#the order 1x8
oocstephenkingtv · 2 years
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The Dead Zone 1x8 Netherworld (Original air date August 4th, 2002)
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moments-on-film · 5 months
Moments on Film: Carmy’s True Purpose
Hello everyone! I hope you’ve been well. I haven’t posted in a while, life has been hectic, but I wanted come back to share a post I had been working on this Fall. It’s is a follow up post to my series, Carmy doesn’t know who he is yet. I have one more piece to share in this series. In the first piece, I explained how Carmy is not currently in touch with who he is and what actually makes him happy because his original passion, art, has been beaten out of him. So far in his life, Carmen’s done the only thing he thinks he can do, stay in the kitchen. But he’s not living a life and his heart is frozen.
Carmy is abused, traumatized, exhausted, and his heart is simply not in the kitchen anymore, and maybe it never was.
He suffers from severe nightmares, night terrors, and debilitating anxiety, and is sick and it all stems from trauma forged in the fires of the various kitchens of his life. Because of his extreme commitment to being a chef, and a great chef, he has absolutely no personal life, no friends outside of work, no joy, no sense of play or fun or happiness.
There are so many examples of Carmy’s heart not being in the kitchen anymore, from the first episode to the last. Carmy has also never fully exhibited the true characteristics, strengths and skills needed to be a great leader. This is why he always feels off. He’s not great at communicating, he is not in control of his personal triggers, which cause his personal life to impact his professional life, he is not good at any of the backend skills that are required to be the “captain the ship”, such as business acumen, finance, interpersonal skills. This is because being the leader of the restaurant is not his true purpose, it’s literally fixing everyone else up to run it without him and then leaving to go live the life he should living, and not his sad shell of an existence. He does have a very important leadership skill needed to do this: seeing beauty, seeing the best in others, and seeing other people’s strengths before they can see it in themselves. Let me explain. How Carmy’s skill will lead him to his ultimate purpose.
In season 1
When Carmy meets Sydney, he quickly assesses her skill and potential, and almost instantly relinquishes his power as the leader of the restaurant and bestows it on her, he says he will “dial business” and tells her, “you are everything else.” Ironically, he doesn’t even “dial business”, in S2, by calling the fridge guy, leading to his own downfall.
Carmy literally says “I can’t do this” in his nightmare in 1x8.
In the Al-Anon monologue in 1x8, Carmy states his purpose, maybe to “fix the whole family” by fixing the restaurant. This doesn’t mean his family by blood. As he tells Natalie in 2x9, “family is also not an exact science.” He’s talking subconsciously about his chosen family of Sydney, Richie, Tina, Marcus, Fak. And isn’t that what Carmy spent the majority of S2 actually doing? Knowing what each person on his team needs in order to be “fixed”, pushed to dig deep, make the most of their strengths, passions and gifts and achieve their ultimate potential.
A major major revelation for me that Carmy wants out and that he has no problem handing over the reigns to his capable team took place in the finale of S1. Sydney, not Carmy, brings Michael’s spaghetti to the table.
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Gif source: @chefkids
This really stood out to me when I first saw it. I immediately thought, why isn’t he doing this? Michael gave him the recipe, it was the last thing he ever gave him, and he cooked it. It should have been Carmy. It really should have. Just like it should have been Carmy that created a dish named in honor of his brother. He didn’t. It is Marcus that has the honor. Again, the first time I heard Marcus say “the Michael”, when Carmy asked what the cannoli was called, I teared up and then said out loud, “that should have been you.”
In 2x1, Carmy tells Richie, “this shits not fun for me”, and tells Sydney “F stars”, and “we’re trapped” (if we get one). Look at his eyes in the gif below. He knows what it will mean and he doesn’t want to do it anymore.
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When Carmy sees Claire in the freezer aisle of Potash Grocery store, he openly tells her he told Mrs. Kelly’s son “don’t do it” when he was asked advice on becoming a chef. Then he gets reflective and says, “I should really listen to myself.”
I discussed in a prior piece how “just keep going” has been Carmy’s mantra his entire life. It’s been his survival technique because it has had to be. He’s exhausted, traumatized, sick, in pain and desperately in need of a reset. In my opinion, in S2, he’s looking for any excuse to subconsciously jump ship, not be the captain of it, which is why he let himself get distracted with Claire.
For much of S2, Carmy is actually giving pieces of himself in the restaurant away. He gives Tina his knife, which is so sweet but it’s also a little jarring. He gives Marcus a “spot” in Copenhagen to train. Tina and Ebrahim get sent to culinary school. Richie gets sent to stage at Ever, a 3 Star Michelin restaurant. Natalie is the COO and has taken over the office. It’s no longer his, it belongs to Natalie. He is setting everyone else up to take over. Sydney is the CDC. He tells her, “it’s your ship now, Captain”, and she opens the doors, not Carmy, when it’s time to open. Carmy can’t do paperwork, or manage the business end of the restaurant, but he also isn’t contributing by innovating and being a consistent leader.
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In the kitchen, two hours before the soft open, Carmy is finally “there”. He’s barking orders, catching everything he’s missed, but he is completely going through the motions. His commands are joyless. Sydney, Tina, and the crew say “yes Chef”, but there’s none of the teamwork, camaraderie, and dare I say, fun, as when Richie is running the pass and expoing with his whole heart when Carmy’s trapped in the freezer.
When Uncle Jimmy asks Carmy, “do you want to be the guy? Then be the f-ing guy”, you can see Carmy glaze over. No. Carmy doesn’t want to be the guy. Not the guy in the restaurant. Not anymore.
Even Carmy’s new monogrammed chef coat is another example of how Carmy is disappearing and fading away. His former coat had dark blue initials in an elegant cursive font. His new coat has his initials in plain font, in white stitching, barely visible, unless you look for it hard.
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In the end, Carmy is locked out and left behind in his own restaurant because subconsciously he doesn’t want to be there.
I have written about this in various posts, but I truly believe Carmy’s character arc is to get back to his original passion, which is art. Michael knows this is a gift of his, and thanks to the menu sketches he drew for the new most important person in his life, now so does Sydney.
Michael’s final note to Carmen was the recipe for spaghetti for him to fix for family meal, the words, “I love you dude”, and “Let it rip.” But what if Michael was really saying find the money, take it and everything you’ve learned and FIX the family to go on with the restaurant without you (something Mikey was never able to do while he was alive) and then once you’ve done that, “Let it RIP”, as in Rest In Peace. Leave. Get out. Don’t be scared. Go for it. And discover the life you’re truly meant to be living.
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©️moments-on-film 2023
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she-wolf09231982 · 1 month
Chapter 8- Adapt and Overcome
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Summary: After the German bomb run on Bastogne, the locals and American soldiers there that were left, helped piece back together what they could of the town. Medical personnel that had survived still tended to the wounded however they could with whatever supplies they had left. Easy Company remains in the Ardennes Forest preparing for an inevitable assault on German forces in the town of Foy. However, morale is low due to cold weather, constant shelling, zero relief, and numerous casualties to include a few of your closest friends as Easy pushes forward into Haguenau.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, post D-Day, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Mentions of death, Confrontation, Military Terminology, Medical Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, Mentions of Weaponry, Yiddish/German/Italian to English Translation, Descriptive Wounds/Injuries, Blood/Gore, PTSD, Smoking, Banter, Pining, Consensual Physical Contact/PDA, FOREVER FLUFF
German is identified with (g)
Yiddish is identified with (y)
Italian is identified with (i)
Made the best discovery writing this piece: "Liebling" means "darling" in German!! That absolutely made my day and now is my new favorite pet name/term of endearment from Liebgott.
Beginning 1x7 The Breaking Point then transitions into 1x8 The Last Patrol
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
January 5th, 1945
German artillery fired onto Easy Company from the town as Easy soldiers scattered to the nearest foxholes to take cover.
“INCOMING! TAKE COVER!” Lipton shouts to the men as he runs to the nearest foxhole.
Blasts coming from all directions causing trees to fall and dirt to fly made it difficult for the men to navigate safe passages to their holes. You had been separated from Joe before the attack started. You lay flat behind a pile of fallen trees for cover while you shield your face from the debris. You were too afraid to move, fearing you’d just get hit.
After what seemed like hours, the ambush came to a halt, and you suddenly heard a familiar call from the distance.
You sprang from the ground and started running towards the cry for help then you ran into LT Buck Compton.
“Buck! Are you ok!?” you ask as you look him over frantically.
He had a distant look in his eyes.
“Sir? SIR??” you take him by the shoulders and shake him.
Buck finally looked at you, “...yeah.” he whispered.
“Did you see anyone else that was hurt? I heard someone call for a medic.”
His eyes began to gloss over. You tilted your head while you furrowed your eyebrows.
“Buck? Who needs help? Please, tell me!” you urge him.
He pointed to a path through the trees and uttered names that almost had you fainting at his feet.
“Bill...and Joe.” 
You wasted no time dashing through the tree line where he had pointed to. The path lined by the woods seemed never ending. All you heard was the drumming of your heartbeat in your ears while your feet became heavier and heavier impeding your ability to get to Joe as fast as possible. Images of his lifeless body flashed before your eyes, causing tears to stream down, stinging your cheeks from the cold air.
You finally reach the clearing, stopping to assess the carnage of blood in front of you. You see Doc Roe already kneeling over a soldier lying on his back whose face you couldn’t see from where you had been standing. To the left you see Guarnere leaning against a pine, his right leg hanging on only by tendons and ligaments.
Two men rushed in with a litter. 
“Bill, you go first.” 
“Whatever you say, Doc.” Bill replied. 
“Over here. Take this man.” Gene ordered pointing at Guarnere.
Guarnere was hoisted onto the stretcher, and carried off, not before a snappy exit comment,
“Hey, Joe, I told ya I'd beat ya back to the States.”
Tunnel vision sets in as the world starts to cave in on you. You fall to your knees as you attempt to pace your breathing so you won’t pass out.
Malarkey appeared from the path behind you.
“Y/F/N! Hey, you ok??” he asked concerned as he hooked you under the arm to help you up.
His voice was distant and muffled.
“I-I-” you stuttered, but words completely fail you when you see the right leg of the soldier that Doc was helping...more so the right leg that was completely missing. You gasp slapping your hand over your mouth in a desperate attempt to stop the scream of terror from escaping. You look at Malarkey with dread painted all over your face.
“It’s...Joe!?” you managed to say between panting as you start to hyperventilate.
Don looked over and understood what you were reacting to.
“Y/F/N, that’s Toye. Joe Toye.” he clarified slowly and deliberately so you could understand.
You stare back at him, progressively absorbing what he just said.
“Toye…” you echoed back.
Don nodded. You look back at Doc and Joe Toye, finally coming back down from your shock. 
As Malarkey pulled you up, Doc turned around noticing you were there.
“Hey, Y/F/N, come over here and hold this so I can wrap it up.”
You swiftly go to help Eugene, seeing Toye’s pale face as you get closer.
“Hang in there, Toye.” you say in your best reassuring tone.
That night, Corporal Penkala and Sgt. Skip Muck's foxhole took a direct hit, killing them instantly, a moment witnessed by George Luz. A dud shell also landed next to Luz and Lipton's foxhole, fortunately sparing their lives.
The eventful day the Germans provided had you and Eugene running around like crazy, following the cries of ‘medic’ in every direction. Both of you were running on steam, and you had yet to see Joe Liebgott at all since this attack began.
When the bombardment finally calmed down, it was too dark to venture out to find him. You decided the safest bet was to stay put. You would’ve heard by now if Joe had been transferred to the aid station. Or at least you hoped.
