#the princess of staten island
south-of-heaven · 1 year
Carmella x Fem!Reader being on total divas?
Mystery girl || Carmella x Reader
Summary: Carmella reveals who she's dating on Total Divas.
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The hotel room was filled with tension as the Total Divas crew waited for Carmella to reveal the mystery girl she'd been secretly dating. Sonya Deville sat on one of the beds, her curiosity piqued, and she exchanged a few glances with Carmella. The cameras were rolling, capturing every moment of this reveal.
Carmella took a deep breath, her eyes locked onto Sonya's, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She knew that this moment could change everything.
"Sonya," Carmella began, her voice unwavering, "I have a confession to make. There's something I've been wanting to tell you, and I thought it was finally time."
Sonya leaned forward, her eyes narrowing with curiosity, "You've had so many confessions lately, first you're seeing this mystery girl but you can't tell me who she is, what now?"
Carmella hesitated for just a moment, her gaze drifting to the camera as she smiled and said, "This mystery girl I've been seeing, the one I've been keeping a secret? Well, it's not much of a secret anymore."
Sonya's eyebrows shot up in surprise as she looked from Carmella to the camera crew, her jaw dropping in realization.
Carmella continued, her voice filled with affection, "It's (Your Name), Sonya. She's the one I've fallen for, and I couldn't be happier."
Sonya was momentarily stunned, her mouth agape, but then a slow smile spread across her face. "No way, Mella! You and (Your Name)? That's amazing!"
The room seemed to lighten up with Sonya's enthusiastic reaction. The crew captured the genuine joy on her face as she embraced Carmella, congratulating her on this new chapter in her life.
The cameras rolled on as the conversation shifted, and Carmella began sharing her feelings openly. She spoke about how incredible you were, how your love had changed her life, and how she looked forward to a future filled with happiness with you by her side.
As Carmella spoke, her voice filled with emotion, it was evident just how deeply she cared for you. The viewers were treated to an intimate glimpse into her heart, and they couldn't help but be touched by her sincerity.
The segment concluded with Carmella and Sonya laughing together, their friendship stronger than ever. Carmella's revelation had brought them closer, and as the cameras finally cut away, the two friends were excitedly making plans for a double date, looking forward to sharing more precious moments together.
Carmella had not only shared her love for you with Sonya but with the world, and her genuine happiness was a testament to the strength of your relationship.
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divinamour · 2 years
    “Consider this: What if instead of fighting the government? We loved them, @bioterrorizing?” A flourish at her wrists, to punctuate the greatest idea she’s ever had. A twirl on her heels, basking in the sunlight and the imagined praise of millions of angels congratulating her on her idea. 
  After she was done twirling, returning to face her captive audience of one (1), she giggled. Hosting the ‘seat of the bio-terrorist’ revolution in a legal weed state was a terrible idea. This was why.
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grushenko · 2 years
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legobiwan · 4 months
Mario and Luigi "no one is going to hurt you"?
This one...ballooned. I tried to get it out last night, but fell asleep during the endeavor. This is an attempt to explain/rationalize/make sense of some of the behaviors we see during TTYD, especially as it concerns Mario and Luigi. I'll say right now, neither brother is his best at this point, and I have a bit of a hypothesis as to where each of them may have been, emotionally, during this game. I think TTYD is a turning point for Mario, while Luigi's emotional lynchpin comes, to no surprise, after the events of SPM. Anyway, I'm not going to try and edit this any more than the perfunctory attempt I made. Here you go. A Mario-centric drabble that is most definitely not a drabble.
My dear Mario,
I have finally learned what the legendary treasure is. It is the spirit of a demon! The X-Nauts plan to revive this thousand-year-old monster and use its power to take over the world! They’re collecting the Crystal Stars so they can open the Thousand-Year-Door..they’ll find this demon’s spirit..but the only thing that can keep it locked away is the Crystal Stars themselves! You must not let them get the Crystal Stars! Please, Mario...you must put a stop to their horrible plans!
-Princess Peach-
Mario rubbed at his eyes, scraping away a week’s work of fatigue. 
When Peach had first told him the X-Nauts (and what a stupid name that was) were planning on taking over the world, he had laughed it off. Ever since he had landed in the Mushroom Kingdom, every fifth jabroni from the castle to the Darklands had been some kind of aspiring universal tyrant, babbling on and on about taking over realms, how their new regime would be the mightiest, how they should fear me or fear my army or fear my power, all accompanied by cackling laughter suitable for Saturday morning cartoon. The threats were white noise to him now, another meaningless boast in the endless series of hopped-up, dent-headed, peas-for-brains bad guys who popped out of the brickwork like potholes on the Cross Bronx.
