#the obvious choice x'D
thunderxleafart · 2 years
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We're quickly approaching the end of Spooky Month, so what better way to celebrate then have some Fnaf Peeps dress up for Halloween? :D Sun and Moon are definitely getting into the spirit anyway! xD So here they are dressed as the iconic Mario and Luigi! <3 And honestly? I think they're killing it! xD Those mustaches in particular look quite spiffy on em! Though it is a little jarring to see Sun with actual eyes and not just blank white ones. x"D I'd like to think he's just committing to the character! I don't really have much else to say though! Just something simple and sweet as we lead up to Halloween! :D I didn't want to do a full piece with every character in costume as that would take WAY too long, so I decided to just break it off into smaller pieces with a few characters in each! <3 So expect at least one more piece along these lines either tomorrow or on Halloween itself!! I'm excited to show y'all what some other rFnaf peeps came up with to get into the Spooky Spirit!~ ;3 So stay tuned! <3 And as always, thanks for looking everybody!~ ^w^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please do NOT repost or use my art!~ Sun & Moon (c) Scott Cawthon/Steel Wool [FNAF Franchise] Art (c) Me! <3
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mayhemspreadingguy · 2 years
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soooo, i wanted to draw morfeus in a robe with feathers and a translucent shadowy cape or something. then realized that this would look great if it cascaded down the stairs. and that's how i fell down this rabbit hole. added some more background, making the stained glass look like hob was an obvious choice :). and here i am - currently stuck on a decision if i should make it into a "morfeus is contemplating if the ring that he created for hob is worthy - only the best creations for his husband xD" piece or a "morfeus is pining" piece x'D... i will probably consultant my sibling for opinion. and then proceed to never finish this... or maybe i will, who knows, sure not me
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amethystina · 3 months
I think the reason people are really excited and very much waiting for the kidnapping tag is because we looooove protective Yohan (as seen in It Is Mine To Avenge which was beyond perfect so thank you for quenching our thirst lol).
That being said, I am a little worried about the minor character death; because in my mind it could be anyone except the Kangs and Gaon, which is good obviously, but now that we know the characters better I feel a certain connection to all of them and if anyone of them died, I wouldn't be devastated per say but I know you are going to write it in a way that would hit.
Of course, I am not saying that you shouldn't do what you planned on doing from the beginning, we all read the tags and know what we are in for, but it will still make me sad (as if we weren't sad for the majority of this fic lol) even if I know it is coming.
I can understand that since protective Yo Han is very interesting — otherwise I wouldn't have written It Is Mine to Avenge — but I guess it's just a little... worrying? Because I'm not sure if what I have planned will feel quite as satisfying as some people seem to be hoping for? Not to mention that it's still so far away? And this isn't the first time someone has asked me when it will happen or how long they'll have to wait before it shows up. I guess it's just stressing me out to have people ask for something I know won't be happening anytime soon x'D
It's a bit like having a couple of kids in the backseat continuously asking "Are we there yet?" and knowing we're nowhere close.
(Tbh I had hoped that It Is Mine to Avenge would distract people a little and not make them fixate so much on the kidnapping tag on Who Holds the Devil, but it seems like the opposite happened. Now people are pushing for it even more in Who Holds the Devil, except it's not like I can rearrange my entire timeline to make it happen sooner?)
That's fair. And I can't lie and say that the minor character death tag isn't there for a reason — some people are going to die. The question is just who. And under what circumstances. Which I obviously can't tell you since that would be spoilers :P
But, that said, it's not a choice I made lightly. Like, even killing off villains should only be done after careful consideration, and especially the way they die. Sun Ah is a good example of that, I think. She knew she was going to die — since she didn't doubt that Yo Han would blow up that room, even with himself in it — and then she'd rather shoot herself. There's obvious thought involved in that choice and I think it's important to give characters that dignity, even when they're villains.
But yes, I will carry on with my plans. In all honesty, it's very, very difficult to make me change my mind when it comes to certain plot points and this is one of them. Not to mention that it's far too late to start changing things in the major plotlines of this fic x'D
Also, I promise that there will be a lot of happiness in the fic, too! Once Yo Han and Ga On actually get together, they'll be disgustingly cute. And still have issues and things they have to address, sure, but I am going to cram so much domestic fluff in this fic, you have no idea. Just fucking watch me.
So just hang in there! We'll get to the happier bits eventually!
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ishgard · 3 months
Rambly first impressions but I'll probably be turning DT around in my head for a while still. Spoilers obviously touched on but I try to be vague about it as much as possible X'D
Overall I enjoyed it! imo it was far from their strongest expac and is admittedly pretty low on my mental expac tierlist (fittingly, about equal with ARR, which isn't a bad thing per se), but it did a decent enough job at what it did, especially so in the first half. I'm in love with Tural and the people, the cast of characters, the lore - it was all delightful!
