#the og sketch for this is like 2 years old
sneezingbabysloth · 6 months
drawing the scrunkly again
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shitpostingkats · 2 months
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There's a lot of old unfinished works on my phone, and it just occurred to me that I want them archived somewhere! Have two years of old sketches, designs, and paintings! Remember not to judge yourself just by the drawings you finish, your skill is also equally built on all those abandoned projects sitting in your gallery somewhere <3
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chenswire · 4 months
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finished up an old sketch for cat day (22/2) except i only finished it now also + LNY rkgk
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bonus shitpost sequel
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og sketch from probably 2 years ago atp
drew a new 'sequel' bc i thought itd stupid for chen to do that after going 'but the infection risk!!!!!!!' also i like chen getting her just desserts for gorilla gripping a cat paw(????)
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furbygoblinxiv · 1 year
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Ok now to be annoying about a completely different flavor of Zelda: That cartoon from the 80s that has aged so poorly I take psychic damage every time I watch it (which has been multiple times (I have problems)). A few months ago when rewatching and being sick of the Link's personality from the show (his best feature is how funny the "Well excuuuuse me, princess" line is) I was like "I wish the quiet kid from the games/art was here instead" and accidentally thought too hard and made an au/rewrite of the cartoon lmao.
Anyways Zelda cartoon au where cryptid boy Link saves the post apocalyptic Hyrule of loz 1 and chills in the castle with cartoon Zelda to defend the triforce pieces that they have while trying to find the last piece before Ganon can find it, stumbling across the sleeping loz 2 Zelda along the way lol. Hijinks ensue as he teaches Zelda the brawns to back up her girlboss and he gets an adventure buddy because its dangerous to go alone and Zelda with her boomerang and crossbow goes hard. I think a monster of the week style plot works for the earlier Zelda games, but an overarching plot could coexist with that since that is kinda how games work lol.
As per usual here are a bunch of slapdash barely related sketches of my ideas with my expanded thoughts below bc I think it'd be fun to share:
I look at the official art of Link being a quiet determined little dude with a backpack of tools and wish that that was represented more. Like look at him! What a guy! Imagine giving a quiet puzzle solving 14 year old a sword, lethal magical weapons, and a wasteland to explore! I would love a show about that! In terms of other characters, swap out that annoying fairy character, put in a Navi clone, at least Navi didn't have a crush on Link🤮. Ganon can stay the same so long as he was always a demon pig and was never a Gerudo man because unlike Nintendo, I do not want to imply that the only prominent man of color in the series has only one big braincell thats just screaming "EVIL" on loop. But! Keep Zelda the same, I love her so much in the cartoon, she's obnoxious in a slay girlboss way, maximum vibes. By virtue of not having a paper thin plot, most other characters that were fine get fixed by proxy.
I think plot wise? It takes place a few years after the first game. Initially, Link saved the royal family and they started rebuilding that area of Hyrule, and Link traveled around to help people. One day, Ganon's minions start making attacks on the castle to steal the triforce pieces back to revive him fully, and a Zelda who greatly admires Links steps up to defend the place. Eventually, Zelda requests Link return to help defend the castle while they search for the mysterious hidden third triforce piece in order to combine the full thing and wish for peace in Hyrule. Link agrees and the hyjinks begin.
IIRC the og Link backstory was that he was the son of the hyrulean queen and the elf king or smth? In the manga? I didn't want him to be hylian royalty but I wanted to keep that cryptid vibe, hence why I have him related instead to the great fairy and the kokiri. He just leaves the forest/cave one day with literally nothing to go save Hyrule, what a chad. I think it'd be funny if people describe Zelda as feral due to how boisterous and headstrong she is, especially out on the field, but Link is the quiet version of wild that you don't notice at first. She is openly intelligent and snarky in comparison to "says 3 lines a day, bombs first and asks questions later, explore under every rock and bush" forest kid Link.
It would be fun though if "rushes into danger" Zelda resonated more with the triforce of power and "solves dungeon puzzles for funsies" Link with the triforce of wisdom, then they both resonated with the triforce of courage upon finding it. idk tho lol
I also think two different young Zeldas coexisting with each other after one awoke from a cursed slumber would be really funny. Like that's gotta be so awkward, especially if one has the fighter girlboss slay up to 11 and the other just woke up from a coma to her family gone and her kingdom destroyed and just kinda wants to read books and drink tea in peace. Imagine being the same age or older than your great (great?) aunt. Or imagine if the old lady Impa nursemaid to Zelda 1 Zelda was the young Impa nursemaid to the Zelda 2 Zelda. Wild.
If I wasn't incapable of remembering to finish writing wips I'd write that series lol. Alas, this is all I can pull for now.
I'd love to call this propaganda to go watch the show but maybe don't because its yikes. This is moreso propaganda for someone to make a Zelda cartoon show instead of the movie that I sense Nintendo is plotting to make. Also, if you've read this far, I should mention I also will probably be posting art from some of my actual long term Zelda aus beyond just expanding on the cartoon, though I may continue to do that if my train of thought continues on these tracks.
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 2 months
i would love to know more about ur jjba ocs :D
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‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ AN EXCUSE TO YAP . GODSPEED BELOVED CITIZEN. FOR SPACING I MAY HAVE TO DO A MULTI PART BUT I THINK ILL START WITH THE OGS. Honestly I wouldn’t mind an input about which one to clarify about,,,,, also Godspeed because you did this anon off which I could never be brave enough to do (positive) OKAY OKAY SO.
The Primary setting is Diamond Is Unbreakable. Featuring my favorite four gay college aged losers.
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JOUJIROU HANABUSA is, quite obviously, yet another illegitimate child of a certain old man. 20 years old and studying to become essentially a professional bug researcher? She was actually made separate from the entire groups theming. She’s kindhearted and struggles to stand up for herself or take things serious, as she feels great remorse for who she was previous to college. She used to be a big hothead boy (‼️TRANSFEM BTW) who was the classic archetype of kid having a rough time at home (or at this case, lack thereof as she was in the foster system at a very small age) and took it out on other people. She struggles with feeling like she’s constantly left out or behind, which emphasizes itself when shit kicks into high gear in the story. (AU pictured briefly here where Joseph finds her at 11 and takes her to be apart of the family)
This kind of reputation proceeds her in the small town, and as such she’s become much more withdrawn and introverted. She left for a period of time as to help her adoptive father on business trips. After which, she came across her little half brother after he accidentally bumped into her while she was frozen looking at a millipede on a streetlight. They didn’t like eachother at first! But brother, once the moms found out it was OVER.
