#the melt shop
nicomoon69 · 1 month
Bernard grabs Tim’s face and Tim thinks Bernard is going to pull the classic wipes-whipped-cream-off-of-face-with-thumb-to-lick-it flirty move when Bernard was actually only using his hand to steady Tim so he can lick it off of his face directly
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evillillad · 7 months
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biggly wiggly
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linkneol091 · 3 months
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lpsstim · 9 months
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137) LPS 1994 with purple and pink heart stims for anon! X x X x O x X x X
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nicoscheer · 10 months
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Hi folks I would like to make a li'l post telling y'all on my main account here that I have an online store where I (currently) sell handmade bags and animal plushies — some of which are cat toys. And. some stress balls/stim toys.
Having this become a means to support myself would be sooooooo good and I want to sell at least one thing this month so if you have money theeeenn maybe buy? Maybe put on wishlist? Maybe.? Reblog?.
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projectmayhem-stims · 8 months
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☠️ ☠️ ☠️
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💙 💙 💙
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god i can’t even begin to imagine the collective mental breakdown the entire zenin clan had the moment they found out their precious ten shadows user was sweet for the vessel of sukuna.
they probably still blame gojo for that somehow.
They would lose their shit.
It’s hard enough to overcome their own personalities (and sukunas annoying internal monologue) to get together. But the second they have the worlds most repressed movie + coffee date with a very confused Kugisaki riding third wheel the Zenin want yuuji fucking dead. People keep trying to get megumi to date his aunt instead so they can produce children. His aunt is a mean lesbian. He does not want to date his aunt. He super doesn’t want kids with her. He wants to date this kind himbo who is Strong and Fast. Legitimately yuuji ends up with a bounty on him on one of those sorcerer assassin websites, but the bounty is so low that it offends Sukuna on a profound level, who feels he specifically is worth more. Not yuuji obviously. Fuck that kid. But he’s a package deal and he’s worth so much fucking more.
It ends up being a nonissue. They’re not really sure why.
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ellypop99 · 8 months
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hello tumblr i offer you a brand new sexymen
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hearties-circus · 2 months
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Charity shop haul <3
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dyvex-den · 9 months
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Did you know I also make wax melts? I try to make them all based off my favorite fandoms 💙
Here's some chao garden ones! Easily my most popular ones I sell at conventions!
Get your own here~
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apolloamy · 3 months
the first time i've enjoyed this date A LOT
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lpsstim · 11 months
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132) LPS 1767 for @/quailkeeperr X x X x O x X x X
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magicalshopping · 1 year
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♡ Pumpkin Jack Wax Melts by Mayhem Made ♡
Pumpkin Patch - A deliciously indulgent pumpkin spiced latte fragrance opening with warm spicy notes of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger complemented by rich roasted coffee notes alongside sweet sugar and milky vanilla.
Midnight Howl - An oak entrance surrounded by fiery Cornus leads to hints of warm nutmeg and clove to a potpourri filled sanctum of cedar timber. This scent is enriched with Oudh and moss
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dresupi · 2 years
So it’s been like a week since I made a sale (or any income as a result), and I really need to start figuring out xmas... and other things, and so I figured I’d put the link to my etsy shop out there. I’m not asking for any other aid, simply putting my shop link out and about to see if anyone is interested in some soy wax melts. 
Fanfiction Trope Scents - I have wax melts that i think smell like popular fanfiction tropes. They are pretty and shimmery, and I designed the labels myself.
Character Trope Scents - Likewise, I have melts that I think smell like popular character tropes. I have The Himbo, The Final Girl, The Muscle, etc. 
Diety Scents - The dieties i currently have scents for are: Aphrodite, Apollo, Freya, Hades, Hecate, Loki, Medusa, The Morrigan, Persephone, and Poseidan. I also have Odin and Thor as little sample shots. (Thor smells so good, I actually have some of it in my melter right now)
Horror Movie Trope Scents - Like it says, horror movie tropes <3
X-Mas/Yule Scents - I have some REALLY YUMMY smelling holiday scents. Personal faves around here are The Krampus (spiced cocoa/cream), Secret Santa (Cinnamon Apple, but there’s something else in there), and Sugar Cookie.
Literary Scents: Dracula characters. I’m going to be adding Alice in Wonderland scents soonish, but they aren’t ready yet.
I also have Fairytales & Pirates. I’m out of Blackbeard currently, but I pour more this week as soon as my oils come in. 