I absolutely understand peoples complaints about their presence feeling kind of pointless at times, but I also didn't mind taking a side/mentor role either (I've had potential plot/headcanons for Ahru doing as much for a long time now, so it works for me). I don't think they always balanced it well at all, though.
I also would have loved to see more interactions between, say, the Scions and Lamaty'i, but it was nice taking things at a slow steady pace and just enjoying the world building. They had a lot on their plate to show us, and they did it well.
The second half... played with some themes I enjoyed well enough, but suffered from some questionable writing that often gave me whiplash.
I love!! the aesthetics of Solution 9, it was another one of the few things that piqued my interest for DT initially. The overall lore and story was enjoyable, just kind of an echo of things we've dealt with before which isn't a criticism exactly.
I'm typically pretty good at immersing myself and smoothing over rough edges in my mind as I go, filling in blanks and grounding myself in my characters' reactions, but there were a number of times I felt kicked in the teeth and taken out by some of the choices. There were definitely more than a few scenes I immediately had to be like "well Ahru is just not here for this because that just would not have happened" lmao I'd be groaning and rolling my eyes one minute, only to be balling my eyes out the next, so just a lot of whiplash 😂
I kept feeling like the second half would have benefited from more time building some of that stuff up, but instead we got a lot of things repeated to us multiple times and obvious things drawn out for us.
Also though they got their moments in some of the very final quests, I had really hoped to see more of Erenville and Krile's stories throughout the overall MSQ. (THAT scene with Erenville got me ugly crying though omfg.)
I feel like I'm mostly complaining but this is probably one of my most 'mixed feelings' expansions in the ten+ years I've been playing. Like, that's fine though, SHB and EW were ALL up my alley and delicious, this can be a little less 'for me', and it was enjoyable enough I don't feel entirely disconnected from the game I love. The high notes it hit really well, I'm in love with Tural and the lore, and I'm super excited and interested to see where they take us next - and what we do with Azem's key. 👀
I was utterly blind-sided by a certain two-headed mamool ja so now I guess I'm a Bakool Ja Ja fucker. 🤷‍♀️ Also I have a new son and if anything happens to him I'll kill everyone and myself. (p.s. trial 2's boss was the worst villain I've ever suffered and this is coming from a lifelong villain fucker, they were a big detractor from my enjoyment at times tbh)
I am begging for another adventure with Erenville because that snippet was hands-down one of the highlights for me for purely biased reasons. Admittedly, there were a number of times I was the 'do it for him' meme with Erenville's face plastered all over it. I'll probably need to do a whole other rant about him tbh
My slightly joking prediction is chemist for 8.0 just on account of his whole two times mentioning he had potions on him to help the wounded.
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airasora · 9 months
Mulan as a devotion oathed paladin with folk hero background
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Mulan was requested by both dagidaz5540 and @little-bloodied-angel and this one I think is gonna have some people disagreeing with me, but that's okay cause I went back and forth on quite a few decisions here.
First of all; fighter felt like the obvious class for Mulan. HOWEVER, my reasoning for choosing paladin instead is that the description of its class, and its oath of devotion, is that paladins are fueled by the desire to uphold justice and righteousness. Mulan didn't start fighting because she wanted to fight, but because she has a duty to her heart and what she believes is right. That, along with the oath of devotion, which is about protecting the weak and pursuing the greater good, made me feel like paladin was the better choice for her.
However, I think the more polarizing choice of mine will be her looks. Now, I did think at first it made the most sense to make her, for the lack of a better word, "look plain". Mulan cuts off her long black hair to pretend to be a man at first, yes, but in the sequel she has kept the shorter hair, either out of preference or because it makes fighting easier - let's be honest, long-ass hair is a liability realistically if you have to fight or do stunts or anything like that.
My reasoning for giving her long, bejeweled hair along with some makeup as well is very biased, I admit. You see, to me, what I've always loved about Mulan is that she can do both. And I MEAN that. Mulan starts off being not stereotypically feminine because she's clumsy and all that, but she's not stereotypically masculine either cause she doesn't just run off, joins the war and is magically amazing at fighting. (Looking at you Mulan remake, you're still my least favorite out of all the remakes, you were an atrocity on so many levels!) so she has to learn and figure out both how to grow as a warrior, but she also uses knowledge and stereotypically feminine objects when needed - don't pretend her using the fan to trick Shan Yu's sword out of his hands isn't metaphorical - and the opening song to the sequel is literally her explaining yin and yang and how you need both.
I know that the main reason we still saw MANY illustrations of Mulan merchandise with her looking feminine was probably to sell more merchandise by appealing to young girls, but growing up I always saw it as her being able to do both. She was my first introduction to a character who was strong with both feminine and masculine traits and skills. And, until Luisa from Encanto (and with the exception of Kim Possible) Disney didn't really give us a strong female character who appreciated and praised both feminine and masculine skills and traits. I wanted that to shine through in my BG3 version of her.
