#the real d*psy situation
usernose · 8 months
Guys, I fell into the D*psy Rabbit hole after seeing big blowout she made in my gf's server and this post, and it got me thinking, who else was harassed by this kid? I want to see the "abuser" point of view because she did talk about Filthy in her previous joining of the RGTK server being her groomer (we didn't know at the time that it was false) and I finally saw Filthy's POV of it, which I am very sorry of what she done to you.
So it's understandable if you guys don't want to talk about it publicly. In the DMs would be fine because after seeing the context from the Megamind fandom, I started to think that there were other fandoms she put up a facade for before showing her true colors.
This isn't a hate post, I'm just curious about how others were around her. I would blame those drama vids to get me climbing down this D*psy Rabbit hole.
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rebelliouslala · 3 years
4 Something
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warnings- character death, language, cult like behavior, angst
word count- 1.7k
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You had been introduced to everyone, but to be honest, you felt as if you could not memorize the men you had just met.
To be fair, there were 16 other men.
Selen was the eldest, and therefore the elder brother figure of the entire Pound. Mouse was the youngest. He was an “intern” at the Dream Gems. He sat next to Chenle, and whispered to him quietly in Korean. He looked so small in this gang. You assumed he had to join when he was possibly younger than you became a member in the Ripple.
Selen had made you meet the others, and even repeat their names. Victory sighed as he endured everyone hugging him and strangely calling him Orpheus. Selen, surprisingly, went quick. With each snap of his fingers, as if it were the 1920’s, he pointed and named.
Your head spun with the names; You only went by small descriptions to memorize each man. And even then, you had no idea. Osaka, or Herac was sitting next to a lean man, Zeus. This man was lanky, but smiled widely and laughed as he sang.
The one that Johnny sat next to, with his statuesque face was Aphrodite. He was breathtaking. Gogo- Hermes, was faced away from a very energetic boy, with feathery hair, Helios. You looked at another man, with a pinched nose, named Athene. Selen sat next to him. You stared at him, and he nodded at you silently. 
And in this room, Johnny was not even referred to his name, his English nor Korean, but as Ares. You held his hand under the table.
“So, Eos has made this, Psy is their name, as a new spy. Now, Athene will make the plan.” Selen said loudly.
The man mentioned nodded, before he did a double take. “What? Hyung—?”
“Eos orders.”
Athene blinked, and he stood up, quietly kicking you.
“OW.” You stated with disgust, glaring up.
“Oh! Pardon me, would you mind punching Selen?” Athene said like a gent. 
There was an ahem. The man who made the noise placed his hands under his chin. “Continue, Athene.” Aphrodite said with a coolness.
The other man sighed quietly, but he got out a scroll. It was curled, but he laid it out so everyone can see. Yuta -you didn’t even want to try to remember his name-, helped it keep it open with his elbow, and another boy who was introduced as Songbird, who smiled up at Athene.
Athene now read loudly, “My fellow Gods, demigods and mortals; we invite a new, fellow mortal by the name of Psy. They have a chance to take down our enemy. Because of this, all business is now closed. We will be quiet and we will,” Athene leaned closer, muttering to himself in Korean, “We will now not be active. Herac, Dolphin, Psy and Ares, shall all go to the West Side and take the corrupt Ripple down. Any news from our spies will be delivered by Songbird and Orpheus.” Athene sighed as he pulled away, “With Godspeed, Eos.”
You hid your smirk at his flat tone. Perhaps Eos was too much of a narcissist to even realize his team was much too sick of his dramatics.
Athene pulled the scroll back, and he blinked. “Any questions?”
“Yeah.” You crossed your arms, “Is Eos okay?”
Aphrodite scoffed and he looked at you through his lashes. The other men, including Selen, scoffed and harrumphed at your response.
“Well don’t look at me like I’m some sort of goon.” You stood up. “You all might’ve thought the same.”
“Eos,” said the young man you saw training earlier, you believe his name was Achilles, “Is a God among us. I am lucky to be seen as a demigod—,”
“Oh my god.” You rolled your eyes as you grabbed Johnny’s shoulder, and whispered loudly, “What a cult, am I right?”
“Psy,” he whispered with guilt.
You turned, and sighed, holding the bridge of your nose as you looked upon everything. The shining waxed table. The white suits everyone wore. Their stares. How they all looked down.
“I’m going to take down the Ripple my way. Chenle—,”
“He is known as Dolphin!” Orpheus, started.
“Not another word out of your mouth.” You glared at him, before turning away, gently tapping Johnny.
He sounded worried. You’re already in enough shit. You should be dead. More than ever in this situation. With Eos. This is the worst scenario and your best friend didn’t know how to act. You held his hand tightly above the table and smiled.
“Let’s go. I will contact Ch- Dolphin, with updates. And or, Victory- Orpehus.” You giggled as Johnny stood up with you.
“Then Godspeed,” Helios said to you calmly.
“God damn,” you replied with a smirk, and pull your friend out as the others daggered your back with judgement.
And another, foreign dagger stared above the table, witnessing every single move you had just made.
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The funeral was that. A funeral.
Nothing prepared you for the pain you felt staring at Yangyang’s body. His face was still, no smile, and he was so, so pale. Unlike the photo that was next to him. It was only from a few days ago. He was grinning. Laughing. It was with Mr. Money and Sushi, but they were edited out.
His real name was read out in multiple languages. From German, Chinese, Korean, English. It read the same. Liu “Dreamer” Yangyang. Friend. Son. Brother.
You gripped onto Johnny, and looked up at his eyes, trying to find his warmth. It had to be. It was supposed to be. Impossible. It had to be.
Johnny sighed quietly as his lips contorted, before he finally grabbed onto the words. “D-Do you remember how Dreamer always knew what you wanted for your birthday? And how he always shared with us the photos of Louis and Leon?”
A hot tear escaped your eye, as you hid in his huge chest and nodded. You nodded frantically as you began to sob. Johnny’s big hands held you, and he placed his chin on you, sighing quietly again. 
The plan was ruined. You lost the man who should be here and hugging you and Johnny before you both went on a cruise to Korea, and then after that, the world.
You let go to breathe, biting the inside of your cheeks with anger. Your gaze turned to Victory’s tears, and Sushi looking at the youngest member’s body
His face reminded you, strongly of how you were young once. Running away and living with Johnny out on the streets of Baise. You had only one television, the news, and that broadcast that evening was of a grown woman crying, over and over in Taiwanese, “WHERE IS MY SON? WHO TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME?”
His eyes shared the same pain.
“Psy.” You turned as Mr. Money hugged you. Embraced you. He hid in you. “I-I can’t we could’ve lost you too. And John, we- fuck.”
Osaka was in the corner, looking down as he stared at the Ripple mourn.
Once Mr. Money had released himself, you stared at Jewel letting Smalls and Henry hug him tightly. Jewel despised any touching. 
The fierce, cunning man, couldn’t even look what is inside the coffin. He only held the two now youngest members close to his heart.
Your hands gripped, nails digging to your palms. Now this was something you couldn’t take. The Pound may have you and Johnny’s lives on a string. But nothing could describe your frustration, to Sicheng. Victory. Whatever his name was.
To Yuta himself.
Osaka got up from his place on the wall, and he strutted himself to the coffin. He peaked over. 
Today, the man wore not the white cult suit from the Pound, but a simple, and dull outfit. He took off his grey jacket, his white shirt bulging out oddly, as his black shoes, matching his black suit pants, had rubbed against the table that Dreamer was placed upon.
“He knew.”
Everyone turned to the man. Osaka took a katana from inside his shirt, and now the cloth hugged him. The weapon had a sky blue diamond handle. The blade itself was an opaque diamond. Osaka placed it in Dreamer’s hands.
Jewel stopped him, gripping it and he glared at him. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I thought perhaps—,”
Jewel grabbed it with both hands, and he threw back into Osaka’s chest, stepping forward. “You don’t touch his body. You don’t look at it. What the fuck happened there.”
“John already explained,” Smalls tried to explain.
“No, bullshit. John is a nice guy. We don’t even fuckin’ know Osaka- in fact. It seems his Japanese is a little shaky.” Jewel pushed Osaka now, speaking in Japanese quickly, with poison. Your ears weren’t the best in the language, but he did say something along the lines of, “Speak now or hold your peace, bitch.”
Osaka took the blows from Jewel. But he looked up. “We were all ambushed by Dream Gems. You know that they work under the Pound. We believe Chenle—,”
“BBall.” Mr. Money held his cane and separated the men.
“Listen. I’m sorry. I wanted to pay my respects—,” Osaka tried to reason.
“YOU DONT DO SHIT HERE!” Jewel roared, his eyes glowing with anguish. “YOU GOT HIM KILLED!”
“He’s not dead.” You said.
Everyone turned.
“Really? He’s okay? Di-,” Sushi started.
