#the protagonist poppy playtime
echonvoid · 8 months
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My version of the Poppy Playtime protagonist. They’re based on Aliens Ripley but if older. They couldn’t remember a whole bunch from the week or so around the Hour of Joy; they were attacked by Huggy and managed to make it right outside the front doors with the help of one of the other employees, who, valiantly (read *stupidly*) ran back inside to try to help. He never came back out. Anyway, Protag was found by paramedics, but the inside was empty of bodies by the time they got there. There was a shit load of blood, and after a brief scan by the cops, they just shut that shit down. They lost a couple cops and paramedics, but mostly used their instincts and ran. Like smart people who survive a horror movie.
So the protagonist ends up in a couple month long coma and comes out of it with a severed nerve that connects to their larynx. Now they haven’t been able to properly talk for 30 years (ignore my math, I’m still unsure how I fucked it up so bad)
I can’t decide if they’re late 50s or 60s. They’re farsighted, but their reading glasses have broke, so it’s really hard to see all the small faded text (which is why you can’t just read any ole file while playing)
They feel guilty bc they had been so proud to be a part of something with so much benefit and joy to kids, and now they’re finding out the actual *EVIL* that was happening to those with connection to the place. They feel guilty bc they feel like they should’ve known; *how could they have let this all happen right underneath their very nose*;etc. etc. they also have a burning hatred for the other managerial heads in the company (they themselves being head of toy production; their name is destroyed bc the prototype was enraged that one of the five main evils of the company got away or some shit like that)
It took them a while to figure out how to live and function without speech; and after a few years of slogging through a comphet (compulsory heteronormative) marriage, they finally went through a nasty divorce. Shortly after they figured out their own gender identity (or at least started the awkward process of) and their own sexuality.
Thirty years later (almost on the dot) they got the message and tape that cried for help from the factory and nearly shit themselves. Proto definitely assumed that the company had just shut down, cuz you know that the cops were paid to keep a building with almost 500 (or so) employees, that went missing and were presumably dead, under wraps from the public. They’re definitely super grateful they’ve been doing tumbling and martial arts classes, so they have been in incredible shape and can do all the crazy shit required to stay alive.
Edit: this is what I’m gonna call the Survivor AU cuz I realize that the game takes place in 2005 and not, like, 2025. And we apparently played hooky during the “hour of joy” in canon lore. Oh well
God this chapter fucked me up, in a good way. It was spooky as fuck, tense and terrifying; they’ve super upped the quality. But now I have just enough brain rot and characters to attach to to actually go through and draw up the design that’s been banging around in my head for ever.
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quikyu · 10 months
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Sorry to announce I am cringe and will fully enjoy being a part of the girl squad in chap 3 of poppy playtime
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thegraveyardsh1ft · 5 months
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It’s time for everybody’s favorite:
Another horror game gets a movie adaptation deal and Doug can’t release Chapter 5~!
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sezez · 8 months
Throughout Poppy Playtime, the Protagonist is quite the mysterious character. But in Chapter 3, we get a bit more info on them. I find the Protagonist very interesting and I hope that MOB Games might give us a clear answer on them. (And I may sound stupid for saying this over and over, but I really want the Protagonist to have a voice so we can hear what they're thinking about all of this)
The Protagonist is employee who happens to look like a specific scientist/employee familiar to the toys:
It's by this point that the Protagonist might be a scientist or someone who knew about the experiments and came back to find the employees, but is now gonna help Poppy to redeem themselves.
But, I personally believe that the Protagonist was a normal employee, they didn't know about the experiments and only came back to search for the missing employees.
But you may say: "But the toys recognize the Protagonist." Or "There are clear signs that the Protagonist knew about the experiments."
To which I know and agree with. But if the Protagonist did knew about it all, then why bother to come back if they knew what the toys were capable of?
Anyone who knew that Huggy is alive is about to get the hell out of the factory the moment he disappeared. And yet the Protagonist didn't. (But maybe it's also because the door leading to the entrance closed itself, I keep noticing that while everyone else doesn't.)
Anyway, I also think that the Protagonist might look familiar to the experiments. Like the Protagonist's hairstyle is similar to a scientist, or their face looks like higher rank employee or perhaps is the way they're dressed. Just something about them looks familiar to every toy.
The toys are (un)welcoming the Protagonist back after leaving them:
During the nightmare, the Protagonist runs into a radio on the floor and it's saying something in reverse. This is what it said:
"8-8-1995. I find your presence intrusive. After all this time you've return, you come in here and yet you kill and murder. You pillage and destroy. Your presence was demanded 10 years ago and yet you didn't show up... 8-8-1995. You were suppose to be here, why weren't you here? You missed the event, you missed the meeting, you missed the party. You have no right to be here... 8-8-1995."
I believe this is Exp. 1006 talking to the Protagonist, he's mad that they weren't at the factory during The Hour of Joy on August 8, 1995 and got killed. And now the Protagonist is back and they're killing he's subordinates, ruining and interfering his plan.
