#the only hint ur getting is the fandoms i tag for it~
kindheartedgummybears · 8 months
random lore/scene drops from my SMG werewolf aus but I don't specify which ones they're from.
mmmmmmmm self-cannibalism
this thing is a little shit omg they do NOT want to talk about how good a deer tastes or remember its body leave them alone
it gets worse as time goes on
poor man wet his pants
nuuuuu don't eat your girlfriend!!!!!
✨werewolf zoomies✨
this is NOT how I expected to meet your parents.
"nuuuuuuuuuuuu u can't be with me while I'm like that I'll hurt u🥺🥺" *has done nothing but protected them while like that*
awkward family bbq
*stares intensely at mirror* "I look like shit" (that could go for like all of them spoiler alert💀)
*lurks over ur S/O's shoulder while they cook stake*
"hey do u mind giving me one of those eggs u just washed-" *crunch* "😨"
*spits out a whole ass dead rabbit* "...thanks..." *awkwardly puts it in a bag*
✨good girl✨
*literally a pin cushion at this point* "I'm hungry :/"
"I don't feel good :((" *spits out their teeth*
"you're rather lively today. What happened?" "Oh, you know! I just- ......I Don't know...." (they just had the most traumatizing night of their life.)
what if we ate a man together and shared his heart🥺👉👈
What if I died but didn't.
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natsmagi · 10 months
I love ur art!!!! really its so gorgeous and the style brings me sm joy, its so soft and cute!! and ofc fem ntsmg is THE GOAT!!!!!!
BUT I JUST WANNA ALSO SHOW APPRECIATION FOR HOW U ANSWER ASKS AND STUFF AND IDK JUST UR WHOLE PERSONALITY IN GENERAL?? I love reading ur text posts especially when u kinda analyze the characters and stuff like its so fun to read and tbh, both natsume and tsumugi are characters that I feel are often mischaracterized in the fandom, and like idk I feel like u get them so perfectly and its sooo !??!?! Awesome getting to read ur awesome takes when new events come out and stuff like YOURE SO RIGHT ABT EVERYTHING, i be reading ur posts and going "you!!! YOU FUCKING GET IT!!!!!!!!!!" *happy stimming*
if you honestly did like a proper character analysis for them one day just now i would be so here for it and read it over and over again probably. Im currently hyperfixating RLY HARD on ntsmg so sometimes i just go through ur entire text post/ask tag and read everything over and over again 😭😭😭 I JUST LOVE THIS BLOG IN GENERAL KEEP DOING WHAT YOURE DOING, YOURE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME AND VERY MUCH BASED USER NATSMAGI!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️
im a very chatty person so im very glad u like hearing what i have to say 🥺!!! and im glad u like my personality too since i feel i can come off as harsh or arrogant sometimes AKJHFSKJH THOUGH TBF I DO TRY MY BEST TO BE KIND......
ID LOOOVE TO ANALYZE NTMG MORE !!! main reason i dont do it as often or hold myself back a bit is because admittedly its been a While since i read alot of the stories, a majority of which i have only read once, and when i make actually Proper analyzes i like to have reread the material and see if i maybe misinterpreted something on my first read or am misremembering, bc when given new info other interactions can be read differently and all that. and i also wanna actually do them justice and not accidentally spread misinfo AJHSFKJH AND I UNFORTUNATELY HAVENT HAD THE TIME NOR ENERGY TO DO THIS </3 but even without remembering every single piece of dialogue verbatim i like to think my grasp on them is still somewhat decent, and im very glad u like my interpretations 🥺❤️
it always makes me so incredibly happy when people view the characters similarly to me aswell bc like u mentioned they Are kinda prone to getting mischaracterized in some ways...... i think it mainly comes from both natsume and tsumugi having MANY factors to their characters though, and the mischaracterization comes from only highlighting one aspect of them and failing to think about how their different attributes overlap (although this can probably be said for the entire cast tbh). like an easy example that im sure everyone gets by now is natsumes little tsundereisms. if you only focus on him being rude to tsumugi it can look like hes just some edgy guy with anger management issues, but when you take into account other factors such as him having a rather spoiled upbringing both by his parents and nii-sans, and his distaste towards feeling "weak" (also caused by his upbringing, since he was frail as a child and raised as a girl) you start to see that oh. alot of that is just him being defensive and emotionally immature. since he had such a comfortable upbringing those hints of discomfort and vulnerability are threatening to him as someone who always had everything handed to him. and when you dont know how to deal with situations like that ASWELL as being afraid of being seen as "weak" youre Gonna start resorting to harsher words and sometimes even get physical because you have no clue how else to handle this. its also why the natsumes character consists of him being pretty obsessed with "growing up" and "not being a kid anymore," because he knows how immature he could be SKHDGJH he doesnt have bad intentions he just. doesnt know how to be vulnerable with people
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mattypattypinky · 3 months
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Gonna respond to this in a screenshot
BC I don't want this post to go in the FANDOM tags
(mainly bc i don't want to have to interact and argue w ppl bc of a hc😭)
Okay, first of all, everyone is entitled to their opinion / interpretation of him and his character. I mean, I'm a firm believer that he is an adult, but I know other people disagree. And that is okay.
That being said, one of the reasons I head canon him as an adult is simply because the ambiguous age, and the fact that I am one, and ship with him and I'm not going to ship with a 12 year old. (I know, shocking.)
But it goes further than that.
we know from the art-book, that 🐐🌈 is canonically an adult.
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I see the 🐐💚 form as nothing but a memory of what he once was.
Fifth anniv. ⏰ dialogues
I've seen a lot of people on Twitter saying that using this dialogue doesn't count, and that people 'erase the context of it' so I'm going to show the full context here.
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Here, he sort of claims that he is grown up.
A lot of people argue that right under this line of dialogue he is being childish, and that kids refer to themselves as grown ups all the time, which that is true. But we have to take into consideration that adults are allowed to enjoy things, as well.
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He goes against his own statement by hinting at exactly what type of gift he wants, and a lot of people argue that this is proof that he's just a child playing pretend, but I disagree with that mindset. Adults are allowed to want things, when you become an adult you do not just magically stop wanting fun things like coloring supplies and colorful things.
My best example/argument... would be 🍝🦴 himself.
A majority of the fandom interprets 🍝🦴 as an adult (from what I am aware of?) - despite him acting much more childish and innocent than 🌻 is.
He collects action figures, he wants to have a shiny red car, he gets read a bedtime story about fluffy bunnies, he plays dress up with a "battle body" constantly, there's more examples but need I say more??? Point being, despite his childish demeanor and innocent portrayal (despite him being one of the toughest monsters imo) - he is often portrayed or interpreted as an adult.
There is a point, where I feel like it might become a double standard??? imo??
How come 🍝🦴 can act just as, if not more childish than 🌻 does, and yet still be considered an adult?
Now the argument could be something like, oh 🌻 is more childish emotionally.
Well, yeah. He's traumatized???
He got murdered, and is stuck in a time loop and a flower essentially, and has grown too cold to feel for others. Of course he is going to be explosive, irrational at times, and immature. It's because he's been hurt, his mind works different than 🍝🦴's because he has gone through more pain than he has and remembers it.
I feel like the argument that "Oh he acts immature so he's a child" is harmful not only bc it stimulates this belief that adults just magically lose their immature / happy fun sides, but also I think it's a little bad for neurodivergient people out there who are a lot like him.
There are adults out there who can still want childish things, and that is okay. There are adults out there who still react immaturely to their emotions, and that is okay.
Hell, I'm gonna be turning 19 in like... 2 months, and I still would KILL to have like, toys and colorful things decking out my room and whatnot. It would be really, really nice. Does that make ME a child?
And I still spiral out of control sometimes with my emotional outbursts.
There are bipolar people, there are narcissists, and there are plenty of other things, and I know an adult who is about to be in their 40's who get excited over batman toys at five below.
