#the obvious answer would be for me to DM but I don't want to fucking DM!!!
boatswainscall · 1 year
Nothing makes me feel immediate overpowering resentment and envy like hearing about people who have D&D campaigns that last years. Meanwhile every campaign I've ever done with my friends has choked and died four sessions in due to schedules getting too fucked and tangled to maintain ANY kind of consistent play schedule
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ericshoney · 3 months
Hate~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Being a sister of famous YouTubers can be hard, especially with the hate that follows
Warnings: usual swearing, online hate, angst, mean comments/words, name calling,
Clout chaser.
Many more comments flooded your latest Instagram post. You saw a good few sweet comments, but they were quickly shadowed by the horrible hate. You knew having famous brothers would cause jealous fans to swarm you, but not to this extent.
Nick, Matt and Chris talked about the hate with you. How there would be horrible people out there who were jealous and rude, who wouldn't show their faces because they were just idiots. You tried really hard to ignore it, only posting on your public socials occasionally.
You were visiting your brothers in LA, having a break from school before your final year. You sat on the sofa, when Chris came running in.
"Hey kid, get your shoes on!" He exclaimed.
"Why?" You asked, already slipping your shoes on.
"We're going to get ice cream." He answered.
You nodded as Matt and Nick appeared from their rooms. You all then left, your focus on your comment section of your phone still.
"What are you looking at, sweetheart?" Nick asked as he sat next to you in the car.
"Just some comments." You answered simply, closing your phone.
"Don't focus on them, kid." Chris called from the front.
You nodded, but silently kept thinking. They had started to get worse, more rude and hateful comments seemed to flood your comment section and DMs. You tried to ignore them like your brothers said.
After the drive, you all arrived at the ice cream place. It wasn't too busy which made you feel better. You started to look at the different flavours across the menu. When it was your turn to order, you told Nick what you wanted, not feeling up to talking to the worker.
You then looked around the place, seeing some seats around. What you also saw were three teenage girls looking at you. They made it obvious they were looking back at you, whispering and pointing your way. You turned away, feeling uncomfortable, only for them to approach you.
"Here you go, petal." Matt said, passing you your ice cream, which you thanked him for.
"Hi, your the Sturniolo triplets, right." One of the girls called.
"Yeah that's us." Nick replied.
"Can we get a picture please?" A second asked.
The guys looked at you as you nodded, not wanting to stop them interacting with their fans. You stood to the side as they took some pictures with the three girls.
"Maybe lay off the ice cream." The third girl whispered to you.
"I'm sorry?" You called.
"I mean it's not doing your figure any good." She responded.
"You calling me fat?" You asked with a scoff.
"Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" She replied.
"Her, nothing. Us, something." Matt said.
He then took the phones from all three girls and deleted the pictures they took. You looked at him in shock as he gave the phones back.
"Next time, think about what you say. Our sister is perfect as she is, it doesn't help her with rude people like you getting involved and putting her down. If you got nothing good to say to people in person or online, don't fucking bother." Matt said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and leading you out the shop, Nick and Chris closely behind.
You all returned to the car, you were very quiet as you finished your ice cream. The guys finished theirs too as you sat in the car quietly.
"How long?" Matt asked.
"How long what?" You replied.
"How long as this been going on?" He replied.
"Oh...Maybe a month. It wasn't too bad at the start, just got worse the past month. I tried hard to ignore it, I swear." You admitted.
"Can I see your phone, kid?" Chris asked.
You nodded, knowing there was no point to hide anything. You passed your phone over, watching as Chris went onto your Insta, seeing all the rude, hateful and disrespectful comments on your posts and in your DMs. He sighed seeing them all.
"I'm sorry, I just tried to ignore it. I don't respond honestly. It's just not fun reading them all." You said.
"We're not mad at you, sweetheart." Matt said softly.
"Someone start a live on Instagram." Nick instructed.
Matt nodded and pulled out his phone, starting a live. You were confused slightly on why Nick suddenly wanted to do one now. You saw the fans flood in and the comments soon follow.
"Hey everyone, I know this is sudden but we have a very important subject to discuss. Chris show them the comments." Nick said.
Chris held up your phone, showing the comments the best he could. You then realised what it was about.
"This is our sister's Instagram comments. As you can see, most of them are sweet, but there are a good few that aren't. More of those hateful comments are rolling in and we're not fucking having it." Nick continued.
"If any of you out there think it's funny to leave a hate comment or DM, then one, your not a real fan and two, your just a horrible person. A lot of these comments come from an account that doesn't have anything on. Be a real person and grow the fuck up." He finished.
"This goes for in person too. We just met these three girls who wanted pictures but one was so fucking rude to Y/n that I deleted them. None of us are taking you saying shit that isn't true about our sister." Matt then said.
The live continued, the guys speaking about the topic and how they weren't going to accept anymore hate towards you or any of their other family or friends. You spoke up a bit, but let them have their talk.
When they wrapped up the live, Chris gave you your phone back, letting you see a lot of the comments gone. You smiled at the three of them.
"Thank you." You said.
"Anytime kid." Nick said, ruffling your hair.
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aqours · 10 months
i've shared my thoughts on this in dms with like 3 people so i wanted to put it on paper so i can always get it
so i think one of the biggest questions that goes around tcoaatl is regarding it's incest, asked in both good faith and by annoying antis: "so is the incest... actually like portrayed as bad? or is it just hot and fetishized and romanticized?" and y'know, i think the most genuinely HONEST answer regarding that is this: "it's both." (the later mostly romanticized)
the Graves siblings have a horrifically co-dependent relationship which even the steam page is very happy to make you remember, multiple characters acknowledge it, it's a fucking awful terrible thing and you can make decisions that acknowledge it and its obvious to anyone with two eyes and a brain capable of basic critical thought that realistically while you can do w/e you want in a fanfic in a canon sense there's no way gravecest cannot result in what will ultimately be a lifetime of suffering even if both parties don't want to admit it. you're condemning them both to a chance of ever finding real genuine happiness that can exist without the other
that being said? they're both conventionally attractive and the game doesn't really shy from making its physical intimacy look hot and it's clear that nemlei doesn't want that physical intimacy to be disgusting or something that will make you feel ashamed if you intentionally pursued
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i feel like this is the aspect of tcoaal that is debated the most on all sides of the fandom and i just wanted to post my own two cents in that i think the answer is "its both." the extent of how co-dependent these two are is very clear that it's not good and that most likely in the final release the best outcome for these two will probably involve acknowledging it
but also if you were to approach nemlei and just told her "listen i just think it's hot i don't give a shit about any of that other stuff i just wanna ship them." i think nemlei herself would nod and respect your decision completely. probably feed you even more if anything
you're free to disagree with me, i just wanna state my own thoughts somewhere, so i think the answer is a very solid "it's both" when it comes to this. tcoaal portrays the incest as horribly psychologically damaging for these two but also at the same time it's obviously not gonna judge you for liking it and if you find it hot nemlei would never judge you for it i think
but i just cannot in any capacity really take the argument it's a hard one or another seriously. i think if tcoaal wanted gravecest to only be seen as bad and horrifying that nemlei would've made different decisions in writing it bc it's obvious she COULD have if she wanted to, but also it's not fair to say it just makes incest look hot and sexy when it does show how fucked up it's characters are because of it
so... just wanted to say yeah- i think it's both
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Am i (FTM 18) the asshole for accidentally telling out friends about how my bf is into CBT? (that's cock and ball torture btw)
So the other day me and my bf's friends were all talking in the group chat we had. My bf is quite a bit older than me so we don't really have the same friends. I'm very open with my friends about my life, even my sex life yeah, though it's all joking. My bf, who I'll call Steve, is decidedly not. He doesn't mind the jokes about it though and we make them with each other and the group chat all the time. ANYWAYS onto the story, we were all talking in the gc and one of my friends made some joke about me needing a dick appointment and i made a joke back about how i needed to be eaten out, kissed and hugged along with the 'dick appointment' and my friend asks if its in that order and i said yes. I jokingly told Steve that we have a new plan for the weekend and he said yes. a second later he says something about how he was gonna say something else but now wasn't going to. Me and my other friend, who I'll call Toby, pestered him about it for a bit until he dmed me telling me it had to be in that order cause he liked eating his cum out of me. 