Also also I have twenty dollar mystery boxes that come with five mystery bars wrapped up.  I have one for horror movie tropes, one for character tropes, and one that includes everything else.  It’s a great deal if you don’t know which scents to buy and like being surprised.
Anyway, figured I’d link it up in the hopes that someone will see it. I’m unsure why I’m not getting traffic in my shop anymore, but who knows. 
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chenfordsbby · 1 year
"Crash Course"
I am back!!!! I want to start by saying a huge thank you to everyone who actually read my first every blog drop and took the time to respond and interact with me and my thoughts and feelings, it truly means so much!!! I have never felt the way I do about this show and Chenford ever, and I have loved the community that I have found among all of you guys! I hope you guys continue to stick around for the next 98 blog drops throughout our hiatus, however long it shall last (& we are all okay with however long the strike lasts no matter how it affects our shows because the!! writers!!! deserve!!! to!!! get!!! paid!!!! #WGA).
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Season 1, Episode 2: “Crash Course”
“Talia forces Nolan to confront his personal moral instincts after he encounters a kidnapping victim; Lucy is temporarily placed with a new training officer who tests her patience; Jackson must confront his failures head on”
Written By: Alexi Hawley
Directed By: Adam Davidson
Original Air Date: October 23, 2018
Let us get right into it, shall we?!
It has only been one episode so far, but I do appreciate the “Previously on The Rookie” recap.  Not enough TV shows do that these days anymore. Of course, nobody would ever dare to miss an episode of this show but they did it from the beginning and they kept up with it, which is nice!
The episode begins with John and Talia in a car chase through the streets of LA which eventually ends at the Hollywood Sign.  John is taken aback by the driver when it turns out to be a runaway bride, which was the last person either of them were expecting. His emotions automatically kick into high gear and he uses his personal experiences to relate and literally talk her off the ledge (classic Rookie comedy). I will give credit where credit is due, and that is to John Nolan because he has a way with his words and communicating to strangers and that’s a nice quality for not only a person, but a cop to have.  It is what brought him to the police academy in the first place.
It’s clear that Lucy didn’t immediately take Talias advice and end things with John because they are waking up in bed together with cringeworthy pillow talk. I don’t know what shifted for them between Episode 1 and 2 but something did because I did not feel as put off by them just an episode ago as I do now. I want to like this couple, I really do, but there is something very familial of them being in a relationship- it gives off those vibes and that is not good, in any way.
I understand why the writers started the show with John and Lucy already in a relationship; the execution of them is just very poor and not well received, but it is not their fault.  Who knows how long their romance will last, but I think it is for the best that Talia intervened as early as she did because I don’t know how long people would sit through their relationship.
Lucy telling John that she wants to keep it casual is the best answer she could’ve given him no matter how much that was not what John wanted to hear.  This relationship was doomed from the start. 
Tim is recovered from surgery and is being released from the hospital, albeit alone, or so he thinks. His wife is MIA and as far as we know, there is no other family.  Any other person would have an audience of family members jumping at the chance to be there for their release, but we know that Tim Bradford is nothing but normal in the best way possible.  Who shows up for him, none other than his unconventional family: Talia and Angela.  Family doesn’t always have to be blood and they prove that to him simply by being there and showing up for him and that genuinely shocked him in the best way possible.
Talia continues to put the pressure on Lucy and I am glad she is.  It’s been only 2 episodes, but you can tell how much Lucy wants to be a cop.  Talia makes a fair point to Lucy that by dating a fellow police officer she is only self sabotaging her career and its like a lightbulb went off atop Lucy’s head.  You can tell how much being a cop means to Lucy and she doesn’t want anything or anyone getting in her way of that.
And Lucy diving out of the way of John’s bouquet throw was a nice touch!
I feel bad for John when it comes to his not quite there relationship with Officer Grey.  It is evident that this job means something to John and he is also trying to build something with Grey but the feelings are not reciprocated. All Grey can see is a walking talking joke and he doesn’t want any part of it.  He can’t understand why someone of John’s age wants to become a cop and he refuses to do so.  At this point in time, there seems to be no hope for this friendship..
I like that this show gives more than just the action and the line of duty of being in the police force.  What goes on after coming back to the precinct, which shows: how an intake happens, how the paperwork is done, how the numbers are calculated, etc.  For someone who has no idea about anything regarding the police, its a nice touch (how much of it is accurate, lets leave that up to our imaginations!)
Lucy’s on-duty hair style doesn’t suit her, in my opinion. 
