#the right hand of God
angiefsutton · 12 days
Quantum Leap (1989) Re-watch
Season 1, episode 4: "The Right Hand of God"
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woo-hoo: mandatory boxing episode (and the 'inspiration' for "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by me and JD Rush)
also: 'homage' to Rocky movies (even the training music is a knockoff of the Rocky theme)
forgot they got Guy Stockwell for this (Dean: "hey, bro: wanna be in my new show?")
still no opening 'oh, boy' - don't think there was one at all
ah - Bashful!Beckett has arrived (and Al's right: Sam IS adorable when he blushes)
… Sister ANGELA (please oh please let Dean say 'Angela'. He says it so sexy in Married to the Mob) (after watching: Damn. Guess I'm gonna have to go re-watch Married to the Mob. Poor me.)
dear lord - that orange outfit for Al. One of his more … interesting ones. Dean barely pulls it off. (… I can pull it off, if Al lets me!)
Apparently, Al's issues with the church haven't 'happened' in this timeline ;-) (canon? what canon?)
reminds Al of raising funds for the Imaging Chamber together (ah, many a fic of the two of them planning PQL)
"he's got more holes in his muffler than you do in your memory" - great line!
"He's a big guy - tells me to blow it out my tailpipe." … well, now.
(Also - realized yesterday that this goes to show how excellent of an actor Dean is. In a lesser actor's hands, many of his lines could've come across right down icky - even in '89. But like Al's clothes, Dean makes it work.)
Sam doing a mobster/Godfather imitation - hilariously horrible
Oh - DIX! I think many of fanon Tina's characterizations come from Dix. IMHO.
"My favorite? Oh, thanks - I really like my favorite. It's one of my favorites." - LOVE THIS LINE
DONUT shop. Everyone has a dream, I guess. ;-)
and we get everyone calling Sam 'Kid' in this
"Hon, you know the quick way never works." am IMAGINING what Al would've said had he been there.
"You'd rather go live with the nuns than with me?" Poor Sam - you can see a part of him is tempted.
"Amazing Grace" as Dix bares all! totally intentional
oh, god - Scott singing "Amazing Grace", though. Dear lord, I love his voice.
And then Al's snoring. ("Denise: Denise - Get in the closet!")
Ah - the first "She's got the most incredible pair of …" - this time "matching boxing gloves."
of COURSE Al goes to Ziggy for help in dealing with the muffler neighbor
"Well, If we knew the unknown, then the unknown wouldn't be unknown." - they're prescient! (see this)
I love you, Dean Stockwell/Al, but the idea of you actually KNOWING how to box - especially in THAT outfit - is HILARIOUS
"Hey - who taught you everything you know?" (pause) said sadly and alone, "I was good, too" - again, the 'inspiration' for "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" by me and JD Rush
and Sam's not much of a drinker already - at least more than a beer
man - still some horrible ADR - must be how they did it in the 80s/90s
her story of the fire - I had two fires around 3 years of each other. Still want to try and write something about it
Dean Stockwell in that white suit - there IS a God
Scott Bakula working out is INCREDIBLY hot
{sigh} I could watch Dean and Scott shadowboxing for hours, I think
Al being jealous of Gomez - so sweet
when the mobster taunts in the bar: Sam has a hair trigger on his anger at this point, doesn't he
STREAKING. Would've been a perfect time for Sam to 'remember' why he streaked in college ;-) (Missing episode fic?)
and Sam invokes the Compound-Interest Time Travel Gambit trope
and I forget he CHEATS by having Dixie streak. Again, obviously before they made Sam the goodie goodie he becomes. I forgot that it's SAM'S idea, not Al's
"Maybe that's all that winning is: having the right person believe in you." good moral, and perfect for Sam (and Al, for that matter)
{sigh} that red gangster hat and SUSPENDERS. I'm in love.