And 1006 doesn't seem to be the only one who's mad, the other toys too. For example, Mommy Long Legs, she seems to hold a grudge against all employees of Playtime Co. and wants them to die.
Is the Protagonist really gonna help Poppy:
This has been on my mind for a bit, because I wonder if the Protagonist is gonna help Poppy just like that?
Poppy lied to the Protagonist about letting them escape and then the train crashed, hurting the Protagonist and getting dragged by Catnap to a crasher that could have killed them. And when the Protagonist and Poppy do reunite, she just left them on their own while she and Kissy Missy were above on the elevator, even though she literally said she was there to help.
And it's suspicious that the next destination Poppy leads the Protagonist to is deep below, where possible all of the dead bodies of the employees are.
Why would she lead the Protagonist there?
If the Protagonist is a employee who had zero idea about the experiments, then it's quite understandable for them to be angry at Poppy and not wanting to do any of this any longer because they just wanted to know what and where the other employees are, and the Protagonist got the answer, they're all dead. That's it, it's time for them to leave and never, ever come back.
If the Protagonist was a scientist who was involve in the experiments, then perhaps they're doing it because they feel guilty and want to redeem themselves. But if the Protagonist is actually evil, then they're just helping Poppy to cover up everything and possibly betraying Poppy in the process.
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zombridubs · 7 months
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Hey here’s some Poppy Playtime art because I am just a puppet of my hyper-fixations 💙💛❤️🚂
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emile-hides · 5 months
Bit of a selfish ask cause im curious, but tell us about your poppy playtime au?~
The Chapter 3 hype has calmed down enough that I can finally post this and hopefully not grab too much attention kfdgjkdf
This idea is simple
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Poppy Playtime but the Protagonist is a Child.
Where they came from, why they're here, how they GOT here is all still a mystery. They just wandered in on a stormy night drenched from the rain.
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Basic design concept, the hair could use some tweaking
The bigger bodies toys who are controlled by/follow the Prototype, specifically Huggy here at the start, are instructed to bring no home to the child like they would a usual intruder or Playtime employee and are instead tasked with bringing the kid to the Prototype to join the other children from Playcare. They're too small for the Grab Pack so it's up to the Bigger Bodies toys to solve puzzles and get them through the crumbling Toy Factory.
I remember thinking an AU where you slowly collect the Big Monsters instead of killing them would but fun but.. The longer I thought on it, the more I wanted to keep at least some element of the Horror part of Mascot Horror
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While I don't have all the details yet, I imagine at the end of each chapter/the start of the next chapter, the current toy with the MC dies, sill reminiscing their deaths from the game itself but through different methods.
For example Huggy still falls to his death, but it's from catching the kid when they fell with Poppy when Mommy kidnaps her at the start of Chapter 2. Mommy is still squashed to death, but rather than in a gruesome machine accident, it's during the train crash at the end of Chapter 2. Catnap I haven't worked out yet, but I thiiiink it was probably Poppy's doing...
And every time a toy dies, the Prototype is there to retrieve them. MC is terrified of this skeletal hands that keeps taking away their friends, which is the main reason they work with Poppy in Chapter 3, as much as they can of course.
That's like. The big parts of it I can cover now. There's more but I'd like to refine it more as the game comes out before saying too much else.
Thanks you for asking!
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lavendersartistry · 6 months
I'm currently thinking way too hard on this but I have a theory for Poppy Playtime
Stella is the Protagonist
I have this theory because let's all think about this:
She cared a lot for the kids
She was highly unaware of the experimentations (Chapt. 3 VHS)
She's a higher up
I mainly look back to the VHS because Stella was expecting for a adoption file, NOT a experimentation file for the kid that was adopted. Also she was in shock about finding out about what actually goes on in the factory
So maybe Stella, after getting this realization, called in sick as a way to be far away from the factory up until the Hour of Joy
Looks like I'm changing the worker protagonist for Matron in the Playhouse
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it-takes-four · 2 years
To me all of them are equally traumatized
That's a valid opinion lol. Trauma comes in many forms, as can attest this helpful listing I did of them
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And those who are not will soon be
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kakusu-shipping · 5 days
for mommy long legs👀
💬 - how does f/o talk to you when youre regressed? do they call you any special names?
🏅 - favourite activities to do together when regressed?
🥮 - favourite food to eat while regressed? how do they get it for you?
🦴 - has cg f/o gotten you any regression gear?
This one's a little hard to answer because this one is one of my Regressed Self's S/Is, so instead of an Age Regressor they're actually just a Real Child (cause that's how little me sees himself)
So, some of these questions will have to be tweaked, but I'll be happy to answer them anyway!
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💬 - How does Mommy talk to you? Does she call you any special names?
Mommy talks to me much much nicer than she does Poppy, if thas what your asking. She talks to Poppy like she's a Big Kid and me like I'm a Baby. But thas okay, I dun mind. I like bein a baby.
