#the reason i made a tumblr was for hamilton
listen I had a thought
if what Silver tells Madi at the end of black sails is true, Thomas Hamilton and James Flint’s stories end the same way
both Thomas and Flint wanted to change the world, both were too radical for the people around them, so dangerous that they had to be “killed” for their ideals to die
but at the same time… you could say that both of them were loved too much to actually get them killed, so (after being stripped of their own choice in the matter) they were both secreted away
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*Clanking pots and pans together *
I have a message for all the tin hatters and misogynists in the Tumblr fandom.
28th August, The Year of Our Nerd 2024
To Whom It May Concern
It has been precisely one year and one month to the fact that I first came across this malady that has been plaguing our fandom. Other fandoms have been more or less unfortunate in this regard. What started as a lighthearted joke has now turned into a toxic, vile, festering wound. For a long time I either ignored these blogs and their opinions or very politely tried to dismiss them. For an even longer time I was made to feel that I was in the wrong. After all we live in a free society and all of us believe int he idea of freedom of speech, freedom to hold whatever views and beliefs, and freedom to express those views and beliefs. But the very same citizens of these free society's in today's world are also facing a dilemma: how far does this right go? Is it unconditional? Is it absolute? Or does it qualify to some form of check or some form of necessary derogation under exceptional circumstances? When do those circumstances arise?
Most of us have come to an understanding in regard to the question, though all of us may not agree to it: it is understood that where your right to exercise your freedom offends and restricts my right to do or causes in any way for me or anyone else to feel endangered, then that is where we draw the line.
Reading @do-angels-dream-of-starry-seas 's post today I have come to the conclusion that the time has come to draw that line. It is a question on where we stand as a fandom if we let such bigotry and such hate prevail any longer.
I want to let everyone know where I stand. I have nothing against fanfiction. I have nothing against RPF. People have been creating RPF since time immemorial. If not for RPF a large amount of literature, film, music and other forms of art would not exist. Shakespear's Histories are essentially RPF, Hamilton is RPF, Netflix's The Crown is RPF, Le Morte d'Arthur is RPF, Baz Luhrman's Elvis is RPF and so is Andrew Dominic's Blonde. You may like some of it, you might dislike some of it. You might even be vehemently against some of it. But that's all it is at the end of the day; fiction. It doesn't hurt anyone. The real problem arises when people start becoming unbale to differentiate between fiction and reality. And that's no better than thinking that just cz someone played a serial killer in a movie means they're evil irl too.
It becomes suffocating for others to exist in these spaces when the delusion that the RFP is real transcends to take an even worse shape namely hating the real people involved in said person's life. How could you justify hating on their real life partners just so you can satisfy your delusional belief that these men are actually in love with each other.
Maybe it springs from a need to justify our lives in terms of conspiracy theories in this growing pandemic of untruths and fake news. Maybe it springs from some deep rooted internalized misogyny. Who can say?
Before I move on I want to highlight some problems with the wntire tinhatter discourse.
The existence of a PR. I want to clarify this here and now. PR works for important, famous, insanely rich people whose global fame makes their identity a part of the public domain so much that their entire image needs to be curated to meet certain requirements. PR works for Taylor Swift and Leonardo DiCaprio and Barak Obama. Who is does NOT work for are people who are only locally well known, live reasonably ordinary lifestyles, and have a painfully insignificant following outside their own cultural context.
The idea that one picture or a five second video can tell the truth about someone's entire personal life. It cannot. It never will. Body language is not even a science. Body language is misleading. Facial expressions are misleading. I am writing this right now with the most bland expression on my face. People around me think I'm writing an email. My internal emotions right now are another story. Moreover no one owes anyone any sort of information on their personal life, their love life, their mood, their life choices or whatever. Their lives are not public property. Please respect that.
The women are the villains. This blatant misogyny has become intolerable as the days go by considering most of these posts are written by women themselves. The whole controlling wife, poor meek guy trope is so fckng infuriating. When did we wake up to a world where women hold the reigns and an adult white upper middle class male cannot tell her that he wants a divorce. I thought this only happened to unprivileged women in third world countries who cannot file a divorce bcs then she will be left penniless and socially disgraced. The women baby trapped them. Of course they feel responsibility for the kids now. Child birth is the second most painful experience after being burnt to death. No woman does it for the pleasure of it nor for some strategic benefit that it will serve her. And diving birth to not just one but many. And then raising them. That's not easy! Secondly, having children is a mutual decision and process. If only women could make babies we'd get rid of men for good lol! (this is a joke plz don't @ me) If someone decides to have children with someone, and we're not talking just one accidental pregnancy or sth... we're talking several kids over the years.... then they probably have that level of attachment, love and commitment to their partner. It's just common sense.
Absolute cynicism. Anything Georgia and Anna do is met with cynicism and their words are deliberately twisted to mean the opposite. While D and M will be applauded for speaking up for a cause , when G and A do the same they are shouted down as pretentious or that PR made them do it. When D and M show affection towards each other that's all real and true but when G and A show affection to their partners it fake and a PR stunt. Moreover the way they interact with their partners is also completely misunderstood. Anna is more private and subtle about her gestures of praise and affection. But from what she does show publicly we know that she absolutely adores her partner and her kids. Georgia on the other hand has her own way. She teases, makes jokes, pokes fun at him, but she's also literally the woman the is being ultra-horny for him on Twitter and Instagram in front of everyone else. And I think that comes from the fact that they were friends first and lovers second and they have maintained that playful friendly relationship with each other. Still she is accused of never being appreciative, being cringey, possessive, creepy and always bringing him down. Oh and we never talk about how Michael next to never promotes Davis's achievements. In fact no one else I know does it. Literally the only person is Georgia jumping up and down going "This is my partner! Have you seen them! Have you seen how awesome they are! I love them!" Not just that, these tinhatters have such double standards that while D's neurodivergent traits are being praised, G takes the rap for it. She's a careless mum, an unworthy partner; none of her professional achievements matter. She is fighting her dyslexia and neurodivergence to achieve something but the tinhatters will make ableist remarks to bring her down. But they don't just stop there. They accuse her of abuse, rape and cyber harassment. Pray that she doesn't find out because accusing someone of that can get you behind the bars hon!