Her stand is The Seven Plagues of Egypt, a very odd place for a stand such as this! But that’s sort of her whole point, she’s sort of an echo of someone she never knew and the issues resulting sort of warping her life and behavior forever unintentionally. (Fun fact: she was 11 when the SDC arc happened!) her stand itself is disturbing and odd, manifesting itself not just out of the material it controls (locusts, fire, blood, etc etc) but also her own internal issues.
The stand itself is crazy, but it’s in the hands of a person who never wants to hurt anyone. Her favorite bugs are of course locusts, having certain earrings and a ponytail holder resembling the insect. It’s range is rather questionable, as Seven Plagues did fuck up— Y’know— Egypt. Or at least a wide range. I don’t have an exact number, as it’s very hard to pin down! She sees through the eyes of the locusts, and can pretty much go anywhere with it even though she can’t use her abilities through the bug outside of a certain radius.
Speaking of, as to how she takes damage— a lot of her stand is multiple organisms in hordes, and she often uses these creatures passively. Whether it be one or 30 all hidden around the room to listen and watch. They appear as small cuts on her body whenever they die, which is HIGHLY annoying for her. (and, newsflash: she DOES get headaches from being rattled around in a jar)
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(AU pictured briefly here where Joseph finds her at 11 and takes her to be apart of the family part 2) I’ve tried drawing it only a handful of times once before, but I do struggle to capture it in a way I like. I have far better sketches I know I’ve deleted but can find! But I’d rather not accidentally delete all of this as I’m on mobile.
Her SCARRING is something very important, as it actually doesn’t come from her hurting herself! It’s a close call with Yoshikage Kira, and brother she FELL for that damsel in distress act he put up and he GOT her ass. Luckily he was on the run so she didn’t have to worry about any extra shit, but needless to say her persistent belief in the goodwill of others gets her in trouble. (I am totally certain this won’t happen a second time with a pink haired man who has some weird shit goin on)
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This is the most RECENT but UNFINISHED mapping of her scars, body and shape. As you can tell I made the center of the blast sort of blister into a star mark. She gets more later, but as of right now we’re focused on part 4 Jouji. This obviously fucked her up big time, destroyed any feel in that side of her body and definitely needed several surgeries, medications and a cane. Her eye technically survived but it’s very piss poor vision on her other side.
She functions poorly in serious social situations, often opting to do bits or try to lighten up the mood. Though she can hold her own close range as well as a regular buff ass 6’6 woman can, she doesn’t often resort to that unless it’s protective. She at least knows how to try her best in situations where people need support or feel isolated, as she knows those kinds of feelings well and tries to befriend people through food and gifts. This is actually why all of her friends came not from college, but from the cafe Norman works at!
LASTLY, she warms up to her new dad rather quickly! She’s an adult, and she tries to reassure him he couldn’t have known she or her brother were born. (“Though, did you HAVE to cheat on your wife? I mean, thanks for the life and all…… but jeez, dude— TWICE? at your age? Damnn….”) she can’t help but wonder if somewhere in the back of his mind, he knows what her mom is like. who she is. She was left alone in Morioh at like 5, and doesn’t remember her twin brother. (And never learns of him until far, far, FAR later.) She just wants to know why she was left behind, and the only one to be. (It was the destructiveness of her stand, and for a assumedly standless mother— it was far too much to handle. So she took the other less exhausting son.)
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Though…….. if she were smaller it would NOT be the case.
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hoardlikegoldenirises · 9 months
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blurple time.
finally finished this~ months after he appeared 😅
you can tell there's a bit of a punk/industrial vibe infusing the whole design. i also drew from various details in the comics, and other random things like bulletproof leather jackets.
closeups, ramblings, (and a version with a cape) under the cut:
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i was originally not planning to add a cape cause i wasn't sure if i could make it work and tbh. still not sure. i like the way the purple cape looks from behind but the inside is like. idk. if it's purple then it looks weird, but the black feels off to me too... I don't think any of the other colors would work.
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oh also i decided this glows in the dark (predictable as always)
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Helmet's been through some sketches and stuff, spent a while figuring out the mechanisms and so on and settled on this design in the end.
Obviously you can see here the top is leather, it's based on a combo of a motorcycle cowl (with an angled zip you can just see there, and then the shoulders from an armored motorcycle jacket i was looking at. then the blue is meant to be a (heavily) modified like, boilersuit or whatever those are. mechanic's jumpsuit.
Plus all the spikes. Obviously there's no spider-punk in this setting but I like the aesthetics, and I like giving Hobie like a little thing of his own in terms of hobbies/interests so I thought adding that punk aspect would be fun, esp as it ties into his whole thing with being unsure of himself and being a little different and so on.
the lenses are one piece each, just with different colors of film on them, like you see on a variety of custom motorcycle visors. used chrome silver for the white "eyes," which i think would look cool and matches the metal hardware. very reflective. hobie prob won't be the only design with chrome/mirrored lenses for reflective purposes (thinking about the hobgoblin) (well. technically peter will also have aluminized lenses at one point but that's a spare mask for fires, not a main look)
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earlier concept which i drew on my phone actually lol. some of this i obv jus copy-pasted cause it was fine as is, other stuff got tweaked, like i ended up changing the lens shape to look a little more like the comics and i did end up scrapping that shape for the faceplate/chin.
and you can see there i edited a pic from the comics playing with what colors i wanted to use. i liked the steel blue that showed up in some of the older painted art from the Prowler's earliest appearances, and I felt like I wanted to give him a color other than purple and green, though I didn't wanna ditch the purple either, so I ended up with this kind of neon blurple + navy combo that I liked a lot. And the silver too.
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back of the jacket and helmet. Didn't originally plan on adding all those spikes but then I was sketching this out and I was like, oh... that would look cool... so i committed!! i like how it looks.