I screenshotted it and showed it to Toby and we laughed about it for a bit. This isn't the first time I've screenshotted something and sent it to my friend, and Steve knows that. 
Toby jokingly called my boyfriend a freak (which I often do myself, as it’s sort of an inside joke because of the things he’s into.) He then added that he bets Steve would like getting kicked in the balls too, which we both found funny and that prompted me to ask my boyfriend if he’s into it. He immediately knew that I’m asking him to just send it to Toby, but I reassured him that it would stay between us. After a bit of going back and forth between me asking him if he’d be into it and him asking why that’s important, I eventually lied and admitted that I’d like to kick him in the balls just to get an answer out of him. (Btw Toby said that I should just say that *I* want to do it, so that Steve would actually admit if he’s into it or not) Steve was a bit surprised but then he said he’s into CBT. I had no idea how to respond to that, to which Steve got even more suspicious that I’m trying to play a joke on him. I said that’s not true and that I love him and from there on our conversation went a different way. Meanwhile, me and Toby were laughing about it through our DMs, but it was nothing with mean intent. Toby and I joke like that all the time!
Later on, the next day, Steve and I were talking again and he ended up saying something about how if he ever does this one thing, he wanted me to cut his dick off as a joke. The entire message was longer, so I screenshotted it and sent it to the group chat, but I scribbled out the entire message except for when it said “I want you to cut my dick off.” as a joke. Toby and I laughed about it in the groupchat, Steve called me a dick and i jokingly said something like ‘nuh uh, you're into CBT” cause i thought it was obvious everyone else would take it as a joke and toby ended up saying something about how “after yesterday’s conversation, i'm not surprised.” While this conversation was going on, Steve was DMing me telling me to go suck a dick and I said I would go suck one that wasn't his and he told me to have fun. This is also normal for us, to say i was gonna go get fucked by someone else cause then he’d usually fuck the shit out of me and then afterwards we reassure each other that we love eachother and only each other. It's  a sex thing not a toxic thing or something. He wasn't responding back like he normally would and in the moment i thought it was just him pretending to be mad cause he’ll do that sometimes cause i find it hot, but then my friend toby said he would be worried if *his* partner started talking the way Steve was to me, but to him so i got worried and texted him asking if he was alright.
Steve told me that he’s not alright and what I did wasn’t funny. I really thought we were messing around! This wasn’t the first time either of us joked about our kinks with our friends and I thought he was playing along with it the entire time. He told me that he doesn’t find it funny that I asked him such a personal question and then I went to tell Toby and then the rest of the group chat, especially after he thought I was messing with him and I assured him I wasn’t. He told me he wasn’t mad, just hurt, and I suddenly felt really bad for joking about something like that. I explained to him that I wasn’t trying to expose him and I was just joking around. He told me it’s fine, but I still felt very guilty about it, so much so that I began profusely apologizing and even crying at some point because I knew I fucked up real bad. I didn’t feel like I deserved his forgiveness, but he tried reassuring me that I shouldn’t feel so upset about it and that things like that happened all the time. I’m not sure if I could ever forgive myself for making him upset with a joke, but I know that he’s a very forgiving person and he won’t hold it against me even if he was upset.
btw the whole dick appointment joke was cause toby was talking about how he thought i had audhd and i said i needed a therapist then our friends jack said the whole dick appointment thing
ALSO can you tag this with ‼️ /nf just so i can find it later ^^
What are these acronyms?
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Under the mistletoe (modern!Osferth x reader)
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synopsis: Your friends are tired of watching you and Osferth dance around each other, so they push you to do something about all that tension.
warnings: fluff, afab reader
word count: 1.3k
taglist: @hopelesswritergall
(If you want to be tagged in the `kissing booth AU´, for a specific character/fandom or in general let me know in my asks, comments or DMs)
Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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"Ugh why did we wait this long to redecorate?" You whine as you stretch to pull some tinsel of one of the busts in the waiting area of the tattoo and piercing studio. "It's the end of January. Whose idea was it to decorate this much in the first place anyway?" All four of your coworkers give you a look, their eyebrows all different levels of raised. Low laughter follows through the studio and you raise your hands in defeat. "You know we only waited so you would have to help." Sithric whispers in your ear teasingly as he pushes past you to get to a box that was already half filled. "Next time I have an idea like that keep me from it, please. I'm begging you." You reply with a smile. In truth you enjoyed these tasks almost as much as you did working in the studio. There was laughter and music at all times and the customers were great as well. Even if you joined much later than the others, who had helped Uthred build the studio basically from the ground up, they immediately welcomed you and took you into their little family. Bending down to pick up a full box to take it to storage, you feel a cough bubble up your lungs. Immediately Osferth is by your side to take the carton off your hands. "Here, let me take that from you." He says in that usual, kinda quiet and husky voice of his.
"Thank you." You rasp in return. As he actually takes the carton though your hands touch accidentally, making both your faces heat up and the box nearly fall as you look away from each other. Over the antics neither of you notice the other three men rolling their eyes and sharing a look that signified the start of their mission. Too long they had to watch Osferth and you dance around each other. They were tired of the shy glances and flushed faces and whining about how perfect the other was only to never act on the feelings that were harbored and cared for like a delicate flower.
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Despite your complaints the five of you make quick progress. However, with the last full box disappearing, so do three out of five people in the studio. Even more suspicious is that the person you are left with, is Osferth. Not that you would complain about that, not considering the multiple times you had, it simply seems like just the thing your friends would do to nudge you two closer together. Oh and how right you were with that thought. The two of you look through all the rooms to find nothing out of the ordinary aside from your friends obvious missing. At least until you lean in the frame of the door leading outside. A cigarette in hand as you brainstorm what could have happened, when said doorframe gives the answer. Above your heads hangs one last decoration element. A fucking mistletoe. As if on command both Osferth's and your face heat up and you get physically unable to look at each other. "I... We don't have to do this if you don't want to..." He offers in a quiet, uncertain tone. "Yeah, I just wanted to say the same." You give an awkward giggle. "On the other hand it is a tradition, right?"
"And no one would want that kind of bad luck we would conjure by not doing it. I mean..." Osferth adds on.
"Yeah, no, that would definitely be unwanted." You shake your head enthusiastically.
There is a pause for a moment, where Osferth watches your lips wrap around the cigarette bud, to suck in the nicotine, closely. Just like your eyes rest on his to witness the borderline sinful way he tugs the lower lip between his teeth. Then as if on cue both of your eyes shoot up to lock in an intense gaze. A gaze that leaves no questions about what is about to happen. He has you under his spell by those blue eyes, that make you feel like you are about to drown in them. You barely dare to lean to the side to stump out your cigarette in the ashtray, in fear of breaking the moment.
"So..." The beginning of the sentence dies in your throat just as quickly as it began leaving it.
Neither of you has to say anything more either, as through it all you hadn't even realised, that the two of you had started moving closer subconsciously.
You take that last step that separates the two of you towards him and rest your hands on his shirt. The warmth of his skin gets transported even through the soft fabric of the ugly Christmas sweater to your fingertips, warming them nicely against the chilly wind blowing around you. Your eyelids flutter and only seconds before his lips finally brush against yours for the first time they close entirely. The kiss is much like you. A shy connection, that only lasts a second before being pulled away from. Yet it ignites a fire in you and so you give Osferth barely a second before you go in for a second kiss. One that is not so gentle and shy. Despite his surprise, his hands pull you closer by the waist while simultaneously pushing you up against the large glass window. Both of you grasp at each other to keep as close as possible. Drunk on the way your lips pressed against and devoured each other. Every oh so little feeling and missed chance to kiss ever since you first laid eyes on each other flows into the vehement and quite honestly desperate embrace. Unprompted Osferth opens his mouth a bit further, so you take the chance to let your tongue dart out, to lick over his lower lip and into it. Instantly it is met by his own tongue. The way it dances with yours and explores you like no one before, like he wanted to know and memorize every deepest part of you, makes a swarm of butterflies soar up and run riot. You pull each other impossibly close, there is no need for air between you or inside of your lungs. No world around you. No feeling of time. It is all replaced by the electric feeling of him. You are unsure if it is minutes or mere seconds until you get broken up by someone clearing their throat loudly behind you. For all you know it felt like hours. All the more dismayed is your expression when you turn around to see who has interrupted the two of you in the best moment of your life so far.
