#the other timeline garners me more attention for the work i create for Sure. but this timeline im being very True To Myself lol
desperatepleasures · 9 months
tbh if i had kept up the #passion i had for yuuram 2yrs ago then i could be making gorgeous yuuram fanart overlaid with quotes from the "you're in a car with a beautiful boy" siken poem right now. but i couldn't keep up the yuuram energy and so instead i write trashy fics about conrart and adalbert eating too much pizza. you're welcome btw
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knickynoo · 1 year
Fic Author Self-Rec
Share five of your personal favorite works, then tag five authors to do the same. Thanks to @bg-sparrow for the tag!
Harborage: shelter; refuge Marty spends the weekend with the Browns, who have settled permanently in early 1986. While there, he's forced to deal with the impact of his travels through time.
I have a feeling that no matter how many fics I write, this one will always be the most special to me. It started out with one scene I had stuck in my head (which was written out long before I worked out the actual plot and specifics) and turned into a ten-chapter story that garnered more attention and kind comments than I ever could have imagined. I loved crafting this little post-trilogy world and exploring the time-travel baggage Marty is left with after his adventures. I had a particularly fun time working Clara, Jules, and Verne into it.
2. Despite the Distance
On October 2nd, 1982, Doc entered his garage to find a trespasser who ended up becoming his best friend. But when a mishap with a new invention lands him in an altered 1986 where that meeting never occurred, he's faced not only with figuring out how to set the timeline right but also with the reality of the influence his friendship had on Marty.
A nearly 60,000 word, 17-chapter fic that spawned from this ask I'd gotten about how a BTTF version of "It's a Wonderful Life" would go. I didn't even have anything of value to say to that ask, but it caused the concept to stick in my head, where I continued to roll it around for several weeks. And while it ended up branching away from the initial "It's a Wonderful Life" concept, it did end up being a story where Doc gets to see what Marty's life is like without him.
Creating this altered, "tougher" version of Marty was my favorite part of the whole process, and getting to see him form a tentative friendship with Doc in such different circumstances was such a fun thing to tackle. I still have no idea who sent me that ask, but if you see this post: thank you. This story was challenging and emotional and a blast to write, and I'm so pleased at the way it's connected with people.
3. So, Your Brother's Befriended a Mad Scientist
Working as assistant for the town's most mysterious inventor isn't exactly a job Dave would've expected Marty to get, but it sure is an interesting one.
My most recent fic! Have you ever wanted to see a fic about Doc and Marty's friendship written entirely from Dave McFly's point of view? No? Well, I wrote it anyway. And I loved every second of it. Dave is a wonderful big brother, and I'm already looking forward to utilizing him more in the future.
4. In Case of Emergency
Who else is a kid supposed to call for a late-night rescue?
Perhaps my laziest summary, but one of my favorite one-shots. A little slice of life in which Marty decides to go to a party, immediately decides "this is bogus," and calls Doc to come pick him up. A lovely little look at their dynamic and the trust Marty places in his best friend. Also featuring: Doc having an entire conversation with his dog.
5. The Real You
Alex gets ready for a date with Ellen and, in typical fashion, is a nervous wreck. Good thing Mallory is there to provide some words of wisdom.
I really struggled with what to put in this final spot, but I'm going with my one and only (for now) Family Ties fic. Writing Alex is intimidating, but I enjoyed putting this together and being able to include some nice sibling relationship moments between him and Mallory. I've got a bunch of notes on additional FT one-shots that I want to write at some point. I'm so used to writing Doc and Marty at this point, and it's nice to have all these other characters to write about and Put In Situations.
I'm going to leave this open to anyone who wants to take the opportunity to talk about some of their favorite fics they've written :)
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whirlybirbs · 3 years
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FROM THE VOID, WITH LOVE  |  control variable
summary: both of these men have a soft spot for you.
pairing: loki / f!reader
a/n: i like to think mobius genuinely respects doc but has now formed a mild attachment to her in the form of a older sibling sort of way. or maybe an endearing co-worker. anyways, time to diverge from canon slightly! this lovely gif is by @vought from this set right here!
"Where have you been? I just finished telling him about the apocalypses—"
Mobius was just trying to eat his damn lunch.
As you saunter up to the table, files in hand, Mobius takes the now soaked salad that had been used as an impromptu visual aid to Loki's thesis and drops it beside his empty can of cola. He looks up at you, despairingly exhausted, as you place a hand on his shoulder and offer an apologetic smile at the current state of his drowned lettuce.
"What happened here?"
Loki is particularly giddy — whether or not that's thanks to the ruined salad, you're not sure.
Mobius waves the question and off and gestures to the seat between them.
"I take it you heard about his little theory?" Mobius asks, gesturing to Loki as he leans back in his lime colored chair, "I still think it's a horrible idea—"
"I think I might have a worse one."
Both of their eyes snap to you.
Your gaze flits between the two of them. You wet your lips, then you lean forward.
"I have a theory."
Mobius, almost protectively, snatches up his jet-ski magazine. Then, slowly, he urges you on. "Okay...?"
You scooch forward in your chair and place your elbows on the table.
For a moment, Mobius catches Loki's eyes softening at the sudden excitement in your expression — but it's gone in a flash and replaced by a more neutral look of shared confusion.
"Every time Loki's Variant makes an appearance, mine follows, right?" you begin, gesturing between you and Loki, "Which got me thinking — there's a record of a Variant of mine using 'Time Technology'. You said yourself I help develop that—"
"—So," you wave your hands along as you speak, "What if that's the point of variation. What if this Variant of mine is using Time Travel again?"
"It's completely possible."
"Right — but! You called Loki and I Reoccurring Variants Anomalies, which could also mean that regardless of circumstance, we're both bound to have some sort of synchronicity when it comes to variation."
Loki's watching you with an open expression.
"What are you trying to say, doc?" asks Mobius, rubbing his temple.
"We don't know if these anomalies are contingent upon one another, or happen because of one another."
Loki can see Mobius' confusion. "What she's saying is that her Variant could be trying to find mine, or vice versa."
"Or! No matter what, we're both tied to one another because of our bond on the Sacred Timeline."
Mobius inhales slowly. Your smile is bright — and Loki can't help but feel a little bit of pride seep into him at the sight. Which is laughable, of course. He'd helped you reach this hypothesis anyways.
"Every theory has an experiment that follows," Mobius says almost like he knows exactly where you're going with this, "What are you proposing?"
Loki's brows knot up as his attention snaps from Mobius, back to you. "What?"
"Absolutely not."
You raise a hand to shut them both up. You then tap a finger to the cover of the dossier the librarian had grabbed.
"In the training we were given, it was covered that standard practice until the Gorsbach Incident was to blend into one's surroundings to insure a slower branch stability deterioration—"
"We would be corrupting the Timeline, creating our own branch—"
"That could be reset! It could work!"
Mobius' mouth snaps shut.
You sit there, hands out like you've just said, "Tada! Here, Mobius! A gift!"
But it's not a gift. No, he's just greying faster.
He's beginning to understand how you and Loki make sense. Turns out you've got a little bit of chaos in you, too.
The Agent sighs and slumps back in his chair. Loki blinks between you both, waiting for someone to budge. Mobius speaks first. His face is down, but he's watching your carefully.
"What's your control?"
"And your dependent variable?"
"The Prince of Asgard."
"—Well, hold on a minute—"
You, without looking, crawl your hand over to shush Loki. You place your hand over his mouth for a moment, other hand on his arm. He rolls his eyes. His smothered protest falls on deaf ears. You pull your hand from his mouth but keep hold of his sleeve.
It's... endearing.
"If this Loki finds a way to interact with me? I mean, that's proof."
Mobius rolls his jaw. He looks at Loki.
You pull away after a moment too long and stare at the God as well.
The God of Mischief wets his lips.
"What're you thinking over there, Loki?"
"That I think it's ridiculous," he says, "And that Heimdall will know there's an intruder in the palace almost immediately."
"The palace?" you ask quietly.
"Of course," Loki continues on without a single pause, "If you were going to imbed yourself into a scenario with which we all stand a chance not being rounded up and executed, it would need to be during a function within the palace. Those, typically, garner enough of a crowd that we'd be able to stay under the guards' noses."
Mobius looks at you. You look at him.
Then, plainly, you just blurt out:
"I've never been in a palace."
Mobius, suddenly, can sense a little bit of longing in your voice.
"How plausible is this, really?" he asks Loki.
"If our dear Doctor here thinks it's worth it," he says, "We'll make it work — only if we try my experiment first."
Mobius just lets out a long sigh.
He just wanted to eat lunch.
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
It’s What We Make It
Just a warning, this is technically based in S2 but at the same time it’s not. It contains scenes from seasons I like but it doesn’t follow the show’s timeline. Also, a lot of time skips because I’m lazy.
This took me two weeks to write and though I wish it could be better, I’m done with it. It was meant to be a request fulfil but it’s so far gone from that lol. Also this better appear in the bloody tags otherwise I’ll fight someone
Word Count: 14,827
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The night (Y/N) escaped from her family's home would be a night she would never forget.
She disappeared in the middle of the night and triggered the plan she had spent almost a year planning. Due to what her family did for a living, she worked alone in case she got caught.
Her family had enough money to the point where they wouldn't notice a small amount going missing, which is exactly what she did. She took enough to ensure she left the country quickly and safely. She also stashed a few jewels and other expensive items to sell once she reached her destination.
She planned to go to England. She didn’t know where in England she would go but England was far away enough from her home country that she should be able to live comfortably and without fear.
(Y/N) didn’t know what her family would think about her disappearance, maybe they’d think that a rival gang had kidnapped her, but she knew that they wouldn’t let it simply go and they would send people to look for her. 
.•° ✿ °•.
Once (Y/N) arrived in England, she took a random train to Birmingham and then another to Small Heath. She had no clue where she was going or what these places were like but she did not let that stop her and if it was not the place for her, then she would move on. 
When she arrived it was late in the day but the streets were not quiet and (Y/N) could see a pub at the end of the street that was filled with people to the point that people spilled out onto the street outside and the faint sound of people talking and singing spilled out alongside them. 
(Y/N) gave the pub one last glance before she made her way into the small hotel and paid for a room. She would spend a few days at the hotel and discovering the place before she decided if Small Heath was a place where she was to stay long term.
(Y/N) garnered a few stares of curiosity as she walked around Small Heath which wasn’t surprising since she was clearly an outsider. The town was clearly one that wasn’t used to new people but they seemed merely curious at best. 
She wandered around the main road where all the shops rested, making mental notes of them and she passed by the pub that was alive with people the night before stopped by a small cafe for lunch. The sweet owner easily answered any questions she had, seemingly not having an issue with the fact that she wasn’t from around there and even though she had only been in Small Heath for less than two days, (Y/N) was pretty sure this was the place she wanted to stay. 
She asked the cafe owner about any job openings in town and was informed of the Garrison, the pub she saw earlier, was looking for a barmaid.
(Y/N) had never worked a day in her life but she wouldn’t be able to survive for long on the money she got from selling the stuff she had brought with her. She didn’t have the skills or the experience to become a barmaid or for any job for that matter, as she never had a reason to. Her family had drilled into her at a young age that once she was old enough, she would be married to another gang family. Either as a gift to thank a family that had been long loyal or to a rival to calm rising tensions and to gain allies.
She had been coddled for her entire life. Her parents gave her the best tutors in the country but she had barely left their manor at all through her childhood, which gave no social skills or friends but that was all about to change.
When she entered the pub, there was only one man in there and he was sweeping the floor but he looked up when she walked in.
“I heard that you were looking for a barmaid?” (Y/N) spoke first, when the man did not.
The man looked her up and down with a disbelieving stare, “You? A barmaid? Don’t make me laugh”
“Please,” (Y/N) took a step forward, “I’m desperate”
“Look, the people around here aren’t nice. Especially when they are drunk. You just look a bit too delicate to work here”
“I can hold my own”
She could. It wasn’t uncommon for her father to hold parties or dinners where he and his allies would drink until the sun rose and he’d always make her stay the entire night, most likely to show off how dutiful she was.  After all, the men in that type of business weren’t looking for a headstrong and independent woman, they’re looking for a meek woman that would obey their instructions and carry their children to continue the family name and (Y/N) wasn’t that type of woman. 
The man still didn’t look like he believed her but he must have seen the desperation in her eyes as he let out a resigned sigh, “Trial run tonight. If you do well, you get the job.”
(Y/N) bobs her head with a pleased smile, “Thank you.”
“Harry” The man held out his hand.
(Y/N) shook it, giving him her name.
“Seven pm on the dot tonight.”
“Thank you, Harry, I’ll be there”
.•° ✿ °•.
At seven pm, the pub only had a few customers but she dealt with those easily. Harry had taught her how to pour a pint and create a few other drinks and luckily for her, the people of Small Heath were simple when it came to their drinks.
By nine pm, the Garrison was filled to the brim with people. A portion of the pub was loudly singing along to the song that the woman at the piano was playing and the rest of the patrons were talking with their friends, almost shouting to be heard above the singing.
The atmosphere was unlike anything (Y/N) had ever experienced before but she found herself enjoying it. She didn’t think she stopped moving for a moment as she spun around the bar, fulfilling orders until a small window at the corner of the bar, something she hadn’t noticed until that moment had opened up, causing her to pause in her steps. It was more out of surprise than anything else at first but the man at the other side of the window with his bright blue eyes had also caught her attention.
With Harry busy, (Y/N) made her way to the small window, “...May I help you?”
The man’s eyes flickered up to her and he seemed speechless for a moment before he orders, “Two bottles of dark rum and four glasses”
(Y/N) nods and turns around only to smack straight into Harry’s chest.
“I’ll get that for you, Tommy. (Y/N) there are some people down at the end who want some ale”
(Y/N) looks up at Harry, confused on why he suddenly butt in and took over the order but just as she was going to silently nod and do as she was told but ‘Tommy’, spoke up before she could.
“Let her do it, Harry. She looks perfectly capable” 
Harry looked like he would argue, but he quickly nodded and allowed (Y/N) to get the drinks but he quickly followed behind her. 
“Anything that he or the other members of the Shelby family is free of charge.”
(Y/N) frowned and turned to ask him why but he had already disappeared to fulfil the orders of the other patrons. 
She picked up the two bottles of rum and placed them by the window before she went off to collect the glasses. 
“Harry says everything is on the house,” She says as he places the glasses down next to the bottles of rum, hoping that he could explain why.
“Hmm,” The man simply hummed as he picked up the drinks and placed them on the table in the snug behind him.
He turned around but stopped midway before he turned back to face her, looking at her up and down. “You’re not from around here”
“What gave it away?” (Y/N) responded sarcastically, knowing that her accent stood out.
“What’s your name?” Tommy’s interest had been piqued and he leant forward on the bartop
“What’s yours?” (YN) threw back.
Tommy squinted his eyes and (Y/N) raised an eyebrow. She had been raised amongst egotistical and big-headed men and she knew how to deal with them.
“Tommy Shelby” 
“I’ll see you again, (Y/N)”
“I’ll make sure of it, Mr Shelby”
Tommy gave her one last nod before he disappeared into the snug and closed the window doors behind him.
(Y/N) was swept up with the rest of the customers the rest of the night and only got a break when they had closed up for the night and she was cleaning up. 
“Listen, (Y/N), it’s best if you try to keep away from the Shelby’s.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just promise me that you’ll stay away from them?”
“Only if I have the job”
Harry was silent for a moment before he sighed and nodded “Alright, you have the job. You did good tonight anyway.”
“Thank you, Harry”
(Y/N) had spent the rest of the night looking at places to rent in the newspaper, marking down which one suited her needs, making notes to call the landlords in the morning. With a secure job, she could now start to settle down in Small Heath.
.•° ✿ °•.
(Y/N) found a small flat that was perfect for her, she had paid a deposit and the first month of rent before moving herself and her singular suitcase into her new place. It was the opposite of what she grew up with but she found that it didn’t affect her as much as she thought it would. Her old bedroom was at least four times as big as her dingy little flat but she found the little room appropriate enough and she was determined to perservere and not give up. 
Once she had finished settling in, she took another walk around Small Heath before she had to go in to work that evening.
She had found herself by the cut and she stood right by the edge with the tips of her shoes just over the edge as she thought about her life. She knew it wouldn’t be long before her family somehow narrow where she had run off too, no doubt they had already sent men to America, Australia and England already but she hoped that Small Heath was a small enough place that she’d have at least a few years before she had to move on.
(Y/N) swung around, not hearing whoever it was come up behind her but her momentum had caused her to trip over her feet and fall backwards, falling into the canal with a loud splash. Her thick coat and her shoes had weighed her down as she struggled to resurface. 
Tommy raced over to the edge and kicked off his shoes and shrugged off his coat and cap before he dived in after her. He swam down until he could see her and reached out and grabbed her arm before he started to swim to the surface, pulling her along.
When they both reached the surface, they gasped for air and (Y/N) coughed and sputtered out the water that she had accidentally swallowed. Tommy swam to edge, still tugging her along before he pulled himself out of the water before helping her out.
(Y/N) coughed a few more times before falling back so that she was flat on her back as she stared up at the sky. 
Tommy walked over to her and looked down at her, “You alright?”
(Y/N) glared at him as she took his offered hand and stood up, “Do you creep up behind every woman you know?”
“Only the ones that fascinate me”
His words caused (Y/N)’s glare to falter, “I suppose I should feel flattered then ?”
Tommy ignored her question as he turned on his heel and began to walk away before he called out to her over his shoulder, “C’mon, follow me”
(Y/N) grimaced as she moved to follow after him, her stocking covered feet squelched in her heels as she walked behind him. The rest of her clothes clung to her uncomfortably and her hair stuck to her face and neck. 
She didn’t know where Tommy was going and she didn’t exactly know why she was following him either but she supposed he fascinated her as she did him.
He took her to Watery Lane and into one of the houses, and she still squeaked uncomfortably behind him as she followed him into the kitchen. 
Tommy pointed to a random seat before he shuffled around the kitchen putting a full kettle on the stovetop and letting it boil while (Y/N) sat down as he instructed. 
(Y/N) looked at the kitchen around her in curiosity. The walls had been knocked down to let it be more open and just to the side of her there was a large green double door which she guessed led to the property next door but she had no clue why. She could hear the faint sounds of people talking through it but it was too muffled to hear anything clearly.
Just as she snapped out of her mind, Tommy had placed a cup down in front of her.
(Y/N) looked down at the cup in curiosity, “What’s this?”
Tommy sat down on the other side of the table, across from her with his own cup.
“Tea. To warm you up”
“What type of ‘tea’?” (Y/N) asked, “Anyway, I think getting out of my wet clothes will help more than a cup of hot..tea”
“Tea, tea. Have you never seen tea before?”
“I have never heard the word tea before. In my native language, we call this something else.” (Y/N) carelessly reveals, “Are you meant to drink it straight”
Tommy files away her first sentence away in his mind, making a mental note to find out where she was from before he leant across the table and pulled the teacup closer to him.
“You can if you want. Most add milk and sugar”
“How much-” (Y/N) asked, “How do you do yours?”
“Splash of milk, two teaspoons of sugar”
(Y/N) nods, “Okay, I’ll try it the way you like.”
Tommy nodded and did the tea for her. Never at all did he think that he would be making a cup of tea for a woman the second time he had ever met her but he supposed he did feel a little guilty for her falling into the cut and almost drowning.
(Y/N) took a sip and let a pleased hum, “This is...nice.”
“You like it?”
“Yes, I enjoy your...tea”
Tommy’s lip quirked at her words but the smile that nearly graces his lips quickly vanishes when Polly walks through the green doors, 
“Thomas, have you-oh” Polly freezes in her steps at the sight of the stranger sitting at the table.
“Polly,” Tommy cleared his throat as he stood up, “This is (Y/N), the new barmaid at the Garrison”
(Y/N) stood up and shook the hand of Polly and tried not the feel exposed as the woman raked her eyes across her.
“Why are the two of you wet?”
“I fell into the cut and Tommy helped me” (Y/N) quickly spoke before Tommy could speak.
Polly looked at Tommy as if she couldn’t believe what (Y/N) was saying was true. (Y/N) finished off her cup of tea before he cleared her throat, catching their attention, “Thank you for the tea, Tommy but it’s probably best I get home. Staying in wet clothes will only make me sick”
Tommy nodded and seemed perfectly fine with just walking her to the door but Polly spoke up for him, “Tommy walk her home”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to argue but the look Tommy sent her told her that it was better to not argue. 
They walked back to her flat in silence and it made (Y/N) realise how weird her day was. In what was meant to be a normal day exploring, ended up with her almost dying and then being treated with a cup of tea by a man whose mere presence prompted question marks. 
 .•° ✿ °•.
That evening (Y/N) was back at the Garrison, pulling pints and serving customers. It was never not busy and (Y/N) wondered how she didn’t end up with a headache every night but she enjoyed the work.  
When the pub quietened suddenly, it caused (Y/N) to look up from her work and she saw Tommy, Polly along with three other men who she had never seen before entering. Polly and the men entered the little snug whilst Tommy made his way up to the bar and with Harry overwhelmed, (Y/N) made her way over to him after she finished with her current customer.
“How may I help you, Mr Shelby?” She asked as she wiped her hands on her apron.
“Bucket of mild and four mugs and one whiskey”
(Y/N) nodded and went to go fulfil his order when Harry called out to her, 
“We’re out of the mild! I’m gonna go get a new barrel.”
(Y/N) turned around and gave Tommy a sorry smile, “I’ll bring it to you when Harry’s done”
Tommy gave her a nod before he disappeared in the snug. (Y/N) watched him for a moment before she turned to the next patron with a kind smile.
.•° ✿ °•.
Tommy joined his family in the snug and sat in his usual seat, paying half attention to the conversation around until it suddenly turned to him.
“Oi, Tom, who’s the new barmaid?” John asked, “And where are our fucking drinks?”
“A new hire by Harry” Tommy said as he lit up a cigarette, “Needed a new barrel, it’ll be here soon.”
Just then (Y/N) walked into the snug, bucket and mugs in hand.
“Sorry for the wait,” She said as she placed them on the table and quickly disappeared back out of the snug.
Once she left, John and Arthur let out low whistles.
“She’s a looker ain’t she” John commented
Polly rolled her eyes at her nephew’s behaviour while Michael noticed something else about the woman.
“Where is she from? Her accent is not from England”
Tommy shrugged, “Haven’t a clue”
Polly raised an eyebrow, “You don’t know? Usually, you’d know everything about her, especially since she works at the pub”
Tommy ignored her for a moment as he began to scoop up a mug of ale, his brothers following suit before he answered her.
“There’s something she’s hiding and I don’t think any call I make will clue me into it”
.•° ✿ °•.
That night as (Y/N) and Harry closed up, (Y/N) finally asked Harry about something that had been itching her about Tommy Shelby.
“Harry, when you warned me about Mr Shelby, what did you mean? What do the Shelby’s do?”
Harry sighed as he dropped his rag down on the bar, “They’re bad men. They’re a gang, they fix races, kill people, blackmail, threaten, you know all of it. If they want it, they get it.”
(Y/N) settled in silence at his words, her mind racing. Did she just escape from the gang at home just to run into a new gang? Was her luck that shitty?
She remained silent for the rest of the night but vowed that she’d try her best to avoid Tommy Shelby.
.•° ✿ °•.
Avoiding Tommy was easier said than done, he was somehow everywhere yet at the same time it was like he was a ghost. Whenever she saw him on the streets of Small Heath, she ducked into the many side streets and alleyways of the town. Whenever he entered the Garrison, she took his order swiftly and avoided eye contact.
Tommy had noticed her behaviour. 
A few weeks later he found her once again by the cut but this time she was sitting on the edge with her feet hanging over the edge. Tommy walked over to her but didn’t sit down next to her.
“You’ve been hiding from me”
(Y/N) didn’t even look up at him when she replied, “Have I? It seems that you’ve found me”
“Why do you care?”
Tommy hummed, “I suppose I don’t. Not really.”
“But you do though, don’t you? You care”
“I do” 
“You fascinate me.”
“...I’ve heard about the things you do Tommy.” (Y/N) decided to tell him why she had been avoiding him. 
“Yeah?” Tommy asked as he took a seat next to her, knowing that this wasn’t going to be a short conversation.
“I do...I do not understand why” 
“Growing up around here you have to know how to fight otherwise you won't survive. You have to adapt and grow. Fixing races or scamming the rich to get some money was the only way that we were able to feed our family at times.” Tommy offered her a cigarette which she accepted. “After the war, whilst we were at war, fighting for our lives and country, the men at the top simply sat at home and continued getting richer.”
