#the right answer is Grady
doodle-do-wop · 4 months
Dearest Dumbasses if the Inferior kind, I urge you to invest in a journal or one way island vacation, the children beg for your sanity and your horse, a break from holding you up so high for so long.
It is with a happy, and joyous heart to see your tower of babbling nonsense come to it's inevitable conclusion as your rancid behavior involving children and child characters is being looking at and acknowledged as the unacceptable filth it is
I am so so delighted that I. your outrage you shake your canes at as it helps us do a proper headcount of how many of you support unacceptable and moral less behavior such as; incest, pro shipping, etc. it is such a shame you wish to make excuses instead of working to be better but we the SBWACS (stop being weird around children society) urge you for the betterment of humanity to stop posting(after the full headcount, we don't want to miss a single one of you)
seeing as you all have decided to embark on the 🎶toxic gossip train 🎶 we the SBWACS hope you crash into a wall. As entertaining at the ukelele would have been, the poor instrument had been disgraced enough. Judging from your support of adult x child characters the only cord you would play would be A Minor and that gets old but what never does is the younger half of your favorite ships
As a headcount let's see the stars of the show including (TW-5) Most Obvious Digital Footprint,
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(Quill) Most Likely To Forgive Toxcitiy
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Way to forgive and forget the wrong things
(Camelspit) Most Likely To Spit At Others And Cry When Called Out
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Special thanks to the tornado warning that really wrapped this all in a weird, strange bow: Commonghost; stop it, get some help
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disclaimer that I'm not trying to white knight anybody, I'm not some kind of kotlc drama messiah, I'm just a regular person with morals who doesn't appreciate people trying to turn a fun fandom space into a cesspool of people dictating what people can or can't be uncomfortable about
Whether or not you agree with calling out, pushing people around while supporting those who insist upon having their voices be the only ones listened to and allowing a fandom space for a children's series to welcome in unwelcomed topics for their own pleasure and enjoyment is wrong
Now to move away from the drama llamas;
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Polk County Florida Sheriff - "You kill a policeman it means no arrest...no Miranda rights...no negotiations...nothing but as many bullets as we can shoot into you...PERIOD."
man in Polk County , Florida , who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop, ended up "executing" the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A state-wide manhunt ensued.
The murderer was found hiding in a wooded area. As soon as he took a shot at the SWAT team, officers opened fire on him. They hit the guy 68 times.
Naturally, the liberal media went nuts and asked why they had to shoot the poor, undocumented immigrant 68 times.
Sheriff Grady Judd told the Orlando Sentinel: "Because that's all the ammunition we had." Now, is that just about the all-time greatest answer or what❓
The Coroner also reported that the man died of natural causes. When asked by a reporter how that could be, since there were 68 bullet wounds in his body, he simply replied: (BEST QUOTE ever) . . .."When you are shot 68 times you are naturally gonna die."
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misguidedasgardian · 3 months
Wild Cats (part VI)
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VI. A time to mourn
Summary: You had unknowingly signed up for the adventure you at first didn’t care for. You never expected what you were going to find there.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Zombie apocalypse AU, living dead, zombies, guts, blood, guns, injuries, catholic/christian rites, a passage from the bible. 
Notes: I just don’t want to pass the point of no return, of Daryl being terribly mean, he is, but at least he is always watching over us, so… he is all words jajaja
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You were following that car well into the night and far from the church, to your counts, you were heading south, back to Atlanta, and the car was painfully familiar to you.
“Where do you think it’s going?”, asked Carol
“Back to Atlanta”, you answered quietly, you were in the backseat, and they both were in the front
“How do you know?”, she asked
“I have seen it before, the symbol”, you said, Daryl looked back at you for a second
“They took one of us”, he said, “Beth”
“Right”, you mumbled, “they tried to take one of mine a while ago”, you said quietly, but you didn’t say anything else
“You have known this whole time?”, asked 
“What?”, you asked back, “I didn’t know you were looking for them”
“Who are they?”, Carol asked
“Grady Memorial hospital”, you said
“How do you know that?”, Carol asked, you only looked back at her, not willing to answer. 
“That’s the only thing I know, this guys dressed as cops were “rescuing” people, take them back to the hospital where they are treated”, you said shortly, “that’s all I know”
In a couple of hours you were back into the city, following that car in a reasonable distance so it won’t see you. When it suddenly stopped, you stopped as well, turning off the car so it won’t hear you. You saw a cop coming out of the car, checking something, and then getting inside again. You tried to turn on the car, but it wouldn’t.
You had ran out of fuel
You looked outside and the neighborhood looked painfully familiar
“Let’s go, I have a place we can go near here”, you said quickly, getting out of the car. 
There were a few silent seconds in which you couldn’t hear anything near you, not walkers, or anything else, you were safe for now. You looked up and you could see the entire night sky, it was a clear night, and without all the city lights contaminating, it helped you see somewhat clearly.  
Then they got out of the car, interrupting the small peace that lasted barely seconds, and the three of you started walking into the night.
This might be a bad idea, in case you met them again, in case they were there. 
“Where are’ we goin”, asked Daryl catching up to you
“A safehouse, if you will”, you said simply.
A fairly new office building, it was small, five floors, four offices per floor, but it was walker proof, as you had blown up all the first floor, leaving on the the pillars and foundations, so no walker could linger, as it was an open space, only a fire escape ladder leading to the second floor. 
It looked more abandoned than the last time you saw it. Which was a scary thought
“What is this place?”, asked Carol, but you didn’t answer, you only started climbing. When you reached the top, into a metal railing balcony, you grabbed a rope that was hanging by the metal door and pulled. It was a bell, signaling to those inside that someone of the team was coming in, and you waited several minutes, as Daryl and Carol stood by your side, but nobody came. Confirming your suspicions.
The door hasn't been open in weeks, that much you could tell when you opened it. revealing the space inside. It was all empty, but that didn’t surprise you. you walked to the only closed door and opened it, revealing a stair to the third floor, and that is where the fun started.
It was a similar space then the first, but this one wasn’t empty. The first room was a made-up kitchen, a conference room you used as a dining room, another room where you stored your goods, food goods, and the fourth was a small armory that, even back then, was a bit empty. 
Daryl and Carol watched everything with careful eyes, as you meanwhile were coming down with the sense that nobody has been here in weeks, judging by the moldy can of beans on the table in the kitchen.
They were probably dead, you guessed, with a lump in your throat.
“Please eat, whatever you want”, there was a nice bounty there. And they dive in with no need for a second offer.
Your stomach was in knots.
You heard a noise upstairs, making you three flinch and hold onto whatever you had in your holsters in your belts.
You signaled them to stop, as you were going to check the sound yourself. You went up another flight of stairs, feeling the sound, it was coming from the bathroom. 
As soon as you step foot into the hall between the rooms, you heard it, clear as day
A deep, guttural growl was inside the bathroom, and your eyes adjusted to the night as you read the dreadful letters written in blood in the 
“No, no, no, no”, you whispered.
Yes you have come to terms with the fact that they might be dead, but to actually be witness to it, was a completely different thing.
You were shaking as tears started falling, you knew who it was, you’d recognize the letters anywhere. 
You felt your legs falter, due to fatigue, hunger, tiredness. You fell to the floor, managing to place your back against the door 
You hugged your legs as you sobbed uncontrollably, you heard the grunts and moans, and the hits against the door and you cried even louder. You heard steps coming your way and Daryl appeared, crossbow drawn, ready to launch. 
“Move”, he commanded
“No!”, you said, standing up quickly, “Don’t you dare!”, you said, looking at Daryl pointing the crossbow at the door, “I will do it”, you said surely, he didn’t let up, but took a step back, you grabbed your knife hidden in your boot.
Tears still tainting your cheek, you opened the door and the walker, one that had been your friend, launched at you. He had been a big man, so you had trouble, more to the fact that he was mainly “complete”, you had trouble grabbing him, placing your forearm on his chest keeping his head away from you.
Looking into those dead eyes almost made you fail, but you stabbed your knife as deeply as you could at the side of his head.
It immediately stopped moving, falling to the floor.
He didn’t look like him, you thought, as looked down at him, he didn’t, but… at the same time, it was him, there was no doubt.
Daryl looked at him
“He got bitten, didn’t have it in him to finish himself off”, he said, a big chunk of his leg was missing.
He had been bitten out there, he was alone, you guessed, and he came back here, infected, feverish, and locked himself in the bathroom. You looked inside, there was dried blood on the tub, and a gun, his gun.
He couldn’t do it. He died alone, and in pain, in this bathroom
Where was the other member of your team?, you wondered
You went to his room and grabbed the sheets covering his made up bed, and placed in on top of his body on the hall
“Ya’ should eat somethin”, the archer murmured quietly. You barely nodded, wiping the tears that were still falling silently.
