#the muses: tavra
historias-multorum · 26 days
@oflostinfound continuing from this.
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"I see this is a new meeting for the both of us." Tavra said. "I have read about demons and that they were malevolent creatures, but I have never heard of daemons." She explained.
"Would you mind talking about it some more? I could happily oblige by telling you about gelflings." She offered.
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fishtail-tavra · 1 year
tavonica 100 word drabbles - Daring
   “Here is a riddle,” Onica muses, tracing the collar of Tavra’s tunic. “Beads of glass adorn a Vapra princess. On the Omerya, even deckhands wear better.”    An amused chuckle. “Glass is our pride. Light casting, ice eternal… We tithe fine gems to the Lords, and forge our own.”        Fingertips trail further down. “Terrible luck-bringers. Especially this.”    Ears pink, Tavra glances down.    “A glass pearl?”    “A falsehood.” Onica taps the bead decisively. “Sea mockery- No Sifa would dare.”    Tavra blushes. “No Vapra would dare otherwise...”    One might.    Onica smiles as Tavra dares a kiss. She foresees some diving in her future.
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thefvrious · 11 months
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them.
querida diaz tavra thorne veena razdan dax calhoun enrique ortiz uzzi balboa javier hermano hadlee sallow yaritza hermano keely sallow
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heartxofxthra · 4 years
Chapters: 1/4 Fandom: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (TV), Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal Series - J.M. Lee, The Dark Crystal (1982) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Onica/Tavra (Dark Crystal), Brea & Seladon & Tavra (Dark Crystal) Characters: Tavra (Dark Crystal), Onica (Dark Crystal), Freckles (Dark Crystal), Tae (Dark Crystal), Ethri (Dark Crystal), Mayrin (Dark Crystal), Seladon (Dark Crystal), Brea (Dark Crystal) Summary:
There's a snitch among the Paladins, and Tavra faces the consequences for being discovered meeting in secret with a Sifa. As if an angry All-maudra punishing her daughter isn't enough to deal with, Tavra has to navigate the challenges of her relationship with Onica, and decide if she wants to interfere with a rumored coup against the newly instated Sifan maudra. What trouble did the seasonal tides bring in this time?
Soooo, I finally finished the first chapter of this, feel free to reblog :D Also invade my inbox if you want to talk about it, I love that shit ❤ Featuring mostly Tavra and Onica, with a hint of Eidrin (Freckles), more of him in the next chapter :D
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soulcluster-moved · 4 years
@heartxofxthra for tavra;
Ha’rar might not be her home, and at times the country gelfling truly felt lost in such a large city filled with so many unfamiliar faces, but she had grown to like it here nonetheless. In no small part thanks to Princess Tavra. She never would have imagine making such a connection, and yet here they were, more akin to friends than ruler and subject.
“Tavra,” the absence of her title was something Mira regularly forgot. Not out of disrespect, but there hadn’t been any lords in her hometown, just neighbors. She had come to see Tavra as such. “I’ve heard they’re putting names forth to the lords for new castle guards. I know you need to be sponsored to have your name submitted, but do you ask someone for that or do you just...hope?” Mira was more a doing type than a hoping type.
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keptsake · 5 years
quick psycho pass aus in the tags bc @enfrcr is an enabler :/
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Flames of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 15
Flames of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because its time for the best boy!
Last times on book: Team Naia continued on their Aughra and Thra given quest to light fires of resistance with all seven Gelfling clans. The Sifa, Dousan, and Vapra fires were lit in the previous book. Tavra and Onica have split off to go handle the Grottan and Stonewood. Naia, Kylan, Amri, and Gurjin have gone to Sami Thicket to light the Spriton fire. They’ve run into a problem that the Spriton were on the verge of war with the Drenchen. Naia solved(?) that problem by setting various things on fire which forestalled an attack but tensions are still high. But Kylan has stepped forward with a song to tell.
Chapter 15
The song teller’s ballad of the Gelfling Gathering.
Naia was waiting for Kylan as he marched past Maudra Mera, toward the hearth that blazed at the center of the pavilion. He climbed up onto the stone wall that kept the fire contained and lifted his firca. The single, piercing note silenced every voice in the pavilion. Even the Landstriders stopped, turning to find the silhouette of the little Spriton song teller standing in front of the fire.
‘HELLO SAMI THICKET! I’m Kylan and the Bone Firca and I am here to ROCK you!’
Actually though he plays with his lute that he definitely has.
I guess the firca is more of an accompanying instrument. ‘Cause you can’t sing and play at the same time and Kylan has lyrics to his song.
Look at this determined Kylan, from this post again. What a good, determined Kylan.
“Let me tell you a song of another time
In a world green and good, in an age of wonder
Three Suns crossed above for a thousand trine
Three Moons in the river flowing under
Then a shaft of light fell from the sky
And eighteen stars descended”
Ah, I see he’s beginning with the beginning.
If someone has recorded themselves singing this or any of the Kylan songs, I’d love to hear them rock the lute.
You hypothetical person are probably a talented musician singer but as a fictional puppet best boy, Kylan is simply next level.
When Kylan sings, he sings and plays so spectacularly that listeners vividly imagine themselves in the song that he’s telling.
Naia can smell the Crystal Chamber when Kylan sings of it. He’s just that good.
“They drank deep of the nectar from the flowers of Thra: The Seven Gelfling Clans
The Skeksis supped on our Gelfling essence
While deep in the castle, o’er a shaft of air and fire
In pain and in need, its light evanescent
The Crystal of Truth dangled blighted and dire
But when the Gelflign learned what had happened: The Seven Clans resisted
Oh yes, the Seven Clans resisted”
Naia notes that all of the Spriton are under the sway of Kylan’s music, even Maudra Mera. And muses that the spell of a song teller may be a kind Gelfling were particularly weak to because “no matter the clan, songs were as close to the hearts of Gelfling as their vliya.”
So Kylan song tells how the Sifa lit the first fire of resistance. How the Dousan lit the second and also resurrected their Great Tree while they were at it. How the Skeksis killed the All-Maudra but the Vapra lit their fire of resistance when Tavra’s message rekindled their hopes.
Naia and Amri feel pride as Kylan tells of these adventures and victories.
This was their story. Where they had entered the unending song of Thra. The resistance of the Seven Clans, the lighters of the Seven Fires. Aughra’s menders.
Naia looks around for Gurjin and spots him looking around for her, the same hope in his eyes that she felt.
I’m sorry, she thought. Said, in her mind. She didn’t know if their dreamfast link was strong enough while there was such a rift between them. A rift she wanted to mend. She didn’t know if he’d heard her until he dipped his head.
I’m sorry, too.
Aww, Kylan sang a song so good he healed the interpersonal rift between twins!
Best boy.
And now Kylan goes from singing about the past to just making up a future. That’s the power of song telling.
“Charged by the Skeksis to raise up their spears
The Spriton were fourth in the rolling green plains
They listened, were wise, cleared the smoke of their fears
Saw the path ahead lit with all seven blue flames
And so four of the seven Gelfling flames were won
More than half where there had been none”
This gets the Spriton talking!
They didn’t realize that the cause of resistance was so far along maybe but what Kylan makes them realize is that the Spriton would be the tipping point. Like the protags made Maudra Ethri realize, their clan is not alone.
Kylan also song tells of the Grottan and Drenchen fires being lit.
And Naia imagines her clan gathered under the Great Smerth and she winds up holding Amri’s hand.
Kylan gets to the seventh fire and the big question mark behind this plan. What happens when all the fires are lit, all the Gelfling clans are united?