I would've loved to see a behind-the-scenes video of them filming this fight. The way Dean's able to stay out of everyone's way (and not touching ANYONE). I know blocking exists, but I also know that this is a bit different than your 'average' scene\
daw - an imaginary hug with Al when Sam wins!
overall thoughts: I mean, it's a knockoff of "Rocky". What else can I say? It's not a great episode, but not a bad episode either.
Thankfully, both Dixie and Sister Angela makes the episode work. Definitely a 'season 1' episode, if that makes sense. Still somewhat settling characters (especially Sam's) and the 'rules' of his leaping.
This is an episode I would've loved to see a 'on the other side of the IC' scene of Tina (and the others, for that matter) dealing with Boxing!Al (and his reaction to the neighbor).
(I want to say I read a fic where Al was ACTUALLY working overtime on the retrieval progam but didn't want to put any hope into Sam, so 'made up' the neighbor).
End thought? I may have to re-read "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" this weekend. ;-)
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crazy56u · 2 years
Time for another rousing edition of “I couldn’t watch the episode live last night, so here’s me watching it after the fact!”
Hot damn, no fucking around with cold opens today, we jump right into Ben getting punched in the face.
Ben went down like Glass Joe.
“Hmmm, Danny clearly has a concussion and doesn’t know where he is… …eh, a cold shower should fix his head.”
“I am jacked.” was 100% ad-libbed.
“Addison, what went wrong, last time it took, like, 10 minutes for us to start the episode, why are speeding up?”
Okay, just casually dump that at the amnesiac’s feet. “Look, Ben, I know you don’t remember, but you fucked up the code before leaping, so if you wanna bitch about why you aren’t home yet, turn around and look in the mirror.”
Okay, one thing I miss from OG Quantum Leap? They listed the date in the episode’s title for every episodes. I miss having dates.
Ben, slowly learning one of the big rules of the show: The person in charge of the leaps is not your friend.
“It’s hard to believe I’d leap into someone to help them win a fight.” I’m sorry, it’s, what, the third episode? How do you not get this yet?
And Addison chokes down the urge to swear.
Man, we’re just diving into the metaphors real quick today, huh…
“Heh. I always wanted a brother.” I swear to fucking God if Ben also has a dead brother he doesn’t currently remember.
Okay, I’m only 60% convinced Addison is telling the truth about Ben being an only child.
“You’re Danny Hill. The best damn fighter in the world.” What about Kid Cody?
…the brother fixed the match, didn’t he…
The announcer guy is a discount Ron Burgundy with that mustache.
“You’re in love with the champ’s girlfriend. I now no longer feel low-key jealous about earlier.”
“Okay, look, Addison, I can get you all that boxing shit, but for fuck’s sake, BREATHE.”
“We don’t know how long this will last.” If NBC ain’t stupid, there will at least be a second season… (fingers crossed)
Addison is cruising off of two hours of sleep and vending machine snacks. She is a college student.
I wonder what Ben’s opinions are on sitcoms…
I am doubling down on my theory that the date Ben is aiming for is the date Sam first entered the Accelerator Chamber.
…okay, so Ben was born after 1977, that’s good to know. Also, get fucked Sam’s String Theory.
Ah, there’s the handwave: because of the Windows 10 Update, Ben is now off the string.
No less than 10 leaps, but probably around 20. Translation: NBC dictates how much longer Ben has to go.
“Look, dude, we both know I suck, just delay the fight.” “If we do, the promoter will fuck us over. Shut up.”
Once again, a plot is caused the real estate woes.
“Look, if you beat me up, there won’t be a match!” “Like I care!”
I love how they just let him lea-
“Saved by the baby killer!”
“What did you mean ‘lose the gym’?” Yes, clearly the most important part of the last two minutes.
“Look, either tell me the truth, or I lose the fight. Ball’s in your court, bitch.”
You ran out of money eight months ago? And the bank didn’t fucking foreclose on you by then?!
“Look, bro, you need to win the fight, or the mob’s taking my thumbs.” “But what if I don’t?” “I already punched two guys tonight, don’t make it three.”
