#the official game of thrones cookbook
westeroswisdom · 5 months
Among other reasons, George R.R. Martin implies that he includes detailed food passages in his writings to stretch out scenes and facilitate dialogue. Is he implying that The Winds Of Winter will feature nonstop food orgies? 😋
When it comes to Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin's writing, there is one fairly common critique of sorts: the author often includes "gratuitous" food scenes in his work, with some critics even commenting that his books might not be quite as long if it weren't for the various "gratuitous" feasts — among other so-called excess scenes — packed in them. It's not criticism that Martin is bothered by, but now he's explaining why there is so much food in his work. In his foreword for the new The Official Game of Thrones Cookbook (via Polygon), Martin says that, for him, the food matters because the journey is as important as the destination. "When used in the context of literary criticism, 'gratuitous' usually translates to 'more than I wanted' or 'did not advance the plot' And you know, often that is true," Martin writes. "Was it necessary for me to mention that the minor knight who just entered the lists bore seven golden hedgehogs on a field of dark green? In that sex scene, couldn't I just have tumbled them into bed and cut to 'the next morning'? And the feasts, oh those feasts, surely the only thing that mattered was what the characters were saying, not the honey-roasted duck they were eating as they said it? Well, no. Not for me."
Maybe by now he feels that readers are expecting such passages. 🤔
He continued, "It's not the destination that matters to me, it's the journey. I have been a voracious reader for as long as I can remember. A reader of fiction, specifically. Fiction is not about getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. It can educate, but it is not educational at heart. For that, nonfiction is infinitely superior. Fiction is about emotion. The heart, not the head. Fiction gives us vicarious experience. It takes us beyond ourselves and the world around us." Martin goes to write that he wants readers to "live with my story, not just read it. When they sit down at my table, I want them to taste the food."
I wonder if the length of the food passages increases whenever GRRM is hungry when he writes.
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beanibon · 1 year
Ideas and AUs I wanna write for in regards to Trigun
Fun fact: I have so many drafts and too many ideas, so I need to get this down now before I forget and I'd love to get everyone's opinion on some of these. So honestly don't be afraid to comment or dm in regards to these ideas, I'm an open book when it comes to brainstorming.
Game of Thrones AU:
I am an avid fan of GOT, I have every book, spin-off, lore book the whole works, hell I even have the cookbook.
In regards to this AU, the twins would be veer off as Targaryens. Rem as their mother who married an unnamed Targaryen King (cause names be hard be I'll figure that out when I get to it), so Knives and Vash being the next in line, Knives the official heir to the throne.
Knives as he's the heir has a lot less freedom, often being ushered off to learn how to rule the kingdom and their nations. This deprives Knives of a childhood, so he's more serious and eventually grows power hungry in his later teens.
Knives has a dragon, which is just as temperamental as he is. The She-Dragon is white in colour with aqua accents, and she's greatly attached to Knives as he is to her.
Vash on the other hand is a lot more carefree and is often found among the people, along side his mother. He's a lot more distracted and at times caught sneaking off to the dragon pit to admire the beasts.
Unlike his brother Vash never got a dragon, his was one of the very few eggs that became Dormant. So he much prefers admiring the dragons and watching in awe as his brothers she-dragon grows to be one of the largest dragons in their possession.
Not to say Vash won't ever get a dragon, as he'll eventually Tame a pitch black male with pirple accents, that hasn't had a rider in 50 years.
Wolfwood would be the Stark of the AU, living in the North and defending the borders from deserters of the Wall. And yes this AU will include Vashwood, Vash would be crushing hard on the tough North man.
Being the only Lord of the land, Wolfwood has a pack of dire wolves. And no, he does not name them seriously, best believe there's a Princess among them.
Meryl and Milly would be lady's in waiting of Roberto's house, who a high lord serving the king and eventually becomes one of Vash's knights, who complains about babysitting the prince.
Meryl is a ward of Roberto's, and holds herself to high standards, yet isn't afraid to disobey her lords orders if she thinks they are counter productive.
Milly is much like Bren of Tarth, she wants to be independent and help her father (roberto in this AU) protect their House. Is very loyal, as Meryl would back up, a bit of a clutz but great with a sword.
Elendira in this AU would be Knives first child with a woman he is betrothed to. He hates the idea of an arranged marriage, but being the next heir to the throne he doesn't have much of a say unlike his brother. His first wife will mysterious vanish, never to heard of again once Knives officially becomes king.