Originally I also had no logo/symbol on the front of the chest so I decided to put one on the back. Then I ended up adding that flat panel to the chest and added the symbol there too, and decided to keep the back one as well. i can def see a 19 year old being like, hell yeah... sick... people will definitely take me seriously now. and you know what. he's right.
i will admit i ended up a little dissatisfied with the story i told involving the Prowler in the linked fic, but... I also probably shouldn't have tried to wedge it between like five warring subplots. But it was like, the spot that made the most sense. If this was a cartoon I think it would be a like... 1-2 issue special focused more on him. And also peter would jump out the window. (The real tragedy that I didn't include cause it's hilarious, poor Hobie XD)
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Anywho. Is this mechanism needlessly complex? Perhaps. I tried to simplify it at one point but then the more I thought about it the less the simplified version worked so I stuck with the OG idea here. I mean, i guess I could have ditched the locking mechanism entirely but i thought it would be fun if the helmet was self-locking! I also wanted a way for it to rotate/go visor up even with the spikes, thus it being a pretty large rotating faceplate with the spikes on it instead of elsewhere. not that he ever puts it up in the fic. peter just takes hobie's helmet off there 😂
He's also wearing a balaclava under there which I didn't bother really drawing, mostly to protect his hair (which I put in twists for related reasons of helmet-wearing) (I briefly had been considering braids but then, well, ATSV and Miles G. happened and I said, well now I cannot do that XD) (I mean I COULD have but I wanted to do something else here lol) Anyway. The idea here is that it's a kind of slide lock with a spring-loaded peg that slots into the holes, and the square hole with the square peg locks the faceplate in place and prevents it from rotating, but when the square peg is in the round hole, the faceplate can rotate freely. The only wrinkle here would be that Hobie has to pull on both locks simultaneously or as close to it as possible or he'd risk cracking the helmet (i assume? stress and pressure etc.)
Sliding the lock forward also slides the whole plate forward, which lets me (in theory) have a flush, smooth silhouette while still allowing it to come forward enough to push up. It's not vacuum sealed or anything though. But it does have like... air filters and a voice modulator and some other things. MOST of the suit is super low tech and doesn't require electricity but the helmet probably has batteries or something. (peter's new webshooters at this point are also battery powered lol)
Helmet is pretty typical fiberglass construction with foam pads inside. Idea there is that Hobie made a lot of this stuff using campus workshop resources like autobody or machining shop on campus, for stuff like getting fiberglass, having a space to work in, making polycarbonate lenses etc. Though it's totally possible to do fiberglass work at home too. (peter also uses campus resources for his lenses specifically btw)
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Gauntlets!!! Uhhhh ngl very difficult. Trying to design armored gauntlets that don't look like knightly armor is very hard for me cause I always just google reference pics of knightly armor. LOL. I think these came out alright. There's a hint of motocross influence there too (though really even in modern days armor is armor so there end up being shared traits) The gloves ended up being mostly leather with some armored parts, though there is probably some inner armor which is not visible. The claws I left bare since you would not be able to sharpen claws coated in plasti dip—
oh yeah the purple color on all the hard parts is plasti dip, which is basically rubber paint.
The wrist gauntlets are very very very loosely based on a guy's grappling rope web-shooter thing which you can see in this youtube video: link. though i didn't wanna just rip him off so i mostly just said, alright, tubes and a harness—which the prowler already has in the comics anyway, albeit smaller. so really it's pretty much like the comics anyway.
Right wrist has the green laser dazzler, both have grapples, left wrist has EMP (not pictured) which Hobie uses in the scene I have him and Peter fight except then I realized recently I didn't actually explain what that was or how it was working 😂 I probably should have done that scene from Hobie's POV in retrospect. It's an EMP though and it scrambles Peter's spidey sense via interference/signal noise.
(electromagnetic signals being responsible for several cases of irl "hauntings" —> spider-man's haunted)
waist utility belt... I like the way the silver belt on the old art looks! So I decided to make these hard silver hinged cases instead of soft pouches (originally were soft but I changed my mind while coloring) — IDK if these really are metal or if they're just fiberglass with chrome paint lol but either way, shiny chromey, hinged to open, the insides are probably padded... buckle is actually metal though.
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Boots—modified snow boots. These are loosely based off of a real thing btw: link to blog post
The silver things are the magnets. Gauntlets are probably also magnetic but those are not visible like the boot ones. I also read some comments saying certain kinds of electromagnets would be preferable for something like boots but ultimately, IDK how to draw that, so I just drew it like they look in jen foxbot's prototype.
There was some other stuff I initially planned on including that didn't make the cut, aside from the cape. I was toying with stuff like a jetpack (or really, a jump jet), gliding/wingsuit, etc. but... I didn't use any of those. Kept it simple and streamlined for the most part. so no gliding for this Prowler, but hey, he's got magnet boots.
maybe in the future if Hobie ends up with an Iron Man-esque collapsible suit, perhaps he'll be able to fly, but for now, he's a college student making a supervillain persona so he can keep himself from getting evicted...
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And his face!!! cutie :3 loosely inspired by Greg Eagles' face (the voice actor for grimm from billy and mandy) Not that ATSV had no impact on this design but that was the main thing. Twists to keep his hair protected in the helmet under the balaclava etc. and something he can do himself, and then a twist out afterward.
plus you can see the nose rings I mention in Creep here.
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marshmellohi · 2 years
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no officer I swear this isn’t Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap art that I’ve had to alter slightly for portfolio purposes. I promise on my entire heart
Anyways I finished the Guy(TM). This little lad took me . so long to finish. but I’m fairly happy with the outcome
There is supposed to be another version with Ezlo, but I’m just sharing this version because. The other one doesn’t exist beyond the original sketch.
But yeah this features my OG little design of Trinket (aka, what I’ve named Minish Cap Link)! I’m not 100% sure I’ll keep him like this but I think I did relatively alright. His clothes come with faux leaves/wings in the back :] In this, he is very much so supposed to be between the ages of 8 and 11 in my interpretation. I like imagining him to be 8 because the concept of an emo twink getting his shit rocked by an 8 year old with a talking hat is incredibly funny.
I have some of the other Links (BotW, ALBW/TFH, Z1/2) sketched out but it’s gonna be a while before I’m able to figure out a design for them all. But I need to practice character design so Here We Are
You do not have my permission to repost/reupload my art.
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sapienthouse · 9 months
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[ID: 2 old digital drawings of Maximus. The first drawing is full-body, reminicent of MS paint drawings, and the other is a character sheet with a front and back full-body, two side portraits of her face, and a sketch of her skateboard, which depicts an open, toothy mouth across the entire underside. The character sheet has her name, her nickname "Maxie", their pronouns "She/her" and questioning "They/them" and both a nonbinary and lesbian flag. She smiles in both, mouth-closed in the first, and open with their tongue out in the second.
Appearance: Maxie is fat, with peach-tone skin, wide set eyes with contacts giving them horizontal pupils, short straight black hair, body hair on their arms and legs, dimples, and a wide flat nose. Her hair is shorter in the first drawing, the character sheet giving her a micro bob; they have short straight bangs in both.