“He’s in a very deep, deep coma.” You slowly take your hand back, and put it in your pockets.
Henry teared up, hugging Smalls, “G-Good.”
“That doesn’t mean shit. Yuta needs to be investigated. On our last and final mission all of the sudden it goes wrong?” Jewel said as he glared at Osaka from the side of his eye.
“Then let’s attack The Pound.”
Johnny held your arm and gently pressed four times.
“We need to make the Pound pay for what they did. And if Osaka isn’t bad, he’ll help.” You look at Osaka. “Won’t you?”
Osaka’s cold face suddenly melted to the side as he leans on a hip and he raised a brow, his smirk curving out as he said, almost naturally, “Perhaps I will for ya, doll.”
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Who should go with us?”
“Gogo. He’s reliable, after all he’s known Sushi for a long time too, hasn’t he?”
The big man nodded. “Yeah.”
You look at everyone. You planned for a bigger plan. A bigger dramatic. But that’s the Pound’s job. Right now, a plan, quite without common sense, was forming.
And the goal is was for you, and Johnny to be safe.
“For the Dreamer.” You said firmly.
“For the end.” The Ripple echoed back.
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vincentveryman · 4 years
Where can I find replica resources?
Where can I find replica resources?
In the past, if you needed to look for replica watches, replica bags or other products, we would all think of China's more famous wholesale platform. For example, Alibaba, DHgate, Made in China, Aliexpress and other online e-commerce platforms.
Alibaba https://www.alibaba.com/ Dhgate https://www.dhgate.com/ Made in China https://www.made-in-china.com/ Aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.com/
Even in the past few years, there were a large number of sellers who were selling replicas with the name of "luxury brands ". We can easily buy different kinds of replica shoes, wallets from those Chinese sellers.
Nowadays, the major online e-commerce platforms are more and more strict in controlling replicas. Based on this situation, a large number of designer shoes and ~~designer handbags~~ sellers' sales accounts have been closed. You can hardly find what you want with these keywords.
Moreover, the worse situation is, it won't be easy to find the ~~designer goods~~ from these e-commerce platforms in the future. Read this: "how amazon crack down on counteit products"
Does that mean we can't find these designer goods from other sources? The answer is No. I believe you are still browsing my blog to get the solutions. Please follow me to figure out the ways which we can purchase these replica resources in 2020 and even in 2021. Whether you're a consumer or you're a small business owner, or you're looking for a wholesale source of replicas, the following information is of great help to you.
1. Major social media platforms
I believe you have noticed that there are various posts selling replica goods on Facebook, Ig, Pinterest and other platforms. You can easily find the sellers through those beautiful pictures. But there are a lot of cheaters on it. They will "take your money without sending goods", or send you a bad quality replica Lv bag.
Open your eyes to distinguish. In the future, I will update the article to teach you how to identify whether the sellers are reliable.
## 2. Google search
When you use Google search engine input "high quality replica handbags", whether there are tons of websites which are selling replicas.
3. Recommended by friends
Do you believe that you already have a lot of friends or family members who are already using replicas? You don't have to think it's incredible. Since you have this idea, your friends or family members have the same idea. "Over a quarter of US shoppers have purchased counterfeit goods: Report"
Anyway, there are still so many ways to buy replicas from. The only thing is that you have to adjust yourself from being scammed or waste your money on cheap replicas.
Next time, I'd like to write about more details about what exactly replicas to sell to make some money. Fell free to subscribe me for more.
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wallofwalker · 5 years
Human-Centered Design within The D Word: Psy Ops by Steven Heller
This write up will be based upon the topic of human-centered design. One of many ways designers tackle a problem is by putting the human perspective first into play when designing and problem-solving. This method is important because it helps designers truly understand their audience and know what works when trying to relay a message or project an idea clearly and efficiently to their target audience. As a designer, this may seem simple as we are human and think that we understand what a human-centered design may seem like, but each life/ situation is different and composing an idea based on your targeted human will be the challenge.         This idea can be seen in an article by Steven Heller called “The D Word: Design Ops,” published on Design Observer. Heller’s article discusses the United States Army’s tactic in helping strengthen a soldier's morale and psychological aptitude. The Army did this by designing pamphlets that “undermine(d) a battle-weary soldiers morale.” It was believed that a soldier was more susceptible to “doubt and despair” rather than to their own rational thought in times of battle. As a result, the US Army believed that designing these pamphlets would help the soldiers resist these thoughts of doubt and despair and help their psychological resistance to fight back. The article states that these pamphlets were mainly made around the 1950s and 60s in the midst of the Cold War. It states that the Defense Department’s Psychological Division would “produce enemy simulated leaflets” which were moved around field maneuvers to hopefully expose soldiers to what they could potentially experience on the battlefield. These simulations of sorts were enacted to help improve the deteriorating mental state of soldiers and to make sure that they were psychologically strong for when the real threat came knocking on their doorstep.           This article relates to human-centered design in the way that the United States Army personally designed these pamphlets with their own soldiers in mind. They specifically took into account the mental state of their soldiers and how they could make some kind of propaganda that would benefit their soldiers by installing an almost fear-like sense into them in order to strengthen them for the future. From the pictures of the article, Heller includes images of the pamphlets and they created. The designs of them appear to depict images of loved ones and the enemy. Again, the military was targeting the mental psyche of the soldiers. They achieved this through human fear and human compassion by including these images throughout the propaganda. In the article, Heller also talks about how the pamphlets were “Crudely printed on rough paper” and how the “typography is competent but undistinguished.” This shows that the Army wanted the flyers to seem hostile/ unfriendly and uninviting to the reader to set the theme of an enemy.         In Conclusion, Human-centered design is important in helping solidify a strong connection between human accessibility and understanding of a message or purpose. While the US Army’s efforts might have seemed like an “Anti Human-Centered Design,” it was what they thought would hit home for the soldiers best and help with the war effort by strengthening the psychological stability of all in service.
Article: https://designobserver.com/feature/the-d-word-psy-ops/39275
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meditationadvise · 5 years
Muscle Up Your Mind — The Incredible Power of Beliefs (Part 1)
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It is incredible the important things we could do with our minds if we simply believe. Simply by thinking, you are currently half method to attaining. Much like Vishen always says, 'When you are in circulation and also you establish an intention, the cosmos flexes in your favor."
So just what is it that makes our minds tick that means? And just how can we benefit from this? It's all here in this 2-part article by William Horton. Have you ever had an occurrence where your mind offered you the power to achieve amazing tasks? Obviously you have! Leave a remark as well as share your story with us.
The Amazing Power Of Ideas (Part 1) by William Horton, Psy. D.
It is no trick that some individuals are much extra effective compared to others. Why is this? Are they smarter, better business owners, or do they have something that lack? If you attract your verdict from history, you will certainly see that it is not necessarily any one of the above, but something the inner os of the mind uses. This operating system is where individuals identify exactly what they get out of themselves, as a result meeting it. If you are expecting to fall short, presume exactly what? If you aim and expect to be the CEO of a company, you will!
Most people think that really outstanding or successful individuals were handed all the best cards in life. A powerful family, wide range and a wonderful house life, which is not constantly the case. Check Out Mahatma Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh or The Wright Brothers. None of these people were exceptionally powerful or originated from terrific wide range. They were all usual individuals, attorneys and bicycle service technicians. These individuals achieved excellent things, due to the fact that they were telling themselves great things and also anticipating nothing less of themselves. The human belief system is an extremely effective point and also what numerous do not understand is that they establish themselves for failing without ever saying a word. The interior sensations and also ideas regarding on your own can either make you or break you, it is really that powerful.
This is not to state that there will certainly not be bumps along the road despite a powerful and positive idea system. That would certainly be fantasy to only presume that success would drop in your lap. Exactly what you need to know is that there will certainly be tests along the method, however these can be become a favorable procedure by picking up from mistakes. Taking much less effective concepts and also transforming them into feed back, fixing as well as tweaking the system is the formula for success.
Beliefs: Personal Potential
The objective or system of a success vision is not an over night venture. Sometimes, it takes months or years to accomplish. Using creative resources within your person is in some cases a trial by mistake system. As you grow in your success, you likewise find out about on your own, constraints and strengths. This takes persistence and also time, which those that are unsuccessful have neither of. As easy as it may seem, a lesson could be attracted from reading this write-up. You could presume that a system of success seems great, however will likely not work. You can drive into your operating system that this is a terrific pep talk that is support in satisfying your desires. It is done in how you check out the possibility and code it inside that brain of yours. Thinking in on your own is the absolute most important action in any kind of endeavor that you will certainly ever before tackle. Handling new challenges and informing yourself that you will certainly be successful could verify on your own right.