Point being, I interpret him as a neurodivergient adult who is traumatized and deserved time to heal.
I probably will have more to say about this at some point later. Again this is just my interpretation/thoughts on it ur allowed to see him different
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
Tell us ur annoyedTP thots on macauchay 💕
(x) lol macauchay, my behated anNOyedTP 😂 i will try to keep this short and mild, but honestly i have a LOT of steam built up on this duo and this will probably just come off as rant-y. macauchay should be charming, but my dislike for the ship really boils down to three things;
one, i'm unfortunately just flat out predisposed to not liking them. the first interaction i had with this duo was a handful of shippers who were deliberately rude and obnoxious in tagging their macauchay fics with kimchay, often combined with summaries/tags that went like "see my manifesto on why kimchay sucks/macauchay is better" (paraphrased), so my first reaction to this ship was "what a bunch of assholes". fandom's love of hating on Kim did not help this issue, as a lot of macauchay shipping is based on hating Kim and i Do Not Like seeing Kim hate (strike 2). this is probably an unfair association to have with the ship in general, but its there now and i just don't generally see the point in trying to dig through enough macauchay content to try to get rid of it
my third resentment towards macauchay is how people just generally...presume that Chay and Macau have to have a good relationship. they never once interact in canon, and frankly they have more reason to hate each other than they do to like each other, but fandom's default assumptions is that they are best friends, will immediately become best friends, or the other is their only option for a best friend. this is so ingrained in fandom conscience that i have gotten multiple comments on multiple stories that interject Macau into my stuff as Chay's best friend, even though he's never actually mentioned or even hinted at in most of my stories (*i don't actually mind this, please don't think i'm upset if you've done this on one of my stories! i like people having fun in my comments, i just mean to point out how much people take this fandom friendship as a given instead of headcanon). i resent this sort of presumption because my fic interests are smashing unlikely characters together to see how their relationship might develop, and i feel cheated that macauchay stories (or stories with them in general) never bother to show how Macau and Chay became friends or even why they work as friends. it's always an afterthought of an afterthought and all around just comes off as extremely lazy
which brings me to the ultimate reason why i Don't Like This Ship--Macau and Chay deserve better. i'm terribly fond of both characters, and i automatically dislike stories that make Macau a convenient fix to Chay's issues, or use him as a lazy catalyst to getting Kim and Chay back together, or treat any friendship/relationship that might've grown between them as a given trope instead of something that the story needs to develop. i have less than zero interest in any story that makes Macau a second place trophy, whether that's as Chay's rebound off Kim or a substitute for Chay's friends in canon, and i have even less interest in the OOCness of Chay 'settling' for something when Chay's core characterization is recklessly pursuing what he wants regardless of consequence
which is really disappointing! there's a lot of potential when it comes to Macau and Chay! they both have so many reasons to resent each other--Vegas was responsible for both of Chay's kidnappings. Porsche stole Vegas's birthright, which Vegas and Macau might've hated but it kept them safe. Vegas has tried to kill Porsche multiple times, just to hurt Kinn. Macau doesn't see what Chay has to complain about, when Korn's weird obsession is protecting him and Porsche but Vegas got six bullets in his gut for it. Chay was ripped out of and cut off from his previous life, but he has four people and their guards looking out for him. Macau's has maybe 1.5 people looking out for him now. but, ultimately, they're both just two scared kids who love their brothers more than anything else in the world and are trapped in the same extremely shitty situation.
and that right there is a delightful fucking mess ripe for drama! personally, there's added irony of how Macau and Chay would resent Porsche and Vegas for the same reasons Vegas and Porsche would grow closer as friends over (what can they say? they just like each other). Macau and Chay don't have the context to understand the other, and frankly they're entitled to just being pissed about how much the mafia sucks and how much it's ruined their lives. it would take special circumstances to knock Chay and Macau out of their "fuck those assholes" predispositions, and i would love to read more stories that explored those themes.
but people just......don't. which is fine, people don't have to be interested in the same stuff i'm interested in. but there's this overhanging and mildly aggressive assumption in fandom that Macau and Chay have to be #TotalBesties, even though there's zero canon context for it, and my reaction to any headcanon being forced down my throat is "fuck off" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
can u elaborate more on ur tags about h not doing mp promo? 👀
Alright, but I just want to say this is not a statement whatsoever. I just like the elaborated process behind every possibility lol so im very open to discussion
But first, let me ask you a question and I want you to be as honest as you can. If you were a director (a normal one), would you want your movie to be strongly associated with H now? Not acting wise, but in terms of the negativity and bad attention Harry brings to your projects? It’s not even his fans, because many would support him, rightfully so. It’s more like the negativity following him from his non-fans and literally any person outside his professional bubble.
I am trying to fact check the news of the anticipation of the london premiere, but many My Policeman UAs reported the premiere in London was on October 18th. For some reasons, it turns out to be on October 15th when Harry’s show in Chicago has already been scheduled for months. It felt weird, right? The 18th news could be false, as far as I know, btw.
It’s not even the fact he’s not there, but it’s the way they keep making sure he’s seen anywhere else. It was the fan pics and the dog vid (?????) in Chicago, it was the pics from the Wolf Alice concert, it was the video for the mercury award (was that a towel on his shoulder? Was it there because he was recording it in a hurry? Was it there to cover the merch name on his sweater because he’s a walking billboard but only if his team can profit out of him? But that video was… telling to say at least - mind you, I know he’s a singer and that was for his career but it would take him literally 30 seconds to record a message - or a tweet, a wink on the story, anything! - if he couldn’t make it to London). All meant to let us know he’s simply not there for the movie. I want to go in the other direction a little, because it happened in the past before, so he doesn’t come from nowhere. How would people take this behaviour if it was related to the other movie? They would say he doesn’t care, that he doesn’t want to be involved. They would consider the director words about his fans absolutely fake and they would find shady things in posts (like David’s, bless him, he seems such a sweet and nice angel). The “every publicity is good publicity” state of mind doesn’t always apply. Sometimes, some things need a smoother approach and a movie like my policeman could benefit from it. It’s not like a “vade retro Harry Styles”. Nothing like that. I think they genuinely appreciated H there, but still my opening question stands. It is also possible this was the deal and conditions from the very beginning. Some sort of restraint to the rumours about the sexuality. Like he could do the movie as long as he wasn’t part of the promo much (share some trailers and go to the TIFF premiere and that’s it), there’s no way to know for certain.
Not to mention the way they keep giving the fandom hints of something new coming, like the you are home site first and the gill thing yesterday night. If you’re just sitting there and getting second hand information about what is happening around him, It feels like stealing the thunder a bit? Maybe? Again, this could be just the poorest timing schedule in the history of the world.
It’s sad because for him, knowing what we know and knowing what his reputation is, all this is even more alienating from the community. I don’t want to sound as a person who doesn’t have sympathy towards a closeted person or whatever, because I do. As a person who’s not out myself, I know. Really I do. And that’s why I can’t be here and watch how this punishment is constantly pushed on him. I’m not looking the other way, but there’s nothing I can do and for someone like me who has devoted her own life in helping people and swore on the Hippocrates vow, sometimes it’s too much. I’ve been silently protesting and in my little world that is working because I’m still standing for my own values. I had to take several steps back and that’s why I don’t engage with his content that much. I will jump on anyone else’s throat if they don’t love him the right way. Still. I couldn’t care less of these movies, but it’s so sad the constant favouritism they have been showing. I just can’t help wondering what the hell he signed for and who is really having his back at the moment. I call him my Persephone for a reason. At the end of the day, I hope he’s just doing fine and that the things he’s getting out of all this are worthy on the long run. Obviously people are allowed to live the fandom experience in the way they are more comfortable. So please be kind on somebody else reaction.