It wasn’t that he hadn’t been taking this whole adventure seriously before this. After all, the last time he got sent on a quest to find stars, he ended up facing off against an army of sentient weaponry bent on…well, yeah. World domination.. But those guys had actually meant business, less wanting to rule the world than reforge it, in the most literal sense, in their image. Hell, Geno wouldn’t have been sent down all the way down from Star Heaven or whatever it had been unless Smithy and his crew were the real thing.
But now Peach was kidnapped and demons were involved. And they needed the Crystal Stars to trap the demon, but those same stars would also release the demon in the first place. Mario pulled his cap close to his eyes, sagging against the public notice board in Rogueport Square, the rotten wood protesting under his added weight. Across the plaza, the gallows swayed in tandem with an oncoming breeze, the smell of spoiled fish and brine wafting over and mixing with the lingering odor of cheap booze and sweat that was the hallmark of Rogueport’s business center. 
Vivian had remarked, once they resurfaced from that whole mess in Twilight Town, that the port city had a certain grimy charm to it. Mario huffed, kicking away a crumpled can of Banditbar Ale. Yeah, this place had charm, all right. All the charm of a Staten Island landfill. 
“Why yes, Vivian, I spent close to twenty years as the premiere actress with the Mushroom Repertory Theater, although back when we first started, it was known only as “The Toad Troupe.” Flurrie laughed in her distinctive trill, her voice resonating from what Mario placed as the archway leading to the west side of Rogueport. “A silly name, but our founder was devoid of that creative spark that captures the imagination and whisks the audience away on a journey with you. Of course, he was a rather talented fundraiser.”
Mario grunted, sliding around to the backside of the noticeboard, which was covered in layers of colorful graffiti and three decades worth of dirt. One bright, recent message spelled out a rather graphic enthusiasm for certain body parts, ones Mario wasn’t even certain Goombas had. Not that he was about to ask. Half the population here would shank him for even thinking of the question. Goombella would drop a book on his head.
He slumped at the thought of the petite, boisterous grad student. Goombella, Flurrie, Koops - even Yoshnar. Not one of them had questioned it, had shown any suspicion that the Mario they were celebrating with, were feasting with in Twilight Town was not, in fact, their supposed friend. Sure, they commented here and there that Mario was acting a little strange, was a bit more bombastic than normal, but no one stood up and announced, that’s not our guy!
Granted, he had only known these people for a week. Not nearly enough time to get the measure of a person in the real world, but that had never hindered his traveling companions before. Geno and Mallow seemed to think the world of him.
Mario curled his fist. He should have interrogated Doopliss when he had the chance, should have pulled the truth right out from under his smug-faced bedsheets. Was it a mimicry of only the body, or did Doopliss’s magic also copy the whole of a man, as well?
And why did his friends believe that egotistical, grandstanding fraud had been him?
“Where is Mario?” Flurrie asked, her voice closer now than it had been a minute ago. She had a habit of elongating her vowels to the point of absurdity, so Mario became Mahrio, emphasis on the ah. He had given up trying to correct her after the first hour of their acquaintance. Some things weren’t worth the fight.
Mario snuck a careful look around the edge of the noticeboard, biting his lip as a mess of dirty splinters poked through his skin. His traveling companions were gathered near the entrance to the Toad Bros Bazaar, Koops worrying at his hands as he fretted about Mario being kidnapped, or worse, continuing to Keelhaul Key without them. 
“Don’t worry, Koops,” Vivian soothed. “I’m sure he’s just gathering information or reading an electronic message from Peach.”
Goombella looked up from her notebook with a small frown. “I hope it’s not important intel. I need to write that data down so I can report back to Professor Frankly.”
“I can’t go back to Petalburg without…” The voices faded out of earshot, the door to the shop closing with a brash jingle. 
Mario unclenched his teeth, letting out an unsteady breath. He’d have to come back with them at some point. Maybe Doopliss saw something in him he hadn’t wanted to acknowledge, but Mario knew he’d be in way over his head if tried to take on the X-Nauts and this demon alone. Do like you always do, Mario. Suck it up, put on a smile, and say as little as possible. It had gotten him this far, whatever that counted for. Now, as for this Flavio -
“Hey, bro!” 
A hand clapped itself on his shoulder. Enemy, his mind blared, Mario grabbing at the interloper’s wrist, spinning the man around until he slammed into the announcement board with a pained “Oof!” Not one to let an advantage go to waste, Mario lunged forward, pushing his forearm into the man’s chest, close enough to his attacker’s trachea to leave no question as to the unspoken threat.
“Mario, what the hell?” A familiar voice squeaked. 
