#the real d*psy
usernose · 8 months
Guys, I fell into the D*psy Rabbit hole after seeing big blowout she made in my gf's server and this post, and it got me thinking, who else was harassed by this kid? I want to see the "abuser" point of view because she did talk about Filthy in her previous joining of the RGTK server being her groomer (we didn't know at the time that it was false) and I finally saw Filthy's POV of it, which I am very sorry of what she done to you.
So it's understandable if you guys don't want to talk about it publicly. In the DMs would be fine because after seeing the context from the Megamind fandom, I started to think that there were other fandoms she put up a facade for before showing her true colors.
This isn't a hate post, I'm just curious about how others were around her. I would blame those drama vids to get me climbing down this D*psy Rabbit hole.
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spacedace · 6 months
Still thinking about the Social Worker Jazz concept that @gilbirda posted about and it's slowly turning into a full Anger Management fic send help
Jason at length - much longer than it really should have taken really - set the resume down.
The new Social Worker’s resume. Because she was there, in his office, trying to convince him to hire her as a member of his criminal organization.
Crime Alley’s new social worker. A bright eyed Midwestern transplant from some tiny speck of a place that only qualified as a city because there was nothing bigger in a hundred miles in any direction to claim otherwise. The new social worker who had a Psy D. and three masters degrees and who had graduated Valedictorian. The one that had high paying private gigs lined up all over the country with the offering companies fighting over her.
The one who had, apparently, decided to take a shit job in Gotham’s shoddy social services department instead. The one that got kicked to Crime Alley - which was its own division despite technically being a small neighborhood in the grand scheme of things - within her first month. Supposedly for the sole purpose of scaring her off or getting her killed for all the questions she was asking and secret dealings she was sticking her nose into.
That social worker.
“I’m gonna need you to run this by me again.” Jason said, never so grateful for the voice modulator in his helmet as he was in that moment. It stripped out the bewilderment that had bled through into his words and made him sound stoic instead.
“I’d like to work for you.” The social worker - one Dr. Jasmine Nightingale - repeated primly. Back straight, clothes neat - if skewing more on the librarian side of professional - expression confident and hopeful. Completely and utterly oblivious of how fucking insane she sounded. “I was told that you’re the person in charge of Crime Alley.”
He resisted the urge to scrub at his face. It’d just look weird with his helmet on and not do anything to actually settle him in that moment anyway. “I understood that part.”
“Look, Doc,” She earned a doctorate and she was crazy enough to waltz into the office of one of Gotham’s most powerful Crime Lords, he’d be respectful about using her proper title at least, even if he suspected she was ten pounds of crazy in a five pound bag. “You’re going to have to tell me why. I was under the impression the only reason you ended up dumped on our end of the city ws because you wouldn’t play ball. But now you want to sign up for my crew?”
Nightingale frowned a little at that.
“Is that what people are saying?”
“What else are they gonna say?” Jason answered, leaning back in his seat, “Head of the department only dumps Crime Alley on folks he don’t like. And everyone knows he doesn’t like anyone that can’t or won’t play his game by his rules.”
“Alright, well. I’ll give you that.” Nightingale conceded, “Payne doesn’t like me. The feeling’s mutual. But for the record,” She added giving him a wry smile, as if sharing wry smiles with Red Hood was just something people did, “I asked to be assigned to the Park Row and Bowery neighborhoods.”
“You wanted to work here.”
Nightingale laughed. It was a bright sound. Not especially clear or pretty, but warm and welcoming in a way that carefully calculated giggles or overdone guffaws couldn’t be. Something with real and honest amusement in it, that encouraged those nearby to laugh along. Not the kind of involuntary, nervous chuckling people tended to slip into when they thought they had pissed someone that scared them off.
She just wasn’t intimidated by him at all, was she?
Behind his helmet, Jason found himself smiling. Just a bit.
“I’m serious.” She assured, blue-green eyes meeting the dark stare of his helmet without a moment of hesitation. He watched as she brushed a lock of her bright red hair behind her ear and out of the way. She’d woven it all into a practical, neat braid but a few sly pieces had snuck out to bounce around her. Gilding her quiet professionalism with a playful charm that worked well with her academia but make it cottagecore kindergarten teacher aesthetic.
“I’ll admit, Gotham wasn’t part of my plan when I first graduated. Time and choices take you funny places sometimes.” She plucked an invisible bit of lint off her soft blue cardigan, not nervous but absent as her gaze went distant for a moment. Thinking back on the events that had led her to his fine city. In a blink, those sharp eyes were back to focusing entirely on him. “But Gotham is where I am now, and I want to help.”
She looked at him, a serious, determined expression settling easily on her face. “The city as a whole has so much chaos and crime breaking out all the time.” No censure or horror in her voice, just a neutral fact to be observed. “But where the rest of the city has millions of dollars poured into it by various foundations or charities run by the Waynes, Park Row is largely ignored.”
Jason watched as steeliness sharpened her gaze, the blue-green shifting from the shine of a bird’s wing to the warning hue of something poisonous and deadly. “No one deserves that. No one.” Her chin tilted up, proud but not imperious. “So yes, I want to work here. There are people in Park Row and the Bowery who need help and I refuse to let any of them feel like they are going to be ignored.”
Jason considered her.
Really looked at her. Pealing back his initial off handed impression of her as some clueless transplant in over her head with no idea of what she was doing or what she was poking her nose into to find the real woman beneath. Her confident poise, her clear unshakable belief, her unflinching willingness to look danger in the eye and not blink. The tense curve of her frown, the lines of pain at the corners of her eyes, the simmering anger beneath it all. There was an edge to her, too. Something sharp and dangerously well hidden by the cardigan and folksy charm of her accent.
It was personal for the woman before him, Jason realized. Maybe not Crime Alley specifically, but something about the whole situation. The treatment the neighborhood and its residents received from the city at large, from those even beyond it.
Crime Alley wasn’t a place that received much in the way of charitable thought. The average joe with their house in Somerset and job at some corporate shithole hating every second of their life but thinking at least I don’t live in Crime Alley. Those asshole hoity-toites in city hall throwing money around equally between shit that’d get them re-elected and their off-shore slush funds in the Caymens doing their damn level best to pretend the black mark on the other end of the city just didn’t exist. Bruce, flooding the entire city with charitable programs and carefully constructed infrastructures shying away from the manifested grief and trauma that was the place he watched his parents get murdered.
For the most part no one from outside of the Alley gave a shit about the Alley other than as a place to avoid at all costs. And most of the time those natives that manages to claw their way out into better and brighter lives didn’t ever turn to glance back. Orpheus could have learned a thing or to from an ex-Alley Kid who managed to eek out a steady 9-to-5 and move to Burnley.
And something about that seemed to piss Dr. Jasmine Nightingale Psy. D right the fuck off.
He could see why Bill said he liked her enough to let her in.
“Alright.” He said, tilting his head, watching the woman seated across from him carefully, “Still doesn’t explain what you’re doing here. Why you’re trying to get on my payroll.”
“I’m not trying to get on your payroll.” She said, some of the glinting edge softening, but the steel remaining. Strong and unyielding. “I’m trying to get into your community outreach program.”
Jason thanked god and all the saints once again for the gift of his helmet. That baby had saved his ass more times than he could count both by keeping his head in one piece and keeping his stupefied expressions wrapped up and hidden from view. Dr. Nightingale was one hell of a woman to make him have to rely on that fact twice in one conversation.
“Wasn’t aware that was something I had.”
