#the mumbot au
i think it'd be sexy for mumbo to come home from jevin's with his joints/hinges and servomechanisms all gunked up with slime, and doc having to painstakingly clean every nook and cranny. turning mumbo's hypersensitivity up to like five hundred percent
someone checks in bc mumbo's screaming like he's being murdered but its ok he's just cumming his brains out while doc caaaaarefully slides a cloth into the gap between his thigh and pelvis
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doctorsiren · 7 months
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sirens-au-asks · 1 year
Can we have some scenario 2 iskall? 🥺 please? I need some angst rn
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Lucky for you I was literally drawing this for a different ask that was basically the same thing
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bluiex · 9 months
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mystilotls · 3 years
Ask the Bad End Hermits
For those wondering, The bad end hermits are what the name entails, the hermits receiving bad endings. You get to ask them questions, comment, or interact. Here is the cast so far (mycophobia tw)
Please reblog
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Diamond vex: Scar continuing his deal with the Vex to become mayor, a diet of diamonds don't do good for your skin. Doesn't get along with Mother spore
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Mumbot: an experiment gone wrong has Mumbo transformed into a robot, lacking empathy or other emotions, he feels that he is superior than all living beings.
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Mother spore: let the mycelium completely take over his mind, metaphorically and physically. Doesn't get along with Diamond vex and uses the Goatfather for a personal body guard
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Hostile Joe: one too many hits caused him to go off the wheel. Pretty much at a low point, he fights back as much as he can and can be pretty agressive. Someone please teach him how to cut his hair
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Jungle Bdubs: let the jungle madness completely control. Works by Diamond vex's side because the jungle commands to. He is either extremely emotionless or extremely agressive, rare in betweens.
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Etho 404: curiosity got the best of him when he went snooping for a script. Let's just say what caused his appearance is...not found. He glitches when talking and often times speaks in a low voice.
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Puppeteer Cleo: developing a new way to manipulate art. She moved from positioning armor stands to positioning others into her being. She often keeps marionettes of whomever she controls yet doesn't need them, it just makes it easier.
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Hypnotist Keralis: mistaken for an alien at Area 77, Keralis was kidnapped, tortured, and experimented on until he became what they assumed he was...a threat. He possesses the ability to use hypnosis on anybody at will. Do not look into his eyes, look at anything but his eyes
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I rise from the grave one more to show my silly ideas!
Ok, remember mumbot? My fave concept along with grumbot? And do ya know DnD? My favorite pass time?
Yeah. mash em together
So here’s the midnight concept I got attached to for some reason:
The party comes across a jittery warforged artificer traveling the streets. He used to be an elven professor that taught at loxford (magic collage).  His classes were full of wild ideas, chaotic creations, and an occasional explosions.
The reason he's out and adventuring, and as a warforged, is because of his most recent and still mostly dysfunctional invention.  During an explosion/whatever during an attack on loxford, he was pushed inside the invention with a large amount of his tools and equipment, somehow bonding himself and the metal together into a new and very confused warforged. He’s now looking for enough parts and oddly specific items to change himself back to an elf. (Gotta build grumbot/jrumbot at some point! Would make for magnificent char interactions)
His name's Muney J. Olly but goes by Mumbo to his students and friends.  Some even leave off the Olly and just call him Mumbo J
Steal the idea, I don’t mind, I’d love to know of his adventures!
Now to vanish back into the abyss
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deerskewl · 4 years
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petrichormeraki · 4 years
Would the heart in mumbo's chest be golden while he is a bot?
Nope! His model has a red center, so I figured that meant a redstone heart!
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hold on. hold on did i never
Coin-Operated Boy
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doctorsiren · 7 months
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I did these frame redraws last year (never finished the second one) but I never posted them so here ya go
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sirens-au-asks · 2 years
I’m curious, what is the difference in the kind of control that NPG has on the robo Hermits compared to Doc, for the robo Hermits seem mostly self aware… Is Doc the same or does he work differently?
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set-in-stardust · 2 years
im very sleep deprived but
in the swapped w&w au w mubot right
mumbot doing the man or muppet song
after all
what is it that makes us 'people'?
is he even alive in the end??
