#the only straight ship i support 100%
cemetery14 · 6 months
the funniest thing about everyone being jealous of kuroko
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kuroko is consistently nice and respectful towards momoi
he DOES NOT see her as a hot girl with big boobs like everyone else does, he sees her as a person, a friend who he really cares about
she obviously likes him theres no ways hes oblivious to it, but it makes no difference shes his friend first and he loves his friends
i dont think this is him dismissing her feelings, and i dont think momoi sees it that way either
they know what they are to each other and thats enough for them rn
also they spent ALOT of time together in teiko, they where the last ones
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i need to rewatch the teiko episodes cause I LOVE THEM LKJHGF
theyre relationship isnt just momoi being in love with kuroko and kuroko being oblivious either its so much more than that
theyre friends first witch is my favorite thing in ships like these, momois not hiding that shes in love with him but shes not taking his friendship for granted either
if they never date i think thats fine theyre great friends! but if they do end up together a few years after graduating i think that would just be so deserved for both of them
and i think theyd be really happy together :>
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softcyan · 2 months
Searching for new swimwear and man. Being fat and gender non-conforming really fucking sucks sometimes.
It is deeply frustrating how no clothing is made with me in mind. Plus size clothing is already extremely difficult to shop for, and so much of it is so aggressively gendered, bc fat folks are expected to hyperperform gender to make up for their fatness if they want to be treated like human beings, and are degendered and depersoned otherwise. The double whammy of being fat + gnc makes me feel completely invisible. Nothing fucking fits me.
I’ve never had a pair of swim trunks that have enough room for my ass and thighs or are the right size for my hips and waist. I always have to compromise somewhere. Bc men’s clothing manufacturers don’t make clothes with bodies like mine in mind.
The last time I bought a swim top was two summers ago at a boardwalk shop when I forgot my bathing suit at home. I got the biggest size they had in the store and it was still too small. The cups didn’t have enough space for me, and the underwire wasn’t broad enough. And my choices were either that or not going swimming at all, and god damn it, I want to go swimming in the ocean with my friends. So I wore it and was uncomfortable the whole time.
I got so excited when I saw @giantffa’s recent post about plus size swimwear, but the only options they have for swim tops are string bikinis. They just rest along the fold between the models’ boobs and belly, and don’t actually provide any support. Granted, I haven’t tried this brand, but in my experience, string bikinis give you terrible back & shoulder pain if you tie them tight enough to not instantly fall off your body as soon as you get in the water.
I’m sorry, but I’m just not looking to wear fabric scraps only suitable for lounging by a pool, not even for getting in it. I want to swim in the ocean! With waves! And splash my friends and play chicken without having to worry about a wardrobe malfunction! I want to go surfing and boogie boarding! And I can’t!! Because nothing fits both my style and my body!!
Maybe that’s entitled and I should shut up and get the stupid black one piece with ruffles, but fuck, am I not entitled to wear clothes that I feel good in? Like how thin and gender conforming people get to? Am I not entitled to have the same access to the water and feel comfortable and supported in clothes that fit me?
Don’t I get to go surfing, too?
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blackbullet99 · 2 months
Why SOME Zutara shippers personally disgust me (as a Person of Color).
⛔️WARNING! I’m gonna get into some pretty heavy subjects.
This should go without saying, but I have nothing against most people who ship Zutara. I take no issue with Zuko, I love him, I love his story arc, I love his an Katara’s relationship and if they did become a couple at the end of the show, they wouldn’t be toxic IMO, they’d be crazy rushed and forced, and it would be a prime example of the writers giving into fan-entitlement, but Zuko and Katara don’t have a toxic relationship, at least by the end of the show.
No, what really pisses me off the the racist, sexist, genocide downplaying, colonist supporting stuff some of the loudest Zutara shippers say, and for one anyone who says “it’s just a cartoon”, yes that’s true, but to things depicted are very serious issues, genocide, abuse, imperialism, colonization, slavery, these are issues that I feel strongly about, a majority of the reason being that as a PoC my family, my ancestors went through a lot of this stuff and seeing people online dismiss and downplay these issues all for the sake of a ship is pathetic and can easily reflect their issues of subject matter in real life.
Additionally, I’m aware “Bryke” are white, they have also done plenty of problematic things (and even some episodes), but that’s a story for another time, I’m not here to defend THEM specifically. ZKs always defend Zuko, even though they created him and did a good chunk of his story, so it is what is.
The main issue here, are the Zutara shippers, who claim to be Pro-Katara, the people who whine about Katara deserving better (even though to them Better=Zuko) and act like Aang was a horrible abusive 12 year old misogynist who never respected Katara and sexually assaulted her. Looking at you the-badger-mole / Miss Anthropy.
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I’m all for criticism, the issue is, almost none of the criticism regarding Aang are valid, and even the one’s that have some validity grossly villainize the character. What’s even worse is some of these people downplay the effect of Aang’s genocidal trauma, they straight up act like it didn’t effect him, or it shouldn’t effect him, these people blatantly downplay genocide can effect someone all for the sake of some lame-ship.
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It isn’t real-life genocide yes, but the issues and trauma that come from genocide are all to real and effect people in real life in many different way. Aang generally tries to enjoy life and remain positive despite what happened, but it effects him regularly, it’s comes up multiple times, he has survivor’s guilt, it something he has to live with for the rest of his life, it’s why he was generally so crestfallen when Appa was stolen, why he tries to preserve his culture. He’s 100 years removed from it, but to him it’s all to recent. If you generally don’t understand the effect of his trauma, then your stupidly braindead, if you dismiss it all for the sake of hating on Aang for some dusty-@$$ ship, your a heartless scumbag, no debate about it.
And despite what these people say they don’t care about Katara at all, they literally only care about her if she’s Zuko’s accessory, Zuko’s prize. Her whole story essentially has to be tied to Zuko, they don’t care about her otherwise. Without Zuko, she’s nothing to these people and they clearly don’t respect her, or value her.
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They adultify her, they sexualize her, the create this false narrative that she let people walk all over her and never expressed herself, they invalidate her trauma, they invalidate her accomplishments later it life. They invalidate her canon feelings towards Aang and her initial hatred of Zuko and the Fire Nation. They straight up call her a baby-maker.
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The worst of it all, the stuff that gets me the most is how, the act like a dark-skinned girl, becoming an accessory to the nation that colonized her tribe and killed her mother is a positive empowering thing.
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The think THIS would be an impactful ending for Katara.
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People like sokkastyles actually think imperialist propaganda supports Katara, because it means Zutara.
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People will say the Water Tribes were never colonized and once again downplay genocide because it means Zutara.
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People will write a young person of color becoming a slave to an imperialist nation and falling in love with their oppressor if it means Zutara, what the heck is wrong with these people?
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They think Katara should’ve married Zuko solely because of what Zuko would have to gain, even though he already has a father figure in Uncle Iroh (how do you miss a plot-point that major) and ignoring that fact that Ozai would essentially become Katara’s father in law, and Azulon her grandfather in law, these are literally the people who colonized her tribe and killed her mom. I know you shouldn’t judge people by their parents, but they’re making such a big deal in-laws that Zuko would gain and bathmouthing Mai because of her relatives (even her infant brother) that this just screams hypocrisy.
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And of course the racist colonizer supporters are offended that people don’t like this stupid-@$$ take. longing-for-rain actually dismissed a legit indigenous person and called them racist. F*ck these guys.
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They can’t handle any acknowledgment that the Fire Nation was an imperialist nation, to the point where people like this spider guy and “lie about Aaron Ehasz Araeph” actually believe the nation that committed mass genocide is more altruistic and innovative than the nation that suffered from genocide. Araeph, the guy on the right even says Sokka and Katara would gain more from Zutara because Fire Nation looks to the future, but the Air Nation is frozen in time. The Fire Nation’s idea of looking to the future literally cost Sokka and Katara their mom and is the reason why Aang’s Nation is sadly “frozen in time”. Sure you, you imperialism supporting dicks
People who downplay very serious issues such as genocide, colonization, trauma and slavery all for the sake of some lousy Wattpad self-insert ship are pathetic loser scumbags. They’re not real fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender, they don’t care about the themes or story, just Zuko and Katara being his accessory, the fact that they downplay and ignore all of Zuko’s actions and villainize Aang is beyond stupid and media-illiterate. I love Zuko because he was both antagonist, but also a sympathetic, he’s often temperamental and imature, but gradually matures and becomes kinder, he perpetuates the violence and colonization of his nation, but learns that they were wrong and HE was wrong, he makes a genuine effort to change himself, the world and his nation. If he knew you actively supported the colonization and violence of his nation he would torch your @$$€$.
