#the past few months i've just been like. damn i want a wedding
jonathanrook · 6 months
i take back everything i've ever said i want to get married so fucking bad
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queers-gambit · 2 years
One Sunrise at a Time
prompt: you have news for your husband.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 7.4k+
note: last in the series, my heart. got a thing for making 'bad boys' simps for their ladies - that's great shit right there. author has had too much coffee and can feel her heartbeat in her eyes.
warnings: cursing, mild angst, Daemon's a shitty husband and a dumb boy, but he's also a simp so super OC!Daemon, um, more baby-making smut, talk of difficult fertility journey, let's all run away from our problems.
previous: part five: Bright Light
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Three years after your wedding night, and you still had not given your husband an heir; leaving a small divide between you both. You knew it stung at his pride that his seed will not take, and you grew worried that you were past your prime to bare children; where you both felt an obligation each month to couple, wait for results, and speak little.
By every God did it drive you insane. You wanted to be close to him, but Dameon busied himself while you took up post as 'Master of Whispers' for the King.
After 'the incident' that followed rumor of her virginity, he took your ear often to speak worries to you. And the young servants and orphans of the city passed word to you of their findings, dubbing them your Little Birds that like to tweet in your ear. You filtered what passed unto the King, wanting to take your Lord husband's ear, but was scarce in his appearance, and little did you get to his counsel.
However, you remained in Kings Landing for those three years, and you could tell it was wearing at Daemon's already limited patience. You passed time with Princess Rhaenyra, who you became quite close to in your time, and during court season, you still sponsored your step-sons; adamant on finding them suitable wives.
This season was going favorably, and Kase was courting Lord Stark's second daughter while Jamie was courting the young, but beautiful, (only) Lady Caldwell. You heard nothing from the Ladies Aline and Jocey, but you worried not for them, because Kase gave you every update possible. He liked taking afternoon teas with you, and you knew you'd miss him most.
"Mother!" Kase grinned, finding you in the gardens. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"
"Oh, whatever for, my dear boy?" you asked gently, knowing damn well what the lad wanted.
"Might you... Accompany me?"
"Into the city," he nodded with a growing grin, bouncing on his toes to swish his long, dark hair around his face. "I need to visit the jeweler."
"I'm going to propose," he grinned, making you giggle and clap your hands.
"Oh, my boy! This is so exciting!"
"Oh! Isn't it!" He beamed with you, taking your hands tightly in his. "And I need your help picking a ring, mother."
"Of course," you nodded, "just let me stop off at my chambers, I will get money for the ring."
"No, I've plenty - "
"No, no, you're going to let me pay, and we're not going to let expense be a barrier. Please, I will do the same for Jamie," you whined. "'S no fun being a Princess if I can't spoil you."
Kase nodded, "Let us go now, I want to be back by sunset."
"When are you doing it? When are you asking?"
"I'm asking her father for permission tonight, I want to show Lord Stark the ring first. You know, show I can provide for his beloved daughter," he explained, making you nod with understanding. His arm was then offered to you as escort, whisking you away to your chambers, and when you both burst through the door in a fit of giggles, he straightened up first.
Your eyes cut over to see Daemon idling by a table, the Grand Maester at his side. "Oh, right," you breathed, turning to Kase, "love, go to the foyer, I'll meet you there in a few moments."
"Are you sure?"
"I forgot, but this is a prior commitment," you smiled, giving his forearm a squeeze. "Go on, I'll be right there."
"I'll wait with the guards," he nodded with assurance, offering a nod to the Grand Maester. Then, "Prince Daemon," and he was bowing out of the room, closing it behind him.
You sighed gently, nearing the pair with your fingers twiddling nervously. "Is there any change?" You asked diplomatically to the Maester.
His old eyes shot between both you and your husband, "Well, I ran the tests, just as I usually do..."
"Is there any change?" You repeated firmly.
"No, Princess. Not this month, apparently..."
"Right," you nodded, waving him off, "then we are adjourned. Something is... Wrong with my womb," you hesitated to admit, feeling jarred by the notion as Daemon would not meet your eyes. So, you stared at the quivering Maester.
"Well, we could try other methods," the Grand Maester explained, making your throat bob. "I can bring a list of options later, or we can go over them now, if either of you are prepared to hear them?"
"No, later will be fine," you assured, sniffling after, and clearing your throat. "Thank you, Grand Maester, again... That will be all, thank you," You moved for the door, opening it with meaning; the old man glancing at your husband, who remained quiet, and did not look up from the table's top.
"My Prince," the Grand Maester nodded, shuffling out of the room, "Princess."
"Thank you," you whispered again, the door shutting firmly after. You did not look at Daemon as you moved for the safe you kept, drawing a velvet draw-string bag of Gold Dragons to your possession as Daemon remained stoically still.
"Where are you going with that?" He asked, eyeing you wearily.
"We agreed to pay for Kase and Jamie's engagement rings, did we not?" You asked gently.
"Right," he nodded. "Kase is ready then, is he?"
"He is."
You paused before deciding on changing your shoes, finally bucking up the courage to speak as you did so, "I'm sorry, you know."
"What for?"
"For being unable to give you a child," you admitted meekly, staring at the laces you did up tightly. "I did not - if I knew, I would not have - I would not have married you."
"No," you answered definitively, tying off the laces of your boots before standing and settling your purse to your person. "I will understand if you do not wish to continue this marriage with me, as you were anticipating a healthy, functioning wife."
Your bitter, vile words marred your face as you hastened for the door, but his hands were like a stranger's grabbing your upper arm. You gasped lightly as you turned almost in shock, back against the door as he looked down at you with something akin to anger.
"Why do you speak such words?" He asked in High Valyrian.
"Because it's true, isn't it?"
"You are deeply mistaken," he shook his head, "because nothing about your ability to bare me children has ever influenced my want to marry you."
"That is laughable, for you fuck me like it's a chore, barely share my bed, only half-way look at me, and have been avoiding me like-like-like the plague, or something! As if I have Grey Scale!" You emotions tipped and tears filled your eyes, cascading past your waterline. "As if your mind is far from your body, and Gods only know where that is!"
"Sweetheart - "
"No, I needed you!" You sobbed. "I needed my husband, and it was like you couldn't even look at me! Be in a room with me! Share my bed - hold me in your arms! My God, Daemon, when was the last time you told me you loved me?"
His mouth opened before his brows furrowed, expression falling, "I fear I do not know."
"See?" You sniffled. "It's like I am not here, like we are not truly married, and my heart hurts, Daemon. I do not want this for us, so, if this is the grounds you use, being that I am barren, then use it, and cut us both free. I'm sorry. I really am, Daemon, please, I did not intend for this to happen. I did not know."
"Please, do not apologize to me, and let me offer my own," he shook his head, shame taking his features. "I have no excuse for myself - "
"Are you here now?" You begged.
"Yes," he swore.
"Then come with us to pick a ring, spend the day with me, please. I miss you so much, I am so fucking sad and by Gods, do I feel so alone."
"No, I am here now, pet," he promised. "I'm so sorry I was absent, but I'm here, I'm with you. I'm so sorry. Fuck, my dove, I'm sorry you feel alone."
"I'm sorry I'm not pregnant," you whispered, your hands moving to press to your empty womb; his hands laying over yours.
"No matter what is to pass, you are everything I need, and more. Everything I need, all I have ever wanted. Look at me, please," he asked quietly, forehead resting on yours as your eyes slowly rose - forcing them apart. "I have loved you everyday I've known you, and nothing will change that. No child will make me care more or less for you, because you're perfect for me, poppet."
"I don't want to be alone..."
"We will never be alone," he promised, kissing your forehead. "The Grand Maester will bring us options..."
"I want to give you a natural child," you whimpered.
"The Gods will decide, but for now... I could stand taking my duties as husband a little more seriously. You have felt unloved and I took vows to never let you go a day like that - I will resolve this."
You nodded, lifting your hands to pet over his chest, "Please just stay with me today. I feel like a fucking failure - not only as a wife, but as a woman."
"You are fare from a failure," he swore, switching back to the Common Tongue to prove how serious his words were.
"Then why can I not give you a child?"
"Because the Gods have not deemed it so," he sighed. "I am disappointed, yes, but nothing makes me love you less. I'm sorry I've neglected you."
"Be with me now, maybe buy me something pretty, and all is forgiven."
"Deal," he agreed with a small chuckle, sliding his hand over your cheek. "I love you. Fuck, dove, I love you so much."
You nodded, tears still falling, "I love you, too. So much so, Daemon, that being away from you hurts. As annoying and pathetic as that might be."
"Hey, no," he hushed you gently. "Never again will you know that pain for I will not be the cause of it any longer," he promised, pressing a searing-hot kiss to your salty wet lips. "Now, when is Jamie proposing?"
"I don't know yet, we're worrying about Kase today," you nodded, nuzzling your nose to his.
So lead to Daemon preparing for your day, lacing your fingers together as he escorted you to the foyer. Kase was waiting patiently, smirking when he saw the pair of you approach, "Ha! I knew it."
"That he would be joining us," Kase grinned now. "Everything's good now?"
"Yes, we are resolved," you assured. "And we're dedicated to finding you a ring, so, shall we?"
He sighed, "She deserves something pretty. You know?"
"Pretty is a great start," you smirked, Daemon's hand tightening. "It's what Daemon's going for today, too."
"Yeah? You're in the market?" Kase wondered.
"For anything my wife wants," Daemon nodded, leading the way out of the Red Keep. "She's been without something new for far too long."
"I want to be able to do that," Kase sighed. "Like, my wife's sad? I can just up and buy her a new ring, or necklace, or whatever, and she's okay."
"In all honesty, I'd be happy with flowers from the gardens," you chuckled, "but my husband is dramatic, Kase, and likes to spend money."
"Only on you," he assured, tugging you in closer. "So, Kase, any idea where to start?"
"Something shiny?"
"Oh, he's helpless," your husband teased, to the enjoyment of your step-son.
"So, tell me," Kase muttered when you finally stepped off castle grounds - half a dozen Gold Cloaks at your flank, "what news did the Maester bring?"
"I am not pregnant," you admitted with indignation, trying to remain passive - as if this whole situation didn't cause your skin to crawl.
"Yet," Daemon tacked on with encouragement, "because in truth, lad," he told Kase, "I have not been as diligent in my duties as a husband as I should be."
"We don't fuck nearly enough - but that is set to change," he eased with a smirk; you hand smacking his stomach playfully.
"Well, you actually don't spend any time with me," you pointed out, feeling silly admitting it aloud. "Might we... I don't know, move along to another subject? How are matters with the Lady Stark, Kase?"
"Well, Jamie and I spoke of it, and if the Ladies agreed to it, have a duel wedding here with you before we return home. My Lady's father gifted her a small stead near Winterfell... I think we might move there after the ceremony."
"And Jamie?"
"Would still be Lord, only, married, and no longer in the capital," Kase paused to consider, "with very little reason to return to this city."
Pointing that out seemed to set you off some, though you did not let it show. The idea was that both lads were to marry this season, and Daemon was antsy to escape Kings Landing for across the Narrow Sea seemed like a terribly convenient coincidence. Daemon's been more than gracious to let you linger as you did, but now that the truth was tangibly verbalized about your boys leaving and not returning, Gods, did it sting!
Daemon and Kase asked one another a few questions back and forth in further effort to know one another, your feet and lower back starting to ache. Perhaps you were to start your cycle soon...
Time through the city drug only because it was evident Kase was 'forcing' time between you and your husband by going the long routes through market stalls. By the time you arrived at the jewelers, all 6 Gold Cloaks were holding items bought because you had so simply as 'gazed fondly at it.'
And he was even worse in the jeweler, though you talked him down to only one item - be it a ring, or heavy necklace, so solid gem broach... With reluctance, Dameon agreed, and the pair of you focused on helping Kase make his decisions. Your husband advised he simply go with whatever spoke to his heart, but it was evident the lad was becoming overwhelmed.
So, you stepped up, and together, pieced together what he thought would be suitable for his bride-to-be. Daemon watched with a smirk, gazing over other options for anything he found intriguing for you, but paused when Kase exclaimed, "AH-HA! YES!"
"Kase!" You scolded.
"Sorry, sorry," he winced, looking from you, to the jeweler, then to Daemon, "sorry. I just... I think I found the one!"
"Let's see it, lad," Daemon nodded, clasping the young Lord's shoulder and looking at what he held. "Befitting for a young woman so beautiful as your bride. It will do nicely - yes, we'll take it," he assured the salesman.
"Gems are imported from Qaarth."
"Where before?" You wondered.
"No idea," the man admitted. "But it's real nice, yeah?"
"It is, please, set it aside for us," you nodded to the man, then pointed to a pretty, solid gold necklace that held a plaque that looked as if it could be carved into. "And might I see that, please?"
"Course," the man mumbled, and the necklace was produced for your hands to examine.
"If I gave you script, could you engrave this for me?"
"Anything you'd like, Princess," he nodded in agreement.
"I'll send the instructions with a lad later," you smiled. "We'd like those two items - might we settle the debt now?"
"If you'd like, of course."
"I'd like to, yes," you nodded from the salesman to your Lord husband. "Daemon? Love?"
"Right," he sighed, pulling the money pouch from his belt after fearing that if you carried it, it would encourage violence against you. "What's the number then?"
As the two talked price, Kase was beaming as he examined his ring choice - glancing at you, and making you prompt, "She'll be blown away."
"Mhm," you assured. "It's a beautiful selection, she's going to just die when she sees it. And her father will not think you lowly, but capable of providing for his daughter."
"But what if... What if I can't?" Kase mumbled, turning to you. "What if I screw up so bad, it can't be fixed, and she leaves me - or whatever have you!? I fear I am only a second son and hold no land or titles, but that my brother does, and so long as he draws breath, I have nothing..."
"No, no, just that I want to be with the Lady Stark - even on her homestead, if it means being away from you all... But what if I ruin it?"
"You won't," you spoke with assurance.
"So quick to - "
"I know you, Kase, get out of your head," you advised as Daemon paid that debt owed. Kase sighed and thanked the jeweler, following Daemon from the shop, after you.
The entire walk back through town, Kase worried he wasn't good enough for Lady Stark - and Daemon was far too amused when the boy asked him for help. Daemon's solution? To take the lad to a tavern, but you weren't sure.
"C'mon, Mum, it'll cap off a great day," Kase encouraged. "And we can get drunk! It's a win-win!"
You chuckled, "You're aware of what we've on our person?"
"Yes, yes, but no one would dare cross the Prince of the City!"
Heaving a sigh, you glanced around to the Gold Cloaks. "Can we trust you to bring this all back to our chamber and lock the door?" You asked them, handing over the engagement ring but Kase lunged for it.
"Oh, hell no," you snapped, taking the ring and pointing a warning finger, "I've been to enough taverns in my life to watch men gamble away whatever be in their pockets - and I will not jeopardize this ring! It's going to our room to be locked up, hmm?"
"Well," he looked nervous.
"I trust these men," Daemon nodded, "and if they choose to steal from us, or to vary from whatever my wife asks, they know the extent to which I will take to punish them."
"Oh, Daemon," you swatted at him, "you do not need to threaten everyone!"
"How would they know I'm serious?"
You sighed, handing the ring over. "Please?"
"Of course, Princess," one of the guardsman assured. "You've a key?"
"Yes, you can lock it, I've a way in for us," you smiled lightly, nodding as they took their leave. "Are we sure?" You asked Kase and Daemon.
"About the tavern? Yes - c'mon," Kase groaned, tugging you forward as Daemon quickly swooped in behind you. The tavern was relatively lively for the middle of the afternoon, but you were not one to offer judgement as Daemon was greeted calmly, happily...
Like you would a friend.
Your hand found his quickly out of nervousness, lacing together as Kase went for the bar to open a tab and Daemon secured a table by shooing off the residents of the back corner booth.
"Look here, position is everything," he mumbled, guiding you into a seat with him beside you; stuck like glue, "and from here we've the advantage."
"Should we even be here?"
"We're all right," he assured softly. "But if you are uncomfortable, my dove, we will leave."
"No," you sighed, peering around him to the bar, spying Kase talking with animation to the bartender, "he looks excited. But do you frequent this bar?"
"I do," he nodded. "'S why I brought us here, the security is under my payment right now... But I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What would that be?"
His fingers gently pinched your chin, sighing almost sadly, "How would you feel about leaving Westeros?"
"Not just Kings Landing?"
He nodded, "I'd take us across the Narrow Sea."
"Oh," you breathed, nodding slowly. "Well, that's something... When do you want to leave?"
"After the lads are married, so, the end of the season?"
You worried slightly, "Is that enough time?"
"We've three months, dove," he nodded, petting down your cheek, "and in truth, we've no more attachments here... Let us leave," he breathed against your lips, puckering his to kiss you. "Let us be done, we'll get away from the city."
"See the world?" You smirked some.
"I'll take you wherever you want to go," he nodded. "Maybe getting away from the city will give us the stress-free environment we'll need to conceive a child."
"You think that's our issue?" You sighed, lacing your hand with his to lean your chin on his shoulder. His own head tilted to caress your forehead.
"Perhaps," he alluded, "but we still have to hear the Maester out."
"Come on, pet, there's hope still," he nodded, kissing your forehead. "And perhaps we see the world instead," he chuckled some, "I don't think I'd mind that. Traveling the world with you?"