Also as I’m writing this, gems (interlude) by little simz started playing. It seemed very fitting. Go have a listen <3
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razzlee-meow · 1 year
pin this post. do it. i dare myself.
anyways hi. call me razzle. if you recognize me from somewhere, uh, no you don't. (i'm not using my real name for this lol.) this is my pinned lol. obv by the title. i have some rules i'll lay out, then put my fandom list out. you can always send prompts in unless they're closed, and i'm always down for a chat. everyone is welcome in this little corner of my world.
this is a tickle blog. don't like? don't follow. that simple. please don't sit there and harass me for something i like. *awkward thumbs up.*
everyone is welcome on my blog. it is mostly sfw with maybe a hint of nsfw? i will *ALWAYS* tag NSFW, and you always have the option to filter it out. i'm not going to sit here and try to stop all of you minors from looking at nsfw because i am not ur parent!!! simple. behave, and we'll be cool.
basic dni criteria. no homophobia (i'm gay), no transphobia (i'm trans too), and no racism will be tolerated on my page. if i find out that you are any of these things, lord help YOU. *points aggressively.* I FORGOT ABLEISM. don't be ableist or i will stuff you into a blender.
you're always welcome to shoot me a message. if i don't respond im probably busy! that's okay, i will get back to you as soon as possible.
treat me with respect and i will do the same. :)
time to show off my fandoms. it's a ... small list. right now.
fnf (i'll write for most of them.)
madness combat (nvm i'll write for everyone LOL. tricky has grown on me)
sonic the hedgehog (i literally became so obsessed with this fandom that my whole room is now decorated with stuff).
idk, those might be the only three for right now.
i think that's about it. if i remember something i'll put it here, but otherwise, i think i'm good to go.
enjoy your stay here, i suppose.
razz, out.
edit: i literallly just posted this and remembered something aHAHAH
my tags will be
"razz-speaks" - chatting.
"razz-writes" - any fics i write.
"razz-recommends" - fics/art from other people
"spicy-razz" - anything that has nsfw in it
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chronicowboy · 1 year
2022 writing review
so its 2023, so what? better to review a year with a little bit of distance methinks
tagged by @kitkatpancakestack hope ur 2023 is going well so far muah <3
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 42 oh lord
2. Word count posted for the year: 297,700 (mortifying)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: 9-1-1
4. Pairings: buck/eddie
5. Story with the most: 
kudos: please? (can't say no) 1,220 kudos
bookmarks: the persistence of memory 386 bookmarks
comment threads: the persistence of memory 119 threads
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): ooooof i was gonna say the persistence of memory just because of the sheer word count and that i love the story but im actually really proud of my gilmore girls au all you have to do is call my name (i'll be there) because i wrote 40k words in under a week and for once i wasn't wondering about if people would read it i wrote it for me (and my beloved elke) honourable mentions to 1001 reasons to not get drunk with your sister's boyfriend and any of my ravi pov fics because they're silly but i love them all the same and my amnesia collection
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): hmmm probably we don't go through the glass doors because it was half-formed but i still posted it, i basically just saw that gif of peeta pressing his forehead against the forcefield for katniss in the jabberjay scene and i was like but what if it was buddie and yeah i just do not know why i posted it ig
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: any comments i've had saying that i should be a writer for the show makes me want to scream such as "this is soooooooooooo good!!!! its so perfectly and wonderfully devastating and heartbreaking and emotional and warm and soft. you write the firefam's dialogue SOOO WELL! they should add you as a staff writer tbh. ❤❤❤❤❤❤" on (tpom surefire way to make me happy is to compliment my dialogue and the 118 dynamics)
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: at the moment tbh i have so much uni work to do and an original piece of fiction im 200+ pages into and i'm trying to do all of that at once so the fic has fallen to the wayside a little
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: god this is really difficult and it definitely doesn't help that i can barely remember anything about my fics but um i guess character-wise its a surprise whenever i write taykay as an actual character rather than just a mention through gritted teeth lol but um scene-wise maybe just my whole albert pov fic what are you doing home? we thought you were babysitting just because its not something i'd normally write (eddie is only mentioned how uncharacteristic of me!!)
11. A favourite excerpt of your writing: oh god um i am so proud of lots of bits to my writing so i'm going to try to limit myself
just all of my surrealism weaved into 9-1-1, what's your fantasy? to kind of hint that buck's dreaming
the realisation scene in flatpack furniture and a djungelskog
"It'll be pretty cool, right?" Eddie's talking, but Buck can barely hear it over the static ringing in his ears. "To look at it and know that we made it together—"
You don't find it, son, you make it.
Its nothing special. Its nothing out of the ordinary.
There's nobody in this world I trust more with my son than you.
There's an Alan key sitting in his open palm, ever so slightly warmed by Eddie's hand.
I know you did.
Its nothing special. Its nothing out of the ordinary.
You two have an adorable son.
Eddie passes him tools at work all the time without him asking. They've suffered the telepathy jokes a million times.
Shouldn't it be when you're at your worst, they're at their worst, you have every reason to give up and you still decide you want to try again.
this scene from the only try day is wednesday because i originally hated this fic until i reread this moment
The picture catches the flames, curling up at the bottom corners, colours melting away and consuming Eddie and Christopher whole before finally, finally taking Buck too.
Because that's the thing. If Eddie is in there, if he's— Then that's what's going to happen. The fire takes Eddie first. Then, Christopher. Christopher who loses two parents and gets stuck with a Buck, a Buck he'll grow to resent because Buck's the reason Eddie was here in the first place, because Buck didn't save Eddie. So, the fire will take Buck finally.
And it will take him violently. It will ravage him, turn him to ash and sift it through their fingers until he's nothing but a few chunks of burnt bone. It will take him, consume him, ruin him. And he'll be dead, in every way that counts. He's already dying now.
Buck refuses to let it happen.
He'll die. He'll die before Chris can resent him because that would finish him off. Losing Christopher, losing Christopher to hatred and loathing, that would kill him. And that death would be much more violent than any chaos fire could wreak.
this scene in memory (all alone in the moonlight)
"Eddie, can we not do this?" Sighing, Buck looks up at the ceiling. "I'm missing five years of my life. I feel like shit. I really don't need you coming in here acting all weird."
Eddie lets out a breath and takes a step forward.
"What do you need from me, Buck?"
And, fuck, that question really shouldn't bring tears to his eyes, but. But Buck's spent his whole life being the one asking that question and now he doesn't even know the person who knows him well enough to ask it.
"I need my best friend." He whispers.
Eddie's face crumbles and he crosses the space between them in three steps, settling onto the edge of the bed and pulling Buck into his chest. Buck clutches at his Henley as he tries to compose himself, but Eddie's hand settles heavy at the base of his skull.
"Hey, don't do that." Eddie murmurs. "Just let it go, Buck."
And so, Buck breaks—for the second time in as many days—in a relative stranger's arms.
Eventually, when the tears have subsided and Buck finds the energy to be embarrassed about dirtying Eddie Diaz's shirt with snot and tears, he sits back in his bed and scrubs at his face.
"Thanks." He rasps.
"You don't have to thank me for that, Buck." Eddie offers him a cup of water and a handful of tissues. "I know you don't remember it, but we promised to have each other's backs and I don't plan on breaking that anytime soon."
