#the other hat is in an alternate universe and isn't the black one so...
burntotears · 2 years
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MICHAEL GUERIN ➳ hat series Roswell, New Mexico | 4.08 Missing My Baby
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starrywooyo · 5 months
treasure: seven.
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synopsis: when y/n gets whooshed into an alternate universe, an adventure: one with pirates and monsters and much, much more
pairing: ot8! pirate ateez x fem! reader
genre: pirate au!!
!!warnings(per chapter)!! - [bellow cut!] poison, blood, knifes/daggers, guns, stitches, stabbing,kissing + implied smut
notes: ooooh!! again finally an update!! i tried to make it longer this time so i hope you enjoy and i'm sorry to say that next chapter will also be the last chapter 😭 dw though!! there's still things in the works for this book 👀👀
word count: 5.1K
taglist: (if you want removed or added to the list please lmk)
@toxic-babexe , @sunnyhokyu , @cambriel , @lelaleleb , @acescavern , @meowmeeps
if if missed anyone again just let me know!
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You sit yourself in the quiet and peaceful for a bit looking up at the stars.. Occasionally looking at the darkness of the ocean below from your viewpoint.  
You hear the crunching of the ground in the distance
“Sorry I kept you y/n.. I’m back” he says and sits beside you again.
Meanwhile back in camp dinner is ready, seonghwa tells wooyoung to go get both you and yunho so he goes to yunho's tent.. He's not there and he visits yours. You of course are also not there.. hmm
He returns to where everyone is sat around a mini fire and explains to seonghwa 
“Hwa.. yun and y/n.. they're not here” he tells the elder.
Seonghwa with a slight frown begins “what do you mean they're not-” 
Before he can even finish that sentence, Yunho's bursting through the clearing, panting heavily. He's covered in muck and is bleeding from his forehead 
“He got her.. Ha.. he got her” he says between pants trying to catch his breath.
He looks hongjoong right in the eye
He takes a shaky breath 
“The other me”
“Sorry I kept you y/n.. I’m back” he says and sits beside you again.
“Took you long enough” you laugh and turn to look at him
Yunho’s already looking at you. there’s something strange about him, he drapes the blanket over your shoulders and you pull it tighter to yourself, thanking him. 
You sort of glance at his hands and you notice his knuckles are kinda busted and bloody..
You ask him about it to which he brushes it off as ‘nothing to worry about’ that should’ve been your first red flag..
Brushing it off though you take the telescope looking through it looking at the stars
“Hey yun.. What's that star there??” you ask
“Hmm? Let me see” and he takes the telescope from you
“A-aah that one? Hmm, isn't that the north star?” he says only you know that's not the star at all.. Alarm bells go off in your head as you quickly stand
“Shouldn't we be getting back? I-i'm sure Hwa’s finished making the supper” yunho stands as you say this, your nerves clearly showing
“What? But y/n.. Don’t you wanna watch the stars with me?” he asks but when you only continue to walk backwards he sighs and bends down picking up his hat? And placing it on
“You.. you’re not yunho” you speak.
“But I am,” he replies, walking closer to you. You shake your head in disapproval.
“Not my Yunho” your back hits a tree behind you.
He laughs, finally reaching you, placing his hand next to your head on the tree.
“We'll, aren't you a smart one? Hmm?” He smiles sickly. “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit.. The poison might though” he says. And before you know it he’s stabbing your side with a small blade, your hands fly to your side, blood staining everything. “W-why?” your voice is small, you suddenly feel dizzy, your head falling into his chest, before your legs are giving way and you fall to the ground and the last thing you see before your vision going black is him towering over you, a smile on his face.  
“Joong.. Don't shout at him..” seonghwa tries to calm him down
“Do you think for a moment that if I knew they were here too that I'd leave her by herself!!?? I didn't know hongjoong!!'' Yunho tries to also calm the captain down yet at the same time argues back..
sprinting to the cliff area where they hope you're still there.. But they're not so lucky once they come to the clearing at the cliff. 
Suddenly the peacefulness of the overlook is shattered with yells of your name. Each pirate screaming your name hoping for an answer or something, anything to know you're okay. 
Luck again isn't so lucky… 
There's a gasp..
Everyone turns to face wooyoung and their hearts drop, he stands there holding a dagger with blood staining the blade.. It's fresh. 
Slowly your eyes blink open.. You hiss due to the sudden light, you try to sit up but the sharp pain in your side stops you from doing so, your hands shooting to hold the area.
There's a chuckle.
“Careful there.. Don't sit up yet stupid, you got a nasty stab wound ‘ere plus i doubt the poisoning is any better” you hear the faint scratching of quill on parchment 
Your eyes drift around the room until they land on the familiar figure sitting on the seat just a little ways from the bed you lay on.
 “H-hongjoong?” you ask
He chuckles again and looks up from what he’s doing.
“Yes, precious? How’re you feelin? D’you need me to go get San, actually i will, he should give you a once over just to be sure” he says standing from his chair. Stretching his limbs with a pop. beginning to make his way to the door.
Slowly your memories of the pas incident come back to you all at once
“Y-yunho.. He stabbed me..” you say in disbelief. 
He stops.
“Yeah, he did precious” he looks at you “i’ll explain it to you once san checks over you.. You've been knocked out for 3 days” he says whilst also telling you he'll be back soon. 
 San checks over you whist hongjoong observes quietly.
“so ?” he asks once san begins to pack his med-utensils away.
“She should be fine.. Just a little groggy and maybe a little out of it whilst the last effects of the poison gets out of her system and then of course pain where the stab wound is as it heals but for now it seems to be healin’ well, stitches are doing their job” he says and gives you a small smile.
Hongjoong seems to sigh from relief.
“Good, thank you san, you may go.” he said and said male exited the room.
He pulls up a chair to sit in front of you.
“So.. d’you think you're ready to know what happened and why?” he asks
You look into his eye
“You’re gonna have to tell me so I'm not afraid of yunho”. You say.
He nods his head slowly. “Very well”
“It may be a lot to take in but you need to know the truth.. No more secrets..
 The yunho who stabbed you looks identical to our yunho right? That's because he is. Each of us, Seonghwa, yeosang. San, mingi, woo and jongho and I included all have someone who's more so an identical copy even you.. Only those imposters aren't from this world precious.. They're from another universe much much different from this one, they call themselves halateez. their leader; the other me. He’s psychotic. He was madly in love with the you in that universe, you were his everything. He’d do anything for you or her sorry.. But the creatures that roamed that earth took her from him. And love? He’ll do just about anything to get you-her back. That's why i.. that we need the cromer device to send them back to that universe. Only when we were saving you from the trap they set.. They stole our map straight to the location of the cromer and we need that back before they try to steal you away from us.” he says and you try your best to take it all in
“wait wait- so let me get this straight. another version of you from a whole other dimension is trying to practically kidnap me and take me back to his dimension because the other me whom he was in love with or dating died??”
“Pretty much love… yes.” he says. Taking your hand in his and gently rubbing the skin.
You sigh out. “ and you didn't think to tell me this when i saw that creepy you in his creepy outfit that day in that town!!?” you see his eye slightly twitch
“I didn't think it was necessary love.. We had the map. Wasn't expecting you to get stabbed and for the map to be stolen.” he says.
“We need it back.. But do you think you're able to come with us to steal it back?? We need to distract their captain somehow” he adds with a smirk on his face.
You nod. “I’ll do it”
He smiles standing.
“Good. we leave at nightfall” 
The forest is quiet.. Maybe a bit too quiet as you make your way towards the camp where the other crew takes refuge. 
Hongjoong raises his hand once you get to a small overlook everyone stops in their tracks.
Getting low to the ground to avoid being spotted he motions you over. You get into the same position. His hand resting on your lower back. 
He points to one of the larger tents. “That one’s the captain's tent. You should find the map in there somewhere. We’ll be keeping watch from up here and if we see them coming back we’ll give a signal or i’ll come get you precious don't worry” he says seeing the worried look on your face. “I'll walk you close enough before returning here, okay. Plan. go!” he says and everyone gets in their positions. And you walk beside hongjoong through the trees down the slope a little ways. 
“This is where I leave you precious,” he says as you nod your head at him.
“I’ll get your map back don’t worry joong” and you begin to walk away.
He quietly gasps air getting stuck in his throat as you walk away
“please .. please be safe.” he says with desperation in his voice.  
You eventually get to the edge of the forest before the camp, you eye your surroundings.. No ones there and it's quiet.. Again.. Too quiet. It's just a straight beeline towards the tent but it seems too easy. You walk slowly but quickly and you reach the opening of the tent. Turning back you look up to the overpass and see them watching intently hongjoong lifting his hand to give you a thumbs up as the go ahead. 
You peep into the tent slightly.. Empty.. Thank god. Taking a deep breath you enter.. The fabric flaps falling shut behind you.
The tent is dimly lit by lanterns, a makeshift table in the centre and crates and chests all around areas of the tent. You let out a deep breath, hopefully it won't be too difficult to find the map, and so you begin your search.
You go through papers, books and parchments anywhere where you think the map could be hidden or being kept. 
You're going through a chest shifting through the contents and you stumble across a tube with a symbol of an A in a red circle and a drawing of an.. hourglass?? That must be it!
 turning the tube you see very faint markings of what seems to be cromer written on the tube. You stuff the map inside your little pouch bag.
“y/n..?” you hear your name being called with a gasp
You turn to face the voice..
“Is.. is that really you?” hongjoong says.. No! It's the other hongjoong.
You whip out the small dagger attached to your belt on the side.
“S-stay back!” you aim the blade towards him.
Immediately he throws his hands up to show you he's no threat..
“y/n.. Come on..” he says “it's me.. Put the knife down, you don’t need to use it.” he says, stepping closer.
“Stop” you say more firmly “don’t come any closer.”
He takes a breath.”okay.. Okay. just relax” he says.
“Me.. relax!? I know who you are..”you say.
Hongjoong looks at you, confusion flashing on his face
“You’re sick! Do you really think just cause i look like your dead lover i'd go with you and fall in love with you? You really are psychotic.” you say venom lacing your words.
“y-y/n what?” he says in shock.
There's another laugh.
“That's right love.. Tell him straight”
His head whips towards the sound of the voice
“You.” he says disgust drowning his words
He ignores him “did y’get it love?” he asks and you nod slightly tapping your pouch.
He smirks “good.. Lets go love” he says motioning you towards him “don’t worry he’d be stupid to try something on you” he says opening the tent and making his way out. You follow him
“Woah- d’you really think im just gonna let you leave with that psycho!?” the other hongjoong says and grabs your wrist. You immediately rip your wrist from his hold and plunge the dagger into his shoulder.. Deep. “don't touch me!” you shout at him
He stumbles to the ground letting out a breath of pain, hand immediately going to his shoulder blood dripping from the wound staining his shirt and hand knife still protruding from his shoulder. 
He looks up at you tears brimming his eyes 
“y-y/n” he sobs out, in shock. 
You do nothing but glance over him in disgust and leave with hongjoong. The tent flaps closing over once more. 
With the map back in your possession, the crew make it back to the ship and begin the preparations for the journey to the island which holds the cromer. 
Everyone scurries across the deck, hongjoong barking orders left and right before he shouts for the sails to be dropped and then the ships setting sail to the horizon. 
It's just days of ocean and water as far as you can see and you’ll be honest you’re getting bored and have taken to wandering the ship. Bothering the crew when doing their duties.. 
You started with seonghwa bothering him when he was manning the wheel in hongjoong’s absence and continuing your bothersome ways following him to the kitchen as he prepared lunch for everyone to which he quickly sends you on your way to hopefully lessen his headache..
You then move to bothering yeosang in his study, you end up distracting him so much from his work that he also sends you on your way, you knew better than to disturb san so you avoided entering his medical study.. You find mingi sharpening blades to which you tried to help him but you just couldn't get the hang of it.. Sighing dejectedly you put the sharpening tool down and thank mingi for at least trying to help you with your boredom.. 
You can’t find woo anywhere and there's no way you’d try to find jongho after the last encounter on the beach.. So you go towards hongjoong’s room or the captain's quarters you should say. 
You knock on the door and here a light “come in”.. pushing open the door you see him just like the first time.. Sat hunched over the table seemingly hard at work.. Only this time instead of getting mad at you he smiles upon seeing you
“Ah.. y/n love come in” he says looking briefly back at the papers on the desk.
“A-are you busy?” you ask him 
He sighs out
“I am love yes..” before he could continue apologising for disrupting his work and say you’ll take your leave, before you can even open the door he grabs your wrist  gently tugging it from the handle and slightly pinning you to the door
“Never too busy for you though.. love” he says in a hushed tone.
It would be lying to say your heart did not race at his words, your breath getting caught in your lungs.. A fact that even he doesn't miss a soft smile graces his lips before he pulls himself from you 
“Crew tells me you've been bored today,” he says, making his way to a smaller table in his room. 