I know that none of this is going to disappear over night. We fight the fight every day and we hope that tumblr goes back to being the safe space it once was. But till then, it is important that we stay strong and stay together. I have had people come into my ds with links and other stuff that made me want to jump off a cliff. I have been subjected to some horrendous lies, all in a bid to convert me. Sadly that's not happening babes.
So I just want these tinhatters to know that if you're here, then we're here too. And no matter how much of this toxic bile you keep spewing we'll keep washing it away. And that @dtmsrpfcringe and @goodomenswarning don't have to do it alone. If you wanna go at them then come at me bitches!
And I'm not scared to call y'all out @ingravinoveritas @letscoffeebreak @nightgoodomens
@invisibleicewands @climb-dtennant-like-a-tree @thetardisisbluandroseistoo and others but mainly you guys cz you're the ring leaders. Gon on block me if you want to I don't care! Or better, send me some of those creepy asks you guys send Tori. At least it would take the burden off her!
And now before I go @dtmsrpfcringe You're a champ and we love you and we stand with you!!!
Yours Sincerely,
Meena. x
curator of TheGeorgiaTennantBlog
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pub-lius · 2 months
Hyper niche question for my autism warrior: What was the perception of aide-de-camps during the AmRev like? I assume it would be viewed as a softer position - though of course, the extent would vary depending who your CO was - but many did see action and a few were reassigned so they could fight
Hey y’all… how y’all doing… i know its been yet another period of many moons since ive posted or answered (i hope this information is still relevant btw), but ive had a lot going on with getting a job, finding colleges, my mommy issues, travel, etc. anyway, im back, and im here to tell you about my main men
It actually was not viewed as a softer position at all! The station of aide-de-camp was highly desirable for several reasons, which i will describe approximately right now
1) people had to compliment you a LOT to get in
Most of the results I got from my research on this ask were letters of recommendation for potential aides-de-camp. Letters of recommendation were high honors for any station, especially for that of a military capacity. According to my favorite source on the American Revolution (which you should know by now), George Washington’s Indispensable Men by Arthur S. Lefkowitz, it was practically impossible to get a job as an aide-de-camp if you did not have a widely positive reputation or a letter of recommendation from someone reputable (or both if you wanted to clerk for the Commander-in-Chief).
I found one letter of recommendation from j*hn ad*ms that i think serves as a very good example of the sort of statements that could land you a seat at a Continental officer’s writing desk:
“There is another Gentleman of liberal Education and real Genius, as well as great Activity, who I find is a Major in the Army; his Name is Jonathan Williams Austin. I mention him, sir, not for the Sake of recommending him to any particular Favour, as to give the General an opportunity of observing a youth of great abilities, and of reclaiming him from certain Follies, which have hitherto, in other Departments of Life obscurd him.”
-John Adams to George Washington, June 19-20, 1775, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Founders Online, Washington Papers)
Those are my italics btw. These compliments are carefully chosen to suit the honor culture that was so pervasive throughout the 18th century and first half of the 19th century. A liberal education at the time was very hard to come by, and would be of great importance in a clerical position. Great activity also helps, because you dont want some lazy ass writing to Congress under your name, or god forbid George Washington himself, you might get hung (not really). The mention of youth is also intentional, since young men have always been preyed upon by the military. I think it’s especially noteworthy the final phrase of “reclaiming him from certain Follies”, which indicates that he might have previously had a negative reputation- whether it was warranted or not, im not sure.
2) the pay was fucking fire
For this we’re going to be utilizing my super amazing math scores that im renown for throughout the math community (yall dont know about my math tumblr), and we’re going to be using Alexander Hamilton as our lab rat, as per usual.
Alexander Hamilton joined Washington’s staff in early 1777 where a regular aide-de-camp (not a military secretary) made $33 dollars a month, which averages to about $1.10 a day. Meanwhile, according to the University of Missouri, the highest paid laborer in Massachusetts in the same year made $0.50 a day, which is about $15 a month, others making as little as about $0.22 a day, so around $7 a month. If you’re looking for ratios, by the end of the war, a pound of raisins was around $0.30. So, the highest paid Massachusetts laborer could save up every paycheck from 1777 to 1782 and buy 324 pounds of raisins, and Alexander fucking Hamilton could waltz up next to him and buy 712.8 pounds of raisins and rub it in his sad, poor face. And he wouldn’t even share because he was a congressman by that time and congressmen HATE THE POOR.
Disclaimer: Hamilton’s numbers dont include the time he quit the office bc I didn’t feel like googling how long he was away for and also i dont care. And yeah he probably would share his raisins with the guy, Hamilton was pretty nice, but i dont think he’d buy 712.8 pounds of raisins in Massachusetts anyway. Or maybe he would, I dont fucking know, stop asking me questions
3) it gave you a lot of street cred
There are many instances of aides-de-camps rising to higher status after their service, but i dont give a fuck about those nerds going into politics and law and stuff.
Most people now only know about Washington’s aides (or if you’re really autistic you know Lafayette’s too), but at the time, being an ADC to any general would get you fairly well known in society. General Sullivan’s aides seem to have been pretty well known and admired, as they are frequently mentioned in John Adams’ correspondence with other congressmen, as well as that of Benjamin Franklin with French diplomats all the way across the Atlantic.
But I imagine you’re also wondering (or at least i am) about what the everyday enlisted man thought of the ADCs, and that answer doesn’t really change. Of course, the men sitting out in the rain and mud without food for the past week are going to be envious of the guys who get to sleep in a house, but their quarters weren’t the most comfortable either. Aides-de-camp were probably the most connected out of the disconnected officers, if that makes sense. They weren’t fraternizing with the enlisted, but they were seen by them more frequently than the generals, and they were the ones advocating for the needs of the enlisted men. Even if they didn’t have any battle experience whatsoever (which really was never the case, i cant think of an aide who WOULDNT have seen battle), they would still be respected by the men as hardworkers and the only people who might actually get them food and clothes.
Thank you for the ask! I really enjoyed researching it and my family had a great time joking about me hunched over my ipad reading through the national archives while we all watched jeopardy, misspelling like every other word because its hard to type on an ipad. Im going to try to be more active, so please feel free to send further questions! I forgot how cathartic research is for me so id be very happy to do more. I have one more ask in my inbox i’ll try to get done sometime in the next few days. Love yall!