I told Mommy my name but she dun use it much. She calls me "Baby" and "Sweetie" and "Honey" lots more.
🏅 - Favorite activities to do together?
I liked playing Statues best, Pugapiller was real real cute, but everytime he got close Mommy would pick me up so he didn't get me. I told her thas cheating and she said cuties get to cheat sometimes.
I didn like the memory game at all.
🥮 - Favorite food? How do they get it for you?
I told Mommy I was hungry, she said she was too, but we didn eat.
Poppy says there's nothin to eat here...
🦴 - Has Mommy gotten you any toys?
There's lotsa toys here, this is a toy FACTORY, but Mommy says they're not to play with. She says they're sleeping and not to bother them.
I dun get it, but a lot of them are all sticky and red, so I don't wanna play with them anyway.
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echonvoid · 8 months
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A slightly more updated version of Poppy’s Angel, from 10 yrs ago instead of 30. They were attacked by the prototype at some point; and I definitely feel like they grew up/worked in play care for a while at some point. They also had to have a hysterectomy and have all their reproductive organs taken out due to like an infection or cancer or some shit. Idk
Love y’all; enjoy the spooky brainrot and hopefully I’ll get around to drawing literally any other character at some point lmao
Also, they still can’t see shit lmao
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regressionworldz · 6 months
I’m planning to do an Age Regression story with Poppy Playtime based a lot on your art. I hope to send you what it got at a later date can you expand more on the Age Regression on your version for poppy playtime?
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WAAAA, I’d be so happy if you made a story, seriously!! I’d reblog it so fast, I hope you go through with it,,
Also, absolutely! I can expand more on the Age Regression in my AU!
As I’ve mentioned before, the protagonist in this AU is an age regressor, and quite young at that. They tend to regress involuntarily, particularly when surrounded by positive or negative triggers, resulting in moments where they enter a childlike headspace. (Their regression age is somewhere around 0-3) 
This involuntary age regression significantly impacts the behavior of the creatures within the facility, leading to a complex array of reactions.
For instance, during encounters with Huggy Wuggy, the protagonist's regression triggers a profound change in perception. Despite being an adult, they are perceived as a child by Huggy Wuggy and other creations within the facility. This perception shift is consistent among all the creatures, who consequently treat the protagonist as a vulnerable child.
The best way I can describe the impact of age regression on the creatures is a nullifying effect. Rather than succumbing to their inherently sadistic tendencies, the creatures become markedly gentler and more nurturing. They instinctively adopt a protective and nurturing role towards the protagonist, exhibiting behaviors akin to caregiving.
With more formidable creatures like CatNap, the influence of the protagonist's age regression might not immediately manifest due to their heightened resistance. However, over time, even CatNap succumbs to a nurturing instinct towards the protagonist, albeit retaining a mischievous demeanor. Nonetheless, the protagonist will remain unharmed, with CatNap's antics posing nothing more than occasional playful disruptions.
In summary, within the world of Poppy Playtime, whenever your character regresses in front of the creatures, they universally perceive and treat you as a child. Hopefully this explains how the regression works in this AU!
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milkyvast · 7 months
where is the fanart of this literal yellow figure
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where the fanart for like this poppy playtime protagonist,,
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Theft King is Wrong about Indigo Park and Here's Why
Theft King is an infamous YouTuber mainly known for the Kane Carter drama and not always having the best takes. He mainly covers Five Nights at Freddy's, and recently seems to be covering a lot more of Poppy Playtime, due to chapter 3. Recently, Theft King made a video critiquing the newest indie mascot horror game, Indigo Park.
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Suffice to say, it is not good. This post will be going over why it is not good, and debunking Theft King's own points.
"Indigo Park is the least original mascot horror game ever made. Between the tired, cliched premise of returning to an abandoned children's establishment, the enemy designs, the unnervingly cute, mascot character, and multiple sequences that appear to be directly lifted from Poppy Playtime. You'd just think this was another Garten of Banban-eqsue cash in. In a lot of ways, it kind of is. But it's more complicated than that."
Through your introduction to this video, it is quite obvious that you are biased. For starters, to call Indigo Park the LEAST original mascot horror game ever made is a big claim to make. Like, seriously, out of ALL the games out there, Indigo Park is? While, yes, the concept of finding out what happened to an abandoned children's establishment isn't original, it has a unique twist to it. We have Rambley to accompany us through out the park. It actually FEELS like a place that could exist in real life. It's also obvious Geese is a fan of mascot horror and got inspired from Five Nights at Freddy's and Poppy Playtime.
Also to compare Indigo Park to Garten of Banban is literally insane to me. You are comparing the dedicated, passion, and willingly to learn with Indigo with GARTEN OF BANBAN? The POSTER child of what NOT to do with mascot horror? Also, Theft King through out the entire video compares Indigo Park to Poppy Playtime, specifically chapter 3. When Indigo Park was in production BEFORE chapter 3 came out.