“Only one fire remained, till all were lit for good
All eyes turned to the ruins of Stone-in-the-Wood
There the Gelfling clans unite
There the Gelfling fires light
The dream-flames etched on a sacred wall
And there the Skeksis Lords will fall”
She saw it as he sang it, clear as day and night. In the ruins of Stone-in-the-Wood, the Gelfling came together. Kylan’s song told of strife resolved, the flames of the different clans combined into a single fire. One which blazed so brightly that it might drown out the shadows of the Skeksis. Not with weapons and war, but with light and song, in harmony with their world.
The fire was distant, in their future, but Naia could hear it. Feel it, like the presence of loved ones in another room. And she knew that when the time came, the flames would be so bright and pure, their light would reach the Castle itself.
Kylan’s lute rang in the heavy air, reverberating as if the song might be over. Then, with the resolution of a master, he played the last refrain:
“What all started with the Crystal shattering
This song teller’s ballad of the Gelfling Gathering”
All was still, all silent. Until Maudra Mera stepped forward, spear in hand.
“Is this a Far-Dream, or just a song?” she asked, loud voice uncharacteristically awestruck as well. Kylan didn’t answer, breathing too heavily to respond. Wide-eyed, Maudra Mera turned to Naia and asked again in a different way: “Is it true?”
Naia held out her hand, palm up.
“It could be,” she said.
Yoooooooo I love this.
Kylan told a song so well he got Maudra Mera to imagine a brighter future.
She’s still resistant to this uncertain future though.
Naia tries to convince her and the Spriton. Maudra Mera couldn’t imagine a different future other than forever subservience to the Skeksis. So Kylan has shown them a different one.
“I can see a version of the future if we follow a path, but if the Spriton were to turn on the Skeksis and light this -- this fire of resistance -- that would only be one step. The path diverges again and again,” Maudra Mera said.
“So we keep our eyes and ears open,” Kylan said. “And when the path diverges, we look and listen. And choose the path that leads us to the future we seek. For a time, we may walk alone, and in those times it is easy to become lost. But I believe that if we listen and sing the same song, those paths will converge. Become one. Wide enough for us all to walk side by side. Together.”
Maudra Mera is still not convinced. Eesh. This is a lot of convincing.
She tells Kylan that when his mother left to build a homestead with Kylan’s Stonewood dad, Maudra Mera warned her that leaving her clan and mixing with another was dangerous. But they built a home on the border of the Dark Wood, that place filled with horrors, and for many years they lived happily and had a best baby Kylan.
So Maudra Mera wondered if she had been wrong to worry so.
And then the Hunter came and killed Kylan’s parents and Kylan returned to live in Sami Thicket.
Kylan tells her that change is good, actually. He left Sami Thicket himself because he felt he brought shame to the Spriton but he’s returned an expert song teller who has been through so much stuff and stood up to the Hunter.
Unfortunately, the Drenchen are showing up and that’s really putting a time limit on trying to talk the Spriton into joining the resistance.
Kylan urges the Spriton to rebel against the Skeksis by refusing to fight other Gelfling but some guards show up and tell Maudra Mera that Maudra Laesid and about twenty Drenchen warriors have gotten past the first line of defense.
Believe in the future that Kylan sang or take the safe(??) route and go to war...
Even now Maudra Mera is a cautious sort.
“You say we make our futures. I want to be sure of ours. If I call on the Spriton to lay down their weapons against the Drenchen, we will be vulnerable. But you say you can persuade your mother to call off her attack on the Skeksis that will bring their wrath upon us all. Convince her to let go of her call to war and join the other Gelfling in resistance. Do you still think you can?”
“Yes,” Naia said without hesitation.
Madura Mera raised her chin, regal and hardened. She let go of Kylan’s shoulders and faced the entrance of the village. Naia saw the shadows of the warriors coming through the wood and the great, serpentine back of an enormous flying eel.
“All right then,” Maudra Mera said through clenched jaw. “Prove it.”
Ever cautious.
But if Naia can get her mom to back down, joining the resistance becomes the safer path for the Spriton!
They’ll have succeeded in ‘stopping’ the Drenchen attack so they won’t face immediate reprisals by the Skeksis. They’ll have sided with half the other Gelfling clans, so they’ll have allies. And they won’t need to fight this outmatched fight.
Its rare that the shot in the dark seems like a safer bet but our heroes have done it! All it took was a little arson and a lot of singing!
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dkscribe88 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (TV), The Dark Crystal (1982) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Seladon & Tolyn, Selatol (as friends) Characters: Seladon (Dark Crystal), Tolyn (Dark Crystal), Tavra (Dark Crystal), Brea (Dark Crystal), Rian (Dark Crystal), Gurjin (Dark Crystal) - Mentioned, Mayrin (Dark Crystal) - Mentioned Additional Tags: Humor, idle musings, Recreational Drug Use, Drinking, weirding out sisters, imagined death scenarios Summary:
Tolyn is Seladon's temporary bodyguard. He witnesses her frustration over Brea, and comes up with a strange way to cheer her up.
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beanie-on-a-string · 4 years
Finally - Modern AU! Dark Crystal AOR
Hey! So, a few months ago, I posted a Dark Crystal AOR Modern AU post, and someone sent in this ask:
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And a few months later, here I am. With the fic. Idea by @canadachild9​
If you want, you can read my Dark Crystal Modern AU post first for context HERE
“Gurjin, that’s a terrible idea.”
“Aw, come on!” Gurjin rolled over from his sprawl on Brea’s couch, moving into a sitting position and leaning in closer to Brea, who was sitting on the floor in front of him. “We’ve tried everything else.”
Brea scrunched her face up a little. “I still don’t know. Maybe it’s –“
“What’s going on in here?” Tavra poked her head into the living room. “I heard… how shall we say… heated conversation.”
Brea turned to face her sister. “Hello Tavra. What, no Onica this time?”
“Oh no, she’s in the kitchen.” Tavra gestured to the doorway. “She’s cleansing her crystals. Anyway,” she said, smirking, “I didn’t forget the reason I came in here. What’s going on?”
“Gurjin wants to put Rian and Deet on a boat together,” Brea replied. “He thinks that they’re going to confess their love for each other or something.” Just as she said this, Lore, the family pumi, shuffled into the room and curled up into Brea’s lap
Tavra laughed lightly at Lore, then looked back at Gurjin. “You’ve been watching too much Disney lately.”
Gurjin huffed and sprang into a standing position. “We’ve been trying to get these two idiots together for – what, a year now? – but they’re both so dense that they refuse to believe they’re liked back. It’s literal torture, you know. I’m always telling him that Deet very clearly likes him, but then he’s all,” Gurjin’s voice shifted into a mopey impression of Rian, “ ‘Oh no, I don’t know, Gurjin. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t.’ It’s so stupid I could cry. Neither of them have made anything even close to a move yet, and anytime we try, they undermine themselves.”
“You have got a point there,” Tavra murmured. Brea emitted a little cry of betrayal as her sister said this. “I mean, whenever I’m around them, I want to kick myself. And trust me, I have come close to actually doing it.”
Brea huffed. “Usually I’m up for these ideas, but this sounds like the equivalent of locking them in a closet, you know?”
“It’s not really like that, Brea,” Gurjin insisted. “A closet has… implications. But a boat? If it goes wrong – and let’s damn hope that it doesn’t – they could just have a conversation or something. And if they don’t like it, they could always swim back to shore.” That last remark earned him a slight dirty look from his friend.
After a moment of thought, Brea spoke up again. “I’m still not convinced. Too many things could go wrong.”
Gurjin pulled at his bun and inhaled. “Okay. Brea. If you don’t do this with me, I will make sure that you find a pigeon in every room in this house.”
