#the old poptropica
Talking about random ass shit cause I have NOTHING TO DO.
Poptropica. Let me tell you, I grew up on poptropica, it was like my LIFE FORCE, I injected that shit into MY BLOOD. So naturally, I have some strong feelings about the... recent developments.
It all started BEFORE FLASH EVEN SHUT DOWN SO I CANT EVEN BLAME FLASH FOR THIS ONE SADLY. Anyway, it all started when suddenly a bunch of islands mysteriously disappeared off poptropica. When asked, they said it was to make way for some new ones!
But you'll never find this no matter how hard you search, cause the death of flash forced poptropica to kill off more islands so everything you try to find about any of it will only tell you it's flash's fault. But it isn't! I was there! I saw the islands disappear! WHEN FLASH WAS STILL INTACT!
Anyway, these islands disappeared, and though I was sad not to be able to play them anymore, I was excited to see the BRAND NEW ISLANDS, like everyone else. I mean, poptropica hasn't had a new island in years, and now we have NEW ISLANDS.
So in came Reality TV: Wild Safari. This game... didn't suck. It really didn't. But it did mark the start of a NEW style of Poptropica games. The style I like to call... "Baby Games"
Compared to the original islands, these "baby games" are a lot more dumbed down. Now, easy islands aren't uncommon. You have islands like time tangled, early poptropica, and of course you can't forget 24 carrot, but, dear reader, by "dumbed down" I do not mean easy, I mean I feel myself physically losing braincells just looking at it.
Poptropica islands generally rely on you using your own big, smart brain thoughts to figure out what to do next. The entire reason I liked poptropica in the first place is because it requires you to think, use your big brain muscles, and understand what's happening. It required problem solving skills. It believed kids had the capacity to think for themselves and be smart. They don't need instructions or being told what to do to figure something out.
The "baby games", however, work on the principle "kids dumb," and so they tell you what to do. You have little to no capacity to think for yourself and figure out "oh that's what I need"
They're so babied down that you can barely do anything for yourself. Poptropica has turned itself into just another dumb kids' game when it used to be so much more than that. The adventures, the slightly questionable lore that you probably shouldn't think too much on, and the humor. Also, the fact that it didn't hesitate to tackle dark topics. But now, it just feels so... baby. I feel like I'm being treated like an idiot. When you're treated like you're dumb it just makes you feel dumb. Kids aren't idiots. Don't treat them like idiots.
Also, the extent of the humor of these games is either unfunny play on words or "haha, old poptropica dumb haha"
Don't get me wrong, I love when things don't take themselves seriously, but it's not funny when it's something that doesn't really make sense to be making fun of. Like in Jade Scarab, we're asked why we walk everywhere when we have a giant golden blimp to get around... uh, maybe because everywhere is within walking distance, you fucking imbecile. Oh, and we don't even walk everywhere. There have been multiple times when we use vehicles in the islands. Shrink Ray, Cryptids, Game Show, I mean, bffr.
Tell me you're dumb without telling me you're dumb. Tell me you don't understand the original poptropica without telling me you don't understand the original poptropica.
Sure, poptropica was always far from perfect, but at least it wasn't whatever the fuck goofball island is. They took my childhood and ripped it apart and called it "improved."
At least we'll always have the old islands as they're slowly but surely re-released. It's fine. Just ignore the new islands, they don't exist.
I have so much to say on this topic. You don't know the half of it. That was just unorganized word vomit cause I had nothing better to do. If you really want an argument that isn't just me being angry, I'll give you an argument. Just not right now. I've tired myself out.
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delatoid · 2 years
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comical-icicle · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone for letting me draw their pop ocs! It was a lot of fun drawing all of them.
Tag time:
Friendly Boa - @mystic-sunni
Alastair and NP - @twigthecoyote
Curious Seagull - @snoopypliot
Gentle Dolphin, Super Wing, and Incredible Beetle - @phs-animations
Comical Tiger - @comical-tiger
Quick Fire - @thatonerabbit
Ebony Moore - @bubblesthedreamer
Kela - @gengar-pixel-2
Strange Sun and Shiny Dolphin - @graveyard-dash
Fearless Bones - @monster-carnival-island / @pinklightningmc
Serious Heart - @virtual-dragon-almond-bakery
Invisible Shadow and Invisible Feather - @lookingforcuteartsss
Lucky Paw - @some-wierd-clown-i-gusse
Purple Shadow - @redshamrock56
Thea - @classicassiopeia
Golden Heart - @thegoldensungoddess
Poppin - @meowjings-arsb
Icy Fang - @thebutterflyoficeandwisteria
Jackalope - @sgtapollo
For the two I don’t know the names of (I’m so sorry), thank you @cyan-nostalgia-princess and @shxchii for letting me use your ocs!
