#the point is. we're all still trapped in here with the ghost of the cw or whatever
kimodraw · 7 months
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posted these a while ago on twitter but not here,,,illustrations that were meant to accompany my big all 15 seasons encompassing transmasc sam fanfic that i will most likely never finish... i like em still :)
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jugoswolf5678 · 10 months
Ghost x AFAB!Reader 🔞
Summary: Simon gets jealous of König so he destroys your 😺 as punishment 😈
⚠️CW⚠️: mature/sexual themes
She seriously irked him.
Despite the relationship going on strong, Simon still felt as if he could not trust his lover 100%.
Still, he could not blame her for being the way she was. Y/N was the type of woman to try to get on the good side of her closest peers, to get them to feel as relaxed as her. Surely some would see her overfriendly aura to be quite stifling. Though that did not deter her mission to spread positivity.
But many would wrongly assume Y/N's manner as rather perverse.
And this is just the case with Simon. He has observed some of the exchanges with her and his fellow comrades, causing an unpleasant twinge in his chest, and he did not want to acknowledge that fact.
But he couldn't avoid it forever.
"Bro, are you even listening?" Johnny waved his fork in front of Simon's face. He was staring hard at Y/N exchanging pleasantries with a certain Austrian.
Johnny heaved a sigh of slight irritation. "C'mon mate. You can't be starin' at them forever. Y/N ain't the type to wander astray."
"And how would you know that?" Simon scoffed, turning his head towards him with a twitch in his eye.
"Trust me, I know. It's painfully obvious what's goin' on." Johnny was unable to hide the smirk creeping on his face.
"Go on..."
"I don't have to, man. Don't you trust the poor girl?"
Simon pinched the bridge of his nose. "Tch..."
Johnny pondered for a moment. "Maybe remind her of what she has?"
"What are you on about, Soap?" Simon snapped.
"Teach her a lesson. Put her in her place." Johnny pointed his fork in the other man's face. "You know damn well where I'm goin' with this."
"Fuckin' hell..."
Everything came to a head the next day. König and Y/N were heavily engaged in a discussion regarding their childhoods and the struggles they've had to endure. Simon took notice of this, and discovered some intimate details that Y/N refrained from telling him.
It felt like a real slap to the face, to say the least.
"The hell is going on here?" Simon stormed over, placing a protective hand on Y/N's shoulder.
"We're just reminiscing of our pasts is all," König started. "Is that a problem?"
Y/N was snatched away from the table before she was able to register. Simon tossed her over his shoulder as though she weighed nothing, and swiftly carried her away towards his cabin room.
"Scheiße. Hope she can still walk after this." König stifled a snicker.
Y/N was shoved into the cabin room. "What the heck's your problem, man?!"
Simon said nothing. He only responded by glaring into her confused yet slightly frightened eyes. Rather than yell, he wanted to show her exactly with whom he had a bone to pick.
"Simon, baby, you're scaring me... What's the matter?" She tried asking him, but was once again met with silence.
He slowly sauntered over to Y/N, backing her into the wall. Caging her with his massive arms, he trapped her like a lion about to pounce on its prey.
Y/N felt a cramp in her throat, and she could feel her eyes stinging. "Simon, I don't understand, why are you so mad at me? König-"
"It's always about that bastard with you, isn't it?! Fuck me, right?!" Simon roared, making her flinch and causing a fresh trail of salty tears to fall.
"What are you-oh!" Y/N began, but was cut off when she felt a sharp sting to her lower backside.
"You don't speak unless I allow you to. Got that?" He whispered in her ear. His hot breath and stubble had sent a shiver down her back.
Another fierce slap to the ass shut her up immediately. "What did I just fuckin' say? Shut your goddamn mouth!"
"Why are you-"
Simon grabbed her chin, forcing Y/N to look him directly in his eyes. Not once had she ever seen him this livid before, his anger was near palpable.
"What part of 'do not speak unless spoken to' do you not understand?" He snarled. The grip on Y/N's chin tightened a smidgen, sending a small shock to her chest.
"Since you can't learn to close that mouth of yours on your own, I guess I'll have to do it for you." Simon spouted. Y/N could swear she saw an almost sadistic smirk crawl on his face.
