#the other will still be updated soon
occasionallyprosie · 7 months
So both have a part two with an alt prompt, so...
The fics in question...
A Song On Repeat: A time loop fic where Time teaches Legend the Song Of Time with little intention for Legend to ever use it, but he does. The update will be an aftermath chapter w/ some angst.
Hiding Behind Plaster And Ceramics: An early LU fic where Legend, in all his avoidant attachment glory, avoids attachment by being a jerk. He gets sick and Twilight(Green Link) finds out that Legend is actually the Red Link from Hytopia(Triforce Heroes). The update will be a continuation.
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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💖🎊the end, & thank you for reading!!🎊💖
im so thankful for all the support i got on this story, and i wouldn't have finished it if not for all of you, and for the love i got for seb and clora. so thank you again for giving me the motivation to write this 600k+ monster, and to see it through to the very end. LOVE YALL💖🫶 (ao3/wattpad)
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yet another little Treat for myself! do i have a problem? maybe!
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charbies · 27 days
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hey what's up uhhh I'm back here's a lil update about it
things are way better since my previous, very bleak & emo post last year. I want to thank every single person who took the time and care to send so many messages to my inbox wishing me well, it gave me much needed validation and outside perspective so thank u ❤︎₊ ⊹❤︎₊
I ended up taking a much longer medical leave and got to reset, reflect what was going on with my health, career, etc. Realized I wasn't just burning out, but that stuff going on there was an active trauma reigniting old trauma from when I was younger, so, not a super healthy environment and no wonder I couldn't keep hacking it
but a lot of beautiful things have happened lately in spite of the chaos: I got engaged to the person I so completely love. became fully independently licensed as a therapist. Had a birthday. Made quality time with new and old friends and mentors. Bought my first car. Made so much art.
A lot of things are getting better, I'm getting my life back
Soo now I hope to bring more stuff here semi-regularly and get back in touch with everyone here on tumblr dot com. Thanks again for giving me more to look forward to ദ്ദി・ᴗ・)✧
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manasurge · 8 months
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Got Mourynn's first fullbody ref done! (I mean first as in chronologically). Not much to say here, just getting some early year fullbody refs done so I can have them to start on some scenes and lore stuff (just gotta finish her Orchid outfit next since that's her main Sapling outfit before she makes her own custom one). I'm also not used to drawing this small so I messed up the face a bit, on the side there, but oh well.
Below the cut is just the line art and the transparent that I'm hoping will work properly on her Hero Panel profile on Toyhouse:
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door430 · 5 months
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mercenaries update! it's time to put the children in jail
these goofs are downloadable! take any sprite folder and put it in the Desktoptale custom folder to get these silly little rascals for yourself!
Application used: Desktoptale
Sprites: Made by me
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smilebug · 2 months
the context of the 4th and 8th image on your recent post.. im begging.. what is it.. snarls
oops forgot about this ask + the tags on my most recent post asking for context 😳 thanks for everyone's kind messages btw!
I'm assuming you mean the third and eighth images, since the fourth is just some painting studies I did a while ago. those... are for a very special modern au I've crafted with my partner 😁
in those comics I drew, jesse is a lonely lumberjack who spends his time essentially as a hermit, and lukas comes into his life by agreeing to work for him, starting out as complete strangers to each other and slowly becoming friends as they only have the company of each other out in the wilderness.
after they become very close, several months after lukas first moves into his cabin, jesse sends him out on a job to collect a bundle of wood in the snow, in the middle of a blizzard. when lukas sets out to do the job, he slips and his leg falls through the ice of a lake, which is EXTREMELY dangerous and could've resulted in frostbite. he's in a lot of pain, but still sets out to finish the job that jesse assigned him to.
so he pushes himself through it, limps home with the wheelbarrow full of wood, and barely makes it inside with a soaked, freezing leg, and jesse loses his SHIT at the sight of it. immediately feels horrible for having lukas still finish the job instead of just coming back home, takes his pants off, tries to warm him up so he doesn't lose a leg, apologizes, and uh. yeah they bond. it's cozy in his house, warm by the fire, and quiet while jesse softly scolds lukas for still coming back with the wood, but thanks him for it anyway. just them alone in the woods, together, with totally no romantic tension in the slightest at all whatsoever 🤫❤️
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wraenata · 1 year
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Pillow attack courtesy of the @tapakah0 army
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I missed the battle. I passed out under the pillow. Sorry :(
(Thank you for the pillow attack though!)
