#the only parts of this that feel certain to me is that something is up with both 'silver drake' and the freezering
xzaddyzanakinx · 24 hours
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Sixteen: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, sexual content/fantasizing, pervy behavior, panty/scent kink, mask kink(Ghostface), gaslighting/manipulation, public/semi-public, spitting, cumplay, nude vids/pics, masturbation, oral, PIV, dick piercing, forced orgasm, bondage/blindfolds, biting/slapping/spanking/cutting, rape kink, NONCON/DUBCON/CNC, Somno, blood, knife, straight up murder, gun/knife violence, drug use GEN. SMUT [all possible tags, all may not apply]
Info: Ghost is too pleased with you over something he really shouldn’t be. You say things, his feelings get hurt. [diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. MDNI 18+
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The cool, end of summer winds blew over the bushes you crouched behind. The conversation between Ghost and Adam could be heard in choppy bits, mostly Adam’s side of the dialogue. His pained voice and sharp yelp carried loud and clear over to you. As you heard him shouting for his friends, you couldn’t help but pop your head up despite Ghost’s strict instructions to do the opposite. You couldn’t just ignore the possibility that a group of men might be charging at him any moment now. If you could help, even just a little bit, you would. Though it seemed to be an unneccesary fear, scanning the area quickly you noticed that the yard was devoid of any movement and the living room light in the cabin had been turned out. They’d abandoned their friend, no doubt barricading themselves inside the cabin at that very moment. Thinking quickly, you knew they all probably had their phones on them. If they hadn’t already called the cops, they would be calling them soon. 
Pulling out your phone, you hid it behind your jacket sleeve, turning the brightness down. Once you’d wriggled around enough to safely switch it on and do some quick googling, you discovered that unfortunately for anyone in the area, the average police response time was about forty five minutes. But, as you looked up the county maps, along with the address to your cabin… you realized it might take them much longer to arrive. The lake sat directly on the county line, the county to the left had a police department fifty seven minutes away. While the one on the right had a department closer, yet inaccessible during certain hours. 
A draw bridge along the river rose up and lowered manually, monitored twenty-four hours round the clock, seven days a week. It took five whole minutes to open, five whole minutes to close, and however long it took a large boat to chug along through the gap. If it were you, being tormented by Ghost and a boat was stopping help from getting to you… well, rightfully you’d be livid. Though you found yourself lacking the sympathy you should be experiencing for these boys. Of course they were horrible people, but violence wasn’t usually appealing to you in the least bit. You’d much rather Ghost confiscate their phones and drop them off anonymously at the police department on your way back to the city. Whatever they’ve done, there’s bound to be a shred of evidence on at least one of their cellphones. 
You might’ve yelled out to suggest it, but you realized that would be very unwise considering you’d already broken your promise to keep your head down. So you stayed down, your phone now shoved back into your pocket with a timer set to vibrate in thirty minutes. You took a moment to strategize in the event that you needed to get the hell out of dodge at the first sign of flashing lights. 
“Brandon! This guy’s tryna kill me!” Adam’s shrill voice rang out through the moonlit nightscape. Once again, unable to help yourself, you popped your head up, parting the leaves and twigs to peer through. You could barely make out a struggling figure on the ground, the large truck was obstructing most of the view, only allowing you to see beneath the vehicle.
You heard the unmistakable sound of metal singing, a sharp, shrill *schinggg*, followed by a shock-delayed roar of pain. The sounds weren’t quite right, the scream was in its place, but the blade and the squelch were in the wrong spots. You hadn’t heard the blade go in, you were only hearing it come out. You waited for a wet thud, but never heard one. Just rustling of clothes, Ghost’s unintelligible grumbling and footsteps heading away from you. Two sets of footsteps.
He hadn’t hurt him so badly that he couldn’t walk, just enough that he would be lightheaded from the blood loss within the next half hour. Adam stumbled in front of Ghost who directed his jerky, uncoordinated movements by his grip on the back of Adam’s shirt. You lost sight of them when their footsteps changed from soft thuds to louder *clunks*, they must’ve reached the porch.
“Say ‘Hi’ Adam.” Ghost shoved him toward the door, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Adam struggle to comprehend his simple order. “Can you fucking knock at least?”
“Shit, I guess.” Adam shook his head and cleared his throat, his arms still ziptied behind his back. He tapped the bottom of the door with his sneaker, kicking just loud enough for those inside to hear. “Hey! Brandon! Zach? Zachary! Zach I swear to god if you don’t open this fucking door I’ll deny your membership!”
They could hear hushed, frantic voices behind the door as his frat brothers tried to decide their course of action. Adam was getting impatient, kicking at the door handle forcefully in hopes to break it off and gain entry by force. 
“Here, I’ll give it a try buddy.” Ghost said, patting his shoulder before gripping him by the hair and bashing his forehead into the solid redwood door. “It’s rude to leave a guest at the door!” Ghost shouted ‘knocking’ on the door repeatedly with the side of Adam’s head.
“Fuck! Open the fuckin’ door!” Adam breathed in short, shallow inhales as if he might hyperventilate from the stress. His lungs starting to constrict and make his face turn red, a wheezing sound escaping his throat as his breathing became labored.
“Do you have an inhaler?” Ghost asked with a slight laugh, “Breathing in all that frat boy bullshit caught up to you?” 
“I-I have asthma.” He wheezed, choosing to save his breath instead of wasting it by feeding into Ghost’s deliberate emotional jab. 
“Are you gonna die if you don't get it?” Ghost asked annoyedly, seemingly miffed that he wasn’t able to get a real reaction out of him.
“M-may… maybe.” He coughed, dry and raspy, from deep in his throat. Adam was instinctively trying to reach up to hold his neck, unable to because of the zip ties, realizing he couldn’t only made things worse. Being denied the simple instinctive human reaction caused his panic to flare up into a frenzy, the formerly sure footed, bull headed, asshole was reduced to a scared kid on his knees, choking on air as he fought against his own body to breathe.
“Shit.” Ghost sighed and rapped on the window with his leathered knuckles. “For real guys, get this little shit his inhaler. Open the fucking door or I’ll bust the window.” He yelled, smacking at the glass with his palm. 
“You come in first!” A voice from behind the door shouted as the doorknob jiggled loosely, practically hanging by a thread from the beating Adam had given it.
“Sure.” Ghost called out, certainly not planning to follow that demand. He grabbed Adam by his shoulders and lifted him up. Forcing him to stand on his own two feet before shouting for them to open the door again.
The door slowly opened just a crack, a fist holding a long knife used to filet fish lashed out wildly, aiming at everything and nothing at the same time. Ghost was thankful for his quick reflexes, as much as he wanted to ensure these guys didn’t live to see the morning sun, he promised he’d only scare them. So, he pulled Adam back and kicked the wrist connected to the hand holding the knife, causing the wielder to drop it with a hiss of pain. Ghost stomped on the blade, drawing his foot backward to slide it out of the way and out of reach.
“Great job, almost stabbed your buddy here.” He grunted, hefting Adam up and pushing him forward. “Somebody catch him, get him his inhaler.” He said in a firm voice, expecting nothing but compliance. 
Adam fell to his knees and a lamp flickered on before illuminating the room in a soft yellow hue, allowing Ghost to see what was waiting for him behind the door. What he saw made him laugh out loud: the couch flipped on its side, the kitchen table pushed against the couch as some kind of make shift ‘fort’ and four guys with pots and pans for weapons. 
“Where’s Gordon? Didn’t realize I was walking in to Hell’s Kitchen.” He chuckled, flipping out both his knives, making sure to flick Adam’s blood at his closest frat brother, just for fun.
“What do you want man? Why? His inhaler?” The youngest and most meek of the group, Zachary spoke up, “If you’re gonna kill us why get him his inhaler?”
“Who said I was gonna kill you?” He laughed, wiping the leftover blood on his jeans. “Get the guy his inhaler, please.” He gritted out.
“Alright.” Wyatt nodded, coming out from beneath the kitchen table, he warily made his way to one of the bedrooms and returned quickly with Adam’s rescue inhaler. 
“Great job,” Ghost rubbed the two blades together in a crisscross motion before turning one toward Zach. “Get me everyone’s phones… keys too.”
“Yeah, okay.” He nodded quickly, tossing his own phone on the floor at Ghost’s feet. “Brandon, please.” He breathed out, thrusting out his hand impatiently when his friend didn’t hand it over immediately.
“I’m not giving that psycho my goddamn phone!” He yelled, shoving Zachary away from him.
“Don’t you fucking call me that.” Ghost growled, stomping over to yank Zachary back to his feet after scooping up his phone from the floor. “Hand it over, like I said, I’m not gonna kill you. Just do what I say and I’ll leave.”
“Th-thanks?” Zachary scrambled back out of Ghosts grip, giving him Wyatts phone before he joined Adam and his other friend on the floor.
“Mhm.” Ghost nodded over his shoulder at him, watching him move to regroup with his friends. He caught movement from the corner of his eye and quickly spun around, only getting clipped on the shoulder by the cast iron skillet Brandon was holding over his head as if preparing to bring it down on him again.
“Goddamnit!” Ghost yelled, rolling his shoulder and feeling the muscles pinch uncomfortably. Holding both knives in a back handed grip allowed him to swing them closed quickly, holding them in his palms tightly as he wound up to punch Brandon. “Tryin’ to be civil here.” He growled, connecting his fist to brandon’s chin in an upper cut hard enough to make Rocky cry.
His target dropped the skillet and it clamored to the ground in a loud crash, followed by the fool who thought it would be a good idea to hit Ghost with a frying pan. Once Brandon was on his knees, his mouth bloodied and split open, Ghost crouched in front of him and held his hand out. Instead of receiving Brandon's phone, Ghost was kindly gifted a spray of bloody spit over the white of his mask. He breathed in and let out a tired sigh, standing up he brought his knee up quickly and aimed at the same spot, this time getting a bigger, louder reaction from Brandon. 
The yowl Brandon let out was ear piercing, with shaking hands he tossed his phone to Ghost and cupped his palm beneath his chin, spitting out globs of blood and something… meaty.
“Yuh mad meh bighth ma tong ov.” He looked up at Ghost, a sniveling mess of red saliva and sobs, holding up his hand where he held the tip of his tongue in his palm.
“I didn’t make you do that. You made a stupid choice and you got a shitty result.” Ghost scoffed, and shouted to Zach, the easiest to deal with out of them all, he was the most impressionable. “Go put this on ice.” He gestured to the hunk of flesh dismissively, groaning in frustration when he heard very loud, very messy, alcohol tainted vomiting coming from the right of him. 
“You fuckin’ serious?” He half laughed, half barked. Shaking his head, he snatched the tongue and walked to the kitchen, thankful that all the cabins here had a practically identical floor plan. Muttering to himself he grabbed a clean solo cup and filled it with ice from the fridge, dropping the flesh into the cup and returning to thrust it into Brandons hand.
“Don’t lose it, they can sew that shit back on.” He sighed, gathering up the phones he took a seat in one of the kitchen table chairs, facing the group to keep an eye on them
“Not a single one of you called the cops?” He laughed, scrolling through call history on two phones at once. “Why’s that?” 
“Don’t say a fuckin’ word.” Adam coughed, glaring at Zachary.
“Let the boy speak.” Ghost waved off Adam, taking on the torch of authority over the group for the time being.
“I- well,” Zach swallowed hard, it was clear that the kid was in over his head. This wasn’t his normal friend group, he stuck out like a sore thumb, he was the lackey and being the lackey of the group is just about as well paying as being a doormat. “Adam, I have to. You know I have to.”
“No you don’t!” He lunged toward Zachary, with how they were all acting Ghost was almost positive if he left now they’d all end up killing each other anyway.
“Shut up.” Ghost barked, making a frisbee from one of the cellphones, catching Adam in the outer corner of his already bruised left eye. He hissed in pain, but gave no more complaints.
“Go on.” Ghost nodded to Zach, standing up so he could spin his chair around and straddle it, using the backrest to lean against comfortably as he listened.
“We didn’t rent this cabin.” Zachary spat out quickly, looking pale in the face as Adam smacked him in the back of the head, muttering something about ‘stupid freshies’.
“That’s it?” Ghost laughed, smacking both hands on his knees, rubbing his leather palms against his jeans.
“We broke in, it’s not ours.” Zachary nodded frantically, hoping the quicker he spilled his guts, the quicker the ordeal would be over with. “I’m supposed to be gettin-”
“Inducted into the frat, I know, I heard.” Ghost sighed, standing up and grabbing the back of Zachary’s shirt. “Look, take a good look. Do these idiots seem like the kind of people you want to be spending everyday of your life with for the foreseeable future?”
“N-no.” He shook his head, hands shaking with tremors of anxiety.
“Good choice. Did you drive here?” Ghost asked, getting a nod in response. “Great, it’s your car right?”
“Yes.” Zach nodded again, keeping his head down to avoid eye contact with his ‘friends’. Ghost pulled out the phones, letting Zachary take his.
“Now, before you leave I want you to make a quick little post and send a few emails, okay?” Ghost said, pointing to the cellphone screen. “Can I trust you to do that Zach?”
“Y-Yes sir.” He nodded, “What do you want me to do?”
“I’ve airdropped a bunch of screenshots from their phones. Email them to the Dean and the head of your frat house. Probably should take a good look at them yourself. You should know what you were about to agree to partake in.” Ghost said, kicking his boot straight into Wyatt’s chest as he attempted to tackle him. “That’s enough!”
Ghost shoved him to the ground, wrestling with him until he could get his hands behind his back. Busy with the wad of zipties he was pulling from his pockets, he didn’t notice Adam had recovered enough to join in on the scuffle. Just as he was pulling the ziptie around Wyatts wrists, Adam’s foot landed on top of Ghost, connecting with the back of his neck. A blinding pain rippled through Ghost, so quickly, so intensely that a wave of nausea washed over him like a tsunami. He felt green as he rolled off of Wyatt and out from under Adam who still had his heel on his shoulder. Ghost stood up, stumbling to his feet he forced himself to swallow the bile that crept up his esophagus. While Adam fell to the floor, unable to catch himself due to his restraints.
Ghost saw nothing but crimson red when he caught his balance, flipping out both knives in a backhanded hold, giving him the use of his fists and the convenience of a downward slash of his blade if needed. With one fist in front of his face, his other shot out to pop Adam on the cheek, tilting his fist to drag the cold steel down his ‘assailant’s’ arm. Blooming ichor cropped up through the deep split in the flesh, the heat of the fresh wound warming the blade for its next mark. Adam screamed, his hands and arms wriggling in an attempt to hold his bicep instinctually as he took in the sight of the gushing blood, in his panicked state he did what came to his mind first, trying to squish the meat back together by shrugging his shoulder up, tucking his chin there and pressing his arm against the floor.
“Listen here you little shit.” Ghost said, crouching down over top of the wailing guy beneath him. “I promised I wouldn’t kill any of you, I don’t like breaking promises. But, I’m not above it.”
“You wouldn’t!” Adam yelled, thrashing around, spilling his blood across the floor. Wyatt whimpering near the two of them as he pushed himself away with his feet on the slick floor.
“I would.” Ghost said, standing up and resting his booted foot on Adam’s skull to apply enough pressure to solidify his threat while he turned his attention back to Zachary. “You done?”
“I think so.” He nodded, handing Ghost the phone so he could approve the email and facebook post.
“Perfect, you should major in journalism. They’ll be begging for more on this story, might as well cash out.” Ghost said with a dark, deep laugh. “Nice to meet you Zach, get the fuck out.” Ghost shoved the phone back into his chest along with the handful of car keys.
Zachary took his phone and his set of keys, dropping the rest on the ground. He stood awkardly as though he weren’t positive that Ghost had meant what he said. Scanning the floor he took in the mess of furniture, blood, beer cans, and the quaking forms of the three frat brothers that he would be leaving behind.
“Wait. Where’s Justin?” Zachary asked, spinning around to look about the room, noticing the last member of their group was missing.
“Do you always travel in a pack?” Ghost grumbled, shoving Brandon and Adam together, lacing two more zipties through theirs to connect them. Then he brought Wyatt over, attaching him to the other two in the same manner, “Walk.”
“How do you expect us to walk like this?” Wyatt asked, a scowl on his face while the huddle moved slowly toward the coat closet near the front door.
“Well you’re walkin’ aren’t you?” Ghost growled, opening the door and uncerimoniously pushing them into the closet. He shut the door and grabbed the chair he was sitting in earlier, pushing it beneath the closet door handle to wedge it closed.
“Zach!” Ghost yelled, seeing the boy coming out of the kitchen with a large knife. “Seriously? I was starting to like you!”
“Wait!” Zachary screeched, throwing his hands up and dropping the knife to prove he wasn’t a threat. “Wait, i- i was just grabbing it to pop their tires.”
“Huh.” Ghost said, letting his body relax ever so slightly. “Okay well, did you find the other one?”
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The yelling, screams and thumping coming from inside the cabin were too much for you to sit back and allow to go on, unchecked. You had decided after the loudest, most pained scream you’d heard so far rang out into the night, that you could no longer obey Ghost’s strict orders. After shoving your small backpack into Ghost’s larger one, you put it on and pulled the straps tighter to fit your smaller frame. Once it was secure enough that it wouldn’t hinder your ability to move swiftly, you made your way to the truck closest to you, hoping to stay hidden for as long as possible.
The gravel crunched beneath your feet despite the ginger steps you took, occasionally glancing toward the window and the front door of the cabin, willing Ghost to come out so you wouldn’t have to get any closer. After passing the truck, you ducked behind the Mazda, using it as cover when you spotted the front door slowly opening.
Peering through the dark glass of the car window you were able to make out a figure heading your way. Immediately retracting your sigh of relief when you noticed the height of the approaching person wasn’t nearly as tall as what you were expecting. As the figure lifted its head, rounding the corner of the house, your worries were confirmed. It wasn’t Ghost.
The weight of the possibility that Ghost really was the one crying out in pain was a pressure on your chest that went far beyond suffocating. It was chest crushing, lung squeezing, and breath halting. Without thinking you spun quickly, the gravel being displaced under your heel made a noise loud enough to have you clapping your hands over your mouth as you panted in short breaths. The soft rustling of the grass from the stranger’s movements stopped abruptly, replaced by an eerie silence blanketing the area. For a moment it was just you and your uncontrolled breathing, the adrenaline saturated blood rushing through you as your heart beat echoed in your ears.
The illusion of being in a bubble of silent safety was shattered in less than a second. A rough hand grabbed you by the handle of your backpack and pulled you up to your feet and against the side of the car.
”So it was you.” The male voice from behind you sneered, squishing your face against the hood of the car. “Where’s the other girl?”
”She’s not here, she left earlier. W-way before I came over here.” You lied, panicking as you swallowed the rest of your anxiety induced word vomit in hopes that he’d believe the shortened version.
“So it’s just you and the sissy-boy, huh?” He prodded, trying to unzip your back pack. “What ya got in here? You stealing shit too?”
”No!” You wormed your way out of one of the straps, turning uncomfortably in your attacker’s firm grasp to pry the bag from his hands. It’s one thing to disobey very clear and concise instructions. It’s a worse thing to get caught because of your disobedience. But it would be more than a metaphorical death sentence for Ghost’s gun to end up in the hands of someone else.
“No, I haven’t stolen anything.” Your voice evening out after being raised an octave from the initial startled ‘no’ from your lips.
”Then what’s in the bag?” He questioned aggressively.
In that moment, you knew you had two choices. You could give it up or have it forcibly taken from you. Though there was a third option tapping at the back of your head, the little devil on your shoulder pulling on your ear and hoping you’d take the chance.
”This.” With your decision made, no matter how poor, you followed through. Pulling out the pistol from the bag, pointing it directly at his chest.
”Whoa! Whoa, easy.” He laughed nervously, putting his hands up and backing off as his eyes darted around, looking for an out.
”The trunk.” Your voice stern in a way you hadn’t heard before. “Open the trunk, get in.”
You gestured to the back of the car with the gun, watching him closely while he moved with slow, calculated steps. You could practically see the wheels turning in his brain, but by the time you noticed, it was too late. The very second he opened the trunk, he tried shoving you inside.
Wether it was an act of the gods or a a quick tug from your personal imp, you’ll never know, but somehow your finger pulled the trigger. A loud blast echoed through the trees around you, the man stumbled back, holding his chest. The recoil of the pistol startled you, though the realization that the gun really had been loaded this whole time, startled you even more.
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“Shit.” Ghost’s body flew on autopilot when the crack of the gun reached the cabin. A million thoughts ran through his head at once, but only one stuck out clearly. Only one held his attention. You.
Zach hit the floor, his hands over his head when he registered the sound for what it was, his ‘friends’ shouting in panic behind the closet door. He made not effort to free them nor to move at all, simply frozen in fear as Ghost stepped over him, through the threshold of the front door. Jumping from the porch he hit the ground in a full sprint, only stopping when he caught sight of you, arms out in front of you with the gun still in your hands.
Through the ringing in your ears, you heard muffled words as a gentle leather hand peeled the gun from your grasp. His hands searching you for any injuries, satisfied that the only wound you’d sustained was mental, he scooted you away, shoving his arms under the armpits of the corpse before hefting the body from the ground and into the open trunk behind you. After making sure he really was dead, Ghost wiped the blood off on the man’s jeans and carefully guided you to the side of the car, having you sit down.
”You’ve got good aim for such a little doe.” He said, trying to lighten the atmosphere just a tiny bit. “Here I was thinkin’ it was deer season.”
”No?” He sighed, patting your head and massaging your scalp with his fingertips before he straightened up. “Too soon?”
“Just a little bit.” You said, looking up at him from were you sat.
”Don’t cry, it’s okay.” He said, noticing the tears welling up in your eyes. “I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry about nothin’ okay?”
“Promise.” He nodded, holding out his pinky finger and waggling it at you until you linked yours with his. “Good girl.” His voice was rough, but it was clear it wasn’t from anger. His body language was relaxed, like he was relieved.
He walked back to the trunk of the car and hummed to himself, a song that triggered a memory for you. It felt like years had passed since you’d heard it, but the beat came to the forefront of your mind with an image in tow. Followed by another, then another, and another. Ghost was humming the lyrics, but your mind was filling in the the missing instrumentals.
While you were busy trying to connect where and when you’d heard that tune, Ghost was busy cutting the shirt off the corpse of the frat boy you’d shot. With the blood soaked fabric out of the way the gaping wound in his flesh was easily visible. He let out a low whistle as he took in the damage from the close range shot. He shook his head with a little laugh and shifted his weight from one leg to the other, subtly giving his half-hard cock a bit more room.
He steeled himself for the next bit of his task, finding the bullet. He rolled his shoulders and shook out his arms to reposition his sleeves without having to touch them, before he sunk the middle and ring finger of both hands into the wound to pull it apart, lifting one side he dug around and pried open the rip in the muscle.
“Gross.” He whispered, making a gagging sound when he heard the wet tearing of the fascia, feeling the stringy substance snapping under his hands.
“Hey, sweetheart?” He asked in a soft voice, trying to get your attention without startling you.
“Huh?” You turned your head, only registering you were being spoken to after he snapped his fingers at you.
“Can you get me some gloves from the little side zippy?” He asked, pointing to the backpack now at your feet. “And there’s a thingy of wipes in the big front zippy.”
“Oh, right. Sorry.” You nodded, moving slowly as you came down from the chemical rush you’d just experienced.
“No, no.” He quickly shook his head when you stood up to walk over to him. “Just set ‘em up there.” He gestured to the back windshield with his elbow, so you did as he asked, recognizing that he was doing something that was most definitely unpleasant to witness.
“Thanks doll.” He nodded, bending down and wiping the blood on his leather gloves onto the ground, dragging his fingers back and forth through the grass.
He stepped on the tip of each glove to pull them off his hands, quickly switching over to the latex gloves to continue the dirty work he shielded you from. You’d been through enough, he already felt immense guilt for what he’d brought you into, there was no need to add insult to injury. Ghost picked up where he left off, prodding around beneath the flesh, he realized he’d have to dig a bit deeper. Separating the tissue from the muscle he forced his flat hand underneath the left pectoral as far as possible.
“Fuck.” He cursed, his middle finger following the rippled meat until he lost the bullet’s path.
“Bad news bears.” He called out to you, popping his head around the side of the trunk. “I need you to look in the toolbox in the back of that truck. Put on some gloves first though.”
“What? Why?” You asked, snapping the latex into place on your fingers after pulling out a pair for yourself.
“See if he’s got some bolt cutters.” He sighed, taking a deep breath before speaking again. “If he doesn’t have bolt cutters get me a hammer or crowbar. It’d be sweet if he has a crowbar.”
“A crowbar?” You asked out of curiosity, then thought better of it. “Actually, nevermind.”
You climbed up into the truckbed and lifted the toolbox lid. There were no bolt cutters, only small wire cutters. Two hammers, a plethora of screwdrivers and a random assortment of metal fittings and other equipment. Buried beneath a pile of ratchet straps you found the crowbar.
“Oh hell yeah.” Ghost chuckled, taking it from you as you held it out at a distance.
“Uh, probably should cover your ears.” He said apologetically.
He pulled the corpse from the trunk, letting it thump on the gravel so he could plant his foot firmly on the abdomen, leaning forward with the curved side of the crowbar in his hands, the flat side pressed into the space between his ribs, just beneath the left pec.
Ghost put his weight into the crowbar, sinking it in with one firm, downward shove. It was a difficult process, one that needed a balance between force and delicacy, Ghost was only experienced at one of those attributes. He pushed too hard, going through the connective tissue between the ribs as planned and down into the chest cavity.
A wet, goopy pop met his ears before the blood began to seep out of the punctured viscera hidden in the chest cavity.
“Oh, yum.” He muttered under his breath as he wiggled the crowbar back and forth as he pulled it up out of the soft substance he’d pierced. The noise was similar to the suction of pulling your fingers out of a jar of hair gel.
Ghost left the crowbar sticking up out of the wound to jog over to the stack of firewood lined up against the cabin, grabbing a thickly cut log. Passing it back and forth between his hands as he returned to the body.
Placing the log on the torso as he resumed humming the song from earlier. You made the mistake of looking over your shoulder, seeing his bloody hand on the open lid of the trunk for balance as he stepped up onto the end of the crowbar sticking out of the corpse.
Pushing down on it with his body weight, using the firewood as leverage to crack open the rib cage. You felt sick to your stomach when you saw him jump on the crowbar, hearing the sickening crunch and crack of bone breaking under the force of his movements.
Grateful that you couldn’t see what was happening below the car, only having seen Ghost’s upper body’s part in the act. Nauseated, you pulled the pink silk from your face, gagging loudly as you held your stomach and bent over.
“Shit, baby you okay?” Ghost asked, coming around to check on you. He hesitated, knowing his hands were covered in… unsavory substances.
“Get back.” Your hand out behind you to stop him from coming closer. “Just do what you need to do and let me throw up in peace.”
“Oh, princess I’m sorry.” He said softly, unsure of what to do. He was in clean up mode, he’d never had company during this process before. So he did what he knew to be necessary.
He couldn’t have you throwing up and leaving any more evidence of your presence at this crime scene. He grimaced, wiping his latex gloves with a baby wipe from the pack you’d set out. Then unzipped a pocket on his backpack, pulling out a large ziploc bag filled with smaller ones. He dumped the smaller ones out, handing you the bigger, quart sized one.
“If you’re gonna upchuck, make sure it gets in the bag.” He said patting your back, nodding at your grunt of acknowledgment and leaving you to your own devices.
With the rib cage popped open, he wedged his hand beneath it, feeling the squishy, slippery surface of one of his your victim’s lungs. He braved it by clenching his teeth tightly to distract himself from the sound and sensation accompanying his methodical squeezing of the organ.
“Finally.” He sighed in satisfaction when he felt the hard lump of metal buried in the lung. He pinched it to keep the bullet from escaping his hand, not wanting to go through the disgusting process again.
Now with it between his fingers, he was able to dig around with his other fingers to pull the lung out of the chest cavity to access the area with both hands to dislodge the bullet.
“Got it!” He said proudly, dropping it into one of the small ziploc bags.
He dumped the body back into the trunk of the car, not bothering to removed the crowbar or slide the lung back where it belonged. Slamming the trunk shut he cleaned up his leather gloves until they were good as new, switching them out once more.
He disposed of his latex gloves in the same ziploc bag as the bullet, then made his way to you once again. He was pleased to see that you had not thrown up and the color was returning to your cheeks.
“Alright, let’s get the fuck out of here.” He said, rubbing your back as he picked up the bag and started walking toward the woods with you.
“Hey what’s that song you-“ You started, thinking if you heard the name of it you might be able to place it with the memory attached.
“Zachary, buddy.” Ghost grumbled, hearing the boys panicked squeal as he emerged from the cabin with his phone flashlight training on the two of you.
“Who is that?” He pointed to you, causing you to turn fully to face him. “Oh my god, you’re that girl.”
Ghost threw up his hands in frustration, dragging one down the side of his mask. “This is my lovely lady.”
“Leaving?” Ghost asked, putting his left hand in his hoodie pocket.
“Y-yeah.” Zach nodded, moving slowly as he walked toward his car which just so happened to be the Mazda.
“We still cool?” Ghost asked, signaling you to stay put while he ‘escorted’ Zach to his vehicle.
“Oh, yeah of course.” Zach said nervously as Ghost opened up the driver side door for him.
“Listen, I’m sorry for all this.” Ghost said, sticking out his hand for a handshake as Zach climbed into the car.
“Right.” He cleared his throat accepting the handshake which gave Ghost the opportunity to pull out his gun from his hoodie pocket, pistol whipping him with his temple as the target.
“I was really hoping this kid wouldn’t get in the way, he was the only decent one out of them all.” Ghost grumbled, throwing the comment over his shoulder before turning his attention to the unconscious boy in front of him.
He grabbed another zip tie, pressing Zachary’s finger tips against the plastic before placing his foot on the gas pedal and pulling the tie to secure it in place.
Ghost reached around, turning the key in the ignition and leaning over Zach to put the car in neutral.
“Close your eyes.” Ghost said sternly, watching you to make sure you were listening. “Good. Turn around, stay there please.”
“Thank you baby,” He called over his shoulder as he started to push the car, getting it rolling toward the lake. Once it was close enough he put it in park and shouted out to you again. “Cover your ears!”
Taking Zach’s hand he wrapped his fingers around the grip, positioning his pointer finger on the trigger and putting his other limp hand in the left hand cut out in the steering wheel. He pulled the trigger, the bullet ripping through the soft flesh on the underside of his chin and straight through his brain, exiting at the top of his skull, lodging in the dented metal roof of the car.
Ghost let the gun fall along with Zach’s hand before throwing the car in drive and pushing down on his knee to put pressure on the gas pedal. Quickly jumping out of the way as he slammed the door shut. Stumbling back and falling on his ass as the car sped through the yard and straight into the lake, sinking slowly.
Ghost stood up, dusting himself off before punching the air in a little victory celebration before he had to return to ‘caregiver to shell shocked girlfriend’.
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Ghost approached you slowly, a soft hand on your shoulder to alert you to his presence. He pulled you into his chest and crushed you in a tight hug, squeezing you as he rocked side to side.
“I know this has been a long, really not so great night.” He said softly, resting his chin on your head. “But I need you to tell me something okay, I need you to listen. Can you do that?”
You nodded against his chest, sniffling while you prepared for whatever it was he had in store for you this time.
“Did you touch anything with your bare hands?” He asked, loosening his tight grip around you. “Think hard. I need to know so I can take care of it.”