They wear a black and white checkered shirt under a green cami with eyes on the chest, arrows pointing down on them with text reading, "my eyes are down here." Under both shirts, she wears a black turtle neck, and in the first it has long sleeves. She wears a beanie that says "Fuck teeth" in all caps; the first is green with bobbie pins held on it, and the second is lavendar. They have several facial piercings, ear gauges, and black Xs for eyebrows. They also wear lavendar fingerless gloves.
In the first drawing, they wear a black skirt under light-wash jeans, and in the character sheet she wears a big black hoodie around their waist under green capris. She wears black socks and green converse in both, the circle logos being lavendar in the first drawing. end ID]
OC-tober day 3❣️❣️ OGs remember my beautiful wonderful Maxie :-)!!!!! She's a 16 y/o living with her abuela and working at the local family-owned Snacks N' Gas gas station, who's owners have become like family to them, too. Their story (which can be found in my head) is all about community taking care of each other!
when she's not at school, she's either helping her grandmother, working at the gas station, or hanging out in and around the gas station. locals frequently see her practicing skate tricks with friends in the parking lot, and leaning over the counter with a breakfast burrito and a suicide slushie.
Their abuela and her have been family friends with Snack n' Go's staff since she was little, so they were quick to give her a job when she mentioned looking for one. They help take care of her when her grandmother's health declines, giving her extra cash, rides home when the weather's bad (she prefers skating), home cooked food (she may love those breakfast burritos but they are Not nutritious enough for a growing teenager!), and a place to feel like a kid. more Maxie trivia includes:
They're a celebrated member of their high school's robotics club, having helped turn a middling team into one that won state championships 3 years in a row. Battling bots are her favorite to work on!
After learning the tooth fairy didn't exist, they convinced their grandmother to let them keep their fallen teeth in a jar proudly displayed in her bedroom.
She's lefthanded and her eye color under the contacts are hazel
Favorite icecream flavors are mint chocolate chip and rocky road
Maxie should Really be wearing her glasses more often. They're bifocals, but she really only wears them like reading glasses
Deeply autistic about frogs, she could lead like. a week of lectures just about frogs, all from memory.
THAT'S my sweetsy :-)!!! I think I made her around 3 or 4 years ago? They won't be the oldest OC I talk about this month, but all the others need redesigning and she's the oldest i Never Stopped Thinking About yk? so she was just the most appropriate pick for today's "old OC" prompt 🫀🫀🫀
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somethingsketchii · 9 months
That's right folks! This year were trying something different. No assigned prompt list, no official inktober— NO! We're doing something else. Welcome the Bónfire! Maybe you've noticed some changes to my stuff lately. Like how from now on there's 2 profiles for this kind of Art. Thats right 2! One is the OG; this place @jade_jadeite for cleaner art, business, and event stuff like this and now we've got a place to show my rougher everyday sketches, story art and original characters. @something_sketchii
Anyways back to the seasonal Event! Like I said no inktober this year. From now on. We're doing our own thing. This is 'BAKING SEASON' and to get us started I need you to Send in on the main Instagram post a prompt AKA an ingredient! Something you'd like drawn!
Commissions and Ingredients will only be used if they fit this criteria.
•All my accounts are all-age family friendly and I count comments by you included with these standards.
•If a prompt is commented that doesnt suit me, I will request another.
•MUST be family friendly.
•No holiday, profanities, gorey, or anything else within these perimeters is to be suggusted.
•This is neutral grounds. Family wholesome friendly. Please keep it this way
•CAN be a simple suggustion like.
Ex. Fish
•CAN be a detailed suggustion like.
Ex. Blue Bird on old window sill
•PLEASE DON'T suggust something complex world building story...
Ex. A lady named jane with blue eyes and brown hair in her rocket chair zooming into orbit and meow meow meow meow meow...
•If you'd like to purchase a drawing or place a commission please either DM me or email me at [email protected].
•Rules can and will be updated as need seen fit. Double check here for such updates.
Thank you and enjoy.
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ultrasopp · 10 months
embarsing posting old sketch but. yea thank god i didnt finish that in 2019. colors/characteristics would be way off
Hello my 2 followers who like one piece. Hello to the rest who thinks its kinda cringe anime
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had to change A LOT from tthe pose and idea from the og sketch but it was for the better i think. Not often i finish art i planned years before so i am making Post about it lol
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(Screencapping the og post cause it's pretty long)
Ok so this is something I've wanted to do with my own old fucks, but I didn't know exactly how I wanted of go about doing it!!! Until my mate @prettyputrified sent in the ask that gave me an idea; polyvores!! So anyway, I made some more "What's in [x character]'s bag" type posts as a response to this!
(Shout-out to @/cuuno for the og concept btw! Png credit will be in reblogs)
(Read tws in tags before proceeding)
Sylvain's Bag
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Work Bag: The plain black bag Sylvain takes with him when he goes on jobs. It contains only what he needs, which are usually no more than his weapon of choice and his collection of burner phones. Oh, and a pack of cigarettes. Murder is pretty stressful after all.
Casual Bag: Sylvain's own personal purse and wallet. Despite his rough and violent demeanor, he loves self expression and indulging in the emo/pastel goth aesthetic.
- Pocket 1: Self defense pocket. The streets of Pythonel are a dangerous place, so Sylvain makes sure not to leave the house without a gun and/or knife. The weed is purely for sale by the way, not edglord enough I guess.
- Pocket 2: Self care pocket. Contains his own personal phone, which he decorates in cool stickers he finds while out and about. Also makeup and protection, in case he wants to doll up for someone he fancies.
Aldin's Bag
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Shopping Bag: Aldin just uses the same plastic shopping bag he got ten years ago to carry everything. Usually has empty cans and drug garbage in there with everything else. Phone is busted to hell, but you know Aldin's broke ass can't replace it. Get your shit together man what is this???
Jeagar's Bag
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Bag: Ann made it (and basically all his clothes) for him. She tries to include stuff she knows Jeagar likes on it. He never says it aloud, but his old ass appreciates it. Always has bugs inside it that he finds in dire circumstances.
- Pocket 1: Used to store weapons and cigarettes. Usually alternates between his collection of fancy weaponry when he goes out. Matchboxes are from Ann's thrift shopping. Never buys any of his cigarettes, instead he digs up used ones from the dump.
- Pocket 2: Leisure pocket. Contains whatever books he's reading at the moment. Carries around his favorite songs on cassette tapes because the radio people have bad taste. Phone is an old ass brick phone he's had for the last 20 years. How does that thing still work??
- Pocket 3: Emergency pocket. Always has at least one Molotov cocktail in his bag. Just in case.