"What if we have children?"
"Wouldn't you want your children to have dragon eggs?"
He sighed, "We can talk logistics later, but yes, I would... It is their birth right," one of his arms was around your back, the other flattening his palm to your stomach. "The Gods will bless us one day."
"But no harm in practicing?" You teased, leaning up to peck his lips quickly. "I fear it's been too long since I've loved you properly, husband."
"Make that my burden," he shook his head, glancing up as his hips shifted when one of your hands laid on his thigh, "and I will make it up to you when we get back - ah!" He hissed when you boldly palmed his crotch before casually settling your arms at his hips when Kase returned to the table, carrying two jugs of ale and three cups stacked on his head. "Devilish woman," he mocked in your ear.
"Here, here!" Kase laughed, setting the jugs down as he dodged around to keep the cups on his head.
"Kase - good Gods!" You laughed, helping him.
"C'mon, we're here for a good time," he laughed in return.
"Are you drunk already?" Daemon perked a stoic brow, but you saw the mischief stretch across his face as a smirk.
"Yes," Kase nodded rapidly, pouring the ale for you all. "The lads at the bar were happy to hear of my impending engagement!"
"Oh, sweetheart," you chuckled lightly, giving Daemon's thigh a squeeze - making him jolt a bit - but Kase didn't notice because you asked, "sure they weren't hitting on you?"
"Really? On me?" He gaped, taking his seat finally, gulping his ale. "No, no, no, it was... No, it was harmless!"
"Mhm," you smirked.
"They were kindly!"
"Okay, okay!" You relented, "So, we are celebrating this afternoon. Is there something you want to talk about?"
"Yes," he slurred, "why won't her father give his permission?"
"Wait," you perked up, "did you already ask?"
"Mhm, weeks ago," he waved off between gulps of mind-numbing-ale. "But he said no, but let me continue to court her... So, I thought the ring would show I am the man for her!"
"Oh, wow," you nodded from under Daemon's arm now tossed around your shoulders, "well, that's, uh... Wow..."
"Lad, you've nothing to worry over," Daemon assured, "because there is no other for his daughter, hey? Obviously it is a love-match, and she is adamant on her end that he's not been able to force her to court others. He will not limit his daughter's happiness, yet I would argue you were smart in thinking the ring would help."
"You think it will?"
"Yes," Daemon nodded.
"Hmm," he considered, skulling his drink in full. Daemon chuckled in your ear, nuzzling into your neck, as if three years of slowly drifting apart hadn't been overcome in an afternoon at the jewelers. Your mind began to drift with ideas of how to get him back, and as Kase was enraptured with telling a story, you started to slowly palm Daemon's growing bulge. You felt his thighs tighten, but his throat bobbed to keep his cool - eyes set on Kase's overly animated storytelling movements.
"Dove," Daemon warned under his breath when you pulled the strings of his trousers loose.
"Sh," you cooed, sliding your fingers along his girth to reposition and give a few slow tugs with the table being the only cover between his bare cock and prying eyes.
His breathing shifted but he kept his cool, your hand needing to keep at an angle to protect his cock from the under belly of the table. Kase had shifted his attention half to those who would listen, Daemon's jaw steeling - hips sinking into the seat to keep from bucking. "Oh, fuck," he whispered, stifling a groan.
"Good boy," you purred, giving his shaft a squeeze as his tip leaked. "Always a good boy for me, hmm?"
"Yes," he panted, head bowed to yours again - and to anyone looking over, they would think twice about bothering you. "Just for you."
"Don't cum, save it for my cunt," you switched your tongue to High Valyrian. "Hold it, my Prince."
"Enough," he growled, literally smacking your hand away and instantly tucking himself back into his trousers. Nobody paid you any mind as he stood and gathered you from the booth, then hoisting Kase's arm over his shoulders. "Come on," he told you, "hold onto me."
Your hand latched onto his belt as he had full-hold of Kase. The tavern had grown in patron numbers, forcing a part in the crowd for you as you moved. On the street, Kase started singing, and Daemon kept a wobbly hold on him. When you return to the Keep, luckily, you didn't run into anyone important on your way to deposit the Lord in his chambers - you returning to your chambers, and finding the door locked and all the shopping left in the room.
Good, everything was where it should be.
You were sorting through the day's shopping when Daemon returned, who was then instantly on you with his mouth open to your neck; hands bunching up your skirts as his swollen cock was rutted into the round of your arse.
"Daemon," you gasped, hands bracing on the mattress of your bed as he finally gained access to your cunt, groaning in satisfaction when his fingers met your wet hole.
"I need this," he panted, yanking his cock free to run up and down your slick, and then push in. You both gasped in relief, your chest falling to the bed as his pressed to your back; humping into you as you let him take you as he wanted. "Wanted you in my mouth first but fuck - I couldn't wait."
"Harder, Daddy," you begged, clutching your sheets with desperation.
"Yeah, that's right, fucking beg for me," he encouraged, lifting off of your to piston his hips almost painfully. "Yes, my dove, fuck, take it all. Make me a Daddy, please, please, dove. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck - "
"Fucking cum in me, please," you begged, "I need it - I need to be full."
"Keep talking."
"Let me make you a Daddy, please," you yelped, whining into the sheets before yelping when his hand slapped over your arse cheek. "Fuck me harder, please, I need it so bad!"
"Take it then," He barked, one foot up on the mattress for leverage, hands wrapped around your neck and into your hair. You whined wantonly as he grit his teeth and jack-hammered forward into you with desperation. "FUCK!"
He came with a shout, coming to a standstill as his balls emptied into you; leaving him to rut boyishly into you as his lungs stuttered for air. You were panting as well, letting one elbow hold you up as the other reached up to pet over his cheek. "Someone can't last like before, hey?"
"Oh, you wicked woman," he laughed lightly, breath fanning across the back of your neck before his face was nuzzling there. "Got me worked up in public - I'm surprised I lasted that long." You laughed in return, your legs shaking slightly. "On the bed, pet. I don't want you off it for the next few days."
"Daemon," you whined when he pulled out of you suddenly, legs giving way with a small whoop of surprise.
"I got you," he rushed, catching your body; arms tight around your waist to gently pull you up with him. "Easy," he smirked, "if you're feeling it now, you're in for a long weekend, my dove."
"Gods," you laughed, pulling yourself onto the mattress. "You know, we're going to have to talk..." He sighed when you turned to face him, his fists propping him up on either side of your hips. "Can't just hump our way through this."
"We can't?"
"I know," he sighed, dropping his forehead to the crook of your neck. "But what is there to say? Besides I am sorry..."
"I fear that if we leave, you will become distracted. My love, we do not have allies outside the Capital City, and I could not bare your same behavior in strange lands."
He sighed, pausing to pull back and pull the rest of his clothes off; stepping out of his boots, too, before reaching for you. He focused on pulling your dress and boots off, almost weakly palming your bare breast before speaking, "I have not been a very good husband, and I know that now, and I cannot apologize enough. But I can try to rectify the situation, and to do that, I suppose I could try harder to prove I love you."
"I know you do," you sighed, leaning back to your pillows, guiding him with you as you took under the covers. "But what happened to us?"
He sighed, deflating into the pillows beside you and pulling you into his chest. "In truth, pet... I fear it is me who is the problem of our infertility..."
"What?" You wondered, looking up at him, confusion knitting your brows together.
He sighed, "Ah, my dove... There are written accounts that sometimes, fertility issues do not fall upon the woman only. Sometimes... It can be the man who struggles to sire an heir."
"Oh," you breathed, pushing further into his embrace. "No, my love, I do not think it's you."
"No - "
"Love, look at me," you frowned, titling his head down towards you. "Sometimes, when a woman takes Moon Tea for an extended period of time, it can... I don't know, alter the state of her womb."
Daemon winced, "If I waited, you wouldn't ever have had need to take the tea..."
"Okay, are we going to go in circles about who's fault this is? Or accept it for reality?" You sighed. "What're we going to do if we don't have a family - and what if we do?"
"It's to be figured out as we go," he sighed against your forehead; cradling you closer. "I just want us gone from the City, my dove."
You sighed, "Then swear to me that you will not put me through this again."
"I'm going to show you I can be the man who deserves you," he swore, leaning in to nuzzle your nose. "No talk of dramatic means; I am yours, and you are mine."
"Would you be honest with me?"
"Of course."
"Have you been visiting the taverns and brothels?"
"Only the taverns," he frowned. "There's been many a night I find myself waking in the stable after drinking far too much."
"Ah, sweetheart..."
"I know," He groaned lightly, readjusting. "Come, nap with me."
You pouted lightly, "You don't want to fuck me again?"
His head, which was settling on your chest, shot up in shock as he eyed you almost wearily. "Really?"
"Fuck," he whispered, leaning up to latch his mouth onto your own - leading into another frenzied baby-making session.
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Months later, you had married both of your step-sons off, and within days, Daemon had approached you regarding your departure.
He made no move to explain to his family where he was heading, choosing to instead latch your shared belongings to Caraxes' saddle as if to just disappear. But as fate would have it, when you approached him with confidence to hand off the last of your rucksacks, you were startled when Caraxes swung his head around to look at you with a great, heaving, cocking-with-curiosity head.
"D-Daemon?" You worried, hands held up in defense as the dragon's muzzle neared you; giving a great heave against your stomach. "Daemon, what is happening? What's he doin', love? Oh, this feels strange, what do I do!?"
"It's all right, you're all right," Daemon soothed, coming behind you to pose as a backboard as the scaly beast nuzzled into you. The power behind the movements jostled you some, but against your husband's chest, you were better secured.
"What's he doing?" You wondered again with greater fear.
Daemon's hands moved to hold over your hips, peering over your shoulder to watch the great beast breath against your belly. "Dove?"
"Hmm?" Your hands were still held up in defense.
"Have you bled this month?"
You paused, glancing up at him slowly, "Not to my knowledge."
"Last month?"
"No... I don't think I remember my last cycle," you admitted, looking up at him with widened eyes. "Does this mean what I think?"
"He's protective of you," he pointed out, sighing after. "No use in getting our hopes up right now. You've been to the Maester, yes?"
"Yes," you nodded, Caraxes growling when Daemon tried to pull you back. "O-Oh, okay," you sighed, gently holding his head to placate the beast, "okay, all right. Shh, shh. Okay, there yah go."
Daemon finished tacking the saddle, watching the pair of you for a moment longer than he would've usually allowed. Something stirred in his gut, and for some reason, he pondered, "What if we left in the morning?"
"Daemon," you sighed, "a single night makes no difference. We want to cross the Sea before night fall, yes?"
He nodded, "One last night here..."
"What are you hoping to achieve?"
Daemon again neared you, glancing up at Caraxes, whilst the beast purred. "There is a feeling I cannot shake."
"What feeling?"
"That we are missing something."
"Not per se," you sighed, patting the underside of the dragon's chin. "What do you think we're missing, love?"
Your eyes closed when Daemon's forehead met your temple, a beat passing, before he admitted, "An egg..." His hand slid across your lower belly to cradle it, "for the babe?"
"Daemon, you just - I'm not - look," you sighed through your nose, feeling frustrated, "it's been over three years, and it's not happened. Perhaps we just let nature take course, yes? Stop trying so bloody hard?"
He sighed, dare you say it, sadly.
"Give us tonight... Let me search for any eggs Syrax might be hoarding..."
You sighed, shifting on your feet. "Everything's packed already."
"We'll make do for the night," he tried.
"If I agree, might I go nap? Or do you want me with you?"
"No, you go rest," he nodded, pressing a kiss to your temple. Yet when he let go, Caraxes whined and had to be held at bay while you made your way back to the Keep. Though, while Demon descended into the Dragon's Lair, you rushed for the Maester's chambers to pound rapidly.
"Princess!" He gasped when he opened the door to your tearful face.
"I-I need another test, Maester..."
"My Lady, it has been months since our last exam - "
"Hence why I need one now," you frowned, wiping your cheeks of tears. "Please."
"Of course, come in, come in," he ushered you, moving about his chambers to prepare his tools and herbs. You gave urine, blood, and spit; waiting impatiently as the Maester prodded around your stomach, ran his tests...
And by the end, he was blinking in near shock. "Well?" You demanded, exhausted by the long day of tests - but you knew Daemon would not be back for hours more.
How wrong you were - but first, the Maester turned with tears in his aged eyes. "M-My Princess... You are with child - without a doubt. I'd wager some eight or nine weeks in? Perhaps ten," he nodded, consulting his exam results. "Yes, just shy of three months, probably when we stopped our exams, yes, yes... Have you had symptoms?"
"I don't... Know?"
"All right," he sighed, "your blood?"
"I cannot remember my last cycle," you admitted with a nod.
"Some," you shrugged.
"Mood swings?"
"Well, perhaps no more than usual..."
"And have you any pain in your breasts?"
Sighing, you shrugged, "They are tender, yes, but that's not..."
"It is," he nodded softly. "But I'd wager you're ten weeks in, you'll start to notice your belly swelling soon."
You blinked a few times, "You're sure?"
"I'm sure."
"I'm pregnant...?"
"You are."
"I'm gonna have a baby?"
"Finally," he teased gently, smiling brightly at you. "What joyous news, Princess."
"Well... I... I do not know what to say," you whispered, feeling panic swell in your chest. "M-Might you send for my handmaiden? H-Her name's Mary, please, Maester, I am feeling overwhelmed."
"Just breathe," he nodded, moving for the door to send for Mary. As you waited, he lead you through breathing exercises; trying to quell your worry before Mary was bursting through the door.
"What's this?" She worried, rushing forward.
"I-I am pregnant," you told her, taking her hands tightly, "an-and I fear I am panicking."
"Do you want me to get your husband?"
"He's in the Dragon's Lair."
"No? I swore I saw him making for your room," she cocked her head, squeezing your hands. "Why are you panicking?"
"B-Because I am not - I do not - for fuck's sake, I don't know in full, but I am scared."
"Of what - "
"Of the birth!" You yelped, tears filling your eyes. "My Gods, they whisper about the Targaryen Curse but I thought it was just me - and that I could not bare children. But now... Fuck's sake."
"Okay, breathe," the Grand Maester advised. "This stress is not good for the baby, you'll have to take that into account the next few months, as you grow the babe."
"Fuck's sake," you snapped as you wept, latching onto Mary as she shot a glare at the Maester.
"Yes, okay, thank you!" She snapped, waving him off. "My Lady, listen to me," she sighed softly, caressing you in comfort, "you are not of Targaryen blood, and that can yet work in your favor when carrying a Targaryen child. Ease your mind, my Lady, you are not doing yourself favors with this stress."
You tried to calm down, but she was still petting your hair as you wept. But then, something in your mind snapped in place, "D-Did you say you saw my husband?"
"Yes, on my way here," she nodded.
"All right," you sniffled and wiped your face, "I-I need to go to him."
"Go," she encouraged, "but allow me to be the first to say - holy fucking shit! You're pregnant! Oh, my Gods, I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!"
You giggled lightly and hugged her tightly, letting her yank you off the exam table to lightly hop around in an excited hug. "I am blessed," you whispered into the hug. "Thank you, my friend."
"Truly!" She squealed. "Oh, no, but does this mean you're still leaving?"
"Let's find out," you breathed, squeezing her hands and moving for the door after. She held your hand as you moved for your chambers, but before you got there, she let go and insisted you talk to your husband alone. With tears in your eyes, you pushed the door to your chambers open, calling, "Daemon?"
"Dove?" He answered from the chair resting at the table's edge, his wrist flourishing as he wrote on parchment, almost sighing with relief. "Where have you been?" He glanced at you. "Thought you were napping, and I come here, you're not in bed."
"I've been - "
"Never mind that! Why are you crying!? Who did it?" He demanded, jumping to his feet and trying to take your face in his hands.
"Why're your hands covered in ash?" You dodged, holding his wrists, easing him back into the chair. "Did you find an egg, my love?"
"I did," he breathed, grinning shyly.
"Good," you nodded while blinking rapidly down at him, gently caressing the side of his cheek to pull his gaze up to meet yours, "because it will lie in our child's crib, finally."
His gaze met yours slowly before realization coated his features, almost gaping at you, "Truly?"
"Daemon," you spoke slowly, taking either of his hands in your own to pull them to rest on your waist, "we're going to have a baby."
"You're pregnant?"
"I'd like to think we are, but yes, I am pregnant."
"Finally," he breathed, leaning forward to caress your stomach with a grin, laughing some after. "Oh, thank the Gods - well, no, thank you, my beautiful wife."
You smiled and caressed his head, keeping him close as he leaned back a little; arms tight round you, legs spreading, and keeping you set between them. He sighed deeply, nuzzling your belly.
"A blessing, is it not?"
"It is," you whispered, petting down his neck. "See what happens when we don't try so hard?"
He chuckled, his breath felt across your lower tummy. "Oh, my sweet wife... How I celebrate you."
"How I celebrate us," you smirked.
He gave a gentle nibble to your belly before lifting his gaze; chin laid to your stomach with his arms tightly around your hips to keep you in place. "I love you, thank you for this. I-I don't know what else to say."
"We've a long way to go, you might not be thanking me yet," you chuckled nervously, but Daemon saw through you. He sighed and leaned back more, guiding you to his lap to sit.
