#the most romantic proposal ever tbh <3
salisburyliam · 2 months
My WORST to BEST ranking for Desert Rose's LIs
NOTE 1: I have yet to finish Saeed's route but I don't think my opinion will change much once I do tbh
NOTE 2: I've ONLY played Jack and Cindy's routes until getting their respective achievements in season 2, ep. 7 - and Adil's in ep. 10. I haven't played season 3 with either of them, maybe my list would be very different if I did, but I'm not a big fan of this book to begin with & I REFUSE to read it one more time lmao
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7. Saeed - If he didn't look like he was 15 maybe, maybe, he would be higher on the list. But honestly, I'm not quite sure why he's an LI. He's cute, but the "little brother vibe" kind of cute. Also, he has too few scenes for him to suddenly propose to Yasmin. As you can tell, not a fan. 3/10
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6. Jaffar - The story of the bodyguard and his protégé would have been very interesting... had it been better executed. The fact that Jaffar literally calls her his "little sister" 🤢 and that there is no romantic interaction of any kind until s3 doesn't actually help. He's more of a background character. Really hot, tho. 4/10
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5. Cindy - I'd have preferred Caroline as LI, I find her waaay more interesting & with a more distinct personality. Nothing against Cindy, I just get the feeling that the author never really knew what to do with her?? Their romance feels pretty meh imo 6/10
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4. Adil - I KNOW this is going to be an unpopular opinion... but I find Adil very boring. There, I said it 🤷 When I first started this book I chose him as my initial LI not only because he is unquestionably one of the hottest LIs (not just in the book but in the whole app) but because it was obvious from the beginning he was the rebel - it seemed like a promising dynamic. But he literally disappears in the second season and when he comes back a thousand years later Zain has already hooked you (that's what happened to me at least lmao). He is the most beautiful man tho, and has the biggest 🍆 in the whole RC - change my mind. 7/10
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3. Jack - I looove the flashbacks of when they were kids (the "woah" scene is so endearing) their friendship and how sweet & passionate he is with Yasmin. The dynamic between the two of them feels tender and warm throughout, and as a bonus I will say that they together have the most ADORABLE son ever. 7.5/10
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i mean..... look at this little angel!!!!
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2. Mustafa - I've talked about this before. If the dynamic + connection between Yasmin and him in s1 had been the same throughout the book, he would have been inarguably in the first place. But from season 2 onwards he literally is sidelined and when he returns he seems like a completely different character. Yet he remains an 8/10 for his sense of humor, love of watermelons and goats.
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1. Zain - You can tell it's the author's favorite route because of how well written and thought out it is. There's undeniable chemistry between the two characters, Zain's constant dilemma, Yasmin becoming more and more interested in him but not wanting to admit it out loud, THE TENSION... I didn't even look twice at him in the first season (to this day his sprite still looks like a Disney villain to me, lol) but the second season is undeniably his and I love that he's an official sugar daddy. 9/10
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ryansjane · 6 months
1st quarter of 2024 shows ranked
n° of shows watched from january 1st to march 31st: 13
1. analog squad: 9/10
I deeply regret not watching this one in 2023 when it was released bc it would've been my number one favorite show of that year ;_; it's such an original and touching show with one of my favorite tropes (found family) and some of the best characters I've ever seen. definitely already an all-time favorite and a comfort show for years to come <3
2. cooking crush: 8,5/10
y'all know how much I love offgun, and while this was no not me or theory of love, this show really brought me back to my early days of watching thai dramas and freaking out over any cute interaction on my screen & I love it for that! while this show has a lot of flaws, most of them are easily forgettable when faced with such great characters & one of the cutest relationships ever! I truly thought offgun's chemistry had reached its peak in not me but I was wrong, these two never cease to amaze me they really can play any role to perfection <3
3. ready set love: 8,5/10
this show really surprised with how pretty much flawless its execution is! it's hilarious but also deals with very deep & interesting topics well, and day might be one of my favorite female leads ever! a super solid show that is honestly gonna become a classic for me, I can feel it :)
4. love for love's sake: 8,5/10
this was a super sweet show that's very well done, I was dubitative of the plot at first but it really managed to pull me in & make it worth my while! one of the best kbls out there :)
5. the believers: 8,5/10
this is definitely one of the most innovative thai shows out there, dealing with a topic (religion) that I didn't think anyone would dare touch. the story had me hooked all 9 episodes & the acting performances were amazing, however I have to say this didn't pack as much of a punch as I expected it would. it's a very good show, but it stays a little surface level & doesn't explore its characters enough for me...
6. sing my crush: 7,5/10
this was very much adorable, however two things bothered me: 1) I didn't like the time jump from ep 1 to ep 2, I wish we could've seen the friendship between the characters developed more, and 2) I feel like them not revealing their feelings for each other felt a little forced & random. apart from that it's a very cute show!
7. intern in my heart: 7,5/10
this was a really enjoyable romantic comedy that I had a lot of fun in front of :) is it much more than that? not really. pretty basic but with charismatic performances that carried the show well!
8. perfect propose: 7,5/10
really sweet show that I wish was more developed & gave me more, but a good time nonetheless!
9. sukiyanen kedo do yaro ka: 7/10
this show got me, lost me then got me once again lol. I thought the chemistry for an established relationship was some of the best for a jbl, and the story was simple but endearing. but tbh something was kinda lacking for me, which made this ultimately very forgettable imo.
10. the outing: 7/10
I was SO looking forward to this show without much expectation but it still managed to disappoint me lol. the acting was very solid but there's too many characters that get introduced too late & I failed to really understand what the point or purpose of the show was. it seems to me as if this show took all of the worst points from remember 15 (the sex, the chaos, the betrayals & annoying characters), without the substance that remember 15 actually had. it's not a terrible show, and I was intrigued during it, but tbh it could've been so so much better.
11. love class season 2: 7/10
this had some of the strongest and most interesting ships I've seen in a kbl, however the writing & execution of the show was very frustrating. early on the characters barely get introduced & we struggle to understand how they're all linked together, leading to a lot of confusion on my part. it's sad bc it had a very solid story but bad execution imo :(
12. chaser game w: power harassment: 7/10
this had me very excited but sadly didn't deliver at all for me. the story is kinda all over the place & while the chemistry was really good and it's important to have japanese characters clearly labeled as lesbians, I found the acting kinda over the top as well... but it's a start for gl I guess 🥲
13. sahara sensei to toki-kun: 6/10
this is the kind of show that I managed to watch until the end... for whatever reason. but the age gap icked me out & I found that the main ship didn't have much chemistry. overall this story is very empty & didn't add anything for me, but I really liked the character of toki & would've loved to see him in a better show & ship.
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elialys · 1 year
I’ve finished season 2 of The Newsreader two hours and a half ago, and I’ve yet to be able to talk about my feels with ANYONE, so I’m doing what I do in most cases when I have too many feels about something—opening a new word document to write things down.
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This season genuinely surprised me so many times. I had no actual expectations, but I had thoughts on what might happen from the season promo and the episodes' synopses. Most of the time, turned out I was absolutely wrong, and I’ve never been happier to be wrong.
This is not very coherent, more ‘string of thoughts’ than anything else, and I’m skipping soooo many things but here are my main thoughts/emotions on each episode:
Episode 3 Greed and Fear
I knew it would be about Helen’s past being dug out and was so worried. Didn’t expect to be laughing so much?? Like, only a couple of scenes but god those were genuinely funny. Gerry’s wife telling Helen’s about her torn vagina from giving birth? Lindsay’s song about Charlie being hit hard in the economic crash? Absolute gold.
The "hey let’s get married to give that columnist something else to write about” idea from Dale and Helen’s reaction to it went about as well as I expected it to go.
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I have to say, I did not expect the Helen & Charlie’s interactions to get that real that fast but I…kinda liked it? I still think Charlie’s a shit head but I loved that they made him feel like an actual human? Genuinely fond of that scene of him and Helen in his office waiting for midnight, with her on his couch telling him about her past, it just felt genuine.
Don’t get me started on Helen and Dale on HER couch at the end of the episode though. Just, I want to live there, in that scene. With them cuddling on that couch, and nothing bad ever ever happening to their couple, ever.
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Episode 4 The Hungry Truth
This episode was a punch in the gut. The way the approached the Bicentennial event and the Aboriginal side of the story was so poignant and heartbreaking. That shot of them watching the cheery News at Six promo at the end instead of the planned interview with Lynus was captivating in a ‘I feel sick in the stomach’ kind of way.
Helen’s convictions and hard work being cast aside and spat on again at the last second was infuriating, she tries SO HARD to stand up for those who don’t have a voice and she hits walls every step of the way.
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Dale’s real proposal? I'm still recovering. When I read the initial synopsis, I worried he was going to do something *big*, but he didn’t. It was intimate and romantic and sincere, and holy hell couldn’t have happened at a worse time ??? I know there was no way for him to really ‘hide’ his preparations from Helen at that point but ugh.
That end scene had me in tears tbh, both Sam and Anna just killed me. Because you can tell Helen loves Dale and he loves her yet she turns him down and everything hurts?
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Episode 5 A Model Daughter
Let me just say I’ve loved Kay’s character. I love the extra depth it brought to the Walters family, and I love how she allowed for the very real issue of heroin addiction to be explored this season. And obviously, I love how her story intertwined with Helen’s and the way it made this episode unfold, like, DAAAAMN.
But first of all, Helen and Dale. Oh the pain. Oh the sweet sweet pain. I binged so I barely had time to process any of my feelings, but I felt all the feelings. It was dramatic without being overdramatic. Again, all of it felt so human. I wish we’d seen more actual conversation between Helen and Dale with Helen explaining exactly why she doesn’t want marriage and why she broke it off completely, but there’s enough there to get it and just hurt with them.
That scene of them in the make up room, after Dale realizes there’s been some ‘flirting’ going on between her and Charlie? SO many things are said without them needing to actually say them, it just hangs in the air and OH THE DELICIOUS PAIN.