You sort of groan at his words.. Of course they'd tell him you were being a pest today.. 
“Tell me my love, d’ye know how to play?” he asks, gesturing to the wooden chess board that lays upon the table.    
“I do..” you respond, making your way toward the table, having played with your grandfather countless times back home when visiting them.. You sit on the little stool at the table.
 Hongjoong also sits down 
“Wanna challenge me?” he asks, tilting his head. “Winner gets the other to do something for them? loser has to do it, no questions asked?” he adds, hand outstretched for a deal
You hesitate at first but agree.. Surely it won't be too bad if he wins.. 
You take his hand in yours and shake. And begin the game: moving the first pawn on the checked board.
“Checkmate love~” hongjoong says as his queen corners your king.. No place you move will save him, you sigh.
“I win” he says quietly, taking your king piece and laying it on its side. 
You peer up at him through your lashes. 
“Okay.. what do you want me to do”
He seems to be in thought for a moment before looking directly at you.
“I'll keep it for another time” he says cheekily 
You look at him, pout on your face “when?” you ask
“Ah ah.. Believe me.. You’ll know when I use it” he says tutting. 
And you’re left wondering what it'll be he’ll ask you to do for him
5 days. 5 days is how long it takes for you to arrive at the island located on the map. 
In those 5 days you found yourself getting closer to hongjoong, of all people.
 his sweet words and actions worming their way into your heart. From the way he tucks loose strands of your hair behind your ear when it's windy on deck, to his subtle glances watching you. Even purposely letting you win at your chess games!! You’ve been getting very close to one another. And now was one of those times, 
Hongjoong sits sort of spread on a chaise and you rest on his chest. Him with a book in hand as you both quietly read it together in silence. Just enjoying eachothers company.
The silence is disturbed by seonghwa knocking and flinging the door open. You sit up from your spot on hongjoong. Startled by seonghwa’s intrusion. 
Hongjoong bookmarks the spot in the book and closes it over then looking at seonghwa with an annoyed expression on his face
“What is it Hwa?” he asks the elder glaring at him for interrupting your time.
“Apologies captain but, we've finally arrived” he replies to him sort of bowing his head in respect. 
 Hongjoong is quick to stand, you see him shake slightly.
“Then let us go” he says to the elder taking your hand in his as the three of you leave the room.
Walking on the main deck of the ship everyone is in a rush grabbing what they need to start the journey on the island. You can't help but worry.. 
Hongjoong still holding your hand notices this, rubbing his thumb gently over your hand 
“Don’t worry love.. We’ll get the cromer and send them back to their universe don’t you worry. After all they will come to us soon.” he says and you’ll be honest it does nothing to ease your worries especially as he told you they’ll be coming here.. After what their yunho did to you.. You can't even look at your yunho the same..
Still though you smile up at the red haired man and nod your head.
“Okay! Everyone pack your travel packs. We'll be going into an intricate cave dungeon system so make sure you pack rations, a blanket and pillow at least. The last thing we need is people getting lost down there and dying” hongjoong announces to the crew. 
He hands you your own pack. “‘Ere you can use this one love,” he says.
Everyone swings their packs onto their backs and with hongjoong in the front you all exit the ship. Completely unaware of the other ship on the other side of the island. 
Walking through the dense jungle is sweltering with the heat slowly seeping through the trees, some of the crew complaining about stopping and setting up camp here all to which hongjoong bats back that you won't stop till you reach the cave system.
You would say it takes roughly another 4-ish hours of walking with the crew complaining before hongjoong gives in and lets them set up a camp while the 9 of you continue to the caves.
As you continue to walk through the forest the silence is broke 
A loud ‘ewwww’ breaks the silence, you all turn towards the culprit. 
Wooyoung stands wiping slime…?? Off his shoulder..?? 
Slowly you all look up.. The sight is frightening. A humongous arachnid hangs from its web just above you.
Hongjoong is quick to grab you and push you behind him. Every male pulling out his sword or pistol. 
The arachnid lowers itself to the ground hissing at you, pincers snapping.
Hongjoong pushes you to a bush and tells you to stay low and rushes to join the others currently swinging blades and the occasional blast of a pistol. 
The beast hisses as it gets winded. Its blood seeping out in sludges to the ground. It lunges towards a few of them scratching some of them
Its legs are soon cut off and then a cutlass goes straight through its cephalothorax killing the beast as it sighs out its last breath.
 Each male pants trying to catch his breath. And hongjoong instantly comes over to you, giving you a once over to make sure you're really okay. To which you immediately say that you are.
“I am joong.. Honestly just a bit scared that there's creatures like that on this island” you explain to him
He instantly pulls you into his arms.
“Don't worry love.. No matter the creature, if you're in danger I will always be there to save you. I'll never let you get hurt”
Pulling away from you he turns to the other seven males.
“Okay. let's get a move on, we need to reach the cave before dark” he exclaims.
The walk to the cave is steep and exhausting, you all audibly gasp sighs of relief once the cave entrance comes into view. 
Lighting lanterns you all prepare to enter hongjoong says one last thing.
“Remember, we stick together.. We don't know exactly what's down here.. Possibly more arachnids.. But we find a spot to hunker down that's safe to get some rest before searching for the cromer” he says and with that you all start your journey into the cave system.
The cave is thankfully cool but the channels travel long.. Some ending randomly, some have deep drops. Thankfully you or hongjoong has a map of the exact route to the cromer location.
You arrive at a wider area with running water off to the side after scouting around. The place is deemed safe enough to rest in, the water checked and also approved to be safe for drinking by san.
There are a few tunnels that end abruptly along the wall so you bunker into those and use them to sleep. 
There's a small fire made to heat up some soup for supper. 
Once it's been heated you all sit and eat in silence only it's not an uncomfortable silence it's sort of comforting. 
Bowls empty and bellies fed some retreat to their spots to try and relax and some going to rest and sleep, there's light murmurs of conversations as some discuss things with each other and jongho’s the first to take watch.. Just in case..
You watch as hongjoong speaks with him.  The younger nodding to whatever the captain had told him. 
Hes when walking towards you, you quickly turn your head as if you hadn't just been watching their conversation.
Hongjoong laughs and extends his hand towards you.
“Come.. I wanna show you something love..” he says and you take his hand. 
He pulls you up to stand and still with your hand in his grasp begins walking away from the little make-shift base 
“Should we really be leaving?” you ask him in a worried tone..
“Don’t worry.. I told jongho.. We’ll be fine besides I told you, I won't let anything bad happen to you” he smiles.
He leads you further into the system of the cave deeper into the tunnels and farther away from the others., that is until you come to a deadend the roof at a slant getting lower to the ground as it goes farther. ? 
He lets go of your hand and what looks to be a deadend isn't. He jumps and pulls himself up the hole in the ceiling and extends his hands down for you 
“Come on love” he says and you take his hands and he uses his strength to pull you up.
Coming through the hole you're greeted by a stunning sight, glittering amethysts and other precious stones litter the walls of this hidden room. Walking farther into the room you admire the pretty gems 
You gasp in awe “do you like it?” he asks his voice quiet from the distance between you
“H-hongjoong this is- this.. Wow.. it's so pretty” you say walking farther.
“Hmm, I'm glad,” he says. You jump startled from how close the voice is.
Turning around you see him standing right behind you now.
You stumble backwards slightly and he gently grabs your wrist to prevent you from falling.  
He walks you back until you hit one of the patches of smooth stone in the room. He's close.. Maybe a little too close.
You place your hands on his shoulders as if to keep him there. Only it does nothing as he leans in resting his forehead on your own.
“Not as pretty as you though” he whispers 
Your breath gets stuck in your throat as it hitches
“Joong..” you breathe out just as quietly.
“y/n..” he does just the same, closing his eyes as if to savour the moment. 
His hands now rest on your hips, he pulls away from your forehead slightly
“Kiss me” he breathes out and before you can respond, his lips are on your own as he traps you. Your hands slip from in front of his shoulders to wrap around his neck as you kiss the redhead back, an action that has him pulling you closer to him. 
“y/n..” “my love..” “my precious..” he says between kisses and when he finally stops you’re both breathless. 
“This.. isn't what i wanted to show.. You” he breathes out. 
Your face scrunches up in confusion.. It's so cute that it has him kissing your nose.
“Come..” he says, presenting you his hand again. And of course you take it.
And again you're off through the opening in that room you enter a wide open space on the other side.. Water flows around and a large tree graces the other side, stepping stones lead to the area of grass the tree rests on, vines hang from the ceiling, fruits hang from the branches. The opening in the roof lets the natural moonlight inside.
Hongjoong smiles seeing your face light up again at the sight.
He gently pulls you across the stones and you make your way to the tree on the other side
You look around the area once at the other side and take in the view.
“Hongjoong this is stunning.. Thank you for bringing me here to see this” you thank him
Arms wrap around your waist and a weight is placed on your shoulder as he rests his chin there.
“I'm glad you like them my love” he hums a kiss placed on the side of your neck. It has a shiver running up your spine. 
He turns you in his hold, arms still around you.. 
“y/n.. Precious. I love you” he says 
Your heart feels to have stopped.
You open your mouth to speak.
He shakes his head.
“You don’t need to say anything right now.. Just.. will you let me prove how much i love you. precious?” he says. 
Looking in his eyes you can see the determination and honesty swirling in them, so placing a kiss on his lips whilst cupping his cheeks 
“Yes.. please joong..” you whisper against his lips
Pulling you close he places more soft kisses on your lips trailing them to your neck.
“May i..?” he whispers tugging slightly at your shirt, you nod
He slowly begins to unbutton the buttons of your shirt in between kisses and then slips your shirt off the material falling to the ground. 
He trails the kisses down to your collarbone. As you try to discard his own shirt. 
Scars litter his chest, your hands ghost over them. 
He pulls you down to rest on the blanket spread on the grass. He kneels before you, hands reaching for and tugging off your boots. Before kicking off his own. His hands slither up your thighs as he places desperate kisses on your neck and down your chest. As he pushes you to lay down
His hands hook beneath the waistband of your trousers, trailing kisses further down your body as he slowly pulls them off..
“So pretty love..” he whispers, admiring you then leaning over to place another soft kiss on your lips. Your hands reach to tug him back
“So are you..” you lift your head to place a similar kiss on his own lips, which has him smiling. 
“Thank you love.. But nothing can compare to how pretty you are” he says, sliding between your thighs. 
“I love you so, so much love” he whispers again tears brim his eyes as they fall over and run down his cheeks.. Clear tears this time.. 
Your eyes gently flicker open.. The moon still shines in the opening above as you in the opening. Your head rests on the softness of hongjoong’s chest, you can hear the soft thumping of his heart beneath the surface. Ever so gently you sit up so not to disturb the man, you look over his face.. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps. You place your hand on his cheek and gently run your thumb over his scar with a soft smile on your face, eyes closing over slightly. Sighing in content, you look back at him, you cannot help the small gasp that escapes as you move away from the sleeping redhead.. 
The faint red line of his scar.. smudged looking to your thumb you see the same red slightly staining the skin.. This hongjoong.. Has no scar.. Surely he’s not been lying about having a scar after all this time.. No.. he couldn’t even the last time he cried he cried..b-blood.. This hongjoong didn't.
Your heart begins to beat erratically in your chest. You feel as though any second you could pass out. You stand to your feet grabbing the extra blanket and holding it close to your naked form and if to solidify and mock your mistake and realisation.. Said man tosses on his side in his sleep and there, clear as day on his shoulder blade.. ‘HALA’ permanently resides there in black ink.
You stumble back at the realisation the room spins, your legs give way and you brace yourself expecting to hit the ground.. 
Only.. you don't. You fall into something soft. 
“oh.. darlin’..” a voice quietly whispers out.
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axcel-lucci · 1 year
The opposite.
Note: this is an alternate universe.
Canon!law x fem!reader X opposite!law
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After the fight at wano, everyone had split up and the alliance had been broken.
Though, Luffy still insists Law being his friend, and Law isn't too good about it either.
So that's how they ended up in a new island, while the crew restocked, (y/n) took his precious, mad, and obviously annoyed boyfriend out for a nice refreshing walk through the forest.
When they were out of earshot of the crew, Law unleashes how Luffy was so annoying and his crew, destroying the plan over, and over, and over again.
(Y/n) merely listened with a hum and a smile, Law took notice before sighing softly and smiling back.
Though he looked around before placing a hand around her waist and kissing the top of their head; "you know... Sometimes I wonder if you like to hear me rant or you find them annoying at times." He muttered in a soft voice makin her chuckle
"I like hearing you speak, that's all..." She answered, "also... I hope you're not offended by this, but I find you cute when you do as such... It's quite amusing, too."
"No offense taken" he chuckled and gave (y/n) a tight hug, "thanks for always being there for me..."