Your mind raced, you’d touched a lot of things. It hadn’t ever crossed your mind that you might’ve left fingerprints. Fingerprints wouldn’t have mattered if it had just been your original plan. Fingerprints wouldn’t have mattered if you had just listened to Ghost and stayed put.
“Chalk and spray cans.” You said, your eyes wide as if trying to see the various items you’d left evidence behind on. “The truck. The window. That car, in the lake.”
“Did you touch anything inside the car?” He asked, tilting your head back to look at you.
“Not with my hands. I bumped the inside of the trunk with my arm.” You said, crossing your arms to hug yourself while he held you.
“Did you keep your hood up? Touch your hair or anything?” He asked, swatting at your hand when your lifted it to touch your hair.
“No I don’t think so.” You shook your head, hearing him sigh.
“Okay.” He took a breath, “here’s the plan:”
“You, sit your ass right here.” He said, pushing down on your shoulder gently to make you sit. “I’m gonna go get the cans, and wipe down the window. The truck… do you remember where you touched it?”
“The side facing the woods, then I climbed up to get that stuff from the tool box.” You said, holding up your still gloved hands. “But I had on gloves for the toolbox.”
“Perfect. Keep those on.”
He patted your head and went about his tasks, making the clean up quick as he jogged through the yard and picked up the cans he’d tossed in a pile. Taking an alcohol wipe to the window and then using more than a handful as he roughly scrubbed the side of the truck.
Thankfully, it seemed that daddy’s money kept Adam’s car well maintained so he didn’t need to worry about leaving one side of the truck shiny and the other dirty. This trip was probably the only time that truck had ever seen dirt. He used what was left of the chalk spray on that side of the truck just to even it out, throwing everything away in a grocery bag to shove in his backpack.
Everything was in place, everything was handled, everything was fine. It was all fine.
Except for you.
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Diary Entry: September 4th early morning
Okay, so here I am, in a goddamn tree, sitting outside your cabin, watching you walk outside every so often to vomit. Your sister and Luke think you’ve got food poisoning or some shit like that.
You’re mad because I made you strip naked before I would let you climb back in your window. You’re mad because I had to bag up your clothes to get rid of. You’re paranoid because there hasn’t been a peep from across the lake.
Luke made you cry because he was woken up by ‘really loud pops’ and he’s ’almost for certain it was a gun, how did you not wake up?’.
I made you cry because I asked if you were okay.
You made yourself cry because you just had to take one last look as we walked away and you of course thought you saw a few bubbles float to the surface of the lake. ‘Oh my god, what if they’re still alive?’
Baby. They’re beyond dead.
Speaking of, can I just say that it was fucking hot as hell to see you standing there with my gun like that? Holy shit.
Then realizing there was a whole person you blew to pieces in front of you? Lord have mercy, Lucifer take my soul.
I wish I could say it to your face. It’s a compliment, but I don’t think you’d take it that way. You’re just so perfect. You’re beautiful even in moments like that, with those fearful eyes and that pretty pout. The little blush creeping up your cheeks and the squeak you made when I took the gun from you.
If you weren’t so distraught I would’ve ravaged you right then and there.
I forget sometimes that you’re just a girl. You’re a girl that I love and that I just wanted to have a good time with. I just wanted you to have a little taste of danger. I didn’t want you to murder someone on accident. I didn’t want to kill Zach.
But they’re both at the bottom of the lake and there’s nothing I can do about it now.
I’m sorry that I seemed insensitive. I really didn’t mean to. I just don’t understand why you’re grieving a person you didn’t know. The guy you killed was a gross, horrible, disgusting waste of space. Zach was okay, he’s just fucking stupid and had to come out and get a look at you.
You understand right? I couldn’t just let him walk off after he recognized you.
Maybe you’ve learned your lesson. When I say something, I mean it. When I tell you to listen, it’s for a reason.
When the little voice in my head says ‘hey that’s probably not a good idea’ I think I’ll start listening. Sometimes.
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Diary Entry: September 7th
I’m picking up the vibe that you’re alittle bit upset with me. Like actually me, Anakin. You texted me that you got home but I was expecting you to come over or ask me to come over… since you’ve been gone the whole weekend. But you didn’t.
Are you just that freaked out by the whole thing? I told you it’s not your fault. I don’t know what else to do. People die. Sometimes they just die alittle earlier than they’re meant to. That’s just the way of things.
I was there. Yet I still feel out of the loop.
Cause there’s only so much information I have you know? I have my side of the story. But you’re keeping yours locked up in the Fort Knox of your mind.
You can’t just ignore me because of one little mistake on your part. Yeah, it’s not your fault but also it kind of is. You should’ve listened, but if I get back on that thought train I’ll be riding it for the next few stops.
So instead let’s focus on how I’m going absolutely insane because you won’t even let Ghost inside your apartment. I’ve never been mad at you but I’m so close to being pissed. A door stop? Really? New window latch?
If I didn’t have cameras in your place I’d be worried you found some other guy to do the window latch installation. I was pleasantly surprised (also proud) to see you putting it in all by yourself. If only it wasn’t simultaneously infuriating.
I think I’m going to have to do alittle research to see how I can worm my way inside without actually causing any damage to the door or window. If you’d just leave the apartment for even a few minutes I’d be able to go in through the door. But no, of course I wouldn’t be so lucky.
I totally considered throwing a brick through the glass of your living room window but then it’d be a few days before the super would ever even get around to fixing it, you’d have a gaping hole that anyone could climb in through and I’d be sleep deprived because I’d be sitting out there 24/7.
The only upside to that would be getting to see you. Although I have a feeling you’d be even more upset if I actually did do that… so I won’t, even though it’s very tempting.
Is it completely horrible of me to be driven by ulterior motives as well? Tempting… I’m all worked up and it’s really difficult to settle for my hand after having felt the flower of Eden between your pretty thighs.
I need you. I need you in a bad way. So bad I very briefly let myself wonder if it would be cheating if I bought a fleshlight and taped your picture on it.
Logically, duh I know it’s not cheating but it feels like it.
Maybe I can invent Clone-a-Coochie. You know like the make it yourself, at home dildo? Great business idea if we’re being honest. A perfect replica of your perfect pussy? Bitch, I’d put that on display.
‘What the hell is that?’ ‘Oh this? Yeah, this is my girl’s pussy.’
Seriously, it’s basically the same concept of the Roman and Greeks always putting flaccid dicks on their statues. It’s art.
Art that has more than one purpose! I love shit with more than one use. It’s pretty, it can be fucked, it’s pretty. Look at that. Three whole things.
But even if I did invent it, I’d still have to get into your apartment to make it in the first place and then I wouldn’t even need it anymore because you’d be there.
I’m rambling. This is what happens when I’m nervous. You’ve made me nervous. If I didn’t hate taking pages from notebooks I’d rip this out because I’m a fucking idiot and wrote it in ink so now the inner thoughts that should’ve been kept to myself are in permanent physical form.
Notebook law is that you can’t tear pages from a composition notebook. If there’s one law I’m not gonna break, it’s that one. Cause that’s just disgusting, vile.
Anyway, the B train has been tossing around some thoughts while the A train plowed through the brain car that gets rid of my bad ideas.
B train says I should figure out how to get in your bedroom window. There’s no fire escape under it. You’re on the second floor and there’s no way I’m rappelling down the side of an eight story building.
My need for instant gratification said I could commandeer a fire truck. They have really tall ladders. But then I’d have to worry about hiding a fire truck and that would be practically impossible so honestly, it’s for the best that A train ran that one over.
So I think my best bet is to violate every single safety protocol on ladders and push the dumpster over, stick a ladder on top and close my eyes and hope I make it to your window.
So, if I see you, I’ve succeeded. If I haven’t. Maybe don’t look out your bedroom window.
I just don’t understand. I’m sorry, I don’t. This would be just so much easier if you’d flap your fucking jaws like you love to do. Just open your mouth and speak.
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Date: September 7th
Anakin has called, texted, emailed, knocked, unlocked your door and been sent straight back across the hallway.
Unable to look him in the eye after what you’ve done, you’ve repeatedly ignored and pushed him away. You tell yourself it’s because you’re suspicious of his behavior, because he was spotted by your sister’s husband at that store. That’s why you’re ignoring him.
It has nothing to do with the fact that you killed someone and watched your other (stalker) boyfriend kill another man and stage the scene as a hostage-murder-suicide.
Ghost left those boys in the closet, zip tied together. You’ve watched the news everyday on a continuous loop for the last three days and you’ve not seen a single hint of information regarding the crime. They’ve not been reported missing. They’ve not escaped to your knowledge.
What was reported on however, was that a group of young men affiliated with the Alpha Sigma Psi Fraternity from the upstate university are under suspension pending investigation into their ‘hazing practices and illicit activities’. No names have been released, just ages.
It seems that Ghost really did think of everything.
How? How does he know what to do? How did he perfectly situate a very messy crime scene to fit the narrative of frat hazing gone wrong? How did he find the proof and get it to the university? Is there actual proof?
By the time those boys are found everything will have been taken care of and seen as a closed case before it’s even opened:
A young boy, a recruit, was taken out to the lake for a weekend hazing ritual. The last of his ‘trials’ to join Alpha Sigma Phi. All was well, drinking, drugs, strip pong. A bit of good natured, easy to clean up ‘vandalism’ to get him loosened up before they go into his final initiation phase. Recruit finds out what horrible things his soon to be frat brothers have done and now want him to do, then he attempts to escape, kills in self defense, ties others up and plans to dump the body. Recruit digs around in the corpse to get the bullet to get rid of the evidence, realizes it’s too late for him, feels guilty and kills himself.
The only loose ends are the other guys in the closet. Why not kill them too? And if you’re going to go through all the trouble of taking out the bullet, then shoot yourself… what’s the point of taking it out?
Maybe it just shows the panicked thought pattern of a scared kid who messed up, fell in with the wrong crowd and couldn’t get himself out of it without violence being involved. Maybe it shows that a girl and her masked secret boyfriend tried to have a little fun and ended up committing double murder.
Ghost explained that Zach saw you, would be able to identity you if he went to the police, there was no choice. He had to kill him to protect you.
When you questioned him about his gun and if it could be traced to him he told you it was bought third hand, unregistered and given as a gift. Not to mention he’s never handled it with his bare hands and he filed off the serial numbers after he received it.
Because ‘you never know’. What does that mean? You didn’t ask because you didn’t want to taint your image of him further.
There hasn’t been a linear pattern of thought since that night, thoughts, ideas, monologues, even fully fleshed out daydreams have been overlapping and going straight through each other at an alarming rate. Silence is a distant memory, the constant chatter of your inner voice has become your new normal.
A voice, a real one, called out to you for the umpteenth time today. Pounding on your front door, you didn’t even bother to look through the peephole. You didn’t get up and tell him to fuck off. You even turned the sound off on your phone hours ago, when you checked it you had over sixty messages. Some from Anakin, some from Ghost, Luke and your sister. Even Vigo from the diner. Everyone was concerned about your mysterious absence.
You just had too much going on at once to deal with answering any messages or questions. Too much happening to explain why you’ve called in for the past two days. Brain too full to comprehend the email from your English professor, wondering why you’ve not turned in your online quiz.
How can you be expected to lead your normal life after killing a living being with your own hands?
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September 8th, 8:43 pm
Ghost got into position, feet firmly on the ground with both hands flat on the side of the dumpster, thankful it was on wheels as he pushed the heavy container toward your bedroom window. It scraped along the wall, metal on brick making a horrendous racket that he was relieved only lasted a few seconds.
He didn’t need a 20 foot ladder of his own. So naturally he swiped one from a construction site, planning to return if before the sunrise. After he precariously secured and balanced the ladder against the wall, atop the dumpster, he made his way up to your bedroom window.
Luckily this window also had an incredibly old style of latch and you hadn’t replaced it. So, he was able to use his heavy duty magnet to wiggle the curved latch out of the ring that held the window shut. The only difference from your living room window was that this one was smaller, still plenty big enough for him to fit through, and a bit higher off the ground as well.
The awkward position of the ladder, paired with his teeny tiny fear of heights made it the slightest bit terrifying to enter the window feet first. Head first was the only logical solution. He was long enough to hit the floor with his hands and ‘walk’ the rest of himself into your room without harming himself. So he did exactly that.
Bending at the waist he shimmied until his legs were bent at the knee to help him balance, both hands on the ground as he pulled himself forward enough to get away from the wall so that he could drop his feet down one at a time. It was awkward and uncomfortable, however worth it and necessary in his mind.
Once he gained entry and the window was shut and locked, Ghost walked out of your bedroom to hear your shower running. He was tired of waiting. Tired of attempting to give you a bit of space, alittle leeway for your healing and health. He did the only logical thing, pull out a bent paper clip to jimmy pinhole lock of your bathroom door knob.
He cheered for himself internally when he heard the faint *click* signaling he’d succeeded in popping the simple mechanism of the button lock on your side of the door. Carefully and quietly he entered the bathroom, making himself at home on the sink counter to wait until you were finished.
He closed his eyes, listening to the water pelting your soft skin and the sound of your fingertips scrubbing shampoo into your scalp, the product bubbling up to cleanse the day away. The sweet scent was soothing, he’d missed it, now that he was able to smell you, feel your presence again… he was a thousand times calmer. His mind clearing enough to think rationally.
You were living and breathing. You were okay.
You were tangible again. He hadn’t gone a single day without you in such a long time that he felt like an addict experiencing withdrawal during your time away. He was finally getting that first hit that soothed the hurt, steadied the shakes and warmed the ice of his veins.
Spotting your robe and towel sitting nearby, he picked up the robe and held it to his chest to transfer some of his warmth to it. It was a simple gesture, one that wouldn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but you were his everything and he’d been deprived of you for too long. He considered that maybe he needed to start doing more of these micro feel-good acts to keep you satisfied with him.
It wasn’t as good as tossing it in the dryer, but the dryer was at the laundromat and he really didn’t want to have to climb up that ladder again. Holding it to his chest was the best he could do and he hoped it was enough. He hoped he was enough.
The water shut off, the following sound was your hands wringing out your hair, the stream of water hitting the shower floor. Pushing back the curtain you looked down at the bath mat as you stepped out, nearly slipping when you lifted your head and saw Ghost sitting quietly. He gave an awkward, tiny wave and crossed his feet at the ankles, clasping his hands in his lap around your robe.
“How did you get in here?” Your voice quiet and distant.
“Doesn’t matter.” He said while you toweled off, holding up your robe for you to slip on.
You almost refused it. He wasn’t meant to be here, he hadn’t told you he was coming and you took precautions to make sure he wouldn’t get inside your home. Apparently, no amount of security could keep him away from you.
You couldn’t bring yourself to deny him the right to treat you to such a simple gesture. Not when he looked at you the way he did. You could see it in your minds eye, the puppy dog eyes and wobbly bottom lip. He was sulking and his posture screamed it. Sighing, you turned around to insert your arms one at a time. The fabric was warm, a plush cotton hug that you didn’t expect but were glad to have.
Before you could turn around Ghost used a soft touch on your shoulder to make you stand still while he searched the drawer on his left for your hairbrush. The wet strands were plastered to the back of your neck beneath your robe, his leather finger separating it to lay it over the fabric and smooth it out just a bit before starting out at the very ends, working his way up slowly.
He was quiet, it was rare that he go so long without speaking. Almost seeming like he was waiting for you to speak first, but no words would come. What was there to say?
Once he finished with your hair he hopped down from the sink countertop, guiding you to sit atop the toilet lid. He kept a hand on you the whole time he set up your hair dryer and sprayed your leave in conditioner, like he was worried you’d vanish if you weren’t beneath his fingers.
The continuous droning flow of air from the hairdryer was warm and soothing. Like a cozy white noise machine. You could’ve fallen asleep with the way he was brushing through your hair as he dried it, the bristles massaging your scalp with every pass. He was taking his time, an occasional pause to separate and section off the next bit of your hair, a quick swipe of his thumb against your neck, leaning down to simulate a kiss to the top of your head with his mask’s cheek.
He didn’t poke and prod you for answers like you expected. He was patient, seemingly content to be in your presence even without the use of conversation. It was surprising when you factored in all the incessant texts and voicemails he’d left you since you arrived back home.
Taking both your hands he escorted you over to the sink, gripping your hips to boost you up onto the counter top.
“Open.” He tapped your cheek, grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste, scoffing like he was offended when you tried to take it from him.
“I’ll do it.” He insisted, shaking his head at you before carefully cupping your chin and pulling your bottom lip down slightly with his thumb so he could brush your teeth for you.
“Ready?” He asked, rinsing off your toothbrush and passing off the mouthwash to you. Ghost watched as you swished and spit, helping you down from the sink and walking behind you with a hand on the back of your neck.
He picked out your pajamas and helped you into them, treating you as if you were a porcelain doll. It was unsettling to see him so gentle and caring. This wasn’t his normal behavior. He had his sweet moments but characteristically he was moody, broody, grumpy and cynical.
“Do you think you can talk to me now sweet girl?” He asked, holding your face in his hands and swiping his thrumbs just beneath your eyes.
“You lied to me.” You said accusingly.
“No? What?” He asked, shaking his head like he was shocked you’d say that.
“You lied. You said you’d never hurt me, you’d never put me in danger.”
“Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t know they’d be so violent. I didn’t know they were that bad of people, I would’ve never-“ His voice was strained, his hands shifting so that one was on your neck, rubbing the column of your throat.
“Not that.” You scowled, “I’m talking about the gun.”
“I don’t understand what you mean. I told you I had one, I told you it was in the bag! I even told you to use it if you had to. Where’s the lie?” He asked, getting upset at your accusations.
“It was loaded for real? Like you for real were playing Russian Roulette with my life? You could’ve killed me Ghost!” You smacked his chest angrily, shoving him away when he held out his arm to comfort you.
“No! No it wasn’t loaded I swear.” He said in a panic, standing up and going over to your still-packed bags from your weekend trip. He dug around in the pockets until he pulled out the bullet he’d carved your initials into. You noticed the last initial had been carved over in the shape of a heart.
“See? It never even touched the inside I swear.” He said, handing it to you. He’d saved it for you, tucking it away for you to see when you finally unpacked. You almost felt bad that you’d practically forced him to ruin the gift of the keepsake. An odd keepsake, but still.
“Then… then how do you explain the bullet in there? I never saw you load it.” You asked, confusion coloring your words.
Ghost sighed, trying to take your hand but you pulled it away. He grumbled, forcibly pulling it over by the wrist, lacing his fingers with yours.
“I haven’t and will never knowingly put you in harms way. You are my everything, without you I am nothing.” Ghost leaned in, testing the waters to see if you’d calmed enough for him to put his arms around you.
“I would never forgive myself if you got hurt because of something I’d done.” You let him wrap you up into his warmth, his large hand cradling your head to his chest. “My purpose in life is to love you, keep you safe and happy. You becoming mortally wounded isn’t included in that list, not even in the fine print. Quite the opposite actually.”
“I swear on my life that it wasn’t ever loaded, you weren’t in any danger.” He whispered, “I loaded it before we went out, just in case. I like to be prepared and I’m so glad I was.” His other hand no stroking your hair. “It was fully loaded, you don’t remember seeing me load in another bullet for Zach did you?”
“No.” You winced at the memory, the sound of the car reving and splashing into the lake replaying in your mind.
“Exactly.” He nodded, his hands fidgeting. “My little doe, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that. You should’ve said something instead of letting it fester up like this.”
“Ghost, this has been… I don’t know. It’s been overwhelming okay? I can’t think.” Rubbing your face and running a hand through your hair. “I ki- I hurt someone.” You choked out.
“You did so well.” He said softly “I’m very proud of you. I’m just sorry I wasn’t out there with you so you didn’t have to face it alone. I know it was scary.”
“Scary?” You scowled, “it was terrifying!” You raised your voice slightly.
“I- I was worried! You said you’d be quick and it felt like it was taking too long… the yellin’ and noise.” Your voice was shaking and you didn’t even notice it, still speaking passionately. “I was afraid you were hurt! I’m sorry I didn’t stay put like you wanted but I couldn’t just sit there and not know if it was you that I was hearing!”
”There was a whole group of them and your went in there all by yourself like an idiot!” You yelled at him in a way you hadn’t done before. This wasn’t out of anger or frustration, it was fear.
The concept of you being worried for him was foreign to him, he’d never thought he’d be lucky enough to have you feel so strongly for him as Ghost. He knew it was definitely not the right time to push you down and let your sweet pussy milk his cock dry. But damn it all, if he wasn’t at least able to kiss you right now he may spontaneously combust.
“You were worried about me?” He asked so quietly his words dropped in and out of the vocoder. Ghost’s hands coming up to your neck, his thumbs under your chin to tilt your head up.
”God, you’re so stupid.” It came out much less angry than intended, more of whisper that trailed off into nothing more than a shallow breath.
There he was again, pouring out emotion without ever showing you his face. His eyes on you were comforting, like an embrace from the first sunny day in spring. The balance between you had always been a fragile thing, but it seemed that just like those sunny spring days encourage growth, something had begun to sprout roots.
There’s always been something so fascinating about flowers, one day they’re nothing more that a seedling, then in a blink of an eye they’ve bloomed and you missed it. The shock of waking up to discover the most beautiful rose carved from nature’s velvet had finally adorned the thorny landscape it had to endure on its path to life.
You’d failed to see something budding up and unfurling, now the bloom was staring into your soul, asking to be picked.
”Hey, I was jus-“ Ghost started, feeling a bit miffed by your words an the quick, almost eerie change in atmosphere.
”I was afraid.” A statement that could fit many situations you’d found yourself in with him, but it was being put to use in a different context now. “I was worried you’d be hurt so bad I couldn’t fix it.”
”Whoa.” Ghost shifted, bringing you closer, “Don’t cry. I’m fine, I’m right here.”
“Just bruised up a little.” He said, nuzzling into your neck, the cold, hard plastic used to be somewhat of an uncomfortable feeling on your skin, though now it was one you realized you’d miss if it were taken from you.
“You should see the other guy.” The grin beneath his mask was so wide it could be felt in the way he tilted his head against your neck.
For the first time in days, you laughed. Tiny fairy bells making music that Ghost felt privileged to hear again, he felt honored to be the one to bring you the first bit of happiness, reprieve, after such a horrifying experience for you.
You pulled back, smiling and eyes shining with tears that you’d have no need to shed. Ghost watched, seeing the wheels turning behind your pretty eyes.
“Ghost, I lo-“ Just as you parted your lips to speak, sweet words on the tip of your tongue, the moment was shattered by flashing red on your bedroom TV screen. “Oh my god, they found it.”
Formerly blush pink cheeks quickly drained of color as the news camera panned over a serene lake, the still waters now rippling with movement as the image zoomed in on a car being towed from the depths, the reveal showed something hanging from the drivers side door was followed by a startled yelp of shock from the in-field reporter on the scene. The video paused, the image blurred as the in-office news anchors scrambled to collect themselves. The male cohost held a finger up to his ear, receiving information live from the scene.
”Apologies to our viewers, it seems that Rebecca, along with other press on site have been asked to return behind press lines. Investigators have a sensitive development in the case and are requesting all live newsfeed footage to be halted effective immediately.” The man nervously looked over to his female counterpart, sharing a nod she announced that they’d update as soon as officials allowed it, directing the camera to join the weatherman for the latest forecast.
”Alright, no. You’re not watching this.” GHost stood up, snatching the remote from the bed beside you and shutting the tv off. Going so far as to pop out the batteries and put them in his pocket.
”Ghost, this is what I’ve been waiting to see, you can’t just-“
”Oh yes i can.” He growled, holding up a hand to stop you. “I’ll monitor the news. Give me your phone.” He stuck his hand out in a ‘give it here’ motion as you reluctantly passed it over to him.
”What are you gonna do? Hold my phone hostage?”
“No, I’m going to seize your internet capabilities.” He snorted, pocketing your phone, gingerly pushing your head back and away like an annoyed father who’s had enough of his kid tugging on his shirt sleeve.
”What? What if i need-“
”To google when the Byzantine Empire collapsed?” He crossed his arms and chuckled when you gasped. “I’ve been paying extra close attention to your search history. I’m so glad you filled your time away from me with educational Roman lore rather than researching the est way to die.”
You couldn’t refute his statement, it’s true. You weren’t depressed so much as you were just bored during your self imposed isolation. “I think it’s completely normal to want a few quiet days after the weekend i had.” You huffed.
”Yes, it would be different if your weekend had been a drunken rager,” He said, swatting your hand away from his waist when you decievingly attempted to wrap your arm around him as a front to steal your phone back. “It’s highly concerning and i think i had a right to be worried considering your weekend involved double homocide.”
”I guess that’s fair.” You conceded, knowing you probably had done a real number on him. Everyone else was worried and they had no idea about the reasoning behind your temporary hermit-hood.
“If you desperately need to know anything else regarding Ancient Rome during your no internet time, call me.” He said, crossing his arms.
”Anakin has a phone and a laptop. I bet he’d let me use those.” You countered, raising an eyebrow to see if he’d budge.
”Oh I’m sure he would.” Ghost nodded, leaning back on your dresser with his arms still crossed. “But you aren’t going to ask him are you?”
”So what if i do?” Your eyebrows pinched together in annoyance. You didn’t like the tone he was taking with you, it was so accusatory.
”Well I wouldn’t do anything to stop you if that’s what you’re asking.” He said, tilting his head back to look at the ceiling. “Go ask him if you’d like.” He gestured to the bedroom door flippantly, challenging you.
”No.” You glared, frustrated that he was winning a game you weren’t prepared to play.
“Why not?” He asked, is hand on his masks chin as if he were stroking a beard in thought. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with you ignoring the poor boy since you got back would it?”
”N-no.” You snapped back at him.”Even if it was, it’s not y-“
“Tell me your love life is not my buisness one more time.” He grabbed you by the upper arm, turning you to face the door. “And I’ll march my happy as over there and introduce myself.”
”You would’ve done that already if you really wanted to.” You wriggled free from his grip, rubbing your arm.
”Let’s go then.” He said, pushing you toward your bedroom door and opening it with a dramatic flourish just to pick at you a little more.
“Anakin’s not even home, he’s at work.” You lied, at least you thought you were lying.
”You’re right.” Ghost nodded, “My bad, I’ll wait til our schedule lines up.”
”Think he can pencil in… lunch on Wednesday?” He continued, pretending to seriously look at the desk top calendar on your bedroom desk. He missed the way your lips down turned in a frown as he teased you.
”What do you mean I’m right?” You asked, turning him by his shoulder to face you once more.
”Huh?” He he questioned, not having heard your question because he was distracted by the Rubix cube he’d swiped off your desk.
”Stop that, pay attention.” You scowled, taking it from him and rolling you eyes when he clearly seemed annoyed. “You’re worse than a child.”
”No, I’m actually pretty good at solving them, here let me-“
”Oh my god can you please just back track for a second?” You huffed, watching him reach for it again, this time your facial expression stopped him before he got half way.
”Sorry.” He mumbled, pulling out your desk chair to sit in, manspreading and leaning back. “What’s so important?”
”What’d you mean I’m right?” You asked, gesturing to the door. “About Anakin not being home.”
”Well, he’s not home. You said so yourself.” He shrugged, reaching back out for the rubix cube. You left his hand empty, crossing your arms and walking away for a moment.
”Do you know where he is?” You asked, not turning around.
”Um no.” He laughed, standing up and appearaing behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling your back to his chest. “Why? You afraid he’s gonna come barging in or something? We could give ‘em a little show.”
”Stop it. I’m serious.” You snapped at him and it took him back for a moment. He slowly released you, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket.
“Sorry doll, i didn’t mean to make you upset.” He said in a hurt tone, wondering what exactly he’d said that had went too far. He’s said much worse things about himself to you and he’d never gotten a reaction like that.
”You… you didn’t.” You sighed, turning around and glancing up at him for a moment before grumbling frustratedly. “I’ve just been thinking too much. I- I don’t know I’m just worried. I haven’t seen him, I don’t know if he’s home or… and I’ve been in my head… it’s been so much and-“
“Sweetheart.” His voice was low and warm as he addressed you, like a soothing balm.
“You know where I am.” He said softly, the weight of his words settled in your chest. You couldn’t put your finger on it, a strange tug pulled at your heart, telling you there was more to be said between those words.
Ghost sighed, returning to his spot behind you, tentatively reaching for you, giving you time to push him away again if you wanted. When you showed no signs of objection he pressed his half-hard cock against your ass, making you lean forward slightly to give himself better access to push up against your clothed cunt. A low grunt escaping him as he felt the warmth between your thighs.
“Feel that?” He asked, breathing raggedly, his hands coming to rest on your stomach before slipping one up under your shirt to settle in the valley of your breasts. “It’s me baby.”
“I’m here, I’m right here.” His voice soft and sweet, an odd comparison to the obvious upset in his voice just moments before.
“I can fuck it all better.” His gloved hand leaving your stomach in favor of honing in on the bundle of nerves hidden in your panties.
How could he expect anything other than enthusiastic consent when he spoke to you in that tone? The textured leather of his middle finger circling your clit in a feather light touch. His cock twitching, the rumble of the groan trapped in his chest resonated through you as he held you close. This wasn’t the normal experience with Ghost, this didn’t feel like a thrill or the promise of something new.
This felt meaningful and it scared you.
You nodded, not trusting your own voice, too afraid to speak your thoughts and feelings into existence. He let out a sigh of relief that you agreed, though internally he was preparing himself to hold back. He’d been so pent up, so needy and now he was here and you were vulnerable in a different way than ever before… he couldn’t in good conscience fuck you like a sex doll. Not even if he really, really wanted to. (He did.)
“Sit, get comfy.” He promoted you, tapping your ass with two fingers to prod you along so that he could turn off the lights and close your curtains. “Uh, I got rid of your pink silk thingy…” he said apologetically, hating that he had to use the rough, black cotton bandana on you again.
You didn’t answer, it was too difficult to separate your inner voice from your flow of spoken dialogue, having the two mixing right now would be disastrous. You just nodded, keeping your lip tucked away behind your teeth.
Ghost gingerly tied on the blindfold so he could remove his gloves and touch you with his bare hands, warm palms and rough fingertips dancing across your flesh as he removed the pajamas he put on you earlier. He was taking his sweet time to put you at ease, but it only served to make you feel… anxiety.
“Can’t see nothing, right doll?” He asked, smoothing his palm over your thigh, rubbing the blunt point of the mask’s nose through your folds, making you jump at the unfamiliar feeling.
“Mm-mm.” You shook your head, chewing your cheeks while a wave of nerves washed across your abdomen, feeling him lift up slightly to removed his mask.
Soft lips met yours after feeling his bare chest move up your body, settling his muscular body over yours. His pierced tongue sliding across your lips, clacking your teeth on its descent into your mouth to caress and lick the sweetness inside. His boxers barely containing the warm length pressed firmly against your wet core.
Rough, careful hands brushed over your tender flesh in the most sensual manner possible. It was nearly unbearable, the tingling heat that formed in the pit of your stomach from just the simple act. Ghost rutting his hips against you to give you the friction you so badly desired, his cock twitching when you moaned against his lips.
He hummed lowly, nodding in understanding as he kissed and nipped his way between your thighs to nestle his tongue into your sopping entrance, licking and slurping up the slick mess gathered there. The bridge of his nose bumping against your clit, the pressure deliciously fleeting. Those strong hands of his massaging and kneading your breasts, moving down your sides to your hips, one staying there to hold you in place while the other slowly twisted two fingers into your cunt, pumping them deep before withdrawing almost completely, just to do it all over again.