Con'rad is the kings and Knives chief advisor aka Hand of the King and Maester.
Legato would be Knives Chief of War.
Livio is Wolfwoods ward aka bastard brother who ends up serving at the Wall by his own tuition.
Now I do have a plot that I'm going with this, most likely if I am going to make this it will be a full fledged fanfixtion with chapters and lore and all that kind of backstory with GOT terms, languages, etc as this is based in said universe just without GOT Canon characters and of course a different story line.
I am considering whether I want my own personal Trigun OC in this, this AU is still in the planning stage so I'll be tossing up whether storylines will suit it and how they'd go without them.
On another note, I have two trigun x reader stories in my drafts and I plan on publishing one or the other this weekend if not both.
I'd love feedback on this au as it's in the planning stage, so again feel free to comment or dm me in regards to ideas and I'll keep you all posted on chapters and updates for this AU and where I'll be posting once I do get it in motion.
Thank you all for your patience, love you all 💜
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✨Self-Rec Tag Game ✨
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they’ve made. I’ve put categories below, but they’re more guidelines than rules. 
I was tagged by @palipunk, who frankly is so talented I want a gallery of their work on my wall. Thank you!
Something you absolutely adore
I think it has to be the blank maps I made of Thedas. I used all the canon maps released from Stolen Throne to Tevinter Nights, including the ttrpg and matched them up to the same scale so I could expand the Thedas map. I still manage to find new maps details every now and then that I update this with.
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Something that was challenging to create
These were the same project, and my first go at maps like this. I learned a lot and honestly there are a few things I'm going to revisit post da4 if we get more info on Antiva. I also completely missed the bit of blighted land in northern Antiva going to Rivain. Still I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
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Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) 
These are still wips but my rework of Thedosian bestiary to make them to scale based off lore as well as just exploring them as real animals. Mabari being as tall as dwarves, exploring deepstalkers with their lips actually closed, and a baby griffon.
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Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
The original biome map for Thedas. I was really surprised about how much people liked it as well as how it turned out. It's a bit out of date as far as Antiva and Ferelden area goes. But I look forward to updating it.
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Something you want other people to see
The Foods of Thedas Master Post I put together honestly. I'm very happy about it and honestly am so immersed in the food lore, its actually why I started making the maps. I wanted to know what plants were in Thedas, where they grew, ect so I could then figure out what else could be there. Now I'm waist deep in the lore and making banners for everything haha. I'm really excited to be updating it once the official cookbook comes out.
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Tagging: @vabonesyart @whoisnotmyname @witchofthewakingsea @circtheeunbroken @ripflemeth
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morningsunstudio · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Game of Thrones cookbook Feast of Ice & Fire official book.
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nerdismindecor · 5 years
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A Feast Of Ice And Fire: The Official Game Of Thrones Companion Cookbook by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel & Sariann Lehrer found at Box Lunch.
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thecryinguniverse · 3 years
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The Elder Scrolls official cookbook finally arrived! It's by the same person who made the official Game of Thrones cookbook so I knew it had to be good, and so far I'm liking every recipe I see. I'm especially excited to make some of the meads. I also might start a small series on here and twitter every time I try one of the recipes, I'll give full ingredient lists and instructions as well.
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flying-elliska · 5 years
Random question incoming: Is there a dish you feel like is very underrated? 🤔
haha anon good question ! (i might be slow to answer but i love random questions like these…) anyway here you asked for it, a huge incoherent rambling about FOOD OPINIONS
i feel like this is a very culturally dependent question. Like something that is underrated in some place will be super popular in another. For instance in France my mom would get this pickled herring and my dad would get on her case for it smelling bad but I always loved it ; however here in the Netherlands you can get pickled herring from the corner street fish tent, and it’s quite popular. My French grandma tasted it once and she disliked it so much she talks to me about it almost everytime she sees me lmao. Meanwhile, here it’s like a real obstacle course to find some decent bread that isn’t some overly soft, processed nonsense, ending up with me crying and spending 8 euros for a small loaf of sourdough bread at the organic market because i miss real bread so much. Also just…quality pastry. Most pastry here feels so greasy and unrefined in taste, if i can be very chauvinistic for a moment :((((((((((( i miss my chocolate eclairs and croissants aux amandes and lemon tarts. Lemon. Everything with lemon is underrated. (yeah i used to just...eat lemons as a kid. peel and all just bite into them. my love for acidic things is gonna cause me issues one day.)