So all in all, if you wanna downplay genocide and support colonization and slavery just for the sake a of mid non-canon ship because you haven’t matured since middle-school, you’re a dumb@$$ racist b!tch plain and simple, no debate about it. And if any of you toxic idiotic ZK come across this post, go f*ck yourself.
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firewasabeast · 3 months
Am I the only who has never seen Buck and Eddie as anything more than friends? I love their friendship and their connection but I 100 percent do not see anything romantic there! Especially after Buck coming out to him...there was no hint of jealous or anything like that. He just straight up supported Buck. Ugh BOBs drive me crazy!
-Rant Over-
I’m the same. I’ve said it before, but I started the show thinking I’d ship them together because of everything people had said, but I never saw it as anything but friendship. I love how close they are, but I’ve never seen anything that shows more would/could/should happen. They’ve never been jealous of the others love interests, it’s never interfered with their friendship, and personally I think showing a friendship like theirs is super important!
I always like to leave a disclaimer that people can ship whoever they want, but if it causes you to be an ass to another actor or character just because it doesn’t fit your narrative, that’s where the issues come in!
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Ok so in another post I talked about all the reasons why Valzhang is better than Caleo, and I wanted to do one on Valgrace as well (lmk if this should become a series).
Bear in mind I am only on HoH- I haven’t read all of the Caleo bits yet, but I know she ain’t gonna treat him right.
I was originally SUPER sceptical about Valgrace (“I ship them platonically” “Jason is the Token Straight Friend”) and while I don’t think it was ever cannon I 100% THINK IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN.
Seriously, my eyes have been opened to Valgrace, to the point where the fanfic I’m writing about them currently clocks in at around 5,934 words.
And some of the fanarts/fanfics of them are SO CUTE I COULD DIE- it was hard NOT to ship them after reading some of y’all’s stuff. Keep up the good work.
Anyway buckle up ‘cause I’m ‘bouta write a whole dam essay on this.
1. The whole appeal of Jason Grace’s character is that he sees through your insecurities and lifts you up because he is too pure for this world. So narratively speaking, why is he with the most stable character? Yeah, Piper’s got issues, but compared to the others? She’s doing pretty well for herself. I mean, her parents are ALIVE!! Wouldn’t it just make more sense, narratively speaking, to put Jason with the MOST insecure character??? He can support Leo, help him in his arc, and it would give Jason a time to shine by highlighting his best qualities.
2. Throughout most of the books, Jason is the ONLY ONE who actually consistently sees through Leo’s mask. Everyone else’s POV of Leo is “Haha Leo said something funny and goofy and we’re all trying to be serious here, Leo. Gods, he’s soooo annoying!”, whereas Jason’s POV is like “Jason could see that Leo was desperately trying to keep it together for the good of the group, and he thought that was noble and brave and good and kind and awesome.” Like I said above, he’s able to lift Leo up because he sees him, and knows him. Something Calypso never did. There are several interactions, during TLH particularly, where Jason is just like “Hey, Leo? You are great. You are awesome. You have saved our lives multiple times. Whatever just went wrong, it wasn’t your fault. Stop beating yourself up about everything. You are a valued and respected member of this team. I love and appreciate you.” And Leo still puts up those walls with the jokes and the sarcastic remarks, and Jason is nothing but patient with him. Calypso was never like that.
3. I can’t find the line in the book, but there’s a bit in HoH where Jason’s worrying about the “To Storm or Fire, the World must fall” line in the prophecy, and he says words to the effect of “I like living, but I’d rather I die than Leo, anyway horses-” and seriously?? Rick missed a trick by not making them a couple. There is WAY more potential for angst if there’s that romantic feeling involved, knowing one of them is going to die, and both being willing to sacrifice themselves for one another like this is “Merchant of Venice” or something (I will explain the obscure Shakespeare reference in the comments). Calypso would never give up her LIFE for Leo, and Leo would only give up his because she’s hot.
4. Okay, most of this is copy-pasted from my post about Valzhang, but it still applies, and it applies to them maybe more so. They get so much more time together to establish a meaningful relationship. Their arc carries over all five books, and we get to form connections as a reader to them both, so the payoff is a lot more satisfying. Unlike Calypso, Jason is his own character separately, and not just an add-on to Leo’s arc. Their friendship is a key focus in their chapters, and a key point in their character development, as Jason is the first person Leo ever opens up to about his mom. When Calypso showed up, Leo had already gone through that journey of letting down those walls, so it was a lot less meaningful. They had little to no time to develop a relationship, and we never get a chance to care about Calypso as a person. She’s just kind of a plot point for Leo/Percy’s own development, and never her own character.
5. What separates Leo and Calypso from the other relationships in the series is that they were not written for each other. Frank and Hazel? Written for each other. Jason and Piper? Written for each other. Percy and Annabeth? FUCKING WRITTEN TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER. Cal was brought in during BoTL to cockblock Percabeth, and then Rick realised Leo “needed” a girlfriend, so picked her. But you know what two characters were written to be best friends right from the get-go? Like literally it’s established in the first couple pages of the first book? Jason and Leo. Much like how Valzhang were always meant to be rivals, Jason and Leo were always meant to be best friends.
6. Like I said in the last post, Leo doesn’t NEED a girlfriend. He can heal his trauma with friends and found family, learning to love and accept himself, learning that he doesn’t actually need the attention of a hot girl to be valid. Jason is the best person to help him on that journey, seeing as how his character thrives in uplifting others. The only person who ever loved Leo unconditionally died when he was eight. His blood relatives abandoned him, and he clearly wasn’t treated very well in the foster homes. He constantly feels like he has to work to prove he’s earned his place among the Seven because for him, family has never been a guarantee. Jason cares for Leo even when he’s fucked up, even when he’s a crying mess on the floor, even when he feels most like he doesn’t deserve to be cared for. Leo thinks he needs the attention of a hot girl to give him validation. What he really needs is to find a place among his brethren- and Jason offers him that place.
So, kids, that was it for today’s edition of “Why Literally Any Ship Is Better Than Caleo”. Tune in next time for our fav ✨trauma twinsies✨ Valdangelo!
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babyboywinchester · 3 months
i was finally able to go through nancylou’s post about misha and i’m so literally appalled at what’s he’s done, that’s there. like in what world did he think that sexually harassing jensen was okay?! that man is definitely sick. and i feel bad for jensen because it was definitely the culture of “oh it’s just misha” so people didn’t do anything about it. it’s also his weird obsession with jensen in general that is so off putting to me.
also misha’s acting is just not that great. i get that angels are suppose to be stoic and cold but a tree could act better than what misha has done and a tree doesn’t have chapped lips for me to be distracted by.
his shots at jared/sam are just like so unprofessional. like jared is your co-worker and i get not always liking someone you work with but from what i’ve seen and read, jared seems like a good person to work with in general, so just say your jealous misha 🙄.
i’m sorry, i’m just cackling at cons seemingly being his only source of income because no one wants to hire him, yet he thinks he’s better than jared who’s had steady work with Walker after SPN.
like man needs to find SOMETHING to occupy his time because destiel is never going to happen and he’s just wasting everyone’s time with his non-stop queerbating.
sorry this was also long and kind of a rant. he just gets constantly more annoying and disgusting the more i learn about him.
I’m glad you actually took the time to do that! It really opens your eyes to just how slimy of a human he really is. Once again, never fear about sending a long ask. I like getting asks!
I will say in the beginning I don’t think his acting was all that bad, because like you said Angels are very stoic and still learning how to occupy human bodies… but as the seasons drew on he just became like a… I don’t even know how to describe it, but what’s the point of having a pet angel if he isn’t even that powerful, can barely do anything, and hovers around you with a case of chapped lips so severe YOU have the urge to put chapstick on yourself.
Also his “arcs” if you can even call them that add little, nothing really, to the story so he’s just… there. Supporting characters were only given more screen time so J2 could have more time off anyway so it’s all meant to be filled with him and little to no substance.