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my-deer-friend · 5 months
i just finished "behind, only meadows" and i?? you have somehow converted me to elams. i'm generally not it's biggest fan but i had a feeling you'd give it justice and you definitely did.
you dared to ask the question: what if they all had a chance at happiness? i love it for giving us this trio dynamic while remaining grounded enough to feel like a genuine possibility. also loved exploring-naturalist john, it fits him so well and i think he'd be happier doing that than being a politician, which is the general course of action in any laurens lives au (for good reason!) imagine if years later he was the best choice for the lewis & clark expeditions and jefferson is forced to work with a non-cooperating, salty laurens getting payback for ham
did i tell you that i loved your fics even before i made a tumblr account? this ask is probably way too overbearing but genuinely loved it!!
Tumblr media
Friend, thank you for this lovely message 😭💕 Please continue to be overbearing wonderful and sweet and kind forever!
Elams... it's one of those places I don't usually go, because my preference is for gay!Laurens and I just can't see him having a sexual relationship with Eliza (which is sometimes how those stories go). But as friends who love each other, in a caring and even romantic way?? Because of their common adoration of Alex??? Yes.
Also YES to the Lewis & Laurens expedition! (Sorry, Clark.) Now I'm thinking of Laurens in his late 40s, by then settled at home with the Hamiltons, getting pulled out of adventuring retirement because, per Alex, "Wouldn't that be sooooo funny?" Laurens would have so many ways to get on Jefferson's nerves, from calling out his slavery hypocrisy to insisting that Jeffs calls him "General Laurens" (after he gets shot at Combahee and survives, he gets a field promotion to brigadier mostly to keep him out of further trouble). (Yes I have lots of headcanons for he-lives!Laurens.)
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
First as a disclaimer: I'm pretty sure I'm not an anti (I'm anti death threats and am fine with incest, age-gap, abusive ships etc)
However I'm probably still a social/political enemy for various reasons but you sometime post asks from people you disagree with I think and I think you might know this answer.
Anyway onto my question I'm the kind of shipper who likes canon compliant ships and looking for hints and stuff but these days it feels like everyone boasts about how much their ships deviate and poop on canon etc. Do other shippers with my mentality still exist and I just don't notice them (Outside of anti spaces) or are we actually a dying breed?
Eh. I think "political enemy" has a pretty fluid definition if one is really into playing politics. If you aren't out campaigning on a white supremacy platform, we probably have some goals in common.
I usually block people for being extremely annoying on a day I'm feeling hormonal or for attacking people particularly viciously in my comments, not for nominally being in some other camp.
I think the more canon-adjacent fandom flavors are actually really common.
They're a little lost in the tumult of "My headcanon is actually canon!!!" stuff on tumblr that we like to laugh at on my own blog.
They're also less common in oldschool m/m-shipping spaces because those are often inherently non-canon ships. In the past, it was because homophobic censorship wouldn't let anything be made. These days, it's because the flavor of m/m a lot of people like is more easily found by adding romance to a buddy canon than by trying to add buddy-ness to a romance canon in many cases, and this can be true even if canon is original m/m aimed at fandom types.
Here's the thing: oldschool m/m shippers tend to be particularly prone to building community spaces and recording our history precisely because it's so easily erased and so often attacked. This type of shipper also tends to have more of a cohesive identity. That makes it far easier to name ourselves and set up little fiefdoms on modern social media.
I'm one of these people. Shittons of the people doing amateur fandom history work are. Much of the OTW old guard are. And lots of us know each other at least a bit, so if you're running into one of us, you're probably running into more of us.
However, that doesn't actually mean this type of shipping is the most common or that there have never been spaces devoted to something else.
That old Beauty and the Beast tv series with Linda Hamilton had epic canon shippers. So did Moonlight (the vampire tv series). So did and does Twilight.
A lot of these shippers had this as their first and possibly their only fandom and carried on being obsessed long after canon was over.
Lizzie/Darcy shippers put anything I have ever been a fan of to shame. No matter what the AO3 numbers show, this ship far, far exceeds the popularity of Destiel or any of the other m/m heavyweights.
I think the problem you're running into is that in the modern era of binging things on Netflix and regular joes being huge media geeks, analyzing canon in a nerdy way and obsessing over your canon ships is just how a big chunk of the population engages with media.
Fan theories that are closely tied to what was actually on the screen/page are the bread and butter of water cooler conversations and have been since The Sopranos and its ilk.
Yes, I know some fuck will immediately show up and go "Ahem, ahem, I am a GEEK and SPECIAL and the people around me never have intellectual conversations about media literally ever!!!!" just like every single time we have this conversation. But times have moved on, and being overinvested in canon theorizing just is a normie activity now, and that's great! Except when you want a special term and space to find your people.
The only time canon shippers really stand out from that is if they're extremely fic-focused, and then they often start straying farther from canon, especially if they stick around the same fandom for a long time. Either they start becoming more fans of some fic writer or they start wanting to diversify what they themselves are writing.
The really good close-to-canon fandom activities are at their best when lots of fans find the same currently-running canon at the same time and before canon itself passes its prime.
Even I started out on alt.tv.x-files, analyzing the shit out of season 2 and not caring much about non-canon things. (Though, admittedly, I was more NoRomo than MSR.)
That said, antis are not actually that canon-focused in most cases. They will do the "My headcanon is reality" thing as much as anyone. They just tend to spend a lot of time hating on explicit m/m and a lot of explicit m/m is of non-canon ships.
Honestly... anon... you might want to figure out what the latest CSI-ish franchise is and find the obviously-future-canon het ship from that. Those tend to get the 10 seasons of build up and fan theories that don't stray too far from canon.
This stuff is not only not a dying breed, but it's so common that one of the editors of NCIS delivered a deeply cringeworthy lecture at my film school about what "shippers" are and how the Tiva shippers affected the production.
People into those ships don't need tumblr: Major entertainment magazines are publishing their fan theories for them.
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pearwaldorf · 5 months
I suppose it is a testament to how viral the Kendrick Lamar/Drake beef is because I saw Tumblr talking about it. I mean this descriptively and pejoratively.
Once upon a time, there were Black people on Tumblr. I remember this because I was there. There were enough, in fact, that there was a regular Blackout day where users pledged to boost Black content and selfies. The site has gotten so much whiter, to the point where you see shit like this. Some white people are absolute weaksauce and I'm genuinely amazed they don't, like, clutch their pearls when they encounter rap/hip-hop/R&B in real life.