“How did Ziggy miss this?!” Because you haven’t been letting her talk?
…so, does that mean Ben wants to leap into Voyager 2, or…
So, wait, is that the real reason Sam leapt into the Civil War? He fucking built up momentum like Mario doing a half-A press?
“Look, Ian, I don’t care if you are figuring out why Ben is leaping through time, he needs to know how to box!”
Let me guess. Janis is DDOSing Ziggy.
And Ian indirectly explains how Al helped Sam win his own boxing match.
“What’s wrong with my husband?” Boy howdy, you got a minute?
Daryl: The modern day Jesus
“I only showed up for exposition and sandwiches, byyyyyye…”
“Do you wanna milk that moment a little bit longer?” NBC still hasn’t given you guys more than 42 minutes a pop, man, no dice.
“You have a photographic memory.” Damn, Ben really is Sam…
Why is this Magic scene in Dutch angles?
So, basically, Ben is now watching a Punch Out LP.
“But I’m a righty, I can’t box like this.” “Tough.”
“Look, we need to take a break, you look like you are about to black out.”
Called it.
All Addison needs to do is chug Gatorade, let’s be real here.
Also called the DDOSing.
Ah. So is Beth in on what Janis is doing?
Is Janis about to beat up her mom?
So… is Janis’ evil plan… that she wanted to be the one to leap, and get Sam home?
Janis just drugged her mom, and Addison is straight up ignoring medical advice. Everyone is doing great.
Those sandwiches are probably warm and squishy now.
Uh oh, they forgot to account for the fact that Daryl would get arrested for punching people.
“We’re gonna get through this together. Now, please just calmly let these cops arrest you.”
Ben Song just straight up went ACAB, I am here for this.
“Look, either you get medical help for PTSD, or I am staying in jail forever.”
I feel like shit, because the second he said “Every time I close my eyes,” I had to fight against my brain to not think about Aerosmith.
Easiest way to be square on a bail: Violence.
If Ben loses, we riot.
Almost there, you just gotta get lucky now.
Ben got punched into a flashback, oh shit.
If they had the money, they would be blaring the “Rocky” theme right now.
So, why didn’t Ben leap yet?
“So, Ben, you might be leaping for a while.” “… … …okay, cool, but… …please take a break now and then.”
I love how they clearly dragged Magic down there to watch Real Housewives. I love this show.
Uh oh, happy times are over.
Janis just jailbroke the gummy bear handlink and is building her own Project. With blackjack. And hookers.
Meanwhile, Ben is getting hit on by a drunk guy in a bar.
Final thoughts: Not sure how I feel about Janis being outright confirmed to be the antagonist…
But besides that, this episode was great.
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hinamie · 12 days
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10 years later
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umblrspectrum · 20 days
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so like is it specifically planets the solver craves or can it get by with just eating dirt off the ground
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1 Peter: The Right Hand of God
(Christ) has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him. 1 Peter 3:22 I imagine Peter pausing after writing this sentence, perhaps straightening up from bending over the parchment on which he wrote 1 Peter, and taking a moment to remember that wonderful and yet melancholy day when his Lord rose into the air and drifted ever…
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myrkulitescourge · 10 months
the way that one line from the new epilogue in an astarion romance is going to HAUNT me
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just. what a profoundly intense thing to confess to someone.
like, just these six months of newfound happiness with you exerts a force on his heart equal and in direct opposition to two centuries of endless torment, the gnawing hunger and exploitation. this flashbulb-bright fraction of his long life holds the same gravity to him as years upon years of darkness and suffering.
in all likelihood, he hasn’t even known his lover for as long as his worst memory lasted, that year sealed away to go mad from starvation and sensory deprivation, yet he still tells them this brief time has been so fundamentally and powerfully important that the weight of even that unimaginable hell is vanishingly small compared to this present he has now and the future ahead of them both.
how am i supposed to act normal about this.
