#the prologue is live!
Nothing’s ever easy (to be honest, I’m not easy on myself)
By SilverShadow1
Will meant what he promised his mother. He wouldn’t wander off on his own again. But that doesn’t mean it’s not pressing in the back of his mind. The desire to return to the first place aside from Castle Byers where he felt truly at ease.
The Party takes a summer road trip to Chicago.
Part 1 of The Chicago Series
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aeb-art · 3 months
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i thought it'd be cute 🥺💕
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ranray · 8 months
Kogoro and Shinichi's dynamic is the best part of Detective Conan live actions, I WANT TO TALK LOUD ABOUT IT.
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Kogoro may be not really smart, but he have to be more experienced as ex-officer 🙏
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darc-la-farse · 1 year
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‘still sad but trying-to-thrive’ wizard
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superfruitland · 1 year
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oh god. oh fuck. we're really in this now, huh?
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scribesynnox · 2 months
Siffrin in Loop 1 is having a great time.
Siffrin Loop 145? Not so much.
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livingonthesands · 2 years
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patreon - kofi - merch
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bbnibini · 1 year
I wonder if it's a design choice or the devs themselves can't make up their mind, but why did Solomon's eye colour "change" in NB? The chibi sprites in the OG show his eyes are shades of grey to brown/almost gold-bronze.
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The NB chibi sprite shows his eyes to be dark blue and brownish-gold.
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Don't even get me started with the cards and merch that can't make up his effing eye colour
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To my Solobesties (I'm calling Solomon stans this now. I think we formed a strange kinship after lesson 17 even if we never interact lmao), especially artist solobesties, hats off to you and your service to the community.
My personal HC is kinda a spoiler for uhhhh something I'm writing, but here it is:
"It's just…your eyes are like you: I can't figure them out." "MC, I-" "No! No! Solomon, I'm sorry! No…it's not like that, I promise! Look at me, won't you? Please look at me." So he did. His eyes trembled as he met with yours. How could he have hidden this part of himself for this long? How could you not notice? How could you forget? How could Father be so cruel to him and you for simply existing? You traced the corner of his lips with your thumb as you held him by the cheek. He was leaning onto your right hand, unable to maintain his gaze. He was surprisingly bashful. Adorably shy without his facades. But he looked like he would crumble even with a gentle word so you did not say anything. He looked at you expectantly, then looked away as your gaze burned onto him for too long and muttered, "You can't figure me out?"in almost a whisper, after a long-drawn out silence, weighing in his words, watching your expressions and body language. Afraid, so deathly afraid. You smiled. "It's like I'm looking at a mirror. Sometimes it's silver, sometimes it's midnight. When you look at the world around you and then look back at me, I feel like you've captured the sky and the oceans in your eyes. It's beautiful." His face was red all over, even to the tips of his ears. It was such a shame. You haven't even said everything you wanted to say to him yet. That he was the moon and the stars to your daytime; gold and silver gazes, looking after you from afar in the many branches of realities he couldn't be as honest with you as he was now. Ah. What will you do without him now? How can you give this up after remembering everything? You knew it was selfish, but you love him. Both of him. Every part of him just as much as he loved you and every part of you that existed. But now, you had to say goodbye. Again. How truly unfair.
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
the morning after
summary: the follow up to drunken confessions
pairing: grayson x mc
word count: idk bestie alot
based on the request: you had a drabble that was grayson drunkenly confession his love to mc at a party and it was chefs kiss and i remember sending an anon message saying that i think a follow up of the next day would be amazing. i can't find the ask anymore but think in my original anon message it was something like they talk about it and mc reciprocated and they get together the next day (yay fluff) and it's either the day before or the day of callies birthday party and they're planning on telling everyone at the party but oh no mc never shows up and grayson only got to live his dream for a few hours before mc goes missing for 10 years be (yay angst). You replied like "sounds like a good drabble idea" and bestie I haven't stopped thinking about it since
**unedited//this is kinda all over the place and idk how good it really is but i think my eyes will start bleeding if i look at it any longer**
request a drabble here!
grayson wakes with a start and a pounding in his head that rocks his senses. he pauses, willing his headache away and failing miserably. groaning, he slumps back onto the bed and drags a hand through his hair.
he feels movement beside him and squinting in the harsh light of the morning, he sees mc sitting next to him on top of the duvet, their laptop on their lap. they pause their work to smile at him.
"morning, sleepyhead!" they say as they reach for a glass of water on the side table and hand it to him. "i was wondering when you'd rise from your coma."
he takes the glass and drinks from it greedily, the cool water soothing his dry throat. "what time is it?"
they hum. "a little past eight."
he groans again, leaning over the mc to put the glass back on the side table. "why didn't you wake me up sooner?
they scoff before going back to their work. "you don't think i tried? you sleep like the dead, gray."
he hums in reply and lies back down on his pillows, his arm slung over his eyes. now that he's more awake, his headache has worsened to a steady throbbing behind his eyes. his mind drifts back to the night before and everything he did to get to where he is now. he remembers the party and drinking way more than he usually would, losing the mc somewhere along the way and reuniting with them. telling them he’s in love with them. twice.
embarrassment takes over, flooding his sense and twisting his stomach. he can’t believe he was so reckless, he should never be allowed to drink again. the thought alone of what they must think of him is makes him groan again, his face buried in hands.
