#the perks of going frame-by-frame with this show sometimes lol
kaiowut99 · 4 months
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you ever just lose your arm
GX 109 has some really good art and animation, but I suppose that doesn't make it any less susceptible to art errors with Neos missing his arm in this shot after Cobra reacts to O'Brien starting to turn his back on his mission in his duel with Judai. I wonder where the budget for that arm we--
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...I see, carry on then
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jennay · 9 months
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Request: would love a fluffy best friends that totally have loved each other but are scared to admit, maybe do something like if he still streamed. I wish he still did occasionally. 😭♥️♥️
An: this had a little more angst then what I originally planned. Lol but I hope you all enjoy it! I'm living for the Noah requests. 🥰
Also as you can tell I know nothing about twitch. 😂
Noah master list
Warnings: cursing and angst…mostly fluff.
Words: about 2600
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You perk up as you hear the door open and close, breaking the silence of the empty bar. You've been waiting for some customers to show up, hoping to make some decent tips today. You smile as you recognize the familiar faces of Noah and Nicholas.
You grab two glasses and greet them warmly. "My favorite customers! What can I get you?" You ask.
Nicholas hops on the stool next to Noah and scans the deserted place. "How's it going?" He says. "Where's the party at?"
You shrug and hand him a beer. "Covid, Nick… it's hard to get people out these days."
You glance at Noah, who is browsing the canned drinks. His long, dark hair frames his handsome face. You can't help but admire how cute he is, even though you would never tell him that. You and Noah have a platonic friendship, but it's not like any other. You have feelings for him, but you don't want to ruin what you have. You enjoy spending time with him, watching movies, playing games, and teasing him on his live streams. He took a while to figure out that you were the one leaving funny comments on his videos. He cracked up when he realized it was you, especially when you were doing it from his own bedroom.
Sometimes, you would catch him looking puzzled at the screen, wondering who was messing with him. "Who the fuck is this?" He would say, reading one of your messages. "They think they're hilarious."
"Hi sunshine, what are you in the mood for? Beer, white claw, mix drink?"
Noah tucks his hair behind his ears and points at a blackberry-white claw. "That sounds good. Can I have one of those?"
You nod and grab the can from the cooler. You pop it open and slide it over to him.
Conversing with them as you lean on the counter. "So, what's up with you guys today? Any big plans for the night?" You ask.
Noah sighs and takes a sip of his drink. "We just needed a break from the house. It's driving me crazy being stuck in there all the time." He says. "And we wanted to see our favorite bartender, of course!"
"I thought you were working on the album?"
Nicholas nods and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but then Jolly got into an argument with Noah. We had to pause."
You laugh and raise your eyebrow. You're not surprised that Noah was the problem. He may seem calm and quiet, but he's also a perfectionist who wants to do everything over and over again.
"Noah." You scold. "You're such a drama queen!"
He puts his drink down and leans forward, clasping his hands together as if he's about to confess something. But instead, he whispers, "Fuck off."
You giggle at his remark, rolling your eyes at him. "You're a man-child."
"And you love it." He teases. "Are you coming over after your shift?"
Nicholas laughs as he watches you lean closer to Noah, pretending to be angry at him. You narrow your eyes and say, "I don't even like you."
Noah gasps and clutches his chest, acting hurt. "Fucking liar!" He exclaims. "You adore me!"
You lean back, crossing your arms over your chest. "What's in it for me?"
Nicholas stands, sneering, tired of the bickering between you and Noah, "I'm gonna use the pisser. Watch my drink, make sure Noah doesn't drug me."
"So," Noah says, smacking his hands on the counter jokingly, "Are you going to?" He asks eagerly, flashing his perfect white teeth in a hopeful smile. He leans closer to you, his dark eyes sparkling with mischief.
"I can't." You bite your bottom lip. "Why do you want me to come over so bad anyway? That's the second time you've asked."
"Nothing." He laughs, "Sometimes I like your company when I stream. The crowd that gets on likes you."
"Probably because I'm amazing." You joke.
Noah takes a sip of his drink, watching you intently as you pick up some glasses to clean.
He sets his can down, "Probably." He agrees quietly but with a hint of seriousness in his tone.
"Hmm?" You question, not hearing him.
"Oh, I just said unlikely." He lies, smirking at you.
You set the glass down and glare at him, "Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with you. You're pretty mean." You know Noah is teasing you, but sometimes you wonder if that's what he really thinks of you.
"You're sensitive as fuck today." His brow raises, but he doesn't ask why you might be feeling that way.
"Maybe you're being an asshole?"
When Nicholas arrives back at the bar, he can sense the tension between you. "What'd you pick a fight with (y/n) too?" His brown eyes look from you to Noah and to his drink. He quickly drinks the rest of it, glaring at Noah for whatever he did to annoy you. "C'mon. Don't be a dick. Let's get out of here." He flashes you a quick smile. "See ya later, (y/n)."
Noah smiles at you again, "Come over!" He doesn't wait for you to respond. He leaves you behind, waving as he exits.
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You didn't go to Noah's house after work. Instead, you went home, made dinner, and cozied on the couch to watch a movie with your dog. You didn't bother texting him; his words had stung. You'd been a loyal friend to him for years, but he didn't seem to appreciate it.
Sometimes, it felt like you were a burden to him or a toy for his amusement. He treated you differently when his friends were around.
When you were alone, however, it was a different story. He was sweet and kind; Noah showered you affectionately, making your heart flutter. But as soon as one of his buddies showed up, he changed. He teased you mercilessly and acted like you were one of the guys. You hated it; you weren't one of the guys. You were a girl who had feelings for him.
Feelings that you wished would disappear, but they didn't. They clung to you like a shadow, haunting you every day. You hoped that maybe one day he would see you as more than a friend, but right now wasn't the right time.
You were just (y/n), his best friend who secretly loved him but would die before admitting it.
An idea clicked in your head; you knew he was streaming tonight. You run to your room, get your laptop, and plop back on the couch, ensuring not to squish your golden retriever, whose mighty perked up over your quick actions.
You're feeling mischievous today. You log into Twitch with a different username and no camera, ready to mess with Noah.
You find his invite and click on it, eager to see his reaction. He's live, looking handsome as ever in his glasses, sweater, and cat ear headphones. His long hair falls over his shoulders as he reads the chat. You pause for a moment, wondering if this is a good idea. But curiosity gets the better of you. You want to know what he says when he thinks you're not listening.
He answers a question from a fan, "Where's (Y/n)?" He shrugs and sips his drink, "I don't know. I think I pissed her off, so she's not joining me tonight. Maybe she'll show up later." He adjusts his glasses and reads another question, "I had a surprise for you guys tonight, but (Y/n) 's not here so no surprise."
You raise an eyebrow and type a question, "Maybe you should be nicer to her." You hit enter and bite your lip, waiting for him to notice. His eyes widen as he reads your message.
"Nicer to her!?" He exclaims, incredulous. "I'm always nice to her. She's one of my best friends." He looks at your username and frowns, "Who are you anyway?"
You smirk and reply, "You weren't very nice at the bar today."
He grins, realizing it's you, "Why are you hiding behind a fake account?"
You mute the movie playing in the background of your living room, amused by his reaction. You decide to play along. "I didn't know how mean I wanted to be. Maybe treat you how you treat me sometimes."
"You didn't even listen to what I said!" He rolls his eyes and laughs sarcastically, "If you're going to do this, you might as well show your pretty face." He challenges you. He glances at his follower count, which is rising rapidly. People love drama, and he knows it. He usually doesn't get this personal on a livestream, but he has some things he wants to say. "Besides, you started it when you said you didn't even like me!"
You scowl at the screen, annoyed by his words. How dare he act innocent? "I have to keep up with your assholeness!" You type back.
He shakes his head and sends you a link to join him on the stream. "You're not fooling anyone anymore. Just join me already."
You sigh, feeling the pressure. You switch to your main account and click the link he sent you. You allow your camera to turn on, and soon enough, your face appears next to his on the screen.
"Happy now?" You ask with more attitude than you intended.
He nods, smiling at the screen. "There you are."
You lean forward, resting your chin on your hands, "What do you want Noah? I don't really feel like talking to you right now."
He looks at you seriously, "Well, I wanted to talk to you about something important. Something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time."
You raise an eyebrow, curious and suspicious. "What?"
He takes a deep breath and says, "I don't want to be your friend anymore." He pauses, feeling nervous.
You instantly feel a gut-wrenching sickness in your stomach, "Fuck you!"
"Wait! Let me finish!" He quickly says. "I like you more than a friend. I've liked you since the day we met, and I've been trying to show you how I feel, but I guess I'm not very good at it and I get scared and I fuck up and then I tease you thinking it's flirting, but it's not working cause it's been four years, and you still haven't caught on, and I'm sorry if I ever hurt you or made you angry. That's never my intention. I just wanted to make you laugh and smile and be happy. I haven't said it directly because I was afraid to lose you, but now I feel like I'm losing you because I won't fucking say it."
You blink, stunned by his words. You don't know what to say or how to react. You look at the chat, which is going wild with comments and emojis. Some are cheering for him, teasing him, and shipping you two.
You realize that he just confessed his feelings for you to thousands of people. You look back at him, searching his eyes for any sign of a joke or a prank. But he seems sincere and nervous, waiting for your response.
You feel your heart beating faster and your face heating up. You wonder if he can hear it through the microphone. You open your mouth, but no words come out. You're speechless.
"God, dammit, Noah. I'm facetiming you. Get off your live."
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You're nervous and excited as you sit beside Noah on his Twitch stream. It's been a week since he confessed his feelings for you. You've decided to go public with your relationship, and you're ready to face his fans' reactions.
You sway back and forth in your chair, waiting for the screen to load. Noah rests his hand on your leg, giving you a gentle squeeze. "You OK?" He asks, looking at you with concern.
You nod your head, smiling at him. "Yeah. I'm good. Are you sure you want to tell everyone now?" You ask, feeling a bit nervous.
He nods, grinning at you. "It's been a week. I think they've waited long enough." He says, referring to the cliffhanger he left on his last stream.
He pulls you closer to him and kisses your cheek. You giggle and lean on his shoulder, feeling his warmth and heartbeat.
The computer dings, and the chat has started. You pull your head back from Noah's tattooed arm and sit straight, ready to face the camera. Hundreds of messages pop up on the screen, asking about you and Noah, wondering if you're together or not.
Noah looks at you with a reassuring smile and wraps his arm around your waist. He leans in and whispers in your ear, "Ready to do this, babe?" He calls you by the nickname he gave you when you started dating. You feel affection for him and nod, blushing. He kisses your forehead and turns to the camera, greeting his fans.
"Hey guys, welcome! I hope you're all doing well. As you can see, I have a special guest with me today." He says, gesturing to you. "My now girlfriend." He announces proudly, making your heart skip a beat. He looks at you with love in his eyes and smiles. "Say hi, babe."
You wave at the camera and say hi, feeling shy but happy. You see the chat explode with comments, some congratulating you two, some expressing shock or disbelief, some asking questions or making jokes.
You feel overwhelmed by the attention, but Noah holds you tight and makes you feel safe. He answers some of the questions from the fans, what he likes about you, what you love about him.
Noah tells them about the surprise he had planned for them on the night he confessed his feelings for you: He was going to sing a song for you on the stream, which he wrote for you. He says he still wants to do it if you don't mind.
You nod, feeling touched by his gesture. He smiles and kisses your nose, making you giggle. He grabs his guitar from behind him and strums a few chords.
Clearing his throat, he starts singing about how much you mean to him and how happy you make him. Some other sappy things that you weren't expecting from him.
He looks at you as he sings, making eye contact every few seconds. You feel tears as you listen to his beautiful voice and heartfelt lyrics.
You smile and mouth, "I love you."
He smiles back and mouths, "I love you too." He finishes the song and puts down his guitar. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly, kissing your cheek. He turns to the camera and says goodbye to his fans, thanking them for their support and kind words.
He says he'll see them next time, but he wants to spend some time with his girlfriend. Noah winks at the camera and ends the stream.
He turns off the computer and looks at you with a sweet expression. "How was that?"
"That was amazing." You say sincerely, holding your hands to your heart nearly melting.
"I'm glad you liked it."
You snuggle into his chest and sigh contentedly, throwing your legs over his lap. You gently grab the sides of his face and kiss him, feeling like you're living your best dream. "It was perfect."
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wings-of-ink · 3 months
First Devlog?
Hello everyone...boy, there are a lot of you already, still trying to digest that...
So, I gather that I should do these logs on occasion. I do not know how often, perhaps just when I have a few things to say. I will try not to ramble too much, but my fingies like to talk.
Anyway, I am working on chapter 3 right now. There’s some fun moments so far in it that I hope you’ll like, and we’ll get to meet Zahn, Duri'naan, and then Rundis. I’m trying not to rush because there are some exciting scenes that I’m eager to get to. I’ve outlined them to tide myself over until I get that far. There’s some quiet moments you’ll get to have as well, and right now I feel like that’s what I’m struggling with. Those areas of my story are like bridges to the next, more exciting, parts and sometimes I feel like they fall a little flat. But, I’m trying to keep in mind this is my first draft. I’ll go through it another time or two to perk things up. Those moments are still important for letting the MC get to know each RO.
My mind has been in a million directions lately too, and I’ve had a lot of ‘duh’ moments. I’ve done so much world building since I started this last year (around August/September I think), that I have pockets of important details that I kinda just forgot! So, I plan to re-read all the notes I’ve made and try to also put them into one place. I have some in my phone, in a notebook, and in no less than three folders on my laptop. It’s a wonder I have survived this many years…
What you can expect for coming updates…
-A couple fixes, of course – thank you to those who found some of those pesky buggy bois for me.
-A nicer front page, instead of being slapped with my ramblings, I’d like to actually have a nice start page. I’ll figure it out eventually, lol.
-I’ll be adding a name bank to the MC’s Nameday scene that will also show you what each name means, so if that is important to you, it’ll save you the internet search. If it tickles your fancy, the name selection will correspond in some way to the marks (names meaning "night" or "storm," etc.) so you can theme your MC a bit.
-Extra coding in case you decide to shorten MC’s given name to just “Ravi.” I did not once consider that anyone would do this, and my first play-tester – my own spouse – did….He told me about it since it made some dialog with Oswin make zero sense, and then I published the story without fixing it because I completely forgot about it.
-Different contrast color for dark mode links. I feel like I have drastically improved this with a new gold color. In retrospect, I don’t know why I didn’t use the gold before. I love it as an accent, I use it all over! The blue never felt 100% right, but my brain shut down after thinking about it too long. Here’s a sample and a (M) Zahn tease:
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When can you expect an update?
I’d like to make my next update during the Amare Games Festival, ideally containing both chapters 3 and 4 since they go pretty tightly together. This will also insure that you meet the rest of the posse. It’s a tall order for both chapters to be submitted on time, and I don’t want to rush them either, but I’m going to try really really hard, lol. I will focus first on polishing chapter 3, so that no matter what, I can at least get it out in time.
Here’s a link to the post about it:
And this is the submission time frame: open from March 31st 2024 at 11:00 PM to May 1st 2024 at 12:00 AM
As a side message, should you want to read on…
I also wanted to give you all a big, like really big, heartfelt thank you. I have received so many kind messages and comments that I just can’t believe it. I am so happy (and honestly, genuinely shocked) that you’re enjoying my IF, and I’m motivated to work hard so you also enjoy each new chapter of your journey. There’s so many secrets I want to share with you about the world, and I am struggling to be patient myself, lol.
I am not usually a very open or social person, and I was scared for a long time to share anything I wrote. I reached a point in my personal life in the last few years where I just needed to embrace what I loved to do and share it with a community that shares in that love. I encourage you to do the same whether there is a story in your heart, music on your lips, or a paintbrush in your hands. Life is NOT about your 8-5. We may not be able to survive without it, but whatever moment you can, do what you actually love. Put away the those things that don’t matter, the things that stress you - including people, and make time for who you are.
Thank you all and take care!
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sungbeam · 2 years
darling, congrats on your milestoneeeee !!! so proud of you, duckie, you deserve all the love and support !! I'm sorry I haven't been reblogging your fics to the net for a while, I've been focusing on myself., but I'm going to do that soon !! if it's not too much trouble, would you consider writing a suggestive something or other for mingi ? *wink wonk* >;) maybe he's chilling on the couch and reader comes into the apartment and he's looking too good for words D;
song mingi x gn!reader
0.5k words, suggestive, making out, two curse words lol
a/n: kari my beloved, ty for sending in a request!! i hope u enjoy it, if ur seeing this 🤧✨ i hope ur resting well and ur taking care of urself as well !! miss u the mostest 😞💖
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Right as the apartment door closed, you heard Song Mingi perk up from where he lounged on the couch. "Baby, you're home! I missed you~" 
You opened your mouth to return the sentiment, only to turn around and realize—well, shit. Was it just you or did your boyfriend seem a lot more… delectable today? 
It wasn't like Mingi never looked delicious on a normal day, it was only because maybe the loose gray sweats and the tight fitted white shirt (he really should have been properly banned from the gym) were putting you in a daze. His silver-grey hair fell gently over his forehead, with some of the strands hanging in the frame of his thin circle lenses seated on his nose. He looked so effortlessly a god, lounging on a throne of soft leather sectional. You could just…
"Baby? Are you okay?" Mingi cocked his head to the side in worry, completely oblivious to the burning thoughts in your head. You really needed to get your head out of the gutter. 
You shook your head and dumped your keys into the glass bowl by the door with a metallic clatter. "Yeah, I'm okay," you murmured, making your way toward him, "I'm just a little…"
You settled onto his lap, his big hands coming to rest on your waist. "Distracted." You heard his breath hitch as your hand pressed flat against his chest and slowly felt him from beating heart to sculpted abdominals. 
His dark eyes dilated, tongue sneaking out to wet his lips. "Distracted?" He echoed. 
"Mhm," you hummed. 
You leaned in and captured his bottom lip between your teeth, then swallowed his moan whole with your mouth. You shifted your legs, straddling his waist, arms looping around his neck. When you came up for a moment of air, you asked, "Sorry, was that okay?"
"Oh fuck, it was more than okay," he breathed, then pressed his lips to yours again. Mingi fell back against the couch cushion and grabbed the back of your neck with one hand, his fingers long enough to hold your jaw and position you just the way he wanted. Every sensation was fully zeroed in on the man under you and devouring you—his aftershave and musk suffocating your lungs, hard muscle beneath your fingertips and thighs. Sometimes you wondered if you would ever get enough of him. 
You were then laid on the couch, his body hovering over you, heavy pants intermingling. His silver hair stuck up in a strange, yet endearing way. He smiled, lips pouty and red. It looked innocent to the naked eye, but you saw the animalistic gleam in his irises. Even through his fogged lenses, you could see the desire swimming in his eyes, begging you to fulfill them.
"You've had a long day, huh?" He purred, voice raw, fingertips trailing down your thigh. 
You nodded, tongue licking your lips. You reached up and plucked the glasses off his nose, tucking them away on the arm of the couch. "You just look so good, Mingi-ah."
You saw the break in his form. His cheeks flushed an adorable pink. Your fingers danced along the nape of his neck. "Can I show you how pretty you are?" You asked him. 
His mouth parted; nodded. 
"Then c'mere," you cooed, and dragged his lips back down to yours. You both were in for a long night.
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a/n: don't forget to rb, comment, etc if u liked it!! :3
atz m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @staysstrays @y3jiishot @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @yedammi @rnjfy @jaehunny1428 @shakalakaboomboo @hoohoohope
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universalistotalis · 3 years
Lavish Games
Kuroo Tetsurou x Female Reader
1.3k words
It turned out to be a little game between the two of you.
Kuroo is known to just lavish you with luxurious things and food and anything you want under the sun. Giving gifts was just one of his strong points and it's his love language. You were the love of his life so to him, you deserved everything that he could give!
So he didn’t understand one day why you were telling him off gently.
“Tetsu, baby, you don’t need to give me jewelry every month.”
“But I want to.” He huffed like a small boy starting a tantrum.
“I know, baby. I know. And I’m thankful for that. But seriously, your gift giving is a little extravagant, don’t you think? I only need you Tetsurou. You’re already enough for me.” You explained, hoping to get the point across.
“So what am I going to do with this now?” He whined, revealing a small paper bag behind him. “You were eyeing this in the store the other day when we went so I bought it for you.”
You’re mouth hung open at his statement. You don’t remember a damned thing about wanting something from the department store. “What are you talking about?”
“Open it.” His eyes gleamed with glee. “Opeeeeen.” He said dramatically while swinging his shoulders from side to side.
Cackling at his antics, your hands untangled the ribbon at the top of the bag and as you opened, you were greeted by the sweet smell of the perfume. That’s when it hit you. You were planning to buy this because it had a unique scent that was not too strong for your liking. You decided against it though because you knew you had quite a stock of perfumes in the house. 'So maybe next time', you thought.
“Tetsurou, how did you know?!” Surprise was an understatement. You never told him anything about wanting it!
He chuckled in mischief. “I just know you so well. And you liked that one top too, the black turtleneck…”
“Stop!” You laughed in amazement. “Are you reading my mind, Sir?!”
“And you liked that floss bread from the bakery…”
“Okay, that goes without saying.” You scoffed.
He scoffed back at you. The nerve! “Oh yeah? Well, I knew you liked the pair of sneakers displayed on the rack yesterday and I’m planning to get that for you next month.”
Again, your mouth was left open because you knew exactly what those pair of shoes looked like! You did look at them and liked them but what gave that away?!
“Tetsurou! I am serious!” You pouted. “I really love you and appreciate all the things that you do for me but let’s cut down on the gifts, yeah?”
“Why? Are they that bad?” It was his turn to pout.
You cupped his cheeks in your hands and scooted closer to his rock, solid frame. “Not at all, Tetsu. They’re actually too good. How you know I want them just by looking, I have no idea, but I have to say, it’s quite a talent that you have there.” You laughed.
“Thank you.” He smirked back.
You sighed. “It’s just that, I’m not used to receiving gifts at all growing up. So all these sudden gifts overwhelm me a little bit. I may like them but I don't really need them.”
“Oh.” He blinked. He didn’t know you felt that way. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to give you the world, I guess.”
“Oh baby, no, don’t say sorry! If anything, I am thankful! But your presence, your love and affection, and your time spent with me already means so much! Just by calling you my husband already means the world to me.”
He swore he almost cried at your statement. You always proved your love to him in so many ways but you never fail to make him melt every single time.
His lips pecked on yours as an I love you.
“So no more much lavishing alright?” You clarified.
“We’ll see.” His famous smirk appeared and you had to shake this dense boulder you call your husband.
You started to be more cautious of the things you look at when you go shopping. Or when you go online shopping and he’s just right there beside you. The gift giving minimized and that relieved you, thinking that he understood your plea.
But then he started to randomly buy stuff for you that seemed familiar at first and then you recognize them as the ones that you’ve been looking at or wanting to buy! That sneaky bastard! And that’s where the game began but you definitely enjoyed it too and you’re not denying it.
You were on a dinner with Kenma tonight, months after your talk with Kuroo. You’ve been better at hiding your expressions when you like something so he’s having a hard time reading you.
And he’s getting frustrated!
“You know, I’ve been thinking…” Both you and Kuroo looked up at Kenma as he leaned closer to your side while showing his phone. “I have an event this week and I was planning to have a giveaway for my fans.”
An online shopping site was opened on his phone and there were so many good choices!
“Most of them are females so… can you help me?” He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. “I’m not sure what to give.”
“Sure! Let’s see them.” You said excitedly. “It’s better to give them something they can use daily rather than some random useless shit.”
Both of the men laughed at your words but agreed just the same.
“How about this gaming chair?” You suggested. “I’ve always wondered how those were. People said it’s so comfy to sit on.”
Kuroo’s ears perked up at the conversation.