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That award party was so good, they were all so drunk and I was so worried about Dale. And then the whole Gerry, Tim, Dale thing was wholesome for about two and half seconds. I wasn’t sure when the ‘gay club’ scene would happen or how Dale would end up there, I didn’t expect things to happen that way, it was like watching a car crash in slow motion. I feel sad for people who ship Dale and Tim because I’m sure this is not how they hoped Tim’s character would come back—and that the random dude Dale wakes up next to is not who they were hoping for. Dale’s whole spiraling out this episode was just painful in a painfully perfect way.
Everything about Kay’s interview, every character involved…ugh so damn good. The interview itself made me cry, but that’s probably because of my own issues haha. Kay going to Helen and begging her to take her part off the story, not knowing Lindsay decided to make the story ALL about her and her parents against Helen’s assurances that they wouldn't do that.
Helen’s demeanor sitting at that desk, finally deciding that enough is enough. HELEN STANDING UP, GETTING THE TAPES AND DESTROYING THE TAPES WHILE WALKING OUT.
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Actual Queen. Might be my favorite sequence in the entire season, but don’t take my word for it yet. Of course she goes to Charlie and jumps on him right after that but everyone’s human hahahaaaaa.
Episode 6 Fireworks
I don’t even know what to say, I’m still trying to process this. They gave us time with everyone, and I loved every second of it, but I still begged for more time with Helen and Dale, individually and together. Now I get what Sam meant by ‘Dead Dale’. Oh yes he’s the Big Guy now with the Big House, King of News and all that but he’s clearly dead inside too, so that’s nice I guess.
The way they resolved the issue of “Helen and Charlie” being a thing in under 3 minutes combined was beautiful to be honest. I was losing it watching that short, extremely distressing montage of Charlie and Helen like, might have clawed at my face a bit. But the way she threw him out of her life the second he dared say some shit about Dale? Beautiful.
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Lindsay needs to die in a fire though. I’m so glad Dennis punched him in the face but someone needs to push him in front of a bus. That scene between him and Helen in his office was just VILE. What a pathetic excuse for a human being, all these things he did to her and SAID to her, I am not okay. And him sabotaging her at her new job like, DIE ALREADY OMG.
Was it really Gerry who told the columnist about Tim though??? Because that scene between Gerry and Dale, all unspoken? GOD. This damn show.
Gotta end with Helen and Dale. I am so upset. I think/hope they will find their way back together WHEN we get a 3rd season, and I believe them learning to live apart is needed and necessary, BUT GOD I AM GENUINELY HURTING. Helen’s desperate proposal was so upsetting. The fact that Dale was too dead inside to tell her more than “no” and “just do your job” like.
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I don’t even blame him because he’s a hot mess trapped in his own catatonia but THE PAIN. That airport scene, someone put me out of my misery please, how dare they use THAT song (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, anyone??). Also, I realize I’m extremely biased given how much I love Anna Torv but??? She doesn’t say a single word in that scene as she watches Dale on the tv yet you know exactly what she’s thinking and feeling and everything hurts.
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Noelene and Rob? So sorry I didn’t mention you at all in this post yet, you were so lovely and precious and so necessary for my emotional sanity, absolutely love how they “mirrored” and contrasted Helen and Dale, even if it adds to my pain as a Helen/Dale shipper who just watched three failed proposals in the span of 8 hours.
This show better be renewed. I need them to fix this mess. Wonderfully crafted mess but still a mess.
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sehrgefaelltmir · 6 months
Tell me about planes!! :)
OK SO!!!!!! for someone who is obsessed with planes i haven’t been on many exciting planes (mostly just 737s cause if you live in ireland you always just take the L and fly ryanair lmao). my favourite plane i’ve ever been on is the embraer 190 cause it’s SUCH a lil cutie patootie. and my favourite plane overall is the A340-600. i don’t have any tattoos but if i was gonna get one i would get a schematic style tattoo of the A340 cause it’s just so pretty. (idk if u can really describe a plane as pretty but it is to me djdkjddsj) they’re kinda being phased out of use now cause airlines are moving to 2-engine planes (as opposed to the A340 which has 4) but i really hope i’ll get to fly on one one day before they’re all retired!!
also a cool thing about being obsessed w planes is that i have infinite tolerance for them. like one time i had to go through like 4 airports in one day and i had a BLAST i never get it when people don’t like going to the airport?? it’s just like. head empty 🥰 planes 🥰
my favourite airport is nicolaus copernicus in wrocław cause i had a layover there on the way to visit my friend in warsaw (connecting flight was a LOT E190, best day ever tbh) and it was just kinda vibey? djdjskbds idk it was late at night and really empty and the vibes were immaculate
also i LOVE planespotting. if someone agreed to go planespotting w me i would literally propose to them on the spot. it sounds boring but i swear its not jfdjdjdjjd its so fun!! there’s this really good spot for it near where i live atm and one time i was there and i saw this couple taking pics together with an A320 taking off over them ☹️ like thats the most romantic thing ive ever seen??? ouch???
anyway im like,, in a constant state of planespotting. the second i hear a plane i whip out flightradar24 cause i NEED to know where that mf is going im nosey. and the best thing about flightradar is that it tells u the aircraft’s whole schedule, so this one time i was flying home from nürnberg and i could tell the flight was gonna be delayed like 4 hours before they told us cause our plane was still in spain and it hadnt moved lmao (ryanair moment)
oooh also lowkey no one likes flying w me bc like. a) im really annoying abt the planes as u all can see. and b) i WILL make u be at the airport like 5 hours early. one time i was flying w my friend out of copenhagen and it was like 3 hours before the flight n we were in the WRONG COUNTRY i was on the verge of tears all day 😭 never missed a flight n i never will. im an airport dad frfr 🫡
OK LAST THING one time i saw a concorde!! like,, it wasn’t flying obviously lmao (i was born the year they were retired) but it was on display and i got to get on it n see the cockpit and stuff which was like very cool actually
oh my god this was so long sorry jdsjjdjdhd but ty for letting me infodump at you <33333
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gothghostiie · 2 years
Okay, indulge me, Wesker Marriage Headcanons?
yesyesyes!!! I live for this
the proposal is well planned through, and during something he knows you'd love
the ring is gorgeous and expensive and fits perfectly. somehow he knew exactly what ring size you have
big engagement party, with the most important people
doesnt want a bachelor party, is okay with you having one tho
wants to get married in all black, doesn't mind if you dont want to but would love it
big ass wedding with tons of guests, literally everyone you guys know
will pay for everything, refuses to let anyone help
cake tasting will be a shit ton of fun <3
everything has to he perfect, will not accept fine or okay
tries to fulfill your every wish for the wedding too
has a hard time keeping his cool tbh but with your help it'll all be good
idk but I feel like he wont have a best man (I'm so sad)
will also pay for your best mans/bridesmaids clothes, hair, etc.
nothing is too good for you
the party is gonna be long, but he'll definitely sneak you away a few times to have some time with you alone <3
the first dance is the most romantic shit ever. the song choice with him was hard tho (I feel like it might be to bed of roses:'))
refuses the cake face smearing thing. a little bit on the nose or on the cheek if ya'll feel silly but that's it
most romantic wedding night ever.
(I can also give u some stuff for that;))
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burningvelvet · 1 year
oh, i forgot a question. Was ment to go along with the science/technology of the time one.
is there any mention of Ada, or Babbage, et al past Byron's death, by whoever was left of the gang, potentially Mary? Or is there no particular overlap between anybody post whatever year?
(Probably asking a question a bit out of your wheelhouse. Sorry if I am.)
There’s no record of Ada meeting Mary, which is kind of odd tbh. I’ve tried to research this question many times. Apparently this summer there was even a play called “Shelley and Lovelace Never Met” by Dangerous Dames Theatre lmaooooo
But a lot of people in the Romantic circle did keep in touch of course, because they were all friends/lovers/colleagues. There were falling outs too of course. After Shelley died, a lot of the "main circle"Pisa Circle" split up and moved in opposite directions. 
As for Ada: It’s important to note that Ada’s parents split when she was a baby and she never met her father. Lady Byron (Anna) was a bit controlling and she largely tried to shelter Ada, who was a wild child, and who Anna compared to Byron. Anna also hated all of Byron’s friends and anyone who liked him really, so Ada wasn’t too encouraged to know them. Some anti-Anna Byronists have historically claimed that Anna totally kept Ada from knowing anything about him but that's not entirely true either; his poetry was around the house, and as an adult Ada cherished his dedication to her in Childe Harold Canto 3, often considered his most touching work (and what made me love his writing).
Ada did meet Augusta Leigh (Byron’s half-sister), disliked her, and blamed the incest allegations entirely on her. Ada may have been biased due to things her mother had said, and Augusta may have been cold to Ada due to Anna, or the pain of being reminded of Byron’s absence. It’s important to remember in biographical studies that everyone is biased and everyone has faulty recollections, so you can’t readily agree with any one figure’s opinions or judgements.
Ada did meet Hobhouse; she disliked him at first, but eventually liked him and he thought she resembled her mother more than LB. Off the top of my head, I don’t know if she met many of his other friends. Byron didn’t have many close friends, and many of them were abroad, dead, or hated by Anna, or simply unknown to her — but being a big celebrity and aristocrat, LB did meet many people in his life, and he was very well known. Many compared Ada to her father in personality and her mother in looks, although Hobhouse said he saw a little resemblance to LB, I assume he was maybe a bit disappointed there wasn’t more of one, since he really did miss Byron deeply, and adored him more than almost anyone else, and also in a more realistic way than almost anyone else. You would have to search his journals for what he thought of Ada; for Hobhouse research, I recommend the Byronist Peter Cochran's website, which has a section dedicated to Hobhouse; I think Cochran is one of the only people to ever read and edit the larger part of Hobhouse's journals or to write books about him. Hobhouse and Cochran are both invaluable resources to Byronist studies. Hobhouse kept detailed journals his whole life, including during his and Byron's trip where LB started Childe Harold, the work that made him famous (and was dedicated to Hobhouse).