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"At first it was cute, but can you seriously get a room? Some of us want to have a smoke without watching you basically eat each other." Finan commented dryly.
"You can hardly blame us. In the end this was your plan, wasn't it?" You shoot back in a half defensive half chuckling tone. "Yeah, yeah. Just blame us, it's alright. I just hope you know we'd do it again any day if it meant ending that horrible, horrible tension between you two love birds." Your friend answers with an unapologetic glimmer in his dark brown eyes. Behind you Osferth slips his hand inside yours to intertwine your fingers. The beat your heart skips at the touch reminds you of what you were doing just a minute ago, what you desperately wanted to get back to. You give his hand a short squeeze and then lead him towards one of the rooms in the back. "You know what? Remind me to thank y'all for it later, but now you'll have to excuse me. Osferth and I were kind of in the middle of something." You turn around to see where you are walking. The last sound you can hear from Finan is a low groan, as Sithric who seemingly just joined him asked what was happening. Then the door locks and you two are finally alone again. A fact that you use without hesitation, to crash your lips against each other in a hungry kiss once more. One thing was sure, it was definitely one of the first for many more to come.
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worshippin · 8 days
i feel bad to even say this but it has been nagging at me so.
one of the reasons why the "main character" statements have been made about imogen is bc of the exact thing she did in ep107: completely hijacking fearne's moment. i mean, woof.
i know they're friends playing a game, i know laura probably didn't mean it/was playing into imogen's panicked headspace (she apologized in the moment) and i usually love laura's choices in any campaign, but man.. it's very frustrating. it's not the first time and it's very disheartening. it made me so uncomfortable and really angry on fearne's behalf, especially when it's clear that ashley isn't a fast-paced player and her choices take time -- not only when she acts but as she awaits the results. whenever something is happening that is imogen-centric everyone keeps quiet or say encouraging words but ultimately let her decide, but when it's fearne that is center stage everyone keeps pulling this kind of shit and not letting her have her choices breathe and unravel, letting her control how she wants her narrative to play out.
matt is a great DM and it's very obvious he makes sure to pull ashley in and give her opportunities for fearne to shine, and sometimes his gentle steering pays off greatly so that she allows herself to make any choice, no matter how bold, but in the end he does have to account for everyone's input as well-- which is to say, it can't only be his responsibility to uplift her and as of late it sometimes feels like it is? and idk it's not... great. and look, all things considered this is a show, so it's very frustating to watch.
like, when imogen went home to her dad fearne was nothing but supportive and made sure to ask how imogen was feeling and what was the course of action they were to take and she basically knighted herself as imogen's best friend, protector and follower. imogen had her big familial moment (and lbr she keeps having them). and now it's fearne turn to deal with her daddy issues and imogen can't wait ten fucking seconds for fearne's decision about wether to ally themselves with her father or not? fearne was already conflicted. she didn't feel guilty about the prospect of killing zathuda, but she was hesitating for a reason. she was interested in what he was telling her and what other information she could extract from him. and that's what matters. and that's why it was frustrating to have that taken away so quickly. it felt dismissive of not only fearne's story but of ashley's play. iirc travis was expecting and seemed excited for her to do something big - maybe cast a spell on gloamglut (i was on the edge of my seat thinking she was gonna tame that dragon or polymorph him!). ashton and braius were worried about the dragon and the temple crumbling on top of them; orym was also worried about the dragon and being diplomatic. but imogen popped off before giving fearne a chance. and y'know, sure, idk, maybe i am reading too much into it! maybe my love for fearne is making me see things a bit too harshly. but it doesn't feel like that. it feels like (another) opportunity wasted.
now i do hope this gets addressed next ep, in some way shape or form. one could argue this was just imogen panicking and trying to prevent them from getting separated again, like when ludinus tried to take fearne away. but eh, at this point i doubt that's how she feels (i mean, i sure hope. but wish is a 9th level spell and i don't have access to those yet). she just wanted to kill zathuda.
TL;DR the fact that she attacked before zathuda answered fearne completely derailed everything and shifted the focus from fearne. and yeah, sure, imogen is not the main character. but sometimes it feels like she wants to be, to control everything, fearne's feelings and choices be damned. i don't think anyone in the cast is careless or purposefully dismissive. i don't think it came from a place of malice, of course not. maybe it's just what imogen would do: unknowingly interrupting every moment. it happened. and it keeps happening. but fearne deserves better.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
modern au has me on a choke hold
i was thinking about their social media, take your time answering, just rumbling
aegon is a tiktoker, and kinda of famous and loves pranking everyone and they are all done with his bs💀also he definitely has a yt channel and its always in everyone's personal space with his camera doing vlogs and wtv. he also has a instagram for thirsty traps all day everyday (yes he posts them on ttk too)
i feel like helaena has a tumblr where she posts a lot of pictures of flowers and all her bugs and she is like, really famous there, also i agree with you, she loves cats and post a lot of pictures of dreamfyre, really cute shit and she posts the same thing on her insta along with pictures of her and reader bc i love their friendship and i want be friends with her so bad </3
aemond is just like ewan lets be honest 💀 boy has a instagram with no picture and like 3 followers who are consisted of: helaena, reader and alicent (its private and he blocked aegon for obvious reasons) and i feel like when he started dating reader he changed his profile pic to a pic of him and reader, just really cute shit
(also, sorry for the long ask)
oooooh social media 👀
Aegon is a fuckboy from Tik Tok and most of his followers are thirsty teenage girls. No, despite him being an asshole, he doesn't take advantage of that because he knows they're still kids. He rather seeks one-night stands on Instagram while flirting with women in the DMs. I also have a feeling he'd be into women older than him. He loves a good milf. Yes, he would be a prankster but he'd also make gaming videos. Everything teenage boys like, too. So, he's one of those content creators who are kinda trapped with a teenage audience lol However, I don't think he'd be massively popular because it requires time and patience, meanwhile Aegon is lazy as fuck. He would also lose a bunch of heartbroken teenage followers after posting his videos with you.
Helaena is a Tumblr girlie 100% but, once again, I don't think she'd be popular at all. Plenty of blogs posting cottagecore aesthetics + bugs are rarely anyone's cup of tea. She wouldn't care, though, because she's not doing it for the notes. And she would have some online friends from Tumblr who were her only friends for a long time (I can relate lol)
Aemond blocking Aegon on social media is so true, omg! And yeah, he totally wouldn't post anything or he'd have like three posts on a private Instagram account (of his dog Vhagar). All would have sweet comments from Alicent. On Facebook he would have a screenshot from some cartoon as a profile picture. He's secretive but he also doesn't want to gather even more attention than usual. But, yes, for his girl he would change a bit. He'd let you post a picture with him once in a while and maybe, eventually, he'd change his Facebook picture to the one of you and him. He's also the type to have his sweetheart's picture as a Facebook header. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Aemond had a Tumblr blog, too.
Alicent would have an Instagram only to follow her kids (and their girlfriends) and she always leaves cringe but sweet comments and she's posting things like her kids' pets, flowers in the garden etc. and the pics aren't edited and they're often out of focus. On Facebook she would share memes all the time because she's bored at home and she doesn't have much else to do. She would also spam her kids' messengers with links to some memes and scam articles from Facebook ("You're only wearing black? Find out what it means" @ Aemond for example). Oh, and she would think Aemond is super mean for blocking Aegon and keeps telling him to unblock his brother because she thinks this silly thing is a symptom of them hating each other for real or something like that (she's read somewhere that young people treat social media too seriously).