Yet he acts like he was some trendsetter or as if he was the one to throw the first brick at Stonewall and all he is is a mediocre, middle aged, white man who panders to a group of maybe 100 people at a time about a fetishized gay ship from a cable show that ended four years ago now… he also is the only man to have to come out as straight. He’s not an “ally” he uses and abuses peoples interpretation of this so called “confession” to keep up his grifting lifestyle.
A heterosexual grifter king of you will. Wow. How could we not stan him?
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I get it
E/riel’s have been disappointed & shook since the BC.
I understand there are aggressive shippers out there on all sides with ✨ ZERO ✨ emotional intelligence & can’t help themselves from being actual villains.
All that to say, the biggest difference between Elriel v. Gwynriel/Elucien is we do actually use canon with complete context & build upon that. Canon from multiple series most times. We’ve kept up with the story.. We actually understand the narrative THE AUTHOR is wanting to convey. It’s both.. iykyk
If Elriel’s actually follow cannon you’ll end up with chosen love (if Elain even gives him a chance after that BC), their powers don’t sing or dance for the other, Elain has a bond trailing her forever, & Az leaves Elain for his mate when his bond snaps (bc it’s canon he wants a mate bond. He straight up says he’s envious of RHYS & CASSIAN. Az, quite literally, waited 500 years for a MATING BOND to snap with Mor.).
It’s clear y’all don’t understand that Elain’s treatment of Lucien is NOT unique to Lucien as a character. She’d be treating Az the same way if that bond snapped in Hybern, the same way y’all don’t understand that Azriel’s visceral longing for a mate is NOT unique to Elain as a character.. the same way y’all don’t realize that if Lucien never said anything, y’all wouldn’t have your favorite scene of them sitting in the garden.
I’ve seen a few post lately saying we’ve read too many fanfics, have confused cannon, & that we’re envious of Elriel… that’s what’s prompted this rant lol… This take is rich coming from the ship that had fics with Azriel’s shadows playing/DANCING for Elain, only for that dream to be drowned in a muddy grave in chapter 60 & in the BC of ACOSF.. yet y’all still are out here trying to explain that away or try to spin it as a positive… An Elriel shipper had an artist commission them as Eric & Ariel. At first I thought that commission was supposed to be an uno reverse of irony & apparently it’s not, it was actually for Elriel month & intended to only have one level of irony… Who’s really envious & confusing canon here?
Never seen an Elucien post saying “Darn, I wish Lucien’s power didn’t come out when he was trying to get to Elain, I wish his power was absent around her like Az’s shadows. Shoot, I really wish Lucien didn’t give Elain incredibly thoughtful gifts for solstice & ask Fayre multiple questions about Elain so he could know her as a person. Really wish he didn’t fight his way through a battle field just to see Elain. Actually, I just wish Lucien didn’t think of Elain’s well being at all, he should’ve NEVER thought about her still not eating, how thin she was, & how much that look in her eyes worried him.”
Never seen a Gwynriel post saying “Aw man, I wish Azriel didn’t notice how Gwyn’s freckles crinkle on her nose when she smirks & I wish he didn’t bait her into a challenge like he did with the obstacle course. I really freaking hate that his shadows danced with Gwyn after we got direct confirmation they don’t do that for Elain. Darn, really wish Az thought of his hands tainting Gwyn when we got his PoV.”
It’s absolutely hilarious that they’ll try it when I have YET so see an Elucien proof of ship post that isn’t straight from the books (with the complete context of the quote) & have it not support the overarching narrative THE AUTHOR is wanting to convey regarding a fated mate.. I just.. y’all, it’s okay to be wrong.
If I need to spell it out for you, the overarching theme is ✨ like calls to like ✨ & the mating bond transcends all… I’d hope we all know this as we’ve had to read that saying 832 times & have 832 examples of mates CHOOSING to accept the bond after getting to know them & healing.
We speak with 100% conviction bc it’s OBVIOUS! Elucien’s have been nothing but validated by SJM each time she released a book building more tension for Elucien to explore.. ACOSF was 100% validation for her Elucien’s.. I see Elriel theories & posts all the time bc I follow the Azriel tags. I don’t engage unless the Elriel tag is missing bc I won’t hop on a post that’s obviously for their discussion & rants. Tho, when I do go snoop, I have never seen a Elriel theory or take that can’t be disproven BY THE BOOKS aka THE AUTHOR..
I get it
We’ve all waiting YEARS for SJM to finish a series & we want to see our characters HEA.
I have ✨ ZERO ✨ problem with yall shipping Elriel, it’s just the fact y’all still scream that “your book” is next.. Sweetheart, there’s no book… & it’s that y’all copy & paste Elucien/Gwynriel characteristics & dynamics onto your ship. Like, yall do realize the depth of irony you put yourselves in every.. single.. time?
Just enjoy your side of the fandom & understand that the ship YOU WANT can ONLY be achieved through fanfics or realize that your ship is actually just a pick’N’choose of Elucien & Gwynriel.
I’m sorry that I’m not sorry for considering y’all a joke at this point in the maasverse. Every Elriel take or “proof” I see ends with me laughing my ass off, bc it’s comedic gold the amount of hoops y’all need to jump through. Realistically, only thing Elucien’s & Gwynriel’s need to do is just sit back & wait. Because on this day of May 6th, 2024, we should know that something greater than the cauldron chooses mates, Elain & Lucien are STILL CONFIRMED TO BE MATES, Elain has yet to have an on page conversation with Lucien discussing the future of their bond, Azriel’s shadows still ONLY dance for Gwyn or Azriel, & Az’s chest still ONLY sparked for Gwyn…
ALAIS, Elucien’s have been trying to help manage y’all’s expectations since 2016 & now have us Gwynriel’s to back them up bc it’s allllll in the books babes! (We can pull evidence from all of her series that supports SJM’s theme of like calls to like, mating language, & mating behaviors to show actual proof of our ship)
Honestly, it doesn’t matter how much y’all try to “I know you are, but what am I?” us to death, it still won’t change the fact that after the CoN scene & chapter 60 in ACOSF, y’all should’ve just taken that L with grace & dignity..
I know the best thing to do is not engage or add to the flame & that they bait, I just can’t help it. I work in the legal field & arguing a point is in my blood! 💀 I get it, don’t yuck others yums, it’s just so funny that we are still neck deep in discourse with them about mates getting a book together… in a contracted fated mates series..
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buddiebeginz · 5 months
I keep seeing posts about how us Buddie fans are just being delusional. How we need to stop reading so much into what’s being said during interviews and oh also how it’s offensive to the current ship.
First of all let’s be clear here Buck is NOT in a relationship with Tommy. I feel like this is something you Buck/Tommy shippers are failing to grasp because I constantly see posts about how Buck shouldn’t cheat on Tommy. They have kissed once and been on 2ish dates they are not a couple yet. Being exclusive requires a conversation or at least some acknowledgment by the characters and we haven’t had that yet. They still barely know each other.
Second we have always theorized about Buddie when the characters were with other love interests. We did when Buck was with Taylor. We did when Eddie was with Ana. Is it somehow different now because Tommy is a guy? Is it different now because Buck and Tommy aren't straight? Or is it just because Buck is dating the guy you want him to be with now? I don't know there's just something very strange about how some of you are responding to Buddie/Buddie shippers with all of this.
What's even crazier to me is that so many of you who are all about Buck/Tommy now used to be Buddie shippers or still say you'll be happy if Buddie happens down the line. Yet you're still attacking Buddie and our meta and speculation because it threatens the current ship you want at the moment.
No one is saying that every one of our theories and speculation is 100% correct but we have always speculated on the show and the interviews this isn't something new people are doing. I feel like the response some you have is that we're somehow seeing/hearing only what we want to and or twisting the words of the actors/etc to fit some kind narrative we have about Buddie.
It's not like we're seeing interviews where Oliver, Lou, Tim, etc are saying Buck and Tommy are going to be together 4eva and then immediately twisting that to mean oh they must be lying Buddie is so obviously happening tomorrow. We're inferring what we think might happen based on spoilers and what the actors (and Tim) have said combined with what we hope might happen. We know not everything we think will happen will. We had a ton of theories on 7x04 and 7x05 (many of which turned out to not be true) and despite what some of you think we didn't all collectively lose our shit because they didn't come true.
