#the poll is only 1 day because episode 2 comes tomorrow
g0reoz · 1 year
ok ok ok so. first episode thoughts
-the animation is sort of inconsistent but that's to be expected here. honestly, like i said before, i really appreciate that they're taking some more risks and getting a little more experimental with some spots :) and even though there were some less than great shots, there were also some really good ones!!
-valt's VA is still meh. i think we got really lucky with sabrina pitre the first 2 seasons and i just never really got used to the change :/
-pax is a creep and a weirdo. what the hell is he doing here. perfect.
-uhhhh are we going to talk about the kid wearing the red eye mask. how does shu feel about this. where IS shu at this point. is he in america? i hope he is. i hope all the cram school helped and he started college at age 16.
-bel isn't painful to watch so far. this is good.
-the sillies 👇
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-honestly with all the whole "breaking into ancient sites in other countries" britain has done, i think they deserve this one. let the kids fuck around in the ruins. whateva
-UM. RANZO KIYAMA IS GOING TO BRAZIL? HE IS LEAVING??? it would be so so funny if bro immediately showed up, won the masquerade tourney, then packed up the belt and his things n just Left. they killed him off. where were you when ranzo kiyama die. i was at house eating dorito when phone ring. "ranzo kiyama is kil." "no"
-i'm sorry i'm sorry it's just so funny to think that he's not even in the opening so they probably really are gonna kill him off 😭
-speaking of which is xhaka still in brazil. he was as of chouzetsu right???
-anyways. so is quadra's lightning thing just fully charged forever now? she doesn't have to go to the ruins again for that? because pax's chart thing went up and stayed up.
-honestly kind of excited to see where they take this :0
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/06/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Kristian Nairn; Ruibo Qian; Fuckeries; Watch Party Polls; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Pink News; Q+ Magazine; Stats; #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut; Love Notes/Morale; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== David Jenkins ==
David popped his head out today with all the Jenkins Cut talk going around. @bbviago thank you for bringing Dad out of hiding!
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Our friends at @adoptourcrew captured the fandom reaction pretty well me thinks:
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Also too, @skrifores had a really excellent point about how different the interpretations of this were. Which way were you all thinking? Any thoughts?
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== Kristian Nairn ==
Remember the book Kristian kept hinting about? It's up for preorder! It comes out Sept 24! Wanna pre-order it? Visit Kristian's Linktr.ee
Src: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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== Ruibo Qian ==
Our pirate queen singing and playing the guitar for us. In addition... there's some clown/honking going on because of the note she added to her Instagram. *Resurrection* with 3 tiny stars, anyone? 👀
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Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Fuckeries ==
Save OFMD Crew is calling out for some help! Please reach uot to businesses, streamers, personalities, etc today to bring in more engagement if you have a few spare minutes!
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== More Watch Party Voting! ==
We need you!
Our crew-mate @iamadequate1 implores you to come vote for the final version of the watch party hashtags! They're neck and neck!
Final Short Poppies Watch Party Hashtag Poll
Flight of the Conchords Watch Party Hashtag Poll
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= A League Of Their Own =
Tomorrow the 7th is ALOTO Episodes 6-7, and then OFMD 6-7 Time: 1-4PM EST/6-9PM GMT Where: You can watch ALOTO on Amazon Prime
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Watch Party Hashtags:
= Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1 =
Don't have access? DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST.
Saturday there will be a re-watch for those who need to catch up (time TBD) .
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards! =
Thank you thank you @melvisik for recognising our dear Gabriel, Nick Kroll! So glad to see some of the actors from just one episode getting some love! Another card to add to the collection!
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= Pink News =
I realise that Pink News is an actual news site, but they are joining under the fan spotlight tonight for their continued dedication to #OFMD and quality content/memes.
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= Q+ Magazine =
Our friend @spanishjenkies caught Q+ sending some incentive over to Chaos Dad 😉. Just more reasons to love Q+ for their continued support!
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Great News Everyone Looks like Season 1 and 2 are ranking in the top 20 Comedy shows in Germany! WAY TO GO DEUTSCH CREW! Thank you @quirkysubject for the update!!
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= @AdoptOurCrew Data Updates! =
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== #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut ==
Thank you to @sweet-little-goldfish-stede (@Rowan_ofmd on twitter) for bringing this new hashtag to our attention! #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut is being used not only for fun, but to encourage streamers to #AdoptOurCrew! Please feel free to use it liberally, especially with your favorite BTS scenes! Also, kind thanks are in order for catching Jenkins trending!
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== Love Notes / Morale ==
Hey there lovelies! Today had some pretty great excitement going on! Chaos Dad popped his head out, Kristian's book got announced, our Ruibo put out a lovely song for us. All good news! Even though a lot of folks had peaks today, I know some of our crew is still having some troughs, so I wanted to send out a little reminder that it's okay to have bad days. It's okay to not be as excited as everyone else. It's also okay to be excited when others are feeling down. We are all individuals and we all have our unique experiences and struggles we deal with every day.
You don't need to compare your experience to others-- you're allowed to be exactly how you are right now. If you feel down, give yourself a hug, you don't have to come out of it right now if you're not ready, but if you are, there are plenty of things happening to give you some joy.
I was going to save this song for when I wanted to talk a bit about mistakes and dealing with them, but I think it's pretty applicable to any situation where we're feeling down. It helps keep me grounded sometimes when I'm not feeling up for things. Here's just a couple lyrics from: "It's Alright - by Mother Mother"
"It's alright, It's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not a demon, there's a reason You behaved in that way It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay And I believe, yes I believe that you will see a better day It's alright"
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Another lovely note from @spanishjenkies I thought was really important to include tonight-- Jen is right, David didn't say stop :) Remember that whenever you're feeling like the gravy basket is feeling too deep. Chaos Dad is still fighting the good fight in the background and he hasn't told us to throw in the towel.
Goodnight/G'day Lovelies, hope you all get some rest and have a wonderful day tomorrow!
==Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika==
You can blame thank @celluloidbroomcloset for the inability to think after that Darby gif. @ofmd-ann thank you for the reaction gif for all of our brain cells in the form of Taika.
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shizukufangirl · 4 months
A/N - Hello sweeties, I couldn't write chapter 2 yesterday because of the poll, looks like you guys picked both Chuuya and Dazai hehe, I hope you enjoy this.
Chapter 1 ↑
.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*..・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You were on your bed, thinking of how could you possibly join the Armed Detective Agency.. Hmmm... What if you pretend that you were evil, but want to be 'kind' now?.. No, too obvious.
what if you pretend to be an orphan who's an ability user?.. No, too weird, your 21 for goodness sake!
Hm... What if you just pretend to be a normal human who just wants a job?
That was kind of strange.. But for this paycheck you would do anything, literally.
And you decided to tell Chuuya your plan.
Fuck.. Why do I feel this way.. Everytime I'm with them my stomach feels weird.. Do i- No!! I can't get distracted by them, I need to sign these documents..
*knock knock*
As [Name] knocked on Chuuya's door, they couldn't help but think.
'Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember-'
(Sorry, what [Name] actually thought of ↓)
'Is there someone in the ADA that's gonna know who I am immediately when I walk in?'
"Come in" it was Chuuya's slightly muffled voice.
You opened the door and you swore you could see Chuuya's face Redden a bit.
"Oh, it's you.."
"The one and only, why is your face so red Chuuya? *gasp* don't tell me.. You have a crush on someone!"
"Wha-?! No I don't! It's just hot in here!"
"Yeah sure.. Anyways I have something to tell you...
"Really? That's the ''Genius'' plan that you made up?"
"Hey! That's the best one that I could think of!"
"Whatever.. This may be your weirdest 'plan', but it may work, good job"
Achievement Unlocked! - Praise from the big bad executive :3
"Yay! Thanks Chuuya!"
"Your welcome..?"
It was finally the day if the plan.
As you were walking down the street, you suddenly bumped into someone
They had messy brown hair, a long sand-colored trench coat, brown eyes and bandages literally almost every where
"Oh! I'm really sorry sir, I wasn't looking at where I was going."
"It's fine..."
"But Miss/Mr... Would you be willing to commit double suicide with me?"
Now that's a question our dear [Name] didn't expect
'This is the Dazai Osamu? He looks goofy..'
Yelled out a voice that belonged to a man with dirty blonde hair tied into a low ponytail with glasses
His yell startled you, making you let out a little Yelp in Surprise.
"Oh! You found me Kunikida, Well done!"
"Ugh, I'm so sorry for his behavior, Mx."
"Aha.. It's fine."
"Did he do anything to you??"
"No! He didn't, he just asked me if I wanted to commit double suicide with him.. "
"Ugh that bastar- are you okay Mx.? You look troubled"
"Ah, about that, I'm looking for a part time job"
The man, Dazai moaned hummed (?), he then looked at Kunikida as if saying 'you know what I'm thinking?'
Then Dazai suddenly said..
"Then.. Do you want to join the armed detective agency, Mx.?"
Hehe, can you tell that I forgot the entirety of episode 1? Did you also notice the genshin reference at the beginning?
Chapter 3 will be posted tomorrow, if I made any mistakes please tell me sweetie :)
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Also, good luck on getting Alhaitham/Clorinde!
Also, question of the day ↓
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butterflyslinky · 2 years
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So because I got bored, I went ahead and made a bracket for a Star Trek Babygirl poll. A few notes before the polls commence
1. This bracket only utilizes characters from Star Trek (Original Series), The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager. This is because a, I haven’t watched any other shows and therefore don’t know the characters; and b, I only have so much of an attention span.
2. There are nine characters from each show. I limited it to the main characters (AKA, the ones whose names appear in the opening titles or who appear in most episodes). I might do another bracket with supporting casts later if I feel like it. For purposes of this list, Worf counted as a TNG character and O’Brien counted as a DS9 character.
3. The match-ups were completely randomized for maximum chaos. I realize this has made several of them very unfair, but I thought it was funnier that way. I might do smaller bracket for same-crew matchups later, again if I feel like it. The only bracket that was not randomized was the one between Jadzia and Ezri Dax, as I felt it would be unfair to have two Daxes throughout the polling so they were both put in the front matchups.