“Maybe your female fans are mostly gamers like you so that’s good. Or these noise cancelling headphones! It’s so cute, look, this one has cat ears!” Your eyes sparkled as you excitedly went over the site with Kenma just agreeing to whatever you're saying.
Across from you, a smirk displayed on Kuroo’s face as he looked at your expression.
'There it is.' He said to himself. He had to admit and commend you on the job well done in keeping your expressions at bay but it will always shine through. Kuroo just loves seeing you giddy and happy. He also understands your point about the gifts but riling you up, seeing that surprised expression after opening the packages, seeing that you wanted to tell him off and shake him until he stops just amuses him so much! He’s not going to stop annoying you. He’s your husband after all. And so he makes a mental list of the things he knew you personally liked that you were oh-so-freely blurting out to his best friend.
“This watch could be good too.” You pointed and Kenma added them all to cart and checked them out the moment you said everything was settled.
“Thanks, y/n!” He smiled thoughtfully. “I’m so glad I asked you because I really had no idea! I’m bad at gifts.”
The bed- haired man snorted. “Yeah, you are.”
“Shut up, Kuroo.” Kenma rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to rub it in everyone's faces that you’re good at these things.”
Kuroo smirked while nodding his head playfully. “I really am good at this.” He eyed you, winking when he caught your stare, and laughing like a hyena.
And that’s when it hit you.
“Kuroo Tetsurou!” You warned. “No! Whatever you’re thinking, NO!”
He just shrugged, a goofy grin plastered on his face the whole evening.
And the next week, there were packages sent to your house in your name.
You can’t do anything but shake your head at your husband’s games. You love him so much but you just want to strangle him sometimes.
Now, you have to figure out another game. It’s payback time from the wife!
Rich Kuroo problems LOL
I love this man so much why is he not real?!
Reblogs and replies are appreciated! <3
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
hello it's my first time requesting and i don't really know what to request but uhm how about
husband jaehyun + vampire smut?
does that make sense? anyways i know you'll do great and i really love your works!! 💕
Pairing: husband!jaehyun x vampire!f.reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: unprotected sex
Word count: 0.9k
A/N: this is my first time writing a vampire au in any fandom, so please be kind (i know i mixed all kinds of vampire lore but just bear with me lol), hope you like it anon, and thanks for sending it in :)
In the three hundred plus years (you stopped counting after a hundred) you’d lived, you’d never met a man like him. Some had come close to being the love of your life, but Jeong Jaehyun ticked all your boxes. You’d lost your heart to him when he smiled that dimpled smile at you, when he’d run his fingers through his hair in a manner both bashful and cocky, and you couldn’t help but be endeared by the dichotomy.
You didn’t resist when he asked you to marry him, with hopeful eyes and ears tipped red. You took his hand in yours and hoped he didn’t notice the lack of warmth, the lack of a beating heart. You resolved to tell him on your wedding night what you really were, and you told yourself you would understand if he fled in terror. But of course, you knew yourself better than that, knowing you would be heartbroken.
Your wedding was a simple affair, just a few friends, barefoot in your backyard in a gauzy, linen dress. Jaehyun looked so handsome, and you wanted to take him right then and there, but you managed to hold off until the two of you were finally alone.
He looked at you hungrily, and you were struck with the irony of it, since it would be you who’d be doing the devouring. You let him caress you, let him slip your dress and underwear off of you, let him lay you back onto the bed. You moaned as he touched you, the warmth of his body burning hot against your skin, writhed as he kissed you, lips trailing fire where they touched.
“Y/N,” he groaned, “I love you so much.”
You felt emotion bubble up inside you, something you hadn’t felt in so long. You held him closer to you, to whisper in his ear. “Jaehyun, I’m not what you think I am.”
He barely responded, too wrapped up in pleasuring you, fingers tweaking your perked nipples. “You’re everything,” he simply said, sucking a nipple into his mouth and making your back arch off the bed.
“No, Jaehyun,” you protested, fighting to stay coherent even as he ravished you, “please listen to me.”
He finally pulled back to look at you, eyes hooded, and you held onto his shoulders as you bared your fangs to show him what you really were. He only blinked at you, but otherwise his expression didn’t change.
“I suspected it all along,” he whispered, then angled his head to open up his neck to you. “Bite me, then.”
You felt the emotion wash over you, as you looked hungrily at the smooth, milky skin of his neck. With unshed tears of happiness, you sunk your teeth into his flesh. He moaned, a most beautiful sound that went straight to your core, and you could feel yourself gush at the thought of how he must sound when he’s rutting into you.
When he turned he was ravenous, and the only way he could be satiated was to fuck you, so you opened up your legs to him and he rammed himself inside you. His eyes were fierce as he fucked you, so hard the bed groaned, the headboard slamming so hard against the wall you knew it would break eventually. You dug your nails into his back, the pleasure you were feeling from his cock, rock hard and ramming into you at an insanely fast pace, taking your breath away.
“Jaehyun,” you moaned, “you feel so good.”
The praise made him go harder, faster, and you couldn’t help but scream as he tore you apart. Now that he’d been bitten his strength and stamina had increased, and with the way he was rutting into you you wouldn’t be surprised if he could go all night. You basked in the pleasure, unused to it, no one in all your years of existence able to fuck you like Jaehyun was fucking you. There was no stutter in his movement, no lapse in his control, he fucked you like he meant it, eyes hard but his thrusts even harder.
“You like it, don’t you?” he asked, his voice impossibly deeper, “I was made to fuck you like this.”
You moaned loudly, his words and his cock turning you to putty in his hands. You were intoxicated by him, by his touch, all you knew was that you wanted more. “Bite me,” you urged, pulling him closer to you, wanting all of him, “please, Jae, I want you.”
It would be his first time biting anyone since he’d turned, and although he wouldn’t be turning you it was still one of the most erotic things you’d ever experienced. He nuzzled his face into your neck, kissing softly at first, and then you felt his teeth, tentatively sinking in. You gasped, your body arching at the feeling, and that spurred him on, his fingers grasping your arms and pulling you flush against him, teeth sinking into your skin.
Your cries echoed in the room, his body enveloping you, cock slamming into you so hard the bed shook on its frame, his teeth making deep puncture marks in your neck. He murmured things into your ear between bites, sometimes sweet, sometimes naughty, but either way you were in your glory. Throughout all the years of your life you’d never had anyone who loved you like Jaehyun loved you, and definitely no one who could fuck you like Jaehyun fucked you.
Later you lay in his arms, after too many rounds to count, and he sighed deeply as you burrowed into his side, wrapping an arm around his chest.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered into your hair, “and I’ll love you for all the rest of my life.”
Thank you for 1.3k :)
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sugxrslushy · 2 years
Hello :) thanks for the holiday event. I hope that you will have nice holidays! Thought about requesting a Sabo x reader (female) but I don’t see him in your list so if you are not okay writing for him you can replace it with Koby 🧸
So reader has never celebrated christmas before and it’s her first christmas 🥰! It could be for cultural or any other reasons. I hope that my request is alright. Feel free to ignore it ❤️ have a nice day!
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🎄a/n: I’m sorry for the wait love!! I hope that you like this, once agin still practicing Sabo because I’m very unsure of my ability to write for him. the biggest thing that stands out to me about him is feral boy that loves his brothers lol. I avoided giving a reason for why the reader didn’t celebrate Christmas, but I hope you like this!!
🎄includes: Sabo (w/ a fem!reader)
🎄summary: you’d never celebrated Christmas before, and Sabo is shocked. it’s a big tradition for him and he wants to drag you along to celebrate it with you
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“What do you mean you’ve never celebrated?” Sabo stops in the middle of dragging a box into the room. You perk up from your spot on the couch, awkwardly rubbing your arm. Was it a bad thing you never had? Sabo has responded with such shock you were unsure.
“No? Never have before, it never came up as a holiday my family celebrated. Why?” You asked and stood up to join him in pulling the box into the room. You’re curious about what's inside, the scribbled handwriting on the side is too hard for you to read. But it’s heavy and piques your interest.
“I’m just shocked,” he laughs. “I couldn’t have gotten away from it if I tried. My brothers were big on it, especially Luffy. I remember him crying when he learned Santa wasn’t real.” Sabo pauses to root through a drawer to snatch up a boxcutter to open the box, and inside is the bunch of glittery and brightly colored ornaments.
“Let me guess, Ace was the one who told him?” You’d spent a fair share of time around them and could already tell that he was the normal culprit when it came to any mischief. Sometimes you wondered how Dadan hadn’t lost her mind looking after them.
“Of course it was, you know him well. The two of them had knocked down the Christmas tree and Dadan was furious. Luffy panicked and blamed it on Ace who got mad and told him Santa wasn’t real in retaliation. Tragic, isn't it?” You laugh, clearly seeing the scene playing out in your head. “Anyways, we should celebrate together!”
You nod, picking up a framed ornament of you and Sabo from a few years ago. You remembered being gifted this but never got the chance to hang it up. It was going to be your first time being around Sabo for this year, so you might as well make it your first Christmas with him too.
“Sure, I’d love that!”
Sabo already dragged you through plenty of Christmas themed things for the week. The two of you put the effort in to decorate the tree. Although the box was heavy there weren’t many left and you learned most were just gifts from friends. A shocking amount of them were from Koala who complained that his tree looked too boring years ago.
It looked pretty with it’s shining lights wrapped around the prickly green needles along the branches. Sabo had no issue picking you up by your waist so that you could place the star on the top. “Nice!! Doesn’t it look so nice?” He chimes as he places you back on the floor, kissing you to show his appreciation of just how well you’d done.
The days went by and Christmas drew closer. Christmas Eve was finally here and there were plenty more things left to do. Sabo whisked you away, pulling you into the kitchen where he was working on something. “What’s this?” You ask as he takes you over to the kitchen counter.
“Christmas cookies, we used to leave them out for Santa.” He smiles and hands you a cookie cutter in the shape of what you guessed was a snowman. The cookie dough was already rolled out to be cut out and cooked, it was destined to be delicious already.
“I thought we didn’t believe in him anymore?” You laugh, placing the cookie cutter over the dough and pressing down to cut out a clean shape.
“It’s still fun y/n, and they’re for tomorrow. We’re visiting my family!” Sabo emphasizes the end of the sentence, his enthusiasm clear. You nodded and continued to cut out shapes in the dough. You weren’t sure of what to expect from tomorrow but you couldn’t help but feel excited too.
Afterwards, your blonde boyfriend sat you both down to watch a movie. Cuddled under the sheets, you nuzzled against him and let yourself be softly bathed in colorful lights from the tree nearby the couch. You almost thought the excitement you felt would keep you awake, but the tiredness of a previously eventful day of buying gifts said otherwise.
You awake to Sabo holding you in a tight grip, his soft blonde hair tickling your skin. You slowly gather your bearings to find you are now in your bed instead of on the couch. Sabo must’ve carried you off to bed once you’d fallen asleep. Speaking of him, he seemed to startle at your movements and peers at you through sleepy eyes.
The corners of his lips curl up into a smile and he props himself up, brushing strands of hair from your face. “Good morning babe, merry christmas.” He whispers, his voice still raspy from sleep. You reach up to wrap your arms around him and pull him into a kiss.
“Merry Christmas.” You beamed and let him roll you both over to kiss you more. He rests his face against your shoulder, melting against you and almost falling back asleep. You run your hand down his back, feeling his strong muscles under the thin fabric and shivering when you feel him kiss along your neck.
Suddenly bolting up, you almost jump at his sudden movements. “Oh! It really is Christmas! We have to open presents!” He says excitedly and rolls out of bed, urging you to get out and join him. You pull off the sheets and clamber to your feet to join him, your own excitement rising once again.
Under the tree was a collection of presents wrapped neatly in wrapping paper… well except for yours. It was your first time wrapping presents and you refused to let Sabo help you in case he saw your present. It took a lot of tape and youtube videos for you to get the hang of it, but they were still nothing compared to your partners.
“Why don’t you open mine first?” Sabo asks and hands you one wrapped in wrapped paper that was striped like a candy cane. You tore into it, pulling back the wrapping to discover a pair of gloves that looked similar to his own. “You always steal mine when it gets cold out so I thought to buy you your own.” He chuckles.
You hold them to your chest and thank him, kissing him on the cheek and taking the next gift he hands off to you. Soon enough you’d gone through them all, everything was carefully thought up and prepared with love. Already, it felt like such a perfect first Christmas and it was only the morning.
You pass yours to him and he unwraps the messily prepared present, chuckling to himself as he reveals what’s inside of it. A bunch of pens, pencils and books all neatly stacked together. You knew how many times he’d be crouched over his desk even late at night, scribbling away in his notebook.
“I love it, thank you very much y/n.” He shares another kiss, one of many gifts of the day. He goes through the rest then is off into the kitchen, helping you make breakfast. You eat together then wash up. You fix your clothes afterwards and meet him in the living room to go out and see his family.
“I’m so lucky I got such a pretty girl to be my partner, you look amazing.” Sabo looks just as beautiful, dressed in a nicely fitted suit with a deep blue undershirt. He had assured you that you’d both be much more dressed up than his brothers, but you happily took the chance to look nice.
He offers his hand and you take it as he opens the door, the cold air blowing in. You shiver slightly and he nudges you closer to him. “You can always borrow my jacket later, are we good to go?” He asks.
“Yes, I’m excited to make this my first Christmas.” His face softens and you both step out into the snowy Christmas air.
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pangtasias-atelier · 3 years
Dragalia Digest
Well, I come after several months with a story for a game that I’m sure none of y’all play lmao but I am not immune to stoic green dragon man that got me desperately playing Dragalia for a few weeks lol
This was originally meant to be a short story but it just kinda got longer and longer so here’s a 4.8k story about a really, really, really big Midgardsormr. Though the fat content isn’t like the entire story cause I just do that for some damn reason lol
WARNING: This story is a fat kink story. So like, if some rando finds this and you still click on this, that’s on you~
“Uhh, were we expecting any visitors?” Careful to shield his eyes from the blazing gaze of the sun, Ranzal peers up at the sky. Looming over his much thinner and shorter companion, the built mercenary stands besides Luca.
“None whatsoever,” The blue haired bunny archer stares at the small shadowy speck in the distance. His arms remain crossed as his line of vision follows his partner’s. “And it’s just the two of us guarding today,” A grin spawns across the width of his face from his thoughts. He reaches for his quiver and delft slots an arrow into his bow. “So, we’ll shoot now, ask questions later!” His shit eating grin plastered onto his face, his tongue sticks out a fraction of an inch.
“We ain’t doing that,” Ranzal swings his open palm down onto Luca’s head.
Luca’s bow and arrow immediately plop onto the floor as he nurses his aching head. “That hurt!” Gritting his teeth, his eyes return to the ever-encroaching shadow in the sky. He continues to grumble under his breath about his pain all the while he watches.
Ranzal ignores all of Luca’s comments, his mind more concerned with the vaguely familiar approaching figure. The encroaching figure’s speed far faster than either could ever hope to achieve running, it only takes a mere extra few seconds for Ranzal’s brain to process the figure. “You almost shot at one of the Greatwyrms, you idiot!” The crisis averted regardless, Ranzal still picks a fight with Luca for his recklessness.
“You’re the idiot who doesn’t know his own strength! It would’ve all worked out regardless!” The two facing each other, Luca on his tip toes in a poor attempt of sizing himself up to somewhat compare to Ranzal, a feat that Luca has no hopes in achieving, they completely fail to ignore the complete disappearance of the day’s calm weather. Light breezes of winds pick up, the blades of grass and other fauna swaying in the sun’s light. Their shouting match more important, their focus only returns to their original issue upon the two almost losing their footing from a particularly strong torrent of wind.
Their eyes widen as the wind Greatwyrm Midgardsormr flies above them by only a few feet; their eyes only widen further as a figure jumps off said Greatwyrm.
“Looks like I finally reached my favorite descendant’s humble abode,” Alberius outstretches his arms with a cheery grin. His eyes roam across the expansive open field only to find nothing but interspaced buildings.
“Euden ain’t here right now,” Ranzal decides to clear up Alberius apparent confusion.
“They all left for some training along with all the dragons, so it’s just good ol’ Ranzal and me here guarding the place,” Luca’s chest puffs out in pride.
“A fine duo for guards indeed. Then I will gladly help defend the castle grounds. It is the least I can do during such an impromptu visit,” The sun seemingly shines directly behind Alberius, his entire radiant figure gleaming in the light as his hair flutters in the wind behind him. However, he suddenly clears his throat. “Though my partner here is in need of-” The ground trembles upon Midgardsormr’s descent. Though a crash landing is more apt, a sizable indent in the ground where he let himself fall. “Mids just needs some rest, so a room would be much appreciated,” His voice picks up in speed and pitch. Midgardsormr glares at Alberius for using his nickname.
“The place where dragons usually hang out is all empty so I can show Mids over there while Ranzal shows you to a room in the castle,” Midgardsormr’s glare towards Alberius intensifies.
“No need,” Alberius raises an open palm in the air. A small chuckle escapes him with a small grin. “If I wish to foster better relationships between dragons and humans, then what better way to show those ideals than cohabitation? I shall rest and watch over Mids,”
“If you could point us to a building that would be much appreciated,” A light strain mars Midgardsormr’s voice yet he keeps a straight face throughout his fatigue.
“It’s that group of buildings over there,” Ranzal points behind himself, large similar looking buildings not too far off in the distance.
“Thanks,” With a quick wave of goodbye, Alberius takes a quick pace ahead of the trotting Midgardsormr, the Greatwyrm keeping a speedy pace as well.
“They sure are in a hurry,” Luca huffs to himself. His brows furrow.
“They’re probably just tired from all the flying, that’s all,” Ranzal smacks Luca in the lower back. “Now, back to patrolling,”
Luca dutifully marches beside Ranzal. The duo once again all alone with their unexpected visitors resting, the two joke back and forth amongst each other, Luca regaling about possible new tricks to use on their teammates upon their return. Their patrolling turns out to be more formality than anything. Soon, the sun begins its slow descent and the two call it quits. Upon their return to their rooms, the two pause in their tracks as a quick clang rings out.
"Questions first, shooting later," Ranzal stresses with a whisper, his eyes staring daggers at Luca. Luca simply sticks his tongue out. The svelte archer nimbly makes his way towards where the noise came from as Ranzal follows behind him.
Luca immediately stops upon turning another corner. He makes no noise when Ranzal bumps into him from behind from the unexpected stop. Listening in on their intruder, Luca's ears twitch. A clear lack of concern from their intruder is evident from the turned-on lights and humming, Luca remains still. The sound of rolling wheels adding to the noise, the intruder finally steps out.
Alberius pushes out a cart chock-full of varying plates of food. With a quick flick, he turns off the lights before bustling on down the hall with a pep in his step.
"Must have company over or something," Ranzal scratches the side of his head.
"Regardless, we're following him," Luca announces, his shoulders tense.
"Luca," Ranzal outstretches his hand, the limb hanging in the air above Luca's shoulder, Ranzal not used to hearing the archer sound so serious.
"I was saving that carrot cake for a rainy day," Luca cries out, wrapping his arms around Ranzal's waist as he buries his head in Ranzal's chest. "It's not fair,"
"Dumbass," Luca clinging to him for his dear life, Ranzal simply carries Luca by his ass. Following Alberius from a distance, he follows him all the way back to the buildings the dragons sometimes reside in.
Alberius none the wiser, he even leaves the door open.
"Quit your moping. It's not that serious," Ranzal pries Luca off of him and puts him back on the ground. "They were tired when they got here, so they were probably also low on supplies,"
"But so much food? Including my carrot cake," Luca dejectedly stares at the floor.
"Well, Midgardsormr is a dragon so he probably needs to eat a lot. I'll go and buy you a carrot cake at the market another day, my treat,"
"Deal!" Luca immediately cheered up figure perks up. "I've never seen a dragon eat before, so I'm not passing up this chance," Luca drags a willing Ranzal behind him. Though the two immediately stop at the scene that awaits them.
Midgardormr’s true form no longer in sight, he currently takes advantage of his human form. The change between forms is of no shock to Ranzal or Luca, Midgardsormr having elected to use his human appearance often, his new figure is the kicker.
Dwarfing even the size of his towering, built draconic form, Midgardsormr’s human form is, for a lack of better words, fat. The rooms constructed with dragons’ large frames in mind, Midgardsormr’s lard happily occupies every available inch. So many engorged, heavy rolls make up the entirety of his bloated body. A decent sense of proportions is somehow maintained despite Midgardsormr’s elephantine figure. His stomach large enough to smother a trio of beds pushed together, the pale oceanic blubber oozes on down onto the floor. An overwhelmingly large amount of fat swaddling his body, the lower roll making up a portion of his stomach is smothered by the upper tube of fat right above it and even smothers and obscures his navel. The middle roll of fat is wider to the point that one would find it easier to grab someone by the waist than to grab its love handle. The roll of fat right above it not as massively wide, it instead rests comfortably atop the roll below it. Still rather wide as well, the extreme width of said roll’s love handle is comparable to that of Ranzal’s bicep. His chest impacted from his new size just like his crushing gut, two bulbous sagging mounds of fat reside where a chest once was. Each breast alone is larger than a person’s head. Each one larger than even Midgardsormr’s bloated face. Both tits splay out to the side, the uppermost roll of his stomach making a fine bed for his pillowy breasts as they noticeably sink into his billowing fat. Connected to his great doughy chest is his numerous amounts of neck folds and extra chins, each smooshed up against one another and the lowest one even spilling onto the upper crests of his breasts. Connected to that is his face, most of the space taken up by his blubbery over bloated cheeks sagging with fat. His face hard to make out in the vastness of his corpulence, the main indicator of his face lies with his vibrant long mop of rich green hair that cascades down in between the crevices and folds of fat lining his back. His hair flowing onto his tail, his tail is completely invisible from the front with so much fat blocking the view. Two horns stick out on top of his head, though those are no longer as prominent as they once were with fat pooling around it in all directions. Midgardsormr’s arms bulge out on both sides of his face, the two pillar-like appendages forced at an angle from the bunched-up fat from the sides of his stomach. His arms are completely useless with both being unable to budge a fraction of an inch. The upper portions of his arms surpass the width of a tire. His elbow basically absorbed in his own arm fat, his forearm is far less as wide as his arm yet is still equally swaddled in so much fat so as to be incapable of movement. His wrist follows suit, the doughy circular mass of fat affixed to his forearm while also nearly swallowing his fingers. So bloated, the sausagey fingers are basically the only portion of his body that Midgardsormr can move, albeit for short periods of time. The entirety of his arms billowing in lard, his shoulders are practically nonexistent from being buried under so much flab. His back is covered in a litany of rolls just like the rest of his body; the flabby landscape is akin to a rolling field with the numerous mountains and valleys for folds of fat. Each fold cascading and jutting out alike, none of them compare to his couch sized ass cheeks. The shapeless lard stuffed ass pools out onto the floor behind him. His tail runs down the middle of his ass, the once large tail absurdly small in comparison to the extreme width of his ass. It rises into the air like the rest of his figure, so much bad placed on top of more fat to give the appearance of rising dough. His ass jutting behind him, his immovable elephantine legs jut out on both sides of his body. His great stomach takes up as much space as needed, his legs splaying out at somewhat of an angle as a result. Bits of what could be described as his inner thighs seep underneath his stomach however, most of his legs press against the doughy sides of his gut, rolls on his thighs and rolls on his stomach intersecting to create new folds of fat that seemingly mesh together. The entire length of his barrel shaped legs presses against his stomach with his fat having nowhere else to go. His thighs caked in vast amounts of fat, the width of one thigh alone surpasses that of even the largest of doorways. His shins sink into the mass of fat that is his thighs. His feet are in the same predicament, most of them swallowed by the quicksand of fat. Every single inch of Midgardsormr packed with copious, overly exaggerated piles of fat, Midgardsormr’s mammontine body is a caricature of a caricature.