(Y/N) had a frown on her face as she took a couple of drags of her cigarette, “But you murder people?”
“I’ve killed a few people”
“And that doesn’t affect you?”
“In the war, I killed about a hundred men who were just following orders like me. I used to beat myself up about taking a life but now, killing the people who profited off the war in some fashion barely gets me to blink”
“...So you only target the rich?”
Tommy nods, “You ask anyone and they’d probably say that we’re a pain in the arse but we’re their pain in the arse. We pump the money back through the town, making sure everyone has jobs and that they can support their families”
(Y/N)’s heart eased at his clarification. 
“My fa-” (Y/N) cut herself off realising that she was about to spill too much information about herself, “Back home, the gangs there targeted everybody. The poorer people suffered the most since they couldn’t pay ransoms or blackmail...every week a body would be discovered. Politicians and the most powerful men in the country were being controlled by these gangs, being played like marionettes. Not to mention the constant wars between rival gangs…”
(Y/N) hadn’t spoken about how life was back home and it felt good to finally speak to someone about it. She knew she had it good considering she rarely left the family manor and had anything and everything she could have asked for and nothing that her family did had negatively affected her in any way.
“Is that why you left your country?”
(Y/N) nodded, “I was scared that I left one gang and fell into the grasp of another”
Tommy took one last drag of his cigarette before he chucked it in the cut and (Y/N) followed suit. 
Tommy took her chin in his hands and pulled her face so that she was facing him, “You won’t be hurt here. You’re safe”
(Y/N)’s placed her hand over his that was still on her face but she didn’t try to remove it, “I’m am not safe, they will find me”
“Who will?”
(Y/N) gave him a soft smile as she finally pulled his hand away, “Never you mind. I’ve already said too much”
(Y/N) stood up and brushed off the dust and dirt from her before she offered him her hand, “Walk me to work?”
Tommy grabbed her hand and pulled himself up, “Of course”
The walk back was silent but (Y/N) felt at ease now that she knew the truth behind Tommy and the gang’s motives.
.•° ✿ °•.
(Y/N) no longer hid whenever she saw Tommy in the streets but instead gave him smiles. He wouldn’t always return them but (Y/N) felt a warmth bloom in her chest whenever he gave her a nod or a tiny smile in answer.
One day, in the early afternoon, Tommy and his brother, Arthur had entered the Garrison, so she went over to take their order.
“What can I get you two?”
“Go get Harry for us” 
(Y/N) got Harry and moved further down the bar but still close enough to listen to their conversation.
“What can I get you, boys?”
“Harry,” Tommy gave him a smile that wasn’t sincere in the slightest, “We want to buy your pub”
(Y/N)’s mouth dropped and so did Harry’s.
“Uhhh, it’s not for sale I’m afraid”
“It wasn’t a request, Harry.”
Harry instantly deflated as he knew he couldn’t exactly say no to the Peaky Blinders unless he wanted his eyes cut.
“You can’t just do that!” (Y/N) stepped in, throwing Tommy a glare, “Harry said it wasn’t for sale, that’s your answer and you should accept it”
“Harry was just about to agree-”
“Through coercion” Once again, (Y/N) cut in.
Harry’s eyes were wide as he tugged on (Y/N)’s arm, telling her to stop but she didn’t listen.
“I didn’t make any threats. Did you hear me make a threat, Arthur?”
“Nah, I didn’t hear you make any threats brother” Arthur backed his brother up
“The implication was there. ‘Do as I ask or get your eyes cut’.” 
Harry pulled on her arm again but (Y/N) shrugged him off.
Tommy sighed, he patience wearing thin, “Listen, we’re just offering a considerable amount to buy the pub, nothing more”
“Since you have so much money, build a bloody pub yourselves, or better yet shove it up your-”
Harry finally pulled her hard enough that she had to move unless she wanted to fall flat on her face,
“(Y/N) go in the back. I’ll deal with it.” Harry pushed her away, “Go”
(Y/N) threw one last glare over her shoulder before she disappeared in the back. She paced around in Harry’s office waiting for him, she knew that he’d more than likely accept the Shelby’s offer but a part of her hoped that he didn’t.
When he returned there was a roll of money in his hand which caused (Y/N) to release a frustrated sigh. 
“I don’t want to end up in the cut” Harry tried to explain
“I know, I know. I’m not blaming you, I’m just annoyed at those Shelby men.”
“Listen, I know your stubborn but don’t go creating fights with those men”
“I can’t promise you anything” (Y/N) walked towards the exit, “I’ll go back to the bar”
(Y/N) was in such a bad mood for the rest of the day that the patrons simply made an order and then quickly scurry off once they got their drink, not wanting to be on the receiving end of her if they’d pushed her.
She was still in a mood once she had finished for the day and stormed home but once she collapsed on her bed, she felt a bit of tension drain out of her shoulders.
Despite how much she wanted to stay in bed, she knew couldn’t do it with the day's clothing still on her. She kicked her shoes off in the corner of her flat and chucked her coat on the small couch before pouring herself a glass of whiskey. 
She sipped on the whiskey as she wiped down her face with a damp cloth and changed into her nightdress before taking a seat near the window with the rest of her drink, the bottle next to her on the side table. Usually, she read a bit before she slept but it was raining that night and the sound of it hitting the window always calmed her, so she simply looked out of the window, watching the last few stragglers of Small Heath wander through the streets.
She had been at peace before loud knocking disrupted her and she huffed as she made her way over to her door, only opening it enough to fit her head through. 
“What do you want?” Tommy was on the other side.
“I’m here to talk”
“It’s late. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
“I want to talk now” Tommy pushed the door open and forced himself into her flat.
“Thomas! You can’t just force yourself into my flat” (Y/N) hissed at him as she closed the door behind him knowing she wouldn’t be able to physically remove him at this point. 
Tommy looked around the flat checking it out as she took off his coat and hat, throwing next to where (Y/N) left hers.
“Nice little place you got here”
“Why are you really here Tommy?”
Tommy turned around and raised an eyebrow when he saw what she was wearing causing (Y/N) to wrap her arms around her chest as she hurried to her dressing gown and putting it on. 
“What do you want?” (Y/N) repeated herself, “If this is about earlier, then I refuse to speak about it”
“It is about today and you will speak about it”
“Well if you truly want to speak then let it be known that, I will not sit around and let you bully people into doing what you want”
“That’s how it works around here”
“That’s how you force it to work around here. People would rather say yes than end up blind or floating in the cut” (Y/N) corrected him.
She took a deep breath before she topped off her drink and offered him one, “Whiskey?”
She gave him a glass before shifting the coats that rested on the couch onto the coat rack and then taking a seat on the now free couch and Tommy soon joined her.
“You say you’re not like the people back home but your actions today say different” (Y/N) took a sip of her drink, “You keep going down this lane and you’ll be like my….”
Tommy turned to her, “Like your who?”
“Never mind.” (Y/N) shook her head, “You’ve never been told ‘no’ in your life have you?”
“I have. Polly tells me about five times every day”
“I don’t mean by your family. You’ve never been told by a woman or by anyone in Small Heath like Harry, have you?”
Tommy shrugged his shoulders, “No, I don’t think so”
“Luckily for you, I’m here to humble you”
Tommy placed his hand on her thigh which caused her to raise an eyebrow at him but she didn’t say nor do anything.
“I know nothing about you,” Tommy told her
“I could say the same thing about you”
“You know things about me. You know my family and my past.”
(Y/N) snorted, “That’s a bit of a stretch. I know that you fought in the war, that’s it”
“That’s more than I know about you.”
“Okay” (Y/N) holds up two fingers, “You get to know one thing about my past and one about my family”
Tommy sipped his drink as he thought about which questions he would ask her.
“How many siblings do you have?”
“Four older brothers”
“You’re alike our Ada”
(Y/N) had never met the Shelby lady but judging by the little bits she heard from the brothers, it seemed like she, other than their aunt, was one of the only people who could tell Tommy to ‘shut up’ or ‘fuck off’ without consequence.
“In more ways than you may realise”
“Where are you from?”
“Ah!” (Y/N) held up her hand, “I won’t answer that”
“Why not?” Tommy fiddled with the edge of her dressing gown, his hand shifting higher up her thigh
“Because I said so, now, new question”
“How was your life back home?”
“Easy. I never had to worry about if there would be food on the table at the end of the day but I was restricted.”
“I was not allowed to leave my house nor have friends, my life was lonely.”
“Was you sick as a child?”
“No. I was a vulnerability” (Y/N) downed the rest of her drink before turning to Tommy, “I’ve said too much. That was more than one thing you pulled from me”
“I’ll make it up”
“I hope so” 
(Y/N) bit her lip as she thought something through as the flat dissolved into silence.
“Are you going to sleep with me or are you going to continue to play with my dressing gown?”
“Are you going to say no?”
“I won’t be tonight”
With that, Tommy swooped down and pulled her into a kiss, one that she eagerly returned. They kissed until they pulled apart needing air and Tommy pulled her onto his lap, 
“You sure?”
(Y/N) pulled him into another kiss as Tommy lifted her into his arms as he pushed himself onto his feet and made his way over to her bed where he promptly dropped her though he quickly followed suit. 
.•° ✿ °•.
(Y/N) mindlessly trailed her fingers across Tommy’s ribs as they laid together underneath her blanket. Tommy was sat up against the headboard as he smoked a cigarette while (Y/N) was curled into his side. 
“Next week, I’ll take you down to London,” Tommy announced, breaking the silence.
(Y/N) snorted, “Are you asking me out on a date?”
“I don’t do dates.”
“Hmm, I suppose you don’t have to wine and dine them. Somehow your charm does the work”
“You’re a miserable bastard Tommy” (Y/N) looked up at him and gave him a smirk
“Next week then?” Tommy ignored her jab
“Yeah, I’ll talk to Harry and get a day off”
“You don’t have to ask Harry. We own the bloody pub, take as many days off you want”
“You may own it but I do not work for you, I work for Harry” (Y/N) looked up and glared at Tommy, before rolling to the other side of the bed and wrapping the blankets around her shoulder, “Anyway, I’m going to sleep now. Stay or leave, I don’t mind.”
Not realising how tired she was, (Y/N) almost immediately fell asleep and Tommy stared at her sleep form. 
He was enamoured with her, her mysterious life aside, he looked forward to every time they would meet and he enjoyed her fiery attitude towards him but he was confused as to what he wanted their relationship to be like. He didn’t date but he wanted something more than a purely sexual dynamic but he didn’t know what she wanted either. He could speak to her but that was outside of his comfort zone.
Tommy did not leave but he did not sleep, he continued to sit and smoke through the rest of his pack as he watched the sky turn light and the sun rose before he finally left. 
.•° ✿ °•.
The next week, Tommy had picked (Y/N) up and together they drove down to London. She had dressed up a bit but nothing in something that would be overdoing it but she had noticed Tommy run his eyes over her appreciatively, something that she enjoyed.
“You know, I’ve never been to London” (Y/N) said as she watched the scenery go.
“No. When I arrived in the country, I came straight to Birmingham on a train and that was that”
“Well, I hope you enjoy it”
(Y/N) smiled at him, “Me too”
(Y/N) filled the rest of the journey with questions, not just about London but about Birmingham and Small Heath as well.
When they arrived in London, (Y/N) got swept up in all of it. She enjoyed the bright lights and people filled the street. It was unlike anything she’s ever experienced and she loved it.
Tommy took her to go see a play, and as she watched the actors perform, (Y/N) thought she should make a list of things that Tommy was introducing her to because she was quickly running out of fingers to count on. 
After dinner, Tommy took her to a bridge that crossed the River Thames and they talked as they looked over the barrier, like they did by the cut in Small Heath. 
“Tonight was great, thank you, Tommy”
Tommy took a step closer to her and took her hand in his, “Look, I don’t know what the future entails or what I exactly want between us but I do want you next to me”
“I’ve never heard of that position before” (Y/N) curled her fingers around his, “I’m not your partner, your fiance, your wife but…”
“You are my person”
“...Your person”
As Tommy leant forward to kiss her, (Y/N) suddenly snapped back, her head swivelling around. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
(Y/N) threw one last look over her shoulder before turning to him with a smile that he was starting to recognise as one she used as a distraction and a cover-up. It worked on him before and he has seen it being used against various members of Small Heath, who, once seeing that smile, had followed her conversation change though (Y/N) also had no problem using her sharp tongue if anyone crossed any lines. 
.•° ✿ °•.
Just as Tommy leant down towards her, (Y/N) heard people speaking the language of her home country causing her to pull away from him. She strained to hear what was being said but the voices were quickly drowned by the chatter of over people on the bridge along with the cars that sped around them.
She looked around trying to see if she recognised anyone but yet again, the bridge was so busy, it was impossible for her. (Y/N) mentally cursed at herself, she was foolish to let her barriers remain down whilst they were in London, as it was more likely her father had men there and if she had been spotted, she wouldn’t know until it was too late. 
When Tommy called for her attention she turned to him with a smile after one last look over her shoulder. While she couldn’t see anyone, she would be on edge for a while.
“So, did you book a hotel room or are we driving back tonight?”
Tommy stood back and offered her his arm, “To the hotel it is”
.•° ✿ °•.
A month after the trip to London, (Y/N) and Tommy were going steady, if that was an appropriate word for their dynamic. They saw each other on a regular business but he hadn’t taken her on a date anywhere as extravagant as the one to London but (Y/N) enjoyed the nights in her flat where they would just drink and talk.
She was less on edge now she was back in Small Heath and nothing had happened to her but she remained vigilant but her new life relatively undisturbed changed that evening.
She had been working at the pub as usual when she felt eyes on her, it was unusual that when a patron got drunk that they would stare at her but they would usually look away once a prostitute or a friend got their attention but this man was different. 
She took quick glances at him as she worked and not once did this man's gaze falter, he had been nursing the same drink he had first ordered and his eyes were clear of any drunkness. (Y/N) knew something was up with him.
Not wanting to be defenceless, (Y/N) went out to the back of the pub and picked up one of the loose bricks that were laying around and put it in her handbag before she returned to the bar, hoping that the man assumed she only took a toilet break. 
Once her shift ended, (Y/N) left Harry to close up and started her way home. The man had left with the other patrons when the pub was closed but (Y/N) knew the man was waiting in the shadows for her.
As she walked back to her flat, she heard his footsteps behind her and her heart raced. If her plan went wrong then she would either be brought back home or dead and out of two, she preferred death.
She sped up and turned into the upcoming alleyway as she took her handbag off of her shoulders and grasped it tightly in her hands and when the man turned into the alleyway, she swung her bag at his head and watched as it successfully connected, causing the man to collapse at her feet. 
She paused waiting to see if he stirred but the man was knocked out. (Y/N) dropped to her knees before she searched the body, looking for a gun or any sort of weapon but when she heard hurried footsteps heading her way she froze before she pulled the brick out of her purse and held it aloft, ready to throw it whoever to turned the corner, fearing that the man had an accomplice that she didn’t see.
.•° ✿ °•.
On his way home from his office, Tommy had spotted (Y/N) on her way home from work but just as he was about to call her name and get her attention, he noticed the man following her. 
He snapped his mouth shut but silently followed after the man but when he and (Y/N) disappeared in an alleyway, he ran after them, pulling his gun out of his holster as he did so. 
He rounded into the alleyway, gun drawn and ready to shoot but froze at the scene he ran into. The man who had been following (Y/N) was unconscious on the floor and (Y/N) was crouched over him, brick in hand ready to throw.
Tommy let his arm drop to his side, “What the fuck is going on?”
(Y/N) who sighed in relief at the sight of him, threw the brick to the side and continued to search through his pockets like she was doing before Tommy interrupted.
 “You have a place where we can drag him, yes?” (Y/N) asked as he pulled out a gun from one of his pockets
“(Y/N)! What the fuck is happening?”
“Yes or no, Thomas!” (Y/N) snapped, “I will tell you but only if you fucking help me”
Tommy tucked his gun back in his holster before he made his way over to the man and hooked his arms underneath his armpits and began dragging him towards one of the many empty buildings in Small Heath.
“Follow me”
(Y/N) quickly snatched up her purse and followed after him but she was constantly checking over her shoulder to see if anyone was following them but once they arrived at the building, most of the tension dropped out of her shoulders.
Once Tommy dropped the man in the middle of the room he turned on his heel and pointed a finger at her, “Right, tell me what the fuck is happening.”
(Y/N) tugged off her scarf and went over to the man and began tying his ankles together,
“You know I haven’t told you anything about my past” (Y/N) grunted as she pulled the knots tight, “Give me your tie”
“You’ve told me a little,” Tommy said as he tugged off his tie before he gave it to her.
As (Y/N) began tying his wrists together, she began to tell Tommy about her life.
“What I told about how gangs run the country wasn’t a lie. Life there is hell for the common people, death is better than living there. But…”
“You left out something…”
(Y/N) sighed as she turned to Tommy, “My family is the biggest criminal organisation in the country. They have politicians and royalty in their pockets. Honestly? It makes your little gang here seem like a joke in comparison”
“...So you ran away from home?”
(Y/N) glared at him, “It was not that simple.”
“Then explain it to me then”
(Y/N) made her way over to him and took a seat on the floor, “I couldn’t get anyone to help me because if we got caught they’d be killed and I couldn’t have that on my conscience. Also, they’re a liability. I had to steal some money and other items from my family so that I could sell them and I had only planned as far as getting out of my country. Everything after that was a spur of the moment decision.”
“Your life was good, why run?”
“It wasn’t ‘good’, it was easy. Besides I was the only daughter and my father would sell me to the highest bidder or to whoever he had been beefing with as a gift”
“Your brothers have no issue with that?”
“They’re men, so they’re more valuable” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and put quotation marks around the word valuable, “They’re all just like my father.”
“Your mother”
“A weak woman. Sold to my dad like how my dad would sell me off. Are you going to ask me about my uncles next?”
This time Tommy rolled his eyes but he took a seat next to her, “So, who is this man?”
“No clue” (Y/N) shrugged, “I’m guessing one of my father’s men or you know, one of the men of my father’s men”
“What do you plan on doing with him?” Tommy asked as he pulled out a couple of cigarettes and lit them, giving on to (Y/N), which she gratefully accepted.
“It depends on what information he knows and what he has shared, but I’ll probably have to kill him”
“Have you ever killed someone before?”
“Nope” (Y/N) sent Tommy a grin, “But you have”
.•° ✿ °•.
The man awoke with a sputtered cough before squirmed on the floor, trying to get up until he realised he had been tied up. He rolled on to his back and craned his head so that he was looking at Tommy and (Y/N)
“Release me!”
(Y/N) stood up and crushed her cigarette underneath her shoe before walking over to the man and stood over him.
“I have questions first”
“Fuck you!” The man cursed the language of (Y/N)’s home country.
“Ah!” (Y/N) grinned, “You speak the language, so I’m guessing my father sent you”
“I’m not the only one he sent” The man spat, “There’s about a hundred in England looking for you. Hundred in America and Australia too. No matter where you go, we’ll find you”
“Of course. I know that but I’m not particularly concerned about that, I’m more curious about you.”
(Y/N) nods, “You.”
Tommy watched the interaction with interest. He had no clue what they were saying but he assumed that (Y/N) was pressing the man for information and truthfully speaking, he found it kind of hot. 
“It was my father who sent you, correct?”
The man nodded, “Whoever finds you and brings you back gets a seat on his council and your hand in marriage”
(Y/N) scoffed and rolled her eyes and then turned to Tommy, “My father is offering a seat on his council and my hand in marriage to whoever finds me and brings me to him. Interested?”
Tommy snorted, “Does the marriage come with a nice house in your country?”
“Hmm, I’d have to ask”
“Does the marriage come with a nice house?”
This time the man actually spat at her causing her to flinch back and wiped her face with her sleeve with a grimace.
“Okay, enough joking around. How did you find me?”
“London! A bunch of us were stationed there but I’m the only one who spotted you” The man had switched to English.
“Did you tell anyone that you were coming here to get me?”
“No. If I did, I would already be dead.” The man shook his head, “You don’t get a joint prize if you join up with someone.”
“So no one knows you’re here?”
(Y/N) turned away from the man and walked back to Tommy, “I need a favour”
Tommy raised a knowing brow, “What do I get in return?”
“My undying gratitude?”
“Okay,” Tommy nods, “What’s your plan?”
“Luckily, he hasn’t told anyone about Small Heath but if we let him go, he could tell anyone.”
“So we kill him.”
“...We do”
The man started to scream in protest at their words, moving about erratically, trying his hardest to escape from his restraints. 
“Shut up!” (Y/N) shouted at the man
“I’ll get Uncle Charlie to sail down to London and dump his body there, we don't need any unnecessary attention.”
“Your Uncle Charlie would be okay with that?” (Y/N) found that hard to believe.
“No, but he’ll do it anyway.”
“So,” (Y/N) sighed, “How do we get him you wherever your Uncle Charlie is?”
“Knock him out I suppose”
“...I left my brick in the alleyway”
That caused Tommy to snigger. Their current situation wasn’t a laughable one but somehow (Y/N) had managed to make him laugh. He pushed himself up to his feet and pulled his gun out from his holster and made his way over to the frantic man. 
He climbed on to the man, legs on either side of his body and then gripped the gun by its barrel before he raised his hand up and struck down with strength, hitting the man with the butt of his gun and rendering him unconscious.
The man became limp and Tommy climbed off and tucked his gun away, “That should do it”
Tommy hooked his arms underneath the man’s like before and started to drag him out of the building with (Y/N) leading the way to Charlie’s yard. Once they arrived, Tommy dragged the man to the edge of the dock.
“Charlie!” Tommy shouted into the night, “Uncle Charlie!”
Moments later an older man hobbled out into the yard, “Jesus Christ, Tom. The sun hasn’t even fully risen yet”
Realising how much time had passed, (Y/N) looked up at the sky and saw the sun just starting to rise and suddenly, all at once, a wave of tiredness waved over her and she was exhausted.
“I need a favour” 
“What now?” Charlie grumbled
“I need him dumped in London.” Tommy kicked at the man at his feet
Charlie looked down at the body with what could almost be described as negative interest, “He’s dead then is he?”
“Just knocked out.”
“I’m not going to kill him” Charlie protested, “It’ll take four days to get London anyhow and I won’t have a dead rotting body as I go down”
Tommy was silent as he thought about what to do, 
“I’ll go down but I’ll take Curly.”
Charlie nodded, “Alright, I’ll go get him.”
When he left, (Y/N) tugged Tommy to the side and placed her hands on his chest, looking up at him, “You don’t have to do this you know? This is too much for me to ask”
“Hey” Tommy took her chin in his fingers, “Don’t worry, I want to do this.”
“...Thank you” (Y/N) gripped his coat, “Come back to me”
Tommy pressed a soft kiss to her lips, “I will”
.•° ✿ °•.
(Y/N) was on edge for the rest of the week, constantly looking over her shoulder for any suspicious men along with walking around Tommy’s office and Watery Lane for any sight of the man but she didn’t see the man until just over a week since the last time she saw him.
It was late at night when she heard a knock on the door and she scrambled to open it, knowing that it could only possibly be Tommy.
When she opened the door, she threw herself into his arms, arms tight around his neck, “You’re okay”
“Did you think I died?”
“Something like that, now come in”
As Tommy settled himself on her couch, (Y/N) makes them with a drink before she joined him, 
“How did everything go?”
“Quick, easy, no need for concern”
“H-How did you do it?”
“Stuffed him full of alcohol and then pushed him overboard” Tommy filled her in
“Smart, if they find him then they’ll just assume he drunk too much and accidentally fell off a bridge or something”
“...Are you safe now?”
(Y/N) gave him a small smile, “For now. They’ll realise he’s been missing or dead soon enough and there still will be a group of people after me but for now, I am safe.”
Tommy’s hand slipped into hers, “I’ll protect you”
“You don’t need to”
“I want to” 
.•° ✿ °•.
Months passed without any sort of drama from her end though the same could not be said for Tommy. He had been getting involved in all sorts of business and trouble, something that his Aunt Polly deeply disapproved with but Tommy did what Tommy did, which was whatever he wanted.
That morning, Tommy had gone to the funeral of his brother-in-law along with the rest of his family, leaving (Y/N) alone in Small Heath for the day. Tasked with setting up the pub that morning, (Y/N) made her way to the pub but the sight of two women in black pushing baby prams had stopped her in her steps and she watched as they left them by the doors before running away.
Concerned, she made her way towards the prams but before she could get too close, she was thrown back by the blast of the explosion. Her body hit the cobblestone street with a harsh whack, leaving her dazed. 