Anxiety spiked in Mario’s gut. Luigi? What in the world was his brother doing in -
Mario closed his eyes, letting out a soft hiss between his teeth as the realization hit. Damnit. The Waffle Kingdom. Princess Cannoli or whatever her name was. Mario released his hold on his brother, pinching the bridge of his nose as he took a step back. I don’t have time for this. Luigi shouldn’t have been in Rogueport at all, somehow making his way to the crime-infested city in the days after Mario had received the letter from Peach asking him to come investigate a treasure map.  
And look where that got her. Kidnapped by aliens with crappy names. He knew Luigi could handle himself, or at least, he could in Brooklyn. Coming to the Mushroom Kingdom had done a number on his brother’s confidence, however, and whatever predilection for gangly awkwardness Luigi had had before had grown since they vanished from New York. 
He didn’t have time to protect his brother and save Peach and save the world from a demon. 
“Bro?” Luigi reached a tentative hand towards Mario’s shoulder. 
It didn’t add up, this whole Waffle Kingdom business. Not that he didn’t believe in Luigi, but nothing over the past year had convinced him his brother was ready to set out on his own, the whole incident with the Boos aside. Now he was on a quest which, on the surface, sounded far too close to Mario’s own exploits in trying to gather the seven crystal stars. He knew his brother could be insecure, but this was really…
Mario’s eyes went wide as he slapped away his brother’s hand, planting his feet into a defensive stance, fists raised. 
It was Doopliss. It had to be. Had the identity-pilfering ghost been following him from the beginning? Or were those Shadow Sirens working for him, feeding him enough tidbits about Luigi to make a convincing copy? That would account for his brother’s strange tales, the majority he didn’t have the stamina to focus through, there being too much on his mind with all the plans and kidnappings and cursed chests.
“I beat you before, you son of a bitch, and I’ll do it again,” Mario growled, pushing his sleeves up his arms. “Give him back.” He needed to get this over with now, get his brother in his own body as soon as possible so Mario could track down the last stars. Damnit, why did Luigi have to wander off like this?
“Woah!” Luigi held both his palms up at shoulder height, scrambling backwards, knocking over a trio of half-filled bottles with a bright clang as he came up against the graffiti-covered noticeboard. A pungent yellow stream seeped from one of the fallen bottles, trickling into the eroded mortar between uneven cobblestones. 
“No one’s going to hurt you, Mario. There’s - “ Luigi grabbed a tuft of hair peeking out from under his cap. “There’s no one here but me. Well, me and Torque. And the rest of Rogueport.” Luigi gave an awkward laugh. “And, you know, Torque’s not here here, he’s inside the bar. But you get what I mean.” He gave his brother an uncertain smile, holding two thumbs-up in front of his chest. 
“Where have you been? What were you doing before this?” Mario demanded, voice rising.
The miserable droop in his brother’s shoulders was unmistakable. “I…told you already? The volcano, the sacrifice? Blooey and Jerry and the bridal dress? I mean, I know it’s not as important as what you’re doing…” Luigi trailed off, finding sudden interest in the variety of grisly stains tattooed on the ground, tracing a disturbingly crimson outline with his foot.
Mario grit his teeth. That was something Luigi would say, right down to the shaky little inflections. Was his brother always this insecure? Had he been ignoring something deeper going on with Luigi for the past year? Something unpleasant curdled in Mario’s gut. He hadn’t wanted to face the fact that Doopliss mirrored his identity, warts and all. Was this the Luigi his brother saw in his reflection every day? Did Luigi even know how sad this looked?
Maybe it was Doopliss. Then again, from what little he remembered from his brother’s stories about his supposed Waffle Kingdom exploits, his own traveling companions were less than impressed with Luigi’s tactics, which seemed to be the literal definition of stumbling into good luck. 
As much as he hated to think it, Doopliss probably had better things to do than wreak havoc on a quest that may or may not have its basis in reality. It was true Luigi had made an astonishing number of enemies in a short period, but Princess Eclair seemed like something straight out of one of those adventure books they had liked so much as kids. He wasn’t thrilled at the idea of his brother hanging around Rogueport, but as long as all this Waffle Kingdom stuff was harmless - well, it would at least keep Luigi out of the underlevels and far, far away from the Thousand Year Door and whatever evil lay behind it.
The communication square in his back pocket vibrated. It was probably Goombella demanding to know where the hell he was. Mario brought his arms to his side, stretching out his fingers. He needed to focus. Whatever happened with Doopliss was in the past and he could waste away his time navel-gazing once this entire ordeal was over. 
Letting out a shuddering breath, Mario stepped forward, placing a firm hand on Luigi’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Luigi. It’s - “ Mario pursed his lips, weighing his words. “A lot has happened in the last few days.”
Luigi let out a watery chuckle, running his sleeve under his nose. “Don’t worry about it,” he shrugged, gaze still fixed to the ground. 