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lucabyte · 2 months
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On autonomy, and what it means to be Obliged to Help.
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#a homestuck walks into an antechamber and asks#hey is anybody going to make this dynamic wholly deterministic and thus dubiously consensual by its very nature#ANYWAY bigger ramble below. scroll down like usual#isat spoilers#isat#isat fanart#isat siffrin#isat loop#sifloop#THATS RIGHT WE'RE STILL SHIP TAGGING IT BABYYYY#in stars and time#in stars and time fanart#lucabyteart#RAMBLE START: anyway i think loop is wrong here. they have it backwards. as-- in my opinion--#the main reason they could be called back into existence postcanon is because *their* wish for help is still not complete#they still need help. siffrin still needs help. neither of them will ever stop needing help.#they will thus uphold the wish until the end of siffrin's natural lifespan.#that said. what does it mean that loop can be so wholly forced to abide by siffrin's wants?#(assuming the dagger cutscene posession is them being forced to uphold the 'help siffrin' wish via harsh universe logic)#[as opposed to something capricious and cruel the change god did. which feels out of character for the change god to me?]#much like how the island wish and duplicate objects are neutered by simply sliding off people's brains...#is loop subtly ushered toward their wish? obviously it's not a full override (see: the bossfight). but is there any interference?#and if so. so what? does it matter? if they don't notice? is it even real if they don't notice?#and even if they do notice. the universe leads we follow. how much do either of them value their free will in a belief system like that?#the whole game is dedicated to siffrin habitually NOT excersizing his free will. doing things the same Every Time.#Loop ESPECIALLY does this. predetermined predetermined predetermined even in the FACE OF CHANGE. REFUSING. ANY CHOICE.#Maybe they'd even be comforted by having a universe-ordained purpose even if it is subservient. even if its to Him.#(though. i can't see siffrin enjoying the idea that someone is subservient TO them... then all their suffering is his fault...)#loop got into this mess via WANTING too much. no more free will. can't be trusted with it. take it away from them.#but yeah. gets my greasy detective pony hands all over this. and everyone please do remember i like to make characters Outright Wrong A Lot
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 28 days
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Ghouls night out
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#Scopophobia#Don't be mean Lan Wangji - the dead girl aesthetic is a curated one. Support women's rights to look dead!#I have been waiting for this scene for ages...the ghost girl entourage is such a good look for WWX.#And by gods does the audio drama actually do something interesting with one of them.#Namely that we actually get to see WWX talk with them and learn about who they were and what they left behind.#I love necromancer characters but it's way too common for them to be like “Go! Ghost no.145!” like they're a pokemon#and not...you know...someone who had a whole life that they left behind.#I love me a necromancer who has an awareness to whose soul/body they are using. It adds a lot of flavour!#MDZS is a little hit or miss with this. I think the fans do a lot of the work with making Mo Xuanyu a bigger character.#Yi City has this in spades. Even though we don't individually get character backstories#We get many painful reminders about how these 'corpses' were people.#We also get a few lines about how WWX used whatever corpses he could get his hands on (including grandparents - Woof!)#MDZS often (but not always) likes to remind us that every sacrifice and every ghost was a person.#It is so close to nailing the landing regarding the deconstruction of the necromancer character.#Anyhow. You may have noticed the uptick in quality in the last two comics. Rule of three means next one is going to be a treat B*)#See you all very soon!