It was silly in normal circumstances you would refuse anything that had to do with food right now, but you were starving, you missed the small feast the group had prepared back in the church, and the only thing yo
Gods you didn’t even let Rick know where you had gone, they were probably looking for you all.
There was an awkward silence between you and the archer, you were just looking down at your friend, you couldn’t leave him here, you just couldn’t. 
“Did ya’ know em?”, he asked gently, you barely nodded. 
“You should get something to eat”, you said to him, you needed to grab him, take him to the roof. You tried, but there was no way that you could take him up there yourself.
“Let me help ya”, he said, and between the both of you, you grabbed him. It was tricky, to go up two flights of stairs, but you did. 
Up there you had a wooden table and a couple of chairs, for when you had a moment at night, you’d sit up here, and eat, or chat, or whatever.
You placed him over the table. tomorrow, you were going to figure out what to do, how he’d like to go out.
You barely nodded at Daryl, who wouldn’t stop watching you like a hawk.
“Thank you”, you muttered, and then you both went back downstairs.
Carol looked at you sharply when you returned to the third floor. You just grabbed a can of noodles, and ate them up in a record speed.
“What is this place?”, she asked, again, as she had no answer of you
“I hold up here with a group for a couple of months”, you said
“This is like an operational base”, she said again, you do had to admit this was steps further from a simple “Warehouse” of civilians, but you had been trained by an army man, so.
You did not want to share, not like this.
“We had an army man with us”, you said simply, as you found a bottle of water, and a juice powder, which you happily put into the water, it’s been so long and you were a fan of it. You drank it so quickly it made your stomach hurt. 
“Take any room you want”, you said, “as you can see, it’s pretty safe here, but you can make shifts if you want, or whatever. You muttered, suddenly drained of energy. You went up to the room you occupied when you lived here. And finally felt safe, and at peace, and you fell into a dreamless sleep.
You woke up when there was a beautiful pink light in the horizon, signaling for the new day. 
You used the upstairs bathroom, there was still water inside the tank, to clean your face. You ate breakfast, just as you heard both of them moving around upstairs. 
You searched under the sink in the kitchen for the secret stash, you found an old bottle of whiskey which, in the normal world, would be more expensive than a car. You went up to the roof, Pope was there where you left him, Pope, it was funny, he was a christian, or catholic rather, so you’d mock him, calling him that. 
A soft wind picked up, raising the sheet from his body, you shook your head, trying to fix it. You searched his pockets, finding his trusted lighter, and his bible, which you grabbed from him. 
“We need to keep moving”, Daryl said behind you as you were fixing his clothes. 
“Then go”, you said quietly, as you were wrapping him as best you could, “I don’t want you or need you here, I’m not leaving him”
“He’s dead!”, he said, raising his tone, “do you want us to leave you and be alone again?”
“I have to do this”, you said defiantly, “I left him once I’m not gonna do it again”, he heard him huff and whisper something under his breath, but you wouldn’t listen. He didn’t leave though, he gave you your space, standing by the door, and waited for you. 
You resumed your work, wrapping your friend more properly.
Once you were done, you poured the whiskey all over him, after taking a sip, you needed courage. Once he was soaked in it, you grabbed his bible. 
“Ya’ catholic?”, he asked softly behind you.
“He was”, you said, as you searched for his favorite passage, he would often read it, at night, when he thought nobody could listen to him. But you did. The bible had been open so many times on those pages that you didn’t even have to look much. 
You finally found it, as you heard Carol joining you, but you shook your head, trying to concentrate as tears clouded your vision.
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die…”, your voice broke a bit, and felt silly, people were watching you, so you swallowed it and kept going, “...a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to throw away; a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace”, you recited, it was an odd time to end it, so you out down the book, and place it on his chest. 
“Your time here is over, my friend”, you said sadly, placing a hand on his chest, “I’ll see you on the other side”, you fired up the lighter and burned the sheet around him, it burned up like paper because of the whiskey, and soon the whole table was on fire. You watched it burn, counting to a hundred. 
You turned to the pair of them, who were looking at you with guilty eyes, but yours were dead now
“Now we can go”, you said, your voice breaking. Daryl didn’t say a word, but to your incredible surprise, he wrapped his arms around you, you hid your face on his chest, it lasted barely seconds, but it comforted you more that you could ever explain. When he released you, Carol placed a hand on your shoulder, and you three walked back downstairs, “we can do some recon, of where they have your friend, then we can come back here to spend the night again if you wish”, you said shortly.
“We should take what we can now, in case…”, Carol muttured red and you nodded. 
It had been raided, the armory at least, but you found a couple of handguns, and most important of it all, a silencer. You found arrows, for Daryl, and he seemed pleased when you handed them to him
Carol also refilled her chargers, and you took some for yourself, you couldn’t be wasting time recharging in the middle of a herd or being attacked.
“the rest of em’, ain’t them coming back ere?”, Daryl mumbled
“No, if he was here, alone, the other is gone”, you said shortly, “he won’t come back, not soon at least”, you said back, the lack of weapons and nothing else would tell you as much.
You looked at each other, all armed up, ready to go
“Let’s go find your friend”, you said shortly.
Walking down the street again was surreal, so many months ago you had left and never came back. You looked as far as you could, but the truck wasn’t there.
It was gone.
But it was a residential neighborhood, so you had no trouble finding a working car which still had a decent amount of gas in it.
You didn’t know what to do next, or what you should be expecting, you drove through the streets making sure to cross nobody in the same conditions.
You barely remembered where the hospital was, you truly haven't come across those people but once, when they tried to take one of yours after he got injured, you fought them of, he was fine, but they still believe they had this “authority” when they dressed as policemen, you didn’t know what was going on in that hellish place, nor you did want to find out.
Luckily Carol did remember where it was, so you stopped a couple of blocks away, and you got inside an office building, where you could have a better view.
It was unusually empty of walkers, they left, you thought, in search of warm bodies to feed on.
“There it is”, said Carol, pointing at the wing of the hospital that was part of your view
“”What do we do?”, ask Daryl, “coming rushing in?”
“I don’t think it’s the best idea”, you murmured, “we have the surprise factor but we have no idea what are we getting into”, you whispered
“We need to get Beth back”
“Why are you looking for Beth?”, the three of you jumped at the intrusion, you turned around quickly, arms in the air, to came face to face with a boy
“Ye’ know Beth?”, Daryl asked quickly
“Yes, the both of us were trapped in the hospital”, he said quickly, “she help me get out”
“We are Beth’s family”, said Carol, “we need to get her back”
“The thing’s a fortress”, he said, “men armed to the teeth, they have the numbers and the weapons”, he said
“We also have numbers and weapons”, muttered Daryl.
“Why you’d scape?”, you asked the boy
“Why did you have to escape? Why were they holding you against your will?”, you asked then
“The place is run by this policewoman”, he said, “she’ll save you, but then makes you work, to pay them for their service”, you hummed, “they won’t let you leave because they believe there is nothing out there, it’s… weird”
“Can we dialogue with her?”, you asked then, if they were not going to ask anything, you were going to.
“I dunno”, he said. You sighed, you looked back at Carol and Daryl, who were looking back at you expectantly.
“We should go back and get the others”, Carol said decisively
“You sure?”, you asked, “this could escalate”, you muttered, “meaning, what are we gonna do, take hostages?”, you mocked, they shared looks, all of them, with the kid too, “No!”, you said
“There is no other way”, the kid said
“How did you escape? Is there a way you can sneak us back in?”, you asked
“There is no way in”, he said surely
“We’r gettin Rick”, said Daryl, “and your coming with us”, he said to the kid
“I’m Noah, by the way”, he said
“I’m Daryl”
“(y/n)”, you presented yourself. And you had a very strong feeling about this, something was going to be very wrong. 
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Post chapter notes: sorry if this feels like a filler chapter, but again, I needed to tell part of reader’s story, another part is coming, it’s called “Exterminators Inc” which tells the story of reader’s past before she found Rick
Should I leave Beth alive? I was thinking of ways to "keep her" int he story but i don't know how that might work in the future
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lovelyjj · 1 year
Can you write a JJ maybank x reader where reader lived in the outer banks her whole life, but is kind of scared of water when it comes to swimming (basically can’t swim) and on a boat or at a beach party or something someone jokingly shoves her into the water and no one’s doing anything bc it’s like, how could she not know how to swim? But JJ catches on and saves her? That would be amazinggg ❤️
Diver Down
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1,027
**some dialogue from season 1: episode 1**
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The weather was nice making it a good day to go out on the boat. The sun was warm on your skin and the air was crisp. After John B picked everyone up, you and the pogues were ready for a boat day.
