#the pronoun lowdown
ryttu3k · 6 months
"I've picked up an analogy in my years of public speaking. It's one of the ways I describe the trans experience to audiences of largely cis people. I ask them to imagine that they are a can of lentils. (Bear with me here.) So, there you are, chilling out. Doing what canned lentils do. Then someone comes along, opens the cupboard, picks you up, and slaps a label on you that says 'coconut milk'. Okay. You don't really know what to do. Obviously, you are not coconut milk - you know this intuitively But there's no way to prove your lentilness for certain, unless someone opens you up and peers inside. But they're sure going to be disappointed if they try to add you to a pina colada mix! The trans experience isn't the process of lentils trying to become coconut milk, or vice versa. It's just a matter of changing the label on the outside, so people know what's inside. Sometimes to change that label, people go through surgeries, or hormones. Sometimes they just get a haircut and make a Facebook post. All it really takes is for people to just believe them when they say, 'I'm not coconut milk, and I never was. And next time, can you ask me before you try and label me?'"
- The Pronoun Lowdown, by Nevo Zisin
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cupidssorbet · 1 year
"What a cowboy.”
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Cowboy/Vaquero Miguel x Ranch-Hand? Reader.(Beautiful art above is by Katromz on tiktok and insta!)
Summary: Miguel ends up trying to befriend his longtime friend and employers niece however maybe befriend isn't quite the word.
Includes: AFAB reader but no specified pronouns/race/looks nothing, flirting/teasing, Nicerish AU Miguel, caught masturbating, Oral M & F, recieving praise, mentions of the word 'cunt/pussy', P in V, as well as not much use of name more nicknames.
P.S Vaquero and Cowboy are the same words for those who don't know, a friend requested this so I delivered! Please pardon any terribly translated Spanish I am still learning and had only few help from a friend of mine! This was a request so thank you to my friend!
Word count: 7766.(it's a long one babes.)
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By cupid.
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You’d been sent out for the summer to help your uncle at his ranch, you didn’t mind too much it’d be giving you more to do than usual. He was happy to have you since most his ranch-hands called out or would be busy trying to fill in the empty spots left by others. So when he heard his favorite niece would be dropping in to help out he was more than delighted.
It was a long, long car ride to his ranch and by the time you had arrived the sun was high in the sky and it was sweltering. You hopped out of your dad’s truck with a smile on your face, your cousin’s Poppy & Nana coming to greet you with enthusiasm, quickly taking your bags. “Look at you two, it feels like it’s been forever since we’ve hung out together!” You say as you nudge Nana’s arm, she laughs a bit as the three of you trudge up the dirt driveway up to the main house.
Poppy opens the door for you as soon as you head inside you hear a squeal from your Aunt Maria, who immediately runs over to scoop you up into a hug. “Sweetheart it has been too long!” She says excitedly as she practically squeezes the air outta you. “I missed ya too aunty but please..please let me go I can’t breathe-!” You manage out as she lets you go, “Oh my! Sorry ‘bout that sugar! It’s just been so long!” She says pinching your cheek a little. “Now, Girls go show her to her room alright? Get all cozy, Jack said he wasn’t gonna have you start work till tomorrow when he can give you the lowdown of everythin’ new.” She said shooing you three up the stairs.
You followed the girls up the stairs as they talked away, you weren’t really invested in the conversation as you looked at all the old pictures that were hung up on the walls. All those old memories made you smile, you were out of it until Poppy pulled you back into reality with a tug on the arm, albeit a hard tug, “You alright there?” She asked, raising a brow at you as nana opened the door to the room, you blinked and flashed her a smile. “Yeah just got a little out of it, this heat whew it is-” “Why don’t we head to the lake!” Nana says with a bright smile as she sets your bags on your bed, cutting you off.
“Oh I don’t know what if your dad needs me here or help with anything I’m not just here to leisure about.” You say as they both sigh dramatically, “C’mon you heard mama, papa’s not gonna need you till tomorrow!” Poppy says crossing her arms, eventually you sigh giving into them and their antics. Excitedly they leave you to get ready telling you to meet them downstairs when done. Once you are ready to go with a little bag that has sunscreen and such inside you hurry downstairs the two girls waiting for you.
You can’t help but grin with their contagious smiles, “Ma! We’re heading to the lake!” Nana calls out to her, “Be safe girls! Be back by sundown too ya hear?” She calls from the kitchen and you all respond with unanimous ‘Yes ma’am!’ before hurrying out the door giggling like a bunch of school girls as you anticipate the cool water of the lake.
It was a bit of a trek until you reached it, shoving branches aside and walking through bushes hoping none of them were poison ivy or poison at all. Once nana pushed a thick willow branch aside you sighed happily, the blue water shining under the high sun. The three of you quickly hurried to the shore finding a nice spot to lay your things.
As you and nana carefully laid things out poppy quickly ditched her shorts she wore over her swimsuit bottoms and ran into the cool water with a loud cheer. She then decided to splash the two of you, causing you to get a cheeky grin. “Oh that’s how it’s gonna be huh?” You asked playfully as you ditched your own shoes and bottoms before running into the water yourself.
The cool embrace of the lake on your warm skin made you feel completely relaxed, until you remembered your motive to run in here in the first place. The time at the lake started with games and running off the rock ledge that overlooked the lake to jump in. Splashing one another or Watching as someone did something dumb for what felt like the 100th time in those hours.
By the time the sun started to settle down in the sky you were resting on your towel as the girls continued to play in the waters. Drifting off into your own daydreams, sunglasses shielding your eyes from the fleeting rays, until you were startled awake by squeal. You assumed something had happened, so you quickly sat up pushing your sunglasses to sit on your head. “What? What happened?” you asked worried, until you saw them giggling over something or more rather..someone.
You let a slight huff at the fact they had you all worried for nothing, you however curiously followed their eyes. Wondering what could’ve caused them to squeal to begin with. Down a good way from your spots on the bank was a man, a rather handsome man you had to admit. Poppy however caught your staring and with a cheeky smile sat beside you, “Ooo! Do I sense a crush perhaps?” She said with a shit eating grin.
Waving her off you stopped staring at the mystery man, “Oh please, You think everything is a crush or love related.” you said, trying to dismiss her packing your stuff away as the sun started to set. Nana was quick to hurry outta the water spotting you and your packing, quickly just tossing her stuff in her bag as you & poppy shook your heads at her mess of a bag now.
All of you hurried back dodging branches and plants until you were on an open stretch the house coming into view, “So..” you started, earning their attention again. “Who was that guy?” you asked, keeping your gaze ahead. You heard the stifled giggles and such from them before nana caught up to you, “He is papa’s right hand man, quite the looker isn’t he?” she teased with a smile. “I suppose,” you said as you walked up the porch steps hearing their squeals and giggles. “But don’t go tellin’ anyone, I barely know that man.” you said sternly pointing at the two of them and they quickly stopped their giggling nodding as you headed inside.
Heading inside your aunt had prepared some dinner for when everyone got back, and as hungry as you were you decided to go and get a shower. Not before your uncle was quick to scoop you up in a hug much to your protest before you fake made a disgusted face before he ruffled up your hair as you headed up the stairs getting a warm shower and some dryer clothes.
After dinner and what not you were sitting upstairs with Poppy & Nana and one or two of the herding dogs, flicking through movies trying to find something to watch. Seeing as none of you could agree on anything it eventually came down to just getting some sleep, the hours at the lake tiring you out and your aunt & uncle calling out a goodnight to you three had reminded you that you’d be out helping in the morning so sleep was a good option.
The birds started chirping and the sun began to peek through the blinds, once it hit your eyes you groaned and began to open your eyes with a squint bringing a hand up to block the bright rays from practically blinding you. Sitting up blinking the sleep from your eyes you took note that it was just you and nana in the room, nana being fast asleep still.
You decided it’d be a good time to wake up and get ready so you could start helping your uncle out, you quickly brushed your hair to look less like you just got up and then you grabbed an outfit from your suitcase that would best suit the chores you’d be doing and the hot summer heat. You quickly made your way downstairs some of the dogs following you, “Mornin’ Sugar!” Aunt Maria called to her as she flipped some pancakes. “Morning Aunt Maria, Where’d poppy run off to?” you asked, snatching up a piece of bacon from the plate on the counter sharing some with the dogs.