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moonpoolcat · 2 months
Personal question but you said in your bio you were abandoned by the last fandom you were a part of? how did that happen if you don't mind me asking?
Oh I can for sure answer that. The last fandom I was a part of was a sci-fi based furry server I had been a part of for years. I treated everyone there like family, my art improved because of them and I looked up to the owner of the server like a second parent an I regret it to this day. However the owner of the discord server allowed children to run her server an be in an area that was 13 an up when it should have been 18 an up. I was openly stalked an harassed by a dam 15 year old for 2 years an I had screenshots worth of evidence and the mods did nothing- The server was severely toxic and I had called out it's issues twice to where I was banned not once but three FUCKING TIMES! Do you understand that they made me to be the bad guy because I refused to keep my mouth shut. She let mods abuse their power an did nothing, she hired random strangers with no mod application to be admins even though there were users who had been there since the servers opening an were never chosen it was all favoritism from the start. One of those bans was for an entire year an they didn't even let me back in after a month when they promised to let me rejoin. I was forgotten... I was a pest. A RAT to them. I was on a list of troublemakers when I had done nothing but try an keep the server safe, even accidentally co-running it because none of the mods were on until I said something that pissed them off. They didn't defend anyone unless it was their stupid little friend group giving them extra privilege's. DO NOT make it obvious you have favorites I will openly hate you for your entire existence. Keep that shit to yourself an don't enrage your fans. This child made unwanted unconsented ships, lore broke an bypassed multiple rules, had a futa kink, misrepresented lesbians, the trans community multiple times misrepresented people with multiple personality disorders, fact checking, an overall being a dick to everyone. As of now I am banned forever an no longer allowed to return, the place I once called home is now gone forever, the countless ocs I drew are long forgotten an i have been abandoned. All because of poor management... This is why I don't talk to younger users an have openly wrote in my bio that I don't want them dm me on this platform. I am openly blunt an none of them would handle an argument with me even if they tried. It just reminds me that no matter what I do everyone will always say "they're just a kid" MAN FUCK THAT! If you do some dumb shit I'm calling you out on it I don't care how young you are you're old enough to make an account, you're aware of what's right or wrong don't be stupid your actions have consequences. You want to be an adult I'll treat you like one. Go fucking cope for all i care. To this day I had successfully managed to get them banned from every server an I will keep doing it until they erase themselves from the internet.
Fuck with my life I break your legs so no one cna help you :) Call this controversial I don't care much social is a distaser now. ELIAM WHITE IF YOU'RE READING THIS FUCK YOU! GO KILL YOURSELF YOU SCUMBAG YOU ABSOLUTELY RUINED MY LIFE. since you can't even bother to change your username on any social media platform. I hope everyone on here knows you're a zoophile for fetishising Dobermans, wolves, dragons, and any form of big cat. No your stupid mutt of a dog is not part wolf stop bragging about it. Your lore an ocs are complete ass no one wants to read that shit garbage you call a fandom. YOU DO NOT HAVE ADHD, no one makes notes of strangers on their phones, stalks their timezones an hits on their oc the moment they create one. You hate everyone who's in a relationship trying to be a third wheel you creep. NOT TO MENTION YOU'RE A PEDO FOR SHOWING PORN TO MINORS YOUNGER THAN YOU! YOU ACTIVELY HAVE NOTHING BUT ADULTS FOR FRIENDS YOU WILL GET THEM ALL SENT TO JAIL! And for anyone else reading this from that server I hope you know that you are all good for nothing traitors an have ignored my pleas for help for far too long. None of you believed in me an none of you bothered to see what this little boy has done. Fuck you all. GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!
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voyeur-clairvoyant · 1 year
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So here's the deal:
♠️ This is a sideblog focused in: Tarot cards + divination + witchcraft? ♥️ Main blog here: @random-conspiracy I post good stuff! I swear! But it's also a heavily fandom focused blog so if you like me, you can follow me in both. (And if I like you I'll follow you with my main one ajhsahsa). ♣️ I make FREE tarot readings! Just make your fucking ASK and I'll answer along the day (probably). Ask me about your fandom, about about your life, about your neighbor... Anything! If you want some privacy, you can DM me too.
I also read with Lenormand cards and other kind of oracles. But if you don't know anything about this you don't actually need to know it ghashsahsa so don't worry about it. (You can request it if you want, otherwise I'll answer your question with the deck I think is more useful in that case).
♦️ Some fucking warnings: Never, never, NEVER put blind faith in what a bunch of cardboard cards have to say. I do this as a form of entertaiment. I'm NOT your spiritual guide or your doctor or your psychologist or your parent. I will ignore your question if you ignore my warnings.
Yeah, I think that's it. If I remember I need to add something else I'll do it later ashshasa. OH WAIT! I need to add this:
What the fuck are tarot cards?
Hhashahsa you think something is obvious until you go out of the bubble.
♠️ What the fuck are tarot cards? Tarot cards are a tool in cartomancy. It's a deck of playing cards born in the middle ages. It has illustrations of deep concepts from humanity, which makes it perfect for fortune-telling. ♥️ What the fuck is cartomancy? Cartomancy is the art and practice of reading the future (and other stuff) with playing cards or any deck of cards. ♣️ Oh shit! Is divination real? Short answer: No. Long answer: When you see a movie do you expect EVERYTHING to be absolutely real? No. You want it to be interesting and coherent, right? That's how this shit works. It may not be real (at least that we know) but it's always interesting to see. ♦️ So... what do I do? Tarot cards answer questions (about the future, present and past). You could ask "Is my project going to slay?" or "Will my relationship continue to be awesome?". Those are very good questions. Maybe you dont have a question to ask, in which case I would draw some cards for your close future (but obvioulsy this would result in a more vague reading). “How many atoms are in my cup?”, “How do I cure the cancer of my grandma?” and specially “Where is my penis?” are TERRIBLE questions.
That said...
Do you feel LUCKY?
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tmbatcat · 5 months
Your turn! 7, 17, 33, 34 and 35 :D
ok, tnx for asking me back, I like the back and forth :]
sorry this took a while
7 What scares you the most and why?
The future. I don't have a plan for it and I can't predict it. What will I do? Idk, I don't like working, jobs don't like me cuz I'm not a productive machine and I feel like my art skills are not enough to keep me afloat if I ever want to start commissions. Also being alone...
17 Name 3 things that make you happy?
Uff, eh, making artistic stuff, seeing other people exited or happy about stuff and... talking with friends and then randomly they tell you small things that they like about you and you were anxious about [they like my voiceeeee !!!!] (if you're curious about the context, we can talk in dms <3 )
33 Any hobbies?
Drawing mainly (digitaly and traditionaly), playing the same 3 games over and over again (binding of isaac, dead cells, minecraft)... tried to get into sawing but had the problem of "not being good at it instantly" and now that is on pause. Collecting stuffed animals; I have a big collection and some handmade ones (not by me). I could show pics if you're interested :]
34 Any pet peeves?
Hypocriet and dumb people that are confident, that double down and not search if they are right... I'm going to ramble for a bit.
Once, when I was in an art club (specifically clay modeling), we were talking about stuff and a girl said "Ants aren't insects. " and I stopped everything I was doing just to make sure I heard her right. And I did, she also said that insects aren't animals which got me fucking pissed. How, how can you be that dumb and confident in yourself?? Also, the most annoying part, the teacher didn't want to take parts and only said that we should stop arguing. I asked him multiple times if I was right and he didn't answer.
I will forever be annoyed at that interaction.
35 Do you trust easily?
We started talking about 3 days ago and I overshared my heart out, told you where I come from, about my psihologie (my skills), Jean opinions, art and fanfics ... I think it's kinda obvious (I would probably give my life to save you if I had to)
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blue-aconite · 5 days
Can we please have a little background info on let me drown? 💕
Vee, first I'd like to apologise for not answering this sooner. Second, I'm so excited you want to know more about Let Me Drown. I've been wracking my brain for this ask and I've decided to put it underneath a cut. There won't be any significant spoilers, but better safe than sorry!