Not wanting to disobey him, she immediately fell to her knees. Simon's abnormally large tent stared her right in the face, and to say she is terrified would be a massive understatement.
"You're a smart girl. You know what to do, and you know what'll happen if you fuck up." He glared down at her, increasing her fear tenfold.
Y/N shakily reached for Simon's bulge and caressed the outline of his thick shaft. Pulling the zipper down, she let his erection out of the confines of his pants, nearly slapping her in the face. She wrapped her small hand around his girth, and started to gently pump him. The pulsing she felt in her pussy was beginning to become uncomfortable.
She started with a slow, long lick from base to tip, peppering little kisses along the sides of Simon's cock. Leaving out breathy whimpers, Y/N opened wide and swallowed as much of him as she could manage, jerking what she couldn't fit.
Y/N closed her eyes, but snapped them open when Simon lightly popped her left cheek.
"Nope. You close your eyes again and you ain't gettin' a single drop of cum. That's the deal."
She continued to work his cock in her mouth, lidded eyes staring into Simon's. The last thing she needed was being denied one of the things she craved the most.
Her almost inaudible moans sent tiny vibrations through Simon's cock. She sucked and pumped him with gusto, not letting her stare be broken a second time. She almost forgot that her pussy was craving attention too, but as she reached her hand between her plush thighs, he pulled her off his cock with a less than pleased expression.
"Tut tut tut, that won't do either. No touching that pussy of yours unless I say so."
Y/N only responded with more tears falling and another pained whine.
"Aw, did I hurt your precious feelings?" Simon sneered. "Imagine how I felt when I saw you with König all those times..."
His mischievous grin grew wider as he violently rocked his hips into Y/N's face, forcing his entire length down her throat. She held on tight to Simon's thighs as she gagged, struggling to take him in her mouth.
"Tell you what," Simon began. "If you can hold my dick in your throat for 30 seconds, then MAYBE I'll allow you to speak..."
The pain between Y/N's legs was next to unbearable. If Simon didn't allow her to touch herself for another second, she was certain she'd die.
Thirty seconds had passed, and thankfully Y/N has been able to take Simon's cock with no trouble. When the time was up, he slowly removed her head, his length completely soaked with her saliva.
"You did so well this time." He caressed Y/N's face, wiping a few tears away. At this point, he expected her to speak up and ask for forgiveness, but she refused to utter a word.
"You can talk now." Simon lifted Y/N's head up, her glossy eyes staring back at him.
"You're what? Use your words." He cocked his head to the side.
"I'm sorry..." She hung her head, facing away from Simon in shame.
"Hmmm...Maybe I'll forgive you, on one condition." He replied.
"What do you want me to do?" Her voice got quieter with each word.
"Prepare yourself, darling. Like I said earlier, you're a smart girl. And you know what'll happen if you fuck up."
The room was filled with the sounds of wet slaps and Y/N's pitiful cries. Her pussy was overwhelmed with pleasure, she felt like every thrust would send her over the edge.
Simon had her bent over the edge of his bed, holding her arms behind her as he brutally fucked her senseless. Touching every sensitive spot deep inside her, he wanted to hear her cry out his name and beg for his release.
"Tell me, princess. Can König make you feel this good?"
"N-No..." She breathed.
"It's a damn shame he'll never get to feel how wet and tight your cunt is. A goddamn shame..." Simon's thrusts began to quicken, becoming more fierce and rough.
"Simon, I'm close-! W-Wanna cum!"
At her words, he immediately pulled out, keeping Y/N from her prize.
"I don't think you deserve my cum, sweetie. Have you learned your lesson tonight?" He lightly soothed the tender skin of her pussy, coating his fingers with her arousal.
"Yes I have! Please, I beg you! I want you!"
"What about König?" He whispered in her ear again.
"Never! I only want you! Please let me cum!"
Simon clutched both sides of her ass cheeks and plunged deep into her sopping cunt. Shrieking, Y/N swore her cervix had been breached. She had far underestimated his size, but she did not care one bit. All she wanted was for Simon to paint her cunt white with his seed.
The dam inside Simon finally bursts, shooting ropes of his warm, thick cum into her pussy. Y/N wailed in response, a far away look of satisfaction plastered on her face. She breathed out a sigh of relief, not only because he forgave her, but for also being left a cum filled husk in the process.