"gray?" they say, nudging his side. "you okay over there?"
i don't think i'll ever be okay again, he thinks to himself but all that manages to come out of his mouth is a muffled, petulant no.
they shuffle on the bed next to him, the old bed frame creaking slightly and he peeks out from under his arm to see them leaning over him. "is it your head? i think there's some paracetamol in the medicine cabinet, if you want." he's quick to shake his head, groaning when that only exacerbates his headache, and they chuckle softly. "only you would martyr yourself over a hangover," they tut, staring down at him in amusement. "wait here, i'll go get them for you."
they're off the bed and out of his room before he can even comprehend it. with another groan, he sits up and, glancing down at himself, he realises that he's in pajama bottoms and one of his sleep shirts. he barely remembers getting home let alone changing into sleepwear which means the mc mustve done it for him. somehow that's even more embarassing than his drunken confession.
"here you go, gronk," they say, suddenly reappearing next to him with two white tablets and his half filled glass of water. he takes the medication and swallows it down in one fluid motion before turning to look at his best friend with a critical eye. they don't seem to be out of sorts. there's no pity in their eyes when they look at him, put off by the idea of him being in love with them for the past six years. no, it's as if the whole thing didn't even happen. they're still mc, he's still grayson. best friends. nothing more, nothing less. for all his hoping though, he knows that's not the case.
"so," he starts, clearing his throat, his anxiety at the situation rises to new levels. "about last night -"
"you mean your love confession?" they clarify and his eyes widen exponentially. this can't be real, he thinks. lord, if you're out there, kill me now please. despite his embarrassment though, they can't keep from smiling at them. "i was wondering when you'd bring that up."
"i- um... i-i don't know what you're talking about," he says quickly, his face burning red and his eyes anywhere but their face.
they pout at him, reaching out to take his face in their hand. "don't chicken out on me now, donohue. you know how long i've been waiting for you to finally say those words?"
he's looking at them now, only half because they're forcing him to by holding his face, and he can't believe the loving smile on their lips. "what?" is all he manages to get out and it makes them chuckle, his cheeks somehow getting even warmer.
"gosh, do i need to spell it for you, gray?" they move their hands from his face to his shoulders, where they proceed to lightly shake him, mindfully of his pounding head. "i love you too!"
"you do?" the words don't make sense in his ears, in his mind. the mc loving him? no, that can't be. he must be going deaf. or crazy. yeah, definitely crazy. sure, he's a little young to be going senile already but there's obviously no other explanation, right?
they laugh again and return their hands to his face. without another word spoken between them, they pull him close, kissing him softly and stealing all the air from his lungs.
he freezes momentarily, unable to comprehend that this is truly happening, but his hands are settling on their hips and pulling them closer. im dead, he thinks. ive died and gone to heaven.
it feels like an eternity has passed before they pull away. still stunned, he peels his eyes open to look at them, that smile of theirs that he loves so much spurring one of his own into existence.
"believe me now?" they quip and he shakes his head slowly, his lips parted and still tingling.
"no," he says, breathless. "maybe if you kissed me again."
amused, they lean forward and give him a peck on the lips, so quick it might as well have not happened at all, and he pouts, following after them when they leave.
"don't tease me," he whines and their smile widens slightly. "why didn't you say anything?"
they shrug. "i was too nervous. guess that makes us even, huh?"
he wraps his arms around them and pulls them onto his lap, resting his forehead against theirs. "say it again."
they hum, their arms going around his neck. "that i love you?"
"i love you, gray."
"i love you more."
they're about to protest when he kisses them again. he kisses them long and soft, like he's wanted to every day for past six years and he doesn't stop until his lungs are empty. and even then, he attempts to go back for more.
laughing, they press their index against his lips as they sit back on his lap. "easy tiger," they say. "don't want you suffocating on me."
again, he pouts. "'m making up for lost time." he doesn't know where the boldness - or the neediness - comes from but he chooses not to think about it too much. he's waited for this moment for a long time and now that's it here, he doesn't want it to end.
"sorry, gray; ive gotta put my foot down here," they laugh. "ive got a busy day of errands and you're already late for class."
"i can miss one class," he attempts but they simply shush him again, now using their whole hand to cover his mouth.
"not on your life, mister." against all of his muffled protests, they climb off his lap, moving to the other side of the bed where their laptop sits, turning it off before looking back at him. "youve waited so long, what's a few more hours until callie's party?"
he shakes his head vehemently, ignoring his headache for time being. "nope, can't do it," he insists. "i'll die before then."