You can dislike Buddie and us all you want and can disagree with us or our theories all you want but these posts talking about how we're just seeing what we want and setting ourselves up for disappointment come across as hypocritical (considering most of you used to be Buddie shippers) and patronizing. We don't need or want you to save us from our fandom experience. If we're disappointed by the storyline that's our business but right now we're having fun with where things in the show are and are going.
I also really don't like how some of you are trashing Buddie to prop up Buck/Tommy. Basically saying that because Buck and Eddie's feelings haven't been verbally confirmed on screen (like in an I'm in love with you kind of way) that we're making it into something it's not and it's not fair to Buck/Tommy because they are canon.
Buddie isn't in a romantic relationship at the moment but they have loved and supported one another and always been been more than friends since basically the beginning. Even Oliver just confirmed that Buck was attracted to Eddie from the first scene. And no attraction alone doesn't equal love but if you can look at the six seasons of history shared by these two characters and only see two bros being the bestest friends you really need to take some media literacy.
I feel like some of you don't understand that not every part of a fictional story is spelled out super literally nor should it be. We know how deep Buck and Eddie's love goes because we can infer that based on their scenes. On all the ways they are there for one another, on how they treat each other, on how their relationship differs from the other friendships on the show. On all the things they say and don't say to one another. A big reason we want to see them in a canon romantic relationship is because of how clear the show has already made it that these two men love each other.
As for Tommy even though I'm not a multishipper I get Tommy's significance in the storyline. I'm also more thankful than I can put into words that Oliver and the show have decided to do Buck's bi awakening storyline epecially considering I'm bi myself. Buck being bi and his journey is incredibly important all on it's own but Buddie being canon is equally as important not because we need to see these guys together but because of what they represent. We have never had a slow burn same sex love story like this and the way it would change media forever if Buddie were to be canon cannot be understated.
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nobody-nexus · 10 months
More Sinful Circus stuff!
I forgot to show Sun and Moon's designs, who in this are guards that make sure none of the prisoners like murder one another. They have admin powers, meaning in this both the sun and moon are stronger then Caine which is funny to me
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Sun is very much rules are rules no matter how ridiculous they are. Her favorites are Gangle and Ragatha because they're the MOST likely to listen to her, whilst Jax literally never listens- so she's constantly pissed at him
Moon is the more 'good cop' of the two- willing to bend the rules a LITTLE but not by much. She has a crush on Caine because she adores his crazy demeanor and creative personality, but hates Pomni due to how dangerous she can be- especially around others
Also here's the sexualities, genders, and ships (+ a brotp) within this AU! (Keep in mind the sexualities, genders, and ships are NOT CANON to the official material ^^)
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Surprise surprise, the first one is Ragapom. THEY ARE MY COMFORT SHIP. Pomni is a transfem lesbian whilst Ragatha is just a bisexual mess. Their ship dynamic is very simple: Easy to fluster x calm mommy gf. Ft: Masochism! Ragatha's kind of in denial of finding Pomni's murderous side hot buuuut she does find it hot. Especially when she growls
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Next is Jax x Zooble, which I call Bad Rabbit. Like NO ONE in the prison expected this. They just one day became a thing and told NO ONE ELSE about it. They're partners in crime who smoke weed and take ibuprofen together honestly. Like they insult one another a lot, but it's their form of love... Also they support each other's chaotic adventures and behavior
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Caine x Moon- one of the two only straight people in the circus fell in love with authority. I'd like to think that Moon's like the ONLY one that can calm down Caine's madness by a little bit- and Sun HATES that they love one another. The coders do nothing about it cause they don't care, but Sun VERY MUCH CARES (Caine isn't aware Sun doesn't approve)
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GANGLE AND KINGER ARE BESTIES YOUR HONOR. We love two atutistic people just existing with one another. Gangle will keep Kinger company in his 'kingdom' while she doodles. Kinger 100% treats Gangle like a daughter, even giving her a princess like role- complete with a paper crown
Like I said in the first post- if you have any questions about the Sinful Circus AU- my inbox is nice and open! I'll happily continue making stuff involving this AU! I was thinking the next thing I discuss is a more in depth look on how Abstraction works and what the monsters in this AU do. Stay tuned for that ^^
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svnaaaaaa · 11 months
Monte Carlo : Charles Leclerc AU (Part Seven)
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pairing : charles leclerc x fem reader
summary : the end is almost near, is it the happy ending charles and y/n wanted?
warning(s) : smau, mention of sex, domestic charles, french google-translated, eventually smut yes i did it (please excuse my awkwardness, also minors dni!)
previous : part six
next : epilogue
author's note : the pictures are credited to pinterest. i decided to end the series since the dramatic scene is over and this will be the last part before epilogue. i would like to thank you all for supporting this series, those who liked it, reblogged it, thank you so much. it was hard for me to think of the idea of making this series because i took inspiration from the movie and copying it straight 100% wouldn't be fun because of lack of original idea. so i hope there will be no one copying my story and make it their own because all rights reserved. also i squeezed all my brain juice for this baby. anyways enjoy! also all pictures are from pinterest.
tagging : (if you want to be tagged in, let me know)
recap :
"charles, gear up now." xavi said as both charles and y/n chuckled. "see you after the race?" charles asked and y/n nodded her head yes, smiling brightly at charles. "i will be here." y/n replied, making charles kiss y/n's head lightly.
few years later, y/n managed to finish her studies where on her graduation day, it unites almost all of her family. her father, step-mother, brother, sister, uncle isaac, aunt jane, and even her grandfather. charles attended as well with his brother, arthur.
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charles_leclerc So proud of my girl right here. After years of struggling day and night, finally it is your day to celebrate and I couldn't be more happy for your next endeavor.
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user1 beauty with brain 🫦 congrates y/n!!
user2 i would like to know whose she's wearing for the day 🤔
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yourusername next stop, f1 paddock 🏁
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charles_leclerc Met the love of my life and I couldn't let her go. And she said yes, merçi mon amour. Je'taime ❤️
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user3 if my boyfriend doesnt do like this, imma return ship him
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yourusername the happiest moments of my life, here's to our road of forever ❤️
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charles_leclerc I finally got the chance to properly call you mine. Thank you mon amour for accepting me into your life as your husband. I loooooooooveeeee you forever more.
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scuderiaferrari congrates charles and y/n for your marriage life, we excited to see the little ones now 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
f1 congratulations to charles and y/n!
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yourusername marriage life, day 1
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right after graduated, both charles and y/n spending the time a lot together which leads to charles decided to bring y/n to paris, just to propose to her, at her mother's favourite place on earth. her family already gave the blessing long time ago which wasn't a problem for him to do so. pascale also excited hearing the news of accepting a new daughter in-law. y/n decided move in with charles, right after the proposal which before this she lived with grace in monte carlo, and becoming fulltime wag where her only work is just following charles travel the world just for racing. she wanted to be the support that charles needed, which sometime there will be a supporting job needed from her family's company which she will be filling in on work from home mode.
grace decided to join y/n as well since her lover, mateo from her field education days, is a resident there. not wanting to be apart right after graduation, grace also decided to permenantly stay in monte carlo alongside with y/n. right after y/n's wedding with charles, grace finally engage to mateo in the garden where y/n and charles' wedding were held in. both girls were excited and can't wait to see what adventure awaits for them next.
as for amélie, she broke up with her long-term boyfriend when she learnt that he has been cheating on her a few months before the wedding. it was devastating but amélie took it as a sign to move on and pursue into her dreams, which to travel around the world and be a humanitarian. she's happy with it because it opened her eyes that life is worth living if you took a chance to see what others doing with their life.
the morning air breeze slipped through the sliding door that charles opened earlier once he woke up, making the skin of y/n felt the chills of it. y/n patted through the mattress beside her and found that charles wasn't on the bed like he used to, sleeping in. today is the day where f1 got a break called summer break, so this is the only time where charles' busy time will be only training and after that, he will have the time to spend with his beloved ones.
y/n sighed at the absence of charles on bed and she decided to wake up and sit on the bed for a bit. y/n inhaled the fresh air and then exhale it through her mouth. lately her body isn't doing good at all. she has been feeling terribly fatigue and the thought of food makes her want to vomit. she has no slight interest in doing whatever she wants and just want to sleep away the feeling of everything. aside from that, from charles' view, charles noticed that his wife has been in bad mood lately which caused him to be extra careful on his words especially.
also during sex which was two nights ago, charles noticed that y/n became quite hornier than ever. her breasts felt fuller, and her lust for him became wilder. she can't help but keep on sniffing for his scent, his natural scent actually because y/n doesn't like any of charles' perfumes, even the ones she gifted to him which she specifically chose it. then charles realized, it was his sweat that drives his wife crazy. weird but true.