Brea’s eyes widened, whispering a soft “no,” as Tavra doubled over.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Brea scowled as they stood at the line where the dock met the grass, watching Rian’s silhouette approach them. “Correction – I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
“Look, it’s nice to drag someone into something instead of being the one dragged into everything for a change,” Gurjin shrugged. Brea shouldered him lightly with a soft “you’re lucky we’re friends.”
“Hey guys!” Rian jogged to them, pulling Gurjin and then Brea into quick hugs, then casually placed his elbow on Gurjin’s shoulder.
“Hi Rian,” Brea giggled as Rian softly poked Gurjin’s bun, the mass of hair slouching to one side.
“Give me a break, why don’t you?” Gurjin lightly bumped his friend off of his shoulder as Rian gave an exaggerated huff. Gurjin rolled his eyes but smiled as he took his hair down to fix it. “Now all we need to do is wait for Deet. Right?”
“Deet?” Rian’s eyes widened. “Deet’s coming?”
“You didn’t know?” Brea asked. “I thought we’d told you.” She turned to Gurjin. “I thought you’d told him!” She hissed quietly.
“I must have forgotten,” Gurjin whispered back. “Sorry. I had to help Naia prepare for a trip, and it completely slipped my mind.”
Brea shook her head a little. “It’s fine. Sorry.” She turned back to Rian, who was quietly waiting, fingers absentmindedly lacing through his necklace.
“So. Deet.” Rian laughed a little nervously. He brushed his bangs out of his face. “Yeah.”
Gurjin resisted the urge to facepalm. “I forgot to tell you about it earlier. She got pretty excited about observing all the plant life out here. She also got pretty excited when she heard you would be coming.” His delivery was one of someone who had gone through all the possible options and was now on his last leg.
“Oh?” Rian’s eyes lit up slightly. “Well –“
“I’m sorry I’m late!” Rian’s gaze snapped over to the girl racing towards them, cheeks flushed from running. She stopped, chest heaving, by Rian, who was staring at her with a wide-eyed mixture of fondness and nervousness. She turned to him and uttered a ‘hello’ with a small smile, and the two observers could swear Rian melted.
“Hello, Deet,” Rian softly said back, all confidence replaced by a flustered air that he never had around anyone else.
“Now that we’re all here,” Brea said, causing Rian and Deet to jump, “we should probably get to the boats.” She approached the rental booth, beckoning to Gurjin, who followed behind, leaving Rian and Deet alone together. For a moment, they did nothing, simply looking at the grass, then each other, then back at the grass again. Finally, Rian spoke up.
“You’ve got a – you’ve, uh –” Fumbling on his words, Rian decided to just pick the leaf out of her hair himself.
“Oh!” Deet’s hand flew up to the spot where Rian had touched it. “Thank you! Are – are there more?”
“I don’t see any more,” Rian said. “Wait, hold on.” He moved closer to her, turning to peek at the back of her head. “Yep, no more.” He pulled back, then frowned. “Deet, you alright?”
Deet furrowed her brows in confusion before realizing that she was holding her breath. She exhaled. “Yes. Thanks, Rian.” She smiled.
He smiled back, pink coloring his cheeks, and was about to say something else when Brea and Gurjin returned, life vests draped over their arms.
“So,” Brea said, clapping her hands together. “We got two boats, each one holding two people.”
“Brea and I are going to take one,” Gurjin said, “and you two can take the other.”
“…Us?” Rian asked after a beat, pointing to him and Deet.
Gurjin gave an exasperated sigh. “Who else? Now let’s get these on.” He threw a life jacket to Rian, who was too busy gazing at Deet to catch it. Deet giggled at the vest lying limp on the grass as she put hers (which Brea had simply handed to her) on. Flustered again, Rian made haste in acting like nothing happened and putting on his vest.
Soon enough, the two boats were on the water. While Gurjin and Brea were comfortably chatting (and sneaking glances at the other boat), Rian and Deet sat on opposite sides of the small rowboat, doing everything they could to keep their feet from touching (and sneaking glances at each other).
Rian cleared his throat. “Deet.”
Deet looked up. “Rian?”
Rian looked up at the sound of his name, surprised for some reason that Deet actually responded. “Oh. Yes. Um, lovely day, isn’t it?”
She giggled, her large black eyes glittering. “Oh yes, absolutely! It’s absolutely beautiful. Everything looks so alive.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I can see what you mean. How’s Fizzgig?”
“He’s alright,” she replied, referring to her pet dog who seemed more like a pompom with teeth than an actual canine. “He’s been a little more feisty than usual these past few days, but otherwise, he’s okay.” She grimaced. “I bet Hup’s got quite a few bandages on his fingers.”
Rian clucked his tongue, shaking his head a little. Hup was a boy who lived a couple houses away from Deet. He had big dreams of becoming a knight and was never seen without his trusty sword in hand. (It was actually a large wooden spoon, but everyone chose not to say anything about it.) He was often seen fighting dragons (Fizzgig) and saving a damsel in distress (often Deet, or a halfway enthusiastic Brea).
“I wonder what Brea and Gurjin are up to,” Rian mused. Deet followed his hand as he ran his fingers through his bangs to keep them out of his eyes, then squinted through the sunlight to watch the other boat. Turns out, the other boat was watching them, and Deet laughed as the other two waved to them.
“They can be so strange,” she giggled as she leaned cautiously to observe a particularly large lily pad. As she did this, Gurjin started waving frantically to Rian. Rian furrowed his brows, mouthing a “What?” Gurjin mouthed something, and Rian grimaced, circling his pointer finger in an ‘again’ motion. Gurjin mouthed again, and this time Rian understood.
Tell her.
Ah. So that’s what this was. Rian ran his hands through his hair again, this time in slight annoyance, as he pulled his phone out.
You: Really?
You: Did you set us up?
Gurjin is typing…
Gurjin: maybe
You: DUDE.
Gurjin: I’m sorry I’m just rlly rlly tired of watching you two making goo goo eyes at each other
Rian rolled his eyes.
You: We don’t make goo goo eyes. Please
Gurjin: yes u do
You: Shut up
Gurjin: tell her and I will
“Rian? Is everything alright?” Rian’s head snapped up, and his eyes softened immediately at the sight of Deet, hand just touching the surface of the water with a small, concerned frown.
“Yes, it’s all good,” Rian replied as he tucked his phone away.
“I was wondering... may I braid your hair? I mean, there’s not much to do on this boat, and –“
“Of course, Deet,” he said, already turning so that his back was to her. “Shall I scoot back, or…”
“No, no, I’m on it,” she said, the boat creaking quietly when it shifted under her weight. Rian could feel her breath on his neck as she gathered his hair up and gently tugged it away from his neck.
“I can never believe how long your hair is,” Deet murmured as she combed her fingers through his hair. Shutting his eyes at the sensation, he leaned into her touch.
“It’s beautiful,” she continued as she sectioned his hair into parts. “My hair could never be this soft. It’s like it’s made of silk.” She made to brush away a wisp that had fallen away from a section, but her hand caught the necklace instead.
“Nngh,” Rian’s eyes fluttered open and he winced as the necklace began to grow tight against his neck. “Deet…”
“Hm?” She felt a tug against her finger and saw the necklace wrapped around it. Then she saw Rian. “Holy Thra!” She twisted her finger, and the necklace fell back onto Rian’s neck. She could hear him suck in a breath. “Rian, I’m sorry-“
“No, it’s alright,” Rian quickly waved his hand.
“Should I stop?”
“No! No, please continue.”
“Alright then,” she said as she adjusted again, picking up the sections. After some braiding, she spoke up again. “I’ve never asked about your necklace.”
“Oh.” Rian’s voice was deeper, more relaxed. Deet could feel the blush growing on her cheeks at the sound of it. “It was a gift from Mira. She left before you moved here. A year before, maybe.”
“That’s lovely. What’s the bottle in the front?”