“I brought you some food Mids,” Alberius is ignorant of his two guests. Unable to wheel an entire cart up the rolling hills of fat comprising Midgardsormr’s body, he instead carries the serving platters in his hands. He carefully navigates the oceanic pile of blubber that is Midgardsormr’s body, obviously used to doing so numerous times. Trekking upwards, he perches himself atop Midgardsormr’s breast, nestling his back directly in between the folds of fat where his arm and necks and cheek meet. Alberius rests the extra serving platter on Midgardsormr’s free breast. “This’ll help you get back your energy,” Alberius pats his round chipmunk cheeks with a smile. Alberius pauses as he notices his silence and the bright red blush adorning his face. “What’s wrong? You’re usually begging for-”
“We-” Midgardsormr wheezes out in response. “have guests, “He averts his gaze away from the dumbstruck Luca and Ranzal.
Alberius whips his head around. His eyes go wide. “I’ll be right back,” Patting Midgardsormr’s arm, he climbs down. Luca and Ranzal still outside, Alberius first closes the door as he steps outside. Or at least tries to, Midgardormr’s blubbery stomach wedged in the middle of the doorway. “Hello,” Alberius starts off rather meekly, the smile on his face only half formed. “I’m sure this isn’t something you expected to see,” He gives a weak chuckle before letting out a sigh. “Look, please keep this to yourselves. Mids is rather embarrassed about the whole thing,”
“How soft is he?” Piping up, Luca completely ignores Alberius as he stares behind him.
“Huh? Well, he’s pretty soft, I guess?” Alberius fumbles his words.
“I doubt he’s more than just ‘pretty soft’,” Luca walks past Alberius, his eyes purely focused on the soft, fleshy pile of lard in front of him. His grubby little hands press down into Midgardsormr’s stomach, his entire wrist and more sinking into it. “This is way better than soft! Hey Ranzal, you gotta try this!”
“What do you think you’re doing!” Voice rising in intensity, Midgardsormr panics as Luca lets himself fall into his stomach. “Stop your ridiculousness,” Midgardsormr attempts to squirm, however he only succeeds in wobbling the entirety of his fat around, rolls of lard sloshing into one another.
“He’s even got a vibrate function,” Luca teases with a content sigh.
Ranzal still with Alberius, he merely sighs. “So, curse got him or something?” He gestures towards Midgardsormr.
“Not exactly,” Alberius hesitates, focusing on using all his brainpower for what to respond with. “He, just kinda really enjoys human food,” Alberius shrugs, awkwardly laughing.
“Oh,” Ranzal stares at Midgardsormr who is struggling against an eager Luca.
“So, you’ve been feeding him so much he got this big?” Ranzal raises a brow.
“W-well we both enjoyed it so it just kinda happened! Only his human form is affected from all his eating so we kinda reasoned it’d be fine, and it is. He looks rather dashing like this if I do say so myself,” Beginning to regain his gushing nature over Midgardsormr, Alberius gives a confident grin. His teeth gleaming, his eyes are closed as he speaks next. “So, I’d be grateful if you don’t say a word to anyone about this,” A response not given, Alberius opens his eyes. The spot in front of him devoid of another person, Alberius turns around.
“You sure do like to eat huh? Well, lucky for you, I’ve got plenty of recommendations for good stuff,” Ranzal in front of Midgardsormr’s oozing stomach, he grabs a serving platter full of meat. “Looks like you probably know way more about food than me at this point,”
“Great idea, Ranzal!” Carefully navigating himself off Midgardsormr’s overly plush and soft, cushiony stomach, Luca joins Ranzal in fetching him food. He focuses more on grabbing sweets and treats rather than the hearty filling of meat like Ranzal.
Alberius stands with his mouth slightly agape. Not expecting such a rather positive reaction from the two, his confused eyes gaze up towards Midgardsormr. His eyes gaze back down at Alberius and instead of confusion plastered all over his face, embarrassment mars the wide, doughy landscape of his cheeks.
“What do you two think you’re doing?” A bit of panic seeps into his voice as he stares wide eyed at the two overeager men. Encumbered by the mountainous pile of flab making up his body, his only hope for assistance is Alberius, the man too surprised to help him out.
“Giving you a helping hand,” Ranzal plops himself down where Alberius once was. Holding his tray with a shocking amount of delicacy, the overflowing tray manages to avoid a single spill as its holder makes itself comfortable in between the crevice of where Midgardsormr’s chins, arms and chest meet.
“Yeah! Hafta make sure you’re nice and full; you’re our guest afterall,” With an abundance of cheer and pep in his voice, Luca gladly takes a seat on the other side of Midgardsormr akin to Ranzal’s position. “Your partner sure brought you a ton of food. It must take him forever to feed it all to you. We're just speeding up the process,”
“I do not mind the time it takes for Mids’ appetite to be sated. His stomach rivals the depths of the hungry sea and I have placed it upon myself to aid him,” Alberius gloats to himself, proud of his nonsensical statement. “Though on the other hand...” Alberius turns his attention even further away from Midgardsormr’s predicament as he finds himself increasingly lost in his own thoughts.
“Alberius!” Midgardsormr shouts, a slight huff to his voice from the mere effort. “Do so-” The rest of his sentence becomes muffled nonsense as Luca shoves a forkful of his carrot cake into his mouth.
“See, he’s fine with it. Just relax already, big guy,” The serving tray resting on his lap, uca pats Midgardsormr’s tube of fat for an arm.
A generous portion of cake placed into his mouth, zero words are needed to coax the embarrassed, reluctant dragon. His hunger always creeping up on the back of his mind, he obediently chews on the mildly sweet and moist dessert. Despite the heaping helping of cake, it only takes him a few moments for it to all go down his greedy gullet. A slight chill escapes his voice as he speaks next, a clear, obvious contentment to his bashful face. “I am not-” His sentence once again ends up rendered pointless with another serving of food offered right to his mouth, this time by Ranzal.
“If ya got time to complain, then ya got time to eat,” Ranzal grins and watches Midgardsormr chew through the half portion of steak, his bulbous cheeks wobbling to and fro from the simple act of eating. Ranzal leans back into the comfort of Midgardsormr’s arms and cheeks, his bulk sinking into a fair amount of his plush body.
“I,,,,” Quickly finishing the second offering, Midgardsormr struggles to get a coherent thought out, his stomach doing most of the thinking for him. His half-lidded eyes switch between Ranzal and Luca. Even that movement is groggy and sluggish, as if any sort of movement is foreign to him. “I’m hungry,” Huffing out the words, the last portions of his embarrassment scream at him, yet his stomach thanks him as more food finds its way into his cavernous mouth.
“Happy to help, big guy,”
“All you had to do was say something,”
Midgardsormr finds himself unable to even come up with a retort to either of them, his mind simply focusing on the delectable dishes offered to him as he gobbles them all down. A generous portion of food enters his mouth only for another to be promptly stuffed inside the instant he finishes the former. Ranzal and Luca offering the barest of times in between each offering, Midgardsormr finds zero complaint in such a speedy stuffing. His oceanic gut churns as it craves more and more food, the numerous servings of food already stuffed inside him merely a start meant to whet his appetite. Human food having such an effect on him since his very first taste of the cuisine, he simply found himself unable to get enough of the food. Alberius far too eager to feed him, Midgardsormr’s appetite directly grew alongside his waistline. With two people eager to stuff him full of such delicious food, his stomach yearns for more. As when Luca finds his tray devoid of any food, Midgardsormr mentally whines at the minimal break in pace, Ranzal’s speedy stuffing still not enough. Or when Ranzal goes to fetch him more food as well upon Luca’s return, the two planning their switches to keep a steady pace of food going into his mouth at all times. And he eats it all willingly. Far too willingly, his body basically begging for every morsel they toss his way. Until the food ends up all gone, an entire cart’s worth of food able to serve as a veritable feast stuffed inside the expanse of his stomach. A bit of a huff escapes past his lips, his flushed rounded cheeks huffing and puffing for air.
Alberius remains completely ignorant to the current ongoing events. The rather loud huffs coming from Mids and the increasingly loud churning in his stomach falls on deaf ears. He merely paces around a bit as he continues to mutter to himself. “It does take me a rather long time to feed him,” He paces around a bit. “And that’s just for one feeding,” Alberius’ concentration only breaks upon hearing Midgardsormr’s needy voice.
“Alberius,” Mids whines. He breathes heavily, the entire mass of food sitting comfortably in his stomach. A tiny spackle of food smears his lips and cheeks.
“Yes,,,” Alberius stares wide eyed at Mids. He instinctively steps forward a few paces before he ends up right in front of Mids’ stomach and places a gentle hand on the upper lip of one of his many rolls.
“I’m hungry,” The statement leaves his lips as plainly as he thought of it, his aching stomach craving and wanting for me.
“No problem! I’ll serve you,,,,” Turning to the cart, he freezes mid step. His mind races as he comprehends that the entirety of the cart has been devoured.
“Don’t tell me you thought that was enough to fill him up,” Luca chides as he cheerfully lies on top of Midgardsormr.
“He’s been practically begging all this time. Seems like he’s been holding back quite some time,”
Hearing the implication, Midgardsormr goes to speak only for him to find no words, his face flushing a bright vibrant red.
“Mids,,,” Alberius elects to speak instead. His own face matches the intensity of Mids’ blush. “I’ll bring you all the food I can!” Storming off in a rush, a fervent intensity in his step.
The overall rather silent atmosphere of the night ends up disturbed a few minutes later as Alberius’ soft grunts sound out. His figure approaching, he comes with two carts this time alongside a bundle full of an assortment of bread. “This was,” Alberius takes a pause to catch his breath, his chest heaving as he takes in several gulps of air. “This was everything I could find,” A radiant smile illuminates his face before he goes to place as much food as he can on a serving tray. Upon grabbing as much as possible, he climbs up the roll ridden hill that is Midgardsormr’s body. He gently moves aside Midgardsormr’s mane of green hair before sitting on the plush rolls of back fat. Able to get a better view of Mids’ face, he peers down at him with a gentle smile. He brings a bread roll to his mouth, Mids’ devouring it whole. “You should’ve told me you haven’t been feeling full as of late. You always brushed me off when I asked about you being so tired often,”
“I’ve been eating way too much lately,” Mids takes another bread roll. “You’ve been spending so much on food just for me,”
“That’s it?” A small snicker escapes past Alberius. “Seriously?” His snickering erupts into laughter. “Mids, it’s more likely that you’ll eat everything before I run out of money,”
“You don’t have to be so blunt,” Mids murmurs.
“I’m sorry but it’s true. And if you’re worried about me spending too much, just know that your happiness is worth more than anything else,” Bubbling laughter still escaping him, Alberius reaches for more food with a renewed vigor. “Now, to make sure you actually end up full tonight,”
His fear turning out to be completely mundane, Mids holds back his remark at Alberius’ placating yet loving remarks. Both from embarrassment and from having his mouth being stuffed with food. The two’s conversation over, Ranzal and Luca get off Midgardsormr to grab some more food as well. Not having been used to two people feeding him yet adjusting to that quite well, he finds no issue in adjusting to three people impatient to stuff him. His cheeks caked in fat, the jutting mounds of flab hide the ridiculous amounts of food stuffed inside his hungry maw at all times. Barely able to keep up with the supply of food, his mouth sluggishly gives each dish a few chews before swallowing it to make room for the next batch of food coming his way. So much food packed inside, the individual flavors and textures jumble together. Yet his addiction to human food is all the same, Midgardsormr greedily devouring it all while still wanting for more. His stomach is so vastly bloated that even as he slowly begins to feel his aching hunger subside, the hill of fat appears no different than before, zero tautness in the blubbery expanse of his gut. However, before he can fully claim himself as full, Alberius’ loving face peers down at his.
“Sorry to say, but we’re fully out of food,” Both hands gripping the tip of Mids’ horns, Alberius leans down for a quick peck, his face neatly slotting itself between all of Mids’ fat. “Did you end up full at least?” Both Ranzal and Luca gone, the two having left after confirming there was no more food in the entire castle, Alberius goes to make himself comfortable. He lies down in between the jutting crevice of Mids’ chest where each moob juts out to the side. He rests his head right on Mids’ multiple folds where his chins and necks mold together.
“Almost,” Mids admits, a slight bit of sadness sounding in his voice.
“Wait, seriously!?” Alberius’ face turns a violent tinge of red. “That’s kinda hot,” He admits as his hands rub at as much of Mids’ expanse as they can reach. “Then next time I’ll make sure to get you enough food to where you’re begging me to stop feeding you,” A small yawn makes it past Alberius’ lips. The infectious yawn worms its way into Mids’ mouth before he lets one out too; the entire expanse of his body jostles and jiggles from the action, Alberius taken along for the ride as the human bed shakes beneath him.
“You better,” Mids merely replies, the overtaxing churning of his gut making him rather drowsy.
“Once we make it to Hinomoto I will,” Alberius lazily pats whatever fold of fat his hand rests on. “If we leave first thing in the morning, we should make it in a few days,”
“Deal,” Letting out one final prolonged yawn, Mids begins to snooze off, his entire body rising and falling with each breath he takes.
Come morning, the two guards find zero trace of their visitors besides a completely barren kitchen and a hefty bag of gold.
“So, what’re we gonna say happened?” Luca scratches the side of his head as he stares at the vacant room where Alberius and Midgardsormr once were.
“We go out for drinks, then we replenish the pantry,” Ranzal happily holds up the bag of gold in his hand. “Then we split the rest that’s left,”
“Deal!” The two head off on their merry way to enjoy their day, yesterday knight a pleasant experience decided to be kept as their little secret.
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gondowan · 3 years
Over Your Shoulder
Pairing: Paz Viszla x f!Reader
You're used to working for others. As a freelance armstech, you flit from contract to contract, never staying too long in one place. Although the freelancer life is fun, you kind of wish you could trade it all for a little bit of stability. As the maker would have it, that stability shows up in the form of one (1) Paz Viszla.
Tags/Warnings: nothing right now, but future loving degradation, Good Communication Is My Kink, daddy kink, and other sexy consensual shenangians. Reader has slight self esteem issues.
Notes: I haven’t written for fun in forever, but new year new me! If you know me in real life never bring this up because I will combust lol. I was going to fire off a brief smutty one-shot pwp thing but of course I couldn’t resist adding ~ b a c k s t o r y ~ so here you go. Subsequent updates will probably just be pwp.
Chapter 1: All The Grass is Greener Everywhere You Look
Nervousness, you assumed, was a regular feeling for anyone who was newly married. Doubly so for the new spouse of a Mandalorian. Unlike the rest of the galaxy where marriage vows were somewhat loose, Mandalorians took their vows very seriously. Forever, generally meant, forever.
Your relationship with Paz Viszla was strange in and of itself. As a freelance armstech, you hopped from planet to planet offering your repair services, never staying in any one place for too long. While on Bothawui, you had let slip to a client that you were headed to Nevarro next. Greef Karga, the head of the Guild, had put you on a retainer for services to guild members for a few cycles. The pay was good, and he had promised you a steady supply of commissions from the local bounty hunters who frequented Nevarro in need of new weapons and repairs on top of the already nice stipend.
The Bothan, a short humanoid by the name of Eesk, perked up when you mentioned Nevarro, and the next day he came over as you were on your way to the spaceport.
“Can I ask a favor? Do you mind making a delivery for me while on Nevarro?” he asked, pulling a datapad out from his robes.
You looked up, eyes narrowing. Bothans were famous for their information network, and were instrumental to the destruction of the first Death Star, but still, you were understandably nervous. “ Eesk, I’m not interested in looking for trouble. I don’t need the New Republic or any Imp remnant breathing down my neck for delivering that for you,” you said.
Eesk laughed, “Relax, I promise you this isn’t serious. Just deliver this to a Mandalorian on Nevarro. It’s nothing classified, I’m just returning a favor for a friend,”. He slid over a stack of credits. “I’d take it to him myself, but unfortunately I’m held up on New Republic business”.
You reached over and tucked the datapad into your bag along with the credits, “Fine, but you owe me”.
“Next time you’re here, drinks on me.” he said as he walked away.
It was only until you had boarded the transport ship that you realized Eesk had never actually told you were to meet this Mandalorian. ‘Oh well,’ you thought, ‘he’s not getting these credits back’. You leaned your head against the wall of the ship, tired from hauling all of your luggage to the spaceport, and fell asleep.
You were three standard weeks into your contract with Greef Karga and the Guild, and still no Mandalorian had shown up to collect the datapad. It was nice to be somewhat settled in one place for longer than a week, and you had enjoyed the steady stream of work. You had also learned from Karga that the Mandalorian covert scattered from Nevarro, and he hadn’t seen one in a while. For all of their information trafficking and spy network, perhaps Eesk had gotten it wrong for once, and you didn’t really care to ask. After all, it would be nigh impossible to miss a person wearing head to toe armor, especially on Nevarro.
One morning, as you had returned from your walk to the lava plains, you discovered the door to your apartment was unlocked. Strange. Not a good sign. None of your alarms were triggered either. Carefully, you pulled your blaster out its holster before quietly pushing the door open.
“There you are. Been looking all over for you.”
A large man, clad in blue armor and covered in more weapons per square inch that any other being you had ever seen, sat next to your workstation. Despite the blaster pointed at him, he seemed unperturbed, posture open and relaxed.
“What do you want?” you asked, blaster raised, "You picked the wrong house to rob,". You had fended off your fair share of robberies, the expensive equipment you lugged around as an armstech was attractive to petty thieves, and not cheap.
“The datapad.” he said.
“I take it you’re the Mandalorian that Eesk spoke about.”
You rummage through your toolkit and dust off the datapad. “Here you go Mr. Mandalorian, although I suggest next time you knock during business hours. Breaking and entering is reserved for long term partners, and you haven’t even bought me a drink yet”. You wince a little inwardly, maybe this dry spell was affecting you more than you thought.
You tap the edge of the datapad on the Mandalorian’s chest plate. “Oh and you might want to get the blaster strapped to your thigh checked, those scorch marks are usually a bad sign,”.
The blue hunk of armor stood up and took the datapad from you. “Thank you for this,” he rumbled before heading out the door.
“Ah, so you do have manners,” you teased before moving to shut the door.
You can’t see the expression on his face, but you hear the huff of a laugh through his modulator accompanied with a shake of his shoulders.
You were pretty sure you’d never see him again.
The next day right as you returned from dropping off a box of repaired pistols, there he was again, blue armor and blank expressionless helmet, sitting in the same spot next to your workstation.
“Can you fix it?” he asked.
You gaped at him for a second, before remembering the comment you made yesterday. “I can take a look,”. You cross over to your workstation, turning on the light and the magnifying glass and grabbing your toolkit. It was an easy but time-consuming fix, and you quickly busied yourself with disassembling the rifle.
“You’re not from Nevarro,”. A question, posed as a statement.
You didn’t look up, “Nope, I’m just passing through.” Hmm, that power cell did not look too good.
“Where is home for you?”
“Nowhere,” you said matter-of-factly as you tinkered away, “Like most people, the Clone Wars and the Empire destroyed what little of a childhood I had. Got taken in by a kind armstech who taught me the trade, and now I hop from planet to planet making a living. What about you? I heard about what happened to the Mandalorians on this planet,”.
“Also nowhere,” the man grunted, and he remained quiet. You finished your work, and handed him the blaster, butt end first.
“You owe me two drinks now, breaking into my place like that.”
He took the blaster from you, two gloved finger tips drawing a line from the middle of your forearm down your wrist. An unnecessary movement, he could’ve just taken the blaster. You gulped. He put the gun back in its holster and leaned forward.
“I might, if you ask nicely. I saw the way you sized me up the first time,”.
You swallowed, mouth going dry. “It’s uh, part of my line of work. Gotta make sure everyone’s packing-- I mean, everyone’s weapons are in tip top shape.” Your stupid lizard brain, at it again.
He cocked his head to the side, “I’m sure it is,” the mirth evident in his tone.
Every evening thereafter, the blue Mandalorian showed up at your doorstep, a new weapon in hand for you to look at. It was nice, you had to admit to yourself. A consistency in your otherwise inconsistent life, and you grew to enjoy his company. What you couldn’t handle however, was the escalating tension between the two of you. He would occasionally stand behind you, his big, all-encompassing frame brushing up against your back, and lean over you to ask about this or that. The first time you thought it was an accident, but then he followed up with an oh-so-casual touch of your wrist, and you were pretty sure it was on purpose, but you also couldn’t tell if that was wishful thinking on your part. Occasionally the two of you would strike up a conversation, but for the most part he sat in a comfortable silence while you worked. When he came over the fourth night, large gattling gun in tow, you decided it was high time to try to get to know him better.
“Uh...would you like to stay for dinner?”, eyes looking down on the (ancient) gattling gun, trying to keep your voice light.
He paused and shook his head “I can’t,”.
Oh, an immediate shut down. Great. Well it was worth a shot.
“Not for the reason you think. I can’t remove my helmet in the presence of others, that’s part of the creed,”.
That made a lot of sense. You hadn’t come across many Mandalorians in your travels, but all of them were rather cagey about their armor and helmet. You had assumed it was due to the value of beskar, but this was the first time you had heard about this creed.
You looked up at him. “Don’t you ever get lonely?” you blurted out, the words forming on your tongue before your brain could shut you down. “Nevermind-- I’m sorry I-”
He interjected, “Sometimes. There are some exceptions though,”.
You leaned forward. “Such as?”.
A pause. He stepped forward, tipping your chin up with a finger.
“ Would you care to find out?”
Ch 2 here
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angeltannis · 3 years
Mechrogunner: A Headcanon Masterpost
@fudgeroach and I have been cookin’ this ship up for a bit now, and we’ve come up with a bunch of ideas for it that I’m finally ready to post!
Background for context: We both headcanon Moze as a he/him transmasc, so that’s how Moze will be referred to in this post.
So, Gaige and Moze.
How do they meet?
-Pretty simple – at the Wainlock wedding. Moze hasn’t been out just relaxing and having a good time in so long that he stays later than pretty much everyone else. When he’s finally ready to call it a night, he goes up to Hammerlock to let him know. Hammerlock casts a glance over at the bar, where Gaige is practically passed out on the counter by that point, and asks if Moze would be willing to check on her for him. Moze is like “Uhhh...okay...”, not really getting why Hammerlock himself couldn’t just check on her.
Hammerlock, of course, has an agenda, trying to set Gaige up with a friend her own age. He didn’t plan on it going much, much further than that, lol.
Moze sits awkwardly down beside her and is all business, just asking her bluntly if she’s all right. Gaige, flirty drunk that she is, immediately latches on to him, telling him he’s great and that she loves him. Moze internally is like 😳 but acknowledges it’s because she’s drunk. He stays with her for a while, keeping it light, talking about their respective robot BFFs and telling her a couple funny old army stories to keep her awake and with it until she sobers up a little.
Both of them are so lonely that by the end of the night they are definitely both nursing lil crushes, but Moze has thick walls around his heart after what happened to his squad mates, and he’s too traumatized to let anyone in at the moment. When they finally part ways that night, he assumes he’ll never see Gaige again.
Then he gets a text from an unfamiliar number. Turns out Gaige got his number from Hammerlock, and has ““questions about Iron Bear””. (She actually does have questions about Iron Bear because she’s a fucking nerd, but make no mistake, she is definitely interested in both mech AND pilot)
Moze hasn’t been in this kind of position in, well, ever, really. He’s not sure what to do. He really likes talking to Gaige, though – she's stunningly smart, wild and funny as hell. He’s never met a woman like her before. He may not have a clue what she’s talking about half the time, but he sure does love hearing her say it all.
Gaige, on the other hand, is immediately and blatantly smitten with Moze. She tends to develop crushes on pretty much anyone who pays her attention, but Moze was so sweet and gentle with her while she was embarrassingly drunk that Gaige finds herself thinking about him long after they part ways.