Ok, this post is gonna get too long if i continue, so hold onto my reigns now x'D
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teatitty · 4 months
ty for the ask I'm gonna answer after work and I'm so excited heheheee
BUT ALSO FOR YOUR RB OF THE ASK GAME you know me I gotta ask about The Bois, I can't pick between Fionn or Diarmuid,,,,pls pick one for my weak self x'D
I'll just do the both since I'm fond of my mutuals ~~~~
NOTP: For Fionn, the big one is Medb, for headcanon reasons, and Scathach since she's so lesbian to me but I'm generally fine with anyone else. Diarmuid is EASILY Kayneth the cunt
BROTP: Eachother and the other Celts also easy. Outside of that hmmmm... Fionn with Li Shuwen and Hijikata and then Diarmuid with Nobu and Carmilla
My OTP for them: As much as I've made many posts about them together my OTP's will always remain Snakecharmer and DiarCu respectively
My second choice pairing for them: FionnDiar for both but if I had to be less obvious? Fionn x Arthur and GilDiar
My fluffy pairing for them: So I'm gonna cheat here because one of these isn't romantic but - Dad Fionn adopting Abigail and then DiarCu again
My angsty pairing for them: Ouuuugghhh Fionn x Sadhbh :') Tragic doomed love... and for Dia that'd be DiarGil but with CasGil in specific AU's. Diarmuid x Medb also works but in a more melancholy way
My favorite poly ship for them: Snakecharmer for Fionn and then Enkidu and Gil for Dia
My weirdest pairing for them: Fionn x Fergus I think they'd be friends with benefits and then Diarmuid x Nobu I have thoughts about it
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seyaryminamoto · 2 years
Leap of Faith: Sokkla Saturdays 2022
Day 4: Sokka dresses Azula
On FF.net//On AO3
And here's the first sequel I've written this year... the sequel to my Dragon Age AU from last year :'D about half as long, so still ridiculously long, but yet again... you can't expect better when adapting such a long game, not even when you're only centering it around secondary characters.
Anyway, it was a wild ride and I was very happy to finally fulfill my main headcanons in that franchise regarding a potential way to save a certain someone from being trapped in the Fade forevermore...
Hope you enjoy it! Read in either link above, since, yet again, Tumblr won't allow me to post the full story here.
Now, as for thoughts you may read after you finish that story...
Regarding the controversial ending... I can't be the only person who finds Aang and Solas can be disturbingly similar x'D There's obvious differences between the two, but even the fact that Bryke described Aang as a "trickster", and the Solas is notoriously known for being the Trickster God? Stuck in an iceberg for 100 years, and dormant for over 1000 years? Both are struck by tragedy when their civilizations were completely wiped out -- and both struggle with guilt over it, though I hold Solas far more responsible for it, in his case. In short... this was a no-brainer. The reason why Aang was never around in the first part of this story, the Prince Sokka and Peasant Azula prompt from last year, was because the minute I wanted to write a Dragon Age AU, I knew Aang would be the ideal Solas if I ever got around writing the Inquisition sequel. I know it was probably weird back then, but I hope it makes some sense this time, especially for people who have played these games.
Regarding Ursa... Flemeth is another big question mark in the future of Dragon Age's franchise as a whole. I recently watched a video with a lot of crazy theories about her being the source of all that's wrong with Thedas, but going by DAI's ending, with that epilogue in which Flemeth/Mythal kind of dies (?) in Solas's arms and Solas takes in her essence? It doesn't feel like Flemeth will be returning as herself in the future, at the very least, hence why Azula is sure she won't see Ursa again. Ursa is such a strange, gray character here because that's what Flemeth is like, but until the universe proves otherwise, I elect to believe that Flemeth's cruel treatment of Morrigan was actually a very twisted way of breaking her own cycle and setting her daughter free from the burden of inheriting Mythal directly... even if, by drinking from the Well of Sorrows, Morrigan is connected to Mythal all over again anyhow. Anyway. Well. I don't know what else is there to be said about this, but the point is Ursa's characterization wasn't so sketchy and strange for no reason, it's all because of the source material.
Regarding Dragon Age 2... I honestly wish I knew who to cast in the place of DA2's cast. I have a soft spot in my heart for most of the DA2 party characters, but unfortunately, I've already used soooo many ATLA and LOK characters, and finding some that correspond really well with the DA2 cast was so difficult it became virtually impossible. I actually thought June would be a perfect Isabela at first. I switched her to Hawke when I realized that I had no Hawke, and I NEEDED a Hawke for this story X'D my personal preference for Hawke is female Hawke too, which helped in that decision, but I couldn't possibly figure out who to turn into Merrill, Fenris, Aveline, let alone Anders (hence why he's not mentioned by name, I really have no idea who he'd be), and so, I chose to just reference a potential physical relationship between Hawke and Zevran (in this case, the old fandom-favorite obscure ship of Jet and June) rather than confirming a more traditional DA2 romance for this Hawke, since I just couldn't sort out who the rest of the DA2 cast would be. I didn't leave them so far out of the story because I wanted to, it's because I kiiind of had no choice, the shortage on characters rendered me helpless.