Also coming here I was delighted to see how much everyone likes sweet and salty combinations, which is not the case everywhere. Like meat with fruit is just one of my favorite things ever, it has this medieval vibe that a lot of people can’t deal with.  Once for Christmas I made this pickled carrot-raisin relish to go with roasted chicken from a medieval cookbook, it was absolutely out of this world. (Although I have to say I have a Dutch friend who once put kiwi and banana in her pasta salad i have to say…NO. That’s too far lmao). I just love looking old recipes in general. I have this Game of Thrones official cookbook where they recreate the recipes from the book, with one modern and one medieval recipe and my love for this book far outlasted my love for the show, it’s just so cool and inventive. One of the most hilarious things to me is how everyone suddenly started to make this huge fuss about kale whereas in the Netherlands it’s been a staple winter food since forever. You can buy it chopped up in big bags for like 1.50 euro and mix it in potatoes, soup, stews…and we call it boerenkool, so like ‘peasant cabbage’, the last glamorous thing ever, and it’s so funny to see everyone abroad branding it as this hippie dippie thing like…it’s still cabbage. (They still try to sell it as ‘kale’ on the organic markets for 6 euro a leaf here lmao) I feel cabbage in general is quite underrated : it’s such a versatile and cheap thing. I really loved my grandma’s chou farci and i want to try to do that at some point. Also beans, beans are life, but I feel people have caught on to that one. 
When it comes to French food, there are definitely a few ‘weird’ things that I actually think are really worth trying, like snails or tripe sausage or duck hearts or whatever lmao. I just really like trying new things when it comes to food. But something that is underrated to you might be common to someone else. For instance, when I went to China in high school and stayed with my penpal’s family for a short while, we had salty breakfast almost every morning, and even though it took some time for my stomach to get used to fish so early, in the end it just blew my mind how much better i felt for the rest of the day. So now I still regularly make a rice dish with veggies in a batch that I can eat in the morning. Salty breakfast in general - really helps with energy levels and to eat in a more balanced way throughout the day. Also ? seaweed paté is one of the seven wonders of the world. and seaweed in general. I also love miso soup. Miso everything, tbh - I tried a miso glazed fish recipe not long ago and …amazing. I just love the idea that there is still so much I don’t know about food and how inventive people all over the world are and how it brings people together. 
Anyway my short answer is that food fads are stupid, and so is excessive snobbery, and pickled things are life. I think the most important thing is to have fun ;) 
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fjorn-wanders · 5 years
“For me, the journey is what matters, not how quickly one can get to the destination. When I read, as when I travel, I want to see the sights, smell the flowers, and, yes, taste the food. My goal as a writer has always been to create an immersive vicarious experience for my readers. When a reader puts down one of my novels, I want him to remember the events of the book as if he had lived them. And the way to do that is with sensory detail.”
— George R. R. Martin, “Introduction,” in A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook (affiliate link)
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wrennefer · 5 years
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Our Game of Thrones premier meal! Every recipe is from the official GoT cookbook ♥️
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
OK, May 13
Cover: The Queen vs. Meghan Markle -- Delivery Room Showdown -- The Queen officially banishes Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry to Africa
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: Contents 
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Page 4: Wendy Williams is happily moving on with her life after kicking her cheating husband to the curb 
Page 6: Brad Pitt’s summer with the kids
Page 7: Jared Leto’s method acting on the set off Morbius has people laughing behind his back and makes him seem desperate for attention, Gal Gadot is not afraid to use her star power to juggle her career and commitments to her family, Kim Kardashian is riled up that her former assistant Stephanie Shepherd is now doing a monthly column for Kourtney Kardashian’s lifestyle site Poosh 
Page 8: Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon are bonding over their new TV show The Morning Show and like to unwind at the end of the day with a cocktail or two, Blake Shelton is ready to pop the question to Gwen Stefani and he’s made sure to get the seal of approval from her parents, ‘Nsync reuniting without Justin Timberlake
Page 10: Red Carpet -- red outfits -- Sofia Carson, Karlie Kloss, Thandie Newton