The Pygmalion Effect
This theory is not a brand-new one, however one that can make your desires become a reality. In 1957 a teacher by the name of Robert Merton, researched just how people's perceptions of those around them influenced their own. As a research study project, a young instructor was told that she would certainly be showing a team of gifted pupils. These pupils were not talented whatsoever, in truth they fell in the average with behavior issues. In a short amount of time, the teacher uncovered that the students were not involved, interested or able to act with the current teaching style. She worked very tough to come up with a brand-new teaching style as well as sparked the interest of these trainees. After a really fruitful year, the pupils were involved, learning and also in reality showed it with a 20-30 point INTELLIGENCE jump. How did this job? Did she transform these students into talented student? The response is yes. She altered her style based on the belief that these trainees were talented which she has to improve. Had she anticipated less of them the outcomes would have never been the exact same. Could you imagine if you were operating at this level?
This concept established into what is called the Social Theory and also Social Framework, which is extremely true. People base their behavior and also expectations around those individuals that they are associated with or around. If the assumption is reduced, after that so will certainly the performance and vice versa.
Beliefs and Bio Chemistry
Your ideas not just impact your thinking, yet also your health and wellness and health and wellbeing. The sugar pill impact confirms this. In a research, patients were arbitrarily picked to obtain either a 'sugar tablet' or an analgesic for a frustration, without them recognizing which. As well much surprise, the sugar tablet recipients, thinking that they obtained an analgesic, had close to the very same results as those trainees getting the medicine for discomfort! Currently just what does that inform us? That tells us that what individuals regard and also believe is just what takes place. The people getting the sugar tablet thought that the medicine would help the migraine therefore eliminating their pain. Do you see just how important the belief system is now?
The Placebo impact is so solid that also the FDA acknowledges that individuals could gain from a 'phony' tablet because they count on it. Another research took 2 teams of which one group would be offered an energizer as well as the various other a downer. The group that was offered the stimulant was told that it was a depressant and also vice versa. The results are incredible because the trainees in fact controlled their bio chemical makeup due to the fact that they reported results regular with the expected result, not the real medication. Those trainees receiving the stimulant reported really feeling drowsy and groggy. Those that were offered the depressant felt energetic! It was simply other of the real results of the medication. They informed themselves that was how they were expect to really feel, therefore they did!
Real VS. Imagined Experience
Medical science has actually shown that our brain does not differentiate what is vividly visualized or in fact experienced. The same neurological impulses are caused throughout the worried system for both situations. This represents that when we close our eyes and also visualize ourselves because dream-like state, we are more probable to achieve. One might claim that we were preparing ourselves for that success. Envision this to examine out this theory:
Take a large yellow lemon-- the simple name represents sour. Now close your eyes as well as imagine biting into that lemon. The sour juice saturates your tongue making your nose twitch and also mouth pucker. The odor as well as cool feeling of the lemon on your hands as well as shut to your nose, allows you recognize just how sour it truly tastes. Are you drooling, I bet the response is YES! That is due to the fact that your nerves has actually been triggered as though you had that lemon in your mouth-- see it does work!
This imagination can function to the benefit or the death of lots of people. Many start to fear at the plain sound of a scenario, which could really trigger them wellness problems. When the worry and tension action is activated, the body immune system can be subdued making the individual a lot more vulnerable to disease. How well could a private do under wonderful stress and anxiety, anxiety as well as illness?
Mental Practice Session-- The Secret Weapon
For years, the Russians have actually controlled the Olympic video games in acrobatics. Many have pondered the fact as well as never genuinely comprehended, exactly how as well as why their efficiency was so outstanding. Do you understand that they employ the aid of a sporting activities psycho therapist? This psychologist offers many psychological methods that improve physical method. Not only do the Russians prepare their body, but also their mind. Consider it, when you practice failure in your mind, just what are you most likely to do? On the various other hand, if you adhere to the Russians as well as their secret mental preparedness, you could be successful too. Practice in your mind the positives and the photos of success, quickly you will certainly be seeing them in person.
More on the extraordinary power of ideas tomorrow!
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aspen-arts · 7 years
Price of Freedom Ch 6
Hey guys! Here we have the next chapter for “Price of Freedom”. I am so on a roll with this fanfic. :D I don’t think I could have done it without the support of readers such as @suspicious-spirit @angelic-dangos @funny-skelevape and all you readers of this fanfic! Thanks so much for the encouragement!
On we go to Chapter 6!
CH 6
Specter didn’t know how long he laid on the bed miserable and depressed but the next thing he knew he was waking up. That surprised him for he didn’t remember drifting off to sleep. Sitting up he saw a plate of cookies at the foot of his bed and a note. Curious, he read it.
I figured you needed a break today so I let you off for today’s shift. Thought this would help you feel better.
 Specter snorted. “How old does he think I am? Five?”
Still he was touched by this gesture and who could say no to cookies? Picking one up, Specter nibbled it. Spider cookies…his favorite. He took a bigger bite of the cookie when at that moment the door opened just a crack and T-bone peeked in.
“Oh, so you’re finally awake.”
“Guess so.” Specter shrugged.
T-bone entered the caboose and sat next to Specter, hands clasped in front of him. The two sat in silence until T-bone spoke.
“So, you had a good nap?”
“Mm,” Specter shrugged. “How long have I’ve been asleep?”
“Four hours.”
Specter nearly choked on the cookie. “F-four hours?! Why did you let me sleep that long?”
“Thought you needed a break. After what happened between that flower, you seemed pretty steamed.”
“Oh…” Specter’s bad mood immediately returned at the memory of Nathan. He glanced down at his cookie and imagined it as Nathan before taking a huge bite of it.
“Feel better?” T-bone asked.
“Mmph,” Specter grumbled.
“So what happened between you and that guy?”
“Nothing,” Specter grumbled again. “He just thought I was trying to steal Cagney.”
T-bone blinked. “Cagney?”
“The flower that we took home…”
There was a minute of silence again and it was Specter who broke the silence this time.
“He’s hurting Cagney!”
“That bastard is hurting Cagney!”
T-bone merely stared at him.
“You don’t believe me?!” Specter’s voice nearly squeaked with insult.
“No, I do,” T-bone reassured the ghost, “but do you have any proof of that?”
“Cagney gets nervous when he talks about him,” Specter said right off the bat, “he told me about things he can and cannot  due, all because Nathan said so. I saw it myself at the casino! He treats him badly.” 
“Well what can we do?” T-bone asked.
“I…” Here Specter hesitated and he thought about this. “I…I don’t…know. But…we need to do something!”
T-bone sighed in regret. “Look Specs, what that flower is going through sounds awful…but we’re just railway workers. There’s nothing much we can do without getting into trouble.”
Specter didn’t look convinced.
T-bone sighed and placed a skeletal hand on his shoulder. “Look, how about you take a break for a couple of days?”
“Huh?” Specter blinked.
“Take a break. A rest, a vacation. I know things have been really stressful today and I’ve been acting—”
“Like an asshole?”
T-bone glared down at the ghost. “Like a warden.” He growled. “But yes, if you want to call it that then…look, just relax for a few days. You got a lot on your mind, all right?”
Specter sighed and reached out for another cookie. However he felt nothing but crumbs. Scowling, Specter suddenly had a thought. “Hey T-bone, can I do anything on this little vacation?”
“Well…can I visit Inwell Isle One?”
T-bone was confused. “What for?”
Specter smiled and raised his hands up. “Oh…just heard a lot of great things about it and just wanted to see it with my own eyes.”
T-bone suspected there was more to this but he sighed and nodded. “Okay. Inkwell Isle One it is then.” He stood up and headed out of the caboose. “I’ll tell you when we arrive on that isle.”
“Thanks T-bone!” Specter smiled. “I really appreciate this!”
Once T-bone was gone, Specter floated over towards the window and looked out at the landscape passing by. Perhaps this little vacation might be beneficial to him.
 The first thing Specter noticed about Inkwell Isle One was that everything was green. There were green fields, green trees, green meadows, everything was nearly green. It was a bit of a shock to someone who had lived with dark gray colors. Still he had a job to do and color was not part of it. After waving good bye to the rest of the Phantom Express crew, Specter went off to do a bit of exploring and to find some good information.
After searching around the area he found himself in front of a caravan wagon with a sign above that said “PORKRIND EMPORIUMS”. Specter couldn’t help but smirk at the name. Porkrind…was he some sort of pig or something? He entered the wagon where it was nice and cool, a relief from the hot sun.
“Welcome!” A low guttural voice boomed. Indeed there was a large pig with an eyepatch who sat behind the counter. Specter gave a small smile and went up to the counter. “Are you Porkrind?”
“Yeah, what’s it to ya’?” The pig snorted. “Are ya’ gonna buy something or not?”
“I’m actually here for something else.”
Porkrind narrowed his eye. “Oh yeah? What is it?”
“Information,” Specter answered, “what do you know about a flower named Cagney Carnation?”