Nightingale, not fortunate enough to have a full face covering helmet of her own, had nothing to hide her stupefied expression behind. Jason had a feeling she might have removed it to make sure he saw even if she did though. She looked like she had caught him eating glue like it was a cheese stick.
“Yes you do.” She said, sounding deeply confused but unshakable confident in what she was saying. “I’ve seen it. The soup kitchens, the shelters, the collection boxes for donating old clothes, the after school day care.” Nightingale ticked off on her fingers, “I’ve lived here for less than two weeks and I’ve lost count of all the things I’ve seen setup to help people struggling in the area that I’ve been very reliably informed you and your organization are behind.”
“Those aren’t part of some community outreach program.” He said, “We are simply locals offering services for our neighbors.”
He watched as her caught-him-eating-glue expression shifted into one that said she’d stumbled upon him licking electrical sockets for a mid-day pick-me-up instead. He had to give it to her, the woman was not afraid to let one of the most dangerous men in the city know she thought he was a fucking idiot.
“Let me see if I understand this right.” She said, and he appreciated that there wasn’t any kind of condescension in her voice, even though she very clearly thought he’d been dropped on his head as a baby. Possibly from the top of a three story building. “You have a large group of people working together to plan, organize and execute multiple services in your area - your community, if you will - that provide aid and support to those that otherwise would not receive it. Reaching out with your available time and resources to offer these services, that you provide. For free.”
Alright, Jason got it. He had stumbled ass backwards into creating a community outreach program. But he wasn’t just going to let her think she won this one. He was Red Hood, he had a reputation to uphold here.
“What makes you think any of that is free?” He tilted his head at just the right angle, the one that cast shadows across the planes of his helmet and made him look hell-touched and terrifying. “Just because we don’t charge money, doesn’t mean there isn’t a price to pay.”
Dr. Nightingale, dressed like a damn kindergarten teacher, laughed at him.
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“You know that trope? That one trope *Everyone* hates? The trope in which a well meaning antagonist to our heroes, one looking out for the good of a certain community, suddenly does something horrible and drastic to make not only them, but the ideology they stand for the most villainous of all?”
NOW IS THE TIME TO BATTLE THEM OUT! Like Ken dolls, fighting for survival! Like your Polly pockets discarded in the closet, we’ll see which of these bitches jumped that slippery slope harder! Whose character did numbers on y’all, and blew up a bunch of grandmas and babies and hospitals with it!
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Dany propaganda (TW: domestic abuse mention, slavery):
“Sold off as a slavewife to a warlord in another country. Slowly rises up gaining the love and trust of the warlords people, eventually becoming their leader after his death. Goes on to conquer another nation and free all the slaves. Deals with her quickly growing list of real and perceived enemies in increasingly awful ways. More stuff happens. Eventually she makes her play for the throne of Kingslanding and forced a swift surrender… but instead snaps… over…? and instead starts killing everyone in the city indiscriminately because the only way to build her great version of the world everyone who even remotely likes the current one has to die.
And then her sorta bf kills her.
Its kinda funny how the US was also founded on a revolution lead by people with Not Great Morals and its media industry loves to now churn out stories where revolutionary figures turn out to be bad guys, actually, so you shouldn’t revolt and just accept your place in their world. Is this actually a British psy-op to get americans to accept the error in the ways and rejoin the UK?”
“daenerys propaganda: the literal in-text justification d&d gave for dany always being secretly evil and destined to massacre innocents was that she was too mean to the slavers that crucified a bunch of children. so they had this domestic violence survivor die of yet more domestic violence. they couldn't even let her go down in battle, she had to be assassinated by her lover in a moment of physical intimacy. (and tyrion, who literally strangled his gf to death and burned a fleet alive, suddenly became the audience avatar fretting about ethics.) the only woman permitted to retain power at the end of the show (sansa) was the one who said being raped and abused made her strong; dany, who explicitly condemned physical and sexual abuse and took steps to eradicate the perpetrators and break the wheel that crushed the oppressed, had to go crazy and die. the script explicitly condemned what they referred to as "liberation theology." d&d are the ultimate centrists and they turned dany into a fox news caricature of an activist.”
Lotor propaganda (TW: xenophobia):
“He wasn't exactly presented as a straight-up villain initially, more like a rogue agent. He wanted to reform his father's evil empire to be less tyrannical and xenophobic (the 2nd one is especially relevant because he's only half Galra. He went from an enemy of the heroes to an ally, then oops! turns out he's actually been a genocidal mass murderer with a god complex this whole time and then he dies in the most horrible way. It's been a while since I watched the show but I will never stop being mad over how they did my boy dirty.”
Always feel free to rb with more propaganda :)
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player-1 · 4 months
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Oh…That’s a wonderful piece of lore but now that’s going to be a doozy to fit into the main story (mostly figuring out how long each Abyssal were alive before they were killed by the Guild or Lateria). Also ignore the different avatar, I did encounter this convo before in my playthrough but didn't get the chance to get screenshots :')
And HC Abyssal timeline below
Venefelis (1,000-0): The real polecat (HC that she has phantom paws cause she has Pummel in her skill list :) and Operation Kill the Witch. Of course, after being forced to stay in the timeout corner for 1,000 years, she became really existential about her own existence, her creator's absence and trying to figure out why the Abyssals were made except being overpowered cannon-fodder.
Rotramus (700 [-300 yrs.]): Considering that the Guild would be at its infancy and still aware of Venefelis' impact, it makes some sense if they started hunting down Rotramus to prevent a repeat incident. Also consider he's a twisted mirror to Nara's personality (anti-human but will possibly answer any question to anyone that finds him) and might've been a rip-the-bandage creation due to Nara's infamy with her family's downfall.
Pluvean (500 [-200 yrs.]): Yet another pacifist Abyssal that was found by Palmaya and just waited for the Guild to kill him (but I like to believe he discovered Cadium at some point and was disgusted by the humans "corrupting the waters"). Even if he's the contrast to Arqua's short temper and drive for human adoration, Pluvean is also a bit snippy about stating the obvious and being revived past his expected lifespan.
Inominox (400 [-100 yrs.]): And just when the Guild develop a false sense of security with dealing with the Abyssals, Inominox comes in with the big guns and starting picking off any weak tamers he could find (possibly making the Frozen Tundra his main hunting ground). But with Ventra's pride and cockiness spelled his downfall when the Guild intervened during one of his attacks. But whether the victim was too traumatized to recall his trigger or the information was lost to time, the Guild was back to square one when the Abyssal was revived.
Helevolk (350 [-50 yrs.]): Of course, there's not a lot to say about Helevolk besides being a more unstable version of Fona despite having a surprising amount of mental/emotional strength (mainly with him breaking through the N1 Nightmare mind-wiping to an extent), but it's a bit of a mystery on how he got his name despite being just as mindless and violent as a normal Nexomon [Hele: "to hide" + volk: "army" or "person/people"]. And I assume Lateria killed the beast by redirecting his tunnels or cornering him in the tunnels.
Caelesa (310 [-40 yrs.]): But to make matters worse for the Guild, they have to deal with another pacifist, human-avoidant Abyssal that will surely make them doubt their anti-Tyrant campaign. Of course, there's no real explanation how she was taken out or how long she evaded the Guild (and/or Lateria), but she clearly had enough time to believe that humans were dumb and violent brutes that have nothing better to do in their lives besides hunt what threatens them (though mostly directed at Finn the second he explains the Guild’s history with her). And fun fact, despite Caelesa being Normal-type (like Metta), she has a interesting set of elemental moves under her belt (also like Metta) so do with that info as you will :) [Base moves: Rocknite Blast, Thunder Blast, Plasma Star, Psy Field]
Volcel (280 [-30 yrs.]): Then after that wild-goose chase comes the giant electric moth(?), also being human-avoidant but will also mock everything and everyone below him for being simple earth-dwellers (really embodying Luxa’s superiority complex, huh?). While there isn’t any concrete evidence on how he was caught (since the Guild jumped to making a standard Tyrant bait), I’ll assume it was Lateria and their extremely heavy ordinance.