There's a now deleted post that talked about how rap has been the most discriminated against music genre because of its intimate association with Blackness*. "Concern" about rap is why we have those parental advisory stickers on physical media. idk if they still do this, but they used to have radio stations that proudly proclaimed "All the music you love, minus the rap!" (I don't remember if they included all predominantly Black genres of music or just rap. Either way it was racist af.)
And until I read Gita's post (full disclosure: they're talking about my tags), it never occurred to me there are people who can go their whole goddamn lives without ever listening to rap/hip-hop. It's like calling yourself a well-rounded reader but not reading Morrison, Delany, or Baldwin. I genuinely do not believe you can say you know about music if you don't have at least a high level understanding of hip-hop. (Or jazz. Or country. But I digress.)
Like. Kendrick isn't exactly new on the scene. He won a Pulitzer, ffs! (Drake isn't either but idgaf about him, for many reasons.) And if people's minds are blown that rap can sound "like that"? If I were gracious I'd say "Welcome to being one of the ten thousand" but honestly it makes me sad it took beef for people to discover how good Kendrick and rap can be, because they never bothered to look outside their little bubble or allowed racist assumptions to color their perceptions of it.
* On the flip side, back when Hamilton was a thing, I legit saw people on here say rap should only be made by Black people. idk what they thought Lin Manuel Miranda is, but spoiler, he's not Black. Also saying that displays some real fucking ignorance about rap/hip-hop as a an expression of resistance all over the world.
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wundurrae · 5 months
saw someone do something similar and got motivated lol
I present to you…Albert rates F1!!! ( but they know nothing )
(parentheses is my input)
Oscar Piastri: He’s so me! He kind of looks like a side character in a Disney movie, he looks like the best friend of a Disney original movie whose there for like the first 10 minutes of the movie and then you never see him again. He’s silly.
Lando Norris: He has very strange unexplainable vibes. If he was next to me on a bus I’d scoot away. If he was my Uber driver I would play those “play this if you feel unsafe” audios. He also looks like he’s gonna have a mental breakdown. One curly fry in his normal fries away from ending it all. Probably be really good at the uncanny valley trend ( for some reason ).
George Russell: He looks like a middle school boy. Like an elementary school boy. He looks like when you open Facebook and there’s just a random kid. Looks like he’s the little brother of someone at a pta meeting. He made everyone play airplanes with him at recess. Looks like he’d help an old lady across the street but the wrong way.
Lewis Hamilton: Looks like a Dhar Mann actor. Would go on strike. “So you see…” If you stared at him for too long his eye would start twitching. Would flip if you ask him if he’s okay after that. Would be bandit in that one obstacle course bluey episode where he cheats and throws bluey to win.
Charles Leclerc: If he sneezed too hard his hair would jump off and crawl away. A creature. Polite, but a creature nonetheless. Really nice and great but if he stubbed his toe he’d start speaking in tongues. ( When showed a picture of a younger Charles ): he looks like that kid who cried cause his cat was gonna get sold.
Carlos Sainz: gives off the vibe of the guy who green screens himself onto the TikTok thirst traps. If I was in a coffee shop and he was behind me in line I’d get out of line to get away from him.
Max Verstappen: If there was a Minecraft movie he’d play Steve. Really square ( not sure if that’s a compliment ). Would give up his bus seat to a pregnant mother. Delightful. Would be scared of snap bracelets.
Sergio Perez: ( There was silence for a good minute ). Looks like the male version of “A single mom who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops.” Tucks phantom hair behind his ear and bats his eyelashes.
Logan Sergeant: Looks like Preston plays. Looks like he gets called a meow meow on tumblr. Would insist on watching horror movies but then scream and hide behind the couch when anything remotely scary happens. If he smiled really wide all of his molars would be gold teeth.
Alex Albon: He looks like if Mikey from tmnt was a person. Would partake in the trend where people do the spin and their boyfriends run in and grab them. Would have eaten glue as a kid. Gives off square marble vibes. Spoon in the fork drawer. Would also give up his seat to a pregnant mother.
Fernando Alonso: He has the human eyes that dogs have. Wouldn’t scoot away, I would just get nervous everytime he moves. At least once in his life has held out a hat for a penny.
Lance Stroll: Looks like he posts TikTok thirst traps but all the comments are making fun of him. Would turn around and say “so erm…that just happened.” Give the waiter a stink eye if they took too long to get his water. The villain in the Dhar Mann universe. Would be given a shitty redemption arc that doesn’t redeem him.
Esteban Ocon: ( Would have said toxic masculinity but saw the photo of him with the face mask things on ). Looks like he glued his hair back on. Looks like nat the rat from Barbie island princess. Why does he have an eagle? Looks like he was born in 2017 and never left. Also gives off “erm…so that just happened.”
Pierre Gasly: Is he ugly on purpose?
Yuki Tsunoda: I like him! Looks like he’d be mischaracterized by an entire fandom. Would be called “a little bean” and never be able to escape it. Guides an old lady across the street but the right way. Tried an ouija board and got cursed. Would say he’s a pro gamer but only plays fortnite and is kinda bad.
Daniel Ricciardo: Coquette. Looks like he sings the song that goes “Baby lock them doors and turns them lights down low.” Gives off the vibes of the “ROOTBEER” guy. ( when shown one specific picture ) LOOKS LIKE THE THUMB PEOPLE FROM SPY KIDS.
Nico Hulkenberg: Looks like a street interviewer. “Reminds me of Johnny Bravo as well” If Johnny Test was raised in a normal family with good values. Looks like a very distant cousin twice removed of Gordon Ramsey. Unironically listens to Ed Sheeran and plays it REALLY loud. You’d catch him humming “Shape of You” Looks like he’d go to a library solely for picture books. The uncle that only shows up to weddings and gets absolutely wasted. He probably ate his twin in the womb.
Kevin Magnussen: Thought his name was Kevin Magnussy. Is always in pain, even just a little bit. Turned 9 and went “augh my knees…” Eats garnishes off dishes ( forced to specify: grabs them full force with closed fist, gripping it, shoves it into his mouth and then goes back to normal ). If you tried to tell him about your interests he’d go “haha yeah” and walk away. Looks like he’d say “Don’t kill yourself…You’re so sexy haha”
Zhou Guanyu: ( When learning about his cat ) Sweetcorn? That’s cute! Would hear about controversial topics but does not research. He definitely posts fake paparazzi videos. Reminds me of the baby in the sardines commercial in cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
Valterri Bottas: Looks like Bertram. Drinks the ink out of pens ( force to specify: would drink the ink out of pens, you’d come back and ask him where it went, deny involvement but all of the ink would pour out of his mouth ). Looks like he purposefully goes into target and scratches the bottoms of Stanley cups off to give everyone lead poisoning.