“Ah. The vial.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “A few years back, Mira and I… we used to date.”
Deet blinked. “You did?”
“…yeah, we did. We eventually broke up. Well, obviously,” he said, the smile back in his voice. “but it was on good terms. When she was about to leave, she gave me this. She made it herself. The vial was… something of an inside joke that’s kind of a long story to tell – don’t worry, I’ll tell you eventually – and something to remember her by. Oh, and it glows in the dark.”
She laughed. “I like glow in the dark things.”
“I know you do.” His words were interlaced with a chuckle.
“Okay – done.” She leaned back a little to admire the French braid in his hair, smiling at the streaks of blue peeking through the brown.
“Can I see?”
“ ‘Course you can! It’s your hair, after all,” she said as she pulled out her phone. Leaning back just a little bit more to get the right angle, she snapped a picture. “Here.”
Deet leaned back in to show Rian, and he twisted to look.
“It’s amazing,” he breathed, sounding as awed as the first time she had braided his hair.
“Thank you,” she whispered back. Rian was suddenly aware of how close they were, and that their hands were touching, and-
“I like you.” The words tumbled out of his mouth, and he couldn’t catch them in time. Deet froze.
“What?” Her voice was quiet, shaking. He slowly looked up at her. Her large eyes were on him, wide and surprised.
He inhaled. “I like you, Deet. A lot. It may even be more than a lot. And I understand if you don’t feel the same way –”
“Are you crazy?”
Damn it, Rian, he cursed himself. You were an idiot to think she’d ever return your feelings. He looked back down, shoulders beginning to sag.
“Of course I like you.”
What? “You- you-” He looked at her again and nearly melted. Her eyes were soft, and she was beaming. “I thought you didn’t –”
“I thought you didn’t!” Deet began to laugh, which caused Rian to do the same. Soon, the two were laughing so hard the boat began to sway dramatically, and the laughter died down as the gripped the edges of the boat to keep from capsizing. Rian met Deet’s eyes, a silly grin wide on his face.
After some time, she spoke up. “I would really like to kiss you right now.” She blinked, her eyes wide. “Sweet Mother Aughra, did I just say that out loud?”
Rian chuckled, scooting closer to her. “Yes, you did. And I would just like to say that… I wholeheartedly accept your offer.”
“Oh, good, ‘cause I-” She wasn’t able to finish the sentence before Rian had brushed his lips against hers.
“Sorry for interrupting,” Rian muttered, face impossibly close to hers. His voice was low again, but heavy this time. Deet was sure she was blushing furiously.
“It doesn’t matter,” she muttered back. She saw his eyes flick down to her lips, then back up to her.
“Can I kiss you again?” He asked quietly.
Deet answered by closing the distance between them. She could feel Rian’s arms wrap around her back, gently pulling her closer. She slowly moved her hand to rest on the back of his neck, her fingers lightly tangled in the wisps of hair too small to stay in the braid. She tried to soak up the moment as best she could. She wanted it to last forever.
Deet and Rian jumped back in surprise, Deet emitting a little yell of shock. Gurjin was close to standing, Brea attempting (and failing) to tug him back down as her laughter resounded across the area.
“I’ve been waiting for goddamn ages. Ages!”
Deet turned her head slightly to Rian, her eyes meeting his. She raised a brow, clearly amused. “Rian, how long exactly have you liked me?”
“Uh…” he ran his hands through his bangs. “Around since you moved here, if I’m being honest.”
“Oh?” Two years? Deet began to giggle. “Two years? Rian, I- I-” she couldn’t find the words, so she settled on pulling him close again and pressing her lips to his.
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tunnelscreamer · 4 years
#19 Excuse for Tavra and Onica!! (of course)
Thanks for the prompt! Excuse can be a noun or a verb so I tried to sneak both in, I hope you like it!
The Love Charm
“I’ve heard you can help me,” said the visitor, as she followed Elder Cadia into the tent.
It was springtime and the Elder’s ship was moored by the cliffs of Ha’rar. His tent sat in their shadow, nestled along the coast. He walked ahead and peered through a beaded curtain into the parlor at Onica. He gave her a look that said it was time to get to work, then he returned to his guest.
She listened to them talk on the other side of the curtain as she prepared the room. She set a bundle of herbs on a shelf and lit them, filling the little space with fragrant smoke. The lanterns were all lit, the table was cleared, and the charms and potions sat ready in a rack above the burning herbs.
“This is a matter of the heart,” the guest continued, “I am highly eligible, and have my eye set on a match. I need to be seen as approachable, but also unattainable. Flirtatious and aloof, vulnerable but in a confident way, do you understand?”
“Say no more, I am an expert in such things,” Cadia said, parting the curtain and entering the room. He seemed more cheerful than usual, Onica thought, as she took her place standing by his chair.
He led a well-dressed Vapran maiden to a seat at the table. She looked like a cloud, her sleeves puffed out extravagantly. They were billowy and delicate, lace bouncing with each step. A little round hat sat in her hair, brushing the ceiling with its long airy feathers. A satiny blouse, trimmed in gold, spilled out of an iridescent bodice that at times looked sky blue and blush pink. Onica saw now why Cadia was happy. He did not see pretty clothes but wealth.
The guest’s hair fell in ringlets, framing her face in pale gold with hints of pink. Onica was surprised to see that curls were in style in Ha’rar. She would have to ask Tavra about it. They were a short walk from the village, but she rarely went there. They preferred to spend time together away from the Vapran capitol.  
The maiden settled into her seat. She looked so out of place in the rustic tent. Its weathered walls were crusted with half dried salt water. The lashed bone supports were yellowed by age and smoke. The fragrant herbs weren’t for ceremony so much as to cover the smell of the wet tent and the Elder. 
Onica smiled kindly at her. The maiden looked back briefly and decided to ignore the Sifan serving girl. She turned her attention to Elder Cadia.
“I want to be at my best, with shining hair like the moons glow and a voice like a song.”
“You are lucky, I have potions that will add music to your every word and a shimmer to your hair,” he said attentively.
“Yes, I want those,” she pulled out a pouch and opened it part way revealing the gems inside, “she doesn’t use them, does she?” the maiden asked looking at Onica, seeing her hair’s lack of shine. 
“Ha, no, Onica’s charm is all her own,” Cadia said with an eyebrow raised, teasingly.
“Good,” the Vapra replied through a giggle, “will this be enough?” she handed him the pouch.
Cadia nodded to his apprentice and Onica turned to get the potions. Her hands moving over the shelf crowded with bottles, clay jars, and pouches of powder. 
It was true, she didn’t use those potions. She knew they didn’t work, or they worked in unexpected ways. The hair potion certainly would make hair shine, but it also made both hair and skin slick as nebie butter. Returning, she placed two little bottles on the table.  
“Why stop there?” Cadia said, examining the gems.
“What more can you do?” the Vapra replied excitedly, “I want everything you’ve got, I need to be absolutely irresistible. My darling and I will be the talk of Ha’rar.”
“Well, there is more, but what I have is so powerful, the items are forbidden in decent society. You may drive your intended mad with desire,” he looked at the maiden as he held back a grin, “also they are quite costly.”
“The cost is nothing,” she said pulling loose a delicate silver cord around her neck. There were more gems beaded along the its length. Cadia sat back and sighed, as she handed them to him. 
“All right, but you must be very careful with what I’m about to give you,” he explained as Onica returned to the shelf. This time grabbing a love charm and a little vial of perfume. She placed them on the table.
“Put a drop of this on the nape of your neck, and your love will be drawn to you like the setting sun to the horizon,” he mused, looking at the bottle as if it were potent as poison. The perfume did have a sweet smell but it did not bring out love or lust in others, only occasional compliments. 