Page 11: Karolina Kurkova, Josephine Langford 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Haley Lu Richardson vs. Kourtney Kardashian, Zendaya vs. Sylvia Hoeks, Izabel Goulart vs. Kate Beckinsale 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Taylor Swift 
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Page 16: Katy Perry and Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie of American Idol, Katie Holmes, Megyn Kelly 
Page 18: Coachella -- Vanessa Hudgens, Kanye West, Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner, Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande 
Page 19: Ashley Greene and Ashlee Simpson Ross 
Page 20: Martha Stewart, Alena Savostikova and Meagan Good, Tyra Banks 
Page 22: Jennifer Lopez, Jamie Foxx, Audrina Patridge and Mischa Barton 
Page 24: Jennifer Garner’s stunning rental home 
Page 26: Pink and Carey Hart are butting heads over whether or not to expand their family 
Page 27: Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost will live together while she films Black Widow and it will be a test of their relationship, Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green making an action-adventure movie together, Emma Roberts wants Garrett Hedlund to propose 
Page 28: Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph taking it slow, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom prefer quiet nights at home to hitting the clubs, Love Bites -- Adele and Simon Konecki split, Anna Camp and Skylar Astin split, Michelle Williams and Phil Elverum split 
Page 30: Cover Story -- The Queen vs. Meghan Markle -- Royal feud explodes -- Duchess Meghan gets her revenge after the Queen banishes her and Prince Harry to Africa 
Page 34: Saving Britney Spears 
Page 36: Kanye West’s fan can’t decide whether the rapper has found God or a great marketing opportunity 
Page 38: Celebrity moms share their words of wisdom -- Jessica Alba, Katie Holmes, Mila Kunis, Lauren Conrad, Courteney Cox 
Page 40: Sophie Turner on Game of Thrones and Dark Phoenix 
Page 42: How Kate Hudson got her body back 
Page 44: Cookbook -- Please try a plant-based diet 
Page 46: Style -- Ashley Graham 
Page 48: Pink and Red -- Lily Collins, Julianne Hough’s secret stress reliever 
Page 49: Sarah Jessica Parker’s sleepwear collection 
Page 51: Mother’s Day -- Thandie Newton and daughter Nico Parker 
Page 52: Madelaine Petsch 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Books being made into movies 
Page 58: Prince Louis turns 1
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Anderson Cooper, Rob Lowe, Kelly Clarkson, George Clooney, Julia Louis-Dreyfus 
Page 61: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Scott Disick, Nicolas Cage, Teresa and Joe Giudice’s daughter Gia, Vinny Guadagnino, Derek Blasberg on Gwyneth Paltrow and Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin, Donna D’Errico 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Taurus Adele 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Charlize Theron
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gubsgames · 6 years
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There’s going to be an official Overwatch cookbook (pre-order link) (official Twitter announcement). This book will be published by the same company that did the Game of Thrones and Elder Scrolls cookbooks. We’re probably going to get more lore from this cookbook than we will from the game.
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westeroswisdom · 10 months
There's a new Game of Thrones cookbook. It's getting a bit of publicity now even though it won't be available until May.
A Song of Ice and Fire author George R.R. Martin has shared a first look at the incoming official Game of Thrones cookbook, including a recipe for Highgarden Dumplings. Revealed on his blog, Martin deemed the holiday period a "fitting time" to give Game of Thrones and food fans an early glimpse at the incoming cookbook. "The cookbook is presented as the in-world manuscript of Maester Alton, a curious, food-obsessed Citadel master who loves the fare of the highborn and small folk alike," Martin said. "His recipes evoke the world’s regions, history, and stories in a charming and knowledgeable voice. Each section is introduced with stunning woodcut illustrations like this one featured in the opening pages of the book."
According to publisher Penguin Random House, the book was written by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel with the Forward by George R.R. Martin himself. Yes, some people will complain that GRRM is writing the Forward to a cookbook instead of TWOW. 😆
Specifically, the release date is 07 May 2024. So that means it will be out a few weeks before the start of House of the Dragon Season 2.
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dmsden · 7 years
A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine, and Twenty-Thousand Roaring Orcs – Snacks and D&D
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned using snacks as an ice-breaker for your Session Zero. I said it semi-jokingly, but then I realized that snacks are something pretty omnipresent at D&D games, so I figured I would talk about them for my Fourth-Week Freestyle article.