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blueesnow · 3 months
(6/6) Kurusu Syo's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Syo)
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-Waterfront Park- Syo: One two, three four, five six, seven eight…! Haruka: Was that…Syo-kun! Hello, were you doing an exercise? Syo: Oh, Haruka! I'm in the middle of training right now. An idol's body is their biggest asset y'know. Syo: Not to mention I also have work that required a lot of physical ability next time so I need to go and build up my strength for now. Haruka: As expected of Syo-kun, you're all ready and set! Syo: What are you talking about, thing like this is quite normal y'know. How about you? Looking at your luggage, were you on your way back from work? Haruka: Yeah, I was just about to go back to the dorm… hm? Syo-kun, it looks like your shoelaces are about to coming undone. Syo: Oh, thanks. …There you go. These sneakers are getting pretty worn out huh. Syo: These one has been my favourite and I've been wearing it for a long time, though I guess it finally reached its limit huh. The heels are also quite worn out too. Haruka: But… just because of that, it's proof that they had been walking on the same path together with Syo-kun, right? Haruka: I'm sure these sneakers are happy to know that you have been loving them for so long. Syo: That's a great way of thinking! Likewise, thank you for always taking care of me, my sneakers. Syo: Alright. I guess I'll finish my training for now and go buy something to carry on this guy's legacy. Haruka: I hope you have another wonderful encounter once again. Syo: Of course! Oh yeah, if you don't mind would you be willing to accompany me to go shopping right now?
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Syo)
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-Waterfront Park- Haruka: Is it okay to go with me…? Syo: Yeah, I'd like to hear your opinions as well. Ah… but if you have other plans feel free to say no, okay? (choices) <I want to go!>Haruka: I'm free right now, so let me go with you! Syo: Is that so, I'm glad. Thank you for lending me your important day off. Syo: After we're done, let's go grab a bite and eat something delicious on our way back home. <If you're okay with me> Haruka: If you're okay with me then it'd be my pleasure. Though I don't know if I might be of help to you… Syo: As long as we're having fun choosing it together, then it's okay. Syo: If I went there all by myself I might get confused and just choose similar things, so having you come with me really helps me out! (back to story) Syo: All right. Let's go back to the dorm first and put our things away, we'll meet by the gate soon okay! -Shopping Mall- Syo: …Oh, there it is! I was wondering if this brand's latest model would be good. Haruka: Oh, it's the brand of Syo-kun's favorite sneakers. Syo: They look so cool~ This one… Oh this one also looks good too. You know what, let's try them on. Tell me what you thought about it, okay! Syo: First…it's this one! What do you think? Haruka: It suits you so well! I think it really highlights Syo-kun's personality when you wear them. Syo: Hmm this one might be good! Well then for the other one… Oh, this one feels much more slender and stylish than before. Haruka: Wow…this one is cool too! Somehow it kinda brings out a different atmosphere of Syo-kun than usual, giving a fresh impression. Syo: Fresh huh, it might be good too. Ahh I'm confused on which one to choose. If it comes to this….Haruka, you decide! Haruka: (It's a big role…! Buf if you just look at Syo-kun's expression then the answer is only one.)
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Syo)
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-Shopping Mall- Haruka: To me… it's the sneakers on the left side! Syo: Oh, these? Can I ask you the reason why you choose this one? Haruka: If I'm to be honest…it's because it perfectly matched with Syo-kun's smile. Syo: …I see. Well then, I decided. I'm going to buy this one that you choose! Haruka: Wah, is it okay just like that? Syo: Yeah. I'm happy to hear your take on it. Somehow it resonated within my heart. Syo: Before I make other people happy, I have to make myself happy first, right! Haruka: That's right. I think all of your fans are always being encouraged by Syo-kun's cheerful appearance. Syo: Hehe, thanks. And of course the fact that I choose this with you is also part of the reason too. Syo: When I remember about what happened today, I feel like it'll give me strength to take the first step forward. Syo: And once you see that side of me later, I hope you feel something and gain an inspiration from it. Syo: I…really love the music that you made. Wouldn't it be great if we inspire each other? Haruka: Syo-kun…to think that's how you thought about it. Thank you so much. Syo: You don't have to thank me! And besides, since I said all of that, I really have to show you my cool side later along with this guy. Syo: During training and even on important matches, I'll be going to rely a lot on you okay. So let's get along well from now on, partner!