“And this is the most powerful of all,” the Elder picked up the charm, a simple pod root wrapped in blue ribbon.
“It’s so plain!” the maiden blurted out as she looked at it curiously.
“Looks can be deceiving, you say the name of your love three times then place it beneath your pillow and, by next full Pearl moon, their heart will be yours,” he handed it to her.
She took the charm, so excited to use it she could barely wait. With two hands she held it up to her chest and closed her pretty eyes. “Tavra, Tavra, Tavra” she said with desire, ready to begin its matchmaking magic. She could practically see them together, her hanging on the royal paladin’s arm. 
The sound of Tavra’s name hit Onica like a blow. There was a thud and a clatter. Knees suddenly buckling beneath her, Onica fell backwards catching herself on the shelf. The bottles rattled along with her nerves. A puff of smoke followed as the smoldering bundle of herbs fell to the ground. In a panic, she stomped it out in a cloud of soot and embers. She reached up to steady the shelf as her foot continued to strike the ground.
Cadia looked up with a scowl.
“What’s wrong with her?!” the Vapran maiden shouted in distress.  
“Oh! I just,” Onica gasped, “I, if you’d please, um, excuse me,” she went on, trying to stay calm.
The Elder shook his head and narrowed his eyes in a look of searing anger. He was red with rage, but he had to remain civil to finish his dealings.
“Go! You are excused for the night!” he barked, clutching tight the gems.  
Onica stumbled outside and took deep breath. Fresh sea air replaced the smell of smoke as the panic slowly passed. She wanted to go back, to tell that fancy Vapra she was wasting her time and gems. But she didn’t. It was a relief to know none of the Elder’s love charms worked.
Sometimes she forgot that Tavra was, in almost every one’s mind, unattached. Onica trusted her endlessly but it still hurt knowing that’s what they had was secret, and it might always be. It made her stomach turn.
Leaning against a rock, she tried to calm herself. She could hardly blame this pretty gelfling for trying to win Tavra over. This and other thoughts floated through her mind. 
While looking out to sea, she remembered something Cadia had said, long ago, in this same place. Being near Ha’rar made him pensive and one evening he remarked “when someone cares for you they will endure hardship and overlook your shortcomings. And when they don’t they will find any excuse to leave. It’s not something that can’t be controlled.”  He had looked into the distance, glossy eyed and thoughtful. At the time, it made her wonder who had left him. Perhaps he had tried a potion to keep them. 
Love was not a trick and not something to be won with fine clothes and charms. It came from somewhere else. It was comforting to know, that no amount of gems could buy it. It’s magic was mysterious, pulling her and Tavra together when everything else kept them apart. 
She looked beyond the sea to the evening sky. The stars were just beginning to shine, no longer concealed by the light of the suns. Other lights too became clearer, like the lanterns on the cliffside path that led to the village. The seafarer’s lantern shone in the evening twilight. Onica saw a shadow pass by it, then it passed again. Someone was up there. She rushed away knowing who it might be.
Each evening they would meet on the path by the glow of the lantern. Their nights were filled with long walks and stories, and quiet moments hidden away. Some nights they would fall asleep beneath the stars and wake up together with morning dew clinging to their clothes. 
Tavra was here early, waiting. Onica heard her before she saw her. She was singing quietly to pass the time.
“And her hair did shine like the moons own glow, her voice was a song she was singing to my soul…”
Onica followed the sound, hoping to surprise her, but Tavra turned quickly and caught her. Their eyes met and Tavra smiled. 
The gravel path crackled beneath Onica’s feet as she ran into her arms nearly knocking Tavra over. Onica kissed her like she was claiming a prize. Tavra liked the sudden rush of affection, it was sweet and unexpected. 
“I missed you,” she whispered, burying her face in Tavra’s neck. It had been less than a day since they were last together. A moment later their lips met again.  Then Onica leaned back to look into the Vapra’s green eyes. They shone in the low evening light.
“Do you sing that song when you’re in town, about the hair like the moon?” 
Onica asked the strangest questions sometimes, Tavra thought.
“I sing it when I’m thinking of you,” she smiled and kissed her again, “so I sing it everywhere.”
She ran her hand through the Sifa’s lovely hair. She tried to guess what Onica was thinking. She looked upset, though she tried to hide it.
“Would ... would we be the talk of Ha’rar, if we were,” Onica was hesitant to speak, “never mind.” 
“Where are these questions coming from?” Tavra was confused, but she tried to answer, “when we are bound, I’m sure we will be the talk of the Seven Clans,” she said thoughtfully with a slight smirk.
“When we are bound?” Onica asked putting special emphasis on the when, surprised that Tavra was so certain, surprised and happy.
“Yes when,” Tavra replied. This was serious talk and she wasn’t sure what Onica might think. But she meant it wholeheartedly and, if things were different, they would already be bound.
“That seems so impossible,” Onica said resting on her shoulder.
“No, this is impossible, that will be a breeze.”
The advice Cadia gives Onica was based on something a friend said to me after a breakup and it was the inspiration for the story. It’s simple but really hit at the time. 
And the Vapran maiden was a background character from AoR, I don’t think she has a name but she is very fancy and knows what she wants.
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historias-multorum · 2 years
Tumblr media
The Vapran winced as she was about to get treated. Times were truly testing her as a warrior, as a sister, and as a princess. She should be dead, but the fates were on her side, shielding her from death’s embrace. This was one of those instances. 
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fishtail-tavra · 6 months
tavonica 100 word drabbles - Son
  Tavra the Spiderling gazes into high rigging, eight eyes fracturing the world into dizzying shards.   She can still find Onica’s fiery curls, however. And the flick of Kylan’s dark braid.    Both perch on the mainmast, Onica’s arm outstretched, Kylan watching closely as she shows him the angle between ship and shore. He seems happy. An orphaned Spriton, learning Sifa ways… Later in cabin’s dark, in dreamfast, Onica muses.   He's a natural sailor, your song teller.   Tavra wishes she could smile. Teases. He gets it from you.   Oh? Onica’s leaping heart, cheeks dimpling. Smiling for her. Yes. I suppose he does.
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soloragoldsun · 5 years
Gelfling Relationship Headcanons
I saw a post with Skeksis headcanons, and I just had to do some for our Gelfling squad. I’ll be drawing from the books, meaning I will be including Amri in this. Whether he dies or is written out of Age of Resistance, I’m keeping my precious Grottan boy alive in my posts!
...Holy crap, this ended up long. Of course, I had to write four freaking paragraphs for everyone! I may add Tavra and Onica later, but...come on. You just gotta see them together to know how they are in a relationship. I may make a separate list of headcanons just for that ship, actually.
He is initially cold and distant toward you, as he’s afraid of becoming too close to anyone after losing Mira. Once he finally realizes that his feelings aren’t going away, however, his attitude changes completely. He is honest about how deeply he cares about you, apologizes for his behavior, and says he understands if you don’t feel the same way. When you return his feelings, he’s momentarily stunned into silence, then pulls you into a hug.
He is a total gentleman. Like, he always has a flower for you when you meet up, will tell you how wonderful you look, will hold doors open for you, and will offer you his coat if you’re cold.
He can be a bit overbearing and overprotective, as he’s terrified of losing someone he loves again. As a result, he tries keeping constant tabs on you, and has to be told to back off every now and again. He will fret over you if you’re injured or sick, and Aughra help anyone who disturbs your recovery!
He will gladly hold your hand or peck your cheek in public. Other forms of PDA, such as longer kisses and cuddles, will result in him becoming more bashful, but he never complains.
When she first realizes her feelings for you, she is quiet about them. Due to being new to the daylighter world, she’s terrified of ruining any relationships with the friends she has made. She does catch on when you flirt, however, and becomes bolder over time, eventually kissing your cheek on impulse one day, leading to a full, mutual confession.