Regarding the Inquisitor... writing Inquisitor Korra Adaar made me happier than I imagined possible from writing that character. I thought about making her just a warrior, but I suppose she's a kind of physical mage, a warrior-mage hybrid of the sorts I don't think exist in this franchise. In her case, I didn't go all-out to confirm any DAI romances because I honestly didn't want to push a pairing for her, since it was also not exactly important for the story? Therefore, I left it up in the air. If you want to believe Korrasami happened, well, Josephine/Asami is certainly willing to be romanced by any Inquisitor, so that's a valid conclusion to reach X'D I suppose a case of the sort could be made for Mako/Cullen, but I realize Cullen isn't supposed to romance Qunari Inquisitors. Still, eh... it's up to whatever readers would like to imagine in the end, fic writers have been notorious for disregarding all of the canon preferences for characters anyway. Weirder things have been written in fandoms.
Anyway. I think that's basically all the notes I had to give for this particular chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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space-blue · 2 years
🍌 🌷and 🔥 please (:
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for the delay! It was actually harder to find excerpts than expected. The obvious ones needed too much set up, and I don't hava that many unpublished wips!
🌷 favorite sweet quote from a published work
This is from a Sith Obi-Wan adopts Anakin story.
Not a day goes by without Anakin privately thanking Chenini for bringing the Jedi to Mos Espa and leading them to Watto's shop. She's the greatest of the moons after all—Ruler of the stars, Maiden of luck, Goddess of fate and fortune—she has to be the one who guided them. And what a different fate the Jedi brought, what impossible fortune, to be taken away by them, to a world covered in endless water, and then one covered in steel and duracrete, as far and as deep as the eye could see and the mind conceive.
Anakin's new master says he has no one to thank but himself, and that Chenini holds no power over him. His deep blue eyes shimmer with flecks of golden light as he smiles down on Anakin and tells him he's a child of the Force and master of his own fate.
'The Jedi, at least, can't be thanked for anything,' he says with a grimace. 'Perhaps I'm the one who should thank them, for putting you across my path.'
Anakin is grateful too, even if this isn't what master Qui-Gon promised.
🍌 favorite funny quote from a wip
I'm cheating as this is a published WIP. I'm trying to convince myself I'll continue it soon... x'D It's a Thrawn/Obi-Wan, where Thrawn acquires Obi as a gift, in carbonite! (Obi currently wearing a force nullifying collar)
It sends a shiver coursing down Obi-Wan's spine, to see these lambent red eyes staring at him when he looks up again.
'Who are you? And where... is this?'
The man smiles, and without the Force Obi-Wan can't quite tell if it is meant kindly.
'We are on my flagship, the Chimaera,' he explains. 'We are travelling from Tatooine, where I obtained you, to Arkanis.'
'Obtained... me?' Obi-Wan asks.
He digs through his memories, but dreams and nightmares mix and merge and confuse the timeline of his life. Has he been to Arkanis? How does one obtain a Jedi? What happened to him?
'I believe it is the right word for the occasion. I was dispatched to settle issues the Empire is having with the Hutts, Jabba Desilijic Tiure in particular. I believe you must be acquainted?'
Is this amusement in his voice? Had he mentioned carbonite? It would explain the head full of fog, and the way he was "obtained".
'Yes... I'm afraid I've met Jabba. On several occasions.'
'Not happy ones I assume, given how he kept you on his wall.'
🔥 wild card: dealer’s choice of quote from a wip
I'm not 100% sure if this is new to the tumblr crowd... Going to torture the poor anons who come in here and now to ask if the Tarkin & Soka fic still exists. True WIP.
Ahsoka watches Tarkin pace from behind the one way window of the small medbay. He walks from one end of the room to the other and back, bare feet silent on the lino floor, gait predatory, shoulders rolling as if he could shrug off the bacta bandages sticking to his skin.
His gaze is cast down, his focus turned inward. His emotions are cold—like this place, redolent of blood and pus, veiled by the acrid tang of antiseptic. Life and death and cleaning agents. His thoughts are eratic. His past a tale interrupted, shreds of memories scattered and mysterious, like the countless scars crisscrossing his skin.
Ahsoka squints, curious. She's no strangers to scars. At twenty she's a war veteran, and her robes hide a respectable collection.
She has the burns of blaster bolts, gouges from a Zygerrian's claws across her back, left to fester while she hung in a cage. A bite mark from a critter on Felucia that somehow hadn't reacted to bacta and bothered her for weeks. Countless cuts and scratches from her time in Trandoshan captivity, where bacta hadn't been an option at all.
This is the sort of scars Tarkin wears. The stripes and markings of someone without access to bacta. Many look decades old, faded and stretched by growth. A child's pain.
It baffles her. She's only met Tarkin twice (two times too many in her opinion) and she hadn't gotten the impression he was a man of action from either of those interactions.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
and while I'm procrastinating...