“Oh she ran into town to fetch some more seeds for the garden, Jack told me we had extras but I know we didn’t, speakin’ of which since your most likely heading out that way mind giving those breakfast burritos on the counter the boys.” She asked using her spatula to motion to the cloth covered basket. You nodded, finishing the bacon off and grabbing the basket heading out the back door and off the porch to the main farm area and barn.
It wasn’t a long walk by any means, just one that felt long with how the sun sat so high and beating down on you, you spotted your uncle's truck out front of the barn. All the workers either sitting in the bed of the truck or leaning against it, you hurried over with a smile on your face as your uncle spotted you tipping his hat back slightly, a smile coming to his face.
“Hey there sweetheart, whatcha got?” he asked as he got up off the side of the truck walking over. “Aunty asked me to bring these breakfast burritos for you boys.” you said and they all hooted and hollered hurrying off the truck to grab one for themselves making you just laugh and shake your head. “Thank you for that darlin’ , right you all know my niece don’t you?” He asked, raising a brow as a few murmured yes’s and no’s were heard.
“Well you do now,” he said as he motioned to you, moving aside as you gave them all a wave of ‘hello’ then you spotted him, the man from the lake the other day. You didn’t realize you were staring until he made eye contact with you. A rather cheeky smile gracing his lips.
Once they were all done with their burritos the real work began. “Alright, Think you can work on feedin’ all the animals first then we can start on herdin’ the pasture ones back alright?” Your uncle asked and you nodded, “I’m on it!” you said with a smile. “How bout I send someone with ya, we’ve got a few new ones that might need some introduction, How about..Miguel!” your uncle said, clapping his hands together.
You were picking up one of the feed bags off the truck bed when a rather tall and muscular man walked up with a slight smile on his face, “Looks like I’m helpin’ you today sweetheart.” Miguel said, and oh god Miguel was the man from the lake. This realization almost had you dropping the feed bag before you quickly readjusted your hold on the bag. He only chuckled, slightly tilting his head and the brim of his hat up, giving you an even better look at his face, “Come on don’t go fallin’ for me already.' ' he teased at you.
Huffing you adjusted your grip on the bag turning on your heel with a little scoff, “You wish, I would never I barely know you.” You said as you began walking, utter bullshit, you couldn’t lie that his face, his eyes, his damn voice had you enthralled. He only let out a hearty chuckle following you carrying a bag or two of his own, “Then why not get to know me?” He suggested, shaking his head as you sped up your walking speed.
When you finally reached the animals you breathed a sigh of relief, quickly hurrying over to say ‘hello’ to all of them forgetting about Miguel following after you, he stood off to the side as he opened some of the bags watching as you excitedly said ‘hello’ to the ones you knew, all calling them by name then excitedly gasping at the ones you didn't know.
He had to admit he found it amusing, cute even at the way you greeted them all. He had to, he just had to, he cleared his throat which brought you back to your little situation causing you to huff almost and it only made him chuckle as he pushed a feed bag, ready and open your way. You grabbed the bag, opened the pen door and made your way inside without him, starting to fill up all the feeding spots walking about.
Miguel thought this would be a good time to start a conversation, “So, Why do ya keep ignoring me?” he asked and you just hummed in response, “I’m not.” You denied, “Ah-Ah just now you almost did.” He said looking at you, that stupid look on his face had you smiling slightly and rolling your eyes. Trying to look away before he caught it, but oh he caught it. “Hey! I saw that, I made a breakthrough!” He says motioning around to a nonexistent crowd almost proud of himself causing you to shake your head with a slight smile.
You two finished up the feeding chores with relative ease, the tension simply melting away as you two actually got to talking with one another actually getting to know more like he suggested, then you started saddling up some of the horses so they could head out to check for any lost or still loose cattle or sheep. You finished tightening one of the straps, patting the nose of the horse, a smile on your face when it responded with a big sloppy lick to your hand. “Alright, Are we ready to get a move on?” he asked as he took the reins from your hand. “Yep, All saddled up.” you said with a little salute.
“Thank you sugar, how bout you go feed the calves while we’re gone if you're up for it?” your uncle asked, hoping on the horse. “I can’t say no to feeding the calves,” you said with a smile. With a few waves and goodbyes you went off in search of the bottles that had the formula for the calves that were rescued and didn’t exactly take to any cow the ranch had. You grabbed the bucket of bottles and took a seat in the stable stall with one of the babies. Taking the bottle out, the little thing came running and it made you laugh.
You held the bottle up for it and at first it went well until it didn’t somehow, something had gotten on the shirt underneath your overalls and that was not sitting well on your skin with heat in the air. So you thought, hey they wouldn’t be back for maybe an hour or two at most so you unclipped the clips of your overalls and took the shirt off letting it rest on the table that had all the tools and such then you clipped your overalls back up and when right back to taking care of the calves.
To you only 30 maybe 40 minutes had gone by so you still weren’t too worried about putting that shirt back on or heading back to the house as you happily wandered the stable saying ‘hello’ to the horses that stayed behind. Blissfully unaware that Miguel had headed back to grab the hat he had forgotten, quickly making his way inside of the stable. Stopping his tracks quietly when he spotted you petting one of the horses and it seemed innocent enough until his eyes seemed to wander lower..to the point where he noticed you were not wearing a shirt under your overalls. And not wanting to make you uncomfortable or wanting to make anything else happen he just gave up grabbing his hat and left as quietly as possible.
When you had assumed they’d be coming back you went and got the shirt off the workbench and put it back on quickly as the cowboys came into view. You put on a smile and looked ahead as they made their way over and started hopping their horses all saying their ‘hellos’ and such but Miguel just completely ignored you, was he not going on about you ignoring despite barely knowing him earlier? What a hypocrite.
You just shrugged it off, what would it matter really, you said a quick ‘hello’ to your uncle as you checked the time, you had promised you’d spend the last few hours before the sun actually set at the lake with the girls and you had to depart to get ready. Simply brushing off Miguel ignoring you, you went back to the main house to change and once you were done you headed off however little did you know you’d spend your time alone at the lake..well for a little bit at least.
You relaxed on the bank for a little bit taking in the sun's rays after applying sunscreen of course, waiting thinking maybe they’d got busy or something. So you went from enjoying the water to resting on the shore to reading the book you brought until you exhaled a bit annoyed. You got up, gathered your things, slipped your shorts back on and made your way back to the main house in a slight huff.
When you opened the door your aunt seemed to pick up on your bad mood, “What’s the matter pumpkin?” she asked as she dried her hands with the towel. “The girls told me to meet them at the lake and then they just didn’t come!” you said with arm motions. She seemed to shake her head and sigh, “Well if your looking to pick a bone with them they might’ve gone down to the guest house to deliver the fruit like I asked, the one where the cowboys are stayin’.” She said, giving you a little nod. You thanked her begrudgingly before starting your way to the guest house, saying hello to the cowboys you saw as you headed by whether they were lugging hay or simply just passing by.
You got to the guest house and opened the front door, it was rather empty, and you didn’t hear any giggling, not even a hint of your cousin’s voices, you raised your brow carefully making your way down the hallway. You continued until you saw a door slightly creaked open, you neared it hoping maybe your cousin’s were just fooling around here and that you could drag them back. But that idea quickly evaporated as you neared closer you heard..grunts? At first you thought it was one of pain but when you got a view of what was behind the just barely opened door you quickly realized it was not one of pain rather of pleasure.
There Miguel laid on presumably his bed, legs spread slightly, cowboy hat resting lazily over his head, pants just barely down his thighs as his head moved up his hard erection..precum leaking from the red angry tip. You couldn’t help but stare, biting back the gasps with a hand over your mouth. His teeth sucking his bottom lip back slightly exposing his sharp canines that had you feeling some kind of way, but oh boy it just got better as soon as you mindlessly dropped your hand from your mouth he muttered out your name, “Dios... Ni siquiera sé cómo me hiciste esto..(God... I don't even know how you did this to me.)” He murmured out in Spanish as he hissed when he glided his thumb over the leaking slit.