"What is it, sweet girl? Hmm? What's on your pretty little mind?"
You frowned a bit, leaning into his shoulder to caress his cheek and jaw; lowering your voice to mumble into his skin, "I am afraid."
"The birthing..."
"Ah," he sighed, tightening his hold on you. "I see... I will ensure the best midwives and Maesters are at your chambers."
"I need only one promise from you."
"You need only ask it."
"You'll be there with me. In the room, even. You will not leave me to do this alone..."
Daemon tightened his grip on you, pressing a kiss to the column of your neck. "You will not be alone, pet. Never in this. I am here with you, and I will be here until the end. You will not be apart from me, and I will not leave you alone in this."
"Thank you," you whispered, holding onto him tightly. He sighed lightly, nuzzling into your neck as tears surfaced. "I'm scared, Daemon."
"I've got you," he assured, tightening his hold. "You're not alone, dove. Not now or ever, I'm so sorry, pet, for how I was before. But it's gonna be different," he whispered, kissing at your jaw after, "I do swear this to you, my sweet wife, 's all gonna be so different."
You nodded, petting through his hair, "All right... All right, so, how about we go share the good news? Have one last dinner with family? And in the morning, we make for Pentos? Or Essos?"
He smirked, "It's a surprise first."
You sighed lightly, "Of course it is. What do you say?"
He sighed, nodding mutely. "A fantastic idea, dove, but let me bask in this moment first." Readjusting in his lap, you easily curled under his chin and let your eyes close. "I love you."
With a smile matching his, you swore, "I love you, too."
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Midnight Calls masterlist
requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 6 months
2023 Writing Roundup
I had to scroll back pretty far to find the tags for this, so if I missed someone who did this already and tagged me, I'm sorry if I double tag you at the end! But thanks to @kiwiana-writes and @inexplicablymine for tagging me in this roundup post!
As the post is going to reveal, I, uh, only just got back into writing a few months back, after taking almost ten years off due to, honestly, a lack of inspiration. I'd lost my voice, and I didn't suspect I'd ever love anything enough to write again, until this little pink book came barrelling into my life in June, followed swiftly by a little Amazon Prime movie in August, and both changed my life forever.
So without further ado, here's my writing roundup for 2023:
Not a damn thing
Nope, nothing here either
Keep right on going, my friends
29th - The Lake House The night following the election, Alex has a surprise planned for Henry. A chance to make some new history.
8th - What If I Do? What was Henry thinking when he left Alex at the lake house? What were the days that followed like for him before Alex showed up at his door and forced him to face not only Alex, but himself?
18th - Gravity The first time that Henry enters Alex's orbit, at the Melbourne Climate Conference, and all of their subsequent meetings leading to their "violent altercation" at the royal wedding. Inspired by a post about how Henry very pointedly chose not to shake Alex's hand in the receiving line after the wedding and what that could have meant.
19th - The Rope Henry's reaction to Alex nearly telling him that he loves him at the lake house in Texas.
19th - A brief spark of a moment: A Red, White & Royal Blue drabble collection These drabbles are simply my personal challenge to contain myself to 100 words when I've always been…long-winded.
20th - Retaliation Alex and Henry, now dating, attend another state dinner, where they're unexpectedly seated directly next to each other.
21st - Every Version Alex does a magazine photoshoot, and the day that the magazine arrives, he wants Henry to look at it first.
23rd - On my heart just like a tattoo Alex and Henry are married, and on the day of the ceremony, they decide to do something special.
23rd - Ghosts After Henry leaves the lake house, Alex does not go after him. He doesn't storm Kensington in a fit of pique to call Henry an "obtuse fucking asshole." Instead, the pair spend nearly a year apart, both wrecked and miserable, until they find themselves on the list of speakers for an international conference.
27th - Darkest before the dawn The immediate aftermath of Henry discovering the email leak in the movie-verse.
28th - When I taste tequila Henry’s drunk. If the growing mountain of empty shot glasses, drained and discarded lime wedges, and gritty layer of salt on the table in front of him are any indication, he’s very drunk. Only, his brain is having a difficult time catching on to the fact that he’s drunk. And when his brain is this far behind the rest of him, Henry tends to find himself in precarious situations, with no real conscious thought as to how he got there or how he might have avoided them.
4th - The Maldives Inspired by a conversation about the zoomed-in and transcribed article about Henry in People Magazine from the movie and how the photos look like they could have been faked.
After their conversation with the king and greeting the crowd at Buckingham Palace, Alex and Henry ride back to Kensington. Alex mentions that his offer to fly to the Maldives is still valid, and Henry admits that he's never been, which sparks a discussion about some of the lengths the crown would go to in order to convince the world that Henry was straight. Alex considers what Henry must have gone through, and the two of them discuss their past and how it might have been different.
11th - Modification to the map of you Henry comes back from a month-long trip with his ear pierced, and Alex has no idea.
14th - Et Max Laryngitis Alex gets laryngitis, and Henry decides to have a bit of fun at his expense.
23rd - How bizarro is that Alex gets food poisoning, and Henry takes care of him…sort of.
27th - Royal Assent “If the boyfriend of a prince of England fails English Legal History, you’ll be the one to blame,” Alex murmurs as Henry sucks a bruise on his neck. Henry had arrived home from the shelter to find Alex buried under a mountain of books, his glasses askew and his hair wild, wearing the same bewildered expression Henry had seen as he walked out the door earlier that morning.
As he climbs into Alex’s lap, jumping a little as a particularly sharp corner of a hardcover book pokes him in the arse, he can feel the tension in Alex’s shoulders relax, ever so slightly.
“You aren’t going to fail. In fact, I’m going to help you,” Henry says, each word separated by a kiss to Alex’s chest, neck, cheek, and finally lips.
Alex is trying really hard to study for a law school exam, and Henry takes it upon himself to...assist.
28th - 5 Times Henry Hated New Year's + 1 Time He Didn't “This is my curse,” Henry mutters, and Pez laughs across from him.
“You can hardly be responsible for the weather.”
“So the glaring fact that every single New Year’s Eve on record in my life has been an utter disaster means absolutely nothing to you?”
“We’re going to make it, so no, it means nothing to me,” Pez says with cheerful optimism despite the constant fluttering of white beyond the plane windows.
5 times throughout his life that Henry's New Year's countdown has been ruined, and 1 time that it isn't.
29th - Stars in the sky are the stars in my eyes The ding of a notification sounds in the otherwise silent living room. As Henry’s eyes continue to scan the page of his book, ignoring his phone, Alex can’t help but glance down at the illuminated screen between them on the couch.
“Is that…a horoscope?” Alex asks, immediately retrieving the phone to confirm his suspicions at the exact moment Henry grabs for it a beat too late. He watches the bright shade of red crawl up Henry’s neck to burn just beneath the skin of his ears.
“Perhaps,” is all he supplies, his voice muffled as he buries his face far too close to the book’s pages to realistically read anything written there.
Henry gets his daily horoscope, and Alex is intrigued, so Henry shows him the constellations.
30th - What started in beautiful rooms Henry’s never taken any extra care in his appearance when playing polo. Certainly, he’s given an adequate amount of time and effort to ensure that he appears composed, but the sport itself lends to a bit of chaos, between the pounding of hooves and the whipping of the wind in a frantic rush. It’s all incredibly…well, wild.
No, Henry’s never taken any extra care in his appearance when playing polo…except today.
Henry's point of view during the charity polo match.
1st - Do we still have forever? Alex has a sudden, serious allergic reaction, and Henry can't help but think about losing him.
2nd - Dear Dad I should start from the beginning, or rather, I should start by telling you how I got here, to this moment, writing you this letter.
Henry writes a letter to his father on his wedding day.
3rd - Liquor was the only love I'd known June finds them at some point and steals Henry away to gab at the bar. Alex watches them from afar, wondering what they could possibly be talking about that has June nearly falling off her barstool laughing, until the crowd overtakes him again.
3rd - Then came a baby boy with long eyelashes Following their initial spirited entrance into Alex's hotel room following the DNC, Henry asks Alex about his encounter with Miguel in the bar.
13th - Volume Control Prompt Fulfillment: I need someone to write a FirstPrince fic where Henry overhears Alex saying "Henry is so annoying I can't stand him" so Henry says "kneel then" and it short circuits Alex's brain.
20th - 5 Times Alex Made a Disney Movie Reference + 1 Time Henry Did Alex and Henry have watched a significant amount of Disney movies, and well, Alex tends to have questions.
20th - You can't escape this drying ink “There’s…a matter…that requires your attention, in the Red Room. I’d be happy to escort you there.” She glances sideways at Henry’s PPOs, who shift in place, readying themselves to follow where she leads. Henry nods again, uncertain what other options lie open to him even if he wished to take one.
Henry's thoughts at the state dinner as Amy leads him to the Red Room.
31st - Save a horse Alex convinces Henry to dress up as cowboys for Halloween and quickly realizes that Henry dressed as a cowboy was not something he was entirely prepared for.
31st - I'm not a robot without emotions, I'm not what you see At the royal wedding, Alex drinks and dances and contemplates both of the princes.
1st - The Candy Tax Ten-year-old Alex has invited his new friend Henry, who just moved to Texas from England with his family so that his movie star dad can be based in the US to shoot more movies, over for a sleepover the night before Halloween.
1st - Through the summer and the fall, we had each other, that was all The mountains are on fire. Red, orange, and yellow leaves cover thousands of acres of land, and the peeking of the sun over the distant horizon illuminates the hovering fog, creating the illusion of a persistent fire burning brightly without causing any damage. Instead, it paints a masterful landscape for an early morning riser to gaze at as he sips at a cup of Earl Grey and marvels at the fact that this beauty is a sight he has somehow been blessed to see.
2nd - Heart enough "...there are very few of us who have heart enough to be really in love without encouragement."
Instead of Alex flying to London, Henry is sent to D.C. to do the post Cakegate damage control just in time for Alex and June's annual Halloween party.
2nd - Life is a maze, and love is a riddle Alex, June, and Nora take Henry to his first haunted corn maze.
3rd - All at once, everything is different, now that I see you Alex throws out some possible suggestions for his and Henry's first ever couples Halloween costume, but Henry has something else in mind.
3rd - Halloween at Kensington The Fox-Mountchristen-Windsors may not be able to go out trick-or-treating like a normal family, but they can still celebrate Halloween in their own special way.
4th - No fear, no fences, nobody - no reins Henry takes Alex to a nearby farm outside Austin to teach him how to ride a horse. Eventually, they stop at a log cabin in the words for the night, and they decide to try another form of riding.
4th - I don't know why all the trees change in the fall Alex has had a terrible day. It's raining, it's cold, and he's absolutely miserable. All he wants to do is dry off and collapse in bed. But when he walks through the door, Henry is ready and waiting to take care of him. He even has a surprise that he's cooking up in the kitchen. And Alex gets to take a trip down memory lane.
5th - A-gourd-able “Oh, so that’s the reason you wanted a child so badly. Not for the opportunity to nurture and guide and love another human being that you helped to create, but for the perks of walking around to strangers’ homes asking for candy that our baby can’t even eat.”
Alex and Henry take their daughter trick or treating for the first time, and it's Henry's first time as well.
5th - I want to play a game Alex and Henry agree to watch all of the Saw movies to determine if one or both of them will end up too scared to continue. Do they make it through the series? Or does one of them give in and lose the wager that they've made?
5th - Barbecue Sauce "I want to see your mouth covered in barbecue sauce. And then, I want to lick it off."
6th - With magic soakin' my spine, can you read my mind? What happened after Alex, June, and Nora played their little HRH Prince Henry Fact Sheet drinking game? Well, in this version of events, Alex finds a mysterious bottle containing what appears to be a magic spell for "Clarity of Mind." As dumb as it seems, he does the ritual and reads the incantation and moves on, flying to London for damage control. But when he shakes Henry's hand, suddenly things change, and Alex realizes that maybe magic is real after all.
6th - Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo (podfic included) Henry takes Alex on a trip to visit...a couple of old feathered friends.
6th - It's autumn in New York; it's good to live it again It's the first day of fall in New York, and Alex comes home from class with a special surprise for Henry.
6th - Reciting to the Waterloo Vase: Drabbles for the RWRDrabblePrompts Tumblr
13th - Wind me up, fill your cup like a river, drunk on watching me drown Henry sighs. "Is that the time you threatened to push me into the Thames?"
That time Alex threatened to push Henry into the Thames.
23rd - The injury of finally knowing you (a birthday present for @ships-to-sail) Henry's thoughts just before and immediately after the countdown to midnight on New Year's Eve.
23rd - Smutsgiving 2023 Alex's heart rate monitor on his Apple Watch alerts him to some strenuous activity…at the worst possible time.
1st - We need a little Christmas The one where I let a random Christmas word generator choose a drabble prompt for a Christmas advent. Enjoy!
20th - Four Christmases From Washington to Austin, London to New York, Alex and Henry spend Christmas with different members of their families from 2020 - 2023. Funny couples' Christmas sweaters, festive swimsuits, statement-making ties, and family pajamas all bring lots of laughs, some tears, and a bit of fun to be had by all along the way.
25th - Oh what a laugh it would have been When Alex dresses as Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, their five-year-old daughter makes an extra special, last-minute Christmas wish.
Alex leaves his Santa suit on for a private evening with Henry while everyone else is snug in their beds.
Unpublished but Completed
December 30th - Take Your Time A New Year's Eve AU set in New York City (and that's all I'm willing to give away...for now)
January 1st - NYE Gift Exchange Fic
Tagging all of my lovelies who may or may not have already done this (please ignore this if you have!): @adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @ninzied @priincebutt @read-and-write- @rockyroadkylers @roseharpermaxwell @ships-to-sail @songliili @ssmtskw @statueinthestonetoo @stereopticons @suseagull04 @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew
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afth drabble 1: wedding plans
pairing: afth jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluffffff (it is fluffy, don’t say i didn’t warn you)
wc: 3k 
drabble masterlist
summary; in which you and jungkook are getting married in a few months and the boy is stressed af, also tae is a mood as always.
"Hey, where's ____?"
Jungkook looks up from the invitation in his hand that he's been inspecting for the past half hour. 
"She's shopping for wedding dresses," Jungkook says, "Yeona didn’t tell you?"
Tae shakes his head and shuts the front door as realization dawns on him. 
Jungkook shakes his head as he chuckles, watching Tae come over and sit next to him at the small table closest to the door. The sound of halmeoni in the kitchen drifts into the dining area, setting the comforting scene of familiarity. 
"I wonder why she didn't tell me. She just said she was going to get groceries for her mom today."
Jungkook raises a brow, "If she told you, would you have insisted on going?"
"Well of course! I-" Tae cuts himself off, "Huh..."
Jungkook laughs quietly as Tae frowns, "Well now, that's not fair. I wanted to go and see the dresses!"
"Well, what about me?" Jungkook asks incredulously, "I need help too!"
"With what?" Tae asks bitterly. 
The younger scoffs in disbelief at his tone, "With a lot of stuff. Just because I'm not buying a wedding dress doesn't mean I'm not stressed out," he snaps. 
Tae gives him a side eye as he thinks about that. 
"You told Yeona to lie to me, didn't you?"
Jungkook nods, not even denying it, "Yes."
"Because I knew you'd want to go and hang out with them and look at the dresses and I don't get to go and halmeoni has had to deal with me for weeks and now it's your turn," Jungkook grumbles, "And besides, have you forgotten who your best friend is?"
"Damn, chill out."
"Now, don't go fighting," halmeoni scolds gently as she hobbles into the dining area carrying a tray with a teapot and a few cups. 
Jungkook jumps up and takes the tray from her, then gently tells her to take a seat. She sits down on the softest cushion, the one they always leave for her, then she gestures for him to set the tray down. 
After the tray is settled on the table, Jungkook sits down again, looking over at Tae who now has the invitation in his hand, inspecting it carefully just as Jungkook had been doing minutes ago. 
"What's wrong with it?" He asks. 
Jungkook shrugs, "Nothing really, it's pretty. I just don't think it's what ____ and I wanted, it isn't clicking."
"The yellow and black are nice. The design looks a bit more like a graduation invite though," Tae muses. 
Jungkook nods and points at the small card, "Exactly! That's what I was thinking! I don't know why the company won't listen to our requests."
Halmeoni takes it from Tae and looks at it, deep in thought. 
After a moment of silence, she turns to the youngest, "Jungkook, why don't you just design it? You could get it closer to what you two want before any company can."
There's another beat of silence before Taehyung bursts into laughter and Jungkook's face turns bright red. 
"I didn't think of that," he says sheepishly. 
"You're an artist, dumbass!" Tae cackles before cutting himself off when the usually gentle old woman sends him a warning glare. 
"No need to make him more stressed, Taehyung," She scolds, "He's got a lot on his plate."
Then she turns to Jungkook and rests a wrinkly hand on one of his fidgety ones, "You will be able to make it perfect and it'll help with the cost. I know you won't be making many invites anyway and you aren’t worried about money, but it will still save you some unnecessary stress."
"Do you think ____ will be okay with it?" He asks, unsure.
Tae looks at him in disbelief, "Dude, what? She's more in love with your work than anyone, and besides, she's been dropping hints about you making them."
"She has?" Jungkook's eyes bulge.