Once the ringing in her ears had faded and she could open her eyes without immediately wanting to throw up, (Y/N) pushed herself up so that she was sitting up straight and watched as the Garrison burned and tears of heartbreak mixed with her tears of pain.
Soon the streets were filled with policemen and firefighters as they worked together to put out the fire and clear up the area and she watched them as she held a handkerchief that Moss gave her, to the cut on her cheek. Her heart hurt as she looked at what remained of the Garrison, the pub had meant a lot to her and seeing it being reduced to nothing stung, (Y/N) returned back to her flat, unable to take anymore.
Not long after, two cars pulled up the Garrison and the Shelby’s spilt out, Tommy and Polly leading them.
“It happened at, uh, exactly 7 a.m. Only one person saw anything. Our patrols were not in the area.” Moss informed them.
“Who saw it?” Polly asked as she looked at the building.
Moss looked at his notepad, “One of the barmaids, (Y/N). She was also caught up in the blast”
Tommy spun on his heel at the mention of (Y/N)’s name and stalked over to Moss, “What happened to her?”
Moss looked over his shoulder, “She was over there but I guess she must have gone home”
Tommy strode away from the Garrison, ignoring the shouts from Polly as he made his way towards (Y/N)’s flat. He knocked on her door before he walked in, knowing that she rarely locks it during the day.
He found her wrapped in her blankets on her bed, staring mindlessly through her window. Tommy sat on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on her leg,
“You alright?”
(Y/N) let out a wet laugh, “Not really”
“Moss said you got hurt”
“Hmm, the blast flung me back but I’ll be fine. My body will ache and I’ll have a killer headache for a few days but I’ll be fine”
“Look at me”
(Y/N) turned to face him, slightly crawling out of her blanket cocoon and Tommy took her face in his hands, his thumb tracing just underneath her cut.
“What happened?”
“There were two women, in black and they were pushing prams and just left them by the door. I went over but they exploded before I could get too close”
“Did your upbringing not teach you to not go looking at things that are suspicious?” Tommy chided
“I thought there were actual kids in the prams and they had been abandoned”
Tommy didn’t say anything but a look of understanding overcame his face, “I guess that makes sense”
“Not one thing made sense about this place since I arrived. Not one”
“I’ll give you that” Tommy agreed with her
“What’s your plan with the Garrison then?”
“Fix it up.” Tommy sighed as he stood up, knowing that he couldn’t stay with her for any longer “I’ll give you some money until you’re able to get back to work”
(Y/N) smiled at him, “Thank you. You going?”
Tommy nodded at her, “Got business.”
He gave her a kiss on the cheek before he left and it wasn’t until he was halfway to his location, did he realise that he’s never done something like that before.
 .•° ✿ °•.
The reopening night of the Garrison was a big one and when stepped through the doors, she noted the stark differences with a frown tugging at her lips. The walls were gold and the curtains were red, the chandeliers were grand but it wasn’t the Garrison.
She gave pleasant smiles to those she came across as she made her way towards the back of the bar, the place where she felt the most comfortable. Arthur was also there and she could tell he was on something due to his erratic behaviour but she didn’t mention it to him, only giving him a wave as she wrapped the apron around her waist.
She was quickly swept up with taking orders and making drinks that she didn’t realise that Tommy had reached her until he placed his hand on her hip,
“What do you think aye?” He tried to speak over the loud music
(Y/N) stepped to the side to somewhere slightly quieter and pulled Tommy with her, “It’s certainly something”
Tommy frowned at her, “You don’t like it?”
(Y/N) sighed before she dragged Tommy to a room at the back so they could have complete privacy, “I don’t hate it and obviously I’m very happy to be back at work but the Garrison looks like it belongs in London rather than Small Heath”
“We’re moving up”
“You are but not everyone else in Small Heath is. Obviously, it’s too late to do anything about it now but in the future, remember you’re in Small Heath and not in London.”
Tommy moved so that there were only mere centimetres between them, “Sometimes, I forget who’s the one who grew up here and who’s the one who arrived a year ago between us”
(Y/N) grinned at him, “What can I say, the town of Small Heath is special to me”
“Want to get out of here?” Tommy asked with a raised brow
“I’m sure Arthur can handle the bar by himself” (Y/N) said as she reached for his hand, allowing him to pull her out of the pub.
.•° ✿ °•.
 It wasn’t until a month after the reopening of the pub did (Y/N) realise what her fooling around with Tommy had resulted in. After she had connected the dots herself, she had made her way to Watery Lane to find the person who could confirm it for her along with giving her some solid advice. 
She made her way into the house of Watery Lane first rather than entering the betting den, hoping that Polly was there instead of her office. 
Tommy had told her about the betting den and his illegal business not long after the incident with the man who had followed her and she did not judge, as it would be hypocritical if she did but she understood the reasoning behind what he did for a living but she still hadn’t visited the actual den itself.
Luckily for her, Polly was in the kitchen of the house and (Y/N) slipped into the seat opposite her, 
“I need your...expertise” 
Polly put down her cup of tea and looked her up and down before she reached out and placed her hand on (Y/N)’s stomach before moving up to her breast, “You’re pregnant, I’d say two, maybe three months”
(Y/N) sunk back in her chair and released a huff, she didn’t know what to do.
“I’m guessing it’s Tommy's,” Polly said as she made them both a cup of tea.
“Who else's would it be?” (Y/N) scoffed.
“Do you want to keep it?” Polly asks as she sets down the two teacups on the table.
“Hmm, I think I do but I’ll have to talk to Tommy. If he doesn’t want anything to do with it, I’ll guess I’ll have to leave Small Heath,”
“Listen, I don’t know the in’s and out’s of whatever you have going on between you two but I do know my nephew. He cares about you deeply and he’s not the type of man to abandon his child.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“Last I heard, Charlie’s Yard”
(Y/N) stands up with a nod, “Alright, thank you”
As she made her way to Charlie’s Yard, (Y/N) thought of how she could tell Tommy the news. There was no point dragging it out and Tommy was someone who liked to get straight to the information but she was nervous either way. 
She pushed open the gates and made her way to where Charlie and Curly were, “Hello Charlie, Curly.”
Curly stuttered out a greeting and Charlie nodded at her.
“Is Tommy around? I’d heard he was here”
“You just missed him, he went to the Garrison” Charlie informed her.
(Y/N) nodded in thanks and quickly scurried away before she could hear the second sentence.
“But he’s with a woman…” Charlie finished as he watched (Y/N) run away.
(Y/N) hurried to the Garrison, annoyed that she had to run around Small Heath just to find one man and it didn’t help that the news she was carrying was heavy. Finally arriving, she called out his name as she pushed open the door,
“Tommy?! You better be here otherwise-oh” (Y/N) paused at the sight of Tommy with a woman at the bar.
“I thought you weren’t working today?”
“I’m not, I wanted to speak to you and was told I’d find you here but you’re obviously busy, so I’ll leave you alone” 
Tommy nodded in understanding and just as (Y/N) was turning to leave the other woman stood forward and offered her hand, 
“I’m May. May Carleton.”
(Y/N) glanced over to Tommy, taken off guard but he continued drinking his drink so (Y/N) shook May’s hand, “(Y/N). Nice to meet you”
“Just (Y/N)? No last name?”
“I don’t have one.” (Y/N) gave May one last polite smile before she left.
May stared after her for a few more moments before she turned to Tommy, “She’s not serious right? What is her last name?”
Tommy gave may a shrug, “If she has one, she hasn’t told me”
.•° ✿ °•.
“Right, what’s wrong?” Tommy asked as he stepped into her flat later that evening.
“Uhm okay, I’m just going to get it right out”
Tommy watched as she paced in front of him, whatever she had to tell him was clearly weighing heavily on her mind and he didn’t push her over getting it over and done with.
“Tommy,...I’m pregnant”
Tommy stared at her in shock. Out of all the things he guessed she would tell him, that wasn’t one of them.
“I know this isn’t what we planned or anything and I’ll completely understand if you don’t want anything to do with it but I want to keep it” (Y/N) rushed out in one breath.
“(Y/N), I don’t want you to get rid of it and I want to be involved” Tommy pulled (Y/N) into his embrace, “We’ll raise this child together. You and me.”
(Y/N) looked up at him with tears in her eyes, “Really?”
“Really. We’ll do it.”
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around Tommy tighters and cried into his shoulder and he let her, rubbing his hand up and down her back in hopes it comforted her.
“I was so scared”
“I know. It’s okay.”
They were wrapped up in each other’s embrace for a while before Tommy moved them over to the couch,
“Have you been to the doctor?” Tommy asked
“I went to Polly. Practically the same thing”
Tommy agreed, there were moments where he trusted Polly’s opinion and help over a doctors.
“What did she say?”
“Two months, maybe three”
“I know you went to Polly but I want you to go to the doctor, just to make sure”
(Y/N) nods in agreement, “I will.”
.•° ✿ °•.
One day, almost two months after (Y/N) found out she was pregnant, Tommy picked her up from her flat and took her for a drive. He wouldn’t tell her where they were going but he reassured her that she would like it.
Recently, they were at odds with each other with Tommy wanting (Y/N) to stop working entirely and (Y/N) being totally against it, so she assumed that perhaps he was trying to butter her up.
“You’re not trying to do something so that I’ll forgive you?” (Y/N) asked him.
“No, you can still be as mad as you want, I’m not going to stop you.”
“So the surprise had nothing to do with it?”
“Nope,” Tommy said as he pulled a tie out of his pocket and gave it to her, “Wrap it around your eyes”
(Y/N) did so without arguing and a minute later they pulled up to a stop and Tommy went over to the passenger side of the car to help her out. He kept his grip on her arm as he leads her forward before they stopped.
“You ready?”
(Y/N) nodded, “Yes”
“You can take off the tie”
(Y/N) gasped at what she stood in front of. It was a house, though that was being generous, it was massive and as (Y/N) looked around her in shock, she also realised that they were surrounded by copious amounts of land. 
“What’s this?” 
“This” Tommy walked towards her, “Is our house”
“Ours? All of it?”
Tommy grinned at her, “All it and all of this land as well. There’s also a stable round back”
“You had to make it worth your while as well, huh?” (Y/N) teased him
“Want to look inside?”
“Can we?”
Tommy offered his arm and (Y/N) took it and allowed him to lead her inside. 
The interior was just as grand as the exterior and (Y/N) had fallen love with the place, it was perfect for them, yet also brought back some memories. 
“You know, this reminds me of my house back home. It was bigger since it had to satisfy my father’s ego but it never felt like home, not like the way my flat does.”
“This will be different, this will be a home where our child will grow up and they won’t grow up as we did”
(Y/N) nodded reassured.
“I know you want to work for as long as you can and I know I can’t stop you but when you’re ready you can move in here”
(Y/N) was grateful that Tommy gave her space and he understood her because she knew she would go crazy just staying at the house and doing nothing whilst she was still pregnant. When the baby arrived, it would be a different story.
.•° ✿ °•.
When (Y/N) could no longer bend down to collect glasses due to her bump, she knew she had to throw in the towel and stop working. Harry had her working on the books for the most part while she occasionally did bar work but she had reached her limit with her feet swollen and her back constantly aching.
Truthfully the reason why she was having such a difficult time leaving her job was that she did not know when she would be able to return. She enjoyed working at the Garrison and interacting with the locals but once she had the child she would have to put that on pause as she raised her child. She could have a nanny but that was how she was raised and she did not like that. 
She made her into Tommy’s office, pausing by Lizzie’s desk to see if he was free before entering. He didn’t look up from his papers when she entered but he did give her a greeting which she returned as she took a seat.
“I’ve decided to hang up my apron” She announces to him.
This makes Tommy look up, “Yeah?”
“I can’t reach the glasses, my ankles are swollen and I have a constant need to go toilet” (Y/N) complained, “If I knew how terrorising pregnancy would be, I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant”
“Want me to call you a driver?”
“Please, I need a nap” Their bed was calling to (Y/N)
Tommy reached for the phone on his desk and called for a driver for her and as (Y/N) watched him, she realised how domesticated it was. Though in many ways, they were too, they lived together, shared a bed and (Y/N) was pregnant with their child but they weren’t in any sort of official relationship of any kind. She would have thought that Tommy would have suggested that they got married for the sake of the child but he hadn’t even brought it up. 
She had thought about talking to him about it but her fears quickly overtook her whenever she built up the courage and though it frustrated her, she had more important things to worry about.
.•° ✿ °•.
Childbirth was an experience unlike any other and (Y/N) had to wonder how her mother did it five times but at the end when she held her daughter in her arms, she had never felt happier. It was, in fact, the best day of her life.
Tommy was sitting next to her on the bed, a similar smile on his face. He had never thought that he would become a parent but now that he was one, he found that all of his love was directly for one tiny human and their mother and he had something to live for. He wasn’t afraid of death but now he wouldn’t go throwing himself into situations where he could die and leave his family behind. 
“What should we name her?” He asked
“I like the name Isla.”
“Isla Mary Shelby”
(Y/N) looked up at him, “Is Mary your mother’s name?”
Tommy nodded and (Y/N) smiled at him, 
“I like that, it suits her. Isla Mary Shelby”
.•° ✿ °•.
Life with a newborn was hard and even though they had nannies on hand to help out, (Y/N) still had reservations on relying on them but slowly she was working towards something that worked for her. 
The rest of the Shelby family were just as enamoured with Isla as her parents were and so Polly and Ada were regular visitors. (Y/N) in particular was very grateful for Polly’s presence, the woman always had the best advice and the woman would practically be the closest thing to a grandparent Isla would have.
As (Y/N) unlearned the behaviours of her own parents, so did Tommy. They did not want to become their parents and it took a lot of reassurance and from each other to make sure that they were doing the right thing, they weren't perfect but there was no such thing.
One day, when Isla was a few months old, Tommy brought up the elephant in the room; their marriage or much rather, their lack of one. They were outside, enjoying the warm weath of the summer, watching the horses in the field when he spoke up.
“One day, we’ll get married” He spoke out of the blue, linking their fingers together, “I’m not just saying that so that Isla is safe incase anything happens to me but I do love you and I do want to get married to you”
(Y/N) squeezed his hand, “Is this you proposing to me?”
“Yeah, it is”
Tommy pulled a ring box from out of his pocket and opened it and in there rested a gorgeous ring. He plucked the ring out of the box and held it out to her, 
“(Y/N), will you marry me?”
(Y/N)’s lips pulled into a bright smile as she nodded, “Of course, I will.”
Tommy slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her into a kiss. (Y/N) gushed over the ring as she pulled Tommy into hug, 
“I know our relationship is unconventional but I know we’re meant for each other” 
“We’re good to each other,” Tommy agreed. 
“I want to do it when she’s older though, so she can be the flower girl” (Y/N) says as she runs her fingers over Isla’s head, smiling at the little girl’s coos. 
“A year or two then”
(Y/N) nods before she brings him into another kiss.
“What is your last name?” Tommy asks
“Does it matter? I am to be a Shelby” (Y/N) replied as she admired her ring.
“I suppose it doesn’t”
.•° ✿ °•.
Just as promised, two years later, Tommy and (Y/N) were getting married. The wedding ceremony would be taking place in a nearby church whilst the reception would be held at their house. 
(Y/N) slipped her wedding dress on with the help of Polly whilst, Ada touched up her makeup. 
“Nervous?” Polly asked as she did the buttons of the back of her dress
“No” (Y/N) said as she watched her daughter through the mirror, “It’s been a long time coming.”
Polly patted her shoulders, “You’re good to go.”
(Y/N) gave her one last smile before she made her way over to her daughter.
“Hi princess, you ready?” (Y/N) asked
Isla was already dressed as she sat on the floor, playing her dolls, with a cute hair clip that matched her dress.
“We see daddy?”
“Uh-huh” (Y/N) nodded, smiling when Isla jumped up and took her hand. 
As she had no family to walk her down the aisle, John had stepped up and offered his arm, which she gratefully took. Isla toddled down first, throwing handfuls of petals out of her little basket down to the floor before she hurried over to wrap her arms around her father’s legs giving him a quick hug before Polly scooped her up.
Then, (Y/N) and John walked down and (Y/N) could not keep her eyes off of Tommy. He had a straight face but that did not fool her in any way, she knew he wanted the wedding as much as she did.
The ceremony sped by and before she knew it, (Y/N) was walking back down the aisle but this time her arm was in Tommy’s and their friends and family were cheering and throwing petals at them as they left the church. 
They stopped at the steps as they waited for the rest of their family to join them and they took the moment to have half a second of alone time.
“I told you we should have gotten married just by ourselves with an officiant.” Tommy muttered underneath his breath.
“I don’t plan on having another wedding, do you? I want this to be a day I remember for the rest of my life” (Y/N) responded, “Now, please don’t frown, you’re worse than Isla.”
Tommy rolled his eyes at the reminder that his daughter took after him in many ways but relaxed his face as the rest of their family joined them and took their places for the picture. 
.•° ✿ °•.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know they would do this”
(Y/N) jumped when Tommy suddenly stormed into the room she was in, a newspaper clenched in his hands.
“Huh? What are you on about?”
Tommy gave her the newspaper before he began to angrily pace in front of her. (Y/N) looked down at the newspaper and her stomach dropped at the headline and the picture from their wedding day below it;
‘Thomas Shelby OBE MP marries wife in small wedding in Warwickshire’
“What the fuck…” 
“They must have snuck in with the other photographer” Tommy theorised, “It’s a national paper”
“Oh Tommy,” (Y/N) sighed, “Is this today’s paper?”
Tommy shook his head, “Yesterday’s”
“Then it is too late” (Y/N) whimpered, “They know where I am and they’ll be here to get me”
“It’s been what, three, four years since you ran away, would they still care?”
“It doesn’t matter how long it’s been, they won’t stop until I’m back or dead. I defied them and they’ll never forgive me”
Tommy dropped to his knees in front of her, “They won’t I promise you that.”
“If this is yesterday's paper then they could be here already. It’s too late.”
“I have men here, we can take him”
(Y/N) shook her head in denial, “Not if they get my father or brothers”
“They’ll take a couple of weeks for them to get there, we can plan in that time.”
“No, Tommy” (Y/N) sounded defeated, “No offence, but your Peaky Boys have nothing on my fathers men and we’re isolated out here”
“Have you given up?” Tommy was in disbelief, “Have you given up on living? Given up on your daughter who sleeps upstairs?! That’s not who you are!”
“You don’t know them! They will kill all of us except me if we try to fight back and they will torture me with that fact. If I go to them without a fight, then you can live!”
“No. I refuse.” 
“You refuse?” (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh
“We go on the run. Escape to America until it’s all blown over”  
“They’ll find us there and it’ll repeat until they get me”
Tommy released a frustrated sigh as he paced to the other side of the room and pour himself a large class of whiskey,
“I refuse to simply allow you to give yourself up to them. Isla needs her mother and I need my wife. You said you didn’t want to be the type of parents yours were but what you have planned, is simply no better.”
“Then what do you suggest?” (Y/N)’s voice was quiet but there was an edge to it.
“We go back to Small Heath, we gather our men and we plan.”
(Y/N) took a deep breath and nodded, “We do not give up”
Tommy pulled her into a hug, “We do not”
.•° ✿ °•.
They had temporarily moved back to Small Heath and Tommy and gathered all of the family but as (Y/N) refused to let anyone get too involved or close, the brunt of the plan laid on her shoulders.
It had almost been a month and nothing had happened which meant that her family was coming or she had managed to get away with it but they were still on edge and weren’t willing to put their guards down. Tommy had Moss keep an eye out along with Alfie Solomons sending information about what was happening in London. According to him, (Y/N)’s father’s men had paid for spies across the city and that they knew they were in Birmingham.
Their intuition was right when one day they had received a call from Moss about two cars heading into Small Heath and (Y/N) knew her family had finally arrived. Not wanting to bring the confrontation to the streets of Small Heath, Tommy and (Y/N) drove to the edge and met them there but they weren’t completely alone, Tommy had gun men placed around the area which gave them a little advantage but there was no knowing what her family had planned. 
If things went south and neither (Y/N) or Tommy survived then Ada was instructed to escape to America with Karl and Isla and (Y/N) could only hope that wouldn’t happen.
They stood in silence as they waited for the family to arrive but when (Y/N) spotted them, she pulled Tommy into a kiss and hug,
“I love you, never forget that.” She whispers to him.
“I won’t”
They pulled apart when the cars pulled to a stop and turned to face the men who stepped out. 
An older man stepped out first, before four younger men climbed out after him. (Y/N) could not help herself as she ran her eyes over her family, looking at what had changed since she last saw them.
“Father. Brothers” She greeted as they stood to a stop opposite her and Tommy.
The youngest brother, the one closest in age to her tipped his head in greeting whilst everyone else glared at her. 
“Daughter. I see you decided to make the correct decision and give yourself up.”
(Y/N) snorted and shook her head, “I have not. I will not”
“Do not be foolish sister,” Her eldest brother takes a step forward, “Don’t you realise how worried we’ve been? We’ve been searching for you for year, only to find out you’ve been here in this...shithole”
Her brother looked around in disgust as he finished his sentence.
“Drop the act. I’m not here to play games.” (Y/N) was tired already, “I’m not leaving with you, so what’s your plan?”
“You don’t have a choice. I set up a marriage between you and my closest man, you know he has spent all these years travelling across the globe looking for you? He deserves a reward”
(Y/N) pulled a face at her fathers words, “First of all, I am not a reward, I am a human being. Second, he must have not been looking very hard considering I ended up being ousted by a newspaper and thirdly, I’m already married and I don’t plan on getting married again”
Her second eldest brother snarled at her, “You’ve grown a backbone sister. We’ll have to beat it out of you”
This caused Tommy to finally step forward and cleared his throat, “I can’t let you to do that”
“Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m her husband” Tommy gestured towards (Y/N) and she could see that he enjoyed it.
“Enough!” (Y/N)’s father stepped forward, “No more arguing, I’ll give you one last chance or we’ll take you by force”
(Y/N)’s shoulders slumped, “Why don’t you leave me alone? Go back and just forget about me”
“No one will take us seriously, if we don’t make an example out of you, then we’ll be seen as a joke.”
“I won't go and you cannot force me to and I’d much rather die than go anywhere with you”
Her father pulled out his gun and her brothers quickly followed which caused Tommy to do the same and the air was thick with tension. 
“No, no, no if she wants to die then I’ll be the one to kill her.” Her father waved at her brothers and they put their guns away.
(Y/N) looked at Tommy and gave him a nod, and Tommy nodded back knowing the meaning behind the look and he put his gun away too. (Y/N) made her way to her father and when she was close enough, he reached out and pulled her towards him and jabbed his gun underneath her jaw.
“This is the end, daughter, you brought this upon yourself” Her father growled
“This is the end, but not for me”
(Y/N) pulled the gun she had been hiding in her waistband of her trousers and pressed it against her father’s chest. She didn’t even give him a moment to realise what was happening before she pulled the trigger, shooting her father in the chest.
He staggered back in shock before (Y/N) pushed him and causing him to fall backwards, landing on the floor with a thump,
“Fuck you!” (Y/N) spat in her native language. 
One of her brothers came running at her and she pointed the gun at him, stopping him in her tracks, “I’ll kill you too, don’t fucking try me”
“Go back to your home and never return.” Tommy stepped forward.
(Y/N)’s brothers looked between each other before (Y/N) spoke again, “Leave. Take his body and go back. Never come back here or try to find me.”
Her eldest brother motioned for the youngest two to take the body of their father while he cursed at her, 
“We’ll never forgive you and you’ll pay for your crimes in the afterworld”
“I’ll meet you there and we can pay for our crimes together”
Her brother growled her one last time before he got into the car and sped off. Once (Y/N) could no longer see them, she turned and collapsed into Tommy’s arms, a massive weight finally lifted off of her.
“You did it!” Tommy pulled away and smiled at her, “You did it, you wonderful woman”
(Y/N) let out a soft, “I did, didn’t I?”
Tommy took her gun and whistled, signalling for the men stationed around they could come down before he began to lead her towards the car, 
“Want a drink?”
“Several but before that I want to see my daughter, go back to Arrow House and take a hot bath”
“Whatever you want”
.•° ✿ °•.
The shouts of children filled the gardens of Arrow House along with the chattering of adults and (Y/N) felt the last of the weight of her shoulders disappear. She had always been worried that her family would find her but now that they were truly gone, she could live without worry.
It was Isla’s third birthday and her and Tommy had decided to throw a party to celebrate it. Her and a group of local children were running around whilst the parents and other adults were sitting around enjoying the warm summer air and cool drinks. 