As for the others: Mary kept in touch with the Hunts and Thomas Moore, who she helped write Byron's biography with. Claire stayed more in touch with her own family (the Clairmonts) but also stayed in touch with Trelawny til they died. He tried to marry her multiple times and they may or may not have had an affair (Shelley’s friend Peacock also proposed to her years prior). Trelawny also stayed in touch with Mary. Jane Williams (who lived with Mary and Percy, whose husband Edward died with Percy) met and married T J Hogg (Shelley’s best friend from college, who he once encouraged to have a relationship with Mary). As for Byron’s London crew, many of them were aristocrats or went into politics, so everyone knew everyone. Hobhouse, Kinnaird, Davies, Hodgson, all generally kept up, from what I know. It was a very small world. Teresa Guiccioli visited England and met many of Byron’s old associates. 
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bunnyreaper · 1 year
psst! 3, 14, 26, and 33, stat!! ♡
3: the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for?? how the fuck am i supposed to answer this lol, i guess my ex-fiance since i was going to marry him? i have super conflicted feelings about our relationship, because on one hand it changed my life and the way i loved forever, but it also took from me in some ways as i tried to be someone i wasnt ready to be. i keep thinking back to how we were 16 (me) and 24 (him) when we first started talking, and the more i think of it the more sinister it is, especially knowing what i know now about the person he turned into when i walked away, the vile things he said and did... but i wouldve never gotten past my relationship trauma without him, would've never had so many amazing experiences. we decided to get married without being engaged, but he planned on giving me an engagement ring with a real proposal, and i fucking cried afterward when he told me how he was going to do it because it was so perfect. and then he showed me the ring he got, and he ignored everything i asked for--so that sums it up in many ways, haha. to my current bf who i hope becomes the one: he's the most patient and kind person i've ever loved. ive never felt comfortable with someone so quickly, and i knew i was going to love him the second i saw his stupidly handsome face. 14. VACATION ALL IVE EVER WANTED!! man, i was just saying about how much i want to go back to calgary and vancouver. tbh in general i just miss canada in general. but!! i got to go to vancouver for a single day because i had to go to the british embassy to get an emergency passport. it was both an incredible and horrible day. 26. things i do when im sick?? cry, feel pathetic, sleep a bunch and drink orange sport lucozade, its my go to sick drink!! 33. these days when im sad, i guess i just try and ignore it until it goes away. i cant cry, and i find myself most often feeling sad about lack of validation, so sometimes ill go work on things that will get me that validation. OR i put on loud music and pace/stare at the ceiling/imagine scenarios in my head
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fadinglights · 1 year
💕 + yisoo/youngjo
send "💕" + a ship for me to fill out this. . . / accepting!
YISOO & YOUNGJO for @evocatiive
first details.
how did they meet? they're neighbours but they really got close after that night they went looking for the missing stray they'd been feeding
who flirted with who first? yisoo though it's taken them a Good While
was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance? slowburn :'>
did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic? they're friends before! the mutual crush lasted for a good while until any of them dared to end the pretence
what was their first date? maybe it's that kbbq place yisoo made him promise to bring her to as compensation for tending to his injuries
who kissed who first? yisoo, probably at the heat of the moment cause she's done with his emotionally constipated ass
who started the relationship? i feel like they didn't have That talk until much later on, but it's clear that they've been exclusively seeing each other for a while. poor yisoo doesn't have much time to date between her work n her troublemaker neighbour </3
next steps & hardships.
monogamy or polyamory? monogamy  
are they/do they plan on getting married? they aren't thinking that much ahead tbh
who proposed? was it a yes or no? again, it's too early to tell and i don't think yisoo is someone who values the idea of marriage that much anyway, it's the idea of family that she innately yearns for
do they want kids? who brought it up first? yisoo has enough caring responsibilities already lol, but who knows, she might change her mind in five years
do they already have kids, together or from previous relationships? none that they know of
how often do they fight? what about? it's never that serious. she'll chastise him about the dangerous situations he gets into, he'll frown about how she's not taking care of herself well enough for someone who's always doing that for others
have they ever broken up? no, unless youngjo decides to pull a disappearing act out of panic at some point... i don't think he will though, they have a fur baby together after all <3333
messy breakup, amicable split, remain friends, ride or die or til death do us part? ride or die but let's hope none of them is actually going to...
in the bedroom - vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af? they can be spicy, though sometimes it's sweet and tender between them
for applicable ships - who tops/bottoms? youngjo tops most of the time, but ocasionally it's yisoo
for applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive? depends on the day
what is their favourite sex position?  lotus or missionary, they like looking into each other's eyes during :'>
do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom? not often, but she's open to it
favourite place to have sex? her bedroom, though can you imagine mandu just being confused out by the door worried about his hoomans from the sounds they're making akdsadkhad
most adventurous place they’ve had sex? his car or a caravan cause i can see them taking a trip along the coast
do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash? how often? sometimes!! ok but... imagine them bathing together and yisoo just gently running her fingers over his scars 🥺
what are some of their favourite things about their partner sexually? i think yisoo likes how responsive he is.... god knows he's not like that with how he feels in other times, but i think he'll be trying more once they're a couple???
do they have any routines/rituals in their relationship? does her patching him up count? they're just looking after each other in their own way
how do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt? definitely, yisoo is extremely nurturing by default and youngjo has grown to be so protective over her
who is the better dancer? she's not much of a dancer, but i still think yisoo is better lol
how do they like to spend time together? staying in, playing with their cat, watching movies, going to the farmers' market together, just cosy things
what are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy? casual physical intimacy, her head on his lap when she reads, his fingers casually playing with her hair when he's scrolling on his phone
what are some of their favourite things about their partner? she likes how strong he is and she doesn't mean his physique (which... she appreciates as well...), but how he's been through so much yet persists :>
how do they comfort the other when they are upset? hugs and warm meals
who buys the other spontaneous gifts? neither of them is a big shopper, but i think yisoo does it a bit more often
what position do they sleep in? maybe yisoo is the little spoon
what are their favourite things to do on date nights? movie dates, sometimes she takes him to things that she wants to do, ice-skating rinks, museums, bowling, karaoke etc, her interests are quite diverse
do they still go on dates after being together for a while? yes, but they're less planned but more done on a whim
what is their love language? yisoo's dominant one is definitely acts of service!! i think it's the same for youngjo too?
who’s a cat person and who’s a dog person? they are both cat person, though i can see yisoo loving dogs too, she just doesn't have the spare time to keep one tbh
who likes the outdoors more and who likes the indoors more? yisoo likes the outdoors and same for youngjo
who’s more social? yisoo, for sure, her social circle has grown smaller since she became a full-time nurse, but her colleagues and patients adore her
who makes the bed every morning? neither does, i think
who likes to keep the house cold and who likes to keep the house warm? they both like it warm
who takes longer getting ready? yisoo, but she doesn't take that long really
who likes scary movies and who likes funny ones? they like both, they probably judge the hell out of dumb horror characters n yisoo will fixate on things like 'no way, that can't kill him. there's no major artery there' haha
who screams when they see a bug and who ends up killing it? neither screams, but youngjo is more proactive in killing it whereas yisoo just avoids it lol
who is more technology challenged? youngjo
who would be more likely to burn something in the oven? youngjo
who talks in their sleep? yisoo does, but it's very rare
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? youngjo probably and it irritates her a bit >:(
who likes getting dressed up more? none of them dress up often, but i think yisoo likes it more than he does
who’s better at tying ties? yisoo 
who recorded the answering machine message on the house phone? they just use their mobiles so there's no house phone message
who’s better at planning romantic things? yisoo, hopefully youngjo will catch up???
who takes up more space in the closet? yisoo, i think youngjo's wardrobe probably leans on the minimalist side
who has more of a sweet tooth? yisoo, she has a habit of stress eating lol, which she combats with buying (mostly) healthy snacks only
who drinks more often? youngjo. yisoo is mostly a social drinker.
who is most likely to laugh during a serious situation? neither does, i think, though it's a bit more likely for youngjo to do it than yisoo
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bihansthot · 1 year
Hey, can I give you a blitz interview? If you don't mind, please answer the following questions:
If you were to become a dessert, which one exactly?
You said you believed in a dog's paradise. Do you think there are angels there who study and praise dogs? Or is it done by those who have fallen into human paradise ?
What kind of stereotypical anime character are you ? (a psychopathic villain, a modest interest of the main character, a misunderstood genius or a sexy girl?)
Imagine a situation: you go to bed, when suddenly a sorcerer appears from your closet and turns you into a lamp \ chandelier. What is this lamp\chandelier?
Would you feel comfortable as a Marmalade God? If so, would you agree to be the honored guest of the Mortal Kombat? (I'm not hinting at anything, but Shang Tsung will use you to get supplies of marmalade)
Have you taken the 16 personalities test or mbti ? If so, what did you get?
This time you are a witch ! Good news, because you can do almost anything! But the bad news is: do you need to turn any person into a lamp \ chandelier to save your strength? Who will it be ?
What kind of coffee are you ?
What do you dream about most often ?
Tell us the most romantic thing in your life ? (I'm a hopeless romantic, I've never missed a love story in my life. Even when I read the most beautiful stories with y\n (for example, yours), I imagine that my sister tells me all this at dinner or a party)
Do you like hugs and kisses ? (Yesterday I kissed my friend with bright red lipstick, and she passed with my kisses all day)
Who do you think is the laziest Mortal Kombat character ? (I just really want to find myself in this universe. And I can't not be lazy)
If all your fears and psychological problems acquired a single monster form, what would it look like?
What is your favorite Disney princess ?
What is your favorite gemstone ?
I know this isn't exactly a blitz poll. In my defense, I will say that I am stretching the presentation for 5 minutes for 45 minutes)
1. Flan, it’s my favorite and it’s all jiggly so it would be fun to be.
2. Weirdly enough I don’t believe humans live on after death only animals are good enough creatures to deserve that honor. I firmly believe dogs are guardian angels and are the greatest thing life can offer. Maybe angel dogs study other angel dogs?