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thatguywasvaping · 9 months
i don't know who else to tag honestly but thank youuu @wisteria-wisteria for tagging me 😉
1. Who or what got you into F1?
i've been wanting to tell this story to someone cuz i think it's so dumb
so well, my dad and my cousins are HUGE f1 fans they always talk about it on the family gc. it was the mexico 2023 gp (we're mexican btw and just like every single men in mexico they love checo) and we all know what happened to checo in that race so they were fuming and honestly i was enjoying it and all the memes on twt
anyway i never really cared about the sport, to me it was just men going vroom vroom in circles for an hour but then the brazil gp came
we were in my grandparents house, i was in the living room and they were watching the race obviously, it was just about to start and then something magical happened that changed my whole life... charles leclerc crashes on the formation lap and i thought omg who's this dumbass 🙄 but then i heard his voice with that sadness you only hear in eastern european gay porn saying "why the fuck am i so unlucky?", i was like damn he's so me, my dad was asking me to traduce what he was saying, i had no context of everything that happened on the season but i could just think damn is this not the first time that it has happened to him? poor bro
then i saw him get lost in the motherfucking woods and i was crying laughing at this point wondering who the hell is this guy?
i made a mental note to search his name on twt later, anyway the race went on and i was actually getting invested in it, i remember my cousins had to leave but they were all i want to see checo pass hamilton bla bla bla and i had no idea who hamilton was but i wanted to see it too it was so exciting. when i got back home i went into a charles leclerc rabbit hole in twt and tumblr and tiktok, then i learned more about all the other drivers and as someone who was lacking content of my man finn wolfhard i was getting bored and seeing this guys being a chaotic mess and getting content of them every weekend i was like fuck it they're my new blorbos especially charles❤️
and now here i am :) the end.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
i am a charles leclerc girlie and i will always be he's my sunshine i will fight anyone who dares to say something bad about him, i just love him so much he's so determinated and passionate i am so sure he will achieve his dream but he's also very kind, charming, funny. his history is also so amazing to me, his mental strenght is unbelievable and has motivated me to keep going no matter what, he's very dear to me, i admire him so much and i don't think it will ever change because he amazes me more and more everytime.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
charlieeee obvi but i've also been very obsessed with max lately they are fighting for p1 in my favorite drivers championship every single day hahahah
maxie poo i love you babygirl 😘
i love lando and oscar also i hope they achieve amazing things with mclaren they have so much talent and potential i know they will be great
and ofc mi gente latino 🇲🇽✊ checo pérez you are my dad and i support you no matter what also he's so unintentionally funny as max said i'll just call him lovely 😌
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
LESTAPPEN MY GOD when i tell you that i think about them every day i'm not joking at all
my roman empire as the tiktok kids would say
i just love them for the same reasons everyone else does they have been racing against each other for most of their lives and of course they've had their rough patches but they respect each other and love racing together, they push the limits and will do everything to win but they always keep that mutual respect and admiration
i got into them with the inchident video it's just hilarious max being all mad like no it's so unfair 🙄 and charlie being like just an inchident 😘 I CAN'T THEY'RE SO ICONIC LIVE LAUGH LOVE LESTAPPEN we love emotional support rivals
also shoutout carlando, maxiel, charlos, chestappen, landoscar they are so funny love seeing them do stupid shit but also have each others back
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
my dad will die for red bull especially for checo, i don't really know my cousins favorite drivers but they like ferrari and one of them has a charles leclerc cap and a valtteri bottas one so i think them
i'm kind of a closeted f1 fan lmao because most of my life i've been like it's so boring just them going in circles but now i'm obsessed but also if i say i like it now they would be like you just like it because the drivers are good looking
and i mean YEAH but fuck just let me enjoy it and it's also my first season i'm still learning give me a break bruh
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
like i said this is my first season and i started pretty late but they first race i ever watched from start to finish was ✨las vegas 2023✨ and as a charles fan i will never forget that last lap where i was mourning p2 already and all like well let's hope for the best on the next race😔 when all of a sudden i see this mf overtaking checo, it was 1am and when i tell you i JUMPED from the couch and started screaming and jumping around, genuinely i will never forget it
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
i don't really know about each circuit that much but i like monaco
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
naaahh they're expensive af maybeee one day i'll go to the gp in mexico city but in a very distant future
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
i see checo's face in every corner in my city does that count?
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
i like the mercedes' cars just for the mere reason that they look cool to me and since i don't know all the technical stuff i think i could give you a pepper answer once i learn more
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
not really ✌️
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
when max said "i always thought that if i would make it to F1, charles will also make it"
what can i say i love my babygirls
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kindred-spirit-93 · 3 months
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right so, summer term is in less than a week and in the words of another tumblr post, this is for the wiggles; i need to get this out of my system before i implode. enjoy :)
greetings yall. this is essentially a list of my current ocs that live their own lives in their respective universes in the back of my mind. ill start out with a list and expand elsewhere later to avoid overwhelmingness
i will update this with links to individual oc fact files and posts in the future inshallah
・゚*.・゚✧ .・゚*・゚
✧ le fandoms and their respective established characters as of writing:
harry potter: anisa (tbc)
percy jackson: Hilal
the apothecary diaries: Maymuna
demon slayer: Siham
my hero academia: yamama (tbc)
✧ fandoms ive dabbled in that dont have established characters (yet):
spy x family
bungo stray dogs
hunter x hunter
the anne shirley serires
detective conan
the addams family
more that ive temporarily forgotten lol
✧ fandoms that dont get ocs for various reasons :
hamilton and other musicals
real life people (i find it weird)
childhood favourites like movies, shows, etc. (like tmnt, coraline, disney princesses, spacetoon classics like romeos blue skies...)