4. Remember, this is a bracket for the Ultimate Baby Girl. This means the character you feel has done nothing wrong in their life ever, not the one you like the best. I realize these are often the same thing, but if you have a difficult time choosing, that is the criteria you should go with. If you haven’t watched any of the shows, go with vibes since all polls come with pictures.
5. Please reblog the polls to ensure I get a good sample size!
6. The polls will be tagged “babygirl poll” if you want to blacklist them. There will be four per day for the first two rounds.
With all that said, the first poll will commence tomorrow as soon as I’ve gotten everything set up and scheduled.
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bigbrothermonopoly · 5 years
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My first Diary Room, I'm really loving the cast right now. Haven't talked to Dem, Chris, Andrew, Rheder, Silence, Madison or Kristine yet since they have yet to be on. Hoping this was more of a some people were kindof busy or just couldn't stay up for Cast Reveal and NOT a Oh we're all gonna be a bunch of inactive bitches. Emma talked about being UTR with our relationship and actually work together this ORG for the first time after 2 times failing to do so. Dunno if that's gonna work out, but hey third time's the charm maybe. Eve and Jess are icons as per usual I'm excited to finally be playing a game with them. Eve is suggesting a possible Jackbox Alliance, we'll see if that's like an actual thing I feel like that's the easy thing though and I don't know if that's what I actually want. I definitely plan to ride with that for a little while though. Gwen is sweetheart, she seems like a Discord noob, hoping that's not like a face personality to make her seem more endearing. I'm hoping to get good with Tawni and Mackenzie, meanwhile Brien, Austin, and Nicky I'm pretty medium with so far. I'm HOPING I can like develop good relationships with all of them. But like the female side of this cast is stacked, and the men kindof leave a lot to be desired so far. Hopefully when the other half wakes up I'll get a feel for them some more.
So, it's been not even 5 hours, I'm now in 2 alliances, one which is like not even remotely serious because Nicky just put everyone in the VC in an alliance... which is wild. Chris and Kristine came on, Chris is... interesting, for some reason I don't get good vibes from him. Something about his tone or the way he talks. He isn't really saying anything wrong, but at least on VC I don't get good vibes at all. Kristine seems like a sweetie, she's from MI too so I feel like we COULD have tons to talk about. Who knows though. Maybe she's a fake betch, only time will tell. (But hopefully she's a real one.) Still waiting on those others to get online at some point though, I need to feel EVERYONE out and so far there's still too many people that I have like no fucking clue on.
i honestly don’t know anyone and i’m paranoid to not be on call cuz they probably talking shit about me
Question of the day: Why are there so many straight white males here?!
I’m super excited to be in this season of board game big brother! I’m trying to have conversations with every houseguest and make a good first impression but it’s hard to keep 17 conversations going at the same time. Also the first head of household competition has begun! I don’t want to win the first HOH because I don’t want a target on my back this early.
**DIARY ROOM THINGAMAJIG**: I feel that I could definitely make my move. My experience with survivor definitely suits good here. Kori, Eve, and Andrew were quick to contact me and negotiate. I feel like I could definitely use my age as an advantage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Only one I’m not liking rn is eve she just comes on too hard but nothing really too bad yet.
So... hmmm.. this game is.. interesting? so far? I've already been attacked by the hosts and the majority of this cast. Don't @ me but... pineapple does NOT belong on pizza! In all seriousness... this is a WEIRD group of people. Some new faces, old faces, and a bunch of unknowns. My game plan in all honesty as of right now is to let Eve think she can control me. She is one of the few people I know in this game so I kind of have no choice but to work with her while I put in the ground work with others. I want her to think I'm one of her "minions" so she thinks I'm useful and I'll do whatever she wants for now... Big personalities are sinking ships in Big Brother so gotta come up with that plan B for when Eve (probably) falls. BUT i'm kind of just trying to take this a bit slow and trying to talk to everyone right now so no brain power required. PS: I refuse to touch that HOH with a 10 foot poll. Let's do a mini little trust list? 1. Jess 100. Everyone else I don't trust any of these hoes.
So happy that Chris got HOH we came into this game together hoping one of us would win HOH and that’s exactly what happened. I’m 100% confident that I’m not going to be nominated!!! We worked together and I gave him as much information as I could. We both did. It worked perfectly. And he made himself the bigger target anyways.
I’m a LIIIIITLE mad i came close to winning and didn’t but it’s okay bc i Kinda didn’t want too idk hxjsjzjz does chris exist though? i swear i haven’t seen him online HHHH
How did I win the HOH. Not only do I have power but I also have no idea what I am doing. I am a dog trying to mix chemicals or trying to use a computer while being blindfolded and having one arm tied to my leg. I am more than happy and excited to be the first HOH but I know that brings a gigantic target on my back when I have to nominate two people. I want to make a huge move and take out any big bodies there are earlyBut I have learned that that isn’t a good scenario to start with. Hopefully I’ll have a better idea of who I want to vote for tomorrow when I talk to my closest allies which is just me and myself so looks like I’m talking to myself everyone. Well I want to go figure this out now hope y’all have a good time
Chris is apparently VERY lucky somehow snagging the first HoH despite seeming to not really talk with anyone. So I'm honestly kindof annoyed would've preferred a Mackenzie or Eve win but not much I can really do but shut my trap and suck up in a way that doesn't seem blatantly fake. He's currently talking to me about wanting to target big and talkative people. "Fuck the VL as it were." So RIP Eve probably. I won $20 in that little task which is fun. I'm HOPING telling the Jackbox Crew wasn't a mistake, I hope the $20 isn't going to be a major reason for anyone to want me to go, especially since it's like, such a minor amount of money I feel like especially when you look towards the long term. I want to trust that group for right now though. Overall this HoH situation kinda sucks since we're probably going to lose a personality, and even more likely it'll turn out to be someone I like. Guuuhhh.
omg it’s joshua bassett birthday!!! periodt!! me remaining unbothered in jail because my mentions are off heheheheh
So.... nominations are tonight. I’m feeling pretty good because I’ve been chatting with Chris and we seem to be getting along. We are going to try to get a group of seven people together so we have numbers for the following weeks, but anything can happen, after all this is big brother!
So obviously I'm pissed that I am nominated.... Like wtf did I ever do you, but in a way it is my fault... I have been sick the last few days and have just been laying in bed. Also I love how out of everyone in the game Chris was the one person I did not talk to before the HoH. 
literally these people are so fucking annoying- i’ll just hop online for like 5 seconds and say nothing and all of sudden half of the cast is my dms like hey hi good morning
Fuck Cheatham This is my first official DR. I am at my mom’s house and I left my computer at home, so this will probably be shorter than usual. Yay for phones. Looks like Rehder will be the evictee tonight. Unfortunately, he did not reach out to me until like a day after the veto comp. Can I put emojis here? If I could it would be rolling eyes emoji. The uuuuuuhhliance is...it exists. Will stay loyal until I can’t I guess. The Mandela Monocles is where it is at. I feel bad that Silence got roped in my Rehder and Will for another alliance...he didn’t ask for it. I hope it doesn’t come back and bite him. Me and Kori are Left Phalanges. We will win. K thanks byyyeee
I’m sick. I have no energy. I probably should have done this earlier but I wasn’t planning on being sick. I honestly don’t even know who is nominated. Neither one has messaged me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 
I’m doing not too good. William and Silence are confirmed and they are branching out, everyone else I’ve talked too is going with the house and I’m currently trying to convince them that the house is with me but idk. Probably exiting after tonight. It was a good run but I guess I’m only good at survivors. Anyways, I hope I get to stay in
i’m concerned about a couple things 1. everyone telling me i’m safe 2. everyone acting like they are in an alliance with everyone and everyone knows the plan so even if i’m safe- it feels like everyone in some big alliance and that doesn’t work well with me
I've got 2 things to say!!! IM SO PUMPED THAT I HAVE WON VETO!!! WOOOOOO. I do trust alot of people in the house but I feel much better being able to save myself and be here another week.... Also I dont know what Rehder's strategy is but it ain't working 😂😂 Hes texting me all these people who's votes he has and doesnt and another list of those who I have to text for him! What!!!!! Also I dont know if he knows but half of his list he gave plan on voting him out tonight ☠
Well as it currently stands Rehder SHOULD be going home. Which is a shame in some ways he seemed like a nice kid... messy, but still nice. I've tried pulling back a bit since Kristine mentioned that someone views me as a social threat. Not sure that's totally accurate, but if someone is viewing me that way I need to carefully and meticulously figure out who that person is, and kick their ass to the curb. As it currently stands I think the 2 3 people I'm struggling with the most as far as conversation is Dem, Tawni, and Chris. Eve seems to think Chris is under their mist, which I mean go off, like its gonna be funny when Chris wins HoH 6 weeks from now and is ready for that #Chaos he wanted for this week. My #2 right now is probably Gwen. While I do love Eve and value their partnership, I can't help but feel like I'm replaceable for the whole Jackbox Crew. I'm still not looking to make a move any of the next couple of weeks, we'll have to see how the game progresses to know where exactly I'll go. It's also still just the first week, so my opinion on everything may very well change, the game is just starting and I'm raring to pop anyone who crosses me.
watching the cast videos now im going to give you my thoughts 1. i wanted to barf watching nickys 2. gwen is a bad bitch i hope she wins 3. omg i feel so dumb cuz i was talking to austin like we was 13 cuz i thought he was honestly .... and hes not.. hopefully i can recover. but idc. hes a little boring but sweet. 4. i hope mackenzie is nice to me. 5. fuck yeah jess lets chug a beer together 6. WILLIAM....Bowling With Buddies....Im going to nominate him if I win. 7. Kristine is the second prettiest here, next to me. Hope she wins too :heart: Shes adorbs :heart: 8. silence is cool i want to work with him 9. SHUT THE FUCK UP BRIEN actually nvm i kinda like him i wanna work with him I've talked to Chris a decent amount prior to him winning hoh so im feeling kind of good that i wont be nominated but i dont want to get comfortable because bitches are wild around here. My HoH performance.....FUcking embarrasing. Especially since people were asking me if i wanted to win and i was like yeah why not Austin proposed an alliance with me yesterday and i was just kinda like yeah i mean i’m open to anything that has safety involved and then today he told me he also talked to chris prior to hoh about creating an alliance with me and him called the gents, which is a fuckin hideous name i had no idea that he was going to ask ppl to join in on shit i thought it was kinda just gonna be a low-key u got my back i got urs but i mean chris is in a position of power so it’s definitely not the worst thing for my game, i just hope austin isn’t making himself look like a fool in the process of trying to make these connections because he is also saying my name to chris and i just don’t want to be openly associated with anybody yet if chris isn’t on the same page yknow But right now i’m just going to ride the waves i don’t really want to challenge anyone or anything just yet
0 notes
Hi there friends! Welcome to episode 4! Transcript under cut
Nick: Welcome to another stirring installment of Adulting With Autism
Liz: I’m here this time
Nick: Yes there is another human with me. Things are back to normal. It’s nice. We only have one question this week so I’m going to assume that everything is fine and dandy for most people, everybody’s having a swell time
Liz: Or our advice was so good nobody needs to answer any more questions
Nick: I think we’ve solved life, we’ve solved being an adult which is great but it means the follow-up is going to be a tough one. It’s like, you know, Orson Wells made Citizen Kane but then Magnificent Ambersens. People don’t talk about that as much
Liz: Never heard of it. Is it bad?