Miguel was lost in his own thoughts, his mind flitting back to when he saw you in the stable in nothing but your shoes and overalls. He groaned out as he moved his hand up, he knew it was wrong and dirty not just for the fact that he was just getting to know you but the fact he wished it was your hands and not his then he was snapped back to reality by a noise..
You gasped and your gasp got his attention causing you to quickly hide behind the wall before he could spot you, when you heard him moving off the bed you were quick to run as quietly down the hallway. Your feet carried you quickly as you hurried out of the guest house not wanting to get caught in the slightest.
Your heart felt like it was in your ears, your cheeks felt hot, hell your whole body felt hot. You hurried quick and fast to the main house, your feet just carrying you inside as you gave a quick ‘hello’ to your Aunt before going to your room flopping onto your bed. Burying your head into your pillow and just screaming muffling it.
God..he was thinking about YOU? That had your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest, you rolled onto your back as you stared at the ceiling that moment replaying in your head causing you to subconsciously rub your thighs together before you brought your hands up to smack your cheeks, mentally cursing yourself for feeling this way.
Huffing you sat up on the bed grabbing your journal you brought with you, “God..Was he really thinking about me? But why,” you murmured as you flipped out the journal trying to write it out of your mind at least so you could push it off and act as if normal. By the time you finished you were called down for dinner and you just inhaled and exhaled pushing it to the back of your mind shoving the Journal under your pillow and heading down.
By the time dinner was done you and poppy were helping with the dishes as a few of the cowboys stopped by to drop off some stuff and there he was again, you quickly looked away as he spotted you offering you a sweet smile and tilt of his hat. You only just ignored him continuing your conversation with poppy and working on the dishes.
When you finished you quickly dried your hands not wanting to stick around for very long you couldn’t even fathom why seeing him again got you so much more worked up than it should. “I’m headin’ to bed really tired, Night everyone!” you called quickly as you hurried up the stairs to your bedroom causing Miguel and a few others to raise a brow before just brushing it off to turn to their own things.
You inhaled sharply and exhaled laying onto your bed, your hands traveling gingerly down your stomach to the hem of your pj shorts. Your fingers slipping past the hem of the shorts to your panty clad cunt, exhaling slightly as your fingers brushed over your cunt that slight pressure you added caused your body to melt slightly into your pillows. Your mind clouding with thoughts of him, before the sound of someone coming upstairs snapped you back to reality.
You quickly pulled away from your shorts and grabbed a random book from the nightstand to act as if you were reading. Poppy and Nana came bursting in with a movie for the three of you to watch and you all but sighed happily as it was something to completely take your mind off it.
The movie was put in and the lights were turned off getting all cozy in your beds and watching the movie until you all but fell asleep..
For the next few days you did your best to keep your distance from Miguel but your hard-headedness to stay away from him only had him more intrigued and always earned a laugh from him because you always denied his questions whenever he asked one and you denied his help just to make it easier, but it seemed to fail every now and again considering your help to your uncle’s work and with him always having the cowboys with him you only ever saw him everyday..
The next morning came and you decided you’d just avoid Miguel completely and only interact if you just HAD to interact with him thinking that it would be best especially because of the way you made him feel and with the way he had you feeling even if you were just getting to know him better.
Today you dawned a nice summer dress as you were going to help your Aunt in the garden to keep a distance between you and him. You put on a sun hat and followed your Aunt out to the garden to work on the precious marigolds she had planted that were getting swallowed by the pesky weeds.
Dropping down onto your knees and getting to work right away you heard a clatter of tools causing your head to whip around to where it came from, and god fucking dammit you swore nothing was on your side this week, it was miguel, tool belt beside him and a few fence posts as he shot you an apologetic smile. “Sorry bout’ that didn’t mean to startle you act like I’m not here.” you only hummed in response, turning your attention back to the flowers.
Digging into the dirt yanking weed after weed out as the sun began to rise high into the sky above, causing you to start to sweat under the hot rays. You huffed sitting back on your heels as you dusted your hands off of dirt with the exception of some stuck under your nails. Miguel heard your little huff and his eyes happened to wander your way, gazing unapologetically up your figure, your flushed face and slightly pouted lips catching his attention.
He cleared his throat slightly, turning his attention back to the fence, “You doin’ alright Miss?” he asked, tipping his hat back slightly. You just hummed in response earning a small frown from him, “What?” you asked, raising a brow. “How come you keep ignorin’ me, I thought we were making progress?” he said as he looked at you.
“Well, You started it when you came back from the stable that day and completely ignored me.” you shot back as you crossed your arms, “I did not I was just busy,” he said more matter of factly. The way he seemed so hurt by your antics had you feeling bad almost, you eventually sighed dropping your arms to your side. “Alright fine I have been but I ain’t telling you why, BUT I will make a better effort to stop ignoring you I suppose.” You said and you watched as his face brightened slightly.
“Well I think I’d be the happiest cowboy around,” He said with that stupid smile, “You're so weird.” You stated, shaking your head and turning your attention back to the weeds. He only laughed and went right back to his job, that’s what sparked the two of you talking again, you knew deep down you weren’t gonna be able to ignore him even if you tried because that really only made things awkward so you decided it would be best to try and be his friend.
That is how you spent some of your days, getting to know him and then spilling your feelings to your little diary and then going right back at being friendly, well one fateful day you made the mistake of leaving your diary not entirely under your pillow.
You were helping Miguel lug some hay to the truck and you exhaled, noticing the way your skin was getting a little red, “Damn, Hey Miguel could you go to my room and grab my sunscreen for me? I’ll finish loading up the hay if you do.” You said giving him a little smile and he sighed with a laugh. “Alright alright I’ll go fetch it, Where would I find it?” He asked stopping in his tracks.
“On the nightstand!” You called back as you grabbed another bale, he nodded giving you a little salute before setting off. He headed inside offering a polite ‘hello’ to your aunt before going upstairs finding your room and heading inside. Originally he was just here to grab the sunscreen and go but a little book peeking out from behind your pillow had him curious.
He stopped for a moment before he eventually caved and carefully picked it up in his hands, just a peek, it wouldn’t hurt really. Just a peek turned into reading some pages and skipping others, that was until he stumbled upon some of the more..explicit pages and they seemed to be about him. God he felt his pride swell, the way you thought about him and looked at him.
“Well damn little lady..” Miguel murmured with a slight smile on his face before he shut the journal, having now learned about your developing crush on him and the way you thought about him. He grabbed the sunscreen and headed back down and out with a curt tip of his hat.
You noticed when he was walking back he had a little beat to his steps causing you to smile and raise a brow as you took the sunscreen from him. “What’s got you so happy go lucky?” you asked as you applied some on your face and arms and he just hummed in response. “Eh no particular thing, can’t a man just be happy hm?” He teased you and you playfully swatted at his arm. Once you were all good with the sunscreen you two got back to work, all the moving and feeding and more moving of stuff had you both out till the sun was settling near the mountain tops.
“Hm, Looks like we should start headin’ back Miguel.” You said looking at the way the sun was settling, “Ah right, can’t believe the day slipped away from us that damn quick.” He said as he adjusted his hat to sit back on his head slightly, you couldn’t help but admire his features slightly before snapping yourself out of it. “Miguel, I was wondering if you, I mean if you and any of the cowboys would like to come down to the main house for a lunch of sorts,” Miguel smiled coyly at your little invitation, “Oh? You're inviting little ol’ me huh?” he said his smile went from coy to smug and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“You wish, I’m doing it as a request from my aunt.” You said lying through your teeth, no you were wholeheartedly inviting Miguel, using your aunt as an excuse so he didn’t see right through you. However that was long gone really, he already saw right through you, you and your dirty little thoughts with the way you looked at him and what he learned from your diary. He dramatically put a hand over his heart, “I am truly honored sugar,” he joked causing you to roll your eyes again starting your way back to the main house.
His smile never leaving his face,”See ya tomorrow sweetheart,” he laughed as you turned away from him quickly heading back to the main house to wash up for dinner, he knew damn well what he was going to do tomorrow to get you alone and he couldn’t wait.