"char?" y/n called as she entered the kitchen and saw charles sitting at the kitchen stool, watching whatever it shows on the television. charles hummed in response and saw his wife walking at his way, which caused him smiling and open his arms wide open. "i think i am ready to go to the clinic." y/n announced as she sat on charles' right lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "really, you feeling okay now?" charles asked back, rubbing his wife's back as she laid her head on his right shoulder. y/n nodded her head yes as she gave charles' neck a peck of kiss. "okay, let's go later on okay?" charles asked and once again, y/n nodded her head yes.
"mme leclerc." (mrs leclerc) a nurse called up. y/n stood up from her seat next to charles. charles also stood up and both of them walked into the doctor's office. "comment nous sentons-nous aujourd'hui ?" (how are we feeling today?) the doctor asked as she looked at the couple entering the room. y/n and charles took a seat each in front of the doctor's table. y/n looked at charles and charles nodded his head signalling to 'go on and tell her'.
"j'ai des nausées, de la fatigue et parfois je n'ai plus d'appétit du tout." (i have been feeling nausea, fatigue and sometime i don't have any appetite at all.) y/n explained of what happened as the doctor took note on the health report card. "et comment te sens-tu maintenant?" (and how are you feeling now?) the doctor asked. "un peu bien mais je n'ai toujours pas d'appétit pour manger." (a bit okay but still have no appetite to eat.) y/n replied as she fiddled on her fingers. "je vois. à quand remonte tes dernières règles?" (i see. when was your last period?) the doctor asked again, and this time both y/n and charles were taken back by the question.
ever since the wedding, they haven't keep any track of y/n's period. "je ne me souviens pas." (i don't remember.) y/n admitted shyly as she looked down on her lap making the doctor giggled. "pas besoin d'être gênée mme leclerc." (no need to be embarrassed mrs leclerc.) the doctor told her as she pulled a small cup from her drawer and placed on the table. "j'ai besoin que tu fasses pipi dans cette tasse et que tu la donnes au labo là-bas et que tu attendes le résultat, d'accord?" (i need you to pee in this cup and hand it to the lab back there and wait for the result, okay?) the doctor instructed and y/n nodded her head yes, grabbing the cup. "ok, merci docteur." (alright, thank you doctor.) y/n thanked as she and charles stood up and left the room.
both of them walked along the hallway to the toilet and charles let go of y/n's hand. "just go, i wait for you here." charles told her. y/n nodded her head yes and entered the toilet. as she entered the toilet, y/n exhaled. entered to one of the booths, y/n unzipped her pants and pulled down her legs. she placed the cup between her legs as she focused on her peeing. sounds weird but it is weird when you need to pee for a purpose instead of nature call.
right after the business was done, y/n exited the toilet and placed the cup at the lab's counter nearby the toilet. y/n saw charles sat at one of the benches and came to go sit next to him. y/n grabbed charles' left arm and hug it. charles combed through y/n's hair as he kissed it. "nervous?" y/n asked charles as she looked up at him. charles chuckled. "whatever the result going to be, i believe it is in our favour." charles replied, making y/n bit her upper lip, as an act of expressing nervous.
"mme leclerc." the nurse called again.
celebrating at pascale's house for arthur's podium in monaco grand prix, the party was attended by everyone they know, including y/n's family came from nice and also san fransisco. "everyone, may i have your attention please." charles announced as he clicking on his wine glass. the attention now focused at charles, which made him kind of nervous. as people were anticipating, making charles chuckled where y/n immediately rushed her way to charles for support.
"as you all far known, my wife and i have been married for such a long time now and in God's will, we will be having our own next ferrari driver next year." charles announced, making some of the guests gasped in surprise, cheering and most importantly, both pascale and arthur rushed their ways to charles and y/n. pascale hugged both her son and daughter in-law as arthur patted charles' back, yelling "congrates bro!" making both charles and y/n chuckled.
in the late night, where they are now in their cozy home, charles pressed y/n against the wall in their hallway where charles hold his wife's head in his hands. charles, who didn't waste any more time, leaned in to his wife's lips which fits perfectly. the kiss became more hungrily than ever as y/n's moves up to charles' body to unbutton his shirt. charles deepened the kiss as he bit the bottom lip of y/n which caused her to gasp which allowing charles to tangle his tongue with his wife's. as she pushed off the shirt of charles, y/n's hands move up to charles' head where she grabbed on charles' dark brown hair, making charles groans, let go of her lips.
y/n who pushed her husband off her and grabbed charles' hands, pulled him towards their bedroom where y/n pushed him on their bed. y/n grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled if off of her, which she threw at charles' direction, gently. charles pulled it off his sight and the bed deepened with y/n's weight as she crawled onto charles' laps which makes charles wrapped his arms around his wife's waist. charles moved his hands up to where the bra's hook placed behind his wife's back and in swift, he unhooks it. he let go of his wife's bra where the bra left the bed to the floor. the view of his wife's breasts exposed to his eyes which makes charles gulped and examined his wife's breasts. he admired how y/n's breasts look different from how it looked in bra and how it looked now. especially now that they are expecting a baby, charles learned that a woman's breasts will change according to how the pregnancy goes, which makes his wife's breasts will grow fuller than how it is now.
leaning in for kisses with y/n on his laps, charles' right hand grabbed onto y/n's left breast where he leaned into his lips, kissing around the areola. y/n whimpered at the feel of her husband's lips on her breast. "char.." y/n moaned out which caused her gripped on charles' hair scalp, making charles groaned while suckling.
charles' left hand balanced his wife, which he placed on her back, on his laps as his right hand went south to feel onto his wife's wetness through her panties. y/n moaned at the feeling of charles' finger teasing as she leaned her forehead onto charles' left shoulder. she grabbed charles' teasing hand and led it into her panties where charles took control of it and use his pointer finger to lightly poke his wife's bundle of nerve, making his wife whimpering in his left arm. wrapping her arms around her husband's shoulder, y/n tighten her hug as charles speed up his teasing, making y/n unsettling in her seat.
"charles ... please." y/n whimpered out, her left arm reached for her back to the hem of her panties and eventually pulled the elastic band down from her butt which makes charles' right hand helped her pulled the panties along the way to her legs. as her bottom was free, automatically y/n's legs spread out, presenting her pussy to her husband. charles' breath starting to increase and the erection in his pants starting to pulsating as well as if he felt it starting to erect growing, wanting to be free from it confinement. charles looked at his wife's face and he could see how much drunkard his wife turned into, drunk in love. charles placed his lips on his wife's as his pointer and middle fingers went straight to y/n's pussy, entering the fingers at the entrance, making y/n groaned in satisfaction as her hips follow charles' pumping the pussy.
squirming, y/n dragged her hands towards charles' pants and gripped the hem of the pants around his waist. unbuttoned the pants, y/n dragged the pants down to charles' butt. lifting up the butt and pulling his fingers out of his wife's pussy, charles continued on pulling his pants and boxer off, freeing the confined erection. as the pants off, y/n immediately grabbed her husband's erection and slowly pumping it, causing charles hissing in pleasure. "sweetheart..." charles exhaled as he grabbed his wife's wrists. "tonight is about you, you're the center of attention." charles informed as he pushed his wife gently, laid on the bed on her back as his left hand grabbed his erection, continued on pumping it gently and a small wetness came from the tip of it. spreading it as a small lubrication, charles placed his growing erection on his wife's pussy, moving it back and forth as it creating a small pleasure for the pair.
the room filled with moans and groans as the hot air of monte carlo mixed with the heat of the moment, where y/n grabbed the erection of her husband and poke her entrance where charles continued it with slowly pushed it in, creating more pleasure for both of them. as charled groaned in pleasure and couldn't wait to aggresively pound on his wife, he saw his wife grabbed onto her breasts as she tried to creating more pleasure by stimulating the nipples. charles who is turning on even more, placed his hands on his wife's hands which she removes hers and grabbed his arms, charles moaned even more as he could see how turned on his wife is, making him pumping his wife a bit more aggressive.
y/n groaned even more as she try to reach for charles' back, clawing him as she spreading out her legs even more, bending it while charles moving back and forth entering and exiting from her pussy, which they could here the sound of it. y/n bending her back forward as charles lowering his hands down on y/n's body as he placed it at her waist while y/n's hands placed on charles' shoulders, pulling him down leaning for kisses. charles sighed in pleasure as he peppering kisses on his wife's lips. feeling trembling like a sudden jitter, y/n knew that she was about to reach her orgasm. as for charles, his eyebrows furrowed, wanting to delay his orgasm.