Porkrind rubbed a finger against his chin as he fell deep in thought. “Hmm, Cagney Carnation…that name rings a bell…���
“Yellow with orange petals,” Specter added in hopes of giving the pig a memory boost.
The pig’s eye widened with realization. “Ah, yeah I remember now. Nice kid…quiet though.”
“Why was that?” Specter asked.
Porkrind shrugged. “How should I know? He would sometimes stop by to get several items and just leave without hanging around. Never spoke unless spoken to, unlike some punks that I know.”
“Do you know where he used to live?”
“Nah, not a clue.” Porkrind thought about it for a moment. “Although, maybe you ought to ask the Root Pack. They hung around Cagney back in their younger days”
“Okay…any idea where they live?”
Porkrind pointed out the door. “Yeah, right across from here down the path a little bit. Large garden. Can’t miss it.”
“Great! Thanks very much!”
“No problem. Goodbye.”
 After leaving Porkrind’s Emporium, Specter headed down the path and in just a few seconds he came across a large vegetable garden.
“Huh, so the pig was right.”
Floating over to the fence he paused for a minute and cleared his throat. “Um, excuse me? I’m looking for the Root Pack.”
The ground began to tremble and out from the ground popped three vegetables, the largest vegetables Specter had ever seen. There was a potato with his eyes narrowed to crinkled slits and a curled up lip as if wanting to take a bite out of something…or someone. The next vegetable was an onion and his face was screwed up as if ready to burst into tears for whatever reason. Only the carrot seemed to be the most normal looking one and he glared down at the ghost.
“We’re the Root Pack. What’s it to ya’?”
“I heard you three knew Cagney Carnation.”
“Huh,” The carrot looked thoughtful. “Hadn’t heard that name in a long while…”
“And what’s it to ya’ that we knew Cagney?” The potato snapped. “You got a problem with that or something?”
“Calm down, Moe,” The carrot spoke calmly, “I’m sure this mug has some reason for coming here to ask about Cags.”
“Yeah, I do.” Specter nodded. “He’s…well, he’s a friend of mine…”
The onion suddenly smiled. “Ohh, is Cagney coming back home? It’s been awhile since he’s been home! You think he might come back, Psy?”
“Could be, Weepy.” Psy shrugged. “Maybe Cagney is finally coming home for good.”
“Pfft, what home?” Moe snorted before the carrot could answer. “That weed hasn’t had a home since forever.”
Specter blinked. “What do you mean by that?”
“Cag was a foster.”  
“A foster. You know, those kids who don’t have a family so they’re moved around from family to family until they get adopted or they’re kicked out once they reach 18.”
Weepy looked like he was about to burst into tears again. “Ohh, it’s very sad! You see that tire swing?”
Specter glanced over at the tree Weepy was pointing at and noticed the tire swing hanging listlessly from the branches.
“Cagney used to sit there when we were kids and sometimes he would tell us things.”
“What kind of things?”
“Like nobody loved him or wanted him because no family kept him for so long.” Weepy gave a sob. “He was really sad whenever he talked about it. He never even found a family who wanted him. It’s so sad!”
Specter felt an ache of grief when he heard this. If only Cagney knew how much Specter wanted him to be part of his life.
“Yeah, real shame.” Moe stretched. “Guess that’s why he went off to the city. Wanted to belong somewhere. Puh, stupid choice if you ask me. Who ever heard of a flower living in a huge city?”
“I just hope he found someone he loved,” Weepy gave a shuddering sigh.
“Hmph,” Specter frowned with resentment. “Have you’ve ever heard of someone named Nathan Nightshade?”
“Nah,” Psy shrugged. “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“Oh, OK.” Specter straightened up. “Well, thanks for your help.”
“Oh before ya’ go,” Psy held up a hand. “We just wanna know…why are you so interested in finding out about Cagney?”
Specter hesitated before inhaling slowly. “OK, look…Cagney isn’t in a good situation right now and I’m trying to figure out how he got into that situation in the first place.”
Weepy gasped. “Oh no! Is he in trouble?”
Moe immediately put up his fists as if ready to fight. “Who’s the punk messing with him? We can go over there and—”
“No!” Specter snapped. “I can deal with it myself. You’ve done enough, thanks.”
Psy frowned. “Not to be nosy, but it seems like you’re more than just a friend to him…if you’re so willing to help him out all by yourself.”
Specter said nothing but he nodded slowly. “Yeah…I guess it is more than that.”
Specter turned his back against the Root Pack and remained floating there. When he spoke his voice was calm and confident. “I love him.”
He glided off without looking back at the Root Pack. Determination was swelling inside him as he headed towards the direction of the city. He had learned the first part of Cagney’s story. Now it’s time to figure out the last.
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What Does Therapy Mean?
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I also make use of evidence-based treatment techniques which are both solution-focused and lasting. They are made to help you ultimately say "sufficient.".
These two psychology professionals have similarities and also distinctions. Therapist vs. psychologist-- what's the distinction? Both pursue the exact same result: to enhance people's lives. Nonetheless, there are differences between both terms and also we're below to help you recognize what makes them different, to make sure that you can pick the psychology level program that will certainly best meet your job objectives.
A Therapist Things To Know Before You Buy
Have a postgraduate degree in psychology Might research or treatment Diagnose conditions or problems in their patients/clients Figure out appropriate treatments based upon scientific diagnoses and observations Usually function in tandem with a psychiatrist Help patients/clients choose and also make clear feelings Give assistance and also guidance Can include psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage therapists, life coaches and social employees Can have any number of degrees in a range of self-controls, including a master's degree, Ph D, MD or certificate in fields such as social work, drug abuse, medical psychology, psychiatry or family members therapy Assistance patients/clients choose and also clarify sensations Give support as well as support A psychologist is a social scientist that is trained to research human actions and mental procedures.
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Facts About Therapist Search Revealed
Psychology levels are readily available at all degrees: bachelor's, master's, or doctorate (Ph D or Psy D). Advanced degrees and also licensing are needed for those in independent method or that offer patient care, consisting of medical, counseling and also school psycho therapists. Ph D programs in scientific psychology highlight theory and study approaches and prepare students for either academic work or careers as specialists.
Psycho therapists with either level can practice treatment however are called for to complete numerous years of monitored method before coming to be licensed. A psychologist will certainly detect a mental illness or trouble as well as establish what's finest for the person's treatment. A psycho therapist frequently functions in tandem with a psychiatrist, who is likewise a medical doctor and can recommend medication if it is established that medication is needed for a client's treatment.
A therapist is a broader umbrella term for professionals who are trained-- and also typically accredited-- to provide a variety of treatments and recovery for people. Therapists can be psychoanalysts, social workers and also life trains, to name a few specializeds. A therapist's objective is to assist individuals make choices as well as clarify their https://etual-k.com feelings in order to solve problems.
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We want to listen and gain from you, to make sure that we can place our training as well as experience to function for you as well as help you be your finest self. You are worthy of the the right certified therapist on our team to fit who you are as well as what you need. If we do not think that individual operates at our method, we will not hesitate to aid you find somebody else near you who does.
We provide Premier Physical Therapy services in Bergen County, NJ. We combine outstanding hands-on treatment with top quality workout choice and tried and tested techniques. Our office uses the very best physical specialists near me in NJ.Edge Physical Therapy and also Sports Medicine was started on the concept of offering real one-on-one physical therapy implementing the most reducing side as well as modern techniques.
I am a Certified Professional Psycho Therapist (PSY 28773) with both a Ph. D. and also a Master's http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=psychotherapy Level in Medical Psychology (MFT 45901). I have 12 years of experience as a psychotherapist dealing with people and also couples. As a former trainer of Olympic professional athletes, I concern my work from an unique, positive perspective.
I likewise use evidence-based therapy techniques which are both solution-focused and lasting. They are developed to assist you ultimately state "sufficient.".
These 2 psychology professionals have resemblances and differences. etual-k.com טיפול בחרדות Therapist vs. psycho therapist-- what's the difference? Both pursue the exact same result: to improve individuals's lives. However, there are differences in between both terms and we're right here to help you understand what makes them various, to make sure that you can pick the psychology degree program that will certainly best satisfy your career goals.
Some Known Questions About Psychiatrist.
Have an innovative level in psychology Might do research or therapy Diagnose disorders or issues in their patients/clients Establish suitable therapies based upon professional diagnoses and also monitorings Usually operate in tandem with a psychoanalyst Aid patients/clients make decisions and also make clear sensations Provide support as well as guidance Can consist of psycho therapists, psychoanalysts, marital relationship counselors, life trainers and social employees Can have any number of levels in a variety of disciplines, including a master's degree, Ph D, MD or certification in fields such as social job, drug abuse, medical psychology, psychiatry or family members counseling Assistance patients/clients choose and clear up feelings Provide support and also advice A psycho therapist is a social scientist who is educated to examine human behavior as well as psychological processes.