The following day, the move on the town of Foy commenced, thankfully with LT Speirs in command. As Easy company rushed the field towards the town, a sniper effectively picks off the men as they approach. The sniper is eventually taken down by a mortar and the men quickly enter Foy. With the village filled with attacking Germans, Speirs makes a suicidal run through the German front line to make contact with I Company. However, the most fascinating thing about what Speirs did wasn't that he successfully connected with I Company, but that he ran back the same way he'd gone unscathed.
After taking the town of Rachamps a few weeks later, Easy takes a much-needed rest in the solace of a local convent. The Sisters have taken the liberty of bringing in their choir to sing for soldiers. Of the 145 men that entered Bastogne, only 63 remained. After you have tended to the wounds of the soldiers that were hurt during the assault, you wander amongst the men to find your Joe.
You find Lipton and Speirs conversating in one of the aisles.
“Hey, Y/L/N, good to see ya. You doin’ ok?” Lipton asks.
You nod, “Yes sir. You?” 
“I’m just fine.” he responded softly.
You look at LT Speirs, “Sir?”
“I’m fine, Corporal.” he stated.
“You haven't seen Liebgott by chance, have you?” You ask, trying not to sound too distressed.
Lipton looked over the crowd of scattered soldiers.
“Yeah, he’s right over there. By the altar.” 
You look where he had pointed and see Joe sitting on the floor against the stone wall by himself where dozens of lit candles stood on iron stands around him. You B line to him, picking up the pace to get to him as fast as you could. As you get within ear shot you call out to him.
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“Joe!” you manage to gasp.
Joe quickly looked up upon hearing your voice. His face lit up when he saw you, hastily standing up to meet you halfway. When you reached him, he enveloped you, lifting you up from the ground as he pressed you against his body.
You bury your face into the crook of his neck as happy tears began to cascade from your bloodshot eyes. Joe’s chest heaving from joy was electrifying, leaving you a melting mess in his arms while he lowered to your feet.
“I thought they got you.” you whispered through your sobs.
Joe scoffed, “Those Krauts ain’t gettin’ me.” 
He pulled away to look at your face. He used his gloved thumb to wipe your tears.
“I’m right here, Gams.” 
You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a desperate kiss. His arms snake around your waist, angling his head to intensify the lock he had on your lips. You unconsciously slack your jaw, allowing his tongue to slowly run along your lower lip. Although you both were lost in this magical moment, you suddenly became aware that you were ‘necking’ in a church and thought it best to behave before you both lost complete control.
You gently pull back as Joe’s disappointment clearly appeared across his face.
“We shouldn’t have done that here.” you admit.
Joe smiled at your properness. 
“If God didn’t want it to happen in His house, He wouldn’t have let it.” Joe justified.
You raise an eyebrow and smirk at him.
“It’s inappropriate.” you countered.
“So, you’re saying if it had been right outside the church, it would’ve been fine?” he countered. 
You giggle, “Perhaps.”
Joe laughed, “Well how about we find a place to rest, and we can just cuddle up?” he compromised.
“Yes.” you agree as he pulled you by the hand to where he was sitting.
The church had provided blankets to the men, which Joe had spread out on the floor picnic style. He sat against the wall, then offered his hand for you to hold as you lowered yourself down next to him. He folded his coat, placing it on his lap for you to lay your head on. You nuzzle into him, resting the side of your face onto the coat while he combed his finger softly through your mess of hair. 
Before you drift off to sleep, over the choir singing in the background, you hear a low gravelly whisper:
“Ikh hab dir lib (y)(I love you).”
February 9th, 1945
The plan had been to relieve Easy Company and head to Mourmelon. The following morning, orders changed after Hitler launched a counteroffensive in Alsace, and you were all to help hold the line in the town of Haguenau.
As Easy began loading up on trucks for Haguenau, PVT David Webster is dropped off by a depot Jeep,
"Thanks for the lift." Webster tells the driver.
As he greeted his battered comrades, he received no welcoming glance from any of them. The air of disdain grew thick as he passed each truck. He had been sent to an aid station long before Bastogne, and their collective resentment stemmed from his long stay in the hospital and his making no effort to return quickly and rejoin the company.
You're seated next to Joe in the bed of a deuce truck, huddled into him trying to keep warm as Webster walked up.
"Hey guys, some lieutenant told me to report to 2nd." he stated gesturing with his thumb over his shoulder behind him.
He looked at one of the soldiers across from you and Liebgott.
"You're name's Jackson, right?
"That's right." Jackson replied dryly.
"Who's leading the platoon?" Webster queried.
"Sgt Malarkey is." Jackson responded.
"What? No officers?" Webster questioned.
"I guess you didn't hear." Liebgott began, "They're making Malarkey lieutenant. He's on the fast track now."
"Really? That's great." Webster noted.
"Yeah, ain't it?" Joe replied sarcastically.
"Hey, Jackson, help me up, will ya?" Webster said trhowing his gear bag up onto the bed of the truck as he hoisted himself up.
Webster sat on the bench next to Jackson, then noticed you half passed out on Joe's shoulder. He observed the medic brassard on your left arm.
"New medic?" he asked, motioning with his head towards you.
Joe looked down at you, shifting your face onto his chest as he wrapped his left arm around you to hold you steady when the truck picked up speed.
"No. She's been here since the beginning." he stated, shooting a cold glance at Webster.
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"So, you came from the hospital?" Jackson asked Webster.
"Must've liked that hospital, cuz, uh, we left Holland four months ago." Joe sneered.
Webster felt the bitterness, “Well I wasn’t there the whole time. There was rehabilitation, then the replacement depot-“
“-Well I’m sure you tried to bust out and help us in Bastogne.” Joe interjected.
“Well, I don’t know how I would’ve done that.” Webster defended.
“That’s funny, because Popeye found a way. So did Alley, right? Back in Holland,” Joe illustrated to Babe who was sitting on your left, “And Guarnere--”
“Yeah, where is Guarnere? He still your platoon sergeant?” Webster asked obliviously.
“No. He got hit.” Jackson answered bitterly.
The trucks arrived at Haguenau then came to a hard stop. The men started to unload from the rear. Joe gently nudged you.
“Zeit zu gehen, Liebling (g)(Time to go, darling).” Joe whispered to you.
“She speaks German, too?” Webster probed.
You strain your eyes to look at him.
“Who’s this?” you ask Joe.
“Webster.” Joe answered plainly.
“Hm, don’t you look all bright eyed and bushy tailed.” You say through a yawn.
Joe scoffed, “Yeah, had a four month furrlow, now he’s ready for war.” Joe joked.
Joe jumped from the bed of the truck, then offered his hand to you to help you down which you accepted.
“Spread out. Hold along this line ‘til I figure out where we’re going.” Malarkey called out.
“Sarge? Sarge-“ Webster approached Malarkey.
An incoming shell soared over and hit a nearby building before Malarkey could respond. An unexpecting frightened Webster dove to the ground while LT Speirs spectated in the background like a child watching a fireworks display.
“What’s the matter there, Webster? A little nervous in the service?” Malarkey teased.
Later in one of the abandoned houses of the town, Captain Speirs and LT Lipton were setting the place up as Command Post. Lipton had been fighting off pneumonia since you left Rachamps and was looking rather rough. You and Eugene had been hounding him since to take it easy, but he has chosen to keep pushing through for the men.
“Sir, pneumonia has killed people with rest. You keep pushin’ yourself like this you’re gonna die.” You lecture him, “Luz, go grab the man a blanket, will ya?”
You call out to George as you guide him back down onto the couch.
“I’ll be alright, Y/L/N.” Lipton assurred.
“Sgt Lipton? Feeling all right?” Webster’s voice carried through the room.
You look up, slightly annoyed, “Look at him. He’s got pneumonia, does he look all right?” you hiss.
“Sorry to hear that.” Webster replied.
“What are you sorry about?” Luz said as he threw a wool blanket over Lipton, “He’s alive, he’s got a couch, a goddamn blanket. He’s snug as a bug.”
“Well, if the man would stay off his feet and keep warm...maybe eat something, he may actually recover.” You state firmly.
Lipton sighed, “I promise I will try harder to take it easy, Y/F/N.”
You hum is disbelief as you try to start a fire in the fireplace to heat some soup for him.
"You fuckin' Italians think you can solve everything with food." Luz said outloud.
You glare over your shoulder at him.
"Non vengo pagata abbastanza per essere tua madre (i)(I don't get paid enough to be your mother)." you mumble under your breath.
Luz's face twisted with confusion, "Huh?"
"Nothin'." you reply curtly.
“Have a seat Webster, I’ll help you get situated.” Lipton said pointing to the chair nearest to him.
Webster observed you by the fireplace.
“So, you Liebgott’s girl?” Webster inquired.
You start the fire and hang a tin cup with water and broth above it before you respond.
“What if I am?”
He stared back in shock.
“Just wonderin’.”
“You got a lot to say, don’tchya? A little advice, David Webster, quit asking these guys so many questions about who went where. Don’t make them relive all their losses so soon. Got it?” you say with spitfire behind your voice.
Webster’s jaw fell open while his eyes widened.
“Um, yeah. Got it.” He uttered.
You give him one last look over and leave the room.
Upon your return, a replacement officer arrived while Captain Speirs moved about the room shuffling through some papers he had snatched from Lipton’s hands.
“Listen, for chrissake, will ya go back in the back and sack out? There’s beds back there with fresh sheets.” Speirs ordered Lipton before he could say anything.
“THANK YOU, SIR.” You project across the room to the Captain, “I guess it takes a direct order from the CO to get you to do what me and Doc been askin' you to do for days.” You assert with exasperation.
Lipton shot you a frustrated expression, “I will, sir, I was just tryin’ to make myself useful, sir.”
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Another abandoned building was designated as barracks for the companies occupying the town. Floors that were able to bare weight, had bunks lining the walls in each room. You had a single bed to yourself that was conveniently arranged where the headboard of your bed met Liebgott’s bottom bunk. You lay on Joe’s bed briefly to rest your eyes.
The new officer, LT Jones, entered the room to let Malarkey know that at 0100, a mission was to commence across the river to obtain POW’s for interrogation. After Jones took Malarkey aside to go over a few details, Liebgott took Webster to the bunks to get the information out of him.
“Hey, Web. Come here, I wanna talk to you for a second.”
“Why??” Webster asked alarmed.
“You want some coffee?”
“No.” Webster replied quickly, paranoid by Joe’s sudden act of kindness.
Joe looked at Jackson, “Fifteen.”
“Fifteen what?” Jackson asked.
“Looeys since D-Day,” Joe replied, “This kid out of high school yet?”
Joe asked looking at LT Jones talking to Malarkey by the window.
“West Point.” Webster replied.
“Isn’t that where Ike went?” Jackson asked.
“He actually graduated with his son.” Webster clarified.
“Shit. So, uh, what do you know about this patrol thing?” Joe interrogated Webster.
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You sat up from Joe’s bunk.
“Patrol?” you asked, somewhat panicked.
“Uh, nothing.” Webster lied.
“Oh, come one, I know you know something.” Ramirez pushed.
“I don’t!” Webster insisted.
Joe spit at the floor, “Bullshit. You were there, right? At the CP. This is a prisoner snatch, right? Come on, Webster. Spill it.” Joe pressured.
You shifted onto the side of the mattress to hear better.
“Capt Speirs is to pick fifteen men. LT Jones wants to be one of them.”
“I say let the kid go. He could use the experience.” Joe said with a cynical smile.
“Probably could find fourteen replacements to help him out.” Ramirez added.
“Who’s going?” You chime in, asking Webster, “I assume they need a translator and a medic.”
“I don’t know who.” he replied.
You roll your eyes at him.
“Why are you holding out on me? I know you know-” Joe accused Webster, “Who?”
Webster hesitated, “Well, if I tell you, you can’t let anyone know I let you know.”
“Your secret’s safe with me, Web. Who is it?” Joe urged.
Webster paused, “Heffron-“
“Oh, shit.” Babe huffed.