I finally, finally cleared my sim's inventory of all fish. I never did it before because the fish was useful for gardening. He had 92 salmon which make excellent fertilizer x'D lmao. I garden a lot so I couldn't bring myself to sell them. Then I had the brilliant idea to just move them to a different sim's inventory temporarily. Yay for ingenious solutions that took me embarrassingly long to figure out.
Once he was fish-free, I had him go fishing and catch a tilapia. The tilapia was excellent quality. Got out the campire and picked Roast Fish. He roasted the fish and for the first time EVER, he enjoyed the meal. It was "excellent" quality when I've only ever gotten "poor" before. Clearly the fish quality matters. Even when he caught fresh fish, because there were 92 foul, stinking salmon in his inventory, he'd end up cooking one of those instead of the good one and then have an upset stomach xP
You may think that should have been obvious BUT in my defense, no other food works like this in sims 4 - Although that's a lie, I don't actually know for sure what happens if you let meat spoil and then try to cook a meat dish. Probably THEN it's poor quality and you get sick. But I don't know because I've never had this issue. Reason being, when I get meat I put it in the fridge right away. You can't roast meat over the campfire, so there's no reason to keep it in your inventory. Plus, if you're not doing the Simple Living challenge, you probably don't even shop for meat.
So your chances of eating bad food because the ingredients were spoiled to begin with are really, really slim most of the time - EXCEPT with campfire-roasted fish. Because you need the fish to be in your inventory (unless you're camping on your home lot for some reason). The campfire dates back to Outdoor Retreat, the very first Sims 4 DLC, so it's no wonder it's so simplistic.
But it is a problem. It's not reasonable to assume sims will sell all the fish they catch except what they plan to eat right away. Even when there was only Outdoor Retreat and base game, this made no sense - because fish were fertilizer for gardens. As far as I know, they've always had that ability (but there have been lots of changes so maybe I'm wrong). Now sure, most sims don't need 92 salmon in their inventory. But salmon are such GREAT fertilizer even when they're completely rank that to sell them if you don't need money makes no sense. You can use them any time to fertilize the plants - there's no time limit.
You COULD put the fish in the fridge instead of your inventory. But two problems - one, in my play style, I have my sim with 92 salmon hop around fertilizing public gardens as well as his friends' gardens, and I want to be sure of using salmon for that - not fishing somewhere nearby and only catching a guppy. Second, and more relevant to players besides myself, is the fridge these days is SOOOO laggy. Idk but every time I click it, it takes several long seconds to bring up the first menu. And then if there's a lot inside, you have to scroll around to what you want... I avoid opening the fridge. Yes, these are just a few extra steps, not really an inconvenience... but it is SO convenient to just keep the fish in my inventory...
Well, if that's how it is, then I have no other choice. But what I would LIKE is for the campfire to be programmed to either let us choose which fish we want to roast, so we can pick good quality ones, OR default to the freshest fish in the inventory. Then you'd still have to be careful not to accidentally eat a fish you want to keep, but at least you won't get an upset stomach every time you don't eat a fish right away. Because they seem to spoil pretty fast.
Also I want more campfire food options. Tired of veggie dogs and marshmallows. What about campfire-roasted sweet potatoes?? Mmm. Or how about just being able to roast any edible in your inventory? I know, it's pointless, you can just eat it raw... I just love camping in the sims x'D though I'm probably the only one
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@ my crush
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bookworm555 · 2 years
Touching meme: your choice of 8, 12, 22, 28, and 50 for DenEst, IceLat, AmeLiet, or LietPol.
OOOH thank you lksdfjasdf
I had a lot of fun with these!
Taken from these prompts
(I am using human names for the characters just so I don't have to put the little dot between the country names so they don't accidentally show up in the general country tag)
I am putting these under the cut because they (especially the first one) got long.
8. shielding the other one with their body (AmeLiet) Prepare for the angst, for this one X'D. (If it wasn't obvious, this takes place during the Outsourcing strips)
Alfred tilted his head, puzzled by the knock at the door. He wasn't expecting any guests--neither Nation nor human--so he assumed there was either an emergency, or one of his people got lost and ended up at his front door.
"You weren't expecting any guests, today."
Toris's voice snapped Alfred out of his thoughts. The shorter Nation was either very quiet on his feet, or Alfred was that lost in his head; he had no idea his friend approached him until he spoke.
"No," Alfred finally responded. "I'm not."
Another knock shattered the otherwise quiet of Alfred's home, this one sharper and more forceful than the last.
"Stand behind me." Something about this entire situation felt off, to Alfred.
With a nod, Toris complied, his eyes narrowed.
Exhaling through his mouth, Alfred opened the door.
"Jones residence," he began mechanically. "How may I--"
He cut himself off when he realized who was standing on his doorstep.
"Alfred." With a smile that would have been pleasant save the fact it didn't meet his eyes, the giant Nation stepped forward, entering Alfred's home.