"char, i-i'm going to c-cum." y/n whimpered in between breaths and moans as she continues to claw charles' back. charles, who hissing in pleasure, placed his hands between his wife's head as he lowered down his head to hover his wife's head. "look at me mon amour, open your eyes." charles instructed, breathing out the words as he is also about to cum. lightly, y/n opened her eyes and saw the most green-blueish eyes she had ever seen and do pray that their child also blessed with the same eyes as well. "cum mon amour." charles instructed once again and this time, y/n approaching her orgasm. as her body is trembling in pleasure, y/n could feel a huge relief being made as the relief was creating a mess. still approaching his high, charles slowed his movement as he placed his face in the crook of his wife's neck, inhaling her scent. a mixture of natural scent and faint smell of perfume she wore before, fading a bit. as charles could feel it, soon he release it inside of his wife and stayed there until he calmed down a bit.
exhaling their breath, it felt like a massive workout they ever did together before for a charity marathon that the company made, right before they were married. the verdict, charles was y/n's personal masseur.
"ready to be a daddy, papa?" y/n whispered as she stroked back charles' front hair to the back. "as ready as i ever be maman." charles replied, taking y/n's hand and kissed it.
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You wanna talk about Reiner, Jean and Marco?
Okay, let's talk about Reiner, Jean and Marco. Buckle up, there's a lot to talk about.
Disclaimer: this is not an anti post to any character or ship, quite the opposite. Read the whole thing before you jump to conclusions, thanks :)
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Well, yes and no. First and foremost, the background. Jean and the rest of the cadets, while each had a goal, were training to defend what they thought to be all that was left of the human species. For 100 years, the walls protected them, but they were no longer secure. The military was humanity's last hope of survival. With these unimaginably high stakes always looming over them, the cadets ought to have developed a complex bond that would be very hard to put into words. Let's just say they were something more than just siblings in arms, and you could tell that. Throughout the series, you never get the impression that Jean and the others truly wanted to kill RBA. It also explains why Marco questioned Reiner and Bert about their conversation before he even realized he's made a mistake.
However, we also have to remember this scene. This happened not long after Marco's death. Realistically speaking, I don't see how Jean wouldn't have harboured a healthy amount of hatred in his heart. But it never overcame him because his grief over losing Marco was much stronger than his hatred for those who caused it.
He won't get his answers from Annie, but he could get them from Reiner after they captured him in Shiganshina. He convinced Hange to not execute him due to a mix of the aforementioned bond and his need to understand what truly happened to Marco and what were the shifters' true goals. And of course, because preserving one's life, even an enemy's, is in Jean's nature.
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There's so much to unpack here, but first, let's focus on the idea that "the people who killed Marco were the same as Jean himself", which is a false equivalence supported by other false equivalences.
There's RBA's mission to commit straight up genocide against Paradis, and the raid of Liberio or Eren's plan to steal the War Hammer, ensure that the world hates Paradis, and use his friends as his escape route. Sure, the Scouts could have chosen not to aid Eren, let him be captured, lose the Founding Titan, and allow Marley to destroy them once and for all. Not a hard choice at all, right? The only thing that those two events have in common is the fact that the shifters were responsible for almost all of the casualties. In fact, as a commanding officer, Jean did everything in his power to avoid civilian casualties in Liberio. He even failed to kill Falco and Pieck.
Then there's Marco's murder and the clash with the Yeagerists. All I'm going to say about the former at this point is that Reiner had other options to keep Marco from endangering their mission other than killing him. But fundamentally speaking, the two situations share nothing in common. The circumstances that led to them happening, the power dynamics between the parties involved, the stakes, and the context itself makes them practically unrelated. The alliance had to leave the island or the Rumbling would have ended the world. The Yeagerists gave them no choice other than to fight them. Saying that Reiner and Jean are "the same" it's like saying a killer who murdered their victim is just as bad as a survivor who killed their aggressor in self defense. The killer could've chosen not to commit murder, whereas the survivor didn't have a choice. In this case, the world is the victim while the Yeagerists are complicit for interfering with the only people that could stop the Rumbling. Of course, that doesn't mean Jean shouldn't have felt anything after he killed his former comrades, he'd be ooc.
In fact, these aren't just my thoughts. Some of these points are made by Isayama himself:
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Notice how Yelena frames the raid as a nation wide attack? Except, that's not what it was at all. The Scouts only attacked the internment zone while Eren and Armin ravaged it and the port of Liberio respectively, two locations in one of the thousands of cities an empire as large as Marley must've had. And they did so to prevent Marley from gaining the means that would've allowed them to destroy Paradis. As for what Reiner and Annie did to the walls and their people, Yelena's accusations are hitting the nail.
These issues are never properly addressed in the following chapters. Instead, they were used to lay the foundations for the "we're the same" fallacious dialogue. Isayama didn't have to throw every single Scout in the same gray soup as the Warriors since they've already proven to be complex characters in the previous arcs. His own writing didn't support it. Imo, that's why he failed in this regard.
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The campfire scene is a highlight, that one thing is true. It's extremely important for Jean and Marco's relationship. Marco wasn't just Jean's most significant person throughout the series (aside from his mom), he was also his most significant loss. A wound in his very being.
Not knowing what truly happened to Marco, what were his last moments, was an open wound on its own. When Reiner finally confessed, Jean had the closure he'd thought he'd never get. Now he could start the long process of healing - partially, because such pain never truly goes away. You just learn how to live with it, and Jean already has plenty of experience in that field. I think this is a very powerful message, important too. Grief is not something inherently bad. It's up to you what you do with. You either allow it to consume you, or you hold it tight, you cherish it as a sign that what you had was real, still is real, you let it shape you into a better person, one that understands pain and wishes for no one to have to go through something similar. Jean is the latter, ever the kind-hearted man.
This should have been Jean and Marco's intimate moment, but Reiner intruded on it with his self-pitying babbling. There are lines that mustn't be crossed. That's when Jean snapped and attacked him. He didn't do anything after he learned the truth, just told Reiner to shut up, which he didn't do.
There's a glaring difference between Jean's reaction and what Reiner did after Marco overheard his discussion with Bert, what he did after Marco begged him to talk it over, to talk with him. He executed him like an animal; worse than that, he betrayed him, crushed his soul, denied him any chance of survival, left him behind for the titan to finish the job.
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Marco was kind, understanding, supportive, good-natured, bright, forgiving, a true leader worth following. He wanted to serve the king because that's how he thought he could serve his people best (this is clearly inspired by the relationship the people of Japan had with their emperor before he renounced his divine status). Yes, he was also wrong about some things he didn't have the chance to understand as one of the early deaths. But Marco represented something we should all strive to be: a good human being.
On the other hand, Reiner strived to be a hero. Someone who'd wipe out all the devils. Someone driven by selfish ideals that have been shaped by prejudice and hatred. Only a monster would kill someone like Marco. As I said earlier, he had other choices to deal with him. He already broke his legs, so Marco would've been entirely dependent on his help to survive. Reiner could've coerced him to keep quiet or else Bert would kill everyone with his shifter ability, or even force him to aid Annie with gathering intel in the inner walls. Reiner knew Marco wasn't stupid, he would've complied with his demands, if not to save himself, at least to prevent a disaster. And yet, Reiner still chose to murder him, a choice that only a monster could make, a choice that would ruin his mental health, a choice that would turn him into a shell of a man.
