I every could be!!!!! 🥺💗 You legit just brightened my entire week for me 😭 I hope you’ve had a perfect day and an amazing night 🥺 I love you so much 😭💗
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empyrealarc · 2 years
i wanna do Big Jen things, before her show comes out... but also I have no lasting drive to do Big Jen things, and the only flare ups come from news & clips of her show.
Is this what Voltaire meant when he said 'All progress is predicated upon the notion of progression being made?'
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whimsyprinx · 3 years
Sometimes I think about how as a kid I believed in santa and the tooth faerie and such (not the easter bunny tho had beef with them) but like didnt believe that like royalty existed outside of like disney movies and such, like I genuinely thought that royal people were fictional and made up up until I was like six or so and learned about the queen of england and was like no way that’s real I don’t believe there’s a queen of england
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pirateshow · 4 years
ok but pedro pascal is literally one of the most unproblematic, hard working, kindest people in the industry and deserves every little crumb of recognition and fame he gets
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leatherbookmarking · 3 years
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210506 lhk weibo update
òh 惊了
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harlem-to-delancy · 3 years
I always see the supernatural fandom talking about how sexy Jensen Ackles’ silence on literally everything is and it’s so funny to me but you know who truly has a hilarious amount of silence on everything? Jeremy Jordan. This mans really appears once in a blue moon to post one thing about a project he’s in and then disappears for Months at a time. Truly iconic, nothing sexier than his absolute lack of social media presence.
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im-no-jedi · 3 years
SPEAKING OF SIMS I did recently create TBB and have been playing with them, and the accuracy of their shenanigans is KILLING me
I created a house lot to resemble both the Marauder and my apartment (cause of COURSE I’m gonna play this out in the self insert AU), but there’s not enough beds for everyone, so at least one of them is always napping on the couch all night instead of actually sleeping (it’s usually Tech, Echo, or Wrecker)
the VERY FIRST thing that happened when I started playing them was Omega started talking to Hunter and they quickly became Good Friends 😭💙
Crosshair has the Hot Headed trait, and whenever he randomly gets angry, he goes to Omega’s room and beats up Lula (they’re mortal enemies now) 🤣
they only have the one bathroom in my apartment, so the toilet is CONSTANTLY breaking, on top of literally everyone walking in on someone while they’re in the shower (including myself) 🤭
there was an instance of Hunter and I flirting with each other in the kitchen, and Crosshair was sitting RIGHT THERE watching the whole thing, then I started talking to him while I was in a Flirty mood, and Hunter “accidentally” broke my computer. Echo ended up fixing my computer for me, and Hunter had a talk with Crosshair... while they were both sitting on MY bed 😳
Omega frequently has monsters under her bed, and she ALWAYS goes to Hunter to get rid of them and then hugs him afterwards 🥺💙
for Neighboorhood Brawl day, Hunter and Wrecker got into fights with Crosshair that were supposed to be playful, but they both ended up getting Hurt sentiments from it and would go cry in their beds for like three days 💔
I’m always the one cleaning the laundry, but Hunter or Crosshair will be the ones to put the dry laundry away for me 👀
everybody celebrated New Years on the Marauder together, and after midnight, Hunter went around and started hugging everybody 🥰
Tech and Echo like to help Omega with her homework every night, and Wrecker will often steal my and Omega’s toys to play with them (he has the Childish trait) 😊
that’s all I can remember off the top of my head, but I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting LOL
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moeblob · 4 years
I really love the playful Felix avatar you have. Although, I ended up making sure it's the right account. But he's so cute. And thanks for always making a cool post every time. Makes me feel happy everyday. Take care always and enjoy your inner Felix.
Oh thank you! I didn’t know people came to expect all my Ferdinand icons but I suppose after a month of festive/winter Ferdinand followed by another Ferdinand for half a month... it would be kind of weird to just randomly see Felix.
Sorry for the confusion but ty for enjoying the content! I love sharing what I draw and I’m glad to hear others enjoy it being shared! Glad to be a part of it. And you take care as well!! Thank you again!
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
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something that while conditional, imperfect, and limited in scope and time, is nevertheless real ( ft. npc meme w/ @gwyynbleidd ) || not accepting!!
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a friend of mana and a close friend and roommate of calum. outspoken and friendly, irene grew up in a loving family and learned early on to hold on to her korean roots. back in college, she was the psychology major known for both her looks and her brilliant mind and was well-loved ( and still is to this day ) by her peers and professors. considered the golden girl of her grade, she was also the secretary of KSA and the president of an asian interest sorority. an ardent advocate for mental health and se*xual assault awareness and accessible mental health services. formerly one to think in absolute terms and to humble-brag, she's learned especially during her time working as a therapist that in order to help people one must listen first before making any assumptions. her attempts at the very beginning were often short-sighted, performative at best and egocentric at worst. although she was not nearly as close to daniel as mana and calum were, she too was profoundly changed by daniel's passing and decided to go into counselling for grad school as a result.
today, she's a therapist for survivors of domestic and/or se*xual a*buse and though having a mini crush on calum herself, likes to tease both him and mana about their relationship. also had a major crush on daniel. and despite being envious/annoyed with her, mana also had a crush on irene back in college as well.
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a maternal second cousin of mana. viewing hong as family, he feels that it is his duty to look out for both her and her granddaughter despite only meeting them very recently. a prosecutor well respected in his field, darren worked very hard to get to where he is now and often gives advice regardless of if it is asked of him or not. mana's main description of him is 'well-intentioned but doesn't know when the hell to shut up'. visits hong and mana at least three times every month.
lives in the manhattan area with his husband and their two kids.
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mana's father, who has only recently reached out to her and hong. formerly argumentative and hot-headed, starting a family with his second wife helped him mellow out and become more reliable over the years. the death of his first wife weighs heavily on him along with the abandonment of his oldest daughter. he walked out on mana six months following mai's death, out of the belief that he could not properly take care of her alone.
with his second wife, he's a father to their three kids ( two sons and a daughter ) and he hopes one day mana might be able to let him back into her life as her dad.
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a regular patron at the library. mana named him 'bird man' in her head because of his very intense friendship with his pet partner bird, gerald, who is a barred parakeet. right now, he's looking up all the information he'll need to take gerald back to its native land in mexico. occasionally will give mana boiled eggs.
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librarian of the university that mana, calum, and daniel attended and the advisor for ksa. generally easygoing and helpful, he could be very snippy when students interrupted the quiet hours. acted as mana's work-study supervisor and wrote her a recommendation letter when she was applying for grad school. was very concerned about her health thru out her four years and is relieved to know she is recovering. mana keeps in touch with him via email.
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