You sailed through the marsh and JJ said, "Let me show you a party trick."
"I got this. It's gonna work."
JJ than proceeded to hold his beer bottle out in front of him, rim pointed at his mouth and had his mouth open.
The beer flew everywhere and you were laughing.
Suddenly, the boat came to abrupt halt and JJ was flung off the boat.
"Jesus Pope!" Kie exclaimed.
After you recovered from sliding forward you asked, "You okay JJ?"
"I think my heels touched the back of my head," JJ commented.
"You ok y/n?" John B asked.
"I'm fine. Thanks."
"Pope, what did you do?" JJ questioned.
"Sandbar. The channel changed." Pope said.
"No shit." JJ exclaimed.
Pope was standing up staring at the water when he said,"Guys I think there's a boat down there."
"Shut up."
"No way."
"No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there."
"It's a boat," Pope pointed.
"Holy shit, he's right. let's go." Kiara commented.
Everyone jumped into the water to go and check out the boat. You stayed where you were sitting on the HMS pogue.
When everyone resurfaced from the water they were all buzzed.
"You guys saw that right." JJ exclaimed.
"Yeah I did." Kiara voiced.
"That's a Grady-White. A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy." JJ announced.
Everyone climbed back on the boat.
"Why didn't you come down with us?" Kiara asked.
"I didn't want to get my hair wet," you lied.
Kiara looked at you skeptical but then let it go.
John b was digging out the anchor when JJ announced, "Well, i'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front."
You started getting up to see John B dive but what you didn't expect was to see him making his way towards you.
"Diver down," John B speaks. Then he pushed you into the water.
You were in the middle of saying "what" when you were pushed into the water. Your words drown out by the splash.
Everyone was laughing and waiting for you to surface. However, you were struggling and no one seemed to notice except JJ.
You were slipping under the water and it was filling into your mouth making it hard to breathe.
"Y/N!" "Y/N!" JJ called out to you.
But you were drowning and couldn't hear JJ let alone answer him.
JJ saw the situation unfold and was quick to dove into the water to save you. JJ swam out to you. When he reached you he started to panic. He didn't know what to do or how to help.
When he saw you submerged under the water he acted on instinct. He swiftly came to your rescue. He got a hold of you in the water and lifted you up.
"Stay with me y/n. Stay with me." JJ yelled.
JJ carried you to the boat. Somewhat struggling to swim with you in his arms. Kiara had her hand out and you took it. She hoisted you up back on the boat.
JJ got himself back on the boat.
"Holy shit y/n i'm so sorry." John B apologized.
You were bent over coughing up a storm.
"It's okay John B you didn't know." Your voice came out hoarse.
"You scared the shit out of me." JJ expressed.
You gave JJ a exasperated look.
"JB your an idiot!" JJ exclaimed.
"Hey man I really am sorry," John B trailed off.
JJ went in search of a blanket. When he found one he made his way over to you. He wrapped you up in a blanket and rubbed your arms over the blanket.
"Let me warm you up," JJ spoke.
"JJ your soaking wet too."
"Never mind that."
JJ came and sat down next to you. You felt grateful for JJ, grateful that he saved you. You found a new appreciation for him. He has always been there for you right when you needed him.
"Thank you for saving me J."
"It's no problem baby. I'm just glad your alright," JJ spoke.
He calls you that sometimes and it makes your stomach flip. You turned towards JJ and gave him one of your breathtaking smiles.
JJ's heart just about stopped from the way you were looking at him. When you were looking at him like that, how could he not be in love.
JJ put his arm around you and you snuggled into his warmth. The other pogues were distracted doing other things keeping their attention elsewhere, giving you two privacy.
With the pogues looking away, JJ released his arm around you and began to cup your face. He used his thumb to stroke your cheek. JJ's heart was palpitating and he was excited and eager to kiss you.
The kiss however was tentative and delicate. JJ placed his lips on yours so they were pressing against each other. You were both tasting one another.
The kiss than grew hungry and heated. Your lips moving against each other. Suddenly JJ slid his hand back into your hair. He tugged on the strands allowing your mouth to open in a gasp.
JJ's tongue entered your mouth in a needy rush. JJ was oozing confidence in the kiss. You were surprised when his tongue greeted you. Your tongues started to lap each other up.
Eventually, the need for air was increasing. You gently pulled back and took a big breath. Your cheeks were burning as you looked up at JJ.
JJ's palms were sweating. He removed his hand from your face and rested it on your knee. 
"Y/n, I'm in love with you and I have been for so long I just could never find the right words or right time to tell you. I'm so sorry it took me so long."
"JJ your all I ever wanted. I love you too."
"Finally!" Kiara exclaimed.
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nonotnolan · 1 year
The Great Gym Shift
Day 15 of life after the body swapping incident that affected downtown Washington DC, and life was still weird as shit.  Some people were calling it the Great Shift-- a government cover-up for a science experiment gone wrong.  I don’t think a two mile radius really deserves a “Great” moniker but I had to admit it was catchy.  Others were calling it a terrorist bioweapon meant to cause havoc across the nation’s government.  That did seem possible, but the terrorists had terrible aim if that was the case.
A few people even said it was a plan to put key politicians into younger, healthier bodies, but... I know for a fact that one isn’t true.  I was there at ground zero when the swap occurred, working as a personal trainer at the gym.  All those desirable bodies, mine included, went to some of the most pathetic white collar workers you could imagine.  Whatever happened, it was definitely an accident.
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It’s been a month, and I still haven’t gotten used to my reflection.  I hope I never do, to be honest.  The government is working on getting this whole mess resolved, and I can only hope it will be sooner rather than later.  I’ve never had hair this long, and I am in desperate need a of a haircut.  Since it’s not my body, I’d have to fill out a requisition form, and I keep hoping it won’t come to that.  
One of the first things the Government did was send in the National Guard to put everyone affected into a quarantined hotel area, and then they started drowning us in regulations and paperwork.  I’m still working as a personal trainer... only now most of my clients are lazy office drones.  Those desirable bodies I mentioned?  I’m in charge of making sure their new owners keep them in shape.  I’m slowly losing my sanity.
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“Mitch!  What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I said, walking out into our shared kitchen.  Uncle Sam was putting us up in some very nice accommodations, I had to admit, but my clients-turned-roommates left a lot to be desired.
“C’mon Grady, it’s Saturday,” he said, as if that was supposed to be an answer.  I kept starting at him until he continued.  “Saturday is my self-care day, and today that means Netflix and cookies.  I don’t see what the big deal is...”
“Absolutely not,” I said, holding out my hand.  “Give me those, that is way too many calories for one serving.  We’re sharing those with the whole floor.”  He rolled his eyes and sighed at me, but at least he obeyed me.  I can’t help but feel self-conscious bossing all of these men around, especially when they’re large enough to beat me to a pulp if they knew how to leverage their strength.  The real Mitch was a lanky college intern who had no idea how to build or maintain muscle mass.  Russ would’ve had a heart attack if he was here to see even half the things Mitch wanted to do in that body.
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As I walked the plate of cookies out to the common area, I couldn’t help but notice that Larry was still sitting at his room’s computer desk, shirtless and surrounded by a few wadded tissues.  Gross, but... I’ve seen Larry’s old body.  I can’t entirely blame the old pervert.  “Please tell me you didn’t stay up all night watching porn again.”
He just smiled at me, his bloodshot eyes telling me everything that I needed to know.  “So what if I did, Grady, it’s Saturday.  The fitness schedule you made for me says I don’t have to work out today, and a sleep schedule isn’t a part of the body cohabitation contract we all signed.  As long as I still eat three healthy meals today, you can’t make me do anything.  So how about giving me some privacy?”  He was right, of course.  Larry was one of my most frustrating clients, because he knew exactly how to do the bare minimum and nothing more.  Tana was one of the gym’s biggest over-achievers, so seeing his body do a complete 180 had been quite the adjustment.
I knew better than to engage with him right now-- better to save my strength for fights that I would be able to win.  I set the cookies down in our shared kitchen, waved at a few of the other guys, and retreated back to the bedroom I shared with one other man.
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Simon smiled at me, and I could feel my frustrations starting to lift away.  “Good morning, Grady.  Rough start?” he asked, looking up from his book.  Simon was a licensed psychologist who happened to be at a nearby Industry Convention when the Great Shift happened, and I was so glad to have his assistance dealing with all of the heated emotions that boiled over during the aftermath.  Furthermore, Simon had ended up in my body.  It was a relief to know that my body was being controlled by someone responsible, even if seeing myself each day came with its own set of weird situations.
"You have no idea,” I said, shaking my head.  “Or rather, you have an exact idea, because you’ve also had to deal with those guys.  I don’t suppose you would be up for some... stress release?” I asked, peeling off my tank top and tossing it onto the floor.