Before the recent Rambley plush, Indigo Park was for free and the money came of Geese's own pocket to fund this game. To say this a "cash grab" is very dismissing the hard work and passion Geese and the Indigo Park team put into the game.
"The game begins with a really slick cinematic depicting the establishment of Indigo Park. Alongside it's founder, Isaac Indigo. Isaac Indigo?! Hold on. That's not a name that humans have. This guy's definitely a space alien. I'm calling that now"
While the last part is definitely a joke on his end, there's a lot of reasons to explain why Indigo is Isaac's last name. For one, Indigo is a REAL last name. It's just uncommon. Second, there is thing called suspension of disbelief. It is when something fantastical happens that can't happen in real life, but you suspend your disbelief because it is a work of fiction. If you can suspend your disbelief to a murderous lion and parrot, I'm pretty sure you can suspend your disbelief to this old guy's name being Indigo. And third, there is such a thing called legally changing your name. Besides, why is this even here? This is just a nitpick.
"As the game begins we find the park's main gates sealed. And upon heading into the service station next door, we encounter Rambley. The single best part of Indigo Park. Rambley is an AI, raccoon mascot that serves as our guide. Appearing on countless, conveniently placed televisions through out the game. He's fantastic. His dialogue is well written, his voice actor is great and his animation is expressive and charming. He's the single best part of the game, but, Rambley is a crutch that Indigo Park leans far too heavily on. Though, we'll get there later."
While he does say he'll get to it later, I would like to still address this point right now. Rambley is a core part of the game. Rambley is the second protagonist, and is obviously going to be very important to the plot. He's going to be accompanying us through out however many chapters there are. Chapter 1, like many introductions, are we are getting to know the characters. Rambley is in a big chunk of chapter 1 is because besides, Ed, he's our secondary protagonist, and knows the in's-and-out's of the park, and knows crucial information. This will be expanded more when Theft King gets to this part. Rambley isn't a "crutch". The game is literally setting up the characters and scene. Like, y'know, how many first chapters do.
"And enter the doors to the park and enter the Critter Corner, where we're given a Fazwatch from FNAF: Security Breach. It's useless. It's just a plot device to justify why some doors don't open until they need to."
Theft King, have you ever been to an amusement park before? Many amusement parks have bands on to indicate you are someone entering, and not sneaking in. If you did an ounce of research, the Critter Cuff is a reference to Disney's Magic Bands. Do you only get your information from indie mascot horror? Do you not think stuff like this doesn't exist in real life? While, yes it can be a reason why some doors won't open. But you clearly weren't even paying attention to the own game you are playing.
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(Disney Magic Band)
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(Indigo Park Critter Cuff)
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(FNAF Fazwatch) The Critter Cuff looks NOTHING like a Fazwatch and has difference uses. Gregory can use the Fazwatch to see the map of the Pizzaplex, get emails, communicate with Glamrock Freddy, among other things. All the Critter Cuff can do is be a pedometer, heart monitor, and mood ring. The Fazwatch and Critter Cuff doesn't even have the same functions.
The Critter Cuff also just doesn't acts like this. It's hinted the Critter Cuff can keep away the mascots. When Lloyd was about to attack Ed, it let out a frequency that made Lloyd back off. Pay attention to what's happening on the screen and story, Theft King.
"Proceeding through an awkwardly placed loading zone, we find ourselves in some sort of subway, tunnel movie theater? I don't know the area's design wasn't very coherent. Look at that Poppy Playtime ass floor. Although, something is going on with the resolution or something. I don't know."
...As he says when the ride for this area is a train. Trains are often located underground. Also, apparently, according to Theft King any colorful, floor patterns is a rip off of Poppy Playtime when the ride is a reference to Mickey and Minnie's Railway. As for the "movie posters", Theft King the ride is clearly meant to introduce the park goers to the characters and other rides to this world. Please, pay attention and think before assuming something.
"After the train ride, Rambley gives us cart blanche to go wherever we want. Though, it's at this point, I noticed the game scaling. You know, the size of everything relative to your character? It's really weird. We are very short, I have to be perfectly honest. [...] When was the last time you walked up to a kiosk, a stand and your chin was like touching the table?"
This is just a nitpick. While, yes, it can look a little jarring, but out of all of things you're critiquing is the fucking counter "being too big"? Theft King, do you have spatial awareness? The counter is at Ed's chest, not eye level. Besides, you're not even fully looking up.
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Also, for some reason, he genders nail polish for some reason? Either saying it was nail polish or a bad "fingernail texture"? Which. Okay? Men can wear nail polish too, Theft King. It isn't a gendered thing.