"To what do I owe the honor? I'm sure you're busy and cannot stay long." Alfred's voice was equally pleasant, though he was sure Ivan caught the warning that was meant for him.
"Oh, I was just in your neighborhood, doing a little of this and a little of that, and I thought I would stop by and speak with you. See how everything's going."
"Everything is going well, thank you for asking." Now get the hell out of my house.
"Mm, not from you. I want to hear it from his mouth."
Alfred whirled around, now facing Toris, whose face was turned towards the floor, hands stiff at his sides.
"Everything is fine," Toris said, meeting neither Alfred nor Ivan's eyes. "Now if you excuse me, I must get back to work. There is so much that needs to be done, today."
Before he could exit the room, clearly uncomfortable, Ivan's arm shot out, grabbing Toris's wrist to keep him in place.
"Get out." Alfred's voice lost all niceties it previously held. "You do not lay a hand on my friends in my home. Toris wants to leave; it is in your best interest to let him. You came here to see me, you said. Unless that was a lie."
Ivan let go of Toris, his murky purple eyes narrowing to slits.
"It was a lie, wasn't it?" Alfred was on a roll, now. "You're just here to bully Toris; you get some sick enjoyment out of it, I know you do. Have you ever once told the truth in your messed-up life? No wonder your nose is so big; you're like Pinocchio, I bet it grows with each lie you tell. You're a jo--"
Alfred cut himself off when he saw Ivan draw his fist back. Getting himself into a defensive position, he braced himself to block the punch, and was confused when he felt nothing.
Instead, he heard a choking gasp, and suddenly, he saw (and felt) Toris at his feet, his arms curled around his torso.
As the shorter boy slowly forced himself to his feet, Ivan merely blinked, tilting his head.
"Now why would you do that? That punch was meant for Alfred. I didn't hold back; you know how strong Alfred is. I felt it sink into your gut; I'm sure it was very painful. I doubt he wants you getting sick all over his floor."
Toris said nothing, though one of his hands gripped his stomach, while the other pressed against his mouth. His eyes didn't seem to be all there, Alfred noticed, and he was swaying on his feet.
Without thinking twice, Alfred pulled Toris close to him, supporting his (concerningly light) weight.
"Get. Out." This was snarled; Alfred was done. He wanted Ivan gone. "You barge into my house, uninvited, and then you torment my dear friend? Leave."
"I thought America was welcoming to people from all over the world?" Ivan smiled again, chilling Alfred.
"Litva," he turned to Toris again. "Fetch the two of us something strong. Despite his laws, I am sure dear Alfred keeps some--what's it called?--ah, 'moonshine' in the basement. Just to keep Arthur happy when he visits."
"No." Though he looked to be still in pain, Toris held his head high. "I won't."
Alfred smirked at Ivan, who for a moment, looked shocked.
"I am independent, Ivan," Toris continued. "I will not defer to you."
"For now. We'll see what happens in a few years." Ivan closed his eyes, his smile growing almost childlike. "You and the other two are in such an unfortunate location, geographically. Who knows what other Nations will come and gobble you three up! I'm hoping it's me, but if it's someone else, that only makes your inevitable return to me even more fun! The hunt is no good when there's no chase, after all..."
With a light chuckle, Ivan ruffled Toris's hair.
Alfred felt the brunet wince, and he held him closer, rubbing his arm comfortingly.
"Ivan," he said once more, a warning bite in his voice.
"Ah, I'm going. I can see that I am not wanted. Farewell, Alfred. Toris."
The large man waved, stepping outside. But before he left completely, he stuck his head back inside.
"Just one more thing, Alfred. I see the way you hold him, and how he looks at you. Just remember that wherever you touch him, wherever your hands go, mine were there, first."
With a shout, Alfred lunged forward, pushing Ivan completely out of his house before slamming the door and locking it. When he looked down at his hands, he saw that they were shaking.
(Oops, that got way too long, sorry about that, X'D)
(The others will be much shorter than that first one)
12. pushing a strand of hair behind their ear (LietPol)
"Your hair is beautiful, Feliks." Toris pushed a strand of hair behind the shorter boy's ear.
Feliks blushed, Toris's gentle voice making the compliment even sweeter. "Stop, it looks the way it always does!"
"Yeah, well mine looks like a bird's nest no matter how many times I brush it."
"Well, I happen to like it. Your wavy hair is perfect for when I do this..."
With a smirk, Feliks wove a hand into Toris's thick hair as he straddled the brunet, keeping him in place as he kissed him.
When the two pulled apart, needing air, the deep blush on Toris's pale face made Feliks laugh, falling onto the bed beside his partner.
"Oh man, Liet, you look like a tomato!" Feliks guffawed, almost rolling from laughing so hard. "Better watch out; if Romano takes a look at you, he might get, like, sweet on you. Ooh, or Antonio! Can you imagine? He'd call you his little 'Bueno Tomato' or something!"