Great, like your brother needed another kick to the ego. Way to go, asshole. Mario dug his fingers into Luigi’s shoulder. Maybe Doopliss’s replication of him hadn’t been that far off the mark, after all. 
“Hey, Lou,” he gave his brother a gentle shake. “Why don’t you introduce me to your new friend? Squort or Morque, was it?”
“Torque,” his brother mumbled.
“Torque! Great! Let’s go meet him!” Mario said too brightly, taking his brother by the arm, all but dragging him towards Podley’s bar. 
“Come on, Mario, you don’t have to - “ Luigi huffed, trying to pull himself out of his brother’s octopus-like grip. “I know you don’t want to - “
Mario shoved the door to the bar open, wrangling Luigi inside, depositing his brother next to a Spike Top with a wrench on his head. The little creature made a series of rapid clicks with its mouth, somehow conveying annoyance without uttering a single intelligible word or facial expression. The Spike Top glowered at his brother, if the dead, beady-eyed stare could be called that, before turning around with an exaggerated shuffle.
Six to one, that’s Torque, Mario mused, feeling a momentary pang of sympathy for his brother. Oh Luigi, we have to talk about this one of these days. But that was for later. After the crystal stars, after Peach was safe, after the world was saved. Right now, he needed a minute to collect himself, to form a plan to find Flavio and get to Keelhaul Key, and an excuse to give his companions for his sudden absence.
“Hey Lou, is that your friend?” Mario gestured at the little Spike Top. He didn’t wait for an answer before continuing, “How about you tell me that story?”
Luigi eyed Torque warily, the Spike Top making a slight turn so its face was again visible. Luigi gave a sheepish wave in his direction, Torque responding with a loud click of its jaw and a series of buzzes that reminded Mario of a horde of angry cicadas. 
“Heh, he’s excited to hear it again, too,” Mario pressed on, willing himself to be oblivious to the mounting tension between the odd pair. 
“Well,” Luigi rubbed at the back of his neck, avoiding looking anywhere near Torque. “If you’re sure…”
“Surer than sure!” Mario exclaimed with fake enthusiasm, throwing his hands up like he was tossing two baseballs into the air. 
His brother gave a small smile, slipping his thumbs behind the straps of his overalls as he uncurled his defensive hunch, voice dropping into a more comfortable storytelling baritone. “Okay, then. It all started like this. Just as our boat arrived on Circuit Island…”
Mario let his brother’s tale wash over him, making appropriate sounds of acknowledgement when necessary. He knew this lapse would come back to bite him in the ass later, but he’d rather have a world he could fight with his brother in than no world at all. He took in a long breath through his nose, holding it at the top for five seconds before releasing it in the opposite manner, careful to not make it sound as if he were sighing in annoyance at his brother’s narrative.
Finding Flavio was his first task. And messaging Goombella, although he was tempted to put the inevitable tongue-lashing off for another few minutes. Flavio first, he decided. The name was familiar, and sworn he had heard it bandied about when he first arrived in Rogueport, barreling through every shop and back-alley headquarters he could find in a blind panic. He knew he needed to find someone who worked on a ship, some sea-faring type, although in this town, that could be anybody from a pirate to a fortune teller to a criminal on the lam. 
It wasn’t like he could just walk around asking if anyone had seen a man with a peg-leg and eyepatch. For as quirky as the Mushroom Kingdom could be, it rarely conformed to his Earth-bound stereotypes. 
“The Skuuuuul Captaaaaaaaaain!” a boisterous voice warbled from a corner table. Mario made a perfunctory nod at his brother - yes, I’m listening - scanning each of the bar patrons until he landed on a short, well-dressed man teetering on the back two legs of his chair. 
“Festiiiivaaaaal!” he bellowed in discordant tones, hugging a bright red gemstone in the shape of a skull with one atm, raising a half-full mug of Chuckola with the other.
Then again, maybe he didn’t need to go around asking about pirates, seeing as one landed in his proverbial lap. The knots in Mario’s stomach unraveled, each freed line replaced by a bit of fluttering optimism he hadn’t felt since his victories in the Glitzville Pit. 
Doopliss was out of the picture. His companions were back and his brother, if not exactly happy, was at least distracted and, more importantly, safe. The man with the fluffy white cravat and maroon jacket caressed the cheekbones of the skull gemstone, singing another loud nonsense verse into its ear. 
Mario let himself smile. He was going to come out on top of this, hell and high water.
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ismellpestilence · 1 year
Things to watch if your favorite show is being affected by the WGA strike
This is everything that I have watched and enjoyed. They are by no means perfect shows. This includes complete series, cancelled series, and series that are still in progress. Feel free to add your own recommendations.