The dating stage:
Moze is terrified of opening back up to anybody, so he keeps Gaige at arm’s length even as their texting goes from occasional, to frequent, to most of the day every day. The other Raiders encourage Moze to ask Gaige on a date, but he’s nowhere near ready for that kind of commitment.
When Gaige asks him to bring Iron Bear to her lab-slash-hideout so she can “check him out”, he tells himself and everyone else that it’s just a friend thing.
It’s totally not a friend thing oh God
He’s hanging out in her garage (I imagine Gaige hides out in some craphole abandoned building somewhere and that her garage is also her lab, kitchen, bedroom, etc.), watching her eyes light up as she examines Iron Bear when he realizes he’s in too deep to get out. She pulls a whole-ass little measuring tape out of her hair at one point and he’s like Oh god, you’re adorable and has to bite his tongue to refrain from saying it out loud.
Deathtrap is just watching them, aware that something is up, but he doesn’t know enough about humans to know exactly what it is
The first time Moze feels comfortable enough to show up in something other than his freaking Ursa Corps uniform, he’s a little shy because he’s been chopping at his own hair and feels like a doofus. To his surprise, Gaige lights up and immediately starts complimenting his “punk” hairstyle. She lets her own hair out of the pigtails with a grin, showing that she hacks at her own hair as well. It’s all split ends and uneven layers, and Moze’s heart flutters just a bit as those bright green eyes are suddenly framed by a mess of bouncy orange hair.
While he’s hanging out with Gaige, Moze eventually comes out of his shell enough to start cracking little jokes and feeling a bit more at ease. He hasn’t felt this way since the last night he spent with his squad before Darzaran Bay. Gaige is just so easy to talk to, and she laughs at his jokes and doesn’t pry about his past. He doesn’t pry about hers, either, though he can glean from her current situation that something has clearly gone horribly wrong in her young life.
Gaige is afraid to let anyone into her life, either, since every person who knows her whereabouts is another potential source of danger to her (and to them). She finds herself wondering why this soldier is all alone without a squadron or a battalion or whatever terms the army uses. The faraway look Moze sometimes gets tells her there’s a long and painful story behind it.
It takes a loooooong time, probably close to a year or more, before either of them are ready to admit they’re not just visiting each other as friends multiple times a week. 
They’re sitting outside one evening watching the sunset when Gaige grows uncharacteristically serious. Moze assumes she’s going to confess to some awful crime or something, and his first reaction is “Okay I don’t know what you did but I forgive you and I’ll help you hide the body”. Gaige is like ??? Ok well I did kill somebody in the past but I was actually going to ask if I could kiss you?
Neither of them have ever really had a proper kiss before. They basically end up bonking their faces together like a couple of clueless dorks. It goes on to become a favorite inside joke between them, with the two of them frequently headbutting each other and then having a good, confusing-to-everyone-else laugh about it.
The relationship:
-Moze is self conscious about his height, but it turns out Gaige actually prefers it because then she doesn’t feel like such a shrimp herself. Short couple rights
-Still though, Moze likes to wear his chunkiest combat boots when they’re together together so they’re at least equal size. Eventually Gaige starts wearing her own old combat boots, though, so poor Moze can’t win lol
-They’re not real sappy out in public, but they’re always either holding hands or Moze has an arm loosely around Gaige’s waist (or vice versa which makes Moze go “NOO I’m supposed to be the one doing that!!” And Gaige is like “Muahaha, Feminism Babey >:D”)
-Gaige found out Moze has a corporate tattoo and since then his life has never known peace (she teases him about it relentlessly)
-Moze sends lovey-dovey memes and texts...exclusively in Russian. Forcing Gaige to put them through a translator helps put a little bit of distance between the words and his feelings, so he doesn’t feel quite so vulnerable...
…But then Gaige struggles to learn some basic Russian in secret, and the next time Moze says something corny she can actually understand it and responds in kind. Moze is floored
-Gaige is a ball of repressed horny nerdiness. Moze was never very sexual to begin with, and his trauma has basically turned him completely asexual. While at first Gaige was (inwardly) a bit disappointed, as time goes on she realizes she cares way more about Moze than she cares about getting laid.
She’s still a slut for cuddles, though – and luckily Moze is willing to provide. At first he insists on being the “big spoon” (more like the backpack), but it’s tough to resist being held by a pretty girl who covers you in kisses and takes the time to change into her non-spiked metal arm after that one time she forgot and almost got you in the eye with a spike
-Gaige sleeps in a bed that’s FULL of pillows and blankets and stuffed animals and anything soft and Moze, who is used to sleeping on a barren military cot if not just on the floor, is like “Oh God, I’m drowning”
All you see is his hand reaching desperately out of a pillow pile before it, too, is absorbed and he disappears completely
-Semi-related to the last bit: Gaige sleeps completely sprawled out in her bed while Moze curls up tight, taking up as little space as possible. Occasionally he gets grabbed like a stuffed animal and smushed up against Gaige’s chest in her sleep. He finds he actually likes being held while he sleeps. It helps keep away some of the nightmares.
-When eventually Gaige finds out what happened to Moze, she starts ranting about the military-industrial complex and corporate corruption and Moze is kinda 😥 because he was basically bottle-fed army propaganda since he was born, but it all makes sense, and the military did fuck him over, and maybe there’s so much more to this than he even realized…
-Finding out Gaige’s backstory, Moze is like “Psh, Marcie Halloway sounds like a cunt. I would’ve killed her ass, too.”
-Moze never allows anyone else to even look inside Iron Bear’s pilot seat because of all his private belongings (ie the photos and mementos he keeps of his old squad mates). Gaige never outright asks because she knows it’s personal, but one day Moze asks if she'd like to have a look inside and see if there’s any cool stuff she would want to build into Bear. Gaige realizes that’s a huge step in their relationship because of how much trust it requires on Moze’s part, and she is like !!! “Yes of COURSE”
-[Gaige voice] So when am I gonna get to be Mrs. Gaige Hayussinian Yan-Lun Al-Amir Andreyevna?
-Both of them will eat anything, so romantic dinners can consist of anything from actual gourmet food to “Want a bite of my fried ratch?” “Um, obviously?? Gimme-“
-Perks of dating someone your own size: You can easily wear each other’s clothes. Cue Moze showing up to Sanctuary in a spiked leather jacket with patches shittily ironed on all over it, and Gaige keeping warm in an Ursa Corps bomber jacket (that she covers with patches and stickers to hide the Vladof advertising)
-Gaige operating Moze’s Dakka Bear turret, wildly spraying bullets and screaming catch phrases while Moze is in the pilot seat like 🥰 You’re wasting all my ammo but god I love you
-Moze jumping into combat: All right, let’s do this shit *puts on his helmet with pink skulls and hearts and PROPERTY OF GAIGE 💜 spray painted all over it*
-Gaige is still worried about being caught by the cops, which can make dates a little difficult, but she’s admittedly a little more at ease now that she travels with a fifteen-ton mech and his dashing pilot.
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conaionaru · 4 years
Honor and Blood (Ivar the Boneless)
I'll run to you
Warnings: Ivar, Silas, toxic family, mentions of murder, angst
@xbellaxcarolinax​ @shannygoatgruff​ @didiintheblog​ @lol-haha-joke​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @heavenly1927​ @queenbeeta​ @astridbaby​ @chynagirl13​ @thereareendlessopportunities
P.S. I did some edits of Ivar x Vanya. And I found the perfect song for them (where the title of this chapter comes from) and made an edit of that as well.
I don’t own the gifs. Also, thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. If you want to be tagged please write me<3
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When Vanya was a little girl, she dreamt of marrying a noble Prince and becoming his Queen. She imagined a huge castle and her father visiting her as often as possible. Even her mother was proud of her for being a good Christian wife.
Never did she dream of being here, drifting on a boat with a sore shoulder, woozy from mead with her sleeping heathen son in her lap. Why must dreams always be so wrong?
But truth to be told, she loved the life she lived now. Well, not right now, but the last year. Her experience in Kattegat was perfect. Despite his short temper, Ivar was a good man. He loved her unconditionally, protected her, and listened to her. His brothers were kind to her, and she trusted them with her life. Even Sigurd, with who she sometimes butted heads. She had a friend and found a mother in Aslaug and Helga.
She missed them so much. Two days on the water made her want to cry. She cried nowadays more than the babe she gave birth to. He seemed content; he loved watching the ravens fly over their heads and played with her hair when she held him.
How funny it seemed to her that she loved sailing when she came here. Now she yearned to stand on dry land and sleep in a warm bed wrapped in Ivar's arms.
Whenever Vanya didn't think of home, she thought of Silas, especially what she would do to him. She had been meek and peaceful for so long, forgave him everything he did to her. But that changes now; he didn't just hurt her or degrade her. He tried to kill her and her son. His knights murdered an innocent woman. He would pay the blood price for it.  
The raven made a sound and left their usual circling spot. Vanya watched them go and perked up. Land. It meant land was near. She put her child into the nets and rowed towards the direction the birds flew.
Her shoulder screamed in protest, and she felt it reopen as her dress got wet with blood. She ignored it and kept on rowing. She was out of food, and the mead wouldn't last more than two cups. They needed to find water and food.
Ivar laid in his bed, sweat dripping from his forehead, the whites of his eyes blue. His legs hurt too much today; he had to stay in bed but couldn't sleep at all. All he could do was lay there in pain and think of all the ways he will torture Vanya's attacker. He prayed to the Gods that she was still alive. Two days ago, she went missing, and everyone was losing hope.
Aslaug had no visions, and Hoenir was no help. He dragged himself to the Seer yesterday, but all he got was vague answers. "You know the answer, Boneless." He knew Vanya had grown stronger and that she promised to protect their son. But so did he and now, he doesn't know where she is or if she is even alive.
He promised her that no one would ever lay a hand on her again, and he failed. If he ever saw her again, he wouldn't let her out of his sight.
"Drink the tea, Ivar. It will help." Ubbe ordered, walking into the room, looking at the untouched cup on Ivar's bedside. Right next to the tea was the carved figure of Fenrir and Vanya's serpent necklace.
"Did you find her? Anything?" Ivar begged as his brother wiped his damp forehead.
Ubbe shook his head and put the rag down. "A fisherman's boat went missing two days ago. Mother thinks Vanya might have taken it. So we sent some boats out to look for her. But if she drifted out into the open..."
He didn't have to finish the sentence for Ivar to understand. If Vanya drifted away, the storm that was gathering would sink her ship and drown them both. Hoenir saw her drown, what if he was right and she would? No amount of sacrifices would bring her back then. He would be alone again, with Aslaug the only one to love him. Ubbe might love him, but there are moments he must wish his brother wasn't alive.
The times he had to carry him or stay at home because Ivar was in pain. Having to check on his legs and eyes all the time. In everybody's eyes, Ivar was a burden; he was aware of it. Vanya was the only one who didn't care or look down on him. In her eyes, Ivar was perfect despite his shortcomings. Over time, she grew used to his temper and pain. She comforted him, held him, whispered sweet words into his ear as he fell asleep.
She loved him, and he left her alone after she bore him a son. He didn't even get to hold him. His perfect son, who had his eyes and hair. His healthy boy. Ivar hated himself, but he hated the world more.
"How long we have to keep looking? It's been two days now. The corpses must show up soon." Pæga complained, pulling off his boots and sinking his feet into the bowl with water.
Silas glared at the knight and stabbed his dagger into the table. "Boats were sent out to search for her, a fisherman's boat went missing, they think Vanya is in it. If she survived and they find her... My sister saw your faces. She isn't so stupid to fall for a few farmers in your clothes. If you get caught, then it means my death as well." He spat at his knights while Stithulf sat in the corner, sharpening his sword.
"I doubt she is alive. She doesn't strike me as a survivor. Vanya was sent here to wither and die, to brake and suffer. She might have charmed her way around Kattegat. But smiles and gifts aren't going to save her from death. She was hit with an arrow; I saw her sink. All they will find is a dead child in the boat. Vanya is dead, and you are the only possible ruler of Slegia."
Stithulf stood up after his rant and walked towards his King. He lifted the crown from the table and put it on his head. "A crown for a King. The one true King. Vanya will never wear this thing; neither will her children; I made sure of it."
Silas nodded and proudly pushed his chest out. The knight was right; he was the King, and Vanya was dead. First, he dealt with her; next is his mother and her new husband. Then his uncle and Wrosan will be his. The victory was certain.
Vanya hauled herself from the boat and pulled it on land so the tide wouldn't wash it away. Her son stirred in his little bed while Vanya collapsed on the ground, exhausted.
The ravens left them alone, and she had no idea where to go. This part of Kattegat was unfamiliar to her. So as she laid there, she prayed to the Gods to show her a way to get home. But no sign or help came.
So she wrapped herself tighter in her cloak and took her child with her heading west, the other way than she drifted off. She needed to get to a familiar location: the hunting hut, Floki's house, or even the forest before Kattegat.
Vanya walked with her son in her arms, without a pause. She managed to find some berries Helga taught her were edible and a stream of water. After she ate, she fed her son and carried on in her way. Her feet were sore, and her son was becoming too heavy for her weak arms.
Other than wilderness and silence, there was nothing around her. Every tree looked the same, and the shade they gave her made navigating with the sun harder. She shivered as the winds grew colder.
When her son whimpered in her arms, she froze. Her being cold wasn't that bad. But to him, it meant death. So she carefully put him on the ground and took off her cloak and swaddled him in it. Her thinned down frame shook in the cold winds while her son burrowed himself into the new warmth.
Vanya looked down at his little content face and smiled. All of this hardship was worth it if he was healthy and alive. This life she created and carries inside her, that she spent hours bringing into the world. It meant everything to her; it hurt to admit that her mother was right. A mother has no choice but to love her child; only a monster would ignore her own blood like that. But the thing Siflaed was wrong about was that Vanya did love Ivar. Despite everything she heard about him and his people, she grew to love him no, her people. Kattegat was her home now; she was born to live here; she knew it.
And when she returned, she would never leave again; she would remain and raise her son. She would see all the other sons of Ragnar start their own families and see Aslaug grow old. Hold Bjorn's adorable children and gossip with Torvi and Brynja. She would sit on the bench in front of the Great Hall, sewing a dress together, with Ivar by her side with their son in his arms. Vanya would come to visit Helga and Floki more often like she promised she would and try to make Margrethe less afraid of Ivar. He wasn't the monster; everyone made him out to be; her husband had a lonely heart with high walls made of anger.
She remembered the story of Eve and the Devil. The way the serpent tricked Eve into eating the apple and be banished from Eden for it. She also remembered the story one of Siflaed's lovers told her of the Greek goddess Persephone and the pomegranate. How Hades offered the fruit to her, and she stayed with him as his wife.
But Vanya didn't feel like Eve; her husband was no evil serpent leading her on. He was Hades, the god known for his dark demeanor, but a good husband. She wasn't a meek Christian like Eve, Vanya was Persephone. A good heart with love for nature, married to a man of shadowed behavior who everyone feared. But they both held darkness and light, she wasn't just a maiden who plucked blooming flowers, and Ivar wasn't just an angry heathen with a quick tongue. Her tongue was as equally sharp as his and his love as real as hers. They were King and Queen of the Underworld, Prince and Princess of Kattegat.
With determination, Vanya strode on, thankful for the shoes she managed to put on before her escape. Walking barefoot on top of lightly dressed would have meant her death. She could hear an owl hoot somewhere behind her until it flew past her and landed on a branch. "Frigga." She whispered as the bird stared at her with yellow eyes, it's white feathers standing out in the treetops.
"Have you come to take me home, All-Mother? Odin's ravens looked over my son and me on the boat, and now you have come for us. Goddess of mothers and queens, of war, wisdom, and strategy. I beg you, take me home." She begged the hooting white owl that took off and landed on another branch, waiting for the ginger to follow.
Vanya chuckled at the sight and followed after the frequently stopping bird. "This better be Frigga, or I will die. That's your descendant on the line, Odin. Don't let me die, All-father, All-mother."
Everyone stood gathered in the Great Hall in the evening, waiting for what Aslaug had to say. Silas stood in the corner of the room, surrounded by his armed knights. "My brother Ivar was graced with a son three days ago. But his son and wife were ripped away by a murderer, who sneaked into their hut and killed the wet nurse." Bjorn announced watching the faces of everyone present.
Floki and Helga leaned a support beam, both looking grim, while the boatbuilder glared at Silas. Ivar sat next to his mother, with Hoenir standing behind them. Brynja and Margrethe watched the whole ordeal from their place with the other servants and slaves. The other brothers stood behind Bjorn, who towered over the room, reminding all of their father. He carried the same authority even without a crown on his head.
Aslaug lifted her head higher and wrapped his fingers around the armrests of her throne. "The one responsible will answer to the Gods. The more blood they have on their hands, the more dire their demise will be. This person is charged with treason and murder..."
Ubbe left his mother's side while she talked and walked with Floki and Hoenir towards the exits. They barricaded the door while no one was watching. The only way to open them now would be from the outside, where Floki stood watch.
"The return of my daughter in law Vanya is becoming unlikely. A funeral will be held soon to honor her death, Floki has agreed to build a boat to bury her. If she is not found until the ship is done, we shall burn some of her possessions instead."
Stithulf observed the heathens around him; they seemed on edge, ready to pounce at any moment. Of course, Silas was obvious to all this, too distracted by the Queen's speech to notice.
"But, we do know the one responsible for this tragedy." The knights head snapped towards the throne. Everyone grew silent, waiting for Aslaug to continue. "We questioned people and gathered that there is only one possible suspect behind all this. Someone willing to murder a mother and child int heir sleep."
The room was tense as if a war would erupt at any moment. Ivar clenched his jaw before smirking at Silas, who froze in his spot.
"How do you answer these charges... King Silas?" The Saxon's breaths hitched in fear as the knights wrapped their hands around their swords' handles, ready to draw them and kill everyone. But they were outnumbered and locked in with bloodthirsty heathens.
"This is outrageous! I loved my sister. And you are claiming me as a murderer only because you failed to find the real one. My sister is dead because of you!" He roared at the remaining sons of Ragnar and his wife. But they didn't even flinch all the Queen did, was push her shoulders back and raise an eyebrow at his outburst.
"So you claim, but there is no proof. All we saw were spiteful words and tantrums. You bribed farmers to change clothes with your knights; then, you ordered them to kill Vanya and her son. But Margrethe remembered their faces, and it wasn't the faces we see here today." Sigurd called out as the said thrall covered behind Brynja. She confessed this to Sigurd last night, and since then, the Ragnarsson and Aslaug had been plotting.
Silas frowned and shook his head, chuckling. "And do tell me... What would my reason be? Sibling rivalry? Don't be ridiculous. I may not have been overly fond of my sister, I admit. But I wouldn't murder her. And the baby? Son or not, I hold no ill will against either."
"Vanya and her son possessed a threat to you, childless, unfit to rule. But Vanya is loved here, and I am sure she was the same in England. You ordered her death and will die for it. An eye for an eye."  Bjorn threatened as Silas gulped and gave an uneasy smile.
He shrugged and spread his arms wide to show he was unarmed and possessed no threat to them, other than his knights who drew their swords. "Let's spare ourselves these dramatics. Vanya is dead, and I am not the culprit. Let's not have a ghost of a disobedient whore get between our agreement."
Ivar slammed his fist against his chair and glared at the daring King. He would have leaped out of his seat and strangled the bastard if it wasn't for Bjorn, Sigurd, and Hvitserk holding him back. "How dare you?" The Ragnarsson roared his nostrils flaring in rage.
Silas pointed to Ivar's legs with a smirk.  "Your... Affliction. Do you really think the child was yours? My darling sister would do anything to please you as a proper wife should. And giving you a child, even one that's not truly yours. It would please you. Wouldn't it? To think that you are a real man, able to produce an heir." The blonde Christian taunted as everyone glared at what he was suggesting.
"I did you a favor before things escalated, and you would believe other idiotic lies my sister would have fed you to keep herself alive a little longer. I saved you from further embarrassment and grief. Vanya is dead, and there is nothing to change that." He sounded at peace with his oncoming death. Silas knows he and his knights will die, but might as well anger the heathens some more. Die a horrid death and go down in history as a martyr: Saint Silas, The tortured King.
Stithulf, on the other hand, looked distressed, all the whispering he did, all for nothing. All his hard work wasted on a foolish king with a big ego and greedy heart. His chance at fame and ruling, all gone, because of a ginger Princess who just couldn't stay meek and timid like she was meant to be.
The sound of something shattering broke the tense atmosphere. Everyone looked st the redheaded servant that let her jug of water, fall to the floor. "Vanya." She whispered, her face pale and eyes wide. They followed her gaze and gazed at the open door in shock.
"Why do you think I am dead, Brother?" Vanya's voice rasped out as the ginger leaned against the door frame, a shield pierced with many arrows in one hand. Her hair was frizzy, her skin pale, and her eyes sunken in. Her white dress was stained with bloody some on her shoulder, the rest on her lap, from childbirth.
She took a shaky step forward and shifted her arms slightly. Helga runs to her side, and Floki stood behind her in case she fell. The Ragnarssons run to her while Ivar stared at her in shock. Standing up, Aslaug observed the presumably dead Princess in wonder.
"Helga, you need to look after my son. I tried to keep him warm and fed. Please check him."  Vanya pleaded with the blonde woman, letting the shield riddled with arrows fall to the floor. Hidden behind the protection was a bundle of furs and cloak, squirming at the new warm place they entered.
Helga shakily took the babe out of Vanya's trembling embrace to see the child alive and well despite the ordeals he went through. She ushered the child away as Ubbe reached his sister in law, laying a hand on her shoulder to steady her. But she shook it off and slowly advanced towards Silas, who took a few steps towards her as well.
"How? You should be dead." He whispered, still in denial that his plan didn't work.
"I forgave you so much, Silas. So many wounds. I forgave them all, ignored them, and asked my family to ignore them as well. But that ends today. You killed an innocent woman! You tried to kill my son!"
Silas shook his head, refusing to admit defeat against his little sister. His foolish sister, who was born weak and was meant to abide by him. The one who defied him and survived. "You won't hurt me, Vanya. You are weak. Remember your place, and we can forget this. Beg me for forgiveness, and I shall grant it to you. All I want in return is save passage back home. Kill my knights instead."
"You think I will beg? I did nothing to ask forgiveness for! You are a monster, Silas. Just like father and mother said you were. Do you think I will cower before you? Just because you are my brother?" She seethed stalking towards him as Silas drew a dagger and pointed it at her, shaking, fearful of this side of Vanya.
The ginger keeps on advancing, not caring for the weapon pointed at her. The adrenaline running through her veins made her forget what fear feels like at all. All she could see was the man who made her life a living hell and tried to kill her son! "Blessed are the meek, Vanya." He reminded her, hoping that the sentence that their mother used to drill into her head would calm her down, but his sister didn't even blink.
"Yes. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven." She spat back a part of the Beatitudes, laughing at his poor attempt at containing her rage. "Do you think the words of Jesus or God will stop me? Do you honestly believe that you will be forgiven? I am past forgiveness and meekness! I want you to pay for my and my son's suffering in blood!"
Silas took a few steps back, his hand shaking like crazy. Vanya was nearly in front of him now, her hand grasped his dagger around the sharp edge, no fear in her eyes. They looked like frozen over fjord's, determination and anger swirling around. She tugged his knife from his grasp and threw it behind her, surprising everyone. Blood dripped from the cut on her palm, trailing down her slender fingers and hitting the floorboards.
"I would burn cities and kingdom's to the ground and make him King of the Ashes if they dared to threaten him!" She screamed at her brother, getting into his face and glaring up at him as he shook in his spot.
"Vanya, please, have mercy. I am your brother. I did it to protect my claim. You must understand. I was born to rule; I deserve to sit on the throne for eternity. Please have mercy." The two siblings stared into each other's eyes, the frozen fjords meeting the tearful sky.