"And the next time I catch you pulling some shit like that, I'm gonna tie his ass up and fuck you in front of him. Got that?"
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theheadgirl · 2 years
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31 Days of Fear, hosted by @hp-fearfest
Day 10: Agony (read on AO3 here)
CW: torture, imprisonment
Percy screams again, though his voice is long gone at this point. He has no idea how long he’s been trapped down here, strapped to a chair, spelled blind, arms tied behind him. He hasn't felt his fingers in days. He only knows he still has fingers because he can feel the pressure of his nails digging into the meat of his palms whenever his hands involuntarily clench into fists every time he gets hit with the Cruciatus Curse. 
Like now, for instance. 
The spell drops, and though the pain is gone, his muscles still tense and twitch like they can fight off the next round. 
"Are you ready to talk yet?" the voice asks, casual, like they’re at a cafe over coffee. "Or are we going for the record?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Percy says, or tries to. His voice sounds like it's had holes punched through it. He shakes his head, repeating himself. "I don't know, I don't know."
"Fine. Let's try again." How can he sound so cool, so composed? Percy supposes it's easier when you get to leave, get to have lunch or take a shower. He’s learned that begging or pleading won't have an effect, so he tenses himself instead, even though it won't help. 
It doesn't. He gave up any pretense of pride or dignity long ago, although some part of him still recoils when he feels hot tears burning down his cheeks, when he hears the ragged sobs escaping. He hates his unknown assailant for doing this to him, and he hates himself for being here. 
The spell drops, and for a moment, the only sound is Percy, dry heaving, choking on his own sobs. 
"He's lying," another voice says. Percy’s shoulders jerk up in surprise, which sends a fresh wave of pain up his back and spine. "Aren't you?" 
He's right there. Percy can feel the other man’s breath hot against his cheek, and he wants to retch. 
"When you say you don't know," the second voice continues. "You think you're protecting your pathetic little life, your friends. But while you're here, dying, your family is celebrating. Your brother is getting married, I hear. No one misses you. No one is coming for you."
It huffs out of him, the little whine, and he swallows it back. All the same, Percy can’t miss the satisfied chuckle of the newcomer, and it makes him sick. 
It's not true. It's not true. It can't be true. He’s going to be okay. They’re going to get him out of here.
"I don't know what you want to know," Percy whispers. He almost wishes they'd use the Cruciatus Curse again. 
"Here's the thing, Weasley." A hand lands heavily on Percy’s shoulder, and squeezes. He can't stop the ragged howl that tears from him as agony races down his arm and back, spiderwebbing through his whole body. "My mate is inclined to believe you. He thinks you don't know, that you've got your head so far up the Minister’s arse that you wouldn't know a mole if you saw one." 
Percy didn't think he had any tears left, but he can feel them on his cheeks as the pain keeps lancing through him, pulsing out in waves from the tight grip on his shoulder. "But I know you. You're smart. You're quiet." The man’s grip tightens. Percy retches, but there's nothing left in his stomach to bring up, so he’s coughing on bile. "You know who we're looking for." Breath suddenly ghosts across his ear, his cheek, warm and unsettlingly minty. 
He brushed his teeth before he came down here. 
Percy can’t put his finger on why, out of everything, that is so upsetting. Maybe because it's been ages since he’s been able to brush his teeth, or take a shower, or do anything besides sit here in an increasingly filthy suit. 
Or maybe it's a reminder that he's a man, just like Percy, and he still has to brush his teeth before he comes to torture someone. 
"And I'm going to get that knowledge out of you, one way or another." The hand vanishes from his shoulder, and he nearly cries again from the relief. 
His words sink in. "What?"
"What are you up to, Yaxley?" the first man asks, but he doesn't sound concerned, just mildly annoyed that someone else barged in on his torture time. 
"Just a quicker way to get what we want, since the traditional methods aren't working." 
The energy of the room shifts, and Percy catches the scent of ozone, the prelude to a spell. He thinks of Audrey, of Oliver, his family. He closes his eyes and tenses his muscles. It won’t help. It never helps. But it’s all he can do. 
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