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Syo)
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-A Hill Overlooking The Sea- Syo: Oh…Haruka! Over here! Thank you for coming here today. Haruka: Likewise, thank you for inviting me out too. Haruka: To think that the job that you mentioned before that use physical ability was actually a CM shoot for a sports brand. Syo: I was chosen as the PR character for it. And guess what, it's the brand of the sneakers you and I went shopping for before! Syo: And then, they told me that it was okay to use my own shoes for today's filming. That's why… Syo: Look, it's the sneakers that you chose! I've been wearing them for today. Haruka: Wow…! As I thought it fits perfectly on you. Syo: Thank you! I also took a liking to it. Well then, I should prepare to do a warming up first. Syo: That's right Haruka, can you help me out a bit? I need you to push my back so that I can bend forward as far as I can. (choices) <Well then… here!> Haruka: Well then, here I go…! Syo: Whoa! Haha, that's good. That really stretch me up. Syo: Alright! I'm getting fired up! I'll be counting on you for the next one too! <I'm going to push it a little okay> Haruka: It'd be a problem if you were to get hurt, so I'm going to push it just a little okay… How about this? Syo: It's okay, you can put more power into it y'know. If it's like that then I can't properly stretch my body. Syo: Just push me like you're about lean your body on me! …Oh, this one feels great! Keep it going around this pace. (back to story) - Syo: …Phew, my body feels limber and flexible now. Thanks, you really help me out! Haruka: I'm glad I could be of help. Good luck on the filming! Syo: Right, I'll be going now. I'll be done with a bang!
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Syo)
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-A Hill Overlooking The Sea- Staff: We're going to shoot the action scene first, and then we'll add the voice afterward. Feel free to run and fly away! Syo: I understand—! …So I just need to go past the two obstacles and then jump onto the mat at the end. Alright. Haruka: (The obstacles are actually pretty high, I wonder if it'll be okay… Oh, they finally started filming now) Syo: Here I go~… Take this—!! Haruka: (Wow, what an incredible jump strength! But, the next one is more higher than before…!) Syo: I'm not done yet! Let's go with all of our might and strength! Just one more… Ha!! Syo: …All right, I did it! That felt really great…! Haruka: (…I got so absorbed in watching him that I even forgot how to breathe. Syo-kun, you're really amazing…!) - Syo: Oii, Haruka! DId you see that just now? Haruka: Yes, totally! Syo-kun, you look really cool! Syo: Thanks. It's all thanks to this sneakers that you chose for me, it gives me all of the strength to do that jump. Haruka: I'm happy that I'd be able to help. But… I don't think that's the only reason why the filming turned out good. Haruka: I believe that all of Syo-kun's daily efforts up to this day had contributed to today's result! Syo: Hm…you're right. I also think that I'm glad that I have been training my body consistently too. Syo: Although I might look like this now, but in truth, I used to have a weak body when I was young.
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Syo)
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-A Hill Overlooking The Sea- Syo: It's hard to imagine it now right, that I used to have a weak body. But, I used to get hospitalized quite often when I was a kid. Syo: I was shocked when I saw Hyuga Ryuya on the TV for the very first time. He's really strong, and shining very brightly. Syo: At that time I thought I really wanted to be like that someday, it's something that I admired. And that's the story how I started aiming to become an idol. Haruka: (So that's how you thought…) Syo: There were actually a lot of things that happened before I got here, but now I'm doing a job that requires a lot of physical ability. Syo: Well… I still didn't get taller. But it's because I'm like this that I want to show people of my cool side. Syo: I'd be happy if I could become an existence who can give courage to someone, just like how Hyuga Ryuya did to me in the past. Haruka: Syo-kun… Syo: Ah, no… What's with me getting all fired up on this talk. Syo: Sorry, I ended up talking a lot by myself. It was boring, isn't it. Haruka: No, I think the fact that you're able to speak openly and express your passion is very cool! Syo: I-Is that so…? Well, how do I say this. Um…thanks. Syo: It's because you were here that I was able to work really hard for today. If you don't mind, would you come and see me on my work again? Haruka: As long as I'm not a bother to you, then it'd be my pleasure. I want to see Syo-kun shine brightly again. Syo: It's a promise, okay. Alright, I'll do my best on my next job as well—!
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flamboyant-king · 5 months
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Howdy, I'm still alive. Not many drawings lately, but a lot of ling fun time. I just wanted to share my crafts hehe
My niece had fun playing with the ling plushies, I taught her about the goolings, and she drew Wiwi a couple times. I made her a Wiwi plushie and I'm gonna make a Lewling and a Hoardling too since she really wants her own. Makes me happy. That's what they're made for to make folks happy.
