#the record keeper
universal-mythos · 1 month
I wish alcohol had an effect on me. Void between I need a distraction.
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a-champion-of-stars · 2 months
Well this is a fine mess
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annelisreadingroom · 3 months
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Book and coffee. 😋 It's a macadamia latte in this picture. Do you like to spend rainy days in cafes? I like reading in cafes on rainy days if I just bother to leave my flat in order to find a nice cafe. Today was one of the rainy days in Szczecin but this time I had no time for coffee.
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capybonara · 2 months
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I come with more Sardon doodles because I wanna talk more about him and I'm having so much fun drawing these guys (you gotta be the cheerleader for your OCs!)
As stated in a previous post, hes the largest and oldest sibling out of six (Cironus, Kaska and three unnamed siblings). He's based off the wild orca who goes by Chainsaw due to the unique scarring on the dorsal fin!
Unlike Cironus and Kaska who are bards, Sardon is an orca pugilist! Orca's hunt by causing blunt force trauma on their prey so basically Sardon just solves most things with his fists! As I write this I missed the opportunity to make a Shoryuken joke with him hunting the lizalfos OH WELL
I also mentioned that I'd like to pair him up AND give him friends in general! This may or may not be an excuse to draw people's ocs and be part of a community again. People asked what his type is so allow me to info dump BELOW A CUT
Sardon was a runt when he was a child but his mother, aunts, and grandmother protected him and kept him well fed. As he grew he became very rowdy, as a way to fight back from being picked on and to establish a position among his peers. When he was big enough, he found he enjoyed fighting/hunting monsters and then it kind of became a job for him. In a similar way that Kaska visits kingdoms and areas to see if they're welcome to stick around, Sardon goes around areas where his family plan to rest at and clears out any monsters.
Bloon Moon events are something he looks forward too because it means he can go hunting all over again!
But despite his job and rough childhood, Sardon is usually very quiet and reserved. His size and scars tend to have people make assumptions about his personality and so they steer clear. He's a bit jealous of the way Cironus and Kaska can make friends so easily, and it's why he likes hanging out with them so much. Their presence makes him look slightly less intimidating and he may be picking up pointers on how to socialize.
He's very supportive of their endeavors, and he's an excellent listener. When he's not picking fights, he'll be babysitting the young orca children and letting them talk his ear off. He's playing wingman to Cironus, getting lost in discussions with Kaska regarding kingdom politics. Sometimes they need an extra voice for their music and while Sardon doesn't play an instrument, he has a beautiful baritone!
When it comes to courtship, he's been extremely awkward so he gave up for a while and focused on his monster hunting work. He's been pressured by his mother and grandmother about courting since Sardon was a prime candidate for siring more healthy orca children. There isn't much prejudice against seeing those from other races among the zorca, but he knew it had to do with being a first born son.
Still, the idea of companionship is appealing. He has an appreciation for all races in Hyrule, and the same goes for his romantic preferences. He's more familiar with zora because of his family travels but he's run into others on land enough to have a respect for them.
When he's accompanying Cironus or Kaska, they help lower his defenses; he smiles more, he's making jokes with them, and he's able to read the cues from his siblings on who is friendly or not. But he knows he can't always tag along with his siblings and use them as a buffer.
When he's on his own, he tends to freeze when he encounters others, either in water or on land, and he's at a loss for words. To anyone else, he looks like a monster himself. And it eats him up inside because deep down he still sees himself as a trembling orca child. And he questions himself a lot. Did anything about him really change for the better? First being seen as a sardine to something considerably worse 😭
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ethernalium · 7 months
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talos-to-listens · 2 months
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alaydabug2 · 3 months
Dex is MY man not you
Wanna know how
HAVE YOU had a dream where you were in Sophie's place during the kiss scene
Except when we kissed I didn't shatter his heart but said I liked it
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ashemage · 9 months
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Relm Arrowny Pictomancer
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rowantheotaku · 6 months
Would you make a stimboard for Bronte from Keeper of the Lost Cities?
I would like that :>
I'm so sorry for taking so long to get around to this, haven't really been in the mood to make stim boards but was finally hit with some inspiration.
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♦ ♦ ♦ | ♦ ♦ ♦ | ♦ ♦ ♦
I did get permission to use the fanart from the artist on reddit.
If anyone has any questions about why I chose the gifs I did, feel free to ask.
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munchboxart · 7 months
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This is the best update
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universal-mythos · 22 days
So much for running my blog. The most you did was complain about my absence. No matter, I still have work to do, but I’m back.
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a-champion-of-stars · 3 months
[A video of the distortion world]
Beta stands in their human form near the edge of a patch of land hovering directly over the seemingly infinite void that surrounds the place, staring at a semi concentrated piece of shadows hovering in front of them.
“Giratina. I’m here to talk.” They state simply, expression unchanging as the shadows in front of them reacted nearly immediately, solidifying in form.
After a moment of the shadows swarming into a mass, a pair of red eyes appear, staring down at the group of beings that stood before them.
“You are not Arceus.” Were the first words the Pokémon spoke, echoing through out the nonsensical void.