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Facts About Cbt Therapy Revealed
Psychology degrees are available in any way levels: bachelor's, master's, or doctorate (Ph D or Psy D). Postgraduate degree and licensing are required for those in independent practice or who supply patient treatment, including clinical, therapy and college psycho therapists. Ph D programs in professional psychology stress theory and research study approaches and prepare students for either academic work or jobs as specialists.
Psychologists with either level can practice therapy yet are required to finish several years of supervised method before coming to be qualified. A psychologist will certainly identify a mental illness or problem and determine what's ideal for the individual's treatment. A psycho therapist often works in tandem with a psychiatrist, who is also a medical doctor as well as can prescribe medication if it is determined that medication is needed for an individual's therapy.
A specialist is a broader umbrella term for specialists that are trained-- and frequently accredited-- to give a range of therapies and also rehabilitation for individuals. Therapists can be psychoanalysts, social employees and also life trains, among other specializeds. A specialist's objective is to assist people make choices and clarify their feelings in order to resolve troubles.
Simply Mind is a center of excellence concentrated on providing detailed emotional treatment to adults, pairs, young adults as well as youngsters. Our proficient group of counselors as well as psychologists are trained to meet the special emotional and also diagnostic needs of the customers they are matched with. We pride ourselves on creating a comfortable as well as therapeutic atmosphere where you and your enjoyed ones really feel comfortable sharing their successes and difficulties without judgement.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
What Does It Mean to Dream About Cheating or Being Cheated On?
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Sam Mendoran
If you're having dreams about cheating on your girlfriend or boyfriend or about being cheated on by your husband or wife, then take a step back and interpret the symbolism before you drive yourself mad with guilt or accuse your spouse or partner of infidelity.
What Do Dreams About Cheating Mean?
According to psychologist Danielle Forshee, Psy. D, cheating dreams have little to do with infidelity in your current relationship, but rather they symbolise guilt, insecurity, or fear in your waking life. In real life, these feelings of doubt are attached to people and situations that have nothing to do with your partner or your relationship. Feelings of insecurity or guilt towards a friend, a boss, or a family member can manifest as cheating on your partner in a dream. 50% of women and 36% of men report dreams of having an affair when they have a difficult decision to make in their waking life.
Cheating dreams reveal the following deep and hidden meanings about your current mood and the existing situations in your waking life.
Interesting Fact
According to a study conducted by AmeriSleep, 23% of people have had dreams where they cheated or were cheated on by their significant other.
What Cheating Dreams Might Mean
Insecurity and low self-esteem: Lately you've been feeling unworthy of something or incapable of others' expectations. Perhaps there is a goal you'd like to achieve, but you have failed or you're having a hard time attaining it. A low sense of self-worth leads to feelings of high insecurity that often manifests as cheating in a dream.
Guilt: There is something in you're waking life that you don't quite feel right about. Examine your recent activities. Did you recently break a promise, say something hurtful, or hide something from someone? Something is eating at you on the inside, and your dream is telling you to go fix it in order to find peace.
Fear of abandonment or neglect: You're craving attention and care, but you're not getting it in a certain area of your life. It could be that your partner has been acting distant lately or you're waiting for them to commit. You may also fear losing a job, not getting a promotion, or have a general sense of the world abandoning you when you need support.
Boredom and lust for adventure: This doesn't necessarily mean that you are bored with your relationship although it can. A desire to experience something new can apply to just about anything, not just sex.
Issues in current relationship: This is the obvious interpretation, but if it is true, then your dream is trying to remind you to work out the issues in your waking life or just leave. Listen to your intuition. If your gut feeling tells you something is wrong, then something probably is.
Issues with the other woman or man: If you recognise the person you're cheating with or the person your partner is cheating on you with, then think closely about your relationship with that person. Are you jealous of her or him? Your insecurity about yourself and how this person is better than you commonly plays out as a dream about your partner choosing this person over you.
Lack of trust: Lack of trust doesn't always regard sex. Is your partner making a skeptical decision or have you recently been doubting their ability to do something? If you're the one doing the cheating, then maybe you don't trust yourself to do what's best in your life.
Premonition or intuition: Sometimes dreams reaffirm our gut feelings or they warn us about something we are not aware of. If you suspect your spouse or significant other is cheating on you, then your dream may be telling you to do a little more investigation in your waking life.
Interpretations of Common Cheating Dreams
1. Dreams of Sleeping With an Ex
Dreaming of having an affair with your ex is your subconscious mind's attempt to repair something in the past that went wrong. It usually has nothing to do with you wanting to get back with your ex or that you ex wants to get back with you. If you're in a relationship, dreams about an ex creep up when you are having some issue in your current romantic or sexual life, which may make you fear that your current relationship will end just like it did with the last. So, what your brain is trying to do is work out how things could have gone better in a past relationship to help you figure out how to fix the current one.
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2. Cheating on Your Significant Other With Someone You Know
Seeing yourself cheating on your boyfriend or girlfriend with a coworker, a boss, or a friend means that you're devoting more time to this person than you are to your relationship.
Ask yourself these questions:
Are you spending more time at work than you are at home?
Are you thinking about a certain project involving that person while you are with your partner?
Are you constantly preoccupied with this person and you feel guilty about not devoting quality time to spending with your partner?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then your dream is sending you the message that you need to prioritise your relationship. Step away from other areas of your life and devote more time to your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife.
The obvious interpretation: If you didn't feel guilty in your dream and you enjoyed the relationship you had with this person during your dream, then you are likely attracted to this person in real life. It may be a sexual attraction or it could just be a deep admiration. The interpretation of that is for you to decide.
3. Dreams Where You Are Being Cheated On
Dreams about being cheated on commonly point to feelings of insecurity and neglect. Either your partner is neglecting you in your waking life or you feel unworthy of their love and attention. It is your own internal fear manifesting itself in terms of a relationship—the most precious and vulnerable part of your life. However, depending on the context of the dream and what is going on in your waking life, dreaming that your partner is cheating on you could be a warning sign or a confirmation of your worse suspicion.
Dreams of being cheated on commonly represent the following:
Fear of abandonment: Maybe you've had an experience before where the person you were dating just ghosts you and leaves without an explanation. It's hard to let go of these feelings, but unless your partner is doing something that is obvious (like flirting with your friend), then you should learn to trust and love your partner and don't let past insecurities ruin a perfectly healthy relationship.
Insecurity: Have you been feeling inadequate lately? Maybe you're not happy with your physical appearance or you're not happy in your current job. There is something in you're life that you are not completely content with, which means your dream is reflecting that insecurity in the form of your significant other leaving you for someone better.
Feeling neglected in your waking life: If your boyfriend or girlfriend has been preoccupied with something or someone other than you, you may have a sinking feeling that they will eventually leave you. Your partner may be spending too much time with their parents, their coworkers, or just knee deep in work all the time. Your dream reflecting the worse possible scenario and warning you that if you and your partner don't find a balance, the relationship may just end.
You don't trust him/her: The subconscious acts as a 6th sense sometimes. If you have been suspecting your significant other of breaking your trust—either in your relationship or in some other aspect—your dream can magnify that suspicion or even warn of it if it is true. However, this is only the case if you already think your SO is cheating on you in your waking life. If you are perfectly happy in your relationship, then there is no need to fear that your partner is cheating on you in real life.
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4. Your Spouse/Partner Is Cheating on You With Your Friend
If you dream of your wife or husband cheating on you with your friend or someone you know, then it is likely a reflection of your insecurity around this person more than it is a warning of actual cheating.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you frequently compare yourself to this person?
Are you jealous of this person?
Do you wish you were more like this person?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then your dream is simply projecting your jealously and insecurity. You think this friend is better than you, and you fear the one you love the most might choose your friend over you. If you have this dream, practice some self-love and self-appreciation. Stop comparing yourself to others, and instead, write down a list of things that you love about yourself. Work towards the things you don't like about yourself, but don't ever compare yourself to someone else.
5. Cheating on Your Spouse or Boyfriend/Girlfriend With a Stranger
If you have this dream, there can only be two interpretations: either you feel guilty about something in your waking life (doesn't necessarily have to do with your relationship) or your subconscious is fulfilling a deep and hidden desire for sexual freedom.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you feel bored in your current relationship?
Do you ever wonder what it would be like to explore your sexuality in more liberal ways?
Do you feel guilty about something?
Your feeling during the dream is really important to note. If you felt satisfaction and enjoyment out of the affair in your dream, then you definitely desire something more out of your current relationship. If you feel bad about cheating, then there is something in your waking life that you feel extremely guilty about.
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6. You Are Cheating on Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend With His/Her Friend
This dream has nothing to do with whether you are attracted to the friend or whether you even want to cheat. It is a deep reflection of your fear of disappointing your boyfriend or girlfriend. The worst thing you can do to break someone's trust is to cheat on them with their best friend, so you may be feeling like you are not good enough to earn your significant other's trust.