But sewing is so tedious 😵‍💫
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fedoraspooky · 4 months
In case anyone's wondering, one of the things i've been doing freelance-wise is illustrating for a TTRPG book! I got to do a cameo of ST1X for an upcoming game based on ol' deviantART OC tournaments, so if you'd like a sneak peek of that and several years worth of other secret drawings (mostly Kilroy-related but there's other ocs too!), it's available in my $5 tier!
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thefirstknife · 2 years
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The only two on screen kisses! First one is Ana and Camrin from the Warmind comic. Technically on screen, but not in-game.
It's interesting how these are the only ones. Not even Zavala and Safiyah got this. LGBT+ community stay winning.
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bilbao-song · 10 months
secret rocker santa participants needed!! (11/20/23)
don't worry this is probably the last post of this nature for the year, but u know the drill: currently we are most in need of fans of following musicians and bands (or even just people with a passing interest in them):
⁃ jimi hendrix ⁃ simon & garfunkel ⁃ the beach boys ⁃ fleetwood mac ⁃ the eagles ⁃ tom petty
everyone is welcome (the only requirement is that you’re a fan of some kind of music from roughly the 50s-90s) and there’s plenty of time left!! these are just the ones that so far seem like they’ll be the hardest to match, which means more fans signing up would be very helpful :^) if you or your followers fit this criteria, please consider reblogging this post!
remember, sign-ups are open through november 28th and anonymous messaging begins december 1st :-)
➜ more information about secret rocker santa ➜ F.A.Q. page ➜ sign up here! (or here if you’d prefer to stay on tumblr)
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
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yesterday in vocal synth news
#art#traditional art#fountain pen ink#virvox project#mizusawa takuto#voicevox#ia#cevio#voisona#also miku is there technically kind of. shes down there#sorry im not a piapro or vocaloid user i was more focused on the other things LOL#looks neat tho! im very curious about the kaito and meiko remasters#i was always tempted and curious but im not a huge fan of the weakness of their v3s compared to their v1s#so i hope we get some demo videos or something soon. or if not i hope in a month people post lots of videos LOL#also intrigued by miku nt update and v6 ai. i have no interest personally in using miku but im sure it'll be interesting#gumi and galaco v6 sound pretty good in my humble onion so im very curious#but anyway. back to ME hjkfsjhjrfds im so excited for takutos voice#itll be cute seeing all the little skits the japanese fans make and for me specifically you KNOW im gonna get on that song shit#im gonna make.... the most bizarre boyband on earth. there is some manner of catboy. and a 50 year old man. it'll be great#maybe i'll remake the yume no tobira cover hee hee#and ia.... oh baby ia.... im so happy you have no idea man i have been WAITING FOR THIS. okay please dont kill me for this but like#highkey i dont really care for her original v3 LOL its not bad or anything i just find a lot of v3 fem vocals sound like the same person#and this was painful for me because like im a gigantic lia fan. i dont need it to be a 1 to 1 recreation or anything but like#i was always so bummed out how thin ia's voice sounded. it felt like a bit of a waste how much the v3 noise removed all lia's warmth#and like the depth of her tone. and like it sounds fine. she sounds like a slightly more operatic miku when people tune her high and breath#which is very common and that sounds fine. but like i still felt like auauuuuuuuuhhhhhhh nothing i loved about lia's voice is there#cevio 1.0 was a step up it brought back a LOT of warmth (although you had to really push up the alpha to get the depth)#and while i personally dont hate the cevio 1 noise its nice to have a version that no longer sounds underwater <3#she sounds so rich now.... i still bump up the alpha a bit because i like lia's deeper work a lot LOL but its wonderfullllllllll#so good so so so so good im obsessed. yesterday was truly an Event for vocal synth news
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poxy-domain · 9 months
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patiently awaiting castle village drop .... og pic under the cut
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tv1xx · 9 months
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HIiiiii. I’ve been busy the past couple of days, classes start for me soon and I am picking up more hours at my current job, I head back to college tomorrow but I promise I will pick the content back up as soon as i adjust to my schedule and when invincible airs again (if ever lol). I’ve also been learning Pro Create tips and Im actually getting used to this app now compared to how clueless i was last year. I decided to draw Atom Eve and make a full colored line art drawing. (Shocking,,,,rare,,,,,) Im pleased with how this turned out. I was going for a cute anime style. Anyways, I just wanted to hop and say hi. Im alive. Hope you guys are awesome. Have a good day/night :3. Enjoy!
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