“-McClung, and Ramirez.” He ended.
“He want any other guys from any other platoon?” Joe asked.
“No. I don’t know. Not that I know of. That’s all I know, I’m sorry.”
“2nd Platoon, on me!” Malarkey called right outside the shower tents that were set up for the soldiers to finally have a proper hot shower.
The men form up around him.
“All right, I’m leading this patrol. CO wants Grant, Liebgott, Wynn, Jackson, Shifty from 3rd platoon, and Webster.” He relayed.
“They don’t want anyone from first?” Cobb asked.
“Is there anyone they don’t want from 2nd Platoon? Jesus Christ-” Joe expressed sarcastically rolling his eyes, “It’s always 2nd Platoon. I swear to God, if we were down to three guys, they’d still want us for it.”
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Joe trudged off towards the showers.
You run after Malarkey, “Malark, they didn’t say anything about bringing a medic?”
“Those were the only names they gave me, Y/L/N.” he replied wryly.
“Maybe you can suggest I come with-“
“Y/F/N, those are the names. I’m sure there’s a reason they’re not sending you or Doc.” he barked.
You coward back slightly, trying not to push the subject any further.
He softened his demeanor realizing he was overreacting some, “I know you wanna be there, but we can’t afford to lose more people, let alone medics. Especially good ones. Get it?” he explained as warmly as he could muster.
“Ya, sarge, I understand.” You reply with a weak smile.
He gave you an encouraging nod and walked to the shower tent. You realized you were about to be surround by dozens of naked men and should probably head back to the bunks before you see too much.
Back at CP, Luz was unpacking what looked to be dozens of chocolate bars and candies sent from the Post Exchange from Stateside. His Easy Company brothers progressively encircling him like vultures trying to convince him to share as he counted them to record for inventory.
“Goddamn it, Johnny, you’re breaking my heart, I’m telling ya!” Luz started.
“Come on, George, just give me, I don’t know, 10, 15 bars.” Martin begged.
Luz slammed down a small pack of gum on the surface of the table, “Here, Juicy Fruit! Happy?”
Another soldier walked in behind Cobb and Martin, “Just got report of movement. 1st Sergeant Lipton wants you to lay a few bazooka rounds into a house across the river.”
“You’d think we’d get just one Hershey bar-“ Martin complained disregarding the soldier’s report.
“Come on, Luz, you’re 1st platoon at heart.” Cobb pushed.
“Jesus, Cobb, there’s not enough-“ Luz explained.
Liebgott entered the room with you right behind him. Webster and LT Jones entered not too long after you.
“Whoa, Hershey bars!!” Joe exclaimed.
“Where!?” you ask trying to look over Joe’s shoulder on your tiptoes.
Luz rolled his eyes, “Jesus Christ!”
“Wait your turn Liebgott, Y/L/N.” Cobb commanded.
“Yeah, yeah, who they for?” Liebgott dismissed.
“Not you! Not even for Y/F/N!” Luz established sternly.
You furrow your eyebrows at him, “I am offended, George! Have I not taken care of you when you needed it?”
“Yeah, and so has Doc but I don’t see him in here asking for handouts.” He replied.
“Oh, come on, George, one bar for me and Y/F/N, we’ll share one.” Joe pushed.
“No! There’s not enough to go around!” Luz claimed.
“Hey, big mouth, give the kid a Hershey bar.” A familiar voice projected across the room.
Everyone looked up and saw Frank Perconte back from the aid station after receiving a bullet by the Germans in his left buttocks.
The guys laughed collectively.
“You gotta be shittin’ me!” Luz said with a wide smile.
“Look who it is!” Joe added.
“What’s up guys? I like what you did with the place, George.” Perconte jested.
“Yeah, yeah, I did good. How you feelin’?”
“As long as you keep your hands off my ass, I’ll be fine.”
Luz chuckled, “Here have a Hershey.”
He tossed a candy bar across the room to Frank.
“He gets a fuckin’ Hershey bar?” Joe protested.
“Well, he got shot in the ass!” Luz retorted.
Martin walked over to Perconte, “Did I tell you to stick your big ass out in the wind?”
“No! But I expect a little sympathy from you, right?” Frank repsonded.
“Yeah, should I rub it for ya?” Martin teased trying to spank his left butt cheek.
Perconte quickly shuffled to the side, “Get the fuck outta here!”
“Can you believe this guy? I try to get him out of the fuckin’ war, he comes straight back!” Martin stated.
“Yeah, well, that’s not what I heard. I heard the Krauts are finished.” Frank said.
“Yeah, well, just to make sure, we gotta row across the fucking river tonight, grab a few, and ask them in person.” Joe explained.
Frank’s disappointment surfaced across his face.
“Ya kidding me?”
Joe shook his head, “Wish I was. Welcome back, Frank.”
At 1700 back at CP later that day, a briefing was to be held by Capt Winters about the upcoming patrol for that night. The soldiers listed on the roster to go sat around a long dining room oak table with LT Jones standing awkwardly off to the side.
With Capt Speirs’ and Lipton’s permission, you also attended the briefing, standing across the room where you had a clear view of Joe sitting at the head of the table. You could see the guys secretly whispering their opinions to eachother about LT Jones leading the mission instead of Malarkey.
“No way. Not on his first day.” Grant stated.
Joe rubbed his bottom lip thoughtfully, “Well, do you see any other officer here?”
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Webster, standing behind Joe’s chair, crossed his arms, then looked at Lt Jones sympatheticlly, knowing the frustrations of being doubted for being “the new guy.” Another handful of Easy soldiers entered the room.
“Who’s in charge of this bullshit?” one of them asked. He looked over his shoulder at LT Jones. “No he ain’t.” he determined outwardly.
“Well, if he ain’t, it’s you, Chuck. Or Shifty, or Mo.” Babe asserted.
“Well, that would be better.” Joe appended.
You feel your stomach twist into knots at his words. And as if he felt your anxiousness, he shifted his attention to you, meeting your gaze across the room. He gave you his signature infectious Liebgott grin, and you couldn't help but smile back.
“Ten-hut!” Jones called out to bring the room to attention as Captain Winters walked into the room.
“At ease.” Winters instructed the men.
Winters explained that they were to cross the river in four rubber boats with LT Jones, the ranking officer will go along as an observer. Sergeant Martin was to lead the patrol in Malarkey’s place. He assured the guys that the battalion will be covering their withdrawal with the POW’s, and were to utilize the whistles provided to signal to them to blast the outpost after they’ve safely returned to the boats.
“Remember, it’s about prisoners,” Winters reiterated firmly, “-Don’t pop the first thing that moves.”
Winters flashed a brief glance at Liebgott before continuing.
The men mutually responded, “Yes, sir.”
“Good. Picked your assault team?” he asked Martin.
“McClung, Sisk, Cobb, Garcia, and Webster, as translator. The rest of you guys, a base of fire with Sergeant Grant. You speak German, right, Webster?”  Martin bellowed at Webster across the table.
“Yeah, a little bit.” Webster replied meekly.
Not before wishing his men good luck, Winters made his exit.
“A little German?” Joe began, “-his German’s as good as mine. And Y/F/N’s.”
Joe motioned with his head towards you. You look at the floor somewhat flattered, but also frustrated that two soldiers who speak German would be going on this mission when they really only needed one. This thought had you pushing down angry tears.
Coincidently, Webster had the same thoughts.
As you file outside with the guys out of CP, you immediately head back to the barracks so Joe wouldn't see you upset before he left. Webster approached Capt Winters, Capt Speirs, Martin, and LT Jones.
“Yes?” Winters acknowledged.
“Liebgott and I, we both speak German. You said fifteen men, there’s sixteen of us, including two translators.” Webster elluded.
“Well, fine,” Speirs began, “Hey, Liebgott. You wanna sit this one out?”
Joe’s obvious elation displayed on his face, “Yes, sir,” he looked at Web, “Thanks, buddy!”
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I’m dedicating this chapter to my lovelies @wordsaresimple-imnot @mrs-greenside @skiesofrosie @yourspeirs for sharing and fueling my everlasting enthusiasm of BoB
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 1x8 (Part 2)
[My heart broke for you, My heart actually broke for you.] Am I that good? Did I get you?..Yes it was effective? Yes I did too. I did too. But you know, technically you're not supposed to feel it that much. You're supposed to let the audience feel it because if you're feeling it too much, then you take away all that feeling from them...You can't give too much. Yeah, you gotta hold back. The old saying is in theater, if you feel 70% what is it if you feel 70% show 50%, If you feel 100% show 70%, If you feel more than that, just go home. Maybe it's the other way around. I think I think I screwed. You gotta reverse that. Something like that... Luke went to a dark place. He went to that dark lonely place. Yeah, but you know what a beautiful setup because he's serving coffee. He's being you know, compassionate and friendly with those guys, out of character for him. He's in a kind of a vulnerable moment. What I didn't expect was he was taking specialty orders like oh, you want cocoa, you want tea? Normally Luke says you're gonna get the coffee, shut up and drink it, or I'm leaving, right, even even in the midst of compassion, right, but he was so vulnerable he said, oh, let me take care of you guys, and he was having a dad moment. He kind of regressed into this sort of younger version of himself where he's helping his dad out a little bit. I don't want to get to psychological here because I can't really um, but that was a perfect moment to hit him, hit him in the you know what's with the old Max Medina stick? You know what I mean? -Scott 
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darlenicy · 5 months
Darcy and Riven – their story and why I ship them
In January 2023 I found my way back into the Winx fandom - more precisely, I created this Tumblr on January 28th, 2023 and since then I have been constantly passionate about this show from my childhood. Most of all, of course, for our three favorite witches. Accordingly, this year I have given a lot of thought and HCs to the Trix and their relationships. Today is the day that I'm going to write down all of these HCs and thoughts I have and tag them properly so that they're easier to find in my jumble of posts, reblogs and crazy fangirling. Well, have fun!
I got my first anon ask about Driven headcanons (hcs most of the time now) in march and therefore tried to order my thoughts on this topic as well. It actually became something of a definition of their relationship and how I see them in the show: This is how my bullet journal looks:
Riven is pretty badass. That's why Rivusa doesn't make much sense because ego-wise he would have gone after best-girl-Bloom. Or Princess Stella, but more Bloom, simply because Brandon (Sky) obviously found Bloom interesting.
Then there is Darcy. Not only is she the complete opposite of the loud, glittering fairy gang, but she also forms a stark contrast to Riven. She is powerful, yes, but above all she is calm, goal-oriented and come on in 1x8 we see how cute she is. Of course, Riven likes her power-talk in 1x9 but he surely is keen on her because she is a totally different type of girl than Musa or Stella.
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Oh, and an important thing that just came to my mind while supervising what I wrote and putting it into a post: DARCY DID NOT MIND-CONTROL HIM IN CANON!
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Her glowing eyes meant that she formed the connection with Riven, so that he could contact her mentally later on in the show!
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It's fkn 4kids who came up with the mind control because they tend to downplay everything for all American kids' sake. - Ok back to the post:
In terms of type, if comparted to the fairies, Darcy is mostly like Flora, but in contrast to the nature fairy, she has a much more self-confident demeanor. She is also the first to respond to Riven as a person and his needs (power, being recognized). Then of course there is the matter of rescue. Firstly: Thanks for saving my life and secondly: The woman can ride this flying motorcycle like a guy. Where can you find something like that? And unlike the Winx, who are constantly in trouble, Darcy (and her sisters) is beyond competent (in Season 1 after all, we know how the writing goes down, *sigh*). So, we have Darcy: a beautiful, competent badass BB who just saved his life and looks like an angel that fell from heaven - all in the specialist uniform too - sexyyy. So, it's an extremely attractive girl who also knows guy things and cares about him and really sees and perceives him as a person. She's not a self-centered good-time girl who makes him clean, so she doesn't have to endure her punishment alone (looking at you, Winx....)