His best friend nods, "Yup."
"Gosh," Jungkook drops his head in his hands, "I've been so stressed out I didn't even realize."
"It's alright," Tae assures him, "You're not doing this by yourself. Everyone is doing their best to make this wedding amazing. You don't have to go at it alone, you know? We've got four months; we can get it done."
Jungkook nods, feeling silly for putting everything on his shoulders when you and all of your friends have been doing more than he realized. He just wanted it to be as stress free as he could make it for you. How did five months turn into four months already though?
"Ok, so I'm going to work on the invitations...Jimin and Yeona are with ____ dress shopping, Beomgyu already has the flower arrangements designed and is ready to start when the time comes..." He bites his lip in thought, "What else is there? Fuck, my brain is scrambled."
"I've already got the venue reserved," Tae says gently.
"Ah, yes! Thank you," Jungkook sighs in relief, pressing the heel of his hands into his eyes to ease his stress-induced headache. 
"And I will be making the cake," halmeoni reminds him sweetly, "Once you and ____ have decided on what design you like."
Jungkook gives her a grateful smile, beyond thankful for all her help during this, even when she just makes tea and talks him down from his panic attacks. 
"What else is there?" He mumbles to himself. 
"The wedding party is decided and in the process of getting attire, decorations have been ordered, the food needs to be finalized, and you need to take a drink of tea," Taehyung lists off quickly, handing Jungkook a cup. 
Jungkook takes it and takes a sip, a hand still to his head, "Why did we decide on the date so soon?" 
"Because the date you want to get married is important to you. It's already February and you don't want to have to wait more than a year to get married just to wait for June again, do you?" Tae reminds him.
Jungkook shakes his head. 
Halmeoni pats his hand, "You and ____ didn't want to wait very long anyway, remember? You were engaged for three months before deciding. I for one agreed with you, what's the use of being engaged for years and going through all this hullabaloo when you know you want to get married?" 
He nods slowly. 
It's true, the two of you didn't see the point in being engaged for a long time. Besides, it's not like it’s going to be some grand ceremony with hundreds of guests. It’s going to be smaller, something both of you prefer, but also very special. You don't need over a year to plan it. 
It's just a lot more than he thought, even for a small wedding. 
"It's gonna be okay," Tae says gently, "I promise."
Jungkook lifts his head to look at his best friend, "Thanks Tae, seriously. I've been so in my head that I didn't realize how much you've been helping. Shit, you're more up to date on this wedding than I am."
Taehyung smiles brightly, "I actually enjoy this, maybe wedding planning is what I should do instead of this police baloney."
"That would be iconic though," Jungkook chuckles, "Best homicide detective and wedding planner in all of Busan. You'd have clients climbing through your windows."
"To be fair, I'm not even a detective yet."
"Yet," Jungkook emphasizes as he shakes his head, "The irony." 
Who would imagine an ex-hitman going into the police force and becoming a homicide detective, of all things?
Halmeoni smiles at Taehyung's proud grin.
"Speaking of the cops," Tae says after a second, "Are you inviting Seokjin and Yoongi?"
Jungkook nods, "Hoseok said to send the invitations to him and he would deliver them by hand. I'm not expecting them to show up, but it's worth a try."
"Sounds reasonable, this is probably a first for them," Tae guffaws. 
"Probably," Jungkook tries to hold in a laugh himself. 
Halmeoni shakes her head at the two young men giggling in front of her like a couple of schoolboys crushing on someone. 
"I'm convinced the two of you have gone mad with all this wedding planning," she says as she sips her tea. 
That just makes them laugh harder.
"You look so beautiful," Jimin says tearfully as he looks at you, hands going over his mouth to contain his inevitable sobs.
You smile at him through the huge mirror, brushing at your own eyes when you see him struggling not to cry. 
"You're not s-supposed to cry y-yet!" You scold him while laughing tearfully. 
"Sorry!" He squeaks out, turning so he can fix himself up.
Yeona laughs and walks over to you, "You look absolutely stunning, love."
A bright smile lights up your face at her words. 
Over the past eight months of knowing her, she's grown to be one of your closest friends; spending girl nights together when Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook would hang out. 
You've lost count of the number of sleepovers the two of you have had. 
The most recent months have finally begun to ease the ache whenever you would be reminded of Mina. You aren't sure it will ever go away, but Yeona has helped you start to trust someone other than Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook again. 
She has never judged you or acted tired of your habits, like a lot of people do. Never questioned your desire to have dance parties and bake cookies to eat while watching cartoons and dramas on the TV with your stuffies. 
Not to mention how helpful she has been with the wedding planning. Part of you wonders if Yeona might actually convince Tae to open a wedding planning business of their own. 
They probably will. 
No wonder Taehyung fell in love with her, she really is the kindest person you've ever met.
You take Yeona's hand when she reaches out for you, "Jungkook is going to cry," she assures you, making you laugh. 
"He b-better," you joke, triggering a laugh from your best friend who has finally gotten himself together.
"If he doesn't, I'll kick his ass," he promises. 
You and Yeona giggle at his joking before you look back in the mirror and nod, "This is d-d-definitely the one."
A knock on your door makes you look up from where you were setting Pumpkin in her new castle-shaped bed. 
You walk over to the door and look through the peephole, a huge smile breaking out on your face. 
"Who is it? ~" you singsong playfully before looking through the peephole again to see your fiancé smiling. 
"Food delivery!" He calls out. 
You unlock the door and throw it open, "Really??"
He shakes his head, "Nope, just me."
You fake a pout, "I'm hungry though."
Jungkook frowns, "You'd rather have food than me?"
You nod seriously, not breaking character until he comes in and wraps you in his arms, lifting you into the air and making you squeal, "Too bad, you can't trade me."
A smile finds its way to his face when you start to laugh, the sound like music to his ears. 
He walks in and kicks the door shut before walking over to your couch. 
The whole set up of your apartment looks similar to your old one in Seoul since you have all the same furniture. This one is just a bit bigger than the previous apartment, with two bedrooms and a longer hallway. 
You moved to Busan in August of last year to start the school year at your new job and to be closer to Jungkook. The kindergarten in the small town doesn't have many students, but they were in desperate need of a teacher, perfect timing for you. 
Jimin ended up moving shortly after you, not needing to stay anywhere in particular because he can cover news stories wherever he is. He now happens to be your next-door neighbor. 
Jungkook carries you to the couch where he plops himself down, keeping you on his lap. 
"Missed you," he mumbles against your lips when you lean down and kiss him. 
You smile softly, "M-missed you t-too, Kook."
"Really?" He asks, big brown eyes shining like always, "You sure you didn't have too much fun without me?"
After giving his nose a quick peck, you shake your head, "Never."
You feel his hands caress your lower back gently before he pulls you closer, "Did you find a dress?"
Nodding, your eyes sparkle with excitement, and he chuckles. 
"I want to see you in it."
"You w-will~" You tease, "Just n-not yet."
You absentmindedly mess with the tattoos on his arms, running your fingers along the beautiful art as he watches you lovingly, his eyes landing on the pretty ring adorning your finger, the one his mother loved so much. 
Blinking back his tears, he focuses on your face again. 
"I l-like your t-tattoos," you mumble, attention solely on the dandelion etched into his skin. 
Jungkook chuckles, "You say that every time you see them, sweetpea."
"I do?"
"Mhm," he mumbles, reaching a hand up to move a piece of hair from your face and tuck it behind your ear, "I don't mind though."
"They're j-just so pretty," you whisper. 
He smiles softly, then he looks around while you entertain yourself by outlining his body art. 
The sight of his own artwork hanging around your apartment makes his heart melt. You've always been his number one fan and supporter, not to mention his muse. He wouldn't be where he is now without you. 
"Someday soon th-they will b-be worth millions," You whisper when you see him scanning the walls, "And n-no one can have the-them. I'm the o-only girl in the w-world with your original w-work, everyone else has c-copies," You snicker, making him laugh. 
After the art show last year, he began getting many offers and requests for his work, everything went so much quicker than he had hoped. 
None of it really mattered to him then, the only thing he cared about was you. You had remembered him that day, he’s never wanted anything more. 
"You're the only girl in the world that has the original artist himself," He whispers smugly, making goosebumps cover your skin when he nuzzles his nose just under your ear, “I can make you whatever you want.” 
"I c-can't believe how lucky I am, en-engaged to my f-favorite artist," You laugh, pulling back and bopping his nose with your finger. 
Jungkook shakes his head, "I'm the lucky one."
He stares into your eyes, getting lost in them as he moves closer, "I can't wait to marry you," he mutters as he pulls you against him, leading your lips right to his. You let him deepen the kiss, your hands finding their place on his shoulders as he pulls you even closer.
Pulling away for a breath after a minute, you catch his eye, “Was T-Tae mad he couldn’t come? I feel b-bad.”
A half smile spreads on Jungkook’s face, “He was disappointed at first, yeah, but halmeoni and I got him distracted with other wedding stuff.”
You cup his face with your hands, “Thank y-you, for ev-everything you’ve d-done planning this.”
He smiles, “Thank you for marrying me.”
You laugh at that, “W-Why wouldn’t I marry y-you?! You’re being s-silly.”
Jungkook leans forward and pecks your lips before leaning into the back of the couch with a tired groan, jostling you on his lap as he stretches. 
You lay down on his chest, cupping your hands under your chest as you listen to his heartbeat. A moment later, you feel his hand running through your hair. 
“W-we’re living here, r-right?”
“Hm?” Jungkook opens his eyes and glances down at you to see you looking up at him with huge eyes. 
“After w-we get married, y-you’re coming to l-live with me, right?” You ask again. 
“Is this where you want to live?” He asks softly. 
You nod, “Yes, p-please.”
Jungkook touches your cheek gently, stroking it with his thumb, “I don’t care where we live, as long as we’re together. If this is where you’re most comfortable, then this is where we’ll live.”
You smile and sit up, accidentally jabbing into his arm and thigh with your bony elbows. 
“Ouch,” he says flatly but you ignore him, instead choosing to bounce up and down even more.
“And then T-Tae can have the apartment y-you share to himself and m-m-maybe Yeona will move in wi-with him!”
Jungkook nods along with a smile, content just watching you ramble on about how he can decorate however he wants and how it doesn’t have to be pink if he doesn’t want it to be, but how you’ll have to compromise with the bed, because he can pick out the comforter and pillows and everything else, but your stuffies will always live on the bed and he’ll need to deal with that. At least until bedtime of course, then they can move to make room. 
Maybe you’ll need a bigger bed?
You’ll definitely need a bigger bed. 
Does he want to change the curtains?
He can change those, but the drawings from your ducklings really like the vanity and bedside table, so can they please stay there? 
You’ll need another bedside table for his side of course.
Oh, and there are baskets that can hold things like shampoo, because it might be a bit crowded, so you can sort things out like that, and it can still look pretty. And of course, he needs to use the extra bedroom for his art. You won’t budge on that one, insisting he needs an entire room to keep all of his work in. 
Can you come in and visit him while he paints?
Maybe he can teach you how to paint sometime.
It’ll be so much fun to go shopping together, you’ll try to cook him anything he wants if he can help teach you how to do it. 
His hands rest on your lower back, keeping you steady as you wiggle around in excitement, not noticing the way he looks at you as you blab on and on breathlessly. 
Jungkook could listen to you talking about your life together for the rest of eternity and never get bored.
Fuck, I love you so much.
He tilts his head as he watches you, all of his anxiety about the wedding planning melting away as he thinks about how lucky he is to be here with the person he loves the most, planning out your future together.
a/n: i warned you that it was fluffy -_- simps -_-
Tag list; @hopekookies ​ @moonchild1​ @barbellastyles98 ​ @teresaisla ​​ @ggukkieland ​ @scuzmunkie ​​​ @jaebeomsblackgf @sugaslittlekookies ​​​ @moon-asia ​​ @bangtannie7​​​ @yoonchrisgull ​​​ @njkbangtan @dlwrlmajaykay ​​​ @higashikatasgf ​​​ @sweetonkookieandtae @voidswan-recs ​​​ @sadxaries ​​​ @shadowmoon21 ​​​ @jinfused ​​​ @taehyungiev13 ​​​ @gaeguuliii ​​ @kimnamjoonluvbot ​​ @jungkooook @mutterseelenalleinn ​​​ @surilirani @patpus ​​​ @yukiehyukie ​​​ @crypticsabbat @ohyeahjk​​​ @steffiiirose @the-falling-star ​​​ @telepathytae ​​ @erenkook-blog ​​​ @rosiekoo​​​ @neverthefirstchoice ​​​ @bubbless-world ​​​ @yeow6n ​​​ @purpleunicorn051 ​​​ @canarystwin ​​​@sopikooo @kookxin
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kittymaine · 3 months
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Vol. 4
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Haha, I almost forgot to post about The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Vol. 4 by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou. Like last time, talking about this book at all is going to spoil volume three so, I'm going to put my recommendation at the top and then talk about the book itself under the read more break.
I thought this book was probably the slowest paced out of all the books so far, but it was also the sweetest and fluffiest. Don't expect any big bombshells in this one, but it still advances the plot.
So book three ends with Master Huaizui accepting Chu Wanning's souls from Mo Ran and telling Mo Ran it will take him five years to put Chu Wanning's souls back into his body and revive him. Book four starts in an epistolary style, showing a few quick snapshots of what Mo Ran is doing in the five years Chu Wanning is still being revived. He desperately wants to become someone who can support and protect his shizun, so he travels and studies and helps people selflessly. But, he's also still absolutely tortured by the knowledge of who he was and what he did in his past life. It haunts him constantly.
When Chu Wanning wakes up, it doesn't really sink in that it's been five years until he sees Xue Meng and doesn't recognize him. Xue Zhengyong tells Chu Wanning about all the good that Mo Ran has been doing, how he's been making a name for himself in the cultivation world and working hard. But, it's still a shock to see how much Mo Ran has changed when Chu Wanning finally meets him again (in the bath because of course that's where their tearful reunion takes place, fucking butt ass naked). Mo Ran 2.0 has finally arrived, and he's tall and tan and ripped and also the sweetest boy that ever happened!
I'm not going to recount every event of this book because I think it would take forever. But, yeah, this book definitely has a different tone and feel. Mo Ran is both sweet, but tortured. Also! He doesn't realize until THIS FUCKING BOOK that he LOVES Chu Wanning?!?! I was. My guys. My dudes. I started to cuss this book out loud, I had to put it down (loudly) I was so. I don't even know what I was feeling. I was laughing, but I was also mad. Apparently? He thought he just SUPER respected Chu Wanning, but all that fucking they did in his past life was just mucking it up with lust. It isn't until this book that he's like "oh fuck, I'm in love with him". In his defense he does say he feels like an idiot for not realizing it before but like. God dammit. I'm not even mad. It feels like it's my fault, honestly. I signed up for this.
This book is primarily both Chu Wanning and Mo Ran pining for each other, but trying to keep it professional. With a lot of silly situations thrown in to make their lives hard. They're both struggling with lusting after each other while also respecting the hell out of each other. Chu Wanning is freaking out because he's never felt lust for anyone in his life (supposedly because he's practiced asceticism his whole life, but I'm just going to plunk the demisexual label on his forehead just to make myself happy) and Mo Ran because he's afraid that if he gives in to his baser instincts he'll turn back into Taxian-jun.
The book ends with them all going to Rufeng Sect to attend the wedding of Nangong Si and Song Quitong. Mo Ran meets Ye Wangxi the day they get there, and Ye Wangxi is so fucking sad, Mo Ran decides then and there he's going to fucking ruin this wedding. God, I love this idiot boy so damn much.
ANYWAY! How am I going to survive until next month when the next book comes out? I'm really asking. I've already preordered it! Til next time, I guess.
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livelovesimallways · 1 year
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"Prayed Up....." 🎵
(Previous following Dana's story)
Moses and I finally arrived home a couple of days ago after an amazing honeymoon. We spent nearly three months traveling, relaxing and enjoying the best parts of what make us...us. After taking some time for ourselves, letting our friends and family know we were back became top priority. While I reached out on my end, Moses was reluctant to do the same. He says he wants to, "protect his peace", which leads me to believe something serious is going on. Although I fully understand where he is coming from, avoiding things never helps. I just hope that, "protecting his peace", doesn't make a situation worse or leave people in the dark.
Later on that day.....
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"So hold on...Let me get this straight...Sean was messing around with that Julia chick outside of Dana's rules? Deanna found out and told her?"
"Damn...I wonder why she didn't tell me? It seemed like everything was going well. She even sent me their finished wedding plan." *sounding confused*
"Maybe it is for her. She probably feels like what's done is done. Shit, my moms used to get like that whenever my father got caught."
"Humph...I remember having those days myself. You're probably right. Now I feel terrible. Dana isn't the type to come crying about her problems either. She'll tell you, but won't get emotional about it. She keeps a lot bottled up."
"Yeah she's a good ass person too. She don't deserve that shit." *looks down then shakes his head*
"So was this why you were avoiding calls?"
"I mean it's part of it. Sean's been like my brother since high school, but him still doing dumb shit just ain't sittin right with me. I thought he was makin progress but, that ain't the case. I don't know if I want to be around all that. Too much potential to have me in some shit."
"In some shit like?...."