Tommy crept up behind (Y/N) and wrapped one of his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss on her cheek, “You okay?”
(Y/N) gave him a smile and a nod, “I’m great”
“Mama!” Isla came running up to her, arms raised, “Up pwease!”
(Y/N) did as she was asked and lifted her daughter up, “What’s up princess?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. What do you think, dad?” (Y/N) turned to Tommy with a smile 
Isla turned to her father and put on her biggest puppy dog eyes, “Pwease dada!”
Tommy put on a show as if he was seriously debating on what to do, “Only if I get a hug from the birthday girl”
(Y/N) almost dropped Isla from how sudden she tried to get out of her arms and into her fathers but she helped her climb over and watched as she gave Tommy a tight hug with an added kiss on the cheek. 
“Cake now?”
“Alright, go get your friends and we’ll go get the cake?” Tommy put her down and watched as she ran off to her friends. 
“She’s growing up too fast” (Y/N) pouted as they walked inside, “In no time she’ll be spending most of her time at school” 
“If she’s anything like her mother, she’ll be fine” Tommy assured her.
(Y/N) sighed, “I know, but I’m still going to be sad. Now let’s get going otherwise our princess will come storming in here demanding to know what’s taking so long”
Tommy pulled (Y/N) to a stop just before they entered the kitchen and cupped her face, “I love you”
(Y/N) smiled at him, “I love you too”
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
Please please do write the post about wwx not being dumb/oblivious. Those posts were just funny at first but somehow it's now become accepted fact. Meanwhile whether cql or mdzs wwx is a very competent, savvy protagonist who's actually pretty observant! It's getting pretty tiring to see him reduced to genki oblivous magical girl (not that I don't like those, it's just wwx is not one).
Hey anon! 
I do plan on writing a more elaborate meta post exploring what arguments there are in the novel to support my wwx is not dumb/oblivious agenda.
But for now I just want to address one factor I think plays a big part in shaping the fandom’s perception of wwx as oblivious/dumb, regardless of how wwx was actually written in the novel. That is, the creative liberties taken by (or forced onto) the cql production team, which have had in my opinion two consequences: 1) cql does not manage to establish how quick-witted and savvy wwx is, which is compounded by the fact that it chose to play the troublemaker persona straight  2) the fact that wwx and lwj’s relationship is entirely subtext actually ends up making wwx look oblivious (at least to people applying a queer reading/bl-danmei reading to their interactions--people who are obvious to or choose to ignore the subtext certainly wouldn’t come to the same conclusions). 
So, the first issue. In the novel, wwx’s intelligence is more of a focal point in the narrative because it is a crucial part of the dramatic irony/tragedy of his death: as a result it cannot help being more important to the themes of the novel. After all, he is ultimately hunted down because of and killed by his inventions. The man created an entirely new field of cultivation! In cql, this is somewhat lost due to the fact that he does not invent modao nor does he create the yin hufu, and his death is more of a suicide than a sacrifice (i am still not over the fact that he throws the yin hufu at the crowd to let them wage war over it? that’s the complete thematic opposite of his death in the novel...). 
The novel, as well, is better at establishing that wwx’s antics are generally not because he’s just being a troublemaker, but that they are a way in which he garners information, gets people to act the way he needs them to or misdirect them. For instance, in cql, when lwj destroys wwx’s (well, nhs’s) spring book in the library, wwx looks genuinely pained and affronted--in the novel, it is clearly shown that, when wwx realized lwj intended to bring the spring book to lqr, he intentionally made him angry so that he would destroy the evidence himself. the point of the prank was also to not only get a reaction out of lwj, but also (reading btw the lines) wwx’s way of trying to leave a lasting impression on lwj now that his punishment was over. Differently put, while wwx can do directionless pranks,  more often than not, they have an underlying meaning/goal instead of just being for Attention(TM) in general. In contrast, the web series is full of missed opportunities in terms of characterisation, and is so from the very beginning (I find extremely disappointing how they decided to adapt the mo mansion and dafan mountain arcs because of how important they are to establishing wwx’s character for the readers/viewers. Through these arcs, we get acquainted with the way he thinks and deduces information, and how he uses people’s perceptions of him and others to his advantage. If you can only read English, @pumpkinpaix‘s translation of the first few chapters might help get a better sense of the nuances). 
I’m not saying that wwx is portrayed as dumb in cql: but that his characterization is a lot more fuzzy and inconsistent, and that his intelligence is utilized mostly when wwx goes into his detective mode. As a result, I do feel like it undermines how analytical wwx is in all aspects of his life, making it easy to see him as, you know, someone who’s, like, half-smart, half-super-dumb. 
As for issue #2, part of it boils down to the fact that most of the obstacles to wangxian’s relationship had to be erased due to censorship. There no longer is homophobia/internalized homophobia to motivate moments of denial or internal conflict; there is no longer the phoenix mountain kiss to explain lwj’s reluctance to respond to wwx’s flirting after his rebirth (as I explored in one of my other meta post); there is no longer lwj’s failed confession and lwj’s mistaken belief that wwx knows of his feelings, etc. These vectors of tension help contextualise and explain why it takes so long for wwx to realize lwj’s feelings towards him (but let’s not forget that he does: after jinlintai, he starts to realize that lwj treats him especially well, which becomes a certainty after the second siege). the cql production team had no choice but to take these elements away. 
that being said, by adding new or by changing moments to support the subtext and to please (bl-danmei) fans, the show actually takes away even more vectors of tension/misunderstanding between wwx and lwj, and makes wwx’s crush seem even more obvious and straight-forward. Take for instance the mo mansion arc. In the novel, wwx sees the Lan disciples’ white robes and has this moment of reflection that he recognizes the robes, and sees danger in the fact that the Lan sect is involved, thinking he should leave but knowing he can’t until he resolves the curse. in cql, we get a slow-pan flash-back of wwx’s first encounter with lwj, leaving him clearly emotional. The novel sets up the association as: white robes -> Lan Sect (subtext, Lan Zhan) -> orthodox/sticklers to rules/people i’ve met in my previous life who disapproved of modao -> danger! In cql, we have instead: whites robes -> Lan Zhan -> emotional reaction/I miss him. That fact is further driven home when wwx starts playing wuji on a blade of grass, ending with a soulfully whispered “lan zhan”. In terms of subtext, it sure lays it on thick: wwx does look like he has a big crush on lwj! But that destroys a big source of tension between them at the beginning: when wwx is summoned into mxy’s body, he thinks lwj hates him and disapproves of his methods and wants to bring him to gusu to punish him. That’s why he wants to run away at first, why he doesn’t disclose his identity to him and why it takes him a moment to understand lwj’s intentions. cql does not do a great job of setting that up. And the changes they make to the events of wwx’s first life, including changes to the timeline through which we are introduced to what happened in the past, makes it even more difficult to see how wwx could have misunderstood lwj’s intentions or his own feelings (again, in a queer or danmei-bl reading of the subtext). They go on a mission together! Spend a lot of time working together toward a similar goal!Lwj calls him his zhiji (”soulmate” as is often translated)! Lwj literally tries to save him from dying! The last thing wwx would remember when he wakes up in mxy’s body would be lwj holding onto his hand and screaming his name when he let go! Again, it does great for the subtext--but it makes it really difficult to understand why wwx would misunderstand lwj’s intentions and feelings, and it makes his own feelings toward lwj seem quite obvious. 
Overall, the changes in the themes, genre, events, narrative timeline, characterisation and much more in adapting mdzs into cql have been an important influence explaining why the fandom has this vision of wwx as dumb/oblivious. It reminds me of the way some people on tumblr like to talk about Mr. Darcy as “shy” and “awkward” based on the movie pride and prejudice 2005, which totally misses the point of Mr Darcy and his character as portrayed by Jane Austen--but, if people have only or mainly engaged with this specific adaptation, it is not necessarily surprising that they hold this frankly misguided interpretation due to the choices made by the film production team. 
In contrast, in the novel, we are shown a lot to help us understand why wwx comes to the wrong conclusions or might not understand his own feelings and reactions. But that’s for all for another post!
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
hey! I've seen a bunch of posts on how HPSC is slightly corrupted and all, could you explain if you understand this? They're (die hard villain fans) usually using this as a justification to slam the heroes for raiding the army. I'm quite confused sorry
I’d be more than happy to, friend! I have a strong feeling it’s going to be a key detail in the story moving forward so it’s good to go back in reviewing everything we know now; plus, it gives me the perfect chance to offer up my theory that ropes in Aizawa, Midnight, and Present Mic. Buckle up, though, because this gets a little long.
The HPSC tells heroes what to do.
The Hero Public Safety Commission is a pocket of the Japanese national government in this universe, sort of like how the FDA is in America.
It’s important to note that HPSC is a separate entity from the heroes. They’re the ones giving out licenses, disciplining rouge heroes, overseeing hero training, acting as liaison between heroes and law enforcement, organizing cooperative efforts with multiple heroes across different regions, and managing the general image of heroes with events like the Hero Rankings Billboard.
Heroes have to obey directives given by the HPSC and hero schools have to align with guidelines set by the HPSC, but heroes don’t usually get a say in these decisions and often only get to complain about how things are done and are stuck doing it anyway. If someone is caught heroing without a license or not in hero uniform, you can be fined and/or jailed. If a hero doesn’t keep up with paperwork or runs off and does their own thing they can also be fined and have their license suspended. If a hero goes AWOL or completely flips out they can have their license permanently taken away and be jailed.
It’s actually even more important to note that way heroes are allowed to operate and answer to the government is actually closer in line to a militia than a police force. In fact, while heroes are allowed to make arrests and use their quirks, they are more restricted in what they can and can’t do on their own than the police. If a hero wants to work with other heroes on an investigation, they have to use the private network (administrated by the HPSC) or communicate in person. In the case with the Shie Hassaikai or looking for Kurogiri and the LoV where police cooperation was necessary to carry out the investigation and bring in the gang right away there was no choice but to be transparent with the HPSC.
However, the HPSC doesn’t have to be transparent with the heroes.
They require heroes to give up all their information to keep working as heroes, but they don’t have any accountability for themselves and have notably dodged scrutiny up to this point with public backlash almost always falling on the heroes who have little to no say in how they run things.
Starting back at the beginning of the series with the USJ incident, it understandably garnered massive media attention - it should have. Dozens of unknown, random two-bit villains poured into the most secure, prestigious hero school in all of Japan undetected and resulted in the serious injury of two teachers and could have included the students as well if All Might had not been there to fight and subdue the inhuman monster - the Nomu - who had up to that point had never been seen before.
It’s not unreasonable that UA initially got the blowback from this as it could have been chalked up to complacency causing a lapse in security that the HPSC absolutely wouldn’t have been accountable for. It’s treated like a one-off event and despite investigations going nowhere on it, it’s ultimately downplayed and checked out in the background while continuing with the Sports Festival in high spirits. However, things get worse.
After passing their semester exams the Hero Course first-years head off to do practical training in the mountains with a hero team named the Wild Wild Pussycats. Remember, because this is a hero training initiative between a school and a hero team, the HPSC is likely involved at least on some administrative level in regards to granting permission and securing the patch of mountainside to use even if this detail is not acknowledged in the series. Despite efforts to only include the staff, teachers, and heroes involved word somehow still gets out - resulting in more student, hero, and teacher injuries, and most importantly the kidnapping of one of the students.
This can no longer be swept under the rug. A lot happens in the secret hideout raid revealing lots of stuff with the plot, including All-for-One’s direct involvement, but it doesn’t add anything more to our notes besides the fact UA is once again blamed and heroes are thrown under the bus instead of the organization overseeing them.
Fast forward to the Provisional License Arc. This is the first time we see the HPSC acting explicitly. It’s noted that they passed significantly more students this year than previously. Yokumiru Mera, the tired proctor, is overworked. The HPSC has a reason to urgently pump more students into the “working force” now than it had before, though at the moment it’s written off as a result of All Might’s retirement.
During the Shie Hassaikai arc the only suspect detail we get is the fact that the raid on compound is inexplicably compromised, and somehow the yakuza knew the heroes and police were coming. We’ll come back to this and to the leaks in UA again later.
Skipping the remedial courses and school festival arc, we get to the Pro Hero Arc. Big lights, pomp and circumstance, and a massive powerful Nomu attack that nearly kills the freshly crowned #1 Hero. From this point forward, what we get of the HSPC is mainly through Hawks and his experience with him. After the fight, we get a flashback of the President of the HSPC herself telling him to ignore civilian casualties in his mission to infiltrate the LoV, that he has to do it solo, and that he can’t tell anyone. Briefly in the next chapter he says that despite his objections he can’t actually tell them no.
Hold up!
Did a government agency just tell a hero to secretly get in with the villains no matter what, and when he objects and asks whether he’s just supposed to ignore collateral damage in the process is told, “You can and you will”?! (That’s a verbatim quote from chapter 192.) I thought this agency was supposed to hep people and keep them safe!
We get smatterings of interactions between Hawks and the HPSC, and though we don’t get anything from there side we’re getting that every questionable or deplorable thing Hawks does or needs to get on the LoV’s good side is acknowledged and endorsed by the HPSC. “I’m in contact with the shady guy who loosed that monster in the middle of the city with no warning. He wants me to kill the other top hero who just recovered and to join the definitely-dangerous doomsday cult, and maybe THEN he’ll let me in on what’s going on.” Ok, sure. Nothing morally questionable about any of that...
Jump to chapter 267. Up to this point, this note about Hawks’ past has been hinted at, but is here finally confirmed with a chilling detail. Kids who enter hero work may get special coaching by their families when they’re young, but the threshold for entering formal government-regulated training isn’t until 14/15 years of age in the last few years of their education. Chapter 267 shows a little Keigo Takami no older than about 8, at best, being told by the HPSC that he doesn’t get to call himself by his own name anymore. From now on, he’s going to be a hero, and only a hero, and it’s going to long and hard. Back in 192, two mysterious figures promise the same boy, shown at the same age, that his family will be taken care of.
Whatever circumstances led Keigo’s family to end up in the situation they did, they accepted an offer from a government agency, the HPSC specifically - you can see their headquarters in the flashback - to take away their very young son, take away his identity (and implicitly his family), and groom him to be government tool for the rest of his life - a commitment he had no true say in and that he could not understand at the time.
And it gets worse.
Endeavor works with the HPSC regularly as all heroes have to, but his relationship with them and what they’ll let him get away with gets put into greater question the longer we look at it. He turned to eugenics to create a hero he couldn’t be and surpass All Might for the sole purpose of satisfying his own ego. He bought a girl from her family and forced her to have his kids, then subjected those kids to cruel training - passing over each one until he got to one he felt he could work with -, beat his wife as well, and some kind of action he was involved in lead to the death of his oldest son. While the domestic abuse could be hidden, the death of his child cannot. What’s more, shortly after (very shortly if timelines add up), his youngest son received a permanent burn scar on the heat-resistant side of his face and his wife was locked away in a mental institution for a decade.
And the HPSC never bats an eye. They could take away his license. They could call the police. They could have exposed him to the public or at least ordered an investigation. But they didn’t. On some level they knew, and they did nothing.
But it might be even worse.
I skipped over this detail chronologically, but it’s the linchpin for just how corrupt the HPSC might be if all this lines up. Looking at the Endeavor Agency Arc, we get a seemingly random confrontation with a guy called Starservant (chapter 243) who prattles off a prophecy about the Dark Lord returning and his Dark Stars conspiring against humanity which will bring the world to ruin. He calls out Endeavor specifically as the shining light that beckons the darkness, but this sounds an awful lot like the deranged wailing of some crazy old man, right?
Let’s jump over an entire series now to the spin-off serial Vigilantes. This series takes place in the same universe at an earlier point in the timeline of the main story - and take an extra little note that there’s an underlying subplot about unusual drugs meant to enhance quirks (that often result in mutating the user) and that someone may be using them to clandestinely run experiments on humans from the shadows. 
In chapter 59 we get flashbacked to Eraserhead, Midnight, and Present Mic’s childhood experiences at UA, and we’re also introduced to Oboro Shirakumo - their fellow classmate and dear friend. We get a few chapters establishing their relationships and their goals and dream for the future until chapter 63 where things make a drastic turn in tone. On what should be a routine hero training exercise as third-year seniors a giant, monstrous villain shows up and attacks while the UA kids are escorting a class of preschoolers around town.
In the scuffle, though Aizawa is able to single-handedly come out victorious, in the fight and debris Shirakumo is struck in the head by falling concrete as he tries to lead the children to safety and dies on the scene. Go back to main series, chapter 254-255, the villain Kurogiri is detained but the police are having no luck questioning him. They get a sliver of a lead and call in Present Mic and Eraserhead to interrogate him, and it’s confirmed that Kurogiri was a human experiment of Doctor Ujiko - the mad scientist bio-engineer responsible for the Nomu and outspokenly faithful servant of All-for-One - created from the corpse of their dearly departed Oboro.
Here’s the kicker, though, in Japan they don’t often bury their dead. Funerals next to never include an open casket - the loved one is cremated first, their ashes placed on an funeral shrine with their picture, and the loved ones mourn there. That means Ujiko needed to get to the body before it was cremated - which requires some fast work; but that’s not even the worst of it. Jumping one last time to chapter 270, Ujiko recognizes Mic as a friend of Shirakumo and boldly admits the entire time he was after Aizawa for his quirk.
That attack more than 10 years ago was premeditated. This goes back a long ways. How did he find this information - about their quirks and their movements and where to find them? How did Ujiko get the body out of the morgue without anyone catching him? Could it be the same way his fellow servants of All-for-One were able to get into the USJ? And the Training Camp? And the Yakuza raid? All-for-One has a lot of connections for his faithful servants to move about freely in this world of heroes despite every effort being take to stop them. 
Somehow, these shining lights can never seem to outrun the dark no matter how hard they try, as if there’s a conspiracy against them. But a conspiracy of that level would have to come all the way from the top! If you wanted to get poetic about it, you could even say the stars themselves are conspiring against us. But that old man was crazy, right? If he wasn’t crazy - if he was right at all - then no matter what way you slice it:
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This is bad.
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mcgnto · 4 years
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Have you ever noticed that ( ERIK LEHNSHERR ) from the ( MARVEL UNIVERSE ) looks a lot like ( MICHAEL FASSBENDER )? But ( HE ) also go/goes by ( MAGNETO ). Having the ability of ( MAGNETISM MANIPULATION & UNWAVERING LOYALTY TO HIS CAUSE ) sure makes them a force to be reckoned with. Rumour has it they are ( 44 ) and is working as a ( LEADER OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF MUTANTS )
hey  there,  hi  there,  ho  there  !!  i’m  c,  and  i’m  bringing  my  babies  erik  lehnsherr  &&  grant  ward  to  you  about  400  years  later.   life  snatched  me  but  here  i  am  finally.  i’m  terrible  at  remembering  to  respond  to  tumblr  messages  so  if  you’d  like  to  plot,  you  can  hit  me  up  @ serial killer of kisses#0440 
𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊'𝖘 𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒?
timeline  wise,  erik  is  pulled  somewhere  post  days  of  future  past  and  early  into  apocalypse.  given  that  the  x-men  were  constantly  fucking  up  their  timelines  and  futures,  he’s  from  an  alternate  timeline.  which  one?  good  question.  we’ll  pretend  we  know  and  just  smile  and  nod.  either  way,  this  isn’t  his  timeline  and  it  definitely  isn’t  the  world  /  year  he  left  behind  so  he’s  going  to  be  culture-shocked  by  2020.   
the  last  thing  he  really  remembers  is  his  daughter’s  death  and  apocalypse  strengthening  his  powers  to  become  a  horseman.  so  suffice  to  say,  he’s  simmering  with  rage  and  is  very  broken.   he  still  hates  humans,  maybe  more-so  than  ever  before,  and  he  thinks  they’ll  always  be  a  plague  —  never  see  them  as  equals  —  and  their  extinction  is  the  only  way  to  ensure  their  kind  survives.   he’s  an  extremist  and  his  methods  are  questionable  as  hell  but  he’s  not  entirely  wrong.  
this  quote,  in  my  opinion,  sums  up  erik  to  a  t:
“  that  you're  wrong. you  think  you're  right.  and  that  makes  you  dangerous."
erik  lehnsherr,  also  known  as  magneto,  is  a  canon  character  from  the  x-men.  my  version  of  him  follows  the  x-men  first  class  timeline.   you  can  read  more  about  him  here  on  the  wiki  but  i’ll  give  you  a  brief  overview. 
he  was  born  in  dusseldorf, germany,  into  a  middle-class  jewish  family.  his  father  was  a  decorated  WWI  veteran  but  that  wasn’t  enough  to  save  them  from  the  struggles  of  discrimination  when  the  nazi’s  started  rising  to  power.  the  family  moved  to  poland  shortly  after  he  was  born  but  were  separated  at  the  auschwitz  concentration  camps  when  he  was  fourteen.  erik’s  powers  first  manifested  when  he  ran  towards  one  of  the  gates  —  trying  to  get  to  it  before  they  closed  as  he  was  forced  to  watch  his  parents  get  ripped  away  from  him.   the  metal  warped  and  twisted  as  the  soldiers  grabbed  him,  reports  of  which  were  made  to  dr.  schmidt.  instead  of  being  sent  out  with  the  other  children,  erik  was  taken  to  the  medical  wing.  his  powers  were  exploited  and  often  used  against  him,  dr.  schmidt  focusing  in  on  his  anger  and  using  it  to  control  his  powers.  (  his  mother died  because  he  couldn’t  move  a  simple  coin  with  his  abilities.  in  grief,  fury  washing  over  him,  he  destroyed  everything  in  the  room  and  murdered  all  of  the  guards.  )   he  was  experimented  on  for  years,  schmidt  weaponizing  his  anger,  and  when  he  was  finally  free  he  spent  years  trying  to  track  down  the  man  responsible  for  his  pain  and  suffering.
by  the  time  he  finds  shaw,  his  intentions  are  clear.  he’ll  kill  him  by  any  means  necessary,  even  if  it  means  his  own  death.  it’s  charles  xavier  that  saves  him  from  drowning  in  his  efforts  to  sink  shaw’s  submarine,  the  professor  dragging  him  up  out  of  the  water.   though  erik  never  really  trusted  the  CIA,  he  agreed  to  help  charles  with  some  of  the  other  mutants  they’d  found  —  to  help  them  hone  their  abilities,  and  give  them  a  place  they  belonged.   he  grew  to  care  about  charles  and  these  other  mutants,  respected  them  even,  but  his  ambitions  always  came  first.  he  also  feared  that  a  mutant  holocaust  was  an  inevitability  and  his  fear  kept  him  from  truly  trusting  others.    finally,  when  he  confronted  shaw,  who  shared  a  vision  of  a  world  led  by  mutants,  he  found  he  agreed  —  but  he  couldn’t  allow  the  man  to  live.  he  murdered  him  slowly,  much  to  charles’  horror.  with  the  soviet  union  and  the  united  states  teaming  up  against  mutants,  erik  was  prepared  to  kill  them  all.   so  much  for  preventing  the  cuban  missile  crisis.   as  charles  and  erik  were  fighting,  rolling  around  on  the  ground  as  both  tried  to  get  the  upper  hand,  a  CIA  agent  shot  at  erik  and  he  deflected  one  of  the  bullets.  a  stray  bullet  ricocheted  and  hit  charles’  spine,  paralyzing  him.   unable  to  comprehend  the  pain  he’d  caused  someone  he  loved  —  and  knowing  their  interests  no  longer  aligned  —  erik  and  several  of  the  other  mutants  left  to  start  the  first  incarnation  of  the  brotherhood  of  mutants.   a  family  was  divided  like  after  a  messy  divorce.  