please kindly note that the way my hyperfixations work in terms of fandoms is that when i come across said fandom, i obsessively read every wiki page in existence and watch compilations and scour the interwebs for memes and sometimes fics, and proceed to avoid (for reasons unbeknownst to me) actually consuming the media itself (original books or its adapted versions). i believe its because i dont have the capacity to be emotionally attached to new characters and suffer, but whos to say :P
also note that these characters are in many ways inspired from my own experiences and i occasionally draw from people and places im familiar with, so in instances where things 'wouldnt work' for whatever reason, (firstly im aware, hence their existence) remember that these are works of fiction, and that with the right writing (mostly) anything works. and creative liberties mwahahaha >:)
this is one of the reasons this blog exists; for me to dump the contents of my mind to make way for other (hopefully more useful) stuff, so if u stumble on here feel free to partake (as per the guidelines stated in the pinned post), otherwise move on. this before anything else is for me and my amusement, i wont be catering to anyones interests.
this post and its contents is sponsored and made possible by maladaptive daydreaming and my other less than healthy coping mechanisms :)
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me @ this post
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"racist show" ??? find me a less racist show right now. I can't even think of a tv show that isn't unintentionally racist in some way. new iwtv? no, it's good but it's definitely got some unfortunate bits. reservation dogs? nope there's a video on youtube calling it anti-black. black sails? doctor who? noughts and crosses?
what is this even about? Ed being "too violent" ? there is no way to avoid every possible racist interpretation someone might have.
Oh it's because the historical guy they stole the name and not much else from to give to OFMD's main character owned slaves irl. which I consider to be a valid argument when its brought up in discussion of the show by people who actually want to discuss the finer points of historical fiction and what goes and what doesn't and completely disingenuous when it comes from tumblr anons and in blorbo brackets and the like. Every single piece of historical fiction from that general time period is haunted by the specter of slavery. Ofmd is no exception, I feel like they handled it well and they handled it well specifically because they made sure to have the perspectives of the descendants of enslaved peoples in the writers room, which many many many pieces of historical fiction like Black Sails and doctor who have not done. I think it's very important to have characters like Oluwande and Frenchie and I think that while I sorta wish they'd changed the name they altered the story so much from reality that that's just a fucking original character with a name ripped from a historical guy.
Edit: the reason I consider it to be pretty disingenuous is because I don't like it when fucking genocide and racial trauma is used cynically to dunk on people you find annoying and no one is ever consistent about it. Like Black Sails is way worse at handling the Slavery thing and yet Stede was the one who had to beat the allegations in that Flint V Stede poll that broke containment for example, People will compair it to Hamilton despite the fact that they're only really comperable in the fact that they're both historical fiction (OFMD is about people you've never heard of, Hamilton is about fuckers who still effect legislation to this day. Hamilton sticks to history pretty closely OFMD says fuck history the pirates are kissing. Hamilton is a biographical broadway show and OFMD is a Television Romantic Comedy. It even takes place on opposite ends of the 1700s. there's no comparison unless you want to lump Bridgerton and Black Sails and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Six (the musical) and Dracula Untold and so on and so forth). Basically there's a ton of historical fiction for which the problems OFMD has are also criticisms that could be applied there and I tend to notice which ones people apply them to. Usually if there's a prominent person of color who's kind of a nerd attached to it, it draw tumblr's ire and if there isn't they get to skate by and Tumblr doesn't even notice it's existance. I don't know if that's because we're all self hating nerds and we hate to see another nerd winning because it invokes the self cringe or because of racism (tis definitely the racism) but it's true.
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junko-loves-dazai · 1 year
Could you write an akutagawa x higuchi's sister reader? And the plot… Have you heard satisfied from hamilton? Basically higuchi finds out her sister has a huge crush on him and painfully gives up on her feelings so her little sister could be happy, because she loves her too much. Higuchi then introduces the both of them to each other and they fall in love as the time passes. Sorry if it's too long!
A/N: I finally have the Tumblr app and can respond faster now and sorry this one took so long to write as well. I'm really trying to write and get these done faster, but anyway enjoy!
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When Higuchi found out about your crush it was purely an accident. You had left your diary wide open on your bed, and when she was cleaning she spotted it. She was drawn to it, like it was singing a siren’s song. Slowly she peaked at your diary and began to read.
Dear Diary,
Akutagawa is so cute. The way he fights is so passionate. He moves so beautifully, and the way he uses Rashomon is so perfect. I’m totally in love with him! I’m in love with everything about him, I way his voice sounds, the way he dresses, and the way he styles his hair is just so handsome.I Love him so much. I’d do anything for him. I’d-
She closed the diary quickly and scrambled out of the room when she heard you open the door.
“Ane, I’m home” you called as you took off your shoes at the door, “where are you?”
“I’m in here,” said Higuchi as she sat in the living room/ main room. She was facing away from you and was panting quietly, and you noticed.
“Ane, are you ok? You look tired?” you asked
“I’m fine. It must be all the stress from work”
“Ok, if you say so”
Higuchi thought back to what her younger sister’s diary said. She likes Akutagawa. But I also like Akutagawa. She’e my little sister, and I don’t want her heart to break and I especially don’t want to be the reason it’s broken. Higuchi sighed, she knew she would have to give up her love towards Akutagawa, so you could be happy with him. I pained her to let go of her love toward him, but she would do anything for you. From doing little things like, buying you something small to make you happy to murder, anything to keep you happy. 
“Y/N,” she started, “how would you like to come and help me with one of my missions? I’d like for you to meet someone,”
“Sure” you answered.
------------------------------The Next Day---------------------------------
Higuchi took you with her to work and made you wait at the Port Mafia base. You didn’t actually get to participate in the mission, Higuchi said that your job was to just sit and wait in the Port Mafia headquarters. While you waited you organized Higuchi’s desk. (You really don’t have to if you don’t want to then ignore the cleaning Higuchi’s desk part) When she returned she was with a certain Mafia member. Your eyes lit up and a blush spread across your face as you sat at Higuchi’s desk, and then you immediately stood up. 
“Y/N, this is Akutagawa, and Akutagawa this is Y/N” Higuchi introduced you both to each other.
“Nice to meet you, Akutagawa,” you stuck your hand out for Akutagawa to shake.
“Nice meeting you too,” and Akutagawa shook your hand. After that day, you and Akutagawa spent more and more time together and eventually ended up dating. You grew so close together and it was all thanks to Higuchi.