But who exactly is Darcy? (she's my girl, my bb, my queen) Out of the Trix, she is probably the one who is least behind the world domination plans. Of course, she is still a member of the Trix - and of course not less power-hungry than her sisters. But she would be the one most likely to give up everything to live a quiet but fulfilling life with the person she loves. Isn't she? She is definitely the first to panic and to make mistakes as a result. We remember episode 1x5, where she immediately panicked when everything didn't work out as planned. She thought she would find Stella's ring in no time, that wasn't the case. Instead of keeping a cool head like Icy would have, she freaks out and starts attacking Bloom. Is it fear because she is running out of time and doesn't know what to do if her disguise is exposed? In any case, Darcy would have been expected to wear a more confident disguise. But in the end, she's the one most likely to panic and this episode shows that perfectly. Maybe that's also the reason why she has clever ideas, but often doesn't think them through. In episode 2x10 she tries to get Icy to put the feather in the scales, fearing that she might have made a mistake and get wiped just like Stormy, who had previously hit the scales with brute force. Icy states very correctly: You’re a backstabbing coward, Darcy. And I love you for that. And with that she the nail right on the head. Darcy is certainly the first of the Trix to get nervous. She certainly has a tendency to overthink, whereas Riven strikes first and thinks later (at best).
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Mind control is her specialty. She knows how to get into the minds of her victims to confuse and weaken them. At the same time, she also knows how uncertain and dangerous feelings can be. When it comes to having deep feelings for someone else, she is more likely to be the one who is insecure and cautious. Precisely because feelings are so uncertain, she probably tries to make decisions with her head rather than with her guts.
Their love story is iconic and cute. Basically, we have good girl and bad boy, but the good girl is one of the bad guys and the bad boy is ultimately one of the good guys. They haven't really fought against each other yet. Riven only knows that Darcy is one of the most powerful witches in Cloud Tower and that she and her sisters hate the Winx. Since Riven is skeptical of the Winx himself and has no deeper connection to them, he has little to do with this antipathy from both sides and perhaps only hears about it in passing from Brandon or Sky. So in 1x7 he doesn't pay much attention to the Trix. The fact that he turns on the light and exposes the Trix is once again Riven being Riven. He wants to be the cool dude and doesn't really care about the situation. He simply has no interest in the Winx's affairs and is only pissed when he becomes personally involved with Musa being thrown into his arms by the minotaur. Maybe that’s where his inner hero speaks? But first and foremost, he wants to praise himself. The first time he really notices Darcy is in 1x8, where she represents to him the complete opposite of the fairies, one of which had just shown him up (Bloom).
Darcy, on the other hand, is already interested in Riven in 1x7 and hides the whole thing behind the talk about the Prince of Darkness (seriously, WHO is the Prince of Darkness? Why is that never clarified?). One episode later, she's extremely worried that something might happen to Riven with Icy's, admittedly delicate, plan. bb obviously already has a crush on him. And no one can claim that Icy doesn't know this and is actively using it for her plan. I think that Darcy's feelings didn't matter to her at all, thinking she'd get over it sooner or later. But the fact is, even Icy sees the spark fly between them.
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So you could say it was love at first sight for both of them. It is also important for Riven that after all the disappointments and constant criticism he was exposed to at Red Fountain, someone finally recognizes him and his talents. While the Winx, especially Stella, just complained about him, Darcy supported what he was. Partly because she can take advantage of his ambitions, of course, and partly because she simply likes him. I think there are some things Darcy does simply for herself and not because it's part of the plan to rule the Magic Dimension.
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From Riven's point of view, what probably also speaks for Darcy is her maturity. She's not a little fairy to save. The opposite is the case. She is probably more experienced in other things too - but that always depends on the respective HC. Darcy can be a bad bitch and cute bb - both are accurate. For me though, she gives more bb vibes than bitch vibes. However, she appears much more mature and confident than the fairies. Speaking of bb (she's one, look at her!) -
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she's the type most likely to develop romantic feelings. Icy is too calculating and Stormy is just there for the passion (if you get what I mean). In 2x2 we have this scene "*sigh* To be young and in love...".
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She's also the one of the Trix most likely to feel something resembling remorse, if only for her time with Riven. On the other hand, in season 2 we have Riven, who immediately sees through Darcy's attacks - because he knows them. Very well. There is probably still a connection between the two. There could have been more hints about their relationship besides “cute” and “not cute”. There could have been one or two longing looks. I FELL ROBBED.
That’s basically how I interpret their story and why I ship them. I’ll come up with some headcanons these days as well. Stay tuned :3
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butterflydm · 8 months
wot rewatch (book spoilers edition) 2x8
So this post is gonna have some casting and location spoilers about s3, as well as book spoilers through book 14: a memory of light.
Thoughts about Egwene as the modern-age counterpart to Lanfear really get into spoiler territory because I think a large part of it is going to come out in Egwene's reaction to Rand moving on from their relationship vs Lanfear's reaction. Lanfear could never get over Lews Therin, but Egwene is going to move on and seek new paths and new relationships of her own. We will probably even (my guess) have Egwene be the one to initiate the 'final breakup' at the start of s3, just like she initiated the breakup in 1x1. I am definitely intrigued by the angle that they'll use for the breakup in s3. Maybe being able to protect Rand here in this episode is going to heal the part of Egwene that has been feeling so guilty over not being able/allowed to protect Rand in 1x8 and she might also then have some anger/frustration that Rand made choices that made it impossible for her to help him. And she wants a partner who isn't going to make choices like that on her behalf.
That they tied in Egwene's striving so hard at the White Tower in with her wanting to protect the people that she cares about also makes it easier for her not to go back to the White Tower next season (as I suspect that she will not; though we'll see - but I suspect that we'll get the arrival in the Waste in ep2 or maybe even the end of ep1). Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne have all seen that there is a bigger fight that needs them right now and going back to train at the White Tower might well be at the bottom of their priority list, even before they hear from Moiraine about what happened in Cairhien.
2. I also feel like the Ishamael-Mat comparison is kinda foreshadowing the Mat-All the Forsaken Who Are Jealous of LTT comparison that we get in a lot of the middle/late books, which we may still get when Sammael and potentially Demandred come into play. Unlike the Forsaken with LTT, Mat is not envious of Rand's high status and title. He doesn't mind being 'in Rand's shadow' and is baffled when Melindhra keeps trying to push him out of said shadow and into seizing the spotlight. He doesn't want it!
Hmm, Forsaken round-up/confirmations. Obviously, we have Lanfear and we had Ishamael. Lanfear will continue to be a presence in s2, I'm currently assuming.
Moghedien - likely going to be involved in Nynaeve's plotlines, for the most part, I'm guessing. I think she may also take over at least part of Mesaana's plotline. Since all five of the ta'veren are acknowledged as important by the Shadow, she'll even be acting within orders to get obsessed with Nynaeve!
Sammael - Illian is in the picture; I'm guessing we'll get some strong Mat-Sammael compare/contrasts once he's 'on stage'. I'm wondering if Mat will actually be allowed to finish out the Illian plan in the show instead of being yanked away prematurely, and only going to Ebou Dar afterwards? I'm not sure how much we need Mat-in-Salidar in the show. Too soon to really speculate. If we have Sammael... I'm not sure if we get Demandred. They kinda fill the same 'niche' in the Forsaken ecosystem.
Graendal - she just needs to handle chaos somewhere; it doesn't have to be Arad Doman. I think @markantonys suggested the idea of her being the Forsaken who takes over Caemlyn, which is interesting! Both Rahvin and Graendal are big into Compulsion. Not having Rahvin does potentially mean that we don't get Rand balefiring him in order to bring back Aviendha & Mat (and briefly Asmodean, lol), which would be tough to lose. Though they could put that in somewhere else, against a different Forsaken. If they are keeping Rahvin, then Graendal might end up being the Forsaken that gets attached to bothering Perrin, narratively.
Almost certain:
Asmodean - training Rand. I'm hoping he lasts longer in the show than in the books, lol.
Semirhage - taking over Ishamael's place with influencing the Seanchan. But we won't get introduced to her until Tuon also arrives, I'm guessing.
Ishamael died here, so that does imply to me that we're going to get Moridin. I would guess in s5 or s6, to give the rest of the Forsaken time to play on the board for a long while.
The last spot is, for me, a competition between Demandred and Rahvin.
If Demandred - I'm hoping that the show does Taimandred. We haven't seen Taim on-screen, so there's plenty of time for Demandred to kill him and take his place. Taim essentially behaves obsessively jealous over Rand's status in the exact same way as Demandred, just with even worse vibes, lol. They can be combined.
otoh, they already have one of the 'incredibly jealous of LTT' Forsaken lined up for the show, so they might want to bring in another who doesn't really care much about LTT, and do Rahvin instead.
If Rahvin - then he'll go to Caemlyn, but I suspect he wouldn't go there until after Elaida & co have all left the city. Keeping Rahvin in would mean that we would probably be getting Rand balefiring him in order to bring back Mat, Aviendha, & Asmodean.
We do have a pretty healthy variety of motivations among the Forsaken that are lined up for the show, I think. In the books, Semirhage had an alliance with... Demandred and Mesaana, I think, but Mesaana is definitely out and Demandred might be as well, so she might be flying solo.
3. I really love the implication in this scene that Rand is going to potentially design the Asha'man uniforms based on what he was having the male Aes Sedai (including himself) wear during the War of Power.
4. Now that I'm rewatching, I wonder if we're gonna get Rand being treated as a political leader in Falme at the start of s3! Since it may be echoing how Tear was used in the books, as a fulfillment of prophecy.
I love my idea about Caemlyn subbing in for Tear, but Falme really does work for most of that. Maybe something more like... ep1: Falme; ep2: the first split, where Elayne and Nynaeve head off to try to hunt down... idk something, and the rest of the group heads east, ending up in Caemlyn where they meet Gawyn, Galad, & Elaida, ep3: the waste/rhuidean, ep4: tower coup, ep5: alcair dal & capturing asmodean; ep6: battle of two rivers; ep7: nynaeve vs moghedien; ep8: battle of cairhien & the door incident
5. The people of Falme getting saved by Rand in this way also leaves them open to the influence of Masema, who definitely looked like he was Finding Religion at the end of the episode. So Falme may end up being the headquarters of the Prophet of the Dragon. That storyline kinda dragged on in the books in a very annoying way but the bones of it are genuinely fascinating and I think there's a lot that the show could do with it. Because there are two main threads of people who are dangerous due to the Dragon arriving specifically -- there are the people who will hate and fear him but there are also the Dragonsworn who believe that his arrival has broken all previous ties and take it too far due to religious zealotry.
6. Lanfear's full plan, from what I can piece out and with some speculation:
a. Write out a prophecy in blood on the moondial and sell the shattered pieces to Doman, knowing that Moiraine is a likely buyer. She may have done other things to arrange said purchase as well. What I love about this is that it means that she was poking at Ishamael when she asked why he hadn't killed Moiraine, even as she was figuring out how to use Moiraine for her own purposes.
b. Set up an inn in Cairhien and arrange for Rand to stay there. Figure out a way into a relationship with him by taking advantage of his vulnerability. I'm even wondering if all of Rand's bad dreams this season have actually been Lanfear and not Ishamael. I'm pretty sure that the one in 2x6 featured a fake Ishy.
c. I think that Verin & Tomas have potentially been under Lanfear's orders for most/all of the season, given that Lanfear has been invested in Moiraine. And Lanfear being invested in Moiraine makes it... more likely that Selene being a Moiraine cosplay was 100% intentional on her part which is... fascinating. A fascinating look into Lanfear's psychology. I mean, she really did cultivate a very sugar mommy dynamic with Rand.
d. Get most of the pieces in motion... and then her plans get screwed when Barthanes's mom tells Moiraine where Rand went, and Lanfear gets stabbed and temporarily loses her boy. But it's okay! She can adjust her plans! (Theory: I think this is why she had Liandrin talk to Barthanes; she figured out what happened and wanted to punish the Damodred family for ruining her plans -- there really wasn't any actual way for Barthanes to even get to Moiraine to kill her, so that wasn't the real plan; I think it was petty revenge on Lanfear's part)
e. So, Rand goes to sleep and she's able to start working on him. She gets him to agree to go to Falme! Yes! She's so close to her Happy Ending with Lews Therin Telamon Rand al'Thor!