He spent his day counting down the minutes till he could meet you for lunch well you and your family really, when he saw how the time neared closer he had gone back to the guest house to freshen up opting for a nicely pressed shirt, one of his nice belts, and some jeans that he knew you thought looked damn good on him. Grabbing his hat swiftly and the sunflowers he got just for today.
Making sure he didn’t look too eager he toned down his steps and his excitement, knocking on the front door adjusting his grip on the flowers. He heard you call out ‘I got it!’ before your footsteps followed, opening the door you were the picture of summer. Wearing a nice little sundress, hair more loose and free, and a smile creeping its way onto your face. “Howdy little miss.” He said his southern drawl coming out more has he held the flowers out to you.
You accepted them gratefully, “Miguel you really didn’t have to-” “I wanted to sugar, there’s a difference.” He hummed as he walked inside with you greeting your aunt and uncle with his usual polite demeanor and then greeting your cousins with that smile of his. You couldn’t help but grin, going and finding a vase for the flowers. “He’s a real nice boy ain’t he?” your aunt asked, having noticed your grin.
Still subconsciously smiling as you filled the vase with water you shrugged, “Yeah I suppose he is.” She just laughed a bit as she brought the food and drinks to the table with you following behind her setting the beautiful sunflowers as the centerpiece. Calling everyone to the table for lunch, you settled into your seat, Miguel sitting in the seat beside you which was across from your uncle so they could continue whatever conversation they were having.
You all served yourselves and then conversations began, it felt like most lunches with the addition of Miguel, little did you know what he was planning. He knew how the herding dogs were so when your aunt went to grab the pitcher of juice he sneakily tossed a piece of food underneath the table causing all of them to make a run for the food bumping your aunt’s chair, the pitcher of juice ended up splashing all over your sundress causing you to squeal and jump up.
You quickly excused yourself to hurry up stairs to remove the splotches of color that had begun to seep into the fabric more and more. Miguel excused himself as well, saying he had a call to take and it was rather important. Your family thought nothing of it, just hoping you’d be alright. He headed up the stairs with ease as he heard the sink start to run. Inside you had grabbed a cloth and began to rub at the stains without much thought.
Then a knock sounded and you sighed thinking it was your Aunt or cousins you opened it, it was Miguel. “Ah- I’m sorry I’m tryin’ to-” Miguel cut you off, “Don’t worry sweetheart, I know how to get pesky stains out especially ones that ruin such a nice dress.” You blinked the nickname felt less innocent for some reason especially with the way he was looking at you.
You cleared your throat allowing him to come in and shut the door as he kneeled down digging through the cabinets, “Ah here we are,” He said holding some bleach, “This oughta help somewhat.” He hummed as he dabbed a cloth with some leaning forward looking at you for your permission. You nodded slowly and he brought the cloth to one of the stains, wiping gently. His touch so gentle and soft had your stomach erupting in butterflies.
You felt your arousal grow slightly from his little touches and ministrations and the way he always looked to you with those eyes as a way of asking. You couldn’t help but stare at him, analyzing his features and then a chuckle erupted from his chest causing you to snap back to the situation. “Darlin’ If you keep staring at me that way I might just have to do what your little diary says.” the mention of your diary as your cheeks flushing red and your heart speeding up more than it was before. “I beg your pardon?” was all you could manage out.
He chuckled, setting the cloth aside and moving closer, “I didn’t wanna tell you this sugar but I’ve read your little journal and all the thoughts you think bout me.” He whispered softly against your ear causing you to shudder slightly. “Miguel I can explain-” You started, “Shh, Shh no need sweetheart, I know exactly what you need.” He said softly as he leaned closer, his lips hovering just away from yours. “Question is, do you really want this?” He asked wanting to really make sure this wasn’t some wet dream or that it wasn’t you who felt this way. You swallowed hard as you exhaled shakily, nodding, “Words sugar.” He said softly against your lips. “Yes Miguel, Please.” You pleaded slightly and he chuckled, shaking his head. “Goodness little miss your going to be the death of me.” He teased before your lips met.
It started out soft and sweet then grew into something more passionate and rough as his hands rested on your hips, his thumbs tracing patterns on the cloth that covered them. You pulled away for air, your breathing coming out in small pants and huffs. “Look at you..Kiss bitten lips all needy for me.” Miguel said with a slight smug smirk, “I’m not needy.” You shot back at him with a small huff.
His hand went from your hips to your thigh working up to your panty covered clit, a gasp eliciting from your throat. “Not so needy huh?” he teases as he rubs a thumb over your covered clit groaning at the way your arousal has made your panties wet. “Not-Not needy at all,” You managed out as a whine followed your words when his hand moved away.
“Then maybe I shouldn’t,” He started before you sighed, “Please Miguel..” You murmured, earning a smile from him, “Please what?” he said, pushing you on. “I need you.” you whined out earning a satisfactory chuckle, his hands found your waist and he hoisted you up to sit on the counters of the bathroom. His lips immediately find your inner thigh, sucking marks into the soft skin.
His hands wander as you let out small gasps and cries trying to be quiet, as you beg for him, as you beg TO him. God he never really thought his little idea would work but here he was buried in between your thighs, what a dream. His lips inched closer and closer to where you wanted him, he gently pulled your panties down and off. Then he licked a slow stripe up your folds eliciting a moan from you causing you to cover your mouth.
You could practically feel the smile he had on his face, he began eating you out like you were the last meal he’d ever eat. His tongue working your leaking hole then focusing directly on your clit. Humming gently when his lips wrapped around the sensitive bud causing a guttural noise to slip past your hand. His pace is unforgivable with the way he’s eating you.
He acts like he's a starved man eating the most delicious food alive and he just can’t stop, one hand keeping your thighs apart and the other massaging the soft supple skin. The way he alternates between tongue fucking you then sucking at your clit has your head in the cloud feeling like your on cloud nine.
Without warning he shoves two fingers in causing you to gasp at the surprise feeling, his fingers working slowly but surely in a soft pace to give you time until you're practically begging for more and he gives you more. His fingers curl in the right spots as he pumps his fingers in and out of you sloppily kissing and licking at your clit.
All the stimulation has your head reeling as a knot forms in your stomach, he doesn’t stop, he makes direct eye contact with you with that smug smile on his face as the knot snaps. Your velvety walls spasming around his fingers as you orgasm, your eyes shut tight as he laps up all of it slowly letting you down from your high as you exhale sharply when he removes his fingers.
His hands come to make quick work of his belt and jeans bringing his boxers and jeans just low enough for his painfully hard cock to spring out. You can’t help but stare as he works it slightly, your mouth practically hanging open at the sight of it, precum beading at the tip as he works it slightly lining his head up with your entrance.
He looks to you for another affirmation and you nod looking up at him with those pleading eyes again and he can’t say no to you. He nudges his head in before plunging in full force eliciting a loud moan from your lips and groans from his with how tight you are around him. “God..So tight, such a good girl I swear.” he murmurs as he begins thrusting into your cunt, the praise causing your pussy to flutter around him. He acknowledged this with a little smirk.
“You like that huh? You like being my good girl,” He huffs out earning a whine from you, he lands a small slap to your ass causing a yelp to fall from your lips. “I asked you a question.” He said gruffly his change in attitude had your stomach feeling butterflies. “Yes, Yes s’good Miguel!” You cried out as his pace became relentless. His smirk remained at the way you reacted to all of this. His hands have a grip on your hips that’ll most definitely bruise without a doubt.
His face finds itself in the crevice of your neck placing soft kisses and words of praise into your ear, your mind practically melts from all of this as he fucks you with such a pace, the sound of skin slapping and your muffled whines and cries becoming evident as he continues on. Your legs come to wrap around his back slightly as he pulls his face away to watch where you two connect. “Tan condenadamente apretada, tan buena para mí.(So damn tight, so good for me.)” He managed out as your walls fluttered around him, having a vice on his cock.