Amazing. Would be a performance to behold
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hermit-crab-shit · 4 years
@sirens-au-asks tumblr is being mean and won’t send an ask so you just gotta deal with this    NPG: what you made Mumbot and IOSkall do to Doc is what I want to smack you in the face for but i can't blame you because you're not human and you've been locked in a closet for so long so you probably don't really know much about us so I wont smack you in the facebut I wont give you a cookie either. also please note that controlling people isnt a very healthy coping mechanism-also your prisoners got out don’t know if you know that but please dont imprison them again Robocleo: I love you     Stressbot: I don't know who Mettaton is so congratulations Scar: GOOD JOB BUDDY I LOVE YA     Closet gang: y'all better have hugged Scar good after saving you
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limelocked · 5 years
Renaming the camclone au to camspector or just spector since the cam accounts are in spectator mode and I’m gonna info dump about how they work now and give fun facts
This is where I’d put a read more if I knew how to make one on mobile
Badtimes is one of the more developed specters and the only to actually not be summoned to season 6, usually the user will summon their Spector when they’re needed but badtimes went through the season jump like all of the hermits
A Spector is a basically a companion “mob” to a player that can at any time be summoned. Like in my last post they have the following abilities; flight, noclip and invisibility to nonspectors, to Spector they will look kind of like ghosts. A player can also look through their own spectors eyes at any point.
Normally and by default spectors are nonvocal and without sentience but with enough summonings/use/time in the overworld they have a chance to gain a mind of their own. The more your Spector is interacted with the more it will develope as well.
Renbob is a Spector and in the start of season 6 rendog goes to scar to ask how badtimes became sentient and/or how to work with a Spector so it can speak. He basically trained renbob to speak and have a personality but he has some vocal/mental hangups (always needing gas money even tho no ones sure if he can even drive)
Xvoid is a special Spector due to x being a keeper. Xvoid is semi developed but glitches since his sentience was largely gained in the mythbusting world. Void is a helpful Spector as much as he can be and sometimes while not needed by X he will wander around to try and help others
Mr mumbo/mumbot doesn’t have a head in the smoke
Said smoke if breathed in gives a lingering low level poison and harming effect. If breathed in for too long it causes nausea
Truesymmetry is called truce for short
When cleo becomes a human for demise her Spector humancleo, depending on sentience level, has a minor freak out over being able to become a zombie
ImpulseCam never goes out of invisibility
Joehillssees is mute and somehow knows sign language, no one has taken credit for teaching him
Grifter (grians Spector) is almost never dismissed, he is also never invisible if not asked to be. He likes Jellie and can be found napping in chest and shulker monsters
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mystilotls · 3 years
Info about bad hermits au? Please?🥺
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(ignore the sloppiness, plz send them asks. Lil 404 is bored and will get tired from holding the sign)
The bad end hermits are the outcome of the hermits if they either failed, important events didn't happen, or if they weren't saved, here are the personalities
Diamond vex: greedy, smooth with his words and manipulative but will lose his sanity if he doesn't immediately get his way. Loves gambling
Mumbot: cold, cynical, and downright bitter, Mumbot lost the feeling of love so he does what he does best, work on his machines and try to feel something, even if it hurts others
Mother spore: only two things are necessities, taking back their home for his sporelings, or making sure his sporelings are safe. He is much calmer but isn't opposed to using the Goatfather as a body guard
Hostile Joe: he is completely unpredictable but can be easily agitated. He could be giggling one minute and desperately trying to attack the next
Jungle Bdubs: just like hostile Joe, jungle Bdubs is a bit...unstable. He is loyal to Diamond Vex only because he is loyal to the Jungle. He wasn't opposed to Mother Spore until he was ordered to spread grass throughout the world. Could go into a flurry of rage and agressive in a snap
Etho 404: always keeps a small, almost souless tone as if he is always traumatized. He is curious but distant. He is seen mumbling phrases over and over and twitches when he is talking for too long, never acknowledging any of it
Puppeteer Cleo: she is calm and cold when she speaks, often seen fidgeting with the strings constantly connected to her fingers, she makes contracts for her armour stand but once you sign, a part of your soul is attached to a marionette that she can control but if she wanted to, she could control your movements without
Hypnotist Keralis: Keralis has a lot built up and needs something to control after being kept as a test. He will try to smooth talk and once you completely trust him, he will look you right in the eyes, his pupils will turn green until green spirals form and he will whisper "look into my eyes, and nothing but my eyes" until he blinks and you lose free will
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doctorsiren · 2 years
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Some quick Snapshot doodles
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