She softly shook her head and softened her angry expression. Ivar crawled towards them, observing the blood-stained dagger and her bleeding hand clenched by her side. "Mercy is a Christian value, and I am not Christian anymore." She hissed backhanding him with her bleeding left hand so hard that he hit the floor.
Silas cradled his aching cheek and stared at Vanya in shock. The ginger glared down at him with disdain obvious in her expression. "That's why I wish you the most painful death instead." She spat at him before two men dragged him away as he cried and cursed at them, begging them to let him go as other Vikings killed his knights when they dared to attack.
Ivar crawled to Vanya's left and took her cold bleeding hand in his, startling her from her trance. She looked down at him tenderly as he looked over her tired body. "I missed you." He whispered, staring up at her with adoration as she returned his tender look, softly smiling.
"I missed you too." Ubbe supported her swaying frame and carried her towards the awaiting healers, thanking the gods for her return, alive and well. Ivar watched her get carried away and spared a glance at the dead bodies of the Saxon knights before he followed his brother and wife.
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babbushka · 4 years
This Anti-Angst Sinday seems like so much fun! May I please request 39 “Why are you being so nice to me?!” from the 150 Angst/Horror Prompts list with Pale?
(this one got out of hand lol oops)
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You perk up immediately when you hear him slammin’ the front door open. Pale didn’t give a shit if it was 2pm or 2am, he always slammed the door. You wondered if he didn’t realize it was somethin’ he did, there were a lotta things about Pale like that. You didn’t mind any of them though, you liked it. You liked everything about Pale.
“Hi honey,” You greet him right in the door, waiting with a cigarette and a kiss. “How was work?”
“…It was alright.” He looks at you suspiciously, and you feign innocence through the whole thing, try not to show how fucking desperate you are for him.
You’d been waitin’ up for hours for him to come home, a real long night at the philharmonic, workin’ one some great symphony. You’d resisted the urge to fuck yourself on your fingers, knowin’ he’d get real bent out of shape about it, but now he was home.
“Lemme get your jacket for ya.” You peel the leather away from his broad frame, wish you could just strip him the rest of the way right there.
Fuck you were so wet for him already, had been for hours, just waitinwaitinwaitin for your man.
Pale grabs you by the jaw, brings your mouth up real close to his but not kissin’ you just yet.
“Thank you sweetheart, everything alright?” He narrows his eyes, and you take in a deep breath, lick your lips.
“Me? Yeah, o’course, course everything’s alright.” You bite at your lips, practically fuckin’ vibrating with energy with want with need, “Why d’ya ask?”
“Why the fuck are you being so nice to me?” He frowns, thinkin’ you’re up to something.
And you are, but you’re not, not really. Not anything bad anyway, just –
“Oh that ain’t fair I’m always nice to you, and I was hoping, maybe tonight, you could be a little…nice to me.” You walked your fingers up his big muscular chest, toyed with the little gold chain he always wore, the same gold chain you never took off.
He gets it then, you see the moment where it clicks in his mind and his eyes widen, his pupils blow black with lust.
“What do you want?” He asks, just to be sure, the grip on your jaw never wavering.
“To come so hard I black out.” You tell him straight up, and he sucks his teeth, takes in a deep deep drag of the cigarette, blows smoke out thick and heavy.
“Get naked and be in bed in five fuckin’ minutes.” He orders, letting you go with a hard kiss.
You pull your clothes off on the way, leaving a trail of lingerie, leather and lace in your wake. It’ll give him something to watch while you walk away, revealing yourself to him. When you peek over your shoulder at the bedroom door, he’s already unbuckling his belt, and you know you’re in for a great fucking night.
You get on the bed and wait wait wait some more, maybe only a minute or two before he nudges the door open with hit foot. He’s still dressed, and that’s alright with you, he likes it like this sometimes, and you like it too. Your thighs press together while he pulls a chair the edge of the bed, sets a glass filled with whiskey on it.
“Lemme see how wet you are sweetheart.” He says, leans against the dresser.
You pout, because really you wanted to get hard fucked – but the look on his face tells you you’re in for it. So you do as he says, roll onto your back and spread your legs for him, spread them so wide your hip makes a noise that’s got you smilin’, and damn if he doesn’t start talking talking talking the split second you do.
“Look at this cunt, look how pretty it is. You my whore, my slut? Opening your legs for me whenever I say so? Yeah that’s what I thought, you’re real good, my good girl. You oughta get praised for that you know? Being so good. Bein’ so pretty.” He’s got his fly open and is pulling out his cock, tugging at it.
God, it’s so fucking big. You can see just how big from all the way over there on the bed, and your pussy clenches around nothing just from the thought of it. You know how it feels when it fills you, you want it, you want him. You know he does too, he’s lookin’ at you real hungry.
“How do you want me?” You hope to speed things along, but he shakes his head.
“Just like this sweetheart, touch yourself but don’t you fucking dare come. I’m gonna come once all over your perfect tits and then I’m gonna fuck you into next Tuesday, but if you come I’m gonna tie you up and keep you wet for a week, how’s that sound?” It ain’t an empty threat, except it kinda is. He’d never do that to ya, he needs ya too bad on his own right. He doesn’t like sayin’ no to you, doesn’t like not givin’ you what you want.
But this is a game, a bit of fun to keep things spiced up tonight, and you’re up for the challenge.
“So good Pale, real good.” You agree, your hands traveling down your body to play with the folds of your pussy, rubbing lazy circles around your clit, zig-zagging your thumb against it so that you moan out, “I won’t come, not ‘til you say, I promise.”
He shuffles a little closer then, standing there in his wife-beater and his jeans as they slouch over his hips. His hands are so fucking big, they make his cock look average sized, and you moan, wishing he’d shove those fingers down your throat.
“Good, that’s good, keep touchin’ yourself, lemme hear you honey.” He encourages, spitting into his palm and using it as crude lube for his cock, stroking himself off to the sight of you all sprawled out.
You know he’s wound up and he won’t last, that’s why he comes once just to take the edge off. He’s still gonna be hard, you know from experience – but still your gaze is fixated on it, on his cock, on his hands his hands his hands.
“Oh fuck, I wish it were you, wish it were your fingers.” You groan, your knees dropping open even more, your body arching and moving on the mattress, hips pushing up against your hand.
Your pussy is so slick, cunt fluttering, begging for something bigger than your own fingers to fill it.
“You wanna fuck yourself on my fingers gorgeous?” He says through grit teeth as he focuses on you, on your body, on your pussy that’s so open and willing, aching for him.
“No, no I want your cock.” You whine, and he huffs out a laugh.
He slows down a minute to take another drag of his cigarette, to knock back some whiskey. You moan, wishing you could taste the amber off his lips.
“You’ll get my cock when I say so.” Pale shook his head, “But you can have my fingers now if you want them if you want to be a greedy whore.”
“No – I’ll be good, I’ll wait for your cock.” You pouted, knowing you wouldn’t have much longer to wait, not right now, not this time.
“Keep your legs open, just like that. Fuck you’re so good to me, you know that? Had a good day and a real fuckin’ good evening, I’m gonna blow your fuckin’ mind honey. I’m gonna make you see stars. That sound good? Tell me.” He orders, stepping forward until he’s right at the edge of the mattress, standingbetween your open legs.
He spits onto your pussy, rubs the head of his dick through your folds to spread it around. It’s such a tease, your clit is pulsing, you’re desperate for him to shove all the way in. Your knees begin to close in around him as he pushes himself between you, hoping to cage him in.
“Yes! Yes Pale, please!” You beg whine pant, “Please, I want you I need you, yes!”
“Keep goin’, faster – but don’t come, don’t fucking come, not yet. I ain’t even started with you yet.” Pale grits out, hair shakin’ into his face, startin’ to go piecey as he sweats in all his clothes.
“I – I – oh Pale,” Your fingers press harder faster wet wet wet against your clit, up into your gspot as your man teases you, leans over to kiss you, tongue so sweet.
“Lemme see your tits, grab ‘em, push ‘em together.” He bites down hard onto your jaw and you do.
You push your tits together and he pulls his cock away from your pussy, shoves it into your cleavage and fucks your tits until they’re good and sweaty, until he’s sweating, until he’s fisting your hair tight holding you in place, come spattering against your neck, up onto your chin.
“Eat it.” He says, and you waste no time in swiping a few already wet fingers through the sticky slick and sucking it clean, making him come harder with a, “Fuck.”
You, you cheeky thing, still desperate and whining with your thighs pressed together, your knees trembling, cunt aching to be filled right and proper, grin at how he’s still hard even as more more more come oozes out of him in thick ropes which coat your nipples.
And you grin up at him so pretty, lick your lips and pinch his thigh and bat your lashes and say,
“Yes please.”
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Costume Party
A/N: This is the third of the prompts that @badsext gave me, and I am very thrilled to get them out there, and see what people think. It’s going to be a Nathan x reader one, and it’ll be very spooky, I’m very happy to be writing this. I’ll also be posting two fics a week, starting with Feather Boas, so be prepared. Hope yous all enjoy!
Warnings: suggestive behavior, (nothing steamy, just nathan being himself, i have a friendship to maintain lol), mention of alcohol, cursing, insecurities
“Nathan, what the hell am I supposed to wear to Alisha’s costume party?” you yell from across your apartment, shared as of September. 
“You know, you could just wear nothin’, that’d be a show, wouldn’t it?” he said, walking behind you.
“I’d like to actually have fun at the party, not be cold, thank you very much.” you said, kissing his cheek, and turning back around to your closet, trying to wrack your brain with anything. You were seriously thinking of just wearing a sheet and being a ghost, but Nathan offered to take you to Spirit Halloween. You obliged, and he drove you two over to the store, slightly baffled by the front decorations.
“Alrighty, here I go. Watch me come out 3 hours later with just candy.” you thought to yourself, putting your hands in your pockets and walking through the automatic doors, Nathan in tow.
  Everything in the store was typical Halloween style. Fake spiders, fake cobwebs, skeletons, ghosts, the whole shabang. However you’d gotten your Halloween decor sorted way earlier in the month. You made sure that everything was in place, and that the candles were all facing in the correct direction (something you were particularly persnickety about). The two of you floated towards the back of the store, occasionally picking up something here and there. You had to drag Nathan away from the candy aisle, as he was just a hair away from starting to steal the full size Three Musketeers they stacked on top of each other. You were presented with a sexy ghost, a sexy nurse, and honestly just stereotypical female wear, and you were fed up. After looking at a whip that adorned one of the costumes, you walked straight to the other side of the store, where Nathan was looking at over-muscled costumes.
“It makes me feel like I’m too little to get into this shit. I know I’m a little muscly, but not like this. It makes me feel insecure.” Nathan said, folding his arms and looking towards you, eyes getting a bit teary. You’d never experienced him like this before. He was trying to be the funny, quirky person people expected him to be all the time.
“It’s alright to feel like that. Society puts pressure on all of us to fit into this box. You do have quite a lot of slack on said pressure, but you still do suffer. I like that you’re tiny. You’re also tall, it adds character to you, and I love it. I love you Nathan, that’s never going to change. No matter what you look like. Even if you cut your curls.” you say, hugging him, and kissing his shoulder. He smiled at the gesture, and offered something to you.
“You know what. How about you pick a costume from over here, and I pick a costume from over there in the lady’s section. We’ll look badass.” Nathan says, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
  You giggle, and send him off to the other side of the store, where you vision him doing little voices and holding up different colored dresses to his form. You have bigger fish to fry though. The giant muscled superhero uniforms and stiff wigs were giving you nothing but anxiety. Your hands flipped through costume after costume, trying to find an appropriate one for your stature and size, finding it a bit hard as you were between a rock and a hard place trying to find what suited you best. Nothing as to where the inseam was too much, or if the shoulder pads were too intense. You were even thinking of trying to fit into some of the kids’ costumes just for the fun of it. Soon enough, though, you found out that Spirit Halloween was not going to cut it, and you knew just the place to hit up.
“Alright love, what’ve you found in this hellscape of a clothing section?” Nathan asked you, walking over while holding a bag with a costume, and from what you could see, a lot of shiny candy wrappers.
“I won’t be buying from here, but I know what I’m gonna do for the costume. Don’t worry, I’m still sticking with the “opposite gender thing” even though there’s waaayyy more than two genders.” you state, walking out of the store with a pep in your step, excited to finally do something you’d like to do, rather than what’s expected. 
  Nathan followed after you like a lost puppy, thrilled at what you were planning, but also because he had to go for a wee, and his bladder wasn’t treating him too well. As soon as the two of you got home, Nathan of course threw his bag on the bed, and bolted to the restroom, and you once more opened your closet, with a plan this time, throwing different artifacts onto the bed, and turning on some rock tunes. You two had 7 hours tops until the party started, and that gave you just enough time to get everything together. Nathan, poor soul, wasn’t allowed to see it, you even were having Simon pick him up from your house so that you could surprise him.
“Alright babe, I’m heading off with Simon, you sure you don’t want me to see you before I go?” he yelled through the door, and you yelled back a no, and finished up the final stitches.
“Now this is what I call a job well done.” you say, looking back at your work, and you quickly shower and do your hair, putting your outfit on, and almost forgetting your keys in your excited nature.
  When you got to the Community Center, who allowed Alisha to rent for the Halloween night, was already filled to the brim with people. Cars were parked all over the place, and toilet paper was hanging from the trees in the area. You looked in the car mirror once more, right before you stepped out onto the concrete walkway, and opened the door wide for yourself, as you were one of the last people to arrive. The music was blaringly loud, and you went directly to Nathan, and you were quite surprised at his costume choice for the night as well. He decorated himself in an almost skin tight shirt, his chest very visible to your eyes. He wore a cute pleated skirt, floor-length, and of course, as it was Nathan, he put on random cat ears, and he was waiting with Simon, presumably for you. As soon as you came into view, he almost dropped his drink, most likely alcohol. He stood up, and you gave a little spin, the lapels of the suit flashing in the colored lights.
“My god, I didn’t know that my girlfriend had this much sexy potential in her. Where did you find this getup, love?” Nathan asked you, taking your hand in his arm around your waist. Even though he towered over you, you enjoyed having that slight switch of power in the relationship.
“My closet has a lot of wonders, it’s hidden so many skeletons, it had to be interesting.” you joked, sitting down, not caring to cross your legs.
  Your outfit screamed “Yes, I wear the pants, but never a bra”. A beautiful plum suit, cinched at the waist, and the pants were boyfriend fit, beautifully framing your shape. You wore a white satin camisole, skinny black tie crossed on your neck, the ends dangling over your chest. In classic fashion, you wore your black Chuck Taylors, for foot support. Nathan fawned over you, just baffled at the fact that you threw all of this together in such short notice. He took you over to the punch bowl, and was staring at you in absolute love and wonder. You laughed at him under your cup, and he was left confused, and asked why you were chuckling.
“You are whipped for me, and I can prove that, as you just can’t take your eyes off of me Nathan. It’s hilarious, as it’s rough to think someone could love me sometimes.” you reply, taking a sip of the liquid in the Solo cup.
  You laughed at his shocked face, and a blush coated his pale cheeks. He stayed a bit quiet for the rest of the night, except when you offered to go out for ice cream, even go for a little late night trick or treating. He perked up, and the two of you grabbed your respective pillowcases, and went out until at least 3 in the morning, until the two of you collapsed on the floor of your bedroom, Twizzlers in hand.
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hysteriium · 5 years
Can’t Help Falling In Love
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(A/N): Okay so I originally made this for one of my bois @jane-may​ though I extend it to everyone who’s having a tough time! Y’all are strong and I stan you! 
Summary: Arthur calms you down during a panic attack. 
Pairing: Arthur Fleck x reader. 
Word Count: 2465.
Warnings: mentions of anxiety; 
Anxiety Headcanons: 
Incredibly understanding - he’s well acquainted with anxiety and just how bad it can be. So, he knows or at least likes to think he knows, how to help. 
While he had to endure a lot of it alone, he doesn’t want you to suffer the same fate - that’s literally the last thing he wants. 
His favourite thing to do is try and distract you, to try and get you to focus on your surroundings, as opposed to the actual symptoms themselves; uses the 5-4-3-2-1 technique. 
Will tell you to take deep breaths as he seats you somewhere comfortable, either the couch or the bed. 
If you weren’t home, he’d promptly pull you aside and pull you into him, whispering soothing things into your ear; a gentle hand would reach up and rest against the back of your head as he did so. 
Whether you were having panic attacks, negative thoughts/spirals, or perhaps, the whole shabang, he’d tell you how much he loved you and how proud he was of you for coming as far as you had. 
He’s a sap, meaning he’d downright compliment and praise you until his face turned blue (lol). He wouldn’t let you doubt yourself, and if you didn’t believe his reassurances, he would 100% make it his mission to prove it. 
Lots and lots of kisses. Hands, cheeks, your forehead - you name it. 
Arthur is BIG on affection. He really loves hugs, and he feels as though a really long one could solve any problem. 
Literally hates seeing you sad and stressed, so he’ll tell you one of his jokes from his journal. Anything to distract you. 
Sometimes he does panic when you have a particularly bad attack. It isn’t because he’s overwhelmed, it’s more so him freaking out about how his tactics aren’t working - about how he’s unable to assist. He’d pretty much feel helpless. Like stated earlier, he really hates seeing you so distressed. 
Regardless, he sticks by you for however long you need. He wouldn’t dream of leaving you in the middle of an attack. 
One of his favourite things to do when he sees you stressing is to play with your hair or trace soothing patterns into your skin.  
After the attack - HE WILL DANCE WITH YOU. 
This bad boi will pull you into his arms and start swaying with you to some funky jazz tunes whether you like it or not. 
Will not stop until he’s seen you laugh, or, at the very least, smile. 
Today had definitely not been your day. While you had been on edge for most of it, feeling the sinister itch of anxiety in the back of your mind, you tried your hardest to work through it; to get on with your day. Some part of you, faded along with the negative thoughts - a gut feeling - knew, however. Knew that the crucial question wasn’t if you were going to have a panic attack - it was when. In all cases, it felt inevitable. 
Rain pelted the window - Gotham’s signature song as you found yourself alone in Arthur’s apartment. He’d left a little bit ago, promising to only be a moment as he mumbled something about groceries. 
In the space of what had probably been an hour since Arthur’s departure, your theory had been correct. Like the opportunistic beast it was, your anxiety had decided it was the perfect time to flare up. The telltale signs - ragged breathing, the hammering of your heart which matched the booming of thunder, upon the multitudinous concoction of other symptoms created the perfect storm; much like the one outside. 
As the seconds passed and the poor weather continued its total pandemonium, your neurotic state worsened. The last straw was when your chest started to close up, constricting as if you had been sat on; about to be crushed. Familiar were the knots in your stomach, twisting and turning. 
In one cataclysmically exhausting whirlwind of thoughts, one that virtually took all your energy to keep at bay, you felt the jitters in your leg and the compulsive fidgeting which followed behind, manifest. In the dim lighting of the room, you curled up into the sofa’s side, trying to remember what you had been taught for times precisely like these. How you were meant to breathe, use your logic, even if you were, for the most part, stripped of it. To try and focus on other things, repeat the mantras that you had once found calming. You conjured the reassuring voice of your lover, remembering Arthur’s soothing words and how he worked you through prior attacks.  
Yet still, you couldn’t breathe.
Perhaps luck had been shining down on you in that moment. You certainly felt so when you heard ruckus behind the front door. The key scraped against the lock, a recurring phenomenon which was then followed by a soft curse, leading to Arthur’s eventual success as he stumbled inside. 
“I’m ba-” 
Arthur froze when he saw your cowering form. 
He pushed the door closed with his foot, knowing immediately what was happening and abruptly dropped the bag of groceries onto the floor with a thud. Without stopping, he hurried over. 
“Hey, hey, look at me,” his voice sweetly requested as a hand gently moved your face to look down at him. 
In his crouched position his leg was tucked underneath him while his other rested against the couch’s foundations. Arthur’s thumb started to rub soothing circles into your flesh once his hands fell to yours, immediately snapping to your action plan. 
“Tell me five things you can see.”
Nodding, you obeyed. The mere euphony of his utterance already had you calming, a tender warmth which began to thaw out anxiety’s glaciers. After your eyes darted across the room, you listed the first things you could see. 
“I-I” You swallowed as you tried to get a grapple on your wobbling vocals, “I see the curtains.”
“Tell me about them.”
 “They’re hideous,” You replied, prompting a laugh from your lover. The delicate creases around his eyes - laughter lines - had been enough to momentarily halt your disquietude, a short-lived delight replacing it. 
“What else?”
“An-and I see Murray.”
You moved to point towards the tv in front of you. Arthur moved aside when your wobbly arm extended. A small smile graced his features when he drank in the man dancing along to the intro, perfectly in time with the sporadic notes of the live band. 
No matter how much he loved the show however, he loved you more. This was evident in the way he quickly turned back to you, a silent signal to continue; to reduce your apprehensive state. While the twitching of your fingers was yet to pause, their ache to squirm overbearing, you were sure Arthur picked up on the way your breathing had started to regulate.
“Um, the” your eyes darted to the floor, your toes wiggling against the fluffy feeling of the synthetic fibres, “the carpet...”
Moving your foot slightly, you watched as the action revealed a sinister blob. You weren’t entirely sure how it got there, even Arthur was confused when you had casually brought it up. Arthur must’ve followed your gaze because you both spoke at the same time.   
“And its stupid stain-”
 “The stain.” 
You breathed through your nostrils in a subtle amusement as his lips upturned; relishing in fact he knew you so well. You hadn’t been kind to that rug, not even in its debut, and you knew he felt as though he was more likely to witness hell freeze over before he’d witness you display a shred of warmth towards the piece. 
Once more, your eyes bounced around the room to find another object. Placed delicately against the closed window, you noticed small green stems protruding from a red brick coloured pot. 
“The plant we’ve somehow managed to keep alive.” 
An arrangement of white rings wrapped around each extension, the mere sight of the potted plant brought on a deep fondness - reminiscence with a tone of yellow; of sunshine and fresh air. You and Arthur had somehow ended up buying a zebra succulent. It was an impulsive decision, one that had almost led to its unfortunate death an embarrassing number of times. 
From overwatering to all too friendly bursts of wind threatening to topple the plant, to forgetting to water it entirely, the succulent that had been named ‘Victory’ for its unlikely survival. Most certainly a hero to all succulents out there, the flora continued to trudge on, despite life having tested it. In some strange way, the plant had binded the ends of your relationship together, strengthening it with a flame - prevented it fraying. 
  “Victory…” Arthur furrowed his brows, “Tory.” 
“Tory,” you repeated, smiling. 
“One more left,” he squeezed your hand. 
Your eyes remained on him, flickering over his dishevelled appearance. You had only managed to notice his state then, with the heavy burden of worry elevated. His hair was wet, soaking really, and his clothes were just as much. It was a miracle he wasn’t shivering. 
“You’re all wet.” 
His brows upturned at your laughter, his own amusement following behind. He mumbled something about managing to keep undercover for the most part, and the imagery of him trying to do so was something you found adorably amusing. 
You had somehow forgotten about the turbulence of the weather, and when you were so rudely reminded with a clap, you jumped. It had caught you off guard, and the sound was so loud it shook the window frame. Whether that was just the shitty Gotham apartment you found yourself in, or if it had hit the building you weren’t sure. 
Arthur perked up when he saw you jump at the thunder, his lips instinctively pressing against the soft skin of your hand, leaving a warm tingle. 
“You’re okay,” he whispered, “you’re doing so well.” 
“Now tell me, what can you touch?” 
“Your hands…” you gave them a quick squeeze before pulling away, his arms moving to rest against his knee while yours moved to your sides. 
“The couch.” 
Arthur nodded at your words, his bright blue eyes reflecting encouragement. 