3. I’m the sexy bimbo lol the dumbass, boy obsessed one with huge tiddies.
4. Hmmm well the only “lamp” I have in my bedroom is a neon Cinnamoroll so I guess that would get turned into a cute Cinnamoroll chandelier?
5. I have no clue what a Marmalade God is, sorry. Also I might be the stupid bimbo in anime but I’m smart enough not to participate in MK in any way shape or form, I can’t trust Shang Tsung to go from honored guest to suddenly honored participant.
6. I have but I never remember what I am lol
7. Any person? Hmm my high school bully, he deserves to spend his life as an inanimate object.
8. I’m a sickly sweet salted caramel mocha, emphasis on sickly sweet.
9. I don’t really dream tbh, ever since getting on Trintellix I don’t think I’ve had a dream I can recall.
10. Hmm I’m not really a big romance person myself it makes me feel weirdly uncomfortable even if I am a highly sexual person. I think the most romantic thing though was my partner proposing? We were in Epcot (part of the Disney parks in Florida) and they have a mini Japan there and they said “this is the closest I can get to taking you there right now” and I thought that was really sweet they proposed in “Japan” knowing how much I love the country and culture.
11. I’m not a super affectionate person, I wasn’t raised in that environment. I’m fine with hugging my friends and I like kissing during sex and I’m not necessarily opposed to affection it’s just not my go to.
12. Hmmm the laziest?? I’d say Reptile but in a cute way because I want to just imagine him happily sunning himself on a nice warm rock.
13. Probably a lot like my Mother, we’ve improved our relationship a lot in the last year or so but she’s the primary root of all my insecurities and self loathing and all that fun stuff.
14. Ahhh Pocahontas, that was always my favorite Disney movie growing up.
15. Probably sapphires? My wedding band is pink sapphires and diamonds, I love both.
Hopefully I did this right and you enjoy the answers, I’ve never actually done one of these before, it was fun! Thanks for asking me!
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 years
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I posted 1,380 times in 2022
That's 911 more posts than 2021!
44 posts created (3%)
1,336 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 775 of my posts in 2022
Only 44% of my posts had no tags
#<3 - 65 posts
#dw spoilers - 31 posts
#beautiful - 19 posts
#goncharov - 14 posts
#amazing - 13 posts
#wow - 12 posts
#river song - 11 posts
#nice - 10 posts
#unreality - 10 posts
#yeah - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#if you want to watch the part that's about theseus there's a video on youtube called 'bodo wartke- antigone teaser 1-ödipus trifft theseus'
My Top Posts in 2022:
omg a FIC? i`m lucky to have multiple variations of my own name but may i use e.k.a. in this case? (bc otherwise i`m gonna have a date with davros and i don`t want to)
Oh, I love this combination! (And a lot more than any combination involving Davros tbh)
Thank you so much for sending this in and distracting me yesterday evening. I very much needed it and even managed to have a lot of fun writing despite my underlying state of worry (I had an exam today and I always stress out A LOT the day before. But it all went well and I passed!)
I have to warn you, I got carried away a little (mostly due to the date being on Darillium; THORS is my second favourite episode ever) and I haven't really proof-read this. Also, I wasn't sure whether you preferred a romantic date or a platonic one, so...it's a bit of a weird mix now.
Anyway, I hope you like it :) I would very much appreciate if you told me what you thought.
Without further ado:
We are so lucky
Pairing: Yaz x Reader
Place: Darillium
Date prompt: Bowling
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff <3
Words: ~4000
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The whole date was just one big, lucky accident. The Doctor brought you to ‘Darillium’, a planet far, far away from your solar system that was best known for its Singing Towers. Or so the Doctor said. It was just that when you landed, it was pitch dark and there were no towers visible, least of all audible.
When Yaz pointed that out, the Doctor just shrugged, scrunched up her face like she often did and answered: “Well, they don’t sing all the time.”
“It’s a bit rubbish then that we have landed now, isn’t it?” Dan asked, joining the three of you at the TARDIS door that was looking onto barren, nightly land and the front of a pretty, richly illuminated restaurant. Behind the building a cute little town stretched towards both sides, lampions and fairy lights everywhere, shining a warm, golden light into the night.
“Shouldn’t we just come back when it’s day?” Dan proposed. “And when the towers are switched on?”
“Can’t” the Doctor said turning towards the TARDIS window and rising to her toes to scrutinize her reflection. “I’ve got some business here. Now.”
She wiped a smudge off her cheek and brushed her hair back behind her ears. Just to immediately mess it all up again and wring her hands. You exchanged a confused glance with Yaz. Now what was this about?
“What kind of business?” you inquired. “The dangerous kind?”
“Nah, don’t worry” the Doctor lied, smiling at you unconvincingly. “Just you know, normal business. Very boring. Anyway, there’s an entertainment mile just behind the restaurant, you can wait there until I’m done.”
“You’re going to leave us here?!” Yaz asked exasperated. “Again?”
You gently grabbed her arm, trying to reassure her.
“I’ll be back in a jiff” the Doctor promised, already walking away at a fast pace without another glance at you. “Don’t wander off.”
“Is she making a habit of this” Dan commented, following Yaz and you out the TARDIS and pulling the door shut. “Wandering off and telling us to stay put. And the towers aren’t even singing.”
“How’s that supposed to work anyway?” you asked while you started towards the restaurant. Yaz offered you her hand and gratefully you intertwined your fingers. Hers were a little cold, so you took her hand in both of yours to warm them up. “Singing towers? Do you think they’re sentient?”
“Maybe it’s just a euphemism?” Yaz proposed, leaning slightly into you while you walked.
“Yeah, or just something the Doctor made up” Dan chuckled. “To convince us this planet was worth the visit.”
He was walking beside you, hands stuffed into his pockets. It really was quite cold on the planet, almost as if the sun hadn’t shone in a very long time.
“What in all of the universe could she need to do here anyway?” Yaz asked. “That was so important we had to come here now, even though she obviously doesn’t want us with her?”
See the full post
17 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
It was always difficult reasoning with the TARDIS. It was especially difficult when you were dying. One should think she would feel pity and for once do what you asked her to, but in the end she always thought she knew better. And, quite frankly, at this point the Doctor was too far out of it to specify that the sunrise was supposed to be on Earth. Still, even in her battered state she recognised immediately where the ship had brought her to. It only took opening the door and having a small shimmer of the rising sun fall onto her face together with an all too familiar smell of home. You did not spend a decade dreading a slowly brightening light and mistake it for another when you saw it again.
Let me try to fix it one last time please. I know there wasn't room for them in the episode but there would have been room for a tiny scene pre-regeneration. Just to have them meet. Just so the Doctor wouldn't be alone when she died. Just so her wife would see the old body and while being confused and concerned remark that oh, now everything makes sense and when asked to clarify answer spoilers. Just so we realise that there is a chance here that it isn't over yet, that they will get a few more adventures as a gift. Just for some hope. For her. For them. For us :)
18 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Churchill: What happened to time?
The Doctor: A woman.
Scene cuts to River punching the hell out of Swarm & Azure for hurting her wife and her wife's girlfriend
20 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
Rory: You can't ship real people.
River: Of course you can. Even literally. There's this great intergalactic abduction service to get the people in question to the same place.
River: Would you like their number? They have a hotline.
29 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Now I want thasmin to be happy as much as the next person, but please consider:
It ends badly because of course it does, when has it ever not ended badly? And then Yaz is gone. And the Doctor is left behind, like they always are in the end. And it's probably even their fault and they blame themselves. But even if it wasn't, the fact that she is gone hurts enough already.
The Doctor can't sleep. They never could very well but they are exhausted, post-regeneration maybe, and they really, really should. They have even pushed the bed out into the console room again but it doesn't feel right when Yaz is not lying next to them.
In a way they wish they could forget the pain, suppress it, because it is too much. But they know they mustn't. They know they need to honor her memory, need to feel the pain. They wish they could talk to someone about it. But the only person they would feel safe to tell is the very person who is gone.
They miss her. Her smile, her hand in her own, her guidance. Yaz always knew what to do.
And so they get up, shuffle over to the fridge, take out the emergency sharpie (and a chocolate chip cookie because they haven't eaten in days and they really need to get something into their system).
And then they sit down on the bed, roll up the sleeves of a coat that belonged to another woman and scribble onto the palm of their hand. Five letters.
124 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jugheadvarchoni · 14 days
Ranking the Worst Riverdale relationships (romantic)
Just throwing it out there again, MY opinion here. A mix of boring, overrated ships, and genuinely toxic ones. If you disagree, that’s fine. This isn’t meant to hurt anyone’s feelings or belittle anyone else’s opinion.
5. Cheryl & Archie, Jughead & Ethel
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I wanted to include this type of relationship, which is pairings that were never actually couples. I honestly can’t stand either of these. Both shared “kisses” that had very unromantic circumstances and were also just chemistry-less. Thank god the writers never persued either of these!
4. Hiram & Hermione
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I can’t recall any moment of genuine love between them tbh. They were always trying to out-manipulate each other, cheating, trying to kill each other. In terms of the adult relationships, I think they’re the most toxic.
3. Archie & Grundy
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I’m not even sure I want to ever consider this pedophilic shit a real relationship, but it deserves a spot on here regardless. It got… significant screentime, mostly painted in a bad light, but… Just horrific. Grundy deserved what she got maybe idk. Archie was FIFTEEN YEARS OLD, like?!?!?!
2. Betty & Jughead
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Putting aside the fact that they got WAY too much focus in comparison to the other characters, I genuinely never felt that much chemistry. I know they were CRAZY popular tho, and something obviously struck a cord for a lot of people. I just wasn’t one of them lol. They never seemed stable imo, too many breakups and cheating and makeups. Which, you could argue is the case for a LOT of couples on the show, but for me, there is nothing good about them to counteract that. They were cute-ish in the beginning, but starting S2, I just kinda started dreading their scenes. So much time spent on them, so many other characters and ships suffered for THEM. Not only do I find them the most overrated ship on television, but too many BH fans I’ve interacted with were just toxic, in the worst of ways. To the point where other actresses were harassed horribly online. Terribly overused & boring ship, with too many terrible fans. I can’t even watch their scenes in S3/S4 specifically without rolling my eyes at some point.