"you're so dramatic," they say with a roll of their eyes before moving to kiss his forehead. "school first. and then i'm all yours at seven."
"do you promise?"
"pinky swear."
hooking his pinky finger around theirs, he can't keep the smile off his face. "okay. seven o'clock then."
"seven o'clock," they agree and with one last chaste kiss, he watches them climb off his bed and leave his room, laptop in hand. he lies back down and rolls over onto his stomach, pressing his face into a pillow and screaming in excitement.
he can already tell that this is going to be a great day.
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himluv · 3 months
All these years I've said, "there's no happy ending for Solas. Narratively, there's no way he lives. He might be redeemed, but he's still gonna die, there will just be various versions of that inevitability."
And I believe(d) that. I said it time and again and I thought I'd accepted it as truth. But the moment I saw him face to face with two beings that are no doubt frothing at the chance to kill him...
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I might know he has to die, but my foolish human heart still hopes. I know he's going to die, but my heart so desperately wants him (and Varric) to live.
This game is going to fuck me up so bad y'all.
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baltharino · 6 days
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Making a GifSet for Each Piece of Rina Tennoji Merch I Own Pt 9 / ? Merch Under the Cut
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she has a few marks on her hair 😥 but i think that's the price i pay for using this one as an actual keyring, instead of just displaying it.. worth it tbh
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skaiind · 3 months
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pondering his journey and how far he has come in the new page on patreon
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fluffypotatey · 1 month
i think, if (when, actually, because i will be doing this in the future) i’m going to make a hangster x twisters au, then i need the prologue to be nothing but social media posts and comments. i need it to be 100% epistolary with news articles and twitter posts and YouTube comments and twitch livestreams
and then the actual story be in prose
and then the epilogue be a blog or article detailing the aftermath of the events
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She picks it up, gasping. The last barrier, her child, is gone. It is time to rest, and she has been ready for so long.
Still: she hesitates.
He tackles her, and she lands hard. Her eyes are wild and she struggles to be free; he does not let her.
“Give it to me.” His voice is dry and crisp and lacks emotion. She hesitates again, then hands it over with numb fingers. Then she makes eye contact.
Vaniah looks very tired as he says, “Why?”
“You know why.”
His eyes close and his shoulders sag a little. “I left the child with Anneka,” he says quietly. “You can meet her someday, if you like.”
“Who is Anneka?” She doesn’t care, but has to say something to fill in the empty space.
The smile reaches his eyes and she likes the way it makes him look. “My wife. We’ll take care of your child—if you want us to.”
“I never want to see her again.” Her voice catches, and she cannot look him in the eyes. “I want to die, Vaniah.”
“I know.” He pushes back his sleeve and shows her scarring; it is terrible to see, but it seems like his destiny.
“I’ve wanted to for a long time. I stayed for the child. Now she doesn’t need me.”
“The world needs you. Mordecai needs you.”
She shakes her head. “I haven’t spoken to Mordecai in a long, long time.”
“He still loves you,” says Vaniah with certainty. His expression is very gentle, and she still cannot look at him. “I met him in the street recently; and he has forgiven me.”
“I have been a fool.” She is unable to speak any further.
“So have I: and God has forgiven me.”
“What do I care of God?” and she is blazing with rage. “Where was he when I went through hell?”
Vaniah is silent. At last he says, “Right beside you.”
“I thought you didn’t believe in God.” She studies his hands, wondering if she can wrench it free and complete her mission.
Vaniah sees her gaze and shifts his hands more securely. “I didn’t. I do now. But if you don’t want to talk about it we don’t have to.”
Her shoulders slump and she wants to cry. “I don’t want to live, Vaniah.”
“Neither did I. At risk of sounding cliched: it gets better. Life becomes worth the living.”
“Teach me to live.” Her voice is bitter, sarcastic. “If you’re going to stop me dying, teach me to live!” This time she does cry.
For the rest of her life she remembers how he looks at her, at the kindness and love with which he treats her. How he doesn’t pity her. How he saves her from her worst enemy, herself. How he doesn’t leave her alone until he’s found someone else who can take care of her.
How he shows her the first light she’s seen in her personal darkness for a very long time.
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superfruitland · 1 year
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based on real life events
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joykirbs · 8 months
START AGAIN: a prologue [LIVE DUB]
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Thumbnail art by the INCREDIBLE @tawnysoup
In the time since I have completed In Stars and Time, the game has not left my head for a single second. My entire being has yearned for more of these characters, more of this story. It's creatively inspired me so much, to the point where I'm able to draw and write for the first time in forever!!! And then I remembered, there's a whole prologue that I haven't played at all!!!
So, we're correcting that mistake, and I'm happy to say that I will be voice acting the entire game! I'm going in completely blind, minus the knowledge gained from In Stars and Time! It'll be just as agonizingly heartbreaking as the ISAT streams! Come join me, the #1 sifcore streamer on Twitch, on this final stop in our depressing, neverending timeloop. Start Again!
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