"The next area is probably the most visually striking in the game. A large fountain square with a strange clock tower and Ferris wheel in the distance. It's pretty cool. But there's a lot of empty sky box visible and it's fairly obvious that there's absolutely nothing beyond these buildings that we can see the illusion that this is actually outside is completely broken. And as a result, this area feels more like a sound stage or movie set than an actual place. It just needed a lot more low resolution buildings and rides and stuff in the distance. Because it's obvious behind this clock tower, is just an endless void."
Theft King, once again, have you ever been to a theme park? It's the entrance to the ACTUAL park. You don't get to see everything right off the bat, it's just a taste of the actual theme park. If Geese and co. added more buildings and rides, it would look VERY cluttered and jankily put in together. It would also be way overstimulating, and ruin the atmosphere of the decayed, left-to-rot theme park with all of these lights and colors. It is a horror game, Theft King. Atmosphere, setting, and lighting are important here. It just seems like if you aren't being entertained for more than 2 seconds you're crying out it's "boring and just looks like a set piece."
Besides, do you think all of the budget is going to be spent on the buildings, just so it be can be aesthetically pleasing? A problem Theft King (and the majority of the indie mascot horror critics I see) really need to stop expecting brand new, horror indie games to be AAA quality. Geese funded chapter one from his own pocket money. Geese is the only programmer. Geese is still a beginner and still in college. The fact he is still a beginner, and pulled this off shows that he's a fast learner, willingly to learn, and talented. Give him some slack.
"[...] But we find that the door [Jetstream Junction's] is locked. This fountain square station is huge, but there's really only one destination. Lloyd's Mane Stage Theater. [...] Check out the LOD's on this box. There's no bar code, bard code. No bar code, bar code. Indigo Park is made in Unreal Engine 5, and it's really pretty at times. Though, certain effects are obviously pretty janky. Yeah, the flashlight looks kind of like ass. The flashlight looming shadows are pretty janky. You can see them kind of wobbling and flickering around. I turned on all of the fancy features and while the game looks really moody and atmospheric when lights aren't moving, the flashlight doesn't really look well with it. The shadows flicker and jiggle all over the place and it just looks really bad."
Okay, if it certain effects are janky, how are they janky? What could they improve on to not make it less janky? For the flashlight bit, you are holding a flashlight and how it's meant to be done is suppose to be more realistic, according to Geese. Also, this is just really nitpicky. If anything, it's a a subtle thing and you get used to the flashlight feature pretty quickly. It kind of just sounds like you're picking this game apart, if it was an AAA game. The game is not perfect, by any means. But tearing and shredding to bit little, tiny, things when this project has ONE coder, who spent all of us OWN money, is still a beginner, and IS STILL in college.
When someone is a beginner and showing a willingly to learn, you have to take a different approach. It'd be one thing if Geese was doing programming for years, but he's not. You have to redirect your criticism and maybe, I don't know, give suggestions? You haven't really gone into what he could do to improve, and give examples to help him out. This is like treating someone who's a beginner drawer and expecting Michelangelo perfect details. They're drawing is still good, there's noticeable mistakes, but there's room to improve and grow. Also, Theft King, you literally have your settings maxed out. Maybe trying lowering them.
"Earlier, Rambley asked us where we wanted to go first. Implying, that we had a choice. [...] We don't. We go where exactly where Rambley says, always. That's the name of the game. Rambley tells you to go somewhere and you do it. Honestly, until the theater just now, every area in this game has been walk in, talk to Rambley, and walk out."
Theft King, asking a small, indie team to program a BUNCH of stuff you can do within an entire SECTION of an area is... a lot to ask, don't you think? Like, yes. I will admit I will agree there should be a lot more interactable with the items around that Ed can explore, I think that's a good point to bring up. But those would just be side things to do. You still have to progress the main story of chapter one. You can be patient for one minute. They are clearly building up to something. Besides, it's an abandoned theme park, I doubt any of the items inside would work. It's "walk in and walk out" to set the atmosphere of what's about to come, and let your guard down. It's not that hard to put two and two together.
Also, as I said before, to put pressure on one programmer to program so many things all at once is just not a cool thing to do. It sounds like you have to be entertained 24/7. Be patient, and wait. They're building up to something. Just wait.
"[...] Like I said before, the whole game is just kind of just walking into an area, having Rambley talk to you for a bit, and tell you where to go next. We find ourselves in Mollie's Landing Pad, which is a play pen highly reminiscent of DogDays from Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 or The Daycare from FNAF: Security Breach. This section presents itself as a puzzle, but it's really not. It's another fetch quest. Embedded in the walls, are five-colored that each can be set to one of four symbols. And throughout the area, we find paintings of shapes that correspond to the code. Again, it's not really a puzzle. It's just a slightly, contrived justification to make you wonder through this area and experience all of the scripted sequences." Rambley "tells you where to go" is because it is establishing how his game mechanic works, expanding on his personality, and him finding out the horrors of the park and what happened to everything. It's setting up how things are going to go down. Rambley is an AI park, GUIDE. Rambley is LITERALLY doing his job, GUIDING us around the park. Pay attention to what's going on.