1. Toni & Fangs
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On the flip side, we have a ship that had a total of 5 fans. Choosing to make Toni & Fangs a couple because Vanessa & Drew are friends was their first mistake. That doesn’t mean they have romantic chemistry because these two certainly didn’t. Their second mistake was having them raise baby Anthony as a couple, when it was supposed to be Kevin & Fangs. Neither character grew when they were together. Their entire relationship hinged on Anthony, to the point where he was the only reason Toni proposed to Fangs. S6 is Toni’s worst season imo, and Fangs/Anthony is the main reason for that. Chemistry-less, pointless, intensely unpopular and unexciting. Terrible partners, terrible parents, toxic to the max. This ship was an absolute waste of space. If they wanted to give Toni a midgame ship on her way back to Cheryl, it should’ve been a new character, not Fangs. I’m still baffled that they wasted Toni for a season and half with this crap. Only to have Fangs (rightfully) share almost no scenes with Toni in S7 and for Anthony to just disappear haha. POINTLESS!
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iamacolor · 2 years
hello violette, it's your secret santa! I hope you're doing well and that you have a wonderful week! What are your favorite dramas of 2022?
hello secret santa, it's lovely to hear from you! I'm having a great week so far (I have an old tumblr friend visiting from the us for the first time so it's fun), I hope you are too 😊
I was going to say that I didn't watch that many dramas this year but then I counted and it was almost 20 which isn't such a small number - but tbh I did drop a few + some of them were completed dramas that aired in the last couple of years so anyway before I keep on rambling (you'll see very quickly that I can't give short answers to anything lol), my 2022 faves would be tomorrow (it was a very unique concept even if at times at thought they weren't handling things with all the delicacies that the subject of suicide deserved but they had the best angsty tragic couple ever even if they only gave them like 3 minutes per episode for most of the show but that tension and the characters were so compelling omg I was hooked), extraordinary attorney woo (very very strong start and much less strong ending but some of my fave characters(youngwoo was such a great main character)/character dynamics and some of my fave romantic scenes ever - I was obsessed when the show was airing - also very very strong performances and I loved that so many people were talking about it I learned so much and there were so many cool conversations around it), if you wish upon me (ok I technically still haven't finished this one because it's not an easy one to watch for me - it brought a lot of memories of losing my grandparents - but it's very special and I love a good old found family trope and I love sooyoung's character, it's the perfect mix of sad and heartwarming so I'm going slowly hut surely), to my star 2 (they really got us good with that ending and I knew it was going to be angsty so I waited until it was all out to binge it and I loved it). special mention for alchemy of souls which had some very very strong moments and some very boring ones and probably too many plot lines at once but which explored some really cool themes about magic, identity, loyalty, love, affection etc, had one of my fave mentor/mentee/romantic relationship ever (jang uk and naksu are so weird and tortured and fun, i love them) and was not afraid to give us an ending where everything goes wrong for part 1 - I was begging for them to go all angsty and tragic and I'm so glad they did (I'm so curious about part 2) - and for once upon a small town which was short (too short) but just very cute and sweet and pretty and nice but that came at just the right time for me and was actually more thoughtful than I expected and a business proposal which was just super fun and hari was like the absolute dream girl and best girlfriend ever, it was a great romcom and I liked that the secondary couple was also very present (and hot)
what about you???
0 notes
rivangel · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet [1/6]
I'd rather post the alphabet in 6 parts than all at once because there are 26(!) letters and I write enough to qualify as short essays sometimes. lol.
This first part contains A-E: aftercare, favorite body part, cum, dirty secret, and experience.
warnings: foot fetish (sorta? blink and you'll miss it)
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
We all know that Levi’s primary ways of showing love and affection is physical touch and acts of service. So no matter what- be it slow, sensual lovemaking or hardcore bondage- i think he would be very caring/doting to his partner afterwards. Running his hand through your hair, pressing soft kisses, and especially cleaning you up.
Pillow talk would be sparse, but immaculate. Maybe his voice would be gravelly or broken depending on what sort of sex you two had been up to, half-lidded gazes, and the remnants of a blush still lingering on his cheeks and throat. I don’t see Levi (in canon at least) as one for exhibitionism at all (with the exception of bending you over his office desk), or even quickies tbh so these are the standards more or less.
Canon!Levi wouldn't be for bdsm/harder kinks imo, but if he was the same applies. His first priority would be making sure you're okay and safe. If you enter a subdrop Levi would care for you in gentle, reassuring touches and would undoubtedly run you a bath. It takes communication beforehand, but whatever you need he'll give to you before ever considering himself.
As a btw, Levi wouldn't fall asleep right after sex most times. Unless you two went more than 3 rounds (given his unmatched stanima/strength, i'd bet 2 is just about a given for Levi), he'll need you to fall asleep before him in order for him to even begin to relax lol. Levi needs to know you're content and happy before himself.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
hm. I hc Levi as someone who doesn’t put much stock or thought into his own appearance, at least when it concerns whether or not he’s attractive. He puts a ton of thought into how he appears, yes, but a favorite body part? Meh.
Most likely, I’d say Levi’s arms/biceps are his favorite if he had to pick. The packed muscle he’s built up there over years, and even the scars he’s amassed are proof of his strength: that despite where he came from, everything he’s built for himself he did on his own. Also, it’s his arms that he wraps you in, able and willing to keep you safe. (Honorable mention would be his hands, for more or less the same reasons. However, the heinous acts he had to commit while Underground surely keep him up at night. The blood on his hands, the cast-iron grip on a blade. Levi’s contamination OCD is strongest there.)
As for you, goddamn, it’d be difficult to pick just one part of your body he adores the most. Levi thinks feet are disgusting, but he finds himself admiring even that part of your body. The soft flesh of your warm thighs, your belly, the gentle mounds of your soft breasts (if you have any). And your deft hands…
He loves kissing your collarbones, and especially the place where your shoulder arcs into the curve of your neck. Your silky soft hair; your cheekbones.
Call it a mood killer, but Levi’s favorite part of you would be your eyes, I think. That age-old saying, “eyes are windows to the soul” is age-old for a reason. He can tell exactly how you’re feeling when he looks into your eyes, and the hue of them, the spark in them are mesmerizing to Levi, always.
Yeah, he definitely strikes me as a huge hopeless romantic, deep deep down.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I’m a disgusting person)
Fuck. Well, Levi hates a mess, as everyone and their third cousin twice-removed knows, so I propose this: I don’t think he’d be averse to making a mess, given you’re already super close and maybe long-term. Rather, Levi would pull out just as his balls draw up to cum all over your tits; your flushed, sweaty cheeks and lips; or your thighs (that are already dark with hickeys he gave you, obviously). He’d prefer that over pumping you full of his cum on the basis of the risk of pregnancy (unless you’re doing anal but I don’t see Levi as very up for that anyway).
Levi would get a kick out of being the one to clean you up with his tongue afterwards, or- the first couple times- cleaning you up in general. Levi hates a mess, but he loves to clean and I think cleaning you would make him feel profoundly satisfied with himself lmao. Especially if you asked him to, he would do it. Levi is secretly such a submissive, easily-flustered man that he’d do a lot of shit for you and wouldn’t even question it.
It’s not that important or anything, but Levi would love it if you swallow everything he gives you when he gets to cum in your mouth. As I mentioned earlier, he’d get a kick out of cleaning you up either way, but there’s definitely something about you taking his load and leaving not a drop left to clean up. It would make Levi irrationally pleased with you. He’d get on his knees between your thighs, hold your hips still under his grip and draw peak after peak from you for taking his cock so well.
Also, Levi is definitely the type to get pussy-drunk. He fucking loves how you taste; making you feel good and writhe under his tongue or his fingers is the main attraction, but he would genuinely enjoy eating his partner out. Levi will suck your musk off his fingertips, or alternatively, straddle you after you cum on his face and mash your tongues together. That way you’d get to taste yourself too, all the while Levi’s mouth and lips are still slick and soaked with your cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I always default to canon!Levi, so as for his dirty secret, I think Levi would almost certainly revel in being dominated. He has to keep up a reputation and a shitload of responsibilities most times, which means a lot of pressure and stress on our poor baby.
I think Levi would love just letting go and relinquishing control to the one he trusts the most- you. You climbing on top, keeping Levi’s body flush with the mattress, making him squirm and beg for your cunt (or your cock)… it’s something he’d need time to adjust to for sure, because he’s not used to it, but Levi fucking loves giving himself up to you. No one would believe it either, Humanity’s Strongest outright begging underneath you, and you rendering him vulnerable and soft; you wrench tiny whimpers from Levi’s throat and maybe even some tears. Mans is secretly a sub for sure.
p.s., Praise kink praise kink praise kink. Levi loves it when you tell him just how good he's making you feel or being called a good fuckin' boy. I might just be horny for sub!Levi 24/7/365, but it makes his cock throb to be praised and needed. He loves it when you (loosely) grasp his neck and order him to be a good boy and cum for me. Levi's not one to disobey orders lol.
Did I mention Levi has a thing for being called Captain in bed!??
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Canon!Levi and Modern AU!Levi are two different men I assure you. I’m only gonna focus on canon, but I’m also gonna disregard everything Isayama’s “said in an interview” and just say that Levi definitely dabbled in casual sex or sexploration in general while growing up Underground. But Levi never took a liking to much of it; sex is inherently meaningful to him and he values a deep, intimate connection above getting his dick wet.
When you two first take to each other, Levi’s rather inexperienced, but he’s not clueless. Just as well, Levi’s a quick learner. You can guide his hands up to cup your plush tits; or if you have a cock, Levi would already have a good idea of what will make you tremble under his touch.