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arwainian · 1 month
Reading This Week 2024 #34
Hello! a professor I worked with last semester on his fantasy genre class asked for a recommendation for a queer book recommendation because apparently he admires my knowledge of contemporary fantasy publishing. I gave him a novella that seemed like it's fit the themes he was looking at (Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh), and took the compliment instead of telling him that there are so many queer fantasy books my beloved tumblr mutuals are obsessed with but I haven't gotten to yet
Invisible Kingdom, Vol. 1: Walking the Path and Vol. 2: Edge of Everything written by G. Willow WIlson, art by Christian Ward this was pitched to me as cool scifi with lesbian leads, but to be perfectly honest i am not getting the chemistry between them at all..... the first volume was cool but the second felt like a major let down. I'm interested to see where the final volume goes tho so I'll still give it a shot
Bloom Into You, Vol. 2-3 by Nakatani Nio, translated by Jenny McKeon on the other hand, the girls in lesbians in this manga are coming for my fucking throat. they are kind and caring but the Teenage Desire in this is strong and extremely messy (what is love? what does it mean to fall in love? what if you fall for each other at different speeds? is what you're doing with her right if you dont think you feel the same way?) reading it is like poking me in a bruise fucking WHAT
The Sprite and the Gardener by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt gorgeous art, bland story
Are You Listening? by Tillie Walden inter-generational lesbian friendship roadtrip in rural texas. the way the world gets progressively stranger is very well done. this is a comparison i haven't seen made yet, but maybe check it out if you like Alice Isn't Dead?
long day by kathkin on ao3
Maigret Bides His Time by Georges Simenon, translated by Alastair Hamilton just a short old mystery novel. fun time but in an outdated style
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, narrated by Michael Page Locke Lamora is... as you might say a Character Type that works for me very very often, to the point that I gender flipped it for a dnd character of mine. This was a great book with basically no misplaced or extraneous world building elements: it feels rich and lived in but everything snaps together perfectly. The book could maybe use more women, which maybe feels a bit greedy since there are a number of named interesting women characters, but none of them are leads and so those side characters just made me crave more. I just am also extremely OC-pilled and was kicking my feet imagining my girl Letha running around Camorr causing trouble.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Vol. 1 written by Kanehito Yamada, art by Tsukara Abe, translated by Misa "Japanese Ammo" fun and sweet, pretty straight forward in what it's doing so far
Female Husbands: A Trans History by Jen Manion, narrated by Kate Harper a thorough history of many assigned-female-at-birth people in the UK and the US who passed as men, often legally marrying women for desire or for gender passing reasons (though not all of the people discussed in this book did so). leaves open both lesbian/same-sex desire and transmasculine interpretations, while also being as specific as possible to the lives, circumstances, and testimonies of its subjects (including the ways we know about them, and that very few of them after being discovered as "women" were allowed to continue in male dress)
Sensor by Junji Ito, translated by Jocelyne Allen hm. well, interested to hear the Shelved by Genre opinion on this.
The River of Silver: Tales from the Daevabad Trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty, narrated by Soneela Nankani finishing out the short vignette collection from this series
Witches, Princesses, and Women at Arms edited by Sacchi Green a collection of semi erotic lesbian fairytales that I'm reading through. first one has an exiled princess cross dressing as a man and seducing a witch during her quest to slay a dragon
Homie by Danez Smith poetry book i picked up because my black queer lit prof from last year talked about the second poem in here, which i think lives up to his interpretation of it
Reading Plans:
tbh, my brain is coughing up dust right now. finish the stuff in the prior section. get ready for actually writing my thesis in the coming months.
OH I'm going to read A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood for my queer lit book club, and I guess check out whatever Shelved by Genre is reading next? gotta take a look at my Libby loans, and pull something from my book shelf
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Don't care about SAO but adore learning about internet drama so - what's the Great Digibro Divergence?
Sword Art Online's anime was released in 2012, and it was a huge success amoung mainstream audiences. Mainstream audiences don't typically post on Tumblr or Reddit though, that is a fandom thing, and in the West fandom reception was also positive - the reddit threads were hype, reviews were good, and since this was 2012 when the peak of the first "AniTuber" wave was cresting, the YouTuber reviews were positive. People like Glass Reflections, Gigguk, etc, all made positive reviews through 2013. But all the reviews had this note of like, "yeah there are big issues but what it does right, it does right."
Then in 2014 MyLittlePony-Analyst-Turned-Anime-Youtuber-Critic (glorious sentence) Digibro released his "Sword Art Oline - An Analytical Diatribe", a Red Letter Media-inspired long-form takedown of the series. It was one of the first and most influential of that genre of rage-fueled, edgy, but fundamentally analysis-focused videos in the anime space (a genre which was very big in the mid-2010's and lives on through YouTubers like MauLer). It essentially took all the 'it has flaws but' perspectives and flipped them on their head, to say the flaws are overwhelming and erase the good.
Through a combination of the video itself being so successful due to its style & format, to the fact that there was always a large undercurrent of people who didn't like SAO but were always drowned out by fans and so didn't bother, the tide turned. And certainly another factor is the inherent life cycle of a fandom, people love to hate, they love to hate the most popular things the most, and you just need a 'tipping point' to make that hating go from cringe to cool. Digi's video was that tipping point, and by 2015 every Youtuber was posting imitation SAO hate-fests and every reddit thread that wasn't an episode recap or something was bashing it. It was Hamilton or Homestuck on Tumblr all over again, essentially.
THere are other structural reasons around SAO itself, and of course this is a 'straw breaking the camels back' moment not the entire cause, but I think that is a key divergence between west & japan on how SAO is percieved - hating SAO was critical to the birth of an entire subgenre of Anime Fandom so it became way more entrenched than in Japan.