“My hair,” you said, twirling a strand with your trembling hands.
“Your hair” you laughed again when they dove into his wet locks. Arthur scrunched up his nose and shut his eyes with a smile. Then, he shook his head against your hand. The goofy action sprayed gentle droplets of water on your skin, making you giggle in surprise. 
His hands interlocked with yours once more.  
“What can you hear?”
“Gotham never sleeps,” Arthur quipped. 
By then, your breathing had completely righted itself, a lot of your symptoms had dissipated, and you were starting to find yourself more grounded in the moment. Thoughts no longer raced. Hot and cold flushes no longer gripped you. You had started to feel some semblance of control. 
“Vanilla - the candle I lit earlier...your...your cologne.” 
The scents tickled your nose, the latter smell, Arthur’s cologne, a particularly welcoming scent. You mentioned often enough how much you liked it, and it was apparent it was no coincidence that he started wearing more of it. 
“And finally, what can you taste?” 
“Strawberry lip balm,” your nose wrinkled as you focused on the strange flavour. 
Arthur gave you a funny look, one that challenged your disgust. 
“Trust me, it’s not as good as it sounds.” 
“Let me check,” a cheeky grin befell your lover.    
You responded by playfully pushing his shoulder. In seconds, he had shot up from the ground, hands latching onto your forearms, pulling you up with him. A surprised gasp left your mouth, though it hardly wiped off Arthur’s evident joy. With a certain finesse, the man twirled you into him, his lips finding yourself sweetly. They moved against yours, a simple, yet mind-numbing act; an act in which completely transformed the last of your nerves into dazzling butterflies. 
When Arthur eventually pulled away, his stunning eyes searched yours for any traces of your panic. 
“You’re right, it’s not as good as it sounds,” he said, urging you to jokingly roll your eyes. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Better now,” you giggled, brushing your nose against his.
The smile was still yet to leave him when he gradually pulled away, arms leaving your waist, “wait here.”
You watched him skip to his record player - a beautiful antique thing. It was a delicate and cherished object, one adored by the man who was about to place a record into it. As the circular frame was hidden from your perspective, you were forced to wait, rendering the song a complete and utter mystery. His skilful movements eventually produced a scratch, and then, a song. 
It was a song you instantly recognised. 
Wise men say only fools rush in
The realisation made you giggle while his twirling form made his way towards you. 
But I can’t help falling in love with you
Shall I stay?
You watched his shoulders sway with the tune, and the way his feet moved oh so gracefully - better than you could ever hope to coordinate.
Would it be a sin?
If I can’t help falling in love with you?
Then, suddenly, he was in front of you, hovering over you while an inviting hand extended. When you wordlessly accepted, you were suddenly in his arms again. 
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be
His guiding hands found your waist, encouraging their soft sways. As music filled the apartment, your worries melted away. No longer conscious of the storm outside, which had yet to halt. No, you were transported into your own personal bliss, your head resting fondly on Arthur’s shoulder. Anxiety was no more than a distant memory, no longer gripping you in an iron chokehold; it had evanesced entirely. 
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can’t help falling in love with you
Before you knew it, the song neared its end, and Arthur’s frame had pulled away to glance at you.
“For I can’t help falling in love with you,” he sang adoringly, finishing the lyrics with a lightness. His eyes then flickered towards your lips. 
Not missing a beat, you softly captured his in another kiss. Tilting your head to deepen the affection, your arms crossed behind his neck. Your giddiness went straight to your head, leaving you dizzy, while the swirls of infatuation bubbled from deep within.
When you finally pulled away, his head rested against your forehead. Nothing else mattered in that moment - not even Arthur’s drenched clothes. All that mattered was the way you felt in his arms.
Just him. 
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yaboylevi · 4 years
Hello! But Isayama didn't even say he's no longer fighting for humanity, right? It's not anything new he wants to fulfill the promise of course but I don't think Isayama meant that's his sole purpose. He's following orders and even in the last chap he asked Armin what to do next. Plus if his sole purpose was that he would've killed Zeke a long time ago even before he had to babysit him.
He didn’t say that specifically (I think it would’ve been too disappointing for Levi fans tbh lol), but he’s kind of implied it in supplemental material, i guess?
3 years ago, in a guidebook, he said something along the lines of “[after Erwin’s death] Levi is now like a balloon floating in the air without directions, but of course he still has the goal of killing the Beast Titan”. I don’t know if Isayama expressed himself poorly, but it certainly implied that Levi, after Erwin’s death, didn’t care about anything anymore aside from killing Zeke. I was a big Levi fan at the time and it made me so angry because it made it sound like Levi doesn’t even have a will of his own, or a personal goal (WHICH HE SEEMED TO HAVE: FREEDOM), and seeing people claim “Levi never even cared about humanity, hellooo??!!” just made it all worse. After 3 years, we’re still stuck here, but at least I don’t care about Levi anymore.
As of right now, on the one hand, I am more understanding of him feeling lost after losing the person he looked up to for directions, but on the other, I still think it takes away A LOT from Levi as an individual. His portrayal during and post timeskip only exacerbated the latter.
Levi has barely engaged with what was happening around him, only to perk up when it’s time to antagonize Zeke or claim he will kill the Beast. It’s been in line with what Isayama said in that one guidebook, sure. But the thing is, the “things happening around him” aren’t exactly everyday life conundrums, they are events that have been threatening the people he cares about, as well as all he fought for, which is also what Erwin fought for. The least he could do is show an ounce of interest and engagement, but whatever, it is what it is, Isayama has made his choice. I just think that if he wanted to represent Levi as a lost soul, he could’ve done it better, developed it more, instead of making him a background character for 2 arcs, only giving us a short 4years-stale insight once.
But this is my whole problem with the final arcs of the story for all the characters, so, I guess it’s really just Isayama’s writing, nothing particular about Levi. I just wish Isayama had made it more explicit that Levi's goal is negative - or rather, that he had opposed that belief a bit more, challenged, in a way. There are some subtle nudges, but sometimes I think I hallucinated or completely misinterpreted them, lol.
Ultimately, I agree with you on that killing Zeke is not his only purpose, because either way Levi has fought (and he’s fighting) battles that he wouldn’t have if he didn’t care about what would happen to all of them. Still, it is way too convenient that the story keeps framing "killing Zeke” as “saving humanity AND Eren”. I wonder what Levi will do when that’s once and for all debunked, and Levi will have to FINALLY decide what he wants to do when Zeke is not involved. After all, many think the only reason Levi is going along with all this fuckery is because he’s biding his time for his revenge, Zeke’s death almost like a carrot dangling in front of him to push him forward.
And look, I would find all of this super interesting IF ONLY IT WAS FRAMED as a soryline and not just me trying to connect very subtle and faded dots.
SORRY THIS IS SO LONG AGAIN, i wish i could shut up XD this is the last ask i’m answering about this topic for now, i think.
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jiminspjm · 5 years
Rock Hard + K. Seokjin
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❋ “recreational activities make me hard”
⇢ Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Oc
⇢ Genre: Slice of Life 
⇢ Fluff, Smut, Baby Angst, Humor
⇢ Rating: Explicit
⇢ Word count: 13.5k
⇢ Warnings: minor description of injury, oc isn’t rlly an outdoors person so gets hurt sometimes lol, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap ur willy), riding, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, nipple pay, slight spanking, cock warming, lazy sex at one point (idk), jin has a big dick (duh), cock worship, praise-kink, multiple orgasms, squirting, they have sex on a piano and against a window???, pet names, dirty talk, daddy is said once?? kinda rough sex.
 “No.” you said, laying on your stomach flipping through your textbook. You blew a bubble with the once flavorful piece of gum in your mouth, a smooth deflating sound came out.
“Please!! ___, sweetheart.” You looked up at Namjoon, a pout prominent on his full lips. Rolling your eyes at the brunette haired man, you sat up pulling your glasses off.
“Why? You know I prefer to stay indoors, with air conditioning, and my book Joon. What’s in it for me?” you squinted at him as he sat on the floor across from the bed. Blinking at you, he looked at the ceiling. Confused, you looked up as well.
“I’ll buy you coffee and food this week,” he bargained. You tilted your head side to side, contemplating his offer.
“Nah, I can starve,” you shrugged getting up off the bed and walking out of the bedroom. You heard Namjoons deep groan behind you as you walked into the kitchen.
“Please, ___.” Joon said, leaning against the counter. Humming, you opened the fridge and tapped your fingers against the stainless steel door. Pulling out a carton of juice, you opened it drinking straight from the carton. Ah, the perks of living alone. Namjoon grimaced.
“That’s disgusting,” He said pointing at you. You rolled your eyes, pulling the carton from your mouth. Wiping your lips with your arm, you shrugged.
“I live alone Joonie, it’s fine.” you said, placing the juice back in the fridge. You heard Namjoon sigh, as he walked over to the couch and flopped onto it.
“Please.” he whined. Walking over to him, you tapped his butt lightly before walking back to your room.
“Outside has too many diseases.” You joked, sitting on your desk chair and spinning in circles. Namjoon walked into your room, placing his hands on the back of the chair. Tilting your head back, you looked at his disheveled platinum hair. Smiling, you pushed his circular frames up his nose.
“Seokjin is our instructor.” Namjoon said, a hard stare on his face. You immediately pulled your hand back, and clumsily got off the chair. Looking at him with wide eyes.
“That’s all the more reason not to go!” you cried, pulling at the roots of your hair. Namjoon smirked a bit, pulling his lanky body on your chair.
“I know you like him. And have since like, what? Middle of Sophomore year? You’re  23 now, __. You’ve only kissed a few guys, maybe gave a blowjob. And you had sex once and didn’t even cum, like,” Namjoon kept listing things, as you shake your head and cover your ears.
“I fucking know, Namjoon.” you hissed, stomping over to your bed and laying on it. He had a point though. Sighing, Namjoon swiveled on the chair to look at you.
“___, sweetheart I am not saying these things to be mean. I am just saying it because, I think you really have a chance with Jin. I’m not gonna force you to go, but think about it, please? I want you to date someone who cares. Not someone who will stick their dick in you and leave.” Namjoon said softly, looking at you.
You twiddled with the bottom of your cotton shorts, sighing inwardly. You knew he was right.
“I’ll go, I guess.” you said quietly. Namjoon spun in the chair enthusiastically, and then quickly pushed over to you. He poked your cheeks and took your hands in his larger ones.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you, I promise you won’t regret it. “ He smiled, pressing a kiss to your hairline. Rolling your eyes and smacking him away, you laid down on your bed, starting at the ceiling fan. A faint buzz was heard next to you, rolling over you picked up your phone, Mia with the little fairy emoticon popped up on the screen.
“Hello?” you spoke.
“So have you proceeded to get Kim Seokjin’s dick wet yet?” Mia said into the receiver. You groaned, sliding your hand down your face.
“No, and I probably won’t,” you said. Mia barked a laugh over the phone.
“Bitch if you don’t, I’ll make you watch me suck Jimin’s dick,” Mia teased. Rolling your eyes, you sit up and lean against your headboard.
“Fine by me, his ass is nice.” You joked, picking at your nails.
“Damn straight, anyway you better talk to him! This week! Or your ass is mine,” She chastised. Rolling your eyes you told her a short ‘yeah, yeah’ before exchanging goodbyes and hanging up.
You sat in the car, an annoyed look on your face as you crossed your arms over your chest. Namjoon, hummed as he tapped the steering wheel along to the music. It was especially hot today, and the activity Joon graciously decided to attend was rock climbing. Yay. Sighing, you lean your elbow against the door and look out the window, the rocks whizz by as Joon pulls closer to the Park.
“I’m so excited,” Joon said, a dimpled smile coming across his face. You nodded, pulling your at your plain black muscle shirt. Namjoon glanced at you, poking a finger at your exposed ribcage which showed your grey sports bra.
“Wow, showing some skin for Jin aren’t we?” Namjoon teased. Glaring at Namjoon, you swatted his hand away and pinched his bicep.
“Ow, don’t be a brat. Brats don’t get dick.” Namjoon said, pulling into a parking spot. Rolling your eyes again, you picked at the loose threads of your tan shorts. You were nervous, not necessarily being an outdoor person due to experiences that happened in the past. But having a hyper-active best friend who is all about the outdoors, he always tried to get you outdoors. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t even register Namjoon opening the trunk and coming around to your door.
Looking up at him, he gestured a hand for you to get out of the car. “Let’s go sweetheart, Jin is waiting.” Namjoon teased. Huffing you pulled at the bandana around your neck. Grabbing your water flask, you got out of the car. Your hiking boots scuffed across the dirt, as you and Namjoon walked through the park. Children pulling parents by their hands to look at activities in the rec center. Families sitting at picnic tables, and children swinging on a tire. Following closely behind Namjoon, you pushed your sunglasses up your face as you walked to where your group is meeting.
Looking up a bit, you noticed a group of people clustered in front of the information booth. They were all looking at pamphlets and talking among themselves.
“Hey Namjoon!” You immediately were met with a strong back stopping in front of you. Stumbling back a bit you glared a Namjoon who turned around to see who called his name. Craning your neck a bit, you looked up to see him pull his sunglasses down a bit. A wide smile graced his features, indents prominent on his cheeks.
“Seokjin! What’s up bro?” Namjoon said walking past you. You stood there, still not facing the other way. Gripping your water flask a bit tighter, you were about to slowly walk away when someone says your name.
“___?” You shut your eyes tightly. So close. Spinning around quickly, you came face to face with Kim Seokjin. Did he get more muscular. His lush black hair was pushed back from his strong face by his sunglasses. Plush, pink lips pulled up into a smirk. Due to the hot weather, he wore a purple tank top and black sweat shorts, showing off his toned thighs. Strong fingers grasped the straps of a large backpack, a vein leading up to the swell of his large biceps. You didn’t notice you were ogling until Namjoon snapped his fingers in your face.
“___!” Namjoon spoke loudly. Jumping a bit, you felt your face heat up even more, not just because of the weather. You blinked behind the tinted shades of your sunglasses. Waving nervously, you said a quiet hello Jin. Seokjin smiled, walking over to you. Leaning down he pressed a kiss to your cheek before walking towards the group of people. You swear you died right there. Touching your cheek lightly, you looked at Namjoon.
“Did he just-,” you stuttered. Namjoon nodded.
“Yes, he did.” Namjoon smiled, patting your shoulder and walking past you. Smiling a bit, you touched your cheek one more time, before catching up to Namjoon.
After about half an hour of instruction, and filling out death wavers, your group was on their merry way. Your safety gloves were itchy against your fingertips, as you walked through the canyon to the spot where you would climb. Namjoon basically abandoned you, walking closer to the front with Seokjin. What a filthy traitor you thought, as your group came to a stop in front of a waterhole with a small waterfall. You weren’t too deep in the canyon, maybe 3 miles iin. It was quite cool the lower you got, some of the rocks were slick due to the weather. Overall the canyon was nice, the rocks were definitely tall enough to scale. Lost in your thoughts, again you barely heard Seokjin hushing the group.
“Okay everyone! You are allowed to scale around this area, if you are more experienced then go ahead and start climbing near the water or in this general area. The climbing bolts are marked with chalk so you should be able to tell where to climb!” Seokjin said giving the more experienced climbers a thumbs up. “Also make sure the bolts are good and if not be sure to let me know,” Seokjin spoke with a smile. Namjoon walked towards you as Jin kept talking.
“Come with me small child, I will help thee.” Namjoon spoke, puffing out his chest and saluting you. Snorting you punched him in the arm as you followed him toward the area to climb. Namjoon walked towards the water, wading into it. It only reached his knees, confused you looked at him.
“Just in case you fall and like you know die, the water will help a bit so maybe instead of dying you will just break your back.” Namjoon said giving you a thumbs up. Blinking at him, you were tempted to dumb your chalk bag all over his stupid tanned face.
“Hey don’t look at me like that, either break your back falling, or break your back when Jin is blowing out-,” You felt your face heat up as you quickly ran over to him, drenching your bottom half in the process. Namjoon laughed as you punched him repeatedly in the chest.
“I hate you,” you hissed turning away from the lanky man. Namjoons laughter died down a bit as he poked your cheek.
“I love you too sweetheart,” Namjoon said, pulling the straps of his harness tighter. Sighing, you pushed your hair from your face wishing you tied it back. Pulling at your wrist for a scrunchie, you realized you left your fanny pack on the shuttle with everyone else’s things.
“You look distraught, kitten.” A low voice chuckled behind you. Cheeks heating up at the pet name, you turned to see Seokjin standing in the water as well. His fingers looped in the straps of his harness, strong biceps bulging. His hair was now pushed back by a red bandana, exposing his forehead. The water barely reached his knees, while it went well to your waist.
“You know it’s not a good idea to have your hair not pulled back,” Jin spoke, a teasing grin on his face. Your face burned, as you fiddled with your shirt.
“I uh, don’t have a hair tie or anything.” you spoke, looking at your distorted reflection in the water. Seokjin hummed, as he dug his hand in his pockets. Looking up at him, he presented a dark green scrunchie. Trudging over to you, he pulled his gloves off. Sticking your hand out, he smiled placing them in your hands.
Gesturing you to turn around, you did, the water swishing with your movements. Meticulous fingers carded through your hair, pulling it loosely into a french braid. About two minutes passed when Jin pulled the end through the hair tie.
“And, done!” He spoke, taking you by the shoulders and turning you around. Bringing your hand up to your hair, he actually didn’t do a half bad job from what you could feel. A small grin came across your face as you handed him his gloves back.
“Thanks Jinnie,” you smiled. Winking, Seokjin waded past you to look up at Namjoon hanging off his rope.
“Look at me I’m Spiderman!” Namjoon bellowed above you. Rolling your eyes, you took a step back to look at rock wall, it wasn’t too tall but tall enough to kill you if you fell. How reassuring.
“Okay, so since this is your first time I decided to come help you, one on one,” Jin smiled, clasping his hands together. You nodded, a grin still plastered on your face.
“I’m just gonna make sure everything on your harness is good and then we can get going, sound good?” He asked. You nodded, giving him a thumbs up. Jin got a bit closer to you, he was a good foot taller than you, wide shoulders not helping. Bringing his hands out, he pulled roughly on your harness resulting in your being yanked forward as well. Steadying your hands on his chest, you felt the water slosh between your bodies. Jins hands steadied your waist as he tightened the harness. You felt your eyes widen as your palms laid against his strong pecs. You had the urge to poke them.
“Okay, everything seems good. Are you ready to get started?” Jin said stepping back and looking at you. Quickly dropping your hands you nodded, a smile on your face. “Great, okay so those bolts in the rock?” Jin said gesturing to one a few feet above you, “Your gonna make a knot with your rope, I suggest the figure eight it’s good for beginners; and then attach the rope to your carabiner.” Jin spoke, pointing to the assorted carabiners hanging on your harness. “Then you will hook the carabiner on the bolt and free climb. If you fall don’t worry, the last spot you attached the carabiner will stop you.” Jin spoke with a smile. You felt your eyes widen a bit at the thought of falling, Joon would kill you if you died.
“I um, dunno Jin.” You spoke, rubbing your hand against your neck looking up at the other people rock climbing. Jin placed a hand on your shoulder reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t let you fall. This rock is pretty short compared to the bigger ones, so let’s do this one then you can decide if you wanna do the bigger ones. Sound good?” He asked, looking at you. Making eye contact you nodded at him, giving a small smile. Jin winked patting your shoulder once more and walking closer to the rock.
“Okay, so you know how to the proper knot right?” Jin asked, untying his rope from his harness. You nodded doing the same and grabbing a carabiner from your waist. You stuck your ungloved hand in the chalk bag, making sure your grip was good. Quickly you knotted a figure eight through the carabiner, before turning back to Jin.
He was already done and gestured you to hand him your carabiner. “I’m going to hook this for you, then we can get climbing.” Jin said, placing the carabiner between his teeth. You looked at him with wide eyes, he was going to just scale the damn rock? Jin chalked his hands, clapping them together causing some salt to disperse. You watched as he put his foot into a hole, placing his hands on the rock and began to climb. You probably looked like an idiot, with your mouth wide open as you watched Jin climbed. His ass is nice. You thought, as you watched his biceps ripple as he pulled himself up. His calf muscles strained as he scaled the rock to reach the bolt. Jin hooked your carabiner into the bolt, then hooked his in a spot that was a bit higher. Letting his weight fall back a bit, he pushed off the rock going down a few feet.
Sitting in his harness, he hung in the same spot letting his feet rest off the rock.
“Okay, now just climb. Let yourself get a good grip on the rock, it’s basically just rock climbing like you would a wall.” Jin spoke above you. Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward. You felt the tug of your rope above you due to the carabiner being hooked. Gripping your hands in a slot of the rock, you grunted as you began to climb. Surprisingly it was easier than you thought, Jin was right. It was exactly like the rock walls you climb at the park. In less than five minutes you made to the spot your carabiner was bolted. Huffing a bit, you slacked your rope so you could lean back like Jin. Wiping the sweat from your nose, you looked over at Jin who had an encouraging smile on his face.
“Well done darling,” Jin said, swinging in his harness. You felt your face warm, not just because of the heat, you smiled at Jin and punched him in the arm. Chuckling, Jin looked up and around the canyon. “Alright, you go ahead of me so I can make sure you don’t fall,” He said, grabbing another one of his carabiners.
You snorted, doing the same. “You just wanna look at my ass, don’t lie.” You teased, leaning back a bit to see where to climb.
“You act like I wasn’t doing it already,” Jin said, smirking at how your cheeks heated up. Shaking your head, you stuck your hand in the chalk bag, slapping the access on your thighs. Letting go of your rope one hand at a time, you gripped the rock and began your climb once again. You felt your thighs and biceps begin to burn as you slowly climbed towards the next bolt. This one was much higher than the last one so it took some effort. You felt sweat trail down the nape of your neck as you strained your arms to reach higher. The next bolt was only a few more feet above you, but as you reached for the indent of the rock you mistepped and the gravel below your foot gave out. You gasped as you lost your footing for a moment, only hanging by your hands.
“Shit, ___ are you okay?” Seokjin asked rushing his climbing to catch up with you. You groaned, feeling the burn of your arms as you held up your body.
“I am fucking peachy, Jin thanks for asking.” you hissed, finally getting your footing. Shuffling your feet up a bit, as you heard Jin above you. Looking up, Jin hooked his carabiner on the bolt and then let some slack go on his rope as he scaled down to you. Your face was almost squished into the rock as you tilted your head to look at you.
“Would you like some help kitten?” Jin asked, a teasing smile on his face. Sticking your tongue out at him, you leaned your head against the bedrock as Jin leaned back in his harness. After a few moments, you heard a movement as Jin swung over to you. Hooking a carabiner on the front of your harness.
“C’mon, I will help you to the top. If we are hooked together I can support your weight.” Jin said, ghosting a hand on the small of your back. You nodded, wiping sweat from your upper lip as you allowed him to help you to the top of the rock. Sighing, you unclipped you leaned back as you felt the front of your harness tighten as Jin began to ascend the rock again. You began mumbling to yourself as you felt climbed behind Jin.
“Stupid Namjoon for dragging me on this stupid rock climbing bull crap.” you mumbled below your breath, or so you thought. “Stupid Seokjin, with his stupidly attractive face and plush lips, and god-like body. How could you be so dumb, ___ , thinking Jin would like you and your introverted ass.” you chastised yourself as you watched Jin climb ahead of you.
“Kitten, as much as your compliments fuel my ego immensely, you need to pick up the pace if we wanna get back before the sun sets.” Jin jokes, a small grunt coming from his mouth as he hooked another carabiner on the bolt. You stuck your tongue out at the older man, as you tried to pick up the pace. Looking up, you saw Namjoons legs hanging off the bedrock, kicking them back and forth as he downed a water bottle. Bastard. You thought, as your arms burned in retaliation. You sighed, knowing damn well Jin was probably irritated with your helpless state. Sighing once again, you were frustrated with yourself, and also you were contemplating on how you were gonna kill Namjoon.