from  there,  we  don’t  know  a  lot  about  what  happened  with  erik  until  days  of  future  past  picks  back  up.  we  know  he  was  arrested  and  detained  in  the  pentagon  by  1973.   he  allegedly  curved  a  bullet  that  killed  JFK.   they  break  him  out  of  prison  to  help  try  and  save  the  world  and  inadvertently  meet  his  timeline’s  version  of  pietro  ‘peter’  maximoff.   he’s  erik’s  son,  but  he  never  discovers  this  information.   to  this  day,  he  doesn’t  know  the  truth.  in  truth,  erik  had  been  trying  to  save  JFK  —  who  was  a  mutant  —  but  unfortunately  he  wasn’t  able  to.   trask,  who  created  the  mutant  detecting  machines  in  the  future,  had  been  killing  off  mutants  one  by  one.  many  of  their  former  students,  people  they  cared  about,  had  died  as  a  result  of  it.   tortured,  too.  so  suffice  to  say,  both  erik  and  charles  thought  the  other  had  abandoned  them  /  failed  them  and  it  was  messy.   he  agrees  to  try  and  help  them  stop  the  future  from  happening,  in  the  interest  of  saving  more  mutant  lives,  but  does  try  to  kill  mystique  when  their  plans  start  going  awry.  he  fails  and  earns  more  distrust  both  from  charles  and  the  nation.  yes,  he  went  all  evil  villain  and  did  a  monologue  on  live  tv.  he’s  that  bitch.  he  fully  intends  on  killing  trask  but  mystique,  who  changes  her  mind  thanks  to  charles’  influence,  shoots  him.  it  grazes  his  neck,  just  enough  to  garner  his  attention,  but  it’s  enough  to  give  her  the  opportunity  to  knock  the  helmet  from  his  head.   in  the  end,  after  his  abilities  are  used  by  charles  to  free  himself,  he  flees.   ya  yeet.  
at  some  point  after  this,  he  moves  to  poland  and  decides  to  live  among  the  humans.  he  meets  a  woman  named  magda  when  he’s  living  as  henryk  gurzsky  and  they  have  a  daughter  named  nina.  he’s  seemingly  happy  with  his  little  family,  working  at  the  factory,  until  an  act  of  kindness  turns  the  tides  against  him.   he  uses  his  abilities  to  save  a  co-worker  and  someone  reports  him.  police  show  up  without  any  metal  to  confront  him  outside  their  house.   nina,  terrified  and  young  much  like  erik  was  when  his  powers  manifested,  had  the  power  to  control  nature  and  had  birds  attack  the  police.  one  of  the  officers  was  trying  to  shoot  the  birds  and  an  arrow  struck  nina  and  her  mother  magda  instead.   erik,  in  his  grief,  used  the  metal  locket  around  his  daughter’s  neck  to  kill  every  single  police  officer  in  the  clearing  and  then  dropped  to  his  knees  to  mourn  the  loss  of  his  family.   
en  sabah  nur,  aka  apocalypse,  finds  erik  shortly  after  this.  he’s  at  the  factory,  about  to  murder  all  of  the  workers  who  allowed  this  tragedy  to  happen,  when  en  sabah  nur  takes  his  revenge  for  him.   the  god  then  takes  him  to  auschwitz  and  strengthens  his  mutant  abilities  to  give  him  the  power  needed  to  destroy  it.   he  agrees  to  be  a  horseman,  to  join  en  sabah  nur  in  bringing  about  the  apocalypse.   shortly  after  this  happens,  he  goes  to  sleep  and  wakes  up  in  this  timeline  in  2020.  he  doesn’t  know  who’s  done  it,  or  it  was  something  the  x-men  did  to  try  and  stop  the  apocalypse,  but  he’s  livid  and  probably  wants  to  go  home.   there’s  nothing  here  for  him  —  no  revenge,  no  purpose,  so  if  he  can’t  ...  catch  him  starting  up  the  brotherhood  again  and  waging  war  on  humankind  again.   
erik  carries  a  lot  of  anger  around  with  him.  it’s  the  trauma,  the  grief,  and  the  after-effects  of  years  of  abuse.   he  knows  best  how  to  function  when  he’s  angry,  feels  it  gives  him  direction,  and  thinks  that  happiness  leads  to  vulnerability.  he  thinks  now  that  if  he  cares  for  someone,  let’s  them  get  close,  there’s  a  possibility  he  will  hurt  them  or  they  will  get  hurt  because  of  them.   his  abilities  work  best  when  he’s  angry,  almost  like  he’s  been  conditioned  that  way,  so  he  finds  he’s  most  effective  when  he  gives  into  the  anger.  
at  the  end  of  the  day,  his  hatred  is  directly  linked  to  fear.   he  fears  that  mutants  will  be  persecuted  for  being  different,  for  not  living  up  to  what  humans  feel  is  normal,  and  that  they’ll  be  experimented  on  or  killed  if  discovered.   he’s  seen  firsthand  what  a  genocide  looks  like  and  because  of  that  fears  that  another  will  happen  if  they’re  not  carefull.   again,  he’s  not  wrong.  
he’s  a  class  4  mutant  who  can  generate  and  manipulate  magnetic  fields.   you  can  read  more  about  his  abilities  on  the  wiki  here  but  i’ll  give  you  some   examples.
magnetogenesis:  the  ability  to  create  magnetic  fields. magnetokinesis:  the  ability  to  control  magnetic  fields. ferrokinesis:  the  ability  to  control  metal.  ( thanks  to  apocalypse,  he  can  now  control  metals  found  in  the  earth.  )
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gargaj · 4 years
A breakdown of the Revision 2020 Threeway Battle shader
Those of you who have been following this year's edition of Revision probably remember the unexpected twist in Sunday's timeline, where I was pitted in a coding "battle" against two of the best shader-coders in the world to fend for myself. Admittedly the buzz it caused caught me by surprise, but not as much as the feedback on the final shader I produced, so I hope to shed some light on how the shader works, in a way that's hopefully understandable to beginners and at least entertaining to experts, as well as providing some glimpses into my thought process along the way.
Recorded video of the event
But before we dive into the math and code, however, I think it's important to get some context by recounting the story of how we got here.
A brief history of demoscene live-coding
Visual coding has been massively opened up when graphics APIs began to introduce programmable fragment rendering, perhaps best known to most people as "pixel shaders"; this allowed programmers to run entire programmable functions on each pixel of a triangle, and none was more adamant to do that than a fellow named Iñigo Quilez (IQ), an understated genius who early on recognized the opportunity in covering the entire screen with a single polygon, and just doing the heavy lifting of creating geometry in the shader itself. His vision eventually spiraled into not only the modern 4k scene, but also the website ShaderToy, which almost every graphics programmer uses to test prototypes or just play around with algorithms. IQ, an old friend of mine since the mid-00s, eventually moved to the US, worked at Pixar and Oculus, and became something of a world-revered guru of computer graphics, but that (and life) has unfortunately caused him to shift away from the scene.
His vision of single-shader-single-quad-single-pass shader coding, in the meantime, created a very spectacular kind of live coding competition in the scene where two coders get only 25 minutes and the attention of an entire party hall, and they have to improvise their way out of the duel - this has been wildly successful at parties for the sheer showmanship and spectacle akin to rap battles, and none emerged from this little sport more remarkably than Flopine, a bubbly French girl who routinely shuffled up on stage wearing round spectacles and cat ears (actually they might be pony ears on second thought), and mopped the floor up with the competition. Her and a handful of other live-coders regularly stream on Twitch as practice, and have honed their live-coding craft for a few years at this point, garnering a considerable following.
Just a sample of insanity these people can do.
My contribution to this little sub-scene was coming up with a fancy name for it ("Shader Showdown"), as well as providing a little tool I called Bonzomatic (named after Bonzaj / Plastic, a mutual friend of IQ and myself, and the first person to create a live coding environment for demoparties) that I still maintain, but even though I feel a degree of involvement through the architectural side, I myself haven't been interested in participating: I know I can do okay under time pressure, but I don't really enjoy it, and while there's a certain overlap in what they do and what I do, I was always more interested in things like visual detail and representative geometry aided by editing and direction rather than looping abstract, fractal-like things. It just wasn't my thing.
Mistakes were made
But if I'm not attracted to this type of competition, how did I end up in the crossfire anyway? What I can't say is that it wasn't, to a considerable degree, my fault: as Revision 2020 was entirely online, most of the scene took it to themselves to sit in the demoscene Discord to get an experience closest to on-site socializing, given the somber circumstances of physical distancing. This also allowed a number of people who hasn't been around for a while to pop in to chat - like IQ, who, given his past, was mostly interested in the showdowns (during which Flopine crushed the competition) and the 4k compo.
As I haven't seen him around for a while, and as my mind is always looking for an angle, I somehow put two and two together, and asked him if he would consider taking part in a showdown at some point; he replied that he was up for it - this was around Saturday 10PM. I quickly pinged the rest of the showdown participants and organizers, as I spotted that Bullet was doing a DJ set the next day (which would've been in a relatively convenient timezone for IQ in California as well), and assumed that he didn't really have visuals for it - as there was already a "coding jam" over Ronny's set the day before, I figured there's a chance for squeezing an "extra round" of coding. Flopine was, of course, beyond excited by just the prospect of going against IQ, and by midnight we essentially got everything planned out (Bullet's consent notwithstanding, as he was completely out of the loop on this), and I was excited to watch...
...that is, until Havoc, the head honcho for the showdowns, off-handedly asked me about an at that point entirely hypothetical scenario: what would happen if IQ would, for some reason, challenge me instead of Flopine? Now, as said, I wasn't really into this, but being one to not let a good plan go to waste (especially if it was mine), I told Havoc I'd take one for the team and do it, although it probably wouldn't be very fun to watch. I then proceeded to quickly brief IQ in private and run him through the technicalities of the setup, the tool, the traditions and so on, and all is swell...
...that is, until IQ (this is at around 2AM) offhandedly mentions that "Havoc suggested we do a three-way with me, Flopine... and you." I quickly try to backpedal, but IQ seems to be into the idea, and worst of all, I've already essentially agreed to it, and to me, the only thing worse than being whipped in front of a few thousand people would be going back on your word. The only way out was through.
Weeks of coding can spare you hours of thinking
So now that I've got myself into this jar of pickles, I needed some ideas, and quick. (I didn't sleep much that night.) First off, I didn't want to do anything obviously 3D - both IQ and Flopine are masters of this, and I find it exhausting and frustrating, and it would've failed on every level possible. Fractals I'm awful at and while they do provide a decent amount of visual detail, they need a lot of practice and routine to get right. I also didn't want something very basic 2D, like a byte-beat, because those have a very limited degree of variation available, and the end result always looks a bit crude.
Luckily a few months ago an article I saw do rounds was a write-up by Sasha Martinsen on how to do "FUI"-s, or Fictional User Interfaces; overly complicated and abstract user interfaces that are prominent in sci-fi, with Gmunk being the Michael Jordan of the genre.
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Image courtesy of Sasha Martinsen.
Sasha's idea is simple: make a few basic decent looking elements, and then just pile them on top of each other until it looks nice, maybe choose some careful colors, move them around a bit, place them around tastefully in 3D, et voilà, you're hacking the Gibson. It's something I attempted before, if somewhat unsuccessfully, in "Reboot", but I came back to it a few more times in my little private motion graphics experiments with much better results, and my prediction was that it would be doable in the given timeframe - or at least I hoped that my hazy 3AM brain was on the right track.
A bit of math
How to make this whole thing work? First, let's think about our rendering: We have a single rectangle and a single-pass shader that runs on it: this means no meshes, no geometry, no custom textures, no postprocessing, no particle systems and no fonts, which isn't a good place to start from. However, looking at some of Sasha's 3D GIFs, some of them look like they're variations of the same render put on planes one after the other - and as long as we can do one, we can do multiple of that.
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Rough sketch of what we want to do; the planes would obviously be infinite in size but this representation is good enough for now.
Can we render multiple planes via a single shader? Sure, but we want them to look nice, and that requires a bit of thinking: The most common technique to render a "2D" shader and get a "3D" look is raymarching, specifically with signed distance fields - starting on a ray, and continually testing distances until a hit is found. This is a good method for "solid-ish" looking objects and scenes, but the idea for us is to have many infinite planes that also have some sort of alpha channel, so we'd have a big problem with 1) inaccuracy, as we'd never find a hit, just something "reasonably close", and even that would take us a few dozen steps, which is costly even for a single plane and 2) the handling of an alpha map can be really annoying, since we'd only find out our alpha value after our initial march, after which if our alpha is transparent we'd need to march again.
But wait - it's just infinite planes and a ray, right? So why don't we just assume that our ray is always hitting the plane (which it is, since we're looking at it), and just calculate an intersection the analytical way?
Note: I would normally refer to this method as "raytracing", but after some consultation with people smarter than I am, we concluded that the terms are used somewhat ambiguously, so let's just stick to "analytical ray solving" or something equally pedantic.
We know the mathematical equation for a ray is position = origin + direction * t (where t is a scalar that represents the distance/progress from the ray origin), and we know that the formula for a plane is A * x + B * y + C * z + D = 0, where (A, B, C) is the normal vector of the plane, and D is the distance from the origin. First, since the intersection will be the point in space that satisfies both equations, we substitute the ray (the above o + d * t for each axis) into the plane:
A * (ox + dx * t) + B * (oy + dy * t) + C * (oz + dz * t) + D = 0
To find out where this point is in space, we need to solve this for t, but it's currently mighty complicated. Luckily, since we assume that our planes are parallel to the X-Y plane, we know our (A, B, C) normal is (0, 0, 1), so we can simplify it down to:
oz + dz * t + D = 0
Which we can easily solve to t:
t = (D - oz) / dz
That's right: analytically finding a ray hit of a plane is literally a single subtraction and a division! Our frame rate (on this part) should be safe, and we're always guaranteed a hit as long as we're not looking completely perpendicular to the planes; we should have everything to start setting up our code.
Full disclosure: Given my (and in a way IQ's) lack of "live coding" experience, we agreed that there would be no voting for the round, and it'd be for glory only, but also that I'd be allowed to use a small cheat sheet of math like the equations for 2D rotation or e.g. the above final equation since I don't do this often enough to remember these things by heart, and I only had a few hours notice before the whole thing.
Setting up the rendering
Time to start coding then. First, let's calculate our texture coordinates in the 0..1 domain using the screen coordinates and the known backbuffer resolution (which is provided to us in Bonzomatic):
vec2 uv = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x / v2Resolution.x, gl_FragCoord.y / v2Resolution.y);
Then, let's create a ray from that:
vec3 rayDir = vec3( uv * 2 - 1, -1.0 ); rayDir.x *= v2Resolution.x / v2Resolution.y; // adjust for aspect ratio vec3 rayOrigin = vec3( 0, 0, 0 );
This creates a 3D vector for our direction that is -1,-1,-1 in the top left corner and 1,1,-1 in the bottom right (i.e. we're looking so that Z is decreasing into the screen), then we adjust the X coordinate since our screen isn't square, but our coordinates currently are - no need to even bother with normalizing, it'll be fine. Our origin is currently just sitting in the center.
Then, let's define (loosely) our plane, which is parallel to the XY plane:
float planeDist = 1.0f; // distance between each plane float planeZ = -5.0f; // Z position of the first plane
And solve our equation to t, as math'd out above:
float t = (planeZ - rayOrigin.z) / rayDir.z;
Then, calculate WHERE the hit is by taking that t by inserting it back to the original ray equation using our current direction and origin:
vec3 hitPos = rayOrigin + t * rayDir;
And now we have our intersection; since we already know the Z value, we can texture our plane by using the X and Y components to get a color value:
vec4 color = fui( hitPos.xy ); // XY plane our_color = color;
Of course we're gonna need the actual FUI function, which will be our procedural animated FUI texture, but let's just put something dummy there now, like a simple circle:
vec4 fui ( vec2 uv ) { return length(uv - 0.5) < 0.5 ? vec4(1) : vec(0); }
And here we go:
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Very good, we have a single circle and if we animate the camera we can indeed tell that it is on a plane.
So first, let's tile it by using a modulo function; the modulo (or modulus) function simply wraps a number around another number (kinda like the remainder after a division, but for floating point numbers) and thus becomes extremely useful for tiling or repeating things:
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We'll be using the modulo function rather extensively in this little exercise, so strap in. (Illustration via the Desmos calculator.)
vec4 layer = fui( mod( hitPos.xy, 1.0 ) );
This will wrap the texture coordinates of -inf..inf between 0..1:
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We also need multiple planes, but how do we combine them? We could just blend them additively, but with the amount of content we have, we'd just burn them in to white and it'd look like a mess (and not the good kind of mess). We could instead just use normal "crossfade" / "lerp" blending based on the alpha value; the only trick here is to make sure we're rendering them from back to front since the front renders will blend over the back renders:
int steps = 10; float planeDist = 1.0f; for (int i=steps; i>=0; i--) { float planeZ = -1.0f * i * planeDist; float t = (planeZ - rayOrigin.z) / rayDir.z; if (t > 0.0f) // check if "t" is in front of us { vec3 hitPos = rayOrigin + t * rayDir; vec4 layer = fui( hitPos.xy, 2.0 ); // blend layers based on alpha output colour = mix( colour, layer, layer.a ); } }
And here we go:
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We decreased the circles a bit in size to see the effect more.
Not bad! First thing we can do is just fade off the back layers, as if they were in a fog:
layer *= (steps - i) / float(steps);
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We have a problem though: we should probably increase the sci-fi effect by moving the camera continually forward, but if we do, we're gonna run into a problem: Currently, since our planeZ is fixed to the 0.0 origin, they won't move with the camera. We could just add our camera Z to them, but then they would be fixed with the camera and wouldn't appear moving. What we instead want is to just render them AS IF they would be the closest 10 planes in front of the camera; the way we could do that is that if e.g. our planes' distance from each other is 5, then round the camera Z down to the nearest multiple of 5 (e.g. if the Z is at 13, we round down to 10), and start drawing from there; rounding up would be more accurate, but rounding down is easier, since we can just subtract the division remainder from Z like so:
float planeZ = (rayOrigin.z - mod(rayOrigin.z, planeDist)) - i * planeDist;
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And now we have movement! Our basic rendering path is done.
Our little fictional UI
So now that we have the basic pipeline in place, let's see which elements can we adapt from Sasha's design pieces.
The first one I decided to go with wasn't strictly speaking in the set, but it was something that I saw used as design elements over the last two decades, and that's a thick hatch pattern element; I think it's often used because it has a nice industrial feel with it. Doing it in 2D is easy: We just add X and Y together, which will result in a diagonal gradient, and then we just turn that into an alternating pattern using, again, the modulo. All we need to do is limit it between two strips, and we have a perfectly functional "Police Line Do Not Cross" simulation.
return mod( uv.x + uv.y, 1 ) < 0.5 ? vec4(1) : vec4(0);
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So let's stop here for a few moments; this isn't bad, but we're gonna need a few things. First, the repetition doesn't give us the nice symmetric look that Sasha recommends us to do, and secondly, we want them to look alive, to animate a bit.
Solving symmetry can be done just by modifying our repetition code a bit: instead of a straight up modulo with 1.0 that gives us a 0..1 range, let's use 2.0 to get a 0..2 range, then subtract 1.0 to get a -1..1 range, and then take the absolute value.
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vec4 layer = fui( abs( mod( hitPos.xy, 2.0 ) - 1 ) );
This will give us a triangle-wave-like function, that goes from 0 to 1, then back to 0, then back to 1; in terms of texture coordinates, it will go back and forth between mirroring the texture in both directions, which, let's face it, looks Totally Sweet.
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For animation, first I needed some sort of random value, but one that stayed deterministic based on a seed - in other words, I needed a function that took in a value, and returned a mangled version of it, but in a way that if I sent that value in twice, it would return the same mangled value twice. The most common way of doing it is taking the incoming "seed" value, and then driving it into some sort of function with a very large value that causes the function to alias, and then just returning the fraction portion of the number:
float rand(float x) { return fract(sin(x) * 430147.8193); }
Does it make any sense? No. Is it secure? No. Will it serve our purpose perfectly? Oh yes.
So how do we animate our layers? The obvious choice is animating both the hatch "gradient" value to make it crawl, and the start and end of our hatch pattern which causes the hatched strip to move up and down: simply take a random - seeded by our time value - of somewhere sensible (like between 0.2 and 0.8 so that it doesn't touch the edges) and add another random to it, seasoned to taste - we can even take a binary random to pick between horizontal and vertical strips:
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The problems here are, of course, that currently they're moving 1) way too fast and 2) in unison. The fast motion obviously happens because the time value changes every frame, so it seeds our random differently every frame - this is easy to solve by just rounding our time value down to the nearest integer: this will result in some lovely jittery "digital" motion. The unison is also easy to solve: simply take the number of the layer, and add it to our time, thus shifting the time value for each layer; I also chose to multiply the layer ID with a random-ish number so that the layers actually animate independently, and the stutter doesn't happen in unison either:
vec4 fui( vec2 uv, float t ) { t = int(t); float start = rand(t) * 0.8 + 0.1; float end = start + 0.1; [...] } vec4 layer = fui( abs(mod(hitPos.xy, 2.0)-1), fGlobalTime + i * 4.7 );
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Note: In hindsight using the Z coordinate of the plane would've given a more consistent result, but the way it animates, it doesn't really matter.
So let's think of more elements: the best looking one that seems to get the best mileage out in Sasha's blog is what I can best describe as the "slant" or "hockey stick" - a simple line, with a 45-degree turn in it. What I love about it is that the symmetry allows it to create little tunnels, gates, corridors, which will work great for our motion.
Creating it is easy: We just take a thin horizontal rectangle, and attach another rectangle to the end, but shift the coordinate of the second rectangle vertically, so that it gives us the 45-degree angle:
float p1 = 0.2; float p2 = 0.5; float p3 = 0.7; float y = 0.5; float thicc = 0.0025; if (p1 < uv.x && uv.x < p2 && y - thicc < uv.y && uv.y < y + thicc ) { return vec4(1); } if (p2 < uv.x && uv.x < p3 && y - thicc < uv.y - (uv.x - p2) && uv.y - (uv.x - p2) < y + thicc ) { return vec4(1); }
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Note: In the final code, I had a rect() call which I originally intended to use as baking glow around my rectangle using a little routine I prototyped out earlier that morning, but I was ultimately too stressed to properly pull that off. Also, it's amazing how juvenile your variable names turn when people are watching.
Looks nice, but since this is such a thin sparse element, let's just... add more of it!
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So what more can we add? Well, no sci-fi FUI is complete without random text and numbers, but we don't really have a font at hand. Or do we? For years, Bonzomatic has been "shipping" with this really gross checkerboard texture ostensibly for UV map testing:
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What if we just desaturate and invert it?
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We can then "slice" it up and render little sprites all over our texture: we already know how to draw a rectangle, so all we need is just 1) calculate which sprite we want to show 2) calculate the texture coordinate WITHIN that sprite and 3) sample the texture:
float sx = 0.3; float sy = 0.3; float size = 0.1; if (sx < uv.x && uv.x < sx + size && sy < uv.y &&uv.y < sy + size) { float spx = 2.0 / 8.0; // we have 8 tiles in the texture float spy = 3.0 / 8.0; vec2 spriteUV = (uv - vec2(sx,sy)) / size; vec4 sam = texture( texChecker, vec2(spx,spy) + spriteUV / 8.0 ); return dot( sam.rgb, vec3(0.33) ); }
Note: In the final code, I was only using the red component instead of desaturation because I forgot the texture doesn't always have red content - I stared at it for waaaay too long during the round trying to figure out why some sprites weren't working.
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And again, let's just have more of it:
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Getting there!
At this point the last thing I added was just circles and dots, because I was running out of ideas; but I also felt my visual content amount was getting to where I wanted them to be; it was also time to make it look a bit prettier.
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Post-production / compositing
So we have our layers, they move, they might even have colors, but I'm still not happy with the visual result, since they are too single-colored, there's not enough tone in the picture.
The first thing I try nowadays when I'm on a black background is to just add either a single color, or a gradient:
vec4 colour = renderPlanes(uv); vec4 gradient = mix( vec4(0,0,0.2,1), vec4(0,0,0,1), uv.y); vec4 finalRender = mix( gradient, vec4(colour.xyz,1), colour.a);
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This added a good chunk of depth considerably to the image, but I was still not happy with the too much separation between colors.
A very common method used in compositing in digital graphics is to just add bloom / glow; when used right, this helps us add us more luminance content to areas that would otherwise be solid color, and it helps the colors to blend a bit by providing some middle ground; unfortunately if we only have a single pass, the only way to get blur (and by extension, bloom) is repeatedly rendering the picture, and that'd tank our frame rate quickly.
Instead, I went back to one of the classics: the Variform "pixelize" overlay:
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This is almost the same as a bloom effect, except instead of blurring the image, all you do is turn it into a lower resolution nearest point sampled version of itself, and blend that over the original image - since this doesn't need more than one sample per pixel (as we can reproduce pixelation by just messing with the texture coordinates), we can get away by rendering the scene only twice:
vec4 colour = renderPlanes(uv); colour += renderPlanes(uv - mod( uv, 0.1 ) ) * 0.4;
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Much better tonal content!