"Being put on the spot to cover, or getting questioned over something he did."
"But that only happened once right?" *narrows her eyes*
"You really want me to answer that? Shit, we both know not to ask questions we really don't want the answers to. You're gonna feel obligated to tell her and neither one of us is trying to stir up past things. She knows what kind of dude she has. Obviously we want better for her, but she's sticking beside him. There's no need to dig."
*sighs* "Fine...I'll leave it alone. What's done in the dark always comes to light anyway, so..." *her phone starts ringing, cutting her off* "Oh look, it's Nica, another person you've been avoiding. I'll put it on speaker."
A Few Days Later.......
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"I'm just not understanding why you won't tell your sister you're pregnant? Like, I know it's not ideal, but you're in a good place. You're starting your career at that tech giant and you can stay here as long as you want. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me, I've seen worse. The train wreck that is my father is a great example, and he's a multi-millionaire. You have a village: your sister, me and my family. You just have to embrace it. "
"Look...Mimi I get you're trying to help, but please leave it alone. That's not why..." *get choked up*
"Then what is it? I'm here for you, seriously..."
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*whispers* "Fuck...."
"Damn...Umm...I didn't mean to upset you. You don't have to..."
"No, I do. Just please don't judge until you hear everything. The reason why I'm scared to tell her is because it's Sean's baby..." *tells her their entire history*
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"Whew...That's a lot." *pauses for a few seconds* "Sleeping with your sister's man is foul as fuck, Dee. I get the whole college and first love thing before they met, but she's the one with him now...Has been for the past what, six years? And now a baby? You have to tell her before she marries this man."
"I know...I will..."
"This is crazy but, as much as I want to rant, I feel bad for you. He's manipulated this entire situation since you were eighteen. He was twenty-four and he knew to take advantage of your naivety. Now he says he loves you? He's full of shit and is using that as a way to keep you quiet and around." *pauses in thought* "Shit!..."
"What's wrong?"
"Remember a few days ago you were throwing up a lot?"
"Well, I got scared and called Nica for advice. She had a rough first trimester so I figured she could help. I told her it was for you."
"Do you think she told anyone?" *extra concerned*
"I mean, it's possible, but that was a few days ago. I feel like if your sister knew she would've been knocking on the door. I'm gonna call Nica and check. But regardless, Dana's gonna find out sooner or later. You can't hide a baby bump and Sean's family has some strong genes. When the baby comes out looking like him..."
"Girl!...I get it. Can you please just call your sister for me? I'll figure it out from there."
To Be Continued......
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perpetualxfire · 11 months
You know, I feel like a lot's happened out of character over the past... god, not even a year, that I just never really shared on here (or did so only briefly,,, though I imagine most people have picked up on a few beats via context clues over time aha) so since I'm trying to be active again let me hit the main beats under a read more-
Sam and I got married! So that's a thing! If anybody wants the wedding video just let me know!! Big embarrassing moment where I forgot I'm supposed to let Khristle give me my bouquet back but to be fair I was flustered from being nice in public (wedding vows), which I think we all know is against the law,
Anyway like the week after the wedding I wound up being hospitalized for a severe allergic reaction to a medication I was on; they said I had DRESS syndrome (like, 10% mortality rate) and then took it back later but did not elaborate??? I dunno. I almost died though!! So that's fun!!
Boss made moves to get me fired after coming back from medical leave; I couldn't get a doctor's note to give me much time to recover after the hospitalization, and I couldn't afford to anyway given aforementioned wedding, so I had the audacity to not do extra shit outside of my usual workload. I quit with no notice after he put me on a performance plan for disruptive behavior (lol), and he was fired three days later. I got my job back, but not before taking some time off and working a different job for a while to get my head screwed on straight. I love the job, but boy was that guy a prick.
We had to say goodbye to one of the ferrets. I'm... Still a little fucked up over that, tbh. He started getting sick right before the wedding and just... Didn't get better. It's been a few months and I'm tearing up again fdsagfdadss god damn it, I've seen so many people in my life die that it barely phases me anymore but my sweet baby boy has his time come and months later I'm still tearing up just thinking about his dumb little face.
I finally started going to therapy for the long list of traumas that I've endured, haha, so that's like, 90% of my life right now, is just digging that shit up,
Oh! I got a new car! It's a little red volkswagen beetle that I covered in polka dots!! My little ladybug uwu. The day I put the spots on it I also found multiple actual ladybugs crawling on it. It was a sign.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Hi. I just came to say that I love all your content. You're an amazing writer. And more than that I wanted to tell you that I really admire your view of the world. Every time I read your answers about your story, the logic and thoughts behind DTI and every story you write, I feel like I'm learning something new.
Was I someone who read what DTI was about and thought "wow but T is Ethan's friend" yes I was. But seeing you talk about the real world, how not everything is black and white, that we're humans and we make mistakes and learn, and how you bring that to our beloved pixelated world, it's just amazing.
Actually I was the one who ask you about friends haha because there's one episode when Ross is supposed to be really good at giving speeches at weddings and making people cry, and at the end he's just randomly talking to Monica and she starts crying saying "damn it Ross how the hell do you do it", well that's me when I read your work, in tears because you're just THAT good and kind of proud of me to being able to see the world in a different, and better light.
Hope this ramble isn't to weird lol
I just wanted to say thanks for educating us through your wonderful art. ❤
OMG, I had to take a few just to gather myself to respond to this. You have absolutely no idea how much this means to me!
As a writer, hell, as a person, it's nice when someone says they enjoy reading my work. But when I hear "I learned something from it," that's a whole other level. That touches my heart.
The world is not black and white. It's a thousand shades of grey. Our experiences as people are all unique, and none of us are perfect. I wish more people understood that because I think it would lead to less judgment and more understanding - for ourselves and for others. So if I've conveyed that somehow through my writing... OK, I'm all choked up!
When it comes to DTI, you have no idea the amount of hate... not dislike, but bitter, vitriolic hate that came my way because of this story. It was months of terrible anons that still sporadically come in. It has been mentioned on actual hate blogs... and it makes me laugh. Because the story exists to explore our humanity, to show that no one is all good or all bad, and how each of us carries the damage from our past, but that we're all capable of learning, healing, and ultimately forgiving, ourselves and others, to become the best people we can be. So, after all the hate this is brought - to see this from you - and know you garnered the meaning and apply it to real life- WOW. I'm just so touched.
Thank you so, so much for sharing this with me. You have no idea. And I'm laughing at the Friends reference! I remember that episode. I don't think making people cry is a bad thing, as long as the tears are for good reason. YOU made me cry good tears tonight! And you should be SO PROUD of yourself. Whenever we can open our minds and see the world and people through different lenses, it's a good thing! It sounds like it's something easy to do but it's not, so be very, very proud of yourself for doing so.
Dear, you made my night. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 💕💕💕
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thepetiteninja · 5 months
Welcome to 2024
Hello again!
My most recent post was from 4 years ago. And so much had happened since, so I guess it's time for another update. I'm writing this for me who will be reading this entry after a few years, maybe when I remember to dig up my old tumblr account again just because I felt like reminiscing.
So anyway, I'm turning thirty this year. That hasn't sunk yet because more than anything — I'm getting married this year too. It's still to the guy I have been writing about years before. We're turning 9 years this 2024, and are tying the knot this October. He proposed to me two years ago. On top of the Singapore Flyer, 11.11.22. Damn, what a date.
But the past few years weren't all about butterflies and happiness. These past few years were actually some of the worst ones of my life so far. I'm in debt. But fortunately on a good payment plan now that I haven't missed. I risked a really good job to pursue hosting full time — that only lasted for 3 months. Then shifted industries because I wanted to still give myself a chance. And so now I'm still hosting but for e-commerce livestreams. Got promoted twice in a year. I'm now a trainer. But I still do copywriting on the side because it makes good money. At least now I've flipped it up. Doing my passions full time then writing on the side. I'm tired though, to tell you the truth.
Mind-wise, I'm confident. I know what I can bring to the table and what I'm capable of. I don't second guess myself too much now. I still work hard and multi-task. I know my worth. I know my strengths. I learned my lessons well. I've been through difficult times and now I've gained stability. I know I'm ready to fly. In a smarter, more mature way.
Life-wise could be better. Because the wedding is right around the corner, everything I'm earning is being poured to it. So you can say I'm still living paycheck to paycheck after all the great things I take pride on. I'd like to think I've planted a lot of seeds that I'm just waiting to harvest soon. Hopefully the wedding turns out great, so I could finally enjoy the fruits of my labor completely. To be honest tonight, dinner was just a pack of pancit canton and cup noodles. It's petya de peligro and I don't know where to get tomorrow's fare to work. But I'll get by. After a day, salary's gonna come. I really hope it gets so much better soon.
So these things, y'know. It's entirely great but minutely terrifying. And every single time God proves to me that there's guidance from above. You won't believe how many conveniently unexpected blessings I've gotten over the past tumultuous years. I can't even comprehend how I've weathered through all the moments I worried about. But I'm here, sitting on my couch, safe, satiated, typing whatever comes to mind. It's these reflective, peaceful pauses that makes you realize that despite the chaos, I'm actually okay. Barely breathing but pushing on.
I'd like to think future me who would be reading this somehow, someday, would look at me and say: "just wait, it's going to be better". Because I would be saying the same thing to myself who started this blog 10+ years ago. It had gotten so much better. Crazier, but better. I wish future me would say, "babe, we're a millionaire". But more importantly would love her to say, "we still love what we do". No matter what that looks like.
So there. I think that's an ample update about how I am now. And hopefully in a few years tumblr would still be here so I'd be able to read all this again. It's a good self-therapy shit. And also I just missed writing my thoughts like this.
Ok, I'm just rambling now. Until the next update!
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purplesurveys · 6 months
When was the last time someone admitted to having somewhat of an attraction to you? Few months ago when some dude in Malaysia hit on me and also tried to use this cheesy pickup line which was tbh adorable but I just wasn't looking for anything so I turned him down.
If people hit on you semi-often, what race tends to hit on you the most? Eh that never happens to me.
Have you ever had an experience with ghosts or angels? If you have, explain: No and I don't believe in either anyway, so...
How has the summer been treating you thus far? June was fantastic; I went on back-to-back overseas trips and it was incredibly refreshing to have a month where I spent more time off than at work. The rest of it is an autopilot blur because I spent the rest of it working, lol. I can barely remember what happened in July.
What was the last wedding you went to like? Any pictures you’d like to post? I haven't been to a wedding since my aunt and uncle's in 2007. None of my friends are married, and the people I know who have since gotten married I'm not even close with so I've never gotten invited to theirs.
Was yesterday an exhausting and busy day? It actually was my most exhausting day of the week. It left me so tired I don't even know how I managed to drive home lol, I just wanted to close my eyes and pass out the whole ride.
Have you ever choked on food before? Not on food but on liquids and my own spit in the past, yeah.
Do you ever make awkward eye contact with people at restaurants? I wouldn't call those instances awkward. Sometimes I just meet eyes with strangers and that's all there is to it. I just look away as quick as I can so that they don't think I'm staring.
How often do random numbers call your cell phone? I wanna say 2-3 times a month because we're apparently doing a crap job addressing the whole thing about scammers and them having a hold of literally everyone's numbers.
Can you just go with the flow, or do you like control? I like an overall structure, but it's nice to have a bit of freedom within that structure. That said I definitely am not nearly as anal as I used to be and enjoying going with the flow is probably the biggest change I've undertaken in the last three years.
Is your internet connection slow? It is and it has been SO SHITTY the last 2.5 weeks. Our internet service provider is shit shit shit shit SHIT. I've been going to the office for 2.5 weeks now because I can't stand the slow service lmao; they also keep saying they'll bring someone in to fix whatever the fuck problem is happening but they've been saying that for the last couple of weeks and no one ever comes.
Have you ever unblocked someone that you blocked before? Yep.
Do you like to eat fruit salad? No that sounds like the worst punishment ever.
Can you take naps, or does it make you feel horrible? I can, but I don't. My free time is very rare and I always see sleep as a waste of time, even though I know I shouldn't... but idk, I guess I've always been a "I'll sleep when I'm dead" kind of person.
Do you know anyone who can’t swallow pills? I don't think so! I mean I have my moments where the damn pill just won't go down and the water makes me nauseous already LOL, but for the most part it's not a cause for concern with me.
When was your last uneventful day? That would be last Friday and Saturday – I had a fever then and both days were entirely spent on the couch recovering. I didn't want to risk getting up and doing stuff and possibly making my fever even higher.
Does your ex have a reason to hate you? Yes.
What annoys you the most about people? This is speaking only on the side of Filipino culture but I hate the culture of aggressive bargaining and find it embarrassing. Like the seller you're haggling is making a lot less than you are; if she says a top is 700 just pay the damn 700 lol. I'm FOR SURE in the minority here but I just don't like the idea of pressuring people, especially because I know I would hate it if I'm being forced to lower down prices that I set hahaha.
Don’t you hate how cameras are almost everywhere in public now? I don't find it a problem and it actually makes me feel safer.
Has anyone slapped you across the face before? If so, why? Yeah. Fuck if I know. I haven't talked to him in like five years.
How long have you been on the computer today? I want to say a little over 6 hours.
Did you know that a large fry at McDonald’s contains 500 calories? No but tbh I don't care. I know what I'm signing up for whenever I eat fast food, lol.
Do you find it hard to truly trust people? I trust my friends; it's a question mark for everyone else. I want to remain guarded, especially with how unsafe or sketchy the outside can get.
Do you prefer to have more or less in common with your siginificant other? Less is always more fun, as long as it's the little things – like me liking wrestling and my SO not understanding it one bit. It's a mess waiting to unravel if you have nothing in common with the fundamental items, like religion or wanting to have kids.
Why do you think people care so much about looks? Doesn't it just simply boil down to society and media and what we think society and media tell us to do?
What do you do when there’s a question in a survey that you don’t want to answer? I just delete it altogether or give a noncommittal answer.
Do you hate the last guy/girl you had a thing with? I did. I'm just calm now.
Have you ever taken a survey so long it bored you? Yes.
How easy was it to get over the person you last dated? 7 months, to my own surprise.
Do you allow people to ask you questions? Sure.
Would you take a shot of heroin for a million dollars? No.
Why don’t you talk to your ex anymore? I don't need to and I don't want to.
0 notes
the-100th-witch · 8 months
Bloop just me rambling about my life
im driving 2 hrs away tomorrow for a bridal event (super excited for that aaaa) and then driving an hour to have coffee with friends on sunday (where we are all together minus one since she's going to school in a different state) then going to my grandma's as I drive back after. So a very busy weekend! But it's gonna be great!
so im just chilling today and doing some light tasks. I'm gonna have to go to bed super early tonight bc i gotta get up tomorrow and shower/put on my makeup and be out of the house at the latest 9am (but im hoping maybe 8am since traffic can be nuts)
im hoping my car doesnt fuck me over during the trip lol driving an hour is one thing but for some reason 2 hours is scary haha it's been going ok for the last few months (aside from the bumper half falling off)
bloop life rambling under readmore bloop
none of the bridal group is on tumblr (i think?) and they dont know me really but just in case haha under read more!
i was told that it's just gonna be me and one other person of the bridemaids attending. I'm glad im able to go (especially since in the past my jobs ran Tue-Sat with Saturdays being my busiest days) bc man that sucks! I don't know the other bridemaids super well and I understand life happens but idk just kinda sucks that you can't go to an event with the bride that already paid for your spot. But that's just me. I guess some of them knew right off the bat they couldnt go and then some others told her last minute. Again, i get that life happens but damn...
I guess that means I get to hog the bride's attention (along with the other bridesmaid who is super nice) loool~ I'll make it fun for her and we're gonna have a blast! The bride and I have been friends for 10 years! I'm kinda glad I didn't take on a new job just yet when I was laid off.
I had to move my test date again bc my mom needed my help with something on that day that she couldn't reschedule (nothing serious but it's important and hey, i dont mind kinda putting off that math test LMAO) so I rescheduled for November (after my friend's wedding). I'm getting mostly 40/50 on the practice tests (like 38/50 and 44/50 but I'm hitting my goal of at least 37/50 which is what I need to pass the damn thing) so I'm golden.
I think right after I pass and start getting all my ducks in a row I'll begin job searching (obviously) but also planning my next move (either I move out in the middle of 2024 and if that's still in cali or in another state and then i got to see get a different car etc etc). I kinda labeled this year as a recovery year lol like 2020-2022 were pandemic years for me and 2023 was just straight up "Recovery from the pandemic years". It was nice to finally slow down and take my time to refocus my goals and plans.
I really do think, though, that I want to move out of this area (and the state entirely) since it's been touch and go. I dunno what it is with Cali and I know moving to another state isnt a magical fix-it-all but I've out grown it here (plus the outrageous prices holy shit) I'd miss all my friends but I guess that's what video chatting is for lol and it gives my friends a reason to visit another state haha!
Labeling 2023 as a Recovery year kinda helps my "guilt" also. Like it was outta my control I was laid off (esp since everyone and their mom has been laid off this year) but ive been working since i was 18 and going to school so to have all that and then go to nothing at age 30 it was kinda of a shock. Of course...no one planned on a global pandemic either lol life's funny that way.