Long story short, Jin ended up piggy-backing you up the mountain, and you almost threw Namjoon off the mountain. You probably apologized to Jin a thousand times, but him being him said it was no big deal and was honored to feel your ‘tits’ against his back. You angrily scribbled notes onto the music sheet recalling the events of last week.
“Sweetheart, I am really sorry,” Namjoon said, leaning against the sleek, maroon, grand piano. Luckily the shared condo between you and Joon was large enough to house the instrument, considering it was the only talent you think you had. You glared at Namjoon over your reading glasses, the abnormally large frames covering your scowl. It has been a week since you and Namjoon went rock climbing, and you barely spoken a word to him.
“Yeah sure you are, you know I wouldn’t be mad if you didn’t make me go in the first place,” you spoke calmly, tapping a few notes on the piano, the smooth sound resonating through the living room. Namjoon groaned, walking over to the large floor to ceiling windows, which gave you a view of the city. He banged his head against the glass, squishing his cheek into it.
You hummed along to the melody, as you tapped the keys of the piano. Namjoon looked over at you, watching you nod your head along to the notes.
“Is that new? What your working on,” he asked, walking over to you. You nodded, anger slowly dissipating as Namjoon looked over your shoulder at the music sheet. Him majoring in music at uni, made you both very compatible as best friends and roommates.
“Clean the window nerd, your face marks are all over it,” you said, a teasing tone in your voice. You felt Namjoon wrap his long arms around your form, pressing a kiss onto your cheek. Swatting his hands away, you picked up your pencil noting down the change in pitch. “I’m still mad, you can only make it up to me if you buy me coffee for the next week and buy that poetry book I have been wanting.” You said, turning around to raise an eyebrow at him. Namjoon snorted from the kitchen, a rag and window cleaner in his hands.
“Deal, as long as you aren’t mad at me princess.” Namjoon said, waltzing over the window and spraying the cleaning solution. Humming, you got up from the cushioned bench and stretched your limbs. Walking through the kitchen to find a snack, you heard the ping of a phone. Looking through the cupboard, you shouted for Namjoon.
“Was that me or you,” you shouted, reaching for a box of granola. You heard footsteps pad on the wood flooring and into the kitchen.
“It was me, and it was Jimin who texted me.” Namjoon said, putting the cleaning stuff away. Shutting the cupboard, box of granola in hand you leaned against the marble counter.
“What does he want?” you asked, stuffing the snack in your mouth. Namjoon looked down at his phone, tapping the message app open.
“He asked if me and you wanted to go to the beach tomorrow,”  he said carefully looking over the text. Chewing on the granola, you watched him push his fingers through his dark locks.
Swallowing, you responded, “You know I can’t swim.” Namjoon looked up at you, giving you a dimpled smile.
“I know, so you don’t have to go,” Namjoon replied, beginning to type back to Jimin. You slowed your chewing as you stared at him. Thinking for a moment you asked, “Well, who is going?” Namjoon stopped his typing and then looked back at you.  
“Well Jimin obviously, his girlfriend, Hobi, Guk and Tae, I think Tae is bringing Yeontan.” Namjoon said looking down at his phone again, he waited a moment, “Oh also Yoongi is as well,” Namjoon finished looking back up at you, waiting for your response. Tilting your head side to side, you chewed thoughtfully before swallowing.
“I guess I will go, Jin isn’t there so it’s not like I can embarrass myself, also it will give me a chance to work on my music and read.” you shrugged. Namjoon smiled and nodded at you, typing back to Jimin most likely. You inhaled, curling your toes against the floor.
No Jin, no problem. Right?
You rolled your eyes as Taehyung and Jungkook belted out the lyrics of “Do you wanna build a snowman.” Looking over the lens of your sunglasses in the rear view mirror, you eyed the red haired and brunette man.
“I swear you guys are five year olds,” Mia mumbled next to you in the driver's seat. You chuckled, as you scribbled down another note onto the music sheet. Nodding to yourself, and tapping your pencil against your thigh, you didn’t notice Taehyung looking over your shoulder. Before you could even shuffle the papers back into your notebook, Taehyung’s large hand swiped over the seat and grabbed the music sheet. Flipping your sunglasses onto your head, you whipped around in your seat to see Taehyung and Jungkook looking at the paper.
“Give it back you brats,” you whined, grabbing at the paper. Taehyung slapped your hand away, eyes flitting between the notes.
“Hey, this is actually really awesome.” Jungkook beamed at you. A small smile made its way on your face at the praise.
“Thanks Guk, but it’s not done yet so, give it back,” you sternly said, twisting your body in the seat. Taehyung ignored your protests and passed the paper back to Yoongi who asked what all the ruckus was about.
“I think you have some competition Yoongi,” Taehyung teased to the older man, who grabbed the music sheet. Yoongi’s feline eyes moved along the lines of notes, lips parting as he read them. You felt your eyes bulge out of their sockets as Yoongi read along the lines, he has always been a mentor for your music so you looked up to him.
“Change this measure to 6/8 beats, and add a dotted half note where you erased,” Yoongi spoke, handing the sheet back to Guk who handed it back to you. You nodded, a smile coming across your face.
“Thanks Yoongi, I have been stuck on this measure for a few days now,” you smiled to yourself. Yoongi felt his cheeks warm at the compliment, mumbling a ‘no problem’ as Jimin began to tease him.
“Alright you hooligans, we are here.” Mia said turning the key out of the ignition. Quickly noting the change Yoongi said to make to your music, you shuffled the papers into the leather bound folder and shoved it into your backpack. Everyone quickly got out of the car and unloaded everything. Taking in a deep breath, you let the sun warm your skin as you carried the picnic basket. Walking alongside Mia, you two looked for a spot as the 6 men behind you argued over the pool noodles. The sand was warm underneath your feet, as you removed your sandals.
“Let’s set up here,” Mia said, spreading out a blanket. Nodding, you set the picnic basket down and your backpack to help Jimin set up the shader. After a few minutes of getting situated, you flopped onto the chair, stretching your body out. You watched as some of the boys threw a football around, or others were dunking each other in the ocean. The beach wasn’t too busy today, but you could still make out the laughs of children and teens around. Playing with the sleeves of your oversized shirt, well Namjoons shirt, you watched as Jimin rubbed sunblock on Mia. Pulling your glasses over your head, you contemplated whether you should or not.
“Hey princess did you want some sunblock on?” Namjoon said running up to you, water running in rivulets down his toned chest. You grimaced, poking him in the stomach.
“Ew, no you are all wet,” you teased. Namjoon shook his wet hair back and forth, like a dog onto your body. Shrieking, you kicked sand at him causing him to laugh and run away. Grinning, you relaxed into the chair once more. Mia laid a few feet away from you on a towel, kicking her legs back and forth as she laid on her stomach.
“___, come lay with me!” Mia said, gesturing you over. You looked up from your backpack, that you were currently digging through looking for your book.
“Mia, that would involve me taking my shirt off and exposing my baby fat,” you joked. The truth was, you left your one pieces at your parents house and still have yet to retrieve them. So of course you dug up the white, triangle top bikini that was in the depths of your dresser. Mia gave you stink eye, getting up from her towel and ducking under the shade.
“Please,” she asked, poking you. Sighing, you decided to just do it because she wouldn’t leave you alone otherwise.
“Fine,” you grumbled under your breath. Mia clapped, as you began to lift the shirt over your head. Just as you were about to pull the shirt completely over your head, you heard Jungkook shouting.
“Jin!” Jungkook yelled, football in hand. You stopped, as the shirt was above your neck and looked toward where Jungkook was looking. You have got to be kidding me, you thought. There was Kim Seokjin, running across the sand like he is in Baywatch or some shit. But dear god, did it look like it. His black hair was curled around his strong face, plush lips pulled into a smile as he ran up to Jungkook. You swear you choked on air when you saw he was shirtless, tanned chest on display. Now, he wasn’t ripped like Jungkook, but soft indents of muscle were present. Deep muscles ran upwards by his hips, peeking out from under his swim trunks. You mouth watered as you saw his wide shoulders stretch forward to give a hug to Jungkook, the muscles clenching along his back.
You still haven’t completely pulled your shirt off, but thank god for Mia, right? She didn’t even witness you thirsting as she yanked the shirt over your head, causing your sunglasses to fall on your lap. Shrieking, you crossed your arms over your supple hips, trying to conceal the skin. Mia’s eyes widened as she took in your slightly tanned skin. You definitely weren’t fit, fit flat model like but you thought you were decent. Although your chest was smaller than most girls, you’d say your backside made up for it.
“Damn, if I wasn’t dating Jimin,” Mia teased, poking at your thigh. You felt your cheeks heat up, and not from the heat. Huffing, you allowed her to pull you up from your seat to go under the sun.
“Mia, I really don’t think this is a good idea,” you mumbled, as she dragged you out from under the shade. Ignoring you she looked back at you, flipping her shades on top of her head.
“What are you talking-” her sentence was cut short when, you saw Jungkook toss the football to Hoseok who wasn’t paying attention. Your eyes widened as Jungkook yelled a quick ‘look out!’ as the ball flew towards you and Mia. Shoving Mia out of the way, the ball missed her but bounced off the side of your head with such force it made you fall onto the sand. Groaning, as you laid on your back you squinted into the sun. Guess you will have to kill Jungkook as well, you thought.
“___! Are you okay?” Mia asked, her face came into view, blocking the sun. You rubbed the side of your head, flinching a bit at the tender spot. Mia helped you sit up on your elbows as she rubbed your arm.
“That shit hurted,” you whined. A few moments later the boys were all running up to you.
“___, I am so, so sorry!” Jungkook said dropping to his knees in the sand, and looking at you. You rolled your eyes, patting the boys head.
“Jesus Guk, why do you have to be so strong,” you joked as you sat up all the way. Jungkook, looked up at you for the first time, not noticing your.. Attire.
“I, uh,” Jungkook’s words came out garbled as his eyes, not to subtly, raked your form. Sand stuck onto your tanned and sweaty skin, making you shift uncomfortably.
“Jungkook, her eyes aren’t on her chest.” Mia snorted next to you. Slapping her in the arm, Jungkook blushed, rising from the sand and offering a hand up. Wobbling slightly, you stood up eyeing the boys who either looked at you with concern, or at your ass.
“Can you guys like not look at her like that, or at least not make it obvious,” Namjoon snapped, slapping Hoseok on the back of the head. A chorus of ‘what’ and ‘her ass is nice’ came from the group. Blushing, you turned away from them and began to walk back to the shade.
“Are you alright, kitten?” a low voice spoke behind you. Whipping around, you saw Jin saunter up behind you, a frown on his face. You felt yourself cross your arms over yourself. Nodding a bit, you smiled at him.
“Yeah! I am good, just a little dizzy. I’m just gonna take some aspirin and lay down in the sun!” Seokjin walked closer to you, looking up at him, he took your jaw gently in his grasp. His hand was slightly cool, warming your heated face. Tilting your head to the side, he examined your injury.
“Hmm, you should be fine darling. It probably will be sore.” Jin mused, releasing your jaw. You snorted.
“What are you? A doctor?” you spoke, dropping your hands from your body and placing a hand on your hip. Jins eyes raked down your form once more, jaw clenching slightly as he eyed your muscular thighs and soft stomach. His tongue dampened his lips as he shook his head.
“No, but I am a lifeguard.” he winked, walking back to his post. Your jaw dropped slightly, as he sauntered away. Sighing, you walked back to the shade and flopped on the chair. Slipping your sunglasses back on your face, you closed your eyes praying your headache would go away and the certain thoughts of a man who made your swimsuit bottoms wet.
“Is she awake?”
“No, dumbass she sees with her eyes closed.”
You don’t register that Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok are looking at your sleeping body splayed out on the chair.
“Do you think Namjoon will kill me if I grab her ass?”
“Uh, not if she doesn’t kill you first. Seriously why are her tits small but her ass isn’t? That’s not how math works!”
Hoseok smacks the back of Jungkook’s head.
“Okay pick her up slowly,” Jungkook nods leaning down and hooking his arms under your legs and back, slowly lifting you out of the chair. Your body shifts for a moment, stomach contracting before you still. The three boys let out a breath, as Taehyung removes your sunglasses and places them on the chair.
“Oh my gosh her stomach looks so soft let me kiss it.” Taehyung comments, cooing at the supple skin.
“No you idiot! You know damn well Jin will have your dick served to the wolves.” Taehyung grimaces at Jungkook’s comment as they walk towards the ocean. Mia and Jimin are nowhere to be found, and Namjoon was in the restroom. Yoongi just didn’t care. The plan was to throw you, you wake up and then they run away before you kill them. Jungkook walks into the water, the waves almost knocking his form over.  
“Do you think this is a good idea? The waves are kind of rough today.” Hoseok comments, as he steadies the floatation toy. Jungkook waves him off, and carefully places your body on the toy.
“Nah, she’ll be fine, I’m sure she will wake up before soon,” Jungkook comments pushing the toy out into the water.
“She’s gonna kill us, you know that.” Taehyung comments watching your body float away.
“I know!” Jungkook says, clapping his hands together and turning back to walk out of the water. You don’t float too fat out, but far out enough that your feet can no longer touch the floor of the ocean. You stir on the floatie when you begin to feel abnormally warm and you feel like you're sinking? Rubbing your eyes, you blink a few times before you feel water seep into your swim bottoms.
Sitting up abruptly, the only things you register are the fact that you are in the middle of the ocean, the floatie you are on is deflating, and a giant wave is about to knock you out. Oh, and the cherry on top?
You never learned how to swim.
Thanks mom and dad.
You don’t even have time to scream when the wave engulfs your form and you are being swallowed roughly by the salty water. You grab onto nothing as you are thrown around, water filling your lungs and nose. Violently you are jerked up by another wave that pushes you closer to shore. You begin to feel yourself choking, trying to will your legs to move somehow to keep you upright and out of the water.
“Where’s___?” Namjoon asks, returning from the other side of the beach where he was looking for crabs. He found a pretty purple one with a blue spot on its back, he named it Johnson.
Jungkook bites into a peach, kicking the soccer ball with Mia and Jimin.
“In the ocean.” He said through a mouthful of the fruit. Namjoon stills for a minute, registering what Jungkook said.
“What do you mean, in the ocean.” Namjoon asks, voice alarmingly calm.
“We pushed her in, on the floatie like 10 minutes ago?” Jungkook responds. Before he can register what’s happening, Namjoon is throwing him on the sand and screaming in his face.
“You fucking idiot! Jungkook! ____ can’t swim!” Namjoon screams. A look of guilt seeps across Jungkook’s face as he looks over at Taehyung and Hoseok.
“Fuck,” Namjoon curses getting off Jungkook, and running towards the water.
“You idiots!” Mia says, running towards the water as well. Namjoon desperately pulls at his hair, looking for you in the water, wading out far enough to where it drops off.
“Shit, shit,” Namjoon curses, eyes welling up with frustrated tears. Looking left and right down the beach, he can’t seem to find you.
“Namjoon!” He hears Mia call from the sand. He whips around to see Seokjin, cradling your body in his hold. He holds his breath still as he approaches the shore.
Seokjin lays you on the sand as cough, lungs and eyes burning from the water. Your blink a few times, holding your chest as you lean over in the sand. Seokjin rubs your back as you eventually calm down, swallowing a few times.
“Shit,___ are you okay?” Namjoon practically skids through the sand next to your body. He moves his hand to push your wet hair from your face, as you rub sand from your eyes. “Jin you're a damn lifeguard, do something!” Namjoon yells, throwing his hands in the air. Your lungs continue to burn as you cough, barely being able to speak. Before you know it, large hands grip your waist and flip you on your back. Blinking a few times, Jins face comes into view and before you can protest he is placing his plush lips on yours.
Jin doesn’t even blow into your mouth, just presses his mouth gently on yours and puckers his lips. After a few moments you reciprocate, letting the warmth of his mouth envelope you. You feel Jins tongue begin to prod at the seams of your lips gently, teasing the skin. You are about to give him access, when he pulls away, a string of saliva follows him as he sits back up.
Gasping, for dramatic effect, you sit up. Coughing a few times, you make a grab for the water bottle Mia hands you. Chugging the water down, until the plastic deflated in your hands.
“Woah, Jin buddy, thank you for saving my life,” you said, an over dramatic tone in your words. Seokjin’s cheeks were a light shade of red, as he wiped the saliva from his face and gave you a nod.
“I uh, sure no problem darling. I would do it for anybody.” He said winking at you. But the reality was, if it was anyone else he would make the other lifeguards take care of it. The reality was, you are the only person Jin has ever done mouth to mouth with in his two years of being a lifeguard.
Jin is in his own world as he watches Mia and Jimin walk you back to where your stuff, your hips sway slightly, the smooth tan skin littered with grains of sand. He feels his swim trunks begin to harden, as Mia swipes the sand off your body. Your thighs and ass moving as she goes down your body. Jin would like nothing more than to sink his dick into-
“Seokjin I owe you one, bro. Come back tonight for dinner? I am staying with ___ this week, you can spend the night since you don’t have to work tomorrow.” Namjoon brings Jin out of his perverted thoughts, as he pats him on the shoulder. Seokjin blinks a few times, looking at his friend who stands above him in the sand.
“Yeah sure, sounds like fun dude.” Seokjin smiles at him, accepting Namjoons outstretched hand to help him up. Namjoon gives him a dimpled smile as he walks back to their friends. Seokjin can’t help but glance over at you, who is looking down at the three culprits currently on their knees begging for forgiveness. Seokjin finds himself grinning a bit as you look down at them, lips pulled into a frown and hands on hips. He doesn’t miss you glancing at him for a brief moment, and he thinks he saw you pull a small smile.
You did.
You ignore Hobi, Jungkook and Tae the whole way home. They whine and poke at your cheek, even as you exit the car to go up to your condo, the three bouncing men pull at your hair and pinch you. You already yelled at them, calling them a bunch of colorful words they didn’t understand.
“We said we are sorry! What is it gonna take for you to not be mad!” Jungkook whined as your group entered the elevator. You pretended to ignore him as you busied yourself with your phone, pretending to text. Namjoon snorted loudly behind you, ruffling your hair.
“Buy her coffee for a month and that new Nintendo game she’s been wanting,” Namjoon said, eyeing you. You raised your eyebrows above your head, insinuating that he was right.
“Fine! Fine, I’ll do it,” Hoseok groaned, “But you two have to help as well,” he said, flicking the two younger boys in the ear. You hummed, a smile on your face as a quiet ding sounded through the elevator, insinuating you made it to your floor.
“Oh,___ I invited Seokjin over for dinner.” Namjoon said, a smirk on his face as he walked past your frozen figure. You fingers stilled on your screen as Namjoon swung his keys on his lanyard, whistling to himself as him and everyone exited the elevator. You didn’t even register the elevators closing and taking you back down to the first floor.
“Shit,” you groaned, pressing your floor button again as you went down to the first level. As the doors were about to close a voice halted you.
“Wait! Please hold the door!” Quickly springing forward and shoving your hand in between the stainless steel doors, causing them to stop and reopen. Of course it has to be Kim fucking Seokjin.
A smirk falls onto his face, as you shove yourself in the corner of the elevator.
“Hello Kitten,” Jin drawls, leaning on the rail opposite of you.
“Hello Jinnie,” you mock him, knowing he hates the nickname. He rolls his eyes at you, the smirk turning into a soft grin. The elevator stops, you look at what floor you are on, 3 it reads.
The door slides open and a few people pile in, causing Jin to move over to where you are standing. He keeps his front to you, bracing the rail and caging your body against the wall. A few business people enter and a pregnant woman. The doors close again, you hold a breath as you feel Jin breath against your head. The faint smell of sea salt and mint makes its way to your nose, as Jin’s chest rises and falls as you try and look anywhere but his face.
The elevator stops once more, this time a delivery man with a cart and packages enter. The people around you shuffle to make room, causing Jin to let go of the bar and grip your waist instead. Your eyes widen as your arms are stuck between your chest and his. Looking up at him, he raises a teasing brow as his hands skim across your bare waist. You regret not putting your coverup, feeling his warm hands against you is torture. Finally, you make it to your floor. Jin steps away from you, as he pushes past the people in the cramped space mumbling an excuse me. You let out a sigh of relief as you two make way to your condo, digging through your bag to find the keys. Standing in front of the oak door, you fumble with the lock with warm cheeks. You couldn’t forget how Jin’s hands felt on your bare skin. Before Jin could say a word, the lock clicked and you practically threw yourself in.
“Kim Namjoon!” you screamed, tossing your stuff on the table in the foyer. Jin chuckled, shutting the door behind him as you stomped down the hallway. Pounding on the bathroom door, you waited a few seconds until a very wet Namjoon opened the door.
You didn’t even bat an eyelash at his bare chest, and bright pink towel wrapped around his waist. Lean chest exposed, as rivulets of water ran down his chest. Dark hair flat against his head, as he leaned against the door way, phone in hand.
“One sec,” he spoke into the device. “Yes sweetheart?” He asked, throwing a dimpled smirk at your fuming stature. You slapped him across the chest, and walked away to your room. “Ow! What was that for?” Namjoon cried, rubbing the sore skin. Walking into your room and closing the door, you began to pull at your damp swimsuit. Right as you dropped your bikini bottoms, you heard Seokjin yelling something and before you could register what was happening, your door was being thrown open.
“...room am I staying-,” Seokjin's words went quiet as he stood in the door frame. “In,” he finished. Plush lips parted slightly, you swear you saw his cheeks turned a shade darker. You felt your cheeks heat up by a hundred degrees, as you covered your modesty; well attempted to. Before you could scream and throw whatever was in the vicinity at his stupid, attractive face, he mumbled an apology and gently closed the door. Quickly walking to the door, you locked it and lightly banged your head against the wood.
“Stupid, stupid! First you can barely rock climb,” you mumble to yourself, walking over to your vanity and pulling on underwear, the deep red silk ones that your shitty ex got you. “You almost drown, and Seokjin has to give you mouth to mouth, when in reality, he kissed you!” You continue to chastise yourself as you pull on a hoodie and some cotton shorts. “He saw you naked!” You groaned, slamming your sock drawer closed and pulling on your favorite baby pink socks, with little sheep on them. Huffing, you flopped onto your bed and buried your face in the sheets. Not even a minute later, there was a knock at your door.
“Sweetheart, I’m ordering take out! Do you want your usual?” Namjoons low voice spoke through the door. You groaned into the pillow, bringing your face up for a moment.
“I’m not hungry Joon, can you please leave my bag outside my door? It’s on the table by the foyer,” you said. You heard him sigh.
“I am still ordering you food, ___. But, yeah I will grab it. Is everything okay?” Namjoon asks. Taking a deep breath, your eyes follow the motion of your ceiling fan.
“Yeah Joon, just tired. You and Jin can play video games or something,” you said. You didn’t hear another response as Namjoon walked away from your door.
You haven't left your room since the evening, and it was now dark outside. The lights of skyscrapers left a soft glow in your room. Leaning against the long windows, you looked at the moon. The waning crescent winked at you, as you looked through your music sheets. You chewed on the rubber end of your pencil as you edited the piece you’ve been working on for weeks. Sighing, you rubbed your eyes under your glasses, pacing back and forth around your room. You figured that Namjoon and Seokjin were long asleep, due to the lack of screams over Minecraft have now ceased. Walking over to your bed, sheets of music littered the comforter as you shuffled through the papers. In the few hours of locking yourself in your room you ate the food Namjoon left outside of your door, counted to one hundred twenty-six, waxed your legs, and cried about how much of a fool you are in front of Seokjin. You couldn’t even face him, let alone have a coherent conversation with him. He was just so, him. And you were just so, you.