She loves flying with you, whether you have wings or not. If you do, she’ll lead you on long flights in the dark, racing you through the trees or through the tunnels of Grot. If you don’t, she’ll happily carry you to all her favorite places, showing you the view from up high.
She loves to cuddle. Honestly, I headcanon that all Grottan love cuddling. If you’re sitting anywhere for a long period of time, you will have Deet tucked under your chin or nestled against your side before that time ends. She will cling to you when you try to get up, insisting you hold her for a few more minutes. If you’re next to her when she wakes up in the morning her eyes immediately light up once they clear of sleep.
She is totally fine with PDA, and will sometimes fly up behind you to give you a surprise kiss on the cheek. Holding her hand is basically a requirement wherever you go, as is cuddling whenever you take a break to sit down.
You have to be the one to confess to her, as she’s very absorbed in her research and her duties as a daughter of the All-Maudra. While she accepts your feelings, she insists that you keep your relationship a secret for now, since her mother absolutely wouldn’t approve and would try to stop it.
She is very affectionate when you’re alone, and loves to show you her favorite books. You are the only person outside her family she will lend her books to for any period of time. Quiet walks and evenings reading together take up much of your time.
She gives lavish gifts because she can, but also because she feels guilty that her status keeps your relationship from being more open. Eventually, she can’t keep it a secret any longer and tells her mother, who is not pleased. Efforts to separate you are met with defiance, leaving you both on strained terms with the All-Maudra. She eventually gives in, with the condition that your relationship ends if circumstances lead to Brea becoming the next maudra.
PDA is absolutely out of the question while your relationship is secret. Once it’s exposed, there is still a certain amount of restraint in your interactions, limited to very deliberate actions like offering one’s arm or giving a single kiss on the cheek.
She is very up-front about her feelings once she realizes them, and once she catches on that you like her. Like, she just asks you out of the blue: “So, were you planning on saying you like me at all within the next trine?”
She loves taking you exploring through Sog, and will often invite you on hunting expeditions. She teaches you how to use a bola and spear, and is very encouraging if you mess up. Neech likes you a great deal. Sometimes, Naia will kiss his nose and send him to wherever you are, where he’ll boop your nose with his. Her family loves you, and her mother approves of your relationship as long as you don’t distract her from her eventual duties as the Drenchen maudra.
She believes in you and your abilities wholeheartedly, and will immediately shoot down anyone who insults or doubts you. Sometimes, she overestimates what you can do, and needs to be calmed down when bragging. She brags about how awesome you are all the time.
She doesn’t often initiate PDA, since she doesn’t feel the need. Everyone knows you’re together, so there’s no need to show off to make a point. Just the same, she will always accept a kiss, hug, or cuddle wherever you are.
He is very eloquent about his feelings for you... At least, he would be if he wasn’t so nervous about actually confessing. Eventually, he sums up his feelings in a letter, which he gives you. He then walks away while you read it, then comes back with a hopeful look in his eyes.
He writes poetry and songs for you, and will give you private performances with his firca. He says that you inspire him more than anyone else. His entire face lights up whenever he recites one of his favorite stories, or asks you to hear a new one he wrote. If you ask, he’ll play a lullaby on his firca until you fall asleep.
He thinks the world of you, calling you his greatest muse. He will sometimes gaze at you when he thinks no one is looking, and will become very bashful when caught. He endures some teasing from his friends about how much of a sap he is, but everyone is ridiculously happy for the both of you.
He becomes very flustered if you are affectionate with him in public, becoming a stammering mess and ceasing to function properly. He will hold your hand, sporting an adorable blush and a shy smile the whole time.
Flirting for him mostly involves friendly banter and jokes. He goofs off more and more when around you, because he loves to hear you laugh. When he actually confesses, however, he becomes very hesitant and shy, unsure of whether he’s actually worthy of you.
He shows you all around Grot, introducing you to urLii and everyone in his clan. He wants to learn all about your beliefs and culture, and visit wherever your home is. If you have a pet, he will lavish attention on it and love it immediately. He will often take you to his favorite rooms in the Tomb of Relics and cuddle with you while telling you about all of the artifacts. He loves traveling and exploring, and can’t imagine doing either without you now that you’re together.
He will openly gaze at you as if you’re the greatest thing on all of Thra. Even after a long time, he remains stunned that you returned his feelings. Sometimes, you have to remind him to not think so little of himself.
He is all about PDA, because he is so proud to be your boyfriend, he just can’t hold it in. He will frequently tackle-hug you as a greeting, and will pepper your face with excited kisses, because he’s so happy to see you every time.
In true Drenchen fashion, he is very forward about his feelings, bluntly explaining them and asking if you feel the same way. His near-brush with death has made it so that he doesn’t want to waste time waffling over a confession.
He is very considerate, always asking if he can kiss you or pull you closer. He will always comfort you whenever you’re injured, gladly carrying you home whether you need it or not. Falling asleep in his arms is a common occurrence.
He worries about his weakened state due to his time at the Castle of the Crystal, and wonders if he is capable of protecting you. He insists on instructing you on how to defend yourself, just in case you run into trouble when he’s not around.
He is casually affectionate wherever you are, sometimes lifting you up so that you can sit on his shoulder while he walks. Also, he gives the absolute best hugs. Ever. Of all time.
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heartxofxthra · 4 years
Sooo, I wrote a little piece for Tavra, most of this was born on a very boring train ride, but I had the idea bouncing around in my head for a while. 
Since this is technically not an RP, feel free to reblog if you like it :D
Under the cut cause it's quite long.
Journal entry The wind carries the scent of the storm again. It's warm, humid, dangerous... but tempting. 
It reminds me of that night... How could I ever forget it, after all? A storm was rolling in then too, I'd just come back from patrol, soaked to the bone after we'd all pulled double duty securing everything that wasn't nailed down in place already, and getting the few villagers that stupidly found themselves out in the middle of the storm seen safely back to their homes before it got worse. Oh how I longed for the warm comfort of a bed that night... I thought I was so close to it, but I was wrong. 
I was summoned to the great hall by order of my mother. I thought that was unusual, she'd usually call me to her chambers this late at night, but nonetheless I answered, trudging down the hall in wet boots I hadn't yet had a chance to change. 
As I got closer and closer, the halls started reverberating with raised voices. Accusations, slander, insults. 
I didn't know what I was walking in on until my palm touched against the ornate stained glass of the door, and every sense I had screamed danger. The scent of the storm was still pulsing against my nostrils. When I pushed the doors open, I found myself scrutinized by a room of sharp eyes. The Sifan maudra, her Elders, the Vapran court, my sister Seladon, and the sharpest stare of them all belonged to my mother herself. I thought I'd been careful with my escapades, but someone had found out and told on me. One of the Paladins, hoping to gain the All-maudra's favor. He didn't earn hers, and he'd lost mine. I never quite trusted them the same after that night... 
They hadn't dared to follow me too far, hadn't known who I was seeing, nor had they been able to recognize their ship, and for a moment I felt relief. But the moment didn't last. 
My mother was furious at my affair. I denied it, but she wouldn't have any of it. She never believed me, not even all those times I was innocent, why would she start now? With the entire reputation of the maudren house on the line? She warned the Sifan maudra of keeping her clan in check, almost threatened her at that. To find the "responsible" and punish them, repercussions promised otherwise. And then all were dismissed. 
Save for me. My name never felt more painful rolled off her lips than on that night.
I felt their footsteps leaving as if they were treading upon my very soul, the echoing of the chamber mimicking the thoughts colliding inside my head, in tune with the pattering of rain on the windows. I felt their scowls burn the back of my head. Their helping of scorn and humiliation was my fault, after all, and I did not blame them. I bowed my head and avoided their glances. And yet, even then, I knew that they would not keep their promise.