Nick: It’s alright actually, but it’s no Citizen Kane. Unlike Citizen Kane.
Liz: You can say that about all films, like the Rugrats movie. It’s no Citizen Kane
Nick: That’s because it’s better than Citizen Kane
Liz: I first watched Citizen Kane at the age of 12, at that point I did prefer the Rugrats Movie
Nick: What’s important to note is the much broader palette of colours the rugrats movie uses
Liz: More variety in outfit design as well. You wouldn’t see a Citizen Kane character in a nappy
Nick: You would most likely not, except at the very end of his life just before he uh…
Liz: No spoilers
Nick: Yeah. Just in case anybody out there
Liz: In case anybody does’nt know what happens at the end of life, we’ll just leave that until you watch the film
Nick: Keep things a mystery, you know? we seem to have been temporarily rebranded into a film podcast by accident, which is great. That’s what everybody’s here for.
Liz: Yeah if there’s one thing the world needs is more film podcasts
Nick: There’s just not enough of them. We have a question…
Liz: We do, we have exactly one question and it’s from anonymous
Nick: I like them, they’ve given us a lot of material over the past weeks
Liz: I prefer their early work
Nick: Me too
Liz: Well, The Legion would like to know how to keep up with household chores if you get tired or executive dysfunction
Nick: That is a good question
Liz: There’s multiple options, Option 1 you don’t. Option 2 you have housemates and they don’t mind you not doing much
Nick: Option 3 is, you’ve got to make compromises with yourself. At least say ok I’m not going to be able to get on top of everything today. But today’s dishes, tomorrow’s vacuuming or something like that. Just take it bit by bit and you might sometimes be behind it’ll at least be behind in the sense of oh this place could do with a bit of a clean rather than this place is a dump
Liz: One thing I find is quite useful for me is sometimes you might get a sudden burst of energy that’s directionless even if youre’ completely exhausted. What I do is set a 10-15 min timer on my phone and keep going until it stops. That’s enough time to do a load of washing up, tidy up a small section of a room, put some laundry in.
Nick: That seems to be something that works for you. I find I’m not a morning person but I find I start off with more energy when I do wake up
Liz: Yeah you’re like an iPhone. You charge overnight, you’re full of energy and you do something and very quickly lose all your energy
Nick: My energy levels are very very strange things. I find that I don't know if this is just me personally but I find it’s important to say “I’ll take it easy today” but I find saying that I always do the opposite
Liz: Yeah, and that’s by no means an autism thing, my mum does that. She’ s the worst person at being ill. She will have the flu and say I won’t do anything and will go and hoover the living room, do some gardening, do 3, 4 loads of washing up.
Nick: I don’t tend to tire myself out in that way I don’t tire myself out doing useful stuff. 
Liz: [sneeze] sorry about that loud noise
Nick: It’s always like “ok I’m not going to write anything I don’t need to do that, I’ve done plenty lately. Oh no I’ve done 10 pages I messed up”
Liz: 10 pages? Last time you did that you wrote an entire sitcom pilot
Nick: Well, potato, po-tah-toe, p-ilot
Liz: P-ilot?
Nick: Yeah. P-ilot. Thank you for that question anon, and if anybody has any questions please do send them in because we are bereft.
Liz: We’re not even at 7 mins
Nick: Not even at 7 mins.
Liz: One thing that might be good to talk about today is surviving summer with sensory issues
Nick: Ooh that’s good because we’re dying, we’re absoluitely dying today
Liz: It’s the mid-high 20s with 70-80% humidity, which is what I like to call the death zone
Nick: I don't know where our listeners are from
Liz: According to the youtube stats we have France, Germany, the US and Canada but not the UK oddly enough
Nick: That’s interesting
Liz: Youtube says no-one from the UK has listened to our podcast. It may be incorrect but that’s interesting.
Nick: Okay, I need to explain at this point everything in this country is built to maintain heat. It’s like the country is wrapped in blankets all the time, so when it gets above 15 everyone just starts dying
Liz: Thing is when you live in cold and windy land the majority of the year your houses and buildings are desgined to keep heat in and you don’t have air conditioning except very modern buildings so when it does get hot there’s no escape
Nick: And we live in quite a traditional terraced house so we are toasty
Liz: But not in a fun cheesy way, though we can be fun and cheesy
Nick: [groans]
Liz: You are not allowed to complain about puns NickBlake
Nick: Ok
Liz: You are the one person whos not allowed you know this, for you are the font of puns
Nick: I am. Fun Times New Roman.
Liz: I have no words
Nick: I have plenty that’s everyone’s problem with me.
Liz: So yes, surviving heat. 
Nick: We’ve been opening all the windows and back door and that. We’ve stockpiled a reasonable amount of icepops to keep us cold
Liz: If you have the freezer space I highly recommend going on amazon and buying 150 Mr Freeze icepops, so you know you're getting the good stuff, for 16 pounds. I don't know what that converts to in whatever currency but it’s not a lot of money
Nick: For what you get it’s pretty good
Liz: It’s pretty much wholesale
Nick: We got wholesale price iced pops, so that’s good
Liz: It does take up an entire freezer drawer but you could always not freeze all of them at once
Nick: It’s kinda great. We’ve been taking as many pajama days as possible
Liz: You’ve been having pajama days because your pajamas are not wearing clothes. I’ve just been wearing tiny skimpy outfits
Nick: Yes, light clothing as much as possible, open the windows, get 150 ice pops
Liz: Eat ice and be sexy is how to survive the summer
Nick: That’s exactly how you survive the summer
Liz: Cold foods as well. Thing is there have been studies that show things like apple juice and milk hydrate you after exercise better than water does, so logically things like that would also hydrate you better when it’s hot right?
Nick: So what you're saying is you should be a good milky boy
Liz: Or girl or non-binary person. Yeah. Or a juicy boy if you prefer. But also we had pea and mint soup yesterday. Which is apparently not a thing in the US? I have been told this
Nick: I’m very confused because I distinctly remember in my early childhood watching Rescuers Down Under and pea soup was explicitly referenced in one fo the opening scenes.
Liz: Maybe they never thought to combine peas and mint or maybe this person’s never heard of it and they’re the anti-soup Georg
Nick: Thing is it’s we’re talking about Americans thinking to put seasoning in the dish so… 
Liz: To be fair though a lot of Americans are good at seasoning, it’s WASPs who are bad at seasoning. Though my friend is a WASP, they live in Upstate New York.
Nick: Ah. Maybe I think there are a lot of people in America who are good at seasoning but they’re all in the south. They’ve clumped, like chili powder when you’ve had it too long.
Liz: Not that they would understand that reference, the WASPs. I say that I am technically a WASP but it’s different
Nick: Yup, a whole nother thing. Well, we’ve dispensed some nice advice
Liz: Soupy advice
Nick: Nice soupy advice.
Liz: If you want to make pea and mint soup by the way really easy for 1 person you want 250g frozen peas you cook them in stock you add however much mint you want and you blend it. That’s it.
Nick: You can add an onion
Liz: Some people also add a potato but we didn’t
Nick: Too much potato can make it a bit starchy I think
Liz: And don’t worry if it ends up looking like green paint, it still tastes good
Nick: You're on the right track if it looks like it’s not edible
Liz: A lot of soups and stews look like that. I’ll say it a lot of my Mums cooking looks like vomit it’s delicious.
Nick: A lot of old English food doesn’t look pretty, it’s not designed to be appetising. It’s brown liquid with things in it. It’s good and keeps you going.
Liz: It coats your bones as they say
Nick: Yes it coats your bones which sounds so gross
Liz: You don’t want that you want pea and mint soup
Nick: You want bleached bones
Liz: You don’t that’s just a thing that happens in the sun
Nick: Don’t die, don’t have your bones be bleached. That’s my survival tip. Don’t die
Liz: Good survival tip, I like it
Nick: I might write a book one day. 
Liz: On how to not be dead
Nick: You just put your lips together, then put some food between them. Followed by liquids
Liz: It’s probably easier if you open your lips a little bit
Nick: And I think a combination of meats and various legumes and don’t have poison.
Liz: I think we should possibly end there because we’re degenerating into just mindless rambling
Nick: I maintain my survival tips are solid
Liz: Maybe you should start your own podcast where you just talk for half an hour, see what happens
Nick: I’ll have a straw poll on that. See what listeners would want. Speaking of rambling and voices and talking and natural segues, we had an offer from one of our listeners to come on our show and chat. Nothing came of it but I think that might be an interesting angle to pursue, talking to people about how they adult with autism.
Liz: Maybe have them help answer questions. Could be fun
Nick: I think what I’m doing here is setting the floor. If you feel self conscious about what you’re saying, remember I suggested meat and legumes and not dying as survival tips. You can’t get worse than that. So yeah, if you’ve got questions let us now, if you might want to guest on the show also let us know.