She smiled with a hum and softly hugged him back but he slowly stepped back a bit, "y-you know... I've... Always thought about this and um..." He started off as he kneeled on one knee and pulled out a velvet box, he opened it and looked at it himself before presenting (y/n) with the most beautiful ring she has ever seen, "I bought this on... I- I mean I saw this... Uh... Fuck... I stole it... At... Wano... And... Uh... When I was back at dressrosa... I thought that would be my gravesite... But... As the time goes on, my arm was cut off, I wished I could have at least kissed you goodbye one last time... And... A vision occured" he mumbled, completely embarrassed, "a-and... W-will you marry me?"
(Y/n) could feel herself cry and just nod yes, Law jumped up and immediately placed the ring into her finger and it fits like a glove.
(How does he know her ring size? He always does. This is a thing he has always thought of.)
"I love you..." He muttered as he kissed her, rain soon started to fall, soaking the two, newly engaged, lovers as they cry and kiss each other, "I love you so much... I will never ever hurt you... Nor would I leave you..."
"I... I love you too... Law..." She sighed, "we should get out of the rain, I don't want my soon to be husband get sick."
"Y-youre right... Haha" he muttered as they soon found a cave to shelter in
"For the record, I wish you could have at least told me what you knew so that I would have at least given you so much kisses for the road." (Y/n) chuckled as they stepped into the cave
"You guys are also looking for shelter in this rain?" A man asks from inside the cave, when they both looked, they couldn't believe their eyes.
It was another Law!
But... Oddly enough, he had white hair and black hat with white spots, a stark contrast of Law's appearance.
"Oh! Who might you be...? And I hope we aren't... You know... Trespassing?" (Y/n) asked and held Law's hand, sensing his glare at the man.
"Huh...? (Y/n)?!" He gasped and stood up before running up to her and gripping her shoulders, "you're soaking wet! Here... I hope this is enough" the man smiles brightly at (y/n) as he wraps a jacket around her shoulders, "one should always keep warm!"
(Y/n) just stared at him then back at her Law then back at him, "may I ask how you know me...?"
"Oh! Oh... Wait... Oh! I'm Trafalgar Law! Silly." He laughed a bit and hugged (y/n), "I missed you so much... I've been stuck here on this island for days now!"
"W-wait...! If you're law... Then who's this? And why do you look so different, act different, and even... No, you sound the same... But still...! How could you be law when my law is right here??" She pointed to her law that had black hair who was glaring at the other man
"B-but (y/n)! It's me...! Your husband! How can you forget...?" He cries a bit
(For the sake of cannon and opposite, I'll just label our law C!Law and the opposite O!Law)
"W-what?!" C!Law yelled and pulled (y/n) away from his grasp, "how can you be her husband when I'm her... Uh... I'm her husband!"
O!Law cried as he kept saying that (y/n) was his wife for two years, she was even allegedly pregnant with their second child!
"How is that possible?! She has been with me for fucking-- a lot of years!" C!Law yelled making O!Law cry even more.
"Law...! Stop it... He's crying..." (Y/n) said, looking apologetically to O!Law...
C!Law merely grumble in disgust as (y/n) went over and comforted O!Law who kept crying and at one point hugged and buried his face on her shoulder.
Meanwhile, C!Law wanted to rip O!Law's head right off but he knew (y/n) wouldn't let him.
"Tell me... Uh... Where did you come from?" (Y/n) asked, still comforting him.
After some interrogation, O!Law was actually from an alternate dimension...
C!Law still felt jealous once they sat down, O!Law wasn't ashamed of placing his head on her lap to sleep after all that crying and begging.
"I don't like how close he is" C!law muttered as he wrapped his arms around his waist and muttered all incoherent swear and threats into her neck, tickling her a bit.
"Law... This is you, too... Just a different universe." (Y/n) smiled and kissed C!Law on the lips and hummed, "we need to find a way to send him back... I'm sure me in the other universe would be super worried, especially since me in the other universe is apparently 6 months pregnant." She laughed making C!Law hum
"Hey..." C!LAw called
"Yes, dear?"
"If... I was... Like him... Would you have loved me more...?" He muttered sadly
"What do you mean? I love you for who you are. Don't try to be someone that you know yourself can't become... I know he's you, but at the same time, he isn't. In this universe, there's only one Trafalgar Law for me. And that's you" she smiled and kissed him again.
It flustered him that he even asked such a thing but it also reassures him that... (Y/n) loves him no matter what.
@jadedrrose i made one. 🙃
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speedygal · 1 year
Companion piece to; the one that lived, the one that got to grow old, final boss, A Changed Negatron.
Alternate Universe - Jim Starling's Darkwing Duck Television Show
Characters: Darkwing Duck, Negaduck, Original Characters.
(this is a moment that happened in any variation of this reality)
A middle aged duck ran through the rain with a yellow umbrella that made him stand out against the sea of black umbrellas. He even had a yellow raincoat that made him stand out in the mist and the dreary dull theme in the atmosphere held in the tightly compacted city.
He closed his umbrella once entering a restaurant that didn't have many people.
"Mr James Quackville, this way."
James held the umbrella on his arm as he walked on following the server.
"I wasn't aware that I had a meeting with anybody."
"He asked for your spot specifically at the time you normally come in."
"...hmm... who?"
"You can ask yourself, Mr Quackville."
The server paused then he looked over spotting a duck, identical, save for the light pink shirt instead of a salmon orange shirt. He had a purple raincoat seated beside him with a hat that looked like a fedora peeking out of the clump.
His own voice, his own eyes, his own face, his own style of clothing, albeit smug. And so arrogant. Like a crime boss. It was unnerving being greeted by his positive counterpart.
"Mr Quackville."
James sat down into the booth.
"Call me James." James said.
"And you can call me Darkwing Duck."
James stared at his counterpart with a glare.
"You're joking."
The young duck shook his head resting his elbows on the table.
"It's incredible!" His counterpart exclaimed then stretched his arms out. "We look identical!"
The counterpart pointed back and forth as he leaned forward.
"Like we were separated at birth."
James rapped his fingers on the table. He didn't know.
"I don't suppose you've got a ulterior motive revealing the truth, Mr Duck." James said.
"Mr Quack." was the correction by Edward. "Edward Quack."
James leaned forward with a glare.
"Mr Quack, this isn't a 'i eat with other people' moment." he stretched his hand out then clenched it. "If I wanted to I would be eating with my wife and my egg."
Edward smiled back at him as he rubbed his beak.
"I have a job offer." Edward said.
"Am I going to regret it?" James asked.
"You'll be paid..." Edward let it hang there. "handsomely."
"Tricking a supervillian." James assumed then rolled his eyes.
Edward shook his head.
"I need a publicity manager and someone who can attend important media events in the day."
James slowly leaned back.
"I am not interested in politics, ceremonies, or sticking around to deal with the aftermath of a caper."
James folded his arms as he scowled.
"You come to me about that?" James lifted a brow.
There was a slight moment of pause.
"I have a family to get back to at the end of the night."
"And it isn't night isn't it."
"It's the afternoon."
"Why approach me now? Are you gonna ask me to take up the mask? Willing to stop the foolish thing you're doing fighting Megavolt."
Edward lowered his head, his fingers resting on his shoulders, sighing.
"St Canard needs a mascot, James." Edward said.
James glared back at his counterpart.
"To do the police's job for them!" James was fuming. "Wasting hours, getting hurt, showing how incompetent---"
"Supervillians are a whole another level that the police cannot deal." Edward interjected.
"Normal crime." James hissed.
"The city doesn't have the programs to help those people." Edward said, imply.
"Then why don't they?" James asked.
Edward sighed, shaking his head, then briefly closed his eyes.
"It's not a popular idea." Edward reminded.
"Like a duck the city actively despises."
Edward smiled at the comment.
"As I was saying before being rudely interrupted." He leaned forward then back as he proceeded to talk with his hands. "A heroic, cool, and available mascot in the day time!"
James squinted back at Edward.
"Someone who visits sick kids, someone who can deal with autographs and papparazi, someone who would LOVE the cameras."
James was quiet for a solid moment with his arms folded.
"You're really too soft." James complained.
"People tell me that I'm too rough." Edward said, folding his arms.
"Someone who hates your fame is gonna kill you instead of the real ire." James pointed toward Edward
"Meh." Edward shrugged. "Never gonna happen."
Practically mirroring each other on oppossite ends of the booth. One was relaxed and the other was scowling.
"Then how do you think you're gonna die?" James asked.
"Fighting a supervillian." Edward said.
James shook his head, disappointed, sighing, resting his elbow on the table as he leaned forward.
"And you are too idealistic."
Edward lifted a brow.
"I need the money." James confessed.
"Drinks?" The waiter arrived, drawing their attention.
"Coco fizzy water, please." Edward said
"Like some Coo-Coo Cola." James said.
"Appetizers?" the waiter jotted down on the notepad.
"Nachos!" Edward said.
"Breadsticks." James said.
"I'll be back shortly."
The tall dog departed the area then the duo's attention shifted back.
"I do love the attention..." James said.
James cupped the side of his beak as he looked on and a couple of customers departed. James planted his hands on the table.
"Say you have doubts." James said.
"No doubts about turning a bad man into a good one." Edward beamed.
"... Megavolt ceasing his criminal activities." James said, condescendingly, between a snarl.
The beaming was replaced by a grimace and his eyes became full of bitter sorrow.
"I try not to think about Megavolt." Edward said, softly.
Edward looked tired as he rested his purple umbrella between his legs and balanced his hands on the top of the curved handle. He looked older, emotionally, not a middle aged duck.
The waiter returned then deposited the drinks on to the table and the appetizers.
"Do you---"
"Taco salad with shrimp." Edward said.
"Ribs and potato and gravy and bacon." James said.
"We'll be right on it." the waiter said.
"Thanks." Edward said as the waiter departed.
James continued to stare back at Edward for a long moment.
"I never followed you after the very pleasant surprise."
Finally, James sat back down to the seat then took out a notebook and jotted down onto it. He dropped the pen on the table with a clatter then leaned back.
"You are starting something you cannot stop, Darkwing Duck." James reminded.
Edward leaned forward on the table right into the cloud gray spotlight emitting from a light fixture above their heads.
"Isn't that wonderful?" Edward asked, then smiled, his eyes twinkling.
James stared back as he tapped on the table, unimpressed. James slid the paper forward.
"My number." James said.
Edward looked down upon the number then slid it into his rain coat pocket.
"And mine, too." Edward said.
Edward took the notepad and pen, jotted, then handed it back.
"We have a lot to discuss, Darkwing."
"Hey!" James's head bobbed up.
"Have to start somewhere so it won't be weird to be called that..." Edward reminded.
James looked aside then back.
"...What about when I show up?" James asked, cradling his hand beneath his beak. "After solving cases, saving the day, leaving the scene; it's all unpredictable."
James picked up his glass then sipped it.
"You can stalk me." Edward suggested.
James lowered the glass then smiled and lifted both of his eyebrows.
"You're in luck!" James exclaimed, raising the glass up. "I love following people!"
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shingekicornwrites · 11 months
Character Design ask game, for Hinata.
Stillness, bling, alternate
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Okay SO Hinata is relatively good at holding still, unlike her brother. Izuku, both because he's a workaholic who can't rest and because he's the platonic ideal of ADHD's gogogo mode, is physically incapable of being still for more than five minutes and will find something to occupy himself, like hovering above a chair for core strength straining.
Hinata does not do this. Hinata is capable of sitting still, staring off into the distance, and retreating inward to the mindscape so thoroughly that you'd think she was checked out from reality. She isn't, what she's doing is probably constructing a war crime or two since she's an engineer. And a tabletop gamer. The ten minutes she was told to wait have been spent creating SAW traps for her players in her mind.
If made to wait for an extended amount of time, she tends to find something to do with her hands. Crochet is an easy one and can fit neatly in her bag wherever she's going. If she's gotta waste her time sitting around doing nothing the least that can come out of it is working on a new hat.
As for her clothes...well, the only thing that ever really restricts her from relaxing are school uniforms, because skirts don't allow her to spread her legs and recline the way she prefers. Like she wears bike shorts under them but getting glared at by grandmas on public transit isn't how she wants to spend her daily train ride. Her normal wardrobe of men's cargo shorts and t-shirts/tanks don't give her these problems.
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
Hinata isn't one for jewelry on the daily. It's a matter of practicality, for her. She's an engineer who makes things. She's also a rampant tomboy who doesn't care for prettying herself up for daily life--but also because, when she does find jewelry, she tends to favor big statement piece costume jewelry that goes with a Look.
Hinata's a tomboy, and she's also a huge fan of the alt music scene and its aesthetics. The necklace made of safety pins and heavy chain isn't exactly something you wear without a good outfit to go with it. The best stuff is made by hand and is very in your face about it.
All that aside though--she also does have an immense fondness for hair ornaments and combs. She only really wears them for formal occasions or SCA meetups. Her best ones were inherited from her mom and grandmother so she saves them for special occasions.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Luckily there is already an au born from my brain like Athena while bored at work
If Hinata was a Pokemon trainer she'd be a Ghost type gym leader. Natch. Her starter was a Shuppet that started following her around after her parents died and it spiraled from there.