The Sifa's priorities had never been to punish one of their own kind for something as trivial as this. They would feign and stall until the interest was lost, and then have it be lost forever like a trinket sunk beneath the waves. Never would they hand over one of their own willingly to the wrath of the All-maudra. I admired them for that. The Vapra had always been eager to sell each other out for influence, or less. 
I never understood why my mother had always held such bad blood for the Sifa. Many knew there was something buried deep, but if anyone held more knowledge than I did, they refused to tell. From where I was standing, it seemed like a petty feud that would see generations of scorn until someone, like her, would dare look past the curtain.
I dreaded when the hall was left empty. All of my instincts were clawing at me to get away. The silence felt like a mountain upon my shoulders.
I had seen this coming, somehow it had always been at the back of my mind, a lone thought coming and going like the bounce of an echo off the mountains, you'd hear it once and it would drift off again. 
I was left alone with my mother and sister. She had to witness this, after all, save she would ever think of doing the same. I hadn't managed uttering a word before her palm connected to my cheek. It rattled my teeth and my thoughts. I barely looked up, that another came. The second time I didn't look up again. She said I'd brought shame to her name, to our legacy, that I muddied it. How she thought she'd raised me better than this. How I'd betrayed her, and her trust. How she'd have to bow her head in disgrace because of me. How it would take trine upon trine to repair the damage I'd so recklessly caused. I was called foolish, selfish, perverted, my lover slandered as if she had been a mere trinket of pleasure I'd chased just to spite her, because in the end it was always about mother.
I couldn’t understand how someone could speak so foul of a person they hadn’t even laid eyes upon. When they didn’t know just how much warmth their crystalline laughs brought Tavra, how she’d feel her heart skip a beat when her hair twirled around right before their eyes would meet. How her touch brought feeling where Tavra had once thought it all stamped out. Haunting thoughts quieted by Onica’s wisdom, and night terrors soothed by her mere voice... 
My mind and my heart drifted to her like a windsifter on a warm current, even as my mother's harsh words bounced off my ears. I knew in that moment that home was not there. Home was far away, on salt-stained skirts, auburn curls, and sun-kissed skin. Home was on the rocking waves under a ship, curled up in warm arms that had so reluctantly let me go, even despite my promises that I'd return soon. 
For the first time, I understood what home really meant. Before, I had thought it was just an empty word that people threw around. I never grasped any of it, never could relate to those stories and feelings. But as humiliation tore out bits of my soul, they knew well where they wanted to fly off to. 
And so did I. 
Tears began to run down my cheeks, tentatively at first, then pouring. They stung after a while, and it was wonderful. They were happy, and it felt as if every tear was less of a weight on my heart.
I looked up, and my eyes fell on Seladon. I had never seen her more torn in my life than she looked now, desperately keeping her tongue. I wished I could tell her to be brave. My mother's glare softened. She took my tears for repentance, and when I said I was sorry, she accepted it with pride. 
In truth, I was sorry for never being enough. Sorry for always being wrong, for being a disappointment. I was sorry for ever putting my doubts between me and Onica. I was sorry I ever dared to say my mother could be better than the resentment which consumed her. I was sorry I ever dared to believe she would understand, that it would bridge the chasm between our people, and that she would be capable of putting her own feelings aside for just a moment. I was sorry that I believed and I was wrong. I was sorry I was still sat there, knelt before her, when I knew I was truly loved and wanted elsewhere. She thought she was teaching me a lesson, but in truth... She only taught me I didn't belong with her. 
Mother punished me, of course. My rank was stripped away, and I would be put into grunt service again. I would eat, sleep, and dress like a commoner, so I would appreciate my place better. 
The captain was given orders to keep me under lock and key at nights, guarded so that I wouldn't even think of running off again. But if she'd ever truly listened to me, she'd have known the guards were prone to getting drunk, on Sifan liquor nonetheless. She would have also known I had learned to pick locks. 
I'd never flown with such abandonment before, the storm didn't scare me any longer. It carried me like a feather, with my wings feeling every ripple and vibration in the current as if I had been born on it. I was laughing as the rain was splashing my face and trickling through my shirt, like a kind forest stream. 
When Onica saw me, she was furious. She couldn't believe I had flown there in such a storm. I kissed her like my life depended on it, for it did. Her warm, smooth lips breathed life into me like I felt I was experiencing for the first time. 
I made love to her that night, I gave myself fully onto her with every inch of my being, no shame or fear or boundary. I worshipped her in our bed, showed her just how much I loved her, and oh how she loved me in return... I told her everything that happened, and told her that I wasn't going back. That I didn't want to hide anymore. 
I don't know if it was sorcery, or if my heart just learned to hear her wisdom clearly, but she convinced me to go back. That a fugitive's life was not something that I wanted, and it would not let our love live as we would want to, reminded me that my sisters were left behind, and that they still needed me. Perhaps... though the bile it brought to think about it, I was being selfish too. She is truly an Elder her people would be fortunate to follow. 
I thanked her, and kissed her sweetly, and for a few more hours, we sat together, bodies wrapped around each other like one, talking dreams to each other. Dreams that didn't seem so impossible now that I wasn't afraid of them. 
Morning found me back in confines, door locked as if it had never even been opened. I worked diligently through mud and muck to earn my place again, never a protest or complaint. I accepted the humiliation willingly, because I knew this was not my fate, but simply a cover I was striving for. Mother thought I was reformed, thought she'd taught me a lesson. In truth, she'd only made it clear I needed to hide better and nothing more, and that's just what I did. 
I received back my crown and my rank with back straight and chin high. My mother was proud. I was too. 
They wouldn't catch me ever again.
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pxperhearts · 5 years
future muses update (under the cut cause shame)
bios currently in wip and waiting for me to finish
aragorn (lotr)
larc (legend of mana; dead dragoon)
mipha (loz)* p much done, just need to add some things
monique (legend of mana; siren)
rick (the mummy. im still debating if i wanna continue with his or not)
sam (lotr)
vika (fe: radiant dawn)
vlad (castlevania. im so sorry sweetie you’ve been waiting awhile)
woody (toy story)
muses im considering askldjsad but are Likely
jonah (tomb raider)
noelle (disney+ movie, same name)
ryuk (death note)
mira/gurjin/deet/tavra (age of resistance)
balthier/penelo/basch (ff12)
zelda (loz:tp)
quiet (mgsv)
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thebibliomancer · 2 years
Flames of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 10
Flames of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because I’m nearabouts a third of the way through! Oh yeah! Oh no!
Last times in book: Naia and co escape from skekSa the Mariner, although at the cost of Naia’s healing abilities, and stay a while at the Valley of the Mystics. The group is rocked by the revelation that the Skeksis and urRu share the same origin and killing one will kill the other. But a pep talk from urVa the Archer gets Naia freshly motivated. The Gelfling split the party to go handle lighting the last fires of resistance: Naia, Gurjin, Kylan and Amri to the Spriton and Drenchen; Tavra and Onica to the Grottan and Stonewood. Also, Naia’s interpersonal relationships with Gurjin and Amri are weird right now but Kylan remains best boy.
Chapter 10
Team Naia takes a nice walk through the Spriton Plains, discuss how difficult Maudra Mera is
The trip from the Valley of the Mystics towards Sami Thicket is a return to the more pastoral travel of the bits of the first book before the Dark Wood. A much more pleasant walk than the mountain highlands or the snowy areas around Ha’rar or the desert.
But its a little weird for Naia to be sort of retracing her steps. For so much of this novel series, she’s been heading into places she’s only heard of and relying on the directions of others.