He laughed, quickly setting aside his book and his glasses.  “In this body?  Always!”  Was it weird that I was having sex with my own body?  Maybe, but honestly, our daily hookups felt like one of the least weird things about this whole mess.  I always knew I was an attractive man, and I’ve always been attracted to anyone who keeps themselves healthy, regardless of gender.  Presumably that’s how Simon now felt-- I know that ever since I’ve been in this new Twink body, I have only felt attraction for hairy men.  Sexual attraction seemed to follow the body, not the inhabitant.
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“Do you ever worry that we’re complicating things?” Simon asked.  “For whenever the government is able to switch everyone back into the right bodies, I mean.  They’ve told our loved ones that we’re in quarantine, but... how can we go back to normal life when this is all over?”  I understood where he was coming from-- his real body was at least twenty years older, and while he didn’t like sharing too much about his life, I’d gotten the impression he had a wife and maybe a few grandkids waiting for him back home.
Simon clearly had a tendency to overthink everything, and I was now used to offering friendly advice while his warm load was still inside of me.  “Honestly, I think we’re dealing with a stressful situation, and we’re all just coping however we can.  There’s nothing wrong with two consenting adults having sex.  And I don’t know about you, but... if I didn’t try to get a wide range of experiences inside of this temporary body, I think I’d regret the missed opportunity forever.”
He smiled at me.  “I suppose you’re right,” he said, as he sipped on cheap hotel coffee.  “’In sickness or in health’ wasn’t really meant to cover something so impossible.  And I’d rather seek forgiveness than forever ponder what might have been.”
“Glad to hear it,” I said, smiling back at him.  I think we both knew it was a bit selfish, but how else could we be expected to process these strange new desires?  Yeah, I guess I felt a bit guilty having sex with someone other than my girlfriend back home, but... when else would I ever get an opportunity to have sex with myself?  I don’t think there is a person alive who could blame me.
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
Thinking about getting into kotlc. What specifically do you like and find recommendable about it?
Keeper of the Lost Cities is my all time favorite book series. It's not the objectively best story I've ever read, but it's my favorite. Here are a few reasons you should ABSOLUTELY read KOTLC:
Fantastic adoption plot. The process of Grady and Edaline adopting Sophie and the complicated way Sophie grows to see them as parental figures, the ups and downs, the way it takes years for her to decide to adress one of them as mom or dad, the way those moments are portrayed as special... it really clicks, especially as someone from a foster family.
The main character is super realistic and well developed. She undergoes a lot of non-linear character development. She has strong beliefs that sometimes conflict with what she's expected to stand for. Her journey from book one to book nine with how she learns to be a leader, stand up for herself, and do what she thinks is right all the time is super well portrayed.
The characters and their relationships are very well developed and complex. Yes, certain things are made very clear through the narration because Shannon is in fact writing for kids, but after books one and two a lot of the kids series feel vanishes almost entirely. I mean, no, it's still charming and silly most of the time, but it doesn't feel as young, especially as the characters grow older and a lot of darker and more complicated issues begin to arise.
The portrayal of the dystopia is fascinating. KOTLC is not in the dystopian genre for a reason. The Lost Cities are not presented as a dystopia at all. That just... comes out slowly. Sophie goes there and is told that everything about the world is perfect, and since everything is sparkling and glittering, it must be, right? She has a few early thoughts about how certain things seem wrong, and those thoughts continue to grow as the problems with the Lost cities become clearer and clearer. Their government and social systems are very messed up, and Sophie only sees the surface of it because she's usually interacting with the nobility, but the reason for both rebellions formed is fixing those exact societal issues.
The good guys and bad guys want a lot of the same things. There's a focus in KOTLC on doing the right thing, not just achieving the right goal. Which sometimes means characters mess that up! (cough keefe sencen cough) But again, all this stuff is explored in a super accessible way, because it's a middle grade series. It feels like reading something deeply interesting with good messages without having to take a lot of time to wrap your head around what those messages are.
The characters are incredibly well-developed. Their backgrounds and history explain most of their personality and actions in amazing ways. I'm thinking specifically of Sophie, Keefe, Tam, Linh, Fitz, and Dex right now, but I'm sure there are more examples (and I hope it gets explored more with Marella in the future, tbh. We know about her childhood--how does that impact her personality?) It makes it very interesting to rotate these elves around in your head.
There are multi-book arcs, many huge reveals are foreshadowed from the beginning. The books open lots and lots of mystery boxes--there are tons of questions being asked ALWAYS--but in the end, they get answered (some more satisfying than others), really portraying just how much can happen even in a short time frame for these kids. Honestly, the whole three-years-over-nine-books thing feels PERFECT to me. Unlike Harry Potter, each book isn't a school year. Unlike Percy Jackson, each book isn't a summer vacation. All of these things happen one after the other, saturating the characters lives, and I think it's very interesting.
The adults have some crazy lore going on. It's pretty fun to try to piece all of that stuff together because Sophie doesn't take a lot of interest in it.
Everything about KOTLC is interesting to me. I'm not going to say there's no issues with it ever (please followers do not come in my ask box and start telling me there are issues with KOTLC idk why it's so controversial to say that Shannon did a really good job with character and plot complexity) but I hugely recommend giving it a read. Let me know if you read it and what you think!
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Quote 161:
Purpled - Hello! I'm Purpled and I want this man
Quote 186:
Vikingpilot - [Long post - this is the full ghost vault monologue]
[sigh] Today's the day. TODAY is the DAY, ladies and gentlemen! Talking to myself again, I gotta stop doing that! Ah, I can't help it, it's that freakin' book... I wish I knew who I was. [UNHINGED CACKLE] That book's broken my BRAIN, bro! Oh my gosh.
Tonight's the night, tonight's the night, tonight-- Tonight's the night, guys! AH! The exorcism is gonna happen. The exorcism's happening tonight. The queen will be.. 'cured', right. '~Cured~'. We love that, right. Good for her. I don't care. I need those diamonds! I- I need themmmmm. Ah! [frustrated grunt] [sighs]
My brain.. has been broken for too long. [strained hum] So. Where did it begin. Where TO begin? I was.. wandering around, right, that's-- that's where all this all started, a king has got to have a story, right, here's the origin story for the King of Dominion. I was wandering around. What was I doing? I don't re- Was there something in the air? Was there.. Was I-- fighting something? Was I even in the Overworld? I don't know! I just-- ah... That's what's driving me crazy is I want to know, I wanna know. It was it was it was-- I don’t know, right? I was wandering around. Hold on, let's look at my real face. [takes off player head] I was wandering around. And then suddenly, they showed up. Them. Those folks. Taneesha, Nuke, Legundo, Shadow, Grady.. They just showed up and started walking around like they owned the place! Y’know? But who has been here for as long as he can remember! Me. That's right. Me! AHAHAHA. And they just - they just walked all over me! They couldn't see- I mean I couldn't see them, [stammers] why couldn't they see me, right? And then they had to go kill that freakin dragon! Right. They had to go kill that dragon.
And now.. I'm here. Left wondering. What about me? Who am I, what am I? Questions I’ve never got an answer to. Ever. SO HERE'S THE PLAN. Alright? I really need to stop talking to myself. HERE'S THE PLAN. There's a ritual. In that book right there. I can't open that book anymore! If I open it again, I’m literally gonna CRACK IN HALF! You see these two halves?! Two of me, boom. Blue and gold. Crack in half. It'd be-- GAHHH! But I can't let that happen. I can't let that happen. I don't wanna know what'll happen if that happen. I have to- I have to- I have to get the ritual done. I have to get the ritual done. There's diamonds involved, there's an End port-- I think-- I can't refresh the book, I have, I have to go based off memory. There's an End portal involved, there's diamonds involved, there's a lot of netherite involved. There is a - so much that goes into this ritual. But if I can get it done correctly.. things will happen for me. Things-- I will remember everything. I’ll remember who I was, before-- well, whatever happened. Before whatever happened! And I’ll know who I was.