This only caused Toris to blush harder, which in turn made Feliks laugh louder.
"What do you say, Bueno Tomato? Do you want me to make your whole body blush? I can start with-- OOF!"
Feliks was cut off as a pillow smacked right into his face.
22. falling asleep on the other’s shoulder (IceLat)
Raivis was exhausted. He hadn't been sleeping well for the past few weeks (unfortunately, anxiety tended to do that to him), and he was finally reaching his limit. Even more unfortunately, it was in the middle of a world meeting. And to add one more 'unfortunately' to make it a triple threat, Mathias didn't even put his seat next to Toris or Eduard, like the arrangement usually was. Instead, Toris was sandwiched between Alfred and Feliks, while Eduard had Lili to his left, and the Dane himself to his right. Raivis had Eiríkur to his left, and Michelle to his right.
Too exhausted to even attempt to think of why the seating arrangement was the way it was, Raivis found his eyes closing, Roderich's soft voice as he gave his speech lulling him into a nap.
Suddenly, his eyes snapped open as he felt something soft against the side of his face.
"Whassat?" he slurred, sleep making his tongue not work properly. The feeling wasn't unpleasant; in fact, the warmth was making him want to fall back to sleep.
"Raivis. Are you okay?"
With a quiet yelp, Raivis realized what--more like who--he was resting against.
"Eiríkur! I am so sorry!" Blushing, Raivis pushed himself away from the Icelander, thoroughly embarrassed.
As other Nations started to look at them, Raivis blushed harder and looked down, pretending to go over his notes.
"It's okay," Eiríkur said, gently rubbing the shorter boy's shoulder. "You looked so tired, I didn't want to wake you."
"How long was I snoring against your shoulder?" Raivis muttered, his face still on fire.
"You were only out for like...ten minutes." Eiríkur leaned in closer, trying to stay quiet. "And for the record, you don't snore. You uh...looked kinda cute, actually."
"Ah... Thanks?" Latvia cursed his voice for going up an octave. But damn it, he'd been crushing on the silver-haired boy for years, and he said he looked cute? It felt surreal.
The rest of the meeting passed by in a blur, with Raivis and Eiríkur exchanging small nudges and quiet jokes about the various speakers. By the time it ended, Raivis was disappointed.
"Hey, umm, did you want to grab a bite to eat or something?" Eiríkur rubbed the back of his head, his pale face blushing just as pink as Raivis's own. "This was way more fun than other world meetings, and I didn't even get to show you my impression of Mathias, yet!"
"So, like a date?" Raivis almost slapped himself for blurting it out so quickly.
"Yeah." Eiríkur looked around, making sure none of the other Nordics heard it. "It's a date."
28. feeling for each other in the dark (DenEst)
"Great," Eduard muttered. "Just great."
Right as he was in the middle of an important spreadsheet his government wanted him to work on, the power cut out due to an impressively loud thunderstorm. Since his laptop was charging, almost dead from previous use, it went dark, as well. And since he was at Mathias's house for a quick vacation, rather than his own, he had no spares to use.
Fumbling around in the dark, he left the guest bedroom and carefully made his way downstairs.
He assumed he made it to the living room when he felt the couch brush up against his hip.
Suddenly, a loud CRASH, followed by a scream, shattered the silence of the darkened house, in between thunderclaps. And even more suddenly, Eduard found himself on the couch, a heavy weight pressed on top of him.
"Oh man, Ed! I am so sorry!"
Soon the pressure was off his chest, and Eduard was able to sit up.
A pair of callused hands felt around Eduard's chest and neck before cupping his face. "There you are!"
Amused, Eduard realized what happened. "Mathias, did you fall down the stairs and flop onto the couch, though you slammed into me first?"
With a chuckle, Eduard leaned forward, resting his head against Mathias's chest, wrapping his arms around him. He was now perfectly content waiting out the storm.
50. putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up (LatLiech) (You didn't ask for this one, but I had a cute idea for it, X'D)
"Raivis? What are you doing down there?" Lili was minding her own business, trying to grab an extra notebook from the conference center's supply closet, until she tripped over a pair of dress shoes, attached to the legs of a very familiar Nation.
"Hiding." Raivis blinked his large eyes, and Lili was mesmerized by the long, soft eyelashes that covered them.
"Why are you hiding?"
Raivis blushed, his ears turning pink before his face did. "I...spilled my water glass all over Ivan. He looked mad, so I ran and hid. And ended up here."
Lili was concerned. "He wouldn't hurt you now, would he?"
"Who knows." Raivis gripped the bottom of his shirt so tightly his hands went white. "Depends on if it's a good day or a bad day. If it's a good day, he'd just press on my head and make some weird comment. But if it's a bad day? Even now...he..."
Lili sat down next to Raivis, gently grabbing one of his hands. She didn't like seeing him this way; it reminded her too much of meetings long since past, where the boy's eyes were dull, and bruises marred his face and neck.