Liz: If you want to contact us personally, at invisible-goats
Nick: And Nightwarbler
Liz: That’s all one word
Nick: Yup.
Liz: We’re not doing too badly for length
Nick: We’re not. Slightly shorter than usual but we have a hefty big proud boy, big nice…
Liz: Are you hoping if you keep talking like that they’ll let you on Maximum Fun?
Nick: Now you’ve rumbled me, that was my secret plan
Liz: Just call me Rumblestiltskin
Nick: Niiice. If you have any kind of oddly specific products for me to endorse for money like I’ll definitely do that. Send me some underwear or mattresses and I’ll just record all the podcasts on my nice new mattress in my nice custom underwear.
Liz: Custom underwear?
Nick: You’ll have to go one better than the others, you know
Liz: I wouldn’t turn down custom underwear it’s hard to buy bras
Nick: Send us your custom underwear and I will heartily endorse it. Just…yeah. Bespoke…coverings, that’s what I want…or...
Liz: A mattress is not a covering
Nick: It’s a covering for a floor
Liz: Only because we don’t own a bed
Nick: Send us your questions and offers to be on the show. Don’t send us underwear come to think of it that doesn’t sound like an ok thing
Liz: And we’ll be back in a couple of weeks, hopefully with more questions and less about underwear and poison
Nick: Yeah, don’t send us underwear don’t eat poison
Liz: And don’t kiss your dad square on the lips?
Nick: Yeah that’s weird. That’s a bad thing to do. Yeah, see you next time.
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spirit-science-blog · 4 years
Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich. No one is poor. We've got 24 hours each. --Christopher Rice
We’ve been taught a lot of things about money, and a lot of these things aren’t real! Today we smash these money myths, once and for all!
In the last episode, we discussed what money was from a spiritual perspective, and began to look at our relationship to money. Today, let us continue to establish this new understanding of currency by calling out the old paradigm, and breaking down some ancient money myths!
Money Myth 1 - Money is the Root of all Evil
Have you probably heard this one before, right? Tell me, where did you first hear this idea? Parents? Church leaders? Friends? Family members? It’s an idea that has been passed down for generations, and today we find it deeply ingrained in our belief systems about the world. But allow me a moment to let you in on a secret, are you ready?
The first time this quote made it significant was actually in the bible, it’s from Timothy 1. What’s interesting about the book of Timothy is that for so long, these writings were attributed to St. Paul, however, it is now recognized by most scholars that Timothy, along with nearly half of the other books attributed to Paul, was inauthentic writings that signed his name on them.
The reason why this is so profoundly significant - is that when you get into the original writings of St. Paul, you find him using all kinds of language that would indicate he was a Gnostic Mystic, practicing an early Christian version of the Mystery Schools. For example, we find him saying things like “We practice Sophia among the Initiated,” both Sophia and Initiation speaking to the Gnostic Mystery Schools.
There are books written about this subject alone, at the top of the list I recommend “The Gnostic Paul” by Elaine Pagels, “The Jesus Mysteries” by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy, and The Book of Spirit, by your very own Patchman. We’re going to do a whole series about this in the future, but for now, let’s stay on the subject of Money.
The reason I’m sharing this with you is that many of St. Pauls original writings were very pro-mystic teachings. Still, later on, the Roman Empire adopted Nicene Christianity and forged some letters from Paul, including the book of Timothy - where they say that Money is the root of all evil, along with related phrases like "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." Jeez, Timothy, you hate money, women, what’s next, same-sex relationships? Indeed *sigh*, sorry I need a sec Seeing things like this makes my stuffing come out. *patch man putting his stuffing back in his head*
As you might be aware of, the Holy Roman Empire passionately and violently insisted that everyone follow their specific version of Christianity, leading to a very depressed society and culture that would be both very patriarchal and impoverished for at least a thousand years, and these belief systems are still lingering around in our consciousness today.
It’s wild, and I posed this very question in a poll on Instagram and Facebook a while back. I asked, “The root of all evil is…, either Money or Ignorance”. The response was pretty divided, with about half of the audience saying that money was the root of all evil!
But here’s the thing! That myth *play it’s a trap meme* It’s an idea that keeps poor people poor just by believing it. Think about it, and if you are weak, and you believe money is the root of evil, you’re going to consciously, or subconsciously, avoid having it at all cost. Having money will, either consciously or subconsciously, makes you feel like you’ll be going to hell, and so you get rid of it the moment it shows up!
So what’s the moral of this story here? I think Ayn Rand said it best with her legendary quote.
Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver. --Ayn Rand
Money Myth 2 - Rich People Suck
Let’s look at another money myth. Specifically, the way that wealthy people are commonly viewed in society. There is an ingrained mentality that “rich people are all greedy jerks,” right? Often people with wealth are wrapped into the “Elite ruling Illuminati” class of the world, just because they have money. The more money you have - the more likely you will be associated with the Illuminati by conspiracy theorists.
Now, you’ve probably heard this one, “filthy stinking rich!” right? This common belief sets a standard for yourself that you could never have lots of money because anyone with money is filthy, and stinky too! If all rich people are greedy jerks, and you don’t want to be a jerk, right? So it’s probably best that you’re not rich. But the thing is, it’s a very limiting perspective. Today many millionaires in the world do their best to use their money to make life better for everyone - but if you’re only looking to see the worst in wealthy people, then it doesn’t matter how many benevolent millionaires there are, you won’t be able to see them.
Now, let’s be clear - indeed, there are rich jerks in the world, but there are also poor jerks. And considering that there are significantly more poor people than wealthy in the world, we could probably argue that there are way more poor jerks than rich ones. Either way, here’s the key - Money is neutral, and will amplify what’s already there. If you’re benevolent, money can help you be more generous. If you’re a greedy jerk, then yeah - money can make you more of that too.
Now, let me be clear that a lot of money has been made extorting others in the world, and that’s not a paradigm that I support. I get that this is where a lot of our negative collective associations towards money comes from, but we have to temper that attitude by observing others who have done brilliant things with their wealth. Take Vishen Lakhiani, for example, the founder of Mindvalley. He and his team have created a massive and beautiful online platform for the education of what regular schools forget—teaching the art of living extraordinary, fulfilling, and happy lives. Mindvalley is just one example out of thousands of people using their wealth for good.
If we adopt the idea that all rich people are greedy jerks, then our minds automatically try and find ways to throw shade at good-hearted people. Even if you genuinely don’t like certain people for whatever reason, we have to take into consideration that they’re people too, and they’re doing their best with the position that they’re in to make a positive change in the world.
If we are willing to look at money differently, as something that we can use benevolently for the benefit of humankind, then we open up the potentials of us earning it and stepping into a new way of life for ourselves and those around us.
Money Myth 3 - It’s All About The Deals!
Now, speaking of our collective relationship with money, let me show you something both funny and exciting. To begin though, I’d like to introduce you to my friend Ariel! She’s one of my new artist friends who is helping to create this very video, and when I spoke with her about this script, she sent me this picture after with a lol attached. It’s a meme that reasonably describes our collective relationship with money and perspective of value.
Healthy groceries - 100$ “too expensive.”
Dinner date - 100$ “reasonable.”
Therapist - 130$ “Absurd.”
Trip to Target - 130$ “great deals!”
Average college class - 1000$ “expensive”
iPhone - 1000$ “a necessity”
To me, this meme accurately describes a mindset of lack. We’ve been conditioned to think in deals instead of what’s truly valuable. The result is that it becomes easy to miss out on potential opportunities to invest in ourselves and our personal growth.
See, that’s also the other side of money, not just making it, but spending it- which is so valuable for us to learn and integrate into our lives. Every time you spend money, you are investing your energy into what you believe is worthwhile. So the question then becomes, what do you value most in life? Yes, you could spend a thousand dollars on video games, or, you could spend that same thousand dollars on a backpacking trip around some foreign land, or maybe taking a specialized course to help you get better at doing something you love.
James Frick said it best when he said, “Don’t show me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money, and I’ll tell you what they are.”
It looks like I'm running out of time, but we still have a few more essential money myths to smash! So we’re going to go quickly through these next few, okay?
Money Myth 5 - You Have To Be A Cheapskate
You’ve probably heard the financial gurus talking about living on a budget, and so live on the cheap and save money away, and one day you’ll have a big pile of dollars! However, the idea here is that you create your reality, and if you’re focused on this cheap mentality, then that’s what you’ll continue to build. On the other hand, if you change your thinking, focus on generating wealth rather than pinching pennies, imagine how your reality could be different? This also relates to another money myth, which I’ll throw in here - You have to get wealthy very slowly. So you believe, so shall you create.
Money Myth 6 Financial Freedom
Most people believe financial freedom means having enough money, so you don’t have to work. But this myth is broken because having financial freedom today doesn’t mean you’ll have financial freedom tomorrow. Instead - use the term “Financial Confidence” - this means knowing you have the skills and ability to make money, no matter what happens. It means you never feel you have to be at the mercy of external forces when it comes to your financial life. This is what it means to be indeed open to allowing that cosmic energetic stability to permeate your experience, as we discussed before.
That brings us to the end of our money myths, but in closing, I’d like to share something special with you.
Many of these Money Myths came from a brilliant book that I discovered recently, that catapulted me on a journey of transforming my relationship with money. The book is called F.U. Money, by a man named Dan Lok. He explains that your F.U. Money simply means it’s the “enough is enough” number - where you have enough money, you don’t have to take any crap from anyone anymore, like rude bosses or mean managers and so on.
Everyone’s F.U. Money number is different for everyone, and it is the number you need to live that life that you want to. Throughout the book, he not only breaks down the money myths, but he also provides some precise instructions for moving towards a life of freedom and financial confidence right now.
The best part is - this book is free! If you are ready to transform your financial life entirely and live a life of wealth and prosperity - my highest recommendation is to start where I did, and go download F.U. Money and give it a read. Be warned, this book is intense, but it hits where it counts, and for those who are ready, it could just be the catalyst for a significant change in your life.