And I might even be able to help.. Now, I know she's done me a lot wrong, but I've got a soft spot for the little ol' goat. Despite what a [through clenched teeth] pain in the butt she is. hrgh! ANYWAY. She's lost her memories too. Maybe I can help her. Y’know, the book didn't say anything about two people, but what's the worst that can happen, right? [sigh] So. Ah. It's all happening tonight. It's happening tonight. The exorcism happens, right, we need those diamonds, oohh [mocking] ~the queen's in the [mumbling] of the void, scary~ They don't know anything about the void. They don't know anything about the void. But hey. It's-- it's alright. It's alright. We'll -- we'll show them a story about the void! [cackle]
My friends.. well, friends, have no idea what's coming for them. And here's the best part! If I can figure out who I was, I can show them what real power looks like. I know I have to had been SOMEONE powerful before. I have to had been! There's no way I know all of these techniques and traps and the ability to get this wealthy without being someone important in a past-- bef-- who I was. I'm sorry, my brain is.. aagh it's hard, I know I'm talking to myself but I want to get all of the words out before tonight, this is - this is important, I have to get these exact details straight, we're gonna show up, we're gonna-- the exorcism, it happens tonight! The diamonds! The diamonds happen! The queen, [no longer?] dragonborn, it all goes down tonight. But Legundo.. while we're all ~distracted~, gets to the diamonds. He gets the diamonds. He then brings them back to me. As a REWARD, I let him live. And then! Y’knowwhat-- AND THEN! [giggle] I can do my ritual! I can't open that book, I can't open that book, I can open this one! [IOU - To Do: -Run Dominion]
It's okay. It's okay. it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay. It's okay! It's okay. Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong tonight. Everything is exactly how I've laid it out, everything is in preparations, everything will go-- according to, it has to, everything will go according to plan. And if it doesn't.. [shaky inhale] there's gonna be hell to pay, and I will bring down the entirety of this server. My one regret. Is that I may not get to see what this world becomes. That ritual, well I can't open it again for risk of tearing in half, my brain being ripped to shr- asunder, that ritual.. is NOT a guarantee. So if I'm-- if I do this, it's worth it. It's worth it, I need to know who I was, I need to know who I was, it's worth it, I'm not telling-- Taneesha doesn't need to know that, Taneesha's going to jump in with me, Taneesha doesn't need to know that. It might-- it-- it might-- Possible side effects include, yknow, mmmm diarrhea, death, Multiple Personality Disorderrrrrr [nervous laugh] um, possible multiversal destruction, uh, mm.. and baldness. But I don't have to tell anyone about that, right? I don't.. I don't have to tell anyone about that, right! [laughs]
......iwonderiflegundodidtheritual ANYWAY--
I need.. to get prepared. There's a lot to do tonight~ Before.. I have my gear, I have everything I need.. I should.. ah.. I have stuff I need to get rid of before we do tonight's ritual, in order to succeed, I need total concentration. Absolute LASER focus. No distractions, no missed thoughts, no hesitations. Legundo will succeed. He has to. He has to succeed, alright!? He has to succeed! That casino.. hmmm. If he doesn't succeed, this place-- I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't IMAGINE what would go wrong. I guess there's nothing left to do but do it, huh?
So.. from the top of my throne.. I earned this spot. I earned it! This spot upon my throne, in my vault of shadows and death. Here I sit, upon a throne, with my shu-- with my soldiers of shadows and darkness. The server sleeps for it does not know the power [cackle] I bring with me. It's time.. it's time to go. The ghosts.. are here. I have... I have to make this work. I need to know who I was. Ah...  mm, but what happens if-- No. Nononono. This is it. This is it. This is it, this has to be it. I can't-- I can't I can't take it anymore, I need these [6 soul lanterns, 2 yellow lanterns, pumpkin pie] with me, I just.. huah! This has to work. It's time. It is TIME for... the exorcism. AND THEN I WILL BE— [video cuts off]
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betterbooktitles · 6 months
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The first time I ever saw someone answer a cell phone in a movie theater was in the middle of a midnight screening of Mel Gibson’s The Passion Of The Christ. A blood-drenched Jim Caviezel was being whipped when I heard “Hello? Yeah, what’s good? I’m in the movie.” My stomach started to bounce as I tried, unsuccessfully, to stifle a laugh. My friend Jeremy elbowed me to either egg me on or stop me, knowing the laughter would catch on with the rest of our group: ten other Saint Ignatius High School students who chose to go on an “Urban Immersion” retreat our senior year.
I saw Mr. Grady’s tear-stained face turn in the darkness. He was sitting a row in front of us, and he appeared to be livid. He let out a sharp “shhh!” then looked over to let us know he’d do far worse if we did anything further to disrupt his viewing experience. Disciplinary actions would be taken if we giggled again. Our trip would be cut short. A teacher threatening to send us all home to our parents that week, however, would have been welcomed.
Most Ignatius students went on “Kairos” retreats (Greek: “God’s Time”) that featured three days of camping and praying, followed by a “witness” portion where students arrived back on campus to share, at the center of St. Mary’s chapel, what they’d learned during their period of reflection. Typically, they said “I love you, Dad!” while fighting back tears before running back to their pews. They also wrote letters about their newfound or newly confirmed love of Jesus Christ. I received one of these letters from my best friend who was a year ahead of me. His words moved and excited me. I anticipated my trip all year.
The students in the movie theater with me that night, however, had all signed up for a retreat in which we spent the week living as if on the streets of inner-city Cleveland. The Urban Immersion retreat was four days of sleeping in a church basement, living off the equivalent of food stamps (about $5 a day for groups of four), and eating the rest of our meals at shelters where we also volunteered our time. There was also a “scared straight” period where we sat in a circle of folding chairs at the 2100 men’s shelter my friend Luke’s dad ran and listened to grown men scream about how “crack does not discriminate!” 
Also, we got to see The Passion of The Christ opening night.
Perhaps you read about the record-setting earnings this movie made the week it premiered. The first $125 million was thanks to big groups like ours attending. Also thanks to the guy who had to answer his phone while the Romans killed Christ. I’m not sure how we as mock-poor kids on our immersion trip were supposed to be able to afford the movie ourselves in keeping with the rules, but the timing seemed right, so our teachers took us.
Read the rest here.
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raptorladylover6969 · 3 months
ok so here's my oc's lore
so pretty much she originally was stuck on the island with the other six but wasn't part of Camp Cretatous (knows Kenji's dad and decided to take a self-guided tour) and after the events of Camp Cretatous biosyn reached out to a couple of the campers they refused (manta Corp flashbacks from Sammy and Ben was too busy with bumpy and idk why Darius said no but imma figure it out) so pretty much biosyn wanted a perspective on how dinosaurs interact in untouched nature for their "conservation project" and she obliged.
Every week was something new and exciting from seeing the resurrection process to feeding the smaller dinosaurs, distracting her from the scheming in the background. Eventually when they no longer needed her help she asked for one thing as a parting gift, an unfertilized utahraptor egg for her to do her own little studying. They saw no harm and let her have the egg (wu was not informed because it seemed fine at the time) and ahe was sent off on her merry way.
As she's leaving the facility she bumps into a familiar face, Dr. Ian Malcolm who had just been hired as their in-house philosopher, she gets his autograph and a picture and leaves, but something itches at the back of her brain about this place and she can't put her finger on it, but for now, it doesn't matter.
So the MC is pretty smart and has read pretty much every one of Malcolm and Grant's books and knows that in the right conditions that egg could hatch. (I'm not sure how that works so we're just gonna roll with it till I find a paper on it)
She raises the raptor and nurtures friendly traits in it. Using Owen grady's tactic with the clicker to communicate with it.
She learns about Brooklyn's death and finds the circumstances suspicious looking a bit too much into it she ends up where Mr. Kon is serving time, and instead of intervening in their conversation, she lingers back, watching. After a while, she witnesses the dinosaur attack and comes to the conclusion the atrociraptors think of her as their alpha so they listen.
She decides to follow raptor lady around, trying to not be seen, but is eventually confronted and after that I genuinely don't know how the fuck she gets out of that with bother and her dino alive 👍🏼
(I also have plans for her to put together some stuff about biosyn and the dpw and practically be on the run from everyone)
Also yes she is being targeted as she was on the island like the rest of the kids but she wasn't home when they got there and wasn't answering her phone so they just worriedly hoped she was OK while they went to go get Kenji
Its a work in progress and I still need to wrote out some kinks
Ooooooh I like this I like this a lot. Eating it up om nom nom nom
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alaydabug2 · 4 months
Here's the au I was talking about
I posted it on here
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter one
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
The nurse led Sophie and her parents into the hospital room that she'd be staying in. She clutched the bright blue elephant in her hands. Edaline patted her back, urging her forward. She stood right where she was and shook her head.
For the past several months, Sophie had been passing out at random. The doctors later identified them as seizures.
They were freaky when they happened. Her vision would tunnel out and her tongue would tingle. When she'd come to, her head would pound. Her little four year old self found it extremely hard to communicate what was happening and her feelings after an episode.
The most she could do was cling to her parents and cry as her brain would pulse against her swimming skull and her heart rate left its hummingbird pace.
Lots of medicines and brain scans later, and no one could identify the cause or the remedy. So now, here she was, being forced to spend her summer before kindergarten stuck in the hospital.
Sophie clung to Grady's hand as she peered up at the nurse. "You said I'd be sharing a room and I wouldn't be lonely."
