#the perfect lawn
whirligiggler · 2 months
this isn't like a slight on gortash fans or anything but i genuinely don't get how so many people are begging and begging for more gortash content and a romance option when wyll's storyline and romance is so bugged and underdeveloped compared to everyone else's (he as a character literally isn't as fleshed out as everyone else either) and karlach's storyline and romance is also noticeably lacking in some aspects too. like two of the main companions in the game genuinely aren't even finished but people are salty that they can't kiss the tyrant. can we put more focus on more pressing issues perhaps
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sunshine-1722 · 3 days
"What's the matter with me, anyhow?"
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Prompt I stole from Reddit and implied tons of BKDK to!!
[Part 1: Izuku having a Quirk before OFA.]
If you came up with this Idea, please tell me so I can credit you. Sorry I have to steal- I just want to talk about these topics without seeing dudebros shitting because I include BK or BKDK
Also this post might be focusing too much on Izu so uh..
Izuku having a quirk is so.. weird and yet it's fucking interesting! Like, Ao3 does these too but I specifically only stealing from reddit because how I want a more friendly place to talk about these ideas and make it to BKDK somehow.
First prompt: Pinkie Pie! 💕🌸
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This is actually not a quirk specifically but more like Izuku being pinkie pie and have this chaotic sense of energy that I think that can fit him well! Like Imagine, Baby Izuku who is told that he's quirkless and YET he still have abilities of Pinkies.
Objects appearing from his fluffy green hair (Notebooks, Pens, Cupcake (Huh?), Glitter- and more)
"Deku-sense" like Pinkie sense, but less twitchy and Izuku just, have this, weird six sense.
4th wall breaking, but less intrusive than Pinkie? Since this ability don't really make sense in MHA world
Fast. Zoomies. He is like a orange cat when being provoked.
When sad, his hair deflates- It's weird.. but this rarely happened.
(and many more)
Kids probably either bully him less or just thinks Izuku is weirder here in this world. But Low-key, I like to think that people kinda use him in this world because he throws the BEST birthday parties.
What's Kacchan like in this AU?
I like to think that Katsuki bother Izuku less in this AU. Like, sure. Deku doesn't have a quirk.. but, hOW DID HE GET A FUCKING CANON OUT OF NO WHERE?!?!? He will not admit it, but he probably thinks that Deku's so fucking cool.. and honestly? He won't admit it.. that every gift that Deku gift for his birthday is being kept and taken care of with love. Kacchan totally have a separate shelf to display all the gifts Izuku gave him over the years.
Deku is known to be attached to Kacchan and Kacchan just, let's him. No bark and such. He probably have a low-key crush on Izuku and he FUCKING HATES IT. (no he doesn't :3)
This might be mean or nonsensical but I think the main issue in this AU for Izuku is not, the bullies (Yes bullies will still exist in this AU, Kacchan won't really be as involved.) It's the teachers.. Many fics has Aldera being, kinda an assholic school and I kinda like that HC so I'm involving this shit in my stolen prompts.
Izuku will STILL be quirkless so.. Teachers don't really, like Izuku. He is an enigma and he stands out WITHOUT having a "good" quality, that are powerful quirks. (I have a bad experience with school, so I'm projecting a bit)
There are Mean students that takes Kacchan's place but like Canon, Izuku doesn't give a fuck about them and just be the best him he could to others.
Izuku's goals and personality
Izuku's personality in this AU doesn't really go far from Canon. He's still a baby- He is still a nerd, he loves All might and he still wants to be a hero. But the emphasis of Izuku wanting to be a hero that save people with a Smile will be more pushed in this AU. Like, Izuku wants to SEE others smile and he will make sure that everyone can genuinely be happy.
He is also slightly more confident in this AU. He doesn't keep himself hidden most of the time, but rather he stands out (neurodivergent much), and he will have this reputation of "A trouble maker.. but a very kind one"
Very cheerful and having a smile that beams. Others who bullies this boy must be blind because LOOK AT HIM.