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barbieboyy2k · 5 months
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snoopypliot · 2 months
Somebody needs to do a rewrite of some Poptropica Islands because some of them are wasted potential and need to be fix
I was just thinking about how so many Islands could be great if they were written better or a little longer
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astriddestelle · 5 months
Jumping on this trend.
You wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me…
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puppyeared · 9 months
I play animal jam :]
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thank u for your input tumblr user majachee. sadly i have never played animal jam and im a disgrace to the furry community
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He’s like some sort of bug to me
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Ringmaster Pyper used to be my primary Poptropica avatar along with her sister, Phoebe (apparently they switched personalities too)! I can hardly believe how much they've been through, from my childhood pastimes to my awful fanfictions 🥺They grow up so fast...
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I'm so mad about how much Poptropica has changed.
1st they get rid of all the good islands: wimpy kid, spy island, peanuts island, super power island, cryptids, etc. and they removed ep.5 of survival island (literally the final island! WTF!)
Plus, I still had a bunch of islands I didn't complete, mostly skullduggery island, poptropulus games island and reality TV island (the latter two as they relied on luck and skill)
2nd they made the hard islands easy, like literally. In mythology you no longer have to do the god/goddess quiz in order to get Aphrodite's teleporting mirror, Hercules is outside the restaurant and you no longer have to cross the river of Styx. It made me so mad because I struggled with this island, but it is still one of my favorite islands and it ties into Supervillain island (the one where you enter the dreams of all the past villains to get key items. So much fun!). Anyways, the point is I finished the island in less than hour (30 min tops) when it usually would have taken me much longer. The most annoying past is that it's still marked as level 3 difficulty when it should be 2.
3rd all the new islands they make are rubbish, absolute rubbish. Fairy tale island is dumb, jade scarab island was ok, but still could've been better.
4th they changed the menu and customization, you used to do be able to make your own character, choosing their hair color, skin tone, mouth, and name (I still have my og name on my first account, but still the fact you can't make your own name now is so sad). Anyways, the menu and character profile was so much fun, choosing your team (I was fighting squids. I think that was the name) and the little quizzes they had (like, when was the last time you got sick and what pet you had) made all the more interesting to have friends. Omg, you used to be able to have friends! Totally forgot about that!
Anyways, the most annoying thing they got rid of (mainly cause they removed the islands) was having a little icon thing in the character profile where you could see all your medallions that showed what island you had completed. I don't how to tell you how satisfying it was to see almost a full array of gold (except for the islands I never completed) and that was my favorite thing. *Sigh* if only I had taken a photo, but I was young and dumb then (barely a teenager) so I didn't think about taking a photo.
Anyways, the point is, Poptropica sucks now and it needs to bring back the good islands.
Tag or comment your favorite islands.
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zesty-jesty · 3 months
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I miss drawing Alice, she is so fun to experiment with when it comes to my style changing and trying out shading and lighting. This is my 2nd attempt at this type of shading, going out of my comfort zone a bit! And while going through some of my older art pieces on my computer I found a older drawing of her that I wanted to redo (old ver down below) This character has gone through so many changes over the years its insane, and she started as a Poptropica OC once! (Went by Happy Sun formerly) I am proud of how far she's come developed as a character 💕☀️
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Poptropica. Anyone remember that?
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planet-poptropica · 9 months
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⋆ Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to all! I finally finished this art piece that took me a couple of months to finish- But it's done! ⋆
⋆ I thought it was ABOUT TIME I drew my favorite old goobers on their special day. Space themed and all. ⋆
⋆ Totally normal wedding, definitely not disguised as their return to villainy- nope. ⋆
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 days
The google… is so good i love the way you drew the webkinz
To me the google is the most iconic webkinz
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strawbeb · 8 months
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comical-icicle · 1 year
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What’s this? A new oc?
Kind of. Not really… This is actually my rendition of my main account I’ve had for Poptropica, but I didn’t know when I should have introduced her. Probably at the beginning. Eh. Honestly it was a shock to discover that the account was still accessible after I remembered the login.
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