This episode makes you start to question if Jackson has a true passion in wanting to become a trained police officer or if he is going through all of these motions just to please his family and especially his father.  Does it make Jackson happy or does it make his father happy?  We still are seeing him freeze up when it comes to his gun and using it.  IN the back of the Quick Mart shop he uses anything but his gun to take down the offender: His fists, his body and his baton.  The first thing that you see when Angela comes barging in, is her gun in her hands.  The question remains, why is Jackson afraid?
With Tim still out of commission from his surgery, Lucy is assigned a temporary T.O officer for the time being, Officer Wrigley.  Right off the bat he does everything for her that Tim would make Lucy do for him.  A huge difference in T.O officers, but is it a good different?  They haven’t been in the shop together for no more than 5 minutes and Wrigley already has spoken of his appraisal of Lucy and she has yet to hear that from Tim.  It is different for Lucy though because instead of going head first into the action, she gets but on the back burner and is succumbed to traffic citations with Wrigley, much to her dismay.  Lucy is impatient, bored and eager.  You can tell how much she wants to be a cop and loves this work.  She isn’t meant to be writing tickets, she’s meant for the action and there isn’t anything wrong with that just like there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to go home to your kids every night, which Wrigley does, and that is fine, it’s just that is not the type of police officer that Lucy wants to become.  
With Lucy stranded at the diner, it’s a surprise to her when Tim also shows up at the very same diner.  At first Lucy thinks he is there to check up on her but is shut down when Tim is just there to pick up his lunch.  Even with Tim on leave, he still somehow manages to be the training officer that Lucy needs.  She doesn’t know how to handle Wrigley, so when the call comes in regarding the shoplifter, Lucy wants to jump at it but is hesitant. It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t have a car or a T.O at that moment, she has Tims encouragement to go after him and that’s enough for her and she hits the ground running, literally and she does a hell of a job at catching him too. 
Lucy being assigned to Wrigley was solely at the hands of Tim and his undying love of Tim Tests.  It isn’t until the day is over when Lucy realizes that it was a Tim Test and I’m glad she didn’t figure it out any sooner.  Wrigley showed her the kind of cop that he wants to be and Lucy showed him exactly the kind of cop that she wants to be as well, which in turn showed Tim as well.  I think it was one of his better Tim Tests, it was a baby step in the right direction for the start of their friendship.  I do think this is the first time that we see Tim smile.  And an authentic smile at that too.  His “boot” passed one of his Tim Tests, and with flying colors as well and it makes him giddy.  He isn’t going to be training some eventual burnout.  He now knows that Lucy is in it for the long haul and her be damned if he trains her with anything less than excellence.  THE SMALL SMILES FROM BOTH TIM AND LUCY. SWOON.
The first crack in Tims hard exterior and its from Lucy Chen. It is a very small one, but it is there none the less.  Tim’s heart grew a size bigger that day without even knowing it and all because of Lucy Chen. This is the first smile we see from Tim, especially since his heartbreak the last episode.  
I like how we haven’t sen much of Captain Anderson but what we have seen of her, she has everyone’s back and is there for all of her officers, new and old.  
Two episodes in and I like every single character, yet Talia still has yet to make me like her as much as I like everyone else.  I don’t know what it is with her character, but I don’t feel it quite just yet, maybe I will soon…
You can tell that Jackson wants approval from his T.O Angela just as much as Lucy wants it from her T.O Tim and there isn’t anything wrong with that.  Angela and Tim were once Rookies themselves and went through exactly what Lucy and Jackson are going through so it’s inevitable that they want some type of approval or recognition from them.  It is admirable.  
This episode is very John Nolan centric, which is to be expected considering the premise of the show is about him and his life as a rookie police officer, BUT now that I know there is an ensemble cast with a ton of other characters to watch and learn more about, I don’t think every episode has to feature John so heavily.  Let us viewers get to know more about all of the other characters, both on and off duty, in this police precinct of Mid-Wilshire!
Honorable Mention: Shirtless Tim! I’m sorry, I had too!
Episode Peak: Everyone’s street style starting to show! We love to see it!
Episode Pit: 6 minute and 07 second mark…what..was..that…
Quote of the Episode:  “With all due respect Sir, you’re a pain in my ass” — Lucy Chen
Episode Rating: 7/10- Only of the fact that, besides a few key moments here and there, not much really went on in this episode that gave me the “WOW” factor.
Until the next drop on “Get in the Shop”.... ;)
Please give me your honest feedback!!!!! I LOVE interacting with you all of you guys!!!
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