"Fuck." Buck wipes at his eyes with the tissues until Eddie pries it from his hand and takes over for him, soft and gentle enough to have the tears springing to life all over again. "I really want to hate you." Eddie laughs.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: honestly just sheer volume of writing, for most of my writing life i was always so perfectionist and adamant that i couldn't move on until this one project was polished and perfect but this year i've written and written and written and let myself abandon projects and have rough first drafts yknow
13. How do you hope to grow next year: hmm idk really maybe just write even more and branch out a little in what i'm writing
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer, beta, cheerleader, etc): @danielsousa my love, my heart, my rock!!!!! honestly probably wouldn't have written half as much if it weren't for elke cheering me on for the gilmore girls au and sending me screenshots of my writing that made her want to kill me
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: oh much i'm sure, i put myself into everything i write intentionally or not just because its such a personal thing for me but um in persistence of memory all the timeloop media references and agents of shield as i have always been reference specifically
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: read and write! nothing is ever going to help you as much as that. read fics yes, but read books and poetry anthologies and non-fiction! and write! write fic, write shitty poetry in your notes app, write short fiction, start a book. in the wise words of shia la boeuf JUST DO IT
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: ohhh okay so i have plans for two very big buddie aus an agents of shield au where fitzsimmons are technically henchim but buddie gets their romantic scenes, and then a national treasure au because i am a SUCKER for those films and chimney as riley is something that can be soooo personal
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: ummm just anyone who wants to do this?? feel free to say i tagged you because my brain isn't working!!
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dyketectivecomics · 5 years
Do you ever have those ships
That you really wanna ship and like and love
#i HATE IT. theyre both BI YALL AINT THAT CLEVER#its zee n artie i love em i do but i cant stand the ship name. it erases the fact that artie is Very Clearly into boys (and excellent#opportunity to explore how some bis dont realize same gender attraction bc theyre ‘normal’ for the most part)#and at least in the comics zee’s had TONS of hints to one-off relationships that go nowhere (which can be telling of both a generally#failing love life OR a hint at the type of person whos doesnt realize theyre wlw. sure that one i can see stretching a little)#i mean sure. some ppl are gonna hc artie as gay or zee as strictly gay regardless. great. awesome. you do fandom ur way#but an ENTIRE ship name that erases personal headcanons#i get it. yall were trying to be cute and creative and it was probably. what? 2013? 2014? when yall came up with the name#‘bi erasure’ wasnt rlly being talked abt in fandom or on tumblr.#but dammit. you can change a ship name when it no longer works#it takes time. sometimes you gotta tag both bc conventions#but at least provide options#i mean look at rob/rae vs all of the nuanced ships in it#on the surface it was meant to first be used for r n r from the 03 cartoon#but then dami/rae came along and all of the crosstagging annoyed fans who were only fans of one n not thw other#(back when tag blocking meant downloading xkit. and ppl were kinda nasty abt tags)#but yknow! now the r/r tag is for ALL the robins and each of them get their own personal tag too#its work. not everyone likes it. but it keeps thw majority of fans happy#and gives opportunity to other fans to block other ships#its not a perfect example or relation to this artie/zee thing but still#god i just want to be able to ship another two bisexuals together without being forced to call them lesbians#this is bubb/line all the fuck over again#randyvents
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realcube · 3 years
hi bestie bokuto and saiki anon is back with another request,, idk what to call myself bc i love ur blog and love requesting random hcs to you bc i love your writing sm :( anyways i was wondering if you could do hcs where bokuto’s and saiki’s s/o just got acrylics and they try gently scraping their long nails they recently got against their scalp/thru hair and along their back? 🧍 ily
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characters ♡ (multi-fandom) bokuto, sakusa, daichi & saiki k 
tw ♡ fluff, gn!reader, reader wears aryclics. mentions of death, timeskip! sakusa (suggestive) & mentions of spiders
a/n ♡ AAAA you came just in time!! i’m changing my tags :)) would you like to be 🔮lovely or 🦉lovely??? (crystal ball represents saiki and the owl is bokuto-) unless you have another emoji in mind!
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KŌTARŌ BOKUTO had a deal with you; he’d pay for your nails in exchange for a massage and kisses. the kisses had been delivered already and he sat on the carpeted floor in front of the couch — where he’d usually sit while you massaged him so y’all could watch a show on the tv while you worked — with an expectant expression, making grabby hands at you as soon as you entered the living room. you cocked a brow, about to play dumb but you didn’t even get the chance as he began to chant, “relaxing time! show me what those pretty nails can do.” wow, couldn’t he be a little bit more stubborn? you sighed, approaching the couch and swinging your leg around his shoulder to take you usual seat behind him, “it’s not the nails, bo. it’s my fingers that do the work.” his lips parted to form a small ‘o’ shape as he fumbled with the remote to put on the show you guys have been watching, “really? maybe i should start paying for your nail removal, then. if i did, would you give me another mas--” “no.” bokuto let out a dramatic sigh of defeat, at least he tried. then, a small smile tugged on the corner of his lips as your fingers laced through his hair, pads of your fingers rubbing his scalp in such a way that made him hum in pleasure.. 
(minors dni) KIYOOMI SAKUSA was tense and refused to get a massage from a professional masseuse because he didn’t want to strip and have a stranger touch his body so intimately; the mere idea grossed him out. however, the knots in his back weren’t going to be fixed by even more over-exertion and poor posture, hence you took it upon yourself to help him.. after you got your nails done, of course. so as soon as he came back from practise and entered him bedroom, he was greeted by you standing next to your shared bed with an intimidating expression, “take off your clothes.” you commanded, gesturing to the bed. happily obliging, sakusa tossed his clothes into the laundry basket and was about to pull you into a heated kiss but immediately frowned when you swerved his advances and pushed him face-first onto the mattress. then, you began to run your cold fingers up his flushed back, rubbing deep circles into his skin which resulted in involuntary sighs of satisfaction escaping his lips. despite the fact this wasn’t the stress relief he was expecting, it was much better than he could imagined — it was as though he had ascended. however, he was so lost in the pleasing feeling of your cool nails tickling his skin, he hardly noticed how rough you were being and this was only brought to his attention the following day when atsumu’s nosy-ass inquired about the marks on sakusa’s back in the changing room, accompanied by a comment that made kiyoomi scowl. 
SAWAMURA DAICHI smiled as you showed him your nails with such enthusiasm, “they look beautiful, (y/n).” your experience at the nail bar was all you had been talking about since you arrived at his house — which was only like three minutes ago — and honestly, he wasn’t opposed, he loved hearing you talk so passionately about something.  he parted his lips to inquire about the price but before he could utter a single word, you stepped behind, kneading his broad shoulders with your palm which resulted in a shiver running down his spine, “what are you doing?” he chuckled, crouching slightly so he didn’t have to arch his back for you to reach. “tryin’ to give you a massage, does it feel alright?” you replied, chopping across his back with the side of your hand like the masseuses in movies do. “yeah.” there was no uncertainty in voice — that you could pick up on, at least — which brought a small smile to your face. your pointy nails dragged along his back, absentmindedly drawing letter and symbols that you thought daichi wouldn’t pick up on as he laxed expression and low murmurs of satisfaction suggested he was too engrossed in the feeling to notice, but you were proven wrong as you finished tracing ‘i ❤ u’ onto his skin. you were only snapped out of your thoughts when your boyfriend let out a hearty chuckle, “i love you too.”
KUSUO SAIKI was on defence. being a psychic who’s powers rivalled those of god, he never would’ve thought that he would be caught out by confidant — who was also his romantic partner — and a set of devilish claws. to think, he was originally foolish enough to think of them as pretty since they were complementing colors and nice shapes. plus, he had no reason to believe they were dangerous. until you began sneaking up behind them and using your nimble fingers to mimic the movement of an insect on his back. the first time you pranked him, he almost energy blasted you straight to hell. fortunately for him, you took the hint and felt extremely bad for taking advantage of his fears like that, offering to give him a massage as an apology. despite the fact he made it painfully apparent that he didn’t want to be near you until you got those wicked talons removed, here he was; sitting crossed-legged with his head rested between your thighs as you gently ran your hands through his hair, down his neck and across his shoulders. and the worst part was, he was actually enjoying it! the feeling of your finger working expertly at every knot in his neck and lifting what felt like the world’s weight of his shoulders left him helplessly melting into your touch. plus, his previous concerns about your hands in his hair were proven irrelevant as you make it a point to be extra careful around his clips. “thank you, (y/n).” he hummed, voice muffled slightly as his cheek was pressed against your thigh. “and sorry for almost killing you earlier.”