Either way I'm not out of the woods quite yet but im also not in a totally bad spot. But man i cant wait to pass this test and start sub teaching just to do something lol
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mcleemlis · 1 year
creativity & organization
I'm finally getting around to giving myself space to write an update. I completed the 90 day probation period in my new job last week (so woohoo to it being more difficult to fire me, not that it was likely to happen anyways, lol)! I have been pretty overwhelmed these last couple of months. Between starting this new job (that has so much more work than my old job did, which is a mixed blessing), moving across town, partaking in a dear friends' wedding (it was the first wedding I ever went to and I was a bridesmaid :D ), and assisting my roommates with their recent transportation issues, I've been SO DAMN TIRED. The surprising thing is that I didn't realize how stressed I was until a couple weeks ago when I had a mini breakdown at work and pretty much realized the sheer amount of things on my plate. Since then I've had some conversations with my team lead and unit director about work stuff, and some of my personal responsibilities have wrapped up or my stress has been mentioned to contributing parties and is beginning to be addressed.
Something that has been a real challenge for me during the past few months, but is really helpful once I get a system set up, is organization. With the new move and the new job, I have been experiencing a lot of disorganization as I adjust to my new spaces, responsibilities, and roles. In the move, we ended up downsizing in a couple of ways. We lost a roommate who recently moved in with her new husband. In losing that roommate I also lost what felt like one of my main support pillars in the house. Lets just say she and I made up the responsible half of the household, so I've lost some of that... guaranteed/instinctual support (maybe that's the way to say it, basically I didn't have to tell her to clean, or do things around the house, or check that she paid bills, etc.). We also went from renting a 4 bedroom house to a 2 bedroom apartment. I personally went from having a bedroom (that I share with my bf) and an office/studio, to just having the shared bedroom and trying to fit my office and art supplies in the living room.
With work, you might say I've upsized. I went from being in a position that was poorly defined and where I had so little to do and so few expectations that I was consistently looking for work to do and things to improve the sad state of the library. Now I work in a position that already had a clearly defined role with a variety of tasks and responsibilities assigned to it, as well as projects in development and underway. So now I have a pretty full plate at work that I'm still analyzing and understanding as I try to figure out what my regular work flow might look like and how I should be prioritizing various responsibilities. I've been juggling more tasks and responsibilities lately, and organization has been key in knowing what all I need to work on. I'd been wanting to have a bullet journal for a while and even bought notebooks and outlined what all I thought I wanted to record in it and looked at different spreads and layouts, but it pretty much stopped there. Between my indecisiveness on layouts and fear of messing up, my physical bullet journal went nowhere. But the idea of a digital bullet journal had sprouted from all of my layout design searches.
So after looking at some templates others had made, I went to Canva and made one of my own. You can check it out at the link at the bottom of this post. I made it over the course of maybe 6 hours over 3 days? It was something I was able to put little bits of time into here and there as I kept it open in one of my browser tabs. The ability to make major and minor adjustments was key to my being able to "complete" the template in that amount of time. I say "complete" because I developed this template as a draft, knowing I would make new templates and adjustments as I figured out what I wanted, what works best for me, and what theme I wanted to go with. So the template I made is only setup for about 3 and half months (from late February to the end of June) and has a fairly basic layout. There are daily and weekly spreads, with monthly calendars and pages for monthly goals, a couple pages for notes, and that's pretty much it. I wanted to make something pretty basic and flexible on the daily pages, to see what I ended up using it for or not using it for, so I could consider adjustments going forward. The short time commitment for this template has also allowed me to learn more about how to use my template in OneNote and ways I might make my next template different to take into account some of OneNote's quirks and features.
All in all, the planner has been helpful in organizing tasks I want to accomplish at work and outside of work, as well as providing reminders and space for some of my hobbies. Now I'm trying to work towards finding better balance between work, supporting others, and doing things for myself. Case in point: my zines. I (laughably) thought I would be done with my manifesto zine awhile ago, but I haven't devoted as much time to it as I thought I would be able to, nor did I accurately predict how long it would take me to do some of the research and to mess with the layout of the zine itself. At this moment I still have 1-2 pages to research and fit into the layout, plus the bibliography. I also have the problem(?) of thinking up lots of ideas for zines but not having (or making??) the time to work on these ideas, despite very much wanting to. Hopefully over the coming months I'll be able to find some balance. With Fall semester being a busy season for my unit, I think I'll be keeping my expectations low for my hobbies then, but I'm hoping this summer I'll be able to indulge in them more!
You can check out my planner here: My first planner
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buckys-dollface · 2 years
Possession [A.B.]
For Rhi’s writing challenge! (I'm sorry it's a little late) @strwbrrybucky
Summary | Andy Barber’s lies have finally caught up to him; and once you realize you are the other woman, you give Andy the true ultimatum.
Warnings | 18+ MDI- infidelity, lies, betrayal, revenge sex, manipulation, daddy kink because Andy Barber is lawyer daddy, spanking, ass worship, cockwarming, oral (fem! and male receiving), p n v, wrap it before you tap, this is fiction, my dudes, your life isn't.
A/N | Okay! Hey so this was for Rhi's writing challenge and it was a whirlwind because this is the first time I've actually attempted to write smut so feedback and reblogs are encouraged and really appreciated. Please don't copy, rewrite, repost, or translate my work.
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Let's be frank; you were the clingy type. You soaked in the essence of your forbidden love through longing stares and feverish touches. Muttering filthy promises in passing that you knew you would get your boss, Andrew Barber, hard and demanding for release.
You never would imagine when you moved to Newton a few months ago, you would be in a heavy-hitting passion affair, especially with the head district attorney in Massachusetts.
There was only one problem, his wife. The thought of Laurie made your skin crawl. When you and Andy began this illicit affair, you thought it was so devious because you were his assistant, and he was your superior. Not that he was married. There wasn't any indication he was married, well, still married at least.
He assured you Laurie was a thought of the past during restless nights twisted underneath the sheets, both of your heated bodies pressed against each other. All the signs pointed to it—with a missing wedding band and her photos abandoned from his office. You might have been a little naïve. You remembered the first time Andy insisted on promoting your relationship from assistant to his favorite little slut.
"Mr. Barber?" Your perky voice floated through his office. You waited patiently for his blue eyes to meet yours. His eyes flickered up, and a slight smirk graced his lips. "Yes, sweetheart?"
You strode over towards his desk and placed the Manila folder before him. "I brought those files you asked for." Andy began to skim over the legal documents in hopes of finding the answers he needed for his current case. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" Better yet, your voice triggered an excellent idea, even better than the work he needed to accomplish.
"Anything?" He repeated, his tone plagued with mischief.
You nodded, as if almost on instinct, "Anything, sir."
Andy rose from his office chair and made languid steps towards you, embracing your intoxicating presence. "How long have you worked for me, sweetheart?"
"Uh, a few months."
"You like the job?"
"Very much, Mr. Barber!" You exclaimed, he chuckled. How cute, you're going to be so easy to ruin.
"Please call me Andy." He insisted as he swept a fallen strain of hair and caressed your jaw with his calloused fingertips.
"Andy-" You hummed, the feeling of his fingers on your skin making you hot with need. You knew it was wrong, and you didn't want to sound like a god damn cliche, but you had the hots for your boss, and if he insisted on bending you over his desk to fuck you nice and hard, you wouldn't object.
"You've done such a good job recently; I think you deserve a raise." He suggested, his eyes drinking you in. You don't even understand how you unravel him, unlike his wife. No, no— she doesn't even come close to your voluptuous body, oh how your ass sways just right in those tight pencils skirts and how your tits give him the perfect view every time you lean over. Andy dreams about just having you warm his cock for hours, enclosed in your tight heat. He knew he could stretch you out deliciously. You had become Andy's object of attraction. His princess plaything.
"Is that so?" You giggle, passing off this closeness as nothing more. This was normal for a superior and their subordinate, right? Andy couldn't really be trying to hit on you, was he?
"Oh yes." Andy gazed into your eyes; your eyes flickered up with lust-blown pupils, and the restraint he had for you shattered.
Andy's lips peppered against your skin. "Better yet, call me daddy." The quiet moans escaped your lips as he pushed you against the wall. In a hast, Andy gripped your thighs and picked you up. You felt his fingers dig into your soft skin, implicating bruises wanting to blossom. Your legs caged around his waist, desperate for the closeness he supplied. You tugged his dark locks; your lips crashed into his, sloppy, persistent, and unholy. He carried you over to his desk and placed you in his chair as he got on his knees. Andy began to roll up his sleeves, and you took notice of his tattoos that inked up his burly arms. It made you breathless. You felt your skirt rustle upward, exposing you to Andy for the first time. It was as if it was Christmas morning and he was unwrapping the best gift.
He ripped off your lacy underwear and stuffed them in his back pocket, a souvenir for finally capturing you. His thick digits brushed over your wet folds as his eyes gleamed up towards yours, glowing with hunger. He dragged your thighs closer as you wrapped your legs around his head. You craved the intensity; you craved his beard as he rubbed against your skin. He lapped up your juices as if he was yearning to consume you. His beard scraped the inside of your thighs, causing an intense burn in its wake.
“So sweet, oh God.” He mumbled against your pussy; you were sweet as honey, sweeter in fact. You were better than he ever imagined. Your delicious moans reigned into high pitch cries as you came.
He swatted your thigh, “Quiet sweetheart, don’t wanna get caught.” He warned.
"Daddy, I need you." You whined in his ear. He chuckled darkly at the complete submissive he figured you would be.
"Yeah? Does my needy princess need to fucked? Use your words, sweetheart. Tell me what you need." His words tantalized you as his fingers sent shock waves to your core. He was magic; he was sinful, this much you could guarantee.
“Need you to fuck me over the desk.” You breathed out, letting your deepest darkest desires unravel from your lips.
“Been dreamin’ bout me, sweetheart?” You couldn’t muster up an answer; all that fell from your lips were whimpers and whines.
“Don't worry, I have too. Got my cock so hard.”
He swatted everything off his desk, legal documents went flying, but neither of you minded. He bent you over, nice and slow. His calloused hands smoothed over your back and palmed over your ass.
“So perfect.” He admired the curve of your ass and how the globes of your ass bounced when you jiggle them. He slapped one of your ass cheeks with feverish delight, quickly returning two kisses to both cheeks afterward. How could you exist?
“So impatient.” He tsked in a faux tone.
“Please-” The need in your voice made you quiver all over. The tremble in your voice was so fucking embarrassing, but you couldn't help sounding like a whining mess.
“I know, I know. Bet I could just slip right in,” He muttered, his hot breath fanning against your ear, “Oh God.” He groaned. He did just that; oh, the stretch of his thick cock was glorious. Some would even call it a work of art. He started to rut in you, hot and swift. You gripped the edges of the oak desk, trying to find leverage in spite of knowing that it was pointless. You felt your body turn into a pliant wreck of a woman and you gladly accepted it for him.
“Oh, daddy!” You moaned as his cock prodded your spongy sweet spot deliciously. Andy watched as your body vibrated, and he couldn’t help but groan. He should have done this earlier. He should have had you earlier. “I'm going to pump you so full of cum it'll be gushin’ down you sweet thighs when you leave me, princess. Nice souvenir, don't cha think?” Andy promised, painting a sinful picture. Oh, you could see it now, the cum seeping down your legs as you watched down the hall, a proud badge of honor from your most recent fuck with your Adonis of a boss.
“Oh please-“ You begged. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. Your voice in the verge of withering away, all because of him.
“Anything for you.” You felt the sweet release of his seed into you which triggered your own release. It was so scandalous and divine. Oh he will be the death of you.
If Andy had had it his way, you would have never found out. You would have never found out about his lies and deceit, especially regarding Laurie. But the world is pretty fucked up; he is beginning to learn. It was pretty common for you and Andy to take explicit photos or videos while fucking. It was also pretty common for Laurie to text Andy. So typically, by the grace of karma, he got caught in the act.
“Why the hell is your ex-wife texting you saying she loves you, Andy?” You questioned in disgust one night during a particular rendezvous.
“What?” Play it off dumb, Andy. You’re a lawyer for gods sake.
“You heard me, Andy.” You repeated, your stern tone not going unnoticed.
“You know she means nothing to me, sweetheart.” That's when your heart shattered. You were stupid, naive, and a little cockdrunk. Okay really cockdrunk, you just can't help it when it comes to Andy. His situation with Laurie always seemed fishy. But you can't play pretend anymore; you had a sense there was always something lurking, darkness around the corner. Jealousy and envy was a sinister mistress, one you have had the company to let through your door and time or two. Now you welcome her with open arms.
“Well seems to me we have a problem.” You informed him, your eyes filled with demise. You turned around to gather your things before putting on your clothes back on. “No princess, wait.” Andy's eyes went wide. You chuckled at his hint of fear; you could hear it in his voice.
Without a second thought, you slipped you phone out of your bag and you snapped a mirror selfie. Your body was clad in a red lace lingerie teddy that hugged your curves just right and showcased your luscious thighs and ass.
“Where did you just send that photo?” His eyebrow quirked up as Andy inquired, almost in a menacing tone.
“Logiudice.” Hearing Neal’s last name made Andy see red, how his toes curled thinking about Neal viewing your body in less than a professional manner. That son of bitch. You had never seen him move across a room so quickly as he pushed you up against the hotel room wall.
“You sent that photo to Neal?!” Andy demanded to know. His features were filled with rage and shock. The audacity you suddenly had, overwhelmed his senses. He needed to put you in line.
“Yeah, if you thought you got off to me, Neal gets super drooly when I'm around. It's adorable.” You teased, your smirk not resolving. Your giggles filled the room; it seemed so natural to you to push his buttons because you knew exactly which ones made him feral.
“You’ve been a bad girl.” Andy sneered as he gripped you cheeks and squeezed. The pressure was enough to turn your cheeks red but not enough to harm you.
“Oh?” You questioned. “Whatcha gonna do about it, Mr. Barber?”
He hummed. “Well, my cock needs to get warm, and your pussy seems like the perfect home for it to go to.”
You guessed that's what you get for listening to men, trusting their word as gold. But hell, one thing you did know is you weren't really one for sharing. That's how you were in the situation you are in presently— in his home, making googly eyes across the dimly lit room.
“Oh Laur! I'm so happy we are finally doing this.” You exclaimed as she poured you, Andy, Neal and herself wine. She nodded her head with a smile.
“Me too. Andy has told me so much about you.”
“Aww, has he now?”
“He tells me you’re a lovely assistant.”
“She sure is.” Neal agrees, caressing your waist. You gleamed into his eyes as you bit your lip. Andy sucked a breath in and swallowed thickly. That bitch.
“Laur, I gotta take Y/N away for a sec. You know, work bullshit. We have a deposition coming up.” He informed his wife as he began to remove himself from her side.
“Lynn asked us to look over this paperwork as we were leaving; it's super urgent."
“Oh, okay! Be back soon." She remarked as she made quick work of gathering wine glasses and another bottle of wine. "Neal! We just redid the patio..."
“Your wife is so clueless." You mused.
"I can't believe you brought Neal into my house." He growled. Seeing you two together like that made him feel super uneasy, in more ways than one.
"Really baby, ya that shocked?"
You dragged him into the quickest available room and pressed his body against the door.
"Oh, princess, I thought we learned from the last time you decided to make me jealous." He taunted as he switched positions— your back against the door and him looming over you. His thumb grazed over your bottom lip. Your mouth opened slightly as his thumb slipped, and you began to suck and bob your head like you were sucking his cock.
"Guess not, daddy." You remarked as you emphasized the pet name that gets you both so hot.
You rushed to unbutton his belt. His dress pants cascaded down and revealed his tented boxers. Your knees collided with the tile as you dragged his boxers down.
"You really think I'm going to make this easy for you, daddy?" You muttered between kitten licks to his tip.
"Don't tease, princess." He groaned as you took more of his cock into your mouth. You began to bob your head up down, and the whimpers and grunts that emitted from his lips were downright wicked. He began to thrust into your mouth, quick motions slipping in out of your lips.
Your hands found their purchase up his thick muscular thighs towards his balls. Your fingers began to caress them as you hollowed out your cheeks.
All the sensations started to overwhelm and overestimate Andy as he gave into you.
After his cum washed down your throat, you peeked your head up from its original position. "You know what they say about a woman scorned." You whispered.
Your darkened eyes met his. His satiated daze perked into distress. He thought he had brushed this under the rug; your issues with Laurie but your facial expression says differently.
"Don't you dare." He threatened, his hand gripping the sides of your throat. Your head perched up. The lack of oxygen making you feel fuzzy was the only incentive to move forward with your plan. Your sinister smirk was plastered over your face.
"Try me." You seethed as your feeble attempts of pushing him away failed. You gripped the granite counter, finding the strength to stand difficult.
"It's her or me, baby. And if you won't choose—I'll decide for you."
Silence invaded his eyes and his senses. He felt like cotton was stuffed in his mouth, unabling him to speak as his eyes zeroed on your phone screen that showed a zip file of his wrongdoings.
You were willing to give everything up, the passionate affair filled with lust and perhaps more? Andy wasn't sure. If he loved you, he was doing a shitty job at proving it to you right now. There were so many reasons to say yes, but there was this nagging reason in the background telling him no.
A few more beats followed with only the sound of your quick heartbeats.