Braccus (260 [-20 yrs.]): Here comes the boy~! :D And unlike the older Abyssals (and being the second-youngest), he’s the only one that specifically mentions hearing his creator’s voice and learning his mission to attract the world’s attention by any means necessary; which he easily turns to destruction and carnage (becoming the Grunda he was meant to be) until Xanders “Bare Hands” Nexomon killed the beast and earned his Gold Tamer promotion. Also his dex entry mentions him destroying multiple cities before reaching Lateria and/or Grunda’s Chasm, so I’m betting he started his rampage at Royalle City since a “unnamed Tyrant” was the reason for its downfall.
Kroma (250 [-10 yrs.]): And finally, Operation Kill the Witch: Electric Boogaloo. And what better way to complete her life's mission is to plop her right into the Immortal Citadel while having the handy-dandy ability to mind-control ghosts. Whether she can control both human and Nexomon ghosts is up to debate, but I'm all for her being a tiny menace using the IC residents, the Greater Drake Krainnull, and Ulzar himself when the going got tough with Deena the one-woman army.
Either way, I mainly followed the Abyssals locations on Precursor Mountain from furthest left to right (apart from Venefelis being past Kroma's position), though it's extra funny that both Braccus and Kroma's places are almost melded together (with the haunted woods being halfway through the Braccus’ maze) so that's kind of where the idea came from. Either way, how in the world was I supposed to expect that these two were the YOUNGEST!?!?
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And I love that this were the first thing I thought of (if anyone’s willing to make an artist’s representation of the disaster siblings, I’m all for it :)
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golden--doodler · 1 year
This post was long overdue! I can’t believe I haven’t done this sooner, but here’s part two of the very first post I made on this lovely site, random Bob’s Burgers facts that no one asked for but I’m sharing/reminding everyone of because I can:
—Apparently, when Gene was a toddler, Bob had to watch him, and he somehow managed to eat a fern under Bob’s watch. Where did this fern come from? Who knows?  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯  Bob was very worried and thought Gene would die or get really sick, but he was fine. Gene has an iron stomach for real. This tidbit is as mentioned in Season 3, Episode 15, O.T. The Outside Toilet.
—Gene is the only Belcher with visible ears, and they’re adorable 🥰 I still don’t know how Bob’s hair manages to completely cover his, but it does.
—Real life fact, but 9/3 is not only Bob and Linda’s anniversary, but also Loren Bouchard and his wife’s anniversary! That’s where he got the date from. How adorable.
—Linda’s birthday is June 3, making her a Gemini. Tina’s birthday is March 30, making her an Aries. Gene is a Sagittarius, making his birthday sometime in either late November or December. I like to say his birthday is December 19, because that’s one of my friend’s birthdays :3
—Linda’s high school was called Cardinal Genarro High School, and one time, there was a pumpkin carving contest. Linda didn’t want Gayle to feel bad for losing to Linda’s amazing pumpkin, so she tried smashing her own pumpkin. Gayle followed her, though, and because of a series of events, they ended up destroying the entire table, which they swore to keep secret until well into adulthood (Season 12, Episode 3, The Pumpkinening).
—Linda’s hometown is a made-up town called Hunkawtaway.
—Linda once had Jury Duty on St. Patrick’s Day and wore a green blazer to court.
—Tina’s favorite flowers are Gardenias, as revealed in Season 5, Episode 11, Can’t Buy Me Math.
—Tina owns cat pajamas as seen in Season 4, Episode 9, Slumber Party, and that’s very important to me.
—Gene has brown eyes, which he most likely inherited from Bob. In the comics, Tina’s eye color is revealed to be blue, which she might have inherited from Linda.
—According to Gene in Season 11, Episode 2, Worms of In-Rear-Ment, Louise has always wanted to see Machu Pichu.
—Louise has apparently seen “Game of Thrones”. I wonder what she thought of it. Funnily enough, in the Season 4 Wharf Horse two-part season finale, Bob mourned the fact that he’d never find out how the show ended.
—As seen in Season 11, Episode 14, Mr. Lonely Farts, Gene normally hates being alone and thrives off the energy of other people. My poor boy had a whole panic attack when he was accidentally left home alone. However, he ends up using the opportunity to do a rave in Louise’s room with all of her toys, which she usually tells him not to do. It’s also revealed in that episode that Linda has a secret cracker stash, which he infiltrates.
—According to Season 13, Episode 18, Gift Card or Buy Trying, Gene might not like himself a whole lot. He rants about his former friend, Mitchell, saying that he’s loud, can’t really play music, and has no idea how annoying he is, and then comes to a realization, saying they’re exactly the same, so those things might be how he views himself.
—In Season 13, Episode 21, Mother Author Laser Pointer, it’s shown that Bob and Linda used to read Snail & Newt books to the kids when they were young, which is based off the real life Frog & Toad series. It’s so sweet they did this T_T
—Teddy’s favorite color is yellow! Mine is too :D This was revealed in Season 4, Episode 16, I Get Psy-Chic Out of You.
—Teddy’s full name might be Theodore J. McGillicuddy.
—Jimmy Pesto called Jimmy Jr. “Pepper” as a nickname in Season 1, Episode 10, Burger War, a nickname that’s not been repeated since.
—According to Season 3, Episode 20, The Kids Run the Restaurant, Mr. Fischoeder was married for a week. He had a real Grunkle Stan moment.
—As seen in Season 9, Episode 19, Long Time Listener, First Time Bob, Bob loved listening to a radio station with a DJ named Clem when he and Linda first started getting the restaurant off the ground. I think Bob listening to the radio at night and jamming out is very endearing. The same episode also revealed Bob’s hatred for Sweet Potato Fries.
—In Season 9, Episode 16, Roamin’ Bob-Iday, it’s revealed Bob occasionally succumbs to severe burnout from working at the restaurant, but despite that, cooking will always be his favorite thing to do.
—As revealed in Season 7, Episode 7, The Last Gingerbread House on the Left, Bob used to build gingerbread houses with his late mother, Lily. In the same episode, he made mini gingerbread versions of his family, which is the cutest thing ever. He’s the best dad for real.
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fillinforlater · 1 year
what's your kpop journey ? (how you got into it, your first groups and biased, your opinion on kpop before etc.)
Thank you for the ask, my tired brain will try it's best to talk about how what when happened and yeah... let's go
Early Phase (2012-2016)
Basically me knowing that Psy exists because of Gangnam Style and later Gentleman. Young me really enjoyed those songs, but there was no real connection to korea or the idea/culture of kpop.
Then my sister introduced me to the song Tomorrow by BTS but because I was in my anime phase at the time, I just put it in my anime playlist. I fucking loved the song tho lol.
No bias, no real opinion either lol.
BLACKPINK Phase (2018-2019)
I don't really know how but I found Blackpink and started to vibe with their songs and style, which got really enhanced by their dance of DDU-DU DDU-DU on Just Dance 2019, which i played a lot. I got into them a bit more and my sister (who was a kpop fan behind my back basically kek) showed me Monster of EXO and Don't Wanna Cry of SEVENTEEN.