Frustrated with your own self-deprecating thoughts,  you dropped the stack of music sheets on the bed. The papers slapped gently onto the comforter, as you walked around the bed and picked up your empty take out. Yawning, you pulled your glasses off and set them on the nightstand before proceeding to walk to the kitchen. The condo was dark, besides the glow from the city lights below you. Walking quietly out into the kitchen, you threw your trash out.
“What are you doing awake?” a low voice asked behind you. Whipping around, you placed your hand on your chest.
“God, don’t scare me like that.” you spoke to Seokjin. Squinting in the dark you made out his form, a very shirtless one at that. He didn’t say anything as you leaned against the marble counter.
“Okay goodnight,” you said, quickly rushing to leave the kitchen. Before you could make it past the living room, he caught your wrist in his grasp. Stopping, you turned to look at him.
Seokjin's’ eyes flitted towards the piano in the corner of the room.
“You play?” he asked, genuine curiosity lacing his voice. You nodded wordlessly.
“A little bit,” you shyly spoke. Seokjin released your wrist, and walked over to the piano. You watched as the moon illuminated his strong chest and shoulders. His black sweatpants hung low on his hips, exposing the band of his Armani boxers. Seokjins’ fingers grazed the glossy keys, tapping one of them gently. The soft sounds resonated through the quiet room.
He looked at you, who stood in the same position.
“Play something for me?” He asked, nodding his head towards you. Flitting your eyes between him and the Piano, you nodded, hesitantly, and walked over to the piano. Seokjin pulled out the bench for you, as you sat down on the padded cushion. You felt goosebumps form on your legs, as you stretched your feet out to put pressure on the pedals. Taking a deep breath, you placed your hands on the keys. Tapping one softly a few times, you began to play a song you memorized from one of your favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice. The song was called ‘Liz on top of the World.’ Your fingers gently tapped the keys, as you left your fingertips glide across the smooth keys. You let yourself get absorbed, playing the song and letting out all your frustrations of the week. Playing the piano was the only time you felt confident in yourself, something you could actually do without making a fool of yourself. You hit the keys a bit harder than usual, not caring if you woke up Namjoon or the whole damn complex. So invested playing, you didn’t realize that Seokjin was staring at you, a dark look in his eyes as he watched you play with such emotion, such fire in your eyes.
You didn’t even hit the final note of the song, because Seokjin was closing the cover of the piano keys and grasping you by the chin, and kissing you. You gasped into his mouth, as he kneeled onto the bench, placing his knee between your thighs. Seokjin sighed into your mouth, putting pressure onto your chin. Your mind was in a haze as Seokjin's hand grazed down your chin and neck, leading it down between the valley of your breasts. You groaned against him, as you felt the warmth of his hand squeeze your breast through the material of your shirt. Seokjin's tongue grazed against the seams of your lips, as he teased your pert nipple. Opening your mouth fully, you allowed his tongue to slide into your mouth, tangling with yours.
“Fuck,” Seokjin muttered against your mouth. Pulling back, Seokjin got up from the bench and clicked on the lamp next to the Piano. You felt yourself suck in a breath, as you raked your eyes down his tan chest. His plush lips were slick with your saliva, eyes holding a deep, carnal lust.
“Stand up.” Seokjin said. It was a demand, not a question. Slowly rising from the bench, you pushed it under the piano. Seokjin closed the distance between you two, as he locked your mouth into another heated kiss. Immediately, you brought your hands up to his hair, pulling at the nape of his neck. Seokjin’s hands grazed the back of your thighs, patting them, you hooked them around his waist. You groaned as you felt his erection begin to grow in his pants, tilting your head back, you rutted against him. Seokjin sponged kisses against your exposed neck, splotching bruises of purple and red on the skin.
“You drive me insane, kitten.” Seokjin groaned against your neck. You moaned as he continued to kiss your neck. Jin walked over to the couch, laying down under you and allowing you to straddle him. His hands never left your waist, as you leaned over him. “Do you know how hard it was today at the beach, to see you in that swimsuit? I wanted to bend you over and fuck your tight, little cunt , in front of all those boys, to show that you are mine.” You felt yourself whine as he began to move you back and forth on his clothed erection.
“You know I really like you, ___.” Jin confessed, groaning as you slowed down your pace. You looked down at him, his eyes were heavy, his plush bottom lip trapped between his teeth.
“R-really?” You asked, placing your hands on his chest. Jin nodded, allowing his hands to graze your bottom, before slapping it. Moaning, you grinded faster, allowing your needy pants to echo in the room. Jin’s hand began to move up your shirt, feeling the warm skin. You wasted no time allowing your hands to grasp the bottom of your shirt and pulling it over your head. Jin cursed as he saw your chest and pert nipples, now exposed to him. Bringing his hand up, he swiped his thumb over the bud. You held back a moan as he slowly rubbed the skin of your nipple, back and forth between his fingers.
“Fuck you are so sensitive,” Jin groaned, fondling your other breast. You found yourself beginning to move against him again, rubbing your clothed center against his. Jin continued his assault on your nipple. Bringing his head up, he puckered kisses along your breast before taking it into his mouth, licking across the skin. Groaning loudly, you fell against him and pulled his head closer to you. Jin’s hands trailed down your body to grab onto your bottom, rutting you against him harder. “C’mon, give it to me,” Jin growled against your skin, taking your nipple into his mouth. You felt gripped onto his hair, whining at the pressure being placed on your clit. Feeling the coil begin to form, it was quickly gone as you felt yourself collapse. Calling out Jin’s name in whiny pants as he suckles on your bud harder. The movement of your hips slow, as Jin hands rub up your hips to pull you up. Looking down at him, his lips are parted, harsh breaths escape the reddened skin. Jin pulls himself up from under you, flipping you on your back. Huffing as your body drops on the couch, you look up at him as a small smirk overtakes his face. A bead of sweat trails down the front of his chest, spots of perspiration dotting his smooth skin.
“Kitten,” Jins low voice drawls, “...didn’t your mommy and daddy,” he says slowly, dragging his lips down your neck, “..teach you that it’s not nice,” his lips trail further down to the ribbon of your cotton shorts, “...to stare?” He finishes pulling the ribbon loose of your shorts. Your breath stutters a bit, as he pulls at the band of your shorts, slowly peeling the clothing down your legs and creating a trail of goosebumps. You watched Jin toss the shorts behind him, now face to face with your white, lace panties. You could feel your arousal seeping out of you, holding a breath as Jin held your thighs apart. Bringing his face closer to your center, he licked a stripe up the lace of your underwear. Digging your hands into the pillow behind you, your hips jutted up as a moan wracked through you. Jin watched as you tilted your head back, exposing the splotches of purples and reds he left. Trailing his hands up your thighs, his fingers skimmed the band of your underwear, snapping the elastic against your thighs.
“Please, J-Jin,” you whined, moving your hips. Jin held your body down with his hands, looking up at you.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” Jin asked, digging his fingers into your hips. You whined as he teased the skin of your thighs.
“Yes, Jin please.” You groaned, pulling the skin of your bottom lip between your teeth. It was silent for a moment, until Jin began to shuffle his body under yours, pulling you on top to straddle his waist. Confused, you looked down at his face as he guided your clothed center over his face. You felt your cheeks warm, as you looked down at him. “J-Jin this really isn’t a good-!” Your sentence was cut short when Jin moved your underwear to the side, and pulling you down onto his face.
You swear you screamed, back arching as your hips raised off Jin’s face. Jin held a firm grip on your hips as he took your clit in between his lips, and sucked. Rolling the bud between his lips, you fell forward, caging his head between your shaky arms. “Jin, p-please,” you whined, grinding harder against his face. Jin’s grip got tighter on your hips, as he moved you back and forth, slicking your sopping center on his face. Jin could feel his cock throbbing in the confinements of his pants.
You could hear the wet, slurping sounds of your center as Jin licked around your tight hole. Your arms were about to give out, and you could feel the tension begins to build around your stomach. Moving your hips against his face, you leaned up on your arms. “W-wanna feel you too,” you slurred, prying his hands off your hips and turning around. Jin licked your wetness from his lips, looking at your bottom he felt you begin to pull of the band of his sweats. Gripping your hips behind you, Jin groaned as he felt you palm him through his briefs.
“Kitten, what are you d-doing?” Jin asked, his voice turning into a groan. You felt yourself grin, as you looked down at the outline of his dick. You felt your eyes widen, as you palmed him, feeling the hot skin sear through the fabric. Licking his lips, Jin gripped your hips and pulled you toward his face again. Jin groaned, tasting the sweet slick of your center. Getting lost in the bliss for a moment, you began to sneak your hand under Jin’s briefs, finally coming to contact with his throbbing cock. Jin’s hips tighten against you, as you drag a finger up his length. You feel your mouth water as you fully pull out his cock. In the dim lighting you make out that he is well… endowed. The tip is a rosy pink, a sheen of cum already on the tip. A thick vein trails up the length, leading down to a neatly trimmed tuft of hair. 
You slide a finger down his shaft, licking your lips as it twitches. “You have such a pretty cock, Jinnie,” you tease, wiggling your hips harder against his face. “I wonder what it will look like, in my mouth…” you said, finally taking his cock into your mouth. You suckle on the tip lightly, before taking his length, well what you could, into your mouth. You felt Jin groan against your center, causing vibrations to shake your center. He mumbled something against your center, causing him to pull back for a moment.
“___, shit, k-keep doing that, choke on my fat cock like a good girl.” Jin said, slapping the skin of your bare bottom. Slurping on Jin’s dick, you jerked the area’s you couldn’t reach. Licking down the vein, you took his heavy ball sack in your fingers. Jin dug his large palms into your hips, slapping the skin lightly. Bobbing your head up and down, you swirl your tongue on his tip, tasting his release. Pulling yourself up from his cock, you jerked his cock in your hand.
“Mmm, taste so good, will you come for me Jinnie?” You teased, kissing his tip. Jin groaned, jutting his hips upwards. Bringing your mouth down again, you allowed him to thrust his hips into your mouth. Your spit slicked his cock, running down your mouth. Jin continued his ministrations against your center, the coil almost snapping. Jin stopped his thrusting, causing him to pull out of your mouth. Before you could bring your mouth back down, Jin pulled you off his dick a lewd wet pop echoing in the room. Confused, you placed your hands on his thighs, as he brought your center over his slick cock. You both groaned simultaneously when your sexes rubbed against one another, your wet cunt sucking in the length of his cock.You had to find the will in you to hold yourself up as Jin guided your pussy, back and forth on his bare cock. Your arms gave out, as you laid in between Jins’ legs, he took his cock in his hand and rubbed his bulbous tip on your clit. You choked against the blanket on the couch, as you felt him circle your aching bud. 
“Give it to me, I know you want to kitten,” Jin spoke lowly, slapping his hard cock against your bare center. You arched your back as you felt your cunt clench, before you felt the coil finally snap, as you released all over Jin’s cock. 
“F-fuck! Jin! Jin, Nggh,” your cries were muffled in the couch as Jin smeared your arousal all over his cock. 
“That’s right kitten, squirt all over my cock. Can’t wait to fill you up and shoot my hot cum in your tight hole.” Jin growled, digging his hands into your ass. You felt Jin’s sweats dampen under you, as he slowed his assault. With shaky hands, you began to pull of the drenched material of Jin’s sweatpants, pulling them below his knees. Jin’s hands grazed up your bare sides and turned you to face him. Placing your hands on his chest, he looked up at you. Pupils wide, and dark he brought his thumb up to your swollen lips, rubbing them in between his fingers. “Are you sure you want this, darling?” He asked, eyes softening at the smile on your face. 
You smiled, scratching your nails lightly on his chest. “Always the worried one Jinnie.” You teased, laughing when his hand lightly spanked your bottom. Your laughter died down as you look at his strong face in the soft glow of the lamp, you dragged your fingers through the damp pieces of his dark hair. “Yes, Seokjin, I want this. I want you, more than anything.” You spoke softly, watching the grin appear on his face. Jin kept a hand on your back, as he pushed you down to meet his lips. His plush lips swallowed you, as he fervently pecked kisses on your lips. Pulling his plump bottom lip between your teeth, you sucked on the skin, allowing your tongue to slip in his mouth. Jin’s hold tightened on your back, eventually sliding his hands down to your ass and giving the globes a harsh squeeze. Your tongue’s tangled, allowing one another to suck on the muscle inside each others mouths. You felt the heat emitting from Jin’s erection, that laid heavily on his taut stomach. You felt your arousal begin to leak from your center, as you moved your hips once more. Pulling back from Jin, you looked down at his wet lips, breathing heavily.
“Can I, please?” you asked, shifting your hips against him. Jin groaned, tilting his head back on the couch cushion. Gripping your hips tighter he looked at you. 
“Fuck, yes- shit- please kitten, be a good girl and sit on daddy’s cock?” he asked. You nodded, finding his length and grabbing it between your fingers. Rubbing the tip and slicking it with his precum, you teased him against your wet heat, both of your groaned simultaneously as you finally slid down on his cock. 
“Oh my, god-!” you couldn’t even get a sentence out as you sank slowly onto his thick girth. You had to place your hands on his chest to steady yourself. Not even halfway down, you had to stop, sweat began to slick your body as you threw your head back. “Dammit Jin, why do you have to have a fat cock-!” Your words were thrown out the window as Jin fully seated you down on his cock, earning a groan from both of you. 
“Why do you have to have such a tight cunt, kitten?” Jin teased, cursing when you clenched around him. Whining, you placed your head in the crook of his neck, breathing heavily and trying to get accustomed to his length. Jin ran his hand up and down your back, fighting the urge to fuck you sideways. After a few moments, you slowly began to move your hips up and down. 
“Ah, fuck.” You mumbled, feeling your arousal seep down his cock. You didn’t waste any time, moving your hips rapidly, slicking your wetness down his length. Skin slapped against skin loudly, as you moved your hips around him. You felt his tip prodding at your cervix as you went all the way down. 
“J-Jin, I feel so full,” you whined, throwing your head back in ecstasy. Jin looked up at you, pure, unadulterated lust seeping into his pupils. You kept having to slow your hips, due to the fact Jin’s cock kept slipping out of your wet hole. 
“Slow down kitten, my cock can’t fill your tight hole if it keeps slipping out. God you are so wet, your cunt is dripping all over me,” Jin hissed, digging his blunt nails in your hips. You nodded, not processing his words as you clenched around him endlessly. You felt your thighs begin to burn, eyes welling with tears from the pleasure.
“J-Jinnie,” you whined, slowing down a bit. Jin hushed you, pressing a kiss to your chest. Still inside of you, Jin laid you down on your back, deciding to take over. Caging his arms over your head, he slowly thrusted into you, allowing his cock to hit your cervix. You closed your eyes, raking your nails down Jin’s strong back. 
“Gonna cum for me? Gonna let me fill up your tight hole with my seed, and let it spill out of your tight hole,” Jin spoke against your neck, rutting against you. You whined, digging your nails into his back as he thrusted harder. 
“Faster Jin, please, fuck me.” You whispered into his ear. Jin growled into your skin, thrusting into your heat faster, harder. You gasped as the couch began to shake slightly. Half of your body hung off the couch, the only leverage was you holding onto Jin’s back. You were honestly surprised Namjoon hasn’t woken up. Jin huffed, thrusting so hard into you, your bodies tumbled off the couch. A shriek fell past your lips, as Jin flipped your bodies so he would catch most of the fall. Jin grunted as his body met the fluffy rug below him, your weight on top of him. A moan fell past your lips as you felt Jin’s cock still seated inside of you as you came down on him hard rutting against him. You didn’t waste anytime, lifting your hips and slamming down on him. Cursing under his breath, Jin gripped the corner of the couch pulling him up with you in his hold. You whined as he walked towards the piano, causing you to stop bouncing on him. 
Gasping as your back met the cold piano, you looked at Jin who held a smirk on his face. 
“Seriously?” you laughed, raising an eyebrow at him. Jin giggled, placing his hands next to your head on the piano. “This shit didn’t come cheap Seokjin,” you whined, gesturing to the instrument. Jin kissed your nose, adjusting his cock inside you.
“I know, so that’s why you need to hurry up and come so that it doesn't break,” Jin spoke, his tone turning dark again. You nodded, groaning when Jin took your nipple into his mouth and thrusting into you. Good thing Jin was tall, or his dick wouldn’t be nowhere near as seated inside you as it is right now. You felt a shudder wrack through your body as Jin swirled his tongue around your bud, and thrusted into you fast and hard.
“Jin,” you choked. 
“I know baby, come on, I’m close too,” Jin spoke, taking his mouth off your pert bud. You nodded, wanting a release so bad. You clenched around Jin endlessly. You felt his cock begin to throb, as he thrusted into you. Your tits bounced rapidly, as Jin thrusted harder and harder into your wet hole, making the knot in your belly swell as you felt the rope begin to snap.
“Oh fuck! Jin!” You screamed, throwing your head back against the cold piano. Jin thrusted harder and harder, as you felt yourself come undone around him. Shortly after, you felt Jin release inside you, his warm seed spurting inside you. You clenched around him, wanting every drop inside you. Jin thrusted inside you a bit more, shaking the piano slightly. You whined, and clenched around him due to the sensitivity. “Ah, Jin give me a second.” You whined, gripping his forearms. Jin gripped your arms, pulling you up, dick still seated inside you. Breathing heavily you looked at Jin with a pout on your lips. He laughed, pecking your mouth a few times. 
“One more baby, please?” Jin asked, sponging kisses on your neck. You nodded, tilting your head back as you enjoyed his plush lips kissing the sweaty skin of your neck. You felt goosebumps trail onto your body, as Jin scooted you body off the Piano and hooking your legs around him. You felt his cock begin to harden again inside you, making you raise an eyebrow at him, a grin spreading over your face. 
“You horny bitch,” you teased, reaching down to pinch his bare ass. Jin yelped, gripping your ass tightly and slapping the bare skin. He walked over to the tall windows that surrounded your apartment, you could feel his seed begin to get cold and drip down your thighs as Jin pushed your body against the cold glass. A huff left your lips as Jin, a bit roughly, held your body up against the glass. You made out the smirk on his face, as he gripped your thighs and leaned his face close to you. You breathed in heavily, as he began to jutt his hips into yours. You held your lip between your teeth, as your sweaty body moved up and down the glass. Jin breathed heavily, placing both his hands on the glass next to your head as he began to thrust harder, but still painstakingly slow. Jin’s chest rubbed against yours, spreading perspiration across your nipples. 
“Jin- ahh- please, faster,” you begged, trying to push his body into yours. Jin grunted, moving his hands from beside your head and pulling your thighs from his waist. Confused, Jin pulled out, making you cry from the loss of his throbbing cock inside you. 
“Turn around,” Jin spoke, looking down at you. Tilting your head to the side, you did as he said and turned your body to face the window. You looked down at the lights from skyscrapers and billboards, illuminating the already dimly lit room. Jin looked at, you gripping your hips and pressing your body into the glass. Gasping when the cold window made your nipples perk up, you breathed out heavily, watching the glass fog up. Jin ran his hands down the length of your exposed body. You tilted your head back on his chest, as he lazily ran his hand down your tits, pinching your nipples. 
“You are absolutely exquisite, darling.” Jin murmured, pressing a kiss on your damp hairline. Jin’s hand began to trail lower, eventually coming in contact with your slick heat. Lazily teasing his finger on your clit, he dipped his finger into your wet hole. “Oh fuck, your soaked kitten. I bet I could fit my whole hand inside there.” Jin groaned. You choked back a moan as Jin began to rub his erection on your back. 
“Please Jin, stop teasing me. Want your cock,” you mumbled, clenching around his finger. Jin hummed, pulling his finger from your hole. Jerking his cock a few times, he then guided it to your wet cunt, thrusting it in quickly. You groaned as your body was pushed against the glass once more, breath visible as Jin thrusted into you fast and hard. Jin stuttered out a curse, as your wet heat enveloped his cock. Slapping skin echoed in the large room, heavy pants from you and Jin against one another's skin. 
“So, fucking, pretty. Your cunt was made for me, practically- fuck- sucking me in.” Jin grunted against your neck. A moan made its way from your mouth, as your breasts pressed against the glass. You couldn’t form coherent words, as Jin kept thrusting over and over into you. You whined when his tip prodded your cervix, making you feel full. It wasn’t long before you felt your center begin to tingle, and you jutted back against Jin; meeting his thrusts. 
“Yes, yes, yes, Jin, fuck me!” You screamed, moaning when Jin went faster. 
“Ah fuck, Kitten, come, come for me,” Jin said, bringing his finger to rub your clit. Not even a few seconds after, you felt yourself releasing on Jin’s cock. “F-fuck, look at that Kitten. Squirting again all over my cock, such a good girl.” Jin moaned, slapping your ass gently as you rode out your high. You were sobbing at this point, as Jin rubbed your clit. You could feel your arousal dripping from your thighs, wetting your sweaty skin even more. 
“Jinnie, w-wanna feel you come,” you slurred, finding his heavy sack between your bodies. Jin grunted as you pinched the skin, fondling his sack. 
“Fuck,” Jin groaned, as you clenched around him. You moaned as Jin released inside you once more. 
“Yes, Jin fuck.” You whined, squeezing around his cock to release more of his seed. Jin slowed his thrusts a bit more, until his dick softened and he pulled out from your abused hole. Jin groaned when he saw your mixed arousals drip down your thighs. You leaned your tired body against the glass, the cool material aiding your sweaty body. You felt your legs about to give out, until Jin leaned down, hooking his arms under your body.
“You did so well baby, I’m so proud of you,” Jin murmured, pressing kisses to your scalp. You nodded, a smile seeping onto your face as your eyes started to droop. Jin laughed at your fucked out state, walking into your room and placing you on the bed. You allowed your body to melt into the sheets, as Jin turned on the bedside lamp. Your eyes were dropping in and out of sleep, as Jin went to the bathroom to get a rag. You heard the water run, and footsteps pad back into the room. Taking the damp rag, Jin wiped your release from your thighs and bottom. Once he was done he tossed the towel into your hamper, and walked back over to you. Through bleary eyes, you smiled at him as he ran his hand through his messy hair. Jin smiled at you, pearly whites still visible even in the dim lighting. Leaning down, he sponged kisses all along your face, making you giggle. Taking your face in his hands, he rubbed his thumbs along your cheeks. 
“Get some sleep, baby.” Jin gently spoke, tapping your nose. You nodded, pulling him down with you. 
“Not without you though, right?” You asked, gripping onto his arm. A smile crossed Jin’s features as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheeks. 
“Right.” Jin whispered, kissing you on the mouth.
Bonus +
Namjoon rubbed his hand over his face, hearing Jin’s low grunts and your breathy moans. He looked up at the ceiling, staring at his unmoving ceiling fan. Leaning over to grab his phone from the bedside table, he opened the messaging app, and going into a group chat between Him and his friends. 
Squinting at the bright screen, he typed out a message.
1:46am [namjoon]: you guys all owe me and yoongi 20 bucks lol. 
Namjoon pressed the voice recording button, making the speaker face his door. After 30 seconds, he ended it and pressed send. 
1:50am [mia]: dammit! now i have to suck jimin’s dick >:(
1:51am [jimin]: hey! I'm right next to you, first of all and second of all you act like its a bad thing you nerd
1:51am [guk]: damn does that mean i can’t look at y/n’s ass anymore :( also don’t get a boner from listening joon l o l
1:51am [namjoon]: fuck you lol
1:52am [yoongs]: go to bed fuckers
A big thank you to @cherrynochu and @seokstrivia ;-; they really helped me get through this haha, i love you guys! I hope you enjoy also fyi I start my classes soon, soo i will try and get up my hoseok or tae fic soon, if not i will try during my schedule, i have half the classes i had last year so i should have more time hopefully and if not, im sorry, i have sports and stuff as well oof, but if i like go MIA my mutuals can ask for my discord or kkt, hehe i will keep you all updated. xX
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