Sure, you may be a crazy bitch, but you guessed love drove you there. And there weren't enough lust-filled nights in the world to mend it at this point.
"It's really a shame you second-guessed me? Won't make that mistake again now, will we?"
Andy's face fell in complete shock and horror. Out of options and out of time it seemed.
Silence filled the small bathroom as you both exchanged glances; your lives were about to be fucked forever.
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sebystann · 3 years
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Credit to the creator dzydar, such a beautiful piece of art.
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Here are a few more one-shots/series I have come across that I have fallen in love with! Remember to go show these amazing writers some much-deserved love!!
Some works may be 18+ so please read over the warnings the blogger provides. A majority of the blogs that I share on my fic recs are normally all 18+ and have very strict rules for interacting with their blog. So please before reading go look over their guidelines!
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: ̗̀➛ Damn Permanent Reverie by @sebystann
Description: Bucky wants to take his relationship with his girlfriend to the next level. And that means ending his three-year-long no-strings-attached relationship with you. Which sucks for you because you might just fucking love him. (I've worked so hard on this! If you would like to please check it out it would mean the world to me!! Reblogs are much appreciated!)
: ̗̀➛ it’s 3 a.m (i must be lonely) by @riverevelations
Summary | and she says ‘the rain’s gonna wash it away, i believe that.’
: ̗̀➛ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 by @aphrogeneias
Summary: you and bucky have an argument the night before leaving for a mission, but that doesn't stop you of taking care of each other.
: ̗̀➛ and he kissed me right here by @sunmoonandbucky
Summary: I've always been sure that all I ever wanted was a glamorous life.
: ̗̀➛ In Shades of Purple by @wkemeup
Summary: While on a mission, you uncover footage of the Winter Soldier Project, exposing just how much torture Bucky had endured.
: ̗̀➛ Take It Back by @alandoflimbo
Summary: About five years ago, a one night stand with Y/N tore Bucky’s life apart. It was also the night before his wedding. Now he’s married to her sister and she needs a place to stay.
: ̗̀➛ Ashen by @alandoflimbo
Summary: She falls in love with Bucky Barnes from the moment she sees him. Bucky, still in love with a woman from his past, hates Y/N and plans to make her life miserable. To both their dismay, they are assigned together to go undercover into The Capitol for six months. There, they develop a heartbreaking friend with benefits agreement. Modern AU. Dystopian. Some toxic relationship elements that could be triggering. Very sexual. Rated M.
: ̗̀➛ Ashamed by @andyl394
Summary: Sneaking around with the Super Soldier wasn’t easy and all you wanted was to stop it, but what do you do when Bucky doesn’t seem to want the same thing as you?
: ̗̀➛ 10 Signs An Introvert Likes You by @andyl394
Summary: Bucky wasn’t the type of guy to show his feelings and neither were you the one to notice subtle things, until you come across this video; A guidance that may help you discover rather The Winter Soldier likes you or not.
: ̗̀➛ Wrong Side of The Bed by @bugsbucky
Request: Could I request one where Bucky is in a bad mood and accidentally snaps at reader who is very shy and timid and she spends the day in her room and won’t even come out for dinner? Fluffy ending if possible?
: ̗̀➛ If I didn't Love You by @samthemarvelfan
Summary: Love is pathetic...or maybe that’s just Bucky Barnes.
: ̗̀➛ Meant To Be by @wanderlustpeach
Summary: some people are meant to be, and some are not. theres never a inbetween.
: ̗̀➛ A Place For Runaways by @noceurous
Summary: he needed to get away, it was easier said than done when you were in the picture.
: ̗̀➛ Love, Bucky by @redoceanx
Summary: In which James "Bucky" Barnes writes a letter to y/n, who was murdered in the Infinity War.
: ̗̀➛My Head Is An Animal by @buckysfaveplum
Summary: a dissociative episode leaves you and Bucky reeling, with Bucky questioning the safety of you being with him.
: ̗̀➛ I'd Choose You by @youlightmeupfinn
Summary: When Bucky starts second-guessing and is on the verge of wanting to breakup, you have to intervene.
: ̗̀➛ Didn't Mean It by @seabass17
Summary: We used to be pretty close. Now? Now he didn’t even acknowledge me.
: ̗̀➛ Play Pretend by @turbolisedcomet
Summary: Neither of you can let go of the past. So, you make the present your past.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐖𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 by @coffeecatsandcandles
Series Summary: You fell in love with Bucky Barnes in 1940. He was your everything, until he was taken from you. You’ll meet him again, just not in the way either of you expected…
: ̗̀➛𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐧 | 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 and part 2 by @coffeecatsandcandles
Summary: You and Bucky reflect on your failed marriage.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞 | 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 by @coffeecatsandcandles
Summary: You become a stripper during the blip. When Bucky comes back, he has a lot of thoughts about it.
: ̗̀➛ Who Am I? by @youlightmeupfinn
Summary: You were intended to be used by HYDRA in order to create a brand new Winter Soldier. Upon wiping your memory; you have no earthly idea who you are as you escape. Only to run right into Bucky Barnes.
: ̗̀➛ You’re Leaving Tomorrow? by @youlightmeupfinn
Summary: It’s the year 1941 and Bucky comes home drunk, only to tell you he was drafted for the war, which he knew for a few days, and is leaving promptly the next morning.
: ̗̀➛ forcefield by @buckysfaveplum
Summary: when a mission takes a turn for the worst, Bucky and y/n are forced to confront their feelings for each other.
: ̗̀➛ safe haven by @buckysfaveplum
Summary: in the aftermath of the mission, y/n and Bucky realize just how strong their feelings for each other actually are (forcefield part 2)
: ̗̀➛ it’s up that i fell by @buckysfaveplum
Summary: the five years after the snap has changed a lot. with y/n on the run, her and Bucky have to make the best of the one moment they have together (based on As Long As Your Mine from Wicked)
: ̗̀➛ solace by @buckysfaveplum
Summary: Bucky’s been avoiding the idea of you spending the night, until he no longer can. After you witness one of his nightmares, he prepares for you to end it.
: ̗̀➛ OCEAN EYES by @noceurous
Summary: this is the story of James ‘Bucky’ Barnes learning what love and being loved is like.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐢’𝐦 ‘𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲’ by @noceurous
Summary: he loved you and you loved him, but sometimes things weren’t all simple like that.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 by @noceurous
Summary: alcohol, heavy amount of nostalgia, and bucky barnes what good could come up from that combination?
: ̗̀➛ what the fuck did you do by @sunmoonandbucky
Summary: Bucky’s been using you to try to make Natasha jealous.
: ̗̀➛ “coded in pain" by @riverevelations
Summary: after figuring out the reasoning behind Bucky’s seemingly ingrained habit, you try to help him break it. even through all of the bumps and potholes that come with this long journey, you prove to him that you’ll be by his side no matter what.
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: ̗̀➛ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 | 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 and part 2 by @coffeecatsandcandles
Summary: Bucky reunites with you after the blip, only to find out he’s now a father.
: ̗̀➛ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 by @coffeecatsandcandles
Summary: Bucky holds your baby for the first time. Inspired by Wanda saying to Vision, “Don’t you want to meet your son as yourself?” in WandaVision.
: ̗̀➛ Breaking Through by @youlightmeupfinn
Summary: You work as a doctor, treating the Avengers when need be. Bucky pushes you away, but you make it your mission to break through to him.
: ̗̀➛ Doll, I’m Home by @youlightmeupfinn
Summary: What if Bucky never fell off the train but actually made it home to you, safe and sound?
: ̗̀➛ Fluffy Bucky by @youlightmeupfinn
Summary: Your Tony’s younger sister, about to marry Bucky Barnes, the ’same guy who beat his face in at the airport’ as Tony liked to put it.
: ̗̀➛ agoraphobia by @buckysfaveplum
Summary: you bring Bucky along on your weekly trip to the farmer’s market. things are going great until you two get separated in a large crowd.
: ̗̀➛ a light in the window by @sunmoonandbucky
Summary: Bucky sees a light in the darkness.
: ̗̀➛ keep me masterlist by @sunmoonandbucky
Summary: Ways to say “I love you” without actually saying it.
: ̗̀➛ it’s brooklyn, baby by @riverevelations
Summary: a series of one-shots, blurbs, and multi-part chapters starring the golden college!trio and our very own, y/n. along with a few guests!
: ̗̀➛ “ain’t no rest for the wicked” by @riverevelations
Summary: the soldat was assigned to train her. he saw himself in her, attempting to get her to safety before hydra could have their way with her. prisoners don’t get merciful punishments, not this prisoner, at least.
If you are looking for only smut here is a fic rec I made focusing around only smut. :)
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mybiasisexo · 2 years
Entangled - Part 1
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Language | Alcohol Consumption
Word Count: 4.2k
Author Notes: Hello! This is my first series!!!! Idkw I'm so excited, but I am. Nervous too aha. For the past 2 years this has been my damn baby, and tbh its taken me this long because I just love editing it so much haha. But its time to let this baby walk!
If you have read The Wedding, the first 2 chaps are p much the same, but i implore you to give these a read! I've changed quite a few things!
Pls enjoy :)
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“You’ve been staring at that sheet of paper for days now,” Kang Seulgi, your best friend, and roommate, points out. She sits across from you at your pale wooden dining table, hands curling around the warmth of a chipped mug to press against the pout of her mouth. The elegant announcement currently clutched in your hands has your full attention, so you miss the judging lift of her eyebrow.
That being said, you do catch the amusement in her tone.
Biting your lip, you run a finger gently over the thick white parchment. In a dazzling gold script reads, “because you have shared in our lives and supported our love. We, Im Nayeon & Kim Junmyeon, invite you to our wedding….” Above the words is a picture of the two mentioned, smilingly sickeningly sweet at one another as their noses touch, arms wound around each other like the expensive ring around Nayeon’s finger.
You think you are going to be sick. 
“Have you RSVP’d yet?” Seulgi asks, oblivious to your inner turmoil. She swirls her spoon around her drink, the metal drags agonizingly against the bottom of her glass.
Her words yank you out of your dark haze, away from the invite that has been haunting you for days now.
“I will,” you answer simply.
She scoffs, eyes rolling in a dramatic flair. Leaning forward, she places her cursed cup down, focusing on you. “Honey, the wedding is in a couple weeks. You need to RSVP now before he starts harassing you. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t yet.”
You wince. You know Junmyeon well enough to know it’s only a matter of time before he does just that.
“Do you want me to do it for you?” She gently asks. She hums and tilts her head questioningly. Reaching for your hand, she pats it comfortingly and it works in its purpose.
“Please?” You reply timidly. The relief is still evident in your voice, if her pretty laugh is any indication. You pout, rude of her to be getting a kick out of your evident distress.
“Who knew you hated weddings so much.” She shakes her head before pulling out her phone, typing away to Junmyeon no doubt.
You release a slow breath through your flared nostrils and give into the nagging temptation to peek at the invite now laying haphazardly on the table. 
No, you don’t hate weddings.
You just hate that yours wasn’t first.
You wouldn’t label yourself as a bitter person.
But ever since you received the rather abrupt news of the wedding, you have been consumed with bitterness.
Three years ago, you were planning your wedding.
You had a wonderful man in your life who you were mere months away from calling your husband. It was a relationship those around you envied, one that left little doubt for failure. Forever was inevitable. 
Unfortunately, forever was a lot shorter than anyone could have imagined.
Three years later and you now watch as one of your friends takes that dream of yours and makes it their own.
You’re happy for Junmyeon, really truly are, but his wedding is a grim reminder of your failure, only leaving you with this unanswered question:
Where did you go wrong?
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“All packed?” Seulgi asks weeks later.
You nod, dragging your unreasonably overpacked suitcase into the living room.
“Thank god we’re not that close to Nayeon,” Seulgi muses. “We get to wear our own dresses.”
“And get to spend more time on the beach.” 
The both of you cackle.
Neither one of you dislike the bride-to-be, although in the five years you have known her due to her connection to Junmyeon, you haven’t really formed a bond any stronger than being acquainted. You always assumed she was probably intimidated by the fact you both were female and close to her boyfriend, bringing out that strange sense of competition, or boundaries, keeping you all from growing closer despite efforts made. She has a particular distaste for Seulgi, what with her being Junmyeon’s ex and all.
The term “ex” didn’t really fit what she is to him. More like a routine fling throughout college that fizzled out the moment he met Nayeon. The two were never official–although, you are sure, she wouldn’t have minded had they been.
“Speaking of people being in the wedding….” You begin. Seulgi, who is leaning against her suitcase that’s just as overstuffed as yours, stiffens at your tone. Her eyes widen, expectantly waiting for you to reveal the one thought that has been eating you alive since you received the invitation. You take a deep breath, here goes nothing. “Chanyeol will probably be there, huh?”
The color drains out of your best friend’s face.
“I didn’t even think of that!” She yells. Her hands cover her face in shock and she’s walking over to you in a hurry, pulling your hands into her now clammy ones, gripping them for dear life. “It won’t be a big deal, right? It’s been years! Plus, I heard he gained a lot of weight since his time abroad–you know how they like their greasy food there. Nothing to worry about! You look fantastic!”
Tears prick at your eyes as you swallow down the growing lump in your throat. Three years… and now you will have to confront the biggest regret of your life.
“You’re right,” you push through the ball of tears, feigning positivity. “We’ve had time to move on. We can totally be adults about this. I’m fine!”
You clear your throat as the crack in your voice echoes off the walls, it doesn’t ease the burning sensation.
“You’re more than fine!” Seulgi is quick to reassure, swaying your connected hands. “You’re successful and sexy and rich! He’s not worthy of the bottom of your heels.”
You hug her tightly, laughing at her attempt to cheer you up.
Once separated, you take a calming breath and try to smile. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
Your taxi arrives shortly after and the both of you wobble your luggage into the vehicle. Seulgi gives the driver the address to the ferry and you throw her a quizzical look. Her little sister is supposed to be joining you both as your shared plus one. Seulgi mentions something about her finding another way there and will be joining you later, much to your dismay.
The closer you get to your destination, the more your apprehension dims as excitement takes its place.
The wedding is going to be held at one of Junmyeon’s father’s swanky hotels on a beach in Jeju Island. You all had spent a spring break there your junior year of college and it was magical, for many reasons.
Despite the bittersweet memories, you are looking forward to being around beautiful scenery and old friends. Life, as always, gets in the way, and it has been a while since the whole gang has been able to spend some quality time together.
You all missed each other so much that you turned the wedding into an excuse to have a reunion vacation with the old gang. Well, minus Junmyeon who will be on his honeymoon. He did go out of his way to pull some strings to cheapen your rooms so that you all could stay longer, bless him. 
That’s all Seulgi and you can talk about on the ferry as you enjoy the cool early autumn breeze on your face, chilly from the stinging spray of water.
Finally, you arrive at the island and hail another taxi, bringing you to the vaguely familiar hotel.
Whistling slowly, you crane your neck, blocking the sun with your hand as you take in the hovering Greek inspired hotel.
“It’s bigger than I remember.”
“That’s what she said,” Seulgi mutters instantly, almost robotically as she squints up at your new home for the next few days.
Her words make you shake your head. “We’re not even with the guys yet and they’re already rubbing off on you.”
She winces, realizing what she just said. “Old habits?”
You both laugh and head inside, checking in easily. You can’t help but glance around every few minutes. One, because, holy hell this place is magnificent, all whites and golds and pillars and painted angelic sceneries on the high ceilings, seriously something straight from a fairytale. Two, because you’re keeping an eye out for familiar faces.
Your suite is on the sixth floor and your jaw drops at the luxuriousness that is your shared room.
“This is bigger than our apartment.” Seulgi states in awe. You agree with a nod, taking in the gentle fabrics of your bed and the rainforest showerheads–yes, heads, plural. There’s three to be exact–and the floor-to-ceiling windows that open up the back wall of the living quarters, revealing the tranquil scene of the beach you are going to undoubtedly be spending the majority of this trip at, hopefully intoxicated. 
You both don’t have too much time to gander, dinner is at seven and it’s already past four.
Junmyeon is a character for sure, so it comes as no surprise that his wedding will be running a little differently than the typical. That being said, the first of Junmyeon’s three day event is what has been deemed a ‘pre-ception’ party, where all the guests will be having dinner and saying hello to the lovely couple. 
Tomorrow, for those involved, will be the rehearsal, as well as the bachelor and bachelorette parties, with the following day being D-day. Both Junmyeon and Nayeon wanted to have a more western type of wedding, so they would be having a ring bearer, a reception, bridesmaids and groomsmen.
You got all of this information from your other best friend, who just so happens to be the best man to the groom, Oh Sehun. He has been texting you nonstop the past couple days, keeping you informed on Junmyeon’s big day. He didn’t want to outwardly lead it on, but you can gather just how happy he is for his other best friend, and takes great pride in having such an important role.
Making this a reunion trip is also his idea.
You are nearly a hundred percent positive Chanyeol is going to be in that group, but have been trying to ignore it and remain optimistic for Sehun’s sake.
After getting ready, you head down to the ballroom where the dinner is being held. It’s just as beautiful as the rest of the hotel. Wide, with gold and tan walls. The back wall has arched windows carved out to show the glowing sunset ahead. A string quartet sits in the far left corner. In that same area, against the far wall, is lined with rectangular tables piled high with different kinds of food, filling the room with a mouth watering aroma. Twenty or so round tables, each one with ten chairs, dot the rest of the floor. One more rectangle table sits at the front of the room where the future bride and groom sit with their close families. 