You can find some background here. Find out more below the cut!
Like I've said before, I actually can't exactly remember how I came up with the idea for LMD. As I mentioned in the post linked above, there was another fic planned called "Mid-Air Collision", which had similar elements that I've adapted into LMD.
In the film, it's very obvious Rooster and Hangman share some kind of history. They don't like each other and there's some kind of slumbering conflict between the two of them. I found that fascinating and while I do love me a good Hangster fic, I knew I wanted to create something else this time around.
I think there was a dream involved where I saw parts of the fic. Call me crazy, I don't know and when I woke up, there was only a vague memory of what had happened. But I couldn't let it go.
I made this, which became my first visual for the fic and after creating this, I made two separate Pinterest boards. One for Bradley and one for Jake.
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In MAC, Bob's little sister was named Sasha, which I used in my first draft. But the name never felt right, she didn't feel like a Sasha. So while I recycled parts of the character into LMD, I knew I needed to let her become her own person. There might have been a poll involved in choosing a name, or maybe I asked for opinions in the Discord server, but either way, Thea got stuck on my mind (I was most likely looking at baby name websites).
I wrote this in the Discord, saying to get ready for pain and angst:
Bradley slammed Jake against the wall, knuckles white as he tugged on the shorter man’s shirt. “Shut the fuck up!” He sneered, trying desperately to ignore the way Jake seemed to thrive on his anger. Hangman smirked as if their position didn’t bother him in the slightest. The rest of the squad tried to pry them apart, tried to get Bradley to let go but he held fast. Jake didn’t once try to break free, he just kept a hold on Bradley’s wrists. “Calm down Chicken.” The nickname, that Bradley hated, was the last straw as he pulled back only to raise his fist instead. If he couldn’t get Hangman to stop smirking, he’d punch his face instead. What he didn’t count on was Bob of all people stepping between them and blocking Bradley’s fist.
And another few blurbs, but it all started with the confrontation between Rooster and Hangman at the Hard Deck and Bob picking Jake's side over Bradley's (this event has not occurred in the timeline for the fic yet and what I've shared above has changed a lot).
Bradley's issues came into play quite early and I knew before I even started writing that he and Thea were doomed from the beginning. There was no way for either of them to make it out of the relationship unscathed and I always knew Bradley was going to break her heart.
There was a point where she never found about his infidelity directly from Rooster but rather Athena, but I owed it to both of them that Brad was the one coming clean about his actions. There was even a time where Thea was going to forgive him at first but as Bradley's toxic behaviour unraveled itself and became such an important part of his downfall, I knew Thea would never do that.
Same as I knew Bradley and Thea would never make it, I knew Jake and Thea were destined to be together. That was a no-brainer.
The balance between writing Bradley and Jake as love interests is what intrigued me the most, how different and at the same time, alike, they are. It's a swamp of navigation but I knew I needed to write it.
I could go on and on but I'll stop here. Thank you so much for this ask, it's been great fun answering it. You know my DM's are always open!
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dr-jonathan-fanshawe · 4 months
Greetings. My name is Jonathan Fanshawe. Through a series of events that I assume to be a work of the Dread Powers, I had been sent almost two centuries into the future. One thing I'm sure of is that such occurrences have no reason but to torture the person unlucky enough to cross any of those forces. Struggling against it will not save me, for there is no escape if they decided to make you one of their targets.
Take my advice: leave before it's too late for you as well.
hello! my obsession with that man won, so here I am. some things you would probably want to know:
who the fuck is Jonathan Fanshawe?
statement giver of episode 127, one of Jonah's friends. he doesn't really exist as a character outside of that one statement, so my characterization of him is heavily based on my headcanons. I will make a big post about them later
what's going on here?
the premise is that Jonathan time traveled from 1831-1832 (after breaking up with Jonah) to modern times. he is an avatar of the flesh and is about 45 years old. this blog is set in the same "universe" as @jonahmagnus-research and @betonbennett. check out my boyfriend's accounts as well: @the-peoples-church and @the-restless-man; I interact with them lot too
this place gets rather inappropriate at times. and by that I mean quite often. block 'cw suggestive' if you don't want to see it. however, there will not be any full-on nsfw content
this hasn't happened yet, but just in case: don't come to me for genuine medical advice. lighthearted asks where you don't expect actual help are fine, but nothing more serious, please. I am not a doctor, and I don't want to be responsible for your health
it might take me a lot of time to respond to asks/posts. if I take too long (more than 4 days), chances are I lost the chain I was supposed to answer to/forgot about it. please, dm me about it!
tagging system
'#out of character' – for ooc posts. does not include posts with ooc remarks in tags
'#asks' – for the obvious
'#doctor's note' – for original posts in-character. doesn't include reblogs with additions
'#rp chain' – for interactions with other rp blogs or people through reblogs
'#cw suggestive' – horny jail
'#cw romance' – for romantic things
'#housekeeping' – posts about the blog - like this one
'#complete' – completed rp chains in which I took part
'#reblog' – for posts (rp posts and not) that are not necessarily relevant to Jonathan/to which Jonathan can't respond for some reason. always assume they are ooc unless stated otherwise
'#self rb' – reblogs from my other blogs about my headcanons about him
see full list of content warnings here
other stuff
english is not my first language, so forgive me for my mistakes. also, I can't really do old time-y speech, but I will try my best. I hope that's okay!
come talk to me about Jonathan on my tma sideblog @magnus-rar or my main @nemorhem
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ni-de-mama · 5 months
ace attorney fans on discord, yall are fucking stupid. genuinely this is the stupidest discourse ive seen in my entire fucking life. the owner was removing unsafe people from her server. it's HER fucking server and she has the complete right to. dont dms exist? who the FUCK is policing you here? why do we need to have this fucking war when you could just go to another server with that banned member? fucking hell, have some common sense. the fact that adults are getting so aggressive makes it even worse. the minor here is making stupid decisions and saying stupid things and yall are encouraging her. nobody from the mod team was fucking coddling anyone. they were literally just saying we shouldn't fucking encourage harmful behaviour in their server. literally go encourage it in another server and it won't be any of the mods' business and they won't give a flying fuck. and what's with rejoining after ban with a new account? why the fuck are yall even trying to stay at this point if you hate this server and the mod team then fucking LEAVE. literally what do you want?????????? clearly the mods are being sent into panic attacks because of yall. do yall feel great now??? i was so glad i found a space i could talk in with other aa fans, and now ive lost that thanks to yalls stupid fucking discourse over some idk nearly 30 year old who doesn't know how to communicate properly. and the minor in question? not everything is about you. even i can see that, as a lurker. protecting minors does not mean bending to your every will. fucking hell, this server wasnt made just for you. protecting minors meant protecting all the other minors who felt unsafe, good for you if you didn't! you don't have to be so selfish and want the adult to stay so the other minors can feel unsafe lolllll. why did that mod have to justify them being uncomfortable around that adult? does it not matter that they just did? and now the mods are the ones shutting you down? use your fucking brain please. can't believe i have to lose this place because of this. literally everyone got too comfortable with hurting the mods here. its not even like yall couldve done a better job communicating with the banned member, the mod team clearly did their best to communicate with someone who only knew how to retaliate to their every request. are yall blind? i could see that happen, how come yall couldnt? bc yall are their friends obvious fucking ly. not to mention the banned member started spreading rumours that the owner called them a predator? fucking almost 30yo and youre still spreading rumours? christ on earth lol i saw everything. i saw the video i saw screenshots. that did not happen. is it that hard to look at this situation with less bias towards the ""victim""?? hope yall are happy that yall hurt the other members who love this place, and most of all the mod team who has to deal with yalls bullshittery. fucking wake up and see how stupid yall have been acting. jfc this is disgusting, yall disgust me, in a server for a game abt law yall clearly have not learnt anything. bringing your horrifying reading comprehension from tumblr to discord. sorry, clearly yall did not even fucking read whatever the mods said. yall ask for an explanation, the mods gave you one, you rebut it with a completely irrelevant point and then we go back to square one? not only that but yall kept demanding answers angrily, hostile and aggressive. how many times did the mods say they would be releasing a statement soon? yall asking for answers would give them no time to write it. and they have fucking lives outside of discord, unlike yall who have nothing to do but shout at strangers on the internet because they wont bend to your will in THEIR server. yall make me laugh. grow the fuck up. all of yall need to grow the actual fuck up.