"You are. Your little buddy is just asleep right now." She pointed to the closed privacy curtain on the other end of the room. "He came back from a few exams a bit earlier, so he's tired. You'll get to meet each other soon enough."
Sophie shuffled further behind Grady, but nodded. She was led to the bed. The nurse placed an IV to her wrist. Sophie whimpered.
After the nurse left Grady and Edaline explained how they'd be back in a little bit. They had to go talk to her doctor for a couple of hours to know how her hospital stay was going to work.
Then, she was alone again. Although, with the silence, she was able to hear her roommate on the other side of the room. His slight snore was muffled by what sounded to be a whoosh of air. She wondered what his name was.
Thirty minutes later, she got her answer.
She heard rustling on the other bed and a few struggled grunts after the snoring had ceased. There was a slight frustrated whine, then the sound of a few buttons being pressed and a bed adjusting. Another button click, and the privacy curtain started to slide open.
When the curtain had fully opened, it revealed a blonde blue eyed boy, appearing to be close to Sophie's age. The whooshing air turned out to be an oxygen tube that was attached under his nose. Sophie had noticed he was hooked up to considerably more machines than she was, including an IV, oxygen, heart monitor, and other different wires she didn't know did what.
In his drowsy daze, he didn't recognize her presence. His eyes continued to droop before he turned his head to her. His eyes widened. He tried to sit up, but only managed a wince.
"What are you doing here?" he asked her.
She smiled at him. "I'm your new roommate!"
His lips twitched up. "Well, hello then! I'm glad not to be sitting on my own in here anymore. I'm Keefe."
"I'm Sophie!" She giggled. She pointed to all of his wires. "What are all of those for."
He shrugged. "I'm honestly not sure what they do." He looked down at the wires. "I think something to do with my heart."
"That's cool. Mine are for my brain." She pointed at the stickers on each temple. They'd been applied by the nurse before left. "How old are you?"
"I'm five." Keefe held up all the fingers on one hand. "My birthday was last month. You?"
"Four, but my birthday is in August." She shrugged.
They continued to talk together until Sophie's parents got back. By then it was already getting dark. Grady and Edaline walked into the room.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here," Edaline mussed.
Sophie turned to her parents. "Hi," she told them.
Grady kissed the top of her head. "Hey, Kiddo." He gestured to Keefe. "Who's that?"
"That's my new friend, Keefe!"
Edaline chuckled. "Well that awesome sweet heart. We just wanted to come check up on you before heading home and ready for bed. Unless you need us to stay?"
Sophie glanced at her new friend then back to her parents. She flashed them a smile. "I'll be ok."
"Alright, baby girl. Love you." She leaned down to kiss her cheek.
Soon after her parents left, another nurse came in with dinner for both her and Keefe. It was mac and cheese. When it was time to settle down to sleep, the nurse came back in and looked over the both of them. He told Sophie if she needed anything or had another seizure, to press the button on her remote. He also showed her how to adjust the bed and use it to change the channel on the TV.
He went to Keefe, following her, adjusting his oxygen tube and changing out his IV bags, which were almost empty.
The nurse, which she learned was named Elwin, flicked off the light and told them goodnight, leaving Sophie and Keefe alone.
She wanted to keep talking, but Keefe was already pulling the covers over his shoulder. He grabbed onto a green anteater looking stuffed animal that was previously lost in the sheets and muttered, "Goodnight."
She echoed her response. Not sure what else to do after Keefe started his snoring again, she also settled under her blankets.
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name-6775 · 5 months
Here is the second part of my kotlc list of quotes:
Keeper of the lost cities - Neverseen:
“Sometimes rebellion is the only course of wisdom” - Oralie
“And someday they’ll see that. In the meantime, please try to remember that there’s a difference between hiding by choice and hiding from fear. You should never be afraid of who you are” - Della
“We will never be more than a few words away” - Grady & Edaline
“All it takes is one to stand where others fall” - Calla
“You are a sprout, fighting to take root among the rocks of our world. It’s going to cause a few cracks, but that is the only way for you to grow strong” - Calla
‘I will do everything in my power to help my world’
“Glad you made the right choice” - Collective
“This was my choice—and it was the right one. It’s just hard not to want it all sometimes, you know?” - Fitz
“But one should never rely on their enemies to give them hope” - Mr. Forkle
“What I’m trying to realize is that it’s okay to be different. If everyone were the same, we’d all make the same mistakes. Instead we all face our own things, and that’s not so bad because we have people who care about us to help us through” - Sophie
Sophie wanted to do more than hope—she wanted to act
“Welcome to working with the Black Swan. It’s full of disappointments!” - Sophie
“Leaders must lead” - Granite
“It’s remarkable what one can withstand when one feels they must punish oneself” - Mr. Forkle
It was far too easy to misunderstand a single action
“I just need you to promise that you’ll never give up. No matter how hard it gets. Or how hopeless it feels. Never, ever give up” - Edaline
“Sometimes the greatest power comes from showing mercy. Especially to those who may not deserve it” - Sophie
“Answers can be lies. If you really want me to trust you, I need to read your shadowvapor” - Tam
“Hope is all we have left” - Sophie
“I think it’s time to admit the world no longer makes any sense” - Sophie
“He’s not all bad. No one is. That’s what makes villains so scary. They’re not as different from us as we want them to be” - Sophie
“And you stay my brave moonlark, always” - Calla
Keeper of the lost cities - Lodestar:
“Change can be a powerful, inspiring thing when we keep an open mind” - Magnate Leto
“Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better” - Keefe
“Questionable actions can be forgiven when they’re done with good intentions” - Magnate Leto
“Actions never tell the whole story. Good can be done for the wrong reason. And bad can be misunderstood” - Linh
“I’ve often said that it seems we’re attempting to drain the ocean with a leaking spoon. But even if that’s the case, we can either give up, or we can continue taking it one dripping spoonful at a time” - Mr. Forkle
“Dude—this guy uses more hair products than I do!” - Tam
“Oh . . . you know. People I care about are in danger, and none of the adults want my help. Same old, same old” - Sophie
“But I also think we all know the hard choices we have to face for this cause. You don’t defeat a group of murderers with rainbows and candy” - Sophie
“‘If you could change our world, would you?’ And when I said yes, she asked if my answer would be different if the only way to change the world involved breaking rules” Juline / Physic
“We all make mistakes. The only thing we can do is try to move past them” - Juline
“Safety is an illusion. It exists only when we, as a society, agree to enforce it. But theoretically, any situation could turn violent if someone decided to treat it that way” - Mr. Forkle
Some problems were too important to worry about breaking promises
“Gold is a weak metal. But we are strong. We don’t build houses or walls for protection. We build them to have a place that inspires awe—a place worth defending” - Sandor
“Trust me, I know enough about these things. Sometimes there is no fix. Even for elves. This is my swan song” - Mr. Forkle
“Time is a funny thing. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. But then it passes to someone else. You’ll do great things with it, Sophie. Wonderful, incredible things. I’m sorry I won’t be there to see them. But don’t let that stop you from living them. Dream. Fight. Love. Take risks. Allow yourself to be happy” - Mr. Forkle
“Thank you for being brave enough to find me this one last time. You gave me the gift of goodbye” - Mr. Forkle
Keeper of the lost cities - Nightfall:
“Communication can be a powerful weapon, and an essential defense” - Alden
“Sometimes I get sick of being strong” - Sophie
“We wanted her to see that the shadows that scared her could be beautiful and powerful when we learn how to take control of them” - Edaline
“We all have things we hold back. Maybe we have no choice. Or maybe they’re small things that we feel aren’t anyone else’s business. Whatever the reasoning, secrets are simply a part of life” - Mr. Forkle
“The past is the only finite thing in this uncertain world, and in a way, that’s somewhat comforting” - Mr. Forkle
“Embracing violence doesn’t make you strong. True strength comes from finding a peaceful alternative” - Blur
“Sometimes we have to break so we can rebuild ourselves into something stronger” - Lady Gisela
“I know how easy it is to slip into despair, but try not to lose hope” - Edaline
“But the more you complicate a mission, the more it reduces your chances of success” - Mr. Forkle
“It’s not fun having to admit that what you want just . . . isn’t going to happen” - Biana
“You can’t change who you are, or who your family is. Believe me—if I could, I would. All you can do is make sure you’re living by what you believe in” - Tam
“Is a day any less worth living simply because you’re not going to remember it? - Bronte
“I know it still hurts. And I can’t change that. But just . . . know that whatever happens, it’s going to be survivable—and never stop hoping for the happy ending. Sometimes you get one you don’t expect. I’ll definitely be fighting for it with everything I have” - Sophie
“I’ll be fighting for the happy ending too” - Amy
“Because nothing good can come from looking too deeply into the tragedies that can’t be changed” - Quinlin
“You can’t control everything that’s going to happen, Sophie. I know on some level you know that—but I still see you trying. And I understand that instinct. But the real secret to facing these kinds of challenges is to go in knowing that something will go wrong. Many things, most likely. It’s not about perfect plans. It’s about believing you can handle whatever happens” - Mr. Forkle
“The right choice sometimes isn’t easy, Sophie. But that doesn’t mean it’s not right” - Lady Gisela
If you want, you can also put quotes in the comments because I also want to have on the list.