Gym Leader Hinata would definitely be a Look. Lean into the horror rocker aesthetic. Blacks and blues and purples layered on top of each other in ripped up glory, safety pins holding parts of her clothes together. Half of her stuff is still from the men's section but those knee high boots are all women's, and she put the studs on herself.
Her battle vest 100% has patches of her team on it, sewn on with dental floss to make sure they never come off.
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iravaid · 2 years
As a fan of the MW2 boys and vtm, tell me what do you think the guys clans would be?
Making many many feral excited sounds at this concept. Your brain. Your mind. I'm combining those two universes like an animal succumbing to the lyssavirus ough, yes.
I love that old man and his jackass facial hair, and feel it in my heart that he's a Gangrel. He's got that tapteum lucidum and Claws (trademark) feral marks and the call of duty girlies love him. That or Brujah, but I think I'm assigning all these characters Brujah clan out of habit because they're. They're random guys in a military propaganda video game. Wretched lmao.
Regardless! I can see Price having a stupid high Fortidude and willpower, which he uses to 1) smoke cigars and 2) brush off shotgun blasts to the face. nothing else lmao He has a little wren famulus because i said so. It sleeps under his hat and is always fine now and forever.
Old as balls, probably result of a mass or accidental embrace and currently in service to the Camarilla because he believes them to be the better alternative to the Sabbat, and more stable than the Anarchs. Not that he won't work with Anarchs, but more that Price views the Camarilla as a whole to be a necessary evil to keep Kindred stable and under control to stop them from devolving into the monsters that the Sabbat can create and encourage. He is willing to be the executioner required to keep the peace, as well; Price has long since resigned himself to becoming a monster so that other Kindred need not.
Gaz is a little tricky for me, he's got the passion and drive for a Brujah, but I don't want to reduce Gaz to 'black man who has been shown as angry in some of the game's cutscenes in response to stressful situations, therefore he must be a part of the clan known for their outrage', but I can also see a Brujah sire embracing Gaz 'Anarch style' for his capability and potential as both a leader and combatant. He also doesn't necessarily have to be constantly angry at everything and everyone, or have a bad temper - there are plenty of Brujah like this, with Nines as a good example.
Ventrue antitribu or Lasombra work as well: both lean into his soldier background, and Gaz doesn't necessarily have to succumb to the 'darkness' of Oblivion, but compartmentalise it to hell in order to effectively utilise it without becoming a horrific sewer monster of a person. That, or Price embraced him in London, and Gaz is a Gangrel as well.
If he did end up a Brujah, I feel Gaz would struggle with the clan bane's drive towards rebelliousness, as Gaz seems to believe himself a good soldier before he's a good man. He wishes to get the job done, and thinks the only good and adequate death for him would to be KIA. There would be a lot of bitterness following an embrace which takes that away from him and instead forces upon him the concept of the Beast and the fact he's inescapably a monster, now, as a Kindred, and not a metaphorical one as an SAS soldier. I can see Gaz starting out Camarilla with similar beliefs as Price. But if Price isn't there to offer guidance or companionship, I can see Gaz making the leap over to the Anarchs upon seeing how convoluted, messy, abusive, and corrupt the Camarilla can be, and how deeply entrenched Kindred like Price are tangled up in it. But then he'd become disillusioned by how disorganised and internally conflicting the Anarchs can be, and perhaps wander away into obscurity, travelling the world in an attempt to find the answers to the peace he seeks. He could even go Sabbat in an attempt to puruse their different paths.
Much potential w this lad. Hope he doesn't fall out another helicopter and die for realsies in MW3.
Ghost has so many potential spins on his clan due to his edgy, over the top backstory and general Vibe tbh; it could range from Lasombra, Tzimisce, Nosferatu, Brujah, Gangrel, to Caitiff, and such. Many ways to take it.
But I think Nosferatu wins overall; the shadows, the mask, the strength. Ghost had always been one to prefer the shadows, and I can't see much of his day to day changing in the transition to night to night. Appearance-wise, I can see him having an uncanny-valley sort of face with large eyes and white, pinprick pupils. He's looking... staring, even.
Stupid high Obfuscate, average Potence (on top of his prior brick shithoused-ness and vampire strength). Doesn't have a famulus on account of 'not needing one' (afraid it'll die like the rest of his family, lol)
He got a textbook Sabbat embrace, too, and we could reason Roba was Sabbat himself. I can see Roba being a Tzimisce, interested in making himself a pack that serves him and only him with blank, fervent capability. But Ghost himself wouldn't be Sabbat, maybe Camarilla aligned for the time being as they give him a purpose and provide a modicum of protection from the Sabbat (not that he needs it, but not even Ghost can watch his own back forever), but ultimately Autarkis as an individual
I'm holding his face (attached to the most prop of prop necks of all time) and staring into those empty eyes. Hm. Hmm. okay. What are people's thoughts on Thinblood, with a high number of dots in Thinblood Alchemy. I'm not accepting Brujah as an alternative because people on Tumblr don't seem to know how to treat, nor write, the scottish.
But back to the Thinblood/duskborn, it incorporates Soap's demolitions specialisation and general opportunity for mischief and tomfoolery (grown military man edition, war crimes included). And him being Thinblood could also force Soap to be more ingenuitive when being faced with a difficult task his higher generation colleagues could overcome with their fancy Kindred Disciplines. Gives his own cunning a chance to shine without stripping him of his personality entirely (and also not making him an ipad kid like how i've seen the man reduced to).
His access to the thinblood alchemy and the strategic need to outmanouevre potential allies could also lend well to experimentation with counterfeit - which mimics certin disciplines. I also find it extremely entertaining is Soap gets oracular visions of Gehenna and does nothing about it. What's he going to do? Stop it? In this economy? I mean. He might try, but it's as much a sisyphean task as any. Also Baby Teeth flaw... yeah. He can make his own teeth dw about it
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 4 years
Brightly Shone The Moon That Night. A Dark-Cream Christmas story.
Tumblr media
The following is a slice of life story about my Dark-Cream family at Christmas. It exists in a universe different to @zu-is-here​ cannon. In this universe positive emotions are not fatal to Shattered so Cross and Dream didn't rush to break the curse. It splits off around 'things will never be the same' or 'the price of happiness'. The twins were created before the last 3 chapters of Dark-Cream were drawn. Any changes to the story or changes to the characters should be accepted as being part of an alternative timeline. Thank you. Enjoy. Original cross and dream belong to jakei95 and joku blog. Original shattered dream belongs to @galacii. This design for shattered is based off the one by @zu-is-here and the Dark-Cream story is also by @zu-is-here​. Most of the Story will be under the cut.
"isn't this a bit much?" the gloopy one said, as his partner wrapped a scarf around his neck.
"nope" the former guard replied "can't have you getting frost bite my love"
Dream simply rolled his eyes. "but I can't really get cold? Or even hot for that matter"
"what are you talking about? you're always hot" Cross replied with a sly smile. This earned a confused look from the smaller skeleton, as Cross carefully tied the scarf and gently folded it under Shattered's jacket. Though it became clear to Cross that Dream had twigged what he'd meant a moment later, evident by the creeping gold blush spreading across his face.
The golden guardian playful punched Cross in the shoulder. "Shush you, keep in clean in front of the little ones"
At that Cross couldn't help but smile and turn his head to his two daughters. The two were in their cot, all dressed in snuggly winter clothes, waiting for their Dad's to be done getting ready. Celest was dressed in a cosy jumper with a little bobble hat, while Luna wore a full bodied coat. Their consistent look of confusion and wonder changed into toothless smiles when their dad looked at them. (idk how teething works for skeletons..... Teeth magically form or something......also tbh they should start teething soon) it warmed Cross' soul.
His attention was drawn back to dream by the sound of metal being placed down on wood. He looked to him, seeing that he'd removed his crown band and set down on the bedside table. Dream then sighed and sagged his shoulders. "it.... It feels wrong not having something on my head"
Cross chuckled.
The 4 of them where taking a trip out today. This was something both Dream and Cross had agreed was a good idea.
Cross' eye lights travelled back to the little ones. They seemed so innocent right now, as if recent events hadn't happened. As if the last two weeks hadn't been difficult to get through.
Celest's code had been burning her a lot, to the point where she'd screamed when either of them had tried to hold her, or even touch her. As for Luna, her throat had become clogged with more gloop then ever before. So much Shattered had to use a tentacle to pull some of it out. She had surely been 5 seconds from suffocating.
It had been a fortnight of sleepless nights, screaming babies and a large amount of arguing. The stress of the situation had pushed them very far apart. Many things had been said, old wounds jabbed at, tears shed. But after a lot of long talks they had sorted out each fight. They were a lot stronger then some petty arguments. There was no room in their relationship for emotional strain......not anymore. The two loved each other, it had just been a difficult time.
In recent days, the twins seemed to have recovered to a stable state. Back to the laughing, smiling, Cow lovers. Cross never thought he'd be so happy that they'd started playing with their cow collection again.
After a long talk with his finance, the two concluded that they'd all been stuck in the void space for way to long. Even with the few rooms and furniture, it's not like there was much to do there and a serious cabin fever had developed. So while the twins were in a good place, they had to take the opportunity to spend some time together as a family.
Cross once again looked back at his partner. Only to need to do a double take. Dream was wearing a hat now. A festive white one with golden stripes running across it. It was reminiscent of a classic Santa hat, other then the colours. The fabric had black stains in several places due to where Dream had touched it. Though despite that Cross recognised it all to well. To his dismay, he felt his face slowly get warm. Their first kiss.
He could remember it clearly in his mind, the mistletoe, the hotel, Gaster sniggering in the corner. But mostly, Dream. The sweet, positive skeleton from back then was very different to the one who stood before him now. But he wouldn't have it any other way.
Remembering that day caused his blush to darken. It had truly been one of the most embarrassing, but best days of his life. Though a part of him wondered how Dream still had the hat. After everything, the hat had been saved.
"you've still got that hat?" he said, in a half teasing tone.
Shattered smirked at Cross' flushed face "of course, so many good memories".
A stream of positivity ran through him and with it, it brought a sudden, but expected twinge in his soul. It was a sharp pain, like a knife being slowly pressed in. Dream tried to ignore it but he visually flinched causing Cross to come over.
"positivity again Dreamboat?" he questioned.
Dream nodded "it's alright, I'm used to it" The guardian sensed some sadness from Cross, even if he kept a natural face.
"I'm OK Crossy, promise!"
Cross sighed and gently kissed Shattered's forehead. "if you say so my love"
With that he walked back over to the twins so that he could get their carriers. Dream sighed slightly. It was strange seeing Cross in an outfit different to his guard uniform. So much so that Dream already kind of missed it, not that Cross didn't look handsome is what he was currently wearing.
The last time the family had left the void to go shopping, (which is really a story in itself) they had been stared at from all angles. Every man, women and child. Monster or human, had taken part in watching them. Like animals in a zoo. Cross had insisted that it was the twins they were staring at, since his children were so beautiful that of course people would stare. But in the end both him and Dream knew the real reason.
They were staring at them.
He couldn't really blame them though, how often do you come across a monster with heterochromia wearing what was best described as fancy dress, accompanied by a slime covered skeleton in heels and a crown? Many things had changed since the apple incident, but people staring as he passed had not.
Today they both wanted a peaceful day with their babies, so they had opted to wear more normal clothes. Cross had traded his normal cape and jacket for a puffy white winter coat which he wore a red jumper under. Dream had opted for something similar, though a deep brown colour as to not show the stains so much. It felt odd being in a new outfit, but also very nice. There was only so long someone could take being in tight trousers and shirts with big collars.
The former guard straightened up, clutching a harness in his hands.
"these were definitely a good buy" he said, as he walked back to Dream.
Dream raised an eyebrow "did you really 'Buy' them Cross?" he said is a inquisitive tone.
Cross' body tensed and his partner gave him an sharp stare. Even without his emotion sensing ability, Dream could read Cross like a book.
"sure" Dream replyed, with slight amusement in his voice.
A nervous chuckle came from Cross. "look they were a good thing to get ok?....... Very helpful for the little ones"
Dream gave him an unsure nod. He still wasn't exactly well versed in child care, so he wasn't really sure what these harnesses where even for yet. Since he figured that the answer was probably obvious, he didn't ask.
"want me to help you get it on?" Cross asked, raising an eyebrow. Shattered wasn't the only one who could easily read his partner.
Shattered said nothing but nodded. His golden blush reappeared when Cross started to run his hands across and around his body to get the harness into place. His soul gave a tiny learch for a moment, but not one of pain.