John's Bag
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Backpack: Simple brown backpack John brings when he goes on trips. Has his keys and pins that he finds funny. Tomagachi is a gift from Ferris for when he's stressed out.
- Front Pocket: Sketch pocket. Has all his little sketchbooks and pencils for when he's bored. Also draws on pieces of loose paper like receipts and used envelopes.
- Inside (smaller part): Comfort pocket. Has porn and alcohol in it all the time, always. Keeps more hardcore drugs in a vintage tin case. Please don't ask about the wedding ring.
- Inside (larger part): All the random shit he's stolen. Purely does it to satiate his "tendencies", as he calls it. Usually takes valuables or vintage items, but will nab literally anything if need be.
Charles' Bag
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Backpack: Old backpack Charles covered in cool stickers and patches. Loves creepy stuff and clutter, which shows in how he decorates most of his belongings. Negative space who?
- Front Pocket: Fun shit pocket. Ready access to drugs, money, music, and most importantly, video games. Phone is some dinky bullshit covered in stickers. Actually has to replace it semi-regularly due to being a temperamental little bitch that destroys shit.
- Main Pocket: "Important" storage pocket. Where he puts his bong when he goes out to a buddy's. Pretty much always has a shitload of random snacks. Always contains at least two guns no matter what.
Ferris' Bag
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Handbag: Bag Ferris stole from a thrift store and covered in patches and pins. Decorates the same way Charles does, but has more vintage and kidcore-esc tastes. Oh and also sexy ladies.
- Pocket 1: Storage pocket. Always has drugs on him, either to sell or use. Keeps his wallet in there for business purposes. Mainly has weed, but will also carry other stuff too.
- Pocket 2: Fun pocket. Books and video games for when he's bored. A rough draft of whatever gross fic he's working on in case inspiration strikes him. Weapons used to make potential inspo. A camera to capture said inspo. Phone is nothing special, just a sticker-covered little flip phone he actually takes decent care of.
- Lunchbox: Usually carries this along with his bag. Keeps the bigger snacks and drinks he can't stick in his bag. Organization is important after all!
Daniel's Bag
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Handbag: Alternates between one of his many vintage-looking, designer handbags. Loves excessive gold and jewels in his accessories. Minimalism is so overrated. Daniel's cutesy pink and white flip phone is hardly anything special on the surface. Gets a bit strange when you realize it's the only bit of modern tech in Goldberg. Weird...
- Help Pocket: :)
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il-eux · 1 year
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top redraw, below attempted sketches, bottom og from 2 yrs ago
this...took so many steps. first it was a messy sketch color style test back in 21 (that makes me sound so old LOL) but i was too shy to post it anywhere since it differed a lot from what i usually drew. i wasn't quite satisfied with it, but i was also really embarrassed so it stayed in the folder (i did like the eyes tho)
then here i am two years later looking for stuff to redraw and was like sure why not. at first i tried just working with the original and transforming parts and coloring over...which could only help so much. SO i decided to try and sketch a redraw. the one on the right made better sense positioning wise, but it didn't have the same feel i was originally going for.
the one on the LEFT went through so many stages. i tried redrawing it to have more of the feel i was going for at first with my current style kinda mixed in but i COULDN'T. GET. THE. ARM. RIGHT. and THE HEAD ANGLE JUST WASN'T WORKING. (not very cash money ú_ù) the hair wasn't really doing it for me either so we come to REDRAW ATTEMPT 3. where i changed the hair to that of another character i had in mind but the funny thing is that then i didn't like the color of the hair, but in changing it im like OH these characters fit the vibe i was going for for ANOTHER set of characters we have for a DIFFERENT story so im like cool, lets just combine these stories or well like, the character i had in mind at first was the mermaid dude but that'll be an AU maybe of these two LOLOLOL
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lumilasi · 2 years
I started reading kny/demon slayer recently as well, and hope you'll like it once you get to it! I'm kind of curious about the story behind those doodles btw! You don't have to share if you don't want to, since you said it was something you were writing for a friend. Love your art!
Aww thanks! Glad you're enjoying my drawing shenanigans!
I'll probs wait till bnha ends before picking it up, as Horikoshi said the manga will likely end this year. We'll see heh
I don't mind explaining the rough plot synopsis I suppose, as I'm not gonna post this story publicly anyway;
(Couple notes: Rengoku is not dead because my friend loves him so much, no canon demons from ds show up as I'd need to read the manga myself first to write them properly, the bnha characters appearing are from a combo if two of my fic aus, Unravel and FS)
Tanjirou, his friends, Rengoku and Tengen & wives are basically invited by Hisashi/good DFO (whos just FS Hisashi as a kitsune) to investigate potential demon sightings in their city. While there they meet some of my og story characters who are either Hisashi's guests, or just tourists. Either way they end up helping out with the investigation, and there's lot of shenanigans that happens;
The Milo & Inosuke rivalry friendship
Silas accidentally spooking Zenitsu
The wives cooing over little Tenko and baby Izuku
Tengen having a silly argument with little Tenko (we thought it was funny, idk if Tengen would actually do this lmao)
There's a 20-year-old Tomura from another universe, because I have to include some dimensional shenanigans when using FS's cast in any way lol, who's kind of a demon too. However since he is from an au, he doesn't eat people or burn in the sun. This latter misunderstanding from Tanjirou & co leads to some funny shenanigans, such as them panicking when he's exposed to sunlight, only to see he's totally fine and only shields himself from the sun because its 'too hot and bright'
Tengen gets covered in glitter at one point I think. Don't ask why
Zenitsu probably gets spooked a couple of times at least
Milo and Inosuke will have an eating contest & throw shit at each other (Milo is a telepath so he can levitate things)
And so on.
Now, to get back to the plot; they eventually end up in a Red District, and find a clue about the demon, who supposedly destroyed one of the places there. The eyewitnesses tell them this strange customer got angry because minors were working there. Unknowingly to them, this mystery man 1. Isnt really a demon, 2. Not the one they are looking for, and 3. He is actually watching them work this whole time, because he wants to find the demon as well, as the fool tried to kill his witch companion whom he's protective over.
Eventually they find the demon, and this mystery figure - Yaguro, my newest character - shows up and probably kills the demon himself. He gets mistaken for one by the group at first too, probably. Also maybe he yeets Inosuke like in that sketch, idk. It'd be funny.
The finer details are still a work in progress for me lmao, but that's the gist of it! Nothing is canon or official to anything whatsoever ofc, its just a story I'm writing for her for shits and giggles
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go-learn-esperanto · 3 years
Survey answers until now:
This was so fun. There are a lot of answers and that's pretty pog! I'm not gonna include everyone but I assure you I've been reading all of them.