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heartorbit · 2 months
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find another role, carry on the show
#EDIT IT DIDNT SAVE MY TAGS. hey so this post got a thousand notes huh. interesting. surely nothing will change#i'll leave all the old tags. for my thought process. and its kinda funny#take a bow stupid idiot (throws a tomato at them)#in stars and time#isat#siffrin#siffrin no middle names no last name ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧#... or is it. Smiles#i'd like to draw mira for her birthday but um (hasnt open artfight website in a few days) im scared.#also i have NICE ASKS TO ANSWER.... But im scared. give me a minute#Uawaaaaagh i drew this bc i was trying to animate a little bit but it just . Didnt look good. im not good ag 2d animation#tch. ill keep trying cause there ar e way too many songs that and now about isat because i have brain worms. i need amvs.#IM SCARED TO POST THINGS THAT ARE SPOILERY BECAUSE I WANT MY FRIENDS TO PLAY ISAT. BUT.#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#sasasap#sasasa:p#WHAT IS THE PROLOGUES TAG.#tshirt that says 'i <3 killing the image in the mirror and taking its place' on the fromt#and a list of megan thee stallions tour dates on the back. お金稼ぐ俺らはスター#Im kind of tempted to edit this to be the versiom with the eyes. or maybe twt can have that. or. well#all of my friends are on twt (trombone slide sfx) so maybe thats where i should worry about spoilers.#ill see if i want to slap an eyepatch on them in the morning#Im one of those people who was like idgaf about twohats (lets it simmer for a week) Oh my god. Oh my god. Ohmy god#EDIT. i swapped it out for the Eyes version it should be fine as long as its tagged formspoilers right...#ill post eyepatch vers on twt partly bc spoilers but also ppl over there can be .. annoying ..... ....#i fear i would get 800 You Forgot The Eyepatch replies. PLEASE JUST SEE MY VISION.#[BANGING MY HANDS ON THE GLASS] HIS HAND. LIKE IN THE PROLOGUE. WHEN THEYE. HANDS. HELD[EXPLOSION
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
One of my favorite headcanons is that Leo grew up watching telenovelas with Splinter.
It just works so well - his bits of Spanish that he spouts randomly, his showy way of apologizing, and, of course, his love for dramatic betrayals all point to this being a very real possibility.
Plus, it’s very cute to imagine a tiny Leo at his father’s side as they both gasp in shock when the show’s eighth plot twist in just as many episodes happens.
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l-747 · 8 months
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oo, gabil
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sergle · 10 months
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You!! Hey you!! Are you looking for a pair of kittens? Do you live In Or Near Oklahoma? Do you wish you could listen to purring all the time? Do you want a cat that looks like an aye-aye?
long story short, we found these two kittens at the bottom of a garbage can!! I don't like to think about how they ended up in there- but we heard them crying while on a walk, and it's very lucky they were so loud! They were scared at first, but now they NEED to be snuggled at all times. Crazy how adaptable kittens are. I'd prefer to rehome them as a pair, but I'd consider adopting them out individually if that's my only option! Please IM me if you're interested in both/either of these babies, or if you have any questions at all!!
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crazy56u · 2 years
The third episode of Quantum Leap involves a boxing match in the 1970s that needs to be won.
Where have I heard that before...
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hinamie · 27 days
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idk about yall but life is good again
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scripture-pictures · 2 years
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bixels · 11 months
Always an experience watching the leftism leave FNAF fans when someone mentions that Scott Cawthon financially backed fascist politicians.
The switch from posting hardline leftist tweets about boycotts and signal boosts and critical takedowns of politicians and celebrities to ‘ohhh, well. everyone makes mistakes. who can blame him, listen he. he donated money to gay charities too. that makes it ok! a millionaire in his forties is allowed to have political beliefs. does it even matter? just let it go!’ is whiplash inducing. The antivaxxer celebrities have got to go, but this one horror dev who quietly handed wads of cash to antivax lawmakers? He’s chill, he can stay.
The charity thing is so funny too because suddenly utilitarian positive-negative point counting is the way to go. Maybe an abacus would help calculate the net good of donating to the Trevor Project minus donating thousands of dollars to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. -10 points if I push a kid in a lake but +11 points if I help an old lady across the street, so I’m chill. You can’t judge me. Hey, maybe. Just don’t push a kid in the lake period. How fucking low is the bar when we’re excusing maxing out the possible dollar amount of donations to Mitch fucking McConnell. That should be like. Default you’re a bad person.
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