Thank you. I’ll see you again next week for more spiritual money!
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Why Isn’t the ‘Southern Strategy’ Working?
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Good morning. There are long lines for coronavirus tests. Tech companies are pulling back from Hong Kong. And President Trump’s racial appeals don’t seem to be working.
The so-called Southern strategy — appealing to white voters by focusing on racial issues — has worked very well for the Republican Party. It has helped the party persuade many frustrated white working-class voters that the Democratic Party doesn’t care about them.
Richard Nixon’s campaign invented the strategy, and he won the presidency twice. Ronald Reagan praised “states’ rights” in a tiny Mississippi county known for a Ku Klux Klan triple murder. George H.W. Bush ran the notorious Willie Horton advertisement. The Southern strategy has been “the most successful strategy in the history of modern politics,” Cornell Belcher, a Democratic strategist, told me.
The basic bet has been that Republicans win when voters focus on race. Steve Bannon, who helped run President Trump’s campaign, described the flip side of the idea, in 2017: “The Democrats,” Bannon said, “I want them to talk about racism every day.”
Sure enough, Trump has put race at the center of his re-election message. He did so in two aggressive speeches over the weekend and defended the Confederate flag yesterday. “Almost every day in the last two weeks, Mr. Trump has sought to stoke white fear and resentment,” Maggie Haberman writes. (She’s also on today’s episode of The Daily.)
And yet this time seems different: The strategy isn’t working. Trump’s poll numbers are slumping, and some of his 2016 supporters cite racial issues as a reason they plan to vote for Joe Biden.
Why is the Southern strategy suddenly flailing? I count four main reasons:
The country is changing. It becomes more racially diverse each year. And most Americans under age 35 are quite liberal. The horror of the George Floyd video and the ensuing protest movement have also changed the minds of many Americans.
People are afraid. Historically, many white Americans didn’t see how racism hurt them, Belcher said. But he now hears white voters in focus groups say they’re worried that the country is coming apart. “They talk about, if we continue on this trajectory, it’s going to be dismal for our kids,” he said.
Trump has gone too far. Most white Americans remain moderate to conservative on immigration, affirmative action and more. But many also believe police departments are biased, and many don’t like symbols of slavery. Reagan offered an optimistic, patriotic message that let many voters downplay or overlook his racial appeals. Trump is practically forcing voters to take sides on racism, Terrance Woodbury, another Democratic strategist, told CNN’s Ron Brownstein.
Voters are simply too unhappy with Trump’s handling of the coronavirus. “As long as that’s true,” The Times’s Nate Cohn told me, “I don’t see how he has the freedom to employ wedge issues.”
Of course, the usual caveat applies: The campaign still has four months left.
For more: FiveThirtyEight’s Clare Malone has written a brief history of how the Republican Party “spent decades making itself white.” And The Times’s Emily Cochrane reports from Maine on Senator Susan Collins’s effort to win re-election despite Trump’s unpopularity there.
1. Testing troubles
As the United States nears three million coronavirus cases, many cities and states are still struggling with testing. Sites in New Orleans have run out of tests five minutes after doors open. In Phoenix, where temperatures have topped 100 degrees, residents have waited in cars for as long as eight hours to get tested.
While testing has increased considerably since April, it has not kept pace with the recent explosion of the virus. Some experts blame the lack of a federal system, which has led cities to compete for testing labs and supplies.
In other virus developments:
2. Plans for the fall semester
The fall semester is starting to take shape, with most colleges planning to open — but not with business as usual. Harvard will teach all courses remotely and no more than 40 percent of undergrads will live on campus. Georgia Tech plans to resume in-person classes without requiring face masks, leading more than 850 faculty members to sign a letter expressing concern.
One deterrent for going online-only: Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced yesterday that international students enrolled at universities without in-person classes would have to leave the country or transfer to another college. It’s part of the Trump administration’s continuing crackdown on immigration.
3. Unrest over Phoenix police shooting
Another video of a shooting by police — this time with officers in Phoenix fatally shooting a man in a parked car over the weekend — is leading to protests.
Police officials said the victim, James Porter Garcia, had pointed a handgun at one of the officers before he was shot. But a friend told local news media that Garcia was unarmed, and activists have demanded the release of body-camera footage from the officers who shot him.
IDEA OF THE DAY: Pop culture at the Supreme Court
In a unanimous Supreme Court decision yesterday — holding that members of the Electoral College cannot vote for whichever candidate they want — Justice Elena Kagan referred to both the musical “Hamilton” and to the television show “Veep.” We asked Adam Liptak, The Times’s Supreme Court reporter, for some context, and he replied:
The two best writers on the Supreme Court are generally thought to be Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Elena Kagan, and neither is a stranger to pop culture references.
In 2008, Chief Justice Roberts quoted (some say misquoted) Bob Dylan in explaining why the plaintiff lacked standing in a dispute between two phone companies. Instead of citing a case to back up a legal proposition, he cited a lyric: “When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.” (What Dylan actually sings, of course, is, “When you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose.”)
The chief justice, 65, also drew on the classic rock canon at the argument of a copyright case in 2011. “What about Jimi Hendrix, right?” he asked. “He has a distinctive rendition of the national anthem.”
Justice Kagan, 60, has made her own contributions. In a 2013 case concerning signs on trucks, she gave a hypothetical example of one: “How am I driving? Call 213-867-5309.” That was a sly reference to “867-5309/Jenny,” Tommy Tutone’s indelible 1981 hit, which reached No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and will still get people of a certain age onto the dance floor at college reunions.
Get baking
Maple-blueberry scones are “the perfect thing to bake when you’re looking to funnel some angst into something delicious,” writes the cookbook author Dorie Greenspan.
They are big and glazed and possess a unique texture — tender and flaky at the same time — thanks to a technique for mixing the butter with flour. Created by the chef Joanne Chang for her Flour Bakery + Cafe in Boston, you can find the recipe here.
Read a timely new memoir
“The Beauty in Breaking,” written by Michele Harper, chronicles her life as an emergency room physician through the lens of the patients she has treated. Each chapter highlights a different case, like a newborn baby who isn’t breathing. Along the way, Harper tells her own story — of experiencing abuse, divorce, racism and sexism, and of becoming a doctor. Elisabeth Egan, an editor at The Times Book Review, called the book a “riveting, heartbreaking, sometimes difficult, always inspiring story.”
Baseball sets a date
Major League Baseball announced that its season would begin on July 23 with a game between the New York Yankees and the Washington Nationals. But will it actually happen? Some players and managers are skeptical.
At least four teams have canceled workouts this week because of virus-testing delays, and several players have already said they will sit out the season. “We haven’t done any of the things that other countries have done to bring sports back,” Sean Doolittle, the Nationals’ closer, told The Washington Post. “Sports are like the reward of a functioning society.”
Here’s today’s Mini Crossword, and a clue: Guacamole ingredient (five letters).
You can find all of our puzzles here.
Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David
P.S. Dana Canedy, the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes and a former Times journalist, will run the namesake imprint at Simon & Schuster. It is one of the biggest jobs in book publishing, and she is the first Black person to hold it.
You can see today’s print front page here.
Today’s episode of “The Daily” is about Trump’s re-election campaign.
Subscribers help us report stories from around the world. Please consider subscribing today.
Ian Prasad Philbrick and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at [email protected].
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cryptodictation · 5 years
Spoiler Alert: The Flash, 9-1-1: Lone Star and more news
Spoilers in The Flash, 9-1-1: Lone Star, Tommy and more…
Many news in the Spoiler Alert From this week. I repeat. Many news. Spoilers for The Flash, 9-1-1: Lone Star, Tommy and much more. Also, don't forget to read the week's quickies, as well as our trailer suggestion. You will not regret it, believe me. So I count on your reading of Spoiler Alert this week, as well as your comments, criticisms and suggestions for news.
Time to say goodbye
To the sadness of this one who writes to you, Fresh Off The Boat will come to an end this season. But how will the series end? According to ABC, the only way that comedy could do it. According to an official synopsis, Series Finale will be an hour long with the first episode christened Family Van, while the last one will be called Commencement.
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The first half hour will bring Jessica and Louis to work with the family van, which, unfortunately, cannot resist time and mechanical problems. The brothers, however, take a trip to Washington D.C. to see what the time capsule they buried in years ago looks like. Finally, in the last half hour, Jessica finds herself thinking about her, her family and especially her future prospects.
Let's talk?
It's primary season in the United States with Democrats (trying) choose who will face Donald Trump in November. Tomorrow (11), party voters vote in New Hampshire, according to the state of a long voting calendar. Taking advantage of the occasion, ABC will show a (very) political episode of The Conners. According to Variety, the expectation is to talk about a key issue in the United States: the influence of money on politics.
The episode, which will be live, will start with Mark (Ames McNamara) watching the result of the poll with Harris (Emma Kenney). The problem is that she is disillusioned with the electoral process due to the influence of money on politics, which, according to her, prevents real changes. Such a position gives the whole family the opportunity to express their own opinions on the subject.
The bigger the better
There is a maxim in the United States that says ‘everything is bigger in Texas’. This Monday (10), 9-1-1: Lone Star will prove that this saying is quite true. The reason? The series will bring about an explosion of a bull semen factory. That's right, an explosion of a bull semen factory. “We are in Texas,” said Rob Lowe in conversation with the TVLine.
“It's hilarious,” the actor told the TVLine. “Because all we’re going to see are vats exploding and flying through the air. There is a certain despair even when you realize what is really happening, ”he added. According to the website, the narrative will be inspired by a very similar accident that happened in September 2019 in Australia when a genetic material laboratory catches fire.
Where do I know you from?
Eddie Falco returned to television last Thursday (06) by CBS with the series Tommy. But what to expect from the drama with only one episode shown? In conversation with TV Guide, the actress said that the viewer can expect familiar faces from The Sopranos, a production that launched him to stardom in 1999.
“Many people approached me and said,‘ Hi, in fact we already know each other, I was in The Sopranos, ’So I reply,‘ Hmmm, I’m sorry! ’. “People who unfortunately had small roles, but I hope the public will remember those with bigger roles,” he added.