If there's one character that is bound to Marco by trauma and guilt, it's Reiner. He was no hero as his story was written with the blood of his many victims. Killing Marco forced Reiner realize he was the monster all along, not the people he was sent to exterminate. Not the people he didn't see as people. His trauma was so egregious because he couldn't face this monster that would murder someone like Marco, - and once he did - because he couldn't stand this monster that was he. Quite ironic to say that Marco symbolizes naivety while the hero that never was was falling apart as the realization of what he did started to kick in. Hard.
Combined with this realization, that choice would make him do the right thing in the end. To me, this was the whole point of Reiner's character arc. To stress the idea that a single choice fueled by hatred has an unmeasurable weight and only leads to unthinkable consequences. It's about doing the right thing after constantly doing the wrong thing. It's about showing that there is no us vs them and that the dehumanization of the Other only leads to mass destruction and self destruction. Change is not impossible as long as you keep moving forward and you give meaning to pain and guilt. Unless you stand for nothing, kill for nothing, and then die for nothing, like Bert did. A literal representation of the quote "Apathy is death". Or end up as self-centered as Annie, to the point where you'll unapologetically say you'd do it all again. Instead of saying you'd try to change your actions. But Reiner did change. He joined forces with Jean and the rest because he was finally able to see them as what they always were: human beings whose lives are just as precious as all the lives in the world. And that his own life might still be worth something. Reiner hurt Jean far too deep to fully reconciliate, but they were no longer divided by hatred.
Take away the impact Marco had on him and you'd do Reiner a great disservice.
Jean could've also chosen to do some things different. He could've returned to the camp and kill Reiner and Annie in their sleep. Cut off their heads and return back to Paradis as a hero, and finally have the quiet life that he wanted, but he didn't. Or he could've stayed in that forest for the rest of his life, to hell with everyone else, but he didn't. It wasn't because Marco's expectations had him on a leash.
Learning the truth about what happened to Marco, learning his final words made him realize that he became a man worth Marco's timely praise. And that man would never let resent, revenge, or retribution turn him into a monster. He is a man that always chooses to do the right thing because he strives against his own demons, and Marco is the person who helps him choose this life.
It's not trauma nor guilt that keeps Jean and Marco connected, it's love, be it platonic or romantic. How can it be anything else? Marco gave him this moment:
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And before this, Marco told him he's cut out to be a leader. Marco told him "I'm alive because of you". Marco made him smile for real. Do you know how much of an impact just a few words of encouragement can have on a 15 years old boy with low self esteem and no real purpose in life? He'll never forget them for as long as he lives, especially if they're coming from someone who means a lot to him. How can you take something as meaningful as that and turn it into something ugly? Marco gave him clarity.
Marco's neither a blessing nor a curse. Especially not the latter. This is how Jean remembers him four years after he had found his lifeless corpse:
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Of all his fallen comrades, Jean only sees him. This is the face that Jean turns to in his darkest hours. The eyes that look back at Jean are soulful, kind, sincere, comforting. Marco's facial expression is warm and tender. You wouldn't tell this was a 16 years old boy who had died a most gruesome death.
It matters too little they don't have cameras in Paradis, no picture could reproduce Marco's image with as much love as Jean's mind does. And it matters that much when you think about how much symbolism there is in aot. None of this is coincidental at all.
Jean always turns to Marco for hope, for strength, for solace, and to remind himself of his own kindness, that in a world as cruel as that of aot, there's still love and there's still light, if not outside, then within.
Marco's no curse, no blessing, no symbol, he is just a boy whose words and actions had a great impact on those around him, especially on his best friend (and dare I say, soulmate) who misses him dearly. He left his mark on the plot and themes of aot, whether you want to acknowledge that or not.
Edit: Forgot to add this (my drafts are a mess):
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I do agree that Jean saving Reiner's life is important. No, they could never go back to being friends. Who'd be friends with their best friend's murderer? I'll say it again, Reiner hurt Jean far too deep for them to ever fully reconciliate. Besides, Jean himself stated that he could never forgive him for what he did. The logic is sadly not logic-ing with this one. But that doesn't mean he cannot see Reiner as a human being. The difference between Reiner and Jean is that Jean always saw everyone as people.
It's important because it shows how far Jean has come. It's important because it shows how much truth was in Marco's words right from the beginning. Jean is humanity's best - not because he is flawless, far from it, but because this flawed man will always find the strenght to do what's right. Because when good men go to war, they don't see sides, not really, they see the horrors of their actions.
In a way, aot is Jean's story. And Reiner's. And Marco's. I still have plenty of criticism for this series, but the web of complex relationships between these three characters is one of the things that Isayama did right.
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thegayestdiaz · 4 months
oliver called buck and tommy's relationship friendship like 8 times before episode 4 came out, it is so silly to think that ryan calling eddie heterosexual is a 100% never changing thing lol. plus with him being a currently canon het character it is nice to have a really sweet scene of his male friend coming out to him? that isnt that same as people saying they dont want the buddie friendship shipping 'corrupted' or 'ruined' because male friendship rep is so lacking
big agree on everything here because it’s like people forget that interviews are supposed to be like a taste and not the full story. and also actors say things to throw people off so they don’t spoil big reveals, and eddie coming out would be a huge reveal. there’s also the fact that the character might still see himself as heterosexual at that point.
and also i think it really is sweet to have written a scene where a supposed straight man has their best friend come out to them and provides support and comfort instead of yk being homophobic and weird. and like if eddie was canonically queer beforehand, are we saying the scene would diminish their friendship because people would’ve shipped it even more? people only bring up male friendships being lacking when they don’t like a ship and it’s so annoying
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dynamo-deepblue · 5 months
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✨ WING EMBLEM Ita Bag 2024 Release Info Thread! ✨
Preorders will work differently this time so more people can have a chance to get one (because last time, in June 2023, there were only 100 and they sold out in 4 hours. Lots of disappointed people!). Please read below!
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In late June/early July 2024, I'll send out a preorder form on various platforms and via social media that'll be open for 1-2 weeks. Fill out this form to claim your bag! When the form closes, bags will be produced based on the number of forms submitted. Payment will be collected once bags are in my hands (estimated around October 2024).
You'll also be able to order 2 matching accessories on the form - the SPECIAL STAGE wallet and the SPEED HEROES wrist lanyard! These items are still being manufactured currently, so when I can get photos I'll post them. But for now, here's some art mockups. (I anticipate having the samples of the wallet and lanyard in my hands in June, so that's why the preorder form will not be available until then. I want you all to see the photos!!)
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The WING EMBLEM ita bag will be priced at $95 USD, the SPECIAL STAGE wallet at $25 USD and the SPEED HEROES lanyard at $15 USD. (+ shipping. Worldwide shipping is available!)
If you miss the preorder form, don't worry! In-store stock will also be available this time 🎉 This includes the bags, wallets and lanyards.
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You can find more information about all these items at this link (also makes a good bookmark and will be updated periodically).
Don't want to miss out? You can also sign up for my newsletter to have info and updates straight to your email. Great if you don't check social media too often.
In the meantime, I'll be working on other merch projects, fandom-related and otherwise! I do art full time and thrive on your support, so if you'd like to help me and my cat survive and make fun things, you can commission, visit my shop or tip me on Ko-fi!
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread, or contact me on any site I frequent, or via email, and I'll do my best to answer. If I have further updates I will also add them to this thread. Thank you all for taking a look - I hope you all will look forward to it!
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kozumesphone · 4 months
also, second one (cause i couldnt resist)
if u seek amy! i think thatll be fun
my hobby is reading and playing the guitar!
i think i read like fifty books last year..
my fav books are pjo tlt (its nostalgic ok!!) and the hunger games series
i like to play mostly taylor swift and gracie abrams songs on the guitar!
i basically steal my sisters guitar whenever i want to play cause i dont have my own lol (im better than her)
my favorite taylor swift song is youre on your own kid
my favorite gracie abrams song is feels like
my favorite color is yellow (pretty obvious i think) it reminds me of sunshine and just overall happy things yk?
my favorite season is spring! the flowers start blooming and theyre so pretty (downside are the bugs)
i have a lot of favorite shows: stranger things, brooklyn 99, the good place, modern family
my favorite subject is chemistry! i love learning about the world around me and its properties etcetc
some random stuff about my personality: i get distracted so easily its a nightmare to study, i am an emotional wreck i cry easily, definitely a night owl, hufflepuff, daughter of poseidon
i dont mind if u pick someone from a book i dont recognise, that will just give me incentive to read it!!!
oh forgot to mention im a straight girl
love uuuu and congrats again!!!