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zodiyack · 4 years
first of all, i really love your blog. you write so good✨🥺 i binge read ur works a lot. i wonder if i can request a shelby!sister wherein her family comes home one day and see her sleeping on the sofa, tired but all bloodied because she fought back to some drunk dudes before coming home. then they fuss around her, being protective and angry asking who did it and she just gets annoyed cuz they woke her up while she was sleeping and then her saying she dealt with it and just goes back to sleep.
Thank you, my love! That means so much to me! I’m happy you enjoy my works!
Your request is under the cut, thank you for requesting 🥺💕 Had to add some Pol luhv and I’m sorry I might’ve strayed a tinsie-bit so uh- enjoy
A Shelby Like The Rest
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“What the fuck?” John is the first to walk through the door, toothpick dropping from his mouth as it falls open wide, similar to his eyes.
“What is it?” Arthur grunts behind him, gun at the ready. He too stops when he sees what his brother had seen, expression similar but only for  a second. His skin begins to turn a shade of red. “Tommy! Get in here!”
Right on cue, Tommy and Pol make it through the door. Ada following shortly, Finn soon after. Ada and Polly are the first to get any closer to you as you slowly rise from your horizontal to them- vertical to you position on the sofa, both giving silent glances at each other in agreement to inspect you carefully. You rub your eyes before squinting at the two.
“What are you doing?” Your groggy voice informs them that you’ve only just woken up from a seemingly deep slumber. “Pol? Ada? What-” Your eyes lift to your brothers, narrowing more as you scan their faces. “The fuck you lot staring at?”
Finn snickers but quiets when John nudges him harshly. The boys all stand back, allowing their sister and aunt some space to check you for injuries. When they come up empty handed, they make their ways forward at a calm pace, as if any faster would scare you. Like you were some wild steed in need of care.
It clicks in your mind as they grow closer, a rage bubbling inside of you just barely strong enough to push past your sleepiness. “I’m not a child! I’m alright!”
“What happened?” Tommy’s voice is stern and the question that leaves his mouth comes off as a demand more than the inquiry it actually is.
“Nothing? Fucking Nothing!” He looks at your other siblings and aunt before facing you again. “If it was fucking nothing, why the fuck are you bleeding, eh?”
You snap with annoyance. “It’s not all mine!”
They all wait with anticipation yet mutter quietly in shock. “Who’s blood is it then? If it’s not all yours-”
“I don’t know. Someone’s.”
“Y/n. Who’s-”
However, it’s just his luck that you’re too tired to continue dodging his questions. In all honesty, you would do anything just to return to your comfy little spot on the cushions. “Some drunk bastards! They picked a fight with the wrong Shelby, that’s all.”
“What drunk bastards?”
“Y/n. Answer your brother’s question. What ‘drunk bastards’? Do you know their names?” Polly intervenes, just as upset as your brothers.
“No.” You huff, having had enough. “I don’t know their names, and no, they did not hurt me. I am fine, and I would like to go back to sleep if you’d be so kind.”
The silence is awkward but gives you time to lie back down and turn, your back facing them as you huff and readjust in the sheets. You get comfortable, sighing contently and yawning. Just on the edge of sleep, your brother decides he’d like to participate in interrogating you.
Finn shrugs. “So you’re alright then?”
“Yes! I’m alright!! I dealt with it! Can I please just go back to sleep now?!”
Your family stares at you a minute longer before nodding and walking to the other room, each bidding you goodnight as they pass. Your aunt is the last person to exit the room, the noise of her heals layering over the small cackles of the fire. Polly bends over the side of the sofa, face lit with an orange tint due to the hearth’s dancing flames in front of your makeshift bed, and kisses your forehead softly.
She rubs your head with just the right mix of roughness and tenderness, your eyes fluttering in relaxation until she pulls away. “Goodnight, Y/n.”
You return the words with another yawn. Polly is about halfway to the door before she stops and says one last thing. Her voice sounds sweet but the hint of sarcasm dripping from her tone snaps your eyes wide open and a nervous laugh leaves your lips.
“Just- don’t get blood on my sofa.”
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Aka, I dunno how to end this
Tags: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @peakysputain, @fandom-puff, @simonsbluee, @darling-i-read-it, @cai-neki, @thewarriorprincessxo, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow
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fruitytrollroll · 2 years
related to ur latest post- how do summary?? orz (i always find myself summarizing vaguely in the tags but losing all my braincells by the time i get to the actual summary) if uve got any tips that'd be poggers
thank you for asking! (and sorry this is so late!)
the summary is your first and sometimes only chance to entice a reader into putting their faith in your work, so it feels important that we get it right.
the short answer? briefly summarize it like you're describing it to a friend in normal conversation (short and sweet, respects your reader's time and intelligence, doesn't veer into melodrama), or use an excerpt (shows off your writing style and gives your reader a hint of what to expect)
DON'T!!!: use dictionary definitions, "lol i suck at summaries", write it like the back cover of a bodice ripper or romance novel
(listen, i know we basically ARE writing bodice rippers and romance novels, and ultimately this is preferential and you can toss this advice straight in the garbage if you don't like it; but i think there's a crucial distinction to be drawn between the mindset of the average bookstore browser, and the average person scrolling through a fandom category on AO3)
you can google "bodice ripper" for a bog-standard example, but here's a classic:
Doomed to a life of unending toil, Heather Simmons fears for her innocence—until a shocking, desperate act forces her to flee ... and to seek refuge in the arms of a virile and dangerous stranger.
A lusty adventurer married to the sea, Captain Brandon Birmingham courts scorn and peril when he abducts the beautiful fugitive from the tumultuous London dockside. But no power on Earth can compel him to relinquish his exquisite prize. For he is determined to make the sapphire-eyed lovely his woman ... and to carry her off to far, uncharted realms of sensuous, passionate love. (Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, The Flame and the Flower)
no shade to the genre, i just don't think this style is well-suited to a fic summary. if they're already in the tag, then your prospective readers already know the characters, so they require no introduction. mainly, though, the writing in your fic probably doesn't match this style. so by emulating it, you're further distancing the reader from the actual content of your work, giving them fewer clues about what they can expect.
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
LOVR ur aelwyn and the bad kids series and can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned for the other three bad kids!! got any headcanons in general about them?
thank you so much!!!! <3 <3 ive REALLY enjoyed writing the series so far, and the comments and encouragement has been so lovely ;; fantasy high fandom my beloved <3
*slaps head* this babey can fit so much headcanons in it
okay ive talked about this with a few people but i totally think season 3 will have a siblings motif. we already know a few characters who are NOT only children (fabian, ayda) which hasn’t been explored, and have some characters who also have the potential to not be only children (they called fig ‘first born daughter’ in hell?? weird choice of wording for an only child) (also either set of gorgug’s parents could have more kids - adopted or bio). and i’d just really like to see more of kristen’s brothers and OF COURSE adaine and aelwyn. riz just has such strong only child vibes im sorry i dont see that changing
i REALLY HOPE we meet fabian’s siblings but my PERSONAL headcanon for them is that he has an older sister who is like. SUPER COOL and badass and can kick his ass in a second flat and literally everyone is in love with her. and also an older brother who lives in bastion city who is a completely normal and extremely boring accountant
(also fabian’s cool older sister and aelwyn become friends ok thx)
so adaine definitely has the potential to be a very physical person (like even early early s1 she’s throwing spells, punching, The Ladle) but obviously was raised in an environment where she was expected to be very self contained. i think as she gets used to mordred manor and living with jawbone and tracker and ragh especially, she gets VERY about physical affection. like, okay, one, the child is touch starved we all know this. but i think she goes from awkward fistbumps and pats on the shoulder to like. BIG bear hugs, hair ruffling, people sitting on her lap, etc etc pretty quickly. like just embracing that physicality she has in a positive way
also jawbone and tracker (in a safe way, we know they take measures to not spread lycanthropy) totally bite as affection. and adaine picks up on it and one day just sort of chomps aelwyn’s arm a little bit and aelwyn is like. hey. so what the hell was that. and adaine was like it was affection it means i love you. and aelwyn is just like. literally what the fuck is up with this house.