Only Murders in the Building (Hulu; currently on season 3)
Murder mystery dramedy set in a wealthy NYC apartment complex
Staring Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomes as three residents who decide to make a podcast about the murder
The cast has great chemistry and the twists are compelling
Gravity Falls (Hulu/Disney; ended after 2 seasons in 2014)
An animated show about a pair of fraternal twins who spend the summer with their con-man great uncle in a weird, monster filled town
Absolutely iconic children's show.
Dead End: Paranormal Park (Netflix; cancelled after 2 seasons in 2023)
Animated YA show about two teens, an exiled demon, and a pug, that all work at a haunted theme park and are investigating the disappearances of some of the staff
Similar in style to Gravity Falls
Sadly cancelled by Netflix, but there's also the graphic novels to enjoy
Reservation Dogs (Hulu, ended after season 3 in 2023)
Coming of age dramedy about four Indigenous teens living on a reservation in Oklahoma as they mourn a friend who died and dream of running away to California together
Made by an all Indigenous writers, directors, and main cast
Scrubs (Hulu; ended after 8 seasons 2010)
Workplace comedy about staff at a California hospital
Praised as the one of most medically accurate medical show
Very much a 2000s comedy. Humor can be jarring/mean by today's standards
What We Do in the Shadows (Hulu, currently on season 5)
A mockumentary following 4 vampires and their familiar that live on Staten Island as they go about their boring, pathetic lives
Makes fun of the "cool, sexy, edgy" vampire trope
Based on a 2014 movie of the same name
Dead to Me (Netflix, ended after 3 seasons in 2022)
A traumedy (trauma comedy) following a woman who's husband was killed in a hit-and-run and the perpetrator who lost her own partner and secretly befriends her
It's funny about what happens but does deal with some heavy topics so definitely look into that before watching
The Owl House (Disney; ended after 3-ish seasons in 2023)
About a young girl who wanders into the Demon Realm and decides to stay there and become of witch instead of going to summer camp
Celebrates being the weirdo and being kind to people
Made by many of the same people who did Gravity Falls
The Office (Peacock; ended after 9 seasons in 2013)
Workplace mockumentary about some bizarre people who work in a boring office space
Features a lot of cringe/second-hand embarrassment based humor
Based on the British limited series of the same name
Very much a 2000s comedy that can at times be just plain mean. Season 1 is the worst season by far so if you can get through it the character become way more likeable
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix, ended after 5 seasons in 2020)
An animated fantasy about a young soldier who simultaneously discovers that her side is the aggressor in the war and that the planet has chosen her to be it's legendary protector. This forces her to leave the only home she's known and her childhood friend to fight for the rebellion, who she thought were her enemies
A remake of the 1985 He-Man spinoff series
Very "defeat them with power of friendship and also this sword you found in the woods"
BoJack Horseman (Netflix, ended after 6 seasons in 2020)
An adult animated comedy about a self-centered, washed-up 90s sitcom actor (who is a horse) as he struggles to become famous again and break out of his destructive habits
Satirizes Hollywood, media culture, and American politics
One of those shows where you aren't supposed to admire the main characters
Big trigger warnings for this one. Seriously.
Good Omens (Amazon Prime, currently on season 2)
Follows the misadventures of a demon and an angel, a witch's descendent, two unskilled witch hunters, a sex-worker, and the antichrist and his friends as the antichrist grows into his power and brings about Armageddon, all set to Queen songs
Based on the 1990 book by Neil Gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchett
The fandom focuses a lot of the shipping side of the show but forget all of that if you plan to watch it
Season 2 wrecked me
Gentleman Jack (HBO Max & the BBC; cancelled after season 2 in 2022)
Based on the real diaries of Anne Lister, a wealthy lesbian in 1830s England who is looking for a wife and to expand her business enterprises
Sadly HBO pulled away and the BBC couldn't afford to make another season without them. What was made is still worth checking out.
Our Flag Means Death (HBO Max; currently on season 1)
A pirate workplace comedy/romcom that loosely follows the real life of Stede Bonnet, a wealthy landowner who ran away to become a pirate due to a mid-life crisis. He wants so badly to be a pirate captain but is far from qualified for the role.
"Traditionally, piracy is a culture of abuse...floggings, keelhaulings. And my thought is, "Why?" And also, what if it weren't like that?" really is the thesis of the show
(Edit) omg I cant believe I forgot:
Avatar: the Last Airbender (Netflix; ended after 3 seasons in 2008)
An animated children's fantasy series in which people can manipulate one of the four elements, and their peacekeeper, the Avatar, can manipulate all four. After being frozen in ice for 100 years, the 12 year old Avatar learns that the Fire Nation has begun a war that he must stop by next summer
Literally the blueprint for the modern animation that we enjoy today. IDK what else to say. It's iconic
Hilda (Netflix; ended after 2 seasons and 1 movie in 2021)
An animated children's fantasy series set in a world full of Nordic folk creatures
After spending much of her life living in the woods with her mom and her pet deerfox, Hilda is upset to learn that her mom now wants to move to Trolberg, a walled-off city where Hilda fears there is nothing interesting to do. She quickly discovers that there is just as much magic and wonder in the city as there is in the woods.