Last time I checked, play pins are a big part of children's entertainment. Your local Chuck E. Cheese has this exact same, ball pit. Poppy Playtime and FNAF doesn't owe the rights to a colorful, play pit. See, through out his review Theft King calls Indigo Park a rip off of Poppy Playtime Chapter 3, and of Security Breach. But never goes into detail as to WHY and HOW it is. Sure, he shows via visuals, but never expands fully on his point on itself. Also, "fetch quest"? Fetch quests are something you get and return to an NPC. This, by definition is a puzzle. What are we exactly fetching, here? We're solving a puzzle to open the door. Also, wow! Scripted horror events in tight closed spaces! What a twist! Sarcasm.
"Unfortunately, by this point, the game had all but telegraphed that I wasn't in any danger and thus, I wasn't really scared."
...You literally have shown insistences of being scared? Through out when you were walking through Lloyd's maze thing, and when Mollie was peeking around the corners in the slides. You HAVE shown you were scared, or at least startled. Thus, it did it's job of being a horror game. Theft King, something doesn't need to be happening 24/7 to do it's job. Sometimes horror works better in subtle ways than just blaring red, warning signs all over the place, or having a scary chase scene.
"After pressing a button, with no visible indication of what it does."
...Look down. The fact that you couldn't even pay attention to something as something simple as this, tells me you weren't even doing a fraction or even cared to actually pay attention to what was happening, gameplay or lore wise. That's how much care was put into "reviewing" this game.
"As the leader of the FNAF community and for the former, top five greatest FNAF player in the world, I shouldn't have died to that."
Why are you running directly towards Mollie? You only died because you ran straight into the obvious "RUN NOW" part of the game.
"Yeah, it's literally the DogDays sequence from Poppy Playtime. It's literally the same thing. I criticized the DogDays chase in Chapter 3 for being boring, so, naturally, this cheap, knockoff is... even more boring. Normally, in my videos, the chase sequence is like a free 30 to 60 seconds of watch time. I just let it play because it's exciting. However, as I edit this video, I realized I have to cut this chase down, it's so boring. And I think that says a lot. [...] Then we see ourselves being chased through vents, just like Poppy Playtime Chapter 1."
Theft King, being chased down closed, liminal spaces isn't something Poppy Playtime owns. There are MANY differences. For one, in the DogsDays chase, you have to avoid the smaller creatures trying to get you, on top of the possessed DogDays chasing you, which is quite fast in the decrepit area. In Indigo Park, you're still the Landing Pad, going down slides, and jumping on things to get away from Mollie. Which leads into the Ranglers' room area. The areas look ENTIRELY different, and so do the vents in Chapter 1 of Poppy Playtime and here.
Also, you're not suppose to wait 30-60 seconds. You're suppose to be actively running away from the monsters. Y'know, the whole point of a chase sequence, and y'know, playing the game. It's "boring" because Indigo Park lets your guard down, when the chase is STILL happening until you see Rambley again.
"That was when it hit me. Despite Indigo Park being the definition of a shallow, walking simulator that that is in many ways, even less original than Garten of BanBan, I was still enjoying it. But, only thanks to Rambley. Rambley carries this game. Without him and his great dialogue and acting, Indigio Park would be entirely forgettable. For all of BanBan's faults, the game has this at least has this unique, bizarre, liminal style to it. Even if it's completely incoherent. Indigo Park's environments are generic. They're boring. There are some cool rooms and set pieces, but this doesn't really feel like an abandoned theme park. Like I said before, it feels like a sound stage. This is the video game equivalent to those haunted house rides that shepherd you through a series of rooms as scripted sequences play predictably each time. Rambley is the only thing keeps you playing because he's great. But, the longer Indigo Park goes on, the more and more obvious it becomes that he's a massive crutch that it leans on to mask the lack of any real subsite gameplay, interesting environments, or even compelling narrative.
We know that something bad happened here and it caused the park to be evacuated and closed down but once we get inside, we just see that place is trashed. There isn't much in the environment that hints at what actually happened. And without those breadcrumbs of mystery, the only real reason to keep moving forward is because Rambley tells us to. And HE IS, quite entertaining. However, I am skeptical, that this trick will work twice. Rambley kept me going for the roughly 1 hour it takes to beat Indigo Park Chapter 1, but it had started getting old. Fellow YouTuber, UniqueGeese is crowdfunding for chapter 2 right now and I think that's awesome. But they're going have to do more to have to do more for the follow up game and because chapter 1 has ZERO gameplay with which to build on, it's not really clear what a more ambitious sequel would even look like. Poppy ran into the same problem. Prior to chapter 3, the gameplay was just like... puzzles, scripted sequences and freaking Simon Says. With the latest entry, they added real gameplay mechanics and some would argue that Poppy suffered as a result. By failing to establish any actual, gameplay in chapter 1, Indigo Park either needs to introduce something totally new in chapter 2 or continue with the shallow scripted, walking simulator approach but just turn up the spectacle and fidelity." Out of all the points in this video, this one made me sigh the most.