“Ghost?” You panted, mewling pitifully. He couldn’t answer verbally, not when you were so close, he didn’t want to risk losing his rhythm, he didn’t want to risk you identifying his voice without the mask. So instead he reached up his unoccupied hand to cup your cheek and brush his fingers over your lips.
“S’good.” The soft, slurred praise dripping with something more.
He smiled, wide and smug as he wrapped his lips around your clit and flicked his tongue rapidly, coaxing those warm and fuzzy tendrils to wrap around you just a little tighter before snapping and bringing you the rush of ecstasy he knew you needed. It took an unreasonable amount of self control for him not to poke fun at you for cumming so quickly, having to stifle his snicker in the fat of your thigh.
After you’d released him from the iron grip of your legs, he lifted up, not bothering to wipe his face before he put his mask back on. Forcing your legs back apart despite the quiver in them, he tugged down his boxers and nudged the tip against your clit, sliding it through your folds until he notched it in the dip of your cunt.
“Don’t whine darlin’.” He chuckled, hearing you squeak from the sensitivity as he pushed inside slowly. “I know it’s been a couple days since you’ve had a proper fuckin’. I’ll take care of you.”
With a shaky inhale he plunged into your depths, bottoming out just to circle his hips, making sure you felt him in every corner of your tight cunt. He leaned down, resting his mask’s forehead on your collarbone, moaning loudly at the feeling of your velvety walls fluttering around his throbbing length.
Ghost had never fucked you like this before. He’d never been gentle, yet here he was, treating you with the utmost care and only the most tender touches. His calloused thumb finding its way between your bodies to circle and roll your clit just enough to have you bucking up against him.
“Why’re you bein’ so sweet t’me?” You breathed out, eyebrows pinched together and upturned.
“I wanna give you what you need.” He nuzzled the cold plastic of his mask into the side of your neck, rolling his hips to drive himself deeper, to angle his cock perfectly.
“Yeah?” You whimpered, arching your back, your breasts pushing up against him.
“Course I do, my little doe.” He cooed, sliding an arm under you to press you even closer to him. “Always.”
He had you so needy, so willing. Wet and panting, a mess of sweet sweat and slick. There wasn’t a thought in your brain other than him. His hands, his cock, his voice, his lips. Ghost was drawing inhuman noises from your kiss bitten lips, each and every breath bringing a new form of praise to his ears.
Ghost had you so fucked out, so blissful and beautifully undone that it crept up your throat and clawed its way out. You’d thought it, over and over and over again, the lines between your inner and outer voice were crossed and was something that could never be taken back.
“Ghost… love you.” Your soft lilt reaching his ears, his movements halting in disbelief.
“What did you just say?” He asked, his voice cracking under the weight of your confession.
“I- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-“ You started, grabbing his wrist to stop his shaking hand from removing your blindfold. “N-no don’t.”
“But-“ He stuttered, unsure how to handle the fiery mix of emotions that rammed through his chest. “I want you to… don’t you want to see?”
“I want to.” You admitted softly, though you shook your head. “But I don’t think I can.” You whispered, feeling the hurt and confusion that filled him up and spilled over.
“I… I don’t-“ He seemed at a loss for words, stuttering over the syllables until it was a jumble.
You heard rustling, felt his weight lifting from the bed and the creak of leather as he put his gloves back on. His socked feet shuffled across the floor so he could retrieve his boots and stomp his feet back inside, not bothering to lace them or even tuck the laces inside. He tossed your clothes at you, the fabric landing on your stomach with a dull *thwack*. You heard something clatter against your nightstand and before you even had time to form a coherent thought, he had slammed your bedroom door shut. Leaving you naked, alone and in the unforgiving darkness behind your blindfold.
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September 8th, 9:54 pm
Anakin was overly tired and much too distracted to pay attention to what was going on around him. He wasn’t expecting anything other than the droning of his bedroom fan and the occasional creak of the floorboards in the apartment above his.
Perhaps it was complacency, maybe it was his overconfidence, or it may have been that he was simply distraught; he failed to do his after Ghost routine. Yes the mask was under his dresser. Sure, the backpack and his boots were hiding in the top of his closet just beneath the crocheted monstrosity his mother called a blanket. But his hoodie and jeans were crumpled in the floor, inside out, but it didn’t really matter, after all they were black like rest of his wardrobe.
Even worse? He’d left on his socks. His long black socks with lime green toes and heels.
“What the fuck do you want man? I’m busy.” A male voice grumbled.
“Can you be un-busy? I’m out.”
Anakin heard a sigh, then the low din of the bar in the background as his friend conferred with someone else.
‘April? Can you be me for like 30 minutes?’ Trevor asked. ‘C’mon, it’s Anakin… No, you can’t take it to him. I don’t care! You owe me for yesterday and you know it. You’re sure? Thank you babe, I’ll be back quick I promise.’
“I can be un-busy with time constraints.” Trevor said with a slight laugh. “What are you wanting? I’m walking to my car right now.”
“A quarter.” Anakin’s voice was scratchy, he cleared his throat and swallowed hard. “What… what else have you got these days, huh Trev?”
“Anakin you better not be telling people that I-“
“No, you idiot I’m asking for myself.”
“I thought you didn’t do anything other than smoke?” Trevor asked, the slightest hint of concern seeping past the curiousness in his tone. Anakin no longer heard the constant background noise of the bar, instead it was the crunch of gravel and the loud slam of a car door.
“I don’t!” Anakin snapped, quickly correcting his harshness. “I- I don’t. I was just curious that’s all.”
“Whatever.” Trevor snorted, starting up his car. “Well I’ll just bring my whole bag in case you’re more than ‘curious’.”
“Alright, yeah that’s… okay.” Anakin nodded to himself and cracked his knuckles, holding his phone between his cheek and his shoulder. “When you get here I’m on the right side of the building, I’ll be out on the fire escape.”
Anakin opened up the large window and left it open, the cool air flowing in and clearing his apartment of the nervous energy he’d let build up. He paced the floor, talking to himself under his breath while running both hands through his hair. It was a short drive from the bar to the apartment building, Trevor dusted off his hands and climbed the drop-down ladder until he reached the landing, walking up the stairs to where Anakin sat.
“Damn. You look like shit.” Trevor scoffed, holding out his hand to clasp his with Anakin’s, pulling him up to his feet.
“I know.” Anakin grumbled, climbing in his window and standing with his hands on his hips.
“Huh,” Trevor looked around the living space, a tiny smirk in the corner of his lips. “Didn’t take you for a girly girl.” He snorted, picking up a large Kuromi Squishmallow.
“Fuck off.” Anakin snatched it back and held it in his crossed arms against his chest. “It’s a pillow.”
“Oh, sure.“ Trevor snorted, a big grin on his face while he unzipped and searched through his bag to pull out the correct ziploc bag with the quarter of weed Anakin asked for. “S’okay. I won’t tell.”
”I believe i deserve a discount for possible emotional scarring in the event I come to work tomorrow and your little girlfriend starts laughing at me.” Anakin snatched the baggie from him and laughed.
”I’ll let you have it for free if you let me take your picture with it.” Trevor grinned, pulling out his phone.
”Throw in some K and we’ll call it a deal.” Anakin said with a smirk.
”Done!” Trevor snapped the picture and cackled to himself, tossing his phone in is bag and doling out two pills, dropping them in the ziploc bag of weed Anakin opened.
”Get out before I kick you out.” Anakin snorted, shoving Trevor toward the window, watching him leave before he turned around and hurried to his bedroom. Grabbing his large glass bong from his dresser along with his cigarettes and a lighter, he returned to the fire escape to grind and pack a full bowl of pot. Packing it in with the butt of his lighter before lighting it and taking a long rip. Holding his breath for a moment, letting out a cloud of smoke as he leaned back on the rusted metal steps.
Rolling one of the pills between his forefinger and thumb. Anakin stopped for a moment crossing his feet at the ankles and looking up to the nighttime sky, light pollution in the city was alm,ost always too great to make out many of the dimmer stars. Though after the last few days it seemed luck had finally turned around, even if it was only just the clear sky, it was better than nothing. Hit after hit, Anakin let himnself melt into the warm fuzzy feeling while searching for constellations.
You tried to relax, to think rationally. It would do no good for anyone if you went looking for trouble. Life was already complicated enough, it was bubbling up day after day and you didn’t want to be the one who let it boil over. Your little devil was back and it’s whispers were louder than before. Rightfully, you felt you deserved the truth. It couldn’t be that bad. After all, you’d already ruined everything by not keeping your mouth shut.
Ghost did it all the time.
You moved quickly before your confidence ran out, finding him on the fire escape after using the key he’d entrusted you with long ago when you’d given him a key to your apartment. You were startled to see him, Ghost had said he was out and you hadn’t planned on him being home. This was supposed to be a quick in and out, a bit of snooping to put your mind at ease. The space reeked of weed even though he’d closed the window, or at least partially closed it.
He hadn’t noticed you yet, too busy relighting the bowl on taking another long rip. It was almost unfair how easily he distracted you. He always looked so pretty in everything he did. The way his adam’s apple bobbed in his throat when he tilted his head back to blow out the smoke, his eyebrows pinching together with the deep inhale from the bong, his hands flexing as he struck the lighter and brought it to life.
He seemed… preoccupied enough. Sneaking around couldn’t be that difficult, could it? He’d never know if you did it quickly enough, you were already here, you may as well try it.
Staying closer to the wall you went to his kitchenette, you’d learned one of the best ways to tell if a man has been cheating is to check the fridge, trash and sink. If there’d been another woman in here, you’d most likely find evidence there and not have to venture any farther. Surprisingly, it seemed Anakin’s normally well kept space was seeing less attention than usual. You’d never seen more than a cup or two in his sink at once, now one whole side of the sink was stacked with dishes. You picked up the glasses, looking at the rims for any sign of lipgloss or lipstick, but found none.
You kept glancing over at the window, making sure Anakin wasn’t gathering his stuff to come back inside. There were no ‘girly’ drinks in his fridge, other than the ones you’d left there and none of them were missing. The wine bottle you’d gotten a week ago was still there, unopened. The trash showed no signs of anything suspicious, not even the dust from the vacuum held a clue to any wrongdoings.
It wasn’t enough. You knew in your gut that there was something going on, regardless of another woman being involved or not. The thought of Anakin cheating had given you plenty of time to reflect on things you would’ve otherwise not given a second glance to.
Another look toward the window proved that Anakin was still busy, engrossed in his own world. Swallowing your guilt with a thick gulp, you made a quick dash across the line of sight from the window. Once you safely reached the samll hallway, you stood between the two doors on either side of you. The courage you’d gathered up to sneak in was wearing out and fast, the bathroom would be the quickest, the bedroom would possibly hold more than you could bare to digest at the moment.
Taking a deep breath you opened the bathroom door and closed the door, standing in the dark for a moment before flipping on the light. After your eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, you got to work, nothing in the trash. No changes in the shower products, the cabinet hidden behind the mirror had been rerarranged but it seemed like it was only done to clean the shelves. The cabinet below the sink held it’s usual cleaning products, extra shower stuff and towels. Nothing seemed out of place and you were beginning to feel even more guilty than you were origionally. Closing the cabinets you moved on the two drawers along the side closest to the door. The top one opened up just fine, nothing but jewlery for his piercings and his cologne, along with other random bits and bobs.
Pulling out the bottom drawer you found that it stopped halfway, getting jammed by something and preventing you from pulling it all the way out. You wiggled it and shuffled through the items inside the drawer, feeling around to see if you could dislodge whatever it was that prevented it from being opened. You reached the back of the drawer, nothing inside seemed to be the cause, so you decided to reach a bit farther and feel along the back of the drawer and the walls. Thinking that maybe something had fallen from the top drawer and gotten jammed in the tracks for the bottom drawer.
Then, there was a noise. The window. Quietly shutting the drawer you listened, hearing Anakin muttering to himself and his footsteps stopping, the clunk of his bong hitting the coffee table and the sound of him plopping down on the couch. You had no choice but to pretend like you meant to be here, you were here to see him.
While you were busy preparing your ‘i missed you, I’m sorry’ speech, Anakin turned on his tv and Xbox, waiting for it to boot up and load Fallout. He wasn’t ready for bed, he wasn’t willing to be completely alone with his thoughts, so a distraction was in order. He jumped up from the couch and slunk into the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge and returning to the couch. Kneeling in front of the coffee table he used the beer bottle to crush up one of his pills, sliding his wallet over to him he pulled out his debit card and chopped it finely, lining it up on the edge of the table. He cracked open the beer bottle and took a swig, holding it in his mouth while leaning down to snort half the line. Swallowing the beer to help with the bitterness of the powdered pill, getting ready to start the process over again.
You slowly turned the doorknob, stepping out into the short hallway to see Anakin kneeled beside the couch, his head tilted back sniffing and wiping his nose like it itched. He swallowed, letting out a sigh and a hiccuped laugh, bring the bottle to his lips for another drink.
”Anakin?” You gasped. His head snapped over to the side, bloodshot eyes wide and confused as he stared at you, choking on his beer, coughing and spitting it out accidentally. He stood up slowly, keeping his balance by laying a hand on the couch’s armrest.
“H-hey sweetheart.” He gave you an awkward, sheepish smile, eyes darting around from the embrassment of being caught. Caught doing something you didn’t ever expect to see. “I missed you baby, ‘mere.” His words slightly slurred and his actions not quite right as he beckoned you over.
”I-i had a whole apology speech planned out… i didn’t-“ You stuttered, looking him up and down, “You- are you okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry ‘bout it darlin’.” He casually waved your concerns away as if it were silly of you to ask such a thing. “Just uh, well it doesn’t reall thing. “Just uh, well it doesn’t really matter anymore now does it? You’re here now and you’re all i need.”
”No, you can’t just brush this off Anakin.” You said, walking over to him and looking down on the coffee table and what was left of the white powdery substance. “What is that?”
”Baby,” Anakin sighed, running his hands nervously through his hair. “I’m sorry okay? I just needed something to… to take my mind off stuff.”
”What stuff?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed in irritation at his vagueness. “Us stuff?”
”Well, yeah.” He nodded, his jaw set in a hard line while he shifted on his feet. “Where’ve you been? You disappeared on me.” He whispered, reaching out to take your hands in his, though you swiftly shut down his attempt.
”Where have you been?” You turned the attention back where it belonged, on him.
”Home.” He said, gesturing to his living space. “Called Trevor.” He motioned to the coffee table and the various paraphernalia. He tried reaching out for you again and was rejected once more.
”What did i do?” He asked, his face scrunched up in pain from your reluctance to touch him.
”I don’t know. You tell me.” You crossed your arms and stared him down.
”Please, baby just talk to me.” He whined, gently grabbing your shoulders and making you sit down. “You left for your trip and you were fine, you come home and you treat me like I’ve got the plague.”
“What is that stuff?” You pointed to the table angrily.
”Ketamine. Your turn, tell me what’s going on.”
”oh my god, no you can’t just expect me to let that go so easily Anakin!” You huffed spotting the other pill in the ziploc bag. “More? Really?”
”Don’t judge me, it’s been a long time since I’ve done this kinda thing.” He said angrily, pulling it from your hands and fishing out the pill. “Look, I’ll get rid of it.”
He grumbled, standing up and dragging you by the arm along with him toward the bathroom where he held the pill in front of your face, dramatically lowering it down over the toilet and dropping it in.
“There, flush it.” He crossed his arms, nodding toward the plunger. You rolled your eyes and pushed down on it, watching the little white pill disappear. “See? No big deal, it’s not like I’m some kind of pill head.”
“Now. Your turn.” Anakin walked on jelly legs back into the living room, sitting down on the couch with his hands behind his head, manspreading in his boxers and tshirt.
“I’m… I don’t know I guess I’m mad at you.” ‘I’m mad at myself.’ You sighed, kicking off your shoes and sitting beside him.
“Me? What did I do?” He made a face, pulling up his bottom lip and licking one of the hoops in his snake bites.
“Did you go to a sex shop?” You asked flatly, narrowing your eyes.
“While you were gone? No.” He snorted, wincing when you smacked his shoulder. “Ow! Fuck.” He groaned, running his hand over it to roughly massage it.
“Crybaby.” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“Jesus someone shit in your cheerios didn’t they?” He grumbled, rolling his arm in a wide circle with his arm bent at the elbow.
“I meant like in the time we’ve been together. Have you been to a sex shop? Lauren’s husband swears he saw you at one.” You accused, watching him closely for any telling body language.
“Yeah I did.” He nodded, looking at you like you’d grown an extra head. “Am I not allowed to buy stuff for our sweet love makin’?”
“What’d you buy? I haven’t seen anything new.” You asked, ignoring his ill-placed tease.
“Some lube, jewelry for my dick piercing. S’got a little vibrate-y thingy.” He gestured to his crotch.
“That’s it?” You asked, still uncertain. “Why didn’t you say something?”
“It was a surprise! Gods what’s your deal baby?” He asked, getting up, steadying himself with a hand on your head before he walked off to his bedroom. You tracked his movements without following. Glancing down at the floor you did a double take.
“See look? Here.” He came back, holding up the two items and shaking them. The jewelry hadn’t even been taken out of the package yet.
“Did you get new socks?” You asked, looking from his feet to his face and back again.
“What are you the fucking FBI now?” He scoffed, obviously getting agitated at your insistence on questioning him. “Yeah they’re new. Would you like to see my receipt officer?”
“I don’t like your attitude.” You scowled.
“You don’t like my- oh, you know what?” Anakin stomped back over to you and grabbed you roughly by the jaw. “I don’t appreciate being interrogated by a bitch half my size.”
“Anakin Skywalker!” You gasped, pushing his hand away. He’d never acted like that with you before, it was startling, confusing… could one pill have really made that big of a personality change so quickly?
“I think I’ve earned the right to be a little bit of a dick don’t you think?” He asked, staring you down as he pointed at your chest, poking you aggressively as he toward over where you sat on the couch. “You planned a trip without me, didn’t tell me until you were getting ready to leave. You’re gone all weekend, you’ve been back a few days and haven’t even spoken to me and then you show up to my place and start questioning me like I’ve done something wrong!”
“What about you huh?” Anakin yelled, getting upset in a way you’d never seen him do before. “I think I should be the one asking you questions!”
“Ani! Ani calm down it’s okay!” Frantically you tried to calm him down, standing up and putting your hands on his chest in an attempt to soothe him. “I’m sorry Anakin I- I shouldn’t have done that. I’ve just… I’ve been on edge lately and that’s no fault of yours.”
“Damn right it’s not.” He muttered. Walking the room in a quick back and forth line.
He breathed in deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. Suddenly he dropped both hands down to his sides and sat down on the couch. Leaning over with his head between his knees as if he felt nauseous.
“I’m sorry.” Anakin sighed, clearing his throat, clasping his hands together behind his head, resting them on the nape of his neck. “I’m really sorry princess. That was uncalled for.”
“Anakin, let’s just take a second okay?” You said quietly, making your way to the fridge to grab yourself a water. By the time you unscrewed the cap, Anakin had already chugged the rest of his beer.
“Can we… how about we just forget it? Let’s just pretend I got home today.” You suggested, a hopeful look on your face, your plan having been so horribly thrown askew that you knew there was no salvaging it.
“We can start over.” You suggested quietly. es, you were terribly upset with him but it was **so hard to stay that way. Especially when he had every right to be angry right back at you. “I’m sorry too. Please? Let me make it right…”
“You shouldn’t be the one apologizing. It should be me.” Anakin whispered, a lump forming in his throat.
“You gotta know that I love you princess. I love you so, so, so much.” He led you back to the couch, holding your hand and pulling you into his lap. “I’d never do anything to hurt you, never. I know that you’re disappointed in me…”
He looked up at you with glacier blue eyes, ones that had started to melt. Salty tears filling up to the brim and ready to flow over in a hot trail down his cheeks. He was holding his breath like he was scared to breathe, like he was afraid that if he did, he’d be pushed over the edge.
“I made a really bad choice and I’m so sorry.” He said quietly, his voice small and fragile. “It was wrong of me. I know that.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” You frowned, carding your fingers through his hair. “It’s alright, it was just this once right? Only the one pill?”
“That’s not…” Anakin sniffled, hiccuping before he tilted his head back on the couch cushions,covering his face with his hands. He let out a few half-sobs, stopping himself by forcing them down and holding his breath. “I don’t, I didn’t mean to do it okay?”
“I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it.” He spoke through short, shallow inhales, his head jerking with each labored breath. “It’s bad. I’m bad.”
“Anakin no, no you’re not bad! Why would you say that?” You shook your head, eyebrows pinched together. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“But it- I never should’ve… I shouldn’t have done it.” Anakin swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. He started to bounce the knee you weren’t sitting on, pressing his forefinger and thumb over his eyes and using his other fist to rhythmically pound on his thigh. “I’m so sorry. I don’t deserve you, I never have. I never will. You’re too good. You’re so good.”
His voice was squeaky, chopped up and uneven. The large, strong hands you’d come to love settled on your hips and waist, squeezing slowly, rubbing up and down as if he were trying to comfort you.
“C’mere.” He hiccuped, keeping his eyes closed as he wiped his cheek on his shoulder, pulling you flush to his chest. “I love you. Please don’t leave me.”
“Please, I promise I’ll be better. I swear.” He whispered, his words hot and breathy against your skin as he buried his face in your neck. “Don’t leave me.”
“Anakin I’m not�� I’m not leaving you over something so, well I don’t want to call it insignificant. Because it’s not, it’s serious.” You said calmly, your own tears threatening to break through. It was so difficult to see him so upset, it was clear he felt immense guilt for this. “But it’s okay, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere. You’re safe. You’ll be just fine.”
“You won’t go?” He sniffled, squeezing you tighter. “You promise?”
“Course I promise.” You nodded, the guilt of your previous thoughts, your original plan for coming here, all the things you’ve done… it all came rushing to the forefront.
“Why don’t you take a shower, it’ll help you feel better.” You suggested, really only wanting a few minutes of peace to sulk alone. “Just shout if you need help.”
“I don’t need your help to wash my ass.” He snorted, wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands, taking in a stuttered breath.
“I don’t know Ani, you’re really wobbly.” You said sympathetically.
“You can shower with me as much as you want, but you will not be showering me.” He glared at you, a small smile tugging on his lips. “Sponge baths are the only exception.”
“Oh my god.” You rolled your eyes, thankful that he was always able to lift the weight of heavy emotion off of any situation, with just a few words.
Anakin just smiled and ruffled up your hair before trudging off to the bathroom. You’d never seen him switch up emotions that quickly and so fiercely. His guilt ridden sadness was so intense you feared he may have went into a full fledged panic attack if you hadn’t have been able to de-escalate it fast enough. Then, not too long before that was his flip of the switch anger and aggression.
The moment the bathroom door shut you cleaned up the coffee table, wiping it down to make sure none of the pill powder was left behind. You moved to put away his bong but thought… maybe you deserved a hit after all the trouble you’ve had. So you had one, only one. Someone here needed to be sober and Anakin was obviously not the man for the job.
“So what do you do there? When that happens?” You asked, pointing to the tv screen while Anakin was playing Fallout 76.
“What? Get rad poisoning?” He asked, sitting comfortably with his feet propped up while you laid your head in his lap. “I can find a doctor, eat some fungus.” He snorted. “But I’d have to find them first so I just use RadAway. This little thingy right there.”
He pointed, showing you what he was talking about, explaining it and the different functions of the Pip-Boy his character uses to track radiation, inventory and the like.
“Okay but you’re wearing a radiation suit right?” You asked confusedly. “So why do you still get poisoned?”
“Baby, it’s just like real life. The suits only withstand so much, plus mines already damaged so it’s not as effective.” He chuckled, looking down at you to play with your hair for a moment while he waited for the next room to load after picking a lock.
“Oh. Okay yeah that makes sense.” You giggled at yourself, enjoying the way he gave you attention even when he was preoccupied.
“So what’s the quest?” You asked, shifting a little bit to get more comfortable.
“Uh gotta figure out what happened to this lady and her Order.” He said nonchalantly, “there’s supposed to be some kind of jewelry along the way some where. The Eye of Ra I think?”
“What’s that do?” You asked.
“That’s a great question. I don’t have a fuckin’ clue.” Anakin hummed under his breath, practically trashing the room he was in while searching around.
“Y’know, this game is kinda cute.” You grinned, obviously trying to tease him.
“It’s not cute. It’s apocalyptic, how is that cute?” He laughed, looking down at you and tugging your hair playfully.
“It’s all the retro stuff! It’s cute.” You shrugged, pointing to a few different random items on the screen. “I like the music too.”
“I know you do.” He laughed, glancing down again before refocusing on his tasks.
You stayed quiet for a while, just listening to him self-commentate and curse under his breath, it was nice. Normal. The most normal interaction you’d had since before your trip to the cabin. Even after the argument… disagreement? You’d just had, Anakin still made you feel safe and secure, loved and cared for. Even when he was in his own little world, focused on something else, he was still doting on you with soft touches and quick glances of adoration. He was so easy to forgive, he made things easy to forget.
He made it easy to be at ease.
Curled up next to him with a comfy blanket tucked around you, his thigh for a pillow. The warm cedar scent of his soap and the soft scent of his laundry. It was all a big, cozy bundle of security.
While he waited on another load screen, you began drifting to sleep with his hand in your hair and his soft whispers of sweetness. Your eyes fluttering shut, a blissful and serene peace lighting up your face; only to turn pale and ashen as your body jolted awake at a familiar tune.
You’d finally placed that song. You’d heard it here, right here.
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Part Seventeen
@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes-blog @shadowhuntyi @mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero @vadersslut @luvvfromme @anakinsbaee @sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker @angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled @graveyard-stray @chiaraanatra @jediavengers @zapernz @salted-snailz @queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141 @hopesworlld @lonaah @guiltycherries @syralix @doblasftcisco @demieyesore @ashisabitgay @purriteen
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Hot Bucky Summer 2024 - Week 2
Pairing: Sex Worker!Bucky Barnes x Plus-size female character (unnamed)
Prompt: “What should I call you?” | [Master | Alpha | Pet] @buckybarnesevents
Summary: (7k words) AU Bucky is a full-service sex worker who enjoys helping women become more confident in their sexuality.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Mention of an ex-boyfriend. Mention of insecurities/body image. Pet names (sweetheart, baby). Lots of asking for consent. Teasing. Dirty talk. Praise. Issues climaxing. Oral & fingering (f receiving). No intercourse yet (I'm planning to continue this one).
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The end of a long-term relationship had led her here. Years of unhappiness. Years of feeling unsatisfied by her ex. Years of wishing things would change. 
After she finally found the courage to end things, the breath of relief she thought would come never did. Instead, she was left feeling lost, insecure, and unsure about what she wanted or who she even was.
That’s when a friend referred her to Bucky. 
A full-service sex worker who came highly recommended. A man who believes that there’s something inherently beautiful about everyone.
“I’ve worked with all types of women,” he assured her, “and I’ve found every single one of them attractive.”
It sounded like a line, but all the evidence pointed to the contrary. 
Bucky’s not just doing this to make money. He truly enjoys what he does. The physical part of it, sure - he wouldn’t be doing it if he didn’t - but, it’s the emotional aspect that keeps bringing him back.
There’s nothing like the rush he gets from watching a woman find her confidence and blossom under his guidance. That moment when they finally feel comfortable enough to let go of their inhibitions and learn to trust themselves.
It’s a heady feeling, knowing he’s changing their lives forever, and it’s not something he takes lightly.
Over the last few weeks of emails, texts, and phone calls, she found it easy to talk to Bucky about what she wanted out of this experience. Sex is supposed to be fun, and she wants to be able to enjoy herself without worrying about how she looks or if she’s doing the wrong thing.
Even during the more personal topics, like when they discussed what her sex life was like with her ex, Bucky never made her feel ashamed or judged. Her lack of experience and seemingly lack of enthusiasm for certain acts, due to her ex, didn’t make him blink an eye.
If anything, it made Bucky more intrigued to work with her. She was a puzzle he was going to enjoy help figuring out.
Despite his intimidating appearance - his well-defined muscles and the abundance of tattoos, his entire left arm covered in intricate designs - his charismatic personality keeps her relaxed.
His easy-going nature helps her open up as they sit on the couch in the beautifully decorated hotel room, giving her the courage to blurt out a question, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks when she does.
“What should I call you?”
During their last conversation, Bucky had asked her something similar, curious if she would enjoy being called something other than her name. She settled on a few things, but they never discussed what - if anything - she should call him.
With a tilt of his head, and a warm smile, he tells her, “You can call me whatever you’d like.” 
The hand that’s been resting on the back of the couch finally moves closer to her, his fingers just inches from her shoulder, making her breath hitch.
“Try not to overthink it,” he continues, his hand drifting closer as his smile turns playful. “Let the throes of passion guide you. I’m good with anything, really. ‘Bucky’. ‘Baby’. ‘Sir’. ‘Daddy’, if that’s your kink.”
She immediately laughs, the pink on her cheeks darkening as she shakes her head at him. She’s just starting to figure out what she might like with a partner, she’s not ready to even consider the last two options. 
Bucky’s grin grows and he nods his head in understanding, happy to see that his teasing tone is helping to relax her a bit more. It encourages him to shift a bit closer, his knee just barely brushing against her thigh. 
Their layers of clothing do nothing to dampen the rush of arousal she suddenly feels, and she waits with baited breath as his hand hovers over her shoulder, his fingertips almost close enough to touch her shirt.
“Can I touch you?”
It’s such a simple question, but it’s in this moment that she finally understands the phrase ‘consent is sexy.’
There’s something so incredibly intimate and arousing about Bucky asking for permission, despite the obvious reason he’s here. 
He accepts the slight nod of her head and the soft whisper of ‘yes’ for now. Eventually, he’ll help her find her voice and figure out how to ask for what she wants.
Until then, he needs to find a balance between her obvious desire for more and showing her that it’s okay to go slow.
She deserves to have someone take their time with her, to learn her body, to help her figure out what brings her pleasure. 
She knows what she likes when she’s by herself - that’s never been the problem - it’s allowing herself to be vulnerable with someone that’s the issue. She’s always struggled with being able to fully enjoy the moment, and she’s trusting Bucky to help her learn how to do that.
Goosebumps spread across her skin at the first brush of his thumb along the soft curve where her shoulder meets her neck. A soft exhale and a flutter of her eyelashes tells him all he needs to know, but he still asks, his voice a low murmur.
“Is this okay?”
She’s quick with her answer. A slight nod before she tilts her head, wanting him to keep going. He’s more than happy to, his eyes roaming along her body as he caresses her neck, taking in all the subtle ways her body responds to her touch.
“Does that feel good?”
It shouldn’t make her laugh, but it does. Bucky doesn’t take offense though, just watches her with a grin on his face, his hand never leaving her. 
“Why does it turn me on when you ask questions like that?” She’s surprised she manages to get the words out, but any nerves that threaten to consume her are immediately alleviated when Bucky’s smile grows.
She can practically feel how proud he is of her for asking.
He was already excited about working with her, but this just solidifies it. He can’t wait to watch her come out of her shell even more. 
As his thumb dips down to trace over her collarbone, he tells her, “I think it’s because it shows you that I care about what you want. That your pleasure is important to me.”
After an audible swallow, and a steadying breath, she admits, “I think I just also like hearing your voice.”
Her confession makes Bucky laugh, the smile reaching his eyes, and he nods his head, “Good to know.” He shifts just a bit closer on the couch, his leg resting against hers, his thumb slowly following a path up to her chin. “Does that mean you wanna try some dirty talk?”
She immediately blushes again, but with his thumb caressing the curve of her throat, she’s forced to keep her head held high. 