(And I am not linking the review because Digi now goes by Trixie, hates all of her old videos essentially, deleted most of them, and has quit anitubing. But Pendantic Romantic has a video on the fandom around SAO describing this phenomenon, can link that for the insane who are curious)
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plethoraworldatlas · 1 year
I'm really over all this weird hate Lin Manuel Miranda has started getting. Like, he's not perfect, some of his work is very phoned in just for a paycheck or part of a contract, and yeah he should be criticized for the times he's fumbled or worse about racism, but a lot of the criticism this website is throwing at him is just off the mark. Like, you absolutely cannot deny the impact he's had on theater, Pop Culture, recent music, etc.; Of course, people do try and minimize or flat out deny any impact he's had, and they flat out have to lie or misrepresent reality to do it. Hamilton, while obviously worthy of its criticism, definitively made an impact with race blind casting and emphasizing diversity; It's not fully his fault Disney remakes saw people liked race-blind casting once and decided all their remakes have it now regardless of the legitimate criticisms he got from it. Speaking of remakes, a lot of Tumblr people hating on him hard-core right now are specifically hating on him in relation to the Little Mermaid remake, and... I hate to defend it, but Tumblr should really understand by now that not everyone is hating on an admittedly bad remake for the same reason, and in this case a lot of them are hating on it for very obviously racist reasons, and yet because they share a hate for LMM, people just reblog without looking, and now tons of Leftist or Progressive Tumblrs are regularly reblogging Lite to big time racist/fascist Tumblrs. Like, come on, isn't this website the one where everyone was all smug about not falling for "obvious" Right Wing Pipelines? Look, they guy is earnest and imperfect, and I've never really cared about him before now, simply because I recognized the flagrantly stupid "He WaS nEvEr GoOd" takes and recognized the pipeline that was coming because of Little Mermaid. He's just a guy who made it big and kinda gets used a lot, and who works a lot because he likes music and really doesn't want to do anything that could mess up his dream projects; So he takes on some subpar projects for cash or because he's contractually obligated to, so many actors and artists do that, at least he still tries to make it fun. And, in regards to a lot of common criticism, he seems to genuinely be learning and actually trying to better himself and better showcase diversity and darker skinned characters in his work, he's trying which is a whole lot more than honestly most; He seemed to genuinely think the policies he supported for Puerto Rico would help but now he shows regret for supporting things that hurt it. Honestly, he's handling going from "hero of diverse storytelling and music who tries to help more diverse creativies" to "literally as bad as a fascist while also justifying people being racist towards him and calling it progressive" better than most would.
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linewire · 9 months
thank you for tagging me @wisteria-wisteria <3 (holding your hand in the liminal space that is the asian timezone on tumblr)
1. Who or what got you into F1?
This fic by greenstuff on ao3. Such a good fic, so good that it made me look into F1 more so I could understand it better. Then I watched the first season of DTS and got WAY too attached to Max because I love a villain. After I started reading Lestappen fics, I knew I was in this thing for the long haul.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
I was a Red Bull girlie from the start because of that fic, and I guess I was a Danny fan for a couple minutes before Max appeared on screen.
Still a Red Bull girlie but not so much a Daniel fan anymore.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
Max and Charles. Max slightly more but not by much. Hoping, praying, manifesting an actual championship battle between them, like idc who wins, I just need to see them fighting like they're always meant to.
Truly do not hate any other driver, just mostly indifferent to a lot of them.
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
Lestappen is my ride or die. For all the typical reasons. *Insert that Mr Knightley quote about how if I loved them less, I might be able to talk about them more.*
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
My dad's a Schumacher girl, like as in he only watched F1 for him then stopped when he left. I sorta got him back into it because I started talking to him about my interest. My mom and my step dad are Mercedes/Hamilton fans, though I think she only likes him because he also has a bulldog.
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
Monaco 23 was the first race I watched live so that holds a special place in my heart. Singapore 23 and Mexico 23 also stand out to me because those are the ones I watched live with my friends uwu.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
Honestly, kinda basic but I do like Monaco even though its place on the calendar is kinda contentious. Purely for aesthetics, not necessarily for the race quality. Hopefully Charles can win it before it gets taken off the calendar (though idk if that's gonna happen).
Still trying to learn what my actual fav is for quality of races, though. All the classic non street circuits are good for that I guess.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
I live in a country where the nearest track is a whole plane flight away so no. I don't even know if I'd like to go because the footage I've seen from races looks kinda underwhelming LMAO. Though I wouldn't say no if someone invited me. Especially if it's to Monaco or Zandvoort.
This completely doesn't count but the old place where my step dad worked was one of McLaren's sponsors back in the day and got tickets to Sepang. I just thought it was a cool story.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
No and thank god. I couldn't bare to look Max Verstappen or Charles Leclerc in the eye after writing them fucking nasty for all of you. I think I'd pass out if I was in the same room as Max though, like my body would just shut down.
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
He <3
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I also like the old Marlboro liveries and I think tobacco companies should be allowed to sponsor teams just so we can get cunty liveries. Like can you imagine a Red Bull Marlboro Blue sponsorship?
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
Oscar? Does winning a sprint count?
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
Max has some great one liners, like "Maybe God is with Hamilton but he is not god," and that thing about sucking on an egg (king of duality <3). I also really like the quote of Charles talking about how his grandmother would sew little crosses on his race suits.
Tagging anyone that wants to participate but specifically @carronyaflowers @itshoneywhatever and @amarynas
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introducation !!
hi! i'm erin and this is my fanfiction side blog. the reason why i decided to make a side blog for my fics is that its easier to find my fics. i wont just be writing fanfiction i'll also post stuff related to songs fitting characters (because i love connecting songs to characters). fyi, english isnt my first language (im dutch) so grammar mistakes can be there. please point them out because it helps me improve my writing :). here is a small intro! (read under cut)
my writing: for what fandom im writing depends on what im currently obsessed with. for now, im writing a lot of spiderverse fics (specifically ghostflower) so you can expect that a lot. its usually angst, aus or fluff. i will put this out there, swear words are to be expected in my writing. im not taking requests at the moment but maybe in the future i will!
extra: the stuff im interested is musicals (mainly six, heathers, hamilton, rtc), spiderverse (ofc), melanie martinez and detroit: become human.
how i started writing: i have been writing for a long time, maybe since i was like 7 or 8. it was usually stuff for ocs/characters me and my friends made who we would use when we played pretend. i have always had a huge imagination so i turned to writing and really enjoyed that. i started writing fanfiction when i was 9 or 10 and i saw a video of two youtubers reacting to a fanfic of them. when i saw that, i thought "hey, why not give it a try?" and started writing dumb fics in my notes app. i stopped writing fanfiction for a while until i got into riverdale (i wish i was joking). i picked up writing again but then dropped it again after a while because i couldnt think of ideas for fics. i didnt write actual fanfiction after that until i got into heathers. i finally started looking more into how to improve my writing and even published a horrible one-shot book on wattpad before i moved onto ao3. my english and writing improved a lot and i was writing for almost every fandom i was in. and now im here!
im excited to share more of my writing on tumblr! the tag for my fics is #erin's fics so all my fics will have this tag. hope you will enjoy what i will write!
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