ALL the bad kids have trauma For Sure but (as i hinted at in the first fic) fabian definitely has ptsd from leviathan. i think his presents as less emotional stuff and more as like. a ton of hypervigilance and irritability/snappishness when he’s triggered
okay i could literally write an essay on all the bad kids mental stuff and neurodivergence and everything but 1) kristen is just a unit of cPTSD with freckles 2) adaine and aelwyn have the SUPER WEIRD combo of adaine being the externalizer and aelwyn being an internalizer and i think that’s the thing that like. yes DID fuck up aelwyn for a long time but ultimately is what saved both of them. like i believe very strongly that if this tendency had been flipped they’d both be completely screwed
okay speaking of aelwyn 1) claustrophobia now right?? like we can all agree on that ?? 2) this is NOT just me projecting (yes it is) but i think aelwyn has chronic pain/fatigue for a good while after s2. like you cant spend almost a YEAR at five levels of exhaustion doing one extremely restricted repetitive motion and not like ???? completely fuck up your body??? like yes she and fabian totally swordfight and duel and stuff but also i think it takes a WHILE before she can do any physical activity without getting completely wiped out. because spells do seem to take SOME level of energy or whatever from you (spell slots, otherwise you could just do them all the time) i think this probably includes spells
gorgug is like. extremely good with kids. toddlers especially. he talks to them like they can totally understand everything (great for development!) and is just very patient and kind and good but also does not mind being used as a jungle gym and WILL throw a child into a beanbag chair for two hours straight (ALSO great for development!). fabian also thinks babies are the cutest things on the planet but will NOT admit that so he mostly tags along when gorgug babysits because he’s “just SO bored he CANT find anything better to do UGH” and secretly is like. babies <3
let aelwyn MULTICLASS!!!! paladin and barbarian are my faves for her
i know this is a common hc but like. all the bad kids share clothes. for sure. literally the bugs bunny OUR closet meme
kristen has a total green thumb she’s GREAT with plants and tracker is just like <3 its because youre a lesbian <3 even though tracker will totally kill any plant she comes in contact with by accident
kristen and tracker are the academy’s GSA moms. theyll be like “hello my child” and the other kid will be like im four months older than you??? and theyre like “that does not matter <3″
adaine and aelwyn were DEF forced into like. piano and violin lessons growing up but when fig finds out shes VERY EXCITED they can play together and like. does piano and violin and bass sound good together?? dont worry about it. its the first time playing music is actually fun for the two of them
ayda, after more research and understanding, is totally the type of person who’d walk up to someone in the grocery store and be like “hello i believe you are autistic like me let me explain what that is” and fig is like. babe. babe. we were just here for fruit snacks. babe.
okay i will stop here for now because i super need to shower but also if people wanted more/specific headcanons i might be .....,, persuaded ...
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loxxxlay · 3 years
@maidenofmidguard tagged me to do the Tap Game :D
Tap game by @bad-behavior
1. List your top three whump tropes and tag people.
2. Whoever gets tagged gets to say how they feel about your top three tropes.
3. After finishing that, they can list their top three tropes, and the tagging cycle goes on!
So here are @maidenofmidguard's top 3 tropes and my thoughts on each:
1) big strong guy getting put in a cage abd getting touched .. taken around on aleash .. the whumper exhibiting him, where everyone can touch and inspect the goods of our gut fights but he cant because he has secrets to keep and people to protect. So he is tsken advantage of. He is the party favor being passed around.
um..... -looks self-incriminatingly at the hints of this trope in my fic on our terms- im not turned on right now, UR turned on right now alsd;khg;lashdglaskhg
2) sick fic sick fic. Big strong dude who never gefs sick is now sick. People realizing belatedly that he is seriously sick and are surprised to see that he needs help. People fanning pver him .. kissing him on his head while he burns up in fever.
i likeeeee this, for sure. i def prefer the "weaker" dude getting sick with this exact trope moreeeeee, but i'm not one to complain about my strong bae getting sick either. * _ * (also you can always make them both sick mwahahaha)
3) the strong-willed whumpee made submissive in front of his old friends and family. Better yet the family has given up whumpee to the whumper as a last ditch resort to keep thier kingdom safe.
"being made submissive in front of his old friends and family" is literally The Shit and i will die for it. like the absolute humiliation and embarrassment. While this is very much not a Walking Dead blog (yet.... >.>), I will say that when Daryl literally was "the help" when Negan first visited Alexandria, and Rick had to silently watch Daryl be treated like a total fucking slave in order to keep Alexandria safe, like.... Daryl/Rick is not usually sexy to me, but I definitely had a Thing happen in that moment lmfao. so this trope? yeah. Please. Yes.
Alright now it's time for my top 3 favorites:
And good fucking lord I'm already struggling, so we are going to just... name 3 favorites, and not necessarily top favorites, because let's be honest, my whims change daily if not hourly.
Mutual noncon/dubcon.
Shocking, right? It's hilarious because back in my wee fandom days in 2014ish, I would never read mutual noncon "fuck-or-die" scenarios because they didn't do it for me. And now look at me.
I think that it works best for me when there is still a semblance of a choice. Like where full-tilt death is not magically imminent, but the consequences are still implicit and severe. Even if they are rushed, panicking, etc, they still need to make a deliberate conscious clear-headed choice at some point to have sex with each other, even though the situation is nonconsensual. (As opposed to like... being in heat/mindless or whatever.)
I espeeeeecially like it if One of them makes the choice moreso than the other. Like, for example, the Character A can't stand to see Character B face the consequences, so Character A chooses for them both, even though Character B might have preferred the consequences. It's still mutual noncon/dubcon -- neither of the characters wanted it -- but one character is still consenting more than the other, and that fucking kills me guys, it really really does.
Caretaker is an accidentally (or perhaps overprotectively) bad caretaker and makes things (temporarily) worse.
This is a Big Thing I do in my original fiction, but I've only touched on it very briefly in fanfiction I think. I could definitely do that more... For example in "Forget Me Not, Remember Still" (or whatever i called that shit lol), the first chapter where Thor and Loki receive a note from the Grandmaster, Thor is so angry and upset (and scared) that he starts yelling--and since Loki is nearby, he feels himself to be the target for the anger. Not in an abusive way, of course, because Thor is trying his absolute best, but in a way that isolates Loki when he really, truly needs affection. Which, unfortunately, makes this trope the inciting incident of this fic lmfao. Sorry, Thor~~
In an original fiction of mine, one of the characters is trying to help a rape survivor recover, but one of his strategies is to forbid her from leaving the house (because she might get raped again, who knows). Which is like ... re-traumatizing ... because even while the overprotection is well-intentioned, it strips her of her choices and agency again.
I also would like to recommend @veliseraptor 's Will to Live because I always do when I get a chance, and it has so much of this trope in it. I feel like "caretaker learns through trial and error how to be a good caretaker" is literally the thematic element of this fic which is what makes it so appealing to me. :')
Brain fucked-uppery resulting from some kind of abuse.
Um, so first of all, Moment of Peace is this. All because Thor, in Infinity War, had his head literally start to be melted by Thanos, like.... the aftermath of that whump was ROBBED from me, and I am angry.
I especially like this when it is a character who has never experienced whump in their life lmfao, because they're so Tough... Because it terrifies them, they don't know what to expect, they don't know if it will get better, and they're just in a primal state of panic and paranoia and it's great. (aka Thor).