It manages to give her a boost of confidence, and she lets out a soft laugh, confessing, “Oh god, I’d be terrible at it.”
Bucky chuckles along with her but shakes his head. “Oh don’t worry, you wouldn’t have to say a thing.” His thumb brushes over her chin, almost close enough to touch her lip. “I’d enjoy just watching your reactions.”
He always seems to know just what to say to ease her worries before they can even start. The moment his eyes glance at her mouth, her lips part, and she leans in, just a fraction of an itch. 
The smile on Bucky’s face brightens, and he shifts again, mirroring her movements, but he’s not going to kiss her just yet, wanting the anticipation to build a little more. Instead, he repeats his question, softly asking her, “Do you want me to talk dirty to you?”
The slight shudder that rolls through her would make her feel embarrassed if it wasn’t for the hungry look he’s giving her. Her reactions are turning him on, and it helps her find her voice again.
With a tender touch, Bucky tucks her hair behind her ear, and all her senses are suddenly flooded by him - the smell of him, the heat of him, the sound of his voice whispering in her ear.
“Do you want me to praise you?” The question catches her off guard, but she’s suddenly aware of the way her nipples tighten, especially when he asks, “Can I tell you how good you’re doing?”
She wants his attention. She wants to be comfortable with someone complimenting her and praising her. So, with a slow nod of her head, she whispers another soft, “yes.”
But, Bucky hears the difference this time. The word just a bit louder, a bit more confident. She’s trying her hardest to allow herself to face her fears, and he wants her to know that he sees her. That he’s proud of how far she’s already come.
After getting her permission to touch more of her, he takes her hand in his, stroking his thumb across her palm, listening to the change in her breath. Without ever pulling away, he keeps talking, his mouth almost close enough to touch her ear.
“You’re doing so good for me.” 
The praise makes warmth pool in her belly and the softest noise of pleasure escapes her. 
“Oh,” he murmurs, his touch sliding higher, the pad of his thumb tracing the inside of her wrist. “I like that sound.”
She feels like she’s dreaming. Bucky’s barely started touching her, and she can already feel the wetness between her thighs, the ache for more.
“Let’s see what other kind of noises you can make for me,” he says, his soft beard brushing against her jaw. With one hand stroking up her forearm, his other hand slides into her hair to support her head, giving him better access.
She’s sure her heart is beating loud enough for him to hear, but she makes no move to pull away, not wanting to give him any reason to stop. Her head is flooded with thoughts of what he’s going to do, how he’s going to touch her, but he still takes her by surprise.
Just the softest brush of Bucky’s lips against her cheek before he’s asking, “is this okay?” and she’s a mess. 
She doesn’t even recognize the sound that comes out of her, and without thinking, she reaches for him, her fingers trailing over the front of his shirt.
Bucky rewards her confidence with another soft kiss along her jaw, and she suddenly decides to jump in with both feet, asking him, “Will you kiss me?” 
The question’s been building all evening, trying to work its way out of her, and his reaction to it makes her wonder why she was hesitant to start with.
“Absolutely.” The way he says it, like he’s just been waiting for her, makes her laugh softly, and he grins as he pulls back just enough to meet her gaze. “I would love to kiss you.” 
And the way he kisses her makes her believe him. His mouth soon coaxing hers open, his tongue seeking permission to deepen the kiss, a soft groan rumbling deep in his chest in response to the taste of her. 
It’s all so new and exciting, but somehow Bucky’s able to make it feel familiar and comfortable. And for the first time in what feels like forever, she’s not in her head about what’s happening or what she’s supposed to be doing. 
She’s just living in the moment, making out with an incredibly hot guy, welcoming his weight on top of her. 
If there was ever any doubt that he was enjoying himself, it’s erased when he settles between her thighs, letting her feel how turned on he is.
The moan she makes in return just makes him harder, and he leans up, meeting her gaze, a soft smile on his lips. As much as Bucky's enjoying kissing her, he wants to hear her, watch her as the pleasure takes over. 
She’s not sure who moves first, but with a slight tilt of her hips, the hard length of him is suddenly pressed right against her clit, eliciting a soft gasp from her. 
It shouldn’t feel as good as it does, the two of them still completely dressed, but the moment he starts to move against her, her back is already arching, her body seeking out more.
Bucky doesn’t take his eyes off of her, watching her closely. She doesn’t even realize it, but she’s the one setting the pace here. He’s just following her lead, matching her movements with his own, wanting her to show him what feels good to her.
When he can see the attention he’s giving her is starting to overwhelm her, he closes the distance, placing soft kisses along her jaw, giving her time to relax all over again. 
With a soft moan right against her ear, he tells her, “You feel so good like this.” His fingers tighten in her hair at her reaction, her tense thighs and lift of her hips causing his cock to throb between them. “Can you feel how hard I am for you?”
“Oh god,” she breathes, grinding harder against him, his words sending a burst of pleasure straight to her clit. With her hands pressed against his back, fisting his shirt, she quickly nods her head, whispering, “Yes. Please.”
That’s the word he’s been waiting for. 
Bucky’s free hand travels down to her thigh, guiding her to lift her leg just a bit higher. The new position makes her gasp and he groans against her neck, asking her, “Please, what?” 
Her body shudders as he starts moving again, the increased pressure between her thighs making her breath catch. She doesn’t even know what she’s asking for. She just holds onto him, her hips moving a bit faster, the pleasure building inside of her.
Bucky still wants an answer, but he doesn’t pressure her for one. He follows her lead, listening to her gasps and moans get louder with each thrust of his hips against hers. He’s pretty sure this might be enough to make her come.
The same thought is running through her head, but it’s not long before the moment starts to catch up with her. 
The way she’s starting to sweat underneath her clothes, the way her heavy breathing has caused her throat to go dry, the way her foot keeps slipping off the edge of the couch as she tries to find purchase.
This time it doesn’t surprise her when his voice interrupts her thoughts, asking her, “Can you tell me what you need?” All he wants is for her to be comfortable, and if she’s not feeling this anymore, he’s more than happy to find something that works for her.
She knows what she needs. The only problem is that it’s the one thing that’s been giving her the most anxiety about this night. 
Being naked with him. Being vulnerable. Having to trust him to prove to her that she deserves to have someone bring her pleasure.
Bucky is more than up for the challenge though. His entire goal for the night is to show her how good it can be to have someone take care of her. To show her how much pleasure someone can bring her, if she just allows herself to connect with them.
Soon, he’s leading them to stand at the foot of the bed, taking his time to get her to relax against him, drawing her into a kiss that leaves them both breathless. 
And with just a bit of encouragement, she’s makes the first move, slowly lifting his shirt over his head. While her hands start exploring his newly exposed skin, tracing the lines of the tattoos that cover his shoulder and left arm, he pulls her into another kiss, groaning against her mouth. 
She doesn’t know what’s come over her. She’s never felt this confident before, refusing to overthink how she’s touching him, letting her desire for him guide her. It’s opening her up to so many possibilities, the memory of their conversations about boundaries and kinks suddenly flashing through her mind.
As she encourages him to help her out of her shirt, she softly asks him, “What if I change my mind about something we’ve already discussed?”
It’s clear to Bucky that she’s not asking about things she’s already said she wants, and he takes a moment to consider her question, appreciating the way her nipples strain against her bra.
It’s not lost on him that she makes no move to try to cover up or hide herself from him.
After he gives her another kiss, he meets her gaze, watching her as his finger traces along her bra strap, the back of his fingers brushing across the swell of her breast. 
He smiles when her lips part, her breath quickening, and he whispers, “Then you tell me. Tonight’s about learning to ask for what you want.”
She nods her head slowly, but her voice leaves her for a moment. Her entire focus is on his touch, his fingers teasing along the edge of her bra, the occasional brush of his skin against hers making her dizzy with need. She’s not sure she’s ever been this turned on before, especially not during foreplay.
“What is it you think you might want?” 
Bucky remembers everything she said no to - everything she knew she wouldn’t like, or didn’t want to try - and he can’t ignore the rush of excitement at the thought that he’s made her comfortable enough to try something she wasn’t sure about before.
It’s not until she’s helped him out of his jeans, leaving him in just his boxer briefs, that she finally figures out how to voice her desires. It helps that he chooses the same moment to kneel in front of her to undo her jeans, the soft brush of his fingers against her stomach bringing her nothing but pleasure.
“I did what you suggested,” she begins, her hand resting on his shoulder as he starts to lower her jeans, his eyes briefly looking up at her, a pleased smirk on his face as he reveals the matching panties to her bra. “The other night,” she whispers, watching as he slowly undresses her, helping her step out of her jeans. “I tasted myself.”
Bucky doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it’s not that. 
His hands immediately reach up to hold her hips, his thumbs dipping underneath the waistband of her panties as he lets out a soft groan. The image of her alone in her own bed, touching herself, tasting herself for the first time has him silently praying that this is going where he thinks it is.
He somehow manages to keep his composure and looks up at her, his eyes dark with desire, but his voice steady. “What did you think?”
She’s the one that brought this up, but her skin still grows warm and a soft laugh comes out of her. She’s trying so hard not to overthink all of this - to not let her insecurities start to overwhelm her.
Bucky helps her through this moment, like he’s done all evening. Still kneeling in front of her, he slides his hands down her thick thighs and gently asks, “Do you like the way you taste?” 
Her first reaction is to give him a slight shrug, her eyes looking past him. But he quickly gets her attention, finding a sensitive spot along the back of her thigh, the graze of his fingers causing her breath to shudder out of her. 
It has the desired effect, and she nods her head, whispering, “Yes.”
Bucky continues watching her as he caresses the back of her thighs, marveling at the way it causes obvious pleasure to ripple through her, her eyes fluttering closed.
“Do you think I’d like the way you taste?”
There’s no doubt in his mind that he will, but this isn’t really about him. Bucky needs her to get there on her own, to believe that someone wants all of her. 
She wants to shrug again. To brush off his question and keep her eyes closed, pretending that he’s not watching her right now. But, she can’t. That’s not why she’s here. That’s not why Bucky is here. 
After she forces herself to take a slow, deep breath, she finally opens her eyes and looks down at him. The confidence she wishes for isn’t there yet, but she’s able to answer him honestly. 
A soft whisper of, “I’m not sure.” And then, a barely audible utterance of, “Maybe.”
Without hesitation, his hands slide up the outside of her thighs, returning to her hips, his fingers tracing along the edge of her panties. “Do you want me to taste you?” 
She forgets how to breathe, air getting trapped in her lungs as she tries not to look away. She just needs to ask for what she wants. It should be easy by now. She’s already standing in front of him in just her bra and underwear, letting him see the bits of her that she’s uncomfortable with.
But, for a moment, the words still don’t come. Her hands remain on his shoulders, her nails lightly scratching along his tattooed skin as she tries to refocus. This time, Bucky remains quiet. He just continues to look up at her, giving her as much time as she needs to show him she’s ready for this.
This is something her ex never volunteered to do, and she was always too shy to ask, but she doesn’t want to be shy anymore. 
She wants to own her sexuality. She wants to be able to ask for what she wants in her next relationship, even new things she might not even know she wants yet.
With a slight nod of her head, and another trembling breath, she tells him, “Yes. I want… I want that.” 
Bucky doesn’t move yet. The look he gives her conveys how proud he is of her, but he wants to hear her say the actual words. Instead of just expecting her to know what to say, he asks her, “What do you want, sweetheart?”
She swallows the nervous laughter that threatens to spill out and takes a moment to close her eyes, trying to compose herself. How can such a simple term of endearment cause her so much pleasure? 
That’s not what she says though. When her mouth opens, the words come before she can overthink them. “I want you to taste me.”
“Oh, good girl.” Bucky’s growl of praise almost has her collapsing into a puddle, but his hands on her hips keep her steady. Not wanting to lose the momentum she’s building, he slides his hands up her back to her bra, asking her, “Can I take this off?”
She’s already made it this far, the intensity of her insecurities starting to lessen each time she reveals more of herself to him. With a nod of her head, she gives him permission, unable to look away as he slowly unhooks her bra, his fingers immediately rubbing along the indentations left behind.
The soft moan of relief she makes has him grinning up at her, and he slowly slides the straps down her arms, giving her a moment to adjust to this new level of vulnerability.
With his gaze still on her face, he tosses her bra aside to join the rest of their clothes and softly asks her, “Can I touch you?”
“Yes, please.” The words come easily this time, despite her nerves trying to get the better of her. She’s insecure about her breasts, gravity having caught up to her before she thought it would, and she finds herself wanting his approval.
In reality, it doesn’t matter what he thinks of her body, but he’s more than happy to help her see what he sees.
Matching his pace of the entire evening, his fingers brush along the sides of her breasts, the feather-light touch causing her nipples to pebble.
“You’re gorgeous,” he tells her, unable to tear his gaze away from the way her body immediately arches towards his touch.
Bucky’s given her no reason to doubt his words, and the moment he cups her breast in his hand, her fingers slide into his hair as if to guide him closer.
He doesn’t make her ask for it this time, and she barely registers his breath on her skin before his tongue flicks out to lick her nipple.
The sound she makes causes his cock twitch and he wastes no time trying to bring more of those noises out of her.
With his heavily-tattooed arm wrapped around her to support her, he immediately closes his lips around the erect bud, his free hand moving to her other nipple. 
It’s like he’s on a mission to see just how loud he can make her get before she demands more from him.
It doesn’t take long, her body trembling against him, both her hands in his hair, tugging at the strands.
“Bucky,” she moans, meeting his gaze as he switches sides, his fingers now playing with her saliva-slick nipple. 
All he does is grin at her in return, the gentle scrape of his teeth giving her the last push she needs. He can practically see the last of her walls starting to crumble, and as he sucks her nipple into his mouth, she manages to surprise him yet again.
“Please,” she pleads, unable to hide how breathless he’s already made her. “I want you to taste me.”
“Oh fuck,” Bucky groans against her breast. He immediately pulls back and slides his hand up to wrap his fingers around her throat, his tender touch adding to her pleasure. “Is that what you need, baby? You want me to lick your pussy?”
All it takes is a quick confirmation from her and he’s guiding her onto the bed, more than ready to show her what she’s been missing out on. 
Within just a few moments, he has her naked and writhing underneath him, his mouth starting at her neck, taking his time to kiss down her soft curves.
By the time he’s placing kisses along her inner thighs, she’s forgotten about all the reasons why she almost didn’t ask for this. All thoughts about her ex-boyfriend are gone, as are her insecurities, and she runs her fingers through his hair, whining softly, “Please.”
Bucky will never tire of hearing that word. And with one last glance up at her, he helps her push her thighs back a bit more, giving him the perfect view of her pussy. 
“Mmm.” The groan that leaves him makes her pulse, her hips shifting underneath his hold, and he lets out a soft chuckle. “Eager, are we?” he teases, taking a moment to give her thigh another soft kiss, his beard tickling her pussy.
The question should make her blush - and any other time it would - but Bucky’s good at what he does. He’s somehow made her comfortable enough that not only does she not blush, she actually laughs. With a grin on her face, she quickly nods her head and tells him, “Yes. I am.”
Bucky’s so proud of her. She’s already come so far, and he quickly praises her with a soft rumble of, “Good girl.” 
And then he’s rewarding her, the slow swipe of his tongue along her slit immediately reducing her to a low whine of, “Oh my god.” He repeats the action, licking her from her dripping entrance up to her clit, teasing the bud with just the tip of his tongue.
“Oh my god.” She’s not sure she knows how to say anything else right now. She’s barely breathing at this point anyway, her entire body tense with anticipation.
And then he has the nerve to pull away, giving her another grin to tell her, “You were right.” 
She blinks, her hands fisting the sheets, her legs already shaking. All she can think about is having his mouth back on her pussy. She has no clue what he’s talking about.
“You taste so fucking good.”
She’s not sure she even says anything, but it doesn’t matter because he dips his head back down and gets back to work, tasting her again.
Bucky alternates between long, slow licks and sliding his tongue deep inside of her, wiggling the muscle along her walls. He’s paying attention to all the ways she reacts to what he’s doing, repeating every action that makes her moan or shudder.
She gets lost in the moment, unsure of what to do with her hands, one gripping the sheets while the other holds her ankle, keeping herself spread for him. 
She can feel her pleasure building, but the longer he’s between her thighs, the more her insecurities start to resurface. Maybe this isn’t going to happen. No one’s been able to make her come before.
She’s always been responsible for her own orgasm, and while Bucky seems confident in his abilities, her doubt is starting to creep back up. 
When he returns his attention back to her clit, Bucky dragging the flat of his tongue over the bundle of nerves, she whispers his name. She feels compelled to apologize, like she’s wasting his time, but the only thing she can get out is, “I can’t.”
He pauses, but doesn’t pull his hands away, his fingers slick with her arousal as he looks up at her. Recognizing the confusion and embarrassment on her face, he realizes one crucial mistake he’s made. 
Bucky indulges himself with one more lick before he sets her at ease, explaining, “I’m not trying to make you come yet, baby. I just wanted to taste you, see what you like first.” His thumb teases over her clit as he kisses the soft skin of her inner thigh and asks her, “Is that okay?”
Just like that, he manages to get her back into the right headspace.
After a slow nod of her head, he’s bringing her pleasure again, exploring every inch of her pussy. He's enjoying taking his time, finding all the ways she likes to be touched, learning her body so he can give her what she needs. 
He’s also teasing her. Using his knowledge to make her more desperate. He hopes to get her to the point where she can ask for everything she wants without having to get this overwhelmed.
After his mouth moves away from her clit to lick across her entrance, he hears the change in her breathing. His quick glance shows him that her hands have moved to her tits, her fingers tugging at her nipples, and it tells him everything he needs to know.
Bucky returns his tongue to her clit, slowly circling the swollen bud before closing his lips around it, the soft suction causing her back to arch and she quickly nods her head, whispering, “oh god, please.”
But he pulls away again, her soft gasping whine proving he’s on the right track. She’s almost there. Just another quick tease of his tongue sliding issue of her, then back to suckling on her clit. That’s all it takes.
Her hand comes down to his head, fingers gripping his hair, as she breathlessly begs him, “Yes. Please. Just like that.”
This time, Bucky doesn’t move or pull away. He groans against her, unable to stop his hips from grinding against the mattress, her words sending pleasure straight to his cock. 
With each flick of his tongue, her noises get louder, the coil in her belly growing tighter.
She might actually come from this. Bucky might actually be able to make her come. 
That’s all she can think about. 
One hand in his hair, the other back to white-knuckling the sheet, using it for leverage to grind herself against his mouth. She can feel the pressure building, her muscles growing taut, her legs shaking uncontrollably. 
She’s going to come.
“Oh my god,” she whispers, seemingly unable to say anything else again. But Bucky still doesn’t change anything he’s doing, staying exactly where he is, his tongue never stopping. “Oh my god,” she repeats, nodding her head, desperate for this to happen.
It’s her downfall.
Just when she thinks it’s finally going to happen for her, the feeling suddenly starts to fade. The whine that leaves her, coupled with the frustrated, “No” has her quickly covering her flushed face.
The last thing Bucky wants is for her to think she’s done anything wrong. Or, even worse, that there’s something wrong with her. Because, there isn’t.
“Shhh,” he soothes her, peppering kisses along her thighs. His thumb returns to her clit, Bucky wanting to keep her pleasure building towards that peak again, and he tells her, “It’s okay. Sometimes we can get in our head. And sometimes... it’s just because we need more.”
She’s able to lower her hands away from her face to look down at him. It’s obvious he’s still enjoying himself, and all he wants is for her to be right there with him. It still takes her a moment of slow breathing for her to finally nod her head at him.
“Can you tell me what you think you need right now?” His slick thumb glides over her clit again before dipping down between her folds, teasing across her entrance. 
Her body immediately responds, her hips seeking out more, wanting him inside of her. 
Bucky tilts his head and raises an eyebrow at her, the smile on his face growing. “Tell me what you need, sweetheart.” 
It does the trick. With another shift of her hips, and more teasing pressure from his thumb, she nods her head. She doesn’t know how, but the words spill out of her without a second thought. “Fuck me, please.”
It takes every once of his control not to immediately let his thumb sink inside of her. She’s so wet, just begging to be filled, but it’s the perfect time to get her to verbalize her needs.
Bucky sits up on his knees just a bit, circling his thumb against her entrance before sliding it back up to her clit. He interrupts her needy whine with, “How do you want me to fuck you?”
She knows what he’s doing. And she’s incredibly grateful for it. Between quick and shallow breaths, she tells him, “With your fingers. Please.”
He tests her resolve, watching her closely as he starts to rub his thumb against her again, almost pushing inside of her. She immediately shakes her head and he pauses, a grin lighting up his face.
Bucky doesn’t even have to ask, she’s more than willing to tell him exactly what she wants. Her words coming quickly. “Please. Fuck me with your fingers. Two of them.”
His growl of praise immediately floods her brain, causing pleasure to radiate from her core. “Oh good girl,” he tells her, more than ready to give her what she wants,  “I’m so proud of you.” 
The cry that comes out of her as he fills her is unlike anything she’s ever made before. Her back arches and she reaches for him, grabbing his tattooed hand as his two thick fingers immediately find the spot that always seemed to allude others.
Bucky has every intention of tasting her again, planning to make her come with his mouth on her clit while he fucks her with his fingers.
He just wants to take a moment to watch her, enjoying the way the curl of his fingers causes her to gasp. His own body throbbing with pleasure as he strokes along her front wall, drawing more noises from her.
“You are so fucking hot,” he moans, interlocking their fingers as his gaze travels along her body from her thighs to her face, his cock leaking pre-cum at the sight of her.
When she’s able to accept his compliment without looking away, he increases the pressure, listening to the sounds of her wetness fill the air. 
She’s finally at that point that he promised she’d get to. Where she feels nothing but pleasure, able to bask in the connection they’re sharing.
“I wanna come for you.” There’s nothing quiet about her request, even as she struggles to get the words out between her soft gasps and moans.
“You really are incredible,” he tells her, eagerly returning to his earlier position, his head between her thighs. 
With his fingers still deep inside of her, he presses his tattooed arm against her thigh and places his palm flat against her lower stomach, using his fingers to spread her, exposing her clit.
She welcomes his touch, not a care in the world about how exposed she feels or how his hand digs into her soft belly. In fact, she doesn’t care how she looks at all. All she cares about his how close his mouth is to her pussy again, the feel of his warm breath making her whisper, “Please.”
Bucky glances up at her, a serious look on his face, quieting her pleading for the moment. 
“There’s no rush here, do you understand?” He accepts the slight nod of her head before continuing, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. “If I need a break, I’ll tell you. Until then,” his raises his eyebrows in excitement, “let’s just enjoy ourselves, yeah?”
She’s quick to agree, forcing herself to relax, resting her head against the pillow. She doesn’t even try to keep her eyes open anymore, the return of his tongue to her clit practically making her forget her name. 
With the pressure of his fingers inside of her, rubbing against her g-spot, there’s suddenly not a doubt in her mind that Bucky’s going to make her come.
It still rushes up on her quickly, her senses completely overloaded - the obscene noises his mouth makes against her clit, the slight scratch of his beard on her pussy, the smell of sex lingering in the air.
“I’m gonna come,” she gasps, one hand on her breast, the other on his head, gripping his hair. “Please don’t stop.”
He actually has the audacity to laugh against her, but he has no intentions of stopping. The rhythm of his tongue never changes, Bucky already knowing exactly how to lick her to get her there. 
She allows herself to be consumed by the pleasure he’s giving her, and the moment her hips start to move faster against him, her thighs threatening to close, the groan he makes causes her to fall over the edge.
Bucky keeps her held down, even as her body bucks against him, using his strength to keep his mouth on her clit and his fingers buried inside of her. 
She’s so tight, barely allowing fingers to move at all, but it doesn’t matter, he just keeps stroking her g-spot, prolonging her pleasure as long as she’ll let him. 
It feels like it lasts forever, her body riding out the waves until she’s left a wrecked, trembling mess, incoherent words escaping her lips.
Once Bucky’s sure she’s had as much as she can take, he quickly kisses up her body to pull her into his arms. She wraps herself around him, clinging to him, burying her face against him as he soothes her with soft words of praise.
“You did so good for me.”
“Such a good girl.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you for trusting me.”
As her body starts to relax, she welcomes his mouth on hers, moaning at the taste of her arousal on his lips. It makes her want more and it’s not long before her hips move underneath him, grinding herself against his covered erection.
Bucky rests his forehead against hers and lets out his own moan of pleasure, his neglected cock wanting nothing more to fuck her and feel her come. He won’t do anything unless she asks for it though.
The look she’s giving him tells him she knows exactly what’s going through his mind. But, she doesn’t ask him to fuck her. Not yet.
First, she asks for something else - something she thought she wouldn’t want to do, her request catching Bucky off guard, causing his hips to thrust against her.
“Can I suck your cock?”
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formulamoons · 12 hours
Charles jealousy smut please! 🔥
content.- fem! reader, unprotected sex, crempie, minors do not interact
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Charles is not typically the jealous type; he trusts you deeply. However, even the most patient man has his limits. After the DNF, the cookies you baked for Bryan no longer seem like a thoughtful welcome gesture. The way his hand grips your arm feels far from friendly, and he can feel his blood begin to boil.
Still, he doesn't move, watching as you laugh at something his mechanic said. His fist clenches when you throw your head back, holding onto Bryan's arm in your fit of laughter.
He doesn’t even comment about it. Clearly you have forgotten who you’ve been dating for the past few years.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅
“Don’t fucking run from it Ange, take it like a big girl” he commanded, his hand heavy on the back of your head, pushing your face down against the couch in his private driver's room while his cock drilled meanly into your cunt.
The swollen head of his cock pierced your sensitive folds with each forceful thrust while he bullies into your pussy, the loud slap of his balls against your skin echoing in the room, making you worry if anyone could hear.
You let out a cry, your body being jerked back and forth with each of Charles harsh thrusts. His free hand pressing down into your arch deeping it so he could angle his dick into that spot that makes you utterly weak.
“Wonder what was so fucking funny Ange” he grumbled watching tears welling in your eyes while your stomach burned with heat. his hands find its way to grope at your tits, pinching at your hard nipples making you let out a choking whine, leaving no space for a response.
Your body trembled as Charles's fingers traced down your stomach, stopping at your clit to rub the sensitive nub. " m-mmgh, Oh God... Charles," you moaned into the couch, only to cry out when he slapped your clit.
"What were you laughing at, Ange? Answer me," Charles grunted not slowly his thrusts down for even a second his hand still teasing on your clit.
You were too busy drooling onto the couch, fucked out beyond belief, this was probably the hardest Charles has ever fuck you before You were certain your muffled moans could be heard from outside the driver's room.
“Was he mocking your inept boyfriend? How he wants to dick you up? ‘s that why you laughed?” You whimpered when Charles's hand left your clit to strike your ass. “no one gets to fuck you aside from me” he says with a shrug.
“Charles, fuck-oh,mmh—” you babble your brain too consumed in pleasure to care about what was he rambling about.
“You are mine, get it into your head Ange, no one else get to feel this pussy suck their cock” he growled, his chest pressed against your back, his hot breath against your ear. "Do you understand?"
You could only whimper as you felt yourself getting close, pussy clenching around Charles's cock as he thrust deeper. "Answer me."
"J-just you, Charles," you managed, struggling to speak, his large hands gripping your ass, spreading you apart to admire your wet, parted folds sucking his cock. He watched with satisfaction as he buried himself completely inside you, relishing the sensation of your fingers curling against the couch.
"O-oh, Charles... I'm so close," you cried, your eyes rolling back, legs trembling.
"Fuck, I'm going to give you everything," Charles gritted through clenched teeth, his nails digging into your flesh as he thrust harder, his orgasm crashing over him with your scream of his name, your dripping pussy spasming around his cock. Charles groaned deeply, each thrust heavy and loud, his balls slapping against your folds as he savored the feeling of your pussy before emptying himself inside you.
you whimpered, a loud moan escaping your lips, his movements slowing as he pumped his release, filling you with his warmth.
 “Look at that greedy pussy” pulling out of you slowly and watching his cum spilled in tiny spurts as your hole spasmed.
You let out a breath, letting your body fall limp into the couch. “We were laughing at how awful the car is.”
“Oh,” Charles replied, his demeanor shifting as he processed your words.
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A/n. It took me ages, but here it is.
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tonyboneysblog · 2 days
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
wordcount: 2.8k
warnings: none!
summary: you, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
Truthfully, hawks was having an amazing day.
He could feel the peep in his step, and when he woke up he almost thought some upbeat pep song start playing because he felt like he was in a damn movie.
He almost skips over to Mirko when he sees her, big smile on his face.
Mirko looks over at him skeptically, “what’s got you in such a good mood?”
Hawks hums, “oh nothing, I was only kissed by a beautiful maiden last night around…I don’t know 12:47?”
Mirko smile suddenly drops as she looks towards hawks slowly.
Then she suddenly catches him in the most disgustingly tight hug, “you dirty dog- why didn’t you tell me immediately?!”
“It was spur of the moment?”
Mirko squeezes tighter, “I know for a fact you didn’t make the first move.”
Hawks chuckles and try’s to raise his hand in surrender.
“You know me, full of surprises”
Mirko drops his, “Alright since you won’t tell me the truth I’m going to his you terrible news”
Hawks raises his brows in curiosity, “and that is?”
Mirko sighs, “HPSC decided to call me since you apparently been AWOL all night…”
Hawks rolls his eyes, “what do they want with you, you don’t even work for them.”
“They wanted me to tell you that they needed your excellence immediately- something important apparently.” Mirko crossed her arms looking away from hawks.
Hawks hums, Mirko seems to be in deep thought but he doubts it about the “important” business that the HPSC wants with him.
Mirko pats hawks back, “you sure it was just a kiss last night, birdie?”
Hawks whips his head towards her, “w-what?! Of course I’m sure!”
“I mean- gone all night?” Mirko giggles- “was she really that-“
Hawks cuts Mirko off, “Stop talking.”
It’s not hawks fault he decided to have a good night sleep with his phone turned off.
And maybe on a different day then events would honestly even more romantic than you made.
But your son was also literally attacked by villains- hawks wouldn’t go all, “come on baby” after that.
Speaking of you and Fumikage, the two of your were in the same spot as yesterday.
U.A. had cancelled school for the week after the kids got attacked- even if they didn’t cancel you still wouldn’t allow Fumikage to go back.
You couldn’t tell if Fumikage was okay or messed up in the head. You’d assume they’d go over some type of mental check before they let Fumikage go frolic with hawks somewhere but it also U.A.
Sure it’s the best hero school- but maybe you should’ve made Fumikage go to Shiketesu instead.
Shiketesu kids don’t get attacked by villains almost everyday.
Fumikage was still sleeping next to you when you woke up on the couch, you were slowly hit with all the memories that happened the night before.
like kissing a pro hero.
moment of weakness? perchance.
You check your messages yet they aren’t any from him, he’s probably working anyways.
You called off for at least two days so you were able to keep an eye on Fumikage so you really don’t have an excuse to ignore a text from hawks if he sends one.
Well you’re a grown woman, face your “mistakes” Y/N!
pretty lady
good morning.
maybe it wasn’t a good idea to text hawks on the job- you don’t wanna distract-
bird boy
we’ll nevermind.
pretty lady
so about last night, I’m
sorry for yknow.
bird boy
kissing me?
bird boy
do it again.
bird boy
bird boy
shit how do I unsend messages
you start to giggle, well at least he doesn’t regret it? thought he doesn’t know how to use iMessage.
pretty lady
haha. It okay keep it there
bird boy
yes ma’am
bird boy
I’m abt to be in some meeting. ttyl?
pretty lady
bird boy
bird boy
sorry forgot you were a fossil
not funny, not even Fumikage calls you a fossil.