“That feel good? Hm?” he asked knowing damn well your practically fucked dumb at this point, nodding your eyes fluttering open as he comes to rhythmic pace that’s hitting all the right spots for you. He continues to praise you and kiss up your neck leaving marks occasionally just because he can. With the way your walls clench around him he can tell your close, his free hand comes down to rub circles on your clit making you gasp and your head loll back onto the mirror behind you.”So damn needy for me..Taking all you can get.” he chuckled out.
“I’m not needy,” you managed out best you could as you took his hat from him, He shook his head at your hard-headedness “Eres tan terco…(You are so stubborn..)” He huffed out with a chuckle, quickly taking his hat back from you as you shot him a mischievous smile even in your mind melted state. Rolling your hips eliciting a groan from the cowboy who tossed his head back, his hat covering his face.
He hums slightly, leaning down to plant kisses on your collarbone and shoulder, “That’s how you wanna play huh?” he murmurs into your skin, his pace picking up almost knocking the air out of you, the lewd noises that spill from your lips spur him on, and that familiar knot tightens in your stomach, then the coil snaps and your cunts warm walls restrict around him and he can’t help but groan before he quickly pulls out before he can cum. Causing a small whine from you at the loss of feeling full.
“You wanna play games then we can play games sugar.” He says as he brings you off the counter onto your knees, you swallow thickly as you gently kitten lick the tip of his cock, soft and slowly. Teasing him with it, earning low groans and even slight whines from him. You don’t get very far with your tricky endeavors before he bucks his hips slightly causing you to gag around it. “Sorry bout that darlin’ just can’t help myself.” he says with a slight smile.
You start a steady pace, your hands resting on his thighs as you bob your head back and forth, your nose touching the tip of his pelvis before you pull off of him just to tease him again. He groans out before laughing slightly, his hand coming to find itself behind your head. “God you are just a little tease ain’tcha.” he says before thrusting into your mouth, causing you to gag slightly and pat his thighs. Tears welling in your eyes.
“Shh shh, it’s alright just relax.” He says softly and you try to, finding a steady breathing pace through your nose and relaxing your throat slightly. He begins face fucking your practically, drool coming to spill from the side of your mouth and nose tickling his pelvis as the hums you produced in response to his praises elicited groans and huffs from him.
His pace was rhythmic until it became erratic, his breathing becoming more uneven, “Don’t think I’m gonna last any longer.” Miguel huffs out as his pace becomes more needy. You hum around him and he groans, begging you to do that again and you oblige, humming around his length gagging slightly. The sensations send him over the edge after a few more thrusts his cum spurts down your throat causing you to swallow out of reflex, he slowly pulls out a string of spit connecting him to your kiss bitten drool covered lips. God the sight of alone could have had him going again he leaned forward wiping a thumb over your lip to wipe the drool away as you swallowed.
He planted a small kiss on your temple, “You're just perfect darlin’.” He praises making you smile slightly as he helped you stand up, a hand resting on your hips. “Maybe we should head back down, Wouldn’t want your family to worry too much.” you hummed in response, “I’m gonna change first, you go on down.” you said softly planting a kiss to his cheek as you carefully exited the bathroom to go back to the room.
Could this be the start of something real with this cowboy?
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gingerjunhan · 9 months
could write something about how would it be if they took the first step in the relationship? i really need something really fluffy this days😭
btw, i really love everything you write!!
☆彡 thank you sm for the love! I’m more than happy to provide you with some fluff 🫡 hope you’re doing well! 🩷🩷
word count: 723 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: fluff! | cws: Taemin Warning™️, all caps used, lmk if I missed anything!
goo gunil
Gunil is confident until the very last second
he hypes himself up and falls short
“I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna tell them how I feel!”
practices in the mirror beforehand
probably loses sleep over it too lmao
he tried to plan the perfect moment to tell you
but it just ends up coming out when it feels right
it’ll be a private setting
he’s sweating bullets
holding his breath
but when he finds out you feel the same way he’s sooo relieved
gives you a big hug 🥹
instantly starts planning your first date
kim jungsu
he’s nervous and you can tell (pt. 1)
Jungsu- for some reason- is convinced! that you don’t like him back
so he keeps putting off his confession
he puts it off and puts it off until one day
the two of you are out doing something together
like, running a simple arrand or shopping or something
and BAM! he just blurts it out
“Hey Jungsu, which of these colors do you like bet-“
“Do you wanna go on a date sometime?”
you just blankly stare at each other before he forced himself to take a deep breath and explain why that just happened
needless to say, you say yes :]
kwak jiseok
I can imagine Jiseok doing this like a kid on a playground
“Hey (Y/N). I know someone who liiiikes youuuu!”
no but seriously imagine it
the two of you are just hanging out one day
having casual conversation
and he slips in the, “so are you seeing anybody right now?”
??? no ???
why is he asking? he should know this?
you ask him the same, and he sees his chance to strike
“No, but I do have my eye on someone.”
and the rest is history
you were honestly kinda shocked by how smooth it went
he’s got the rizzness 😼 (I’m so sorry)
oh seungmin
you think he would be chill but NO
Seungmin is nervous and you can tell (pt. 2)
he tried to make the moment perfect
unlike Gunil, to tries to set the scene as well as making sure the vibes are juuuust right
he’ll do it privately in case things go poorly and he embarrasses himself
he also thinks it feels more personal in that way
maybe over a late night talk?
he takes a deep breath and turns to you with a serious face
“Hey, can I tell you something?”
you feel the mood shift, he’s wide-eyed, your heart stops, it’s horrifying for a split second until
“(Y/N), I like you. A lot.”
it’s over
after you confess that you feel the same way, he’s going in
a quick little peck on the cheek and the night can officially be labeled as “Perfect”
han hyeongjun
he. is. HORRIFIED.
what if you don’t feel the same way? there’s no way you feel the same way!!!
he would try and see if there was a way into tricking you into confessing first
but Hyeongjun is competitive
he needs to win you over before someone else can
so he’s torn
“I gotta tell them. No, I can’t- I’ll just make a fool of myself.”
one day as you’re both hanging out, he gets wrapped up in this conflict again and you notice him spacing out
“Jun? Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“You.” uh oh
he goes red in the face but you find it soooo endearing
his confession may have started in accident, but boy was he glad to get it over with
lee jooyeon
super casual
it was no surprise to you that Jooyeon had feelings for you
he made it kinda obvious
but he had no clue how you felt about him
so when you told Gunil one night that you had feelings for Jooyeon as well…
it was all hands on deck
you were too nervous to confess because- despite his obvious feelings- what if you were just seeing things and you made it all up?
so Gunil had to play wingman
“Jooyeon, here’s what I know…” he gives Jooyeon and lowdown and Jooyeon begins his plan of attack
the next time you guys hang out, he just lays it on you
“Hey, (Y/N). Are you free Saturday? I’d like to take you out.”
after you agree to the date, this man giggles
he’s practically bouncing off the walls he’s so excited and happy
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , @somethingaboutcheese , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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I do promos! If you are or have a small or new PKMN IRL blog, just send me an ask!
This blog hosts Rotomblr Art Tag and Muse Mixup Madness.
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//picrew link. card design by @peachiehambo
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//art tag references (link)
Q: You're the one who beat Team Star/completed the Pokédex/made Champion Rank/went into the Great Crater of Paldea with those other kids and came out unharmed!
A: Not a question.
Q: Is that a Gardevoir or a Gallade?
A: No.
Q: How did you get that weird Cyclizar?
A: Gave it a sandwich.
Q: I heard something about you and Ms. Raifort.
A: Not a question. No you didn't.
Q: I heard you've never lost a battle. That can't be true, right?
A: It is.
Q: Why are you so quiet?
A: Words are usually unnecessary.
Q: Gender and pronouns?
A: Girl. She/her.
Q: //pst. hey mod. can i get the lowdown on this character?
A: //shh ooc stuff belongs below the cut. but this post should have everything you need to know.
OOC note 1: Cerise is extremely overpowered and highly strategic in battle (assisted by future vision), and she's probably not someone you can actually beat without protagonist powers.
OOC note 2: No maliciously misgendering Cerise. She might (and likely will) talk about having faced transphobia in the past, but that's not something I'm going to deal with in the present tense.