Most Gelfling just don’t travel beyond the territory of their own clan and now that Naia has been all around, she understood why. Thra is a scary place and a wrong step could lead to dead Gelfling.
Also while they travel, Naia casually tries to practice healing on broken blades of grass or injured insects but the healing light always flickers out without success.
I’m still boggled that one can just up and lose an entire magic to their twin.
That’d be a good story seed.
Anyway, Amri asks Kylan how it feels to be back (possibly wanting to live a happy homecoming vicariously, there’s no going home for him currently) but Kylan says its bittersweet.
“This land is where I was born and grew up. But it’s also the land where the Hunter took my parents, and where I could never fit in with the other Spriton in Sami Thicket... I ran away. I suppose I never told you that.”
Bittersweet or no, the ease and confidence Kylan has telling Amri this gives Naia a smile. He’s come so far from the nervous best boy he’d been in the first book. He’d had his own POV book where he came into his own and found his courage.
Death world Thra may be but the Spriton Plains are nice. Its all meadows and flowers and fields of tall grass which does not contain any raptors at all.
When the suns reached their highest, Amri pulled on his hood and walked with his hand on Kylan’s back for guidance. Naia tried not to wonder why he hadn’t asked for her shoulder, when he always had in the past. Tried not to worry about why it mattered or why she cared when it was all the same in the end. Friends helping friends.
Naia has it baaaaaaad.
Amri has it bad too but that’s in a bit.
Having mused on how she feels alienated from Amri, its time for Naia to muse on how she feels alienated from Gurjin.
Which is prompted because Kylan decides to recap the entire book series for Gurjin’s benefit, who was not in the protagonist group for wide swathes of it.
As she listened to him recall their adventures leading up to meeting Gurjin again aboard skekSa’s ship, Naia felt almost as though he were telling the song to a stranger. Gurjin, her brother, with whom she’d been raised side by side. Her other half. Until the truth about the Skeksis had come out, anyway. Now she felt as though she hardly knew him. Was it because of everything that had happened to them since then? Dangerous, life-threatening things -- beautiful, life-changing things, too. Kylan sang of those things even now: While Gurjin had been held captive at the castle, Naia had found her wings. While he had returned south to Sog to warn the Drenchen, Naia and her new friends had traveled as far north as Ha’rar. Those great moments had happened to them separately.
It was all a part of growing up. And in doing so, perhaps it was inevitable that they would grow apart.
What happened to the care-free himbo of yesteryear that Naia knew so well?
While she was having protagonist adventures, he was seriousing up as well but down a different road.
Perhaps one day Gurjin will hug a spider.
The serious boy asks Kylan what Maudra Mera is like and whether it will be easy to convince her to stand against the Skeksis.
Kylan’s answer is ‘difficult’ and ‘difficult.’
“After my parents died, Maudra Mera looked after me herself, so I got to know her very well. How she is both in private and when she stands before the Skeksis. I know that she fears them, more than anything. Fears their power and their strength, and believes the best way to protect her clan is to do whatever it takes to maintain the Skeksis’ favor.”
Amri brings up that Maudra Mera was one of the maudra who blessed Seladon’s ascension to All-Maudra so if you think about it hasn’t she already sided with the Skeksis??
Kylan agrees and then immediately changes his mind and disagrees. Because, to be fair, Seladon was the All-Maudra’s eldest daughter so the natural pick for her successor even if Mayrin hadn’t been killed by the Skeksis.
He also points out that if something happens to Naia’s momdra, Naia will become maudra of the Drenchen. Which makes Naia uncomfortable because c’mon Kylan, you’re raising the specter of Laesid’s death here!
Also, she doesn’t want to be analogized to Seladon because she’s never met her but is pretty sure she doesn’t like her.
But it does raise a discussion on the problems with uniting the Gelfling, in that all the maudra seem to only care about how to save their own clans. They can’t fault Mera specifically when Fara kicked Naia, Kylan, and Rian out to protect the Stonewood. Or when Ethri was going to abandon continent with skekSa and leave the rest of the Gelfling to their drinkable fate.
“I think that’s part of lighting these fires,” Gurjin replied, staring into the crackling flames of their own little campfire. He leaned back. “Back at the castle, the guards came from all over. But even so, the Skeksis always had these ways of drawing lines between us. After Mira went missing, the Skeksis started telling everyone it was a Stonewood that did it. Sure enough, even though we all acted like friends the day before, everyone turned on Rian and the other Stonewood. Like they were all waiting for a reason... like we’d been taught to think of each other as different, even though we’re all Gelfling.”
I mean, possibly all of the Skeksis but I think he mentions in the show that he does a lot of rumor-mongering to keep the clans distrustful of each other.
Sinister but effective are the Skeksis. As mentioned, most Gelfling stick to their own territories because Thra is dangerous for the unwitting. The Castle creates a place where the different clans mingle, which could create a dangerous sense of solidarity. So the Skeksis keep them at odds. Even before they started disappearing people to drink, it must have been something else.
And one of the things that apparently the Skeksis did was divide the Gelflings into clans and then set one clan above the others by appointing the All-Maudra from the Vapra.
I’m sort of raising my eyebrow at this because there are some stark physical differences between the clans. Like how the Drenchen have gills?
But it doesn’t rule out there being different kinds of Gelfing but them all being considered just Gelfing, just one unbroken mass of Gelfling, until the Skeksis went ‘alright you have gills? You’re the Drenchen now! Go live in the swamp, Shrek.’
(Might also be why the clans have such on the nose names? Lazy Skeksis.)
Or as Naia muses
The picture was growing clearer, like a reflection in urSu’s bowl of water as the ripples slowly stilled. The image of a fertile land, Gelfing growing like sprouts. One breed of flower with seven varieties, growing in a million beautiful colors. Then the light of the Great Conjunction split the urSkeks. The Skeksis, whose wise, cruel minds knew how to make the most of the Gelfling, their new loyal subjects. By plucking one of the flowers and declaring it the most beautiful of all.
This was the history of the Gelfling and the Skeksis. The Skeksis had charted the course and laid out the trail, and the Gelfling had followed it without even knowing. For almost a thousand trine, it had been this way. Now it was finally time for their ways to converge.
I like the implied imagery of the Gelfling being split as if through a prism, as the UrSkeks were.
Amri declares that even if Maudra Mera fears the Skeksis, dangit, they’ll find a way to persuade her.
Mera’s unhelpful behavior is like Ethri trying to abandon continent. Because she loves her clan and will do whatever it takes to protect them.
“She wanted to run because she loved her clan, and it was that love that gave her the courage to stay and fight. Remember? Amri caught Naia’s eyes eagerly with his, then blushed as if it were an accident before he pulled his hood down again.
Amri has it baaaaaaaaaaad toooooooo.
These two idiots are quietly pining for each other.
Mutual unrequited love, my god.
This, of course, goes completely over Naia’s head. In fairness though? In fairness, she has a lot of Plot on her shoulders.
Ethri and the Sifa. Periss and the Dousan. Even Tavra and the Vapra. She set aside her doubts. About the Skeksis and how to endure them. How to heal the Crystal and Thra. If she fixated on the mystery of the stars and never looked down, it was only a matter of time before she tripped. It was her friends that were right in front of her. Not the Skeksis or the Mystics or the broken Crystal. They were relying on her to find the path and lead them down it, and she would not fail them.
“It is that love that we will nurture in Maudra Mera until it blooms into a fire,” she finished.
“Well, we will certainly try,” Kylan said, plucking his supper from the fire. The rest of them did the same, and they ate beneath the stars as the Sister Moons crept into the sky.
Dangit Kylan!
‘Well, we will certainly try’!
Unthinking optimism costs nothing except objectivity!
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