Aside from spending more time with Fumikage, your day has been quite boring.
and technically you haven’t been spending time with Fumikage because he’s been asleep the whole time.
Your heart aches with worry, Fumikage never really told you about the events yesterday- just that shadow took control.
You didn’t watch too much either, nor call U.A. Because you could already tell the media was ripping them apart just from looking at your timeline.
you know deep down that Fumikage will return to U.A. no matter how worried or how much you hate it. It is his dream school, he worked hard to get in.
You feel as if there’s something deeper affecting Fumikage- deep down in your bones.
And yeah maybe you’re slightly worried for the boy who was kidnapped.
Yeah, no way U.A. is surviving this.
But all you could really do now is focus on Fumikage and his feelings.
the following days were calm, hawks texted you at night mostly about random things or just his small thoughts.
One time he’s asked you if the moon were a rock or planet, he said he got in an argument with Mirko about it.
sadly he didn’t win it.
Fumikage was lounging on the couch, he would be out training but you begged him to rest.
even better news is that the boy who got kidnapped was found, saw the whole thing on the news too.
All might fought the big bad, and he won.
You never had the best opinion on All might but it’s also the number one hero so you can hate him too much.
You personally like best jeanist the most but you’d never tell poor hawks that.
Fumikage suddenly jumps when there’s a knock of the door, you pat his head in an attempt to console him then go to answer the door.
Imagine your surprise when you see the former number one and Fumikages homeroom teacher standing there.
All might smiles slightly, “Evening Ms. Tokoyami.”
you send a smile back, “evening, what bring you two here?”
All Might fiddles with a loose stand on his arm sling, “we came to discuss a matter with you, about Fumikage.”
“Please, come in then.” You open the door more to allow them into your home.
Fumikage perks up at seeing his teacher, “Mr. Aizawa?”
It was weird to see his homeroom teacher look so…clean?
All might and Aizawa sit on the couch infront of you a Fumikage.
“So, what is it that you need to speak about?” You say calmly.
Aizawa speaks up first, explaining on how they wanted to put the hero course students into dorms as some type of better protection.
it made your blood boil.
“So, will you allow Fumikage to-“
“No, I will not.” You reply curtly.
You can hear All Might whisper a small, “well that’s a first.” to Aizawa.
The silence is akward to say the least.
Alll scratches the back of his head, “is there a specific reason?”
“Would you like me to say it allowed, or put it in an email.”
“Preferably aloud?”
You breathe in deeply, “I don’t even know if I want my son in your school anymore. You’ve destroyed all my trust in this school- and if you think your protecting the students then your just plan wrong because the villains have infiltrated the school not once, but twice. Honestly I can’t even comprehend other parents agreeing to this.”
Fumikage messes with his hands anxiously, slightly embarrassed.
“Ma’am, we understand-“
You cut him off, “I seriously doubt that you under my perspective, you’re not a woman nor are you a parent- let only a parent on your own.”
Again the room falls into a tense silence.
until Fumikage speaks up, quietly.
“I think I would enjoy the dorms…”
You look over to Fumikage, surprise evident on your face.
Fumikage doesn’t look at you, “and I like U.A. too- all my friends are there.”
“Alright, then you can go.” You stay with a small smile directed at Fumikage.
“W-what? But you said-“
You grab Fumikages hand softly, “I can’t control what you want or what you do Fumikage. I’m not gonna force you stay here, you are your own person Fumi.”
All might sighs in relief, until you start talking again.
“But I’m not gonna retract anything I said, your school sucks in my opinion.” You sigh.
All might chuckles, “understood.”
You stand up and open the door for them, signifying that you wouldn’t really like them there anymore.
“Have a good rest of your day, Ms. Tokoyami.” Aizawa says as they leave.
When you shut the door you could almost hear all might a Aizawa sighing, almost like they just encountered a near death experience.
Maybe you could’ve been slightly kinder?
No, no, they deserved it.
Suddenly your phone dings with a text, from hawks more specifically.
bird boy
could I come over?
pretty lady
sure, something wrong?
He never replied though, hawks doesn’t actually ever ask to come over though.
Fumikage and hawks seems to be on alright terms as well, you noticed they both got the same drink when hawks dropped him off.
maybe they’re bonding?
Fumikage starts to tug at your shirt, something he never grew out of, holding his phone to you.
It was open to a text thread, someone named shoji.
“Can I go hang out with him?”
You hum, “yes- but come home early, you know I worry more cause of these villains.”
Fumikage pecks your cheek then runs out the house quickly.
well he’s sure excited to hang out with someone.
About ten minutes after you hear hawks knocking at your door, and when you open he looks…tired? exhausted?
“Hey mama bird.” His voice calls tiredly.
You usher him in and close the door, “everything okay?”
Hawks melts into the couch with sigh, “yeah, just a rough day- where’s Fumikage?”
You sit next to him, “He went out with a friend, did you wanna see him?”
“Nah, better he isn’t.” He chuckles softly.
Should you be worried about that?
You rest your head onto the back of the couch, looking at hawks.
“Why’s that?”
“cause I wanted to see just you.” He closes his eyes, he look tireder by the minute.
You giggle, “You can’t see me, your eyes are closed.”
“Close enough.”
You admire hawks features softly, you notice small bumps and nicks in his skin which are always edited out in the magazine.
Your eyes linger on the small marks near his eyes, you’ve always wondered if it were makeup.
So you check.
Your thumb runs over the marks, making hawks eyes squint softly before opening them.
“What’re you doing?”, He says with a mischievous manner.
“Just checking if they’re real.”
“Did I disappoint?”
you smile fondly, “no, never.”
Hawks analyzes every detail your face holds, every mark.
His smile fades, his eyes look heavy.
He grabs your wrist softly, moving them away from his face.
He looks at you as if you hung the stars.
He leans in, you can feel his breath ghost over your lips.
He hands ,which were ungloved prior, intertwine with your as he leans in.
His lips capture your own, his slightly chapped most likely due to always being in the sky.
He leans in farther, like he needs your kiss to breath, to live.
He needs the comfort of your lips to feel better, he needs to remember the taste, the feel, the smell of you.
The way your lips perfectly mold together like clay.
He feels like he’s flying, no cares in the world expect for you.
Hawks can feel your warm hands slip near his torso, his stomach flutters with butterflies.
You hold onto him, lovingly.
hawks places his free hand into your hair, pushing you closer to his lips.
You can hear a small coo coming from hawks, wonder if he chirps.
He loves the sensation, the feeling you give him.
He wants to stay in your warmth forever, he doesn’t wanna go back to the HPSC, he doesn’t want to do this new mission,
He doesn’t want to sneak into the league.
he just wants you.
Hawks hold you closer, like you’ll disappear until you have to come up for air.
The two of you breathe heavily, slowly coming back down from your little kissing high.
“date me.” He says breathlessly.
You cup his face with your hand, “y-
“What the fuck.”
You and hawks looks towards to door quickly.
“is that the number three hero..?”
only to find your poor son Fumikage and another boy.
mortifying is the only way to describe this situation.
Fumikage turns around to the boy, covering his eyes in what seems to be disappoint.
In return, hawks covers his eyes and retreats into you, covering himself with his wings.
You start laughing, so hard that you can feel your very own six pack growing in.
The boy, which you assume is shoji, starts laughing with you, “hey Fumikage, I didn’t know your stepdad was the number three.”
You laugh even harder, while hawks and Fumikage retreat further.
Later, when the embarrassment and laughter cleared, the four of you sat down at the dining table.
“I didn’t think you’d come home so early Fumi?”
shoji looks at Fumikage, “Fumi?”
“Well mother. I had to come back because I forgot my wallet- I did t know I’d come back and see some…some- some harlot sucking face with my mom!” Fumikages voice grows in pitch with each word.
Hawks gasps, “h-harlot?! And it wasn’t sucking face we didn’t even use tongue!”
Suddenly the table erupts as you sit back and watch.
“Disgusting- you’re illiterate and you can’t keep your hands off my mother!”
“I thought we were bonding Fumikage- remember when you gave me that drink?”
“I wasn’t even on the brink of dehydration?!” Hawks says confused.
The small spat continues as you look over towards shoji with an apologetic face.
It was the first time this kid met you and he saw you on a quite personal time…
Shoji throws you a small thumbs up, great kid already.
You can almost hear Fumikage start cawing at hawks.
You try to break up the fight, “Alright— calm down…”
Fumikage sits down and crosses his arms as hawks deflates back into the chair.
“Fumikage..I apologize for kissing on the couch…I’ll take it to my room next time.”
Fumikage squawks, “mom!”
You can see hawks ears go red, his wings puffing.
Fumikage points at him accusatorially, “I know what you’re thinking you…you- you womanizer!”
Hawks gasps dramatically, “I-I’m no womanizer- I happen to like your momma!”
“Point at him too dark shadow!” Dark shadow comes out chanting “womanizer” while pointing at hawks.
Shoji decides to join in as-well…and maybe you too.
hawks sighs in defeat, Fumikage cheers victoriously with shadow.
You expect him to start jumping up and down with shadow as well.
“Shoji- remove the criminal from my home!”
Shoji chuckles, “not doing that..”
You stand up and lead hawks out of the house, you can hear Fumikage and Shoji laughing.
Hawks sits down on the stairs, you sit with.
Hawks sighs, “Not a womanizer.”
You giggle softly, patting his head.
Hawks stays quiet for a minutes wu til speaking up, “so, what’s your answer?”
“To what?”
His ears turn pink, “…d-dating me.”
“I’m surprised that’s even a question.”
“Is that a yes?”
You nod softly, smiling at hawks.
Hawks smiles with you, “can I kiss you again?”
“I’m afraid you won’t be able to stop.”
Hawks wraps his arms around you, “maybe, is that such a problem?”
Hawks leans in to kiss you softly, but you pull away.
“Why were you so upset when you came over?” You say while starting to rub soft circles on his hips.
“Not upset anymore.”
You sigh, “You don’t wanna tell me?”
“It’s not that…I just can’t tell you.” Hawks rests his head on your shoulder.
“Jus’ stressed out.”
You crane your head to kiss his temple, “would you like to spend the night?”
Hawks lets out a small laugh, “Fumikage wouldn’t like that.”
“He’ll get over it.” You push away from hawks slowly.
He laughs and follows you in the house, you point towards your bedroom then leave hawks to see Fumikage.
Hawks wanders into your room, it’s nice he thinks.
He removes most of his hero clothes until he realizes he doesn’t have another pair.
You won’t mind if he stole some of your wardrobe, right?
After done telling Fumikage goodnight, who was about to leave to walk Shoji home, you walk into your room to find hawks in your clothes.
how cute?
You make your way to the bed, welcoming its new found comfort.
Hawks seems to be sleeping until he snuggles into your neck, wrapping his arms and wings around you.
Looks like you won’t need a blanket at least?
hawks tries to sleep quickly, big day tomorrow.
infiltrating and gathering information on the league.
he hopes to god you don’t get hurt somehow.
would you be mad at what he’s doing? Or would you clean the blood of his hands.
would you spit on his face or kiss him until he couldn’t breath.
he’s scared for the answer.
Yet he continues to fall farther into you.
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh @camejlo-35 @marsbars09 @tharae514 @yoongiwantsme @kimahrii @pink-jello-fish @l1vvvvv @miy-svz @bumblebeebutter @lacunaanonymoused @emmmeoo
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xxsycamore · 1 day
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❝ The Benefits of Having a Scientist Boyfriend ❞ (ISAAC X READER)
╰┈➤ 💝 Isaac surprises you with a loving gesture that will also greatly relieve your pain.
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Isaac Newton x Menstruating!Reader • rating: G • tags: Menstruation; Period Cramps; Established Relationship; Fluff • wordcount: 965 • masterlist
a/n: The author is very bad at every field of science mentioned in this fic and still stubbornly made all of the needed research (plus historical research to see how possible it is for our Isaac to put this together in his current time era) while fighting cramps of her own..... Hope you enjoy and also I hope I didn't get my facts (too) wrong! If you happen to suffer from cramps and you want your favorite ikevamp suitor comforting you in their own unique way, may I also offer: Napoleon, Comte, Mozart, Theo, Leonardo, Sebastian, Arthur (NSFW), Vincent 💕(All fics in this series share the same opening scene!)
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It’s another beautiful day at the mansion, and the sun is continuing to shine brightly outside as afternoon settles in. Your list of chores is more than halfway done now, the morning was a productive one and you pat yourself on the back for pushing through at your usual pace, even if your period surprised you early this morning. Sleeves rolled up and armed with a feather duster, you march towards the lounge room to take care of another chore.
Specks of dust dance in the afternoon sun, windows wide open, as you complete your task little by little. Soon the sections left to dust decrease and you start to tire - a minor pain in your tummy appears as well, as if to persuade you into taking a short break. You throw a look at the grandfather clock. You’ve been a busy bee; not even the distraction of dusting off some of Comte’s highly intriguing antiques couldn’t get you late on your own schedule.
You sit down at the spacious couch area, grab a throw pillow to hug, and fall on your side - shoe-covered feet juust hanging off the couch because it won’t be worth the effort of taking them off for just a minute or two of rest.
Uh-oh! The pain doesn’t go away and only gets worse instead. Suddenly, moving as much as a millimeter equals signing a death warrant.
“Help” You whisper to yourself, clutching onto the throw pillow.
You weren't aware that your inner cry for help was able to send telepathic signals to your boyfriend, but you witness the miracle of him entering through the door in the very next second.
"Isaac!" You rise to a seating position as the sight of him briefly distracts you from your pain - a big mistake on your part, but before you can ask him what brings him here, the next cramp stabs you in the guts and only a painted sound leaves your lips. "Oww…"
"Are you alright? You were curled up on the couch too."
You've already instinctively placed your hand on your lower belly and it doesn't escape Isaac's gaze, but you still pretend to be brave about it and refuse to bother him with such a minor inconvenience of yours…
"Maybe I just ate something funny at lunch? You know how it is with Sebas and his fusion cuisine, always trying to live up to everyone's taste, haha…"
Isaac stares blankly at you for a couple of seconds, then he averts his eyes.
"You can just tell me if your period came, you know…"
Was it that obvious?! Maybe Isaac just knows you well enough by now - the thought brings forth a certain warmth within you… no, that's just another cramp.
"Oww owww… fine, you guessed it… Don't scold me, I'll go look for some herbal tea in the kitchen or-"
"No, lie back down." Isaac's unexpected touch changes the focus of your sensory receptors again and your heart flutters by the simple action of him beckoning you to lie down. You oblige, looking at him with large eyes full of curiosity.
"I was just about to go out for today's école lessons but let me bring you something first. Just lie here and be patient, okay? It's going to feel better soon."
Your curiosity only grows as you watch Isaac's back until he fully disappears from sight.
When your boyfriend returns you're overcome with the need to sit up and see what he's carrying in his hands, but you follow his advice and remain patient.
"Some time ago when your cramps were bad like that I asked you how you dealt with them back in your era. Since then I have been, uh, working on something. I figured now would be a good time to try it out."
You blink in disbelief when Isaac hands you what looks like a… heating pad, the ones that are typically used as handwarmers in your time.
"You'll have to massage it in order for it to radiate heat, but I hope that still works for you."
"Isaac you- but how-"
"It's nothing too complex. When I heard your explanation I figured it must be caused by an exothermic reaction… I happen to be knowledgeable in thermodynamics too, you know. I just had to put a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate in water together with notched ferrous metal… Simply put, it crystalizes and radiates heat. I'm still catching up with chemistry after beginning my second life here but fortunately, it was easy enough."
Easy enough, he says…
You can't just lie still anymore, so you raise your upper half enough to wrap your arms around Isaac's shoulders… you didn't plan it out exactly like that, but the physicist ends up being dragged down on the couch with you, barely able to prop himself up on one elbow at the very last second. You keep sobbing into his neck.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so touched by your gesture! I've read about so many invitations that came out of love and-"
Isaac blushes, and he blushes badly. You see the color spreading on his cheeks when he withdraws just a tad more to leave you space to breathe, but he doesn't stand to his feet just yet.
"I guess you can call it that. I'll just be happy as long as it works for you."
Isaac punctuates his words with a chaste caress on the back of your hand which still holds the innovative heating pad. His own warmth leaves you too soon but the artificial one remains - and you find yourself wondering if you can treat it as a reminder of him, when you miss him. Maybe you should tell him that, next time you want to see his cheeks reddening like that again.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @kimi00twin @g-kleran @thesirenwashere @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza @natimiles @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @groovylita Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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bakugoushotwife · 3 days
𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖑 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 // 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖘
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a/n: here is the finale to part one!! thanks to everyone being patient with me to get this part out, i've been going thru it lately but we got her done. i haven't proofread everything but will as it goes live, just kinda wanted to put it up. this shit gets dark so proceed at your own risk. cw: gore, blood, murder, major character death, infanticide, smut, cowgirl, pregnancy journey, serious graphic descriptions, etc. dead dove do not eat. series masterlist jjk masterlist part two
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he grips your forearms, pink lips parted in disbelief. his touch is gentle, eyes gleaming with emotions yet unnamed. “again. say it once more.” he whispers, seemingly searching for the physical signs already as his eyes dance around your stomach. 
“i’m pregnant, the healer confirmed it–our heir. he or she is coming!” you laugh in astonishment, a gentle warmth blushing across your cheeks. he pulls you against his broad chest within the next second, a myriad of thoughts occurring in his brain all at once. his wife–his queen, was with child. he was no longer the man he was cursed to be. he was loved by you, and would soon become a father to a loving baby of his own creation. a monster he may be, but solitude had lost its grasp on him, and he would never feel guilt for his monstrous ways now. not with a family to protect. a family. ryomen sukuna—head of a family. 
you nuzzle your face against his neck, and his heart physically aches with the emotion he stores in it for you. surely this is something much stronger than love. no one could ever feel as strongly as he does. he sighs softly. comfortably, and sets you back on your feet with a soft chuckle that rumbles inside both of your chests. 
“what wonderful news—outstanding news, my love…you have made me the happiest man...what a gift..” he says in a voice nearly foreign to you with its overwhelming gentleness. it conflicts with the look in his eyes. it’s hard to describe—the love and adoration he’s always held is there, with something else lying beneath. a certain icy cruelty that you know he’s capable of—a primal protectiveness. yes, gone were the days of leaving you in the throne room or bed chambers by yourself to be waited on by uraume and the rest of the staff. no, no. he would be attached to you like a second soul, as if you weren’t growing one already. 
he just couldn’t bear to risk it. especially as the building plans commenced and more strangers would be around his wife than ever before. his nerves were…heightened so to speak. you didn’t want to call it paranoia, as you can understand exactly where his concerns come from. he’s never cared for anyone. not even a fucking little bit, and now he has an entire universe of feelings stored inside of one person—seperate from himself. it’s terrifying. it’s vulnerable in ways he hates to admit, for any one of his enemies that knows of your existence knows exactly how to break him apart. all the sorcerers he’s wronged, all of the families of those he has personally extinguished—they all have a way to enact revenge. they all have a clear path to ripping his heart out of his chest, and it’s a fate worse than death. even the thought of you falling into enemy hands is enough for sukuna to erect gates with enchantments and veils, laying traps of his own mind’s invention all around the palace grounds to ensure your home remains a free territory for you and his baby. 
his baby. his son or daughter growing fruitfully within you. only three people know of the baby’s existence—you, him, and uraume. and this is how the list would stay until it is simply unavoidable. he will cater to your every need himself; and no one else should enter within ten feet of you unless they want to lose their heads. he makes this much clear, announcing the decree to his castle staff. of course they’re curious as to why they can no longer serve their queen–but any questions they have die on their tongues with the feral tone of commands from their king. 
you think it’s all a bit much, but you wouldn’t say anything against his wishes. this is what helps him rest peacefully at night, what makes him believe you are totally and wholly safe. besides it’s more relaxing this way. the only hustle and bustle is about the additions to your home, no servants nagging you about the certain tinctures and powders you should be taking to support your baby through the pregnancy; nor them cooing about how dominant and healthy king sukuna’s offspring would be. no. it’s just the two of you and the moment. the first few months were rocky—much more negative than positive with your symptoms and struggles. your husband was a rock amidst the nausea-inducing waters. he may not be inspirational or motivational in his words, and he may not know simply from instinct alone how to comfort you; but do not mistake that for neglect. he is ever curious, and attentive. he can tell when you need something…he just needs you to help him along as to what for the first few weeks into this beautiful journey. 
he’s quick to provide you a trash receptacle or to rush after you as you run into the bathroom to puke. he’s the one holding a cool rag to the back of your neck and keeping your hair out of the way, the sound of your seemingly endless retching tugging at his heart. he learns that the term “morning sickness” is really a lie—you’re sick at all hours of the day. he nearly feels guilty over your suffering, keeping you hydrated on water and coconut milk for extra nutrients. you aren’t keeping much food down, but he tries to make sure you’re offered plenty of it. going into the second month of your weak exhaustion and pathetic puking, he’s growing more than concerned. 
“i’m calling the doctors, my queen is suffering far too much.” he announces, using a rag to dab the sweat off your forehead as the toilet receives yet another round of your stomach’s contents. another hand fashions your hair into some sort of ponytail, and the other two stabilize your hips. you shake your head, leaning back to sit on your haunches as you wipe your mouth. 
“it’s perfectly normal. i’ll enter the second trimester soon, hopefully it will stop then.” you say, chipper. he finds it confusing how you can clearly feel so bad but pretend otherwise. your child isn’t even showing in you yet, you only look as if you’ve had a large dinner. and while you’re ridiculously adorable in this slightly swollen state, he’s left mystified by how such a small babe can disrupt everything about your body. your appetite increases and wanes depending on the day, you cry over a fallen bird's nest and then threaten to light him aflame. it’s a lot for him to wrap his head around, as someone who’s never really been well versed in emotions to begin with. but he is patient above all else—and that’s just fine with you. he’s there for every mood swing, he lets you beat on his chest and yell at him–he lets you crawl into his lap and hold yourself close, to giggle and kiss all over his face only to whisper how horny you are. 
at least that much is the same. if anything, it’s increased. and while sukuna has never been a delicate man, nor a submissive one—he is a somewhat changed man. his wife–only for his wife. he can tame the desire to absolutely fuck you apart for the sake of your growing child—he doesn’t know what exactly your body can handle at this time, despite what he may crave. but…you know what you can handle, don’t you? he…can allow you to use his body in this way too. it’s the least he can do, really. he knows he’s not the most caring man in the universe. frankly, he’s spent many a time thinking you deserve someone much more loving and doting than he. but you bask in the love that does flow from him, and your body is being used to grow his offspring. so yes, he clears the throne room of contractors and servants and architects making last minute adjustments, adding rooms fit for children to thrive in and his family to gather in; all because his precious wife made an appearance demanding his attention. yes, he lets you position yourself against his lap and rut against him at your own pace, grinding on his thigh while you beg for his hands to toy with your tits. 
“please–i need more, my king~” you pout, pawing at his wrists, dragging them up to your chest.he finds you enchantingly adorable, and this neediness is such a good look on you. not being able to throttle you nearly makes his bones ache, but he uses his lower set of hands to guide your hips over his defined thigh–his top set of hands giving into his sweet wife’s desires. 
and he always knows exactly how to touch you. he kneads at your breasts, the sore fat of your tits melting into his hands so perfectly you hiss and let your head fall back, rolling across your shoulders at just the simple enjoyment of his fingers tweak at your swollen nipples. he loves how sensitive you’ve become, how your brows pinch together and your cheeks darken the closer you get to soaking your panties. he knows you’ll plunge yourself on his cock over and over again–letting him coat your insides with the seed that’s already taken root in your gorgeous little womb. 
“of course. my naughty little queen can’t sleep without her husband’s cock pressing into her?” he coos, the words so taunting but so loving at the same time. you howl with excitement, ripping his pants down after several seconds of effort, your animalistic growls of need so pleasing to his ears and ego. you take as much of his cock inside as you can, thighs tightening at the effort. 
“mm–nuh uh, can’t help it–just need you all the time!! ‘s your fault–you did this to me!” you pout, bottom lip swollen from the amount of times your teeth have dug into it. your belly, just barely bloated with the sign of pregnancy, just glistens in the candlelight of his throne room, everything about you was calling out to him—as always. he doesn’t know why the sensation still surprises him every now and again. so he helps you, hands on your waist to help lift you up and down along the shaft of him, watching your face contort and ease with bone-deep pleasure. “oh, yessss~” 
your hands scramble to hold something, his wrists, his chest–anything with purchase as your orgasm shakes through your entire body. he only uses your tight walls for a few more lengthy strokes, erupting thick white ropes that paint your insides in the best way–the way that makes your legs tremble and buckle, so spent from your attempts at riding him that you’re leaning into his chest and closing your eyes to sleep. this has been your routine for about three weeks now, not that he minds. 
but the second trimester…oh how golden. this was the first time that sukuna really understood the beauty of pregnancy. with all of the nights of puking and bad sleep and weird cravings and mood swings and the list goes on—he was wondering what exactly was the big glow with babymaking aside from your sex drive and the overall concept that you get a baby out of it. but now, as your bump develops and grows everyday, as your energy evens out somewhat and all you want to do is nest and decorate for the baby—he gets it. uraume brings bigger robes so you may dress comfortably, and sukuna passes along your every demand to the builders. the baby’s nursery is being painted by hand, the crib by the finest carpenters that japan has to offer. sukuna wouldn’t be sukuna of course unless he threatened to kill every worker on the project if they spilled the news of what they were working on to a single soul. 
the fields outside the palace have become your favorite place to be. you enjoy laying in the sun, plucking the wildflowers that grow on the hillside and weaving them into a flower crown, and watching the animals sprint around in the treeline below. sukuna would watch from the castle some days, letting you bask in nature under his careful oversight. some days he joins you, listening to you prattle about the birds that like the sugar water you lay out. the peace that you bring to his life is something astounding. he never would have imagined himself enjoying listening to someone so bubbly and optimistic. you have always been a light he had never known existed, and he sees you as a literal angel. the way the summer skies cast a glow down on you—glowing up your hair and skin and highlighting that beautifully round bump. 
this day, he sits outside with you–watching you lean back, robes unbound to drink in some more sun. he’s proud that he’s able to make it such a safe place for you–your happy place. you can hear him approach, a joyful grin spreading across your face as you look over at him. 
“the baby knows you’re here~” you coo, supporting the underside of your rounded bump. the king lays beside you, a smirk on his face at the greeting. “say hello to your spawn.” you add, snickering. and dutifully so, he leans in and places his hand on your stomach. the broad paw spans most of the stretched skin, life and wonder sparkling in his ruby red eyes as he feels it, the repeated soft flutters against his palm make his heart skip a beat. his son or daughter is so active, and very strong. and they seemingly feel him, like you claimed. they like his voice and his touch, his gentle brush of his hand inspiring another tirade of kicks that send you giggling. 
it just makes things that much more real for him. his child is on the way, halfway grown already. he can’t wait to meet them, to see if they resemble you or himself more closely, to have a mini-him to take under his wing and entrust his philosophy to. he can’t wait to watch you be a mother either. just what his limited imagination can conjure up warms the coldness in his chest. the idea of you swirling around a sweet nursery with the baby smiling with gums and lips, cheeks rosy from being so loved. 
“hello, little baby of mine.” sukuna hums, leaning down to kiss below your navel. 
you smile sweetly, eyes crinkled in the corners. “we need to think of names!” you hum, running your fingers through his hair. it soothes you to have him so near, your protector and greatest advocate. he hums at the feeling, resting his chin on your breastplate, right before the swell of your stomach. those eyes melt you every time, especially when they look at you with such fondness. 
“their name will come to us when we look upon their face. no need to rush.” he hums softly, rubbing your stomach absentmindedly. he hadn’t even realized he was doing it. 
“i suppose so, but i would like to call them something aside from the baby.” you hum, twisting the pale pink strands around your fingers, wondering if your child would get this uniquely colored hair. 
“then let’s call them ayame, for now.” he decides, the corners of his lips twitching upwards in a smile. the word has so much significance in love and beauty, and he knows it’s the right one to bestow upon his unborn. 
“you’re so sweet, i love it. ayame–for now.” you hum once more–nodding your agreement, resting your hand atop his own. before long, the sun begins to set and the king ushers you inside for dinner—relieved your appetite returned. 
everyday after that was just as beautiful. you worked tirelessly daily to craft ayame’s clothes, knitting in neutrals to ensure the pieces would suit either gender of child. your excitement grows with your stomach, and so does sukuna’s protectiveness. you hardly use the bathroom by yourself. your pregnancy is now common knowledge amongst the castle staff–widespread across your kingdom. so naturally, sukuna is even more scrutinous of anyone coming in and out. the construction is nearly complete, but enemies could be lurking anywhere. and no one is more aware of that than your husband. 
he’s more than relieved whenever the construction reaches its final days as you’re about to pop. he still hovers, don’t misunderstand, but he can take a breath. any day now, you’d go into labor and the heian era’s new prince or princess would make their grand entrance. the nursery was fully prepared and the doctors and midwives had arrived as the construction workers were leaving, everything was in place. 
imagine his surprise when he’s thrown out of sleep in the middle of the night—one of his veils have been breached. moments later, uraume rushes into the room. 
“my king–the perimeter guards caught someone…they had weapons. ordered to kill the queen.” they pant, out of breath from hustling here so quickly. and with that one sentence, his every worst fear is confirmed. people are after you—they want to kill you. kill his baby and his wife in one fell swoop. 
he sees red. 
he looks over at you–sleeping deeply beside him. he can’t disrupt your rest, not when the baby will be coming so soon..so he leans over to kiss your lips softly before following uraume to the throne room to torture the infiltrator that thought they could get away with such a thing. 
he doesn’t think he’s ever been this bloodthirsty before, either. love like this makes you do crazy things–feel crazy things. the perpetrator is being held on his knees, head forced forward to look at the floor. 
“my servants tell me that we’ve caught a roach. let’s hear it.” he spits, intent on torturing this cretin slowly—send a message to everyone else that tries to come after his family. that if you attack—you will be dismembered and scattered across the continents with the breeze. 
“or maybe you just caught the fall guy, and you didn’t stop anything at all.” the man smirks boldly at the king, a shuffle upstairs catching his attention. 
you wake up when the last traces of your husband’s warmth has dissipated. you blink awake, feeling around in his spot to confirm his absence. huffing, you roll to your back, seeing his shadow shuffle around the room. “my love? are you having trouble sleeping tonight?” he’s been known to periodically wake up and patrol the place to make sure that nothing’s slipped past his other defenses. 