7. Cheating Dreams Before Your Wedding
Having cheating dreams before a wedding is perfectly normal. After all, the thought of committing to a life partner for the rest of your life is not something you have done before. In fact, none of your past relationships lasted forever, so this is just your subconscious working through your anxiety of taking this big risk of commitment. It's completely normal to have just a tiny bit of doubt where you wonder, "Will this last forever?" Unless there are issues with your partner at the moment, these dreams are nothing to worry about.
8. Dreams of Cheating While Pregnant
Again, this is a dream that reflects insecurity. Women tend to gain weight, develop acne, lose their hair, and feel overall sluggish and un-glamorous during their pregnancy. In addition to that, a woman's sex drive is low and sex with the husband is infrequent, leading to fears that the husband may fulfil his needs with someone else who is more sexually available and doesn't have a bloated belly.
"The Stuff Dreams are Made Of," AmeriSleep. Published August 1, 2017.
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
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usernose · 17 days
Dupsy's at it again with someone else now. Be careful!
Oh God, but for which fandom?
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writerpyre · 7 years
Tidal Force
Chapter 1/? ~ Rating T for some language.
Fandom: Thunderbirds/Thunderbirds Are Go. Word Count: 2, 266.
Gordon had said to John that he was okay when he woke up from the knock to his head after the seaquake. Because he technically had been at the time, and he’d had a job to do. Gordon was grimly pleased for the fact that he'd not done himself any real damage, but that didn't mean that he wasn't still in pain. ~ Counterplot to TAG ep 'Ring of Fire' Pt 2.
Gordon had said to John that he was okay when he woke up from the knock to his head after the seaquake. Because he technically had been at the time, and he’d had a job to do. Sure, he'd smacked his skull pretty hard against the steering column, so of course, he was going to be sore, but he had been able to get into the station and rescue the three members of the Minerva crew with ease.
However, what Gordon hadn't told John was that when the station had tipped, he had too; the momentum slamming him forcibly into an outward-jutting corner of the interior wall, first his spine and then the back of his head cracking sharply against it as the increased gravity had taken hold.
Thankful for his pressure suit and the added advantage of his breathing gear and his helmet in protecting him, Gordon was grimly pleased for the fact that he'd not done himself any real damage, but that didn't mean that he wasn't still in pain. That was especially true now, after having swum hard with that last crew member back to his sub in order to detach Thunderbird Four from the station; allowing Scott and Virgil to let go of the structure so it wouldn't drag them under too.
He'd managed not to show the discomfort he was in as he carried the transponder beacon into the lounge after they'd returned home; his head aching properly and his back stiff and sore, even after having absorbed a lot of the impact through the special material of his suit. However, he’d been unable to bring himself to sit on one of the couches, preferring to stand up until now, much as it was making his ankles throb.
He sees John's hologram give him a funny look as he finally makes do with one of the four leather armchairs in the sunken pit that forms Command and Control, but Gordon just shakes his head and positions himself further forward than he'd normally do, his elbows propped on his knees in order to surreptitiously stretch out his spine before settling back with a hidden wince.
Part of it, he knows -- as he listens to Scott vent about the Hood's obvious involvement in the manufactured earthquakes issue -- is to do with the fact that he's taken his uniform off and changed back into his civvies. The material - specially-designed and created by Brains, with the knowledge of Gordon's repaired body in mind - was intended to be both (obviously) waterproof and protect him against the pressure of the depths, but also to support the weaker parts of Gordon's skeleton, where his legs are prone to seizing around the knees and ankles, and his lumbar region has the unfortunate tendency of letting off blasts of nerve pain at the most inopportune of times.
That isn't to say that Gordon was impaired or disabled by his accident, in any sense of the word, just that his body has some issues in times of high stress, and that some extra tweaking of International Rescue's standard uniform was needed to compensate for that. And now he's taken that additional support off, his body is obviously complaining a lot louder than it would be were he still wearing it.
"So what do you suggest, Colonel Casey?" Virgil asks roughly, as their father's former Air Force colleague stares impassively around at them all. "We sit around and do nothing?"  Gordon can see the slow-burning anger that Virgil has been harbouring since their father's disappearance rise to the forefront, and he bites his lip, remembering all too well that terrible day... Even now, all this time later, it still hurts.
"You'll do what International Rescue does best, Virgil - help people in trouble." She says sternly, like that's not stating the obvious. "We'll bring him to justice."
Without another word, Colonel Casey vanishes with nary a chirp of disconnection or even a ‘goodbye’, and Gordon looks wearily at Scott, raising an eyebrow as he pushes himself upright in the seat, bracing his hands on his knees. "They don't stand a chance, do they?"
Scott gets up in response; his face determined. "If these devices are causing earthquakes, we'll find a way to shut them down!" He clenches his fists, and Gordon shares a glance with his grandmother, who has her brows furrowed, she too is watching Scott in concern.
"We still don't even know what we're dealing with here!" Virgil points out in frustration. Apparently Scott's speech has as much effect in calming his psy-twin brother as the rest of them, i.e, none at all. Next to Virgil on the other side of the pit, Brains looks worried, Gordon notes. The thought alone makes him nervous.
"I can give you a pretty good idea." John suggests, looking between the six of them. Grandma sits silently, watching them interact, as Scott settles back into his seat, and Gordon shoots a look at him that his eldest sibling mirrors. This is concerning.  "Seismic activity has been steadily growing since the first 'quake, and it's spreading north along the Pacific plate." John points to all the areas along the bottom of the Ring of Fire where the trouble is occurring, and Gordon feels his gut sink. "This is a global catastrophe in the making."
"D'you feel that?" Scott looks around at them as the lounge shakes slightly beneath them. Gordon clutches the sides of his seat as his left knee lets out a hot spasm with the unexpected movement. "It's another 'quake."
Gordon nods, feeling his lips compress. Too right he felt that; it sent pain firing right up into his spine, that did, and the damn chair is cushioned for heavens' sakes!
"I'm receiving hundreds of distress calls from along the Southern Pacific Rim." John reports suddenly, and as his brother turns his head to look at his holographic display, Gordon's attention is caught by Scott's head nodding sharply, tensing for movement.
 John turns his globe, replicated on the glass table in the centre of the circle of couches, zooming in on what Gordon knows is the brightest-glowing coordinates, indicating the greatest danger imposed on the cities in those locations; images and symbols popping up that dazzle Gordon's aching head just a bit more than he is comfortable with. Ibuprofen, he decides briskly, as soon as he can get his hands on it...
"Just tell us where you need us, Thunderbird Five." Scott orders.
"Oh, my!" Brains exclaims suddenly, having been silent almost since Gordon had brought the transponder back. He assumes that the scientist has at least been visually analysing the beacon until he can get his hands on it properly. "The solar collector in Taiwan has f-fallen out of alignment!" The engineer waves his hand over a red-flashing icon, and Kayo and the six Tracys lean forward for a closer look as the image suddenly blows up to ten times its initial size.
"Is that an actual emergency, Brains?" Scott asks, sceptical; blue eyes narrowed, fingers clenching on his knees. Just like Dad's used to do... Gordon thinks sadly.
"Here's how it was before." The engineer begins, standing up and moving forward, and what looks to Gordon like a massive satellite dish, looking as though it’s from the 1990s suddenly pops up out of nowhere. "Thousands of individually controlled mirrors concentrate the sun's rays into a frighteningly p-powerful beam."
"We're talking heat so intense, you get the same kind of hydrogen fusion that fuels a star." John adds, his face grim.
"This is the collector now." Brains gestures at the holo-display, and a terrain map with a minimised dish suddenly replaces the larger schematic.  "When the sun comes up, those rays will be aiming d-directly at the city of Taipei." As the engineer moves to the side so they can all see, a ray - clearly meant to serve as an imitation of the hydrogen fusion event John mentioned before - shoots across the frame, towards the city that Gordon can see in the right hand corner of the hologram. Immediately, warning icons that are indicative of any number of potential emergency situations pop up, and Gordon finds himself breaking out into a cold sweat. Shit.
"Sounds like we need to move that reflector!" Virgil concludes, leaning forward, dark eyes concerned.
"Gordon, I'm picking up a distress call from a fishing trawler taking on water." John turns suddenly to him, and even through his throbbing head, and his concern over the possible disaster unfolding in Taiwan, Gordon nods, knowing that he's needed elsewhere, regardless of his own thoughts and feelings on the situation, not to mention his aching body. "Tell them I'm on my way!" He pushes himself carefully to his feet, before gritting his teeth as a flare of pain arcs up his left leg, making him flinch. Dammit!
"All right, then. Time to gear up." Scott commands from behind him, and Gordon bites back his discomfort as he forces himself to walk normally. No letting the team down, there'll be time to have a rest afterwards. He'll have earned it by then, he's sure.