The first actor in the famous HBO series to make an appearance is Matt Servitto, who at the time played FBI special agent Dwight Harris, who was tasked with spying on the Tony Soprano family. In Tommy, Servitto will play an unnamed policeman.
“He showed up one day and I said, 'Oh no, you can only be kidding!'” Recalls Falco. “We had a lot of fun,” added the actress. She concluded the conversation by also confirming that several actors from Nurse Jackie they will also do special points in the CBS drama.
We are not prepared
O showrunner in The Flash, Eric Wallace, sent word that the viewer must prepare for the second part of the sixth season, better known also as Graphic Novel # 2. “This season is a year of excitement and chills, so if Graphic Novel # 1 it was chills, Graphic Novel # 2 it's the moment of emotion, ”said Wallace to Entertainment Weekly.
“If the Bloodwork story was a version of The Flash of a horror movie, I believe this is the moment of strong emotions, and maybe we have a little bit of bizarre added to science fiction because I watched a lot Twin Peaks,” said. In addition, Wallace assured that the new episodes will focus more on Iris' reaction to what happened in the first part of the season.
Fox announced the renewal of one of its game shows most successful Summer Season for a new season. Presented by Jamie Foxx, Beat Shazam will return a fourth year with no premiere yet. (deadline)
Adam Sandler, frustrated after not receiving the long-awaited Oscar nomination for his work on the film Raw Jewelry, renewed with the Netflix to make four more films with the service of streaming. (The Wrap)
With a major restructuring in sight in the Hulu at a time when Disney takes full control of the streaming, the company's president, Randy Freer, resigned his post after two years at the helm of the company. (The Hollywood Reporter)
Trailer of the week: Genius: Aretha
National Geographic, now owned by Disney, last week released the trailer for the third season of Genius. After Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, the production will focus on the life of a legend and genius of music, Aretha Franklin. The performance will be on behalf of Cynthia Erivo, nominated for an Oscar this year for Harriet, which will bring the Queen of Soul suffering domestic violence and trying to deal with childhood trauma. O teaser, which was shown during the awards last Sunday (09), recalls that the premiere takes place on Monday (25).
Check it out below.
So, what did you think of our column this week? Leave it in the comments and keep following the news of your favorite series here on Series Mix. Yet. Therefore. Also. The Flash. The Flash. However The Flash. Yet. On the other hand. Like this.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
7 Game-Changing Happenings We’ve Learned About Sleep This Time
Sleep is the most essential elements of life.
Every single human has suffered it, but when it comes to sleep, there is still so much we don’t know. Why, for example, do we reverie? And why can some people fall asleep within seconds, while others have to counting sheep for the purposes of an hour before get some remainder?
As research on shut-eye continues to expand, two things remain clear: Sleep is really good for you and sleep deprivation is really bad for you. But there have been some other interesting small-minded determines along the way as well.
In honor of World Sleep Day March 18, we rounded up a few of the major findings from the last year. When you’re done, may we recommend embed yourself under the comfiest blanket you can find and celebrate the vacation the channel nature intended?
1. Work should start at 10 a. m.
If you thought that starting work any time before 9 a. m. was an ungodly achievement, good information: Discipline agrees with you.
In fact, the healthiest and most efficient time to start the work day is at 10 a.m .~ ATAGEND in order to avoid the “torture” of sleep deprivation, according to Paul Kelley, an honorary clinical study fellow at Oxford University’s Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute.
That’s because before the age of 55, the body’s circadian rhythm — the 24 -hour decorations of sleeping and waking — isn’t aligned with a 9-to-5 planned, The Telegraph reports.
“It is enormously shattering on the body’s methods because you are affecting physical, psychological and accomplishment plans in the body, ” Kelley said during the British Science Festival. “Your liver and your soul have different structuresand you’re asking them to change two or three hours.”
PeopleImages via Getty Images
2. The intelligence has a “reset” button that can regulate sleep.
Working a night shift or biding up into the wee hours of the morning can completely throw off your sleep cycles/second. Regrettably, sometimes it’s inevitable. But what if we could press a sorcery button that would reset our body, coercing us to sleep and stay awake during the hours quality purposed?
Last year, researchers at Vanderbilt University procured a lane exercised control over the brain’s circadian clock via a “reset button” in the brain. Utilizing mouse as their test subjects, the scientists found that, by stimulating or quashing neurons in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus( where the circadian clock is situated ), they could change when the mouse naturally woke up and went to sleep .~ ATAGEND In other statements, health researchers effectively “reset” their biological clock without changing anything in the mice’s external environment.
While this technique is not ready for human use, it could potentially pave the way for more effective treatments for airplane slow and seasonal affective disorder and shorten the negative health effects of after-hours work shifts.
3. Smartphones are gravely messing with our sleep behaviors.
Ever since the smartphone became a modern daytime staple, survey after subject has exclaimed how injurious staring at a screen before bunk can be for our health. But perhaps the scariest see of all is the fact that, despite all that investigate, method too many Americans are still sleeping with their phones.
A survey conducted for Bank of America’s annual Trends in Consumer Mobility Report found that 71 percent of adults polled often sleep with or next to their smartphones — 3 percent of those people said they sleep while comprising their telephones, 13 percent reported they keep it in their berth and 55 percentage leave it on the night sand.
What’s even sadder is that nearly one in four parties canvassed used to say, at one time or another, they’ve fallen asleep with their phone in hand, while 35 percent of beings said their phone is the first thing they reach for when they wake up — even before coffee, a toothbrush or their significant other.
This is proof that the research bears repeating: Using your phone in bunked is not simply messes with your sleep, it can mess you up for the entire next day. So, seriously, cut it out.
Yiu Yu Hoi via Getty Images
4. The period you go to bed may determine how healthy you dine the next day.
Turns out that tonight’s bedtime may impact tomorrow’s meat decisions.
After analyzing data regarding more than 850,000 Jawbone UP fitness trackers, investigates with Jawbone found that users who systematically went to bed before 11 p.m. consume healthier than their “night owl” counterparts who thumped the expanses between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. The examine likewise found that the later a used went to bed, the more calories they logged the next day.
“If you go to bed an hour earlier, and do so routinely for a year, in theory, they are able add up to[ a loss of] 4-5 pounds with no changes in pleasure, ” Dr. Kirstin Aschbacher, a data scientist at Jawbone, previously told HuffPost.
These arises fall in line with existing investigate that are linked sleep demeanor with meat behaviors. One such investigate published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who sleep more tend to eat little saturated fat than people who get less remain. Conversely, a study from the University of California, Berkeley found that teens who stay up late are more likely to gain weight over a five-year period.
5. Sleep resets the brain’s “emotional compass.”
Last summer, researchers found that sleep deprivation doesn’t exactly put you in a bad feeling, it does it harder for you to tell when others are in a bad humor, extremely( or a good mood, for that matter ). This, as you can imagine, can prepare the next day a minefield of clumsy social interactions.
A study from the University of California, Berkeley found that a lack of sleep may hobble a person’s ability to accurately spoke the ardours of others by dulling the person’s ability to read facial expressions.
But, on the bright side, this is something that means that getting good night’s residue “couldve been” the secret to emotional knowledge. In the same survey, investigates found that REM sleep — a type of sleep that’s associated with fantasy — was correlated with a person’s ability to accurately read facial expressions.
“Dream sleep appears to reset the magnetic north of our emotional compass, ” Matthew Walker, the study’s elderly columnist, said in a statement. “One question is whether we can now to improve the quality of daydream sleep, and in doing so, improve psychological intelligence.”
OJO Images via Getty Images
6. Most people who are sleepwalking don’t detect pain during an episode.
Here’s a frightening information: One sleep subject that celebrated 100 sleepwalkers found that 79 percent of the participants couldn’t look sorenes when they injured themselves during a sleepwalking escapade.( This is why you really should wake up a sleepwalker, despite the story .)
And if you thought sleepwalking is only a nighttime problem for the 1 to 15 % of the population that suffers from the condition, feel again.
Nearly half of the sleepwalkers in the study experienced chronic ache or headaches — 22 percent of them suffering from migraines. What’s more, the study found that sleepwalkers, when compared to the general population, were more likely to be tired throughout the day or knowledge insomnia at night.
7. Just one nighttime of bad sleep can adapt your genes.
Next time you’re seeing pulling an all-nighter, remember this: A Swedish sleep learn found that it exclusively takes one darknes of sleep loss to alter the genes that verify your body’s biological clock — aka your “clock genes.”
An analysis of the tests collected from the 15 men who participated in the the two-night learn revealed that one darknes without sleep modified the regulation and work of these genes. Investigates too found that the lack of sleep modified the face of the genes, or the process by which the information encoded in a gene is used.
While this isn’t the first time a study found that absence of sleep reforms the genes, Dr. Jonathan Cedernaes, the study’s result writer, was amazed has found that the genes could be altered so quickly.
It’s only another terrifying reason we should clear bedtime a priority.
Sam Diephuis via Getty Images
The post 7 Game-Changing Happenings We’ve Learned About Sleep This Time appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Georgia’s Long Lines – The New York Times
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Good morning. Republicans are considering their own police reforms. Brazil’s president is threatening a military takeover. And Georgia’s primary was a mess.
Chloe Mexile Benard got in line to vote in the Atlanta suburbs at 7:30 a.m. yesterday, according to The Guardian. She did not vote until almost noon.
Marneia Mitchell, a stationery designer in Atlanta, was starting her fourth hour of waiting in line when she told The Times, “It’s despicable.”
And Greg Bluestein, a politics reporter at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, called yesterday’s primary elections in Georgia “like nothing we’ve ever experienced.”
In several counties around Atlanta, voting machines malfunctioned, and thin staffing because of the coronavirus left fewer poll workers to deal with it. As a result, many Georgia residents had to choose between enduring hours in line or losing their right to vote.
Yesterday’s problems were worse than usual — partly a result of recently bought voting machines — but were also part of a much larger issue. In no other affluent country do citizens regularly have as hard a time voting as they do in the United States. Most of our elections are held on workdays, and a shortage of election equipment and workers often forces people to wait in long lines.