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But YEAH! Nothing really change much, but he does sing and smile more and probably mutters more than usual.
Also, a small dialog I like to think that might happened in this AU:
Kacchan: Izuku, The "ku" part can also be read as DEKU. A fitting name for a nerd like you nerd!
Deku: Oh!! "Deku" as in like "Dekiru" right? Like "you can do it"? That's amazing Kacchan!!
Deku: Oh, eh- *Ignores the useless part lmao-*
Kacchan: *Is seething but also blushing because anger!! of course it's anger!!! Not Deku being fucking adorable- nope!*
In this AU Izuku will be more forward with his intentions on befriending his Kacchan-
Also Imagine Izuku fighting and suddenly a fucking glitter canon appears our of nowhere and it is aim AT you. I will run if I were you.
What about OFA?
Technically, Izuku will still be quirkless so he can still get OFA. But he got OFA differently- It doesn't take him saving Kacchan from the sludge villain, but from him using "Deku-sense" to accidentally saving people and having All might finding out about this fact.
Deku in this world is more, accepting of his quirkless status and firmly believes he can be a Hero with what he has. So, All might, kinda observe this weird boy who just so happens to do his job before he could do it.. and he did it in a more, kinder way- Like he would literally just stop a robbery by giving him a cupcake while the villain cry, and Izuku listening to the villain's reason on robbing without judgements. All might as Toshinori will probably also interact with Izuku because Izuku saw Toshinori kind of sitting alone and sad looking so he gave him a cupcake or something. Then the OFA talks just, naturally comes up as Toshinori asked Izuku if he wants to be his successor.
Izuku also, will not keep this quirk a secret to his Kacchan. In this AU, Izuku is somehow will ROPE Kacchan into the OFA secret early. Why? Deku-sense said so. Kacchan stays because he doesn't want the idiot to die or something, and now Toshinori has two sons-/j
Second prompt: Blue diamond🔹💙
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This one is a quirk, but with some bullshit, he still has a toe joint.. where the doctor just diagnosed him as quirkless. He's technically, in the case where there is quirk singularity but I'm not too sure about my knowledge in quirks to actually accurately say shit right now. So when we get to OFA, I'll just say that his quirk is not a quirk bit still a quirk but not really but-
Okay. So, Blue diamond! Her abilities is straight forward, but we'll only focused on the extra empath abilities she have for Izuku. And Tears. Lot's of TEARS.
For this quirk, Izuku isn't aware of his abilities but others does suspect something wrong with him.
When he cries in pain, others will flinch. When he cries in happiness, others will be in pure joy. when he cries in anger, others will be angry FOR him. and when he cries in sadness, others will FEEL his emotional anguish. Of course, no one really connect shit and just assume him crying bring guilt to their fault ass. This is actually the drive that Kacchan needs to be better (We'll talk about that later.)
This ability for Izuku's actually make him a prime person to be easily trusted somehow. Like, other's will trust him no questions ask because when he eventually cries near others, others will know his feelings are genuine.
Tl;dr Izuku brings the best in others by crying✨
What's Kacchan like in this AU?
Being the main tormentor for Izuku's life does brings some perks in a fucked up way. Because the more Izuku cries (even just a little) at Kacchan's mean words, the more Kacchan ask himself if these actions worth anything. He might not like to admit it but when Izuku cries in sadness, he ALWAYS get fucking guilty and starting to question his whole believes earlier. He second guess his ways of being the number one and maybe he changes earlier than canon. Does that make sense?
Kacchan also discover that he.. likes it when Deku cry because he's happy, more than him being sad so he just, do little things to try and apologize early for being a dick. He is rewarded by the feeling of giddiness in his gay ass stomach.