I was deinitely not a kpop fan, hell, I had no real clue about the culture or other groups or the fact that BTS, who I had one random song of was currently on and unprecedented rise. Everything was set in place, but I was still only danving to D4 lol
Lisa is my bias, though I dunno what that is yet lol. I like Blackpink, but the concept of kpop was not yet really in my mind.
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Covid-Lockdown Phase (March 2020-May 2020)
This was the void. There was nothing to do, nothing thag mattered. All responsibilities were on hold. Time to watch vids my siblings to pass the time.
What are they watching? Asian men I do not understand? Looks... fun! With every day, every video, every song I add to my playlist I fall deeper into this glorious hole that is kpop. Like a sponge, I suck up all the content until I am this weird multistan with no sense of direction but the unbridled want to know more and to listen to more.
Blackpink, then BTS, then Twice, the it was already basically everyone else. Kpop filled my time with more fun than everything else could have. Life, strangely, was perfect. During a fucking lockdown, I reached a peek that continued.
My favorite group is BTS by a HUUUGE margin, my bias is switching between Lisa, Jin and Dahyun.
Deeper Into the Hole (June 2020-March 2021)
I add more groups to the list I like. KARD, Red Velvet, Mamamoo, EXO, NCT, SEVENTEEN, Everglow, aespa, TXT, ATEEZ... it never seems to stop. New releases left and right filling my mind to the point were even drastic changes in life cannot shake me up. I'm still falling, reaching deeper for more.
I find songs that I love to death. Answer by ATEEZ especially has me with adrenaline on every listen. It is about now that I find it not that difficult to remember names of members and that I see some (especially) female idols as very pretty.
BTS best group, Dahyun best girl.
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K-Pop-Fan (April 2021-August 2021)
Basically yeah. Multistan that had commited to IZ*ONE last second because they were more than just good... they were literally the greatest girl group ever... though I have yet to realize it.
My life is going quite well, I have fun, I don't get tired of this genre that id more than music. It's stupid game shows, funny compilations, memes, stupid takes and pretty people. Around this time I get a bit spicy, reading fanfiction, dumb W*ttp*d stuff with crazy stories until...
Smut. Fuck, since when were TWICE this hot???
But this WP stuff is quite cringey... so I looked around and found Tumblr. First was Peach, then ddeun and then... Levi.
BTS best group, TWICE a close second, Dahyun best girl, Nayeon and Minju were in the hunt.
Smite, Smut and Smusic (September 2021-March 2022)
I messaged Levi (basically just a fanboy letter lol) and he encouraged me to try writing myself. The last time I wrote creatively was 2016, so I really doubted that I could pull something off.
About a week later, I'm in this server with all these cool smut writers and yeah... everything went crazy lol. My life was different and so was my kpop life. The visual effect of idols grew exponentionally, from very high to absurd, yet I still found myself finding beauty and attractiveness in other people around me. I dunno how to explain it lol.
I was writing, listening and also chatting with these new amazing friends that helped me navigate through what were difficult times while also being incredibly talented. My hobby of kpop now turned to another hobby with a new group of friends which grew to great importance in this phase.
BTS an inch before IZ*ONE, Minju easily my new ult.
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That's my life (April 2022-now???)
A lot of stuff happened in this time frame but my attitude towards kpop, this community, writing or idols hasn't changrd too drastically. I saw my first concert, that was awesome. IVE rocks my world, other 4th gen groups fight their way to my heart, while I still really love older stuff.
I reach thousands of followers, find new insanely pretty and hot idols, write way too many fucking stories about fucking lol. I listen to almost everything, kpop is still my No. 1 hobby, yet it never overtook my whole personality.
BTS-IZ*ONE-IVE, Minju remains No. 1 but I love so many other idols, especially Yujin and Gaeul.
If you read all this, thank you, have a nice day!
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fefairys · 1 year
hmmmmm will we see more of psy’s relationship with their mother ( orrrr some certain backstory…. ) and see how cool she is since she’s actually someone Psy likes/loves!?
ehahehehehe *rubs my hands together evil style* why yes we will see some certain backstory...........
and yeah we will see psy's mom more!! :D im excited for her i love her <3333 thus far we've only seen their relationship in flashbacks of when psy was really little and like. that one text convo that was just a grocery list lmao, so im real excited to get to show yall how their relationship is in the present!! i dont think we see her for a WHILE though, sadly. not in the present, anyway. psy's mom is THE only human that psy actually Loves right now in their life.
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SUGA (슈가)
Real name: 민윤기 (Min Yoongi)
Birth date: 09 March 1993
Home city: Daegu
Former stage name: Gloss (....-2013)
Studio name: Genius Lab
Instagram account
BU character: Min YoonGi
BT21 character: Shooky
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SUGA started as an underground rapper and producer in Daegu. In 2013, he came to Seoul and got into Big Hit where he debuted. At first not really interested in being an idol, he still worked hard to become one while still keeping an hand in the composition and production of BTS songs. Acknowledged by his peers, he collaborated on a lot of artists’ songs be it as a rapper or as a producer
For a more complete biography, you can check these ressources: 
biography from the volume 2 of the Japan Official Fanclub magazine (trans by kocchi, Kimmy Yang, ktaebwi)
compilation of biographical info from different interviews
pre-debut History
DJ Booth’s article about his philosophy
SUGA has also shared tidbits of his daily life:
[VLOG] Fishing for time... (2019)
목공방 VLOG (woodworking shop) (2022) (Instagram post)
Birthday albums: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Spotify playlist
You can find Youtube playlists of the songs he shared on Spotify and on Twitter or during interviews.
Google sheet of his recommendations
Solo activity
Music (discography)
“All I Do Is Win” (2013)
Rap Monster, Suga & 진 - “어른아이” (Childish Adult) (2013)
"Dream Money” (2013)
“싸이하누월 MIX Final” (INST) (2013)
Agust D (2016) (see this post)
Suran -  “WINE (오늘 취하면) (Feat.Changmo) (창모) (Prod. SUGA)” (2017)
“So Far Away (SUGA, 진, 정국 Ver.)”  (gift for the Festa, 2017)
RM, SUGA, j-hope - 땡 (Daeng) (for the Festa, 2018)
Epik High - “노땡큐 (No Thanxxx) ft. MINO, SIMON DOMINIC, THE QUIETT” (cameo at the end, 2018)
“Seesaw X I NEED U REMIX” (2018)
LeeSoRa - “Song Request (Feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2019)
D-2 (2019) (see this post)
헤이즈 (Heize) - “We don't talk together (Feat. 기리보이 (Giriboy)) (Prod. SUGA)” (2019)
Halsey - “SUGA's Interlude” (2019)
IU(아이유) - “eight(에잇) (Prod.&Feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2020)
MAX - “Blueberry Eyes (feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2020)
Over The Horizon By SUGA Of BTS (for Samsung, 2021)
ØMI - “You (Prod. SUGA of BTS)” (2021)
Juice WRLD - “Girl Of My Dreams (with Suga from BTS)“ (2021)
Jung Kook (정국) - ”Stay Alive (Prod. SUGA of BTS)” (OST for the 7FATES: CHAKHO webcomic, 2022)
PSY - “That That (prod. & feat. SUGA of BTS)” (2022)
--- Chapter 2 ---
Over the Horizon 2022 by SUGA of BTS (for Samsung, 2022)
D-DAY (2023) (see this post)
Halsey - “Lilith (Diablo IV Anthem)” feat. SUGA (2023)
For more details about the songs that don’t have their own post, I listed all the info I had here. For Chapter 2 songs, please check here.