Edit: the resolution was awful. Sorry about that. Updated version now! :)
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Now the text answers my beloved <3
Here are some of my favourites!
Mumza. On accident.
How do you cosplay on accident? 👁️👁️
Phil and say it's Urahara
200 IQ play right here
none but i wanted to tell you its not much better. im going as a Supernatural character smh
We really are on Tumblr.com
im doing rivals duo with my friend =]
cc!Ranboo basically. now it just sounds weird. I mean who dresses up as irl celebrities and not the roles they play? man. it just sounds cringe now
I'm gonna throw on a green hoodie, say I'm dream and call it a day B)
Put a plastic plate on it too and it's complete
I have a half-made Ranboo cosplay, but I'm also too old lol
DO IT. I don't care. Even if it's just for you to wear at home. Do it. Nobody it's too old to dress as things they like!
tubbo :D (not 2 self promo but ill be posting pics @starbug.png on insta 👀)
Check them out! :)
There's a bunch of Wilbur/Ghostbur cosplayers. I love you and the Grisn cosplayer very parasocially.
Also the Mumza cosplayers
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I got my ex into mcyt a day or so before we broke up because he started to ignore me > - >
Well... That's.
Figured out one of my besties is into it bc I saw a sketch of the Llama Line by L'Targay
One of my irl friends is an OG dsmp fan, she was there the very first stream. It’s just fun to talk to her about stuff.
A group of 17 year old boys called me cringe at the publix selfcheckout bc of my quackity shirt and i laughed so hard that they got confused like. its not bullying if theyre right
This one. This one has to be my favourite. That's the spirit.
There is a girl in my class who I talked to very little. We were supposed to do an assignment based on a hobby we liked, so I chose MINECRFAT. After I presented this, she approached me after class and said she liked my presentation. She showed me some of her dsmp drawings, like the realistic ones based off photos. She fucking amazing at it and they’re incredible
i was having a rlly bad day at school and in maths class(my last hour of the day)my teacher started playing jump in the cadillac and i just started crying
I really don't want to laugh at your suffering but damn that's hilarious from the outside. I hope you're doing better now tho 💜
i showed my mom a ranboo video and accidentally reviled that i stole almost his every one of his speech patterns
In class, a guy compliments my Ranboo hoodie. I look at his hoodie and he’s wearing a Wilbur one. I compliment his as well. A girl nearby stands up and looks at us. She is wearing a Quackity hoodie. Somehow the universe has placed three Dream SMP fans together in the same class. The best part is you would never know we were fans without our merch. We could be anyone. We walk amongst the living
That makes me want to buy merch so bad
last night I wrote penis smp fanfic while sitting right next to my mom who doesn't think I swear. she could have looked at my screen at any time.
Asked “does a historical speech from a minecraft roleplay count?” For a kinetic typography assignment
Wrote a lyrical analysis on the l’manburg theme for a school project
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the reason i didn't answer "mumbo jumbo" to the philza's wife question is because mumbo jumbo is too busy being a gay whore in last life. he's gay married but also flirts with every man he comes across
True. Absolutely true.
I literally saw an anti vaxxer on tumblr talking about how it's bad that Tommy and tubbo have to get vaccinated just to see each other irl
!! i have a VERY IMPORTANT FACT: niki nihachu <3 also dsmp women in general,, hannah niki puffy tina collab when pls give it to me its all i want in life,,,,,, also unrelated but im in a musicy mood listen to romance by yoasobi and watch the video trust me its stunning :]
Watched it! Really cool visuals! The music just brings me back to my VOCALOID fandom fase (not that is possible to love the VOCALOID fandom completly though. I definitely haven't.)
I’m making a Wilbur soot animatic based on The Fall by lovejoy and I hope I can get it finished by the 16th !!
Good luck!!! That's awesome!
im in this hellhole more than 1 year how am i still alive akpqpqlajwhoq give money
I have exactly one irl friend who watches dsmp n I'm the one who got her into it >:]
Evil >:]
"Im not gay I just can't read" - Jack Manifold
i just want to know why ranboo was at the red banquet, dressed up and wearing a blindfold . w h y
i can't wait for big lore to come back djfjdkkf
Why must life give its hardest battles to its weakest warriors
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Please help okay so the problem is "Let P be the set of all people who have ever lived and define a relation R on P as follows: for every r and s that are elements or P, rRs <-> r is an ancestor of s or r =s. Is R a partial order relation? Prove or give a counter example." It's definitely reflexive ince when s=r then s=r which is true. It isn't symmetrical since that would be weird as hell, I mean a grandparent cannot be the grandchild of their own grandchild that would fuck up the family tree even more than the DSMPs but like, how do I prove that mathematically? Like, if rRs and sRr then r = s but "if person A is either a grandparent or the same person as person B and person B is either the grandparent or the same person as person A then person A is person B" just feels like a weird sentence.
Just did the Komaeda checklist for c!Wilbur...
I don't wanna know. (I kinda do actually)
Catch me dual-wielding Hermitcraft and the Dream SMP… call me Hannah Montana cause I’m the best of both worlds
Same. Same. Call me Ariana Griande because I'm a-grian with you.
i just saw a post. soon, we will have enough tommy father figures for a mamma mia! au.
Months before I got into DSMP I had an internet friend interested in it and I was like "lol, nice, but could never be me" because I had gotten out of my 2016-2018 MCYT phase not that long ago at that point and didn't think I'd go back... Well...
ldshadowlady is a goddess amongst us all and we should recognize her as such.
HMMM well i messed up my eyeliner which has made me quite sad
Mumbo Jumbo could steal anyone’s wife
I always talk about wanting to bake bread again but I keep procrastinating. Same goes for writing fanfiction and stuff too. I have countless abandoned fics across all of the platforms I'm on, plus about ten that never made it out of Google docs or pure writer. I think I have a bit of a problem lol
I can assure you're not the only one. 👁️👄👁️
We all suffer from the procrastination problem. Don't put yourself down too much ok? You're doing that for yourself and if you don't feel like doing it then you don't feel like doing it. 💜
Wilbur with wings is unappreciated especially when you consider all the cool headcanons you can have for what they'd be like after his revival like skeleton wings or phantom wings or only wings DreamXD can see. Also ghostbur w/ blue melting/ evaporating wings *longing sigh*
That's pretty cool!