I know that this sounds like Deku is making everyone feel unnecessary shit due to his ability but the ability doesn't actually MAKE people feel unwanted emotions, like how Blue diamond use her powers. Izuku (unconsciously) uses this ability in a such sincere way that the goodness in people's heart actually floats to the surface. I'm not sure if that make sense.. Like, His power brings up the good in people faster because he's always sincere, but not everyone is effected by it.
Izuku is like Steven universe in a sense. He beats evil by his sincerity and kindness. So, technically his power should be named "advanced empathy"??? I'm questioning myself don't worry.. I think a better way of describing this ability is that Izuku breaks other's false mask and touch the hearts of those around him. Does that make sense?
Nothing change much in Izuku's middle school life, but Kacchan's actions torwards Izuku slowly felt like it's forced rather than Kacchan believing that his way of doing things is the way to do it. Like Kacchan clearly wants to change, he's just too prideful still and is confused on HOW to actually change. Still say the infamous line and regrets it more in this AU. This also extend to others that do wrong to Izuku and eventually they stopped bothering Izuku due to the guilty conscious they had. (Other than Kacchan, everyone is a coward to apologized to Izuku during his time in Aldera. Yes I'm probably implying that Kacchan apologized to Izuku during his Aldera years.)
Izuku's goals and personality
Still the same as Canon. Still a nerd, still baby certified and still Izuku. The ones that's effected by the whole ass AU are others AROUND Izuku.
Every time Canon Izuku cries, others WILL be effected in some way. So basically in this AU, Izuku fanon interpretation of "sunshine child" is very much pushed.
Where Pink Izuku is confident and helps other by physically being there, Blue Izuku kinda does this but unintentionally. Pink Izuku will put himself in trouble like canon and being oblivious about the rules he broke (and somehow not get in trouble in the process.) Blue Izuku help others emotionally. I like to see Izuku in this AU actively finding people who is shunned by society by accident and helping them just by being himself. Like maybe he found a random kid crying and Izuku is there to help by listening to their problems.
The more I think about it, Izuku is just steven with blue powers instead of pink... agh fuck it.
This ability will honestly be hilarious when being put in a battle scenario. Just imagine villains starting to have emotional crisis while fighting this green kid and start to be sloppy because of it.
The hilarious part of this AU comes in the form of Villains questioning themselves mid battle and sometimes even goes so far as surrendering themselves because of it. (No, Muscular and Chisaki wasn't one of these Villains.)
What about OFA?
Like I said earlier, this ability may be a quirk but not that strong to the point of OFA getting to a point of drain Izuku's life force when possessing it. (Now that I think about it, I could just not say that this ability is a quirk.. but it won't make sense to my brain.)
Things happened exactly how things happened in canon but one thing does change. All might actually acknowledging what he did at the fucking rooftop and feel the regret right after he crush Izuku's dreams. Because of Izuku's half ass quirk, I like to think that the other factors of OFA got unlocked earlier in the arcs but I'm not sure how exactly..
The way that Kacchan founds out about OFA is the same way as canon but instead of distrusting what Izuku said at the beginning, he believes him instantly. The two journey in this story is more like Kacchan fumbles on being a good friend to Izuku while Izuku is just happy to have Kacchan as his friend again!! DvK 1 and 2 still happens but in a different format. It leans more on Kacchan's feelings than Izuku's quirk issue tbh-
That's the prompts I have living rent free so far- Please tell me if you have a prompt of your own or even better TALK TO ME WITH IT!!! I want to brain rot with anyone who's willing to also brain rot with me. Aight imma try to do my assignment now-
As a separate question, what are your thoughts of bkdk contents on other platforms? I mainly search for bkdk content on Twitter and Tumblr. Reddit is the worst when it comes to bk or bkdk in general.. ugh. Pinterest and Discord is a different thing in general, Instagram algorithm somehow only shows me kr/bk or td/dk where I SPECIFICALLY search and block for bkdk shit. Youtube is alright.