The waits tend to be longest for African-Americans. One study of the 2016 election, using smartphone location data, found that voters in black neighborhoods waited 29 percent longer on average than voters in white neighborhoods.
And as was the case in the 1950s and ’60s, Georgia has again become a battleground over voting rights. In the 2018 midterms, the state had the country’s longest waiting times, according to a Bipartisan Policy Center analysis. Republicans in Georgia, who control most of the state government, have frequently opposed efforts by Democrats to make voting more accessible.
It was not fully clear why yesterday’s lines were worse in the Atlanta area than elsewhere in Georgia. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, blamed local officials — who are heavily Democratic — and said they had not properly trained election workers. Local officials, in turn, blamed him, saying he had not provided adequate training resources. Virus fears among election workers and high turnout, after George Floyd’s killing, may also have played a role.
“No corner of the state had a fully functional voting experience,” The Times reported. Michael McDonald, an elections expert at the University of Florida, wrote: “I have never seen the scale of election failures happening in Georgia today. This does not bode well for November.”
In yesterday’s election results:
1. Republicans respond to police violence
Senate Republican leaders have assigned Tim Scott of South Carolina, their only black member, to lead the drafting of legislation that conservatives could rally behind.
Republicans face a dilemma: For decades, they have built an image as tough on crime, and it has helped them win many elections, often by winning the votes of whites who previously voted Democratic. But public opinion has shifted significantly, amid growing video evidence of police brutality and racism, and Republicans are trying to figure out how much to change their stance. For now, several congressional Republicans have changed their tone but not yet supported new policies.
In other politics news:
President Trump floated a false theory that a 75-year-old man in Buffalo who had been knocked to the ground by the police was “an ANTIFA provocateur.”
A group of white counterprotesters in New Jersey, appearing in front of a pro-Trump sign, mocked Floyd’s death, with one man kneeling on the neck of another who was facedown on the ground. One of the counterprotesters was a corrections officers and was quickly suspended.
Democrats are increasing their pressure on Joe Biden to pick a black running mate.
2. Funeral for George Floyd
Two weeks after Floyd died at the hands of Minneapolis police officers, he was laid to rest in Houston, in a grave next to his mother’s. Two rows of police officers saluted as Floyd’s coffin went past. (The Times recently profiled Floyd’s life.)
As the service began, the New York Stock Exchange went silent for eight minutes, 46 seconds — the length of time a police officer held his knee on Floyd’s neck. It was the longest moment of silence on the stock exchange floor in its 228-year history.
3. The threat to Brazil’s democracy
Daily coronavirus deaths in Brazil are now the highest in the world. Investors are fleeing. And President Jair Bolsonaro and his allies are under investigation.
In response to the chaos, Bolsonaro is raising the prospect of military intervention to protect his grip on power — an ominous prospect for a country that was under a military dictatorship as recently as the 1980s.
More on the virus: A Times graphic compares the death toll to the toll from historical disasters.
Here’s what else is happening
The founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, has resigned, after BuzzFeed News published the details of a call with gym owners in which he maligned Floyd and shared coronavirus conspiracy theories.
Paramount Television canceled “Cops,” the once-popular reality show that ran for 33 seasons and that civil rights groups criticized for its portrayal of African-Americans. Separately, HBO pulled “Gone With the Wind” from its new streaming service, but pledged to bring back the 1939 film that romanticizes the Civil War-era South “with a discussion of its historical context.”
Lives lived: Bonnie Pointer was there at the creation, when she and her siblings decided to form a vocal group called simply the Pointer Sisters. But before the 1970s were out, she had left the group to pursue a solo career. And then they hit it big, without her. She has died at 69.
BACK STORY: Facial recognition
IBM announced this week that it opposes using facial recognition for mass surveillance and racial profiling. We talked to our colleague Shira Ovide, who writes The Times’s On Tech newsletter, about the problems with the technology.
“Facial recognition is terrible at identifying people with darker skin,” Shira said, pointing out that some research found it has no better than a 50-50 chance. “And there’s a dangerous tendency to over-rely on this kind of technology, even when it’s not accurate.”
She added: “We don’t know when facial recognition is misused. What if law enforcement agencies use it to identify people who are attending peaceful protests, like the ones happening now? Do we want to live in a surveillance state where everyone is in a vast database and we can be identified on sight at a massive scale?” That, of course, is the situation that China’s government is trying to create.
How to feed a crowd
A key part of the Sikh religion is providing free meals as an act of faith, and many gurdwaras — the places of worship for Sikhs — have large kitchens, ample numbers of volunteers and regular food donations from community members. Some gurdwaras serve more than 100,000 people every day.
This tradition has enabled Sikh communities across the U.S. to respond to the increase in hunger caused by the pandemic, while many food banks have struggled, Priya Krishna writes.
Reckonings in culture
In the publishing world, a viral hashtag this week encouraged black and nonblack authors to compare their pay, in an effort to highlight inequality. One example: A white science fiction writer said he had received $3.4 million for 13 books — more than $260,000 per novel — while a black female author said she had received $25,000 for each installment of her award-winning science fiction trilogy.
In theater, more than 300 artists — including stars like Viola Davis and Lin-Manuel Miranda — published a statement that outlined how artists of color are unjustly treated.
A guide to TV streaming bundles
Inspired by this clever interactive from Bloomberg about the best streaming bundles, we asked Adrienne Maxwell, an editor at Wirecutter, to offer advice to anyone who’s gotten rid of cable television or is thinking of doing so:
When trying to decide whether or not to cut the cord and what services to subscribe to, I think the first question anyone should ask is whether they still want access to live TV and, especially, sports. Hardcore fans who love to watch a variety of sports and want access to their local affiliate broadcasts are probably better off sticking with cable.
If live TV is not something you care about, then it really does come down to personal viewing preferences. The beauty of streaming is that you aren’t locked into a contract, so you can subscribe to one service for a couple months, get caught up on their exclusive content that you love, then cancel and switch to another service.
But if you’re more of a “set it once and forget it” type, I’d say some combination of Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ is likely to be the most satisfying for the most people.
Here is Wirecutter’s more detailed guide.
Here’s today’s Mini Crossword, and a clue: Only state with a two-vowel postal code (four letters).
You can find all of our puzzles here.
Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. — David
P.S. Cooking for kids can be exhausting, especially if they’re picky eaters. The Times’s Kim Severson and Ted Allen, the cooking-show host, can help. At 8 p.m. Eastern today, they’ll discuss how to cook healthy family meals.
You can see today’s print front page here.
Today’s episode of “The Daily” is about George Floyd’s funeral.
The Times is providing free access to much of our coronavirus coverage. Please consider supporting our journalism with a subscription.
Ian Prasad Philbrick and Sanam Yar contributed to The Morning. You can reach the team at [email protected].
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
7 Game-Changing Happenings We’ve Learned About Sleep This Time
Sleep is the most essential elements of life.
Every single human has suffered it, but when it comes to sleep, there is still so much we don’t know. Why, for example, do we reverie? And why can some people fall asleep within seconds, while others have to counting sheep for the purposes of an hour before get some remainder?
As research on shut-eye continues to expand, two things remain clear: Sleep is really good for you and sleep deprivation is really bad for you. But there have been some other interesting small-minded determines along the way as well.
In honor of World Sleep Day March 18, we rounded up a few of the major findings from the last year. When you’re done, may we recommend embed yourself under the comfiest blanket you can find and celebrate the vacation the channel nature intended?
1. Work should start at 10 a. m.
If you thought that starting work any time before 9 a. m. was an ungodly achievement, good information: Discipline agrees with you.
In fact, the healthiest and most efficient time to start the work day is at 10 a.m .~ ATAGEND in order to avoid the “torture” of sleep deprivation, according to Paul Kelley, an honorary clinical study fellow at Oxford University’s Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute.
That’s because before the age of 55, the body’s circadian rhythm — the 24 -hour decorations of sleeping and waking — isn’t aligned with a 9-to-5 planned, The Telegraph reports.
“It is enormously shattering on the body’s methods because you are affecting physical, psychological and accomplishment plans in the body, ” Kelley said during the British Science Festival. “Your liver and your soul have different structuresand you’re asking them to change two or three hours.”
PeopleImages via Getty Images
2. The intelligence has a “reset” button that can regulate sleep.
Working a night shift or biding up into the wee hours of the morning can completely throw off your sleep cycles/second. Regrettably, sometimes it’s inevitable. But what if we could press a sorcery button that would reset our body, coercing us to sleep and stay awake during the hours quality purposed?
Last year, researchers at Vanderbilt University procured a lane exercised control over the brain’s circadian clock via a “reset button” in the brain. Utilizing mouse as their test subjects, the scientists found that, by stimulating or quashing neurons in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus( where the circadian clock is situated ), they could change when the mouse naturally woke up and went to sleep .~ ATAGEND In other statements, health researchers effectively “reset” their biological clock without changing anything in the mice’s external environment.
While this technique is not ready for human use, it could potentially pave the way for more effective treatments for airplane slow and seasonal affective disorder and shorten the negative health effects of after-hours work shifts.
3. Smartphones are gravely messing with our sleep behaviors.
Ever since the smartphone became a modern daytime staple, survey after subject has exclaimed how injurious staring at a screen before bunk can be for our health. But perhaps the scariest see of all is the fact that, despite all that investigate, method too many Americans are still sleeping with their phones.
A survey conducted for Bank of America’s annual Trends in Consumer Mobility Report found that 71 percent of adults polled often sleep with or next to their smartphones — 3 percent of those people said they sleep while comprising their telephones, 13 percent reported they keep it in their berth and 55 percentage leave it on the night sand.
What’s even sadder is that nearly one in four parties canvassed used to say, at one time or another, they’ve fallen asleep with their phone in hand, while 35 percent of beings said their phone is the first thing they reach for when they wake up — even before coffee, a toothbrush or their significant other.
This is proof that the research bears repeating: Using your phone in bunked is not simply messes with your sleep, it can mess you up for the entire next day. So, seriously, cut it out.
Yiu Yu Hoi via Getty Images
4. The period you go to bed may determine how healthy you dine the next day.
Turns out that tonight’s bedtime may impact tomorrow’s meat decisions.