You can guide his mouth as he kneels between your thighs, and in return Levi will reel from the mind-melting euphoria you give to him. He knew of sex, but never in his wildest imagination could guess it could be like this. The first time, I imagine you make Levi cum so hard that his voice goes all airy and high, and his body physically trembles. He’d feel so embarrassed for the way you make him feel or the sounds you wrench from him, but naturally Levi would try and hide it lol
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| levi masterlist | main masterlist | next part |
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tobesoalive · 3 years
Sam Kiszka NSFW Alphabet
hello everyone welcome back! sorry I've been behind on posting, I've been struggling to find inspiration and motivation between school and work but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things! Thank you all for your patience and enjoy these steamy headcanons :)
WARNINGS: Smut (basically everything lol)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After sex Sam will collapse next to you and proceed to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest as he sighs in satisfaction. This is usually accompanied by kisses on your neck and his voice praising you for doing such a good job for him. After a few minutes he will get up to bring you to the bathroom and fetch you a glass of water while you wait for him in the bath.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sam’s favorite part of his body is his nose. He thinks its a pretty nose, nice and slim with a perfect point at the end. He loves how it pokes at your clit when he’s eating you out or burying it in your hair, taking in your scent as his hips relentlessly slams his hips into yours.
His favorite part of your body is your thighs. He loves to nip at them to tease you, loves gripping them while he pumps in and out of you, lifting them so he can pound into you at an angle.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
While he does like cumming deep inside you on occasion, what Sam really loves is to pull out and paint either your stomach or your face with his cum. He thinks you look so beautiful with his release dripping down your skin.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sam loves giving and receiving hickies. To some it may seem juvenile but he loves that he can leave his mark so everyone knows your his, and vice versa.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Despite what many may think, I feel like Sam has very little experience under his belt. Sure he’s had partners in the past but only 2 or 3. That doesn’t mean he has no idea what he’s doing, he’s a natural in the bedroom.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Sammy is game for any position, but he really loves missionary because it allows him to look at your face and watch your reactions while he’s fucking you, which turns him on extensivley. He also enjoys pounding into you from behind because it allows him to go deeper which drives you crazy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sam takes your sex life very seriously, and he usually prefers to keep it that way, but he has been known to crack a joke or make a cheeky comment while he’s fully sheathed inside you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Unlike his other hair, sam prefers to keep the hair in his nether regions rather cleaned up. He still keeps a small patch of curls above his dick, but overall he likes to keep it more clean shaven.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It really varies with Sammy, sometimes he can be romantic and sweet, taking his damn time worshipping every inch of you, but he will also fuck you into oblivion whe he’s in a mood.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I think Sam can’t keep his hands off his dick. Like seriously every night he’s on tour your phone rings and on the other end you can hear him breathing heavily before asking you to talk dirty to him. You aren’t complaining by any means though!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think Sam has a big dominance kink, he always likes to be the one in charge and lets you know that. Sometimes he wants you to call him names like daddy or sir and he’ll call you his princess. I also think this bitch is super into edging and tying his significant other up. Also he loves to see his fingers in your mouth or wrapped around your throat.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere around the house tbh, but with his height he likes to have you on a surface like the kitchen counter or the bathroom sink so your cunt is at the perfect level for him to pound into you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Lots and lots and lots of things turn this man on, but the one you know will always get him is if you act really bratty or give him attitude, there is nothing he wants more than to show you who’s in control right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Sam is game for a lot of things but I don’t think he’d ever want to do something that would cause you actual pain. Sure light spanking and choking he’s okay with but nothing beyond that.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Sammy loves to wrap his lips around your clit and prod at your entrance with his fingers, watching you come undone, he especially likes it when you tangle your fingers in his hair as you write from the feeling of his mouth.
He REALLY loves seeing your lips wrapped around his cock, gently guiding your head to bob up and down on his length, it will have him cumming in no time.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Like I said before Sam can do either, it really all depends on what mood he’s in.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
While he will pull a quickie every so often if you guys are on a crunch for time, he doesn’t prefer them. He’d rather wait until your schedules are clear so he can really take his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
If you propose an idea to Sam he is literally in the bedroom before you can finish telling him. Most of the time he’s down to try new stuff.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Sam can go a solid two rounds at most himself, but he makes sure you cum at least three times.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You and Sam have a few toys that you bust out every so often, some silk restraints and a little bullet vibrator that he likes to press on your clit when he fucks you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Unfair should be this man’s middle name. Samuel is one of the biggest teases in the book, but it turns him on so much seeing you grow more and more frustrated.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Sam will let out soft moans and groans but he loves dirty talking to you, always telling you how good you feel and how good you take him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
One of Sam’s favorite things to do is make you ride his thigh. He might be reading or working on a song while you beg him to fuck you, and he’ll say some shit like “well babygirl you know how to get yourself off if you really want it that bad” before patting his thigh.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sam is longer than average thats for sure, he’s about 8 inches, probably even a bit over, and he’s not too girthy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a very high sex drive but he knows how to control it. He just tries to go off how you’re feeling and whether you’re in the mood or not
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Within five minutes that man is out like a light. He’ll do his aftercare duties but the second his head hits that pillow he’s gone. But that’s okay, he works hard and never forgets to tell you how much he loves you before closing his eyes.
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deadrlngers · 2 years
1, 3 and 5 for both vesper and fenix >:))
not lying when i say question 1 had me pensive for HOURS, under the cut because..it’s long. while you read this you need to imagine me sobbing
1.Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
okay first thing. i think that both aren’t the most romantic people on the world, fenix is a bit more romantic than vesper but not that much. both never dreamed of love: vesper has been alone for most of her life so she would dream of companionship, any form of it, she didn't have anyone in the world for so long, love was never her first concern. fenix never thought of love, probably didn’t even know what the word meant, to him love was just another form of betrayal (his parents abandoning him when he was a kid, his own brother being a complete awful man), he didn’t get the bare minimum of family love, he wasn’t going to experience any other kind of love, he just knew it and he didn’t care. 
i’m not being dramatic when i say that they first started dreaming of love when they met each other and slowly fell in love, which made the way they fell apart more hurtful: i said this before but fenix started acting more and more distant because he was scared of being that vulnerable with someone (trauma huh?) and vesper only got heartbroken by that, thinking that probably she just didn’t deserve to be loved at all, by anyone in the world. just...falling in love with someone each day a bit more and watching that person slip from your fingers the more you love them...UGHUGH UG H I WANT TO HIT FENIX RN but i forgive him just because deny yourself the love you crave isn’t a easy thing too.
so marriage. hm. i’m pretty sure vesper thinks marriage isn’t something for her, mainly because she’s scared of repeating the same dynamic her parents had. she thinks that there’s no way for her to escape that kind of destiny because she would replicate the only and first example of love she ever witnessed. she thinks she is doomed. fenix thinks marriage is...fenix doesn’t think anything of marriage tbh. mostly because he didn’t have any reason to think of it, he was never going to fall in love. well clown nose on you man, YOU ARE going to think of it. i do think that at some point they both thought about it but while vesper went “haha. yea no.”, fenix went “haha...WAIT WHAT IF”. they joked about it too and he playfully called her “my sweet wife” a few times until it wasn’t a joke anymore. i do believe that fenix would propose, cross on my heart, it would take him idk what kind of herculean strength to do that but i think he would after thinking of it for so long. now thing is...i both think that vesper could straight up refuse or say yes. i mean UGHHH. she surely is scared for multiple reasons + what if that's heartbreak 2.0.? yes she gave him a second chance but you know, there's fear there. MAYBE..MAYBE she wouldn’t give an answer on the spot, she would probably be speechless and then going “wait i need to  t h i n k”. (cut to fenix experiencing 300 heart attacks because of this). fuck it i say she would agree in the end, probably fenix would have to reassure her a whole damn lot but i say WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THIS WEDDING.
this needs me to spend a few words on a possible wedding too because do you know how long italian weddings last? you basically need a whole damn day. A FULL DAY. you sit down to eat at noon and finish eating at like, midnight. a buffet, two first dishes and second dishes, fruit, the cake, all of this alternating dancing moments and other entertainments. i don’t think neither vesper or fenix would care too much about a BIG wedding but they want to follow that vibe, fenix already doesn’t have...anyone to invite, be it friends or family, SO LET’S GIVE HIM HIS ITALIAN WEDDING. vesper would probably wear a dress, something she hates to do but fuck it, fenix would dress fancy but god forbid he wears a necktie. the only people invited are probably daniel, nader, panam, viktor, vittoria (vesper’s first ex, they are very good friends <3) and whoever very close friend they have, no family because yea..we know. daniel should be vesper’s..bridesmaid jfkjfh but since...fenix is huh..he..he doesn’t..yea (sobs) he doesn’t have anyone else, daniel is going to be his best man while panam is vesper’s bridesmaid. no dad so daniel is going to do most of the things their dad should’ve done for vesper, this is actually very sweet i’m (sobs). generally that would be ONE HELL OF A DAMN PARTY and i’m sure something would get broken because these people are damn crazy and what's a wedding without drama. the lunch would be one HELL of a meal please invite me too i love italian wedding i love eating. and just yea. just i think there would be some tears involved because woo look where we are after all the shit we went through but lots and lots of fun and I JUST HAD TO PUT ALL OF THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM THANKS (explodes)
3. Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
vesper is a shy kisser at first but quickly gains back confidence the second she gets confirmation from partner that everything is good, that’s something they want too. i would say that she is experienced a good amount. for someone that acts cold and tough most of the time she sure gives those kind of kisses that make you feel all fuzzy and loved and warm inside (miss i love you miss i-)
fenix huh yeah, i mean. he’s a passionate kisser, needs to have his hands do something too while he is kissing because that only adds to the experience and he needs to be a menace every time he does anything. BUT i wouldn’t say he’s experienced, dropping this bomb here but vesper is his first serious relationship. he had a few night stands in his past but never liked being kissed by strangers when doing that, he really is out there drawing the line at kissing strangers on the lips. man.