OOC note 3 (about the blogrunner): hi i'm an adult! this isn't my first pokémon irl blog, but it is the first one where i'm kind of loosening up and letting myself engage with silly things and be overpowered
OOC note 4: you can talk to me and find out about my newest bullshit at @pixelated-hub!
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chirasul · 1 year
forgot that tumblr does pinned posts. here's the lowdown:
I'm Chirasul
I write, draw, and animate Coelary, which is about bug people being queer together. Mushrooms are there
I also make NSFW work in Coelary (more on Cohost)
I have a regular art blog too
I have a furry/porn blog too
My day job is in animation, and I swear to god I'll get Coelary animated or I'll die trying
I have about 400 other interests and creative hobbies but those are secret
my pronouns are secret
my age is 34
that's all I can think of right now
thanks for reading. I love you
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rjalker · 6 months
you can borrow the book when I'm done.
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[ID: A cropped screenshot of a page from the book The Pronoun Lowdown, showing a blue circle with a red background half with polka dota. Text in the center reads:
"Nearly half a billion people are native Spanish speakers, and there are new efforts to create inclusive language by substituting Latino (masculine) and Latina (feminine) with either Latinx or Latin@. In Argentina, this shift is led by teenagers. When I visited Buenos Aires, I spoke with people about these changes. On a bustling street, I stumbled across a plaque commemorating a man who went missing during the dictatorship. His children had signed the plaque as his hijxs (the gender-neutral form of children, replacing hijos, which is the masculine default).
This is becoming widespread in Argentina and around the world. Many Latinx teenagers use this language in everyday speech, and universities now accept inclusive Spanish language in essays for publication. books are edited into gender-neutral Spanish and even the current President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, used this language when delivering a speech to high school students.". End ID.]
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sapphicmsmarvel · 8 months
2023 reading catalog
a million to one by adiba jaigirdar 💜
Iron widow by xiran jay zhao 💜
An encore of roses by st gibson 💜
Im a therapist and my patient is going to be the next school shooter by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is in love with a pedophile by Dr. Harper 💜
I’m a therapist and my patient is a vegan terrorist by Dr. Harper 💜
The disturbing incident at lonesome woods boarding school by dr. harper 💜
One dark window by rachel gillig 
The twisted dead by darcy coates 
The house across the lake by riley sager 
Renegades by marissa meyer 🤍
Archenemies by marissa meyer 🤍
Supernova by marissa meyer 🤍
Daisy darker by alice feeney 
The lost apothecary by susan penner 
MHA 37 by kohei horikoshi 
The pronoun lowdown by nevo zisin 
The queen's english by chloe o davis
MHA team up 1 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
To make monsters out of girls by amanda lovelace 
MHA team up 2 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
JJK 0 by gege akutami 
MHA team up 3 by kohei horikoshi and yoko akiyama 
Hell bent by leigh bardugo 
Spice road by maiya ibrahim 
The stardust thief by chelsea abdullah 
The london seance society by susan penner 💜
All the dangerous things by stacy willingham 
The fae princes by nikki st crowe 
Carnage by sarah bailey 
Final offer by lauren asher. 
Glitch by briana michaels 
Never lie by frieda mcfadden 
The locked door by frieda mcfadden 
The inheritance by cassie cole 
Emily wildes encyclopedia of faeries by heather fawcett 
 The stolen heir by holly black 
Chaos by sarah bailey 
Corrode by sarah bailey 
Cataclysm by sarah bailey 
Howl's moving castle by diana wynne jones 
Fourth wing by rebecca yarros 
Cursed crowns by catherine doyle + katherine webber 
Girls of fate and fury by natasha ngan 💜
We free the stars by hafsah faizal 
A war of two queens by jennifer l armentrout 
The crown of gilded bones by jennifer l armentrout 🤍
Malice by heather walter 💜
Misrule by heather walter 💜
MHA vol 38 by kohei horikoshi 
Sofi and the bone song by adrienne tooley 
jjk vol 21 by gege akutami 
jjk vol 22 by gege akutami 
lore olympus vol 4 by rachel smythe 
the fiancee farce by alexandria bellefleur 💜
the only survivors by megan miranda 
what lies in the woods by kate alice marshall 
the last word by taylor adams 
you’re invited by amanda jayatissa 
ward d by freida mcfadden 
once returned by darcy coates 
double pucked by lauren blakely 
mated to the monster by sarah spade 
the thicket by noelle w ihli 
the good lie by ar torre
a naughty lesson by mika lane 
love creekwood by becky albertalli 💜
the heartstopper yearbook by alice oseman 💜
demon in the wood by leigh bardugo and dani pendergast 
the young elites by marie lu 
nick and charlie by alice oseman 💜
a haunted road atlas by christine schiefer and em schulz 
the rose society by marie lu 
the midnight star by marie lu 
a wicked education by mika lane 
a sinful classroom by mika lane 
the girl from the sea by molly knox ostertag 💜
how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix 
the foxglove king by hannah whitten 
seven faceless saints by mk lobb 💜
divine rivals by rebecca ross 
sing me to sleep by gabi burton 
silver in the bone by alexandra bracken 
foxglove by adalyn grace 
assistant to the villain by hannah nicole maehrer 
a broken blade by melissa blair 
bonesmith by nicki pau preto 
the angelmaker by alex north 
the family across the street by nicole trope 
the sun and the star by rick riordan and mark oshiro 💜
lore olympus vol 5 by rachel smythe 
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan 
fangs by sarah anderson 
throne of the fallen by kerri maniscalco 
kingdom of the wicked by kerri maniscalco 🤍
kingdom of the cursed by kerri mansicalco 🤍
kingdom of the feared by kerri maniscalco 🤍
the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon 💜
catwoman soulstealer by louise simonson, samantha dodge and sarah j maas
starling house by alix e harrow 
savage hate by amanda richardson 
a curse for true love by stephanie garber 
forged by blood by ehigbor okosun 
if i have to be haunted by miranda sun 
heart trick by kristen granata 
the legacy by elle kennedy 
odd man rush by kristen granata 💜
that one night by emily rath 
pucking around by emily rath 💜
pucking ever after vol 1 by emily rath 💜
iron flame by rebecca yarros 
my hero academia team up missions vol 4 by yoko akiyama and koehi horikoshi 
spin the bottle by stephanie alves 
as good as dead by holly jackson 
the lightning thief by rick riordan 🤍
the sea of monsters by rick riordan 🤍
i am not your final girl by claire c holland 
the titans curse by rick riordan 🤍
the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan 🤍
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asksoldieron · 1 year
WTF Are We Doing Here? (Pinned Intro Post!)
This is my website!
My comments are broken! You know what works slightly better than WordPress comments? Tumblr! My few readers are already here and I'm lookin' for more! So, screw it, time for a side blog!
"Are they traumatized?" I hear you say. YES! God, yes.
"Are they neurodivergent?" I hear you say. YES! AND SO AM I!
"Do they fuck?" I hear you say. YES! But not here, because the algorithm will eat me if they do. I want to be seen! There will be language and probably violence and queerness and political opinions, but don't get me in fucking trouble, Tumblr. I'm gonna get enough flack for the queerness. I'm very fragile. Be nice.
So! Let me babble for multiple paragraphs trying to explain myself to strangers on the internet, like usual!
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This is Milo. If this blog functions the way I want it to, I'll make you some nice reaction images eventually, but Milo in shadow-puppet form will suffice for an example.
Milo says: I don't want to be an example!
Too bad! If you want to talk to Milo, use the ask button and address him by name. He lives in my brain, they all do. I'll get him for you. I'll make him talk.
Milo says: WHAT? *faints*
Well, Milo prefers to communicate in text and images for the time being, so we'll omit the quote marks for him, unless something changes.
Who knows? It's a very long serialized story and there's lots of character development. That's the fun part! Fixate on, I mean, be very normal about a character and get more and more and more content about them, watch them grow and change and develop relationships, scream at me and at them when you feel like it, and just keep doing that until I get bored or die. What's not to like?