But then again, I also especially like this trope when it is a repeated pattern of behavior that is always constantly on their mind and causing them a long-term dimmer state of panic and paranoia which is also great (aka Loki).
I also like this trope when it causes kinda... a distortion of reliability/an unreliable narrator kinda deal. Like again, in The Walking Dead, a recent episode explored this trope with the character Princess, and I'm just like * _ * More more more.
Alright, it's been a long time, but hopefully you all remember how this goes. I hate tagging people. It makes me feel bad. So instead of handpicking usernames, I'm just going to tag all of you.
And when I say I am tagging all of you, I literally mean ALL OF YOU. If you have eyeballs reading this shit, you are fucking tagged. If you have eardrums vibrating with this shit, you are fucking tagged. I am unsure of how else you could be perceiving this shit, but if you are, you are fucking tagged. There's no "technically" about it. This is a fully legitimate tag, and it includes you. Go, be free, and do the meme if you'd like to.
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
as someone who lived thru mcdanno, what are ur expectations for buddie? (fellow clown here)
fjdkfd god, i do love that question, thank you, but prepare yourself for too many words and perhaps not the answer you want to hear.
first off, i feel like i barely even really lived through mcdanno. i came in around the time season 9 started and caught up midway through, so at that point there had been a full eight and a bit seasons to very clearly set the tone on that show and in steve and danny's relationship, which is queerbait, times ten. i literally never expected anything else, and i fully knew what i was getting into from the get-go. h50 is also a show i'd place politcally either in the center or right of center, often aimed at more of a boomer audience (oh god that episode about the "millenial" vloggers who weren't even millenials HAUNTS me) and with a number of queer characters i could (extremely literally) count on my hands, of which by far most either get a) one single speaking line (if at all), b) killed or c) exposed as a criminal. overall it's not a show that's kind to queer people, is what i'm saying, and it was never very interested in being so.
911 on the other hand... is very similar in some fundamental ways, hence the huge overlap there seems to be in steve/danny people and buck/eddie people, but it's also very different in many other ways. it only has four seasons so far, of which eddie has only been present for three, and the ensemble cast is WAY more an actual ensemble than in h50, which is also supposedly about a kind of found family but is in reality most of the time the steve-and-danny or even the really-just-steve show. mcdanno just gets so much more airtime, both by existing number of seasons and by minutes on screen per episode. the 911 setup is not a bad thing whatsoever (i wish h50 had done more of that! daniel dae kim and grace park DESERVED more of that, jfc) but it does mean that honestly, when i started watching 911 with h50 fresh on my mind and all the comparisons i'd seen on tumblr, i was like, yeah, okay. i see why people might ship it, but compared to mcdanno buddie has barely any setup at all. (i'msorrydon'thateme.)
and this is where i might accidentally be getting controversial, and i'm sorry about that too, because i really don't mean to put a damper on anyone's joy, but while i agree that buck/eddie can be fun to explore as a ship, i just... don't necessarily think it's going to happen on screen? and that's okay. there is absolutely nothing wrong with shipping something that isn't canon and that might never be canon! that's totally cool! the only problem with that is when you start expecting something to happen in canon and you end up getting disappointed if it doesn't, because that hurts and getting hurt is no fun at all, and that's what worries me a little about buddie and 911 fandom. when i look at the tags some people seem... very convinced. and i get that too, because when a whole bunch of people are analyzing a show for hints of a specific ship, it's very easy to get swept up in it and it's a kind of echo chamber in which you all agree that it would be good and make sense and how could this not be what they're planning considering all you're seeing? but i'm just not sure, in this particular case, whether the rest of the audience and the writers are seeing the same thing, and i feel like there's a bit of a buddie hype going on based on what (to me!) in all honesty doesn't seem like that much evidence in canon, which just scares me a bit.
again, certainly not trying to tell anyone they shouldn't be having fun with buck/eddie (you should!!!) or that there's nothing to go by in canon, but just. please be careful with expectations from that canon? if something happens, that's awesome, and if it never does, that's also okay. it doesn't mean you're crazy, but it also doesn't mean the writers or showrunners or god forbid the actors are evil people who have been stringing you along. i get how loaded this can be, especially because there is such a huge history of shows not going for queer relationships purely because of homophobia, and it can be easy to read that into this situation, but this show already HAS a huge number of canonically queer main and recurring characters, who are all awesome and written as actual people with lots of friends and sympathetic storylines and hero moments and i don't think, honestly, that accusing 911 of homophobia or queerbaiting or bad writing for not making the two men fandom has latched onto go canon is going to, well, accomplish anything, except foster bitterness and ruin something for people that they used to enjoy.
all of that being said, and not to fly directly in the face of everything i just said, but... it could happen. i'm not saying it couldn't. coming back to that thing about h50 and queer characters, 911 is very incredibly wildly different in its treatment of its characters, and they DO have queer characters. they have A LOT of queer characters, to the blessed point where "character b can't be queer because character a already is" definitely doesn't apply, which it has many times in the past even if there is someone not straight in the cast of some show. so i mean. maybe! it's possible! 911 is not h50 at all, and that's a very good thing imo because as much as i enjoy mcdanno, h50 is honestly lowkey unwatchable as a show to me sometimes.
so, essentially, my personal expectations for buddie as a romantic thing in canon are not high, but i guess higher than they ever were for mcdanno, because at least buck and eddie are on a show where it's a remote possibility. i think it would be great - a queer slow burn on tv, that would be amazing - but i also think the show and buck and eddie's relationship would still be great if they never did it, and that all the other queer characters they already have probably deserve a lot more attention from fandom if queer rep is really what it's about, because hen and karen and josh and michael and david are all right there, and that's not even getting into lone star with paul and tk and carlos. mostly though i think that i don't want people to get disappointed. nobody ever expected anything to happen in h50, and that gives a kind of freedom of certainy that there isn't in 911, which makes me a little nervous for this fandom and the people in it. not to sound preachy, but be safe, have fun, and make sure that things keep being fun for you, because that's what fandom is about. if they're not, it might be time to take a break, and that's okay - it's normal to get really invested in something you enjoy, but please also put your own enjoyment and comfort first. (and it's still totally okay and can be a lot of fun to ship something that isn't canon.) ❤
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Tagged by @northernscruffycat
tagging everyone who sees this on their dash right now and hasn't been tagged yet (no pressure tho lol) and @19elaine
How many works do you have on AO3?
14 (out of 174)*
What’s your total AO3 word count?
34.922 (out of 1.057.034)*
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
10: Yugioh DM, Linkin Park, Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Detective Conan, Tokio Hotel, Death Note, Magic Knight Rayearth and The X-Files
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Okay, Fugue, Absence, The Dope Show, Idiotheque
* the vast majority of my fic is posted in other places than AO3 tho
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of the time, yeah (if I don’t it’s usually bc i either didn’t notice i got a comment since the first thing i do when i make an account anywhere is turning off all notifications, or it’s because i posted to an archive that won’t let me respond *cough*LPF*cough*no shade tho, i know website programming is messy and hard and the site is old af and i’m glad it still exists at all)
As to why... idk, it’s polite? Like, it’s nice for the person who left the comment to know the time they spent on it is appreciated. And back in the olden days, answering comments via DM and getting into conversations through that is how i made a bunch of the folks i now consider my RL friends :3 (idk how well that would work nowadays where replies to comments are all public and stuff tho and some achives don’t even have DMs + the whole purity cult shit where ppl are afraid to have conversations about fictional stuff they like and all that. we’ll see next time i’m actually active in a fandom again lol XD)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
idk man... i had a lot of fics end with suicides or hints that the main character's abuse will keep continuing after the end... like. A Lot. i've been an edgelord ever since i was a teen.
don't make me choose between my children ;o;
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I used to do MSTings back in the olden days on animexx and there were a few people who weren't particularly excited by that, yeah lol (nothing serious tho as far as i remember)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
eh, not rly. the smut-writing process just doesn't spark much joy for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so? at least not as far as i'm aware.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Okay was translated to Chinese and Russian, i think.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
my very first fic (X-Files) was a collab with a classmate, and ofc the above-mentioned MSTs were collabs as well :3
What’s your all time favorite ship?