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dexadin · 2 years
What's your opinion on female Strahd/"Strahdyana"? I know it's a popular way of reducing the creep factor inherent in the CoS module, but it always rubbed me the wrong way somehow.
This will also probably be a long one because I have been shaking it around in my brain like a snowball.
So first off, I do not actually care if you make your Strahd a woman, I know that there are Big Name D&D players who do it successfully. I believe Ginny Di runs a female Strahd, and what I've seen of it from over on Twitter seems pretty neat. That being said, I think about Strahd, like, too much, and also spend a lot of time on CoS reddit and twitter, and I do think a lot of DMs use female!Strahd as a quick & dirty way to reduce the creep factor, like you said, without really considering the power imbalances and forces at play that allow Strahd to be a creep. I think that might be why it rubs you the wrong way the same way a lot of it rubs me the wrong way. It isn't actually the gender swap that's the core problem, but the lack of assessment that goes into a lot of these types of games. I'm going to go into Probably Too Much Detail as to why below the cut
CW for discussions of sexism, sex/gender based violence, suicide, and homophobia, as well as major spoilers for Curse of Strahd below the cut
As written in the module, Strahd is a horrible fucking monster. He acts like an incel and is a manipulative, jealous, psycho-sexual creep. Strahd works as a timeless villain, because he's more than just a bogeyman. He is not only the monster under the bed, but the monster sharing the bed. He's deeply pathetic and deplorable and terrifying all at the same time. I think this is something a lot of tables don't want to tackle headfirst for obvious reasons, but still want to enjoy the classic gothic horror of CoS, and I think that's great! D&D is supposed to be fun, and as written, CoS is a meatgrinder that can be a pain in the ass to slog through at times. But in my opinion, it requires a lot of work on the part of the DM to really look through the module and see what needs to be kept, what needs to be reworked or reinterpreted, and what needs to be scrapped.
I think that it's very easy to see a character like Strahd whose main plot revolves around gendered, sexual violence (pursuing an unwilling Tatyana to and through her death) and say that changing him to a her will fix that gendered violence in a way I really do not vibe with.
For example, simply changing Strahd to lady!Strahd isn't going to make finding a 16-year-old Gertruda in her bed any less terrible. Lady!Strahd might make the initial discomfort of the pursuit of Ireena less uncomfortable, especially if you change the subject of Strahd's pursuit to Ismark, but it doesn't actually change the immorality of the actions. And obviously, lady!Strahd will not fix the fact that she pursued Tatyana (or even guy!Tatyana) until she is driven to suicide.
If you change Strahd to a woman, are you also going to gender-swap the rest of the characters, or are you just going to have a woman be responsible for the torture and killing of so many women and children? In the same vein, are you going to consider the potential homophobic implications of having a lesbian predator treat women the same way as-writ Strahd would? Are you going to dismantle the power structures that exist in CoS just as diligently as you would with a male antagonist? Are you going to make sure that your changes aren't diminishing or making light of gendered and sexual violence perpetrated against men by women? Will these changes alone be enough to make CoS enjoyable by you and your players? Obviously, if the answer is yes, then go off! Use your safety tools and keep communication open. I just think that sometimes DMs, especially on Reddit, think they're doing a lot with lady!Strahd without doing much at all.
That said, I do think there is some interesting potential in CoS having a woman antagonist, though. I think it could be fun to explore some antiquated gender dynamics-- is it really Tatyana that Strahd is after, or is Strahd jealous of Sergei because he's the male heir who received their parent's keep, while Strahd had to go out and fight for her respect? How would Strahd's relationship to Rahadin, or Fiona Wachter potentially change? I think a woman Strahd would make a great baseline to bring Baba Lysaga to the forefront as a more prominent, plot-important enemy than she's written as. I'd love to see what could happen with that maternal dynamic with a hardened woman instead of an entitled man. From what I've seen though, that's not the kind of thing most DMs who gender swap Strahd are looking for. I could be wrong though!
TLDR: lady!Strahd can be a fun way to challenge preconceived notions about the module, and to revamp (heh) the story a little. It can also give your players a new way to simp over Strahd, because BBEG-fuckers come in all genders and sexual orientations. However, I think a lot of DMs use it as a way to fix the module through 'girlboss-ifying' Strahd instead of confronting its many, many issues, and I don't think it should be used as the DMs primary method of 'fixing' the module. In fact, I think it can actually open more ideological cans of worms than running it as written.
On a lighter note, I do think Strahdyana von Zarovich is a silly name. Like, Strahdyana doesn't feel particularly Slavic, it's not good to look at or say, and it feels weird especially when you are keeping Tatyana's name Tatyana. But most importantly, it should be von Zarova because that's how Slavic surnames work. The naming conventions are frustratingly inconsistent in the book, but if you're gonna do it at all, I say do it better LMAO
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26: "honestly why would I care?"
Fanfic of OFMD ed x stede
Rating: M/E
Cw: violence, like a lot-but I tried not to be too graphic, mention of blood, injury, swearing, alcohol, mentions of death including murder, guns. (I think that is all, if someone notices something I didn't tag promise I just missed it, please dm and I'll add it to the cw list, this is my first fanfic ive posted so im not entirely sure how cw tags work)
26 "honestly why would I care?"
This is why he had to kill him. He made him weak. This was the second time they had been captured together and of course he had stayed with him.
Stede was slumped over in the corner, a green bruise forming on his temple where he had been hit by the butt of the rifle. Ed looked at his boots. Stede left. He hated Stede. He wanted to hold Stede while he was injured and he hated himself for that. Its good Stede was fucked up. Maybe he would die of the injury and it would solve all of Ed's problems. He was Blackbeard for fucks sake. Why did this little frilly man undo him like this? And then Ed looked at Stede again. A mistake. Stede looked like this when they met. Unconscious and injured.
He was very aware of Stedes breathing when he realized that his breaths became quicker. He was waking up. The Spanish had been wise and chained them to the wall of the ship. Bolts he imagined went through to the hull based off the size of the bolts coming out of the wall. He pretended to be extremely interested in them when Stede finally came to.
"Ed?" He said in that weak voice that calmed the turmoiltus storm in Ed's soul. That made Ed angry so he ignored Stede and continued to be extremely interested in this extremely boring bolt.
"Ed?" Stede asked again. His voice stronger now. He was awake fully now which violently annoyed Ed.
Ed side eyed Stede with the bitchiest look he could conjure but he was so handsome covered in other men's blood and his torn emerald green silk shirt that Ed quickly looked away.
"Oh, Ed, please look at me."
Ed physically shifted his body so his back would be to Stede. A rather awkward action as his leg was broken and both his hands chained to the wall at a point that stretched his arms up just high enough that it rather pinned him to the wall in one way, back flat against the wall and facing Stede. He still managed it but it was an incredibly choppy and painful movement. But it was better than looking at the only man who ever managed to break his heart.
"Ed, darling..."
"Hrummph" came Ed's response.
"Is your leg broken?" Stede asked in that gentle voice of his. The only gentle voice Ed had never felt was trying to take advantage of him.
"What do you care?" Came the terse answer, though it was rather muffled as Ed's face was directly into the wall.
"Ed, darling, please. Give me a moment to explain myself." Came the voice from behind him. That voice so polished and pleasant. And painful. That voice that once said that Ed made him happy. That voice that lied.
"Whats there to explain? Honestly, why should I care? You made your decision rather obvious. Honestly, why are you even here?"
"I'm here because, well, black Pete insisted we try this jam at a stall and well I'm always on the look out for a good jam then the Spanish attacked and well um they ended up putting us both in the same - ya know what, it doesn't matter."