⊹ ࣪ ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏⊹ ࣪ ˖
⟢ “I love you, okay, darling!”
a/n: okay but the way the ship name is corason? which sounds so close to corazon? which means like ‘my dear’ in italian, I think?? MADE FOR EACH OTHER MUCH 🤭💓
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I think you’d best match with jason grace!
I mean, daughter of poseidon x son of jupiter? hello?? PERFECTION!!
jason would learn to play the piano while you play the guitar, so you guys could play music together
he LOVES laying on your stomach while you read on your bed and run your fingers through his hair
^ sometimes, he even falls asleep like that, and you both slowly shift into cuddling
he definitely hypes you up to finish your goodreads reading goal, if not exceed it (what can I say? he’s jason grace)
he definitely went to the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie with you (supportive bfs even when they have no idea what you read/watch >>)
he once asked you why you love yoyok by taylor, and straight up bawled while you explained to him what the song meant
he’s a very sunshine-y person, just like you, so when you guys are together, leo pretends to faint and says “too much sun! i’m getting sunstroke! help!!” and he thinks he’s really funny (i’d laugh, ngl <3)
come springtime, he lets you put all the flowers you collect over the summer into his hair
^ he also does the rapunzel braid on your hair and puts in matching flowers in it
(he drives away the bugs for you, dw!)
in an au, he’d never have heard of any tv shows, but after hearing you yap to him about them, he watches them ALL and makes notes about them too (about what? only he knows.)
okay, here we’re going off the rails so badly, but it’s a very ooc and personal hc of mine: jason sucks ASS at geography and chemistry. he will literally breakdown at the very thought of them.
he gets you to help him out with the chemistry part, and he teaches you math (if you’re not good at it already)!
he makes sure you don’t let yourself get burnt out while studying, and also makes sure you don’t get distracted and procrastinate
he comforts you at any time of the day: you say it, he’ll be over asap to give you free cuddles with your favourite chocolates & drinks
sometimes, he doesn’t even need you to tell him. he’ll just. know. when you’re feeling off. and his jacie senses tingle, and he calls you up and goes, “is it cuddletime?” and then drives over
while you’re a night owl, he’s an early bird (he must teach me his way, tho, because h o w)
^ you stay up till 2-3 am reading/studying and wake up by 9 or 10 am, while he sleeps by 10 pm and wakes up by 5 am to the dot
so you guys leave each other sticky notes before going to bed for the other one to see when they wake up
you guys 100% go on bookstore dates (he buys you everything you can carry on your own), library/study dates (especially while grinding during finals szn), museum dates (to mock the statues), beach dates (so he can get mesmerised while watching you do silly little tricks with the water and talk to the fishies), etc.
his love language is 101% physical touch & acts of service <3
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temp. taglist — @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 @mqstermindswift @puffoz @skeelly @urmomabby
@sunnitheapollokid @jgracie @canonfeminine @cinemaconrad @roses4plvto
@urbanflorals @aezuria @thetunnelunderoceanboulevard @cherigall @percabethluvr
@pjoverseluvr @maybxlle @mershellscape @riordanness @starlitszn
@metyouattherighttime @a-beautiful-fool @sequinsnstars @ssparksflyy @fayvpor
@iheartgirlzn @nomournersnofunerals @over-the-ocean-call @seaglass-and-string @cer3lia
@lara20aral @bloophasarrived @xoxochb @auroraofthesun1 @sophiesonlinediary
@solangelotus @brodieland @s1utlvr @imasimpdealwithit @waitingonher
@nqds @skyrigel @daydream-of-a-wallflower @hermidastouch @catastrxblues
@moon-drop18 @d4rkdi0rrr @hopelesslyromantic-shark @saltwatergirl6 @hope92100
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event masterlist
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poppitron360 · 4 months
how do you feel about the ship Jasico. I’ve seen so many opinions
I think people should know by now that if you send me an ask, expect an essay in return.
I’m still on HoH, so I haven’t seen all the Jasico interactions yet, only some.
I 1000% ship them platonically, I 0% ship them romantically.
I am LOVING how Jason keeps accidentally befriending all these tiny traumatised orphaned autistic boys, and is just like “Whopsie daisy! Welp, I guess I have no choice but to be their safe space now, silly me!”
I am such a hypocrite bc, while I’ve written Valgrace fanfiction that is almost 6,000 words long, I ABSOLUTELY INSIST that Jason is the Token Straight friend. He is an Ally. He is so wholesome and sweet and supportive of Nico. I love how he was a little confused at first, like the clueless heterosexual that he is (“Why is Nico so worried about revealing his crush on Annabeth?”), but as soon as Jason.exe started to function he was IMMEDIATELY smothering Nico with love and support. He is that mom that goes to Pride Parades and offers free hugs. He’s that mom who sits in the front row of the school musical and yells “THAT’S MY GAY SON, NICO, PLAYING VILLAGER #3!!! HE’S GAY AND I LOVE HIM AND HE’S MY SON AND HE’S GAY!!!!”
Seriously, where are the Wine Mom Jason Headcannons?
But Jason’s whole “If anyone gives you shit, they will have to face my wrath,“ thing, and how he’s absolutely adamant that the others will support him, and if they don’t then fuck ‘em-
No, he doesn’t entirely understand it, but he doesn’t have to understand it to know that he loves you.
Jason being super supportive and protective of Nico is 100% in character for him as well, seeing as how he’s also the only one who sees through Leo’s mask, and is generally a massive softie and too pure for this world.
Yes, I have read the spoilers. Yes, I am completely denying the fact that he’s gonna die.
As for romance? No.
I think it’s beautiful to have good, strong, platonic dynamics.
Nico doesn’t need a boyfriend from Jason. He needs a friend. He needs someone who will love and support him unconditionally. Jason doesn’t love Nico in any romantic way. He’s just a supportive lil’ guy. He just sees this weird small emo kid and he sees him hurting and is now determined to be his friend. That’s what I love about Jason.
So yes, I ship them platonically but not romantically.
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ultramarine-spirit · 5 months
Hello how are you?
I wanted to ask you in the fandom what are the theories that are still considered almost-canon? For example I saw something about Felix being a bastard and I don't know what else. It seemed very interesting to me and I wonder if there's More about the others characters.
Thank you so much!
Oh! That's a very interesting question! These are theories so I'm (mostly) not including things that are 100% canon, even when the fandom questions their canonicity
I think there are a few...
Felix being a bastard: His mom was Claude's wetnurse, and was drawn by Spoon wearing a maid dress. Something unthinkable for a Duchess.
Aeternitas killed his father, Emperor Caelum, and the Duke Alpheus from his time: The way he talks about them in the novel seems to imply that.
Emperor Caelum being one of Lucas' only friends: Lucas does speak kind of nicely about him, which says a lot coming from him, so they were probably friendly with each other before the Aeternitas shenanigans. @lithi ships them.
Lily is a lesbian/was in love with Diana: I'm so sorry, felily is very cute and all that but it was 100% pushed by Spoon in the manhwa. In the novel there's no subtext between them at all. The only thing was baby Athy thinking that Felix better not try to get together with Lily, that's it. Meanwhile her friendship with Diana is very emphasized, Lily almost died for Athy when she was a newborn, she later tells Athy that she never wants to marry or have kids because she has her (which is a pretty daring thing to say coming from a noble lady), and also her name is Lily. Historians will say they were best friends.
LP! Lucas will find Lee Jihye and they'll get together: Almost canon, there's no other narrative reason to send him to Korea. Does that create a time paradox? Probably. I would read a novel/manhwa about it, reverse isekai stories are so fun.
Lucas tried to commit suicide when he "went to sleep": Up for interpretation, but "going to sleep" is such a common metaphor for suicide. Plus, it supports the parallels between him and Athy, who committed suicide in the same way.
Ijekiel has a mother: Okay, this is straight up canon, but it's very funny that she never appeared in the manhwa. I wanted to see her...
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