So what else can we do? Well, most of the colors I chose are in the blue/orange/red range, and we don't get a lot of the green content; one of the things that I learned that it can look quite pretty if one takes a two-tone picture, and uses color-grading to push the midrange of a third tone - that way, the dominant colors will stay in the highlights, and the third tone will cover the mid-tones. (Naturally you have to be careful with this.)
"Boosting" a color in the mids is easy: lucky for us, if we consider the 0..1 range, exponential functions suit our purpose perfectly, because they start at 0, end at 1, but we can change how they get here:
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So let's just push the green channel a tiny bit:
finalRender.g = pow(finalRender.g, 0.7);
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Now all we need is to roll our camera for maximum cyberspace effect and we're done!
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Best laid plans of OBS
As you can see from the code I posted the above, I wrote the final shader in GLSL; those who know me know that I'm a lot more comfortable with DirectX / HLSL, and may wonder why I switched, but of course there's another story here:
Given the remote nature of the event, all of the shader coding competition was performed online as well: since transmitting video from the coder's computer to a mixer, and then to another mixer, and then to a streaming provider, and then to the end user would've probably turned the image to mush, Alkama and Nusan came up with the idea of skipping a step and rigging up a version of Bonzo that ran on the coder's computer, but instead of streaming video, it sent the shader down to another instance of Bonzo, running on Diffty's computer, who then captured that instance and streamed it to the main Revision streaming hub. This, of course, meant that in a three-way, Diffty had to run three separate instances of Bonzo - but it worked fine with GLSL earlier, so why worry?
What we didn't necessarily realize at the time, is that the DirectX 11 shader compiler takes no hostages, and as soon as the shader reached un-unrollable level of complexity, it thoroughly locked down Diffty's machine, to the point that even the video of the DJ set he was playing started to drop out. I, on the other hand, didn't notice any of this, since my single local instance was doing fine, so I spent the first 15 minutes casually nuking Diffty's PC to shreds remotely, until I noticed Diffty and Havoc pleading on Discord to switch to GLSL because I'm setting things on fire unknowingly.
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This is fine.
I was reluctant to do so, simply because of the muscle memory, but I was also aware that I should keep the show going if I can because if I bow out without a result, that would be a colossal embarrassment to everyone involved, and I only can take one of those once every week, and I was already above my quota - so, I quickly closed the DX11 version of Bonzo, loaded the shader up in a text editor, replaced "floatX" with "vecX" (fun drinking game: take a shot every time I messed it up during the live event), commented the whole thing out, loaded it into a GLSL bonzo, and quickly fixed all the other syntax differences (of which there were luckily not many, stuff like "mix" instead of "lerp", constructors, etc.), and within a few minutes I was back up and running.
This, weirdly, helped my morale a bit, because it was the kind of clutch move that for some reason appealed to me, and made me quite happy - although at that point I locked in so bad that not only did I pay absolutely not attention to the stream to see what the other two are doing, but that the drinks and snacks I prepared for the hour of battling went completely untouched.
In the end, when the hour clocked off, the shader itself turned out more or less how I wanted it, it worked really well with Bullet's techno-/psy-/hardtrance mix (not necessarily my jam, as everyone knows I'm more a broken beat guy, but pounding monotony can go well with coding focus), and I came away satisfied, although the perhaps saddest point of the adventure was yet to come: the lack of cathartic real-life ending that was taken from us due to the physical distance, when after all the excitement, all the cheers and hugs were merely lines of text on a screen - but you gotta deal with what you gotta deal with.
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A small sampling of the Twitch reaction.
In the end, what was my takeaway from the experience?
First off, scoping is everything: Always aim to get an idea where you can maximize the outcome of the time invested with the highest amount of confidence of pulling it off. In this case, even though I was on short notice and in an environment I was unfamiliar with, I relied on something I knew, something I've done before, but no one else really has.
Secondly, broaden your influence: You never know when you can take something that seems initially unrelated, and bend it into something that you're doing with good results.
Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, step out of your comfort zone every so often; you'll never know what you'll find.
(And don't agree to everything willy-nilly, you absolute moron.)
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60b3r · 4 years
Memes Kill Creativity?
Memes vs. Genes
In the 1976 book The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins coined the term 'meme' to describe something with symbolic meaning that spreads by imitation from person to person within a culture. This idea is an analogue to the nature of selfish gene, described similarly as a piece of genetic material possessing information required to be able to replicate themselves inside a living. The only key difference in both terms is that the gene is natural, while memes are artificial. The rest of memes' operating schemes completely mimic the genes perfectly. In our current timeline, memes as we know today are taking many forms: as image macros, short videos, and rick-rollicking music. Memes in imageboards and forums have been pushing internet porn traffic into a stalemate and putting our power grid into unnecessary burden. Of course, memes are not to be regretted, but otherwise need to be taken seriously, since they are able to put our current understanding of media industry and economic system into shame.
As with every other thing that have existed, memes are not exempt in its dualistic nature. If you ever venture to the depths of dark web, you may know that memes also took part in the infamous mimetic Tumblr-4chan War. Not only that, some memes are reportedly causing harm towards some users, even though it is often disguised or said to be a dank joke or mere sarcasm. Memes have seen its share of use in online bullying, mass shootings, and hate crimes, cowering behind the freedom of expression tag. Regardless, memes are also an extremely effective form of information transmission. Like all living systems with no set moral standards, memes do evolve and are subject to natural selection. Memes, like genes, actually work like a mindless machine. Again, this is eerily like the performance of DNA in living systems. The last thing we want from this thing is virulence.
Every day, something went viral on Twitter. Hashtags are flaring into the top trends, some videos are being watched billions of times, and another cat vs. cucumber pic garnered thousands of likes. Viral properties of a virus (duh) is defined as the capability to multiply quickly in relatively short amount of time. The term saw a huge increase in usage during the dawn of the internet age and the rise of computer malwares spread through unsecured ports of network protocol. This term is being applied to memes, as it is like a virus (which is a pure embodiment of a selfish gene). Now, a lot of people are utilizing memes to create art, because it enables them to cater the short-attention spans of current internet users. They create shorts, illustrations, inside jokes, and small comic strips. Some of you might not agree with me on this one, but stay with me now and I will explain to you why I would like to treat memes and art as a single unit of interest in this argument.
The dawn of meme-technology
Viral memes and their popularity are now often considered important in defining a time period in the internet culture. Now every netizen can somewhat distinguish the approximate age, sex, and political views of other users from the usage of rage comics, meme songs, and meme platforms they use. Intuitively we can make a generalized difference between the userbase of Reddit, 4chan, 9gag, Vine, and now Tiktok. Others, by the share of relatability with sub-genres of different areas of interest (film memes and game memes). Some others, even, in the perspectives of different social and economic class system (first world problems and third world success memes). Meme preferences to us netizens are ironically giving away our anonymous identity. Identity which the media companies are vying to get their hands on. That's where I would like to come into my opening argument: both memes and genes which originally possesses no intrinsic value, suddenly become a subject of value with technology.
How do we draw the logic, I say? The ones and zeros inside electrical systems are value-free, so does DNA in living cells. As we meddle ourselves with biotechnology to manipulate genetic material for profit, we also simmer ourselves in the computer sciences and tweak physical computation to perform better. We give value in the inanimate object by manipulating them. In our world, we often heard these expressions: that communication is key, sometimes silence is golden, and those who control the information wields the power. What’s these three statements have in common? Yes, information and expression. Memes are the simplest form of both. This is the beginning of the logic: memes are no longer in and on itself independent of external values. The infusion of utilitarian properties in memes as artificial constructs are seemingly inevitable, and for the better or worse shapes our current society.
We might have heard that somewhere somehow, the so called ‘global elites’ with their power and wealth are constantly controlling biotech research and information technology—or, in the contrary, they control these knowledge and resources to keep shovelling money and consolidate their power. Memes are one of their tools to ‘steer’ the world according to their 'progressive agenda', seemingly driving the world ‘forward’ towards innovation and openness. Nah, I am just joking. But, stay with me now. It is actually not them (the so-called global elites) who you should be worried about. It is us—you and I, ourselves—and our own way of unwittingly enjoying memes that are both toxic and fuelling the age-old capitalism. Funny, isn't it? We blame society, but we are society. But how are be becoming the culprits yet also be the prey at the same time?
Middle-class artists are hurt
Now, aggressive marketing tactics using memes are soaring. Media companies are no doubt cashing in the internet and viral memes to their own benefit. Streaming and cataloguing are putting up a good fight compared to their retail, classic ways of content delivery. This is quite true with the strategies of Spotify and YouTube, other media companies alike. They can secure rights to provide high-quality content from big time artists and filmmakers and target these works directly to the end consumer, effectively cutting the cost of distribution which usually goes to the several layers of distribution line like vinyl products, radio contracts, and Blu-ray DVDs. I believe this is good, since it is like an affirmative action for amateur artists to start a career in the art industry. Or is it? Does it really encourage small-time artists to begin? Yes. How about the middle-class artists? Not necessarily.
You might sometimes wonder, “how the hell did I get somewhere just by following the trending or hot section in the feed?”. This toxicity of memes often brings some bad things to our tables. Social media algorithms handle contents (like viral memes) by putting those with high views or likes to the front page, effectively ‘promoting’ the already popular post and creating a positive feedback cycle. By doing so, they could capitalize on ad profits on just few ‘quality’ contents over huge amounts of audience in a very short amount of time. The problem is most of the time, these ‘quality’ contents have no quality at all. They just happen to possess the correct formula to be viral, with the correct SEO keywords and click-bait titles with no real leverage in the art movement. This way, I often find both the talented and the lucky—of which the boundaries between them are always blurred—overshadow the aspiring ‘middle-class’ artists who work hard to perfect their craft.
If you are already a famous guitarist with large fanbase, lucky you, you are almost guaranteed to top the billboards. What, you have no skills? Post a video of you playing ‘air guitar’ and… affirmative actions to the rescue. Keep on riding the hype wave and suddenly you get to top trending with minimal effort, thanks to your weird haircut. Those haters will surely make a meme out of your silly haircut, not even your non-existent guitar skills. But still, hype is still a hype, and there’s no such thing as a bad publication. This also answers why simple account who reposts other people’s content could get much more followers than the hard-working creators. Not only being outperformed by the already famous artists taking social media by storm, now the ‘middle-class’ artists are also dealing with widespread content theft and repost accounts because of the unfair, bot grading system. It is unimaginable how many nobodies got the spotlight they don’t deserve just because they look or act stupid and the whole internet cheers around them. Remember, this is not always about the artist, but also the quality of the art itself. I believe a good art should be meaningful to the beholder.
Why capitalism kills creativity
The problem in current art industry is that we are feeling exhausted with the same, generic, and recycled stuff. We indeed already see there’s less discourse about art now. Sure, the problem lies not in the artist or medium, but is in the viewers—the consumer of the art form—and how the capitalist system reacts to it. The hyper efficient capitalist system doesn’t want to waste any more time and money trying to figure out what’s new or what’s next for you. What we love to see, what is familiar to us, the market delivers them. The rise of viral memes phenomenon in the social media pushes the market system to the point where they demand artists to create the same, redundant, easy art form. Listen to some of The Chainsmokers’ work and we'll see what music have become: the identical 4-chord progression, the same drop, the predictable riser, and the absence of meaningful lyrics. We sat down and watch over the same superhero movies trying hard to be the next Marvel blockbuster. The production companies are also happy not to pay writers extra to come up with new ideas and instead settle with borrowed old scripts from decades old TV drama. Disney's The Lion King and its heavy use of the earlier Japanese Kimba The White Lion storyline is one guilty example.
Despite it initially being an economic system and not a political ideology, it is untrue that many Marxist philosophers usher the suppression of art. While it is ironic that Stalinist policy intends to curb ‘counter-revolutionaries’—in this case his enemies—by limiting freedom of press and media; American propaganda added further so that it seems that the ideology is also limiting art and kill creativity. We all know the Red Scare in the U.S. during the Cold War saw a popular narrative of communism and socialism that is devoid of freedom of expression. This state propaganda then further become ‘dehumanization’ and make freedom of expression invalid under the guise of equality. Marx argue that total equality is not possible, and the uniqueness is being celebrated by having them doing what they do best and provide the best for their community. Thus, an individual's interests should be indistinguishable from the society's interest. Freedom is granted when the whole society is likely to benefit from an action. According to Mao in his Little Red Book, freedom of expression in art and literature, after all, is what initially drive the class consciousness. It is capitalism, not communism, that kills creativity.
If left unchecked, the threat of this feedback loop is going to cause a lack of diversity, resulting in stale content, less art critique, and overall decline in our artistic senses. Artists’ creativity that are supposedly protected by the free internet are destroyed within itself through the sheer overuse of viral memes. Capitalism has successfully turned the supposedly open, free-for-all, value-free platform that is the internet against the people into a media in which they are undeniably shaping new values on its own: the art culture that's not geared towards aesthetics and appreciation, but towards more views and personalized clicks. How social media and media industry caters to the demands of the consumer are, in Marx's own words, “digging its own grave”.
Spare nothing, not even the nostalgia
Well, people romanticize the oldies. The good old days, when everything is seen as better and easier. Look at the new art installations that uses the aesthetics of naughty 90s graphic design to become new, the posters released in this decade but with an art deco of the egregious 80s pop artist Andy Warhol, or the special agent-spy movies set frozen in the Nifty Fifties. Nostalgia offers us a way to escape from the hectic choices of our contemporary: different genres of music, dozens of movies to watch, and different fashion to consider. We choose to settle with our old habits, that we know just works. Remember how do we throw our money on sequels and reboots and remakes of old movies we used to watch during our younger days? We don’t even care about new releases at the cinema! Did you remember how Transformers 2 and their subsequent sequels perform at the box office at their opening week?
The huge sales of figurines and toys of Star Wars franchise—if we could scrutinize them enough—came from the old loyal fanbase of the late Lucasfilm series, not primarily from new viewers. Then suddenly, surprise-surprise. Our love for an old franchise deemed dead enough to be remembered and treasure soon must be destroyed to pave way for three new outrageous sequels (the ones with Kylo Ren and Snoke) by the grace of our beloved capitalism. Sadly, nothing is left untouched by the capitalism’s unforgiving corruption. Nostalgia has become a gimmick that makes people like some art more than they should, because it’s familiar. It is another way of squeezing your pocket dry.
Not that it is bad to make derivatives like covers or remixes, but the trade-offs are far too high. Consequentially, the number of original arts is now very little, because artists don’t bother making new stuff if they just aim for a quick buck. Most of the young adult novels are essentially the same lazy story progression with only different time setting and different character names. Most of them even have the same ending! No more a beautiful journey like the thrillers of Dan Brown or the epic adventures of Tolkien’s Lord of The Rings, which defines their respective times. Do we seriously want to consider Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey as a unique work? Isn’t the Hunger Games and the Maze Runner essentially the same?
If you play video games, you must have known that the trend always starts over. Game developers are making gazillions of sequels, and only a few of them that are actually good. Most are outright trash. Oh, wait, old video games like Homeworld are also getting remasters to cater the demand of nostalgic consumers. No new Command and Conquer release from EA Games? Re-release the 25 years old Red Alert because people will re-buy it! Profit!
15 June 2020 8.03 PM
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Grand Titans Rewatch: 1.02
Grand Titans Rewatch: 1.02
it’s been literal months since i started this project and neither this nor the fic series that’s supposed to go alongside it has garnered much attention, if any, but damn it, i made a commitment and this time, i’m going to follow through.
for reference, episode 1’s recap here, and its corresponding fic tag is here.
SPOILERS ahead for pretty much the entire series.
1. the recap portion of the episode leans very heavily on the type of horror genre that rachel’s character brings to the show, and honestly, i love it. the superhero genre can feel very… sterile at times, with bright, clean colours and costumes and standard team-ups ending in a climactic punch-fest. the insidious horror of rachel discovering something huge and dangerous inside of her and trying—and largely failing—to control it bleeds into the rest of the show; each of the team has an inner demon to battle, but the lesson isn’t triumph over the beast as much as it is acceptance. it’s unfortunate that the dc live action universe in general has developed a reputation for being gratuitously grimdark; i love the thematic consistency that the tone brings to the show, and it is honestly the freshest take on these characters that i’ve seen so far.
1.5. there’s something to be said, too, about this muddy-window perspective we get into these established superheroes’ lives—the intriguing, sometimes downright opaque scenes of them trying to re-build from wreckage. i love that this is how they choose to distinguish themselves in a very, very crowded arena: the origin story here is not for the superheroes or even the team themselves, but the bonds they form and the family that they become.
2. i kinda love the clash between the goofy costume and the grimdark torture scene. it’s never immediately obvious, but this show is remarkably committed to its comic book roots—so much so that it’s kind of jarring. usually in the journey from the comic to the screen there is an ironing-out of genre and tone, but this show will show you its spandex clad hero with the plastic-feather cape being threatened with torture and castration because that’s how it goes in the comics, goddammit!
2.25. it’s pretty impressive that they’re able to afford such a big place in washington dc
2.5. hank and dawn’s easy intimacy is lovely to watch. i remember not being fond of this long detour to introduce these two relatively obscure characters right after all that juicy set-up in the first episode the first time i watched this, but now i can enjoy the languid way their story unravels, the little glimpses we get into the life they’ve led and the marks that it has left behind.
2.8. a delightfully cheesy moment with the giant bird cage immediately followed by a quietly devastating depiction of sexual impotence and a possible addiction to multiple painkillers! see what i mean?
oh! and before i forget:
3. flashback time! can’t say that i’m terribly impressed with the fight choreography; there appears to be hardly any contact between the heroes’ kicks and lunges and the thugs they’re supposed to be fighting, and a lot of slow-motion and editing trickery needs to be employed to make this look kinetic. i don’t really blame them much, though—those capes look awfully cumbersome to be just walking around in, leave alone fight. and i’m glad that the show is making a point of showing that robin’s style of fighting in flippier and more acrobatic than the others’.
3.65. aaaand we get our first hint of History between dick and dawn. to be honest, given what i remember of the rest of s1 and what we know of s2, it does seem like they’re making it so that the original titans did exist, swapping out roy and wally for hank and dawn. i’m not super-enthusiastic about this decision, but we’ll see how it plays out.
4. dick and rachel!
a) rachel desperately trying to hide how scared and vulnerable she feels behind brittle defiance
b) dick bemused and concerned and casting around for ways to connect with her but giving up too easily
c) “for the lady” – oh, dick. i love you.
d) rachel warily checking her reflection
e) dick making false promises of safety to rachel in order to get her to come with him to washington—a manipulative little ploy that i’m sure was par-for-the-course during his time with batman
f) “but sometimes there’s no time to be scared” is that what kid!dick told himself when he was starting out as robin oh my heart hurts
g) dick just dropping out of his job for an indefinite time without notice because why in the world would bruce wayne’s ward ever have to worry about keeping down a steady job? he’s utterly unconscious of this, which makes it hilarious
5. i’m already really fond of rohrbach and charlie the m.e. i know s2’s slate is already really crowded, but i wouldn’t mind seeing a resurrected rohrbach make an appearance, and for bit more of a spotlight on dick’s day job.
6. OH MAN i honestly didn’t remember that dick phoned alfred this episode! and that he considered—for a second—calling bruce! poor guy’s genuinely scared. for all his ‘fuck batman’s, dick’s anger and fear is more internally directed than he realises. this boy needs therapy.
6.5. dick going “… obviously” at rachel telling him not to get pineapple on their pizza makes me think he was definitely setting out to get pineapple on their pizza at that moment.
6.75. oh fuck. i knew it was coming, but that dead guy screaming at rachel through the photo was still terrifying. man i wish they’d stuck a little longer with the horror/mystery vibe they’ve got going here.
6.8. dick immediately reaching out to hold rachel and comfort her as she sobs, terrified, in the bathtub shouldn’t feel particularly special or heartwarming—it’s a very natural, human instinct, after all—but for this particular version of dick grayson to automatically show this compassion when he’s half convinced himself that his lifetime as a vigilante has left him an amoral husk of his previous self… is significant.
7. it’s an interesting choice to go with the nuclear family as the first major villains featured on this show, but fits totally with the tone so far—the dark, despairing and dank things that hide underneath a cracking veneer of cheery suburban normality. pretty standard horror genre stuff—with an added twist that these people aren’t actually androids, but regular people horrifically tortured and brainwashed to act as murder machines.
7.5. aside from that, it’s a neat contrast to the found family that’s actually starting to evolve, with all of its rough edges and imperfect but raw displays of love.
8. i really like that, for all that rachel and dick have in common, their interaction is weird, start-stop in nature, each dancing around answering the others’ questions with any kind of honesty. rachel has clearly picked up on dick’s caginess around her and dick, for all that he’s been trained in subterfuge and basically been living a lie to most of his friends and co-workers, is unable to keep acting like he knows what he’s doing. he hasn’t had to really live a double life in a while—and he’s rusty when it comes to doing anything that’s not detective or vigilante work.
8.5. dick’s interactions in general through the series contrast with the easy and intimate ways the others talk with each other; he’s just so isolated and so friggin rusty at this.
9. you’d think rachel would’ve figured out by now not to shake random people’s hands.
9.25. i’m so happy about this show’s commitment to showing just how much of a hot mess dick is.
9.35. i’ve certainly warmed up to the icy, washed-out way this show looks, and the general sense of… space, both in terms of physical space as well as the way each scene is allowed to unfold and just breathe. you don’t get that a lot in superhero media these days.
9.45. an update to the dick grayson timeline! dawn says she hasn’t seen dick in four years and seems genuinely surprised to learn that he’s working with the police now. so how do you go from zero to detective in just four years? is that even possible? the timeframe becomes even shorter if you assume that he only decided to join law enforcement after leaving batman. maybe that’s just another thing that dick kept hidden from his friends, even when they were, you know, friends.
anyway, dick continues to be a hot mess, and i am glad that is consistent over every on-screen iteration.
9.5. i am genuinely unsure why this dick/dawn history exists other than to create some weird conflict between hank and dick. i’d much rather that conflict come from dick being an asshole generally and dropping all contact with his friends when it all became just Too Much To Deal With.
10. OH MAN so him contacting alfred was to arrange a big sum of money to pay off hank and dawn?? yep, dick is 100 percent bruce wayne’s protégé. i’m sure he also thinks of this as a way to help hank recover and for hank and dawn to rebuild their post-vigilantism life. this is a terrible way to deal with your guilt, my friend.
and i love that all of this—the mistakes he’s making with rachel despite his genuine concern for and desire to help her, the way he’s unable to really talk to her instead of at her, his false platitudes when he thinks he has nothing to say—is a plausible reflection of the ways bruce floundered with him when he first took dick in. dick has spent so, so long as bruce’s sole heir; though i’m sure they learned to communicate better, the core dysfunction of his relationship with bruce is embedded in his bones.
but the show is clearly setting up the dick-rachel relationship to evolve—and in doing so, have dick come to terms with his own relationship with bruce, instead of spinning increasingly bitter and dark memories of it in his head.
all said, tho: what a dick move. in every sense of the word.
11. aaand here’s why i never understand criticism of this show that says dick is too dark: it’s just so typical of him to hold himself to insane standards and just cut loose and run whenever he feels he’s failed those standards. it’s why he’s always among the first choices to lead a team but his leadership almost never sustains very long. it’s why he’s everybody’s friend but so desperately, desperately alone, especially when it’s his turn to spiral and need help. it’s why when he is spiralling, he adopts spectacularly self-destructive methods to do so. standing aside while zucco died is essentially his (infamous) blockbuster moment, when he so egregiously compromised his moral code that he was forced to re-evaluate the very core of what he’d identified as for decades. he hates himself, but he splits the blame, recognising the very real damage being robin did to him but pinning everything that’s wrong with him on it.
this tracks with every version of dick grayson that i can think of, bar the golden age/silver age comics, more contemporary nightwing runs—especially after his stint as batman with damian as robin—where he’s matured a bit and more level-headed, and, of course, fanon.
11.5. but while dick is wrestling with himself, actual people do get hurt and lost on the wayside. i’m glad that this show is not shying away from showing that.
12. maaan you really, really didn’t have to do this to anyone, leave alone someone as prominent in nightwing’s history as amy rohrbach. still holding out hope that she’ll return somehow next season.
13. rachel using dick’s own words to get him to help hank and dawn… oh fuck yes.
13.5. to be perfectly honest, i quite enjoyed robin as this menace in the shadows, taking thugs down brutally when they can’t even see him. you never see hyper-competent robin on-screen anymore.
13.75. also? hank and dawn’s genuine horror at his brutality is another giant indicator that this is not a dick grayson who’s functioning optimally, by any standard. he needs a place to start growing from, and this is it.