He knew there was a part of him that wanted Cross to touch his soul again, It had been such a close experience for them both and had brought about a lot of pleasurable feelings. It was truly something he wanted to experience again. A feeling he almost craved. But he knew all to well, as his eye sockets fixed onto the cot to his right, that the potential consequences made it impossible. He was just going to have to live with these unmet desires. Just as he was sure that Cross lived with similar ones.
"there all done"
Dream jumped. Snapped out of his thoughts by his future husband's voice.
Now the harness was all attached. Not too tight, but not too lose. He could see that he now had a pocket on his chest which he guessed the baby sat in. Clever. It was kind of like a kangaroo pouch.
Cross strapped a identical carrier around his own chest and walked over to the babies cot to collect his daughters.
Luna smiled wide at the sight of him. The older skeleton matched her smile and slowly picked his child up. Luna giggled and kicked her tiny feet out as he did. Her tentacle flickered around the corners of her mouth as she laughed. Cross could feel his own joy fill him at the sight. But he nullified it for his partner's sake.
Speaking of which, he turned back to Dream.
"you wanna take Celly or Lu Lu?" he asked.
"I'll take Luna" the smaller skeleton replied "since you are already holding her". He held his arms out in an awkward, slightly unsure way.
Cross gave a soft, knowing smile "Its OK Dreamboat, I'll help you get her in the carrier"
Shattered sighed, irritated by his own incompetence and nodded.
With that Cross carefully attempted to slip the wriggling baby into her carrier. Which wasn't easy, as she cheerfully shifted her legs around. In fact Cross had a slightly hard time keeping hold of her.
After much difficulty, Cross managed to feed her legs through the leg holes and sit her safely inside. The whole time, Dream remained mostly still, he didn't want to do anything in case he ended up hurting Luna.
Once she was buckled in, Cross took a slow step back to admire his handy work. Luna bounced excitedly in her carrier and her Papa looked almost comically uncomfortable by all her movement.
"do you want me to take her Day Dream?" Cross said, upon noticing Dreams unease around the wiggling baby. Dream shook his head "no, its fine" he replied as he relaxed his shoulders. "you get Celest and we can go"
Cross gave a nod and turned back to the cot. As he went to pick up his slightly younger daughter, he noticed that she had in fact fallen asleep. Cross sighed - not again....
For most parents, the time when the children slept was a time of bliss, and after a fortnight of little sleep, Cross almost agreed. But his child had a habit of falling asleep suddenly and for long periods. Dream had told him that when this happened her energy levels were low, showing that her body couldn't regulate itself fully.
With another sigh, Cross carefully picked up the sleeping baby and slipped her into the carrier. It was very hard to wake her when she was like this, but he was still extra careful. Not waking a sleeping baby was basically a universal law, though he would have to if she was asleep to long. After double checking that she was safely inside and her head was supported, he walked back over to Dream.
"any particular preference for an au Dream boat?" he asked
Shaking his head, Dream replied "Not really, just try and get a pacifist timeline"
With a nod, Cross extended his arm. There was a spark of magic at his figure tips and his knife materialised. He dragged it through the air in a fluid motion, as he did it split the air as if it where a piece of cloth. It was a causal splitting of space and time. Simple.
Luna watched her dad with a look of wonder. Her silver eyes where wide and bright.
"gahhhhh daaaaag" she cooed and reached for him.
Cross glanced back at her with a smile "just you wait Princess, when you are older I'll teach you how to do this"
These words hung heavily in the air for a moment, as Cross carefully finished opening the portal. The same thing was on both Cross and Dreams minds.
If you get older.
With a sigh and a snap of his fingers, the knife was gone and the portal was open.
"After you" Cross said, stooping into a slight bow and winking at his fiancé.
Dream covered his mouth with his hand and fake giggled. "Oh what a gentleman" he said with a large smile across his face before walking forward and entering the portal.
The first thing that hit Dream as he reached the other side, was a cold crisp breeze. The chill made him feel grateful that he was wearing his boots, even if they were old and an obnoxious shade of yellow.
The breeze blew lightly causing Luna to shiver. There was no wind in there home, so this brought a welcome change to Shattered. He took a deep breath into his non existent lungs.
It was evening. Strange? He figured that their sense of time must have been thrown out a little. They did live in a void after all. However it was a pleasant evening, with sky littered with stars and a full moon.
Shattered allowed himself to bask in the fresh air for a while, as he heard footsteps behind him and the portal close.
"Oh it's good to be outside again" came Cross' voice from behind.
With a nod, Shattered turned around to face his partner. Luna wriggled more in her carrier, looking around at all the new things she'd never seen before.
"someone is excited" Cross said, leaning down and kissing his daughter on the forehead. She giggled and very nearly headbutt him as he did. Chuckling, he pulled away.
The guard looked around "looks like we're in a small town... If I had to guess its the surface"
The two of them started to look around, trying to find something to engage with. It wasn't long before they spotted something.
Both skeletons attention was caught by something in the near distance. A large crowd of people. Among them were people in hats, jumpers and coats, carrying bags and cups of hot drinks. A vast amount of stalls and stands were among them, not to mention fur trees in fancy dress and lights. Hundreds and hundreds of lights.
"a Christmas Market!" Dream said, his voice hinting an excitement "I've never been to one! I forgot that it was this time of the year"
His excitement felt like a balloon filling inside him. Only to be burst when his soul gave a sting inside his ribs.
But Dream couldn't help but feel a little happy, this was such a good thing to come across, perfect for their trip out.
Cross tilted his head "how do you know what Christmas is my love? It's more of a human custom".
"well that's easy" Dream said, a slight smugness in his voice at the fact he seemed more knowledgeable then Cross about something.
"Christmas is a time where positive emotions take hold, even in the darkest of times, positively rules here"
He eye lit up slightly as he spoke. Even if Dream was corrupted, and technically not the positivity guardian anymore, he was still happy to talk about it. It reminded him of easier times.
"as the former positively guardian it was only natural for me to learn about the festival...." his voice turned somba for a moment "Heaven taught me...... remember?"
There was another heaviness in the air at those words. A unspoken guilt and regret and then a thought. Dream now possessed the very power that had killed him.....
The gloopy one sighed and straightened the baby carrier. Luna gurgled as he did so.
"he would have loved to meet these two wouldn't he" he spoke, his voice twisting in its somba state.
"yeah... But it's ok" the guard replied, taking Dreams hand.
"in a way, he is here" he said in a soft tone, running his finger across Dreams ring. A smile ran across his face before he realised Shattered's hand.
After a short moment of silence they were disturbed by a soft noise. Celest had woken from her sleep. She wriggled and shifted against Cross' chest, her tiny voice gurgling.
"Nice of you to join the party Sweet pea" Cross said, upon noticing.
"we should probably get going, before she falls asleep again" Dream stated in reply. Cross nodded.
The family started to walk together towards the market. As they approached the air was filled with the smell of food and the sound of cheesy pop songs. The emotions of the people around them where starting to fill in.
The first thing that Dream felt was a lot of emotion around him. He was going to need to take a moment to get used to it. From what he could feel it was primarily positive, but then he felt something else.
To his right he felt anger and frustration. That wasn't the kind of thing that he expected this time of year, so he turned his head slightly. There was a human and a monster stood in the huddle.
He caught a few words of what they were saying.
"typical every year you leave gift buying to the last minute" said one.
"it's not completely last minute" said the other.
"it's the 23rd! How is that not last-" and then he was out of ear shot.
"23rd?" Shattered said to himself "huh.... It was my birthday 2 days ago". He counted on his fingers for a moment, trying to figure out how old that made him.
"it was!? Oh my goodness that's right!" came a voice from his side. It was slight panic from Cross. Uh oh.
Dream waved his hands in a jazz hand fashion "woah woah woah, before you go flying off the handle, we both didn't realise-
"I'm so sorry my love!"
Shattered groaned. Here we go.
"I can't believe I forgot! I'll make it up to yo-
Dream cut Cross off with a peak on the teeth. Cross jumped and his face flushed.
"......... Cross, I'm going to have hundreds more birthdays... Its OK if we skip one" the guardian whispered before nuzzling his gloopy face against him. "presides.... We had more important things to worry about"
As if on que both twins cooed.
A little smile creeped on to Cross' face. Dream mirrored it.
"now let's stop standing here go to the market" he held his hand out "it's waiting for us".
With a soft smile, Cross took his hand and they started walking again. It wasn't long before they finally reached the market.
The market was busy.
Both humans and monsters were walking around, talking happily. Children of all ages were rushing around with chocolates in their hands and candy canes in their mouths. Positive emotions were swirling like the snow in the wind. A warm blend of joy, song and family.
The smells of cakes and and pies were everywhere. Hot wine, ginger, cinnamon, dried fruit and nuts. Coffee, chutney, jams and cheeses.
For Dream it was like being spun in a giant bath of spice. The smells did not help his developing headache. There where positive emotions everywhere, every angle.
He let go of his partner's hand and stumbled slightly. The emotions were threatening to make him collapse as they came at all sides. Being in a void space for so long meant he'd gotten used to only Cross' emotions being around. But now there must have been 100 people at lest.
With the surrounding area becoming a blur, the sky and ground became one and he felt something hit his back and press it.
After a moment of silence he could hear the sound of a baby crying from off in the distance. Someone was calling his name but he could hardly hear it as the crying baby got closer. But eventually both got clearer.
"Dream! Dream are you OK!? Can you hear me?"
It was Cross.
"C.... Cross?" he said, looking for his partner's face. He eventually found it, hovering above him.
"why....." he said reaching his heavy arm up "why are you flying?"
The former guard gave him a confused expression. A moment later, Dream realised that the pressure on his back was in fact the floor and he was laying on it.
"you collapsed" said Cross with a pained expression. Cross' worry and stress washed over Dream and snapped him back to reality. The crying baby was very close. In fact it was coming from his chest.
Dream pushed himself onto his elbows and looked down. Luna was crying and wriggling in her carrier.
"oh.... OH!" Shattered said as a sudden and huge instinct hit him. Something he'd not really felt up till this point. Caring not about his state, he pulled her out of the carrier and rocked her in his arms.
"shhhh shhh it's ok, I'm sorry sweetheart, are you hurt?"
If Dream hadn't just collapsed, Cross would have felt happy at the sight of him comforting Luna. The tiny skeleton quieted down, but her non-existent lip was still trembling. Shattered inspected her, happy not to find any marks that would indicate she'd been hurt by the fall. Probably just scared.
"what happened my love?" came Cross' voice again.
"emotions" Dream bluntly responded, before attempting to get to his feet. He hadn't gotten far when he felt his partners hands grip his and help him pull up. He'd barely just gotten to his feet when things started to blur again and his head started to once again throb.
He fell forward slightly into Cross' chest, the guard put his arms around him to support him and keep him steady. He had to be careful to make sure the babies didn't get squished.
Cross' fiancé give out a low, pained groan and Luna give a wine of discomfort.
"Keep hold of her Dreamboat, I'll find somewhere where you can sit down" he softly said, looking around to find a seat. Luckily he spotted a park bench not to far from them.
Cross slowly and gently guided Dream backwards until Dream's legs brushed against the bench and he was able to slowly sit down. He sank his weight against the wooden frame, his limbs felt heavy and his head felt horrible. After a short time he started to adjust. Feeling himself coming back into reality, Shattered adjusted his hold on Luna to make sure he didn't drop her. Cross kneeled in front of them both.
"we can always go home if it's to much for you"
Immediately Dream shock his head, which he regretted a second later as the dizziness ramped.
"no Crossy, we both agreed we needed some time out of the void. ...im sorry that I'm ruining it"
The tall skeleton lightly gripped Dreams shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.
"you are not ruining anything"
He kissed the bridge of Dreams nose.
"you have made everything in my life better, don't forget that"
A smile ghosted Shattered's face at those words.
"you know.... You're blind, unconditional love for me is really cheesy" he said, his smile turning into a smirk.
"I do try"
The couple shared a laugh and Dream felt himself feel a bit better. He didn't feel great though. The emotions around him where still dizzying.
Behind Cross he could see the market. It truly did look like fun and he felt bad that he'd soured the mood. He continued to rock Luna and she turned around in his arms to burry her face into his chest.
"you should....." Shattered paused as another wave of dizziness hit him "You should go ahead of me, I'll catch up"
"Absolutely not" Cross stated firmly "I will not leave you, I refuse"
"Cross" Dream said in an equally as firmly manner "I can look after myself for 10 minutes, it will be fine..... I want you to go have some fun"
The guard's expression softened and he stood up again, running his hand across the back of his skull unsurely as he did. "I.... I don't know"
Dream rested Luna in his lap and reached his hands out, Cross took them.
"Cross, I want you to go ahead, I'll join you soon, I promise"
Letting go of Dreams hands, Cross sighed. "Alright..... But I'll come back in 15 minutes, if you are still here then we are going home"
Dream nodded slowly "Deal"
After a few more unsure moments Cross started to back away from Dream. He went slowly in order to give Dream time to tell him to stop. After he didn't, Cross turned and walked in the direction of the market.