I figured out I was fine with any pronouns by brainstorming self insert dream smp fanfic
I have a huge crush on quackity
This one broke me and I don't know why. Every time I look at it I start laughing my ass off.
I got into it because of Woe to the People of Order
Oh, woe to thee, ye people of order
I hope your homes continue to smolder
And that you never rise again
And woe to those that called me a friend~
That's a badass way to join a fandom
I just miss Ghostbur man
Don't we all? (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ Have some blue
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echonidae · 3 years
let’s talk commission stuff!
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hey folks !!  so i’ve been reorganizing myself to get commissions back on track, and i’ve got some things i’d like to get your input on, if it isn't too much trouble !! ;v;
it’s a long one, so under the cut it goes sdfghghj
a slightly too long tl;dr because apparently this is a 10min read (i'm so sorry): commission revamp on the works! no date for it yet. gonna be easing myself back with just icons for a while at first (no date for that either thoug, not yet), then the revamp will be in full swing with all the other commission options, and the pricetable for them will be changed in the future as well. 
some questions: 
1) i’m rethinking commission types, is there anything you’d like to see as a new option?  2) considering i tend to open only a handful slots every batch, i'm thinking about implementing a waitlist (with a bit of a twist: it's split between Current Batch and Next Batch; a little more complicated than a regular ol' waitlist, allows me to get through some of the waitlist queue as work gets done). would that interest you or is it too much of a headache? 100% open to suggestions! 3) i’m organizing a board on trello for commission stuffs !! any suggestions or specific things you’d like to see there?
so! it’s already been over a year since i last opened commissions and i’d very much like to get back to them ;o; it’s been way too long! i miss working with you folks aaa
i don’t have a reopening date yet, but i’m planning on opening only icons for a while to ease back into the process. later on, i'll open the other commission options too. you see, i’m working on a full revamp of the whole thing, including the terms of service and that info image with the examples (because looking back, i think it no longer really represents my current style and how i really do commissions in terms of just... plain old rendering and polishing), so i’ll be working on new drawings and a new layout too, and all that good jazz :D
for full disclosure, along with this overhaul of the terms and such, i will be updating prices too c: i’m still working on the new values though, since i need to figure out what commission types/options the overhaul will have. which brings me to the first question here: what would you like to see as a commission option? for reference, here’s the og options:
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(hoo i need to redo those examples *sweats*)
also, one more thing i’d like to note about this revamp situation: there isn’t a whole lot that’s changing really haha it’s just been a long, long time since i last did commissions, so i’m reviewing terms and i might change stuff that’s become outdated, or that needs clarification. if you’ve commissioned me before, the process itself is still the same so no worries! once the revamp is out, i’ll point out anything that has changed too c:
in regards to price changes, those first icon-only batches will be in their original price, and the new prices will only take effect once the revamp with the other options is out. it will be quite a while before until that, but if you have any concerns, feel free to message me any time ! either way, i’ll keep you folks posted !! i guess i also could post the new prices before implementing them, if that helps!
so, moving on! now to the waitlist situation <:3c as in, i’ve never had one, a while back someone asked if i did, and now that i’m reorganizing things, i’m wondering if it would be good to implement one :3c feel free to send any questions !! or suggestions!! i'm all ears!!!
usually i only open a handful of slots for each batch, right, and once they're all claimed, the commissions are closed until all the slots are finished. folks who missed the slots have to wait until the next batch, and sometimes those batches take a while to come back, and i usually just message those who missed the opening once the new batch is announced.
what i'm thinking for the waitlist is, i'll open it along with the batch of commissions, and limit it to a specific number of spots or close it by a specific date, whichever comes first. to apply for it, people would just need to send the form and i can tell them immediately whether or not i can draw their request, and then they'll be placed on the waitlist in the order they’ve been accepted c: pretty standard stuff.
here’s the important bit: that list is basically split in two. the first handful of people on the list, corresponding to the amount of slots for the current batch, will be reached out to as i finish working on the claimed slots, and then anyone else on the waitlist will be contacted shortly before the next batch. if, by the time the list closes, not all the opened slots have been claimed, folks on the list will simply be moved up the queue accordingly c: all of it would be discussed individually, of course, and very well disclosed in the commission info!
there are other points to it as well: anyone would be able to request a spot on the next batch's waitlist instead of the current one, and anyone can leave either list at any point. folks who had already claimed a slot when it first opened would only be able to apply for the next batch's waitlist (to give everyone a chance of getting one), and people on the list, either for the current or the next round of commissions, can be skipped up to a limit if they're unable to continue the order once i get to them.
oh and, before i forget, with the waitlist in place, i think i’d no longer be able to put slots on hold as i used to (as in, before paying the first invoice), as it’d be unfair to folks on the list. in that case, the person would be placed on the list as well if they want to, and contacted as soon as possible : )
also the "up to 2 slots per person" thing would be on thin ice too haha
anyway, this is kind of what i intended to do back then, with reopening slots as work gets finished, but never got around to. i want to make sure i don’t swamp myself with work, but also have it so that folks who want slots have a good chance of getting them, whether for the current batch or the next, as there's only so many slots i can open and work on at once, and time zones and irl things are to be considered too for anyone interested c:
it also makes it easier for me to keep track of messaging folks about new slots and such, and the list would be made public and easily available for consulting too : D more on this later!
so how's this looking? i've never done waitlists before and barely knew how they're supposed to work before starting to reorganize things, so please do feel free to voice your thoughts !! i’m 100% open to suggestions !!! do you think this system would work out for you? any concerns? if anything is unclear feel free to point it out, i'll do my best to explain the process or change stuff that doesn't quite work!!
so!!! now to the very last thing i wanted to talk about ! trello! 
i’m making a little trello board for updates on commission stuff! my commission info page here on tumblr and on deviantart both have this little section for updates on each slot’s progress, but i admittedly didn't do a good job keeping them updated (and constantly updating two things in different places just. kinda sucks.), so i’ve been diving into trello to unify that update section in one place and keep things nice and organized and transparent : ) it would be super useful for keeping track of the waitlist too, if that becomes a thing, or for updates on commission status and such!