"Yes, let's do this!" Alan says enthusiastically, and Gordon hides a grin as his youngest sibling literally makes the floor vibrate in his excitement, seeing the teenager punching the air out of the corner of his eye.
"Sorry, Alan." Their eldest sibling says in apology, passing Gordon quickly. "We need to keep you and Thunderbird Three in reserve." Reaching the rotating platform that will take him across to Thunderbird One, Scott pulls down his twin lamps as Gordon moves carefully up the stairs and heads around the pit in the opposite direction, towards the hidden elevator that will lead him to the main silo where he'll collect Thunderbird Four.
"In case the TV goes out..." Alan mumbles. "I get it."
Gordon feels a passing pang of sympathy for Alan as he places his handprint on the recognition strip that will give him access to the elevator to the silos, but it's gone just as quickly as it came, as the concealed doors open and he steps inside, raising his watch to connect himself to John in Thunderbird Five. His brother's hologram pops up, though he's not actually looking at Gordon, and John spares him a glance from where he's feeding coordinates and uploading what Gordon presumes is the specs for the collector to Scott and Virgil, as the elevator begins its long descent.
"The trawler is a light thirty-footer, Gordon." John addresses him swiftly, his blue eyes - green at most times in the overhead lights of Thunderbird Five due to the contacts he wears for short-sightedness - flickering to meet his with a look of concentration as his fingers skitter across his holoscreens. "There's a crew of four, and the trawler's net has caught on some submerged rocks that weren't picked up by their onboard scanners. They've got a slow leak, and there is only one reported injury - the skipper has cut his hand - but the laceration isn't too deep, and they’ve applied basic First Aid, so it appears that it's just going to be a pick up of the four of them and drop off at the nearest main docking rig; Auckland, New Zealand. I've sent the coordinates to 'Four's navigation system. They're not in danger yet, according to their captain, but they'll be sunk by the time the authorities can get someone from conventional sea rescue out to them. You should be there within the next forty minutes at top speed. I'll let you know if anything with their situation changes."
"FAB, John." Gordon returns, meeting his brother's gaze levelly. "I'll keep you apprised of what's going on. Thunderbird Four out."
As the doors open and his brother’s hologram blinks out, Gordon heads determinedly towards the silo, relieved that this mission looks like it’s going to be a relatively cut-and-dry one. Or so he hopes...
Many thanks to both @libertybright for her invaluable plotting skills, and to @kellyfhaycock for her encouragement, you both have such unwavering faith in me. <3
I’m not really sure when I’m going to get to the next chapter of this, or any of my other WIPs, but rest assured it will be as soon as I possibly can. Life is hard and extremely stressful at the moment, and I know that I’m leaving you guys with yet another beginning to a story, but as always; thank you for reading. Your support means the world. 
You can find me on fanfic.net and Ao3 too!!
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Blog #6 ~ Crowdsourcing in times of crisis
Crowdsourcing is one crucial communication tool that functions to bring services, ideas and data from a large number of people, whether paid or unpaid. Having content spread widely to initiate immediate action and attempt to reach conflict resolution is necessary in times of natural disasters and life threatening occurrences. Crowdsourcing refers to the act of using online platforms to distribute updated and trusted information regarding a real time crisis, to initiate problem-solving movements by digital communities, initially aimed at reaching an end resolution. (Brabham 2013, pp.117)
By creating strong social networks of updated and relevant information in times of a crisis, limiting and avoiding loss and destruction can be achieved. Hence, In the response to crisis, our media and communication technologies are vital in delivering precise, timely information, and for organising action. Constant data release usually occurs during serious and alarming events where journalists and police figures announce to the public what is occurring in real time, this takes place mostly over social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to inform people about safety matters and gather information from those involved or aware of any updates. Facebook helps connect friends, family and close ones in times of a crisis which brings people closer, it also notifies people to stay away from affected areas and encourages donations to recover destruction. Thus, social media raises strong awareness in regards to any critical situation and encourages a supportive system to overcome hardship and prevent future conflicts.
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Ushahidi is a highly appreciated tool that emerged during the civil conflict in Kenya 2007, its acknowledged for integrating many updates from the web so that a ‘crowdsourced picture of an event unfolding over time could be depicted on a single map.’(Ford 2012 pp.35) ‘Undoubtedly, projects using crowdsourcing platforms like Ushahidi can alter the velocity and nature of political events, enabling people to organise faster, find others who share their views and work together in selected locations to produce powerful sources of information.’  (Ford 2012, pp. 33)
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However, the flow of important security data between members of digital communities may lead to further crisis and set potential risks on the lives of citizens as information misuse or data breach attempts conducted by perpetrators can lead to greater conflict. Due to the widespread internet environment and the diverse public sphere this cannot be completely restricted or monitored, there is always a work around to reach certain data.
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The Lindt café Sydney siege in 2014 is a real life event where crowdsourcing and social mapping were simultaneously used to track the location and hosts under threat to bring them back safely to their families. David Malet confirms that such terrorist attack was previously expected and claimed to be long planned as the gunman’s ‘political motivation.’ Through the information gathered and the tracked details of the siege, police were able to save the situation as much as possible although there were a few lives lost and destructed aspects as well as sorrow for the families that had to face such experience of losing a loved one and the threat that the country felt for a long time. However, without crowdsourcing as an essential tool, it would’ve been extremely difficult to overcome the situation in such short matter of time with the least possible loss.  
Watch Video regarding The Lindt Cafe - Sydney Siege 2014:
Bloomberg 2014, Sydney Standoff Is `Crowdsourced Terrorism': Malet, viewed 1 February, 2018, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2014-12-15/sydney-standoff-is-crowdsourced-terrorism-malet
Brabham, D 2013, Crowdsourcing, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, p. 117, viewed 1 February, 2018, http://web.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/ehost/ebookviewer/ebook/bmxlYmtfXzU3Mjc4NV9fQU41?sid=5de1a2ba-52e6-4df1-aa8b-b3a6a842a803@sessionmgr4010&vid=0&format=EB&rid=1
Bradley, B 2017, "How Crowdsourcing Tools Are Building More Powerful Maps", GEOTAB, viewed 1 February, 2018, https://www.geotab.com/blog/crowdsourcing-tools/
Forbes 2017, Wipro Launches Hybrid Crowd In Move To Capture Digital Expertise, viewed 1 February, 2018, https://www.google.com.eg/search?biw=1265&bih=822&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=qgZ2WrarOsHawALElrDIAg&q=digital+crowdsourcing&oq=digital+crowdsourcing&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i24k1.1223093.1226339.0.1226538.
Ford, H 2012, Crowd Wisdom, pp. 33-39, viewed 1 February, 2018, http://journals.sagepub.com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/doi/pdf/10.1177/0306422012465800
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usernose · 8 months
The Real Dupsy accused your girlfriend too???I was in the precure fandom and she did the same thing to me and many others!
Uh, no, she was out at the time Dupsy was whining and bitchin to Otter and Grim (2 members of the server). She only accuses them of being groomers, I came in later siding with the other members, same with another member @elreed. My gf came in the conversation later on as Dupsy was getting a little bitchy with the members as they were telling her to please be nicer to other people opinions and such. There's more to it, but I ain't good of explaining it, so I suggest you could ask @otterpopgames07 (sorry for the @) for more details about it.
But Nah, she didn't accuse my girlfriend, just Otter and Grim, aka 2 people who were just telling her to be nice about others' opinions.
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usernose · 17 days
lmao, how many fandoms are we at now? so far I have Megamind, RGTK, Atorney Woo and... feel like there's a few more now..?
Yeah, right now, she's currently in Popee the Performer fandom. I pray for them to be safe from its wrath.
I even looked at her blog, and some of the stuff she blogged are ironic, knowing she did those things with both the Megamind server and the RGTK server.
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meditationadvise · 5 years
Eliminate Limiting Beliefs and Change Your Life Now!
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In Part 2 of the Extraordinary Power of Beliefs, William Horton continuouslies tell us that your idea system is so essential it could establish whether you make it or damage it in life. ... exactly what will it be? Will you believe in YOU or will certainly you leave it all to fate?
The Amazing Power Of Beliefs: Component II by William Horton, Psy. D.
In Component One of "The Extraordinary Power of Ideas" it was revealed that there are numerous habits, processes and assuming that go right into success. People should think that they could go beyond as well as price their individual capacity at a high level. In the second component, we will certainly broaden on these ideas and also offer even a lot more for individuals to understand the process of thinking for success and also attaining it as well.
Reaching the Mind with Visualization
Visualization is an extremely important facet in human habits as touched on partly I. With the power of visualization individuals can see themselves in successful positions, visualize damaging restrictions and boundaries that are holding them back. To see the power of visualization here is a workout:
Pointing your finger ahead, turn your body in a clockwise motion regarding you can. Make a mental note of this position.