As Shattered watched Cross walk into the market, he felt his daughter start to fuss in his arms. His golden eye travelled down to her again. She looked a bit confused or upset. Her emotions weren't developed enough to be easily readable by Shattered. But from what he could sense she was distressed by her dad walking away.
He looked back at Cross again, as the guard inspected what seemed to be a stand of various pastries and cakes. There was a sad, yet nostalgic smile on his face.
Shattered watched as he exchanged some words with the vendor and took Celest's little hand and waved it. Clearly he was introducing them. The vendor seemed to coo at the baby a little and Cross straightened up proudly. Probably bragging about something cute Celest had done recently.
After a few more words he put some coins on the counter and was handed a paper bag, containing what Dream had to assume was a pastry of some kind. He waved good bye to the vendor and started to walk away.
As he did, he took his food item out of its bag and went to take a bite. He locked eyes with Dream mid-bite and gave him a slight deer in the headlights look. After finishing taking his bite, he smiled and waved to his lover. Dream waved back.
It was clear from Cross' expression that whatever he was eating was very tasty and it caused Dream to wonder how much food Cross was going to buy tonight.
Luna fussed again as her father and sister got further away.
Luna and Celest had been almost inseparable since day one, Shattered was still a little unnerved by it. They were always most comfortable when together. Knowing this, Dream told himself that Luna was fussing because she was parted from her sister. But another thought came to him.
What if she was sad about Cross leaving?
It was a stupid thing to think, both babies had been apart from Cross before and not responded this way. Yet the thought wouldn't leave him. It was the kind of thought that bounces around your head and burrows into you the moment you try to forget it.
The first time he left them with me for an extended period of time, I'd tried to....
A chill ran over him followed by a long twang of guilt, which caused him to tighten his grip on his daughter. Cross still didn't know about that night and he wasn't sure he could ever tell him. What was wrong with him? He acted like he cherished them these days (or at lest most days), but how could he when he'd thought of doing such a thing? When all he'd felt upon seeing them for the first time was nothing. His eyes stung and threatened to start crying. In that moment he felt tempted to call Cross back and have him wrap his arms around him. But he couldn't. Not while Cross didn't know.
"I'm sorry that I'm not the best parent to you Mi hija"
The words left his mouth as barely even a whisper. They sounded if he'd not been aware he said them. As if he'd not fully intend to say them out loud. His throat was dry and his soul was burning and twisting.
Cross says you are getting better.
One part of him said
But who's to say they will live to see you be better?
He answered to himself.
He felt the fabric of his jacket get tugged slightly. This drew his attention back to Luna.
She had turned in his arms slightly and was looking up at him with wide eyes. If Shattered hadn't known better, he'd have thought he could sense her worrying. Her tiny fist was curled in the fabric of his coat.
"paaaaaa gaa?"
Dream sighed.
"I get a lot of things wrong..... And I'm going to keep getting things wrong, I might be wrong most of the time"
The former guardian continued to speak in a near whisper, his finger stroking the tiny creature's cheek.
"but I'm going to get some things right as well...... And I'll make a deal with you"
Luna's face scrunched up a little. It was almost amusing to see, as if she was thinking really hard.
"if you and your sister keep on fighting, I'll keep on trying" Luna turned her face into his hand and chewed his glove.
"if you stick around long enough, you'll see a day when I get things right most of the time.... You want to see that right?"
"gahhh gahh"
Dream laughed slightly "I'll take that as a yes"
He looked away from her again. Cross had completely disappeared from his view now, probably off stuffing chocolates. Since Dream wasn't someone who needed to eat, he didn't fully understand, but the sweet and warm smells in the air were very pleasant. He'd not eaten a thing for at least two and a half years, maybe he could try a little something. Carefully he slipped the tiny skeleton back into her carrier and fastened her in.
"Should we go check out the market mi pequeña estrella?" he asked, finally getting back to his feet. His daughter gave a gurgle of approval.
"then let's go shall we"
The atmosphere of the market was all together jolly. As he walked into the heart of it, his head throbbed again, but he didn't feel dizzy. He'd adjust to it fully soon.
Despite what he would want to admit, he felt a very slight anxiety without Cross by his side. He was in no way dependent on Cross, but he was so used to having him near, it was strange to have him absent. To not be able to feel his energy or be able to hold his hand.
No Dream! He thought. Don't be such a baby.
He patted his daughters head with his hand absentmindedly, feeling the fabric of her bow slip down slightly as he did. She giggled and a smile creeped onto Dreams face as she did.
A stand caught his eye. It was a stall of what seemed to be jewellery. As many of the stalls were, it was adorned with colourful lights and decorations of all shapes. Though this one in particular stood out to him. He wasn't sure why, but he decided to approach it.
The monster running the stand stiffened as he approached, but he paid it no mind. He could see the jewellery much closer now. Each piece seemed unique and hand made. There were bracelets, earrings, rings and necklaces, shimmering in all different colours. He greatly enjoyed looking over each individual piece, until his eye socket landed on one.
It was a necklace. Gold, set with a blueish purple stone. There was a small crescent charm on the chain as well. Dream stared at it and knitted his eyebrows. For a moment he wasn't sure why it caught his eye. But as he moved his hand up and traced his thumb across the stone, he realised. He then retracted his hand is if he'd been shocked. He stepped back and folded his hands together, but his sight remained locked on it.
Where are you? Are you even still alive?
A long sigh left his mouth as he forced himself to think of something else. But as he turned to walk away, he glanced at it again. It was almost like he couldn't bare to leave it.
I'm being silly, I'm a man, why would I need a necklace anyway?
With that, he tore his eyes away and proceeded to the next stand. As before the monster running it tensed slightly.
This vendor was selling what seemed to be plastic toys and figures. These weren't home made and seemed to be just the same old toys you could buy anywhere. There was doll house items, human figures and animals. He was so busy looking over the collection, that he didn't notice as his daughter reached for her favourite animal. He was only alerted to what she was doing by a slobbery squish sound.
She had suck the head of the toy into her mouth and was chewing on it.
"Luna no!" Shattered said "I don't want to have to buy that"
Carefully his pulled the plastic cow from his daughters mouth. A thin trail of a mix between gloop and saliva followed it. He had no idea how one baby could produce so much spit so fast. He wiped some off on his coat, but it didn't come close to cleaning it. Yeah....... he was going to have to buy it. He had a small purse of gold coins that Cross had given him. He hadn't asked where Cross had gotten the coins, it was probably best not to.
As he handed it to the seller and asked for the price, the slimy coating ran onto his fingers. Yuck. Not that he could really talk though, he was almost completely covered in something worse.
Dream expected to feel anger or disgust come from the stall owner. But instead he could only sense fear. His eye locked with the eyes of the monster behind the counter. It didn't take long for him to realise. Cross might have treated him like he was the most beautiful and sweet skeleton in the multiverse, but that didn't stop his appearance from being...... Striking at best.
He grimaced and handed the monster the money he owed and took back the toy.
"have a nice evening" he said, trying to sound friendly.
"y-you too sir.... Merry Christmas"
He turned away from the stall and walked back into the market. After inspecting the toy to make sure there was nothing small that she could choke on he handed it back to Luna. She happy put it back in her mouth, flicking his hand with her mouth tentacle as she did.
Shattered felt a burst of joy from his daughter, which made him light headed for a moment. After collecting his bearings he smiled.
"Adorable idiot" he said leaning over and kissing the top of her head. "now let's go find Daddy shall we?"
It wasn't a market that was too large, just a fair amount of stalls and stands and a handful of people. There was no doubt that he and Cross stood out, so it shouldn't be to hard to find his partner.
If I where cross.... Where would I go?
The answer came to his mind not even a second after asking it.
As he'd noted before, there was a vast amount of edibles all around him. Mostly foods of the sweet variety, commonly fruity cakes and pies. But it wasn't long till he saw what he wanted. Out of the corner of his eye socket, he spotted what he was looking for. Just as he'd expected, chocolate.
Humans and normal monsters, seemed to be fascinated in forming chocolate into many different shapes. Animals, people, stars and bells. Shattered supposed that they got more pleasure consuming the sweet substance when it involved biting the head off of a defenceless reindeer, or mutilating a Santa or two.
He approached the stall of chocolate items. It was a pleasant smell, reminding him strongly of Cross' coat. There was no doubt the guard would have come here. He just had to find him.
Meanwhile, as Shattered looked for him, his mate was busy in a hearty conversation with his daughter.
The guard slipped a snowflake shaped chocolate into his mouth, having finished off the pastry long ago.
"now what should be get for Papa as a late birthday present hmm?" he asked Celest as she blew a spit bubble. "Something simple, you know he doesn't like flashy things"
Celest continued to blow a spit bubble and watched it as it expanded. "why is it that he must be so difficult to shop for....
His voice trailed off as he continued to ponder the question. What to get someone who didn't like material things. Other then his scarf, his ring and his crown, Dream never held onto things. Maybe he could get him a new accessory, like a new piece of jewellery or something. He continued to think and slipped another chocolate into his mouth. As he did this, without him noticing, the tiny skeleton had popped the spit bubble and was now reaching for the candy cane sticking out of his shopping bag full of goodies. She grabbed it and without hesitation, plunged the bright stripped stick into her mouth without a care.
After not even a second her face screwed up and she recoiled. She let out a wine of regret and disgust, which alerted Cross that she was distressed.
"No sweetie , that's pepper mint" the guard sighed, plucking the now sticky candy from his daughters hands. He put it on the counter of the stand they were stood next to. A stall selling Christmas fauna such as Holly, pinecones and mistletoe.
As he set the candy down, he saw daughters face still looked unhappy. "that must have tasted horrible" he said, dabbing the spit from around her mouth with his sleeve.
"we'll get you some nice warm milk when we get home ok?" he said in a baby voice, bouncing her slightly to try and cheer her up. It worked and she giggled. Cross sighed in relief, crisis averted.
He thought back to his question about presents. About Dream. It had been a little while since he'd left him. It would probably be a good idea to go back.
"Now if you are done sampling my treat bag Celly, maybe we should go check on-
"hey" came a voice from up close to his left. He jumped. After a second he realised he recognised the voice and turned to meet Dreams gaze, some chocolate still on his cheek. He was about to say something about how it was go to see that Dream was feeling better, when Dream spoke.
"wanna prove you aren't just a 20g wager?" the golden guardian said, with a slightly sly smile.
For a moment Cross was confused. Had the emotions caused his partner to go loopy? Before he could ask, Dream pointed his finger upwards. Feeling more confused, Cross glanced up. He could now see that they were in fact stood under a mistletoe. Quite a few actually. The sight of the white berried plant made his cheeks flush. He'd fallen right into Dream's trap. How had he not noticed.
He swallowed what was left of the snowflake the chocolate in his mouth "uhh um.... Uh"
He locked eyes with Dream again, finding that he'd taken a step closer. Taking a gloved hand and cupping Cross' cheek, he said.
"I'll take that as a yes"
With that he gently pulled Cross' face closer, till the gap was closed between them with a soft kiss. Cross' soul fluttered as Dream leaned in more to kiss him stronger. The taste of chocolate in his mouth was soon replaced with the flavour of bitter apple sauce. But he didn't mind it, he much liked apple sauce. Unfortunately the kiss wasn't long lived. The two were forced to separate after feeling their daughters starting to fuss, since they were being pressed between them. Dream stepped back slightly, giving his children room and took a breath of winter air. The euphoria from the kiss surged through him, as it had been a while since they had and therefore felt really good.
In fact, It had been a while since they'd done a lot of things. Including telling Cross that he........... That's something he needed to fix and fix straight away. His eyes locked on Cross.
"Te quiero, mi soldado" Dream said, with his face dusting gold. He looked away and pulled his scarf over his face slightly.
Cross returned his blush and smiled "yo tambien Te quiero, mi sol"
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LAST VIDEO: We discovered Alex has been SNEAKING OUT to meet up with his SECRET GIRLFRIEND!!!!!
In today's exclusive livestream we confront him about the DECEPTION and BETRAYAL!!!!!!!! Going live at 12:30 PM today!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Mercer Family is one of many multi-million-subscriber family youtube channels on YouTube. It documents the lives of Diane and Charles, and their two children, Alex and Annabelle. They definitely don't have a third child who got a restraining order as soon as they went off to college, and while we're here, their son is also definitely 100% straight.
finally living up to the level of stupid to be expected from "it came to me in a dream" (not a joke; it did)
teaser trailer for an au that may end up just being a pile of plot summary but isn't that what aus are all about anyway?
ao3 tags: family youtube channel au, Crack, i think, it's legally crack if it's a ridiculous premise played straight right, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Panic Attacks, Gay Alex Mercer (Julie and The Phantoms), Coming Out, Bad Parenting
wordcount: 1109
Head-on shot centering a blonde boy in his teens lounging on a chair. He is looking to the side, head propped up on his fist, and seems bored and irritated. One of his arms is draped over the back of the chair, and his fingers fidget against each other. He is wearing a black snapback, zip-convert pants, a pink sweatshirt and a ripped jean jacket. (ALEX MERCER)
A voice comes from off-camera. (DIANE MERCER, ALEX'S MOTHER)
Alex, do you know why we want to talk to you?