At least thirty people have already arrived, and you’re glad you decided on the olive-green floor-length silk dress that fell off your shoulders elegantly. Everyone in the room is of higher class and you know ‘cheap’ is a word none of them have heard in decades, if ever.
“We should quickly get our food and grab a table before they all fill up,” you strategize. You both bolt for the food, getting a bit of everything. Once content, Seulgi runs for the closest empty table, while you snatch two enormous unopened bottles of red wine, ignoring the way the server hesitantly tries to stop you, lord knows you’re going to need them.
Junmyeon and Nayeon stand at the front of the table at the head of the room. Junmyeon is glowing, it’s the only way to describe the smile on his face as he embraces everyone that approaches him. As you watch, his gaze is drawn over to you, locking eyes. You jump, startled, and he chuckles before motioning for the both of you to come over.
“Junmyeon spotted us,” you inform Seulgi, who is slurping down an oyster. She nearly chokes. You pat her back a few times as she drains her glass of wine in seconds.
“Alright, let’s go,” she coughs, rushing over to the star couple.
Junmyeon practically cheers your names as you approach. “Thank you for showing! I know it’s quite a distance from Seoul.”
“It’s no trouble at all,” Seulgi dismisses as he pulls her in first. You try not to study Nayeon’s reaction. You do catch her smile faltering briefly before they separate. Junmyeon goes after you next, arms wrapping tightly around your shoulders, swaying you both before letting go. 
“It’s so good to see you guys!” He continues in that gentle voice of his.
“Likewise,” you answer earnestly. It has been a long while since you last saw him.  “Congrats on taking the plunge.”
“Thank you.” Nayeon is the one to answer, wrapping an arm around Junmyeon’s waist. He tucks her under his arm and kisses her hair. You realize then that neither one of you had acknowledged her.
“Can you believe it?” Junmyeon asks in awe. “I’m getting married!”
“You are!” Seulgi cheers, a bit too excitedly. 
“You were probably the most against it amongst us all,” you say, nudging his free arm and you both share a laugh.
“Yeah, but love can change your mind on a lot of things.”
You smile at his words, trying, as always, to not make this moment about you. 
“So, where is the rest of the gang?” You ask, needing to change the subject. “I was sure Sehun would be here by now?”
“He’s here somewhere. I know that most of them just checked in, so they’ll be coming down a bit later.”
“Alright, well, if you see them let them know we’re here! We won’t keep you any longer.”
“Thanks for coming,” Nayeon says to your retreating backs.
You pause once you see a broad figure at your table, right beside the seat that you claimed.
“I knew it was your table because who else would have that much food on one plate? Not to mention the wine….”
You scowl and fold your arms. “Don’t be jealous we have fast metabolisms, Sehun.”
He laughs drily and meets your gaze through the dark strands of his overgrown bangs with mocking eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dear. You’re not as young as you used to be.”
You scoff and he breaks, laughing his signature laugh that can only be compared to a monkey. He at least tries to cover his mouth with a hand as his shoulders shake. You fight the urge to throw something at him. 
“Are you going to insult me all night or are you going to give me a hug, asshole?”
He swiftly gets up from his seat, his long lanky body hovering over you as he draws you into a much-needed comforting hug.
“God, it feels so good to see you,” he gushes quietly into your hair before pulling away. He’s only ever nice to you in private.
“I miss you every day,” you reply, not needing to say anything else for him to know what you mean.
Sehun moved outside of Seoul for his job two years ago, and since then you have only seen him twice in person. It has been hard on the both of you, since he’s like the big brother you’ve always wanted, and you the little sister he feels the need to protect. 
Sehun is a very stoic individual, not one to show emotion openly, but despite that, there was something about you that allowed him to let his guard down and open up to you rather quickly. Allowing you in during a time in his life when that wasn’t so easy for him to do. You did the same, and it brought one of the most meaningful friendships you’ve ever had.
He goes to greet Seulgi before heading over to the buffet with you trailing after him like an imprinted duckling. You refuse to let up, teasing him until you return to the table, with you sitting between your bestest friends in the world..
“Can you believe he’s actually getting married?” Sehun asks, voice light in mild disbelief.
“It was definitely unexpected,” Seulgi chimes in.
“He’s growing up,” Sehun, who is three years younger than the groom, sniffs. You rub his back comfortingly.
“He looks so happy,” Seulgi continues, attention given to the man of the hour. “I hope to one day be that in love.”
“Goals!” Sehun cheers sarcastically, causing Seulgi to cut her eyes at him.
“Shut up! I’m being serious!”
“I know you are.” He takes a bite and chews it thoughtfully. Once he swallows, he leans back into his seat. “But you’re right. He’s, like, the happiest a person can get.”
“It makes me want to throw up,” you mutter, tasting that familiar sour sting of bitterness on your breath. Sehun glances over at, concern painting his face. He catches your words despite yourself. He doesn’t make any move to get you to elaborate, instead taking another bite of his food.
A loud raucous gains the attention of all the attendees and you watch three guys collide into a server carrying a full tray of flutes of champagne. Everyone and thing goes crashing to the floor in a not so subtle entrance.
“I don’t know them,” Seulgi declares, shielding her face from the trainwreck unfolding to save herself the second-hand embarrassment. The boys try to get back to their feet, but it takes time as they slip on the expensive liquid, legs tangling together as they try to save face.
Now is the perfect time to take pleasure in your friends’ mortification.
“Byun Baekhyun!” Junmyeon hisses. “Kim Jongdae! Kim Jongin! What are you doing?”
The three finally pull themselves off the ground and are bowing profusely to everyone around them when Junmyeon’s stern voice fills the silence, causing them to all wince. Their faces turn beet red as they approach him with tails tucked between their legs. 
Your laughing only intensifies. Baekhyun hears it and immediately turns his head to glare at you. You’re mildly impressed by how easily he finds you, but then realize that’s pretty hilarious as well and double over, stomach knotting almost painfully.
Junmyeon pulls them to the side and reprimands them quietly for a moment before sending them off. They trudge over to your table, inhabiting the majority of the empty seats.
“Well, that’s one way to make an entrance,” Sehun says. Jongdae throws his upper body onto the table, arms sprawled out. His fingers nearly touch your food and you pull your plate protectively to yourself as he groans.
“Jongdae stopped suddenly and we were too close behind him,” Jongin explains with a pout on his little lips and you’re instantly filled with pity towards the man. Jongin out of all people doesn’t deserve this.
Sehun shakes his head. “I would say something, but it seems Junmyeon beat me to the punch.”
“He told us not to embarrass him further, or we’re out of the wedding,” Jongdae informs as he sits up. The same time Baekhyun orders Sehun to ‘respect his hyungs’ before going for Seulgi’s bottle of wine, pouring himself a glass. Seulgi watches in dismay, not enjoying the fact that she’s now apparently sharing. 
As surprising as it sounds, both Baekhyun and Jongdae are the eldest friends you had in college, alongside Junmyeon and one other. Despite their age, they often acted like the children, getting you guys kicked out of many places with their loud shenanigans. Jongin is the same age as you, Seulgi, and Sehun. How he ended up with those two crackheads this day is beyond you, though you’re sending your regards.
“Are you hungry?” You ask him. He sits on Sehun’s right, but that doesn’t stop you from stretching out some noodles from your plate, drawing it to his face before he can even answer your question. He smiles gratefully and takes a bite, humming in gratitude, and you have to resist the urge to coo at him. It’s actually hilarious because he’s a whole ass model! His nickname in school was Adonis because, well, he’s beautiful. When you first met him, not going to lie, you had a crush on him, but the more you got to know the gentle, soft, teddy bear, the more your maternal side came out. Now, he’s just a very well sculpted baby in your eyes.
“Where’s my bite?” Jongdae asks. Jongdae is an interesting character, to say the least. As previously stated, Jongdae, Baekhyun, and--fine, no need beating around the bush--Chanyeol were wild and free in college. Yet, despite him being loud and always down for a good time, he was brilliant, one of your smartest friends, and observant. He loves fiercely and is always aware of his surroundings. 
You shrug. “Make your own plate.”
“You’re mean!” He whines.
“You’ll give me a bite, won’t you, sweetheart?” Baekhyun tries his luck, tilting his head flirtatiously. Baekhyun is the mood setter. He has such a magnetic personality and can become friends with a tree, you swear to god. He was on a first name basis with all the professors--including the ones that didn’t even have him as a student. He’s so funny, can leave you in stitches with a simple facial expression, and gets off on making others happy. Despite being a social butterfly, he kept you all close, and there was no denying you were all the ones he chose to be his found family. 
You don’t even spare him a look as you point in the direction of the buffet. You hear him suck his teeth before Jongdae is smacking his shoulder, pulling him up so that the two of them can follow your instructions. Jongin scrambles after them once realizing they didn’t invite him and you chuckle to yourself as they try to shove him away, claiming that you can just feed him.
Nearly instantly, the seat Baekhyun previously occupied on Seulgi’s other side is taken.
“Yerim!” Seulgi shrieks, throwing her arms around her little sister.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” you huff, narrowing your eyes at her accusingly.
She has the gull to blush and grow shy. “I know, I know. We were supposed to come together.”
“Yeah, but then I get the news that you found someone else to come with? And some boy, no less!” You place a hand over your chest. “I’m hurt.”
“He’s not ‘some boy’.” She rolls her eyes before perking up. “He’s a man.”
“Oh, you look absolutely smitten,” Seulgi purrs. Yerim’s cheeks flare once more and you realize that she does, indeed, seem to like this dude, despite this being the first time you’ve ever heard of him.
Yerim is four years younger than you and Seulgi, and despite knowing Seulgi throughout all four years of college and meeting her family a few times during that time, you didn’t really grow close to Yerim until her sister became your roommate. She spends an awful amount of time in your condo, and you now consider her a sister of your own. She isn’t very familiar with your college friends, because once she was introduced you all had gone your separate ways, but you and Seulgi thought it would be nice for her to come to Jeju Island and  meet the boys. That is one reason why you are kind of confused as to how she was not only able to come here without you, but bring a date as well. Though, to be honest, it is very on brand for the wild girl.
“Well,” you begin, voice higher than normal. There are too many successful relationships going on around you lately. “Where is he?”
“He should be coming down soon. Have you all said hello to Junmyeon yet?”
“Yeah. Still in shock this is actually happening,” Sehun says.
You pinch the skin below his elbow, only accessible because he has the sleeves of his black button-down rolled up to his bicep, and he yelps. “Nope. It’s real, bro.”
He ruffles your hair in retaliation and you allow it because he’s letting you off easy.
He gives his attention back to the newcomer as the three stooges rejoin. “I’m Sehun, by the way. You’re Seulgi’s sister?”
“Yerim.” She smiles politely and shakes his hand. “I’m the prettier sister I know. You can tell her.”
He’s visibly taken aback by her words, not expecting them. Seulgi would never say something like that. But it’s only a second before he’s smirking, nodding appreciatively. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
She introduces herself to the other guys who do the same in return and you’re all chatting when a familiar voice chills your blood. “There you are!”
The body that belongs to the voice easily slides into the seat next to Yerim, using her shoulder to steady himself. “You saved me a seat.”
“Of course, I did, Honey.” She rests her much smaller hand over his that still cups her bare shoulder and you think you might’ve blacked out for a second. 
The whole table goes silent as the newcomer finally checks out who he’s sat with.
Once you lock eyes, the color drains completely out of his face and the fear you feel reflects deep within his irises.
It is him.
Park Chanyeol.
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vdlest · 3 years
Sunset's Beauty
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Now that you and Bucky are retired from being part of the Avengers, it's now time you two prioritized living your happily ever after.
You watch the two most important people in your life as they play and roam around the beach as the sunsets. The wind continues to embrace your skin, your feet playfully bury themselves to the sand as your lips form a smile from watching Bucky and your son, Calix. And watching them made little flashbacks in your mind, remembering all the things you and Bucky have been through after you two retired from being part of the Avengers.
The sight of the hallway and the briefing room on your last day in the compound is still fresh in your mind, how each agent you pass by says their best wishes for you and Bucky's upcoming wedding and retirement, how Fury hugged you and thanked you for being part of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avengers, how Sam held back his tears when he saw you and Bucky loading your bags on your car.
It wasn't an easy decision to make for you and Bucky. The two of you have been part of the Avengers for the past years of your lives and being part of it is what you two believe is the main highlight of your lives. However, your last mission made you two realized that life is too short to take everything for granted. Bucky almost lost you in the last mission, and so he promised himself, he won't take any single second for granted anymore.
So after your last day in the compound, you and Bucky planned a simple wedding. The only ones who are invited are your close family and friends. It was just a simple ceremony to share with the few people who made you two destined for each other.
And five years later, here you are, living your lives together in the best way possible you could think of.
A year after you and Bucky got married, you got pregnant and soon gave birth to a healthy baby boy. You and Bucky named him Calix, which means very handsome. Bucky would always be annoyed when people would tell both of you that Calix looks like you, but you would always tell Bucky that Calix got his eyes from him and your son's charm no doubt came from your husband.
The first few months of being parents were hard for you, especially after you gave birth but Bucky made it easier for you. He never left your side. He will always take the night shift in taking care of Calix and you. He will volunteer to change the diapers no matter what he was doing. He will carry Calix and roam him around the house just to entertain the crying baby, night and day, even though you'd see him yawn while doing it.
That angelic voice of your son made all your flashbacks disappear in thin air. You saw him running towards you, and Bucky was behind him, following his footsteps.
You opened your arms and Calix immediately hugged you, "Aww! My baby is not so baby anymore," you commented as he wrapped his arms around you.
Calix is all grown up, but to you and Bucky, he's still the same 8.7 lbs. baby you gave birth to. He was the biggest baby in the nursery at that time and that explained the stretch marks you had when you were pregnant with him. But no matter how many stretch marks you had, the joy of seeing him for the first time will always make everything worth it.
"Time for a new baby, I guess?" Bucky naughtily suggested, which made you glare at him and made him chuckle afterward.
It's a good thing Calix is too young to understand his dad's naughtiness. He just sat down on your lap and showed you the seashells he and Bucky collected while they were playing and roaming around the seashore.
"Wow! That's a lot of seashells. Are you gonna bring it home and hang it in your room?" you asked him.
Calix nodded, "'Gonna show this first to grandpa!" he stood up and run towards the beach house that your parents own, leaving you and Bucky alone together.
It's summertime and you got an invitation from your parents to spend a quick summer vacation in this beach house, also so they can spend time with Calix.
You find the invitation perfect since you and Bucky wanted to go somewhere this summer to spend quality time together. Your parents happily offered to take care of Calix while you and Bucky have time for each other as well, and you knew why they wanted for you and Bucky to have lots of time alone together. They wanted to have another grandchild, which you and Bucky already discussed.
"Can't believe we've gone this far already," Bucky uttered out of nowhere, making your eyes met his.
"Uh-oh, someone's being sentimental," you joked as you motion him to lay down on the picnic blanket and rest his head on your thighs.
He lay down and rested his head on your thighs, his eyes are looking up at yours, "I just...I just can't believe it has been five years since I got married to the most wonderful woman I've ever met in my entire life," he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it.
You run your fingers through his hair, "And I can't believe you're this cheesy because when we first met you were the grumpiest," you joked again.
Bucky was telling the God damn truth -- the two of you have gone far already.
It was like only yesterday when you two first joined forces in a mission and you two hated each other's guts, but eventually you two found that way to fall in love with each other. And that's something you and Bucky owe to your Avengers' life. Because of it, you met each other and got married.
You thought, if only Nat, Steve, and Tony were also there to see how good your life with Bucky is, you bet they'll be happy for both of you. But wherever they are, you know they are looking down up there, smiling ear to ear because they can see from wherever they are that you and Bucky are happy together.
Just like any other relationship, you and Bucky experienced highs and lows, turns and twists, but what's important is that you two never gave up and always think of why you two were together in the first place, because of love.
"Y/n, can I ask you something?" he sounded so serious this time.
Your brows raised, "What?" you asked him, still running your fingers through his hair.
"Do you regret our decision?"
Without mentioning what decision he's pointing out, you knew what it is.
"Bucky," you cupped his cheek and smiled at him, "It was the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. It was a sad decision to make, it was sad to leave the life we got used to, but it was only a matter of time before we choose to live the life we want to and this is it. I'd still choose that decision over and over again, knowing that you and Calix will be the best result of that decision," you told your husband.
Bucky got up from your lap and this time, he was the one who cupped your face, "Same goes with me." He let go of your cheek and grabbed your hand, "I'm living my best life with you and Calix. So thank you, thank you for doing this with me."
"No," you shook your head, "I should be the one thanking you," you retorted. "Thank you for putting me and Calix your number one and only priority. Thank you for making me this happy," you proclaimed.
Instead of answering your gratitudes, his hand traveled to the back of your neck and pull you towards him to give your lips a kiss.
His kiss was soft and pure of love. All you could sense is how much he loves you and how willing he is to sacrifice anything for you and your family, that's what you both did five years ago.
And no matter where life takes both of you, it doesn't matter, as long as you two are together, everything is in its right place.
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