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iheartliquor · 2 years
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You might wake up, but you'll never be better
You might come through, but you'll always second guess
You might breathe free, but you'll never stop pacing
You might find love, but you'll always be depressed
You might change your hair, but you'll always look awkward
Your back might heal, but you'll never get your rest
You might move on, but you'll never feel important
You might be fine, but you'll never be your best
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erasurehero · 1 year
bnha au where everything is the same except hawks is called honks and he has goose wings
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tripably · 4 months
stationing myself in the garden in an effort to intimidate the dandelions from producing more flowers
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theloveinc · 2 years
finkin’ about being eijirou’s bred lil sweet wifey.. who’s always touchin him and feelin up his ego🥺
Makin sure that the house is clean and makin sure that all his needs are met <3..
gonna call him my king.. gonna make sure he knows he’s above me and that he can do whatever with me.. <3
all he has to do in return is adore me and bust his nuts right against my womb and let me worship his big n beefy body and sweaty cock right when he gets home from patrol.. <3
(always fantasizing about bein’ married to eijirou n having absolutely zero problems in our marriage and having a big family and just submittin’ to him <3..)
You are DISGUSTINGGGGGG but tbh? I love it so.
The other hero wives + PTA moms at the function with their husbands who are never home and/or are having affairs, tho? Not so much. Partially out of jealousy, partially out embarrassment for how much you love each other and how often you're together... and openly.
Waking up early to make him breakfast, help shave his face and do his hair. Getting some early morning kissies in and maybe even showering together, when he's not in too much of a rush🥺... Kiri just can't have a good day if you don't praise him and tell him how much you love him before he goes, waving to you from the car as you blow him kisses from the door.
And even though he loves his job, he loves getting home to you even more. When you kiss him in the foyer, help him change outta his stinky clothes... sink down onto your knees...
He always helps you wash all the dishes from dinner before pressing your hips against the counter to thank you the best way he knows how...
(And even on the days when he works nights, getting home in the early hours of the morning, he's still gotta love on you when he gets into bed, sometimes going in headfirst so he can kiss your pussy, other times pulling your sleepy body into his and your leg over his thighs just to rolls his hips into yours... it's no wonder why you have so many kiddos.)
But it's a good life you live! Full of tons of mutual affection... and I don't blame anyone for being envious, cuz being with Kiri means having nothing to worry about, at all or ever<3
(tw for kids under the cut!)
I just know all your babies are all so well behaved, too... all of them little angels, if not just full of energy, and so hardworking—in sports, and dance class, always on top of their studies, practicing their quirks.
Kiri makes sure they're all so respectful, both of you and others, teaching them how to help with chores and be polite to the neighbors... even with their messy rooms, they just love you guys so much!!!
You probably end up having to make Kiri get the snip-snip so you don't end up with an entire army... cuz otherwise, with how good and lovely they are, you'd never stop having them LOL❤️
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scobbe · 5 months
I just ordered a very small cast iron portable charcoal grill thing and I’m INCREDIBLY EXCITED to start a fire and cook food outside again.
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an audio of the conversation morrigan and the warden have in the dragon age witch hunt dlc
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dialoogid · 2 years
Suburban Lawns - Protection (1981)
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carmenlire · 1 year
my sunjae and geonhu brainrot is ruining my life
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alatus-k · 1 year
Y’know sometimes I’m happy my family is gone/not a part of my life, lol- I feel like I absolutely dodged how guilty they’d make me feel for leaving things messy or undone sometimes.
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lilac-melody · 1 year
If the rest of today doesn't go well, I am going to start bite maim tearing
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bewareofchris · 2 years
look i’m a simple person and i simply cannot tolerate the IWTV finale.  i’m not an apologist but i find it deeply, deeply unfair that i was forced to watch Sam Reid tear my fucking heart out in a way neither the novel nor the Tom Cruise version was capable of.  i’m just saying i’m a lazy half-committed fan of the books and a former diehard of the movie but there is no only one lestat for me and i have literally never been on his side of IWTV before.
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corpsecoded · 2 years
cities r wonderful.... SUBURBS are not
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