꿀 FM 06.13 (Kkul FM) (2014, anchor)
he’s the official DJ for all BTS radio shows. During the spring of 2020, he did 9 episodes of DJ’s SUGA Honey FM 06.13 on Vlive (now on Weverse): first episode, with RM, with Jin, with V, with j-hope, with Jimin, with Jung Kook, with BTS
화개장터 (Hwagae Market) (2015, anchor)
episode 0 [ 대국민사과방송 ] (national apology broadcast)
episode 1 [ 요지부동 ] (try to not react)
episode 1.5 [ 벌칙수행 ] (penalty execution)
SOPE 👨‍❤️‍👨필리핀에 오다! (Came to the Philippines!)
솝 꿀피부를 부탁해😆 (Please take care of my honey-soft skin)
해체 발표 (disbandment announcement) for April Fools
슈취타 (Suchwita) (2022, anchor)
Youtube playlist
The title of the show is in reference to his song “Daechwita”
The goal of the show is to have honest discussions with a guest while drinking alcohol
SUGA’s Instagram posts: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Weverse Magazine: “K-pop musicians are changing the talk show format”
Brands endorsement
Global ambassador for Valentino (2023): official tweets, SUGA’s Instagram post, #2
Ambassador for the NBA (2023): tweet announcement, official tweets, announcement on the NBA website
Marie Claire Korea May issue (2023): teaser tweet, tweets, Youtube videos, interview, SUGA’s Instagram post #1, #2, #3
VOGUE JAPAN August issue (2023): tweets, interview
GQ Korea October issue (2023)
BE comeback interview: “I'm grateful that there are still unvisited areas in the world of music”
Butter release interview: “This is the only thing I know how to really do”
Proof release interview: “I hope they’re excited for everything so I can give their life meaning each and every day”
SUGA used to play a BTS fansite named 슈가의 시선 (SUGA’s sight). You can still find some of his tweets here, here and here, notably the “Photograph by SUGA” series, as well as blog posts:
Incheon International Airport and Thailand (those 2 were shot during the first NOW photobook filming)
“Just One Day”
BTS 1st anniversary.
He loves and used to play basketball. The two intros he made for the 화양연화  series, “Intro: 화양연화“ and “Intro: Never Mind”, have elements reminding of the game, be it in the beat, the lyrics or the video. While in the United States, he took the occasion to visit several teams.
He forms the group Sope with j-hope. As this subunit, they made the show  화개장터 (Hwagae market) and the Japanese song “Otsukare”.
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aotoreiki · 1 year
HATER & ANGST ANTHEMS — 3 songs that portray your muse’s negative side of life! Bitter, negative, sad, bad vibes. What songs portray the darker sides of your muse?
Snowblind — Threshold
Reflect, conceal, deflect, but don't reveal One day you won't remember what is real I'm only one decision from amends But I'm only one collision from the end
Under the Water — AURORA
Hearts will dream again, lungs will breathe in Wash away the sins, it's where it begins Feet won't fail you now, arms won't let you down Wash away the sins...
Lost It To Trying — Son Lux
What will we do now? We lost it to trying, we lost it to trying What can we say now? Our mouths only lying, our mouths only lying
TAGGED BY: @mirroredranger, ty Psy :D TAGGING: This has been in my drafts for waaay too long, please steal it and tag me so I can check out your music
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
There's a few more things that have started to take off and their ideas of the two and ideas that we had with them and others have with them and it is wonderful and she loves it it's a good day for her
11. What else I think 11:00 or 12:00 but really there's more to it than meets the eye it's magic and they wanted to make this magic kit and sell it and bja used to have one nowadays this tricks you can do that people would be in awe over and it's using lights and it's using special cars that people can train themselves on and you can actually make some money there's a huge demand for it people want to look like they have power and it's going around the world and it went up around the world back in the day but there was nothing like today today you have you have astral projectors really they're 3D projectors and they they do make objects that look real and you can do all sorts of things and this is like 50 tricks that look real and people want to do it and they do teach you how and the kids range in price the kit is around $25 to around $175 and you still won't have a complete one you have to buy four or five kits. These tricks are great okay these are professional tricks and people want to know how you do them and there's tricks to them and BG knows all of them and son and daughter's clans knew more than all of them they had tons of tricks they love those things and granddaddy Biden he loves these he's a magician and you should get into selling these there's a hot item they're selling tons and if he puts his Hallmark on it it will sell more than the others cuz they don't have someone repping.
12. His other items that he invented one of them is Frankie lupena and it's not an item and he didn't invent him but it's a person who kind of built the character up and he does ridiculous stunts and tricks and he sells his outfit and is in the boots now he's making boots he doesn't put them on the line but he sells in privately he's still doing some r&d and he is selling them though he's making a pretty penny he is going to sell all sorts of stuff shaving kits and elixir and he has plans to do so he also has like lines and things he says but he's not really selling that yet it's a good idea though he said is making a book . stunts you can do at home book. He's working on that now. Mostly girls are entertained by it and it says it too in the in the book he's got it already started. But he is an item this person is a character it came out of nowhere from our son and he works on it with Ken and says you should do this zany stuff and it does work he was telling him a long time ago and he had the psy beard and then Justin had the leprechaun and he put the leprechaun on it looked really wild like crazy. And Ken it was fascinated he said I couldn't tell you who they were and they look intense and now Justin's in a movie and he looks intense and he was fascinated so he made the character and he's going to sell paraphernalia and our son and daughter just said why not go there to hot topics and Lily probably is involved she has some of it and you can get in with her and sell some of your stuff and he said wow and I bet you that place to become real famous again and the lady wants to talk to him and you made another code name and he's working on that character and he does different things different businesses Ken petito and he has ideas now he wants to start business lowering bikes and changing the fairings and opening a factory and under his name and he might even do some kind of racing and he hears a Chrissy wants to sign on she wants to race and he wants her too and he'll lower a bike and will be faster just like that hard knock super bikes current sport bikes really and really there's other inventions it's crazy pretty big ones though
13. The other idea he had is crazy last week was to put people in charge of their own business now and I did to get towns going like this one and have people with money to donate portions of work whether they do it with their company or they buy the material well they buy that portion of trade and people really they are good at certain trades and they be listed on a wall of fame it would be a memorial for those who help the town recover and from a horrible recession and people are saying it too this guy is not insane he's trying to help and it's going forwards people are now creating these consortiums and you would not believe how fast that was and they have the money that towns don't have the money and usually they don't and the tax base is too small but they're going to town doing it some people make money doing it and they have businesses that come in and donate and that's one thing they're doing it for is attractive to a lot of people and construction will start after huge numbers of projects are going to start because of this huge
14. We have had this kind of idea and Hera pitched in and works it works the next is aqueducts and he says we need water and we need to bring it to areas that need water and we need it from rain and he said it briefly about the mountains I thought it was nuts and now I don't what's it gets down there it's not much stuff on the ground these days and it washes off and it washes in but it's much better than that what's down there so this way is the cleaning it on the way down and they do that and we figured out something this is awesome so we started to make a few aqueducts and now people are making them everywhere and they know how to do it it's going to be huge
15. On top of everything that he's done there he's trying to call for people who try and look better and that's better and they're doing it here people all over the world start to catch it and start to change it and they're doing it along with that came and boosting the clothing industry and everybody is looking for clothing and JCPenney and Macy's Sears all of those are asked to start up we expect 20% this coming week to be back up from where it is it's already up about 80%. But that's a huge jump it's going to go up again and again and people want to live decently if there's going to have a problem speaking of which