14. dick getting called out on his bullshit is pretty satisfying to watch, no lie.
14.5. i’d forgotten just how brutally the nuclear family defeat hank, dawn, and dick. yikes.
14.8. that last shot of dick desperately trying to save dawn’s life while having flashbacks to his own parents falling to their deaths is so fucking haunting, holy shit.
15. that was… honestly so good, you guys! i remember seeing this episode for the first time and feeling a little irritated with the languid pacing and the way it seemed sort of like filler. but there’s so much great stuff that stands out to me on re-watch—this show genuinely rewards multiple viewings, even when you know what’s coming next.
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Better Call Saul episode posters by Matt Talbot After 4 nearly years, I thought it was time to catch up with Matt Talbot about his Better Call Saul poster project. The last time we talked during Season 1, Matt was deep in the hustle of making his name as an illustrator: juggling a full-time job, freelance projects, as well as band. Finding time for personal projects like this one can be a significant challenge. (Not to mention surviving the death of your tools: During Season 1 his Mac laptop died, and this season, his Wacom tablet bit the bullet). But despite these challenges, the 43-year-old New Hampshire native has persevered to create a clever and thoughtful series of episode posters that has garnered considerable attention, and brought with it new high-profile clients and art exhibitions. 
First, congratulations on all of your success and recognition with this series of posters. It’s well-deserved. What’s been the most gratifying feedback you���ve received? Thank you! Every interaction I’ve had with anyone from the show has delighted me. I've been surprised by all of the cast and crew members who have said nice things – every note I’ve gotten has meant a lot to me. That being said, Michael McKean randomly tweeting at me that he has my poster for Chicanery hanging in his home blew my mind. I was eating dinner when my phone showed the notification and I literally jumped up from the table. I’ve been a fan of Michael’s since I saw Spinal Tap in the ‘80s and never in a million years would I have guessed I’d make something he valued enough to hang in his home.
Tell me about your contributions to Gallery1988 exhibitions. How does that process work? It's a pretty simple process. They invite me to be part of a show, and I make something to send them. I’m very excited for the opportunity to show there, and I feel like it’s a milestone in my art-making career.
Across the 4 seasons, which BCS posters are your favorites? Which one are you most proud of? I’m particularly fond of Rebecca, Rico, Marco, Switch, Sunk Costs and Something Beautiful. Oh man, it's hard for me to evaluate my own stuff. I tend to like the posters where I find a way to get a different take on something they did in the episode. I would say that “Sunk Costs” is also one of my favorites because I did something differently than how they shot it, and because Mike is so recognizable even from the back. I was also pleased with “Off Brand” because it was when I finally figured out how to draw Bob Odenkirk.
How has your process for creating these posters evolved over 4 seasons? When I started this project I had a vague idea that I would focus on scenes rather than portraits or likenesses, but that didn’t even last half a season! The characters were too good not to include. In that way, the posters have evolved in my willingness to draw characters, and also, hopefully, my ability to draw them. 
My process is now something like: Watch the show on Monday; think about it on Tuesday, figure out what stood out to me and do a thumbnail sketch or two; draw it on Wednesday night; post it Thursday afternoon. I’m a bit faster at drawing these now compared to when I started. And I’m a bit more decisive on choosing which subject matter to depict.
There have been quite a few changes on the visual side of Better Call Saul over the last 2 seasons. New directors (Minkie Spiro, Daniel Sackheim, and Andrew Stanton), a new cinematographer Marshall Adams, even new cameras. What are your thoughts on how the show’s visual grammar has evolved? Has any of this impacted your posters from Seasons 3 & 4? I try not to just redraw literal scenes from the show, and I don’t need to tell you that they shoot the show in an incredibly beautiful way. I mean, they always, always, pick the best angle, the best shot to capture something. For that reason, it’s sometimes hard to to come up with another take on a moment from the show.
That being said, the visual style hasn’t really impacted my posters as much as the evolving subject matter has. The show, I think, is substantially darker than it was in the early going. It was easier to depict Jimmy’s hi-jinx in the first couple seasons. But with Chuck’s deteriorating mental state, the cartel stuff, Mike going deeper into Fring’s world and of course, Jimmy’s loosening sense of morals, the funny moments are harder to spot. That’s lead me to some more somber layouts and color choices.
We didn’t discuss this in our first interview. Which typeface are you using in your posters, or is this custom typography? The main logo and episode titles are set in Sign Painter, from the excellent House Industries.
The Heisenverse is known for it’s color theory and use of color. How has that impacted your color choices in these posters? I’ve kind of adhered to their blue=good/red=bad symbolism, but I also try to balance out colors between episodes and not repeat myself in sequential posters.
Many of your posters (especially ones this season) use a monochromatic, or simple palette of 1-2 colors. Tell me more about why you chose that approach. Is this a signature of your style? I’ve seen this approach in a lot of your work. You know, in the early seasons, I was trying to use simpler color palettes, but I wasn’t very disciplined and I got away from that. I’m trying to stick to a more consistent style in season 4. It is a conscious decision. I also feel like with the week-to-week nature of this project, it helps quickly set apart each poster. And, I really do love limited color palettes. Giving myself color constraints helps me figure out different ways to solve layout problems.
I’ve heard other illustrators say that Bob Odenkirk’s facial features are tricky to capture. Do you share that sentiment? Which characters are more challenging to illustrate? I do agree with that. I had a really hard time with him at first. I kind of think I have a better handle on it now, but I’m always trying to get better. I feel like if you can get his mouth right, it goes a long way.
I found Hector hard to capture both times I drew him. Mike, on the other hand, is just pure fun to draw. Jonathan Banks is so distinctive and iconic.
What’s been the most difficult poster thus far? Why was it challenging? Maybe it’s because a lot of time has gone by, but I can't think of one that stands out as having been really difficult.
Francesco Francavilla did alternate posters for some of his Breaking Bad posters. Inevitably, when artists look back at their work, they consider revising or redoing it because of a variety of reasons – their point of view has changed, their skill/style has evolved, or maybe they were never truly content with the final product. Looking back at 4 seasons worth of posters, are there any that make you want to scratch the revision itch? Yeah, more than I would care to admit. I would really like another crack at Amarillo. I know I could do a better job and that drawing is just super flat. In season two, I decided to to experiment with style and I kind of wish I hadn't. I like Cobbler, but I wish I had drawn it in my normal style. I would redraw Nailed for sure. Oh man, if I start going down this road it's not going to end well, so I'll just stop.
You mentioned earlier this season you were excited to draw Track Suit Jimmy. Who or what haven’t you drawn, that you are eager to illustrate? Howard! It bums me out to no end that I haven't drawn him, but it just hasn't worked out. And I need to include Kim more. It's kind of criminal that her face only appeared for the first time in a poster this season.
What’s your opinion of Season 4? Tell me about your favorites – episode, scene, character. I think season 4 is brilliant so far. The Kim/Jimmy relationship has deepened so much this season, and feels so real, but full of inevitable heartache. Oh, the flash-forward to Breaking Bad’s timeline was amazing. Mike doing his audit in the Madrigal warehouse. Really, anything Michael Mando does on screen. It's hard to pick. I so enjoy the deliberate pace of this show.
Where’s your favorite place to discuss the show? I honestly don’t talk about it too much online, though I lurk in a few places and read a lot. I actually discuss it mostly with my wife!
I know you get this question a lot, so let’s cover it here so folks understand: Do you have plans to sell any of this work online? I really appreciate that people like it enough to want to buy it or hang it, but I don't plan to sell the Better Call Saul posters online. I’m doing this for fun, not to make a buck off the show, and I don’t own the rights to sell it anyway.
What’s next for Matt? Do you have any other poster or illustration projects in the works? Is you band performing soon? I have several more pieces for Gallery1988 shows coming up. I’m pulling together an art show at a local brewery for whom I design all of their labels and stuff. I’m patiently waiting for a t-shirt I designed for one of my all-time favorite movies to be announced. And for the past several Octobers, I spent the month drawing a horror poster per day. I’m not sure if logistically I can do that again this year, but I’ll probably fit at least a few in. We’ll see how it goes. Sadly, with all of my illustration work, I haven’t had any time for music making, but someday I hope to get back to that!
Follow Matt: Web site / Tumblr / Twitter / Dribbble / Instagram / PosterSpy
– Interview by Shayne Bowman, Heisenberg Chronicles
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adorkablegrrl-blog1 · 6 years
Regarding Andrew Blake
So I deleted my last post because it was truly a TL;DR word vomit that made me, personally, seem incredibly manic and disorganized. I was pissed when I was writing it, because I keep seeing AB’s stan, Chris, making comments calling my best friend’s honesty and integrity into question. And, while I feel like everyone in the “Andy Awareness” biosphere has been doing a good job of calling that nonsense out for what it is (thank you @theteablogger​, thank you @kumquatwriter​, thank you @returnofthenecromommycon) seeing Molly and/or Chris and/or any of our friends who interacted with AB dragged in any capacity makes me feel quite stabby. It’s probably the pregnancy hormones that have exacerbated it to the word vomit state... I blame everything on pregnancy hormones right now. As is fair. I am growing a human.
I have pretty much said what I needed/wanted to say about the chronology and facts of what happened with Andy in LA here, so I’m not going to rehash the entire timeline. Besides it’s not my story to tell, really. It’s Molly’s. And, she’s doing a fine job of doing just that. And, I have been assured by her that she is not afraid of or worried about being dragged by either AB or his minions. (I still worry, but I will take her word at that and try to not go Mama Bear on people talking shit about her unless she asks me to.) 
That being said, as a witness to these events, there are a couple of important things I feel like I want to share. These are conclusions I came to after spending an ungodly amount of time going down the Andrew Blake rabbit hole this past weekend to try to wrap my mind around the largeness of this mindfuck of a story which is his life.
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#1: Andy has all the hallmarks of an addict -- in so much as he “lies, cries, and denies.” He lies about his past and present circumstances. He cries/deflects/minimizes to make it seem like he’s a victim of gossip and mean-spirited people projecting their own personal problems/experiences onto his behavior, and when confronted with the truth he denies that he has done either of the previous two actions. He also claims frequently to be reformed with no tangible evidence that he actually is (further signs of an active addict.)
I have intimate experience with addicts. Both those who are active in their addiction and those who are in successful recovery. And, I am here to tell you -- that the number one bedrock, hallmark, tenant of recovery is accountability. You have to be completely transparent about your life, where you are at, your past mistakes, and your present struggles. If you are lying about ANY of this, you are not a recovering addict. If you are minimizing your behavior (past/present) you are not a recovering addict. If you are deflecting responsibility for what you do and have done onto other people... you are not a recovering addict. Andrew Blake is not out of fandom. He is not done with leading cults. He is not done using people for money, connections, concrete daily needs for living. This has been clearly demonstrated by not only how he behaved in the past, but how he behaved with us before we even KNEW his past. And, this behavior was enough to set me on edge (and I only met him IRL twice) and set at least 8 other people outside myself, Molly, and Chris on edge. We were all creeped out by him, none of us wanted him around...  Here is a brief list of 5 major things he lied to me directly about: 1. He said he’d never been to LA before and acted shocked at how expensive living here was.
2. He said he was working “in-house” for the summer for an established costumer who was working on a “big” project. For those not familiar with the industry, that implies he was working in a more permanent capacity, for a film or television production -OR- that he was a staff member at one of LA’s various large costume production houses. That was not the case, he was doing piece work on an “as needed” basis and that alone was not foundation enough to warrant moving to LA for. (Nor was it lined up before he got to LA, to my understanding.)
3. He said he was staying the whole summer with Molly and Chris. Which was not true. As Molly told me, after I questioned her as to why she’d let someone live rent free for three months, that she had agreed to let him stay a week in exchange for a costume commission.
4. He said he had more costuming experience than he did. And, in fact, pointed me to an IMDB page for a different Andrew Blake who is an established costume designer in the UK. (And, my fault lies in believing this, as I didn’t do more than just look briefly at the page and go “oh cool, he has an IMDB page and some experience, he might be good to recommend to [name redacted] as a second assistant or something.” Had I looked more in-depth I would have realized his lie IMMEDIATELY and brought it to Molly’s attention.)
5. He told me he was 23. I believed him. He told me he was a cis-gendered man who was born a cis-gendered man. I believed him. He has a young face. I do not question people’s gender... though it gave me great pause to find out that he was transgender, presenting as cis, making transphobic and homophobic comments to my good friends. And, when confronted with those lies, he has either said “oh no, no- you misunderstood me, that’s not what I said, that’s not what I meant” (gaslighting 101) or directed his minions/stans to try to discredit those confronting him with his lies. This is addict behavior 101. 
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#2 He is SO not out of fandom...
Of course he knew who the Because Science guy was when questioning my friend C about her boyfriend (the Because Science guy.) Of course he pushed Molly to introduce him to the Critical Role cast (including that RIDICULOUS menu he suggested for a dinner party... hamsters and peacocks? JFC.) Of course when he found out that both Molly and I ran close with the Geek & Sundry crowd (Molly still does, I do not convention or comic con or podcast anymore due to stuff) and that we know Wil Wheaton and Stan Lee (frankly, who doesn’t?) he pushed us to make introductions. BECAUSE HE’S NOT OUT OF FANDOM.
It was suggested by one of his stans that he wanted to make those connections because it would bring him costuming work. Um. No. Celebrities have ZERO, zilch, nada, niente, nothing to do with hiring staff at the level Andrew was/is at. Knowing celebrities is only good for two things: 1. Getting into parties, B. Stroking your own ego and sense of self-importance in a very impersonal and tough industry. And, sometimes actual friendship, but rarely. Also one rule those of us who know and/or are friends with famous people follow is that we don’t introduce randos to them, no matter how big a fan, how well intentioned we believe them to be. And, given the stalky-stalk-mcstalkerson-from stalksylvania-ness of AB’s LoTR and SPN fandom scams (and, possibly a Bucky Barnes/Avengers scam? I am unclear how close he did or did not get to Sebastian Stan) -- it’s as obvious as the nose on my face why he actually wanted those introductions. And, that is not only creepy AF, but it is calculated and not at all about getting costuming work.
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#3 He’s NOT DONE with being a cult leader...
Like I said up top (I know, this one is TL;DR, too... Sorry, I have things to say) I went down the Andy Blake rabbit hole this weekend and read as much of the information out there about supernova shitstorm of a life he leads that I could before my head exploded. That includes the incredibly trainwreck-y book that was written about the LoTR scam; Abbey and Diamond’s accounts of their time with them (which ripped my heart out, I cannot even,) and the horrifying account of AB’s involvement in and exacerbation of the circumstances/climate which lead to Brittney’s murder (which is ghastly.)
What I noticed about all these circumstances was a pattern. Specifically, a pattern about how Andy interacts with couples. He finds someone who is kind and has empathy and other good attributes who shares a geeky aspect with him; he engenders himself to them and lovebombs them and disorients them and ingratiates himself into their social circle; he then moves into this person’s real life space; he creates conflict and friction between the person and their significant other or friends, thusly isolating them, making it into a “them against us” situation; and, finally he maneuvers into that that person of importance’s place in his target’s life. He then builds an insular group of people around them who share the “them against us” mentality. And, then the real fuckery begins...
He clearly did this with Abbey, he clearly did this with Brittney, he seems to being doing this with his Chief Stan... and, based on the behavior I observed, he was trying to do that with Molly AND if he hadn’t succeeded he had already decided he was going to move in on the relationship of another couple within our social circle.
This is horrifying to me to consider. Though I am proud of Molly and Chris that they recognized what was going on (before they were told about AB’s actual past and before they realized the scope of his lies.) But, it garners the thought of “what would have happened had he succeeded?” Was he trying to install himself into the LA cosplay scene and create a new cult around some fandom or another? I think he was. He surely targeted the group who he thought most likely to accept or tolerate his nonsense. He didn’t count on the fact that we’re all really close, already, and we are also adults who are pretty established in LA, in our careers, and in “the scene” and we’ve seen enough of this kind of bullshit before (though not on such an epic scale) to immediately throw up red flags when a pattern begins to appear. Where would his manipulations have led had he been successful? I don’t care to speculate other than saying it would not have been good. Which leads me to my conclusion:
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#4 Andrew Blake is still dangerous....
This might seem like a given. In fact, it is a fact. And, though I honestly wish nothing more than he actually was being sincere about his desire to reform his life and start fresh, his behavior -- even in this narrow two week span of time -- belies his actual intentions. Is his pathology a sickness or is it deliberate? I don’t know how to tell. As someone with mental illness issues, I resent him blaming his bad behavior on mental illness, so I don’t think that’s true. Is it possible he is a sociopath or has a BPD that he cannot control? Maybe? But, then again, much of what he has done in the past and present show a particular cold calculation designed to best manipulate emotions and behavior of others. Some are pathetic and transparent (like The Stickening) and some are more insidious (I’ll leave others to detail those instances since I have only heard about them second hand, not experienced it myself.) Further I’m not a qualified diagnostician, so I cannot speculate on his mental stability, other than to critically look at what he has put out about himself.
I will say this, however -- personally, due to a really intense triplet of tragedies, in 2015 I had a complete nervous breakdown. Of which I was totally incognizant, but which was observed by those close to me. They intervened and pretty much strong armed me into treatment. For about a year I had a “care team” because I was considered very fragile and it was thought that I might backslide into my breakdown psychosis. That care team was in weekly, if not daily, contact with me, my husband, my parents, my friends -- and, EVERYONE had a list of warning signs to be on the lookout for that would indicate that I needed more help and support and possibly a medical intervention. And, given my diagnosis (C-PTSD, Major Depression, Social Anxiety, General Anxiety) it required the utmost focus and work from me... I couldn’t even think about making major changes to my life, let alone being social, I was in (sometimes daily) therapy and trying to recover for a whole year before I could even think outside myself enough to make changes to my work, residence, relationships, etc. And, I was never outwardly destructive, but the intervention and treatment was that intense.
I’ve read various pieces around the different blogs about AB saying he has a care team and that he’s being held accountable and that he’s better and in treatment and he’s burned fandom to the ground, etc.... all I know is this: If that is true, and multiple people have “had productive conversations” (and, yes I’m the one who talked for two hours to Chris whatshisname) with people who are supposedly on said care team (though, has someone called the Players about this LA nonsense?) saying they had witnessed troubling behavior patterns that were indicative of a serious backslide.... and the care team haven’t acted on implementing an intervention for him? That calls into question if said care team actually exists and/or if he was or is in any kind of treatment for whatever his problems actually are. Are his problems actually diagnosed or just an additional layer to his “backstory” he made up to garner sympathy? Having been there, done that, got the t-shirt with serious, in-depth mental health care, I’m guessing the latter. It just doesn’t pass the sniff test. Anyhoodle... there are my eighty-bajillion words about Andrew Blake. I am hoping that now that I’ve spit them out I can stop ruminating on his latest fuckery and it’s impact in my group. Mostly, we here in LA are just glad AF that we excised him from our lives so quickly and with such precision. And, we hope that the pro-Andy stans leave Molly and Chris and the rest of our community alone. He ain’t welcome around these parts. If you have questions, comments, please don’t hesitate. Please be aware that any aggressive, mean spirited shit will not be acknowledged. Otherwise this is the one and only Andy Blake specific post I am going to ever make on Tumblr. Because I just don’t have the time or bandwidth for this brand of crazy anymore.
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screwcool-a · 7 years
screwcool’s  timeline.
please don’t rb !
february thirteenth ,   1967 .    nancy  ruth  wheeler  is  born .  she  is  a  quiet  kid .  she  doesn’t  cry  much ,  and  sometimes  to  the  point  that  her  mother  is  worried  if  she’s  alright .     doctors  assure  her  there’s  nothing  worrying  about  it .  some  children  are  like  that .
1971 .  mike  wheeler  is  born .  nancy  loves  her  little  brother .  she’s  instantly ,  instinctively  protective  over  him .  she  sometimes  sneaks  into  her  parents’  room  at  night  to  check  in  on  his  crib .
september ,  1972 .  nancy  starts  school .   she  stands  out  as  a  smart  kid ,  dedicated  to  devouring  knowledge  from  the  very  start .  the  teachers  are  impressed ,  but  to  the  other  kids  she  only  floats  by .  her  existence  is  discrete . she  tends  to  allow  herself  to  become  glued  to  the  month’s  subject ,  and  focuses  solely  on  that .
november ,   1973 .  nancy  becomes  friends  with  barbara  holland .  they  are  inseparable .  neither  of  them  garner  much  attention  from  the  other  kids  their  age ,  and  they  find  a  kinship  in  their  quiet .
july ,  1974 .  ballet  classes  begin .  karen  is  ecstatic  that  nancy  has  even  a  minute  amount  of  interest  in  dance .  but  she  hates  the  feeling  of  performing ,  and  anxiety  mounts  before  every  recital .  she  only  likes  to  dance  in  class ,  or  alone .
september ,  1974 .  nancy  holds  close  to  her  first  ever  secret ,  one  she  doesn’t  even  tell  barb  about  :  she  thinks  she  likes  a  boy .  she  tells  no  one !
april ,  1980 .  nancy  is  thirteen  and  her  white  sneakers  are  scuffed .  she’s  been  getting  better  at  noticing  the  world  around  her .  she  still  loves  school ,  but  is  trying  to  put  more  focus  into  socializing .  she  and  barb  stick  together  and  become  floaters ,  drifting  from  one  social  group  to  the  next .
may ,  1980 .   nancy  sits  at  the  dinner  table  and  plays ,  absent - mindedly ,  with  her  food .  she  listens  to  her  mother  complain  about  one  of  the  girls  at  nancy’s  school  :  laurie  o’leary .  she  heard  from  mrs.  connelly ,  who  heard  from  mrs.  bascom ,  who  heard  from  her  daughter  that  laurie  had  gotten  pregnant  by  one  of  the  guys  on  the  football  team .  THAT’S  GONNA  RUIN  HIM !   mrs.  wheeler  had  spoken  so  surely ,  with  a  false  empathy .  that  girl’s  –––  that  girl’s  no  good ,  is  what  she  is .  nancy  reads  the  word  slut  between  the  lines ,  a  word  she  hears  repeated  in  the  hallways  as  the  kids  at  school  sneer  and  snicker  at  the  newly  ostracized  o’leary  girl .
august ,  1980 .  holly  wheeler  is  born .  karen  is  too  distracted  to  care  that  nancy  has  quit  ballet .
late  october ,  1983 .  steve  and  nancy  go  on  their  first ,  unofficial ,  non - date .  she’s  not  sure  what  it  is ,  but  she  can’t  stop  smiling  when  she  calls  barb  to  tell  her  about  it  right  after .
november eighth ,  1983 .  nancy  goes  to  totally - not - boyfriend  steve’s  pool  party .  she’s  feeling  good ,  and  normal ,  and  like  a  real  teenager  for  the  first  time  in  her  life .  she  feels  good .  she  and  steve  sleep  together .  she  could  swear  she  hears  something ,  something  like  her  name  called ,  but  she  doesn’t  give  it  more  than  a  split - second  of  thought .  she’ll  always  regret  this .
november  ninth ,  1983 .  barb  is  missing .  nancy  knows  this .
november  eleventh ,  1983 .  nancy  enters  the  upside  down  as  she  searches  for  barb  with  jonathan  byers .  she  comes  face  to  face  with  the  monster  .  it’s  a  sight  she’s  never  able  to  erase  from  her  head .  she  remembers  it  in  detail ,  excruciating  and  painful .
november  twelfth ,  1983 .  all  the  right  moves  starring  nancy  the  slut  wheeler .  the  town  knows  her  now ,  as  one  of  those  no - good  girls .  this  time ,  however ,  there  are  no  lines  to  read  between .  kids  can  be  cruel .  later  this  day ,  it  is  determined  that  barb  is  no  longer  missing .  barb  is  dead .  and  nancy  can’t  tell  anyone .  she’s  shattered .
november  fifteenth ,  1983 .  nancy  is  able  to  sleep  for  the  first  time  since  what  happened .  she  gets  four  hours .  she  wakes  crying .
early  december ,  1983 .  nancy  and  steve  get  back  together  after  a  brief  break .  she  buries  her  trauma .  she  won’t  tell  him  it  hurts .  she  won’t  tell  anyone .
february  eighth ,  1984 .  karen  takes  nancy  to  a  therapist  in  the  city .  she’s  diagnosed  with  anixety ,  panic  and  depression ,  and  is  offered  medication .  despite  her  concern  for  stigma ,  she  takes  them .  she  asks  her  mom  to  promise  not  to  tell  anyone .  she  keeps  them  hidden  in  the  top  drawer  of  her  nightstand .