She's voiced by Bella Ramsay and the animation is beautiful. It's all all-around good vibes show.
Interview with the Vampire (AMC; currently on season 1)
After the first interview in the 70s that ended in disaster, Louis de Pointe du Lac reached out to Daniel Molloy and demanded a do-over. He goes back to his life as a black businessman in 1910s New Orleans and the complicated relationship between himself and Lestat de Lioncourt.
It's actually gay enough this time you guys.
I'd also like to add:
The Bear (FX/Hulu; currently on season 2)
A dramedy about a New York chef who inherits a failing sandwich shop after his older brother commits suicide.
Sometimes a found family isn't all sunshine and unicorns. Sometimes its a lot of screaming and resentment and cussing each other out.
It's a very stressful to watch so it's not for everyone, but if you're the type who finds that cathartic then you should give it a watch.
The Sandman (Netflix; currently on season 1)
Begins in 1916 with the capture of the god of dreams by a greedy sorcerer. After he escapes he must rebuild his realm and repair the damage done by his absence.
Trying to describe this show is really, really, difficult. It would be easier to describe what this show isn't.
Based on the DC comic of the same name by Neil Gaiman.
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agdistis-sanctified · 3 months
Did you get to read the new deadpool book? If so what did you thought of it? :D
I know not everyone feels this way about it, but I am absolutely enjoying it so far! Some very general comments:
❧ It's so so nice that we've figured out what to do with Ellie again. I love that Ellie is a real player in the story. I love that we're including the Prestons in a way that suggests they'll continue hanging around (they all get a pretty solid re-introduction!). "Bet [Wade] gave you that whole 'I don't want to ruin you' spiel" UGH, it's good to have someone to call his ass out.
❧ I always appreciate a series that spends a lot of time on Wade's interiority and can meaningfully balance what he's saying, what he's thinking, and the different ways he acts around different people. He's funny and off the wall, he's self-destructive and prone to depression, he tries to manage himself around Ellie and Princess; he feels like a person.
❧ It's always a treat to have a Deadpool run that doesn't immediately try to give itself a complete "fresh start" from the previous run(s). I know a lot of people are disappointed that he's no longer with Valentine (I feel this--I love Valentine, and it's so rare and special to have a character like them), but he still has Princess with him and has mentioned Valentine in every issue so far, which is more than, for instance, the previous run did for Elsa and monster Staten island. For perspective, this is more than almost any Deadpool run has done in its first few issues for any other Deadpool run. I expect love interests in comics to kind of just disappear sometimes between runs, and that can suck, but Valentine happened, we will always have that, they can always return (in this run or another), and this run is at least actively reaffirming the fact that they happened and how much that mattered to Wade. In comic book terms, all context considered, I am happy to call this a win, and I'm open to seeing what happens in the space this run makes for itself and evaluating it on its own merits the same way I was for the last.
❧ I have so many thoughts on exactly why it's wonderful to have Taskmaster here and why his history with Deadpool makes some of the little details here extra good.
❧ And speaking of new Deadpool comics... I highly, highly recommend Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII to everyone that hasn't checked it out yet. Joe Kelly is back at it. I suspect this will end up being a favorite.
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lovelyangeldo3eyes · 1 month
i literally cannot stand the way carrie acts like some terrified, wide eyed, shivering wet little lamb whenever a parisian says something bitchy about paris.
carrie. you have just spent 20 years in the bitchiest planet in the world. there is no way that you have never ever not said something bad about new york. also! you’ve definitely said something about how the city used to be better to someone who just arrived! when you move to a new city just to fuck around, you’re a transplant all over again!
it’s not like carrie is even from new york, she’s literally a transplant from some connecticut suburb.
they only show like two native new yorkers in that fucking show: steve (which doesn’t count to the satc characters/audience because he’s one of those ethnic whites from queens, the more acceptable “suburban” breeding ground than staten island) and the jewish american princess who has samantha do the pr for her bat mitzvah. i’ve said once, ive said it a million times: absurdly rich new yorkers who revel in their richness are not new yorkers (absurdly rich/rich/“comfortable”/middle class new yorkers who do not interact with the “common folk” or LIE about how rich they are are also not new yorkers)
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apothekosm · 3 days
“You didn’t tell me you were back in town.”