...and then Rand gets captured by the Amyrlin Seat of these new Aes Sedai and Lanfear needs to break her future devoted husband Rand out of jail, ugh, he asks so much of her. (secretly, she wishes he would ask more)
f. So, jailbreak time! With a brief pause to ship Mat Cauthon to Falme. With Lanfear maybe suspecting that Ishamael is wrong about Mat and that things aren't going to go how he expects. She uses Verin to make sure that Moiraine & co are going to go to the Waygate, because she's figured out exactly where she plans to dump Moiraine so that she can play her part of the plan.
There is also some speculation that Maksim may be a darkfriend as well. If he is, then he was also used as a pawn by Lanfear to get another Aes Sedai to help with the plan.
Lanfear also takes this opportunity to further poison the White Tower against Rand, by having his escape tied to a Forsaken rampage on the Foregate.
g. Lanfear has complete faith that Lews Therin Rand is going to successfully take care of Ishamael! That's her man! He can do anything! She just needs to clear the way for him and get him in the right place at the right time, and he'll do the rest. She even makes sure to deliver the Horn of Valere to some of his friends! He's got this in the bag!
h. ...then she makes the mistake of stopping in to say 'hi' to Ishamael and gloat about Rand being in Falme, tipping her hand and causing Ishamael's decision to release the rest of the Forsaken. Oops.
i. Well, Rand has been proclaimed the Dragon (yay!) but now the rest of the Forsaken are free and she's been told she needs to stay away from him (boo!).
j. ...time to come up with a new plan.
6. "I know who kills him. And what he uses to do it."
The wild thing here is that, iirc, it's his unhealable wound that kills Rand's body at the Last Battle, right? Which would mean Min's interpretation of her viewing was absolutely correct -- Mat DOES 'kill' Rand in this episode. It just takes a while before the death actually takes effect. So one of my theories -- that Mat was taking the place of Alivia in being the one who 'helps' Rand die -- that I dismissed because we're way too soon for that... is kinda true?
7. I have to admit, it confuses me when I still see people arguing that Mat is going to need to go to the White Tower to get healed from the dagger. The show made it very clear that he was Not Touching the dagger. His entire plan centered around using the dagger without touching it. And Mat has already spent a lot of time in the White Tower and worked his hardest to try to escape -- why would he go back? Plus, the people making these arguments already know that we're doing book 4 next season. Mat doesn't go anywhere near the White Tower in book 4. And his WT stuff hits some 'rule of cool' buttons but it's not... narratively important (especially if Rahvin didn't make the cut).
Going to Rhuidean and getting his medallion is key to Mat's future developments. And the show has put so much work into his relationship with Rand, so it just seems likely that they would want to build on that in s3 rather than abandoning it so that Mat can doink around the countryside with a variety of companions (it's so bizarre for me to see people prioritizing Mat's book 3 plotline over "Mat enters an alternate dimension to get a special medallion and special weapon that are key to his narrative" - but it's probably the same people who spend, like, ten books hating on the Wondergirls for not being grateful enough to Mat at the Stone of Tear).
8. I do think that we're going to skip Lan's bond having a stop-over at anyone else and have him go straight from Moiraine to Nynaeve. I feel like this stressful period here between the two of them in s2 was standing in for a lot of the tensions that they faced in the books (and that broke them apart in the books) but in the show they are now both on the same page -- they're both committed to "protecting Rand, guiding him" and we know that Moiraine approves of Nynaeve (and that LAN knows that she does) from the end of s1.
They may have some friction next season over the best way to help Rand, potentially, as Rand may be frustrated with Moiraine proclaiming him as the Dragon without his permission, but I don't think it'll get as bad as it does in the books (especially since I kinda feel like we might be 'losing' Moiraine at the end of the season).
9. The fact that we did not see Turak's room of curiosities makes me even MORE curious about whether or not a certain redstone doorway is there. That we ended the episode at the climax of the battle rather than getting any downtime after makes me feel like we are going to have at least one episode at the start of s3 where everyone is together so that we can establish the new group dynamics. That could take place in Caemlyn, like I've speculated, or it could take place here in Falme. They also might have left it open because they weren't sure if they could get this location back for s3 filming, so didn't want to commit to where the doorway might be located.
Given what Rafe & co have said about s3 being a 'closer adaptation' of bk4, I am leaning towards us getting a lot of those early 'book Tear' elements in whatever city we open with next season.
10. I suspect that we may get an Ingtar-ish storyline with a different character in the future. In the books, it is a cool moment, but it's cool because we had time to build up Ingtar's relationship with Rand and Rand was able to offer him a kind of absolution. If we hadn't needed to recast Mat and then restructure the entire s2 plotline, then maybe we would have had that kind of time, but that's the realities of working in television, especially in this, our time of Covid.
We've had a lot of complex Darkfriends on the show so far (while in the books, we only really get Ingtar and... Asmodean, I guess? Literally can't think of any others, lol) and so we might see this plotline pop up again once we have the time to spend with one of our mains bonding with a character who ends up being a Darkfriend.
Potential candidates: Lanfear ("Light help you, Rand al'Thor" - calls upon the Light to give him aid?), Asmodean, Liandrin (via her relationship with Nynaeve)
11. "Lanfear, Lews Therin, and Ishamael were inseparable before the War of Power" kinda implies to me that... Lews didn't meet Ilyena until after the War of Power had begun? I really am curious about what they're planning to do re: Ilyena. She was LTT's main focus in the books, but hasn't even been mentioned by name yet in the show. I mean, in the books, she was one of the classic Fridged Wives ever tbh, so I certainly don't mind some adjustments, but I am VERY curious. And with what the precise timeline of it was, in this version of the story.
12. I'm thrilled that Seta and Renna were killed off, tbh. I'm hoping it means that the second circus plotline is just as dead as they are. It was... genuinely one of the Worst Times that I ever had reading any PoVs in the entire series. But Egwene wanted to kill Renna in the books too! She only didn't because Nynaeve stopped her! And Nynaeve's not here. So all that felt pretty in-line with the book characterization.
And it gives Egwene a big moment here, which is good because... honestly, she doesn't do that much in TSR that I can think of? She... trains, mostly, lol. She doesn't get any huge moments like this, as far as I can recall. That is maybe the one reason that I can think of for sending the Wondergirls back to the White Tower, to give Egwene the Big Moment of her Accepted test. But Egwene's next big thing is really becoming Amyrlin, from what I remember. Am I forgetting some stuff from TSR or TFoH?
Rand has Rhuidean and becoming Car'a'carn
Nynaeve has Moghedien (and maybe Egeanin, if they do that plotline - they might have the Seanchan take next season or two off to 'regroup')
Mat has Rhuidean and visiting the foxes
Perrin has the battle of the Two Rivers
But Elayne is mostly Nynaeve's sidekick in Tanchico, from what I remember, and Egwene is mostly just tagging along with the Wise Ones and training. They can get some cool stuff out of her learning to be a Dreamer but there isn't really a 'climatic moment' in that in TSR or TFoH that I can think of.
(I wonder if the Birgitte bonding might happen next season? because they'll want to show Moghedien's threat level and what she does to Birgitte is a pretty good show of force)
13. Talking about how the Mat & Rand relationship is more complex than Mat & Perrin's -- this is very true to the books, of course, (until Perrin became Everyone's Closest Friend in ToM/AMoL) but it also feeds into Mat being a part of Rand's storylines next season (and probably all/most of s4) while Perrin goes back to the Two Rivers for most of s3. Mat and Rand's relationship is going to be more relevant, so it makes sense to load it up with more tension and more complexity. And given how close they've made Mat and Rand, I suspect that their storylines may dovetail even more in the show than they did in the books (and they already did a LOT in the books). And they might even continue to TALK about all the trauma that they have in common instead of being right next to each other and never having a conversation about it.
14. Mat being Rand's only hope being connected to the Horn and connected to the unhealing wound that will eventually kill him in Shayol Ghul... they really have twined Mat and Rand's narratives more tightly than the books did, which is delightful (especially with Mat being a Hero of the Horn in this version of the story, which means that Mat and Rand hang out together in TAR between incarnations).
It does make me very curious if Olver is going to exist in this version, since Mat is now not just tied to the Horn by ta'veren coincidence but by his own nature. Olver is kinda an easy character to cut, since he only ever does two things: a. gets Mat trapped in Ebou Dar so that he can get locked into his fate & b. blows the Horn in the Last Battle. If they're doing something different with Mat & Tuon, then Olver might not be needed for the first thing. And there's no reason for Mat not to blow the Horn himself in the Last Battle.
Narratively, because they HAVE been winding Mat and Rand's stories more tightly together, it would be pretty unsatisfying for Mat and Rand to separate in s4 (or s5?) and then literally never see each other again until they get a five-minute conversation in, like, ep 4 of season 8, so I suspect/hope that the show will find ways to let them reunite sooner than that. I mean, it was pretty damn unsatisfying in the books, let me tell you.
15. The show did such a good job setting up the Two Rivers storyline for next season, imo. I love that they put together Perrin's two "whitecloaks crimes" into the same issue and that Dain witnessed it first-hand instead of going after Perrin based on hearsay. I think we'll potentially see a real exploration of Perrin's guilt over Laila vs his inability to feel guilty about killing Bornhald next season. Plus adding Faile into the mix is likely going to make Perrin feel even guiltier (and I believe that Slayer is confirmed as well? It's gonna be busy in the Two Rivers for Perrin). I think we might get the 'trap' for Faile next season and it'll be what make Perrin realize that he has feelings for her but I don't think we're getting the quickie wedding. That feels WAY too fast.
16. It's hard to talk about Hopper's death without spoilers! Because this is very much not the end of Hopper's storyline. I'm expecting that Hopper is still going to be Perrin's teacher in the wolfdream, so we're probably going to see him just as much next season as we did this season, if not more. What a good actor in that dog, though, wow. Such a good start towards Perrin at the end. Hopper has been so delightful and I've loved what he's added to Perrin's storyline.
17. @markantonys did a really good post on the differences between why book!Mat thinks of himself 'not a hero' vs why show!Mat does, and I just want to link it here and co-sign. But that's really why this moment in the show, for Mat, works for me so well.
All of the characters, while they do have a core that comes from the books, are affected by the changes that the show has made. And Mat has been particular affected, because the realities of television impacted his character more than most due to the recasting, etc.
But even apart from that, Mat is different because he has gone through different experiences: he's known for over a year that one of them would be the Dragon so when he reunites with Rand, knowing that Rand's the Dragon, he's not going to have the same reaction that he did in the books because he has had time to adjust to the idea and it's not a nasty surprise.
Mat has a different relationship with heroism in the show because we lost our original Mat due to the shooting delays of Covid, and we had to leave Mat behind at the Waygate, meaning that he abandoned his friends out of fear. That profoundly changes his trajectory and means that a lot of work needed to be put into building his character back up again. Show!Mat NEEDS to be a Hero of the Horn in a way that book!Mat never did, because it provides external validation for him coming through the pain and loneliness and guilt and shame that he has been living in for the past few months.