To even COMPARE Indigo Park to Garten of BanBan is a huge insult. Garten of BanBan pumps out game after game, merch after merch, to make a quick buck and splash because right now indie, mascot horror is still popular. This game took over a YEAR to make, and had love and time, and passion, and giving a fresh, twist on it and to even say BanBan offered something better is just... really gross, in my opinion.
For the environments bit, you can see clearly where nature takes it's course through out the land with bushes and grass, and the decay of food in one of the cafes taking place. It's setting up the atmosphere of being decayed, left to rot, and feels like something's in the shadows. It's to make you unnerved that happiness used to be here, but now it's gone.
And YES! The lore IS there! You actively have to PAY ATTENTION as to what's going on. The problem with this point is that Theft King expects the game to paint the entire picture of what happened. When part of Indigo Park is it's mystery. Mollie repeats words of the workers abusing her, or the fact that Lloyd used to be the face of the brand, or the hidden cage within the arcade game, and Mollie saying "Get back in your cage, bird." Something Salem says within game. Or showing us the mascots got corrupted by something, and implying this isn't their original selves, but the actual cartoony mascots. You just have to wait, it's giving intrigue, but not painting the entire picture because it's just chapter 1. You'll probably see more of what happened later on. Be patient. A big part of Indigo Park's horror is how TERRIBLE the mascots were treated, and the abuse they suffered via the workers and people attending the park. That is interlinked with what happened to the park, 8 years ago.
With this point, it just seems like if nothing is happening 24/7, you're just bored. The phrase "walking simulator" has been done to death. We're being introduced to the basic game mechanics. Of course chapter 2 is going to be better than chapter 1. Literally all I have to say for this entire nothing burger of critique is "pay attention and let the devs cook".
"We encounter another information kiosk. Which lets us hear the dialogue for the remaining secret items we found. The mask during the chase sequence reveals a secret audio tape with objectively worse voice acting within the entire game."
How are you a FNAFTuber and not know what Dayshift at Freddy's is? It's one of the most popular parody FNAF games out there. The voice acting is bad on purpose because a.) it's mocking the text-to-voice speech the game uses b.) it's a joke.
Then near the end he says how his critiques were fair, and then states he likes the game, and says it's fun? Even though he spent the entirety of the game saying it's a boring, cheap knock off of Poppy Playtime and FNAF? I'm getting mixed signals here. All of this review was not expanding on any of his points, or if he did, it was something already within the game, and he clearly wasn't paying attention and actually looking around for secrets. You're suppose to be looking for clues, not getting handed to you.
This review was just "meh it's bad", and doesn't give any helpful criticism on how said game can improve, and even just downright insults the game multiple times. For the majority of the review, he just narrates what's going on, with spliced clips of him playing this on a stream. If anything, this just pads out the entire review, and waiting to get to an actual part of where he has a point. It, frankly, gets annoying after awhile, until he basically just sums up what he thought about the game just all at the end. It seems like Theft King really only made this video was to get clicks and views.
Now, everyone on YouTube wants this, obviously. But he really just seems likes poking the bear and making fun of people getting mad at him. Even if his critiques were not good. At all. Indigo Park isn't the best game ever or even the best indie mascot game made ever. It was entirely made out of bad faith, just to get a quick buck. A big problem I have with the video is the only harping on the "lack of gameplay."
I think people forget the games "feels sameish to Poppy Playtime and FNAF" is because they are horror games, who are first person and exploration games. Yes, you can tell there is inspiration but it does NOT copy the games at all, and just does homages to them and pays respects to them. Geese is a fan of mascot horror, and clearly respects them. It's not a "walking simulator", it's doing it's job as an EXPLORATION horror game. People have been using "walking simulator" as a critique and just have beaten that horse to DEATH. Give an actual, substance criticism or move on. Not to mention, he literally says that "they copied Fnaf Jr's death screen" when it was made by the same artist.
Also, for the obvious gotcha,
For him claiming it's "unoriginal" and a "ripoff", is coming from the guy who's VTuber avatar is just a white recolor of CatNap.
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Just wanna add:
Listen. I know it's Theft King and he just does this to piss people off at this point but to just shame, put down, and put baseless claims of Indigo Park being a rip off, when it's inspired, not a rip off, of a passion project from a team that put so much love and time into it, is just really gross and needs to be called out.
Thanks for reading!
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sezez · 9 months
The Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 trailer had me thinking of what to expect in the next chapter and there is a lot I want to see or suspect will happen. But there are mainly two things that caught my attention and I really want to tackle on it, so...
Poppy wanting revenge doesn't make a whole lot of sense:
I just wanna say I'm so glad we get to see Kissy again and it seems like she'll be The Protagonist's ally along with Poppy. But speaking of Poppy, I have some doubts if she'll stay as our ally because we all know what happened last time.