❝ That's because I'm NOT 'back in town', EmJay. I'm dead, actually. Officially pronounced and everything. ❞
The front door to her palatial manse was absolutely buried underneath wilting bushels of roses, too-big-teddy bears, chocolates, confections and kisses all left to wither away in the cooling autumnal sun o'er Staten Island. An ad-hoc memorial for God's Favorite Princess, taken too soon.
No groundskeepers to clean the place up, all the support staff let go, compensated and given pay commensurate to another year or two in service, of course, but ultimately gone. A ruin yet to be reclaimed by nature.
Empty. Hollow. Lifeless.
Just like her, and her disintegrating, worm-mangled, sun-bleached corpse...
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... or something. She looked just fine peeking out from behind her curtains.
❝ Now go away before one of my worshipers sees you out there chatting me! ❞ She was ruining the mystique of it all!
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bubble3-tea-3bear · 1 year
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🎀A Place I Want to Go to and Live is in New York🎀
Here’s are Tips On How To Feel Like A Princess In New York
Wear the prettiest pink Ugg boots
Go to Staten Island and visit The Statue of Liberty 🗽
Wear a pretty pink pearl beret
Have a delicious Starbucks and warm your cold lunch
Visit the Empire State Building and enjoy the beautiful view over the city
Go ice skating at Rockefeller Center
Eating some delicious cupcakes at the Magnolia Bakery
Take a romantic horse and carriage ride through Central Park
Go shopping at Little Soho all day long
Tips for people who don’t live in New York
Make some delicious New York pancakes
Wear a pretty cozy and comfy outfit especially if it’s cold
Make yourself a delicious pink drink
Have a relaxing bath with a cotton candy bath bomb
Watch Little Marie in the Aristocats
Go on Pinterest and make a mood board of places you want to go
Credits: @gomez1893 on Pinterest
Remember to stay magical and that you can’t change people. You are you and they are them. I’ll be adding another post later today since I didn’t do one yesterday.💗🫶. See you later👋.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
playing with carmellas hair after a rough match?
Exhausted || Carmella x Reader
Summary: Carmella gets home utterly exhausted after her match.
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The sound of the door creaking open heralded Carmella's return home. Her steps were heavy, and you could tell it had been a rough match. She didn't say a word, just headed straight for the bedroom and flopped down face-first onto the bed, not bothering to remove her wrestling gear.
You followed her, concern etching your features as you watched her. You knew how physically demanding her profession was, and the toll it could take on her body. Without a word, you gently reached out and placed your hand on her shoulder, urging her to shift slightly. She complied, and you helped her adjust so that her head rested on your shoulder.
Carmella let out a contented sigh, her exhaustion evident as she melted into your touch. Your fingers began to play with her hair, gently running through the golden locks. It was a small gesture, but one that conveyed your care and affection for her.
She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation, and for a moment, the weariness seemed to dissipate. Your presence was a soothing balm to her aching body and tired mind. In the silence of the room, you offered her the solace she needed, a safe haven where she could let her guard down.
Though you didn't speak, your actions spoke volumes. You were there for her, offering comfort and reassurance without the need for words. Carmella appreciated it more than she could express, and as her breathing gradually slowed, you knew that this simple act of kindness had eased her burden, if only for a little while.
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princessanneftw · 2 years
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Princess Anne taking a trip on the Staten Island Ferry in New York on 4 October 2022 🗽
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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4 October 2022 The National Lighthouse Museum welcomed Princess Anne in a monumental show of support for the historic St. George gem. Princess Anne chats with supporters of The National Lighthouse Museum at a luncheon in her honor at The View at Battery Park, lower Manhattan © Dr. Gracelyn Santos/Jason Paderon/Staten Island Advance
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battery-low · 2 years
some movies/series i have seen/want to see
first slam dunk
blue giant
mary and the witch's flower
sirocco and the kingdom of winds
rascal does not dream of a dreaming girl
the tunnel to summer, the exit of goodbyes
the girl who leapt through time
‌wolf children
boy and the beast
mirai no mirai
summer wars
in this corner of the world
metropolis anime
your name
children who chase lost voices from deep below
5 centimeters per second
the place promised in our early days
weathering with you
garden of words
little nemo
‌fist of the north star
vampire hunter d
vampire hunter d:bloodlust
wings of honneamise
ninja scroll
macros plus
the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
the disappearance of haruhi suzumiya
serial experiments lain
the case of hana & alice
the piano forest