18. After checking discussion on the subreddit, it is GENUINELY fascinating to me how many fans misremember book!Mat as getting his own past lives' memories rather than getting a mishmash of (mostly) war memories from the random people who visited the 'finn. I do think it's possible that this moment HAS been meant to replace that and Mat gets to use his own memories for all his general'ing needs, but it's also possible that these memories are going to fade after a while (and maybe that's the drive that makes Mat go to the 'finn, instead of asking for his memory-holes to be filled, he wants his past lives' memories back?). Mat does have some ancient memories that get triggered a couple of times in the early books (before Jordan was planning to send him to the 'finn, imo, and when Mat was going to be the one to go back to the Two Rivers) but those are not the same as the memories that the 'finn gave him.
19. We're also seeing a bit of LTT foreshadowing here, I think, in seeing how Mat remembering some of his past lives gives him access to fighting skills that he didn't have before. So when Rand starts pulling from LTT's memories, viewers can go back to this scene and connect the similarities.
20. Uno is Gaidal Cain! (from what Rafe has said in interviews) Good for him! I wonder if they're going to split up the 'dream conversations' next season and have Uno be the one who talks to Perrin and warns him about things, since they already have an emotional connection, while Brigitte is the one who runs across Egwene & the other Wondergirls (I absolutely do not remember the timeline of any of that, to be frank). I believe also, from what has been said, that this is not the final Birgitte actress, which is why they didn't focus on her much. Maybe we'll get Uno and Perrin hanging out in s3, and then Birgitte's storyline in s4?
21. I really am wondering how they plan to play out Rand's romantic situation in s3. There are still quite a few show-only viewers who are invested in Rand & Egwene as endgame, but also quite a few show-only viewers who clocked what a romantically-framed introduction that Rand and Elayne just had to each other. I don't want the show to rush Rand and Elayne's romance, so I'm still leaning towards them not starting anything next season, with the focus in the initial episode before they separate being on Rand and Egwene's breakup, and then Rand and Aviendha coming together over the course of s3 but... that really was a very disney-princess Romantic (TM) introduction shot, very "Eric meets Ariel" in The Little Mermaid (someone made the comparison using screenshots).
22. Did Suroth die? We don't actually see a body. This may be a situation where it was left ambiguous because they don't plan to have her in s3 and the actress might not be available when they do need their Seanchan antagonist again, so safest to leave her in a quantum state.
23. I am absolutely imagining the rest of the Forsaken watching Rand and Ishamael's encounter and then immediately fleeing once they see Rand take down Ishy, with Moghedien being voluntold to stay behind to talk to Lanfear.
24. Hmm, thinking about Masema. So Masema watches Ingtar get cut down by the Seanchan soldiers, he watches Perrin's friend Mat open the box to the Horn and then rush off to deliver it. And then he sees the dragon on the tower at the end. So he's seeing this huge difference between what a normal lord can do, and what was accomplished by the Dragon and his people. I'm not sure how in-depth we're going to be going with the Prophet of the Dragon storyline, but we definitely had seeds planted for it here.
25. We also seemed to have an interesting progression of who stands next to Rand, where, and when. Because first Rand is up alone on the ledge (while everyone has a group hug behind him), then we see Mat revealed to one side while Egwene steps up on the other. Then Nynaeve and Perrin join together, between Rand and Egwene. And in the final shot of them, we see that Elayne is standing between Mat and Rand.
I'm not going to put any particular meaning on any of that (at least at this time), just noting it.
It's a great shot.
26. I wonder if Ishy gave the others like, a short presentation on What This New Age Is Like.
That was such a good season of television! I'm really looking forward to what they're going to do with TSR, it's one of my very favorite of the books.
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nadia-zahra · 2 years
Deep Dive on Mike and his Gay Feelings
So a lot of people speculate when exactly Mike realizes he has romantic feelings for Will, and I’m jumping onto the snowball train. Lemme explain:
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For the show’s pitch on the characters, Mike was insecure ab not having a girlfriend. From the start, the duffers wanted his character to struggle with not being heteronormative. All of the characters are type casted as being different in their own ways. But this let’s us know that Mike thinks having a gf is what’s going to make him normal. Lucas and Dustin didn’t have anything ab girlfriends in their description, so why Mike? Well, it implies that the duffers have always had the intentions of making him queer (ima gay mike truther personally), but I don’t think this means since s1 he knows he likes Will.
Season 1 shows us Mike and Will have a deeper connection compared to the rest of the party. Mike keeps a binder of his drawings, puts himself and the rest of the party in danger in order to find Will, trusts El solely because she says she can help find him, and was going to kill himself at the quarry because he had lost all hope in finding Will. I don’t think Mike starts developing romantic feelings for him in this season because tbf he’s 12 and it is really traumatic to have your bff of 5 year’s old disappear. But I will say that this behavior does show just how deeply he cares for Will and that his feelings definitely have some romantic undertones (again gonna mention the binder of Will’s pictures and drawings all over basement).
His relationship with El s1 also highlights how mike is queer. El is the only girl he’s ever became friends with that understands what it’s like to be an outsider. He’s in the mindset of normal=girlfriend, and since El is the only girl in his life he thinks they’re supposed to date. Even tho they are depicted as a blossoming romance, both Mike and El’s behavior isn’t romantic in the slightest. It more so reads as mike thinking him and El need to date because he’s a boy and she’s a girl, and El just going along with it because she doesn’t know better. The clearest piece of evidence that mike doesn’t have romantic feelings towards El is when discussing El living in the Wheeler house in 1x8. Mike says El would be like Nancy’s sister, but wouldn’t be Mike’s. This means that his feelings for her are platonic because he views Nancy and El as a sibling dynamic, but thinks the next step in their relationship is dating because of heteronormativity. If he didn’t view her platonically, he would’ve said El could become friends with Nancy or wouldn’t have mentioned Nancy at all.
Season 2 pre-snowball is when things pick up a bit more with byler because now we actually see how Mike and Will interact with each other. Will said Mike was the only one treating him the same. So before the ud, Mike was super affectionate and protective and was basically acting like a boyfriend? Cool, good to know. 2x2 specifically gives us the most insight into how they’re dynamic works. The whole Halloween episode let’s us know Mike thinks of Will and their friendship differently than the rest of the party’s. Him getting pissy with only Will for not talking to him ab max joining (even tho lucas or Dustin didn’t either), him immediately searching for Will after he’d left Will’s side for not even 3 minutes and then dragging Will back to his place to be alone, and, finally, the crazy together scene. Again, I don’t think the crazy together scene is when Mike realizes he has feelings for Will. This is when WE, the viewers, know Mike has feelings for him. That scene was the nail in the coffin in confirming these two clearly have romantic feelings. But for Mike, it was a turning point in their relationship. It confirms that they are their own individual team separate from the party. This scene probably had mike feeling all kinds of butterflies and just didn’t know why they were happening…yet 😏
His relationship with El s2, again, shows us that his feelings for her are platonic and also not has strong compared to Will’s. He doesn’t believe El is dead…but he also doesn’t search after her once, doesn’t bring up how he saw her out his window to the party (only to Will might I add), and, besides calling her everyday, Mike basically acts like she doesn’t exist. This is a complete contrast with Will’s disappearance!! This is the girl Mike supposedly has a crush on, the only girl he’s ever had a deep connection with—this behavior doesn’t add up with his character…unless he doesn’t feel as strongly towards El as he does Will. And the way Mike behaves versus how El behaves in their reunion is telling ab how they see each other too. It’s obvious that El feels romantically towards him now (she’s looking at him with heart eyes and is a little breathless), but he reads as platonic. Like if it had been Dustin or Lucas, he would’ve said and reacted the exact same way. He didn’t overreact (in my books at least) when finding out hop was hiding her either. Just really platonic and would’ve also started punching and screaming at hopper if it was anyone in that room.
I need to preface this beforehand: Mike didn’t think El was going to show up!! His reactions and responses of what’s to come are without El in mind.
Ok back to Mike realizing he like likes Will
When Dustin arrives late to the dance we see Lucas and Max together (presumably as dates) and Mike and Will…so he thought during the whole dance it was just going to be him, Will, and Dustin together once lumax started doing their own thing.
But then this random girl comes up and asked Will if he wants to dance and Mike pushes Will to say yes. Just noticed only Mike and Will turn to her when she comes up, Dustin doesn’t. this happens for two reasons 1) Dustin is heartbroken ab lumax so ofc he isn’t watching this happen 2) Mike isn’t heartbroken by lumax, and is also thinking “why tf is this girl coming up to Will?”. So when this random ass girl asks Will for a dance and Will looks at him for an answer, the only thing he thinks is to say yes because that’s what a good NORMAL friend would do.
Yet, even though he’s the one that told Will to say yes, he automatically starts sulking. He looks just like Dustin: heartbroken from jealousy.
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but this is his face when he realizes what his jealousy is from:
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Sitting there, just processing his feelings, Mike realizes that his jealous insecurity of someday being replaced by Will’s future girlfriend is because Mike doesn’t want him have one and, instead, wants Will to be with him.
His face gives it all away!! He looks in shock. Eyes wide, mouth opened, and staring at nothing because he’s so deep in thought. He looks completely dumbfounded, like “I like like Will holy shit” is on repeat while he thinks about every interaction they’ve ever had. And this shocked face was intentional!! They stay on him with this face for almost 10 seconds before El walks in. This wasn’t just a quick cut to him looking bored (which is what it looks like if your just casually watching). They wouldn’t have stayed on him for so long if we weren’t supposed to notice his facial expression!
You might be thinking, why now? How does this girl coming up to Will and making Mike jealous get him to this realization? After all, he was super jealous when he thought Will liked Max, so why not back at the crazy together scene?
Heres the difference between him getting jealous over Max and Will versus the rando and Will: he saw unrequited feelings between Will and Max (she didn’t like him back), but not with Will and the rando (he says yes). Plus the crazy together scene leads Mike to believe their bond is stronger than anything else, but Will leaving him for a girl makes him realize it isn’t.
And this realization doesn’t help him mentally— it just feeds into his “I’m not normal” insecurity. Not to mention he thinks Will doesn’t love him back or even could. So guess who walks in and is able to save him from his gay crisis…
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Even the mileven kiss proves mike knows he likes Will. Mike wasn’t originally supposed to kiss her— he duffers didn’t even want it, Millie did. She literally asked for it because she thought that shippers would be pissed (she’s the shipper) if it didn’t happen. The duffers don’t give a fuck ab what shippers want! Never have! And even tho it was her begging for it, I don’t think they would allow a 13 year old to make major decisions like this without it working with their vision. However…it does. They realized the kiss actually strengthens Mike pushing away Will, so that’s why they lit the green light on that impromptu kiss. The kiss is just Mike belly flopping head first into his new (fake) personality.
Mike begins his “I don’t like like Will, I’m normal 😃” phase that continues through s3 and s4. Except that phase takes a turn after he realizes he’s in love with Will in the season 3 finale, but that’s for another byler essay.
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siphersaysstuff · 10 months
BIY Lego Town Hall, in progress
So the Lego "modular" city blocks are a fave theme of mine, and I was looking at the prices for the Town Hall from 2012, and NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE. Starting at $500 incomplete and only going up from there, never mind shipping.
I got a lot of spare bits, I'll build my own, thanks. Even if I have to do some Bricklink buys (and I DO and have one already on its way), it'll be way cheaper and more fun since I can do a lot of altering on the way.
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The first floor is nearly done. I still need a lot of 1x8 rail-plates to complete the columns and slanted roof parts. A couple key pieces to finish the double-doors, and I'm debating my planter options. The light-gray 1x3 arches are gonna get replaced with dark-gray. Instead of flat gray walls up front, used masonry-bricks, I think they add a bit o' dignity.
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Working on the interior. Using micro-builds from other sets, particularly The Office, to make it nicer inside than the rather plain original. Miiiiiiiiiight pull apart the back wall and go all light-gray masonry-brick like with the front. Which I don't have enough of, at least not 1x4 ones. Nothing but 1x2s would be a structural nightmare. Maybe some art on the left wall.