Close your eyes as well as visualize on your own in the above workout. Currently with your eyes closed proceed, yet stretch on your own a little more (in your mind). Imagine yourself another 3 feet from the setting that you were in with your "shut eye" experience.
Now open your eyes and also do the same, you went additionally than the very first time, huh?
You obtain past your psychological limits as well as limits that you establish on your own. That is since you think of that you can, as well as you do! Success is simply a visualization away!
Eliminate Limiting Beliefs
Most people strive to a record and never look for a greater goal for themselves. Now you may think, just what does that imply? Exactly what it implies is that if you just aim for something that has currently been completed you may never satisfy a higher goal. Take running. Before the early 1950's no one had actually ever before run a mile in less compared to four minutes. After Roger Bannister, a college trainee, ran the mile in less than 4 mins it was a lot longer before others followed his lead. Why is this? Due to the fact that individuals fail to get to for just what they assume is inaccessible. Amazingly after Bannister climaxed, thirty 7 various other runners broke the same record that year. Exactly what does this tell us? Generally never ever take the "top objective" and give up. Strive for more and grab the unthinkable.
Your Limiting Beliefs are Never ever Absolutes
Beliefs are occasionally true, yet typically times they are only a point of view or individual assumption of a circumstance. Did you ever stop to believe that a person that is really feeling down, would certainly have a different idea concerning a scenario compared to he or she would when they were really feeling better? People have ideas about a selection of points day-to-day, however this does deficient established in rock or a rule to obey. Occasionally assumptions are wrong, off or misguided by faulty details. Assume concerning the game that you played in elementary when you whispered a key in the ear of a person standing alongside you. By the end of the line the details transformed, stories were various and also assumptions were definitely various. See how points can end up being distorted? That is exactly how it works.
You need to come to comprehend that regardless of what the idea, you have to recognize that it might change. When we have a belief concerning something it should be assessed. Reviewed and determined whether or not it is real for every person or polluted by other objective that may hinder capability. Asking yourself if the belief will hold you back or equip you is the very best method to comprehend whether the belief is favorable or unfavorable. The majority of effective individuals share the belief that things happen for a factor as well as not because of fate. The belief that fate or true blessings give a successful result can trigger distress and also aggravation. Success does not drop in the lap of any person, they need to make it happen!
Your Beliefs become True
Saying that ideas are not constantly true is simply a reality, however the individual having the belief locates that frequently the belief comes to life. Over and over it has actually been educated that what people believe and believe is their fate. We are a product of our inner belief system. Despite just how faulty an idea the individual that has it will unavoidably live it.
People become what they think due to the fact that it is just how they perceive the opportunity and environment around them. People do not view truth, but they do regard their perception of reality. Review that sentence once more, it is a mind boggling theory, but one that is incredibly true. An example of this concept could be seen when two individuals have a spoken argument. Both celebrations are mad and also will remember different things. The mind will take in components of the run-in, transforming, deleting as well as even distorting the information.
People have the tendency of keeping in mind an adverse expression or action a lot longer compared to a positive one. For parents it might be that their youngster has done a host of things proper, yet the one time they screw up, they have trouble living it down. If the youngster does something once more the moms and dads will automatically return to the unfavorable experience.
People have self meeting prophecies not by mishap, but because they establish themselves for the situation. A nagging, suspicious spouse could own a partner away with the constant negative thoughts. The strong and also enthusiastic beliefs could most of the times come to be true, because we maintain on with them up until they are a fact. So be cautious with your ideas, unless they declare, due to the fact that you could just produce a self fulfilling prediction that you do not want.
Perceptual Blind Spot
Sometimes the mind will remove something due to the fact that of an idea system. Have you ever before been seeking something browsing high and also low for it? Regularly you were informing on your own that you despise searching for points as well as will not have the ability to discover it due to the fact that you are so awful at locating things. Somebody else occurs as well as grabs whatever you were looking for, in a location that you had actually already looked two or 3 times. What is taking place? Are you having problem with your view? No, this phenomenon is understood as a perceptual dead spot. Because you are so hectic telling on your own that you are dreadful at locating things, your eyes check right across the item with an absence of detection. This is a negative visual hallucination, this suggestion can be increased right into "blind" areas about success, health and wellness, wide range, and all other aspects of our experience!
Beliefs can create your success to be the very same means. If you believe that there are no possibilities and also you will certainly never ever achieve success, you will certainly miss opportunity right under your nose.
The Famous and Intelligent Proven Wrong
Large firms as well as those seeking advertisements want to those that are popular or smart to advertise their product. This happens since the general public has a positive respect for the private permitting them to think what they state. What if they are incorrect? Costs Gates as soon as advertised that no computer system needed greater than 250k of ram. Dr. Lee D Woodland declared that male would certainly never ever reach the moon no matter the amount of scientific breakthroughs went along. The head of the United States Patent workplace said in 1905, whatever that could be invented has actually been designed and also recommended shutting the license office! Those that are smart, enlightened, and/or renowned do not always recognize finest. Never ever take constraints as entire realities, constantly strive for one step much better. The four minute mile, cell phones, or even the internet were when taken into consideration difficult! (Currently envision living without them) What happens if nobody had actually ever before promoted these originality's, our computers would not have the memory they currently have, or no person would certainly stroll on the moon, and also most of us have cellular phone as well as "need" the internet. (I might not have actually written this without the web) Dreams are just what makes success happen. Desire and also desire big!
Eliminate Restricting Beliefs & Create Encouraging Beliefs
Beliefs come from experiences and people around us. Beliefs are drawn from friends, member of the family, educators as well as the regional hero. These perceptions as well as beliefs are very important as well as make us that we are, yet one must bear in mind that they are only just as good as the assumptions of the person. Ideas are never outright facts as well as must be treated therefore. Examining beliefs to make sure that they are not holding you back is of the utmost value. Ideas come to be ingrained right into our minds and also become our habits which are our lives!
P. S. Do you have limiting ideas that are holding you back from becoming your best self?
The means we think of the world impacts our experience in it-- forever or for bad. Vishen Lakhiani's transformational course, Consciousness Design, allows you to challenge any kind of restricting ideas you could hold. Try it out and also live without limitations today!
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Facts About Counseling Psychology Revealed
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We intend to listen and also pick up from you, so that we can put our training and also experience to help you and also help you be your best self. You deserve the the ideal certified specialist on our team to fit who you are and also what you require. If we do not think that individual functions at our practice, we will not think twice to help you find somebody else near you that does.
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I am a Licensed Medical Psychologist (PSY 28773) with both a Ph. D. as well as a Master's Degree in Scientific Psychology (MFT 45901). I have 12 years of experience as a therapist dealing with people and pairs. As a former train of Olympic athletes, I concern my work from an unique, favorable perspective.
I likewise make use of evidence-based treatment techniques which are both solution-focused and also durable. They are developed to aid you lastly say "sufficient.".
These two psychology specialists have resemblances as well as differences. Therapist vs. psycho therapist-- what's the distinction? Both aim for the very same result: to boost individuals's lives. However, there are differences between both terms and we're below to assist you comprehend what makes them different, to make sure that you can select the psychology level program that will best satisfy your job objectives.
About Child Counseling
Have an innovative degree in psychology Might research or treatment Diagnose conditions or issues in their patients/clients Figure out appropriate therapies based on scientific medical diagnoses and also monitorings Typically operate in tandem with a psychiatrist Aid patients/clients make decisions and also make clear sensations Give support and also guidance Can include psycho therapists, psychiatrists, marital relationship therapists, life coaches and also social employees Can have any kind of variety of levels in a range of self-controls, consisting of a master's degree, Ph D, MD or certification in fields such as community service, substance abuse, clinical psychology, psychiatry or household counseling Assistance patients/clients make decisions as well as clear up sensations Offer assistance as well as advice A psychologist is a social researcher that is trained to examine human actions and also mental processes.
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Facts About A Therapist Uncovered
Psychology degrees are offered whatsoever degrees: bachelor's, master's, or doctorate (Ph D or Psy D). Advanced levels as well as licensing are required for those in independent method or that offer patient treatment, including clinical, therapy and institution psychologists. Ph D programs in professional psychology emphasize concept and research techniques and prepare pupils for either scholastic work or occupations as practitioners.
Psycho therapists with either level can practice treatment but are needed http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=psychotherapy to complete several years of supervised technique before becoming licensed. A psycho therapist will certainly identify a mental illness or issue and establish what's finest for the patient's care. A psychologist frequently works in tandem with a psychiatrist, that is additionally a clinical physician as well as can recommend medicine if it is established that drug is needed for an individual's treatment.
A specialist is a broader umbrella term for professionals that are educated-- and usually accredited-- to provide a selection of treatments and recovery for individuals. Therapists can be psychoanalysts, social workers and life trains, to name a few specializeds. A therapist's goal is to help individuals make decisions and also clarify their sensations in order to address problems.
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