night is short walk on girl
okko's inn
millennium actress
i want to eat your pancreas
a silent voice
liz and the blue bird
kimi no iro (releasing: 082024)
the heike story
dog of flanders
angels egg
giovannis island
night on the galactic railroad
to the forest of firefly lights
a letter to momo
josee, the tiger and the fish
summit of the gods
kodoku no gurume
time of eve
panda go panda
patema inverted
kabaneri of the iron fortress
big boys
small lights
old enough
begrijpt u nu waarom ik huil
schindlers list
colourful (1999)
colourful (2010)
‌anthem of the heart
‌banana fish
‌terror in resonance
short peace
500 days of summer
summer ghost
chungking express
goodbye don glees
one day
office space
lost in translation
manchester by sea
blue valentine
paddington 1, 2
neon genesis evangelion
end of evangelion
evangelion: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0+1.0
le otto montagne
the bear
met mes
call me by your name
beatiful boy
beau is afraid
chainsaw man
white lotus
band of brothers
monster anime
master keaton
to your eternity
miss hokusai
‌your lie in april
march sweeps in like a lion
‌a place further than universe
the perverts guide to cinema/ideology
yuki yukite, shingun
everything everywhere all at once
the hunchback of notre dame
jojo rabbit
love exposure
in the mood for love
in bruges
midnight gospel
‌god father i,ii,iii
‌death parade
one punch man
mob psycho i,ii,iii
vinland saga
bee and puppy cat
‌violet evergarden
violet evergarden (special)
violet evergarden (movie 2019)
violet evergarden (2020 movie)
‌anohana the flower we saw that day
scavenger reign
over the garden wall
‌bojack horseman
‌better call saul
‌breaking bad
‌game of thrones
‌moonlight kingdom
‌freedom writers
a sun
handmaids tale
carnival row
7 samurai
kingdom of heaven
a brighter summer day
past lives
perfect days
dear zachary:a letter to a son about his father
time still turns pages
silent love
monster (movie)
get out
poor things
fionna and cake
on the count of three
sensitive the untold story
the creative brain
‌the whale
memories of murder
taxi driver
after hours
a clockwork orange
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
‌requiem for a dream
‌children of heaven
‌my sisters keeper
‌hachi dogs tale
the big short
‌perks of being a wall flower
‌into the wild
‌good will hunting
mishima: a life in four chapters
what's eating gilbert grape?
better days
king of staten island
schindlers list
meet joe black
we are who we are
cowboy bebop
nr. 10
dead poet society
ghost in the shell
ghost in the shell sac
memories 1995
the vince staples show
matrix i,ii,iii
star wars visions
castle of cagliostro
my neighbour totoro
spirited away
howls moving castle
kikis delivery service
the wind rises
whisper of the heart
the cat returns
the boy and the heron
tales from the earthsea
from up on poppy hill
castle in the sky
nausica valley of the wind
porco rosso
princess monoke
ocean waves
only yesterday
pom poko
grave of fireflies
the tale of the princess kaguya
the neighbours yamadas
gauche the cellist
when marnie was there
red turtle
samurai shamploo
tales of the unusual
the face of another
rin daughters of mnemosyne
afro samurai
paranoia agent
bullet in your head
american gangster
american psycho
eyes wide shut
mind game
if beale street could talk
a time to kill
killers of the flower moon
the iron giant
tree of life
blue eyed samurai
twin peaks
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xxamorxexmortexx · 2 years
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retro-rezz-the-est · 2 years
yessssssss her princess of staten island gimmick is back!!!!!
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Dear Diary. I currently taking a mental health day today and I’ll be back in town tomorrow but right now, I’m physically on an island in the middle of a lake.
No running water. No electricity. No frills. Just a cute little house built on a small plot of land on an island in the middle of a lake. Dinner will be cooked over a fire in the living room. I had to bring a few bottles of water since the lake water is not potable but is used to clean the dishes and using the hand pump is hard. The first few really hard pumping action to get the water flowing is like pushing a car stuck on a ice patch. The wheels are spinning like crazy and it is not going anywhere but with a couple of good heave ho’s and you’re off and running. That’s what it’s like here.
No television or radio. Lots of books to read and board games to play. Nice blankets, fresh air and a good bed.
It’s raining here and I just adore the sound of the rain on the roof. Watching the leaves bounce as raindrops hit them. It’s gorgeous.
From my bedroom, I can lean forward a little bit and look at the lake. I see small white caps not like the ocean but just enough for choppy water and a very bouncy ride back to the mainland in the however old Boston Whaler. Spent a few grand on it and it’s still a good boat that gets you from the island to the mainland without having to worry about it sinking. Don’t give me that shit, you even worry about it when you’re on the Staten Island Ferry or Princess Cruise.
After the past few days and the anguish that I’ve experienced, it’s great to get away from everything and everyone.
Harry is curled up against me and has his eyes half open as he’s fighting not to take a nap. We’re going to nuzzle and listen to the rain. Later.
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