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Second floor is less done. I've run out of not-small nougat-colored bricks; the original set uses a dark orange, and I like the more subtle lighter look of the nougat. Also I had (had) a shitload of 1x4 and 1x2 masonry-bricks in that color, which are fine for the front and back walls. The side-walls can be plain cuz they're gonna get mooshed up against some other buildings.
Not got much furniture in there yet, but soon.
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Also working on a more elaborate elevator car. The original was basically just a floor, which felt... bad. Gave this one walls and buttons, and an escape hatch. Lacking the Technic piece for the locking mechanism on the back-left corner; once I get that (in the mail now), the design might change depending on how exactly the car sits height-wise at each floor.
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The third floor is... whoof. I need a lot of 1x2x2 white windows (in the order), and I have very few nougat bricks in either form left outside of a lot of 1x2s and 1x3s, which is not ideal for big stretches of wall.
The nougat bricks might have to get bulk-ordered. They're surprisingly pricy.
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Made some decent progress on the roof and clock tower. Most of it is done and the parts to complete the gray front and skylights are on order, as is the huge clock face dish.
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Clock tower interior. Was debating putting a bunch of the random Technic gears I have back there, but had no good idea for how to properly attach them to the wall without them sticking WAY out, so ppppffft. One giant Mario gear.
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The original bell tower design was shorter (only two 1x1 cylinders used) plus the bell was affixed to the floor. No thanks. Now the bell hangs, and even better, thanks to the 1x1 round plate/bar, it can even swing from side to side a bit!
I wanted to make a gold bell, but sadly they don't do the 3x3 dish in pearl-gold. Ah well.
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So, all told, getting there. I'm sure I'll tweak it more on the way, there's been tons of light alterations I've made all over the place already.
Also, any excuse to sift through the bulk bit bins at a Bricks & Minifigs. Mmmm.
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iliketoydinosaurs · 1 month
My List of Sam Episodes™ (in no particular order)
Playthings 2x11
Sacrifice 8x23
Bugs 1x8
You Can't Handle the Truth 6x6
Just My Imagination 11x8
When the Levee Breaks 4x21
After School Special 4x13
Hello Cruel World 7x2
Bloody Mary 1x5
Honorary mentions:
Bad Day at Black Rock 3x3
Dark Side of the Moon 5x16
Free to be You and Me 5x3
The Big Empty 13x4
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 years
The crystal is symbolic of the comet because of how Emily spelled the tomb. You pretty much have to combine dialogues. In 1x2, Bonnie and Elena offer bits. 
Bonnie: Well, I was talking to Grams, and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity.
Stefan: You know, that comet... it's been traveling across space for thousands of years. All alone. Elena: Yeah, Bonnie says it's a harbinger of evil.
In 1x9, Damon admits his 145 year wait. 
Damon: Did you know that witches can use celestial events to draw energy into their magic? Me either. But in order to give the crystal its power, Emily used the comet that was passing overhead. And, in order for that crystal to work again... Stefan: The comet had to return. Damon: Downside? Long time in between comets.
Thus, the crystal acts as a harbinger of evil. Bonnie has her little dream at the end of 1x8, and it’s clear her dreams come true. 
Emily: It's coming.
Katherine, the comet... who eventually becomes the devil. 
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ca2nmn · 1 year
Experience a transformative journey with NMN Supplements!
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moments-on-film · 8 months
I really enjoy watching and analyzing The Bear. On my rewatches, I have noticed and written about numerous themes, connections, lines, acting choices and plot points that weave and connect together in beautiful ways. Rewatching and analyzing often exposes other things as well. Some are a little odd to me, to the point where I made the list below:
Season 1
The Timeline. I’m not going to fully get into this, but the timeline on this show is confusing. I think it’s because they shot the pilot episode in the summer and the rest of S1 and all of S2 in the winter/early spring. I’ll just leave it at that, but for example, how we get from a few months after Michael’s death (February) to his birthday, (in November) over the span of the first 3 episodes doesn’t gel with the dialogue. The prop of the card that shows Michael’s birthday and day he passed is what I am basing the dates on. Was this a props error? The pilot is so clearly summer in Chicago and in the rest of the episodes in S1 it is clearly freezing.
Cigarettes. Throughout S1 snd S2, the cigarettes Carmy smokes vacillate between light cigarettes with white filters, and regular ones with dark beige filters. No one just switches between lights and regulars who seriously smokes, as Carmy does, making it feel like a props mistake.
Chain. Carmen is wearing a complexly different chain necklace in the pilot episode vs the rest of S1 and S2.
Hand washing/double spoon use. The scene where Carmy “washes” his hands at the end of 1x2 is bizarre. He puts soap on them and then dries them off immediately with paper towels without using water again or looking down. It’s the only time we ever see him wash his hands so it really sticks out as abnormal and totally out of character. He’s a smoker and coming from fine dining and there has been/still is a pandemic. He would have washed his hands throughly here to show how much attention to detail his character puts into his work. Michael, by contrast, is seen washing his hands fully in 1x6. Was this an editing error? It might have been. It really took me out of the scene the first time I saw it. After he does this, he uses a spoon to taste something, puts it into his mouth, and then uses that same spoon to move chicken in a pan. I think this was an editing mistake, like maybe they cut out the part where he uses a new spoon, but as is, it makes it look like Carmy doesn’t care about cleanliness, which, after watching him obsessively scrub the kitchen on his hands and knees earlier in the episode, makes no sense.
Possible contamination. Carmy touches his face while making hotdogs in 1x4. Uncle Jimmy is telling a story and he’s laughing and it’s clearly very cold outside, but he wipes at his nose and face and then shakes his hands off over the food he’s prepping. This was one of the very, very few moments to me that felt out of character. Carmy would have reflexes to not contaminate food from his years of service, especially the years under microscope scrutiny from the chef in New York.
Camera is visible. You can see the camera person in 1x8 in the reflection of the glass door when Carmy goes to open the door and get the order from the delivery guy.
Carmy’s fingernails. Throughout S1, and in S2, Carmy’s fingernails are trimmed, buffed, neat and clean. I looked for this in every scene, as it helps us understand his character and how seriously he takes his himself and his craft. It also provides a sharp contrast to Richie (in S1), whose nails are visibly dirty, causing us to distrust him and not take him seriously as someone who should be handling food. However, in arguably the most important moment of S1, when Carmy texts Sydney, and then opens the envelope from Mikey, his thumbnail on his left hand is too long and looks unclean. Actor’s nails fall under the jurisdiction of the makeup department so I’m confused why they didn’t realize there was going to be a major closeup on his hands in this scene and fix them if they were not camera ready. It’s the only time in S1 or S2 his nail looks off and it’s an extreme closeup. I noticed it the first time I watched this scene and it really took me out of the moment. I cringe every time I see that nail. In the next scene when he’s making the spaghetti, this nail is neat and clean again, so to me, the prior scene was a mistake.
Season 2
Lockers. Carmy has switched his locker to the other side of the wall. In S1, his is on the left. In S2, it’s on the right. Usually your locker is YOUR locker. This was odd, but it set up the Sydney/Carmy scene well and maybe Carmy moved to be closer to Mikey’s locker.
Tattoos. You can see the actor Jeremy Allen White’s personal E.Z. tattoo on his arm when he’s in his apartment before he sits in the chair in 2x1. There’s no makeup on it at all. It’s completely visible. This tattoo is not Carmy’s, it’s the actor’s, and I think he has said before that it’s his mother’s initials. This tattoo has always been covered with makeup. I don’t understand how this oversight from the makeup department made the final cut.
Different vs differently. In 1x5, Sydney tells Carmy about her catering company, Sheridan Road. “Not a night goes by that I don’t think about what I could have done different.” In 2x3, Natalie tells Carmy, “I don’t want to be treated any different.” In both instances the word differently should have been used. It’s not proper English otherwise. The characters don’t need to speak perfect English, that’s not the point, but these episodes were written by the same person, so that might be why both characters use the same word.
Area codes. I am so baffled by this, I’m still thinking about it. In the beginning of 2x6, there’s a sign on the wall in Donna’s house with everyone’s name and phone number written on it. On this prop, the name Michael is actually spelled wrong, as “Micheal”. Carmen and Michael’s area codes are both listed as (913). Carmen’s area code is well established as 773, which he literally has tattooed on his arm, and it’s in the script, as he verbally says his phone number to the fridge guy and then Claire in 2x2. Michael’s area code was (847), per the script, via Richie to Uncle Jimmy in 1x4. The (913) area code is for Kansas. I don’t understand why the area codes would be for Kansas and not the ones that we already established were theirs, for Chicago, and the suburbs of Chicago, 5 years before present day in the timeline of The Bear.
Eleven Madison PARK. Richie insults Carmy in 1x1, calling him “Eleven Madison Park dic@&ead.” In the coda to this line in 2x8, Carmy calls Richie “Eleven Madison dic@&ead.” Park should have been part of that line for it to fully connect, as it’s the name of the NYC restaurant where Carmy worked, and he’s saying the line, so it should have been the same here for consistency.
The card from Michael to Carmen “I love you dude. Let it rip” is written differently in S1 and S2. The handwriting doesn’t match. It looks like a different prop.
Left handed staff/actors. In 2x9, Carmy freaks out about the pan station. “These should be on the right side because we are all right handed.” This line of dialogue is not true of the actors on this show. If you watch closely in season 1 and 2, BOTH actors portraying Tina and Ebrahim are actually left handed. The actor playing Manny is left handed, and the actor playing Richie favors his left hand as well. This line should have been cross checked with the various Actor’s actual physicality because it doesn’t really make sense.
Food runners. Why are the food runners not running food in 2x10? They stand in the background most of the time and don’t move, even when Carmy and Sydney are yelling for hands. No one moves when Carmy says he needs hands please for PX table 31, Claire’s table, but three food runners are standing directly behind him and completely ignore him. It’s their first night on the job and Carmy is the Executive Chef and owner. They should have helped run food or not been in the shot because it’s confusing.
I really enjoy analyzing this show, and see and greatly appreciate all of the creativity, energy, effort, talent and passion that has clearly been poured into it by the entire creative team. This post is not meant to do anything other than point out the few moments I noticed that made me pause and say, wait, what?
Are there any others that you noticed?