february seventeenth ,  1984 .   nancy  feels  she  should  be  feeling  better .  but  she  isn’t .  it’s  too  early  for  the  pills  to  take  noticeable  affect ,  but  the  slowness  is  killing  her .  her  nightmares  are  horrific .  she  steals  the  old  coffee  machine  her  mother  stores  in  the  bottom  right  cabinet  and  sneaks  it  into  her  room  and  under  her  bed .  she  tries  to  stay  awake  as  much  as  possible  to  avoid  the  dreams .  ignoring  them ,  at  least ,  might  help  a  little .  she  thinks .
june ,  1984 .  nancy  has  been  punishing  herself  for  a  week  and  a  half  now  by  not  taking  her  medication .  she  feels  empty ,  and  lonely ,  and  she  isn’t  sure  why .  she’s  begun  to  distance  herself  from  steve .  she’s  been  convincing  herself  he  doesn’t  love  her .  he  couldn’t ,  anyway .
july  eighteenth ,  1984 .  on  a  particularly  bad  night ,  nancy  cuts  off  her  hair .  she  reclaims  herself .  or ,  she  tries .  it  proves  a  failure ,  and  she  sits  alone  in  her  room ,  crying .
october  thirtieth ,  1984 .  barb’s  parents  have  hired  an  investigator  to  look  into  her  disappearance .  they’re  moving ,  too .  nancy  feels  as  though  she’s  responsible  for  their  strife .  it  feels  strange  not  to  be  able  to  tell  them .
october  thirty - first ,  1984 .  tina’s  party .  nancy  and  steve  fight .  nancy  backs  out  and  jonathan  takes  her  back  home .
november  first ,  1984 .  steve  and  nancy  break  up .  while  talking  to  jonathan  about  what  happened ,  nancy  gets  an  idea .  
november  second ,  1984 .  the  pair  purposely  get  caught  by  the  lab  and  record  a  confession  of  the  lab  being  responsible  for  what  happened  to  barb  and  will .
november  third ,  1984 .  nancy  and  jonathan  seek  out  the  help  of  murray  bauman ,  private  investigator  hired  by  the  hollands .  they  release  a  simplified  retelling  of  the  truth .  she  thinks  she  should  feel  better .  she  doesn’t .  nancy  and  jonathan  sleep  together* .
november fourth ,  1984 .  nancy  and  jonathan  return  to  hawkins  and  meet  back  up  with  steve  and  the  kids ,  then  the  adults .  they  work  together  to  defeat  the  mind - flayer .  nancy  and  steve  have  little  closure .  nancy ,  jonathan ,  joyce ,  and  will  go  to  hopper’s  cabin  to  heat  the  mind - flayer  out  of  will .  here ,  nancy  stabs  will  with  a  hot  poker .  
mid - november ,  1984 .  the  lab  is  closed .  nancy  still  doesn’t  feel  complete .
late november ,  1984 .  barb’s  funeral .  nancy  attends  with  jonathan  and  steve ,  both .  she  thanks  steve  for  coming ,  awkwardly ,  and  then  distances  herself  from  the  both  of  them  for  a  week  or  so  afterwards .  she  doesn’t  want  to  talk .
december fifteenth ,  1984 .  nancy  chaperones  the  snow  ball  with  jonathan .  she  and  dustin  dance  together .  she  feels  a  little  better .  like  things  could  change .
january ,  1985 .  things  have  not  changed .
may ,  1986 .  nancy  graduates .  she’s  been  accepted  to  columbia  college  in  new  york  city .  she  attends  for  biology ,  on  a  scholarship .
november ,  1987 .  nancy  declares  a  second  major ,  journalism .
february ,  1988 .  nancy  distances  herself  from  the  few  friends  she’s  made  and  focuses  on  her  work .  she  begins  researching  real  cases .  her  schoolwork  starts  to  suffer .
april ,  1989 .  nancy’s  first  article  is  published .  it  details  a  government  facility  in  albany  and  its  mistreatment  of  local  workers .  she  fails  in  linking  the  disappearance  of  a  local  twelve  year  old  to  the  facility .
november ,  1989 .  nancy  drops  out  of  columbia  and  pursues  leads  on  government  conspiracies .  her  classmates  condemn  her  and  any  remaining  friends  try ,  and  fail ,  to  talk  her  out  of  it .  she  leaves  new  york ,  alone .
1989  -  1997 .  nancy  publishes  multiple  articles  under  various  pen  names .
september ,  1997 .  nancy  publishes  her  first  book .  it’s  under  her  own  name .  it  details  her  experience  in  hawkins .
february ,  1998 .  realizing  she’s  being  followed ,  nancy  begins  to  compile  research  on  every  article  she’d  ever  written .  she  plans  to  expose  anything  and  everything  she  can  that  condemns  the  government’s  mistreatment  of  its  citizens .  she  begins  covering  up  her  tracks  more  determinedly .  people  who  had  been ,  up  until  now ,  in  some  form  of  contact  with  her  lose  her  completely .  she  isolates .  she  travels .  she  sneaks  into  labs  much  like  the  one  of  her  childhood .  she  seeks  to  uncover .
july ,  1999 .  nancy  returns  to  the  midwest .  she  resides  in  chicago .  she  begins  getting  in  touch  with  every  contact  she  has  to  create  backup  plan  after  backup  plan .  she  won’t  give  it  up .
december  first ,  1999 .  they’ve  found  her .  nancy  knows  it .
december  thirty  first  ,  1999 .   nancy  ruth  wheeler  is  shot  and  killed  on  the  streets  of  chicago  after  having  been  in  hiding  for  a  few  years .  the  motive  remains  unknown  and  no  police  put  in  the  proper  effort  to  find  the  culprit ,  but  people  close  to  her  know .  they  can  feel  it .  they  could  hear  it  in  her  voice  when  she  finally  called  them  from  payphones ,  haphazard  and  final  conversations  which  were  spoken  with  an  air  of  caution .   the  people  she  loved ,  who  loved  her ,  know .  she  was  right  ;   they  were  always  watching . 
* i follow show - canon unless ppl want to discuss another option! if you want to hear why, feel free 2 ask me.  will be adjusting as new seasons come out!
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sciencespies · 4 years
Beyond exits: Entrepreneurs look back on forming and selling space startups
Beyond exits: Entrepreneurs look back on forming and selling space startups
In recent commercial space acquisitions, founders largely have remained with the businesses they established or moved on to form new space companies. Two exceptions are Roccor co-founder Doug Campbell and Scott Larson, who co-founded UrtheCast and Helios Wire. Both men left the space sector entirely after their startups were acquired.
Campbell, in fact, was the only Roccor executive to leave when the Longmont, Colorado company was purchased in October by Redwire, a venture established in June to roll up a number of smaller space companies. Campbell, who served as Roccor CEO until 2018, now works full time as CEO for Solid Power, a firm he founded in 2012 to develop solid-state rechargeable batteries primarily for automotive applications.
“Redwire wanted to preserve the existing executive management team,” Campbell said. “I was just the board chairman. They didn’t need me anymore.”
Larson departed the space industry in 2019 after EchoStar paid $26 million to acquire internet-of-things startup Helios Wire. Larson now serves as interim president of Draganfly, a Canadian drone manufacturer established in 1999.
If Redwire executives had approached Roccor with an offer to buy the company and replace its entire executive management team, “I don’t think we would have pursued that,” Campbell said.
Instead, Redwire proposed buying Roccor and allowing the firm to continue to operate, while Redwire executives explored opportunities to bolster Roccor’s business by leveraging products and services from the firm’s other portfolio companies. That made the proposal appealing, Campbell said.
Scott Larson, UrtheCast and Helios Wire co-founder. Credit: Courtesy Scott Larson
Larson is less wedded to the businesses he helps establish. Larson co-founded Helios Wire in 2016 shortly after stepping down as CEO of UrtheCast, a company he founded in 2010 with his brother Wade Larson.
“From my personal standpoint, it’s always about creating value in the near term or the long term,” Larson said.
Initially, UrtheCast focused on sales of medium-resolution stills and ultra-high-definition video imagery captured by cameras mounted on the International Space Station. Later, the Vancouver-based company developed an extensive geospatial data and analytics business after acquiring the Deimos Imaging Earth-observation business from Spain’s Elecnor and buying analytics firm Geosys from U.S. dairy company Land O’Lakes.
UrtheCast stock traded publicly on the Toronto stock exchange between 2013, when it went public through a special purpose acquisition company, and 2020, when UrtheCast filed for protection from creditors to avoid bankruptcy.
Helios Wire was an internet-of-things startup whose claim to fame was priority mobile satellite system S-band spectrum. Helios Wire planned to use that spectrum to help customers track and communicate with billions of devices worldwide.
“We had a choice: to stick with it and keep moving along the business plan or sell and give the return to the shareholders,” Larson said. “The shareholders made the decision to sell Helios Wire to EchoStar and they were thrilled with it.”
Although Roccor’s exit turned out well for Campbell, he’s not tempted to establish another space startup.
“Roccor took advantage of the fact that there was not an incumbent supplier base for small satellite constellations,” Campbell said. “There was no Boeing or Lockheed Martin or equivalent in that medium place between big geostationary satellites and little cubesats.”
Now that the small satellite market has become more crowded, Campbell suggests would-be entrepreneurs build startups around innovative technology like the next-generation batteries Solid Power is developing for the automotive industry.
“Make sure you’ve got a strong competitive edge,” Campbell said. Without an attention-grabbing product, attracting customers takes a long time in the space industry, he said.
The lengthy timelines also help explain the relative dearth of space industry exits. Earth observation and communications companies seeking to establish their own constellations can devote many years to the task of developing, manufacturing and launching multiple satellites.
Even geospatial data analytics firms are not likely to be purchased or to become publicly traded until they garner significant revenue, which takes time because customers still are identifying promising applications for the products, Larson said.
“Irrespective of some of the buzz, the hype, the excitement that comes along with space, it’s still a relatively new industry,” Larson said. “From the NewSpace side, it might be 10 years old. UrtheCast was one of the original ones along with Planet Labs and Skybox Imaging.”
(Google purchased Skybox Imaging in 2014, renamed it Terra Bella and sold it to Planet in 2017.)
Another obstacle to speedy exits is cash. It takes significant capital to build a space business.
Andrew Aldrin, director of the Aldrin Space Institute and the International Space University. Credit: Aldrin Family Foundation
“Companies that are building hardware to generate data from space live in a tough world,” said Andrew Aldrin, director of the Aldrin Space Institute and the International Space University Center for Space Entrepreneurship at Florida Institute of Technology. “It still takes a long time, there’s a lot of technical risk and frankly the margins on the hardware side of the business aren’t all that great.”
Firms developing space-related software and applications tend to offer more rapid returns for investors, Aldrin said. “The information side of the business looks a lot more like a business you expect to see in Silicon Valley,” he added.
For Aldrin, that dichotomy raises concern that investors will shun hardware startups in favor of more software-centric space companies.
Since space investments may not produce profits on the timelines needed to attract venture capital, “we need to find more patient capital for the hardware side,” Aldrin said.
Fortunately, patient capital is beginning to flow into the industry. Aldrin points to Voyager Space Holdings, the Denver firm established in 2019 by space angel investor Dylan Taylor to make long-term investments in the space sector.
Voyager acquired satellite servicing company Altius Space Machines in 2019 and space technology firm Pioneer Astronautics in July. In November, Voyager announced plans to acquire The Launch Company, an Alaska-based provider of rocket and spacecraft components, and ground equipment for launch sites.
In addition, private equity firms and holding companies Redwire, Amergint Technologies, Bradford Space and Noosphere Venture Partners have signaled their intention to continue to acquire space companies.
Major corporations are offering another form of patient capital. Raytheon Technologies’ announced plans in November to purchase Blue Canyon Technologies, a small satellite and spacecraft component manufacturer based in Boulder, Colorado. Industry giants Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman also have acquired and invested in space industry startups and small satellite suppliers.
“I think that’s a tremendously positive development,” Aldrin said. Between corporate investment and holding companies, “you’re starting to see more patient capital.”
This article originally appeared in the Dec. 14, 2020 issue of SpaceNews magazine.
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jnanajanani · 5 years
MIND...to have or not
Lately I've been keenly aware of the different "layers" of my mind/ego. Sometimes it feels to me like there are a couple of different people living inside of me. It makes me think of the old American tv show called Herman's Head. Ha ha…I think that show was ahead of its time! At any rate, thankfully the various voices in my head usually aren't in conflict. Mostly there is experiencing and observing going on. I've never been a big proponent of the teachings that say "Kill the ego, the ego is the enemy, etc." I've always known that this ego/mind is what gives us our experience here as humans, through the senses. For a while I thought about whether we could extract the "practical" mind from the part that creates all the stories and attachments that then creates suffering. And to a certain point it is helpful to look at it in this way so we understand that we aren't throwing the whole thing out and becoming non-functional beings. But as I go deeper and deeper into it, I realize that I can't really separate it at all.
I see now that my desire to separate it comes down to continued resistance of completely being with what is on all levels of being. This, too, is deeper than it may sound. I've gotten to be pretty stable with accepting exterior situations as they are and understanding that in the moment I may have a reaction, but I can let that pass through relatively quickly now. What I have recently been made aware of is that I still have resistance to more subtle interior happenings...thoughts & emotions that happen throughout the day beyond in-the-moment experiences. And if I “try” to rid myself of these then I potentially risk losing the experience of the moment…of life. Being as energetically sensitive as I am, I often "pick up" on collective or individual energy that is in the field. Some of my resistance probably comes from this as it was too stimulating as a child and young person. So I learned to ignore or numb out from it. Most of the time I can now recognize when there is a disruption in my field and can let it pass through, but sometimes I question it and wonder if there is some latent energy of my own that has come up. Sometimes the thoughts and emotions last for minutes or hours and then I feel "fine" again. (Given my age, 50, there are also hormonal waves to add to the mix so that adds to the fun as well🤪) My initial reaction is to stabilize it in whatever way necessary: divert my attention, be aware of my breath, sleep (or in my 20s & 30s have a glass of wine or 3). But now on top of the emotional layer there is this observer layer of sort, and this is what has garnered my attention. I spoke with my teacher about this...about my concern around these thoughts and emotions that I know aren’t necessary and I don’t feel attached to them, yet they still persist. I questioned whether I could get rid of these. His advice: Be It. Be it 100% at all times.  What? I am already present. I don’t fight what “is” in the moment. How do I “be it” more than I already am? And this is when it hit me...being present at the level he is suggesting is beyond what I for so long have been working towards. It’s so much more of an inside job than I’ve been able to let myself experience. Can I experience every moment with every change and still have an underlying current of stability intact? I realized awhile back that emotions need not have outward expression although they must be allowed to flow through me. I’ve mostly experienced this in situations in which there’s been a “trigger” of some sort. Now, I see that it has begun to happen at many other times…a constant state of observation while there are simultaneous other thoughts and emotions.
I can use the common image of the sun to help clarify. The sun is always there, shining brightly regardless of the clouds, the planes, the birds that fly through. It doesn’t stop shining even when a planet moves in front of it, it continues to shine at full force. There is no denying that these birds or planes are in the path of the sun’s rays, but it doesn’t divert, it just allows them to pass through. It may affect what we see from this level (rain, clouds, eclipse) but it has no effect on the sun itself. This analogy is often used in meditation…and when it is lived then we begin to understand that meditation is a natural state, not a technique.
I’ve also learned on this path that the question of “how do I do that?” is somewhat irrelevant. There are some things we can use techniques for, and these will help you to progress through physical ways (see my many writings around pranayama & the nervous system, etc.) but when it comes to the mind, the sure path for me is to just wait for it to happen, to shift on its own. And, in my experience, it does…quite probably not on my preferred timeline, but it will. And now that my awareness is there I can skillfully use my mind to keep it focused…not rigid focus but undistracted.
I realize that my lifestyle is more conducive to this kind of internal work than most. It’s a deliberate choice on my part. I have things I need to do every day, and when I have visitors here I need to stay attentive to them, but in general I have no excuse to not be constantly aware of my internal world. This is why I’m here, the reason for this chapter in my life. So here I go, a larger awareness of the ego and its many aspects, held steady in compassion and love.
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debrahnesbit · 5 years
What Comes Next for Canadian Digital Policy Under a Liberal Minority Government?
In the closing months of the last Liberal majority government mandate, I spoke to a government official about the lessons learned from the prior four years. Their response?  If we knew then what we know now, we would have moved much faster on policy. The four years moves very quickly and if you don’t manage to lay the groundwork and introduce proposed legislation within the first 12 – 24 months, it becomes very difficult to enact given competing policy priorities, demands on committee time, Senate review, and a myriad of other challenges.
As I think about what comes next for Canadian digital policy under the new Liberal minority government, those words strike me as more relevant than ever. Even if the government runs more like a majority than a minority (which certainly seems likely on digital policy as no one is forcing an election over privacy or wireless pricing), the same ministers return to their portfolios (which may or may not happen) and the same committee structures return largely unchanged (which will not happen since that INDU chair Dan Ruimy was not re-elected), picking up where the government left off in June will not be easy. Further, the Liberal platform provides the roadmap for future reforms, but moving rapidly on these issues – particularly given expectations that a minority government’s mandate may run shorter than a majority – suggests that quick wins will be preferred to extensive legislative reform.
So what are likely next steps on digital policy?
During the election campaign, I wrote an op-ed comparing the Liberal and Conservative proposals and discussed the various platforms on my podcast in a conversation with OpenMedia’s Laura Tribe. There are at least six areas of potential focus with considerable overlap between them: telecom and broadband, privacy, culture, tech company regulation and taxation, copyright, and international policy.
Telecom and Broadband Access
The telecom file garnered considerable attention during the campaign as most parties (Conservatives excluded) took turns promising to lower wireless and Internet costs. I also wrote an op-ed on wireless policies, summarizing the Liberal plan as:
Meanwhile, the Liberals launched their own proposal over the weekend with a promise to cut prices by 25 per cent over the next four years. Rather than relying on price caps, the party says it plans to work with the carriers “to offer plans comparable to global prices, plus an unlimited family plan”, create new competition by mandating wholesale access for new mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) that pay for access to existing networks but offer their own pricing and plans, and set-aside future spectrum to make it easier for new entrants to enter the marketplace.
The op-ed identifies several ways to make the plan more effective, including greater certainty on the telecom policy direction, fully opening the market to competition, rejecting new fees on wireless and Internet services, and use affordability as a foundation for telecom policy.
The likely outcome is that the government will wait for the CRTC’s MVNO process to take shape and monitor pricing data over the next 24 months. When combined with reform recommendations from the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel (report due in January 2020), the government is unlikely to introduce major changes until for at least one year, likely two. It will be too late for a major overhaul by that time, but assuming change is desired, quick wins would include expanded MVNO competition, the 3500 MHz spectrum auction that is viewed as essential for 5G implementation, and naming a new CRTC chair in 2022 when the term of current chair Ian Scott comes to an end.
As for broadband access, the Liberal approach is well established with programs designed to provide funding for rural broadband initiatives and a commitment to universal, affordable broadband access by 2030. Given the timeline, major changes from the current path would be a surprise.
The Liberal platform identifies its Digital Charter, introduced earlier this year, as the basis for future reforms. The Charter envisioned privacy reform post-election, including changes to consent standards, stronger enforcement, and data portability. The platform also promises a new Data Commissioner, though it remains unclear how that role would intersect with the federal privacy commissioner.
While the document provides a reasonable starting point for discussion, further consultation seems likely before any new bill is tabled at the House of Commons. Indeed, the best case for privacy reform would be for formal consultations based on the Digital Charter to wrap up by the fall of 2020 with legislation introduced before the end of the year. Privacy reform can be contentious, however, and slipping into 2021 is a distinct possibility. If that happens, there is a real risk that the legislative clock will run out on the bill before it can be enacted as heavy lobbying on virtually any significant reform is a near-certainty. Should that happen, pressure from the European Union on the adequacy of Canadian privacy law is likely to intensify.
The Liberal platform devoted a specific section to culture, promising to strengthen the CBC’s regional mandate, open up the CBC digital platform for journalism startups and community newspapers, and increase Telefilm funding. Yet the most important – and likely contentious issue – involves Internet companies:
move forward, in our first year, with legislation that will take appropriate measures to ensure that all content providers – including internet giants – offer meaningful levels of Canadian content in their catalogues, contribute to the creation of Canadian content in both official languages, and promote this content and make it easily accessible on their platforms.
This commitment is notable for the inclusion of a timeline (first year of the mandate), who it covers, and the flexibility in the requirement. While something is coming in the first year – the government will presumably wait for the final report from the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel in January 2020 before acting – the specific language is somewhat ambiguous, stating it will ensure meaningful levels of Canadian content, contribution to the creation of Canadian content, and promotion of that content. Further, it applies solely to content providers, thereby excluding Internet and wireless providers from its ambit.
Companies such as Netflix could argue they already meet these standards given that they offer considerable Canadian content, spend hundreds of millions on productions each year in Canada, and promote that content on their platforms. It goes without saying that cultural groups would like the government to ignore data that indicates record investment in production in Canada and to mandate commitments that go far beyond current expenditures in the form of contributions to funding programs. There is a risk in doing so, however, since the USMCA might allow the U.S. to retaliate with measures of “equivalent commercial effect.”  The net effect could be hundreds of millions of retaliatory tariffs or measures against Canadian goods and services.
Tech company regulation and taxation
As I noted during the campaign, the Liberal platform marked a dramatic shift in approach to technology companies, shifting from an emphasis on innovation to regulation. The platform features several technology regulation proposals, including a promise to introduce new legal requirements “that all platforms remove illegal content, including hate speech, within 24 hours or face significant financial penalties.” The policy, which borrows from similar rules in Germany, is intended to put pressure Internet platforms to more aggressively remove online content. The platform also promises greater labour protections for people who work through digital platforms, though most of those workers will fall under provincial jurisdiction.
The Liberals have also promised to address taxation, though their proposals also provide some flexibility. The platform commitment states:
make sure that multinational tech giants pay corporate tax on the revenue they generate in Canada. We will also work to achieve the standard set by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to ensure that international digital corporations whose products are consumed in Canada collect and remit the same level of sales taxation as Canadian digital corporations.
According to the Parliamentary Budget Officer costing exercise, the corporate tax proposal would take effect on April 1, 2020 with a three per cent tax on targeted advertising services and digital intermediation services with global revenues of over $1 billion and Canadian revenues of more than $40 million. This would cover search and social media services, but the scope of “digital intermediation services” is uncertain. For example, it seems unlikely to cover a content provider such as Netflix.
As for digital sales taxes, those are likely coming but only after international standards are developed. In fact, the Liberal platform commits only to working with the OECD to establish a standard, not actually implementing digital sales taxes.
Copyright did not figure prominently in any major party platform and only made an appearance in the campaign toward the very end with the CBC’s ill-advised lawsuit against the Conservative Party. The lawsuit is unlikely to dissuade parties from using copyright works in their campaign materials, but may succeed in demonstrating the importance of a robust fair dealing provision in the law. Indeed, expanding the fair dealing provision was one of the recommendations of the copyright review.
Having just completed the review, the government is unlikely to prioritize major reforms early in its mandate. The review recommended many reforms (as well as further study of some issues) but a copyright overhaul would be difficult in a minority government environment. In fact, the most notable copyright issue may arise from the potential ratification of the USMCA. Should that trade deal proceed, Canada has two years to implement copyright term extension with the prospect of adopting innovative approaches that meet the treaty requirements and safeguard large portions of the public domain by instituting a registration requirement. That approach would be consistent with the copyright review recommendation and will receive attention as the deadline for implementation gets closer.
International Policy
The Liberal platform references several international policies that intersect with digital issues. As noted above, there is a commitment to work with the OECD to develop global standards on digital sales taxation. Similarly, the technology company regulation rules around content moderation and takedowns are derived from international discussions with countries such as Germany, France, and New Zealand.
In a commitment that would bring a smile to my late colleague Ian Kerr, the Liberals also promise to support a ban on lethal autonomous weapons:
take a leadership role in ensuring the ethical use of new technology, by developing and supporting international protocols to ban the development and use of fully autonomous weapons systems;
The commitment is consistent with its earlier emphasis on ethics and artificial intelligence. While there is much work to do to bring other countries on board, it suggests that Canada hopes to play an important role in developing emerging global technology policies.
The post What Comes Next for Canadian Digital Policy Under a Liberal Minority Government? appeared first on Michael Geist.
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