so far i’m only testing things out, so it’s looking like this right now (sorry for the tiny image!):
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(the board is lying btw, commissions are very much closed haha) (also if it’s basically unreadable, here’s the upload on sta.sh)
with all those little lists, the “available slots” and “sketch” and “lineart” and whatnot, i would be moving the card along the process : D and adding the appropriate labels, of course
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this way i can have those halfsteps labelled too (working on/halfway through/finishing), since there’s only so many colors i can use without making it confusing (and tbh i’m already not too thrilled about color labels as it is, but it beats typing each individual status, and i’d imagine it’s more readable for folks consulting the list as well)
i really like how this looks so far in terms of organization but i’m unsure if the horizontal scrolling is anything but annoying, specially to folks on mobile (with the way i divide my screen on desktop, it certainly isn’t ideal either), so if you have any experience with that, feel free to let me know your thoughts!! there are a thousand different ways to organize this, and this is all a work in progress too c:
so! anything specific you folks would like to see on trello? i know this is a fairly common tool for commission queues and info and such but i’m super new to this platform, so please feel free to send suggestions! ♥
anyway yeah! that’s it! ;0; !
i’m sorry for the super long post, i’ve just been thinking about a lotta stuff haha i feel like i don’t interact a whole lot as it is, and since commissions are very much a team effort, i do want to get input from you folks on it c: it’s good to get a fresh perspective as well!
thank you so much for reading this far !! let me know your thoughts !!! :D ♥
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pjohoo-memes · 4 years
✨my personal opinions✨
notice how i didn’t say “unpopular” because some of these are popular and i wanted to speak on behalf of most people in this fandom for where these opinions came from, to those acting like they’re qUiRky by hating on something :)
1. percy is NOT overrated and NOT underrated, he’s perfectly fine where he is. i’ve seen multiple of you out there saying percy is overrated, but HE IS THE REASON WHY YOU LIKE PJO BETTER THAN HOO AND TOA - but yea fellow percy stans stop attacking people when they say their opinions- (ngl im kind of a hypocrite because i take these things PERSONALLYYY but i just don’t say them, keep mean words to yourself y’all)
2. octavian deserves each and every hate comment. are we just gonna ignore that he was a power hungry, emotionless dude who blackmailed hazel with some very sensitive topics?? sis go straight to the field of punishment, idc idc he’s just a little better than luke, no redemption arc possible
3. luke was NOT a hero. he deserves to go rot in tartarus for all i care- to all you (hopefully) nonexistent annal*ke shippers: bring me some bleach, i really need some
4. toa is overhated. apollo was annoying asf in the first book and i haven’t even read ToN but i’m looking for some character development- JASON DIDN’T DIE FOR NOTHING I HOPE-
5. jason is not bland, the fandom collectively just erased his entire backstory like hon i- also please stop comparing him and percy, jason is a different character :)
6. reyna joining the hunters was not thatttt ooc, she just pulled a bianca, but she will definitely leave sometime soon
8. frazel is not that bad but the age gap was kinda sketch, they also aren’t sweet little cinammon rolls and they’re both super powerful and praetor goals so
9. all the gods are assholes except hephaestus and hestia. there, i said it.
10. i still hate perachel. they aren’t cute at all and they would never have lasted- y’all hating on aang (A 12 YEAR OLD AT THE TIME) for kissing katara without her consent while RACHEL LITERALLY DID THE SAME THING
11. pernico is a bit better but the fanart is making me barf- istg nico literally said he didn’t like percy anymore and they don’t even like each other that much
12. leo was an asshole to frank while frank was a justified asshole to leo.
13. i really don’t like liper preyna and lazel, they’re very weird and platonic
14. jeyna had potential, someone has to write a fic from reyna’s pov about jiper, lemme cry my eyes out
15. piper is soo overhated, did she not kill enough goddesses for you-
16. jiper is kinda sus because hera literally made it but they’re such a power couple. i applaud rick for the breakup tho (NOT JASON’S DEATH), that was super realistic and piper being an aphrodite kid really added to the meaning
17. SoN and the og trio is underrated!!
18. the “not my type” joke is the most bland and annoying joke in the history of jokes- percy just thought that nico hated him for the longest time and nico came out to them with that at the same time so
19. rachel is overhated and underrated
20. annabeth was a justified bitch and she’s my queen- y’all are attacking her for her abandonment issues from luke (f u btw) and her “toxicity” against rachel, i thought it was hilarious. i haven’t read the entire hp series but she’s better representation for girls so far compared to hermione!
21. percabeth is the best developed couple i’ve ever seen and they are so cute like CHILLS MY DUDE WITH THE FANFICS AND FANART- they aren’t too unrealistic tho, they went through their ups and downs. toxic is a whole different thing, they were never really toxic
22. i don’t really like a lot of the percabeth au fanfics like mine atm since they’re kinda boring at times but i still read them because i like seeing how people weave in character traits and events- you can literally predict the plot (rachel and luke are love interests, one of them gets hurt and yadayadayada) but there’s some plot twist which is always interesting tho
23. caleo isn’t toxic, cal just doesn’t have any social skills from being sTRANDED ON AN ISLAND FOR ETERNITY- it shouldn’t have existed since i want leo to be single (sorry) but it was good for their characters ig
24. thalia and percy’s fight was really good. 
25. percy, leo, and nico aren’t really good friends, they wanted to strangle each other a lot. remember that percy’s bestie is grover.
26. drew was annoying. as an asian girl who could only cosplay her for my life, stop asking for a redemption arc, i like the type of people she represents
27. chiron is underrated
28. i loved kane chronicles! the last book was not as good but red pyramid was one of my favs. zarter is adorablee and zia can step on me and i would say thank you. i really liked sanubis but once they merged i was like uh wtf 👁👄👁
29. magnus chase was kinda boring at times- the last book with magnus’ speech that defeated loki was kinda cringe but i really liked hearthstone and blitz. fierrochase is also one of my favs, rick handled alex pretty well
31. i don’t think any demigod is more powerful than another. they all have really strong powers but each of them has a lot of negatives WHICH IS WHY THEY’RE PERFECT THE WAY THEY ARE. also, in general, stop asking for so many redemption arcs, i love redemption arcs but some characters must stay flawed and bad. if you want a good one, zuko from atla’s is perfection
32. my favorite characters are percy, annabeth, sadie, and magnus. i like other characters too, but there are so many characters i like to the point where i forget about them so this is all i remember (i need to reread LMFAO-)
33. this might be controversial but i really don’t like any of the noncanon ships in any fandom? like unless the canon ships are that horrible, i do not ship any noncanon ships. you have a perfectly fine canon ship there with a lot of content but you have to go out of your way to ship two other characters?? chile 😔🤚
34. last but not least, MR. RICK RIORDAN IS NOT A GOD. stop cancelling him for the smallest of things, he’s not perfect like the rest of us and stop getting mad at his representation, be happy he has it in the first place.
thank you for listening to my TEDtalk. feel free to comment your opinions but please do not attack me, as i am a very sensitive person 🌚
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