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trustasset · 2 years
Actual dimensions of a 1x6
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Don't get the two mixed up or you'll really be confused. If you can stop someone in the store to help explain the inconsistency, they'll start throwing around a few words like "nominal sizes" and "actual sizes" and "softwood lumber" and "hardwood lumber." Hopefully they will take the time to explain exactly what these words mean, which will go a long way towards making you feel more comfortable about buying wood.įor starters, you'll need to know that softwood (like pine, spruce, and fir) is measured and sold one way, and hardwood (like oak, maple, and cherry) is measured and sold in a totally different way. Hardwood Lumber - Dimensions - Sizing of hardwood lumber. Measure the actual width and thickness of a pine board (like a 2x4) and then look at the sign above the rack. 1 x 4 - divide linear length (feet) by 3 - (length x 1/3) 1 x 6 - divide linear length (feet). On your next trip to Home Depot or Lowes, take along a tape measure and head over to the dimensional lumber aisles. That means a 2x10 is actually 1 1/2 inch in thickness by 9 1/4 inches. Manufactured from 2 grade lumber for a rustic appearance. The larger 2x boards (2x8, 2x10, etc.) lose 3/4 inch in width. Ideal for creating a feature wall or custom wainscoting. (aka dimension lumber) Wood cut into standard sizes, such as 2x4, 1圆, etc. That means a 2 x 4 board is actually 1-1/2 inches by 3-1/2 inches. Nominal dimension is an artifact that no longer equals actual dimension. 2x Board SizesĢx4 and 2圆 boards lose 1/2 inch in thickness and 1/2 inch in width before leaving the mill. That means a 1x10 is actually 3/4 inch in thickness by 9 1/4 inches. Ipe Nominal Dimension Sizes, Ipe Net Sizes (Actual Size) Decimal, Ipe Net Sizes (Actual Size) Fraction 1 x 4 Ipe. That means a 1 x 4 board is actually 3/4 inches by 3 1/2 inches. The larger 1x boards (1x8, 1x10, etc.) lose 3/4 inch in width. Combine with other moulding to create a unique build-up pattern. 1x4 and 1圆 boards lose 1/4 inch in thickness and 1/2 inch in width before leaving the mill. Learn about the various grades of plywood in this article.1x4 and 1圆 boards lose 1/4 inch in thickness and 1/2 inch in width before leaving the mill. Plywood: Available at home centers, hardware stores, and lumberyards, plywood is often better than lumber for some jobs.Meaning if you order a 2x 4 x 10 the piece of lumber you receive will be 2 inches thick, 4 inches wide and. Check out this article for tips on materials. Actual Measurements of Dimension Lumber 1 x 6, 3/4 x 5 1/2 inches (19 x 140 mm) 1 x 8, 3/4 x 7 1/4 inches (19 x 184 mm) 1 x 10, 3. All of our lumber is cut to true dimensions. You'll often need various materials, such as lumber or drywall, to complete a task. Materials: Just having the tools you need on hand for repairs isn't always enough to do the job.Home Repair Tools: Whether you prefer to use the Yellow Pages for anything that needs fixing around the house or consider yourself a regular do-it-yourselfer, there are a handful of tools that everyone should have in their tool box.Lumber is one of the essential building blocks of house construction. That is, a 2 X 4 X 8 is priced at eight times the running foot cost rather than as 5.333 board feet. However, most building material retailers and lumberyards also price lumber by the running foot for easier calculation. Made of southern yellow pine Ideal for exposed structures, sill plates, decks, docks, ramps and other outdoor applications Actual Dimensions: 3/4 x 5-1/2 x.
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lefexisujovo · 2 years
Fostex ur-2 bedienungsanleitung gigaset
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darlenicy · 11 months
Some thoughts on DRIVEN in 1x19
I announced this before. And now it's time to face the alleged end of driven. I will talk first about how this scene is done and show you some screenshots of the scene one doesn't notice while watching at normal speed. And yes, I will interpret tons of things in tiny details. And secondly, I'll tell you how this scene could have been done better.
I The scene how it is in detail (like DETAIL detail)
So, as shown in the last post, Riven went straight to cloud tower. This means, that Darcy never told him, that she got expelled. We don't exactly know how much time went by from episode 16 to episode 19. It might only be a few days and Riven could have been busy with the party at Red Fountain in episode 17. But it's still a bit strange and shows again that the show is too centered around Bloom and that all other characters aren't thought of very well. But however, he arrived and Darcy shows Riven where they are.
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And now look at these screenshots that happen right after this shot:
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Everything's still alright and he jumps off to get to his gf
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and now look, Darcy looks like she wanted to embrace him or something. But he keeps moving as he realizes that they are in Griffin's office
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Let's get deep: There are still trust issues. I think it takes really long to heal Riven from these and it looks like he and Darcy hadn't been at this point in their relationship yet. He still stays with his guts and is confused. Darcy on the other hand notices that. His behavior must cut her into her heart somehow and now listen: I think Stormy and Icy already talked with Darcy about her relationship and that she and Riven might have reached a dead end. After all, Stormy and Icy saw Riven as a pawn, as something useful, a tool. A tool, that is not important anymore. To Darcy, Riven was obviously more. We can see how she is worried in 1x8 on the Day of Roses. There is something between them. So Darcy would totally be like: "but we can still profit from him just let me tell him and get him fully on our side." Icy and Stormy would've been yeah yeah whatever, knowing that it would not work out but still let Darcy have that chance. However, the chance was gone after Riven behaved like he did: ignoring Darcy and wondering what was going on, expecting the worst, and showing the Trix, that he is indeed not on their side. So Darcy had to act quickly. I will say in II what could have saved this scene but as for now we only look at how it is. So she sees, ah he doesn't trust me and won't let me explain, so then that's it I guess. And then she betrays him with the thought in mind that he would leave her anyway now. So why not be the one who breaks up then? Maybe that reduces the pain of a breakup. After all, Darcy is a girl of the mind. She knows herself very well and therefore also how to fool herself in order to make herself feel better. Tragic but I think that is what she does here.
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Ok let's get to part II: How this scene could be fixed
Unfortunately, it's necessary for Riven's character arc to break up with Darcy. But the way it is done in the show is very poor. For the watcher who doesn't pay much attention to other characters than Bloom or the Winx, it looks like Darcy just ditched Riven like an old tool that isn't useful anymore. Rainbow totally misses the chance to let both confront their feelings and see how a breakup would be best for both. In Darcy's case, there should have been shown the talk with her sisters who tell her that she had no future with Riven. We should have seen her struggle with this decision and having still a little hope that Riven might stay with her. OR Rainbow should've shown us, that she lost interest in him very quickly which would make this scene as it is more comprehensible. But they did not show that to us. They build up worried, bb girl Darcy in ep 1x7 and 1x8 and did NOTHING with it and I can't express how much that angers me. This villain x anti-hero romance could have been done so well even in a sideline of the normal Bloom-centered story. But they did nothing with it and seriously, Rainbow, WHY?
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So how should it have been done? They should have had a proper conversation about this topic. Alone. Without Stormy and Icy. Darcy should have told him about the situation calmly without her sisters disturbing her. Riven then could come to 2 decisions: The first one would be to still stay with her. It would have gone completely against Icy's and Stormy's will but if he had truly proven, that he was on their side, they couldn't do very much against it. Or he could have come to the conclusion, that he had to leave Darcy. He would feel betrayed by Darcy not telling him their plans earlier and simply for her going too far. And Darcy on the other hand would feel betrayed by Riven for not sticking with her. Both would be deeply hurt and that is how a good relationship like this should end. Both broken, both sad. Rainbow showed us with Brella how good and deep they could portray relationships (also those that are not from the main character). But they totally left this part of the story out. A part, that they OWED to all the fans that shipped them.
Ngl I'm thinking of a one-shot ff about exactly that matter. But I don't know yet if I will write it soon or write it later in my Winx Rewrite that I planned. But be sure, no matter when and where I publish it, it will be more satisfying than this scene in the show.
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butterflydm · 8 months
2x7 - daes dae'mar (more thoughts)
I threw some thoughts out last night before I went to sleep because they were bouncing around in my brain and I wanted to get them down but I wanted to expand on some of that this morning.
Two things we were told in 2x1:
every choice has consequence(s)
alone, we are exposed but, together, we can be a shield wall
We have seen a lot of consequences coming to roost on people's heads this season. One that seems to have surprised a lot of viewers is that we are seeing big consequences from Moiraine and Lan's twenty years of secrecy. Which is both things wrapped up together - the choices they've made have isolated them. While in some cases that's a good thing (Liandrin knowing about the Dragon Reborn hunt would have been very bad!), they've also now had two different Sisters willing to go against Tower law in order to help them (Verin & Alanna).
Choices and consequences.
Moiraine lets Rand go at the Eye of the World in 1x8 -> it takes her until 2x4 to find him again, and it's only after one of the Forsaken has already been manipulating him for months.
Moiraine hides her weaknesses and fears even from the people she loves most -> the people that she loves worry about her intentions. Lan had to go on an entire season-long journey to come to terms with being shut out of Moiraine's head; Siuan has only just learned that Moiraine has been lying to her by omission for six (!) months. (Siuan has just as much right to be angry over this as Rand's loved ones have to be angry with him over lying about being dead imo)
Lan keeps Moiraine's secrets at any cost -> Alanna, Ihvon, and Maksim note his shady behavior and are worried that he's a Darkfriend.
I find both Alanna's worry in 2x5 and Siuan's worry in this episode to be incredibly reasonable reactions to the actual information they had been given (or not given).
Not telling the people you love what you're afraid of or about your failures creates separation (one of the themes of the season). It happened with Moiraine and Lan, and now it's happened with Moiraine and Siuan.
So Siuan has, for the last six months, believed that Moiraine was in control of the situation with Rand. Siuan sent Logain to Cairhien so that he could teach Rand and otherwise has been hands-off, trusting Moiraine to do what was needed to be done. And she just found out that this appears to have been a huge mistake - the Dragon has no control over his power, enough so that Siuan was able to easily shield him. He's barely been taught at all. And at the end of the episode... Moiraine feels betrayed because Siuan used her Oath against her; Siuan feels betrayed because Moiraine help the Dragon break out of Tower control using the help of one of the Forsaken. Even if you strip away Siuan wondering if Moiraine is a Darkfriend/Black Ajah (and given that she straight-out accuses Moiraine of lying, Siuan must be wondering if Moiraine is BA), Moiraine's actions look terrible. Especially since I'm assuming Moiraine didn't mention Lanfear in any of her letters either.
Rafe mentioned that one of the priorities about this season was making sure that the stage would be set for The Shadow Rising and I definitely am feeling that way in this plotline especially. We've just set up the fault lines that will lead to the coup and we've set up chaos in Cairhien.
Choices and consequences.
Rand leaves his loved ones behind, cutting his past life off behind him -> leaving him incredibly emotionally vulnerable when 'Selene' comes to call on him. We are still seeing the consequences of that initial choice unravel. His choice to try to strike it out alone has meant that he has no clue what he's doing.
Mat stays behind at the Waygate, confirming to himself that he's a coward -> again, this opens the door to emotional vulnerability. Something that both Liandrin and now Ishamael are taking full advantage of, pressing on that button of self-loathing in the hopes that it will break, and Mat will break with it.
This season has been making it clear, over and over, that it is a choice to be united, not something that happens by default. You don't have to come with me; you don't have to stay; you don't have to help. Nynaeve tells this to both Egwene and Elayne; in a reversed way, Elyas tells this to Perrin (you can come with me instead of helping your friends who were captured); Rand tells this to Mat.
Moiraine has spent all season trying to make it impossible for Lan to stay by her side, because she believes that she can't protect him without her powers. But that's Lan's choice, not Moiraine's. This fight is his too, not just hers. We see this echoed in Anvaere's storyline -- Moiraine doesn't even know that her life was threatened! She doesn't know that Anvaere destroyed all her hopes and dreams of the future, and of her son's future, to save Moiraine's life. And Anvaere did this in the full belief that Moiraine doesn't love her (which I don't think is true, but Anvaere absolutely believes it). Anvaere will lose everything and gain nothing out of this... except that she is doing the right thing.
It matters to Anveare that she does the right thing, even if it costs her dearly. Even if it costs her everything.
And this is exactly what Siuan does too -- I love that both Siuan and Moiraine make extremely terrible choices because they believe those choices are necessary to save the world -- which ties them into what Renna tells Egwene this episode in a fascinating way. We are definitely getting our Rand & Egwene parallels in 2x6 & 2x7!
Doing the right thing is a choice. But it's a choice that you need accurate information in order to make good decisions about. Lan did a lot of fact-finding recently, and what he learned helped him parse out what 'the right thing' was in the cloud of possible right things.
Nynaeve actually said something like this, back during 1x7 -- Moiraine has already made her choice, now it's time for the Two Rivers' group to make theirs. She does not get to make it for them. And that's what we're seeing this season. We're seeing all of these other players on the board making their choices (and seeing how information, or lack of information, informs those choices).
(which also ties into the theme of cages and freedom; we have to be given the freedom to make choices. Which ties into... well, something that is more spoilery than my tag, so I will stop there.)
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