I guess we can now confirm what she is really wants; revenge of the monsters who tortured her, the toys and the Protag.
But who is she referring too? The toys or the scientists?
If it's the scientists then we know by now that ALL of the employees are dead in the facility, and that would mean all the scientists too.
"So why would she want revenge on them if they're already dead?"
But if Poppy is referring to the toys then we know who she really wants revenge on: Exp. 1006, The Prototype.
We all can see that the Prototype is like the big bad here, he is violent, smart but he is still a prototype. Base from the notes of Catnap when he first came into Playcare, he is rather a good and obedient toy but when he is in a room with Exp. 1006, he acts differently. Catnap acts like Prototype is his father, his master, his god. Leith was concern about that and he was right, Catnap right now is violent and will punish anyone who disobeys 1006.
So, if the Protag kills the Prototype then they would be free, he is no longer in control of the toys, right? Right..?
Well, as a good intention that sounds and it does sound good... It doesn't make sense.
If Poppy's plan works, then what? She and the other toys have no where to go and if they walk outside then people will obviously freak out, maybe even get captured by some sick people and they'll do the experiments again.
The person talking through the phone will be our guide:
So in the trailer we hear a man talking, saying:
"That thing, Catnap... The Prototype is his god... And this is what he does to heretics..."
And we get a shot of a phone that was shown in Project: Playtime. And the person was talking through something, his voice is glitchy and like he is talking into something hallow... Maybe like the phone..?
It seems like he knows Catnap treats Exp. 1006 as his god, what he does to toys who disobey him. And his voice sounds like he is tired, but desperate a bit. What if that man is alive in the factory, somehow? Or maybe his message was recorded into the phone as a warning to anyone who picks it up.
I imagine that maybe the Protagonist might ends up keeping the phone because the guy might call again or the phone has recorded messages, mostly talking about how The Protag can escape, solve a certain puzzle or info on a toy.
Other things I want Chapter 3 to have:
New VHS tapes showing more secrets of the factory
Collectables that can unlock a hidden room or something like that
The Protagonist gets a voice (I know this is unlikely but still, who knows)
More info of the Protag and Elliot
A employee who somehow survived, they can either be a threat or an ally
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cringywhitedragon · 4 months
Just saw manly play indigo park and oh my goodness this is turning out to be mascot horror done right or at least some good handling
Mascot horror’s been kinda a meh genre since people starting riding off the coattails of FNAF (which in itself I find good but the series works better as more of a “Sit and Survive” style game instead of a open world/roaming kinda game like everything trying to follow Security Breach.)
Poppy Playtime is ok. It’s not perfect but the devs do shine with their animation skills (Even if I feel they kinda waste it most of the time with Minecraft animations and some other controversies) and it’s not really something with a whole lot of replay value (Very linear and at least in FNAF there’s some incentive to replay a majority of the games with stuff such as secrets/alternative endings and the custom night mode.)
We have stuff we do not talk about like Garbage of Banban and the fifty million other games trying to copy it.
Anyways back to Indigo park.
Yes it’s your standard affair of mascot horror but this game has a lot of charm to it from what I’ve seen. It’s clear that this project’s being made with love and has a few things I haven’t seen Mascot Horror games do a whole lot of.
Namely in the form of this game’s voice with an internet connection and companion, a goofy little guy named Rambly the Raccoon.
While having a character to act as a guide for the protagonist is a pretty common thing in these sorts of games, they either are a faceless voice over a phone/intercom, don’t show up until much later, or a simple pre-recorded infodump. Rambly is not that.
He’s met almost right off the bat not long after you start the game. While a bit glitchy, he shows right off the bat that he has is own personality to add a bit of comic relief to what is a horror game.
I kinda like to think of Rambly as a mix between Navirou (Monster Hunter Stories) and Wheatley (Portal) since he does act as both a companion character and voice for the (silent) protagonist but also interacts and comments on the environment that he’s a part of as well.
Also while a minor one, a feature for collectibles which also add a bit of lore (and humor with some of Rambly’s comments) to the game, not something we’ve seen too often in your free roaming mascot horror titles save for Security Breach (Yes there’s going to be a lot of comparisons between the two).
Finally, onto the enemies.
They actually work pretty well in the setting they’re supposed to be set in. As in, not overly gross and elongated abstract shapes that look super out of place or filled to the brim with mutations and razor sharp teeth but actually look like the characters one might find in the setting they would be in, abet still retaining that obvious “monsters out to get you look”. Kinda like the animatronics from FNAF that would be “in service” would fit appropriately in their specific location unlike something out of Garten of Banban which is supposed to be a daycare.
In all seriousness, who the fuck would be bringing their kids to a place filled with weird blobby creatures that look something out of a Pamtri video.
In other words, go check out and support the people working on Indigo Park!
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did you guys know the protagonist from hit indie horror game poppy playtime is always dressing like a dad or a mom.
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