16. And there's this Castle thing it's become so damn big I don't know how to say this they all want that plan and they all want to know which one it is and people stop messing with it they want the one that he picked out with Hera and they want his design the same floor plan and her idea of the kitchen floor and they want to know how structural it is and they wanted to go ahead with it and they're asking architects to design it and they know how to get it close and I said we need to wait for him and and they said probably not as not going to be that great if you wait A lot of people are doing it probably three quarters of the ones who want to are doing it now and they're building townships they're calling them and they're based around the higher ups on a ship and that's what it is now and there's probably 50 million of these in planning and that's big and it has these will be up on the hill in the middle they have Tower apartments and stores and everything you can think of and they're building new and it started it's like 20,000 nearing completions for real it's going to make the news it's going to be everywhere the people are building castles. Our son will have so much cover they're going to want him to build his so I can make it look like his and it's craziness the sales at Disney all over the world have gone so far through the roof that Max says I have to do something while I can he's got tons of money from it Cinderella and sleeping beauty outfit spot from them numbering in the trillions tons of glass slippers humongous numbers of women want to know exactly what it's made out of and if it's a replica of the exact size as the one that's in the tower believe so and they have one that's a replica and they want down to the Nat's ass I love to talk that way like Freya ridings she was recorded to say if you don't make it to the Nat's ass I'm going to have to return it. They said we're going to do that for you and we know who you are and they said on the phone we'd like you to come down and play and we have a venue and it will be a paid performance and she says one thing you and there's a big performing Hall and she said I'd love to so our son and daughter say finally you're making it to the castle big time we helped a little because it's a really good idea and people behind my husband because he's going to be in Jeopardy being in that castle and then she started to weep and said this is rebellion and we're building castles and he says well real shelter she's putting it in writing and she says I can make a castle temporary stay resort it looks like the whole castle of complex and she smiles and says that's ridiculous. She wants to know where and she says it's an entertainment was resort the dancing and music and concerts and other such entertainment they had in the medieval period and it would be near Disney and it would be like medieval manner just like I imagined and she says that's stupid that's stupid that's your idea haha so we said we snuck up on you and so she's going to try and do that mack Daddy once in on it. And it'll be resort and yeah medieval manor stuff would be there jousting and she's she's beaming with Glee and says this is going to be awesome and those two might show up for a weekend or a week and they're smiling saying that's the whole idea.
This one's getting real big so we're going to publish
Thor Freya
This is all taken off action is going on people having economy that things are starting to boom and it's starting to make tons of stuff huge numbers of things that only be time before they get down to Kenny or something we think
It's going to have to if not we have to make it this ridiculous if they don't but really these people are slaps and I'll have low level crappy stuff so far
We're going to show you more of that in a moment
Thor Freya
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usernose · 17 days
Dupsy's at it again with someone else now. Be careful!
Oh God, but for which fandom?
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purplesurveys · 11 months
How did it feel outside today? I didn't go out, but in any case to my surprise it was cold all day – I haven't turned on my fan at all, and right now I even have my blanket around me without anything running. I don't know if this is still one of those rare good days in the year, or if it could already be the start of the Christmas weather.
Are there any animals in the room with you?  Nopes. I'm in my room; the dogs sleep downstairs.
How did you spend yesterday afternoon?  I was just working and had been in a couple of meetings as well.
Are any of your siblings taller than you?  They both are. I'm the smallest sibling and also the smallest in the immediate family, haha.
Name a song that reminds you of a past relationship:  Sparks by Coldplay. Thankfully I associate Coldplay so much more with BTS now because I love the band and it would've sucked if I had to stop listening to them.
When did you last have a nightmare?  I feel like it was just recently, but I can't remember exactly when.
What's the goriest thing you've ever seen?  TRIGGER WARNING: DEATH, BLOOD. Either photos of actual corpses on the internet, or select wrestling matches that are known for having been extremely bloody. I have a very specific memory of watching Vince McMahon's forehead literally pumping out blood cos his cut went way deeper than it should have.
Have you or do you attend pep rallies regularly?  I haven't. I know my university had those as an annual thing but I never was able to attend any because I could never find anyone who wanted to watch it.
Have you ever seen a building on fire in real life?  I haven't, but seeing massive clouds of smoke from a distance from burning buildings is something I'm fairly familiar with. The last time had been in July when we were staying over at a hotel and could tell there was a fire going on at some province all the way south, like in Cavite, from that giant-ass cloud of smoke we saw from our floor.
Have you kissed anyone and their first name started with an F, D, or L?  No, I haven't.
Have you ever been in therapy for anything? Nope, haven't been to therapy.
Do you think clowns are creepy?  They can be but they aren't the creepiest things in the world for me.
If you had to write an essay about a popular song... what would that song be?  Let's go with Gangnam Style by PSY.
When did you last have some fruit?  Every day I was sick in the last week my mom fixed up this drink for me to consume and I'm pretty sure it had some kind of fruit in it; I'm just unable to identify which.
What's something you have to look forward to?  Getting to head out again after finishing my quarantine. I completely forgot that the local Audrey Hepburn exhibit is only running until the end of the month, so I really need to book a visit within the next weekend as it'll be gone by the 28th.
Is there any part of your sexual/romantic history that you have not told your current significant other about or that you will not tell future partners about?  There is a small part that I probably would have to mention, but it's too personal to discuss in detail here.
Have you ever developed feelings for someone whose sexual orientation was incompatible with yours?  Nah.
How many relationships have you been in that actually got sexual?  Just one.
Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know?  Probably Bea. Girl always has surprises up her sleeve.
Are any of your pets “overweight”?  Cooper may be slightly overweight, but it's not like alarm bells level and we definitely watch how much we feed him so that it doesn't start becoming an entirely bad health issue.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with?  I've only gone out with one person.
Last person to tell you that you smell good?  My sister.
Last person you told that they smell good?  That's not really something I tell people and tbh the last time I remarked they smelled nice it was to my dogs hahaha.
What shows do you watch?  I gravitate towards sitcom the most since I prefer easy watching, so shows like Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn Nine-Nine...I also started on The Office earlier this week. Every now and then I'll watch something a bit heavier as I can only enjoy a good drama; most recently I finished DP.
Is there anything you are craving right now?  I'm feeling pretty full right now actually so I'm good.
Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you laughed with them?  A million times and more.
What are five Halloween costumes that you’d like to wear in the future?  RJ of BT21; Diane Nguyen from BoJack; Joey Tribbiani from that scene where he wore all of Chandler's clothes at once; a bottle of peach soju; and the dude from the 'A child' Vine hahaha.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what color his/her eyes were?  My ex, yeah I do.
Whose Facebook timeline did you post on most recently?  I don't post on anyone's feeds. I think only older people do that anymore.
Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs? If not, would you even want to try one?  I haven't, actually; I didn't even get to try any bug dishes in Thailand when I was there – our itinerary was so packed we didn't have time to look for restaurants or stalls that had them :( But yes, I'm adventurous when it comes to food so I'd definitely try.
If anything, I went to a Thai tasting menu event a couple of weeks ago and I took up the owner's offer to try one piece of cricket. It tasted like chicharon, just a bit more savory.
Which edible flowers have you tasted?  I don't think I've tried flowers before.
Who was the last non-relative woman you spoke to in person?  Fern.
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube?  I don't really do that. The most I do is just press like on videos.
Who was the last person that apologized to you?  I think Coleen.
What comes to mind when you think of pregnancy?  Expenses.
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap?  Liquid.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday?  It'll be one of my cousins' birthday on November 3rd.