“Why do you wish to speak to me Beta?”
“I want to give you what should’ve always been yours.”
“You would defy my fathers direct orders? I know you always had questions, but I never took you for the type to defy them in such a manner.”
Beta chuckled, their face not properly visible but clearly smiling.
“I’ve realized lately I have no reason to pay their words any mind.”
Giratina’s expression, while mostly unreadable, seemed surprised by the words being spoken.
“What are your terms? I can’t imagine you’d come to see me personally if not for having-”
The god cut off midsentence, immediately more alert. Beta had also moved back, and was taking a slight look around.
Two flashes of light on either side of the two legendaries appears for an instant, Dialga and Palkia materializing a few moments later as the lights dispersed.
It seems the presence of so many legendaries had interfered with the devices ability to record, as the video fully cuts out seconds later.
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annelisreadingroom · 2 years
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Some cozy weekend vibes. How has your weekend been so far? I went to a cafe to listen to some live jazz music yesterday. It was quite nice.
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boombambaby · 20 days
Drabble; As Emperor, I can’t have any of those ‘flaw’ things!
[ another flashback / He’s about 11/12 here ]
Tense, judgy faces stare back at him from across the room, each expression more hard and unyielding than the last. Yzma is amongst them, sitting at the end of the table with a look of cold disinterest on that ancient, wrinkled face of hers that only she could be capable of. “It’s an outrage! He can’t go out like this.” She spits with venom in her voice as she gestures at him before turning to face the council member directly opposite of her.
“What will the peasants think? That our Emperor, a descendant of Inti, is unable to tend to himself for an hour alone outside, even with the assistance of royal aid? That he goes out looking for fights? How can they think someone so careless can rule the Kingdom?!”
Low murmurs of agreement sound around the table, and Kuzco casts his gaze towards the floor in an uncharacteristic display of shyness, with one of his hands coming up to rub his opposite arm. He can feel the Royal Records Keeper’s presence behind him, along with the nanny who had been tasked to keep track of him, and the scribe who is transcribing this entire ordeal. In a room full of people, he feels completely alone as the council talks amongst themselves about what they should do with him.
Kuzco had tried to defend himself earlier, insisting that it wasn’t the nanny’s fault and that he purposely got away from her, but how could he have possibly known what would happen if he went into the city on his own when he’s always been kept safe to the point of mundane boredom within the confines of the palace. Almost immediately the council shut him down, their faces stoic as they told him in no uncertain terms that she had been tasked with the responsibility of keeping an eye on him and that this entire mess was her fault.
From the moment he was old enough to speak, Kuzco has had it beat into his head that he was the next in line for the throne; the true Emperor, set to take over the Kingdom as soon as he came of age with his father missing from the picture. It wasn’t until he hit double digits that the true grooming began, and all of his time began to be spent undergoing lessons, rituals and meetings to prepare him for his inevitable future role. Like any adolescent, Kuzco found it hard to focus and preferred to be on his own, especially if it meant being outside. He regularly threw fits when a meeting went on for too long, or he started to get tired of listening to Yzma overseeing the peasant complaints and trying to follow along. It was necessary, of course– one day it would be him on that throne, but it was sooooo boring.
Yzma never had any issue giving him what he wanted if it meant getting him out of her old lady hair, ordering nannies to keep him busy so she could uphold her agenda for the day. As long as he was content and more importantly NOT her problem, she was happy– and so, he had learned early on not to bother her with aimless requests, and instead found his way around curfews and pestered the nannies into letting him do what he wanted when he could get away with it.
Which is exactly how he had ended up in this mess.
In a droning, uninterested tone, the Royal Scribe had been going over the ‘schedule’ for the day, what meetings or lessons he has, when he will need to meet with Yzma to discuss what she plans to do with a new tax (that he ultimately has final say on, even though he understands exactly NOTHING about it) and the upcoming plans for the festivities taking place in a local village. Something about a potato growing contest? No thank you. Kuzco decided rather quickly after that, that he would rather put pins in his eyes and had waited only as long as it took for the scribe to leave to sneak out of the room, and then the palace. Warm, somewhat balmy early morning air greets him as he first steps outside, and Kuzco takes a moment to breathe it in while he contemplates his options. Complete and total freedom is at his fingertips, there’s a whole Kingdom to explore without the guards trailing him or official matters to bore him to tears and he intends on enjoying it to the fullest.
Despite how often he’s been seen in public with Yzma and boasted about as the future Emperor, very few people take notice of him as he finds his way into the Imperial city, and starts to wander through the busy city streets. Peasants sell their wares, haggling with each other over everything from pottery and foods to farm animals, and Kuzco is in awe as he watches them and takes in all of the intricately designed items for sale. The occasional person turns to their neighbor to whisper about the unaccompanied child, but he pays them no mind and for the most part is left alone. It’s his first time in the city, and one of the first times in his life he isn’t the center of attention, and the longer he can keep it that way, the better.