"Ugh!" Came the muffled groan from the most feared pirate on the 7 seas. "Of couse you got captured for jam."
"I was looking for you, Ed."
"Whatever for, Stede. You don't have anything to say to me. And don't call me that. Ed. Thats only for my *closest* friends. Which you aren't. Never were." Came the muffled reply.
"Well yes we got a bit distracted by the jam. But we were in port because I heard a rumor you were there. And we need to talk. Me and you."
"Whats there to talk about? You left. Now you're back. La. De. Dah."
The silence that followed weighed heavy on both of them and Ed finally gave into his desire to look at Stede. Spinning his head around at a rather awkward angle he finally looked at Stede again.
The absolute bastard had the audacity to look beautiful. The silk shirt was open and ripped in annoyingly slutty places. The blood of the men he'd killed framed his face almost delicately, the scarlet color bringing out the blue in his eyes, the emerald shirt elegantly contrasting his blonde hair that now included a rather dashing beard and mustache.
Stede thankfully took Ed's silence as an act of contriteness and not as an inability to form a complete sentence due to his besotted state.
Ed snapped out of it when he realized he couldn't kiss this man again.
"You came back" Ed snarled.
"I never left." And that's when he felt Stede tap his foot. Looking to their feet Stede's boot rested against Ed's good foot.
Ed shuffled himself back around so he would be properly sitting again but still wouldn't look properly at Stede pulling his feet away from the reach of Stede's feet. A bit of a painful process with the one broken leg but he gritted his teeth and hoped Stede didn't see the tears well in his eyes when his foot landed at a bad angle.
"Why?" Ed asked.
Stede's answer was cut short by the sound of gunfire. The lock had been blown off the door.
The door swung open to show Jim standing in the door way with a smoking pistol. Olu's voice echoed behind them, "Jim, we have the keys." Olu shuffled around the trigger happy assassin and pulled out the keys and began unchaining both captains.
"Sorry for the wait captains the plan went a bit awry but we've managed to pull most of it off but we'd best git quickly before Roach and Frenchy accidentally-"
*BOOM* Echoed through the ship tossing it sharply starboard.
"Nevermind, they already did it." Olu sighed. "Come on captain."
"I can walk, Ed needs help" said Stede with concern in his voice.
"Alright then, I'll cover you two getting Blackbeard off the ship. But we need to hurry before it fuckin sinks because of those fucking imbéciles."
They pulled two more pistols seemingly out of thin air and marched forward.
Olu put Ed's left arm over his shoulders as Stede did the same with his right. They began carrying him down the hall. The rat bastard Stede had the AUDACITY to smell good too. Like old leather and vanilla and black tea. So close to him, their faces almost touching. Olu was also rather close but he did rather smell like old tobacco smoke and gunpowder.
The foray was rather impressive in the background with the rushing and flooding water that was turning red with blood of the people Jim was rather violently killing in front of them. Olu shouting encouragement and praise at Jim like, "nice throw!" And " that was very sexy the way you shot that guy without looking at him!" Jim would glance back with a smile and stab another person.
He ignored the lingering thought that it must be nice to have a supportive partner who encouraged and praised your hobbies and career successes.
"Ed?" He heard in his right ear again. "Ed, I was wrong. What I did. I know I had to do it to get some clarity but it made me realize what I wanted."
They lifted Ed over the pile of bodies that littered the stairs to the deck. Ed was in a lot of pain.
"Ed, please say something."
"I am in a lot of pain."
Stede grabbed a bottle of rum from a pirate who was being stabbed by a Spaniard.
"Here this will help numb the pain."
Ed drank the bottle as fast as possible. It was nearly 3/4 full. It did help dull the pain in his leg at least but did nothing to help the feeling of being eaten alive from inside his chest out.
By the time they got to the waiting dingy the deck had nearly sank to the surface of the ocean. Rather conveint as Ed would not have been able to climb down a ladder.
"Hop in captains!" Urged Fang brandishing the oar.
They crawled and stumbled into the dingy. Stede first and Olu nearly dropped Ed into the dingy. Unable to steady himself Ed found himself falling onto Stede resting his body on Stede's starkly bare chest (his shirt somehow becoming more ripped in the foray) and his face only a few inches from Stede's. Olu hopped in and Jim pushed them off from the ships side. Fang and Olu began rowing as fast as they could while Jim dove head first into the brink swimming for another dingy containing the two morons who preemptively blew up the ship, and they felt it rather important to cuss them out in Spanish while brandishing an astonishing amount of knives as soon as possible.
Ed tried to adjust himself so he was no longer so close to Stede only to find Stede was holding him around the waist.
"Don't move too much. You've a broken leg and I'm quite certain our little stroll did not improve it."
Ed tried to make a grunting sound but to his horror it sounded more like a whimper.
"Ed. I love you. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You've always had me. You always will."
"You've lied to me before. How do I know you're not now."
"Well, you don't, I suppose. You'll just have to trust me. But I swear to you," Stede shuffled himself so he would be holding Ed slightly more comfortably and less like a nurse and more like a lover. "I'm good on this promise."
Ed couldn't hold it in anymore.
He kissed Stede like he need it to breathe.
He then passed out in Stede's arms cause the rum mixed the extreme pain finally got to him. He felt at peace for the first time in a long time cradled in his lover's arms.
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
kinktober: hellcheer edition
prompt 11: rope bondage word count: 2.2k
MINORS DNI you should know that by now lol
Chrissy watches over her shoulder the best she can, Eddie's tongue stuck between his lips in concentration as he tightens the ropes around her forearms.
"Never was a boy scout," he states, "so these aren't the best knots, but hopefully they'll do." She hears the mattress springs as he sits back on his haunches. "Test 'em out."
Dutifully she flexes her arms, trying to separate them to no avail. He smiles to himself as she grunts with effort. "Does it hurt at all?"
"No," she reassures, huffing lightly as she settles into the bonds.
"Good. One more final touch." He's on the move again, off the bed and she's confused for a second until she hears the rattle of a metal chain. Her eyes widen as she remembers the handcuffs on his wall.
"Don't you think that's overkill?" she inquires, heart in her throat.
"Oh, this isn't for your wrists, baby." Clarity comes rushing in as cold metal slides around her ankle, clicking shut before he stops. "You don't need to use the bathroom, do you?"
Her tension is broken by her own laughter. "No, I'm okay." A pause. "But, um…what's that for?"
"Can't have you running away," he says as if it's obvious. His cock twitches at that, secretly and excessively excited that this was her idea. Thanks to his writings as a DM, Eddie nurses a few long-time kidnapping fantasies. Not about Chrissy specifically, just a lonely maiden here, a scorned prince there. Until now, of course.
She shivers, due only partly to the fact that she's naked, more to the thought of all those rumors she’s heard over the years about Eddie. Chrissy trusts him, nigh implicitly, but every now and then she wonders idly if she's really about to disappear from the face of the earth.
She thinks she may not mind at all, as long as they disappear together.
“Run away from you? Why would I wanna do that?” she simpers, wiggling her butt at him as he connects her ankles to the bed frame. He chuckles, grabbing and squeezing a cheek as he moves to lean over her. 
She groans at feeling his fully clothed erection press into her ass, and he brushes her hair back from her ear to murmur, low and sultry. “You might finally come to your senses.”
As she shudders, he pulls her up by her arms, stacking his pillows under her chest so she’s not forced to rest on her neck at a possibly painful angle. She wonders why though, honestly surprised that he’s not fucking her by now. “How was your day?” he asks, stroking her hair.
“Uhm…” She’s thrown by the question, just like he wants. “Well, it was kind of stressful, actually.”
“Wanna tell me about it?” He’s still stroking, his fingers tenderly grazing her scalp. She almost says no, but she’s learned by this point that when she plays along with his acts, good things happen. Very good, multiple-orgasm things.
“Just the usual,” she sighs, his thumb grazing the shell of her ear. “Everyone on the squad looks at me like I always have all the answers. And I know I’m captain, but sometimes…sometimes I…I wish I…wasn’t.” She’s faltering as his hand moves from her hair, down between her shoulders, over her arms. “Eddie, what are you doing?”