Raivis stiffened at her touch, though he soon melted into it. He removed her hand from his own, though he leaned forward and hugged her, burying his face into her chest, the fabric of her dress soft against his face.
Lili said nothing about where his head was; she saw that this was how he hugged Toris and Eduard, and recognized that he wasn't trying to intentionally feel her chest. Instead, she hugged him back.
After a few moments, the door creaked open. Raivis's eyes went wide, though Lili pressed a hand over his mouth before he could make a sound.
But instead of the large build of Ivan, it was only Francis. He took one look at the two Nations and smiled, winking at them before making a kissy face. He gave them both a thumbs-up, mouthing 'way to go, Raivis!' at the shorter boy.
"Your secret is safe with me." With a final wink, Francis shut the door.
Lili finally removed her hand from Raivis's mouth. She was sure her face was just as red as his.
Hopefully, you enjoyed all of these!
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dtk-imagines · 7 years
4, 16, 40, 41, 44, 50, 70, 74, 75 Dont wanna say you asked for it but.... Lmao so i even tried to cut it down after you said it was okay x'D Its okay to just answer the ones you're more interested in, so that other people have more chances to ask you these too 😂
4. What’s your favourite quote? 
“Despite everything, it’s still you.” or “You didn’t gain LOVE, but you gained love.” Or the text that appears at the beginning of your fight with Asgore.  *(A strange light fills the room. )*(twilight is shining through the barrier. )*(it seems your journey is finally over. )*(you’re filled withDETERMINATION. )16. Which UT character would be your best friend? Why? The skeleton brothers - particularly Papyrus - and Undyne, for sure. The bros as a pair give me endless humour and would probably be the best support system ever, both giving in their own ways. Undyne and I would take turns getting passionate about the things we love and it would be. Amazing.
40. Which of human souls fits you the most? 
I’ve thought about this before, but I’m still not sure. I might go with the red soul or the green soul. I’ve always been a determined person - I’m very single minded when I have a goal, I’ll work tirelessly to meet it. And compassion is something that is very important to me, as well. Being kind, especially in the face of injustice and all these things going on in the world, is a hard thing. And I commend those who are willing to be compassionate, because I myself am not so even though I try to be. 
41. What would be the first thing you would to show to Sans, Papyrus or the rest of characters in human world? Why?
My obvious answer would be the sky, but I think I’d actually show them a world map. Show them all the places that they can go from here, tell them about all the things they can see and do. I wanna show them the opportunities they have.
44. Do you forgive Asgore for what he’s done?
Yes. Asgore did what he could with what he had, I think. Sure it wasn’t the most forward choice, maybe not even the most logical, but he did what he thought was right and safer for his people. I’m very fond of Asgore, he’s one of my favourite characters in the game. I love his complexity and appreciate his faults.
50. Do you have any headcanons about Chara’s past? (Why they hate humanity, why did they fell to the underground etc)
Hm. I think my headcanons for Chara lie within some very common threads of thought in the fandom: They did not have the greatest life on the surface, perhaps because of abuse or neglect in their home. They hate humanity because of the things they’ve seen and experienced, and ran away to Mt. Ebott to be far, far away from all that.
70. When playing for the first time how many candies did you take?
I think I only took two. Didn’t wanna be greedy… LOL
74. Which character(s) would you like to cosplay?
Mettaton for sure, I think he would be so FUN. Undyne too so I can scream and wave around spears.
75. Your favourite Burgerpants’ quote? 
“I can’t go to hell. I’m all out of vacation days.“ Gets me every time. 
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ishgard · 8 months
Top 5 Relationships (romantic, familial, canon, HC, whatever!)
Okay, okokok, I'm immediately removing any of my WoLships from the equation to create a slightly more balanced playing field X'D (in no particular order) vague spoiler warnings for shb/ew !
Thancred & Ryne - (immediately put face in hands) like do I even have to say? The father-daughter duo rips my heart out and I love them so so much and we were ROBBED when they didn't get to hug at the end of SHB gdi.
Emet-Selch & Hythlodaeus - serious x gremlin dynamic sustains me. Like I know Emet is dedicated to saving all of the Ancients and I respect that but the untold depth of personal anguish and motivation gets me every time.
Aymeric & Estinien - Whether as a romantic relationship or Just Friends, the little tidbits and glimpses we get into their friendship never fails to delight me.
Cid & Nero - Their divorced husband energy bewitches me.
Sidurgu & Rielle - Rather than 'father-daughter' this feels more 'older brother-sister' to me, or somewhere in a less definable 'found family' space in between. Either way I love them so much and how much they grow together through DRK quests and I miss them so much. 😭
Honestly this was so hard there are so many. Alphi and Alisaie are obvious choices, the Chai's, X'rhun and Arya, all of the Warriors of Darkness.
Also honorable mention: It's a bit too soon to say Erenville and Wuk Lamat, but it's definitely one I'm keeping my eye on because I love besties with the - _ - and [vibrating out of fleshbody with excitement] dynamic.
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