........... >:(
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Not Like This over on animexx, bc i hate unfinished business like that :,)
What are your writing strengths?
creating strong "dude, that's kinda fucked up" vibes probably lol
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
try to only do it if it's actually necessary and IF you do it, don't be a US American about it and do some fucking research and treat the language in question with respect.
because even if other countries and their languages may feel like far-away made-up places full of people who will never know you don't give a fuck to you... that's bs.
especially when you're writing ur fic in English and posting it on AO3 where ppl from all over the world can see it and will know about your complete and utter lack of fucks.
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(the German example aside, this is especially true for languages that are literally spoked within your own country by oppressed minorities)
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
the first fic i wrote while being aware of what fic is was for The X-Files.
the first fic i can remember writing before that as a kid was for Story of the Alps: My Annette lol (i don’t count it in my statistics tho bc i don’t have it anymore)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
that changes from day to day depending on my mood lmao
(also i already told you to stop trying to get me to choose between my children! >:o)
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chemicalcindercat · 4 years
Frisk freed the monsters from the underground, completing a true-pacifist run. She was living happily on the surface with her monster family. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn't. When Frisk gets hit by a car on her way over to Sans house, everything changes. Not only does Frisk forget herself, her friends, and all of her adventures in the Underground, but something else has changed. Frisk glitches the Multiverse.
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Chapter Summary: Frisk gets to go through the awful experience of sleeping in past your alarm and rushing to get ready. What could go wrong?
Chapters (8/?): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Fandom: Undertale
Rating: T (For violence and hints of adult themes)
Relationships: Sans x Frisk, Underfell Sans x Frisk, Underswap Papyrus x Chara, Slight Underswap Sans x Frisk
Additional Tags: Amnesia, Lost memories, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, ...Have I mentioned there is Hurt/Comfort?, Hurt, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Goat Mom is best mom (Undertale), King Fluffy-Buns - Freeform, Sad Asgore (Undertale), Female Frisk (Undertale), Aged up Frisk (Undertale), Like duh she’s an adult i’m not a pedo, gross, Verbal Frisk, Frisk has a voice in her head, Sans is a depressed bean, Papyrus is so innocent, Frisk glitched the multiverse, oh whoops, spoiler alert, more tags will be added as we progress
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Frisk slowly opened her eyes to the awful beeping of her phone alarm. She just wanted five more minutes, but she knew she had to get up for the day. The newest season of Mew Mew: Kissy Cutie was airing next week, and Frisk had stayed up way too late the night before, finishing rewatching it. Slowly, Frisk reached her hand over and hit the button on her phone, turning off the alarm. I'll just sleep for five more minutes, Frisk thought. I'll have plenty of time to get ready.
Buzz. Buzz.
Frisk threw her pillow over her head and groaned. Who was texting her this early? And why were they being so annoying? Frisk was usually the nicest person anyone had ever met, but she was not a morning person. She needed her beauty sleep, and she just happened not to get it. Now, whoever was texting her at 7am was going to pay. She slowly reached over and picked up her phone.
Twenty new messages.
Frisk quickly put in her password, opening the messages app to see who in their right mind would text her 20 times this early.
funnybone: hey
funnybone: whats up?
funnybone: u good?
funnybone: frisk
funnybone: friiisssskkkkkkk
funnybone: answer me
funnybone: come on
funnybone: r u evn up?
funnybone: dude
funnybone: frisk
funnybone: wake up
funnybone: where r u?
funnybone: ur late
funnybone: come on
funnybone: frissskkkkkkyyyyyy
funnybone: frisk
funnybone: frisk
funnybone: frisk
funnybone: frisk
funnybone: frisk
She had to hand it to him, Sans was nothing if not persistent. Wow, she was even making puns to herself now, without him even around to hear them. Whether that was something to be proud of, or kinda terrifying, she was too tired to tell. The more important thing was why Sans was messaging her at 7am, when she wasn't even supposed to be at their house until 8:00! Frisk's heart dropped in her chest when her eyes drifted to the top left corner of her phone screen, where the time was displayed.
Oh my Dad, I'm late! She thought, using the expression she had invented when she was a little girl, and had just saved the monsters on this run. When Frisk was younger, she had reset the timelines a lot. In fact, (besides this time) the longest a true pacifist run had lasted after saving the monsters was only 3 months, before Frisk had gotten bored and restarted it all over again. This time, however, Frisk made a promise, and she wasn't going to break it. She immediately started texting Sans, explaining why she was so late.
DeterminedChild: I am so sorry guys!! I swear, I didn't forget or anything, I just slept through my alarm! I'm on my way right now.
funnybone: kk
funnybone: kk
Frisk laughed. Of course Papyrus would just say it in the group chat instead of only typing Sans. Frisk hurriedly got dressed, throwing on a random hoodie she had laying in her closet, jeans, and some socks. She ran down to the kitchen, taking the stairs two at a time, and almost tripped on the last step. Luckily, she was able to avoid falling on her face, but the socks caused her to slip on the hardwood, and she ran into the wall across from the stairs.
"Wow, Frisk, running a little late?"
Frisk opened her eyes and rubbed her face in pain. "Good morning, Flowey." She said, without even looking over at him. She stood up, brushed herself off, and then went into the kitchen to grab a granola bar. Toriel was sitting at the table drinking some coffee.
"Good morning, Frisk, I trust you slept well?"
She asked, offering Frisk some coffee.
"Yeah, Mom, a little too well. I slept through my alarm, and I'm late to go over to the boys' house." Frisk replied, taking the coffee. She got some creamer to put in it.
"Oh, well, knowing them, it won't be that big of a problem." Toriel said.
"Yeah, that's true, but I still feel bad." Said Frisk, as she grabbed a granola bar from a cabinet. "Well, I gotta go. I'll see you later, Mom."
"Have fun, Frisk." Toriel said, as Frisk kissed her forehead. "Don't stay out too late, though, I'm making meatloaf for dinner tonight."
"Okay, Mom. Bye, Flowey!" Frisk waved to the flower, who in turn waved a leaf back as she closed the door carefully, avoiding spilling coffee on herself. Then, she started down the street. The skelebros didn't live too far away, so Frisk usually just walked over. It was only a 10 minute walk, and by speed walking she could make it in 5. She quickly ate her granola bar while she walked. It was the peanut butter kind, her favorite. Then, she chugged the coffee.
Finally, Frisk could see their house. She just needed to cross the street and she would be there. Forgetting to look both ways, Frisk started to cross the street while quickly finishing off her coffee.
Suddenly, something slammed into Frisk, and then she was flying. Or at least, it felt like it. She hit the ground with a painful hit to the head. Her vision went blurry, and the last thing she saw was Sans running over to her.
'That's weird, he never runs...' She thought, before everything went black.
The girl struggled to open her eyes through the pain, greeted by dimmed lights and plain white walls. The desk beside her had a golden flower in a pot, and a TV was mounted on the wall in front of her. This room felt familiar, she knew what it was, but she couldn't remember the name of it. 'What's it called again?' She thought. "Oh, right, a hospital room. I'm in a hospital room. Wait... why am I in a hospital room? What happened to me?' The girl clenched her forehead, trying to fight off the headache, and more importantly, trying to remember who she was.
On the desk beside her, the golden flower in the pot turned around to face her, revealing a face. It's eyes were wide with exasperation. "Oh good, Frisk, you finally woke up. Well, it took you long enough!" It said in a strange voice.
Frisk screamed.
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