What is your favorite flavor of Jolly Ranchers?  I've never had a Jolly Rancher.
Is your favorite animal endangered?  No.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction?  Non-fiction. I have absolutely zero luck with fiction; I've just never figured it out.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you?  Neither.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted?  I have no idea.
Have you ever come close to drowning?  Yes, when I was 9.
So… remember Girl Scout cookies? Any favorites you had/have?  No I don't. We don't have those here.
Why did you ignore the last person you ignored?  Because it was a work-related person messaging on a fucking weekend and they should know to leave me alone.
Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Pluto :) If I could have Baymax in dog form too that would be so fun.
Do you like chocolate milk?  Just Chuckie. I'm not too fond of everything else.
What is something you hate, but wish you loved?  Hiking and more outdoorsy activities. < So real. I wish I could love hiking but tbh it is the worst thing in the world.
What’s the cutest thing your S/O does, but denies it’s cute in any way?  I don't have one.
Who have you hugged in the past month?  Idk, I wanna say around 10-15 people? I've seen a good number of friends this month so far.
Last bad news you heard?  Family death for one of my co-workers.
Have you ever dined alone at a restaurant?  Yup, several times.
Have you seen a baby being born in real life?  I have not.
Do any of your exes know each other?  I only have one.
What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously?  Continuing to be supportive of the Marcos regime.
Have you ever changed in front of the last person you kissed?  Uh, sure.
Do you have any goats?  I don't own any goats, no.
Do you hang out with your sibling’s friends?  Nah, they like to keep to themselves and that's fine by me.
Have you experienced any severe side effects of medications?  Well, I've been bruising this last week but I'm not sure if that's simply because of my weakened immune system or the meds I took.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings?  No, never did that.
Have you lost any close family members to cancer?  One.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name?  I've met people who only have one first name, but they're very rare.
How often do you check your emails?  For my personal email, at least once a day.
Would you want your kids to have your hair color?  All Filipinos have black hair so I don't really have a choice lol.
Have you ever had a big YouTuber reply to a comment you left on their video?  Nah. That'd be cool, but also I never comment so HAHAHAHA
Have you ever given a lap dance?  Nope.
0 notes
(In order of artist, then release) A aespa - Girls aespa - Illusion ALICE - DANCE ON Apink - Dilemma Apink CHOBOM - Copycat B BANG YONGGUK - Up B.I, Soulja Boy, DeVita - BTBT Billlie - RING X RING BLACKPINK - Pink Venom BLACKPINK - Shut Down BoA - Forgive Me BoA - 짓 ZIP BoA - Breathe BoA - After Midnight BVNDIT - VENOM BVNDIT - JIGGY C CODE KUNST (with 11Kitties), Meenoi - Take Me Conch - REDSUN Coogie ft. Lee Hi - Alone D DeVita - Bonnie & Clyde DPR IAN - 1 Shot DPR IAN - Mood DPR IAN - Miss Understood Dreamcatcher - MAISON Dreamcatcher - VISION Dreamcatcher - Fairytale E Epik High ft. YOUNHA - 그래서 그래 Gray So Gray Epik High ft. Colde - 비 오는 날 듣기 좋은 노래 Rain Song EXID - 불이나 FIRE F FIFTY FIFTY - Tell Me FIFTY FIFTY - Lovin' Me FIFTY FIFTY - Higher FIFTY FIFTY - Log in fromis_9 - DM G GEMINI - Do Me Right (G)I-DLE - Nxde (G)I-DLE - Change (G)I-DLE - 조각품 Sculpture (G)I-DLE - DARK (X-file) GOT the beat - Step Back GSoul - Everytime H HEIZE - 없었던 일로 Undo Hitchhiker ft. 3RD - Alone HUTA - BOOM Hyolyn ft. Jooyoung - Layin' Low HYO - DEEP I iKON - 너라는 이유 BUT YOU IVE - LOVE DIVE IVE - ROYAL IVE - After LIKE J j-hope - MORE j-hope - = (Equal Sign) j-hope - What if... j-hope - Arson JEY - Dirty JIN - The Astronaut Jiwoo - Evergray K KARA - WHEN I MOVE Kep1er - WA DA DA Kep1er - Up! Kep1er - Attention KIHYUN - Youth KIHYUN - Bad Liar KIHYUN - STARDUST Kim Hyerim - Your World KWON EUN BI - Glitch KWON EUN BI - Underwater L Lapillus - HIT YA! LE SSERAFIM - FEARLESS LE SSERAFIM - Blue Flame LE SSERAFIM - The Great Mermaid LE SSERAFIM - ANTIFRAGILE LE SSERAFIM - IMPURITIES LE SSERAFIM - Good Parts LOONA - Flip That M MAMADOL - WooAh HIP MINSEO - #Self_Trip MONSTA X - LOVE MONSTA X ft. R3HAB - Burning Up N NATURE - 넘어와 LIMBO! NCT 127 - Faster NCT 127 - 질주 2 Baddies NCT 127 - Time Lapse NCT 127 - 불시착 Crash Landing NCT 127 - Designer NCT 127 - 윤슬 Gold Dust NCT 127 - Playback NewJeans - Attention NewJeans - Hype Boy NewJeans - CookieNewJeans - Hurt New Jeans - Ditto NIve - what is life? NMIXX - DICE NMIXX - COOL (Your rainbow) O OH MY GIRL - Real Love OH MY GIRL - Drip OH MY GIRL - Replay P PSY ft. SUGA - That That R Red Velvet - Feel My Rhythm Red Velvet - Rainbow Halo Red Velvet - Beg For Me Red Velvet - Bomboleo Red Velvet - In My Dreams Red Velvet - Birthday Red Velvet - BYE BYE Red Velvet - ZOOM RM with Anderson .Paak - Still Life RM - Lonely Ryu Sujeong - PINK MOON S Seori - Can't Stop This Party SEULGI - 28 Reasons SEULGI - Bad Boy, Sad Girl SEULGI - Anywhere But Home SEULGI - Los Angeles SEVENTEEN - Darl+ing SEVENTEEN - HOT SEVENTEEN - DON QUIXOTE SEVENTEEN - Ash SEVENTEEN - _WORLD SNSD - FOREVER 1 SNSD - Villain SNSD - You Better Run SNSD - Closer SNSD - Freedom sogumm, Keumbee - 소금비 Salt Rain Sojeong - 내가 제일 사랑했던 노래 The song I loved Solar - 꿀 HONEY Sorn ft. Yeeun - Nirvana Girl STAYC - RUN2U STAYC - YOUNG LUV STAYC - BUTTERFLY STAYC - BEAUTIFUL MONSTER Stray Kids - 거미줄 VENOM Stray Kids - MANIAC Stray Kids - Charmer Stray Kids - CASE 143 SUNMI - 열이올라요 Heart Burn Sunny, Jungwoo, Renjun - Goodbye T TAEYEON - INVU TAEYEON - Can't Control Myself Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Yangyang, Giselle - ZOO TREASURE - 직진 JIKJIN TREASURE - 다라리 DARARI tripleS - Generation TWICE - Talk that Talk TWICE - Basics TWICE - Gone TXT - Opening Sequence TXT - Thursday's Child Has Far To Go V verycoybunny - On your mark verycoybunny - Lack of love VICTON - Chronograph VICTON - Stupid O'clock VICTON - Bonnie and Clyde VICTON - INK VICTON - Stay VICTON - Virus VIVIZ - BOP BOP! VIVIZ - Love You Like VIVIZ - LOVEADE W WHEEIN - 오묘해 Make me Happy WHEEIN - Pink Cloud WHEEIN - 파스텔 Pastel WJSN Chocome - 슈퍼 그럼요 Super Yuppers! WONHO - CRAZY WOOZI - Ruby Y YENA ft. BIBI - SMILEY YooA - Selfish YooA - Lay Low YooA - Blood Moon YooA - Melody YooJung - begin YOUHA - Last Dance YOUHA - NUMB YUJU - 놀이 Play YUJU ft. Mad Clown - 겨우, 겨울 Cold Winter YUJU - 데킬라 The Killa YUJU - Blue Nostalgia X Xiumin - Brand New
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golden--doodler · 1 year
Doodler! Random ask but what are your favorite bobs burgers character dynamics :D?