Do you have anything you might want to share with us?
Alex rolls his eyes slightly.
This is your last chance to just come clean!
Alex turns his head to look directly at the camera.
I'm gay.
Alex stands up and books it out of the room. A gasp comes from behind the camera and the feed abruptly cuts off.
Alex walked swiftly down the rain-slick sidewalk towards the studio, duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Raindrops fell lightly around him, dampening his shoulders and hat. His breath came quickly, and his hands shook, and his feet fell heavy against the ground. He tried to time his breathing to his footsteps, focus on the steady one-two-one-two-one-two and block out anything else. The studio was a 20 minute walk away. He had been walking for five minutes. The studio was 15 minutes away.
Alex being gay wasn't news to his parents. It wasn't even, particularly, a problem to them, on a moral level. He was welcome to run around kissing whatever guys he wanted, so long as it never made it back to anyone who reported on the goings-ons of the members of the Mercer Family Youtube Channel. Because having a gay son wasn't nearly as marketable to Family Youtube audiences as having a rebellious, straight, fuckboy son.
Alex stuck his free hand in his pocket, clenching the other harder around the duffel strap, and walked faster, trying to force the panic attack he could feel approaching down through the slap of his feet against the concrete.
The studio was 12 minutes away.
Alex could feel his jaw clenching, his brow furrowing, with anger. Because what the fuck right did his parents have to exploit him and his siblings, make them spend hours acting out "caught on camera!" clickbait videos until it looked just the right balance of perfect and unplanned, make up secret fake girlfriends and set up elaborate photoshoots and then fucking- try and make him pretend to admit to having a secret fake girlfriend who doesn't exist! Who they made up for him! On live camera, for "authenticity" like the fact that they're doing it live is gonna hide how fucking staged the whole goddamn thing blatantly is.
Running around the house with cameras all day filming him and his little sister just trying to live their goddamn lives, making them pretend to break rules so they could pretend to get in trouble so they could pretend to be being punished so they could post it on youtube. Who even knew what would happen if they actually broke the rules. It'd probably still end up on youtube, they'd just have to spend 6 fucking hours reenacting any part they managed to do out of view of one of the billion cameras they've got filming every goddamn room of the house.
Alex blew through the doors of the studio, past the chairs under the loft where Bobby and Reggie were tuning their instruments, past the couch where Luke was looking up at him from the song book, directly into the bathroom. He slammed the door, locked it, and sank down against it, directly into a panic attack.
Bobby and Reggie exchanged glances, putting their guitars down and crossing to sit with Luke on the couch. "What do you think happened?" Bobby asked, lowering his voice like Alex might hear them through his panic attack. Reggie hated this part of being friends with Alex - knowing he was just a wall away, hurting, but not able to help - knowing if he tried he'd only make it worse. Having to just wait it out and hug him after.
"Didn't his parents want him to do some youtube thing today? He said he'd be like an hour late." Luke glanced at the bathroom, then his gaze jittered over to the clock as his face twisted with concern. "It's been, like, 10 minutes." His knee shook up and down and his fingers tapped at his biceps. Reggie leaned his shoulder against Luke's, and on his other side he saw Bobby casually folding his legs pulling his legs up onto the couch and crossing them crossing his legs so his knee pressed into the side of Luke's thigh.
"It was a livestream," Reggie piped up. Now he remembered - Alex's parents wanted to do a livestream for "authenticity". Alex hadn't said what for, he didn't think. "Maybe he got- like, a surprising question he didn't know how to answer...?"
"Yeah, I mean, a livestream's gotta be pretty stressful," Bobby agreed. He leaned forward to look at Reggie. "Do you remember if he said what it was about?"
Reggie shook his head. "He just said it was a livestream thing." Alex had mentioned it casually as practice was ending a few days ago - "I'm gonna be like an hour late on Saturday, by the way. My parents want me to do a youtube thing? A livestream or something. More authentic if it's in the middle of the day I guess." Luke had given him a little light-hearted shit about skipping practice to be a hotshot youtube star, and Alex had snapped back lightheartedly enough. It hadn't seemed like Alex was expecting it to be a big deal, but then again, it never did, did it?
The three boys sat on the couch for another twenty minutes before they heard the toilet flush and the sink running in the bathroom. Then, Alex emerged. Shaky and pale, damp strands of hair hanging around his face, but brow set in determination. "Hey, bud," Luke began, probably about to attempt delicacy in asking what the fuck happened, but Alex spoke over him, staring fixedly at the Sunset Curve banner hanging across the room.
"I'm gonna sue my parents for emancipation. Because fuck this." He turned to them, a hysterical grin starting to pull across his mouth, chest beginning to shake with laughter. "I just came out as gay on livestream. Fuck everything. Can an emancipated minor take custody of an eight-year-old?"
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tsuisou-no-despair · 3 years
Higurashi TEN (Role Swap AU) - 34 Random Facts
Well, I'm slightly stuck with the question arcs, so instead I'm just going to write up and throw out a whole bundle of random facts about the world, its characters, and things that have or could happen. Hopefully this will lead to something clicking into place for me, and hopefully you'll like it, too.
Kei, Reina, and Mion still use a bat, nata, and taser, respectively, as their main weapons, though Mion's been forbidden from using the taser by Oryou. Hanyuu uses the ritual hoe and swords in about equal measure. Miyoko uses whatever's on hand to frightening effect.
Shion thrives at St. Lucia; however, she is pulled out of the school by her family after Oryou decides that Mion's twin would be better utilized if she was right on hand...
Miyoko does the Joseph Joestar "your next line is..." thing, which almost always works like a charm. (It doesn't work on Satoko or Bernkastel, but the former plays along when she's not in the black outfit)
Hanyuu's horns aren't initially broken, but by the end of the series, they have their signature crack.
Tomitake is a much more common sight in Hinamizawa than he was in the original universe, being a resident of Okinomiya who frequently visits. He's also quite well-liked, mostly because he's there to fix just about anything that breaks.
Rumiko was the original user of Rena's signature nata, as well as the person who first converted the van in the dump into a hiding place.
Satoko finds the contents of the Saiguiden fascinating but ultimately disappointing; she expected something more directly tied to Hinamizawa Syndrome's origins.
Irie almost always manages to get clear of Hinamizawa before Emergency Procedure #3105 is executed; however, he's usually dead in under 24 hours due to his escape catching Tokyo's attention.
Both Ooishi and Akasaka are hated by the Sonozaki family but the former much more so, to the point where Ooishi schedules his visits to Okinomiya when the Sonozakis will be looking elsewhere, such as on festival nights.
Rina targets Kei's dad in the loops where she doesn't die. Kei's mom does not take it well - to the point where she goes L5, in some cases.
Mion's "feelings" for Satoshi are primarily a result of Satoshi being just that nice and caring and good-hearted. It helps that she's enamored with a saintly image of him that's only grown more pure since his absence.
When Miyoko bothers to start telling people about how she's lost in time loops, their reactions are mostly in the vein of "oh, that explains so much".
Bernkastel can be heard by people who are deep in the throes of Hinamizawa Syndrome; naturally, she uses this to fuck with people for kicks.
Okonogi takes the role of the clinic's head after Satoko dies/disappears. He's regarded exclusively with suspicion - if he wasn't only filling the role until the GHD triggers, he'd probably get run out of town within a month.
Rumiko regularly made Miyoko curry after learning that Teppei and Tamae were denying her food; this led to Rumiko taking her curry very seriously because it represented the only "acceptable" way for her to help Miyoko.
Officially, Tatsuyoshi Sonozaki and his wife (Naeko) are Mion and Shion's parents. In reality, Akane is their mother, and whether or not Tatsuyoshi is the father is strictly a matter between him and Akane.
All of the locations from the original universe are present and more or less unchanged, along with a few new "sets" such as Akasaka's apartment.
Satoko has an alternate version of her "Tokyo" outfit that includes a mask that resembles an inverted Eye of Providence. She wears this when acting in Hinamizawa after her death, claiming that she needs to hide her identity due to being known in the village. (Okonogi thinks that doesn't matter in the slightest and that Satoko is trying too hard to be "cool", and he isn't wrong... except that it's managed to keep Miyoko from realizing who it is throughout the loops)
Beyond mahjong, Akasaka, Satoshi, Irie and Tomitake were fast friends. Their name for the quartet is the "Soul Brothers" - thankfully, it's a more serious (and infinitely less horny-focused) group than in arcs like (ugh) Batsukowashi-hen. (Kei still becomes an honorary Soul Brother in some arcs, though)
While she's reasonably familiar with a gun and a bow, Shion's real weapon is her contacts: her stay at St. Lucia (and Rika-in-Gou levels of popularity while there) means she has a slew of St. Lucia-ites (with powerful fathers) who would bend over backward for her.
Akane and Satoko are the two most skilled individual fighters in Higurashi TEN - who wins in a fight between the two is generally decided by who screws up first, but this is usually Akane getting blindsided by a trap unless she's warned. (They fight in more fragments than you'd expect - Akane Kasai is the most dangerous person in Hinamizawa and Satoko knows it.)
Miyoko starts her loops at the same point every time - the morning after the festival in 1982. This is mostly to dodge the abuse from Tamae - the fact that people assume her changed personality is because she's escaped an abusive home is icing on the cake.
The official reason for the Clinic "studying" Hanyuu was that they were researching the effects of her horns' growth pressing on her brain and monitoring the brain tumor-like symptoms (hearing voices, delusions of being Oyashiro-sama reborn, etc.) that it caused; this was all a fabrication hiding the research done on Hanyuu as Queen Carrier. Satoshi was disgusted by this facade and eventually told the Furudes that Hanyuu's brain was fine, leading to them pulling Hanyuu out (and Satoko murdering them as a result).
Irie occasionally mediates the Games Club's punishment games, sometimes getting dragged into it himself. He's a stalwart protector defender of the young club members' honor, making whatever sacrifices he has to in order to make sure that they're not forced into perverted situations or outfits.
Rumiko may or may not have had feelings for Mion, which Mion subconsciously returned; Mion's quietly put two and two together in the months following her disappearance, and it's had a palpable effect on her relationship with Reina.
Ooishi lives in Kakiuchi City and is a part of its police department, and he's not the only former Hinamizawa resident on its force - there's a bright young detective named Natsumi Kimiyoshi who I've heard interesting stories about, though I don't know much about her...
While he's still capable of being the "Magician of Words", Kei's charisma is heavily tempered by the restrained, somewhat cold wall he's put up around his emotions for "everyone's own good".
After all that looping, Miyoko's trauma response to Teppei moving back in and forcing himself to be her caretaker is anger moreso than shutting down. More than a few loops have ended with Teppei killing her after she was too insolent (or too creepy) for him to put up with.
Yukie was a reporter who was extremely critical of the anti-dam protests, especially after the kidnapping occurred. At least some of the antipathy towards Akasaka is due to being Yukie's husband.
When the seeds of distrust aren't sown, Reina's empathy is one of her most powerful tools, making her able to stand up to just about anyone in Hinamizawa and reach out a hand to them. (Sometimes this leads to getting a baseball bat to the head, but hey, she tried.)
Hanyuu can hear Bernkastel at lower levels of Hinamizawa Syndrome than anyone else in the village, and seems to be cognizant of her presence even when she's at L1/L2. The exact details of Hanyuu and Bern's rapport are known only to them.
Miyoko and Hanyuu are closer to each other than they are to anyone else, but there's still a big ugly wall between them due to Hanyuu's quasi-divinity butting up against Miyoko's hatred of any and all gods. Tearing that wall down is an important part of Miyoko's character development.
Irie had (has?) Satoshi's blessing to try and win Satoko's heart; according to Satoshi, Satoko's not entirely against the idea of a relationship. Satoshi also made sure that Irie didn't cross any lines when going after her; after Satoshi disappeared, Irie ceased his attempts until Satoko herself encouraged him.
Everyone is wearing different outfits - the new ones are more or less the same pieces of clothing as the original "position" but with the color palette and general feel of the character filling the slot. For example, Reina's casual outfit starts as Keiichi's - a vest, undershirt, and shorts (and no hat) - but then is adjusted to fit Rena's style and is given a white, light blue, and purple palette. My attempts at mocking up Reina and Mion's designs are below.
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mochuelovelli · 4 years
Fix-It AU for the Moonvasion Arc!
I would like to preface this by saying that this is gonna seem real fanfic-y and for that I am sorry. I want to bullet point some ways to change some aspects of S2 from Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?! onwards.
Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?!:
The segment that shows the McDuck/Duck family tree has Donald Crossed out not because he is captured but Lunaris PLANNED to kill him before going to Earth once he would basically tortured him for information
Donald is tripped by Lunaris which makes him land on Penumbra, allowing him to sneak the device under his hat as it falls off without Lunaris noticing. After Lunaris explains his plan he throws Donald and the scene transpires as normal, save for Don attaching the clamp to Lunaris and finding the remote. 
Lunaris still ends up getting the upper hand and punching Don away but he reveals the remote and presses it. Only for it to, of course, get broken on impact and the rest of the scene transpires normally.
[Here is the biggest change]The rocket DOES end up exploding. It makes it to Earth's atmosphere but of course the bullet hits one of Scrooge's satellite and rickashays back to the moon again. Upon realizing he is going to crash, Donald jumps out but just in time as the blast from the pod knocks him semi-conscious.
Last shot is him falling toward a crater and shows Donald gaining conscious only for him to see he is falling into the moonmite's mouth but doesn't reach beyond making a groan and the scene cuts to black with the jaw snapping sound (alternatively it can just cut to black as he falls)
The Jones Scene ends with Scrooge saying the same line about not paying Donald bills. Only he also adds once closing the door, "Fallacious tightwad, I ain't payin' for some leeching city counselor. I'll find that lad a proper therapist when he gets back. One that doesn't have an arachnoid infestation." *cue spider coming to crawl on Scrooge's face before he chucks it off*
Webby's line is cut down to "Well I guess there really wasn't some big mystery to solve." But the kids' lines stay the same frome there on.
Scrooge gets only Donald screaming "Uncle Scrooge!" before the audio cuts to audio to one of Mrs. Crackshell-Cabera's novelas due to the satellite being damaged(does that make sense? No but neither do moonpeople). You could probably make a suggestive joke here about cruises and Scrooge's line can stay the same. The camera pans up as the line is delivered still but it is just a shot where the moon is in focus. That or it's the satellite falling instead.
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake! until Moonvasion:
(know it would be a pain in the ass, but I think it be cool to edit the intro to remove/replace Donald during the time he isn't shown in an ep. Though I guess they don't change the intro until season 3 so yeah. Mainly wanted to give the illusion that he is "missing" to scare anyone under 8 that "oh no maybe he is GONE gone just to be a prick
The Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot!
Trim down the Bigtime C plot like a LOT. Maybe end that original scene with Ma Beagle by having Bigtime lean on something (statue, standing on some "moss") and fall down to the caves. 
The cart scene with Bigtime still happens but that cut back from Launchpad and Della doesn't happen until after Della yells at Launchpad when she is flying. (So not the scene where Louie is kicking rocks)
Maybe cut the scenes where Bigtime is bragging about "finding a name for himself" and just have one scene where he ties up the boys and saves his family but they argue and waste time til Della and Webby come back. The end where Ma says BT is welcome back is cut as well, she just says it and then complains about the popcorn
After the scene with LP, Della and Webby, the camera pans up to the sky so a transition to the moon happens. Transition zooms out to reveal Penumbra looking at the Earth with her spear, before she turns upon hearing the moonmite screech and readys herself.
The moonmite is then shown crawling up from a hole at first by itself before Donald's torse is revealed, his hair is a bit longer and feathers are ruffled. Penumbra stands down and looks a bit more open before asking "Did anyone see you?" 
Donald just says no before hopping off, of course falling along with the equipment he brought. The shot is focused on Penumbra looking towards Donald's silhouette as he gets up.
She then asks "How's the leg?" To which the camera cuts back to Donald and we see him in full view, his model is similar to when he is on the island only way less beard and his hair isn't quite as long yet. But the most notably difference is that his right leg from the knee down is now a golden prosthesis. Don responds with "Fine, thanks for making it for me."
Penumbra turns back as Donald is shown to clumsily put the equipment on a nearby table and says "I couldn't have forgiven myself if I let Della's brother die." Donald nearly falls over again before she turns to face him and asks if he is ready to which he nods before they turn and the camera reveals the broken Spear of Selene. Penumbra's voice is heard then saying "Then Let's get you home." Before the ep ends.
The Richest Duck in the World!:
Everything is the same except when Penumbra calls, She says "This is LT. Penumbra calling for her friend Della Duck!-" [Della's Line] "All of your defense satellite just went down for some reason. Della-" Familiar quacking can be heard and Della even questions it before Donald's voice comes on. "Della!" "Donald!" Della parrots as she grabs the SATCOM box. "There's going to be an invasion! He's coming for the kids!" Episode ends the same from here.
[I'll make a second post l8r since I planned this to come out before 10 and it's already almost 1130 so yeah. Literally all these changes are basically to set up a bit of a stronger connection between Della and Donald (as well as giving Donald more screen time) by having the twins mirror each other a bit more. I personally headcanon that like Donald, Della is unlucky as well but in a different way. Where Donald has bad luck everyday of his life which mostly comes in the form of physical harm (secondly it would be emotional harm), Della's bad luck comes in the form where she is just as "lucky" as the rest of her family (maybe discounting Louie) but while she enjoyed 20ish years of adventuring relatively unscathed, she then crashes on the moon after a freak storm happens and is stuck there for over a decade. To me, her struggles on the moon in Whatever Happened to Della Duck?! And The Golden Spear! really showcases her bad luck, almost as if the universe decided to throw the biggest karma bomb at her all at once. But just like her brother she is fuelled with determination and love for her family in order to survive anything, she just has to do it all by herself (another thing which is worse for her bc she doesn't have them) at that point. And it isn't a one and done thing, it's something permit as she now is literally 11 years behind on parenting and the show continues to show her stuggle with that. By having Donald lose his leg and have a journey back to his family that's quicker than Della's (along with having company from nearly the beginning) it parallels that unluckiness the Duck twins have. It also can serve as a plot for future eps (well fake eps lmao). 
Ik that this au wouldn't have been possible as Disney would be really anal about having one of their mascots have a total design change. Unless they really wanted to milk having characters with prosthetics for park days or whatever, maybe it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal aside from some fluff articles. I realize though, it might overshadow Della's trauma so ideally I would hope to figure out or map out an ep where it would be addressed along with some other family issues.] 
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namelessedospuntosp · 2 years
I thought I'd post it but no, it seems true that banning my feeling causes memory lapses lol
the daughters of rock stars.
This fanfic is about sunny (freddy x sun's daughter) and lotus (monty x moon's daughter)
Some in my networks asked me how those two couples had a daughter, although it is obvious that she was created by the company, it is because they created her, so I make this fanfic that will have a small summary and if I feel like it, it would be long one of girls adventures.
It will not only tell the stories of the daughters, they will also have the couples and other characters.
Don't forget that this is an alternate universe and it's full of headcanons, if you don't like the ships or they make you cry because of some of the headcanons I make for fun, don't read it.
Chapter 1: illegal first child.
I will do a little summary at the beginning of the fanfic because I am lazy, monty and moon planned that the next night they are going to play golf, everything was normal and fun, both of them screamed every time the little golf ball entered the hole, like if this were soccer.
Monty, the one with the most experience playing golf, was the one with the most points. It was Moon's turn to hit the ball, she hit the ball very hard instead of calculating where the ball would fall and broke the window of the wooden house.
moon received a spanking from monty and went to look for the ball. he went into the house, he found the ball down on the bed but he also found another ball.
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"Moon why are you taking so long!?"
yelled monty standing waiting for moon to return with the golf ball to continue playing,
"I'm coming, aghh impatient as always...."
at the last he said in a low voice, moon grabbed with the two balls, left the wooden house and returned to where monty was.
Monty glanced over at Moon as he heard bells tied to her wrists and one from his sleeping hat.
"because you were taking a little longer and I was already asleep"
The alligator opened his mouth when the jester was close enough to the glamrock, moon turned white eyes... or half white and half black.
"I found the ball, Mr. Patient, and another ball, but much more fragile and it is 5 weeks away from being born."
Monty's eyes widened and he pushed his glasses up.
"Like a fragile ball? Your passwords didn't break, did they?"
Monty grabbed the head and flipped it 130° to see if one of the keys behind Moon isn't loose.
"You didn't understand what I meant monri, I found an egg of your kind under the bed"
She turns her head to look at the glamrock and shows Monty what's inside.
Monty is very surprised by this, before he and Moon met boyfriends, Monty mentioned that he would like to see his kind and the swamp in person, but he never thought that wish would come true and less inside mega pizza plex .
"What the sh- I mean nuts, what's an egg doing here?"
Question Monty controlled his language, something innecessary to write but Moon is helping Monty control his anger and also his language because they are also one of the reasons why Monty gets into trouble.
"I don't even know, then I will have to look at the cameras to see who was the one who abandoned this here and report this to the security, it is illegal to leave a dangerous animal loose in a place that is full of children"
He said Moon before writing a message for security in his mind, but was interrupted when Monty gently shook him to erase the message before he posted it.
"Wait wait moony, I have an idea, if we take care of him for a while"
"What? What the hell are you saying, can we get in trouble if we don't tell that there's an alligator egg here! Complaining about you from my brother is enough to put me in a bad mood!"
Moon yelled and whispered at the crazy idea of his boyfriend.
"I know, I know. But listen, since you broke all the cameras in this room when you were a rookie and you didn't want me to show you how to play this game and hopefully the company doesn't want to pay for those damages, we can take care of it in here and no one is going to find out about this, it's just between you and me"
"If a staff bot sees us?"
"I would say I would destroy it, but since I have the record of going three weeks without getting into trouble and I don't want to ruin it, I will throw it in the sea and I will say that it fell by itself."
"what if it's a glamrock?"
"If it's one of the girls, nothing would happen because they're both trustworthy, but if it's Freddy I'd threaten him or hit him."
When Monty looked at Moon's serious face and with his arms crossed, he knew that what he said was wrong because there is no justifiable reason to do it, it's also because Freddy is Moon's brother-in-law, so unlucky that makes Monty and Freddy brothers-in-law. .well the truth is that sometimes he would like to hit freddy for being someone so perfect.
"Well, I'd tell you we just found the eggs and we were waiting for animal security to arrive."
Hearing that from Monty, Moon's face broke into a smile.
"Nice Cayman"
Moon says giving pampa on the cheek while the other hand caresses Monty's head, the alligator crouched down a bit to be at Moon's height and that Jester can be comfortable without being on tiptoes to be able to reach the head of the tallest.
Monty likes it when Moon caresses him like a dog, but he would never dare to say so because of his pride as a rocker, but Moon doesn't need her boyfriend to say so if he can hear her tail hitting the ground when she does it and it's cute as a robot that has a menacing appearance acts like a dog.
"But still this egg must be in his cradle"
Monty's tail stopped hitting the ground and his eyes snapped open.
"Wait moon, we can have it for 5 minutes, I promise that nobody will know, I swear on the person who gave me the idea of my existence that it will not happen!"
"But monty, that's the rules-"
"I know, but you know I've always wanted to see this animal!"
"I know but-"
"I made you meet the moon, I helped you stop biting your fingers and I brought you a bunch of boxes of crayons to make your figures, please do it for me or at least return the favor!"
Moon was hesitating what to do, he wanted to take the egg to an animal caretaker and that everyone would be fine, but he also knows how much monty fanaticized about his species, everything he did for him without interest in winning something and that he did it for pure love, it would be selfish if he doesn't do something for him.
"Okay, but we're going to take care of him... but only for an hour, no complaints, do you understand??"
Moon warned, he was doubtful if he was making a good decision, but when he felt monty's arms around his body that is smaller than him, he forgot about his concern and that he had everything under control and also that monty is happy to have an alligator nearby of him, nor matter if it were an egg.
"Thanks baby"
She kissed the little moon on the forehead and they took care of the egg.
Monty gave some curiosities about alligators and also about how to take care of an egg of his species.
-an hour later
"Hey monty, I have a new idea"
"tell me"
"If we stay for 4 more weeks?"
Monty turned to see a moon.
"Are you talking seriously?"
Moon nodded, monty's tail hit the ground before lifting moon and turning while the glamrock laughs with happiness at the news, he would react just like a good father would when he receives the news that his wife is hugged.
"Haha, I'm the happiest animatronic in the world!"
Moon moaned in surprise that Monty picked him up.
"Wait monty, the egg!"
Monty stopped spinning and gently lowered Moon to the ground and placed a kiss on Moon's lips.
"Thank you moony, I promise that I will be a great father and much better than Jeremy's parents, I will take care of him and protect him, I will do everything possible so that no human being discovers the existence of our egg and that they don't get you in trouble!"
Monty says as he gives little Luna more kisses, causing his cheeks to turn blue and a little steam to come out on his neck.
"D-Father did you say?"
Monty's eyes widened and he realized what he had said, he couldn't believe that he had said that, wanting to form a family of two robots and an egg. he blushed with embarrassment, moony laughed that monty had called himself father and his reaction to realizing what he had said.
he stroked the older man's hair and said
"But... it sounds fun if we play mom and dad from an egg, if we play it?"
I couldn't finish it 😿
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