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doodle-do-wop · 3 months
I have a couple of shirtless guys requests (why is this my reputation) so I'm putting it to a vote!
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angelthefirst1 · 11 months
Isabelle and Carol are Beth.
This is a weird concept for some to grasp as they view the show as having many different characters who are all different.
However to me they are all the same person and one Terminus (ending) moment in particular confirmed this for me.
Terminus meaning the end or end of the line, is showing what will happen at the end of the show.
We see this crazy dude (Rick) with a coda on the right side of his forehead get out of the train car at Terminus and yell "We're the same, we're them, we're the same!" He then has a good laugh about it and dies.
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They are all the same and the ending (Terminus) seems to be pointing to that.
But, so are the characters in that they move in and out of each others story, repeating and inverting scenes that have already been played out.
I call this infinity because they go around and around with the story, but invert and reverse it at the same time.
Every scene has a twin scene right near it, the twin scene is reversed, creating a situation where the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning of each twin scene.
For example, in episode 5 we saw Isabelle wake up in a bed at Quinn's place she was unconsciously taken there without her knowledge. She is wearing the Beth look alike cardigan and polo top, depicting Beth waking up after being shot at Grady (Something we haven't seen yet), but we know Beth changes back into these clothes before she gets shot.
Then in episode 6 we see Isabelle wake up again, this time at the nest.
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Here's where they invert and reverse everything.
She's now got blue pajamas on, a repeat of Beth's blue hospital scrubs that she wakes up in and she has scars. First time waking up for Beth is the last time waking up for Isabelle.
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And Isabelle has a combination of Beth, Carol and Dawn's injuries from Grady combined.
I will show you this convergence of signs with the injuries after i explain why everything being show together at once is so important.
This convergence of signs is so important because, they are using the biblical template of the last days (Terminus/Coda) where the convergence of signs all happening at the same time together, is a maker that the messiah (Jesus/Beth) is about to return.
Jesus's disciples asked him to describe the sign's of the end times (Terminus/Coda) and what that would look like...
Matthew 24.3
“Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.
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6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.
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Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...
We know they are building towards a massive battle with the CRM to end the show.
There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
The birth pangs are use to describe the signs getting stronger and stronger before the messiah comes back, just like contractions get closer and closer together and stronger and stronger before a child is born.
The linking of birth pangs to the Messiah coming is a reference to Laurent's whole story.
Jesus then goes on to list more signs of the times, i would need 10 years to go into them all, you can look them up yourself. But Jesus makes sure to explain that it's the convergence of all the signs happening at the same time, that is the marker for his return.
We all know Beth is portrayed as Jesus in the walking dead.
Mathew 24.33 In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door.
Lets look at how all the signs are all there, just like Daryl said to Beth.
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Beth's story will begin again, like it ended.
Back at Grady we saw Carol hit by a car and taken there while unconscious, similar to Isabelle being taken to Quinn's. Carol was given drugs at the hospital, Isabelle was drugged before being taken to Quinn's.
But before arriving at Grady, Carol sustained a bad shoulder injury due to the ambulance falling off the bridge, the ambulance that had a statue of a nun in it.
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Daryl says to Isabelle "Pretty impressive battle wound for a nun".
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Isabelle gets stabbed through the shoulder like Dawn did with the scissors, and her wounds are stitched up in a manner to remind us Beth's scars.
Isabelle's stab wound goes all the way though like Beth's head shot went all the way though too.
Dawn's stab wound to the shoulder didn't go all the way through, and like Carol's shoulder injury, it was superficial.
Dawn getting shot and dying, is the twin inverted scene to Beth getting shot and not dying. And the two head shots literally happened right next to each other, a twin scene just moments apart is a convergence of the signs, beginning to end, end to beginning.
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The last scene of episode 6 DD we see Carol hide a wrench up her sleeve, while Beth hiding the scissors up her sleeve is almost the last thing Beth does before she dies.
Carol knocks out the Guy on Daryl's bike from behind and puts him in the car, coming full circle to Carol getting hit by the Grady car and put in it!
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If we circle to Beth after she gets shot, unconscious, she will get placed in a car.
Isabelle, at the nest, wakes up with the shoulder injury and realises Daryl has been sleeping next to her.
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Just like Carol and Daryl in Consumed but reversed, Carol gets her shoulder injury after this moment. I'll say it again, Carol and Beth are inverted twins, and only one of them made it to Terminus or the end of the show...
The hawk eyes of @bethgreeneprevails found this coda on the pillar at the nest.
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And it's significant that it's being shown now, again it's shown twice, it has a twin scene very close to each other.
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First we see it while they are feasting at the nest and Daryl gives a toast.
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Still, we saw the other twin scene, and it's here that Daryl says "Home sweet home" to Beth, while they raise their glasses and drink.
It's no coincidence that episode 6 DD is called 'Coming home', and it's in this twin scene with Isabelle that we are shown the coda symbol on the pillar once again.
It's the first time we have seen it since Coda!!!
The twin coda seen with Daryl and Isabelle the second time, when they are talking about Daryl leaving, depicts the end of Daryl and Beth's story. Where it ends in goodbye (death).
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From now until the end (Terminus) of the show we will see the fulfillment of Jesus's words: But the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...
They will at the end of the show, converge all the spinoffs together for a massive war and a cure of (death/sin) being found.
The cure story will be a twin to the beginning of the show at the CDC when Dr. Jenner is looking for a cure, and he says, "we're all infected." He didn't find one back then, but the twin inverted scene at the end of the show will.
And yes, the pillar we see the coda on is suppose to be a call back to the tree that Morgan finds the coda carved into just after Beth is "killed" and the twin scene to that coda, is the guy at Terminus!
Yelling we're the same!
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As for Beth's return, we see a hint of what's coming next, when Genet talks about how she used to work in a Museum. We are heading to that museum - the Louvre. And it's where Beth (Isabelle/Clemence Poesy) will be found.
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The end.
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
A Pound of Flesh - EZ Reyes x Reader
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Tagging: @infinity-mars @@lobakomwonkru @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @est1887 @the-wandering-lunatic @alwaysachorusgirl @anime-weeb-4-life @multifandomloversworld @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @spaghettificationandpretzels @thanossexual @thebaileybugle @oureternalbond @bonsaijoons @sclitvdes @appreciatelove @weiwei0210 @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @callsignartemis @kmc1989 @justreblogginfics @irishavengersassemble @keyweegirlie @zaenight @wolfiekru
Sequel to The Water Tower
Prequel to "you have my life in your hands" and Drinking Tonight
Set in the Community Living Universe
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The jukebox is broken. That is the first thing that EZ sees when he steps into the bar that morning. There’s a surge of something in his body, a rush of adrenaline, a flash of panic. Glass litters the floor crunching underneath the heels of his boots as he ducks behind the bar finding you absent. The stench of spirits fills his nostrils, it tastes sharp on his tongue as he surveys the mess.
His brain flashes back to that truck, the one advertising beverages coming up the road, the man he didn’t recognise in the cab. He remembers thinking it was a too early for vendors, that they usually came in the afternoon. He’s about to bolt up the backstairs to your apartment when he hears your footsteps coming down.
It sounds like thunder, a quick aggressive pace as you hurtle through the side door, your eyes blazing, and an ice pack clutched to the left side of your face.
“I told you to stay the fuck out…” You trail off when you see it’s him standing there, the fire in your eyes dying just a little. He’s in front of you before you can blink, his hand enclosing over the ice pack as he draws it away from your cheek to survey the damage. The left side of your face is already swelling, he knows it’s going to bruise by tomorrow. Your lip is split, still bleeding.
“Who was it?” He asks you. His voice is low, his face set like granite, his eyes darkening as he guides the icepack back to your face. “Was it the guy that just left?”
“EZ…” You say with a thread of warning.
He gives you a look, it’s filled with fire and brimstone as he bows his head, his nostrils flaring as he tries to repress the rage that pulses through his veins.
“Who put their hands on you?”
You turn your head away, but he cups your chin and guides your gaze back to his. You see a myriad of emotions flicker through him, he’s trying to hold it all back but it’s there underneath the surface.
“Is this about paying back the debt?”