“notcha love—you can’t bring that demon to life, whore.” 
and those are the last words you ever hear. 
there’s a slash across your gut, deep. you can hear your blood splatter on the ground—similar to what you had always imagined your water breaking to sound like. you don’t even feel the pain, really. just the fear. just the realization—that you’re too late, that all sukuna had done was for nothing. you’re dying. you’re going to die today–here. alone, and scared, the slash that comes next nearly decapitates you, and you can’t use your technique. you never even got out of bed, only your legs had touched the floor. you hadn’t even been able to stand before they slaughtered you. 
the baby…the baby is gone just as grotesquely as you are–pulled from the gash in your midsection to fight these grown men on their own. ayame was a girl. and she was suffocated before her eyes ever opened, blood strewn about the room. 
the two murderers flee before sukuna makes it to the top floor, able to cascade a rope out of the window and sneak right out, now that all of the security is distracted.  
seconds later, he throws the door open. he nearly sprints forward to check on you–your form visible on the bed. but as he gets closer, he slips. his feet slide on something wet, warm—and he knows. he knows he’s lost the only person that ever mattered. his heart pounds faster as the staff rush in with the candles–revealing the gruesome scene. 
he sobs. it’s a foreign feeling, crying. he had only felt this once before—when he knew he was going to be a father. that was certainly more pleasant than…this. you’re gone. his light–his eternal sunshine…slaughtered like cattle on his bed. you’re gutted, the scent of iron finally hitting his senses. had he been in shock before? is that why he didn’t immediately notice? your head is barely attached to your neck—eyes wide open with horror, mouth hung open to scream. there’s so much blood. dripping out of your mouth, gushing over your chest and out of your abdomen–soaking your pretty lavender nightgown. he reaches for you, emotions heightened to levels left undocumented. that’s when he sees—his eyes focusing on the lifeless lump that was his baby daughter. he reaches for her too–little ayame. he cradles his girls to his body, absolutely wailing. his body spikes in temperature—cursed technique going haywire. he’s inconsolable. his cursed energy is spiking to heights unknown, body shifting—growing larger–rage flowing like a new source of energy all on it’s own. his soul is shattering, twisting and knotting up in his body–heart aching like never before. it was one mistake—he left for two seconds, to let you sleep and now you are gone forever. his baby is dead—his wife…he’ll never speak to you again. never feel your hands on his skin or the warmth of your kiss. he can’t go on like this—no. he has no desire to live. 
the love of his life, his first born child—ripped away from him in an instant. all the peace and happiness and joy you showed him existed has turned into the deepest and darkest personal hell he has ever known. he looks around him—even more blood than ever before. his technique—it killed everyone. he can’t find it in himself to consider it again, too focused on the mangled mess they made of his queen. he will avenge you—he will murder everyone in his path until someone can put him out of this misery. until then–he will take every other soul out of this world. if he can’t be happy–if he doesn’t get to live this life in peace–then no one else will either. 
the entire castle is consumed with the raw force of his cursed energy, shattered in an instant. as if he was a natural disaster in and of himself. perhaps maybe know he is…for he is no longer a man. ryomen sukuna never was quite just a man–the king of the heian era. but now, he is the king of something else. of all things bad and evil—of all the things that can help him enact revenge. the king of curses.
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tags: @neon-crow @skypperlegacy @gis4greenandgreenisgre4t  @alastors-radio  @alltimenogoaway-blog  @tragedyofabrokensoul @gojosukuna2268  @hannas16  @alwaysfreakingout @thepurpleempath @pelicanpizza  @aenishas @satsuk-jjk @catobsessedlady @gucci-basura @eiaaasamantha @asukahiriko @t4naiis @thejujvtsupost @mymelx @maskedpacific @berranurates @enchantingartisanwitch @celena-alanze
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 22 hours
Is Eridan’s fake attempt for land dweller genocide just a manifestation of his guilt of orphaning all those trolls? He says he wants to kill them all so they will no longer have to deal the loss of losing their parent to some finned hipster asshole?
So Eridan's life pre-SGRUB is primarily concerned with one thing: it is his Duty as a violet-blood who is close to the Heiress to feed her lusus so that it doesn't throw a tantrum and Kill Everybody. It's a manifestation not of guilt, but of anxiety.
He describes the murder he commits in pursuit of this as "all i evver done practically," and we never see him participate in a hobby he enjoys - we learn he's a hipster because Karkat calls him one, he FLARPs to fill Gl'bgolyb's belly, and people have fought with me before, but I maintain that his "interest" in military history is also just a part of his posturing/something he reads like somebody would doomscroll, as it validates his anxiety, because he only ever talks about history twice, in the vaguest possible terms, and the first time, it's just part of him posturing at Kanaya, and the second time, he's literally just. Wrong? He's just incorrect?
CA: yeah go ahead and kiss us off but therell be blood on your hands CA: you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little mediating like you wwere fuckin hatched to CA: or wwatch she and me devvolvve into fuckin full fledged kismesisses the kind like you dont get once in ten thousand swweeps CA: you knoww thats wwhat it wwould be there wwould be rainboww rivvers runnin through star systems and all nebulizin like liquid firewworks CA: it wwill be beautiful and heartbreaking all at once CA: you should read up on your history instead of poring through that godawwfull sunny rubbish
CC: None of your plots to kill t)(e land dwellers ever work out, and every doomsday device you get your )(ands on turns out to be a piece of junk! CA: so CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance
Like I just. Don't believe him when he says he's obsessed with military history when he doesn't seem to be able to name five specific battles, and thinks the main attribute a military leader needs to succeed is "persevverance". We know that Karkat's interest in romance is real because he brings it up more than twice and also starts infodumping about it to Vriska at one point, but Eridan only seems to mention it because he thinks he's supposed to care about it.
Which is pretty much, like, one of the biggest tensions in his character: how he feels he's supposed to act vs. how he actually feels about acting that way. He faces multiple pressures to be a certain person, which run counter to his actual feelings.
He has to be a murderer, because if he isn't one, then Gl'bgolyb will do a genocide on his entire species.
He has to be an unrepentant murderer, because they live in a horrible fascist murder-society where highbloods are supposed to kill lowbloods all the time for literally any reason.
He has to be the one getting his hands bloody because his ancestor, Dualscar, was also the Orphaner, and (especially highblood) trolls need to take up their ancestors' mantles.
He has to be rude and condescending to everybody else because that's how highbloods, and especially sea dwellers, have to act.
He cannot express compassion, sympathy, or pity, because sea dwellers and highbloods aren't supposed to act that way.
Magic has to be fake, because it's for shitty wigglers, and Eridan's not a wiggler anymore!
He has to be in a torrid pitch relationship because that was the most defining one Dualscar had, and he needs to complete Dualscar's unfinished business.
He has to be in a flushed relationship because Dualscar had an unrequited flushcrush on the empress, and he needs to complete Dualscar's unfinished business.
He has to hate the lowbloods because he's a highblood.
He has to hate the land dwellers because he's a sea dweller.
But wait! That's weird. He has to hate the land dwellers and lowbloods, but he's the one responsible for making sure they don't all die by keeping Gl'bgolyb full?
In truth, it would be all too easy to solve the land dweller problem once and for all. You'd just need to lighten up on the feeding schedule for a while. Maybe you'd be a little too busy to bother with that hassle for once? Or maybe you could happen to be off your game for a spell? It happens, even to the best sometimes. But nah. It would make her upset. More emotions. More problems. That's all you need.
And he has to be an unrepentant murderer even though he clearly feels more guilt for it than Feferi?
That should keep her happy for a while. And make a freshly orphaned troll somewhere pretty sad.
And you claim magic is fake idiot stuff for babies but you like it SOOOO much?
You also like MAGIC, even though you know it to be FAKE. Like a made up friend, the way wizards are. Made up make believe FAKEY FAKEY FAKES. It's still fun though.
So we can see that Eridan is basically being pulled two ways at all times.
On one hand, there's everything society says he needs to be: an unrepentant murderer, a military dictator, ruthless bloodthirsty sea-dwelling aristocracy, hater of all low bloods and land dwellers, Orphaner Dualscar's heir.
And on the other hand, there's the guy Eridan actually is: doesn't give a shit about the hemocaste, just wants friends and/or relationship partners, likes magic, like hipster stuff, kind of a tool, guilty and traumatized.
It doesn't help that the people he's surrounded by are the least likely to recognize his distress as distress - Feferi loooooves being a princess, Kanaya has never really voiced any strong opinions on the hemocaste because it largely doesn't concern her since she's a rare jade blood, and Vriska is doing a lot better than Eridan is at fitting the mold they were born into (not that she doesn't have problems, she's just doing better than Eridan, which is a low fucking bar). Even Karkat, because of his own hangups about being a mutant pariah, venerates the society he was born into, because he (wrongly) sees it as a means to gain validation so he can hate himself less. As a result, Eridan winds up with basically 0 support system, because pretty much every aspect of his life reinforces that the thing society says he should be is correct, and that there's something wrong with Eridan for being unable to meet that expectation.
Especially because, for at least all the "murderer" he's supposed to be, if he fails to meet that expectation, everybody dies. So it's not just that he's got a pushy lusus and a shitty society, like Vriska does, but that there's also the added weight that adhering to those expectations is literally, objectively, the correct thing to do, so long as he doesn't want literally everybody to die.
As a result, he's constantly trying to overcorrect his behavior and cognition to line up with what he thinks he's supposed to be. That's why he's constantly saying slurs even though he doesn't actually treat anybody differently for their caste. That's why he's constantly talking about murder and military history, even though he clearly doesn't enjoy doing either of those things. That's why he's always pushing this image of a big bad fascist wannabe, even though he actually wants to be a magic-slinging wizard.
The thing about genocide, for Eridan, is that he's already obsessed with genocide - the prevention of genocide. Keeping his species from being genocided is, without exaggeration, the most time-consuming pursuit in his life. BUT WAIT! He can't say, think, or believe that his actions are for the benefit of the land dwellers, because first of all, he feels kind of guilty about killing them, and second of all, because he's not allowed to express compassion to the people he's keeping safe. So between the stress, the cognitive dissonance, the anxiety, and the fact that Eridan doesn't really do a lot of introspection because he's so overwhelmed by emotion, his existing preoccupation with genocide is transmuted into something that's socially acceptable: "wanting all the land dwellers dead."
"[I]t would be all too easy." Indeed: if he ever slacks in his duties, they will all die. In fact, it's easier for him to let them die than to not. He clearly doesn't like doing all that killing, and it clearly makes him feel bad, and takes up a shitton of his time if nothing else, so it's probably occurred to him over, and over, and over, that maybe he should just... not! What if he just stopped.
Well, then everyone would die. Gl'bgolyb would raise her voice a little and it'd kill all the rust bloods, then the bronzes, the golds, the limes, the olives...
Wait! Is he feeling bad for them? He's not supposed to be feeling bad for the low bloods! Shit, shit, shit. Say a slur and then say something about how you WANT all the low bloods dead. PHEW. OKAY. SAFE. But that means you need to kill all the lowbloods. Because you said it, so it has to be true, and also, this is the way you're supposed to be. So, fuck, well, go commission a doomsday device. Okay, done. PHEW. It probably doesn't work, but nobody can say you didn't try! Hooray, you did it! You have performed a Sea Dweller Action! Oh it's time to go kill some people again. Damnit. Killing people sucks. It makes you feel bad, and it takes up so much of your time. What if you just didn't...
And we can see this with the way his lust for genocide is described. There's no mention of why he hates the land dwellers, no mention of how he believes society will improve with them gone, or even what they're doing that's so bad in the first place. He rambles at Feferi about "keeping the bloodlines pure" at one point, but this is clearly contradicted by him stating he wouldn't kill Kanaya, because what sort of friend would he be? (And the fact that he cares about Kanaya, Vriska, and the anon-blooded Karkat, who could be literally any blood color, at all!)
So yeah, like, the thing is, he doesn't want to kill them all. He even calls himself out for knowing his latest doomsday plot was a bust from the start:
You are almost starting not to care about this stupid doomsday device which probably won't even work. She probably KNOWS you know it won't work. She has probably put all the pieces together and knows it was an elaborate ruse to be in cahoots with her again.
And so does Feferi:
CC: None of your plots to kill t)(e land dwellers ever work out, and every doomsday device you get your )(ands on turns out to be a piece of junk! CA: so CA: i got to keep tryin thats howw all the great military masterminds became great through upright persevverance CC: I t)(ink deep down you stack t)(ese plots against you so you fail because you know it's wrong.
And here he is outright contradicting his stated goal of killing the land dwellers because, jegus, he'd never kill his friends:
CA: but somethin thatll kill all land dwwellers wwhat else wwould i be after GA: Can You Just For A Moment Entertain The Thoughts Of One Untouched By Megalomaniacal Derangement And Tell Me Why Id Want To Assist You With That CA: wwell CA: im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be fuckin unconscionable CA: wwhat kind of friend wwould i be
And a reminder that one of his closest friends at this point in time is Karkat, whose blood color is currently anonymous to his friend group, meaning he could be literally any blood color and Eridan wouldn't want him dead:
CC: You know, I'm not sure w)(y we never talk about our romantic aspirations. CC: We s)(ould more often. It is kind of -EXCITING! CA: shrug CC: Probably because you fill your gossip quota wit)( your nubby )(orned bro.
But Karkat also explicitly lumps himself in with the low bloods, so Eridan can't even use the excuse that Karkat might be nobility (but sea dwellers are still suppose to hate land dwelling nobility so that still wouldn't be a defense EVEN IF it was true):
Because Eridan does not want to genocide the land dwellers. He's just anxious.
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grandmother-goblin · 2 days
Savory and Sweet
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Ao3 - Masterlist
Summary: After Astarion finally confesses to his attempted manipulations and his real feelings for Orakith, he realizes that she didn't respond as well as he had initially thought. And Astarion was not about to let their first night in a real relationship end on a sour note.
Relationships: Astarion x Female!Tav
Rating: Mature (for non-explicit sexual content)
Word Count: 4.1k
Tags: Fluff, humor, non-explicit sexual content, comfort, Gale makes a minor appearance.
The weight on Astarion’s conscious had finally lifted after he came clean to Orakith about, well, nearly everything. About how he had lied to her, about how he manipulated her feelings, how he tried to make her fall for him without falling for her, and how that spectacularly backfired.
If he was being completely honest, he had no idea how Orakith would respond to his confession. She was the sweet sort — innocent and a bit naive. She was the type to help people, cry over a sleeping fawn or baby bunny, and make flower crowns when they stopped for a rest.
She was also a sorceress whose favored spells involved fire and poison, so she wasn’t the kind of person Astarion wanted to needlessly upset. Though he didn’t think she would ever direct that sort of magical wrath toward him, experience told him to remain cautious.
Pissing off magic users was rarely a good idea. Especially ones who didn’t have the best control over said magic.
Oraktih had listened to his explanation as his slow, undead heart pounded like the living. Her eyes were wide but her expression was nearly unreadable — then again, Astarion always had a little trouble reading her. When he had said all that he needed to, she pulled him into an embrace that was so perfect and warm that he never wanted her to let go.
“I care about you, Astarion,” she had said as she buried her face in his shoulder. “You mean the world to me and I’m so happy to have you as part of my life.”
There had been something slightly off about her voice. It was sincere, Astarion had no doubts about that. But it had a certain edge to it that Orakith only got when something went disastrously wrong, or she was trying to stay positive and keep up morale as the world burned around them.
She sounded happy.
Too happy.
When she stepped out of the embrace, she gave him a watery smile as she linked her little finger around his. “Thank you for telling me.”
It seemed everything went as well as it could have gone: Orakith didn’t get angry with him, she didn’t end their relationship, she didn’t even accidentally light him on fire in a surge of magic.
In fact, she gave him the sweetest, lingering kiss on his cheek before bidding him goodnight.
So when he heard soft sniffles and shaky sobs coming from her tent nearly an hour later, that weight that had been lifted off his consciousness dropped directly onto his heart.
He knew the sounds of someone trying to hide that they were crying all too well. The common courtesy under Cazador’s roof was simply to ignore whoever was upset. The spawn seldom had a moment of privacy, and they all broke down in tears at one point or another, and it was just easier to pretend it never happened because nothing could be done to make things better. Ignoring it was so deeply ingrained within him, Astarion nearly walked right past her tent simply out of habit.
If he had to take a wild guess, he could only assume Orakith’s tears had something to do with their conversation.
Astarion knelt beside the entrance of her tent, noting how golden tendrils of translucent magic tied the opening shut. “Orakith?” Astarion whispered tentatively. “Are you alright, my love?”
“I’m good.” Somehow, she managed to inject that falsely positive tone even through a stuffy nose.
She most certainly was not okay, considering how she decided to use her magic to effectively lock herself in her tent. “I can’t help but feel that, given our earlier conversation, you might be a bit upset with me.”
“I’m not upset with you,” she replied far too quickly.
“Darling.” Astarion tsked and shifted a little closer — close enough he could see her back turned toward him through the little slit in the entrance. “If you’re upset with me, I would really like to sort this out with you. Preferably sooner rather than later. Gods knows our friends are like vultures when it comes to any sort of… interpersonal issues.”
“Really, I’m okay.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re obviously not, so may I please come in?”
“I just need some sleep.”
Trees creaked and swayed in the midnight breeze. A lone sniffle penetrated the sounds of rushing water from the nearby river, but otherwise, she didn’t respond.
Astarion sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Part of him wanted to just crawl into her tent anyways, but he couldn’t with that magic keeping the tent sealed. It likely wouldn’t harm him, but he felt trying to dispel it and breaking into her tent was a bit too much even for him.
If she had wanted him to leave her alone, he trusted her to tell him — she had no problem doing so in the past. As much as hearing her cry tugged at his heartstrings, he would respect her decision. But she hadn’t asked him to leave, so he assumed that she just didn’t want to let him see her upset.
Which was a little ridiculous, when he thought about it. He had seen her cry before. Plenty of times, in fact. But most of those tears were the joyful sort — like when Scratch first showed up at their camp, or when Wyll made a joke at just the right moment, or when she found a trader who happened to sell her favorite cheese despite it being hard to come by.
An idea struck him and Astarion pushed himself to his feet. “I’ll be right back,” he said, and didn’t wait for a response as he made a beeline toward Gale’s tent.
Orakith had bought that trader’s entire supply of that particular cheese. Since it was more perishable than some of their other rations, Gale had offered her the use of a magic bag that he claimed would preserve the food for longer. Astarion hadn’t seen Orakith ask for the cheese since, so he assumed Gale still had it (provided that he didn’t eat it himself).
Softening his steps, Astarion crouched as he approached Gale’s tent. If he remembered correctly, Gale always kept his bags near the entrance of the tent, so all Astarion had to do was keep quiet as he —
“What are you doing?” Gale asked, a floating light above his book brightening with the question, casting an accusatory spotlight right on Astation’s face.
Damn. He was so caught up in trying to cheer up Orakith, he was only focused on getting the cheese from Gale’s pack without waking him up and never considered that Gale might not be asleep in the first place.
Astarion blinked at him.
Closing his book, Gale raised his brows in response like a teacher awaiting an explanation from a student as to why their homework was late.
“I missed you.”
Gale kicked at where Astarion’s knee pinned down the corner of his bedroll. “The real reason, Astarion.”
When the first couple of excuses that crossed his mind were somehow more ridiculous than the truth, Astarion sighed. “Orakith and I had a talk tonight and she’s a bit upset. Everything is fine, I think. I just wanted to bring her something to cheer her up and I know her favorite cheese is in your bag.”
Something about Gale’s expression softened. “Aww,” he said as an indulgent smile spread across his lips. “You really fancy her, don’t you?”
Astarion ran his hand through his hair impatiently. “Yes. Now give me the cheese. Please.”
A quiet chuckle shook Gale’s shoulders as he tugged the bag toward him, quickly finding a wedge of cheese that was wrapped in wax paper and about the size of his palm. “Here.”
“Just like that?” He carefully took the offering, half-expecting Gale to zap him the moment the wrapper touched his fingertips.
“Just like that,” Gale replied. “Besides, it’s not like it’s mine. Though, I would strongly suggest that you just ask me next time, hmm? But who am I to judge? Love can make fools of us all, and a bit of cheese is hardly the most foolish thing someone has tried to steal in the name of it. Believe me, I would know.”
Love. He wasn’t sure he would call it love, per say. His feelings toward Orakith certainly weren’t ones that he was familiar with, but it felt far too soon to call it ‘love.’
Hells, just a few hours ago he acknowledged out loud that his feelings were real. Love was far too much, but the thought of it didn’t fill him with disgust, envy, or apprehension.
It filled him with something like hope, and that was terrifying all on its own.
Astarion gave Gale a curt nod. “Thank you,” he said and he backed out of the tent as Gale bid him goodnight.
Well, that didn’t go as planned, but it certainly could have gone much worse.
Pushing that slightly awkward moment with Gale to the back of his mind, Astarion returned to Orakith’s tent. He knelt by the entrance and listened for a moment. There wasn’t any sniffling or crying, which was a good sign. Maybe? Or perhaps she had just fallen asleep during his brief absence. He tapped on the side of the tent, quietly rustling the fabric and said, “I’m back, darling.”
No answer.
So either she was ignoring him, or she had actually fallen asleep. If she was asleep, he certainly wasn’t above waking her up. After everything they talked about that night, he was not going to let her cry herself to sleep.
Not without at least trying to make things right.
“I, uhh.” Astarion glanced down at the wedge of cheese in his hand and furrowed his brow. “I brought you some cheese.”
There was a small snort of laughter from inside the tent. “You brought cheese?”
It wasn’t exactly the most traditional way to bribe someone, but it was the first thing that came to mind. It wasn’t exactly the most romantic gift either…
Perhaps he should have hunted down some flowers instead.
“Yes, and I had to talk to Gale to get it,” he replied, as if talking to the wizard was some torturous ordeal despite how he actually quite enjoyed Gale’s presence. Most of the time. “Now, may I please come in? I’d much prefer your company to his.”
“I’m not going to be the greatest company right now.”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”
He kept his tone light despite how his worries began to weigh him down. What if she changed her mind about him after she had had a bit more time to think? What if she couldn’t forgive him? What if her feelings for him couldn’t outweigh the pain he had caused her.
The entrance of the tent shimmered, and the anxiety balled up in his chest loosened as the magic keeping the opening sealed faded away. Not wasting another moment, Astarion crawled into the tent.
Inside, the only light came from a tiny dancing lights spell, each orb no bigger than a firefly. A faint amber glow and the moving shadows over soft furs and richly colored blankets gave the space a cozy yet magical feel to it. Crumpled up in the corner were the robes Orakith had been wearing earlier that evening.
Astarion frowned.
As long as he had known Orakith, she had some deeply ingrained habit to fold clothes. Or any sort of fabric. It came from years of working as a washerwoman, she had said. She found it soothing. He couldn’t even remember a time when Orakith hadn’t folded her clothes.
Or his clothes, for the matter.
Hells, even the first time they had had sex she ridiculously folded her clothes before she let him ravish her. It was probably the first time in decades that he had genuinely laughed with someone he was going to sleep with.
“Don’t judge me,” she said with poorly concealed mirth as his hand slipped around her waist from behind. “I don’t want my stuff to get wrinkled. I’ll get yours next.”
Astarion slowly kissed her neck, her pulse racing beneath his lips. His fingertips traced the firm contours of her abdomen. “A bit of rumpled clothing is all part of the fun.”
“Until you lose a sock.”
A laugh that was more like a smile passed his lips as Orakith carefully tossed her folded trousers atop her other clothes. His hand ventured lower, teasingly close to the heat between her legs without actually touching her there. “What’s a lost sock compared to getting lost in one another?”
“Cold toes, for one,” she said, seemingly unfazed by his wandering hands. “Where did you put your shirt? I’m folding it before — ”
She squeaked when he pulled her down on top of him, and then rolled her onto her back in the grass. Astarion pinned her hands above her head. “You really want to spend your time doing that when you could do something so much more — ” he delicately nipped at the corner of her jaw — “pleasurable.”
If she wanted to, she could easily escape his hold on her. Instead she laced her fingers through his, her eyes playful and bright beneath the light of the moon. “I think you’ll find it very pleasurable when you don’t have to wear a wrinkled shirt tomorrow morning.”
“Shh.” Astarion kissed down the column of her throat to her collarbone as she drew in a shaky breath. “Why don’t we just enjoy each other, hmm?”
She swallowed and nodded. “I’ll get them later.”
Astarion began to fold her clothes as the memory faded away. It wasn’t much, but it was a little something he could do for her. Or at the very least, it was one less thing she had to do for herself.
She kept her back turned toward him, still curled up in a fetal position, as he tucked the neatly folded garments in the corner of the tent. Not knowing the best place to put the cheese, he just set it on top of the pile since he didn’t expect it would stay there for very long.
“You didn’t have to do that for me,” she said stuffily.
“It was no trouble at all, my love.” Astarion crawled onto the empty space beside her on her bedroll, close enough to feel the warmth radiating off of her body.
As much as he wanted to lay down beside her and pull her against his chest, he remained sitting. Orakith normally liked being held, and he realized that he quite liked holding her in turn, but it didn’t feel like the right time for that. Instead, he placed a (hopefully) comforting hand on her bare shoulder and just watched her for a moment.
Soft golden light from her spell highlighted the ruby red and deep orange veins of color that blazed through her soft jade scales like flames through a prairie. Her iridescent sheen almost made it seem like her scales were always changing colors — so much so that many people couldn’t tell she was a green dragonborn at first glance. Most assumed that she was bronze or gold or copper due to the pigment granted by her draconic ancestry.
Yet when Astarion first saw her, he just thought she looked like a giant gecko.
Now whenever he looked at her his heart ached with a kind of affection he had one believed he could never feel again.
Prior to meeting Orakith, he had never given dragonborn much thought. There were only a handful of them in the city, and Cazador forbade his spawn from hunting them simply because dragonborn were so rare and people tended to keep close tabs on them. Or, at least, that was the reason Cazador gave — he probably just didn’t want to bite through a hide of scales.
For all the times he hadn’t paid attention to dragonborn before, he was certainly making it up now.
Astarion opened his mouth to say something, but found himself at a loss for words. Comforting someone who was upset, especially someone he cared about, was completely foreign territory. What in the Hells was he supposed to say? ‘There, there, I know you’re upset about me lying to you and manipulating you, but can you please stop crying because you’re making me feel even guiltier than I did before?’
Because that would go over so well.
Orakith’s arm shifted beneath his hand as she wiped at her face with the heel of her palm. “I’m sorry,” she said with a weak laugh, as if part of her was still trying to convince him that she was perfectly fine. “I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
“I can hardly see you at all, my love.” In an attempt to get her to look at him, Astarion gently tugged at her shoulder. “Roll this way so I don’t have to have a conversation with the back of your skull.”
She shook her head. “My face is a mess.”
“I have a handkerchief. Now roll over.”
With a huff, and thankfully very little fight, she flopped onto her back. Draping her arm over her eyes, she gave out an exasperated and pathetic whine. “I feel like a big baby.”
“You are a big baby,” Astarion said as he retrieved the handkerchief Orakith had embroidered with his name and delicate purple asters and morning glories from his pocket, “but not for being upset about — well, what I think you’re upset about.”
The corner of her lips twitched into a smile but it quickly faded away. “I shouldn’t be upset at all. You just told me something huge and here I am, making it all about me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Astarion brought the handkerchief to her dampened cheek and gently nudged her arm aside as he dried her face. “This is about you too. And if you’re upset then I would be a piss-poor boyfriend if I just let you cry it out.”
The smile returned to her face, bigger than before, but this time it didn’t immediately fade away. Oraktih never showed her teeth when she smiled, even going so far as to cover her mouth when she laughed. She said she didn’t want to frighten people. But Astarion’s stomach did a funny little flip when he caught a glimpse of white in her smile.
As far as he knew, he was the only person she let herself smile in front of without hiding it. It was a little thing, but it felt special. It made him feel special.
Bright, wet, orange eyes, glowing like a warm hearth, looked up at him as he traced her sharp cheekbone with the handkerchief. “Boyfriend?”
“Partner, lover, your little love leech — pick your poison, darling,” he said as he blotted at her face more playfully.
A giggle bubbled from her throat, and the sound was enough to make him smile in turn. Even if she was a little upset with him, at least he could still make her laugh. And she didn’t feel the need to hide it either.
That had to count for something
As her laughter subsided, Astarion tucked the slightly damp handkerchief back in his pocket. He lifted her hand and pressed a lingering kiss to her knuckles, gazing into the fire of her eyes as he did.
“I mean it,” he said as they both sobered, the mood considerably lighter than it had been just a minute ago. “I want what we have to be something real.”
Orakith sighed and watched the little dancing lights twinkling above them. “I do too,” she replied. “I mean, it was always real to me. But looking back on our early relationship now, I should have known that you weren’t always serious. I feel like a bit of a fool. And embarrassed. After all, the only time men, especially men as handsome as you, paid me any mind was when they wanted a discount on laundry services.”
Her tone was lighthearted and playful, but he could hear the hurt buried beneath.
“I never thought I stood a chance with you,” she went on as she picked at something nonexistent on one of her claws, “but when you asked me to spend the night with you at the party… and you actually met up with me…. Gods, I was afraid I was dreaming. No one had ever wanted me like that before, and I liked you so much that I was afraid I was going to mess everything up.”
Her eyes flickered back to his. “You were my first everything. My first kiss. My first time…. I was so nervous I think I started folding clothes,” she added with a laugh.
“Hold on,” he said as he raised his brows, his heart sinking in his chest. “You never told me that I was your first.”
As if he needed to feel like even more of a jackass, he had to add taking her virginity while he was manipulating her to his list of crimes.
Gods, how had he not noticed? Perhaps it was because she docilely let him take the lead that night. If he had noticed any nervousness on her part, he must have passed it off as the typical bit of uncertainty that came with sleeping with someone new. Not that the entire experience was new to her.
Orakith gave a little shrug. “Some of the washerwomen said that being so inexperienced at my age might scare some men off,” she said as if being in her mid twenties made her some sort of spinster. “They’d think I was saving myself, or that maybe something was wrong with me. Baldur’s Gate is a human city and…. Well, more people look at dragonborn as more of a curiosity than a romantic prospect.”
Astarion laced his fingers with hers. “Almost feel sorry for the poor fools that missed out on knowing how incredible you are. Almost.”
She gazed up at him and gave his hand a little squeeze. “You really mean that?”
“Do you really think I would go through all this effort if I didn’t?” he said and gestured toward where the cheese sat on top of her clothes. “I’ve never met anyone who cares the way you do, and I was an idiot for not seeing that sooner.”
A fresh tear rolled down her face, and for a brief moment, Astarion thought he had said the wrong thing before a little smile pulled at her lips. Her eyes crinkled with such genuine affection that it made his heart ache.
Astarion wiped away the tear with his thumb. Then he laid down beside her, propping his head up with his hand, and tsked. “You really are a mess tonight, aren’t you?”
“I warned you,” Orakith replied and shifted downward so she could nuzzle her face against his chest. “I would have been fine by the morning. I just needed some time to process.”
He slipped his hand behind the delicate that framed her face and she gave a little sigh of contentment. “For what it’s worth, my oh-so-brilliant plan backfired long before we first spent the night together.”
The tip of her tail draped over his calves as she slung her arms around his torso, hugging him closer. “That does make me feel a little better. So does you being here.”
“I also brought you cheese,” he recalled and trapped her tail between his legs.
She giggled. “That also helped.”
The floating lights above them dimmed as a comfortable silence fell between them. Astarion idly traced the scales on her back as a sense of calm gently washed over him. The doubt that had been lingering in his mind faded away with each passing second.
“Stay with me tonight?” she asked quietly, her voice muffled against his shirt. “We don’t have to do anything, I just like waking up next to you.”
Though it was new to him, Astarion liked waking up next to her as well. It was a pleasant surprise to go to bed with someone and have them still be there in the morning. He wasn’t sure how many more nights he would get with her like this, and he wasn’t about to waste a single one.
Even so, he sighed as if she had asked him to complete some insurmountable task. He pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. “I can do that.”
Author's Note: Thank you for reading! Comments are always appreciated!