5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
vesper HATES pda, especially if it’s her brother that is hanging around when someone is trying to be affectionate with her, especially fenix because he always goes overboard. fenix loves pda fhkjsdfhkj yes he’s showing off his love, yes he’s going to kiss and hug and god knows all the things he is capable of in public. they fight about this and vesper every time tells him to quit it but he gets on his best behaviour for five seconds before going back at it
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — «« 
sfw alphabet | k. tetsuro
➳ tags ;; fluff, angst, alcohol + sex mention but nothing explicit
➳ a/n ;; reupload from my old blog that an anon asked for <3 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — «« 
 A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
➳ Kuroo is a genuinely affectionate person towards his loved ones. Naturally, he does like to mess with you just a bit by withholding kisses or hugs - but truthfully he can’t push it too much because he really likes showing you attention.
➳ Also despite himself and his love for teasing you, Kuroo isn’t a big fan of PDA! He likes having a hand resting on your back, rubbing circles into your hand and squeezing, or a very quick kiss to the temple when no ones looking but he prefers to show his soft side when it’s the two of you alone. He can go from making fun of you to wrapping his strong arms around you and whispering sweet nothings to you in a matter of seconds 
➳ Kuroos affection isn’t limited to touch, or is it even really dictated by touch. His love language is acts of service and quality time - so he more often than not shows his affection through gestures. Warm towels if you’re at his place, taking your car to get filled with gas, putting ice on your snowy sidewalk so you make it home safe. Kuroo’s nonchalance towards everything is genuinely funny contrast to how truly and utterly considerate he is towards you and your well-being. 
➳ Maybe not conventionally affectionate but affectionate all the same. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
➳ Kuroo is the kind of best friend that you have for like..10+ years. If you two feel truly platonically towards one another - he’s the kind of best friend that makes other people in your life insecure because you simply know each other so well and love each other so much in the sense that you’re platonic soulmates. 
➳ There’s probably no one in the world who knows you quite as well as Kuroo does and it goes the same for you. Neither of you can ever stop being friends because you two know too damn much about the other. Kuroo knows about the weird moles and pimples on your body and you know about his weird boner stories from when you two were in middle and highschool. You really can’t afford to stop being friends, so good luck trying to escape him. 
So. Many. Inside Jokes. Y’all are terrible sometimes. I don’t think either of you ever realize how many you’ve got and you end up referring to them so normally sometimes people don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about and everyone just kinda sighs and lets you two talk on your own. AND yall wonder why no one wants to talk to you two… like you aren’t busy just talking to each other. Kenma is probably the only person who can decipher any of the shit you say, and let’s out a few breaths through his nose but that’s about it. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
➳ Kuroo doesn’t love full on cuddling, tbh. He’s more of a fan of like.. laying on top of each other or other smaller forms of affection. He also is pretty keen on liking hugs (loves backhugs.. giving and receiving. when he feels your body pressed against his back he literally melts) but he’s not big into spooning. He doesn’t mind it if you wanna do it though - if he knows you like cuddling, he’s down for you to do it but it’s not where he defaults. 
➳ Kuroos cuddles are more like you laying your legs in his lap and him massaging your calves. You falling asleep holding his arms. You playing with his hair when he’s tucked under you. He likes casual cuddling as opposed to cuddling sessions. 
➳ When he’s really exhausted though - he’ll give you a real worn out smile and pull you deadass on top of him. Like just your body weight on top of him (and no, he doesn’t care that you might be heavy. He knows that) and just stares up at your face. Bonus points if your hands come up and play with his face (LOVES THAT) 
➳ “long day, tetsu?,” as you cradle his face in your palms. He’ll pin your wrist with his hand and kiss the inside of it before rubbing his face against it like a cat. 
➳ “long day baby,” 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
➳ Kind of sad, but Kuroo knows how to take care of himself really well because of his parents divorce when he was a kid. He did a lot of cooking and cleaning really young because his older sister was out of the house but he was still young enough to be living there. She would do everything she could for Kuroo in other ways (i.e. helping pay for volleyball and shit like that) but Kuroo was a really independent kid and practically raised himself. Kenma’s mom took care of him too - but Kuroo was like 7 or 8 learning how to fold laundry. By the time he was in highschool, he pretty much did everything for himself. 
➳ In terms of domesticity, at a certain point - Kuroo genuinely just accepts you as The One and from then on, you two are a pretty serious couple. You live together early on, and are the kind of relationship in which both of you are just very assured that the other person is the one. Kuroo gets his first nice apartment with you on the lease, and eventually you two buy a condo together in the long run. He enjoys being with you a lot. Home is wherever you are you know. 
➳ Surprisingly, one of Kuroos favorite things to do with you is clean with you. You two have a playlist of music that you bump on your speakers as you do your spring/weekly cleaning. You take turns cleaning the bathroom each week. You’ll fold laundry while Kuroo fixes the bedsheets. It’s a team effort and genuinely one of his most beloved ways of spending time with you. When you both get tuckered out, you sit on the floor of your fresh apartment, and drink wine and watch sitcoms. Domestic bliss. 
➳ On another note, Kuroo can’t cook for shit baby - but he helps. He can cut kinda efficiently but he’s a hovering boyfriend in the kitchen so normally you just kick him out. Always does the dishes afterwards though! 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
➳ Straightforward about it. Kuroo isn’t gonna beat around the bush when it comes down to a break-up, because the decision to break-up probably took him a long time to get too. Kuroo has a soft heart, and he’s a hopeless romantic. Similar to how his childhood influenced him in one way, Kuroo can’t help but want to fix and repair every relationship he’s in. Even at the cost of his sanity, if it helps keep him and his s/o together, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. Afterall, why would he want to start over with another person? Kuroo chases love, but when he finds it for the first time, he cannot think about loving anyone but you. If you’re breaking up, it’s not over something petty. It’s after hours of contemplating whether this is the right thing to do for the both of you. Hours and hours of holding back tears and wishing things would be different. I can’t see him doing it first to be honest, but if has too - he’s to the point.
➳ To your face it might not seem like he cares. He just says it, those dreaded words. He gives you closure, about how it just wasn’t working anymore and all of that and then he just.. leaves. He seems fine. 
➳ As soon as he gets to the car, his head drops down onto the steering with a thud and his soft hiccuping cries turning into full blown sobs. His face is in his hands and he’s cursing under his breath. He feels like a part of him has been torn from his body and everything fucking hurts. It’s a pitiful sight. 
➳ He really misses you, you know? 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
➳ Hesitant about marriage, naturally. I don’t think I need to repeat myself on why. He’s still incredibly loyal to you. You two are the kind of couple that date for years. Like.. at least 8+ years of dating but tbh, neither of you mind that much. I think to be with Kuroo, you need to be willing and open-minded about the structure of a relationship. Kuroo values independence and marriage as an institution puts a lot of pressure on a relationship in Kuroo’s mind. He would rather you two continue to love and cherish one another without the extra force of needing to get married. 
➳ He does want too though, don’t get me wrong. Not at the cost of your emotional responsibilities being increased though, but as a way to show his loyalty. He’ll propose when the time is right for both of you - no pressure. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
➳ Kuroo isn’t particularly gentle in either way to be honest! It’s not bad though. 
➳ Physically, he can be gentle when it’s appropriate. Mostly during the day, or when he’s comforting you and it calls for more gentle touches. However, Kuroo’s emotions around you aren’t very delicate and he expresses himself through physical touch. So his hugs are passionate, generally. All of his affection is an expression of his strong feelings towards you - the correlation is strong so Kuroo isn’t really all that gentle. His love and his touch are full of feeling and strong. A little overwhelming in a good way. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
➳ Hugs are his favorite forms of affection. Hugs that last super long, like longer than they need too where you melt into his tight embrace and he can bury his face in your shoulder or in your hair and take a deep breath. You smell like you and that’s so much more comforting than you know. Kuroo hugs long and just right - arms around your waist with just enough pressure, his hands on your lower back. 
➳ He gives you hugs constantly. At home it’s back hugs, chin resting on your shoulder to peep at whatever you’re doing on your phone. In public, quick ones where he’s kissing your forehead before enveloping you in an over dramatic way to where you’re laughing. After a long day at the office, it’s a long, silent hug. Just gentle sighs and breaths, soft beating hearts. More like an embrace, you know. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
➳ Slow. If you’re hoping to verbally hear Kuroo say the words “I love you,” you’re in for a shit show and you’re gonna be waiting for a while. It’s not that Kuroo doesn’t want to say it, or even that he doesn’t know. He’s known for so long, probably way earlier than you did. The first time he almost said it, you two had been dating for only 3 weeks. It flustered him so much - he literally short circuited, stuttering trying to cover it up. The memory haunts him. 
➳ He says it after you two have sex for the firs time or after your first really serious fight - depends tbh. It just happens when he’s heavy in his feelings, like so overwhelmed by something. For him - admitting to it is genuinely some kind of end all be all. He loves you - openly and saying that is hard. It’s vulnerable for him. Kuroo got used to dodging his feelings. 
He shows you all the time how he feels. Saying it is just nerve-wracking and he needs a bit of push to do so. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
➳ Not super jealous! Sorry if that’s disappointing, but Kuroo is a really secure partner and he tries to dodge petty feelings of jealousy and rarely experiences them. Like.. if you just have close guy friends Kuroo really isn’t gonna throw a fit. However.. 
➳ Kuroo can always, always tells when someone is interested in you. It’s like a 6th, spidey sense he has. You, on the other hand, do not know when someone is interested in you. You just happen to think your co-worker of the opposite sex who always eats lunch with you and calls you his work-wife is being friendly and open with you but Kuroo can just sense it. Again, he isn’t a jealous boyfriend. Not at all. But seeing all the light drain from that guys eyes when you give him a kiss as he picks you up from work? 
➳ That felt pretty good, he has to be honest. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
➳ Forehead kisses! So many forehead kisses! When he was little, Kenmas mom would smother him in affection and always pulled back his super messy hair to kiss his forehead. Kuroo picked up on the habit plus he’s pretty tall so it’s easier to reach you that way. Also a fan of just kissing the top of your head if he can. 
➳ He likes kissing your knuckles too, he’s traditional that way. His favorite is kissing your lips in little bursts. Kuroo likes the way your chapstick tastes so much, it’s actually kinda sweet. 