Kuzco watches as a fight between two peasants breaks out over a llama, and he stares openly at them as their raised voices turn into flying fists and a scuffle that quickly becomes reckless. While other peasants cleared the way for them as they threw each other around the street, Kuzco moves closer– which is exactly how he ended up slammed into a wall himself, with a hit to the face by an arrant elbow that will most certainly cause a darkening bruise and open a small cut above his eye. Two female peasants gasp and rush forward to pull him away before he can be pulled back into the brawl, but that’s the exact moment that the Royal Guard appears, and — recognizing Kuzco immediately— head straight to his side to pull him away from the confrontation themselves.
Lips twist in a grimace as he struggles and fails to hold back the sobs threatening to escape him from the pain, and his hands press over his face to hide his injury from the guards who try to check him over. It must be obvious who he is at that point, as the peasants fighting stop to stare, and the few that were rushing to his aid all take several steps back and away to give them space. Before he can so much as give any of them another passing glance, he’s being whisked away to the palace by the guards to tend to his injuries and resume his Royal duties for the day.
One visit from the Royal Healer later for a few bandages and some salve, and Kuzco is back in his robes and standing before the council, wringing his hands as he awaits his judgment. It isn’t fair that the nanny is being punished for his insolence, but he’s hardly in a position (at least, in this current moment) to argue with the council who is already disappointed in him.
“Kuzco!” Yzma’s shrill voice cuts through his thoughts like a knife, and Kuzco blinks himself back to awareness as he stares up at her. “You cannot behave like this. Do you understand? As Emperor, it is imperative that you appear to be perfect to your constituents at ALL times. You are a descendant of the Sun God; that makes YOU a God, and God’s do not have weaknesses, or imperfections!”
He swallows and nods his head, wincing when the movement makes his head ache and dutifully ignores the murmurings from the council at the table. “I need an answer Kuzco; DO you understand?”
“Yes, Yzma. I get it.”
Yzma scowls, folding her spindly arms over her chest rolls her eyes in annoyance. “Very well. Go get cleaned up; you will NOT be able to make your appearances today with that bruise on your face, but I expect you to be ready for your lessons later on. Go away now.”
Without another word Kuzco turns, huffing as he strides out of the room with a different set of servants trailing behind him. At least he got out of seeing the winner of the stupid potato contest for the day. Next time, he’ll make sure to plan it out a lot better.
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The Lighthouse Keeper - A Fairy Tale
There once was a lighthouse keeper. He worked very hard, day and night, and was happy with things as they were.
One day, he met a beautiful woman, and it wasn't long before they fell in love. But the happiness was not to last. The woman did not want to live in the lighthouse, far away from her family and friends; the lighthouse keeper didn't want to quit his job, nor was he able to, as ther was no one to take his place.
She accused him of not caring for her, and said how she couldn't be with a man she wouldn't even be able to spend time with - so she left. The lighthouse keeper, although, heartbroken, just went back to working as if nothing had happened.
The sea, however, sensed his inner turmoil and grew restless itself. The longer the lighthouse keeper's anguish lasted, the more agitated it became, until it got too dangerous for ships to leave the port. Tragedy struck when the lighthouse keeper's sorrow turned into anger, and everything came to an end.
First were the clouds, pushing in front of the sun and throwing the town into darkness so deep it almost seemed like nighttime.
Next, stormwinds the likes of which had never been witnessed before started up, bringing with them rain that felt like tiny needles on the skin.
And finally, the harbour was hit by waves higher than the highest building.
The water violently forced its way into the town, breaking down fences and walls, destroying buildings, and dragging anything not thoroughly anchored to the floor with it. People ran from their houses, trying to reach the higher parts of town, but not everyone got lucky.
The storm lasted all night, until the water, once hit by the first rays of the sun, retreated back to the sea. However, it took a large part of the town with it, leaving only ruins where buildings had been too close to the shore.
Many lives were lost that night, and even more people disappeared, most never to be seen again - the sea does not give up her dead.
The lighthouse keeper, too, vanished.
No one knew whether he had died in the storm, or if he left of his own free will. There was talk about him having thrown himself into the sea to join the woman he'd loved, other rumours accused him of having brought the storm down on them.
It took many, many years to rebuild what had been destroyed; what had been claimed by the sea had to be given up, a submerged graveyard of what once had been, and the people remained wary of both the sea and lighthouse keepers for a long time.
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@myers-meadow @bluecoolr @solmints-messyocdiary @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @visceravalentines @probably-a-plant-thing @rottent33th @the-pinstriped-hood @cyanide-latte @goldrose-star @devil-doll13 @darklylucid @slaasherslut
(please let me know if you don't want to be tagged, I won't be upset 🙏🏼❤️)
divider by plum98
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the-midgar-blues · 3 months
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I did this set of sprite perlers for Games Done Quick last year in January. Final Fantasy VII was one of the games on the roster and this was a donation prize! They got to be shown off by one of the prize announcers and it made me so giddy!
It was a great run. People voted via donations to choose every character name which is why Cid was referred to as Air-boat, Yuffie as Air-boat 2 and Vincent as Morbius 😆
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