Once upon a time, D&D snacks were Doritos, Pepsi, M&Ms, and Pizza. While those are great, they may have something to do with my bear-shaped gamerbod. Hey, I’m not the only one; someone once referred to a 2XL shirt to me as a “Gamer Small”. But we’re grown-ups now (well, some of us), and we have better agency over our food. What’s more, I feel like people in general are more health-conscious and leaning towards healthy snacks.
For many years now, the most common snacks at my table have been various cheeses, celery sticks, and often almonds or mixed nuts. This is largely thanks to one of my players who is diabetic and needs there to be snacks around that he can eat. Thanks for all the snacks, Whitt!
But in the D&D game I play in, we all tend to bring food, which we try to coordinate around a theme. Our last game had an impressive charcuterie platter that we put together with meats, cheeses, crackers, nuts, fig jam, cornichons, and more. Our plans for the next game are a high tea with tea sandwiches, scones, clotted cream, and more. How civilized!
If you want to offer some snacks, you might consider where your players’ characters are at the moment and theme the snacks to that for a little extra immersion. If they’re traveling in a kingdom with a Mediterranean flavor, you might serve olives, sun-dried tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and the like. A middle-eastern setting might call for hummus and bread. Travels among the elves might bring fruit, cheeses, and nuts, while dwarven feasting might call for dark breads and Swedish meatballs. If the PCs are in a dungeon eating their rations, think about what their meals might be like. Dried meats, dried fruits, biscuits, and other long-lasting foods might be the best options.
If you’re an experienced cook, there are some great cookbooks out there to help inspire you. “The Unexpected Cookbook” is an unofficial cookbook inspired by The Hobbit. I’ve tried many recipes from it and always been happy. There’s also “A Feast of Ice and Fire”, which is the official Game of Thrones cookbook. I haven’t tried many of these recipes, but I’ve liked what I’ve tried. I know a Bowl of Brown is supposed to be fairly awful stuff in the books, but it was pretty damned delicious when I made it.
If you’re not too experienced, there are books for you, too. I have great affection for a cookbook called “Where’s Mom Now That I Need Her?” My Mom gave me a copy when I moved out, and it’s still in my library. It has a lot of great advice for many circumstances, including a lot of great, easy recipes, and it really helps talk you through them.
These are even cookbooks specifically geared for gaming. You can get two of them from DriveThruRPG.com if you’re so inclined. “…And Their Tummies Growled” and “Spoon and Fork: A Gamers Guide to Cooking and Eating” are both part of my library, as well as pretty fun reads. If you’re lucky enough to still have a copy of the Dragonlance tie-in “Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home” , then you can find some of the first recipes I ever cooked. Dwarven-Tide-Me-Overs and Kiffles are two recipes I’ve made more times than I care to admit. I’m known among my friends as quite a cook, but, like so many other things, the first time I wanted to cook, it was because of D&D.
It’s important to note that no one person should be responsible for all the snacks. Maybe your group can all potluck the snacks and enjoy the bounty of what’s provided. You might rotate who’s providing them on any given game. Or maybe you all order food and split the bill. In any case, try to keep it fair.
Hopefully this article has encouraged you to leave the Funyuns at home and reach for the finger sandwiches. There’s so much more to gaming food than I’ve touched on here, and I’d love to hear what you folks enjoy eating.
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ediblemasterpieces · 3 years
Found another cookbook, and this time it's Wonder Woman - The Official Cookbook - Briana Volk.
Made Powered by Pepper's Pasta, and it was a success...! I gave some to Dad and he seemed to like it. Basil really gives it a kick.
I'd never be one to try a recipe in a cookbook, but after getting Avatar's cookbook, I seem to be getting into more pop culture cookbooks. Just looked at Game of Throne's cookbook today. Not really a fan of Games, but the boyfriend loves the show.
This is meant to be a foodie blog where I try places, but there's something about making a recipe that makes it feel like you're really at home.
I told the author of the Avatar cookbook I'd Julie and Julia project all the recipes, but then I'm finding myself drawing more over to the Wonder Woman book.
So, yeah, I'm 50's house wife-ing myself, and becoming a cook.
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morningsunstudio · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Game of Thrones cookbook Feast of Ice & Fire official book.
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nerdismindecor · 6 years
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A Feast Of Ice And Fire: The Official Game Of Thrones Companion Cookbook by Chelsea Monroe-Cassel & Sariann Lehrer found at Box Lunch.
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