Yooooooooooo back at it again with your perfect, perfect asks 👌🏼
I'm really glad you asked this one because I've actually thought about this before.
My first one absolutely has to be Bob and Gene. Despite the fact that Gene is technically more similar to Linda in personality and has been shown on numerous occasions to favor her, he is also shown to love Bob a lot too and even says in "Sliding Bobs" that he's always admired Bob. I mean 🥺. AND HE LITERALLY ALWAYS THINKS OF THE RESTAURANT AS BEING CALLED "DAD'S BURGERS" I MEAN-And Bob has been shown to care for Gene as well, even if his "favorite" is probably Louise or Tina (I say "favorite" because Bob is too nice and too good of a parent to actually have a favorite kid). Every time they interact in a nice way, it makes my heart feel full, because they don't understand each other as much, but want to make an effort to try. I mean, Bob's entire speech about loving to feed Gene killed me, and their sharing a meal during the end credits had me giggling and kicking my feet. Oh, and finally their interactions during the "Laser-Inth" definitely show off their dynamic the best. I will never get over the "I love you too, Gene! :D"
Oh, also bonus, because I can't stop thinking of cute moments with these two is during "The Hauntening", when Gene, despite the fact that he knew the entire thing was a trick and he wasn't in any real danger, still felt the need to tell Bob that Bob was doing great as a dad and giving him a good childhood. I'm sure Bob appreciated that a ton.
I also love it every time Linda and Sergeant Bosco interact. They don't interact often, but whenever they do, it's great 11/10. These two are already kinda chaotic forces by themselves, but together, their chaos is pumped up to the max, and it almost feels like they're collectively sharing two brain cells, and I love it. This is probably best shown in "I've Got a Psy-Chic Out of You", with Linda having to help out Bosco on a case before realizing she doesn't have psychic powers after all. It's hilarious, especially when they break for lunch. And then there's that time in "My Fuzzy Valentine" when Bosco almost arrested Linda for impulsively taking his gun, I can't. This man was extremely ready to take her in. These two need to talk more because their conversations are absolute gold. Wonder what would've happened if they'd talked during the movie somehow.
Obviously, I have to say Bob and Linda because they're Bob and Linda. I've already said so much about them, so I'll keep this as brief as I can, but they are perfection. They support each other, love each other unconditionally, and Linda was willing to freaking work on her wedding day for her man. I like to imagine what their actual ceremony was like, and if they had vows. I hope they did because my heart. These two need to get their vows renewed during an episode or something, that would make me scream. Anyway, I love how they're both weirdos who found each other, and Bob had a dream Linda continues to adore and admire to this day. A lot say that Linda's the strange one, and it's true that she's more outgoing and eccentric, but Bob is just as strange with his habit of talking to inanimate objects, and let's not forget some of those moments where he's gone completely unhinged in the earlier seasons, like when he got trapped in the crawlspace. They balance each other out perfectly and know about every single one of each other's quirks. I love how in one episode, Linda just casually mentions Bob has a weird birthmark or something in his, well... you know. They're just so intimately familiar with each other and not afraid to admit it, which is a beautiful thing. Time and time again they make sacrifices, because no, their relationship is not one-sided. As much as Linda has sacrificed for Bob and the restaurant, Bob has done just as much for her--he even gets angry for her when people aren't treating her correctly, such as in "Terminilator II: Terminals of Endearment", when he had that whole speech about how her parents being terrible should bother her. He reciprocates most of what he gets, and when he doesn't, he acknowledges it and tries to be better, like in the emotional climax of the movie when he realizes how tiring it must be for Linda to be optimistic all the time and he decides he'll be more optimistic as well. They also never question how much the other loves them. There's absolutely no chance of either of them cheating or being swayed by someone else in any meaningful way, and they know it. There's only a problem if they think someone else will come on them and not stop, like in "Seaplane!". Okay, so this wasn't brief, but I have way too many feelings about these two. They will always be everything to me. We need a flashback episode or scene about their wedding or something pronto.
I just think Jimmy Jr. and Zeke's friendship is really wholesome. I don't have that much to say about them, because of how chill they are whenever they're around each other. They just get each other and their humor, which is wonderful. If Zeke wants to randomly pin Jimmy Jr. to the floor for some playful wrestling, there's no issue. They're always there to support each other no matter what, like when Zeke was willing to keep throwing chicken nuggets at Jimmy Jr. in the movie because he wanted to say he caught a chicken nugget in his mouth. I can't. I keep saying this, but I hope we see more of them interact and just be themselves.
Every time Louise and Regular-Sized Rudy interact, it's guaranteed to be a wholesome time. I love how they balance each other out. Rudy brings out Louise's softer side, whilst Louise helps Rudy be more confident in himself and stand up for himself. Louise being so jealous of Chloe Barbash in "Bob, Actually" was hilarious, especially because of her denial. Also, there's been a huge wave of people shipping her with Chloe which is... interesting.
Anyway, these two are great for each other, and I will always love it whenever they interact and just vibe. I still love how protective Louise is over him, and he's definitely the person (or at least one of the people) that she's nicest too, especially at school, so I find that wonderful.
These are all the ones I'm going to say for now, but this was so much fun to do. This is way too long (again) but honestly, at this point, that's to be expected from me.
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samayalost · 2 years
█ Pay_de_Menta_-__NGEL.mp4 
 ▄ Los samples son Spectacle de Anna Oxygen y Send me an Angel de Real Life. Los videos son [Datamosh] Tropicana Sparkling commercials from Korea y 最初から壊れている もぺもぺ de SS, Kyu-kurarin datamosh de Haxagona, Deep Dish Count Cheese Glitch Tim Abad 110815 01 de timabad, datamosh de Samelectronics, Fuel TV On-air Brand Rethink de Stash Magazine, MTV Live HD - Visual Glitch _ Technical Difficulties (15_07_2018 - 19_15 PM CET) de twizz, PSY - GANGNAM STYLE(강남스타일) DATAMOSH de Violet Empress y Datamosh #1 | Frederic “Oddloop” de Milky. 
 ▄ Album ( V I D E O D O R O M O )) de Pay de Menta Colectivo disponible en Bandcamp: https://paydementacolectivo.bandcamp.com/album/v-i-d-e-o-d-o-r-o-m-o 
▄ Pay de Menta Colectivo: https://paydementa.jimdofree.com/
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fefairys · 1 year
i just read the latest psy update!! for real for real it's so cool that jett has a spiritual origin to his plurality (or at least for 1 of his headmates? i think theres only 2 people in there but idk whats been confirmed since i dont really keep up with the askblog >~<), a few of us identify as walk-ins (including meee) and you never really see that represented! :o
ah yay!!!!! :D that is so nice to hear!!!!! i wish i could answer this more in depth abt jetts headmates and stuff but like i said i want yall to see over time more about whats goin on there...
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