After analyzing data regarding more than 850,000 Jawbone UP fitness trackers, investigates with Jawbone found that users who systematically went to bed before 11 p.m. consume healthier than their “night owl” counterparts who thumped the expanses between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. The examine likewise found that the later a used went to bed, the more calories they logged the next day.
“If you go to bed an hour earlier, and do so routinely for a year, in theory, they are able add up to[ a loss of] 4-5 pounds with no changes in pleasure, ” Dr. Kirstin Aschbacher, a data scientist at Jawbone, previously told HuffPost.
These arises fall in line with existing investigate that are linked sleep demeanor with meat behaviors. One such investigate published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who sleep more tend to eat little saturated fat than people who get less remain. Conversely, a study from the University of California, Berkeley found that teens who stay up late are more likely to gain weight over a five-year period.
5. Sleep resets the brain’s “emotional compass.”
Last summer, researchers found that sleep deprivation doesn’t exactly put you in a bad feeling, it does it harder for you to tell when others are in a bad humor, extremely( or a good mood, for that matter ). This, as you can imagine, can prepare the next day a minefield of clumsy social interactions.
A study from the University of California, Berkeley found that a lack of sleep may hobble a person’s ability to accurately spoke the ardours of others by dulling the person’s ability to read facial expressions.
But, on the bright side, this is something that means that getting good night’s residue “couldve been” the secret to emotional knowledge. In the same survey, investigates found that REM sleep — a type of sleep that’s associated with fantasy — was correlated with a person’s ability to accurately read facial expressions.
“Dream sleep appears to reset the magnetic north of our emotional compass, ” Matthew Walker, the study’s elderly columnist, said in a statement. “One question is whether we can now to improve the quality of daydream sleep, and in doing so, improve psychological intelligence.”
OJO Images via Getty Images
6. Most people who are sleepwalking don’t detect pain during an episode.
Here’s a frightening information: One sleep subject that celebrated 100 sleepwalkers found that 79 percent of the participants couldn’t look sorenes when they injured themselves during a sleepwalking escapade.( This is why you really should wake up a sleepwalker, despite the story .)
And if you thought sleepwalking is only a nighttime problem for the 1 to 15 % of the population that suffers from the condition, feel again.
Nearly half of the sleepwalkers in the study experienced chronic ache or headaches — 22 percent of them suffering from migraines. What’s more, the study found that sleepwalkers, when compared to the general population, were more likely to be tired throughout the day or knowledge insomnia at night.
7. Just one nighttime of bad sleep can adapt your genes.
Next time you’re seeing pulling an all-nighter, remember this: A Swedish sleep learn found that it exclusively takes one darknes of sleep loss to alter the genes that verify your body’s biological clock — aka your “clock genes.”
An analysis of the tests collected from the 15 men who participated in the the two-night learn revealed that one darknes without sleep modified the regulation and work of these genes. Investigates too found that the lack of sleep modified the face of the genes, or the process by which the information encoded in a gene is used.
While this isn’t the first time a study found that absence of sleep reforms the genes, Dr. Jonathan Cedernaes, the study’s result writer, was amazed has found that the genes could be altered so quickly.
It’s only another terrifying reason we should clear bedtime a priority.
Sam Diephuis via Getty Images
The post 7 Game-Changing Happenings We’ve Learned About Sleep This Time appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2ssIJ5y via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
7 Game-Changing Happenings We’ve Learned About Sleep This Time
Sleep is the most essential elements of life.
Every single human has suffered it, but when it comes to sleep, there is still so much we don’t know. Why, for example, do we reverie? And why can some people fall asleep within seconds, while others have to counting sheep for the purposes of an hour before get some remainder?
As research on shut-eye continues to expand, two things remain clear: Sleep is really good for you and sleep deprivation is really bad for you. But there have been some other interesting small-minded determines along the way as well.
In honor of World Sleep Day March 18, we rounded up a few of the major findings from the last year. When you’re done, may we recommend embed yourself under the comfiest blanket you can find and celebrate the vacation the channel nature intended?
1. Work should start at 10 a. m.
If you thought that starting work any time before 9 a. m. was an ungodly achievement, good information: Discipline agrees with you.
In fact, the healthiest and most efficient time to start the work day is at 10 a.m .~ ATAGEND in order to avoid the “torture” of sleep deprivation, according to Paul Kelley, an honorary clinical study fellow at Oxford University’s Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute.
That’s because before the age of 55, the body’s circadian rhythm — the 24 -hour decorations of sleeping and waking — isn’t aligned with a 9-to-5 planned, The Telegraph reports.
“It is enormously shattering on the body’s methods because you are affecting physical, psychological and accomplishment plans in the body, ” Kelley said during the British Science Festival. “Your liver and your soul have different structuresand you’re asking them to change two or three hours.”
PeopleImages via Getty Images
2. The intelligence has a “reset” button that can regulate sleep.
Working a night shift or biding up into the wee hours of the morning can completely throw off your sleep cycles/second. Regrettably, sometimes it’s inevitable. But what if we could press a sorcery button that would reset our body, coercing us to sleep and stay awake during the hours quality purposed?
Last year, researchers at Vanderbilt University procured a lane exercised control over the brain’s circadian clock via a “reset button” in the brain. Utilizing mouse as their test subjects, the scientists found that, by stimulating or quashing neurons in the brain’s suprachiasmatic nucleus( where the circadian clock is situated ), they could change when the mouse naturally woke up and went to sleep .~ ATAGEND In other statements, health researchers effectively “reset” their biological clock without changing anything in the mice’s external environment.
While this technique is not ready for human use, it could potentially pave the way for more effective treatments for airplane slow and seasonal affective disorder and shorten the negative health effects of after-hours work shifts.
3. Smartphones are gravely messing with our sleep behaviors.
Ever since the smartphone became a modern daytime staple, survey after subject has exclaimed how injurious staring at a screen before bunk can be for our health. But perhaps the scariest see of all is the fact that, despite all that investigate, method too many Americans are still sleeping with their phones.
A survey conducted for Bank of America’s annual Trends in Consumer Mobility Report found that 71 percent of adults polled often sleep with or next to their smartphones — 3 percent of those people said they sleep while comprising their telephones, 13 percent reported they keep it in their berth and 55 percentage leave it on the night sand.
What’s even sadder is that nearly one in four parties canvassed used to say, at one time or another, they’ve fallen asleep with their phone in hand, while 35 percent of beings said their phone is the first thing they reach for when they wake up — even before coffee, a toothbrush or their significant other.
This is proof that the research bears repeating: Using your phone in bunked is not simply messes with your sleep, it can mess you up for the entire next day. So, seriously, cut it out.
Yiu Yu Hoi via Getty Images
4. The period you go to bed may determine how healthy you dine the next day.
Turns out that tonight’s bedtime may impact tomorrow’s meat decisions.
After analyzing data regarding more than 850,000 Jawbone UP fitness trackers, investigates with Jawbone found that users who systematically went to bed before 11 p.m. consume healthier than their “night owl” counterparts who thumped the expanses between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. The examine likewise found that the later a used went to bed, the more calories they logged the next day.
“If you go to bed an hour earlier, and do so routinely for a year, in theory, they are able add up to[ a loss of] 4-5 pounds with no changes in pleasure, ” Dr. Kirstin Aschbacher, a data scientist at Jawbone, previously told HuffPost.
These arises fall in line with existing investigate that are linked sleep demeanor with meat behaviors. One such investigate published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who sleep more tend to eat little saturated fat than people who get less remain. Conversely, a study from the University of California, Berkeley found that teens who stay up late are more likely to gain weight over a five-year period.
5. Sleep resets the brain’s “emotional compass.”
Last summer, researchers found that sleep deprivation doesn’t exactly put you in a bad feeling, it does it harder for you to tell when others are in a bad humor, extremely( or a good mood, for that matter ). This, as you can imagine, can prepare the next day a minefield of clumsy social interactions.
A study from the University of California, Berkeley found that a lack of sleep may hobble a person’s ability to accurately spoke the ardours of others by dulling the person’s ability to read facial expressions.
But, on the bright side, this is something that means that getting good night’s residue “couldve been” the secret to emotional knowledge. In the same survey, investigates found that REM sleep — a type of sleep that’s associated with fantasy — was correlated with a person’s ability to accurately read facial expressions.
“Dream sleep appears to reset the magnetic north of our emotional compass, ” Matthew Walker, the study’s elderly columnist, said in a statement. “One question is whether we can now to improve the quality of daydream sleep, and in doing so, improve psychological intelligence.”
OJO Images via Getty Images
6. Most people who are sleepwalking don’t detect pain during an episode.
Here’s a frightening information: One sleep subject that celebrated 100 sleepwalkers found that 79 percent of the participants couldn’t look sorenes when they injured themselves during a sleepwalking escapade.( This is why you really should wake up a sleepwalker, despite the story .)
And if you thought sleepwalking is only a nighttime problem for the 1 to 15 % of the population that suffers from the condition, feel again.
Nearly half of the sleepwalkers in the study experienced chronic ache or headaches — 22 percent of them suffering from migraines. What’s more, the study found that sleepwalkers, when compared to the general population, were more likely to be tired throughout the day or knowledge insomnia at night.
7. Just one nighttime of bad sleep can adapt your genes.
Next time you’re seeing pulling an all-nighter, remember this: A Swedish sleep learn found that it exclusively takes one darknes of sleep loss to alter the genes that verify your body’s biological clock — aka your “clock genes.”
An analysis of the tests collected from the 15 men who participated in the the two-night learn revealed that one darknes without sleep modified the regulation and work of these genes. Investigates too found that the lack of sleep modified the face of the genes, or the process by which the information encoded in a gene is used.
While this isn’t the first time a study found that absence of sleep reforms the genes, Dr. Jonathan Cedernaes, the study’s result writer, was amazed has found that the genes could be altered so quickly.
It’s only another terrifying reason we should clear bedtime a priority.
Sam Diephuis via Getty Images
The post 7 Game-Changing Happenings We’ve Learned About Sleep This Time appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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