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yujinnieswifeu · 2 days
Behind the public eyes
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Pairings: sub!fem reader x dom!ahn yujin
Warings: smut, LOTS OF SMUT!!, strap is referred as cock, fingering, lots of teasing, a lil edging.
a/n: guys..omg i swear i just got carried away and wrote and wrote, and now it’s super long cause i cant STOP!!!🧍🏻‍♀️Also this always happens, like when i have a certain plot, it always changes so yeah😭, really can’t stay with a certain plot like how bent i am🥴. Hope you enjoy this oneshot you horny peeps😋
Being together with an influencer was never easy. You had to deal with people going off about your girlfriend, Yujin in front of your face and not do anything about it since you two were still a secret, and only known to a few friends.
So when one day, you decided to see the comments on one of Yujin’s new post, you were furious to say the least. Oh how you wanted to throw your phone against the wall. Please step on me Yujin 🧎🏻‍♀️, i can bark for you 🗣️, please Yujin..one chance? And that was not it. It got even worse, like some of the comments were saying how they want to be fucked by her, oh..if they only knew Yujin fucks you every.single.day.
Gosh you so wanted to film you two when she pounds your pussy with her strap, or when she licks your cunt like she never had anything better and post it to brush it into her fans’s face! You really had to do something abo-
“Hey sweets, what you staring at there so intently?” There she was, the person that you want to see right now.
“Who is the only person you have your eyes on?” You said, trying to sound calm but your voice betrays you, your voice coming out rough and angry instead.
The silence was deafening to say the least, Yujin was blinking her eyes at you, a confused look plastered on her face as she brush her fingers through her hair, a nervous habit of hers that you soon noticed. “U-urm you? Why the question?” She mutters the last part, and you only glare at her, taking your phone instead and you sat back at the edge of the bed, trying to calm yourself down instead as you took deep breaths.
You could feel the bed deep, and her arms over yours, her head next to yours in a slow manner, eyes looking at you to see if you were fine with what she was doing and you just looked away from her, knowing she was pouting like a lost puppy now as she plants a soft kiss along your temples. “Tell me sweets?” She says soothingly, her fingers now brushing in your hair as you could feel yourself relax in her hold.
“Maybe i saw the comments in your post.” You hinted, looking down at your lap as you played with your fingers, suddenly feeling a little sad and at the same time jealous, that you did not want her to know. Unbestowed to you, Yujin was grinning, totally understanding now why you were this angry when she came into the room, why you had asked her that question. You were jealous.
Soon, you could hear her chuckling, and you frowned at her, not understanding how any of this was funny. “What are you laughing at Ahn.” You rolled your eyes, pushing her away now as you stood up to get your things. “Mm i don’t know hun? Maybe someone was jealous?” She grinned, that sickening smirk that makes you glare at her, and she stood in front of you, taking the things in your hand away from you and placing the somewhere else.
“I-i am not?” You rolled your eyes, feeling the hotness against your cheeks as you try to look away from her. “Ah ah..you were, why did you ask me that then?” She says, her finger went to grip at your chin making you look up at her as you let out a small whine.
“I said why?” She asked again, this time, she sounded more serious and you could only gulp, unable to look away from her as you said nothing, feeling your cheeks flush embarrassingly. “Tell me y/n, why?” It was more of a command now, her eyes now staring deep into yours as you pout. “I-i..i was…jealous.” You whimper, eyes darting to the ground instead as you look at the floor shamefully, feeling your hands curl in a fist.
She lifts your chin this time, making you look at her. “Good girl. Now tell me…who is the only one for me?” Her question makes a shiver runs down your spine, looking back into her eyes as your heart raced with each passing second.
“Me?” You bit your bottom lip, which she did not like as she placed her thumb there. “Hm, i did not ask you for you to ask me back. I said who?”
“M-me!” You quickly say, your heart was thumping so hard at this point, you were sure Yujin could hear it. “Yes, that’s right. Now…i’m going to make you see that, would you like that hm?” She husked out, and you nod your head desperately. It only causes her to smirk, pushing you face down against the mattress as you whimper out in need, pushing your hips back over her and she only chuckles at your desperate attempt to get off to something.
Poor you, just wanting her to ruin you at this point and she was just taking her own sweet time. “Mm, what an impatient little thing.” She mocks, and you whimper more, grinding yourself back against her, giving her a show.
“P-please?” You whine out, feeling her hands grip at your hips to stop your movements instead, and you groan softly.
“Please what?” She whispers against your ear, the feeling of her front against your back makes you let out a small gasp, wanting so much to feel her skin on yours.
“Please Yuji— ahh!” You cry out instead, feeling a smack against your ass making your body tense suddenly, your back arching more. “Say it again.”
“P-please mommy.” She hums approvingly, now planting soft kisses along the back of your neck which makes you shiver slightly, feeling sensitive. “That’s my good girl.” She raspily says, which makes you clench your thighs together from the throbbing feeling between them.
You could feel her fingers drag along your spine, your breathing hitches as she drags them even lower, resting over the back of your sweatpants. You let out a small moan, moving your hips as you try to ease the feelings between your thighs. Yujin only chuckled cruelly from behind, her hands goes to grip at your waist, making you stop your movements. Instead, she slowly pulled down your pants, looking down to see a damp spot on your panties, grinning wickedly.
“So wet for me when i haven’t even started?” She rasps against your ear, her breath tickling your ear as you writher under her. “Need more please?” You begged, and she hummed in response. “What do you want mommy to do?” She says against your ear, now going to suck at your earlobe, as you bit your bottom lip harshly. “N-nghh mommy…want you to eat me please?” The desperation in your voice was so loud, it only makes Yujin grin even wider, her ego boosted as her fingers inches nearer to your now drenched core, feeling the heat of your arousal on her fingers.
“And how will i do that? You need to elaborate right?” She teases you, and you could feel your cheeks turning red. Instead of responding, you stayed silent, too embarrassed to say those lewd thoughts out like how Yujin always wanted.
“I asked you..a. fucking. question.” She emphasised on her words, which made you even more wet, feeling your arousal leek from your poor hole. You whimper as you clench your thighs together, which she separates them with her legs instead.
“M-mommy!” You cry out, and she lands another smack on your ass cheeks. “Answer me.” She warns, and you could feel the lump forming at the back of your throat. The thoughts from earlier now flooded your brain, images of how Yujin were to eat you out in your mind makes your clit throb painfully. “Y-you would use your tongue over my clit…maybe your fingers in my hole too.” You groan softly, the thought of it making you squirm under her. Within seconds, your panties were aside as she stuffs her face into your aching hole, eating you out just how you wanted. You let out a gasp, a long moan followed right after as you grasp at the sheets tightly. The sensation of her tongue against your clit as she flicks it repeatedly has you rolling your eyes back, pushing yourself back against her face as you desperately chase your high over her face.
She moves away from your hole, gripping your hips harshly. “You better continue talking, or i will stop.” She warns, before going back to eating you out. You whimper against the sheets, knowing what she meant and all your mushy brain could register was how good she was eating you out. “You wo-would lick your tongue f-faster against my clit…mmnngh..a-and add a finger i-in.” Your words comes out as stutters, but Yujin knew exactly what you meant, licking at your clit faster, as she slowly enters a finger inside of your tight walls, groaning slightly at how tight you were for her.
After a while, you were a moaning mess, feeling your impending orgasm nearing as your breathing becomes more ragged. Yujin sensed this and stopped her movements, pulling herself away as she lands a slap on your ass cheeks, hearing you whine and writher on the sheets at the loss of your orgasm.
“M-mommy no! I was going t-to cum!” You almost sob at your own words, now a little teary eyed and Yujin only gives you a warning look, one which makes you shiver as you quieten down instead. “You stopped talking so i did not continue.” She says instead, manhandling you on the bed as she pushes you on your back instead, your front against hers. Now only did you realise that she was still clothed, and you still had your shirt on. “Mommy, can we remove these?” You looked at her shirt, tugging at it slightly which almost makes her smile, but she pushes that aside, her eyes locked on yours instead.
“Sure baby, i think you’ve been a good girl for me.” She nears your lips, giving them a peck before removing her shirt, your eyes roams over her body almost instantly. She catches you staring and grins, her head tilted. “Like what you see baby girl?” That nickname makes a shiver run down your spine, eyes staring back up at her as you could feel your cheeks heat up. “Y-yes, you always look so good mommy.” You gulped, hands slowly moving to cup at her breasts, normally, she wont let you do so, but she lets it slide this time, letting you massage her breasts instead as she moans softly. You look up at her, watching her eyes closed in pleasure as your finger circles over her tits, and she lets out a throaty moan. It only makes you more drenched, you were sure your arousal was all over the bed at this point.
“Mm..that’s enough.” Her hands grabs your wrists over your head, now taking over control as you let out a small whine. “I want to hear more about what you want me to do with you baby.” She whispers against your lips, her eyes locked on yours instead as she presses her front against you, making you let out a small moan as you feel her harden nipples brush yours underneath your shirt. “W-why mommy?” You whine out, and watch as she grins almost wickedly. “Hm..i don’t know, maybe someone said earlier how they wanna be fucked by me?” She teases, and you could feel your cheeks turn even redder, your heart racing, now realising what you thought you said in your mind was actually what you said out loud. You were sure Yujin was enjoying all of this.
“Yujin…” you groan, pulling at your wrists which she had trapped above your head with her strong grip. Gosh, you must have looked like a tomato by now! “It’s mommy darling.” She hisses out instead and you whimper. “Mommy…please stop teasing?” You whine out, and she only giggles, touching her forehead against yours. “Mm..you just have to say it one more time.” She taunts, making you pout up at her, watching as she grins her infamous grin.
“Mommy..want you to use your s-strap on me please?” It comes out as a squeak, your heart racing as you look into her dark orbs, she leans in, pressing a soft kiss on your lips before pulling away. “That’s my good girl.” Her voice comes out husky, and you whimper softly. She pulls herself away completely from you this time, asking you to wait for her and remove your shirt in the meantime as she goes to take her strap. Soon, she comes back, and you immediately notice it was your favourite one. It wasn’t too long or too wide, and girthy enough to look like the real thing. You could feel the water in your mouth as you stare at it, and she smirks.
“You’re drooling baby.” She says, her voice deep with desire as she gets on the bed with you, nearing your face with the faux cock as she smacks the tip over your lips teasingly, it only makes the feeling between your thighs intensify as you part your lips, feeling her slowly slide her cock between your lips, and you moan around it. She groans softly at the sight below her, biting her bottom lip as she stares down at your submissive form, moving the toy slowly into your mouth, before moving her hips back. She keeps doing the same movement, before starting to move faster, watching as you choke against the toy, bringing some tears to your eyes as she let out shaky breaths.
Her hand goes to your hair, stroking your hair as she praises you. “Fuck baby, taking me so well, you like how it feels around your mouth?” And you hum around her cock instead, teary eyes staring up at her as she continue to abuse your mouth. When she sees your tears sliding down your face, she pulls away, contented with what she has done as she goes lower, now sliding her cock up and down between your folds teasingly. “P-please!” You whine, now moving your hips desperately over her cock, and she pushes her tip slowly past your hole, watching your brows furrow in pleasure, your lips parting slightly as you moan.
“So fucking tight.” She groans, starting to move slightly faster, the sight of you losing control over yourself, and fucked dumb makes her hips snap faster into you, making your cry out in pleasure as you make grabby hands at her, and she gets the message, moving her body over yours as she plants kisses along your neck, her fingers goes over to play with your nipples, hearing you moan even louder for her as she groans softly. It gets harder for her to move inside of you, and she knows you were close. Your fingers now clawing at her back as she hisses, the feeling when she slides back in and the tip hits over your cervix, feeling the pressure against her own clit makes her move even faster inside of you, chasing her own orgasm as well.
“M-mommy need to cum!” You desperately say, hands now lost in her hair, pulling at them slightly as she groans softly against your skin, her thrust becoming more erratic as she nears too. “Cum..cum with me baby.” She whispers feverishly against your lips, kissing you with hunger as you kissed her back with the same hunger, cumming undone together as you tremble under her, she lets out a small moan against your lips, her eyes closed as she thrust one last time inside of you. “All mine.” She says, panting slightly now as she pulls herself out, removing the strap from herself as she places it on the floor next to the bed, planting a soft kiss to your forehead before bringing you closer to her, spooning you.
She looks down at you, watching you still trying to catch your breath as she plays with your hair. After a while, she breaks the silence between you two. “Did i show you enough?” She mutters, and you look back up at her, eyes still slightly hazy but able to get her question, a lazy smile playing in your lips. “Mhm..i love you Yujin.” You say lazily, and she smiles lovingly back down at you. “And i love you too y/n, no one can ever replace you, remember that okay?” She says, planting a soft kiss to your lips as you could feel your cheeks turning red again. “Yes, i will always remember mm.” You respond shyly, and she giggles at your reaction.
“By the way, i will let my fans know about us tomorrow.” She says, before hugging you tighter in her arms, planting a soft kiss to your temple this time as you smile against her skin.
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moonfromearth · 6 hours
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On Repeat - an oc tag by @elderwisp
"rules are pretty simple, pick as many (or as little) oc's as you'd like and find a song that you relate to them the most! feel free to mention why too! o and tag some more ppl too! that would be cool!"
I may have gone a little overboard 😅 To be honest this tag came around at just the right time! I'd just gotten a new song association and have been working on schoolwork so much that I really needed to do something creative 😆
Originally these were all going to be in similar editing styles (more like Corey's) but somewhere along the way that stopped because I had different ideas that I really wanted to do. Also I cheated a little and a few got more than one song... 🤫
I'm really proud with all of these in the end, and if you want to read more about the stories behind them you can check below the cut! ❤️
I know I'm pretty late to the party now buuut I'll tag: @igglemouse @swiftviolets @stargazer-sims @auspexsims and @seniorpollinationtechnician. Feel free to ignore though if you've already done it/don't want to! 😁
[deep dive under cut!]
"Holiday" - Green Day:
This song being here is random song association at its finest. The trail pretty much goes "Holiday" by Green Day > Surf's Up > Beach Vibes > Sulani > Globetrotter Challenge > Corey Song. If that makes sense... 😂 Pretty much, you can blame the Sulani round of the Globetrotter Challenge for it, plus the fact that I feel like it's the type of song/genre Corey would use in his own music.
"Catch Me If You Can" - Set It Off:
Now, it would be a crime to talk about songs and Corey without a song by Set It Off. Corey was created when I was listening to their songs a lot, and it definitely rubbed off on him. From his aesthetic to the songs I imagine him playing, a lot of it came from Set It Off. Even his name was derived from the band's lead singer (although changed from Cody to Corey because that's the route my mind took with it idk). So, this song in particular specifically reminds me of Corey for... Honestly probably obvious reasons 😆 "Catch Me If You Can" was pretty much the theme of his Globetrotter Challenge, where he was constantly moving on the run from the law. A line I really like though for him is the part that says, "I only feel at home when I'm on the run," because I feel like that leads into the deeper aspects of Corey. He really isn't at home anywhere, he's always on the move, even when he's not evading capture anymore. There's a certain non-permanence to everything he does. Something funny about the image itself is that it originally wasn't going to be edited to look like the back cover of a CD. When I took the picture of Corey with the guitar I kind of thought "this looks like the back cover of a CD" and when editing I just needed a way to fill the space at the bottom and it turned into a CD back cover edit 🤣 It actually kind of fits though since both of these songs are the sound I associate with Corey's own music so it worked out in the end.
"Unopened Windows" - Set It Off:
So this one is the context behind this post lol. It's been like two years since I started working on this plotline I have to finish it eventually 😆 Anyway, Lizzy's been teased in many tag games so far, but without a name or much information (note: and this name's not final I'm not sure yet). Here you can probably guess based on the song choice how her story goes 😅 Going back to the epilogue of the Globetrotter Challenge, we see that something is going on, and it leads to Lizzy and her dad being separated. So, the entire song lyrically I really felt spoke to them and their situation (more in a future gameplay 😉). Bonus points for it being a Set It Off song, who I associate with Corey, and thought music could have been something that they bonded over and enjoyed together. I have a few things to say about the image itself because it was a struggle but I looooove how it turned out! It turned out essentially how I imagined it with Lizzy playing guitar in the foreground with a sort of memory of her time with her dad in the background. I probably had about five or six different poses that I put in the background because I couldn't decide which one I liked the best 😆 This was the last image I had to work on out of the four, and I was having trouble with how I wanted the song title to look. While I was browsing for overlays and stuff I came across a lot of cutout style poems and ended up adding in some of the lyrics because I thought it would help explain the concept behind the image. In the end this one is one of my favorites which is unbelievable considering how much I thought it was not going to turn out like I imagined 🥰
(Sorry I don't have a name for her yet and don't want to commit to a temporary one 😭)
"Little Chaos" - Orla Gartland:
In a wonderfully serendipitous coincidence, this was the song association I was very into when getting tagged, and was already planning what became this edit! I rarely have song associations for sims/sims stories (despite how many ended up coming together here) so that's why I'll never get over how well timed this all was (thanks again elderwisp!!) On to the song, it has to do with my upcoming gameplay story centered around the For Rent game pack, and starring the pictured sim (who doesn't have a name yet sorry! 😅). She's going through a bit of a tough time where she's very lost and I thought the lines, "And it's a good day for a meltdown. All my thoughts getting too loud," fit really where she's at, especially at the start. Plus, the vibes are perfect. The image itself was inspired by the song's MV and one part in particular, but it looks a lot different now (I was limited by the poses I could find because I refuse to sit down and learn to make my own yet). I liked this idea of the torn pages framing the image, especially because it plays into the plot, which sees the main character do a lot of journaling throughout the story. So, the lined paper had to do with that, and it doubled as being good for making the letters stand out, which I wanted to be big and misaligned to be more "chaotic," though I think that could have been done more/better. Aaaaand the background is a picture of Tomarang, where the story takes place. To be honest this will probably be the cover image once I finalize a name and get started on playing it 😉
(no he also doesn't have a name yet same as above 😆)
"Ferryman" - Schafer James and Will Wood:
I've actually been having a lot of fun with this character since initially creating him back before the Horse Ranch pack came out (more on him coming out in a few days for the outlaw challenge 😉). So this song.... The entire concept of our ghost cowboy is that he, being somewhat half dead and half alive, winds up being a good source of convincing "unwilling souls" to cross over, and works with the character Death to do so in exchange for finding out why he's not entirely dead. I'll explain it better another time, but I also really love this song and just thought that the concept of the ferryman and the ghost cowboy as ferriers of the dead.
"Toss A Coin To Your Witcher (Epic Version)" - Samuel Kim and Black Gryph0n:
Liiiiisten... My family made me watch three seasons of The Witcher I had to get something out of it 😆 I joke a lot that this character gives off Geralt vibes but honestly they are definitely super similar just based on their overall aesthetic and horse companions. I wanted to be special though and chose this epic cover instead of the original... Just for fun 😁 There were some cool piano covers too that almost made the cut. This is probably a good place to talk about the actual image (yay!). I hope the visibility on it isn't too bad because it ended up waaaay more cluttered than I originally intended, plus the mist effect definitely makes it harder to see the characters. I made his (also unnamed) horse a little more transparent to try and give off this ghostly see through effect so I hope that comes through. The font isn't the kind of "wild west wanted sign" font that I wanted, but I think it's close enough lol.
Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik
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Forbidden Desires - my boss - Part 1
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My boss has always had a certain allure to him. He may not be a model, with his extra pounds and graying beard, but he exudes an aura of masculinity. I try my best to hide any hint of my fantasies, especially since our relationship has been strictly professional and even friendly since I started working here one year ago. He seems to appreciate my work, and I strive to be the model employee. But deep down, I can't help but imagine walking into his office for something other than just dropping off the weekly sales report... His 'daddy bear' demeanor in a suit is incredibly alluring. However, what was once just a fantasy has become slightly more complicated with this upcoming business trip. The news that I would be accompanying the big boss on our company's annual conference in Chicago has stirred up conflicting emotions within me.
As the day of departure approached, I found myself both nervous and excited about the trip. It was a rare opportunity to spend extended time with my boss outside of the office, and I couldn't deny the flutter of anticipation in my stomach. Packing my bags, I tried to push aside any inappropriate thoughts that crept into my mind. This was a business trip, after all.
Arriving at the airport, I spotted him waiting by our gate, looking as handsome and commanding as ever in his tailored suit. He greeted me with a warm smile, and we boarded the plane together. The hours in the air passed quickly with work-related discussions and polite small talk.
As we checked into our hotel in Chicago, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of spending the next few days in such close proximity to him. But as we entered our shared suite, I reminded myself to maintain professionalism at all times.
Little did I know that this business trip would test my resolve in ways … I never could have imagined. The first day of the conference went smoothly, with my boss leading meetings and networking with other professionals in our industry. As we returned to our hotel room that evening, I excused myself to take a quick shower before dinner.
As I stepped out of the bathroom, my body still damp from the shower and wrapped in only a towel, I was shocked to see my boss leaning against the window. He had his back to me as he changed into fresh clothes, but I couldn't help but steal glances at his muscular chest and strong arms.
Feeling my heart racing and heat rising to my cheeks, I quickly looked away, trying to compose myself. But the desire stirring within me was growing stronger by the second.
"Sorry, I thought I would have time to change before you finished your shower," my boss said with a casual smile as he turned to face me. "I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
Suppressing a shaky smile, I desperately repeated the mantra "Don't get turned on, don't get turned on!" His intense gaze bore into me as he asked if I wanted anything from downstairs. My reply was a stammered mess, trying to mask my embarrassment and will my body not to betray me by getting hard. As he left the room, I exhaled a shaky breath of relief... only to realize my cock was fully erect and pulsating with arousal. Hurriedly grabbing some clean clothes from my suitcase, I caught sight of my boss's socks lying innocently on the corner of the bed. An irresistible impulse took over as I brought them up to my face, burying my nose in their musky scent without a second thought. The rush of pleasure was overwhelming as my penis leaked precum, revealing in the potent masculine aroma emanating from the fabric. I couldn't resist any longer and eagerly tasted the sweat-soaked socks with my tongue, savoring every drop of testosterone-laden essence.
In that moment, I was lost in an intoxicating frenzy of lust and desire. My fingers reached down to my pulsating erection, and I began to stroke myself slowly, relishing the silky texture of the socks against my skin. The sensation of my own arousal mixed with the scent of my boss's sweat filled my mind and body.
images flash through my mind, his smug face at his desk, feet propped up, barking orders for me to serve him.'' Take off my shoes and lick my feet !"
My hands tremble as I grab one of his dirty socks and wrap it around my throbbing cock. With a perverse hunger, I taste the other sock with my tongue, imagining it's his sweaty foot flesh. It all becomes too much and I explode in ecstasy, a guttural moan escaping my lips. But as reality crashes back in, I'm left holding the evidence of my taboo act, consumed by shame and the fear of being caught.
Out of breath and reeling from the intensity of my climax, I quickly wiped the remnants of my release with the damp towel. My heart was pounding, and adrenaline rushed through my veins. I realized that I had no idea what time it was or how long he had been gone. I couldn't shake the guilt or the thrill of the taboo act. The scent of my boss's socks still lingered in the air, a potent reminder of my sinful actions.
As I carefully disposed of the socks, a wave of paranoia washed over me. What if he came back early? Or caught a whiff of the forbidden aroma? My mind raced with hypothetical scenarios, and I knew that I had to find a solution. I couldn't let my feelings for him cloud my judgment or put my job in jeopardy. And yet, the thought of his commanding presence and the pleasure he had given me was too powerful to ignore. My mind was in a constant tug-of-war between my desire and my fear.
In a state of intense confusion, I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood, hoping to clear my head. As I stepped outside, I couldn't help but feel the lingering effects of the intimate encounter with my boss's socks. The air outside felt fresh and invigorating, but all I could think about was the taboo act I had committed.
I aimlessly wandered, trying to distract myself from the overwhelming thoughts. Eventually, I stopped at a coffee shop and returned to my room. And there he was, holding his dirty socks with my cum on them, waiting for me...
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ordinaryschmuck · 23 hours
Inside Out 2 is More Emotional and More Impactful
Gonna be honest, I wasn't PUMPED for Inside Out 2. I wasn't AGAINST seeing it and it WAS a sequel I was sure could work. As we grow up, are emotions become more complex as new challenges arrive in life as WE grow up. Yeah, the Puberty Alarm could have started and ended as a gag that didn't NEED to go anywhere, but it would have been welcomed if it did. So I could tell that it would have worked...but given the rough year Disney had in 2023 and how they continue to make weird decisions like this?
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Yeah, it didn't really encourage me to be on the movie's good side. But my mom wanted to see it and I couldn't say no because it's been a while since WE'VE seen a movie together. So we went out, watched it, and...my goodness gracious, do I LOVE this movie.
There ARE some sequel rehashing, which really is what stops this movie from being a truly great sequel. Emotions are once again shoved out of headquarters while ones people perceive as "bad" are struggling to control Riley and give her the best possible life. HOWEVER, they DO mix things up.
Firstly, the humor feels stronger than the first. The banter with the Emotions are as great as ever, with the newcomers adding some great jokes and dynamics. It cracked me up with how much Fear thirsted over Anxiety, which makes way too much sense. And there's still all the jokes about the mindscape and all that happens when a teen hits puberty. The scene in Riley's Secrets Vault is filled with jokes that cracked me up to no end, with these two 2D characters having the best jokes in the entire movie. I really wish they were in it more.
As for the animation, it, as always, improved from the last film. Pixar once more proves that they can top themselves with more details, fluidity, expressions, and even experimentation. Like I said, there's this 2D character, and they come with 2D props that the 3D characters interact with. And I love how cartoonish the Emotions look or move, creating great juxtaposition with the more realistic yet semi-stylized world Riley lives in. It's part of what I loved about the first movie, and it feels stronger here.
And while there ARE some rehashes, the movie carries on some things from the last in a GOOD way. Joy remembers her lesson about how there's no bad emotions, and tries to greet the newcomers with open arms and optimism. Only to be met with Anxiety, who brilliantly acts as a negative mirror to Joy and how she acted in the last film. Anxiety wants to help Riley HER way, taking charge and pushing away or neglecting other emotions to make Riley's life fit her idea of "better." It shows what COULD have happened if Joy never learned the importance of Sadness or the others, which is actually a smart way to go about these characters. And, yeah, there is ANOTHER rehash with Joy doing something in the last movie to learn the big lesson, but it IS necessary for her to learn how to properly confront, and even help, Anxiety.
And then we get to that ONE scene. You'll know it when you see it. It's a scene where it shows what happens when we let Anxiety consume us. A scene...that makes me want to go back to this for a second:
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When I was watching that scene, it made me felt seen, almost like the movie was talking directly at ME. Because I've experienced the EXACT emotions that THAT scene conveys. Hell, I've experienced them recently, as I cried at work THREE times because anxiety took over for too long. Others might have had an experience like that, but it's something I'VE felt and I don't know if it's exactly common enough for EVERYONE to experience. That's what you take away when you ignore a director's catharsis for the sake of making a fifth fucking TOY STORY!
You miss reaching out to people who experienced certain things in certain ways and giving something to point to when someone asks "What's wrong?" Another example is Ratatouille, which perfectly captures the love of creation and art, all through a rat that controls a human as a puppet. It enacts an experience or emotions that a specific kind of people can appreciate, just through a story that's fun and enjoyable through all. Turning Red is about a teen trying to stand up to her mom, but that teen also turns into a giant red panda. Luca is about a boy discovering himself during a summer, but through two fish-boys who just want to buy a vespa. And Inside Out 2 is about how our own self-perception can destroy us and that change is good, but it uses silly emotions going on an adventure in the brain.
Inside Out 2 is GREAT. I'm not even going to dignify the question of whether or not it's better than the first one with a response. I'll just say that it improves on a lot of things despite it still redoing SOME aspects. But with its strong themes and fun new characters, it leads to a sequel more emotional and more impactful. Watch it if you haven't (though, box office numbers suggest you already HAVE), because it'll definitely make you feel things.
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mtkay13 · 2 days
hi! I have a question, i dont quite understand why zhou zishu is drawn to wen kexing, would you be able to help me? Esp in the earlier chapters, i just get the vibe that he's annoyed with him and doesn't want the guy's company. Do you know when he starts having feelings for wkx or how it progressed? I know zzs is very composed and in pain due to the seven nails so maybe i missed it while being focused on the plot, or maybe the translation is confusing me
Hello there!!! I'm sorry for the time I took to reply, I've been quite busy lately and I am currently taking sort of a break from this fandom (I'm not done or anything haha, just focusing on other things atm.) Anyway! Since you sent two asks, I'm going to quote the other one as well here and reply to both at once! :) Here's your second ask:
i think i answered my own question, i saw the ask where you recommended a certain translation, and the translation is completely different from the one i read. In one, zhou zishu comes off as annoyed w wen kexing and i had a hard time figuring out why tf he was even bothering to meddle. In the other, he comes off as an inquisitive person who suspects more to the situation and to wen kexing, and he's drawn in. Not to sound like an idiot but i understand why there's so many translations of greek classics now. The word choice make the interpretation completely different. I wish i could learn mandarin and learn what the original work says. Random but do you know if it'll ever get an official translation? It has a TV show and all, wouldn't it be marketable to western audiences? Question by the same Anyonymous person
As you put it yourself, yeah, the translation and tone does a lot to indicate what ZZS sees in WKX. I feel like there has been a widely shared sentiment that ZZS is pretty much fed up with him for the better part of the book's first half, and while I think it's a front that he puts up indeed, I feel like the original version and some of the translations do a good job of showing how ZZS finds WKX very intriguing, likely very strong and quite handsome (haha). I like to feel like he started developing a crush quite early on in the book, already seduced by WKX's deep and suave voice in chapter 2. From then on, more and more details about him catch ZZS' interest--WKX's appearance, mystery, his strength and martial arts expertise, and of course the way they seem to profoundly understand each other. It seems to me like there's a big shift during the campfire scene where ZZS recognises WKX's sword technique as being Wen Ruyu, the two of them thus discussing WKX's ancestry and, following that, what it means to be a good or bad person. The connection feels so strong during that conversation that it seems very likely to me that they both started falling in love from then on. Overall, where the translation may play a big role in perceiving ZZS' attraction is how "human and lively" he may seem in some versions. His quirks and "humanness" come out stronger in the ones I have recommended (IMO at least) and thus comes off as much warmer and fun. Through that characterisation, the nuance of him expressing one thing (annoyance) but feeling another (interest) is easier to understand. So yeah, indeed, translation sure is something! Haha, and there are many stories of disagreements and re-interpretations of classics even within professional translators (because for how much I can sometime criticise some versions of TYK, it's important to reiterate that these are all fan translations provided by people kindly dedicating their time and ressources to translate for free--most of the time (cough)--and share for free as well.) Well, I can only wish for you to get to read it in mandarin one day, because it's really, really great (and mandarin is just a fascinating language altogether!!) As for the official translation... I'm not very optimistic. It seems like getting publishing rights is rather complicated to begin with, and on top of that, TYK is currently locked on jjwxc (the website where it was initially published) due to censorship, which I feel makes it even more difficult. Priest has expressed in a rather recent socmed post that she didn't want to edit TYK (whether to censor it or for publication) because it was too old, so it's quite possible that she just isn't interested in putting in the work for TYK to be officially published and translated. That being said, it's just my opinion/analysis of the situation, and I may very well be wrong! Anyway, many thanks for coming to me and trusting my opinion, and I wish you a wonderful day!! 💗💗💗
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askthe-r-m-au · 3 days
Yeeeee I'm finally doing this-
Restarting the old R-M fic
(It's on my main account but it's pretty old... so...)
uhh just so yall know as lore gets added onto the AU things might change
Feel free to ask me here or on my blog directly
[ @dayseedrawz2 ]
Ok now onto the Fic!