She sounds hesitant, on edge, so he removes his hand completely. “You don’t want me touching you?”
“It’s not that, I just don’t understand what you’re doing.” Now that his hand’s gone, her voice takes on a slight needy tone. “We’re usually having sex by now.”
“Oh, I’m not going fast enough for you,” he gathers, sliding a hand under her breast and the other down to her soft, puffy cunt to gently rub. “Go on, you were saying?”
Chrissy’s eyes flutter closed, his fingers threatening to breach her as he squeezes and rolls her nipple. “Wh…What was I saying?”
“Something about not wanting to be in charge, from how I understood it.” He huffs a laugh at the end, feeling her squirm into his hand to push his fingers inside.
“Of the squad, yeah,” she breathes. “But I don’t have a choice because it looks good on an application…college application…oh God, Eddie, please.” His fingers slide around in quick circles, not even touching her clit and still not inside.
“Sweetheart, you sound tense,” he croons, fingers tapping lightly on her pussy lips and she whimpers, seeing this for what it it.
“Because you’re teasing me,” she whines, her clit twitching from his continued attention to her breast.
“I’m just trying to help you relax.” He says it innocently enough, but she can still hear the thinly veiled taunting note she knows all too well.
“Please, Eddie, I need it,” she begs, since apparently that’s what he wants. He responds by sliding his fingers in, all the way up to his palm, making her gasp and buck. Chrissy lets out a trembling cry as he crooks his fingers, stroking at her inner wall.
He groans as she clenches around him, leaning down to her ear again as his hand leaves her breast. “I need it, too, babygirl, but I have a few things I need to do first.”
“Okay,” she chokes out, figuring that his to-do list involves her anyway. But as he removes the hand from her pussy and leaves her aching, as she hears him walk out the door into the hallway, she realizes that’s not the case. “Eddie?”
“I’ll be right back.” She drops her face into the pillow, growling in frustration. He’s going to make her wait, and tied up like she is, there’s nothing she can do about it. As she goes silent, she hears the water running in the kitchen. After a couple of minutes of her confusion turning to exasperation, she speaks up.
“What are you doing?”
“Just had to finish up some dishes.”
Her anger is instant, but she couldn’t have heard him correctly. “Dishes? Are you serious?!”
“I know, I know, I should’ve finished them sooner,” he calls back, standing by the empty sink and snickering to himself.
“Eddie!” He tries not to laugh, doubled over from the effort, and he can tell she’s getting upset. “At least untie me!”
“I thought you didn’t wanna be in control anymore.”
She’s beside herself at that, sputtering for a moment. “I didn’t mean like this!”
He turns the water off to hear her better, deciding to push his luck just a little bit more. “Sorry, what?! I couldn’t hear you.”
But he hears her grunt in annoyance, the chain of the handcuffs clinking against the bed frame, and decides he’s been cruel long enough. He strips his shirt off, throwing it to the floor as he starts silently down the hallway. His belt’s a little trickier, clanking lightly as he unfastens it near the bathroom door. “Eddie?”
He doesn’t answer, just slides his jeans down to the floor slowly so they won’t make any noise. He thumbs at the waistband of his boxers until they fall in a heap as well, peering around the doorway to peek at her.
Chrissy’s still on her knees, bent over the pillows, but her arms rub together as much as possible and he realizes she’s trying to undo the ropes. “Do they need to be looser?”
She starts hard, yelping before growling at him. “Jesus, Eddie!” She tries to look over her shoulder but he’s just out of sight. “Did you get your dishes done?” Her voice is dripping with sarcasm, and it’s obvious he’s been caught in his little white lie.
“Changed my mind,” he fibs, his smile showing through in his voice, leaning toward the foot of the bed and her ass. “You didn’t answer my question.” He places a kiss on one cheek, then the other as she huffs in dulled irritation.
“The ropes are fine,” she begins, “but if you don’t want to do this today, I can just–” Her words turn to a jumbled mess in her mouth as Eddie licks from her clit all the way up to her butthole.
“‘You can’ what?” he asks heavily, his hands resting on the backs of her thighs as he licks again. She keens loudly this time, straining against her bonds. “Go home? Is that what you want?”
“No,” she whines, relenting.
“There’s my little girl,” he praises, his thumbs spreading her open wider for him to eat his fill. Once he does, he settles over her again, touching her how and where he did before. His dick slides against her ass as he fingers her, paying special attention to her clit as she relaxes into him. “You know, you should really be more patient.”
“But why do you have to tease me so much?” she mewls, his hands bringing her closer to what she needs as her body starts to shake. She feels his lips on her ear, groaning when his hands stop.
“Because you need to remember who’s in charge here.”
Chrissy’s heart skips, the words shooting down her spine as she nods.
“So–” He removes his hands again and she wants to cry. “Are you gonna be good now?”
She nods again, more forcefully. “Yes.”
He licks his lips, dropping his voice to a whisper. “‘Yes’ what?”
Her mind scrambles for what she should say, swallowing hard when she remembers. “Yes, master.”
Eddie’s silent, but she sees his hand reach for the condom laying on the bed and she exhales harshly, relieved. She arches her back to make her ass stick out more, and he gives it one firm smack in response. She squeals, rubbing herself against his thigh as he rolls on the condom. So once he’s done, he pushes her bottom away and grabs all of her hair, yanking her up to his level as he sits up. 
Chrissy cries out in shock, quivering at the monster she’s brought out in him, her arousal trailing down her inner thigh. “What did we just talk about, Chrissy?”
“I’m sorry,” she squeaks, and his hand softens around her hair, his lips devouring her neck. Her head falls back onto his chest as she realizes what he’s doing. Since she has no choice but to be in charge in her own life, he’s making it clear that she doesn’t have to be in control with him.
She’s completely pliant as he pulls her legs off the bed, pressing her torso into the mattress. Standing behind her, he grabs hold of where her arms are tied, using that as leverage as he presses into her drenched little cunt.
He feels like a god in the way only she can make him feel, and the heady sense of power has him leaning over to bite into her shoulder. She wails as he marks her, the hand in her hair tightening again as he tugs. 
She lets her mouth hang open, noises of every note and volume clawing out of her throat at the force of his cock driving into her. He slows but his thrusts are sharper, making her scream, fingers tweaking her nipple as he speeds up again. When her feet slip, he tightly grabs her thighs, raising her off the floor as he keeps pounding her.
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he orders, panting from how close he is to bursting. He slows for a moment, using his hand to rub her clit until she’s wailing his name. Overcome by the need to see her, he pulls out and flips her over.
She looks almost spent, and he leans in to kiss her, a hand wrapping gently around her throat. “Is this okay?” She nods, mouth still open in a perfect circle as his hand tightens, cock thrusting into her again. He’s rough, his mouth over hers and stealing what little oxygen he affords her as her eyes roll back. He lets go of her neck to hear her gasping for air, choking, and it does him in.
He howls at the ceiling, seething as his orgasm rushes through him and he collapses halfway on top of her. After a moment, he climbs up on the bed and gathers her to him, freeing her arms so she can curl them around him. 
Eddie goes to pull her further up the bed when he remembers the handcuffs. “Oh, sorry.” He shifts over to get the key from his bedside table drawer, finally catching a glimpse of her unreadable expression as he removes the metal from her ankles.
She’s just staring at him, blinking slowly and he swallows hard. “Are you okay?”
His words pull her out of her daze, and she softly smiles up at him. “I feel so good. Thank you, master.”
A relieved smile plays across his face, chuckling as he crawls back up her body. “You know, you only have to call me that when I’m inside you.”
She shrugs, her hands immediately in his hair. “I think I really like it, though.”
He takes one hand to kiss it, lips tickling her palm and she giggles. “You’re such a little pillow princess.”
He kisses her lips gently, letting the new phrase float in her mind. “I hope that’s a good thing.”
“It’s the best thing,” he assures her, and she giggles again as he showers her face in kisses, pulling her into his side to rest there.
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