➳ His kisses are so full of yearning. It feels like you’re melting together, it’s fluid and tends to be passionate. When he’s feeling playful, he kisses you then pulls back and brushes his lips against yours before kissing you again and again again until you’re giggling. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
➳ So good with kids, holy shit. You wouldn’t expect it but he’s just a natural at it. He always picks up the fake phone, drinks the imaginary tea with the most sincere review. Makes it look super easy and kids gravitate towards him because he’s just so friendly. He’s not afraid to look stupid and he’s confident and handsome so they like him. 
➳ He loves talking to kids, too. Half the time they’re saying nothing and Kuroo is like fuck yeah you tell em, and he MEANS IT. 
➳ Kid magnet at parties, ends up spending more time with them than with the adults but he doesn’t mind tbh. He jokes about playing mom and dad like you aren’t busy picturing it the whole time, smh. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
➳ Tend to be pretty face paced! You two normally wake up at different times, with Kuroos crazy work hours - your schedules are pretty mis-matched. Kuroo shows he’s thinking of you by making sure the shower has enough hot water, that the towels are folded and fresh, and that the water is on for when you inevitably go downstairs for coffee or tea. Those are the three things he pretty much always makes sure to do as a way to say love. If he has time to write a note, he will - but if not, he sends you a text when he gets to work and you do the same for work/uni. 
➳ On Sundays, it’s a lot of sleeping in and making breakfast together and doing a shit-ton of nothing all day. Kuroo will pull you into him if you try to get up before him, cuddling into your back and whispering later in a gravelly morning voice. Sometimes you two shower together in an sfw way - Kuroo scrubs your back and you wash his hair. It’s fun and playful, but soft and intimate too. Kuroo always forgets to shave so sometimes you mess with the scruff on his chins. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
➳ You two always go to sleep together, at the same time if you can help it. If not, the other will stay up as long as they can or they sleep in the presence of each other. Neither of you are allowed to bring any work to bed, which is why there’s a desk in the corner of your bedroom. Work is work, sleep is sleep. Kuroo think’s it’s important to separate the two out, but sometimes if you two miss each other too much - you’ll just kinda hang around and sleep. 
➳ Like Kuroo will let you just curl up on his lap and sleep on his chest while he works without a word of complain, soft smile on his face and eventually telling himself it can wait till tomorrow.
➳ Other than that, you two sort of talk yourselves to sleep? You do your small, independent routines and then come together and just sort of chat quietly until one of you falls asleep, normally you. Kuroo will kiss your forehead when you do, whisper night, and turn over to fall asleep himself. You two always end up tangled in each other though. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
➳ You and Kuroo have a lot of deep conversations before you ever start dating. It just kinda.. happens? Like many things in your relationship but you two talk A Lot. You never really run out of things to say to each other, because Kuroo genuinely values your insights and vice versa. It’s a core of your relationship and the both of you genuinely like discussion - though Kuroo can get kind of into debate territory when he has a strong opinion on something. 
➳ When it comes to personal conversations, the words just.. come out of him. It’s slow for sure, but he can’t keep track of how much you know about him in the end. You always mention small details about himself and grin when you watch his face light up with a delighted surprise. It’s a gradual thing
➳ Kuroo has a lot of walls, so it takes a lot of time for him to really lay himself out in the open for you but he tells you eventually. In a way, he’s testing how long you can endure and be patient with his pacing for love. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
➳ Kuroo is rarely genuinely angry. He gets agitated over small things a lot but the moment is so fleeting, he forgets about the shit in like an hour. Really little things like getting cut off while driving or people who are rude to fast food workers. He gets a lil tick in his jaw and sighs, but gets over it really fast. Other than that, Kuroo is rarely ever mad. He doesn’t care enough about most things to be angry over it. 
➳ The only times he’s mad, is when something is really outright wrong or stupid. Like if a close friend is making an openly poor decision, Kuroo will get pissed. It’s the same with you - he wants what’s best for you and if you do something he knows is bad for you, it upsets him. Even so, he wouldn’t get angry with you. He tries to cool down as best he can to avoid as much 
➳ You do argue though sometimes, and damn they are nasty arguments. Neither of you goes unscathed but Kuroo isn’t too stubborn on apologizing and working things out. Too empathetic to your feelings to let it go on for a long time. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
➳ It’s more like what he doesn’t know about you. Kuroo remembers everything. He has a note in his phone of the way you like your food. He knows where you grew up, and about your childhood pets, and the way you used to play pretend. He knows how you do your hair, knows all your favorite things and things you hate and just the easiest way to get on your nerves and what makes your skin get hot. Kuroo keeps parts of you in his heart like memorabilia and finds it hard to forget things even if he wants too, attaching certain things to you in a way he hasn’t anyone else. 
Sometimes though, he forgets really random things. Like small things you don’t talk any offense too that more just confuse you. He knows the name of your parents, but forgets whether you’re left or right handed. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
➳ Tough to pick just one but it sticks out as the first time Kuroo was really having a shit day. Normally he tries to swallow down his feelings in moments like that -  forget,  when he’s around you and show you the parts of him you like. He already knows he’s on thin ice with his general demeanor, kind of mean and assholey. He has this constant worry you’re gonna get tired of all of it someday, tire of having to read between the lines about his feelings. He tries really hard to be pleasant around you. 
➳ But it wasn’t working that day, and he could just feel himself being unable to mask his feelings. You confront him about it, and he tells you - wholly expecting you to be.. well..annoyed with him maybe. He isn’t sure. But the way you handle it.. and handle him really sticks out in his mind. He tells you and instead of saying anything about it, you make him lean his head on your shoulder. Your cheek resting ontop of his hand, him holding your hand - you say “I’m sorry about your day. lets rest here and go get food,” and then just.. sit with him like that. 
➳ It was like you read his mind, there was just something so stand out about the way you handled his feelings. Empathetic, and giving him an easy out for how to deal with them. He’s used to being relied on, not relying on others. It honestly made him want to cry. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
➳ So, so protective of you. He shields you from a lot, probably a lot more than you have any idea about. It’s really second nature to him.He doesn’t even know why all the way, it’s just that he wants you to be away from things that could harm you. Mentally or physically, he would do anything to keep you content and away from bad things. Still, you insist on sharing burdens with him and even though he understands why it has to be that way, if he could take everything on for himself - he would. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
➳ You two don’t get a lot of time to spend time together during the week, so Kuroo puts a lot of effort into things like date night and anniversaries where you can take the time to celebrate each other. Kuroo prefers going out for date night, and likes spoiling you to very expensive dinners and shit like that. He doesn’t mind domestic dates if that’s what you like, but he loves to show you off (a bad habit of his tbh) so anywhere you can get nice and dolled up and Kuroo gets to have you on his arm is ideal. Posting you on all his socials, gassing you up all night with a hand on your waist. 
➳ In the everyday, it’s very little things he always does to make sure you know he’s thinking about you. Texting you, calling you on his breaks, sometimes he’ll have coffee and shit delivered to your apartment/office when he has some time. Small gestures and acts of love like that. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
➳ When he has a strong opinion, he gets really fucking arguementative. He is a BITCH to argue with because he really doesn’t like admitting he’s wrong, plus he’s petty with a sharp tongue. Don’t date him unless you’re at least a little tough because even if you’re getting hurt by his words, Kuroo finds it hard to snap out of his anger sometimes and can just be a real pain to talk too sometimes. Just very… debate? Sometimes feels like he just argues to argue.
➳ Other bad habits are small, but is forgetful about picking up after himself - mostly with clothes. If he’s tired from work especially, socks on the floor, pants in the hall-way like a trail. It slips his mind if he’s tired enough. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
➳ Not very! Kuroo is really hygienic but in terms of like.. making himself look good or better, eh. He still works-out because he finds the routine is good for him mentally, but he has this very natural good-looking aura to him and it’s genuinely effortless. If he put even a hair more effort into his looks, it’d be wild. That’s why he cleans up so good but he’s got this lived in kind of sexy look to him, a little scruffy, messy-ish hair but still really cleaned up. His looks just suit him so well. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
➳ Nah, but Kuroo doesn’t feel like he’s really himself with anyone but with you. He’d be devastated if something ever happened between the two of you, but in a way - Kuroo would feel like all good things come to an end just like you two did, so he’d move on. But there’s this lingering sense that he’s not himself anymore, like he doesn’t know who he really is unless you can pull out the authenticity from him. He always had his guard down around you so once you’re gone, they go right back up. He loses himself it almost feels like, like he doesn’t know exactly who he is anymore. 
➳ He struggles with impostor syndrome all the time, so it just worsens when you leave. It’s almost dehumanizing. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
➳ Kuroo has a soothing singing voice. It’s just nice, kind of low and soft. It’s gravelly too, but still so soothing. When you’re tired and ask him to sing to you, he will. He sings very gold Japanese love songs that his mom would dance to him with in the house when he was little. But his favorite thing to sing is fly me to the moon, he knows the words by heart. He has a hand on the small of your back with you curled into your chest, smiling as he feels your breathing go even. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
➳ He hates anyone who isn’t open-minded! That’s one of the things he absolutely cannot put up with. Ignorance is incredibly unattractive to Kuroo, and that goes beyond obvious things like bigotry but generally, judgement of other people because of how they live instead of their character. Kuroo is incredibly respectful of people different from him, because he thinks it’s more important to understand someone's character than get caught up in other things. If he feels that vibe off of someone, he will generally steer away from there. 
➳ He thinks if someone is overly concerned with how other people live, they’re bitter - that vibe turns Kuroo off. 
➳ Also Kuroo understands if his partner is insecure or has self-esteem issues, but doesn’t like people who bait for his attention. He prefers you just be authentic with stuff like that so acting out in a negative way for his attention can be a turn off.  
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
➳ Snoring! Very soft snoring, but he most definitely snores. Sometimes, depending on what position he sleeps, it’s not so.. gentle? and he wakes himself and you up. He apologies everytime and ends up sleeping on his back so he isn’t too loud. He also likes cuddling in his sleep but he doesn’t realize it most of the time so you’ll be half-way awake with this 6’4 man curled around you like a cat, not realizing it.
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