[The Ring-Misstress | Chapter 1: an alliance]
☆Welcome... to the AMAAAAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS!!! My name is Caine!!! And I'm here to show you the most Jaw-dropping,Heart-stopping, MIND-BENDING parraphinallia you have EVER LAYED YOUR...☆
Blah blah blah... that's all Pomni could hear. She'd been a part of the circus crew for about a week or 2 now?? Maybe more?? Eh, who's counting. Not her! Long enough to know that Caine's daily routine consists of him rambling on about the adventure they'll have that day for at least 5 minutes. So she had plenty of time to dissociate.
Not that she minded Caine's endless rambling. In a way, it was actually kinda comforting, weirdly. Like listening to white noise to fall asleep. She was too busy in her own world to make out completely what he was saying, though. "Blah blah blah, adventure, blah blah blah code, blah blah blah Pomni, blah- Pomni?"
♧Gah! Huh?? Wha??♧
The Jester was suddenly brought back to reality (unfortunately).
☆You got all of that, right??☆
♧Caine, I don't really care what you have set up for the next adventure-♧
☆My dear, that's the thing!! Today's adventure is unfortunately canceled because SOMBODY just had to EAT AN ENTIRE CHUNK OF CODE...☆
The ringmaster angrily turned towards Bubble.
°○I regret nothing○°
Caine could only groan in frustration before he poked bubble, who disappeared with a "Pop!"
☆... Well then, with that outta the way, I suppose you all enjoy your day off!! I'll be out here if anyone needs me!☆
The crew set off to their rooms, including Pomni. She turned towards the hallway with everyone else, being the last one to her room. But just as she was about to reach for her door, she noticed something...
What looked to be some sort of glitch?? Should she call Caine?? She wasn't sure... but she decided to anyway.
♧Uhh, Caine??♧
No answer. Oh, well. Guess he must've left to prepare the next adventure. That's all he ever does. I mean, he isn't a real person. There's probably not much else he'd want to do.
She took a double-take at the weird thing she'd seen.
♧Wait a second...♧
What at first seemed like just a jumble of 1's and 0's infact, was not. She recognized this... A string of code...
She could read it.
♧"01010101 00100000 01001100 00100000 01000010 00100000 01000010 00100000 01000101"♧
Hesitantly, she reached for the string of code...
Just then, a familiar voice hurriedly approached...
☆My sincerest apologies dear!! It seems my WackyWatchTM must've missed your message!! I hope I'm not too- Huh?☆
Pomni was fidgeting with the numbers. Scrambling them around, trying to make something of them. Eventually, she left them in a certain order. The numbers formed a sphere and slowly dissappear, leaving a familiar transparent ball...
°○Wow!! That was weird!! I'm gonna go now!!○°
And with that Bubble floated off to who knows where.
Pomni stared down at her hands. In them, few little bits of code, like glitter, slowly faded away.
She looked up from her hands startled to see that Caine had been floating there the entire time. He looked almost- dumbfounded...
☆How... did you do that??☆
Pomni seemed a bit confused at the question.
♧Y-you code things all the time what do you mean??♧
☆Yeah no- how did you do that without a Cane??☆
He gestured to his cane that was floating beside him.
♧I- Well- I dunno I just- sorta reached out and-♧
☆Well dear, I'm quite impressed!! Not only because of that but- I've never seen that sorta thing happen to bubble before...☆
He muttered under his breath.
☆Say... Perhaps whenever you aren't busy with adventures, like today, you could help out with bugs and stuff!! How's that sound??☆
He look right into Pomni's eyes, almost pleading, in a way... Pomni thought about the offer for a moment.
What if... there were a code for the exit..?
Maybe... just maybe... helping the ringmaster was her ticket out of here!! To get on his good side!!
♧Uhh, yeah sure.♧
☆Well then, I understand if you d- wait, really?☆
♧I guess so.♧
She couldn't believe it!! He was actually buying it!! "Exit here I c-"
☆Oh Thank you thank you thank you!!! I could really use a hand around here!!☆
He wrapped her in a very uncomfortably tight hug. Nonetheless she manged to force a smile...
♧Heh, n-no problem...♧
This took all day-
Also I'm finally on summer break so imma hopefully have alot more time to write-
Uh anyways uh-
Ask Caine, Pomni an Voz I guess-
(or me about the au/fic in general)
See ya in chapter 2!!
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uriwoos2 · 3 days
Boys with a crush! ·.✧₊˚ (xkrs) pt.1
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xikers crush headcanons! ✿ hyung line edition. genre: fluff. warnings: none. requested: yes! maknae line (coming soon)!! ♡ note: I'm so so busy w exams rn, so it's kinda draining my brain of any good ideas haha. pls do tell me if there's any mistakes! but in all seriousness, I so was blushing all through writing this / />/</ / I adore my babies beyond belief, they're so cute </3 praying this turned out well >_< hope u like it!! likes & reblogs are very appreciated! — with love, cream <3
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
⊹˚🍰 tbh I think it'd be a little hard to tell when minjae has a crush on you, or if he just sees you as a friend. now, this is because when he has someone that is important to him, even if it's just a friend, he'll take care of them very well. he'll look out for them and take any chance to help them out. perhaps he'll express this trait even more intensively when he is with someone he keeps a special place for in his heart. he'll surely be displaying extra attentiveness when he's with you, always ready to jump in and help you out. <3
⊹˚🍰 he's a fully certified gentleman!! definitely takes care of things for you, so you can be fully relaxed and enjoy yourself to the fullest. this shows through his tiny acts of service, like: opening doors for you, keeping you on the inner part of the sidewalk, ordering food/drinks for you, offering to pay for you, carrying your things for you, and not swearing when he's around you!! he'll treat you with the utmost respect too of course! <3 you might not even consider this as a clue of his feelings for you, because you're so used to the way he treats you so well. :(
⊹˚🍰 minjae listens. listens. listens <3 he's so attentive and focuses his eyes only on you when you have something to say. even if it's something very trivial! he nods here and there, to make sure you know he's paying attention, and blinks rapidly all throughout your rant, his wide glittering eyes darting all over your face, admiring. he's just so smitten with you <3
⊹˚🍰 but!! be prepared to listen to him yap your ear off back! <3 he wants to describe things to you in depth, as he cares that you understand it well! he won't mind explaining something over and over and over, as long as you finally get a proper understanding of the subject! such a sweet boy <3
⊹˚🍰 why do I feel like, at the beginning he'd be sort of oblivious to his own crush on you? hmm.. and it just so happens that he has a sudden realization about it randomly. it will go something like this: you'll be in a crowded setting, both in your separate groups, conversing. you're unaware of it as he quietly looks over at you from time to time, to check what you're up to. and then, he notices that your eyes linger particularly long on a certain person, too long for his liking. you'll happen to look in his direction by chance, and he'll just side eye you, with this skeptical look in his eyes. and you tilt your head to the side in question. he'll be just like ???? himself too. poor boy doesn't even realize what he was doing until now. then he gives it some thought, and even considering the possibility that he was jealous is enough to make him blush to himself </3
⊹˚🍰 however, after establishing the fact that he has a crush, he'll be trying even harder to win you over! I don't think he's the type to feel embarrassed about such things. he might not be that obvious with his affection for you, but the subtle things he says and does sure tell you enough! he will be complimenting you about the smallest things, and showing how much he cares by looking after you! expect him to randomly go to fix a strand of your hair that's out of place, or remove lint off your clothes :\ </3 there's a definite boldness in such small acts of fondness! ⁄(⁄ ⁄>⁄ω⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄。♡・῾ ᵎ
⊹˚🍰 gets so so shy around you at first <//3 he'll be blushing and stumbling over his words a bit. he gets very nervous around you! and his heart can't seem to handle the overwhelming feelings he has for you, especially when you're nearby :( so precious.
⊹˚🍰 once he adjusts to the crush he has on you a bit better, he might even start to show it slightly. he'll take his time to get to know you slowly, step by step. soaking up any and every tiny part of your personality, making mental notes about it.♡♡ he will ask for your opinions about various deep topics, and go to you for advice. when you start speaking, he won't hold back on giving you reactions!! he'll be so obvious about his curiosity toward anything you have to say! <3
⊹˚🍰 when you have something to show him, or ask his opinion abt a certain thing, know that he'll be 100% invested, so that he can give you a sincere answer! if you're showing him an outfit you picked out for an event, he'll be giving you tiny little gasps and "wow"-s to hype you up!! ( ´. .̫ .`)
⊹˚🍰 jumie hates it when you're feeling down!!! at any clue that your mood is a bit off, he'll be doing the most he can to bring a smile back on your pretty face <333 will even act cute for you and try to make you laugh. might get shy and hide his face with his hands though :((( that will certainly make you laugh, out of adoration. ♡ he'll be so happy, and relieved to see you feeling better :( precious baby..
⊹˚🍰 the type to show his love through physical affection!! I feel so strongly about this! actually it's only reserved for the person he likes. the kind of touches that are barely even there, so slight and careful not to make you uncomfy in any way <3 patting your shoulder, or rubbing your back for reassurance and comfort. giving you tiny taps with his fingers on your knee/thigh when you're sitting side by side, to relieve your anxiety. and head pats!! <3 when you achieve something, or do well, or even just when he feels like you need praise or motivation, he'll be giving you slow, gentle little pats, followed with warm words of comfort. he's your biggest supporter!! ♡
⊹˚🍰 will!! make silly faces at you from afar. :(( and giggle right afterwards :(
⊹˚🍰 he gets comfortable enough to show affection for you, but when it's you who initiates physical contact, he gets extremely flustered. leaning your head on his shoulder casually, or patting his cheek while joking around. his eyes will be avoiding yours at all costs!! he'll be wishing that you don't notice his drumming heartbeat, because he doesn't want you to see how nervous he gets around you. it's times like these that his affection for you grows though. when he feels you reciprocating affection back, he knows you feel comfortable with him, enough to be vulnerable with him like that. <3
⊹˚🍰 now this baby might just be the shyest out of everyone, when it comes to having a crush :( he gets so blushy and smiley it's actually devastating :(( be prepared to have him trying to keep a straight face while talking with you. and then he'll just be breaking out in giggles, beaming at you, for no reason at all.. (the reason being that he finds you just so cute, and he can't handle it.) <3 <3
⊹˚🍰 you're his bestie all the way!! he goes to you for advice, and has the utmost trust in your opinions! when it comes to fashion, it's no different. he'll always ask if you like a certain outfit of his and help you style yourself too! you'll definitely be taking ootds together!!
⊹˚🍰 you'll be going to different places very often as well. you'll have a new place you want to check out, but might feel a bit awkward going there alone. don't worry though! cuz sumin is always down to tag along. he's more than happy to actually! means he can spend extra time w you!! <3 he has the most comforting aura around him, something abt him just makes you feel relaxed and free to be yourself. you guys will definitely have the most fun together, and take lots and lotsss of pictures + videos of each other :( he'll be looking at those later, and giggling at the memories. <3
⊹˚🍰 he will be trying so hard to impress you!! he'll invite you over and show off his cooking skills, or give you a tour of his drawings. will tell you everything you're curious about, you just have to ask. I feel like he's the type of person who takes a bit more time to open up on a deeper level, and it takes a certain bond to have him trust you with more personal stuff. so the fact that he'll be willing to bring you into his space like that and put everything on display for you to see, would be a very good sign that he cherishes you dearly.
⊹˚🍰 he'll definitely be dying to text you, and constantly check up on what ur doing, but will hold back to not bother you :( but will most likely send you a message during the day asking what you're up to. he just wants to know everything about you :(( (definitely the clingy type hehe (๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑) <3)
⊹˚🍰 he's known to be the loudest member, but when he's with you, he'll turn into the most gentle, quiet boy ever. he wants to look cool in front of you and doesn't want you to think he is immature. but that doesn't mean you can't be silly together!! he's definitely the cutest when he's being his true silly self <3
⊹˚🍰 you can be ensured that you're free to be your true self while with him too! like in your realest, most honest form. he'll admire you to the ends of the earth, even if you're silly, a bit weird, or even if he doesn't get you sometimes :(( trust that he'll be chuckling and grinning at your peculiarities, finding you just adorable. plus! he'll definitely make those random sound effects and impersonations he loves! but you can laugh right back at him, he just wants to amuse u <3 <3
⊹˚🍰 we're all well aware of just how animated jinsik's movements and facial expressions are, so I'm led to assume that he'll be especially expressive with the person he likes! moving his arms a lot, using gestures while talking to you. you'll literally be able to tell exactly what he thinks by the way his face changes. he's so so adorable when he frowns, or when he's fascinated with something, wide-eyed. he'll be overly amazed at anything you do/say and will show it too! wanting desperately to validate your feelings, and excitement about your interests! :(♡
⊹˚🍰 he will shower you with compliments!! omg. and give you tiny little gifts on no particular occasion, but just because he feels like it! <3 they won't even be anything grand, rather something on the more meaningful side, like handmade trinkets or drawings. but that doesn't erase the possibility of him giving you a rock with a silly face drawn on it </3 he wants to make your day, and wants to leave a good impression on u, wants you to like him and think of him fondly!
⊹˚🍰 that's why he'll also pay extra attention to his appearance and behavior as well. he'll double-triple check if each strand of his hair is in place and will think of u while picking out an outfit <3 wondering if you'll like it :( he needs to stand out in order for you to take notice! at least that's what he believes ;) and that goes for planning outings with you, as well. it all has to be perfect!! but if something goes wrong he'll be stressing over it internally. poor baby.
⊹˚🍰 if you're the one initiating a "date", he'll be absolutely thrilled!! already mentally planning everything out like the idealist he is :( but in reality he just wants your undivided attention, as he's desperately trying to not blend in with your other acquaintances and friends. as much as he craves your focus to always be shifted towards him, he'll never think to make a big deal just because of his feelings! he respects all your choices, including the ones not favorable to him.
⊹˚🍰 once you're a bit closer, you get to see the cute, goofy side of him <3 he'll randomly send you stupid little voice messages to make you laugh, make a mess when he eats, might even embarrass you sometimes, with how confident he is to be silly and loud anywhere. but you'll just be chuckling to yourself in a corner, finding him cute </3 it'll be so hard to resist his cuteness on a daily basis like this, so you better watch out or you might catch a crush right back! (⸝⸝º ^ º⸝⸝ )♡
⊹˚🍰 his laugh <//3 he'll definitely be the type to laugh at your jokes suuuper loud, and repeat it to your other friends, because he thinks you're just so hilarious :( expect him to spot you from the other side of the street and come running over to you without looking at the road. oh my goodness.. justifying his actions by blaming others, saying the cars were in his way!! you just shake your head to disapprove of his antics, to which he just answers with a blush, feeling sheepish. </3 afterwards, you guys get ice cream to share and he rubs some of it on ur nose, just to erupt in cute little giggles. :(( such personal and comfortable moments with you are so important to him. ♡
➶… hyunwoo
⊹˚🍰 now... correct me if I'm wrong but, as silly as this boy is, I know for a fact! that he'll most definitely be putting up the cool and mysterious guy act. he's so bad at it too... like, it's the cutest thing. </3 imagine this: in one of your classes, the students are exchanging contacts for projects and stuff, and he's paired up with you. but when you try to get his number, or one of his socials, he just tells you he doesn't have a phone???? you just stand there like? wdym my guy. he says it's bad for your health, and goes on to explain to you in depth the detrimental effects of radiation mobile phones emit.... but promise, it's all just a plan to get you to like him. or at least to look cool in ur eyes. yeah, he'd be satisfied with that as well. so foolish <3
⊹˚🍰 don't worry, he'll drop this weird act soon enough though. you'll get to see the real hyunu! the more and more meet ups you guys arrange for the group project, you'll notice his act slipping up, revealing his true personality. you'll see it in the way he reacts to jokes, remarks from others, and how he responds to them. he has trouble connecting to strangers just like that, you notice. so you take it upon yourself to befriend him!
⊹˚🍰 it might be a bad idea, because, for hyunwoo this means he will have to spend alone time with you! :( baby's nervous.. like after completing your project successfully, your group decides to go to destress and celebrate at an amusement park! you'll wait for the perfect moment, while everyone is wrapped up in their own business, and ask hyunwoo to follow you somewhere. hmmm.. what could you be plotting.. hyunwoo might just explode atp!!
⊹˚🍰 you simply ask him to accompany you, telling him you needed some space from others for a bit. oh! so, that was it. hyunwoo is more than happy to help you out! he's worried though, now. asking if you're alright. you chuckle at the face he's making at you, brows furrowed, eyes full of concern. how cute </3 his cheeks flush at that, avoiding to look at your face.
⊹˚🍰 from then on it'd get easier for the both of you. you'll be able to strike up a simple conversation, gradually opening up to each other. you realize he's actually quite an interesting person! all that was hidden behind all his initial awkwardness. you'll eventually get closer and closer overtime, untill you can call each other best friends! he finds it easy to talk to you, and doesn't feel the need to change when he's with you. you'll get to discover, however, that he's the silliest in his true form <3
⊹˚🍰 prepare, because he's gonna bother you! and you won't be able to do anything about it. whether you're studying, resting, having lunch, or even when you've just woken up, he'll be sending a text, asking what you're doing. he won't! leave you alone. he'll just ask so so many questions, but really, him bothering you to annoyance just means he adores you. <3 when you answer his questions, he's just gonna be nodding his head cutely, listening intently. he really does care! <3 he's still feeling quite shy with you, but now he can actually talk to you, so he's never gonna let an opportunity slip up! ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑
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.・。.・゜.✭ ・.・✫ ・゜・。.・✭ ・.✫ ・゜・。.
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avocadorablepirate · 2 days
What Do We Call This? - 11
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Pairing: Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
Summary: On a quest to find what you've been looking for, you acquire the help of the Straw Hat pirates, who've agreed to let you temporarily join them. There are however many challenges that come along with your temporary recruitment - an alliance with a certain Trafalgar Law being one of them.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn, swearing, the occasional OP spoiler, unwarranted sexual advances (from unnamed character), but nothing explicit
A/N: Okay so this is pretty terrible •_•, and will probably feel terribly rushed but I was struggling to write and then I had like one moment where everything just came out and I didn't want to think about it anymore. I'm just glad I managed to even write this part. Anyway, I hope you like it!
You heaved a sigh as you untied the apron from around your waist. Yet another day of getting absolutely no information from Orochi's people. It had been this way since you got here, and the job was slowly starting to eat at you. While you had definitely done far worse than serve a bunch of rude customers, the discriminatory and sexual remarks were starting to get to you. Fortunately, the week was over, and you could go back to report to Kin'emon.
As you packed up your belongings and made your way to the back entrance, a strange yet familiar sensation washed over you. A blue orb surrounded you, pulling you abruptly from your surroundings.
"What the-"
The sudden shift in the room had you momentarily dizzy until your surroundings came into focus and you regained your balance. A glare took over your expression, but quickly softened as you realized it was Bepo who stood in front of you.
"Where is he?" you spoke through gritted teeth, anger simmering just below the surface. Right on cue, Law entered the room, his expression one of annoyance.
You're late," he stated flatly.
You crossed your arms, your irritation evident. "I was finishing my shift. You can't just teleport me like that! What if someone saw?" you snapped, your anger slowly bubbling over.
"You hadn't returned at the agreed time," Law said, his tone sharp and unyielding. "I had to make sure you were safe."
"I can handle myself, Law! You didn’t have to do that!" you retorted, your voice rising in frustration. Your irritation with him had been building since your arrival at Wano, and to Law's disappointment, you had yet again taken to ignoring him, only making him all the more agitated. But for you, having him be overprotective of you all over again only added fuel to your already burning rage.
Law's eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched in frustration, but he took a deep breath, attempting to keep his temper in check. "I did what I had to do to ensure your safety. One wrong move and the entire mission is ruined."
"Don't you think I know that? But this—this overprotectiveness is suffocating, Law. I’m not some fragile thing that needs constant guarding! It's like you don't trust me!" you yelled, your patience snapping under the pressure of his constant supervision.
Law's expression hardened, his eyes flashing with anger and something else—hurt, perhaps. "I'm only looking out for you. For the mission," he said, his voice quieter but no less intense.
"Just leave me alone Law. I can take care of myself," you replied coldly, turning away to find Kin'emon.
"(Y/N)-ya," Law called after you, but without another word you stormed out of the room. You knew this wasn't the end of your disagreements, but for now, you needed space - space to breathe, and to think.
Another week passed in a similar fashion. Each day, you would end up in the same back room, heaving a sigh as you felt the weight of the day's frustration lift slightly as your shift ended. Serving Orochi's people had become increasingly unbearable, yet you remained vigilant, hoping for a breakthrough.
As you packed up your things and made your way to the back alley of the restaurant, you couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. It wasn't unusual, you had felt for sometime now that there was always someone watching you, and you had done well to not act suspicious, but this time it felt different. Your grip tightened on the hidden knife at your side, and you readied your hands to use your powers if necessary.
"Hey, you," a voice called out, breaking the silence. You turned around and against the dim lights of the alley saw a middle-aged man, leaning on the wall, glazed eyes and crooked smile suggesting he was drunk. You had heard from Kin'emon that there was a banquet at the palace today, but in a country where alcohol was banned, it was odd to see one of Orochi's men so openly intoxicated.
"You're not from here are you? Looking for information on Orochi, I'm guessing?"
You masked your surprise with a smile, taking a step back as you readied your knife, "What makes you think that?"
"No need to hide it. I'll give you what you want, but it'll cost you." You tried to hide your disgust as he stumbled towards you and reached out, his hand brushing against your arm, lingering a bit too long for your comfort.
"Sure, we can work something," you replied, taking another step back. But despite his inebriated state, he managed to swiftly grab onto you, grip tightening around your arm.
"Well I'm sure you can give me just what I want," he said, his voice low and slurred, eyes roaming over you suggestively. You felt a wave of revulsion, but you also couldn't shake the feeling of worry. You subtly tried to pry your arm free, but to no avail, his grip only tightening. Luckily, your other hand was still free, and you began to focus on using your powers to take control of one of his muscles. But a flash of movement caught your attention, distracting you before you could lay your attack. In an instant the man was yanked off you.
"Get your hands off her," a familiar voice growled. You looked up to see Law, eyes blazing with fury as he threw the man against the wall.
The man scrambled to his feet, eyes wide with anger. "Who the hell are you?" he spat, drawing a knife.
In a swift movement, Kikoku was out, and the man found himself staring down the blade. But before Law could strike, you noticed a group of men emerging from the shadows, surrounding the two of you.
"Looks like we’ve got company," you muttered, slipping into a defensive stance.
"Shit," Law muttered under his breath, glancing around. He looked from you back to the group, considering his next move.
"You take those three, I'll take-" you began, but before you could finish, a blue orb enveloped you, and instantly you felt your blood begin to boil.
"Law-," you tried to yell at him, but he had already transported you to the hideout.
"Fuck!" you yelled, kicking at the wall in frustration.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" You turned to find Bepo, Sachi and Penguin looking at you concerned.
"Law's what's wrong! Your stupid captain got us into a fight and then transported me here!" you shouted, pacing back and forth, reeling in your anger. The three men remained silent, letting you rant as you tried to calm yourself.
When Law finally returned you turned to him with an evident glare. "What the hell were you thinking!?" you snapped, frustration and adrenaline making your voice sharp. Bepo, Sachi and Penguin immediately took that as their cue to leave.
"You blew my cover! God I thought I would at least last longer than Zoro!" you continued, your voice rising with each word.
Law's eyes flashed with anger, his jaw clenched, "I was thinking about your safety. He could have taken advantage of you!" he retorted, his voice equally heated.
"I could’ve handled it," you shot back, stepping closer to him. "Now we’ve lost a valuable lead because you couldn’t stop yourself from interfering."
"You've been there for weeks and I've not seen anyone come in there and just give you information! That guy was just there for you!" Law's frustration was evident, his voice rising to match yours. He couldn't understand why you were more focused on the mission than what could have almost happened to you.
His words echoed in your mind, and you suddenly recalled the feeling of constantly being watched. Something finally clicked. "You've been spying on me!? What the fuck Law!?" you exclaimed, disbelief mingling with your anger.
Law’s expression hardened, his frustration clear. "I’m not going to apologize for protecting you."
"This isn’t just about me! We’re on a mission, and you keep treating me like I’m incapable of doing my job," you snapped, your voice rising even more.
"You don't understand how dangerous this is," he countered, his voice low but intense. "If something happened to you—"
"Stop," you interrupted, shaking your head. "I don’t need your protection, Law. I need you to trust me to do my part."
Without waiting for a response, you turned and walked away, your heart pounding with frustration and hurt. You could feel Law's eyes on your back, but you refused to look back. From that moment on, you resolved to keep your distance from him, determined to prove that you could handle things on your own.
The days that followed before the raid on Onigashima were relatively quiet. Due to Law's actions, you were now both wanted criminals in Wano, and you were forced to stay within the confines of Oden's castle. However, you did what you could to be of help.
Law had also chosen to give you your space. Although you could tell by the way Bepo never seemed to leave your side that he was instructed by his captain to follow you around. It would have bothered you if not for how much you actually enjoyed the Mink's company. While he did try to help you out with every little thing, he at least didn't try to stop you from doing them which was far more tolerable than what Law did. Plus, he was fun to be around, his clumsiness always finding a way to make you laugh.
One evening, as you were sorting through a pile of supplies for the raid, Bepo approached you with a hesitant look.
"(Y/N), can we talk?" he asked, his voice gentle but concerned.
"Of course, Bepo. What's on your mind?" you replied, setting aside a box.
"I know you're upset with Captain," he began, shifting uncomfortably. "But he's only trying to protect you. He's worried about you, more than he lets on."
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "I know, Bepo. But it's hard to do my job when he keeps intervening. I need him to trust me, to believe that I can handle myself."
Bepo nodded slowly. "Maybe you should talk to him about it. Clear the air before our journey continues."
"What do you mean?" you asked, confused by the phrasing of his words. Bepo's eyes immediately widened as if he had said something he shouldn't have, and he shook his head furiously, "Nothing. I just mean that maybe it would be better to resolve things before the raid."
You considered his words. Despite your anger, you knew Bepo was right, but you had already made up your mind, you were not going to be the one to compromise. "Believe me Bepo I've tried countless time to get Law to see things from my perspective, and as much as I'd like to mend things between the two of us, I'm going to need some more time."
The Mink shook his head in understanding, a little disappointed with your reply, but he hid it away, choosing to help you instead.
During the battle of Onigashima, you fought alongside the samurai of Wano and the members of the alliance. It had seemed that everyone was caught up in the battle, each one doing their best to win the fight against Kaido and Big Mom, and yet even in the thick of battle, you could sense Law's presence. Despite having to deal with his own battles, he still managed to keep an eye on you.
Your main task had been to keep the enemies away from Chopper as he tried to work on a cure, and you had been doing well so far. At one point, you found yourself surrounded by a group of formidable Beast Pirates. You readied your powers, preparing for a fight you knew would be challenging. As you engaged the enemies, you felt a sudden shift in the air. A blue orb appeared beside you, Law materializing in its place a second later, his nodachi slashing through the air to take down a pirate who had been aiming for your blind spot.
"I thought you were fighting Big Mom?" Despite being annoyed with his interference, you gave him a nod of acknowledgement before your attention shifted back onto the enemies.
Law sensing your displeasure with his appearance, heaved a sigh as he deflected a blow aimed at you. "I'm not here to undermine you," he replied curtly. "Just stay alive."
You gritted your teeth while you took control of the next pirate that had tried to lay an attack on you. Despite your best efforts to ignore him, Law continued to fight alongside you, a silent protector in the chaos. His actions were a paradox both frustrating and reassuring. Every time you thought you were about to be overwhelmed, he was there - helping you get back on your feet, but also proving that you needed his help.
The battle raged on, and you were separated from Law several times, each of you battling your own foes. Yet, no matter how far apart you were, he always seemed to find you, ensuring you were safe before moving on. His determination to protect you was unwavering, even if it irritated you to no end.
Finally, as the battle came to an end, you found yourself standing amidst the wreckage, exhausted and worn out. You could feel your legs start to buckle, the after math of using your powers starting to take its effect. As if he had a sixth sense, Law appeared beside you, his expression one of worry.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice a mix of concern and weariness as he helped you settle on the ground before you could fully collapse.
You nodded curtly, refusing to meet his gaze. "I'm fine."
Law hesitated, as if wanting to say more, but held himself back, instead scanning the area around you. "I'll get Bepo to help you."
The people of Wano were celebrating their freedom from the tyranny of Orochi and Kaido. The country was once again under the safe ruling of the Kozuki family. To celebrate their victory, a grand banquet was held throughout the country - lanterns lining the street and various different stalls everywhere you went.
You had taken to the streets with Chopper, Tama, and Nami, relishing in the music, laughter and food. And when that had become too much for you, you stood a little away, nursing a drink as you silently watched them excitedly make their way from one game stall to the next.
However, despite the celebratory atmosphere, you couldn't shake the lingering tension between you and Law. He had tried to approach you several times, but you always found a reason to move away, to avoid talking to him.
Law, however, was not one to give up easily. As the night wore on, he finally cornered you at one of the stalls, his expression serious.
"We need to talk," he said, his voice low to avoid drawing attention, as he gently pulled you along to a quieter part of the festival where the sounds of laughter and music were a distant hum.
You sighed, setting down your drink on a nearby barrel. "There's nothing to talk about, Law," you replied, your voice carrying a note of finality.
"Yes, there is," he insisted, stepping closer, his eyes searching yours. "We can't keep going like this."
You crossed your arms, your gaze fixed on a point beyond his shoulder, not wanting to meet his eyes. "You're right, we can't."
You contemplated your next words, you knew they would hurt, but you had come to the conclusion that your decision was for the best, even if you were still unsure of whether or not it was what you truly wanted. "Your alliance with the Straw Hats is over. That means you won't be sailing with them any longer." You paused to take a breath, hesitant to continue. "And since I'm onboard their ship that means we won't be sailing together any longer."
You kept your eyes averted, feeling the intensity of Law's gaze on you. His expression was a mix of disbelief and pain, and you knew looking at him would make you doubt your decision. While he hadn't directly asked you to join him, it had been something you thought would inevitably happen. You had spent almost as much time with him as you had with the Straw Hats, and to say that you hadn't grown fond of each other's company despite the bickering, would be a lie.
"It works out," you continued, trying to sound firm. "This way, you don't need to protect me, and I don't get frustrated with your overprotectiveness."
Law's eyes narrowed, his face a mixture of worry and hurt. "(Y/N)-ya that's- that's not what I meant," Law started, desperation creeping into his voice.
"It's for the best Law. This way, I can continue looking for my island, and you can continue with your mission. Neither of us will come in each other's way." You could see the reflection of festival lights in his eyes, now dulled by the sadness you had inflicted. You noticed his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides, a sign of his internal struggle. His usually stoic demeanor was shattered, replaced by a vulnerability that tugged at your heart.
"But (Y/N)-ya—" he tried to interject, his voice laced with urgency.
"I'll see you later, Law," you said quickly, cutting him off before he could say more and change your mind. "Maybe if we get the chance, we'll see each other in the future." Without giving him a chance to respond, you turned and walked away, your heart heavy with the weight of your decision. You knew it was the best choice given how things were between the two of you, but that didn't make it any easier.
A/N: this might actually come as a surprise, but the next part will probably be the last part. I've written the ending, and kinda just need to add one or two parts before that. But if it ends up being too long then maybe I'll split it into two parts. Who knows, we'll see how it goes ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌.
taglist: @trafalgardaria @deathsmajestysworld @cottoncandyloverrrr @magnificenttaledreamland @kitsunechan707
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