For the moment, I'm the only one working on this story, and I can't afford to hire help, so we're not talking about flawless quality here, but it's free! (Or pay what you want.) So, please,
🌈Lower Your Expectations!🌟
Yay! There are a lot of site issues and there's only so much I'm able to do to fix it. Typos that look like words are my moral enema. If something is so broken you can't read it or understand it, or if I've really hurt you, please drop me a line (via the message box, if it's not for publication) and I'll do what I can. Otherwise, if you like this content and want more, be kind.
I'm autistic and high-masking so you will be speaking to the public-relations version of me. It's as buggy as my site! I'm just gonna be relentlessly positive about everything! Unless I can't. That's not necessarily your fault, but sometimes I can't. So if you're a little ND too, and a lack of response makes you crater - If I don't answer it's probably not because of anything you did. I got a lot on my plate and social ability is always the first thing to go.
Milo says: Preach, Sibling.
The versions of Milo and the others you'll meet will not be the canon versions, nor will their interactions here affect the story. So go nuts!
Milo says: What? No! Be nice to me too!
And, naturally, these versions exist in a context-free void where they can chat happily with strangers from another universe, even if the real ones would freak out and scream
Milo says: You can't mess around with my brain so I can't feel fear! Oh, my gods! I NEED my brain!
No, no. I'm only making sure you don't have an existential crisis due to the context-free void.
Milo says: Oh. Yeah. That's not a big deal. The context-free void has hot chocolate and snacks.
Right, so we're not hurting them. It's fine! It'll be perfectly safe!
Milo says: Yay❤️!
I'll do another post and give you the lowdown on myself and the main cast, including aliases and pronouns. Or, if you've tripped over this out there in your feed, you could always just go read the darn story. It'll take a while. There's a lot of it already. But we'll be here waiting for you! (Don't comment at the site. Are you reading me? You're on Tumblr, you are here to read. Maintain your reading comprehension at all times! The comments are fucking broken.)
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Scout Velul
Pronouns: UTP
Role: Engineer
Age: 38-47 (UTP)
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: UTP
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Ly’Lor’Ke, Kor'Sel'Koo, Haelen'Kor, Marloken, or Oggdel'Lu (UTP)
Length of time on Prosperity: Five years
Supervisor: Skylar Clarke-Iz’an, the Chief Engineer
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Lauren Ridloff
Alternate FC Accepted?: Negotiable. Alaqua Cox or another faceclaim who is both POC and Deaf would be considered, but the prospective player would need to work with the admin to update details about this biography.
True Appearance: 
Scout’s appearance is UTP.
Originally, Scout dreamed of designing spaceships… but sometimes dreams change. Regardless, Scout has been seriously learning, studying, and actively engineering since age eleven. While Scout has a bit of an ego as far as being a good engineer goes, it is relatively well-deserved.
Whenever the Prosperity visit’s Scout’s home planet, the engineer makes a point of avoiding leaving the ship. A few former friends there tend to bring out the worst in Scout, and the Far’Ly’Dae doesn’t want to be that person anymore.
Scout is Deaf, and can communicate in a variety of ways- particularly because of the Far’Ly’Dae’s skill in lip reading. This is considered by the ship’s captain to be an immense asset, and Scout has been pulled away from engineering tasks to review security footage or participate in missions. The Far’Ly’Dae language Eein is just one of several languages that Scout is fluent in.
One of Scout’s personal hobbies is drawing nature. While the drawings aren’t particularly skillful, it’s more about doing something with one’s hands than trying to be the best. 
Scout is a connoisseur of Earth memes, and takes great pleasure in occasionally utilizing these in conversation.
Scout is the captain’s ideal candidate on paper for the position of Chief Engineer before Blue Streleku (whom has since departed the ship) and subsequently Skylar Clarke-Iz’an were placed in the Chief Engineer role. However, Scout is of the firm belief that leadership in engineering means not having much time to actually do engineering, and vehemently refused to be considered for the role. Scout thinks it’s great that someone else is willing to be the leader, and has been genuinely friendly and supportive to the person placed in this role.
Ever Mysik: Ever and Scout have similar work ethics and approaches to their careers; both are qualified to have taken on a leadership role on their teams, but find the idea of being promoted unpleasant. They also have a joking pact that if neither of them finds a life partner in ten years, they’ll marry each other.
Vajean Otrinerr: These two have a ton of inside jokes that are incomprehensible to just about everyone else. They’re close friends and coworkers, and share secrets with each other. When Vajean was being considered for Chief Engineer, Scout insisted on remaining neutral in the recruitment process. 
HJ Violet: When HJ first joined the crew of Prosperity, Scout was apprehensive. An Earth mechanic with no experience on a spaceship whatsoever? That sounded a little worrying. Scout seized the opportunity to get the lowdown on HJ by showing her some small engineering projects to collaborate on. Honestly, HJ was a pretty good mechanic for being a space newbie, so Scout is on board with being HJ’s friend. Sometimes Scout takes advantage of HJ’s gullibility for the sake of a joke, but in the end, Scout likes having a cool new friend more than a simple prank victim.
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logans-lowdown · 18 days
Welcome to my blog!
About me:
My name is Logan, I use he/him pronouns and I am a large enthusiast when it comes to solving issues in a calm and logical manner.
Online, you don’t tend to see people solving their issues in a way that is mature. Usually people just throw things around. Most things that are thrown into large debates are false information.
I and I’m sure a lot of other people are sick of seeing people tossing around incorrect information over topics that should be treated seriously. (Ex: Racism, Abuse)
This blog is a place to look towards for information that isn’t formed off of a biased opinion, but instead resources that will help people better understand topics that may be confusing or misinterpreted.
If you happen to be confused on a certain topic, my askbox is always open to help people. I might not always answer, but I will always try to help those who need it. Things I will explain can go from online discourse to real historical events, so in shorter words, I will do research on anything.
My other interests: Mysteries (Non-Fictional + Fictional), Pokémon, Psychology, Welcome to Night Vale, Mystery Flesh Pit National Park, and Marine Biology. I may also talk about of these topics if I feel the need to, but mainly I will stick to covering explanations.
Lowdown: The true facts or relevant information about something.
Color coding:
When referring to myself I will use blue.
While referring to someone who is not a part of a ramble I will use purple.
When stating a definition I will use green. (I will do this more than you may think.)
My DNI will always be in red.
I will also use all of the other colors, but they will mostly be used in singular rambles when mentioning a singular reoccurring subject within the ramble.
(So in short, this is a rambles blog. Please do not treat this blog poorly, I am not full of myself, I just like to share things.)
-Basic DNI Criteria (https://basic-dni.crd.co)
-People 13 and younger.
-People who are just here to disagree and cause problems.
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ryttu3k · 6 months
Trans Rights Readathon
The Trans Rights Readathon starts tomorrow! From the 22nd to the 29th of March, the aim is to read and uplift books written by and/or featuring trans, genderqueer, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming, and 2Spirit authors and characters. You can find more information on it here!
I'll be donating AU$20 for every book I read to the Gender Centre. Want to help out? Use the comments of this post to pledge a per-book or lump sum - I'll contact you once the Readathon is over.
Here is my book list, including books I already own, books on my TBR I may be picking up, and a list of recommendations of books I've already read. You can find the books I've read for the Readathon under the cut!
Trans Rights Readathon 2024 Book List
RB Lemberg - The Unbalancing. Fantasy, 244 pages, 9/10. A beautiful queernormative fantasy with a bittersweet ending. 22nd March.
Nevo Zisin - The Pronoun Lowdown. Nonfiction, 96 pages, 9/10. A bright, informative primer on all things gender. 22nd March.
Ryka Aoki - Light From Uncommon Stars. SFF, 372 pages, 9.5/10. A love letter to music, food, found families, and outsmarting Hell. 23rd March.
Anthology - Kindred: 12 Queer LoveOzYA Stories. Collection, 320 pages, 7/10. A mixed bag of stories, with not all having trans characters. 24th March.
Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu, Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson, with Daniel Sousa - Kapaemahu. Children's history/nonfiction, 40 pages, book 8/10, film 9/10. A beautiful and lyrical retelling of a story traditionally told orally. Check the short film here! 25th March.
Akwaeke Emezi - Content Warning: Everything. Poetry, 47 pages, 8.5/10. I'm not good with poetry (this is going in the Out Of Your Comfort Zone category) but this feels lovely and lyrical and dark and affecting. 25th March.