He sees your jaw clench, the way your shoulders tense and your muscles tighten. He doesn’t expect an answer because you view this as your problem, not his. He may be your boyfriend, but this shit is on you. It’s exhausting, it has to be, trying to hold everything together and then this…
This violence, this mayhem.
“What else did he want?”
He’s been asking around about the shitheads you owe money to. He knows that the original lender, the father is sick, that his son Grady has a screw loose, that he’d been stepping up and making collections, increasing interest. The ones that are struggling to pay he leverages, a couple of hours with their women until they can scrape the money together.
“Did he…”
You shake your head, your eyes stinging. He sees it, you know he does. His gaze slips down to your clothes, to the missing buttons, the torn pocket. The scent of another man’s aftershave on your skin. It fills him with vitriol, he knows he’s going to kill the son of a bitch who put his hands on you. He’s going to wrap his hands around his throat and choke the life right out of him.
“But he tried?” EZ asks you, this thumb chasing over the blush of your cheek as he cradles your face in his hands.
He thinks that Grady must have heard the bike, that he must have known what it meant. It wasn’t a secret that you had ties to the MC, that you were his fucking girl.
“You can’t pay, can you?” He already knows the answer, that the new interest rates are too exorbitant for most people, that Grady is using that to take his pound of flesh.
He knows how much this bar means to you, that it’s the final piece of your heritage, the only thing you have left because the world has taken everything else.
“I don’t have a choice.” You tell him. “It’ll be once, just once.”
EZ looks at you sadly because it’s never just once, this kind of thing it goes on and on and on. He knows that it will destroy you, that every time a piece of your soul will leave your body until there’s nothing left. He won’t let that happen to you; he can’t bear the fucking thought of it.
In that moment he knows exactly what he has to do. He thinks of the stash of money he keeps in his father’s house, hidden behind a panel in the bathroom. His escape plan, Felipe calls it. Just in case shit goes sour with the DEA. Funds to get out of the country, to start a new life somewhere else. It’s too late for that now, he’s already started putting down roots. Even if the whole thing does blow up, he’ll face the consequences, he can’t leave Angel and he can’t leave you. You mean too much to him.
He knows what his father would say, don’t be so fucking stupid.
The thing about EZ is, he’s anything but stupid. He’s learned from his mistakes, and he knows if he lets you do this, it’s something that neither of you will come back from.
“You may not have a choice.” He says, drawing away from you. “But I do.”
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
for blurb night, can i request number four from the ‘other’ prompt list with jamie drysdale? :)
4. "i'll kick his ass." (from this prompt list)
tw: children (niece)
your sister was out of town with her husband, so you were in charge of taking care of your niece. you were waiting for her in front of her school to pick her up.
the school bell rang, and all the little kids practically burst through the front door to greet their parents. you tried to spot your niece, ophelia, but you couldn't.
she came out close to last, and right off the bat, you could tell something was wrong. she trudged her way slowly over to you, "hey, phi." you greeted, "ready to go home."
she nodded, her head angeled to the ground. she reached up and held your hand as you led her to the car. you buckled her into her seat, then got into the driver's seat.
"you want to tell me what's wrong?" you glanced back at her through the rear-view mirror. she didn't answer, "okay, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." you smiled.
you got back to your apartment, where ophelia was staying with you and jamie. he was out running a couple errands, so he wasn't set to come back for another hour.
you helped her get her jacket, shoes, and backpack off, then she was off and running into the kitchen to grab a snack from your pantry.
"can i watch tv?" she asked you.
"do you have any homework?" you asked.
"no." she shook her head.
"all right, go watch tv." you nodded.
about an hour later, jamie walked through the door, arms full of bags, "honey, i'm home." he joked, dropping everything in the entryway, leaving it to clean up later.
"jamie." you reprimanded.
"what? i'll pick it up later." he shrugged, greeting you with a kiss then following in ophelia's footsteps and grabbing a snack from the pantry, "so, how's miss phi?"
"something's wrong," you whispered.
"what do you mean?"
"i picked her up from school, and she looked all sad and upset" you explained.
"did she tell you why?" you shook your head.
"well, i can try." ophelia and jamie shared a special bond. jamie was one of the only boyfriends you introduced to ophelia, so when they first met, they bonded immediately and were best friends.
"that would be wonderful." you smiled, kissing his cheek, then ended him on his way towards the couch where ophelia was sitting with your cat rosie cuddled next to her.
"hi, miss phi." jamie sat down next to her, throwing an arm around the couch so he was facing her. she smiled but didn't say anything, "so, auntie y/n told me you were a little sad today."
she looked down at rosie, not answering, "do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked.
"some boys at school..." she started, and jamie knew exactly where the next part was going, "they've been bullying me."
jamie's heart broke, "about what?"
"they said that my hair is ugly and they always laugh at me."
"what are their names." she gave her uncle jamie their names, "I'll kick their asses." ophelia cracked a tiny smile.
"that's a bad word, uncle jam."
"i know, but it got you to smile."
the next day, jamie went with you to pick up ophelia from school. ophelia came out to greet you, "you go to the car. i gotta do something really quick."
you nodded, and walked with her over to the car. today. she seemed a little happier, so you took that as a good sign. she told you all about her day.
jamie walked into the building, in search of the two bullies. ophelia had told them where they would be, so he found them easily. they were in a classroom with a couple other students, probably for an after-school program.
all the students looked up when jamie drysdale walk into their classroom, "i'm looking for chase riley and kai grady." the two boys raised their hands and he walked over to them.
"hi, my name's jamie. i'm ophelia's uncle." their eyes widened, "now, my niece told me you two bully her." they visibly paled, "i just wanted to let you know that bullying isn't nice. if i hear that you two are bullying her and anyone ever, we're gonna have a talk." that was enough of a threat for them.
they both nodded their heads, "good." he nodded, standing up and making his way out of the classroom. he made his way out of the school and walked over to your car where you and ophelia were waiting for him.
"what did you do?" you asked, checking your phone.
"just needed to talk to someone." he winked back at ophelia, who grinned.
taylor's blurb "night"
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everyonehasthoughts · 6 months
hi cas. pls answer my questions
To preface this I have only been on the outskirts of this fandom for a hot minute but because you asked me so nicely to reblog this I will give my two cents
❤ mischaracterized by the fandom
I'd I had to say that anyone was most mischaracterized it would have to be hm. Dame Alina. They hate to see a woman winning. She's very much written to seem like a bee eye tee see ach but like. If my boyfriend dumped me for a girl 100 years younger then me I'd be pissed too.
🧡 popular theory I disagree with
I don't actually know any current theories you'd have to send me some and I'll see if I agree with them
💛 popular ship I can't get behind
I've seen a large amount of Fitz and Marella shippers right now (lavacake?) And you know I respect the hustle but they're gay girlbesties to me I just can't see them dating. Otherwise I was literally the pioneer of every poly ship ever back in the early days. Multishipper Supreme
💚 what does everyone else get wrong abt your fave character
That Fitz is well adjusted. Or that his attitude problems somehow manifested out of nowhere and he was definitely not affected by his tumultuous childhood and borderline abuse but you didn't hear that from me
I would need to take a deeper look but if it's anything like it used to be probably everything the fandom thinks abt dex.
💙 - not as hot as everyone thinks
I would have to say uhmmmmmm kenric (pun not intended) I never vibed with him
💜 - hotter then everyone thinks
Bronte. He could get it
🤍 - not as morally bad
This is a difficult thing I would have to say uh. Idk do Sophie antis still exist? She can do whatever she wants forever. Fitz and probably Linh as well based on how she acted in the last book. Alina also since I said that before
🖤 - more morally bad
Literally every adult that isn't Grady, Edaline, Juline, Kesler and Della
💖 - unpopular opinion
Apparently thinking Alden is a bad father is unpopular atm so there's that. Also disliking forkle maybe he's always given me rancid vibes. Also I would like to say i think alden being a bad or not great guy would be a fantastic writing decisions
💔 main character you would remove
Lol. Forkle. Either one of them. Or both
💕unpopular ship you like
Is there such thing as an unpopular ship? I was pretty sure we were a great multishipping fandom. I like sofitz! And Fitz and Linh
📖 book you would take away
This new one that's coming out lol. I really don't care abt whatever Keefe got up to
🏳️‍🌈 fandom thinks they're queer but you don't see it
It's impossible for me to not see the possibility of queerness in everyone
💀 who should die
I'd say forkle but he's technically dead. I also don't want alden dead because I think the story would be really cool if she leaned into him being a bit nefarious. Lady Gisela probably cuz like. Idk how she keeps surviving this shit. Mostly for the dead to stay dead this isnt supernatural
Welcome to discussion abt any of this but BE NICE it's a book series. I respect your opinions, please respect mine
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