Rivers Solomon - The Deep. Fantasy, 166 pages, 9/10. Dark but with a beautiful sense of hope at the end, and also I want to go sit in the ocean right now. 26th March.
Gabe Cole Novoa - The Wicked Bargain. YA fantasy, 361 pages, 8.5/10. An adventurous historical fantasy with fab characters (there's a book focused on Dami and I Need it). 27th March.
Callum Angus - A Natural History of Transition. Collection, 200 pages, 8/10. Delightfully weird collection of short stories involving transition in unexpected ways. 28th March.
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whitedocean · 1 year
Get to Know Her!
Hey-hey! This is the person behind ★ WhitedOcean speaking! Here's a lowdown on me: I go by the name Ayanamira Dracarys— Aya or Draca for short, but I always welcomes any nickname that floats your boat if you're planning to give me one {nods enthusiastically}. My prefered pronouns are SHE/HER and worry not— I'm already a full-grown legal gal!
A quick TMI: Ayanamira means “bloomed like a beautiful flower and found herself in the calming Ocean,” meanwhile Dracarys itself is a favorite phrase of mine that I once read in a lore. It has the meaning of "breath-fire" and used by Daenerys to have her dragons spout flames. Well, maybe it's the reason why I'm always on fire about anything (not in literal way, of course... :o).
Another thing to summarize about me: I'm a proud INTP and my astrological sign includes a sun in Scorpio and a moon in Cancer. I see myself as a cheerful and friendly person, so please, do not hesitate to hit me up if you feel like you want to get closer with me! (Feel free to talk about anything). ☆____☆
Her Likings.
Everyone's interested in something, right? :> For me, my interests kinda switch from time to time but few activities that I often enjoys these days are watching movies or TV series and reading books. I've been ★OBSESSING★ over One Piece (anime series, movies, live action series, as well as the manga) and Jenny Han's “The Summer I Turned Pretty” trilogy lately and me think, those two things are definitely my roman empire!! {I'm IN LOVE} If you happened to put interest in those two, I'd definitely make great company to engage in conversation with! 🐈‍⬛️
Oh-oh, and I puts my interests in a lot of music genres too! Most of them are Alternative-Rock, R&B, Pop and K-Pop musics. I'm a big_fan of CHASE ATLANTIC, Jaden Hossler, Why Don't We, Taylor Swift, NIKI, Ado, LANY, keshi and if it's K-Pop, SKZ and ENHYPEN are my current faves lately! Not to mention, how I've been SO IN LOVE with the-man-so-called Nishimura Riki. {heart eyes} ♡♡
Before You Follow,
I'm really selective in following people, so, please, DO NOT follow first unless we both knew each other or I gave you consent beforehand. I'd talk mostly in English/Bahasa and I will probably tweet bunch of random stuff contains things that I love to talk about. Sometimes, I will also probably gonna use minor harsh words while interacting with my closest ones, so if one day I make a mistake and cross the line, please educate me personally through DM.
Hate my faves.
Like to spread negativity.
Under the age of 15.
Feed Your Curiousity 'Bout Her Here!
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kissagii · 1 year
Hiiii congrats on 500!!! May I have a blue lock matchup? If it's okay, could this be a platonic matchup (like best friend)? If not totally totally okay!
It's the pufferfish! Pronouns are they/them (I am demifluid) and I'm over 18. I'm omni but this is blue lock so I'd prefer one of the guys.
Libra, INFP (I'm not typically the therapist friend stereotype though), lawful good alignment but quirky and chaotic personality. I'm very live and let live and can see folks as inherently good for longer than I should sometimes. I am awkward and more reserved around folks I don't know but can be absolutely ridiculous once you get to know me. I'm very physical (primary love language is physical touch) once I get the green light.
I'm a big nerd, having studied math and chemistry in college and doing chemistry research for a living now. I love to learn! I like to write and draw and such too but inconsistently on the side.
I'm an athletic bean and have ambitious goals, but I find the intensity fun and playful. I compete, coach, and officiate for Olympic style weightlifting (shout out for trans athlete support here!). I take pride in being strong and more muscular (quick appearance lowdown ig shortish, undercut with the long part tied back, moles). I have a background competing in martial arts and rugby prior.
I love to be outside and keep a small herb garden. I need my recharge time and cry easily lol. I hate gatekeeping and elitism (it happens so much in stem it hurts my soul).
I hope that's not too much to work with!!! Thanks and congrats again!
of course!! platonic matchups are so fun :))
i match you with....
bachira meguru
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his favorite activity: crime causing problems at near midnight
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mouth-almighty · 1 year
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Today is the last day of the Trans Rights Readathon. I've finished off with Pet by Akwaeke Emezi and The Pronoun Lowdown by Nevo Zisin.
There is still time to chip into my fundraising drive for Transcend Australia. I'm trying to get to a goal of $200 raised so every little helps. You can make a donation here:
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babieprince · 3 years
journal prompts for littles who like sanders sides!
“ what would i do ? " - think about the core issue of your favourite sanders sides episode ! what would you do to help thomas and his sides ?
“ dress up ! " - draw a character in just their undies ! now use stickers, fabric or extra paper to make clothes for them ! alternatively, you can draw the clothes directly on !
“ headcanon brainstorm ! " - draw a side how you see them ! now, write down your favourite headcanons about them ! it can be pronoun headcanons, gender headcanons, relationship headcanons, style headcanons, etc !
“ movie star ! " - draw yourself acting alongside roman, thomas or any other side !
“ the animal episode ! " - remember when thomas said the puppet episode was originally going to have the sides as animals ? well , now you can draw the sides as what animals you think fit best ! feel free to draw them as full animals or as anthros ! you can also include thomas, janus and remus as animals !
“ logan’s lowdown ! " - have to process a lot of information [ whether it be for school, work, a project or similar ! ] ? format it in the form of a logan’s lowdown ! draw logan giving you your chores, work/school timetable, project list etc ! you can also draw him giving you comfort or reassurance
“ mindpalace daycare ! " -draw or write yourself being taken care of by a character ! they could be a cg or an older sibby ! alternatively, you can draw or write yourself taking care of a character !
“ pretty pacis ! " - design yourself a side inspired paci ! alternatively, design a character their own personal paci
“ castle cartoons ! " - draw or write a character watching a cartoon, and you can even watch with them ! you can also write about your favourite cartoons, and what character would like them !
“ babies baking ! " - draw or write yourself baking with a character ! if you’re a bit bigger and/or have somebody to help, you can even bake for real life !
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rjalker · 6 months
link goes to a specific page, you'll have to borrow it when I'm done.
A book that talks about a lot of stuff including how people in heavily gendered languages are navigating the problems that causes:
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[ID: A screenshot of part of a page from the book The Pronoun Lowdown, on page 47, from the section Gender in Other Langues. It has a dark blue background and pale yellow text that reads: "When I began my transition, I had to stop misgendering myself when speaking in Hebrew. After learning in the feminine form, I had to consciously re-condition the Hebrew I knew. But as a non-binary person, there are very few way to speak without having to choose binary pronouns. Non-binary, genderqueer Hebrew speakers often navigate this bianry by using both pronouns interchangeably. Or they'll construct sentences so that gender is comitted completely -- but that starts to get very complicated. Hebrew speakers around the world are creating new words to solve these problems. Habonim Dror is a Jewish youth movement with groups all over the world, and members in the United States have invented new language for their summer campers. The word canich, which means student, is the masculine and 'default' form, with the femnine being chanicha. So, when referring to summer campers, our group leaders would have to choose between the masculine or feminine. So, instead, a new gender neutral word was created. The new word -- ending in ol, from the word kol, meaning all, becomes chanichol. That makes for some much happier campers. Perhaps it might seem like these changes are trivial. But these can have a huge impact for the quality of wellbeing of trans and gender diverse people. Plus, there's already reams of evidence suggesting that the way language can gender things, even inanimate objects, impacts the way we view them and treat them. Like Hebrew, there are other languages whose speakers are making strides for inclusivity.". End ID.]
the next pages talk about Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, and Swedish. I'm not typing all that out though.
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